Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1914, Night Extra, Image 14

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VOL. I KO. J34
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Oak Lane, Germantown, Lo
gan and Olney Visited by
the "Yellow Flying Squad
ron" Speakers.
6uffrnge lenders conducting the whin- j
wind campaign this week It LegMntlve
districts of I'hllndctphlti centred their of- ,
forts today In the extreme northern sec
tion of the city. Oak Lane, at-rmatitown.
Lognn and Olney were vNlled ' the
"Yellow Flying Squadron "
Thousands of circulars were dltrllmted
among crowds gathered about mot ars.
from which the speakers made nndresse
In various sections of the northern mill
Meetings were held tit Wnne .tunrtl.m.
Dobson's Mills, Godfrey and Slenton
streets; Germantown and Cheltcn ave
nues. Church lane and t.ena street, I'hel
ten avenue and Magnolia strict, and nt
the upper end of Knst Wl.ter sticet.
At 5 o'clock addresses were scheduled
for Logan station and .'.th treet nnd
Olney avenue. Tonight a mnss-mcettn
tv-III be held at the Germantown Hoys'
Club, 23 Tenn stteet. Repn sentntlv
Samuel B. Scntt will prelde.
Well-known woman suffrage speakers
were chosen to address th.- uptown inM
Ings today, while worker- who eiiculntcd
cmong the audience' distributing litera
ture and application blanks collected
hundreds of names of pencils who 'iii
nounccd their support In extending the
Tight of franchise to v omen.
The speakers today were Mrs. Scott
bearing, Miss Loulso Hall. Mls t.ad'on
31all, Miss L. Lola Walker, the last three
named being State organizer. Mrs. Pas
chal H. Cogglns. leader of the German
town district; Mrs. Mary Mattock Grei-n-nalt,
Mrs. Frank Hutler. Mrs. Stephen
Decatur Large. Hairy Llcbcrman. the
Itev. E. K. Evans, the Rev. J. l-'heno-wlth,
Miss Dill Hastings, Mrs. Elliott
Vincent, Mrs. W. Bossert. Miss M. Rob
erts. Mrs. George Stradllng, Mrs. Frank
Koblnson and Mrs. P. J. Grcnlng.
Mrs. David Mitchell was In charge of
nnother noon meeting hold at Main and
Levering streets. Moxboroiigh. A meeting
will be held tonight at the WIsnhlckon
A meeting undpr the auspices of the
Equal Franchise Societv was held at the
house of Mrs. Frank Miles Day. Allen's
lane, Mt. Airv. this afternoon.
Mrs. Day, a n .-mbcr of the Advisory
Council of the Equal Franchise Society
nnd vice president of the Pennsvlvanla
Child Labor A'soelntton. one of the most
active suffrage workers In Philadelphia,
was drawn into the -Votes for Women"
campaign by her efforts to obtain good
c-.iild labor legislation After years of
devoted service In the Imprests of the
child worker, Mrs. Day realized that
without th' ballot she was baaly handi
capped In her relorm woik
In opening the meeting. -Mrs. Day said:
"ThusR of us who have believed In nn
tqual franchise for a long time have
the fullest f.iith in its ultimate triumph,
the fullest faith that from the ln'clnl side
our legislators will pass the constitutional
amendment next ear. nnd. from their
Jj.Het In American womanhood, the ovters.
of Pennsylvania will pads the amend
ment next fall.
But we believe also th-it we must not
lt down and keep that faith to our
selves. Wo must proclaim It tj our
world, no matter how mall that world
may be. We believe also that faith In
our cause N not enough, that the voters
of Pennsylvania will not give us the
franchise on that score We must show
them that we understand government
matters our city laws, our State laws,
the need for better laws to prntrct our
children anil our working women, the
health of our cities and the sanitation
of our factories."
Mrs. Wilfred Lewis, president of the
Equal Franchise Society, spoke on "The
Present Legislative situation of Equal
Suffrage in State anil Nation.". Miss
Maudo Bassett Oorhnm. vice president
of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage As
eoclatlon. and preshUnt or the I'ennsl
vanla College Equal Suffrage League,
spoke on "Equal Suffrage and Good Gov
rnment." Mrs. Charles 55. Klauder, who was ono
of the Enual Franchise Society's dele
gates to the convention of the Pennsyl
unn lderntinn of Women's Clubs that
met In Pittsburgh this month, told f '
the new activities of the nmial Franchise
Society In Its headquarters at 35 South i
9th stroet. j
Suffragists are gratified with the result
of their work for the past three days, j
Clean-up Week." as they call It, has so .
far been a decided success. Even- meet
ing lias been well attended, and the en
thusiasm displayed by audiences has been
marked. Yesterday In the Kensington
district the success of the speakers was
quite evident.
On Saturday afternoon, starting at 250
o'clork. meetings will be held at each of
the four entrances to the City Hull court
yard. The following are the bp.-.ikers
North side Mrs. George Wabensmlth,
the Rev. lrlvng Chenoweth. Miss L&dson
Hall, Mis Louise Hall. Miss Sarah
South side Miss Fisher. Ferdinand
Grnser. Miss Lillian Howard, Miss Wal
ker, Albert H Cogglns.
F.ast side Mlsa Ruth Verlenden. Mr.
Cogglns, Miss Ladson Hall, Mrs. Wo.
bensnilth, Miss Howard.
West side Miss Lailrnn Hall. Harry
Llebman. Miss Helen Arny, Mr. Oraser,
Jllis Verlenden.
Four automobiles, flying the suffrage
.tanners, will line up at the entrance,
which will h guarded by details of
Howard Elliott, the head of the New
JJuven lines, was talking in New York
about railroad punctuality,
"Our trains are far more punctual
than they used to Ive." he said. "Old
you ever hear about the Western train
that tied up for the night on account
a storm?
"A drummer on this train this hap.
pened years ago said pleasantly to
the conductor:
"We're going to he late, friend.'
"No,' said the conductor, in surly
tones, 'no. we ain't going to be late,
"But, eatd the drummer. 'I thought
we were going to tie up here for the
So we are' the conductor sneered
So we nre tut that Jsu t going to
jrutKe us life ci aou i run si huso i
ti time as U that. -Washington I
' r r lMwlli t XMi
Addresses Employes at
Cramp's McCormick, in
Speech, Challenges Dr.
Brumbaugh to State Atti
tude Toward Senator.
The declaration that Penrose nnd I'rn
losetsm nre the only Isues bcfoio the
voters of Pennsylvania at this tlmo was
made today at noon to more than lift)
employes of the William K. Cramp Ship
and Engine Building Works by Repre
sentative A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic
candidate for the United States Senate,
and Vance C. McCormick, fusion guber
natorial candidate.
"A vote for Penrose." s.aid Mr. Mc
Cormick, "Is a vote to continue his record
at Washington as a pledge breaker and
a subsidy blackmailer; tho record of one
who gains his ends by coeiclon and
Tho two speakers nre here for tho four
day city campaign of the Democratic
campaign party. They took luncheon at
tho Bollevuc-Stratford following the meet
ing at Cramp's, and will i-pcak at League
Island at I o'clock this nfternoon.
Representative Palmer's attack on Pen
rose and Penioi-uism was, as usual,
straight from tho shoulder. He quoted
Penrose as declaring, at the outset of
his campaign, that th Mexican war and
tho tariff were the two Issues of the
"Both of these aro dead now." said
Mr. Palmer. "The Mexican situation has
been settled through the wise policy of
President Wilson, ami the tariff question
has been settled by the European war.
"If you will cure Pennsylvania you must
cure it at the source by removing Pen
rose." he asld. "You ask why you cannot
get worktngmon's compensation bills, and
the answer Is Penrose. The same thing
applies to child labor and shorter hours
for women."
Both speakers wore Introduced by Rob
ert S. Bright. Democratic candldato for
Congressmnn-at-Iarge. In Intioducing
Mr. Palmer, ho declared him to be a man
who could give to Pennsylvania the repre
sentation at Washington it has not been
given for many years.
Mr. Mct'ormlck repeated his chnllenso
to Dr. Martin O. Brumbaugh, tho Repub
lican gubernatorial candidate, to evpresa
himself as to his attitude on Penroseisn.
He lauded Doctor Brumbaugh as a re
spectable gentleman, but declared Unit
tho former Superintendent of Schools ha 1
been chosen by Penrose because tho latter
realized the people of Pennsylvania want
ed decent lepresentatlnn. He then ox
pressed the opinion that Doctor Brum
baugh. If elected, would not bo able to
dispel the suspicion that he was allied
with Penroselsm.
While Young Man Talks His Accom
plice Takes Clothes and Pearls.
A young man with u pleasing face and a
pair of trousers neatly and lately pressed
talked long and fervently to the house
srgeant of the JJth and Winter streets
station yesterdaj afternoon regarding a
lost pocket case.
He never looked the sergeant In the
eye. but gazed In the direction of a house
across the street. A half hour after his
departure, Mrs. Mary Heed, 'who conducts
a rooming house at 218 North llth street,
directly opposite the police station, re
ported to the sergeant that her house had
beta robbed.
The man with tho pressed trousers Is
now believed by the police to have been
the lookout on the Job. Ha was taking
no chances by standing on the corner
and signaling to hut companion. He went
right up to headquarters and there kept
his eye on the enemy.
William Holton lost his best pult of
clothes by the rue. To make matters
v.orse It had just been dry cleaned and
Anna Morrison complained that she lost
a pearl necklace. It was valued any
where from fW1 up. Rim had left her
room for breakfast before the thief ar
rived. She hid her ncklace In th folds
of a newspaper, Wit the thief discov
ered it.
Ship Railroad Ties to Egypt
SAN KBANlIStu. Oct 22 The Bn'
ish steamship Orange River has bcn
chartered b Thane & i u Vj carry a.
cargo f railroad ties and lumber fron
Puget Sound poits lo Po i Suedan, KgjH,
a very unusual charter to be made on
the Paclflc coast.
The Democratic candidate for the United States Senate is here seen in
action at the great shipbuilding plant.
Famous Evangelist Who
Converted 150,000 in
Pennsylvania, Says Candi
date "Stands Four-square
for Righteousness."
The Brumbaugh Citizens' Committee to
day ninde public a letter written by
"Billy" Sunday, famous! evangelist and
te-inpeianco advocate, before the primary
election, In which Mr. Sunday pays a
warm tribute to Doctor Brumbaugh's
chnracter, record and devotion to tho
Mr. Sunday's Indorsement of Doctor
Brumbaugh Is considered of great Import
ance hy politicians nccaiiBe 01 me raci
that Mr. Sunday has made no less than
lM.OoO convcts In this State, all of whom
trust Implicitly In the evangelist's Judg
ment. I The following Is the letter. It was dated
1 from Huntington, W. Vn., May 7:
' "Dear Sir:
I "I thank you for yours of the 5th Inst.
j with tho Inclosure of clipping from Pru-
Mr Ledger of May l I am quite familiar
with the splendid work of Doctor Brum
baugh and his attitude toward the Church
and Its work, and It is most gratifying
to tlnd n man at the head of tho public
schools of a city like Philadelphia who
stands four square for righteousness.
"Very trulv yours,
Charges Against Them Heard by
Board of Inquiry.
The cases of four policemen today
we-re submitted to Director Porter after
they had been heard before the Police
Board of Inquiry. Pollreman Patrick
Kirby, of the 55th and Pine streets sta
tion, was charged with conduct unbe
coming an olllcer. It was testified that
after an argument over the world's cham
pionship baseball series he engaged In
a fight with Policeman McMullen, of
the llth and Winter streets station, -who
had been detnllcd to arrest him. Both
men wero In plain clothes and neither
knew the other was a policeman.
Policemen William Nagel and Henry
Bfecht, of the Frunt and Westmoreland
streeta station, were charged by Mrs.
John Moore. 2341 Howard street, with
entering her house and drinking two
quarts of milk. They said they thought
the house was vacant and went Into It
to arrest a man.
Policeman Hugh McFadden, of the 20th
and Buttonwood streets station, charged
with neglecting his beat, was warned by
Captain Tempest, who presided, to mend
his ways.
Italian Venders, Disputing Stand,
Proceed to "Roast" Each Other.
Two Italians who Bold chestnuts near
a vaudeville theatre on Oirard avenue
today got Into a quarrel as to which had
the right tu the stand. The space was
only about three feet square, but neither
of the venders would move an Inch. In
the quarrel they didn't confine the roast
ing to chestnuts and tame to blows.
There was an upheaval In the chestnut
market until Policeman Geyser arrived.
He took the men to the Front and
Master streets station, where the prison
ers gave their names as Tom Johns and
illlam Sims, 1153 Cadwalader street.
Magistrate Scott made them declare for
pace. but as Sims seemed tu be more
in the wrong b; waa ned ITW. He found
this small amu-t v Ith, mueli dltfkultj
after UlSb'i'ig through a bag of Aank
Inmates of Home Start Out
Bareback for New York.
r Pursuers Trail Them in an
Three 14-ycar-old boys, who started
out from the Seyhert Homo nt Ablngton
for New York riding two stolen horses
bareback, gavo their pursuers a wild 15
inlle chase before they were captured.
They will be turned over to the Juvenile
Court here today by the Ablngton au
thorities. Tho lads are David Jackson, Dillon
Laudemnn and 13. Van Fossen. They
were sent from the House of Detention
to the Keybert Home, nn Institution
founded for waywnrd bojs by a philan
thropic I'hlladelphlan. Their behavior at
the home had been good, but when the
vigilance of guards relaxed they deter
mined to go to New York.
The boys took two fast carriage horses
from the stahle of the Institution. They
trie .1 to steal a third, but tho animal
kicked too viciously. Jackson mounted
one hoise and tho two other boys rode
the ethei.
Some time later Superintendent Lock
wood mlifed the animals and notified the
Aolnston police that horse thieves had
lslted tho Institution. He did not miss
tho bfys As Policeman Messer was
starting" out to hunt the thieves he met
Howard Nice, an automobile salesman,
wht offered him the use of a powerful
touring car.
Messer and Nice drove at high speed
to Somerton, six miles from the institu
tion, before they got a clue. There they
learned that three lads had passed
throush the place riding bareback, and
the chase was continued. At Langhorne.
four rrlles north, the bluecoat saw the
boys. They were driving the animals at
a r.allop.
When the boys heard the sound of the
nutomobile behind them they turned
through the first opening In the fence and
started across a Meld. The automobile
followed and was rapidly overhauling
the hnvs, when Nice tried to drive the
machine over a five-foot bank and the
cni 'tailed
Meser and Nice then started after the
boys on foot nnd chased them across
ftebls and meadows for fully a mllu be
fore the lads were cornered at a barbed
wire fence.
Bluejacket Loses $65 and Accuses
Woman Companion of Theft.
John G. Hawkins, first-class seaman
of the United States navy and chop suey
epicure, dropped J5 last night. lie
either dropped it or Florence Massey, a
young woman, has it.
Miss Florence was arrested and held
under JVXl ball for a further hearing.
She admitted that she ate chop euey
with Hawkins last right at 919 Itaco
street, but said she did not see the $5f.
She said that at Arse she was In doubt
whether First-Class Seaman Hawkins
had 30 cents to appease the waiter. She
was surprised to learn that he had $
and had lost It. She said that he did
not act like a man who carried 166 with
out talking about it.
Hawkins told the magistrate that he
had VA when he met Florence. She
wanted something; to eat, so they went
to Chinatown He looked over the prices
on the bill of fare and then ordered for
two. Florence wanted chop auey with
chicken "extra, which Is 75 cents an
crder Mr Hawkins e we the order and
a. few minutes later missed his savlnis
cf two months.
-TO COST $6,000,000
Director Harte Describes His
Plan to Substitute Up-to-date
Structure Gradually
for Old Buildings.
Plans for a now Philadelphia General
Hospital to cost 6,rOO,000, to replace grad
ually the time-worn, ramshackle struc
tures of "Blockley," In West Philadelphia,
have been evolved by Dr. B. II. Harte,
Director of the Department of Health nnd
The beginning of the gradual replace
ment of the antique Blockley buildings
will be made when tho Jl.OOO.roo Item from
tho proposed $11,300,000 municipal loan be
comes available.
The ultimate plan of Doctor Harte Is
to erect a great municipal hoHpltul of
2000 beds at an approximate cost of $3000
per bed.
Mayor Blankenburg was advised todny
by Director Harto by letter of the pio
Ject by which the transfotmntlon will bo
effected at tho municipal Institution.
t'nder ills broad, compiehcnslve plnn.
Dorter Harte will utilize for humani
tarian purposes the entire tract of 17
ncres at 31th and Tine streets, where tho
long-condemned Blockley now stands.
Culmination of tho project to establish
on tho Blockloy site a modem, thor
oughly equipped municipal hospital, in
accordance with pir&unt day standards.
Doctor Harte polnth out, can bo ac
complished step by step without Inter
fering with the present handicapped
methods of caring for the city's sick,
poor and Insane under the indiscriminate
and congested housing condition that
now exist.
D.ictor Harte has for months been
studying plnn for the complete recon
struction of tho West Philadelphia in
Ktitutlon. He has accepted tho state
ment of Councils that they stand com
mitted to the betterment of conditions
under which the sick of the city shall be
ti rated and will put the project squarely
up to the legMntlvo bodies.
One after another tho decrepit Block
ley buildings will In, torn down, to be
replaced in turn by tho separate units
of the Jfi.non.noo composite structure that
will ultimately bring Philadelphia to the
forefront of cities In the care of Its
Architectural plans for the final struc
ture have already been roughly drawn
by Philip H. Johnson, under tho dlrcc
tion of Doctor Unite.
The administration building of the new
hospital will front on 31th street beside
the Museum buildings of the University
of Pennsylvania. It will replace the
present old structuro which overlooks the
tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
In tho administration building will he
the c.Necutive nnd clerical forces and
a staff of between CO and 70 physicians.
At the rear of the administration build
ing will be grouped the separate ward
buildings, each devoted exclusively to
the treatment of designated diseases, wllh
e-vcry branch of medhino and surgery
separately, housed.
A building at the centre of the group
of ward units will bo devoted to surgical
work and for special treatment of pa
tients. A lecture hall will uUo be located
In the cential building.
The ward buildings will he three
stories high and upon each will be a
roof garden and open-air convalescent
space, to segregate the convalescents
suffering from each disease and prevent
their mingling with tho convalescents In
the hospital grounds as at present.
Other contemplated buildings are a
dormitory, n house for nurses, store
house, children's section and power
"We nre now stnrtlng on a new defi
nite policy In th ereectlon of a general
hospital," said Doctor Harte today.
"The project, which will be of ijrcat ad
vantage to Philadelphia, Is based. on com
prehensive plans showing what ought to
be done. We will proceed with the levv
of reaching a definite object a great
medical Institution, modern and advanced
Ir architectural advantages, that will be
the equal, and I hope the superior of
any similar Institution In the world "
Doctor Harte pointed out that the new
hospital will be for the benefit of the
sick and Injured exclusively. The in
digent, now nt Blockley. will be removed
to Holmesburg. and the Insane will be
hcused In the new Home for Fetble
Minded nt Hy berry.
Tubercular" sufferers will be treated In
a separate Isolated building h'urfercrs
from contagious diseases will he treaiid
at the Municipal Hospital, at 2d and
Luzerne ttreets.
Andrew 8. petner. 1855 Cambridge felreet,
Frankford, who was held up and shot by
highwaymen October 12, was discharged
from the Frankford Hospital today The
thieves rtlleved Petner of 26ijO, ownd
bv the Pulaski Building and Loan Ahso-
cl.itt"n. of wbl'ii h'i Is treasure He was t
m n't iur-..jKu mo uu?me:i ana ior & timn'
fwas thought tint he could not recover. "
Good to Prisoner With Same Appela
Hlon Until Third Appearance.
John Hnggorty, lPth and South streets,
wns held tinder 1300 ball today for a
further hearing by Magistrate Haggerty.
nt the Uth and Pine streets station house.
Haggerty Is accused of stealing $1S from
Joseph Connors. Connors waB too busy
to appfnr nt the hearing this morning.
He sent word ho was engaged making up
the $18 nnd would be around to proscute
In the near future.
HciRtrcrty, wiio Is n Negro, ndmltted to
the Magistrate IiIh name was one he had
cornlled and made his own because it
i belonged to people who were fearless and
good. He frll off a dock when n boy.
He went overboard without a name.
hen he came to the surface, ft Hng-
i gerty had him by the coat collar. Ho
I thanked his rescuer and took his name,
along with a quarter for breakfast.
When h.j faced Magistrate Haggerty
twice before his iinmo proved a lucky one
nnd ho left the station with "enough
money to buy nn order of Flench fried
potntocs and scrapple guarded by two
hot "degs."
Luck turned this morning nnd Hng
gorty, dcspllo his name, went to Jail.
Vessels Mny Suffer Fate of American
Steamer Taken by British.
Englnnd's seizure of the American
steamship John D. Rockefeller because
the vessel was carrying oil from this city
for Scandinavian ports, ."which might
eventually find Its wny into the tanks of
Zeppelins," has aroused speculation
among shipping men hero of the prob
able fate of the half dozen steamships
loading or to load similar cargoes at
this port.
Tho Danish Bteamslilp Polstad, which
sailed for Copenhagen last week, had on
hoard 915,1 IS gallons of oil. The Bcllta.
Brighton nnd Nnrvlk arc preparing to
depart for Scandinavian ports with about
3ii,l00 barrels of petroleum products. Ship
ments of oil from this port aroused the
suspicion of tho British Government as
to the ultimate destination of the car
goes. It wns contended that the barrols
were easily hnndled In transhipment and
could be loaded on n freight car or a
Baltic steamship for German cities.
The John D. Rockefeller, when captur
ed, wns on her maiden voyage. She was
completed last month for the Standnrd
Oil Company by tho Newport News Ship
and Engine Building Company. She sail
ed from this port on September 21 for
Copenhagen wllh 3,323,536 gnllolis of oil,
valued at $167,600.65.
Jnckson Comes Downstairs to Pro
test nnd is Fnced With Warrant.
Hodge nnd Callahan did n song and
dan co In front of the house of Richard
W. Jackson, D2U Knox street, nt 5 o'clock
this morning. Jackson docs not object
to music with his meals, but he does not
care" so much about having music with
his sleep. Ho was sure It wns the milk
man, so he ran dowm-tnlis In his pajamas
to express hln opinion of the concert.
Then he saw Hodge and Callahan, not
a vaudeville team, hut unassuming de
tectives from City Hall. When Jnckson
complained they piesented him with a
warrant, charging him with obtaining
monoy under false pretenses. It was
sworn out bv John L. Shriek, who con
tends that Jnckson was connected with
tho disappearance of $150, Involving tho
nffalrs of a correspondence achool. Jack
son will have a hearing before Magis
trate ltcnshaw.
Watchman Apprehends Negro Sought
As Robbery Suspect.
A piivnte wntchinan who did what tho
police of various West Philadelphia sta
tions have failed to do In capturing Jo
soph Jnikson, a Negro, of Lombard
street near Sth, accused of several rob
beries, was commended today by Magls
tinto Harris at the 32d street and Wood
land nvenuo station.
The watchman Is Walter Nelson, of HH
South ISth street. He caught Jackson
near 57th street and Thomas avenue as
the man was trying to opi n the door of
a house, he declares. Jackson was held
without ball for a further hearing Oc
tober 23.
"The work of this watchman should be
called to the attention of Director Por
ter," said Magistrate Harris. "This man
hns been operating In the neighborhood
of South 5Sth stteet for weeks and the
police have been unable to capture him."
Man Who Slept on Knives and Forks
Arrested for Theft.
A fondness for sleeping with tdlvcr
foikB under his mattress led to the ar
rei.t of Joseph Gorman, 34 years old.
tier ma ii was held In $500 ball for court
by Magistrate Morris in the 26th and
York streets police station, this morn
ing. Several days ago Gorman obtained a
position as a waiter In the restaurant of
Georgo C. Franklin, HV5 Cumberland
stieet. He occupied a room at that ad
dress and yesterday morning when a
maid was preparing Gorman's room, she
discovered a collection of knives and
forks under the mattress. The maid noti
fied her employer nnd the arrest of Gor
man followed.
Jack London, preparing to embark
on another crulso around the world,
told in Santa Barbara of the strango
experiences of his Inst cruise.
"But we had no such hairbreadth
escapes as that of a missionary we
met In Samoa," he said. "This good
fellow was preaching In one of the
islands in which cannibalism is prac
ticed. While trying vainly to make
converts he was captured by a can
nibal king. To his surprise he was
immediately released. His release,
however, was made on the condition
that he carry a small sealed packet
to a neighboring king.
"The missionary was so grateful
that, meeting unexpectedly a detach
ment of Kngllsli sailors, he refused to
accompany them to safer territory. The
seal packet from his benefactor would
be delivered, as he had promised. Hut
an ottleer, in the midst of the decision
opened the packet. '
"Therein, beside a number of pun-
cent little nninnu waa n lc,.
(.... --"-- ..--., .., M .cue eon-
talning these simple but nlfnitin,,t
"'Ho will be delicious with these!'"
Christian Observer,
Noted Physicians Offer
Their Services as Surgeons !
to the British Government "
and Its Allies.
Medical men are discussing with great
Interest today the notion of Dr. J. William
White nnd Dr. It. Talt McKenzle, of the
University of Pennsylvania, who have vol
unteered their professional services to th
British Government and its Allies on th
field of battle.
Both men were actuated by a belief In
the Justness of tho cause they wish to
serve. Doctor MeKenaio Is British born.
Doctor White holds a degree from Aber
deen University.
Tho former Is wldclv known ns a
physician, sculptor and expert on physical
training, whllo tho latter Is one of the
most famous surgeons In America.
Doctor White has always taken a great
interest In athletics at the University of
Pennsylvania. It wns at his town house,
1810 South nittenhouso square, that final
and positive arrangements for tho Army
and Navy game In this city at Franklin
Field on November 28 were made last
"I believe the cause of tho Allies Is
both just and right," Doctor White said
today, "and for this reason I wrote to
my old friend. Dr. Sir William Osier, now
connected with Oxford University, and
told him If I could be of professional
service to command mc. I have not heard
fiom him ns yet, but I hope soon to re
coivn word."
Doctor McICenzle said a love for tha
country which gave him birth and a con
sequent and natural belief In tho Justness,
of her fight had Induced him to volun
teer his services at tho front. Ho vas
loth to discuss his action today, saying
what he did was only right, and similar
action wns dally being taken by hundreds
of other men. Ho has not yet received
orders to leave for England, ho said
Tho great and continued successes that
have followed both Doctor White and
Doctor McKenile In their professional
work have not prevented cither from
keeping at top-notch physical condition
by adherence to the outdoor and ath
letic pursuits In which both have been
lifelong enthusiasts.
For many seasons after he gave up
personal participation In the more vigor
ous athletic sports. Doctor White was one
Of the most lirnTTilnAnt nnwni,.. ,.. i..
' ,-..... ..v... , fv, runs i ug
seen on the side lines nt every football -
sumo piuyca on .wie university of Penn
sylvania gridiron; and Doctor McKenzle,
as a sculptor, owes much of his fame to
tho vigor, strength nnd physical perfec
tion sot forth In his bronze, "The On
slaught," which is a group of football
Doctor White Is 61 years old, but looks
many years younger. He held four dif
ferent professorships In tho University
of Pennsylvania, nnd Is now emcitus
professor of surgery there nnd a tr.istte
of the Institution. Ho also Is consulting
surgeon nt the Philadelphia and Jewish
Hospitals, and advisory surgeon of the
Pennsylvania ltallroad.
Doctor McKenzle, physician, lecturer
and author, is as well known ns a
sculptor. He has specialized In the study
and teaching of physical training, and
Is now the director of that department
In tho University of Pennsylvania.
Unconscious on Bed With Gns Tube
, in Mouth.
A two-year-old daughter of Gabriel
Kathler. 310 North American street, went
upstnlrs today to call her father for
breakfast and found him unconscious on
tho bed with one end of a gas tube In
his mouth. Kathler Is -13 years old. He
is In the Hahnemann Hospital In a critical
Mrs. Kathler said today her husband
had been despondent because he could find
no work. He threatened several times to
end his life, neighbors declare.
While his wife was preparing breakfast
and the children played with their tos,
Kathler went to his room and placed In
his mouth one end of a tube, the other
being attached to a gas Jet.
Physicians at the hospital, who worked
over the man for several hours with a
pulmotor, say he has not much chance
of recovery.
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania Fair and
slightly cooler tonight; Friday fall, gen
tle to moderate north to northeast winds
For New Jersey Fair tonight and Fri
day. The eastern area of high barometer has
Increased In size and energy duilng tho
last 21 hours. The crest has shifted fruni
West Virginia to a position north of Lake
Huron and the area overspreads pr.u -tlcally
all of the country east of the
Itocky Mountains. Fair weather, with
very little cloudiness, prevails through
out all of that vast region, while light
rains have covered most of the Rocky
Mountains and a large portion of the
plateau region. The temperatures have
risen In the north Atlantic and New L'nw
land States and over all of the Missouri
basin and western Canada, and are luvvi-r
west of the Bockies.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Otsenatlons ma-Jo at s a. m. Kantvrn ume.
Ul lljln- Ycloi
SUtlon. S a.m. n't fdll.VMuJ. Il U.atir
ADiitnf. Texas, ui tu .e. Ml, e iiuua
Atlantic Clt). . Il Til .. N G lieai
Illni4n.k. N. D. .'it 51 . . SK H i'.luuiy
lluilon. Muss... ca IU .. NW Jli f-lr.tr
Hurtnlo. N. V... K! .12 .. NK II Kou
i'liUao. III.... IK U2 .. N'K 8 t Kur
'"leUn.l. O. .. M M . . S it e'lctr
t'tmer. Col. M Hi .01 N t rloudr
iHs Molnw. U.. t ou .. 3K 4 Clr.ir
LMtrolt. Mich . S MJ .. NK IS Hear
Duluth. Minn... it JS Nil l iloudy
OaUoton, Tex. VJ T2 .2 K HI JUm
llaiteras. N. C. rw tin .. NK X I ! u y
Helena, Moat. 41 41 .. W 4 i'iuud
Huron. S. Dak. 5 It . 8E Ji! v I' u.ly
Jacksonville ... Gil 01 . . N 8 Clear
Kn. City. Mo. tt! 62 .01 SK l I' .luit
UmUville. Ky.. M SO . N 12 v le-ar
Memphis. Tcnn. 60 U) .. S 0 Clear
New Orleane... S (W .. NE XO Clrar
New York. .... 64 U2 .. N 14 Clear
N. Platte, Neb. 10 Sfl .Oil Bl) in e Iwly
Okluhuiiia. Okla. 02 B2 42 SK 12 C Inu-ir
Philadelphia .. j U) . N 8 Clear
J'hoenlx, ArU . I 32 .28 N 4 Clear
l-ituburgb, l'a. SO b Sb 4 F'SK)
Portland. Me M OS .. N 20 CUar
Portland. Or 4 41 NW 1 tin
Quebec, Can 42 40 NW 10 C er
St Huu. Mo 0 14) K 0 I ar
81 Paul, Minn ft) flfl S P I' ' "T
Salt lake, I tah 4S 44 S 8 Clear
Kan Itanrlaco W 60 SI 4 ll'i-
Seranl n. I'd M ri , Nil 8 I . ier
TaBiia 68 tw Nil 8 P ' "t
vv aMr;oi - .M ;l ,. ulm F' .
WUinipe K 43 ,. Si) 10 ClouAr
- ti . - Tliniitii '--"inn ' iff-T-M