49 EVEXIXG LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THFRSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1914, YARE WARDS HOLD BRUMBAUGH FOUGHT BALANCE OF POWER I FOR PROHIBITION IN TO DOWN PENROSE STATE CONSTITUTION NEW DENTAL SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA DRUGUAY CONSUL GENERAL URGES TRADE WITH U.S. BRITAIN RELEASES OIL TANKER AFTER DEMANDS BY U.S? Only Their "Regularity" Nominee Has Spoken From Saved Tener From Defeat, the Pulpit Against Liquor, and Machine Politicians Congressman W. D. B. Tells Financiers and Manu- Sharp Protest Brings Speed1 (.!... t. T Iniln In Rrirvrt. Arlinn in Kwninn n it i iat.lUlCIS tJ VllllVi 111 JMHig- . '"" --iiig yi, iQnJ ing About Products. Exch of inu n ri..u ange j v. ii 11 i wv.;leucr Seized Off Orkney Islands! Admit Situation Is the, Ainey Pays Tribute to 6 Jrtl: "f if !V .14 i i . -i j t. It if 3 ft T III ' t.j.i r ? ii r? s , ,4 f l 1 I i ; ii Same Nov. South Philadelphia Leaders Need Not Desert Party to Oust Man Who Betrayed Them, ad Their Suppporters Can Ignore , Vote for Senator. ! Th blan of f-r in th ftbubis cn pr in Pnri,!vMs vfl'h ., Nijvomlyr J will r dfit or th Jt'on ' ' ' F"r foe. r day rests In th -jii o' ? cWiatot Bdwln If Vr i rrr emai W ; lam P Vif 1 fs,.. h'fh l e eretly admitted , u lr,f' !4r thtrilv. In '-',j,v v p-o ed th r-omparatfv ' r. ; lvl' r In 'iii Ti"r w iltj mi .(! 'I- bad It n- h.'n ' - i-p t wards ".r?-l,ed . I1 v. 't I.-' i jo ins; th . ,t 'n ! i. I'lp'.t ti' t ' . of th 'and, Ja? d T"r R' i ' -can. 22 :. l!.-r Ktor Jr."' Grim Iremi'rntic ;'2i; KxWudl-.g ' 12 wards ir, bi'h th Vera coa'ro is to moat marred, Trr "ll uld hi ben scord The comparative rar.fc tfj tnee !J ward not "untd was T.'if, "; Erry. TT'rZa. r;rim, JK.4.0 VAHK WAflDS FAVKD TENER Tfi 12 tr'irit Vaf ar'i lf.- T-r" 2.t22 r,fn furry U.2SS and ';r.m ZS To pt th flj-" In aBo'hr wa. hn th oRt.ial "un ra'h'l I'hllat' ; m . T'.r.r r."iil UirX 'ta 'n th Rt u I can tl-k? I- ' "Jf tha b mlifht ri-iK with V.'tr Aril hn 'h V, t d- ccn tro!!" ly M'NlrhM nl t", lfi'I:rdnt fCirr-n hnfJ t,n rorjnt-) th KTUbll'ia.n tl-kt a rliil vo'.r b'hln-1 th K afn ti'Jft In h'rt '.overnor Tnr "i"tl trj" tb" rna'jrlt lvn n rh Varo-z-on-trolI'J wa"Ji I'olitl'lrrns wh hav xtj'ilo' tV lua tlon fAr-ful arr that pra ti'al!y th nam'j nuat n ' '(tain t'laj ai in IS!' Ptnrcp laJnr an atoflutj trtln 'jf 1 rn.fjaritl.-r) in 'Nro- r.iin'lii in Pnnay! tinU Tn-R ar All8hn5 I.an'r anrl PhllaJMr-hla In A'Kn '''unt th ffpuliiiran Jondrrf thrilii admit that rnro fun poll onl onthird of th majorlt that Ii h (tli.fi to I'trr Jnjm-ii'ih fom p-li't that th- 'wrt win n t sJvp f' nr'" a majorit'. fa In x-i .f W. anJ thla I- jipit 'rf th' fa'.t tha' thr Armmtritt and th Mn-'" fa'tlo-!! orf unltM for th flrat tlm in ,fhT' Th Ilr.uhlran ote for Tnr In AH - sheny ''ount in 1I0 waa 4T,IT KOI TIIKRN wards mo POWER In Phlla'l' Iplna the Penr" vol" in th m. .irii.,i h u.vi.1,,.1 ,...u.i4.., Iclleve wi'l lr nrartlrally e'riallxed by th. r.nn..irir,r, i... in ni. ....n. ...j. A'rordlniflv ir folioar. that the d-fet .1 I'pnroK can b made rertaln ' lh Varcs, ho. by awineinc the Soith Phita- o.phia vot' atatnat th man who 1" char?'d 'tN b'trln them In 131). can trreatl !! the advrrse Pnroi vot' Tlier la no nd that the Varea order their men to Mipport ConjfreiiJ'rrn'in Pal mer, for all ajfre tht it la hardly con- rHVAhl thftt the K.tlth PhllA.lelr.hf ft. publlears voiild ever nupport a Demo- crt Th c -nple wlthboldlnir of tliir voti from I'nro how er political leaders a w 1 spell hla defeat With Penrose at their mro, will the Vai r.rvmlr that jt was Penrose himself who destrojed th hn'en of William S Vare helrii; elected Mitjor of Philadelphia in 1311? Thla i th iu, on which each idlltlcian is asking th other Th lntn hlttrr.e. in th hartM of thoae lo.i! to h V'area a' tn blow which Penrose da!t William H aro 1 an opn ' ret Whl. in i-o!ltl'! cfea t Ui admitted that th nrn are the iront examp.a Of "resfuUf P.ep'jhii'ana. tili It la rfrlnt ed "Ut thit th- need h no ' irreirtjlar. lty" on trir ,,rt to defeat pnro. Simply withholdinif their vupport It if fcrjrued wil' f- im ien It la not .orwid. r I pror.ahle trat either those, wno oeliuV. mixht n.ih. rlnt be ef the are- 111 rrak s,n oren .J. lara- ca'n th y ha.e 'lth, honor and th lion a.ilnt I'.rror.. I ut what th. ' rt ' prwer to eas, 'Wornhip at m ahrlne or word pasr.e.1 on j. t I r ,e .. , , , ;. . fJ ,P joo MIlfM ha monoy and it Will he Is now tr aur te. t of endlefs ' ,r,n buy vote It has mon, beraut it conj. ture ,f.r.ii upon sinful fi.trrprlB'a for lt nr-.in "n-n.--T.". I ' 1'P '" dpndH upon commer'ialled PENROSE PERSISTENT FOE '- them.n the. hrewer. tho broihal. or- .r-r-.l-r- ,,.,.- l ri Iptl l oftlclals, al thOSfc Who W'THhip OF MERIT SYSTEM IN STATE ,h' '""hty doll.r and th red flr and , j hr.iSM iMndH of rKrlltical story. Tonight Ti...r, . t.iii... ti , I tho on that eln wornhip fire Th'ro is ... j.w.. .-... .vH..Uwvr uwhkh Show Hostility to Civil Service, "Senator lvnr h m hcm in na tional aff.ilra a i Irite.J proUKonmt of ilvl! aarvlc. regulnti. UA jJu, ,n tllh (itate. where ), has the opportunity ,,t nuvocaiinjt lexiaiatioii whi. h would lirr.it tho nosalhllitv of Miicn .. ,...,. i.. u. ' rxlaU In the htat iba Departnwi.i , ho reftwea to lift hand It ia he n Who holds civil aertl... reform letl.i.. i tlon bark " Tho fiiregolnu is tha opinion of ihe Civil hervtf fteforrn Asao. i.iton. as con tslned In th report of ti nnn'x-iutv r which has ben lvii out aiioouni inu th lesulta of I h iUrU.-if rnn.t.y .ilrfci.,j til Iriflslatlve c.tri'tldates thro uhout thi Klate .(inceMiltiu thilr attitude toward rlrll srvk reform leu in at (on Tho gltUmwi said I U If) of tha ITS Republican legislative jrididaten oppom the merit system, and the report at tributes the Republliari disapproval or a civil nervli larsjcl) to tha mfluetic of hewtor Prnros Tha report alao i In parf "Ttiere I no form of political favor itism that i'iiiirti with th poil s lem as a power In th onstru' tlon o' n political mathlrui t la not etranifi: I hat the Itfrpubllran Ktl I'omnatte. w)j It undertook tb drafli'iK of a platform lridr ih doinlnotl.n of -rn, U'NI'hol I row and Vwra. rpul uInI t he proposition of Kti civil Wrrvice ' BERRY FOR LOCAL OPTION Celleetor of Port A(Jvie Against Supporting Liquor Csntlltlatea. A tU'tor for lor al option In th' Htittl; wu predu ti last niaht b ictor of 1b lort William II Heriy. In an ed dr bafot th. M'Mlal Srvh Forum of tb Eplacopul Church of th Holt AHflfttlM. 21t ami ChrlatUo atrswt 'ol lfitir lUrry topi of tiiv ravarfaa brought hy liquor and atl thai uu umiu wh'i iui.ira to anieiH texrt to the um of alcohol In 'ti luelou ilr Meirt said Vota a-jliut th. i.i ll.iil.h til aJoOliket' at nil rtlim Vol wh ii )UU Bnd t " '! lit- tr tn tht Il'iuor men opi'.c r f r 1 I i. I trier bout the andilif t j ir's ii' wi ky niin lit n roliu Th rnly w Wcb ui 4ie-it the sal )-t kecjyr la t" vote C4tnt us candUlAtcs. i tat uf rsiy Him. f Mttiri O ftnjmoettih har- : fojgh' tn q ltrt T1 '-'i r,fori ty tt't'tnv to th tt;r, of lh t" ."kft jrub fi' rhif It tvone.' ' - ' a" -r,mv-',t' f"ai irr.' -) '' 'nl ' " I 'I J f (jfm ) ! i' ' I ' ' I'u I a? ra ''ru ' ( j. ra t r pin'if , 4itlr thr "i ,', it-, ft I Rhat fc ht id m f('snif to a . D 'tor Bni-nra jth Mr athlr? ' lntr" f f'Oida' .' r 'I 'lfiet rco.- r 1 hrfv a a'M.i "f Hunti-srion e tio'i-'iartl.n" imvemnt to i a pfj-i Witt a-rfivJrren t! .on l It,rr,lstr,ix At' ijfi I M r.-r"Ury of elmllar in rirn'3i hanna County i r in F' ".t.r av ovrhlmi(ig voti fr . rr . o ih ")fS"d amndmeft. i am a- that Doctor Rrumbaugh' f no" or. . 'lu'xtion Invoked is ;i h' ! nl no on havlnir the spirit of fsir;e tould b lrellnd to iuetlO"i It it i not giiThlU known that Doctor j to b re?ltrd on oooVls of the 3th Dl a.tij I a prarhr Although h ' vision of the Vth Ward Dator his fam- ' rot a ordain'! clentjman. h ha au- thoit- tj o-'up5 aj pulpit In th' '"h Ph f tV Hrnhren b virtue of li' uri'ja "3 j"attoral attainment T i r-"ior H an )ttrrnly rar on in t t '-io niration ifmber of nat 1 roTi on 't.lr'i' li'juof and an n p p.r'nt of dririf he haa friuentiy ;oktri ara.nt the j. .or hi i In ' afh-n ' Ms , Sron. r.aiion. ae wl) ai thoee of "h r fa'toe j SiiaHnif at th Kensth Itrael Pn ft',v,i. Ht'ih 1 trt an.I Montsomen t a-iw . b re'rd to re"(atlon ret trs a .f r"-e-u rrans of eomba t intf dr.n)"-r.n Th fa:t are blnrf i usd iv frler.oi of Dortor Brumbaus1! t ' prove th I ejt of 'he local optio j ( plank tn'ludd in his p-aonal pla'form. i wri(lTi bfor ti pri-nar As1 f jaeriotird'n' o "ih'iOls, D'tor , Bn rf. K'.Yi f Jfl ! n".er ti ;.JS't W Ml"m r-i ' i ;r 't th' lo atl'.n of ar-oom x1 to e' h' 1 bul 4 n?i j -n'vr th' f'oa-'l of K'l'.'a'''-. fo.T ' alf 'jrn' "f-hoo th' jprr'r .- i urs"l '"ft ' """nrr. i" r ; 'ar . I pa H '-1" ,- i 'I' '-''',' ;'..'? ' PENROSE RALLY ECLIPSED BY ANTI-RUM MEETING Proportion 3 to 1 In Rival Demonstra- tioM at Coatosvllle. COATnSVII.I.E Pa. Oct 2.' -T'nlt'! f"11' f'-"itor Rola Pnroe 1-ft h'r todav "r r'.ut- to fttrob rtnd '!rni i b '"- "-"tmor'-land r'ounty. aftr hlni; j i th vl'tim of the moat aiffnlflcant demon- j &tralon aKainnt rim amce the start of Ms campatsn Th demon'iatlon was all t'"' more effectlv becau" no names were men tioned It Is het vidni!d by the fact that while ! persona heard Pnro i I Pk Ust nteht at th- Opera Hous, threa times1 that number listened to a stlrrinp denun'iation of th Il'iuor traffic m the Tabernacle, three blocks away, at too same time Th speaker at th anti-saloon rail) wa the ftv Geors W'rod Anderson, the evangel!' Si band of music or torch lllfht parade was necest-ary to draw to i th Trnacle a thronv three times the i ! of that whlth listened to Penr'se whoae appearance at the opera, House w an pr ' ede.J by a prad There, has been only one, hattlo," de clared Mr Andrson. ' In th history of th world, the battle of mlcht a sal est right Thar are many on th aid ut ,), somebody to wield a lash, and m.-.nv weak enou.'n to irinae. Thtt sl'Jo ia nu-nkroua be turn it baa the price to Iy and there ar iilwaja man) vtho ar w.lllriB to be bought Hy the a, s rnfc of )ou obje't to re- vl si rr'etltiBs on u'.ojrjt of tr noi". but d'.o t ev r lt in. ct h one of yi f '" h" mm-hed b. Hud tlat brass ,''"1 l"ni""1 ,,,lk ',"' ,r'" r'"" al uf f"1"'1' Th I"!lti"-t.s are Imitating ut. PASTOR FOR BRUMBAUGH: H TS "JERSEY NDORSEMENT" i Br. Parkin Declares for Nominee on leoral Qptton Issue. Te lev Ijr I-ran P Parkin, district 'lfrintendetit of tb i'hl'tt'lelphla Meth od Ih I'onfereni , rias puhllcly Indorsed Ut Martin i. Hrumbuirh tha tandJ- J ...I qaift for uuveifior w hi iriajr nc (iftp-Hweo ijjm lo tati.l four-"'iitire n tha JOtRl option 'iimtion in Pennsylvania lr,rvr Miklti repudiates the. action UlM-n b th Phll4lpbla-f amdan lleth- Mtlit pre hr' mer linsj at VSal Hall on ctobr 1 whirri Glfford Jln hot was mi (. wr. Minora rimrjoi was Iii4.rsd for fnlted ! . fccnator and VtttK-. ' M'' ormlik for Governor Tl. vote at this ifiMtlns. ietrtor Parkin !. i.w... W4 "virtually oiigaiory, if not I nil' roi," lre litrtfe number of tb iiiuiit4:r wha toted r from Mew Jer- mul noi iron l'i i.nlvanla "Vti j-ii of mlildKl teinprua man" h trinid too M' Cormick indorsement An ulpndrjt Itepublb an. Iioitor Parkin nays he has not voted a straight II. Wet for ovw 9t iuittu ti alx. makes It plata thai n. of bli mpatiiy Is for Srnator peuroae lit Ibbi regard ha wye ' t as onlv dln( what I have reason to know asasy hundreds of Mothoillut pieachcra ml many more tluMusada of oir Uyssein will do la ttu. coming elec tion vot Ua lioilor Brumbaugh, the "hrnti;in educatm .iiui tjti'm.(n but miatih the uaiii. of ver aaeoiMte on IiIh ri'k.t ttl ise r r.l will iiot hear fill u.v. nlmation lio loi 1 jrMin (Jj it n oi ii ai'ret that Bishop Jo.pph F Iicrrj has inti mated to f i lends that the indorsement of 'ertaln candidate bv he Methodi ' prf'o.. heii mtetlDjf was ua unwise pro- Th Thomas V Evans Museum YOUTH REGISTERED TWICE TO INSURE FIRST VOTE j . '.fa V 11?eJ V TJ - trtr Board Decrees. A dlr to mk. eur 'Ihi first vote led Driarso jf iJraine. o' S N'orti Ruby trt to rS'e- in two ward This action iwt it t-ad of ainlh for him the rlKht of fraTiehl'e. for th R-t-atln f"mmleionr uxla on cm (.lalnt rt :h Commlfee of TO struck the vosinc man n ram from eafh booK in whlf'h It ai -ntercd Drains, who would have void on a? at th cominst lection. caud his nam' Uy movd to a house in the lit! Divldon t of tins Hth V.'ard. Hero Drain rzl- ' trd asaln. thinklni: h Mould rot be prmltted to cast his ballot at th polling piac nar his formr horn Rumor of a; rests to b ma3 as a r fult jf activity on th part of th 'om mltte of ceventy. In onnctloo wltn a! i'ced rs'jtratlon fraud, today !I111 th 'orrloors of '"it Hall. whr svrai - hundrd witness" were waltin? befrr" th O,mmlsion For the last fw da; a thr ha v.e'n gossij. to the K.ct that '.ra! 'im-po-tant penons, poiitical!. r in dani;r cf arrst. and that a hoIsa clean-up of certain districts was l'Vl to follow So far nothing has corn of it, but toda th talk is ssna! and in consqufcn' th" xcltment avout th ofllces of th Commission was propor tionately Intena Thr Krat Jam of pfraons ralld to t'tlfy continues In th corr'dors Wit- r.i complain tnat thc or hins; k'pt f ro n th'lr work whn not needed, and hat cass In which thy are Intr-sted ar lthr not called or dlspned with In iom other a The '"ommlssioners ar harir.s striVe out ca" fiom th Mth to th JHh Wards. inclusive, toda !: port" of ,tr'las strik-ojts and withdrawals wre mad public this morn nlnif Tf'r wr l(' of th former and 31 of th latter CIGARS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY 140.000, Including "Near Havana," counties on Saturday nii?ht, Doctor Brum Sold at Cent and a Half Each. baush will return to Philadelphia and re- iff hirdr'd and fort thousand clears wer disposed of toda at an avrasr rost of 1-j 'nts ea"h at an auction of bankrupt stock hId on th premises of Wl.Ilam V f'oml iC Son. auctioneers, at V South Jd street The stock exposed for sale consisted of 21 .ots, Including marv of the hat known brands of th domestic artl I From the first bidding vas b-lsk, and excitm'.nt was at fvr pitch when Morrla Isenstln. a retail draler. of fouth 3d street, arrid off the first lot of 'fCA ' loni'-fill'r perfe'ton" at tl Vi per 1'jO The highest prices, how ever, were leached by I Spector, of 501 Sou'h 24 street, v.ho paid the record pri' of II TO per V) for h. lot consmirtK of 2WO portliuiarly d'-adlj nnr Havanas -tim:.li 'lars wer handed out with lavish hand, hut even this did not ''eter the 'D'l of some i'i dealers from j anxlo'Jfl rivaling '8"h other In their attempts to olitain th stock Those who ar in th huslness i-i tnat tms was one of the m'St au"esful sajea of the last few months BIDS ON BRIDGE CONTRACT Many Proposals Submitted for Work on Glenwood Avenue. Bid for the construction of a ste' and 'oncreto highway hridjre on th line of Oil n wood aver.u. ov r four tracks of the Richmond branch of the Reading Rail wa), were op'md todav oj f'hlef W'b ster, of tho Survey Bureau. Th structure will be T'r teet long. TO feet wide rd will provide a new avenue for street travel In an industrial sctlon of the ct The bids were Richard Walsh. J28,:5, K I. Leeds, 131 TA, mrican Puving and fonhtructloii r-ompnny. J0.2M, W E. iW WtnS?.C!!. W" -:.. . r? .. J,r. !itJ. :SP'ni tr;,- . M and J II ilclfugh. ;33 ISO, Jams Jo I Graw & Co . iVi.iVi Thomas R Honder aon. S!.J, Jame Klly. 3S m, Francis J l!o,t. iZtii'.. John MiMenamj. I Mfl; f arl R cramp, IS! Vt PORT RICHMOND'S PLEA Cltins Ask for Improvement of That Section. A delegation of 2't members from the r'Hiti organized Port Richmond Uus. nesa Menu Improvement tssociatlon, in cluding mr bants In tho Silli and 42th Wards, cttll'd on nlrertor ooke, of the Department of Public Works, today to ' ' UM Improvements In tha northeast .rnifiii ... inn ... Thay cprced gratification at the el'm- inatlon nf rillroad grade crotHlns and anionj other r'Uint nsUe that Rich m 'wd street be better lighted between I.ihlsh aud Alle.-htti) avenues 'illlurs of the new organization are I.r V 0 Beuil. pnsldont, F J an. B j w uUep v,c0 preBijents. R p.,, HerretBry, and A. Riepeekl. iiiif trassurer. 107 BABIES TO BE IN PARADE Entries for West Philadelphia Busi ness Men's Carnival. One hundred and seven babies have been entered for the babies' parade of the West Philadelphia BuaineKS Men's Association tarnlval The parade will be held on the fourth day of the big car nival, which begins next Monday night A proposed feature of the carnival, vvhlih is attracting interest. Is the pub Itr wedding which will take place on Halloween, the final night, If a, couple cm be found to consent to be married In putik The committee In charge has offered to furnish three looms complete! for su h a ojpe The popularltt contests are waxing hotter and hotter The most popular girl will be crowned u. en of the Carnival by Mayor Blankenburg Saturday night i and will be given a diamond ring A go d watch is the pilxe for the nvst pop ular boy, who will b crowned; ring. and Dental Institute as it appears after the removal of the scaffotding. EVANS DENTAL MUSEUM READY FOR NEXT TERM Graduate School Already Occupies j Quarters In' Magnificent Structure, i Th' new Thomas W Evans SIusum J and Dntal Institut of th t"nlcflt of Prnsv!anla at 40th and 3ppjc Mret3 wtll b radv for cccupancv bv , th Dental School of the 1"nlvrslty by Febriary 1 nx'. when th econd trm i of the icholastl" ar belns ' Th sca'foldln? on the exterior of th bulldlns? and much nf that In the In terior has already bn taken down and the Gradual Pchool of th dental de partrant lnstalld. The structur has been r'-ctd at n cost of XXft.'tfl and has taken thus far two ;cars to build In compliance with th demand mad In Do'tor Evans' will when h donated !i money for th ichool it has feci mad infr"or to non It th world, and It is 'Xf't'd the fame of the inptitutlon -v il at'ract f'relgn tudn's to th citv BRUMBAUGH BEGINS WESTERN TRIP AFTER SPEECH TO MINERS Republican Candidate for Governor Assures Anthra cite Workers of His Interest in Just Labor Laws. Dr Martin G Brumbaugh Republican nomlr.ee for Governor, left hre this moraine to make hl3 final appal to tho votr In Wctern Pcnnsvlvania. Con cluding his campaign In th western main In thla section, sp'aklng ever-night until the evo of 'lection Last nfght Doctor Brumbaugh spoke to th hard coil workers at Pottsvillc He laid particular stress on the necessity of laws to protect worklngmen whll em ployed at th'lr various occupations and to r(.ompnse them for the Injuries r' oelved in th shops, factories and mines The necessity for laws to protect the homes of residents in the mining districts from cave-Ins, he also emphasized. Child labor laws also received a good part of the spHker'e attention In this regard ho said. "I have had practical experience with child labor problems all mv life, and nearTv orf,JfhVfe1M.r"r. work under law In I'ennsvlvania. and I wish to declare to you tonight that our child labor laws need revision in order that the hours may be reduced to a minimum, that th child, when not at work, shall return to school, oven if he has reached the ago of 16, and that thre shall hi a much closer relation than now exists between the school and tho Industry of a community In order that the transition fiom school to work shall be gradual and not abrupt " Doctor Brumbaugh warned hla hearers that If elected Governor he would In sist that fvry man on the salary rolls of the Commonwealth give full service and perform his work honehtly and capably ONE DETECTIVE CAUGHT SIX BURGLARY SUSPECTS "e 0t thB CnptUre(l MCn MaJ' B the Notorious "Ilcddv" Tate. Notorious "rteddy" Tate. Vigilance o.i th rart of 'it) Iietectlve Richard I)o)I enabled police of Now London, Conn . to capture six alleged burglars, one of whom Is thought to he I tho notorious "Iteddj" Tate, an expert I safe cracker, of this city, paroled last I May from Norristovvn Jail The six men uor arrested while riding In a motorcar, the license number "f which had been furnished leveral months ago to polite in nil parts of the rountrt b) iJetMtlva rolc.., who discovered the car undergoing repairs In a stable near a house at 139 Ktlles street, where Tate was eald to live The sis men were raptured In New Ioudon after sufea In live department stores on th main street of .Springfield, Ma . had been blown open early cs terdny morning and several thousand dollars In cash taken One of the men gave hla name as Raymond E Tate and because of the llrense number of tha motorcar In which he and the others were riding and nhbh was recognized h pol!emn who arrested them, he ts thought ti he "Rfddy" Tate His com panions are Albert Persenal, Joseph (irady. Leonard E Maynard. Bruncllo McMullen and Mike riovlln Word received at detective headquar ters today verified the story of how Oe tettlvo Doyle flret ran across the motor car bearing a New Jersey license tag No 25l' It was tn this machine the six were riding when arrested After Tate's parole last My he gnve an address at the Stiles street house De tective Doyle, nfter watrhlng the place for seveial days, saw ro blgns of Tate, but learned an automobile was secretly being repaired In a stable close by He locnted the car and saw It bore Ihe license tag No W N J Investigation revealed a license corre sponding to that number had orlgtnall) been Issued at Trenton to J Parker Gil lespie of .Sliver Springs N J . but had later been transferred to David Hend ri. ks 1339 Miles street Detective Dole promptly wired tins Information to police ail over the country Lieutenants of Petectlves Tate and Wood say Tate, the safecracker. Is an o'd offender and has a police record since he was 15 years c-ld. Il U now an. AUSTRIA ADVANCE SWEEPS BUKOWINA, . LOCAL CONSUL SAYS Important Towns Retaken North of Carpathians as Francis Joseph's Troops Move Toward Poland. Ad.inces of th rl;ht wing of th Aus-tro-Hjnsarlan army are reported to have , result In th retaking of th Important town of Seie'h, in southeastern Buko- , wlna, according to an ofBciil communlca- I. on rceive.j this afternoon in Phlladel phla bv Georr von Grivlclc, Austro Hunsarlan Consul Gerral, from the For- 1 ign Office in Vienna. Koeroesmezo, also in Bukowlna. was recaptured from th ' R KSlans In this advance of tho Austrian arm. ac-ordlng to this sam report. wh'h states that the Russians have mad frequent and violent attacks a: Maglera, but have been unable to rtake this i P0'"1, uhleh was -vrested from thm sev eral aavs ago. Prisoners say that the artillery fire of the Austrlans has had terrific effect, on account of accurate aim. The operations against the Servians are said to be progressing favorably The ustrian advance Is steady The official statement Is as follows. 'Battle In ml'idl Gallcla lias become mcr violent Our armls are gaining toward th eat At Maglra th at tacks of the n'mv hav- been in vain Our troops earned important fhvrow. northeast o' Przemjsl. Many Russians among them a general taken prisoner Ace riling to these prionrs our aitlllerj J has haQ 'adly effect causing havoc In IH-H iniiAa ruuiu ul 3irnAj inerP Iff no nev development of importance Koros.Ti'zoe and Sereth retaken b us. "The nws of alleged victories of the Servians spread in their press ar pure Inventions. In our operations against the Servians evervthing goes on without a hitch "Attacks by French cruisers In the Adriatic have been repeated, but In each Instance have done llttl damage Their attacks have Den practli ally failures." GARMENT MAKERS DECLARE PEACE AGREEMENT STANDS Manufacturers and Employes Deny a , Lckut in T Contemplated. Denial of the repoit t at .vunens gar ment manufacturers are contemplating lockout of their emplotes. following tho pea'e agre'ment igrtd r'centlv brtween rcpresentitives of the emplovers find tho union, was made today bv Morris Bern stein, president of the Manufacturers' As soclitlon Max Amdur, head of the Garment Workers' Fnion, Issued the following statement: "Rumors nf a contemplated lockout on the part of the manufacturers, following the agreement signed reccntl), are rldhulous The agreement provides that there shall be no strike or lockout during the period In which It Is In force Thcr'i will be misunderstandings here and there In the shops or among the employes, but there are means provided In the agree ment to straighten such differences peace fully. "There nr two clerks, one representing thr manufacturers nnd the other thf em plojes, whose bulsness it Is to settle such Surges If they' fall, th taken b. for a grievance b matters are board, composed of representatives of hoth sides As a list resort the question In dispute Is taken before Director Porter, who acts as an impartial arbitrator and whose Judgment Is final " MAN, 60, WILL TAKE BRIDE, 48 Forrester Jaques, Retired Boston Merchant, Comes Here to Wed, Forrest' r Janucs. a native nf Mel bourne, ustralla, nnd a retired merchant of Hoston, Mass . came hero today to marr Mrs Jennie Kerr Smith, of Ped bsm. Mass The nrldegroom Is 69 years old and his brlde-to-bo I? Mr Jaqurs and Mrs Smith have each hten married The hrlde's first husband died 10 years ago Mr Jaques has been a widower two ears Strangled Infant Found In Laurel LACRKl. Pel. Oct Zi Unusual ex citement prevails over the finding of a 12-pound male child under a residence here this morning The Infant was nude and had been strangled Arrests arc euro to follow. New Fire Engine Gratifying1 Success The new auto fire engine of the Swarth more Volunteer Fire Pipartmcnt was used today for the first time In extin guishing tlames which swept the Manning stable, Chester road below Va1 avenue, Swarthmore. With the aid of the new engine, built at a cost of W, the lire men subdued the flames in a short time Car Collides With Wagon A half-hour tie up of traffic occurred during the rush hours this morning on Itldge avenue at 16th street, when a southbound trollcj of the Manaunk line cratlicd into a delivery wagon One pas. sender was slightly Injured iiKsoitrs OAK COURT " A nuxkro hotel with quiet air of domestlclt and a homelike e-tmcaphere. B. E. SPAM.ENBERG, Mxi7." That th war In Earop ha opnfl the 'fannI for extensive rnmree betwein the 1"MUi Ptafs and t"rti?ua- Ii dmon sfated In a papr by Jose Rlchim. Con- ii General tt tnr atxS commercial cent .' the Government of Uruguay. In o-h.h h urpe financiers and raanufac tu'rs to combine In establishing an In- -st in th Latin-American republic. Mr Rkhllnc etprtssefl belief that ia-ice and commerce paralll each Mh- Success in boomlnc trade between th l'nit.l Stat and South America lies In th extension of credit. Materials manufactured In this country, but which frutruay ha been reclvln? from Europe are much nded ther nof that war has irtit a stop to the South American nation s transatlantic trade Urucuav's abunJarce of meat, raw wool and cattle hides would be as welcome n uir coumrj. Mr Rlchllnr shows that the shortas In wool, which th rnitd States will feel because of the war. maks the es- ri.ii.t.n.Ai .' tMil. trith triisrimv more rt.i,a.. v..i.t.A ft ,hat ttatlnn lm uenw.-b uvvuu . ...... ...--.... . mente ntifnn, nt this raw material ' Fruguay bus abroad. h says, "nl- mot every manufactured eoodi which I agricultural Implements., hardware, class- I ware, habertlasherv woolen and cotton wis- uim i oii' H'--"-"- .. ..-.,. I roods, dry goods. papr. etc. as well as such raw products or partly manufac tured poods as lumber, coal. Iron, steel, cemnt. oils, sugar, hams, etc TEST OF I" S. BfSINESS MEN i !. a W . Viiitln.aa rv dts nf th. Fnlted Stated ho have announce-i ' themselves In former opportunities and , In the present one Is put to a severe , test If the want the South American . trad In my opinion, they will succecu b? tn "adoption of the onlv possible, man of success or will fall by th fait- ure of adopting these mean. They are the extension of credit to which Euron has rightfullv and deservedly accustomed the South American nations i which credit has already become a second nature to their trad sstmt. and th limitation of profits of the North American manu facturers and financiers to th lowest , pos'lble expression In their Initial trans- j actions " I rixp'ricne has told u that commerc I and finance move on parallel lines If British factories have succcineu in piac- Ing In I'ruguav rail and railway ma- terlals to th score of millions of dol- la-s. it I" due only to the fact that there hnve alwav been British capitalists at hand to finance these rallwavs Let American bankers also do their shar In order to promote closer trade relations in our continent "The three main eports of Fruzuav are meit. ra v vool and cattle hlde Th present complication In Continental Eu rope will nermit an Important amount of the wool crop to be exported to the , Fnlted States at convenient prices for American mills Uruguav sells abroad I about 5.ttT worth of wool evert ear If the mcrican mills would ncnulre this vear. sav l0 )' of Uruguay raw wool and turn it into finished products, they have a good chance to sell again to Uru guav one-third and i erhsps one-ha'f of th" transfo-med product RED CROSS BOUND HOME AFTER MISSION OF MERCY ,, , . .. ... t,i, Supplies Distributed Impartially Among- Warring Nations. was-HIN-GTON. Oct 52 -Tha hnsnital shin, the Red Cros. has completed the first of its errands of mercy, the Amcrl- inn Red Cross officials were advised bv wireler today It Is expected to dok at New York on .-atuiday. Th Rid Cross landed 15T surgeons and i urses Advices reaching the Red Cross headquarters from the ship were that the supplies had been dlstrihtited falrlv among the belligerent nations The nnlv nation that could not be r'ach'd was 'ervla, but supplies, together with a hos pital squad were dispatched there on board a Greek steamer It is understood that another contin gent of surgeons nnd nurses will h sent abroad Stores and supplies. It Is kno.vn. now arc being collected 22322335 JAN FEB MArt AP3IL WAY JUNE JULY I AUG SEPT OCT NOV UtC zzzzzzzz rtmszi 1uiTi1P 11 1 I ! 1 I I dz 0 i What's the Prospect for the next two months ? Probably you're keeping a curve line record of your sales, Mr. Merchant and probably, too, it shows that you've got to hustle to pull through the year with your usual safe margin. Have you thrust your Bell Telephone into the gap? Are you talking about yourself your goods and your prices by telephone? Keep the trade posted; don't overlook a single prospective buyer. Keep their telephone bells ringing! The way to get business is to go after it hard. And the quickest, easiest and most economical way of going after it is by Bell Telephone -8i8iK2aa2S2 WA5M1NGTO.V. On a -The Amerivj Link teimhlp. the John D Rockefeller has bon allowed to proceed on her .S t.t fAaM...!.. ... I. . fl . ...a iiiiviiiiaiiujj, .uii'iwing a protest ffl j thp Britleh Foreign ome bj the Staltf Depar'mnt, was conveyed to the Whlt3 House today by Sir Cecil Sprine-lli British Ambassador Th Rocke(,nel was 'elztd off th Orkn Islands by J Lsrnrn cniiir. i Th Ambascidor exMalncl ih ......? - turi of the vessel off the Orkn'v Hlands by saylns that Its papers dlKMosd the flcj that the cargo of fuel oil was destine! sor no Known person, hut was 'nn order." fhls Irresularlty. the Envo declared 'J the commander of th British warshlrT to take the vessel into nort nntit .uJ question of her destination coyid b cxfl , pi,ina satlsfactorilj . , rt 1 lr-" n.isn, it is understood detained tne vessel Because they feared th cargi . ihi..i .. -M'.ana. .IftM nf ,hA f'h.. I ... .... w. .,,.- ,. i-ao'- jiiia jei neen re- I celved cither from the commander 0f the Vessel 0r through diplomatic channel! . .. r7-ii , hfnrmul r,t , nw ; '''"' '' , """""" " th OtSlcim protest When h sof called at thai Stat" Department to discuss the matter! of seizures. i It Is understood from official sourcu! that the great and unusual bulk of fuel' ell shipments from the Fnlted States, to Danish ports during th ,t ..k. Mi: thos schedul'd for the coming wetir, WU e-ter largely Into the cntrivcrsy ' ConflnnatIoa of ,h. apprBn(.n5lon ' "' " "'! Grea, Britain that fuel shlpmen-s fromj the United State tn Dcnmirk arc In-j tended ultimately for German ue , fuel and for balloon, motorenrs and sub marines, was obtained from the British" Embassy today. An official of t-e emhass., said there was little douht that th sclzuies of. American tuei carryirg sTlps d ring the fast week have been tlu to thl fear. The shipments were twlc the ordinary amount, and a proportion itelv larce Ehp ment is scheduled for the coming week. He nlso ndmitted that the change of registry would not be th onlv ground advanced by Great Britain for the hold. ing of ships fl.ving the Ame-ican flag bound for Denmark with cargoes of fuel oil. Th ports to which these j-hi, s were destined are eloe to the Kiel Canal, making It casv for Germinv to obtain mese very necessarv supplies, ne pointed out. No action has been taken vet regarding tn cases or tne urindiiia and th pia- tuna, tanK steamships wvh h1-j were seized. MILLER SETS SWIFT PACE j r-nfJidnte for &.,,. w,,i . Two Speeches Each Day. WILMINGTON, Del, Oct :.' - t i meeting tonlsht. Thomas W Miller S: retary o' State and RepuM'cin c,1niidala for fonsress, will begin the Megc: schedule of speeches ever arrtrgel fin candidate in Delaware He will make a speech each afternoon and evening ex- I cept Sundaj. until the c-impalsn clisej. It is not epectd that tnv of ti other can,HdatM for t:lMS wlll fnllow ,, pace set by Mr Miller, altho igh J Hall ' Anderson, the Progressiv i andiCst will I make a large number of sp Con- Sicssman Brockson wh i a m ildate for re-cifction ! ke.it n Washington pa-t of ii s t me in 1 will not be oMe to follow Miller MFITEIL PENNHS ATLANTIC CITY N.J. IN AUTUMN rrnvldeii a charm cf comfort anil ea.a amidst characteristic environ ment that has established It u aa I3al teahore home Directly on the ocean front. Capacity eoo wai.teu .1. nrznT. A P wlrwsfSfpsr'tfftr'Mfa -y