Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 23, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 1

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    Umiijiiiiiuiumn'iiiwj MWiHHimUBp
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VOL. I E"0. 35
CortMonr, JOH. t tii Pnnt-to Lnvirji Cohmwt.
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French, However, State Gains at Other
Points Offset Ground Lost to. Kaiser's
Armies, Heavily Reinforced by Old
and Young Recruits.
Berlin Announces British Fleet Has Be
gun to Bombard Ostend Invaders
Said to Have Withdrawn From Other
Towns Along Belgian Coast.
Ostend is being bombarded by British warships, according to official
innouncement in Berlin-
Terrific fighting continued along the whole battle line from the Belgian
border to Albert, in France.
The violent German assaults have driven back the Allies' line at some
points, the French official statement this afternoon admits, but it adds that
these losses have been offset by gains elsewhere.
' Lille has been captured by the Allies, according to unofficial reports
in Paris and London.
French warships have joined the British fleet off the coast of France
ind Belgium and the combined fire is reported to have driven the Germans
eastward from Middclkirkc.
German attacks continue along the entire line from Nicupoft, in Bel
gium, to Albert, in France.
( Belgian forces arc reported to have regained the right bank of the
tier River. The dykes have been cut, turning the region into one vast
There is no confirmation of the reported occupation of Bruges and
Courtrai by the Allies.
The Germans, however, have abandoned Nieuport and are reported
retiring from other points in northwest Belgium.
A Dunkirk dispatch says 2000 Germans have been driven across the
Dutch border and will be interned until the close of the war.
Heavy German siege guns are reported to have forced the surrender of
forts at Belfort, and capture of the town is expected.
The Germans have retreated in "disorder from the vicinity of Warsaw
ifter penetrating to within 10 miles of the city, the Petrograd War Office
declares. A brilliant Russian offensive, after strategic withdrawal, has
cost the main Attstro-Gcrman army of invasion dearly in casualties. Sup
plementary German armies have, been successfully repulsed at Ivangorod
and Sandomir, so that the German plan of assaulting Warsaw by three
converging armies has failed.
Fighting, however, continues on the lower Vistula, where the Gentian
right and centre arc resisting the Russian artillery attacks with determination.
In Galicia the Russians claim occupation of heights north of Przemysl
md persistent onslaughts on the Austrians south of the fortress. The
Aujtrian advance has been checked on the River San, Petrograd says, and
intimates an early resumption of the forward movement toward Cracow.
Austrian forces have swept through Bukowina and retaken Cernowitz,
the capital, according to the official Vienna statement. Positions near
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fortress has been virtually accomplished, it is declared, as the Russians
ire pushed nearer their own frontier.
', The Montenegrin-Servian force, advancing through Bosnia to Sarajevo,
has defeated a superior force of Austrians. The Austrian opposition to
invasion by the Balkan Allies has been overcome at every point, according
to an official statement from Cettinje.
Fifteen British commercial ships are reported victims of the German
cruiser Karlsruhe, operating off the South American coast and around
Cuba. Fast British warships have been dispatched to engage the elusive foe.
It was reported in Washington that preparations were being made to
lend United States troops from the Philippines to guard the Pekin-Mukden
Railway, in China, following evacuation of that territory by the British and
French. This step would carry out provisions of the neutrality 3rm.nt
It was said.
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BERLIN, Oct. 23.
It was omclnlly announced today that
British uamhips have bombarded the
Jn town of Ostend on the Belgian
"The Admiralty has received Informa
tion that the Danish stenmshlp Holf,
bound from New York to Chrlstlunlu with
M.OCO tons of corn, has been captured by
British cruUer and taken Into a port
f Scotland.
The Admiralty charges that a Ocrman
hojpltal ship, which went to sea In
earch for survivors of the torpedobout
destroyers, uliU-h wei recently sunk,
overhauled by a British man-of-war
and taken Into a British port.
U Is otrlcially stated that Germany has
a supply of cereals ample rnough to last
"Mil the next harvests, and also auffl
cient cattle to provide nmple meat.
ne press expresses deep gratification
at the passing of the war bill providing:
375.OO0,0OO by tha PriMslan Diet yester
day and mentions the enthusiasm of
socialists. Most of the fund will be
spent relieving the people of Kast Trus
sld. who have suffered from the nusslan
It Ik announced that the nelchstag has
been summoned to convene early In De
cember. Berlin newspapers quote the Paris
Temps to show that the British have con
fiscated and sold many valuable race
horses owned by Germans and Austrians
This fact, It Is pointed out, together with
the confiscation of Herr Krupp's racing
yacht Germanla, proves that the British
are not respecting private property In this
Germany stilt haB plenty of reserve
troops. A great number of the Lnndwehr
still available have not been needed at
the front. The general commanding- the
Seventh Army Corps' announces It Is not
yet necessary to call for volunteers.
Government Declares Price
Boosting Is Done by Sub
terfuge Says "Trust"
Controls Old Rivals.
r.ms, Oct. a.
The Oermans are making desperate ef
forts to break through the Allied lines
"V?8 vicinity of Arras, as well an In the
orn .J"1 waB admltWd by the War
iiuTi i. n'teriioon, when It also stated
a .u fiKhtliig is of so severe a char
;' , ,hjt at various points It has been
ounsi advlwble to cede territory and at
r ground has been gained.
dl"'?.vry plain from the tone of the
oupatches that the battle In the north
r 'i. ?me distance from "any decisive
Wa7ii . ,?3 on k"'" sldtM are de'
Eat Tii b cnormoua Because of the
J coJ of ,ne sround, with virtually
lerJ i ,h ,roPa are exposed to artil-
Th .. Iwa3 deadly on both sides.
tatemnt In full follows
our hit wia force, of the Ger.
inc. i" sre3t rimbet. whose pres
w was notd yesterday, have con-
tlnued their attacks most violently In
the whole region included between the
sea and the La Bassee Canal.
As a whole, the' situation of the Al
lies' forces Is maintained. It they
have been compelled to yield nt cer
tain points, they have advanced at
others Tho enemy haa shown equal
activity on the rest of the line, more
particular!) in the region of Arras
ami on the Somme to the (torth and
tuuth of this river.
We have made progress, especially
In the region of Rosier! and In San
terro. In the region of Verdun uud
In that of I'olnt-a-Mousson we have
hid partial success.
Along the rest of the front nothing
i)f Importance has occurred.
To sum up, the enemy appears to
Ce&cleded u Past rut
The Idleness of thousands of men In tho
panic of 1W7 was put squarely up to the
United States Steel Corporation today by
Henry B. Colton, nssls-tant to Special At
torney General John M, Dickinson, In his
argument before the United Btntes Court
of Appeals, In the Federal Building.
Mr, Colton declared that the corpora
tion put Into operation a plan to boost
prices of Ptcel In 1907 by curtailing pro
duction, Ho nald this was the direct cause
of the great nmount of Idleness In that
yenr. This charge followed the statement
that several pools had been broken up
ten years cnrller, before the formation of
the corporation.
Boosting prices of steel rails by the
"Steel Trust" was a task often assigned
to somo of the minor directors of sub
sidiary companies when It was feared
that public attacks might be made against
the "big guns," This charge was main
tained today by Mr. Colton In his arraign
ment of the corp .-it Ion.
Instead of the prime movers of the
"Steel Trust" raising prices, meetings are
alleged to have Iwen called by minor of
ficials who did the boosting.
Evidence Introduced by the Government
also showed that the United States Steel
Corporation had a control of M per cent,
or more In eight Important mills which
formerly were competitors of the trust.
Statistics gathered by agents of the De
partment of Jufctlce and Introduced In
evidence by Henry E. Colton, for the
Government, disclosed the following hold
ings by the United States Steel Corpora
tion In 'arlous Industries:
Hoops and barrels, Tl per cent.
nods, 63 per cent.
Tin. 61 per cent.
Controlling Interest In all steel prod
ucts, 61.79 per cent.
Plate, 51 per cent.
Structural steel, 50 per cent.
Alt of the above Industries were com
petitors of the "Steel Trust" prior to
their being taken over.
In his opening address, Mr. Colton. who
Is assisting former Secretary of AVar
Dickinson In the prosecution, said:
"I was surprised to find that the de
fendants tried to prove that Morgan
wasn't responsible for the forming of the
United States Steel Corporation."
Mr. Dickinson's assistant, who Is tall,
wears glasses and speaks In a clear, dis
tinct tone, continued.
"Morgan, Gary and Schwab were the
prime movers of this great cdmbinatlon
and sought for greater powers.'
Mr. Colton contended that the "Steel
Trust" wasn't a natural growth. He
pulnted out that Andrew Carnegie had
computed with many of the companies
which later were combined In what the
Government characterizes as the world's
greatest trust
Another Interesting Carnegie letter,
written by him on June 26, 1300, to his
partners, was disclosed to day In the
Government's brief. It reads as follows:
"I am disappointed that the last min
utes say nothing about the Illinois Steel
Company being 103.000 ton ahead of It
dlvliioq; that 1. they owe us 50.000 ton
Ouclndid 9a rag Xwe,
In today' Issue of tho Evbniho
Ledcieu appears the ninth article of
tho series on political conditions In
Philadelphia. This Instalment deals
with '
and tells of the fight made by the
greatest manufacturing city of tho
western hemisphere to regain Its com
mercial pre-cminenco. Tho manner In
which politics has "bottled up" Phila
delphia Is pointed out and the great
opportunity now at hand is explained.
On the editorial pago.
Government Charges Hriilroad Has
Monopolized Production of Anthracite
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. Tho case of
the United Statea against the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company, tha Lehigh
Valley Coal Company Rnd the Lehigh
Valley Coal Sales Company haa been set
for argument November 11, before Judge
Hough, In the. southern district Federal
Court of New York.
The Government brief has Just been
filed, nnd contends that the Lehigh A'al
ley Railroad Company, through tho Le
high Valley Coal Company and other
subsidiaries, has monopolized the ptoduc
tfon, transportation and sale of anthra
cite coal from mines along Us lines.
The Government asks the court to com
pel the railroad company to dispose of
the stocks of Its sudsldlaries to perxons
who are neither Its stockholders nor Its
agents, and In such manner that the
various companies shall not have the
same contrnllng stockholders. The de
fendants "111 have 15 days In which to
file their briefs In reply.
Only 1 57 Members of House
Available to Vote on
Legislation Supported by
Speaker Visits White House to "Pay
Respects" to President.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. - To the sur
prise of White House nttaches. Speaker
Champ Clark suddenly appeared nt the
Executive Office today and nsked to sco
iPresident Wilson. He was Immediately
admitted, although he had made no en
gagement with the President.
The Speaker remained only a brief time
and, on leaving, said he merely had called
"to pay his respects."
Relations between the White Houso and
the Speaker have not been exactly cordial
since the fight the Speaker made against
the Panama Canal tolls repeal.
o a
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-The adjourn
ment deadlock in the House was nc
centuatcd today when Representative
Henry, of Toxas, made a point of no
quorum and a rollcall developed that only
157 members were In the city.
Mnlority Leader Underwood moved that
tho House ndjourn until tomorrow. Rep
resentative Crisp, of Georgia, who wanted
discussion on cotton legislation, demanded
a rollcall when the adjournment resolu
tion carried on a rising vote, and It was
In the Senate, Senator Jones, of AVash
Ington, made a point of no quorum. The
rollcall dlHClrsed the presence of only 3S
Senator Hoko Smith, of Georgia, said
If tilt Hoiue would put through the pend
ing Mil amending the currency act so
that nn Increuscd amount of emergency
currency could be Issued on commercial
paper and allowing members of banks
to deposit with the central reserve banks
part of their rem rves, which, under the
present law must be held In their own
vault", he would make no further objec
tion to adjournment.
Senator Kern, of Indiana, majority
leader In tho Senate, consulted with Pres
ident Wilson as to the adjournment of
Congress, and It was definitely decided
that, in the absence of a quorum, no
further effort would be mnde to pass the
Lever warehousing measure.
Speaker Clark, of tho House, who also
colled on tho President, told newspaper
men that he was In favor of President
Wilson exercising his constitutional right
to adjourn Congress.
After the Senate adjournment the House
closed up for the day. An agreement
was partly reached by which the dead
lock may be broken tomorrow.
For Philadelphia ami vicinity
Fair tonight and Saturday, with
ilowly rising Umperature; moderate
tatt to louth winds.
For details, tee last page.
Executive Will Spenk Tomorrow at
Y. M. C. A. Celebration.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23.-Irebldent Wil
son will leave Washington tonight for
Pittsburgh, where ho Is to deliver an
address tomorrow at the celebration of
the 70th nmilverbaiy of the founding of
the Young Men's Christian Association.
While the President will not refer to
partisan polities In his bpeech, ho will
It Is understood, make a strong plea for
better citizenship and urge young men
to take a greater interest In civic affairs
The lreld. lit accepted the Pittsburgh
invitation at the request of Representa
tive A Mitchell Palmer, the Democratic
nominee for the Senate. Mr. Palmer will
not be in Pittsburgh tomorrow. The
President will put In a busy day In Pitts
burgh. He will be entertained at
luncheon, and in the afternoon will go
for an automobile tide.
Austrians Report Seizure of Fifteen
Machine Guns.
MKNNA uu n The Austrians have
captured 3ino Russians, 25 ottlcers and 15
machine yin. it U offlctaUy announced
this afterfcon.
Report That Senator Has Been Given
Until 6 o'Clock Tonight to Disprove
Story of Bribery Is Not Denied or
Affirmed by Congressman.
W. S. Vare's Arrival in City Taken As
Sign He Is About to Take Action in
Open Revolt Penrose Issues State
ment Which Is Considered Defiant.
Rumors circulated downtown today that
the Vares were planning the arrest of
United States Senator Boles Penrose,
unless he tnkes action by 6 o'clock to
night to disprove the North American's
chargcR that he nccused Congressman
William S. Vnrc of personally paylns
J500O to ex-Mayor John E. Reyburn.
State Senator Edwin H. Vare wbj naked
to say whether this plan of campaign
was c6rrcct.
"I havo nothing to say," said the Sen
ator. "I will not discuss the matter."
Now Interest In the acute political situa
tion was provided shortly before noon
today by the return from Washington of
Congressman Vare, In spite of the fact
that Congress has not yet adjourned. He
declined to talk about the reported ulti
matum he Is said to have sent to Hena
tor Tenrose demanding Instant action.
Tht return of Congressman Vare at this
time Is taken ng evidence that ho and
his brother are plunnlng action of somo
kind unless Penrose compiles with the
demand of tha Congressman, that the lat
ter's name be cleared in a way that will
"satisfy the people."
State Senator Vare was plainly In a
fighting mood today.
"Reports are being circulated," he was
told, "that you and Congressman Vare
plan the arrest of Senator Pcnroso unless
he takes action to clear the former's
name-. Is that correct?"
"I will not dlacuss It," he replied. "I
have nothing to say."
The rumor that It Is the Vares and not
the North American who contemplato
the arrest of Senntor Penrose cropped
up downtown this morning. No one
seemed to have nny details of the plnn,
but It wns apparent that the report had
spread throughout the Vare wards that
tho downtown lenders would tnke this
method of clearing themselves of a
charge of debauchery if Penrose does
not take action against the North Amer
This report linked up with nnd gave ,
credence to the story obtnlned In Wash
ington to the effect that Congressman
Wllllnm S. Vare had Issued nn ultimatum '
to Penrose demanding nctlon by 6 o'clock i
tonight. The followers of the Vnro
brothers were openly Jubilant today.
They sold they felt certain their leaders
would not permit tho charge to pass i
without a light.
Senator Penrose complicated the sltua- I
tlon, which many believe will mean his
defeat, by refusing to obey the Vare do- I
mand for a full and satisfactory denial
of the North American charges.
"It la all over. I have nothing to
say. The Incident Is closed. " .ald Pen
rose today. "I will not make any Btnte
ment further than that I have already
made, now or later."
This was regarded In political circles
as open defiance of the Vares demand.
"It's Just a little thing which comes up
In a campaign nnd will soon blow over."
Is the vvav State Senator James P. Mc
Nlchol characterized tho Vare-Pcnroe
case today.
When a reporter for tho Even-no
LEDOKn asked hli opinion of the Vnre
declaration In Congress, McNlcho! said:
"I reallv have no morn to fay about
the matter at all. I was quoted this t
morning for all I have to say about It.
As a matter ot fact, I had not thought
of It since last night until you asked ma
about It."
"Senator, do you think there will ba
an open break and orders issued for knif
ing Penrose In South Philadelphia?" ho
was asked.
"Oh. no, It will -oon blow over." was
tho reply. "It Is Just ono of those little
things which come up In a campaign."
"Arc you going to take nny nctlon
Senator McNlchol simply smiled and
shock his head Iln refused to dlsciiM
the situation any further.
Speaking In Washington, Just before his
departure for Philadelphia, Congressman
Vare said:
".My Htutemrnt In thr House speaks for
Itself. I have nothing further to say."
"Should the statement be construed ns
the beginning of nn oppn break between
the Vare brothers and Senator Penrose?"
he was nskod.
"The statement speaks for itself," h
Word comes from Washington that tha
fight against Penrose is being directed
by tho Representative's brother. Stale
St-nator Vare, who, It if said, has re
tained able legal ndvl.eru. As to this
n-port. Representative Var was silent.
He could not be persuaded to discuss
Penrose or the Vnn Vnlkenburg charges
He gave the Impression of one who wns
playing a carefully mapped out game of
watchful waiting.
It Is quite apparent that Representa
tive Vare Is waiting for Penrose to mnke
the next move. He Insists that the Vnn
Valkenburg charges must be met by
Penrose with a denial that "will satisfy
the public. ' Vnre declares that he Is not
worrying over his own re-election. Ha
carried the First Congressional district
In 1D12 by n majority of 15.000 over John
H. Hall, who had the Democratic, Key
stone and Progressive nominations.
Republican Itepresentntlvcs from Penn
sylvania in Washington. who -ra
known to be loyal to Penrose,
are much puzzled by the lanj
taken by Vare. They refuse, bo-vever,
to bo drawn Into the controvemy mid nra
todny maintaining a very dlwcreet silence.
For the first time, however, thev admit
that there In danger of Penrose being
defeated by Palmer. Privately the Penn
sylvnninns admit that the Vare brothers
can control from EO.000 to "S.unn votes.
"Take DO.OiX) votc-j from Penrose,-' sa ,1
a well-informed politician In Washington
today, "and ndd them to th Palmer col
umn and It mtans 100,000 vrotes for tho
Democratic nominee. W nnd figured Mr.
Penrose winning over Palmer b a plu
rality of from 40.000 to S0.0K) f the Vare
break with Penrose the contest will b
mighty close."
Representative Vare nas never forgiven
Penrose for opposlme him for the Mayor
alty nomination. Mi Varo pointed with,
pride to the piimar) and Election figures
In the 1911 contests.
"In the prlmarv I polled S5.00 votes,"
t-nld Mr. Vnre. "My opponent. Mr. Knrle,
received 103,0ft0 or lOt.OuO votes. When It
tame to the general election, however,
Mr. niankenburg defented Mr. Rarle by
about .ViiiV votes. Mr. Earle polled onlv
about 130.000 votes.
Representative Vare Is playing his parr.
In a manner calculated to lend one to
believe that he has been carefully
coached When the name of I'enroHe Isi
mentioned he immediately changes iho
subject of conversation and suddenly In
comes deeply Interested In tho nuropran,
war or the Southern cotton situation.
"Penrose Challenged to Drop His
Gun or Use It," He Says.
"I believe the North American's charges
against Senator Penrose would consti
tute cause for Investigation by the Con
gressional Committee on Elections Into
the Penrose candidacy If he Is elected."
This was the statement made by A.
Mitchell Palmer, Democratic candidate
for tho United States Senate opposed to
"I am certain the charges would be
relevant," he said. "They are so grave
that I fall to see how they could well
be passed over during the investigation.
The acts alleged were criminal, If the
stories were true. I cannot pass upon
the truth of the allegations, but the
charges are extremely serious ns show
ing conditions in Philadelphia politics and
Penrose's relations with them.
"It puts him In a very unpleasant light,
and I think the committer will take up
the charges of Its own Initiative."
Proof that tha North American told the
true story of the interview with Penrose
would go far toward unseating Penrose
If he suoceeded In carrying the election,
Mr. Palmer thought.
"Of course, I cannot make forecasts,"
said he, "but If the allegations were found
to be true the evidence would walgh
heavily in the balance "
That an Investigation of tha charges
would unearth a very unsavory scandal
appeared to be his belief
Representative Palmer chawed a lemon
South Philadelphia Wards Take It a
Signal for Open Revolt.
The news of William S Vare's denun
ciation of Roles Penrose struck political
circles today with stunning force.
"It Is the declaration of war," was tha
way politicians termed the Vare defenxf.
Vare's attitude crystallizes the deep,
seated hatred that has smoldered ag.itnst
Penrose since Vare lost the nomination
for Mayor in 1911, because of the Pen-rose-McNIchol
"It Is war.;- said one man close to tha
political situation, when he heard what
Vare had done In Washington "This
will mean the defeat of Penrose, it Is
the end of pyen the appearance of har
mony between the Penrose and Vara
camps in this city."
That Congressman Vare's challenge Is
the signal for the revolt of the Vara
forces in South Philadelphia Is the gen
eral belief among those who have been
watching ths Vare-Penrose relationship
Jnc the MviT strain wax put upon it
by the North American charges on
Reports for the Ian two days hava
declared that the Midi of the Vare cm.
birtation with Pun row and MeXlchol .
In sight, and that even If Hut Vara
themselves were quul to standing by tha
man who had knifia them rMatdlv dur.
Ing thalr pluial hltur. tie great horda
of South Philadelphia Vare SMtipathlxm
were giim; t take th chance onred t
November 3 o revenga themselves !
Vnlfltig Pn T'-ist
The balance o$f power rts in S n
i ii
f 'I
Concluded on Fsca Two.