Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1914, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Russians Sweep Away Re
sistance at Bayonet Point.
Czar's Troops Also Victors
on Lower Vistula.
rETROGUAO, Oct. 52.
The lctrcat of the beaten Ocrman foices
In Russian Poland Is assuming tho pro
portions of a rout, according to a leport
from headquarters of the General Staff
made public hero todnv. It sax:
Our troops nre now taking the offen
sive along a large stretch of the
froht, sweeping away the resistance of
the Gorman tear guards and driving
them at the point of the Imjonet
from fotcsts and villages and taking
Another statement njs.
In the Husslan theatre of war, the
forward movement of the UuJilan
army has accomplished an important
success In the region of Vnravv. Thev
have repulsed the enemv more than
13 kllomcttes (seven miles). The prog
ress of the Ituslnns Is equally ap
preciable at tiangorod and to the
south of Przem.vsl.
VhlIe great throngs weie parading the
streets today, cheering for the nrmle
of HussIh and the Allies, the omclal
Russian news agency Issued n state
ment which failed to disguise tho fact
that German forces n.re onlv a few miles
from Warsaw. It stated that the Ger
mans had tried to push forward In tho
district between I'ruszkow and Blonle,
but that the;, had been repulsed. These
two towns are about tight miles south
east of Warsaw. Blonle on the railroad
from Lowlcz and I'ru!.kow on the tine
from Sklernlewlcp.
The statement was:
The Russian troop" coming to the
defense of Warsaw dlaplnved "xcep
tlonal energ . They saved the city
frbm a German bombardment. The
Russian coup was effected with great
swiftness that was called for by stra
tegical reasons
Documtnt. taken from prloners who
were captured show thnt the Germans
were confident of entering that city be
tween the l"ith and 17th of October.
Siberian leg'ments arriving at War
mw were sent to the front, but not
before the were warmlv greeted by
the populare. which was greatly Im
pressed bv the martial nlr of thse
young troops Braverv which the
subscquentlv dlplnved upheld the con
fidence that hpd been felt In them. In
desperate bayonet charges at night
In the foret of Motschldlovsk the
young Siberian soldiers took man
prisoners belonging to the -1st German
The l5th German corps and some of
their reserve troops who attempted to
push forward In the region between
Blonle and I'ruszkow suffered severe
ly. It was there that the Siberian
troops, with othei Russian forces. In
flicted terrible losses on th enemy.
Many villages In the vicinity were
taken and retaken in hand-to-hand
This report Indicates that Russia has
been compelled to draw on Its troops in
Asia to fill lis nrst lines opposing the
Today's celebration here was due to
announcements that the Germans have
been driven back west of the Vistula nnd
that the Anglo-French forces in the west
had defeated the Germans with heavy
losses. The demonstration hm of an
orderly character, the crowds parading
betwet.ii the embassies and consulates of
the allied nations and cheering the Allies'
enrovs repeatedly. The.v cheered for 10
minutes at the Belgian legation.
It Is officially unnounced that Genera!
Brouslloff, the victor of Hallcz, is in com
mand of the Russian troops operating
against the Austrian troop3 south of
Rrzemysl A statement Issued on the
operations In that portion of Galicia tas
Heavy lighting has been going on
ruuth of Pizemysl for sl dajs The
Austrian losses have been tremen
dous. Thousands of prisoners have
been takn. These Im'.ude many Ger
mans. A dispatch from the Warsaw corre
spondent of the Novoe Vrem.va aajs that
numerous German prisoners are being
continually brought in. One paitv, he
said, included a German general, who had
been sent bv the Kaiser to confer tho
Iron Cross upon his soldier. Many of
the decorations were captured with him.
The correspondent stntes that the Ger
mans have succeeded In getting some of
their artillery near Warsaw and that a
long-range duel .ontlnue.s day and night.
Wherever the Germans advame they dig
deep trenches, this lontraMin,; In marked
manner with the Russian operations, ine
Czar's troops dig only shallow- trenches,
that protect them from frontal attacks,
but are of no advantage to the Germans
If the Russians are compelled to retire.
Vienna Claims Gain In Stubborn
Fighting in Qalicla Also,
VIENNA, Oct 22
It is officially announced that the Rus
sians have been driven from Hungary and
that the Austrian are gaining ground In
Gallcla. The following statement was
issued today
"We have captured, in the Carpathians,
ths JablodM Pass, the last point held
there by the Russians There Is not an
enemy left on Hungarian soil
"In Bukowlna we advanced as far as
the Great Sereth
"We have gained in several spots In a
heavy, stubborn attack on the fortified
positions of the enom from I'totzyn. in
the high road east of Jledyka. while
tho Russian counter-attack could not
penetrate our ranks.
"Our troops have captured the heights
north of Nizanknwlce, which followed the
capture of the villages located against the
heights. In the southern wing the main
battle was waged by artillery. The mod
cm field fortification stem being lib.
erally applied, the battle takes greatly
the character of a fortress war"
Reward Offered for Discovery of
Storage Places for Petrol.
NEW YORK. Oct 22.-Passengers ar
riving here today on tbe Adriatic report
that Great Britain is greatly alarmed over
the discovery that the Germans have
secret bases for their aircraft In Scot
land. They say that posters, displayed In
Scotch towns, offer a reward of VX to any
one who gives information leading to the
discovery of any place In Scotland which
is being used by the Germans for stor
age ef oil and petrol
It was said by these pasengerg that
the Government is in possession of au
thentic information showing that the Gcr-
muni, long before the war was thought
oi ia oui operating oases tor their
aircraft in certain sections of Scotland.
tut that so far It has beer, Impossible
to locate these wttb. any dtae of ccr-
wjutjr. r
Body of Prince Maximilian
of Hesse, Said to Have
Bullet Wounds in Back,
Unburied for Days.
LONDON " t 12
eorrespondent of the Pall News,
writing from Calais, after giving details
of a German attack nt n place and on a
date eliminated by the censor, s.iv s
"In this district some tiodps, upon en
tering n small village held for some davs
by -ho russlnn. came upin tin bnii
of the ro-j ear-old 1'rlnco Maximilian of
Hesse, son of the Knlser's joungist sister
He had been dead for thiee da
and the body was stripped of cvorihii; ,
except a tunic nnd socks. The bod was '
marked with five wounds made .5 ro
voher bullets from behind, nnd the tale
that is whispered In this little pluo is
that he was the vlcl'm of his nvn
"A. rough colfln of deal hoard wis
made for the boy, for he vvmi little mm.
than that, then for three long davs he
lav In his rude open colTln In the out
building of a small farmhouse The b d
has been sent now Into the German
t-0 tZZ3 ' ' , v '-: k '
Cnntlnurd from I'nee One
the plateau to the east of Onnnne,
In the regiun of Soualn, in the At
gonne, at Tour de Paris isouthwest
of Varennesi, In the region of Slelan
court, in the Wqevio legion towards
Champion and at tho southeast of
St. Silhiel."
Wo have advanced slightly In the
Argonne and in the south part ot
tho Woovre region on the Bols de
Cnoliltial repoits sny the Allle3 are
rolling baLk the German line. Thoy have
advanced 13 miles north of I.illo nnd,
for the first timo blnce tho battles in the
north began, they have advanced east of
The losses at this point are very heavy,
but the Germans, It is stated at military
headquarters hero, are losing in tho rati',
of 6 to 1 of the Allies, because of the
fact that they are delivering frontal at
tacks agnin&t positions fully protected
by artillery.
The mllltuo experts here aro verj much
encouraged over tho immediate outlook.
BRRLIN. O't 22.
Capture of the northern France tanal
system, from Arleux to tha olso River,
after hard fighting, is announced here
TJils i3 expected to have immediate ef
fect en the fighting about Lille which
is considered here to be decisive as to
the result ot tho campaign on the west
ern front of the opposing forces in
France and Belgium.
Il was. also stated that every attack
by the Allies on the Germans had ueen
repulsed with heavy iuees to the aa
satlants and (bat the Germans are rn?k
It proves in Belgium, although this
is necessarily slow because of the na
ture of the ground.
The situation In the eastern theatre of
miMju.n nt..1
ttrmili dreadnoughts! uh i mbaid iu
tnr. UeimdU land fnrLf lilona tie H.-1
ia coast and are fortius il i.vu -,
iroops io nunaraw rem tntir t m- ns
undej a rain of shell? This was it
inltted at the Admiralt tin .iffrnon
after unofflcUt reports had "m JSht tie
sam lniormatiou to London Xiom the
i. i jii '..Jl IM m Ik' I'll I1IL I iM'IIIWimw JU1U1L 'MIMI ' J1uIl IL j-Illi iLULJul-J .11II1JMIWImjMI1I1LI1' lWLMi1 Ij JiMLiL J iM il 1 IW. W yf'Mtw: '.g irro aat?.y kj t m is ftASfa
'i ''llil'iii'l 'imi'i' iliii III I Mi'i 1 iIIhi'i 'IP ' 'i'iIi ' "I' 'In In "ii lii yrMMmm
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They dcilare thnt the Gel mans arc pre
paring tu evacuate their positions near
tho Channel, mid there will be no sur
prise if within a short time the enthe
German wing rctlies Inside of the Bel
gian fionllc-r.
An unntlleial report says that the Al
lies are In Roulers. ten miles northeast
of Ypres, nnd tills likewise lacks War
Otlice (.onltrmatlon.
"More thnn W towns nnd villages have
been wiped out or ruined by the flghtlnr,
particular! by the artillery fire. Artil
lery duels have been a stirring featuie
of the hostilities in the extreme north.
In theso long-range tights with heavy
guns many noncombatants have been
Three battalions of German Infantry,
in trying to forre a pass.igo through the
Vosges, enecountered n dtroug detaeh
m nt f French engineers and artillery
that lidrt taken up position during the
nUht The Germans deplojed In order to
sui round the Trench, hut the latter
opened tire with their three-Inch guns and
did teiriblo execution, Tho Germans
stood their ground for a while and then
gave way..
war is said to he unchanged as to any
derisive engageimr t
The announcement of the seizure of
the tanal satem follows.
After violent fighting the Germans
occupied the northern canal system,
reaching from rleu). eix miles
i-outh.southeast of Liouui, for 35 miles
In th direction of the River Olse.
The canal Is now unused and Is en
tirely dry, and the Germans have
turned it Into a fortified position,
which is occupied by strong forces.
The canal has been the object of the
latest fighting, as It is an important
position in this part of the battlefield.
Arleus is only eight miles eakt of
Arras, around whUh, according to re
cent French omclal statements, tierce
fighting has been in progress.
i'oJHesloti of the canal gives the Ger
man right an Important line of Improvised
,i ontimnt tor more than 31 hours At
rtrsi the iuu1 miu against the Uer-
n,an wa ,.,nfirr.i tn Ipstmvera .inrt
moiitu.s yut i -jw ioe battleships havi.
uiu' - d In ttxs fri witn their great guns
Westende. SUne anrj mher vilL-nren
along the v"igi are -being bombarded
The monitors Sevem H iraber arFMer.
ey, jvhlch were brought ftora
Brp hfi' U31 because their light
"BUI diauBl.t enables them to nppionili
are being used because their light
light di aught enables them to nppionili
the shoie with s.lfetv
It is reported that because of the dead
ly accuracy of tho British gunners tho
Germans have been compelled to ubandon
their nttacks on the extremo left of tho
Belgian army at Nluport; that they have
letreatcd to SliddlcUlrke, between Nieu
port and Ostend, from where they are
: . .. .. .. , .. . .i
Lomiiarmiijf .Mupori .. ' .
that the railroad to Ghent has been ,
blown up by the Allies.
Destruction of tho railroad will tlelny
the Germans In bringing up their 16-inch
guns to reply to the lire of tho rltlsh
tleet. It is Mild that two of theso suns
were on the way to the coast when tho
railroad waK destiojed.
Information Is nlso received nero nun
i"""""N " """ -""-" ""..'
thn Allli'H h.le ruOCCUIIIed UlO llelgiail
town of Roulers. but the Germans are at- Ing from the coast. The n.itt e H un
tjcklng them fiercely und the Issue has I decided. Sluny villages nlong tho coast
not set been decided. , "vo been de&troyed. At Ostend. which
For M houifc." tavh a Renter dispatch I is still in the hands of the Ucimans, tho
trim nisterdam "II Rrltls.li waishlps I Tl'ermlnus Hotel Is crowded with
have been bombarding the German troops I wounded,"
TOKIO, Oct. K I LONDON'. Oct. 22
. n- .i-. ... i,, I A illspatch from Venko to the XJve
nopibardment of fslng-lao by neavy lll)g Newa g?s that le nlln Kull.
artillery corps of the navy was opened ' boat Agordat and the destroyer Dardo
today, according to a statement issued, today landed a company of marines at
' ... .... ,,,, ..,. I Avlona, Albania; that the 47th Italian
at the Admiralty this afternoon. ,,,. ,s rea()y , P,nbark fol. AUolia.
Heavy guns from the Japanese battle- , anj tiat telephonic communication -witu
ships have been landed, and it is e- i Rome has been cut off to prevent pub-
...i .v,n viiih these the reduction of
the fortress will be nccompllshed.
Almost all of tho Japanese warships
except those at Tslng-Tao have been de
tailed to search the Pacific for German
cruisers. A number of these nave neen
reported pear Hawaii, and the main Jap-
'. ... rfrnn hna srnne In that ill.
Dispatches received from Paseht) say
the Japanese, in thtir recent raids on the
Cjcrnian Islands in the Soutii Seas, de
stroyed the Qerman military etiulpment.
They seized J3GO.0O) In gold and also am
munition and rifles. Ten olilclaU on
each of the captured islands surrendered
to the Japanese.
The commander of the Hrltlsh China
fleet has cent a message to the Japanese
Naval Minister expressing sympathy at
the loss of the Japanese cruiser Taka
chiho during the operations In Kiao-t'hau
Bay The dispatch was sent In the name
uf ail the officers of the British fleet
The Minister answered with an expres
sion of gratitude on behalf of the
Japanese mayy.
on the coast The uermans endeavored
to approach Nieupurt. which thev bom-
balded, but they weie shelled h.v the
Hiltish ileet. Krenth nitlllery nlso
hnrassed them.
"1'he Germans are now stated to bo ic
trcHtlng nnd entieuchlng themselves mar
SUddlekerke. It is uimoiud nt Ohtend
I, that the Allies sucuideit In blowing up
he liillwn to Ghent. A tniln with Gcr
m!ln unlln,le,l h..M been held in, (since
mi in e.terrin. Mam German wounded
have nrrived at Ostend today.
"Tho Allies Teoccupler Roulers on Tues
day. In the environs nt tho town the
battle was still i.iging yesterday. Jlany
' houses aro burning. .Many citizens have
fled to France and Holland.
Tlio Germans are bombarding Nleuport
ii.i.ii..i. nM. iii .,,..1.
nm .wiuui.-ni-i. ninm '-- n.-,.,-
mmiun u una n
The Italian embassy In London states
thnt it Is unable to confirm or deny thla
report from Venice.
The sending of troops to Avlona Ii
I tab will not In any way alter Italian
neutrality according to a Government
olIlcl.il. who, commenting on the publl
cation thnt Italy had notified the Bovvtrs
" win intervene, nam.
Italy is not nimlng at the ncaulsitlun
of territory. The publication of tho ic
port that It would Intervene to save tin
Interests of Italians and all foreigners m
Avlona was premature. Albanian nt u
trnlity Is lielnij systomatkally vloluud
intervention by Greece may be expect-.1
Garrison Beduced and Plundering Is
Reported in Suburbs.
AMSTKltUAJl Oct -r-Ueports
from thv, border of Holland tu
that cannnnading Is lontinuall) b aid
from the wt-st, were heuv HkMi-j ii
taking plaee
Th n.rni.n CtnPf 1... lr-fl m..it ff
Ci-umuiont. M miles to the south and eat
ef Wettern.
RAI n A pREh (IF R S AM?
Berlin Officials Sny Eastern Poland
la Under Oerinnn Administration.
COPn.VHAGR.V, Oct. '.
The lost remaining Ruj-Mnns Invading
Gnlicl.i after n new dcff.it have fled over
the Gnllclnti frontier back into Russia
according to n dispatch from Berlin, cma
n.itlng from official sources thete.
Tho dispatch nlso dcclaies that Hun
gary Is now cleared of Russians. The
German military administration is now
In operation in Russian roland, having
been established at Soj-novlc, instead of
tho foimer Russian administration.
PHILADELPHIA is a fertile
field for the Electric Vehicle
Manufacturer. Our great
mileage of asphalt paving, in com
bination with practically no heavy
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motor trucks under the most favor
able circumstances with respect to
cost of operation and maintenance.
This Company maintains a fleet of 42
Electric Vehicles because Electric haul
ing is more efficient and economical in
every way than horse-drawn vehicles,
and better on every count for city and
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We can refer you to a number of well-known
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J---lSrS-a-9-' .,.. ., ... kvv
j iiy 1 JffSbdv v naies, estimates my).
-.l ffity&v'fiF&r&l -? and full informa- ftft
ilTifflBlHIl ATWriDHlQ I 4Bl1TirrinvfkMfiiiMVI
f i
If '
Royalist Uprising Designed
to Keep Portugal Out of
Nations' Conflict Man
uel Urges Followers to
Join Allies.
LONDON, Oct 21
A serious situation has developed Is
Portugal as a result of the royalist revo.
lutlonary outbreak, according to late ad.
vices received hero today, A dispatch
from Oporto says:
"Telegraphic and telephonic communl-
cation with Lisbon has been cut. a
number of bombs have been found on
tho railways."
1 A delayed dispatch from a news agency
currcaponuem, hciu iiuiu iisDon TUei-
dny night, says:
"The night (Monday) passed quietly In
tho provinces. There has been no at
tempt at Insurrection except at Braganza.
nnd Mnsra. At the lntter place 150 men
In the Infantry school were arrested, In
the course of the night parties paraded
the streets cheering for the republic and
making hostile, demonstrations outside
the ofllccs of the monarchical news
papers. "The Royalist outbreak at this time
la attributed to a plot to prevent Por
tugal Joining the Allies. Because of this
belief, cx-KIng Manuel has addressed a
j letter to his followers, appealing to the
j Ronllsts to unite with the other parties
'In derense or I'ortugnl.
"I have offered myself unreservedly to
tho King of Knglnnd for any work or
service to the alliance which has existed
between the two countries for six cen
turies," he says In the message to his
New Minister to United States Denies
Friction With Turkey.
WASHINGTON', Oct. 22. "We shall en
tei the war If any mote of the Balkan
.States do, and necessarily we shall go
to war If Servla Is attacked by any other
Balkan States, since we have an alliance
with Seivln. But at present there ap
pears no likelihood that we shall have
to take part In the Kuropenn conflict."
ThH statement was made by Minister
bohllcmann. of Greece. The now envoy,
who have Just taken up his residence In
Washington, freely discussed the Near
Oistern situation.
"We have not mobilized and our nelsh-
1 bors nre quiet," he said. "Greece has
, two lines of troops on Its frontier, It Is
true. These are the men serving their
regular period of military training, how
ever, and their presence on the frontier
ii not a matter of special significance.
"Sly Government has not informed ms
of tho departure of tho Greek Patriarch
from Constantinople, as reported. Be
cause 1 have not been directly notified ot "
so important a matter, and because It
seems Impossible that occasion could have
recently nilsen for trouble between the
Patrlnrch and tho Turkish Government.
I place no credence In the rumors. All
icliitlons between the Patriarch nnd tin
Tuiklsh authorities were broken off nearly
n sear ago."
Exchange Car Department
i.oi'OMOiui.i:. ioi4, ir ii, i. nun ::,oo
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