Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1914, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Exact Date of Its Establish
ment Yet to Be Positively
Settled, as Many Writers
Golf In the United States Is said to date
from the establishment of the St. An
drews Golf Club, nt Yonkers, N. Y., Ill
JJSS. South C'arollnans, however, claim
that It was played In their Stnte ft ecu
tury beforo mid point to the Mca of the
Charleston City Unacttc, where an Item
Under date of September 18, 1TSS. atntrn:
"Thero Is recently erected that pleasing
and genteel amusement the golf batm."'
' While Princeton and Harvard appear to
have the pick of the Uun tonnli players,
the University of Pennsj Ivunla tins been
getting quite n few sterling golfers of
late and more are going to Penn.
Meredith M. Jack, the Episcopal Acad
emy youth, will Join the coterie of golf
stars now at Pennsylvania next fall.
Perhaps It Is Just as well that big
tournaments are ovet and only a few
club championship matches remain to bu
played In this section With the schools
open the supply of golf caddies Is limited
If It Is not. It should be, for it would be
a very selfish golfer who would retain
the services of a youngster who should
be In his classroom preparing for more
important duties In life.
George C. Thomas, Jr., playing recently
at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club,
might have had a good score had he not
missed a half dozen or & putts. As It
was he came In with a 77.
Some golfer with lots of time on his
Tiands has compiled a choi-'e store for
tho past It years at the Ekwanok Country
Club, where tho national amateur cham
pionship was held this year. It works
out as follows:
Hole. Yards. Par. Choice.
1 39 I 2
3 371 I 2
3 353 t 2
17? 3 1
5 ssr. I 3
6 1S1 3 2
7 553 5 3
t 310 I 2
9 312 t '.
JO SV) 5 3
U 1ST 3 1
12 354 2
32 203 3 1
14 3W 1 2
15 373 1 2
18 420 i (
17 "3 4 2
18 40S 1 2
Playing In the dark Is decidedly costly
and this was amply proved In th tourna
ment held at the Merlon Cricket Club on
the day of the annual dinner of the Golf
Association of Philadelphia. A foursome
playing over the west course a dav or
so after found the course strewn with
halls. Ono of the playt-rs l03t his own
ball In a gully on the fifth hole, and while
searching for It found four others, none
of which had a distinguishing mark on
it. Others were even found m the falr
way. London Golfing contains this curious In-
Eiance oi a ireaK snot it was played
by Bobby Andrew in his amateur days.
In 190S:
"His partner got rather off the line at
ono hole, and, on coming up to the ball,
the Scottish Internationalist was some--what
surprised to discover that It had
.chosen to come to rest on the top of a
large barrel, standing by the side of some
'farm buildings. The difficulty of the shot,
of course, was not so much the nature
of tho He an the peculiarities of th
stance, which Involved placing the feet
bo near the ball as to leave little room
"for the swinging of the club. However,
Xtobert Andrew clambered up onto tho
barrel and had a 'half for his side."
Ted Cather, a Chester hoy, who U a
.member of the World's Champion Braves,
will be honored by the citizens of hla
"home town tonight. A parade win l '
held, In which the teams of the Delaware
.County League, semi-professional and !
amateur organizations will participate. I
There will be a banquet and sereial i
prominent speakers will make addresses
Gridiron Gleanings From Leading Colleges
Unless they get Into action this after
"noon, tho I'ennaylavnia football team will
have to go Into the game against the
Indians on Saturday without the back
field having had an opportunity to scrim
mage together once this week. All sea
son the weakness of the Quaker attack
-has ben a lack of sustained rushing
power. That is something which can be
secured only through perfect co-operation
among the backs. But co-operation Isn't
possible when the men can't play to
gether. Quarterback Merrill and Half
back Matthews are the only members of
.the tlrst-strlns baokdeld who have been
in the scrimmage at the same time any
day tills week, both Vreeland and Tuck r
being kept on the side lines nursing
. No one can be blamed for thla condi
tion of affairs. The men have been auf
fering from a variety of hurts, and ob
viously couldn't work to advantage under
such conditions. Good physical condition
Is absolutely imperative, and the only
way to get injured men In shape Is to
.rest them. But all this delays the per
fection of the attack, and Pennslvanla's
offense has certainly been slow coming
to Itself thla fall. It meanu that if
the Indians have a stiff defense and thulr
Usual active attack in Saturday's tiuu.o is
likely to prove closer than many par
dons Imagine.
It needn't surprise the followers of
the Penn team if the freshmen eleven
be used against the varsity twice a week
hereafter and the scrubs only once. The
aeruba veem to be growing weaker and
don't begin to furnish tne stiff opposition
that can a!waa be relied upon from the
first- tar men. and what the varoity
needs right now U opposition.
Because it differs so radically from the
brand of football that hi3 baan soen at
Yale In recent years they are beginning
to call the progressive game played at
Ne-w- Haven this fall "Hinkey football."
Yale men are deeply impressed with Hin-
' key's skill, and openly predict that the
Blue will surprise the college world be
fore the season ends. Although Wash
ington and Jefferson had Harvard beaten
until the last few minutes of their game,
Ihe Ella are not worrying over the
strength of Bob Folw ell's team when
thty meet on Saturday They point out
that all of V and J 's gains against
Harvard were due to the clever execu
tion of the forward pass. Three of these
I ays took the ball down the Held and
"Vr the coal line for a. t'Shdown. But
''' i ' i -u I
8WMI"" "g "raa. -jagg, 1 'ttk? &sw "" 1 "" ? ... top,s it j
Five Clubs Join to Promote
Spirit of Fellowship Along
Racing and Entertainment
A new yachting association on the
Delaware Itiver, which will rival the
Delaware Itiver Yacht Racing Associa
tion, has been formed under the title of
the Delaware Hlver Yachtsmen's League,
mado up of five clubs, ex-members of the
parent organization. At a meeting held
In the home of Frederick von Neldn, arti
cles of the new association were drawn
up, officers elected and a general plan
for the season arranged. It was re
ported at the meeting that probably five
or more clubs will Join the new league,
which has for Its program a better spirit
of fellowship, both along racing and en
tertainment Ilns.
ihe clubs that so far make up the or
ganization aie the Wlsslnomlng Yacht
Club, of Wlsslnoming. Pa : tho Trnton
Yachi Club, of Trenton; the Columbia
Yacht Club, of Brtdeshurg, Pa.; the Far
ragut Sportsmen Association, of Camden,
and the Camden Yacht Club, situated at
the toot of 2d btreet, Camden. It was
.ald that the delegate of the Anchor
Yacht Club, of Bristol, was to be at
the meeting last night, but up to a late
hour did not put In an appearance. The
Oneida Yacht Club, of Burlington. N. J.,
Is said to be In line with the new league.
The officers are: President, John H.
Miller, Trenton Yacht Club, vice presi
dent, Charles, Heiber, Columbia Yncht
Club, treasurer, George C. Gelger, Wls
slnoming Yacht Club; secretary, Fred,
von Nelda, Farragut Sportsmen Associa
tion. Out-of-town Run
The Cross-Country Club of Baltimore Is
to l.romote a handicap cross-country run
November 7, and Manager Frank A. Jtuth,
cf that club, writeb that a team from
Philadelphia will take part. Entry blanks
limy be had at the Evening Ledger
S ortlng Department.
Valo Is doing some forward passing on
her own account, and since the Klis out
. passed such teams us Lehigh and Notre
I Dame their supporters think they can
I get auay with W. and J.
Yale Is using one play which a good
I many observant critics think Is better
l than the forward pass. It Is the triple
I pass. In which the ball Is pasied much
like It is in English rugby. It scored
1 Vale's first touchdown against Lehigh.
The ball had been rushed to the 2-yard
I line when Yale, apparently held for
downs called upon this play, and Lgore.
getting the ball on the third pass, scored
an easy touchdown.
I PnrNCHTO.V. N. JOct. 2L'Th Tigers
I played yesterday with a resistless daah that
has not been equaled on t'nlverslty Flelt
' k I5ar" U wa an encouraging fs.re.wsll to
in., mi aiaitij.uic grounotf or t'rinceton foot
ball men. for It was decided to wait one more
day before starting actual playing In tha new
stadium Today's work will b a little llghtor
ad will not mar the solid green of the field,
t the naif day of grinding would hT done
NEW HAVK.V. Oct.55r-rl'. baelcflaM and
lino regulars wera driven through n hour's
hard scrimmage with the freshman team yes
terday. t wis the first work-out the aralty
has had thla week, and th men got a. hard
drilling In preparation for the Washington and
Jefferson game. Saturday Th cuba did good
defensive work, but could accomplish nothing
against tha arsltya stone wall detente, tha
line holding perfectly.
II IN'OVEH. .V H . Oct. S2.-The entire stu.
dent body, headed by the college band, march
ed to Alumni Oval yesterday afternoon a rut
watch! the Green eleven go through Its U-it
hard werk twfore tha Prlncoton game. Tha
vanity spent an hour on fundamentals an
handling kicks. Curtis did the kicking, and
for the nrst ltm thu season, looked as good
aa he did lajt year. He will probably ba used
ou Saturday.
I.ANOASTHR. Pa , Oct W Coach Mayaer
put only half his varsity men In aciimmago
her u-nlght becuura of tb fact that tha re
mainder of the men are not In good shapa
physically Bifcre going on the Held h had
every man weigh In, and ahot tha heatlent
ona Into the scrimmage pur tha others ha
filled 'Ut a team and ran through signals and
afterward had thorn hit tha dummy. In spit
of the superior showing which Franklin and
Marshall baa made thla yr compared to
Dickinson. Coach Maysr espects a hard battle.
STATE OJI.LKOK, Pa. Oct :2.-Pto
Mauther. Paun sun'i fullback of th ua
beatrn 1912 taaia. has llned tha coaching
Mart II will assist Ilollonback and Harlow
I to whip the eUMM into shape for the Itu-
' mrA same. sftLuth this itrimM. VH.i.i
w tu Jelf I'lark ta improve hla punting Under
Muu'hes Instructions, Clark's punt woir aant
off Malar and to better height and distance I
The 'vanity squad vtu put through a long
grueling scrimmage this afternoon against 1
evth the freMmaa and scrub tltrau. The I
practice was tplrited aal tb play aggnsaln.
"Billy" Nusbickel Is the
Power Behind the Throne.
Ground Has Been Broken
for New Quarters.
Ground has been broken and the work
ol building is now going on for a boxing
club at VVn .-trcet below Dauphin.
"Billy" Nusbk-kcl, a coal dealer. Is at
tho head of tin- now organization and Is
financing the enterprise. The club will
havi- a seating rapacity of 2"v00 and will
open on Thanksgiving Day If the plans of
the builders materialize.
The Broadway A. C. has a treat In torn
for Its followers tonight, as a number of prom
ising KOol bmits nro scheduled.
Tho program Is as follows:
Wind-up, Tommy" tuck vs. Harry Dia
mond. Smlvvlnd-up, "Franklo" nice v. "Jim"
Other tests Ilay Hamilton vs. "Jimmy"
"Jo?" Marshall v. "Kid" Douchcrty.
"Willie" Hankert vs. "Johnny" O'Jlalley.
"Eddln" Grant's new cvmnnslum at 10th
nnd Sprtnc Garden streets his become a very
popular resort for local boxers. Grant has a
number of tho beet bo.vs In Philadelphia trnlri
Inir there.
"I:ddi6" Itrvolre. of this city, Is to meet
"Harry" Frevver, of St l.ouls, In an elcht
rr.und bout In that cltv early In Nnvember.
While nvoln Is nnw a resident of this city,
he was born In St Louis and has fought there
several times, winning twice with "Al" Mc
Glrl and once with "Marty" Jiouan.
"Jack" Hanlon has been active In collecting
money for "Tommy" I.ove's widow at tho
boxing clubs during the past week. At the
Broadway riuh he got JI'l.OO. at the Kensing
ton Club $19 7.1. at the National Club JS0.23,
and at the Falrtnount Club $19 50.
The preliminaries In three clastea were con
tested last nleht at "Tommy" Keenan's Ken
sington Athletic Club. In the 10.1-poimJ class,
Jon" Morsan sained the decision over I.o
Collins: Leo Flynn defeated Harry Hartley,
Blll" Smith lost to "Joe" Buckley, Frank
rinrk defeated "Tom" Gllllgan, and "Dick"
I.loyil made attune- aicuce quit in me sec
rnl round. In tho 115-pound claas "Charley"
Stronde lost to Charles Morrow, and I.eo Kano
K.ilnit tho decision over George Oliver. In the
ISO-pound dlvlblon "Joe" Miller won from
"Iteddy" Wtlsen and "Mickey" Kane gained
tho decision oer Charley Strong In three
rounds Tho finals will be contested tomor
row night.
Touchdowns were scored by Hlgglns, Welty
and Clark.. Monanen, the freshman quarter
back, was promoted to th varsity anl waa
drilled aa substitute to James, the regular
quarter. Kwinga shoulder bruises preclude.
tha possibility of his getting Into the Harvard
gems. Officials for tha battle at Cambridge
ht,ve bs-n announced as follows: Morice.
Pennsylvania, referee, Murphy, Drown, um
pire, and G. V. Brown, linesman,
CAMDRIDOB, Maaa.. Oct. it Th Harvar 1
aralty team lined up agalnat the froshman
quad for tha flrat time thla season. Th
freshles forced tho varsity to go tho limit
Only one goal could tha big eleven make
agalnat tha youngsters. Mark Horn mads a
remarkable drop kick for a goal agalnat tha
first team,
ITHACA. X. Y.. OctS2. Tho Cornell var
sity showed exceptional form In a crlmmaK
with the scrub yesterday afternoon, carrying
tha ball for many big galna down the field.
I'.very varsity man u In th llno-up with the
exception of O'Hearn. who waa, how over, ac
tive In the signal drill, and It Is quite probable
that be will again lead his tram against
Brown Tha coaching staff devoted tha work
yesterday to trying out th naw play to bo
used agalnat Brown on Saturday.
BOUTH BETHLEHEM. Pa.. Oct. M.-Pr&d-nick
Qrwn. the star Ihljh end, waa reatorot
yesterday to thfl team by faculty action. An
old-roahloned strtmm&gQ took place. It lasted
11 h'JUm. Keady, the resident coach, apd up
hla machlna to high gear, but the results wer
not aa satisfactory as desired, although there
was soma Improvement In tackling and Inter
ference. The forward p's worked only indif
ferently, but tho scrub waa especially aucceaa
fol with It.
CAP.USI.B, Pa , Oct. W -The keynote to
tha Carlisle Indiana' football practice yejter
day afternoon waa hard work on the arbwl's
hilf holiday, beginning at 3 o'clock and end
ing with a drawn-out and atrenuoua wrlmmano
agalnat th Dickinson alavtn, which arrival
lt In tbs evening on Indian Field, th red
skin were run through all of their customary
fundamentals and Warner and bis thre as
sistants saw that every aborigine hut Individ
ual Instruction of lorn kind In all fundamen
tals. Prom surfaca appearance Warner is de
veloping a Ortt-Uaai eleven from green ma
terial flsUr than It has ever been dune here.
Th nw plays worked effectively against
Dickinson and Pennsylvania may zpet wile
variety In th Pnlladalphl contest on Satur
day. STRACUaft Oct. Si Bvery day thl week
ha been given over It secret practice behind
clieed ga.te4 by the Syracuse varalty football
team. r'Buck" O'Neill, th coach. h driven
tho mm hard. In preparation for tha all-Important
game with Michigan on Satrday, but
Just what took place on the gridiron 1 known
only ta th team anl the coach Ouarda
wer plavad at each entrance tu the stojljui.
and It was Impossible to get by them,
ANNJU01.IH O. t 23. Tho llna-UD of tha
N'aval Academy eleven uaa materially chann
el yesterday fro'n that which faced I ha
tnlverslty of PennaylvanU. at the beginning
of last Saturday s tint. Parry, centre, nil
Kennedy, right ta kit wero nut on tha field,
and Hicks, tha basebsU .atchar. waa mevtd
ta th tackU plsce. Smith going, U oaatre aid
Jones to guard.
Personal Touches in Sports
DJa ever rce big Claude at hat? It's sure a
sight north lorkln' t for any baseball fan. Tn
slart with, t 'Made Is l feet odd, has should
ers Mr cn"UBh for lind In short, lie's quite
some man Ho hrld.i hN ttlck across his
chest, then sti'im up on n pitcher's best, hauls
'n-uiul the ol' left wlnv-r-ml wiring! There's
murder in his club. Some pior unlucky fielder
dub heats lrnthcr pntsln' Zing!
I'lnude slower! up on the big time wheel but
In tho minors makes a meal off any pitcher's
slants He's up In Minneapolis tin' doesn't
very oflrn m.'ss tho av'r.igo fittt'nln' chance,
Hli lisi ain't got tho pep they had, his
nelclln" iomttmea neighbors bad itn' he ain't
extra spry, but when he ptvvs tlmt homo
plate dirt It doesn't reem a thing can hurt
hlv ol' time 1 atttn' eye.
When Chance'B Cubs Wat Jennings' clan cl"
CUudlc was the only nun that hit at nil for
Hugh. Ho butted In tho lcm-up riot nn'
trok 'most cv'ry chance he not to put a
blnglc through. llcdldes hla hcivy stlcltln"
pace ha anutr-piwcd nitty on flrt base nn
la'cr out In left. Willi Tlsc3 nn' Nnps b.i
spfnt S'.mo years reforo liln class fell in
aireari mi' shrunk to hiili league heft. Copy
rlRhtcil by A. M L'orrlKtin.
WeeBhman. the riilcoso restaurateur and
Pedernl League magnate believe that pcaco
will be restored In ba'rtiall. He Is quoted to
the rffett that th- tnnjnr leagues, and In fact
nil of orRinled lineelmll will be Klad to ac
cept tho Icrms offered by the "feds" for a
Theie l no doubt that wrnin kind of a peace
pict betv cen the "t'eils" and nrganlzed base
ball would help tho game. Tho failure of
everal clubs to make money during tlio past
e.iEon has been attributed largely to the
presence of the Federals. The "Feds" did not
nrtuallv draw puny fans away from organized
bnselval! parkh. hut the talk of money In con
nettlnn with itncrs mule many followers of
the psmn waver In their loynlty.
John t'oombs. "Jatk" I-ipp, "Herb" Pen
nock md revernl others are now hunting In
Maine. Theje Athletic plaers were supposed
to play several baseball gamcj thlH week, but
they ullpi'ed out of town, prvfrnins the Maine
All of tho teams of the Knstern Ingue are
gtttin? t'iclr plavera In trim for tho approach
Inc hisketball srAron. Thh Is duo tn b one
of the best jears the ucgregntton has ever hail,
bet.iuie the agreement reached between the
Eastern and the New York Slate clans hua
tiut tl.e pimt1 on a sounder basis than It hat
been hvrctufnre.
Patrick Muntn, the new leader of the
Phl!t!e, will probably liave n good bunch of
recruits from wlilih to draw this spring. This
Is what the 'Phils" have long needed, and If
the scouts can pick up n few jnungstera of
real ability, tho rhiiirea for Moran's havlnir
a surceirful veaaou will be greatly Increased.
With tho team which he has At present,
Morau cnuld not hope to be a pennant con
tender. "Bill" Vlebahn. Hnulidale, Pa.. ha been
slgnen by the Do Nerl basketball team. He
will report hero Monday. "Hill" la a base
ball pleier as well ax a cage man. He mado
good tor several seasons us a pitcher In the
Southern Association.
"Hube"' Oldrlng i.un be seen dally driving
around Philadelphia In hla new Cadillac. He
w.ll leave for his farm In Jersey within tho
next fow days.
One by cne tr.u various brunches of sports
nt tho t'nlroralty of Pennsylvania are be
ginning for thn yonr. Candidates for th ten
nis team havo Just reported Several of the
old men are back uud the lied and Ulue con
templates a highly successful season
In order that "Ted" Merodlth may have a
cinnco to men Homer Haker. tho ofllclala of
tho Irish-American A. C, New York, have
nddel the 6do-yur.1 event The meeting of
these two famous kings of the cinder path will
add much Inttreat to tho iuetmp.!ttan games.
Ther- will ha much local Interest because of
Meredith's connection with Penn.
"Tony" Iliddle Is extending hla good work
throughout the country. Tho mllinnalre club-
Benlors Have Three Classes a "Week,
Including' Oyran and Swimming,
Inatructur Davis, of the West Branch Y. M
C. A., has planned big things for the members
during tha winter months. Throe classes for
th seniors are conducted weekly, Monday,
Wednesday and Pillar nights, I-ast night a
big gymnasium e quail wga tn evidence, anl
after th class Impromptu swimming contests
I nero held In the pool.
Tha Ylctrtx Catholic Club men will auun
start training for tho fall crosa-country con
tests. Next riunday morning a squad will taka
to th hills und dale for a run.
Germantown Acadrmv's runner got tha tet
ter of Frankforil HUh yealerday in a dual
croea-ummry run over a 'JK-inlle course. The
acore uaa '- lu .11 Although beaten for team
honor. Frank ford obtained th satisfaction uf
winning th Individual ihamplonshlp of tho
two schools when ll.utorobv nest J out While,
of Germantown, In a clnae finish.
The school croea-oountry runner ar In
good shape for lb first handicap event of the
season, which la scheduled to take place In
Falrroount Park Saturda morning- hearty
very school of Importance will b ri-tsenUd.
whili Northeast and Central High have In
sured a goyd rac by entering thlr full team.
Wcat Philadelphia High Is going In strongly
for th hill and dale sport thla rar, and
should make a nam for themselve before the
big rLC on Tbanksglvlpg Day.
rHIOAQO, Oct 22-Jeas Lean, of Cbi
caso. defeated Charles Le Circa, of Cln
... .ii uv i.. ii in tha Interstate Three -
Cushion Billiard league match, complet
ing his string in W Inning,
National A. C. tiSti&ftSSrJfc.
tiimuv tmivKi.T. . ir n rvvkENKY
arsur utocr Diar au( govur wvosr v
man and boxer will give an exhibition Sat
urday evenlrg in Cincinnati. He will got Into
tho ring with "Philadelphia Jack "O'Brcn.
A Gunboat Sunk
Think of It men, A "(Sunbont Sunk."
Put nnav by a submarine. ,
Hut the "liunboat" unk was
And I.nngford the rubmnrlne
The "nunbonf" pilot.
War Tern O'ltourkc.
Aim he enrried a plrnte crew ;
In the ImrUir of Unstin
His craft went down,
While the gale
It shrieked nnd blew.
His "(lur.bont" breasted the raging nave,
Willie he submarine below
Planted Its phot on the "Ounboat's" Jaw,
And laid the "Ounboal" low,
"Cnp" Woodman now.
And hi' Jolly tr,
"Tar n.ilp" Hum's his name.
Havo equaled tho record
Of "Johnnj" null,
And gained everlaitlng famo.
At "Gunboat's" door.
As vou piisfl by,
You will soo the neighbors gape.
For nnlled to It,
la a nlco long piece
Of the blackest
Joe n. Hurst,
W. It. MUel's Ttobert liradley In the handi
cap at Ijiurel Park yrMenlny smashed the old
mile track mark by going the dlstanto In tho
speedy time of l."S. Azylado Is the thorough
bred which hung up the former record of
i:w 2-.1 in in 12.
Yale undergraduates are singing the praises
ol Frank Hinkey, coach, and If the hid
nnvthlng tn dn with It the Instructor would
havo a lifetime position. Yale, under hi'
coaching, has assumed memclng proportions
this jear.
l.Tst night's binquvt at Columbia t'nlverslty
must have been a wonderful affair. Fifteen
hundred unnergrndimtes and alumni gathered
before th.. festive board and paid homage to
the While and Plue crews whlh Bwept tho
Hudson in the Intercolleglates last year.
Tho sportsmen of thn country are about de
cided thnt Directum I. 1 tho speediest pacer
n the wrrld Ycterday for the second tlmo
this fall the "Jim" Butler thoroughbred
romped away tn victory over tho chnllcngcr
Mil'vatikee tight prorroterH will not allow
"Freddlo" Welsh, the lightweight world's
chnmplor. In box before u Madison Square
audience November 2 Thry ray ho would be
Jeopardizing his drawing power In a battle
to take place there earlier.
A distressing accident occurred In the ring
at Gary, Ind., last night, when "Joe''
I.evendnivkl. of Michigan I'tty, was killed In
a bout with "Jock" I.undren, of Chicago.
Punches on the back of the head, follow od by
a olar plexus punch brought about the death
of the Hchter.
The Delaware Yachtsmcn'a league organized
last night Is likely to find some atlff opposl
tlnn for a while, but It Is generally agreed that
another real live organization hereabouts will
survive and prove a blessing.
Anqrcvv Dunn, a Harvard student, who halls
from Chicago, was Injured so badly by a
batted beseball jesterdny on Soldiers' Field
that he may die.
If Territt and Wlngo Join the force! of the
Federal league th Cardinals will take tha
matter to tha courts. A dispatch from St.
Vuls Indicates thla step will be taken.
Admirers of "Charley" Brickley, the Har
vard football atar, will no doubt be glad to
Vnovv that iia Is mending rapidly. "'Charley"
waa operated on recently for appcndkltles. He
la now sitting up for a while each day. A
speedy recovery la all th harm we can wish
"Tommy" Farrell l a new lightweight to
r developed by tho Hamilton Athletic Club,
of New Yuri;. If all Ihe nlco thing that ar
being aaid and written about "Tomm" ire
true he l a wonder. Friday night this embryo
Nelson will meet none other than our boxer,
"Johnnj" I'lark, of this city.
"You Know Me, Al"
Beginning Tuesday, Octo
ber 27th, and continuing
until November 3rd,ning
Lardner whose Bush
League letters in the
Saturday Evening Post
have spread his fame as
a humorist will write a
daily letter on the Har
vard - Michigan football
Lardner'a style is so at
tractive that you will get
a big laugh whether you
are Interested in football
or not.
These letters will be pub
lished in Philadelphia
exclusively in the
ttetmtmg BTefingj
Fifth Annual Affair Bids
Fair to Be Most Important
Ever Held Prominent
Speakers to Talk.
Tho fifth nnnuat banquet of the Athletic
Association of tho Germantown Boys'
Cluh will be held tonight, nt 7 o'clock,
at the club, 25 West Penn street, German
town. Coming after tho magnificent per
formance of the track team, winning for
the second yenr tho outdoor tmck nnd
field championships of the Middle Atlan
tic Association of the A. A. U., this year's
banquet promises to bo the best. Indica
tions point to n large gathering of the
Germantown athlete nnd many other
amateur athletes of the city.
The addresses will be made by Edward
James Cattell, Chief Statistician, Mayor's
Oluco; Dr. Calvin O. Althouse, Director
of the School of Commerce, nt the Cen
tral High School; Dr. George W. Orton,
Coach of the University of Pennsylvania
track team; Herman Meyer, secrctary
trensurcr of the .Middle Atlantic Associa
tion A, A. U., and Jimmy Patterson, of
tho University of Pennsylvania, Intercol
legiate 100 yard recoid holder. Edward It.
Hushnell will act ns toastmaster. The
Banquet Committee consist of Joseph
D. Goodman, chairman; Cnrl Vlscher und
Charles W. Balnbrldge, Jr., superintend
ent of tho club.
Athletes from New York, Wilmington,
Atlantic City, Baltimore, and various
suburban points will be seen In compe
tition In the first annual modified inura
thon to bo held by the Phllopatrlan Club,
on Saturday, November H, over a "14
mllo course. The race Is a scratch affair
open to nny registered amateur nthleto
over 16 and Is sanctioned by the A. A. U,
Hudson 6
Seats 4
. o, b,
253-259 N.
New York Reports That He
Is Wanted to Manage New
York Americans for Next
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. It is rumored
here In baseball circles that Charier
Dooln, who hns just been succeeded by
fat Mornn ns mannger of the Philadel
phia National League Club, has been
offered tho managership of tho Yankees.
While no verification of the report could
be nmde by the owners of the lool
American League club, It Is believed
that the offer made Dooln was one which
ho would consider.
At present Dooln Is not In a position
to accept any offer because lie Is still a
member of tho Philadelphia Club, and,
according to a story emanating from the
yunker City, he was refused his uncon
ditional release by President W. F.
Baker, of that club.
The Yankees at the present time have
no ono In sight for manager, and it Is
highly probable that Dooln will be made
a more Mattering offer If he Is not sat
vslled with tho one which Is snld to have
been mado to lilm. It Is also reported
that Dooln may go with the Clnclnntl
Club, but not In the capacity of man
ager. Tccklnpaiigli Is still nominally manasef
of the Yankees, but the owners intend
to havo another man by the time thl
spring training season begins.
As Dooln Is not In Philadelphia, Un
report that he had been offered the lead
ership of the Yankees could neither bt
verified nor disproved today.
- 40 Coupe
Motor Car Co.
Broad Street
RACE 2177