Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    a ' ."V'jm W
JsJoW Range at Highest
Record Since Issue Was
Put Out Short-term Se
curities Are Wanted.
Developments In the larger affairs In
whlclt the fltmnclal ami commercial
worlds nre concerned were of ft decidedly
favorable character today. New Yoik
city ont-car notes sold nt 100?i, on a B
per cent bails, while the now threo
jenr bonds were In demand at 1034, ft
4 7 per cent, basis
These Issues are now ranging at their
highest record, with the advance due
wholly to private Investment buying,
similar buylnir has been effective In ah-
sorbin short-term notes, of which there
Js now no pressing; BUpply.
There Is a fairly good Investment de
mand for dish-class railroad bonds, but
the market for ineso issues is dependent
upon the attitude of the Interstate Conv
mercc Commission to such an extent that
It Is not expected Rood financial condi
tions will be reflected In their prices
tnlll the rutin? on the new rate appli
cation shall bo made.
Time money Is offered In New York nt
( per cent, for 93 dajs, but banks are
pot In the market as lenders of call
Quoted call money rates ato purely
nominal and the rates established tho
first week of August still prevail Ben
trail The committee of five of the New York
Stock UxchaiiEO Is continuing considera
tion of a reduction of minimum selling
prices from the closing llgures of July 30,
and assumption Is becoming stronger that
this expected action is preparatory to
the announcement of a fixed date for re
opening the Stock Exchange.
In some quarters which should be well
Informed the Idea prevail that nn an
nouncement will bo mnde at the end of
the month, and fliat two week's' notice wilt
be given before open trading shall be
Sterling exchange, after the recent sharp
decline, was quieter today with demand
Iterllng soiling at 4.53 and cables at 4 !",
A Stock Exchange membership sold to
day for 131,000, the first transfer sines
August 27 Immediately preceding sales
were made at 12,000, making today's
transfer show a decline of JS00O In the
price nf Stock Exchango memberships.
The minimum rnte of discount of the
Bank of 'England remained unchanged
today at 5 per cent.
Albcrln, Canada, will ralso a, loan of
t3.nOO.ono upon the credit of the general
revenue fund of the province for ft term
of CO years, at about , per cent.
The total amount of emergency cur
rency Issued to Tuesday of this week
for the entire country was $30,913,110.
Virtually all of tho currency now being
Issued Is being sent to Southern banks.
Figures compiled at the New Yoik
Custom House, giving tho exports of
wheat, wheat-flour, corn, sugar, oats, rye
and rlco from Octobor 11 to 20 Inclusive,
show a continuance of large shipments
of wheat to the Netherlands and Den
mark and large exports of refined sugar
to England and Scotland. In the 10
d.lja' period. 4J5.35D bushels nf oats were
sh'ppeil to Dolglum and 131,000 bushels of
rje to Norway.
The New York subtreasury gained $3,
211 COO from banks yesterday, making the
cash net gain since Trlday, $2,345,000.
bhlpnicnts of coal and coke over the
lines of the Pennsylvania Itailroad east
nf Pittsburgh and Erie, for September,
amounted to 6,021.211 tons, n decrease of
295.1M tons compared with the same month
of last year From January 1 to Sep
tember 30 tho shipments aggregated 51.
KMI5 tons, a decrease of 1,132,110 tons as
compared with the same period last year.
fiult was brought In Milwaukee hv the
Central Trust Company, of New York, to
foreclose a 1U.7S9.0OO mortran hl,i
sralnst ttiA TrA vTn.nnat,A T?nit.nn.i
Company, uhlph l nlnlr.i rrm i.
ferln with or disposing of Its property
In Wisconsin. Tho complaint asks for
the appointment of receivers and the sale
of the mortgaged property In Milwaukee.
The Hankers' Trust Company, of N'ew
ork, Scott Brown nnd tho American
llrako Shoe nnd Foundry Company nro
named as co-defendants.
Tor E50 tons of steel to be used in the
construction of flvo new bridges, the
Jennsylvnnla Hnllrnad has awarded con
tracts about equally proportioned between
the MrCilntic-Marshall Company, the
Jort I'ltt and tho Phoenix Hildge Works.
The Krle has put Into effect a new svs
tun providing for a. mental and physical
examination of all new men employed for
train and engine service, which It Is con
nclently felt will keep out Incompetents
nnd permit also of the weeding out of
those who provo Inefficient.
r ,,. ' ,-,y ,; rcoaVt Vin;. K
a. ei.ee II (,,rk, 3d. nnd I'rnnk SIM-
In.M . f,0,n SIlr',S'". "hero they In
win, ,L publlc utll" Properties adUlated
T. i. . ' 0,nionvvecith I'ovver Hallway
end Light Company
Jn'e p"clnc I'lshta"nd Power Corpora.
,'i lch "PPllf power for the I.03
cm. ' S.,reet Hallway llnrb. reports
i,,2 , tar"lnss for the seven months end
,h!.,7 " ol l,6CO.ooo, the net earnings
snowing a ii,t.reeM r o.oik) or over
tT.ri , fnt- ns compared with a similar
period lam year.
l.Ti!l Su'J"slle KlrTtiic Company, a sub
!'SI) "r he Ametlcan Oas and Kleitric
l"iiii. " llas aPPe'' to the t)luo Public
"" commission for authorlratlon to
Co, e L1'0 nnesvllle Oas and Illoctrlo
tiw?n for I8-on' nnd the Belmont Klec
u,t ' ompany foi fSuOO
IV0!3? 'a,rnl"s ollhe Von Worth Power
I7Uj J-on'Pany fo. September were
cent ' a!' lncrfaso 'f 'S.fil. ot 31 per
IWs '. far'"R wore HI.067. a gain of
-w. ami imonie utter charges was 31
rdrt I n ot iiai Fo " 2 months
werl i.P.vt",br IW R'0' Mining
or ju ,vtio- an Improvement of JSU.OmS,
g pei cent Kxpwises and taxia weie
sttonni"1 and net earnlnga
9fT," ,0 ,,W"'7 -'Pard with nt
lnt.--A K l: ,n(,"h The balance after
r-efe. l'ar3, a'"1 dlviamos en the
The riorlda Central has been finally
fisposed or. the buyer of the property'
'hig the tlantlc Const Line and the
vminr (Jill 5 ' film hsMAo r.
City Council of York, Pn Agree to
Eliminate Competition.
Competition between electric ionir
eompinlcs will bo ended Hi York, Pa,
when the proposed merger of the Mer
chants' and Edison corporations Is con
summated The City Council has given consent to
the merger and the Edison Company has
taken the matter before the State Public
Service Commission to obtain n certillcnto
of approval
The Merchants' Company will forfeit ft
e50OO bond to the city, this being ono nf
the provisions in Its chatter. For year.)
these two companies have hern rivals In
York and vicinity. The field Is now con
trolled by the Kdlson Company.
Federal Reserve Directors
Declare Entire Country,
Except South, Is, Showing
Marked Progress Toward
Business and banking conditions In all
sections of tho country, with the excep
tion of tho South, where the cotton situa
tion Is causing concern, are very much
Improved. This is tho opinion of directors
of the 12 new Federal reserve banks. It
was expressed to Charles J. Ilhoads,
governor of the Federal Reserve Hank of
Philadelphia, at the conference held In
Washington between the Federal He
serve Hoard and the directors of the new
bnnks on plans for the opening and
operation of the Institutions. Mr. Ithonds
and Illchard L. Austin, Fedcial reserve
agent ami chairman of the board of di
rectors of the local bank, ictumcd to the
city today.
"Tho general opinion of the men with
whom I talked," said Mr. Ilhoads, "was
that the worst conditions aro over and
from now on things will Improve. Di
rectors from tho South said that the
Inability to market tho cotton ciop was
causing the most concern there, but they
were hopeful Delegates to the confer
ence from other sections of tho country
salt1 that the situation was much im
proved In their locality.
"Tho attendance at tho conference was
good. From the San Francisco bank the
whole board of nine members was
present. As soon as the conference be
gan, committees were formed to take up
variouj mattc.-s and in very short order
the committees made their reports. The
concensus of opinion of tho directors
prrsent was that the banks should open
about Novombci 30. but no definite date
was decided upon."
Tho matter of the payment of the first
subscription of tho member banks to the
stock of tho Federal reserve banks was
not taken up, said Mr. Ilhoads, but It
was felt that tho call would bo Issued by
the Federal Iicscrve Board, which has
Jurisdiction over the matter, for payment
on November 2.
A meeting of tho directors of tho Fed
eral Ileservo Bank of Philadelphia will
be held some time next week In tho tem
potary offices of the new Institution In
the Lafayette Building. This will be the
second meeting that has been held. The
flrit meeting wnn only for organization
Tho question of a homo for the bank
will come up and mny be decided at that
meeting Mr. Ilhoads said today that
It was very- unlikely that nny thing with
regard to a site would be done until the
meeting. Mr. nhouda and Mr. Austin,
who were named by the committee which
has charge of looking for a home fot the
hank, to get additional facts on sites
mentioned, will make their report at tho
uici'iHiK ii it very iiKeiy mat tne ques
tlon of the clerical force of tholi.ini. .iti
also come up There nre now on (lie more I
than 200 applications for positions.
a , , . , "1' Deircase
Sept total, oper. rev.... ft,ni.'..R27 'Jai .US
Vet I.LTiO.ssii ,",i"nr,i
fi'wrntlng Iikotoo . ,. l,iio,tviT "(! 17T
1 urea mo?. 101, oner, rev n.i'iivj .t ltn i-
a.lTO.'jtl RL770
Opentlng Income
101,758 I
Secon.1 week October .. . $TSJ.!'I il3 171
From July 1 .IW.OOI imiajs
.ept. epcr rev. ... SR,TR!,.i:iJ J5!'.7H
.". ,. ... -,i.n 1.11
Thrco men. orcr. rov. SS (r.t) ,l(iii
Nit 7, 1. 17, 1HS
Holllng-r Ucild Mines. Llmlteil, resular
nionini I prr cent, payable Nocmb-r 4 to
.......... -.-. .-...., kiil ivkuiai .
8l?f.KK.nr atloUr'"! .'ompany. reBu,ar
quartern '-' wr cent , piyablo .Novcnibor to
itcvck of rcrnnl Ottobt-r St.
National Lead t'nmpanj. romlar quarterly
cliM- Nmemlwr 20 reopen Nov i inher L'S.
, " --"-. ,........ K.i.lllUH .... ,KTUtt0
.NurtJUv anil Western, rei.ul-vr iiiidrtrrly i.
rrr inn on common, payable ilaitmber In
to stmk uf reiord .Sov ember .'to
I'ammirclal Trust iomi.tii), rexular quarter
ly I per itnt. n capltul bioi k nayablo No
vimber S to stotk of record October l
Olvlng ns n lenson the uncertain finan
cial condltlom now prevailing ns .1 result
of the Kuropenn war. the directors of
the .1 0. Urill (,'mpany cut the tpuarterlv
dividend on the preferred stock to 1 per
tent., n i eduction of of 1 pet tent,
payable November 2 to slock of record
rOctobr !6 An otrlcer of tho company
said that it was deemed wlbn to I educe,
the dividend and thereby conserve the
company's resources
i mi .viMi, wii ... Hill..! net eipis, i:ii,.
nou Slarliets ilk- lilfher illr.l and I
hull hem fUH16r7Tll. fi,i.l hn. 7 "-.f.J
-llfltiS- ItPielnta, Sil,.
tm ",.. !,... .-.,,. ii i'.'u. ' iVIT .
J iarUPnl
O 111 uln. l.tg an.sl ft.rn.lmrm fllif,7tl mAn- I 1suI..kn I.. 11' t. t. . . " t
T7oo: ca.Te, V 11 .SHKK1.-H.": i n'a'netVc chart" for the hnllt ir'-"!'
ieplt, 21 OUO Markets, steady Native and . .?" ,c tt"aIS 'Dr u' benefit of navl
iiuiirn. iu.ir.iQT. iambi. 3 noiaT is gallon and of science
NEW YOBK BUTTER AND EGGS s,r3tt"a hla theories of tlie magnetic cur
..,., ...,. ,, , ., ,, ,, , rents of the earth and oceans by experl
stVad; m ftrirl ncelpT. nif"va."uB"n'am' ",en,s P"""foimed with tho paitkular In
ir extra Ui. . hlglier . jrln. t2i,i . su . fctrument used in obKervatlon on the Car
Unlry u06u'c . Imitation ir.aniery. 21Visi negle. and Illustrated his lecture with a
Eks Market stead, . leiemu . caw I 'u"ll,', of old as well as new iharu of
Kresti extra, firsts. .:0i i-V . freali. flrWs, 2TP
Ov- nearby, whites li4f .Ji nearby, mixed.
iiSfl.TSo. . rpeclal iiiarkt. 2l,:'.-c.
Dank ilearll'KD today loniparfd vvitli the
currespoamns any in ine ust two years
i-hiia J-!3 ul in is.,,7.K.s rr OA0 5.'t
Dostoa . J3.471I.7.-.1 2-..411 :,7l '.2V.67
CINCINNATI CM & -Miller liusciiia.
manager of the Cardinals, announced to-
day that t.oC.,dlal manaKemn. w .m
niaao a. i-&i I'tfiiv t'i rciuin i-oi i'a- v
rltt pltrlier, who Jumped to the PI'ts,
burgh Federals, aud Ivy Wing . n- h. -, '
who ha hurdlta tQ the Buffalo tfwj-nu,
Chicago Estimates of Wheat
Sales for Export Last Five
Days Total Nearly 7,000,
000 Bushels.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. -There was a further
advnnco In wheat at tho "opening thl
morning with fairly good buying. There
wns considerable selling pressure, how
ever, and tho market reacted.
Tho expert demand continued. It was
estimated that the amount of wheat sold
to go nbroad tho latt Ave days, aggre
gates nnrly 7,0O0,M bushels ffm evi
dence of this ever-present fotelgn de
mand from nbroad has created a bullish
fccllna, which has Inrgcly offset Increased
offerings ftom tho count! y. Foreigners
nre said to be buying futuics on all de
clines. , ,,
At Liverpool there Is a. genetal broad
ening in the demand, atid'lniycrs are
meeting the ml v mite. Reserve of winter
wheat arc light every whole) and there Is
n strong probability that supplies In
Southeastern I'uiopo will be cxtonsHcl
The vv rather In Argentine has become
unfavorable. Dry weather Is vvnuttd In
the province of Burnos Aires, and repot is
on vvhint from this ceutie uic less favor
able In Austinlla timely inlns have
been or much benefit. Shipments of
wlunt from Atgentlna for the week nro
estimated nt M.0CO bushels. Both spot
and futures nt Liverpool were strong to
dnv, with nn uigent dimnnd for Mani
toba and winter.
Corn waa easier, with trade small. Tho
Veathor generally was clear In the belt,
but In ndjacent tenltciry It wns im
aettlid. Shipments fiom Argentina fot
the week are estimated at 3,100,000 bushels
Oats opened steady, but tinned easier.
Trade ,v:im wcattered, but fairly liberal.
OaN abroad are developing Hinmess, with
absorption very heavy. Present nrtlvals
nt ljngllsh nml French ports are liberal,
but fututt committments nn- light
Loading futures ranged ns follows.
Noon. Vefitenlnv.
Wheat Open. HUh. Low. clo,u.
December . i.hp. l.itiit
May I.22'4 1 2J"j
Corn tnew delivery)
December ... !
1.1. V,
1 1M,
11 nv
10 !'
10 HO
October 10 10
Nov ember ... 10 27
January .. !M
October . tlO W
January . y.so
January lS,-0
llld. tAnkcd.
10 27
10 22
10 7".
n so
Carnegie Scientist, After
Long Observations, Con-
udes Work on Behalf of
Mariners Throughout
The tlrst map of the magnetic currents
of the earth, nn Invaluable nld to mnrl-
"'s Is In the l.itt st.igts of completion
'l''10 woll "ns been can led out under the
dliettion of Dr. A J. Bauer, director
of tho Oepirtnicnt of Terrestrial Mag- !
i nctlsm In the Curnegie Institute, Wush
, itinton Poctot Bauer, In n lecture be
, fote the rmnkltti Institute. Inst night.
told of the work of piep.mlng his map.
which required ft number of years to
complete The work wns made poMlbje
through the generosity of Andrew Car
negie. it was significant that simultaneous
With Doctor Bauer's lecture, the Hhin Cur.
llCjjIe. Ill Which llln ohuarl nllnn. nf tl...
magnetic tunonts were cnrrleil on. nt
lived in Brooklyn, nftet 11 four years'
cruise. On thlr ciulbo the ship traveled
lO.OfO mllf In the Xorth Atlantic Ocean,
during which she visited HnmmerfeM,
Norway, and Ileykavlk. Iceland.
'I he vessel wni. (.ommanded by Cnptiln
J. P. Hult. Tho Carncglo mailo urulsea
In nil tho oceans, of tlie aggregate dls
tnnco of no.oro miles.
r most lemaiUabie ctulse wns that
"PIWPCII Jtinf. J!J10 iinrl I)pppnihfr. inirt
rTpn' '" 'V A"?,lc-
IV' ' ' nelnc Oceans, the total Jeiisth of
tin ctulse being .',i,00 miles, or almost
four times around tho e.irth
In his lecture Doctor fiaur told of tho
work done by the t'atnegio In cluirtln,- for
the use of mariners tho tllnvtion of ho
compass at nil points Il-cntisa she Is
specially built nf non-magnetic mutcrlnis.
th ihHcrvuii .ns 1'i.tdo nbnurl lieraiu nut
uffej'cd by tho errors which ar bound to
oniir on modem Iron ahlps.
"In othei words." sold Doctor Rauer
"tlie puipoto of tho yacht farnegio Is ta
furnish stundanl values of the compass
direction, no that mailners i.wi nnl.e
proper allow auco for tho deviations of
their compares. AH the results of the
observations of the t'nrnesie uro for.
warded to the leading hy drosraphlc
establishments of ull nations Henco her
work Is for the good of all countries, not
simply our own "
Sonutline next spring the l'arnwl tiMii
leave Urooklyn asnln, this time bound
., . ., . . --....
for the cMn'me suutherly latitudes In tho
South At..,rillf nti,t flrtnll, n..l,l.. .-,
.. ..".I". . : .": "-"' "" oceans j
" VWS;
In his lecture Doctor Rauer demon.
the magnetic currents of the earth
Steam ma ket conditions ar good and ehow
promlio of nelllBB even hitr Flatus ars
stroiiB, iiw dtman.1 ta. i4 anl the tonnor.
limited Dulneiw contluues la the sail trajA
Vtllore Hr Baltimore to tlenox oils 15
Dun Muarters private iwmi prompt ' '
I'mlsioiu ihr l Uulf lo MarwlUea or Genu
grain 27.IOI uunr. at or abuut -li. ui Np'
i Uiiu-Janan ;twnl arm. rtld. pUvau
"'"i .,
(J" ' ' noV;"? SK,i,'jl!
grneral cargo. pnvt tern".
llermta iPr i iwv tm West lnii t-a-e
.. J" " J' ' ?, r " ri ,
Vo-i7u'V pLbTr', 4o.",," p
Commerce Commission Orders Beduc
ilonB to Wentherford, Texas.
WASHINGTON". Oct. 21 - Upon the
complaint of the Weatherford Chamber
of Commerce and others against tho
Missouri, Kansas and Texaa and other
railroads, the Interstate Commerce Com
mission today entered a decision holding
to bs unreasonable the existing rales on
coal f i om mines In Oklahoma and west
ern Arkansas to Weatherford, Tex. The
reads were ordered to reduce by De
cember 1 tho $2,50 per ton rate on lump
coal to $2.33, and the $1 70 per ton ralo
on slack coal to $1.65.
Samuel Untermeyer Says It
Should Be Incorporated
Under Federal Control as
Are Continental Boards.
Ni:V YOrtK, Oct. !I.-Calllng attention
to the fact that all European stock ex
changes are under Government control,
Samuel Untermyer today issued n. state
ment in support of Senator Owen's bill
prov Idlng for the Federal Incorporation
of the New York Exchange.
L'ntermyer declared that under present
conditions "n private. Irresponsible body
lias autocratic power to bring ruin upon
tho entire country."
Hcplylng to William C. Van Antwerp, a
governor of the exchange, who had nt
tuqkeri the Owen bill, Fntermyer said:
"What better proof could there be
of tho despotic, dangerous and Irrespon
sible power now wielded by the govern
ors than Mr. Vnn Antwerp's Idle talk
about tho danger there would have been
of Injunctions from the court If tho ex
change had been under regulation?
"Tho Implication that the court might
grant vvhnt the exchange might regard
an improvident injunctions, and thnt the
Exchange should, .therefore, be subji-ct to
no law and be nbove and beyond nil law
and n law unto Itself In dealing with
these vast public Interests, Is cnatacter
Istlc of Its attitude and an Insult to our
"All of tho continental exchanges are
indor Government control. All of them
closed promptly under Government direc
tion. Our i:chnnge remained open Just
two days too long and gave n lot of
short-selling gamblers a chance to reap
a harvest bv accentuating the panic "
Sun and Tidec
Sun rises . . 0 17 a.m I Sun seta . 5 12 p m
Hutu water :i.1Sa ni. I High water 4 01 n m
laow water ,III.4Sa in. Low water.. 11 27 p m.
nrcnnv island.
High water. 12 27 a.m. I High water. 12 ,11 p.m.
Low water. "Warn I Low water.. 7. IB p.m.
Hlch water, 10:12 a.m. I High water. 10 17 p.m.
Low water.. 3.41a.m. I Low water . 4 23 p.m.
Vessels Arriving Today
Str. Hnrnborn match), Starbelln, ore.
Str. Anthony tlnivri). Hnltlninre, passengers
ami merchandise, Ericsson Line.
Mr. Tii6can. Jacksonville, etc. merchandise.
Mcrt-hant aatl Miners' Transportation Com
pony fcir. Indian. Boston, same.
Sailing Today
Sir Haiililan (Ilr.). Anderson. Lelth via Hal
tlmore, I urncm Line.
'"kTr.b' ioTXTa
air. .vciioii. i:iiKnn, rort Arthur, Uarn
mra Port Arthur
and I'oxas I'ity, houthern Stcimehlp Cnnipony
btr. Lexington, Nlckerson. Huston. Merchant,
iml Miner,' 1 r.ihpnrtatlun Cnmpnny.
Str. Quantlco, Htidglnti, Savannah and Jack
sonville, Merchants anil Miners' Transporta
tion Company.
Str. L'rlisson, Me.Name, Baltimore, nrlcsson
Steamships to Arrive
. .Naptej
Oct. 20
MlMOurlan rrlstobal Oct 21
Hesneros ltomb.iv
Cm rcra Oarn ..
Ituby Ciltiraltar ....
Oluseppe flenoa
Juno Plymouth .
Aurahunison I'ljmouth . ,
Canton I'hrlstlanla
Noorilenlyk Itotterdajn ...
Manchester Kxch iuse..Mant.hejtcr ..
Amp .. TrliilJail ..
Manford Immlnitham ,
Maine Loudon .
oiilttelil Crnnxe .. .. f'ruz Urnndo
Vnshlnstonlan Jlalboa
Vlialla Chrlstobal .
. ..Oa. .1
...Oct. .'
.Oct O
...Oct. K
...Oct. 11
...tK't. hi
...Oct. 1,1
. ..Oct.
...Oct. ID
.Oct. 17
. . Oct.
Oct. 20
Stenmsblps to Leave
Name Tor
California Copenhagen
!laerfuril Liverpool ...
.Miiona .aplei ... .
Mamhctter Miller Manchester .
iMaikinavv Ijjn.lnn ,, .
frown Point lyiiu'on
I ItltOn l-lirt.tlsnl-.
. .Oct. 21
..Oil. 2
. .Nov. 2
.. Oct 24
Oct. 21
. Oct. 2S
West Point London . . .'. . jli, , .' j7
Steamships An-iving: Today
vSnT,. i .rrom , Oocke.1 t
C. J'-J"" Liverpool 10 a. m
f;"Jl;a Naples los. m
Itel Cro . . . Jlotterdam . ,
Steamships Due Tomorrow
.Name. Prom.
FrierLk VIII . fhrlstlansanl
llrltanula , . . iorta
Steamships to Sail
HellB Olav . . . . t'orenhisen .
Mimieitaska . . . l.oii,lon
'fa"-. ... Naples .. .
Nhiv ojk l.licriMiol .
(.amcrunU niastmn
Vrrona ... Natles ....
Joumlne. Havre
Oct. n
Oct. 13
Oct. 2.'
CM. 21
Oct. 24
Oil. 21
.Oct. 2
Oct. 21
Oct. 21
Movements of Vessels
.Str L'nlted States (Dm , from .New Tir.i
arrived I'opBnhaifeii October CO '
Str llarrj l.m-keiibaik fhllailelphla for
fc?"l ' a,rha ut '""rlstobal Oc'o.
btr Merlon i)r), fro n rhIUdelphls r.
rlve.l at Llveriol October 2l. r
Str. OvlJI.1 iSwed I. tr flilUilelphla. r
tlX'X 1 l-""'urK C. II , O. tober Jo.
r.faa'.l'uV'ocVobSJ, 'W. -I.ar.n1oFr,e',Oc,tob,errn22.1'''rtaJe,,,hU'
"rUcl R
- .v - .o - .,,, - - ,,,,h,. .... rriro
fir reman from 1'b ade nhla. nr.i,,i
ft '. VMS
arrived at Norfolk Octohsr 21. u'pui,
btr furrier, from rhlladelpbla, arrived at
Puerto I'a.lre. October 22 i
htr Oidilifct from Philadelphia for Port
Arthur way 2hi miles -est of Tortumi at
noon Oi tober 21
fir T.le-to. for PhllaJelphl. toln ach
DeUvsaro fun. u t2f. miles nest of Tor
tucas at li p m October 21
"" J",,' ,'ort , Arthur for Philadelphia.
a SO milts soutlmejt of piamoiH 5hoai
lltcbu'ilp at noon October 21 ...
fetr l'sraji-aN. I'hlUdelphla for Ssbina wis
2T miles Muth nf IXsrmnJ Khcal llilushln
at non iMoltr il. H
Sch riuth K Merrill from rblladelphi.
arrived at Ponton. Ov tober 21. "'.
Uch Kagle. from lnilladelpbia arrived t
Vlaeyanl Haven October 21
Sch rendltui t-lsters from PhlUdelrhli.
anlvsd rt uieyarl Haven. October 21.
Swurthmure Prep football camp Is in
readmeta for Saturday s same with
Haverfoid Today Co.uh Tomllnson an
nounced that tha prospects for Saturday j
ta (iiA a r rt tli& haut ri'i. r ..
mo eTevea.salmonenV.rel free from l",EU a"U Tl"enllne Md... u
imurle. The only h.tdiIo;, is ,i-,,- . est Pi iideiphia Hmh And Aintnn "'
who I Itlll aufferlne from an infrt,i I Tr
Railroad Attorneys Need
Expert of His Type to
Strengthen Appeal for
Higher Revenue.
WASHINGTON", Oct. 22.-Attorneys for
the railroads nro not entirely pleased
with tho way in which their case
before the Interstate Commerce Com
mission has been going, and it is pos
slblo they mny call Samuel Ilea, head
of the Pennsylvania Itailroad, to the
stand, In the hope of creating a better
Impression on the Commission and prov
ing n. real necessity for tho total G per
cent, ralo advance.
Itcsumlng tho hearing In tho case, tho
Interstate Commerce Commission today
recalled John n. Oldham, of Boston,
representing tho Investment bankers, for
cross-examination. Mr. Oldham had testi
fied that the bonded Indebtedness of the
railroads had Increased In greater pro
portion than the capital Indebtedness nnd,
therefore. It wag Indicated that the ree
nues of the railroads were Inadequate and
refinancing waa mnde more difficult.
Louis V. Brandcls, attorney for the
commission, took up the examination
nnd tried to force the witness to admit
that nothing to which he had testified
was Inconsistent with the facts laid
down by tho commission In its original
report In the ndvanco rate case In
other words. Mr. Brcndcls desired to
show that tho Investment bankers had
not presented nny new testimony mate
rial to the cabe, or such testimony upon
which tho commission could judge of tho
reasonableness of freight rates.
Mr. Oldham retorted that questions
were too blond In their application, and
he wns thereforo unable to characterize
his own testimony In such n way.
physical pnornuTins noon.
Questioned by Clifford Thome, attorney
for Western shippers, Oldham stated that
the average Incomo from railroad securi
ties was only about one-half of 1 per
cent, less In 1313 than It was 10 years
Thotno's questions also developed the
fact that the physical condition of the
railroads la better than ever before Fig
ures submitted bv Mr. Oldham showed
that moie money is being expended for
tho betterments of lalltnad properties
now than at anv previous time. The wit
ness stated that this nlttmtion serves to
enhance railroad credits.
President Wlllard, uf the Ealtlmoie and
Ohio Ballioad. when on the Mnnd Tues
day, testified that the railroads are being
So7rriS,,Sth"ttn",';'.T, IS
an extent Unit the physical propeitles
nre In noor shape,
i:.pr;.'SKs Ann high.
Before cnlliuc; the tmfllc managers, the
railroads placed on tho stand S. H. Pnr
tnalee, of the Bureau of Railway Econ
omics. Mr. I'armnlee presented a mass
of statistics, which tended to ahovv thnt
the operating expenses Imd risen steadily
since lltlO, while the revenues had fallen
off. The percentaKe of expenses over
tecelpts, the witness snttl. had reached
a record in. irk In tho present year.
The incicnso this year In operating ex
penses. Mi Parmnlje tlcclnred was near
ly $1 1.000 CCO In excefs of the figures for
the same pi-rlod in 1313. During the cor
tespondlng time the revenues showed a
steady decrease
President of Giants Opposed to Peace
With Pedernls.
XEW YORK. Oct. 22.-Althougli the
meeting of Federal League officials
FLhcduled to open hcie tomorrow Is sup
posed to be for Federal League affairs
only, the icport is being circulated that
tlonal League, ts Just as unLOimnomlslnir
In his talks He declares that the major
leagues are nn seeking peace, and that
they do not want it.
President (lllmore, of the Federal
League, and tha various club owners are
expected to arrive here tonight.
Is Making- Preparation for 3lp Games
This Year.
Dlreaor of Ubieties AVIIIinrd Nicolal.
of Temple I'uiversity, has dec-tried to take
personnl chargr uf tho training of this
years tjnoKetDall team
His first call
for candidates, wns responded to bv an I
array of M athletes
Among the new men. such seasoned i
players as freely. S.-nrry, Uelges. John,
eon and 1-olwell reported. Manager W
T Smith has ,r,nged an eTellent t
schedule. The henson opens November I
n ". T, rnSe'i cndcm on Temple's j
floor. The following are the dates ar.
ranged so far December 5, Philadelphia
School of Pedegogy home. December 1.',
St Joe's College home, December 16. Mr
St Mary's College at Ummitsburc lit.
uary 1. open, January M. Pennsylvania
Military College at Chester. Pa . Jan
uary 30. open February 6, open. Febru
ary 11, Wenonah Academy at home, Feb
ruary a with the University of Penn
sylvania or with Muhlenbuig. pUce yet
undecided February 27. March 1, and
March 13, open
Northeast Plays St. Joseph's in First
of Big School Battles,
St Joseph b will meet No.theast High
tomorrow on Northeast Field In the first
of this season's big bcholastlc gridiron
battles The return of Northrop, a good
backMeld man and drop kicker, who has
been out of the saro sdnce the first
week of the season with an Injured an
kle, should bolster up Kennedy's team
somewhat. Other game seheduled for
trymerrovv include those between Penn
Charter and Radnor High at Queen Lane.
Episcopal and chestnut Hill at KJ and
Walnut streets. Southern lliBfa ami Na
tional iaim hvhool at Southern Media
- o at west Phiiirtaaini.,. e. i
Ctr W in A4, M M,
strong attempt, to make peace with or- nopoly In business, and especially to re- i Tinnsy Ivanltv and Delaware, which makfl
KZ;dnsl)waeSrC,1;lagll;olL, ? 5Sc. talk bnSro!",:' " 7 "t " "
of th Federals has been heatd here to J n.akes It Possible for any on? in ure'd by ' bUntl ff fre'Kn Prt t0 tn " t"1
date. Harry Hempstead, president of the this practice to sue and recover three- ' n pUot' een tll0UCh tho master of ttm
'. n'l'n; !nd?h ieiCt,;Y,ed-..tJ'atir, ,ftlyore5 I t" he damage sustained. Including the KeoI knows tho channel ami is capable
he didn't see wh the majors "houk n re ' C?" ' ? ',"" 'al,orn!V's '" ' of navigating his own craft,
lie uiun i see wny me majors should care t nNo makes It possible for n purchaser I u.ii...
.!u"l!e,,!,?!l?f: .. to deal In the goods of a cmnnrtTto? of "hould hP iiiahter leave or 6iH.r tl.a
22, 1914.
MIIBAT. -Jtecelpls, 7(5,172 bushels. The
market ruled steady at the late advance under
moderate, offtrlnft and a fair demand. '
quote far lots. In rtport elevator No. J.
red, spot and Oct., tl lOfM 1: No 2. red.
Western. 1.1091.10. No 1 Northern Duluth,
CORN Hecelpts, 2000 buihels. Bold fair
ly and further sdvanred 4c We quote ur
lots for loril trade, ss to location No. ,
yellow, S.T4fl&lc, steamer, yellow, KlflSt'V
OATS. Tteceipt. 01.707 bushel .S0'
fairly and values were well sustained at the
late Advance. W. quote No 2, white, J4
file., standard, white, ftiffM'ie . No "t, while,
t LOCK, Itecelpts. Por. hhl .. 2.n.070i lbs
In sacks Mill limits firmly held In ;ymptly
...lii. 11.. .. tMnnlri nf .ht?ftt. nUt t TIKIS
fjulet Quotations pr tnrt lbs. In 'fod
Winter, clear, 4.Tfil.0j); do.. "! .
flf.t 2V HO y paicni t"i '
straight, jute saekr. II.MH.". JO. do. . Ptcnt,
Jute sacks, " inC."K spring. prst.Uear.W W
ft.-. .in. do. itralght. in.l.'.B Boot do. jnt
nvt frvftri uin.,tiu held under small
supplies, but mot with little demand. e
quote nearby and Western, In wood, at r
Trade slow, market without Important chanse.
quotations City beef. In sets, smoked and alr
drl'd, .Wif.'ltc , Wtstern heef. In sets, smoked,
Sn?i:tl- city 1,ef. knurkles nnd tenders, smoked
and air dried -filT2e.. Western bejf, knuckles
and tenders, smnkeil, .llCUe., tieef hams .W
ld; pork, family. 2l2il V'. hams. S 1.
I5 ., do, do, smoked, HiaiO'jC , otner rams,
s-noked, city cured, as lo brand and aveinKe,
I.'J.5U7C.. hams smoked Western cured. 1U "1
tt)1c . do , boiled toneless 'J124e picnic
Hhoutders, H I. cured, loose Il-B12a . no ,
.... . -....-J m m ml . nil... l.Am
smoked, l.l'iflllc. bellies in Pickle at con
.a ,!.,, In.,. tl.fl irikp hrenufflst t.1
tn i..nrl nn.l n , ,m of ,ltv rilred 20ff21l .
do do. Western ture.l tnnile larl West
ern, refined tierces, KJ'V.'fTllr . do. do. .1
tubs I'liflHr.. do . pure cltv, kettle rendered,
In tleriy-s loa.ftlJc., do., do, do In tube.
Qi.let with no Important change In prices
Quotations Standard granulated i!(P-,o fine
granulated, 0c. pondered, 0 10c . confec
tioners A GOOc , soft Trades. .' 1 V3 5 75c
CHI.EHE. Quiet nnd market vvenk and a
shido loir. Quotations New 'V.ork full
creutr choice, lV.e , do , do fair to good,
14'ti!.-e. o. inrt skims, Xti lie
ni'TTKIt.- Kanrv stock sold falrlv and
ruled firm, but the under gradi dull and
weak Quotations Western, fresh, olld
r"fkeil creamery, fsney, 14c extra :12c . eTtra
flrts, 'l"ft.11c , firsts, 2f"n2nc . seconds 2",tr
L'7c ladle pneked. 217i2Tlc . as to quality,
nearby print", fancy. .He. do. average extra
n2i'llc lo firsts. 20ff31c ; do seconds 2i
2sc Hpevul f.incy brands of print" Jobbing
at .TOfMl'
EOIIS fliolre fresh eggs In small supply
and Pnii. vvllh demuiid readily absorbing the
olforlnss Quoiatlnn" In fre cases, nesrliv
extras. .IV rcr do nenrhy firsts 'i rr
standard cine nearby current receipts p luff
S ID per standard iara. Western extra, firsts,
JU per case do flrsts. simri40 per iaso
do. sccuiid-' fOOOjiiilio per case I andled
mnl tecrated 'reh eggs -vere Jobbejl out at
37J1PC per doi , as to ounlltv
j Broker Says Measure Will
Inspire Greater Confidence
and Eliminate Underhand
Practices in Trade Gen
erally. The commission form of government re-
reived still further recognition when the
Federal anti-trust law received the sig-
nntur.. of President Wilson last wok.
Although primarily its fcnctlon is to
limit monopoly In business yet Its (strik
ing feature Is to glvp jurisdiction under
It to the Federal Reserve Hoard where
batiks were concerned.
D'irHfi: tio , lavoruo diwui, fi'Sfj,' iv;; ;,,r.
mills, inoice ana ian-y i'alpnv, ,ry.,..r,. -,
mills, resular grades, winter, clear 4 7..W
4 no. do "straight, 585 23, do, patent, j 60
The pew Tcderal Tiude Commission, In selves publicly ngnlnsl the system,
regard to toiporatlona. and the Inter- Tlle poer ot ., pnots whlcn s,als
atnte Commetce I'ommlsslon, which Is ., ,, ... , . . , ...
apparently now .iulte overwhelmed, re- tho 1,p3 of tho?e ,,epply 'ntsted In the
celves additional responsibilities concern- i affairs of the ports, has been obvious to
ing the rallrouds. j the observing for many years.
It has tnken about six months to con- i .P.,. p.,,..,,-,.., ,. nin, rnf.
summnte this legislation, nnd even when rl,e Pf,,nSJ Uanlil nml r,elawar' rllot"
it received the slgnatute of the President Association, composed of nearly 100 men.
and became a law on October 17 Its lead- , linn supreme power over the moving of
Ing fe.uuies were not nt all familiar to vrs.,cs in and out of the harbor. This
the average business man . . , . ,.
ts chief nlm is the nreventlor. nf m.
The section which has attracted most
attention Is that which exempts labor,
agricultural and horticultural associa
tions, organized for mutual heln. ahor..
, there Is no capital stock, from Its penal
1 ties.
It prevents ono company from purchas.
ing stock In a competitor, but does not
prevent such purchases when tlu stock
Is. not voted It does not, however, limit
tne development of nnv corporation b,
moans of branches and does not limit tliu !
slz or scope of any business or railroad
wnen competition is not eliminated
I'ho feature of American banking opera
tlon. which has been umlnr .tin.. .!,.
tho last ten vtars. is dealt with in n ,1.
clslve mnnnei A director is fnrhliirin,, ,,
be- the member of the bo4td of more limn
one financial institution it in cU, .?"
The ta R ..T "SS ,
It. for their shnre c-r attention and th I
,.ct still further strengthens the inflttciiie '
of the Interstate Commerce Commission
and limits supplies that niay be pur.
chased of a company owned by or In
which an employe is interested, excent
I vv hen such purchases are made by open
" "" " " S 'SS
PunUhaW, fine and ImprU-
Although this act ha met with a great
,,,- . .-,. .,,.. ...... , nivnt i
neat ot opposiiiun, yet there aro pruvi-
slons In It which make for a stronger ,
allien in b isiness. and its piohlbltory
clauses refer lo situations which can
easily be adjusted No doubt Congress
had the Hock Island matter in mini!
when It forbade the ncqulrlng of noek by '
t.a .Aflinr.lfnn It, nnn.l.A . .
one corporation In another, exceni for
investment. This would have made It
impossible for the Hock Island Interests
lo have purchased the toft of other
lines and turn it over to their own com
pany at hui;p prorUs.
The flnutuial world had lang ago be
ptm to eliminate the interlocking direc
torate feature, and some of our leading
bankers have alieady materially reduced
the list of institutions which they jervc.
'I lie formation of the new Federal re
serve banklnR system completes thta at.
fort to decentralize th canlta! uf the
vountry. 1
It ems that this act came nothing
that will affect the butines man who li !
-si. .-.i li.. , mm nwu M
coaductlne hU affairs on a nn,n.. k..i.
ami no doubt it will tend t clarify u
number of matters pertaining to vthtih
there has been a great dul u' u.itifu
In the lonK run the itef . tiers vvi''
be tre torporattot, theme.vx--. m it R1'i
i.mvioirai c (in ji fide- - t ielr
purities aid ren-uve a-pnne t r
the riinds of a great ma .
Z,V $ l"
I.IVK. In moderate but ample supply and
quiet, with little chsnge In prku Quotations!
mls, n01Ae.. old roosters, 11JI2. sprinit
cblrltens, Hiconllns to quality, I2l!ic ', ducks
l.lftl4e geese, I31J14C i guineas, youn
welshlng L' lbs, and over apiece, per psir
70c . do nelghlns: 1'4WI lbs. apiece per
pair, CYlGTic. , do., weighing 1 lb apiece, r"
pair, fiOr . old, per pair, fios.. plon, per
pair. lSfllSe
llIIESflKn. Kin deslrahtetl?ed sleek nt
most descriptions pretty well cleaned up at
steady prices (notations Kreh-kllled poultry
-Fowls, per lb Selected, heavy Slr.l do
weighing l"j!?ft Ihs. apiece, l0c do., welghlnr
4 lbs. aplcre, lU'ic , do,, weighing 3H lbs,
apiece. l'tWlO'io . 4n- weighing :t lbs. and
under, Hfll.V , old roosters, drv.plcked, UHe j
brolllmi chtikens. nrarby nlghlng lV)rC2 Jt.
apiece 20fJ2-.'i broiling rt-tckens, nearby, fair
to good, limine, chickens, Weslern, 4 lbs.
and oer apiece, fsc., do, do., 1Me lbs apleea,
fat IMtlnc . do, do., 2'VfM lbs apiece. I.JW
lie , broiling chickens. Western IHft2 Jbi
apiece. 17(.. hrolllng chickens, Western, fair
lo goo.. I2ai4c. Hquabs per dog -White,
weighing It to 12 lbs per do.. S-LCrfM S ..
white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per doit, 12 7SW
.I.Vl, -while, neighing S lbs per doi , , 3 Wt
2 0 white neighing 7 lh per do I.i"jR2l
white, weighing OfJil'i lbs. per dog.. l 235?
1.50 dark nnd No a, 60c.Ol 10
Trada fair and values generally steady.
Quotations Apples per bbl. Jonathan, safll
.IRU, (Irnvensteln 2H.2 7.r., IJIush. ViG" 75
Twenty-ounce, tl C0Fr2. Pippin. 1 7Bt2,M.
York Imperial, 1 r,0.l 75 . other good eating
varieties, tl 75(3250, medium Jiff I 50. erab,
4f 4 50; crab apples, per bush -basket. It 50
ffll.75, apples, Western. pr bo-s. lfjl BO!
apples, Delaware nnd Pennsylvania, per
lumper, 25f1"r Quinces, per bbl, 2ifn.50
Lemons, per box. .1J I. Orapefrult Kloria
per crate ?1 ."iiraa 10. Pineapples, per crate
- Potto Itlco. I2-.Q3 25. Florida, 1if?J50
r.anUri.. faM I'nd eo-'r black, ner bbl
3 5094, cranberries, Cap Cod early lilftett
crnte IS1 "(I Peaches. Virginia, per 20-lb
basket. 40ic75c , do, do, per crate flffl.'.,
do, Delaware and Maryland pr basket noyi
MK.. do . do. per crate, Sliftl75, peaches
New York and Pennsylvania, per basket
Largo white or yellOM 00 Wf 1 , medium, 40
ill ."Or Pei'rs, New York, per bbl - Seckel
f.l.VlfftVI, tlnrtlett No 1, 4fi SO, do. No
2 2 505. llcurre nose, tKf(fM Sheldon.
14M5, Ileaurro Clslrgeau, 2 r,0x.1 50: Ileurre
d'AnJou. 12 .-; .1 25. Duchess. J2.25ff .1 2.1 .
Howell $2(ff2 50. other varieties. 1-'S, pears.
Ilartlett or Heikel, per bush -basket. 1 25a
1 75 (irapes. Nen York. Concord per 'lb.
basket, Urailt. , do, per 4-lb basket. 8i(ic
Niagara, per 4-lb oasket if!10c , Data
wares, per 4-lb. basket. 12Wt5., grnps
Concord, pr 20-lh. basket, rittilc. Canta
loupes. Colorado, per crate, tjl 50, do., do.,
flats, 50 lii 75c.
Thn market generally Arm with demand
absorbing the limited offerings of fancy stock
Quotations Whlta potatoes. rT bush , lVnm
svlvnnU, .Vff New York, .".0fj5.1i. White
potatoes, lcrcv per basket &W- . . w't
potatoes, ierev per DasKct it? - . , it
potatoes Kastern hhort. bbl . No 1. It mi
112 1". No 2 7V5f1 avvjet potntoes, North
i.irolmn ir bbl No 1 ! 7512, No 2
;o 2
'.. 1 !lu.(l. ir..i ner bbl No. 1
J 7r.fi.". Ni. 2. V 'Ml 71 Sweets. Jersey.
per basket. Vififlfk. Onions, per bush .01(
ajc do. choice per 100-lb hag 1. do
medium tier l(si-lt bog. 75'BIOc Cabbage.
domesilc. per ton Sf)l K lery. New York
per bun-h lfi'iSOc Mushrooms, per 4-lb
ba.ket 1 401 00
Shipping Circles Here Agree
With Navy Officials in
Charge of Mismanagement.
Some Weird Workings.
Maritime circles In yjencrnl agree with
the chatges of navy ofllcials that tho
i pilotage system of tho Delaware River
and nay ls poory malMW, amJ that
, ., ,, . ... , , , ,,
' somo ot ,1,e I,IIots al"e unflttod physically
nnd otlicrvvlso to navigate vessels in or
out of this port. Cut because of somh
strange fenr, steamship agents and
owners refrain from committing them-
!" r is vi-aicu in inom ny me mnics o.-
polled under the laws to pay the pilot -age
fee This is a hardship imposed upon
sailing Wbsels .vliich depend chlelly upon
tovvboatf Tho pilot usually sits and en
Joys himself during the 10 or 12 hours
run up or down the river, while the tow
boat does tho work. Roth tho pilot nnd
the towbo.it collect fees.
Exemption Is permitted from pilotage
if the vessel Is currying coal to Porto
Rico. Unless favoritism wits shown the
railroads, the object in exempting coal
c.iigoes can't be explained
The Commissioners of Nav Igntlon. com
posed, of Director Norrls. chairman; J
S. W Holton. C Coleman Sellers Jr., II
U II Pool and J Craig Jr a the hod v
oim wrait,, jr, .s mo nony
,Wta, " . State will, Jurisdiction
"e the pilot8 l,ut ,helr Power ainoqnta
'? ,,UU" rhe comintasloners have tha
riiht to Grant, ausncml n r..vni.-o . u.
license of pilots under certain conditions
Theso condttlona in reality bind the hands
o the commissioners
A bill t. give the Commissioners mor
povvei was billed In the last Legislature.
The btrange power of the pilots was
again in evidence in killing this measure
Refore submitting the bill to the Legis
lature the CommUstonets held a publti
meeting which was attended bv repre-
- n t
sentdtives of neatlv all the big slilnnlpg
Interest of the port Thy apparentlv
favor. l the bill as drafted At least it
was unopposed with Hie ementlon of
some minor detail Vet when the bill
as presented to the Legislature then
same men who had silently accented it
l..fA ., a".
before the Commissioners, (moled their In-
irji. employ eu a lawyet and sent htm
to llarrtsburg to brtny atHmt Its defeat
Norrle ti ts'mitU, the pilot. SRattxt wtMm
Captain hnapp. of tlu. nattlehlp Con
tievtlv'tlt. lodged hi romplaint of imam
petesee, admitted uli of ths lUaiy tnado
HKatiitt blm. btjt objectod to a stateuwnt
mat in weather wast hazy o the .
to nuegtton This objection had ni ti.u
W,R ,r,1. tr "R ""
Hmpltiled the eUargen
uliRhttat beariut; on th. tas au,i ,
Of the IllVt oHlcxra
Captain Kuapft U.larl th&t dUl from
tn " "I. j4Uuk a Uattliwhii,
in ffo. Inatuli of au lnnimi..i.nt . .
in the hands of au incomptunt man, thi
imvy waa wteiy to lose valiMbie ad
Junct thai uM nut b. repliiitd at a
uuuueut s nxtce
'ih. .!irs pr.feired ty f'aiAa rt
Kri.f 41 :t- forerunners ut other th.it Will
n. .,! bj oavul autiniU untrntr
, nip "n! pll it are placed on 0ar'l
''"' vr-si i is ine intention nf V i
snoh I Pri witnout the ullut he would be cum-
nveto-, wlo.ifc.a, gubonw I, r,tan the hljl rat
l-'s -K Jt (Utl