FRANCIS S. BARLEY'S PERSONAL PROPERTY WORTH $673,211.15 Inventory of Prominent Phil adelphia's Estate Filed Today Many Invest ments in Utilities Companies. rersonnt property or Francis Sully Drl'i prominent I'hllndelphlan, whoso will distributed art treasures, library and property among nrt museums, educational Institutions and lirnpltals, has been ap praised at $673,211.15. An Inventory, filed with the Register of Wills today by Albert 1 1. Ashby nnd Vf. It Badger, Jr , places the personalty of jlr Parley's estate at thnt amount. Mr Parley, who was a son-in-law of the lato Matthias V. Baldwin, founder of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, dlod at Atlantic City AURUBt 22 last. Ho re sided at BIO South Drond street. Valuable paintings by Thomas Sully were left by Mr. Darley to the Metro politan Art Museum of New York city. Among the local Institutions receiving bequests were tho Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Franklin Institute and the Ponnsjlvnnla School of Industrial Art. Among the Investments named In the appraisal tiled today are; Shares- 450 Lehigh Volley It. II. Co ?27,300 173 Philadelphia Traction Co 14,000 575 Pennsylvania It. II. Co 1 1,300 20 Central National Dank ,,. 12,180 Bonds 131,000 Went Pennsylvania Co 32,040 50,000 Hudson River Traction Co... 20,400 14 000 Lehigh Valley R, n. Co 10,181' 12,000 Phlla. & Readlns; II. n. Co... 11,100 10,000 Naehvlllo Gas Heating- Co.,,. 10,000 10.0UO Citizens' Traction Co. (Venango County) 0,300 10,000 Tidewater Power Co 10,000 15.000 Pennsjlvanla State College... 15,000 12,000 Imllnnn Traction Co 11,400 10.000 Omaha nnd Council Blurts R. It. Co 0,500 9,000 Rotkfnrd Gas Lteht anil Coke. Co 8.010 10,000 Pennsjlvanla Company 0,300 10,000 Pennsylvania Central Light ond Power Co 0,800 8,000 Erie HaJIrond equipment 7,700 Household furnishings, silverware, china, glassware, bronzes, books, etc 80,.2t..".0 Jewelry 2n,7.-. Cash 3S.nin.nj The balance of tho estate Includes chiefly bonds and mortgages. Inventories filed today of personal prop erty of other estates am: Frederick J. Buchmann, $MXI.73: Stephen F. Ketran, $5303.21, Theodore Zane, iitOt.06. The estate of Martha Tlel, late of 1001 North 12th street, vnlued at $145,200, Is bequeathed to n. daughter, Lillian M. CHILDREN'S CORNER THE NAUGHTY BOY There was a naughty little boy, As naughty as could be; The baddest in the world, I guess; And that was little me. He told me that I might be hurt, And put me in my bed. But when he scolded me again I sat right up and saidi JIMMY! Jimmy South-breeze! Lome here this minute, I need you" The voice of Mrs. South breeze blew through the gardens, around the houses and up and down the streets. But there was no answer. I wonder where that child can be," she exclaimed. "I want him quickly. Jack Frost is coming and it's high time I collected my family and started south " Mrs. South-breeze hunted anxious ly through all Jimmy's favorite play tpnts but no Jimmy did she find. .Then she remembered the woods. Why didn't I think of that before! Of course Jimmy has left the city! I remember now he told me be had some new playmates out in the beech grove " She blew out from the city as fast as she could Sn fast in fact, that she blew off people's hats; tossed cur tains in and out of windows and kick ed up enough dust to spoil a dozen House cleanings! Rut did she care? No indeed! She as hunting Jimmy, and that was all she thought about. When she reached the edge of the beech woods, she stopped to listen, sure enough. Off in a distant corner o the woods she beard the murmur o Jimmy's voice. 'Jimmy," she called. "Jimmy South breeze! Do come to me! I have been hunting all over for you!" Now all this time, Jimmy had been naving a beautiful time of his own. e played with the leaves, talked to ie squirrels and other creatures of "e woods, all without a thought of m mother needing him. For usually. f?u see, she was glad to have him find ms own duties and pleasures. ib-ea m the midst of a lively con ersation with Bushy Squirte!. he usbt He heard his mother's voice, S..U e'L.a lninute," be said to sushy '! believe that's my mother BEFORE THE SANDMAJN COMES I 1 ! EVENING Tlel, n, son of Howard W. Tlel and grand chlldten. Other wills probated today arcs John .1, Dallas, 1518 North 621 street, disposing of an estate of $20,300; Mary A. Alberton, Nantucket, Mass., $17,200; Amanda S. Hoi loway, 3900 Bnrlng street, $13,600; Horatio Si, Stokley, son of the late Mayor Wil liam S. Stokley, 2917 Frankford avenue, $ll,E00j Christian Acker, who died In the Ftnnkford Hospital, $300, and Mary C. Owens, 5129 Aspen street, $2300. AGED SEXTON FOUND DEAD ON CHURCH WINDOW LEDGE Workmen Discover Body of James Hollo, Employe of Fashionable Congregation. Jamea Hollo, the aged assistant sex ton df tho Second Presbyterian Church 21st nnd Wnlnut streets, was found ilea ' today on a window lodge In the edifice. Hollo was nearly 70 years old. It was said to have a home near Oth an Vine streets. About a month ago It shuffled Into the church searching fo work. William S. Maghers, the sexton took pity on tho nged man nnd hired him to help about tho place. He was put to work dusting pews anil doing other minor talks. Occasionally hi complnlncd of a pain In the region o his heart, Last night, as was his custom, the old mnn made his rounds of the bultdliiK When workman saw rtollo this mornln they thought ho was asleep. "Get up old man," thoy raid, and shook him. Dr. Alfred Hand, Jr.. 1724 Pine street who came to tho church, said the aged sexton had been (lead for several hour' TRACES LINEAGE EAR BACK Georgo Garford Was Descendant of Archbishop of Canterbury. George Gat forth, for ninny yenrs a ren1 estate dealer and resident of West Phll.i delphln, .tnd a direct descendant of Arch bishop Potter, of Canterbury, who was ordnlned to thu archdiocese In the year 1700, died In his home, 5139 Itavertnul avenu?, yesterday. He was 71 years old Mr. Ottrforth wns horn In Yorkshire, Hngland but lived tho greater part of his life In this country. Ho was at on" time a member of the Board of Kducntlon and a director of tho old Hoffman Pub lic School, at 53th and Vine streets. He was a member of tho St. George Societj nnd the Hnverford Avenue Uuslnuts Men's Association. A son and daughter survive him. MARRIED AT EX.KTON ELKTON. Md Oct. 22. Seven Pennsyl vania couples were married here toda.. They wero: Joseph A. Rynn nnd Kllzaheth G. Dul loy, James V. Kelly nnd Chtlstlnna l.r vlne, and William A. Zook nnd Helen M. Metrltt, alt of Philadelphia; C'hnrlc II. Harrison, Hnverford. and LIHIc K Kelsh, Ilala; George W. McCain nnd Sarah Elizabeth Carr, Chester; Edward M, Reagan and Mary J. Norway, Lang home, and David Helllg, Clenrllcld, nnd Elizabeth Shaffer, Ardmoro. I ran away so very far, Across the street car track; Till daddy found me playing there And carried me right back. "Vm only just a little boy; I didn't know no better." And daddy laughed until he cried, But mother's cheeks were wetter. Malcolm Sanders Johnston. calling me." So they listened. And sure enough! It was Mrs. South breeze calling from the edge of the forest. "All right, mother," replied Jimmy, "I'm coming." "I expect she thinks it's time to go south," said Bushy; "maybe I won't see you again for a long time." "Oh, dear me," exclaimed Jimmy, ''do you really think so? Just when we're getting acquainted! I mean to ask her if I can't stay a little longer." Back through the woods Jimmy blew till he met his mother. "Yes, mother," he said, "did you call me?' "Indeed I did," replied Mrs. South breeze, "I've been hunting all over for you! I've just had a message from the north that Jack Frost is coming. That He'll be here tonight. We must pack up quickly and start for the south at once!" "But I'm not afraid of Jack Frost," said Jimmy. "Let's stay one day longer. I'm having so much fun just now." "But Jimmy," said his mother, "you don't understand how fierce Jack Frost can be! He'll come in the night, while we are sleeping, and he'll make us shiver and shake with cold." "Ho, ho," laughed Jimmy, "then I'll fool him, I'll stay up all night and blow around so he can't get into the woods." "But do you think you arc strong enough?" objected Mrs. South-breeze. "Indeed I am," replied Jimmy, "just look!" and he blew nearly all the leaves off a tree to prove his strength. Mrs South-breeze laughed. All right, Jimmy," she said. "I see you're growing up. We'll stay till tomorrow and you may take care of us I don't mum fooling that old Jack Frost my self." Tomorrow Jack Froat Afecfj Jimmy BQUth'BreSise. Copyright, ItH, Clara Ingram Judson. 4 ) TrcnttEft-PHILADELPHlA, THURSDAY, QQTOBEB ' HIGH mmmmmM:i'mS V """"T- Sift iMfim&vili Upper photograph Girls gathered before their special train in Broad Street right) Florence Young, Charlotte Thompson, Mildred Livingston, Dorothy O 160 SCHOOLGIRLS FROM WEST PHILA. TOUR WASHINGTON High School Seniors Happy at Prospect of Spending Three Days Inspecting Capital's Sights. One hundred and sixty happy girls, seniors of the West Philadelphia High School for Girls, left Broad Street Sta tion at S:30 o'clock this morning for Washington. They will remain at the capital three days Tho ttlp Is the result of a unanimous vote of tho seniors to substitute an out-of-tonn trip for the class-day exercises usually held during commencement week, and they expect the plan to be n success. There wore tall girls and short girls, blondes and brunettes among the en thusiasts, who filled the four cars on the special train. An automobile trip around "Washington will be made by the seniors upon their arrhal In Washington. After the tour they will take luncheon at the Hotel Gordon and spend tho afternoon In the Corcoran Art Gallery nnd Pan-American Union. This evening will bo devoted to the Congrcshional Library. Tomorrow ' program Includes visits to tho Treasury, State, War and Navy build ings, and the trip to Arlington Cemetery, where they will remain until 2:30, when they will leave for Mount Vernon to take a steamer for Washington (m .Saturday the Washington Monument. Bureau of Kngravlpg and Printing, Smith sonian Institution, Old and New Natlonii m i m Urns ami the white House will be VWit., t'tlir to taUt' til' Nnlll LiMII I which will bring them back to this cltjr. ' 'i or hi win uiiix at litudd ritreet Sta tion at 7:55 p. m. I Tho tour is being conducted by nine , teachers and the principal of the school They are Parke Schoch, principal, and teachers Unite .Mien, Gertrude Ilrlefcer ' MntiLl Cheyney. Dorothy Colby. Florence ' Kvuns, Margaret XI. Kolock, .Marguerite Mcttvier, Esther si. iseinhardt and Mrs, J'ntke Schoch TODAY'S MAKItlAGE LICENSES John J Haubrlch, 2333 N. Sydenham ft., and Ella J. Ma, 40i'. lteno at. I,niil Klorelli Wilmington, Pel , and Johanna I'nliiintin, lil7 Catharine t. Ml, hud Mlliamkua. 31S4 liold St., and Mary Olikunlute, 3 '.'in Solomon t. Junes C Punlip, IM1 N. 03d it , and Hannah It Kl.ller. llll N 113d t Adam Hchinlilt. 128 Catharine it., and Mary LfKlntka, 13.11 S. Trout at. Chark'B It Ikhternarh. 131 tt X. Alllion at and Mar I' Hoin. IJ04 N. Conntoga at Max Clbnteln MT Moore at., and Ida Ilrook LM.n K ltiiluh at Reorge W. llelnert. LM2 Lamont at., and Jtan- nette It Mixker. -li!.'S Annln at John Parry, .1317 N 3"ih at , and Winifred A. tirlffin. 1U0 Mrrkle at. Harry Itubltinno BSil N tith at., and Molllo WalberK. H5 N Bth at Alexander T Mcaiiy. 1212 6. Bucfenell at .mi Kutbl'vn li flinty, 4tS Mojer at John Drozek, 325S Almond at . ami Kath uriua ilttm. .U3S Almond at. Dlmltio Zoplap. 1901 Alder at . and Anna tlolian. 2027 Howard at. Frank. K Jaqure, lotton. Maaa., and Jennie Kerr Hinlth. Dedliam. Maaa. Harrj W llianehard. 31.11 Hdenham at , and Kdlth M Plerc.. r a (Kd at. Frank J Well. It7 N. X7th at., and Hattlo C. Hudson. 58 N' rth at Charles A. Kitifatrlck. 709 W. Butler rt, and Man A. McPitt. H7 W Maater at. William H Tolc 1010 Naudain at., and Hat. tlo K J one. 1020 N'audaln at. Alfred E Gilford. 3b22 Fatrmount ate . and Vera R I tent iao.1 Melon at. Eterlzlo N Plcclrelll StU S 11th at., and Rmnu foiaulunlo, 7U S 10th at Fred J fkher. Jr.. SOU N. 5lh at., and ltuth Holmea, 2220 N. Oth at. John J Bands. 1802 K Atlantic St.. and KlUatmh M Oole 2000 E PaclBs at. Felix Ge)er 23S N Juniper at , and A.nna naaman, 238 N Juniper at. Elmer Krx-h, 18.'8 X Front at., and Carrie fhalmera. 1833 N 3d at. vnma Herlm M LonT, 1835 N. 11th at., and Cla-abella Allen. B13S Market at. John b iVl"io'!l -JIOJ Ulrard ava.. and Axxa V. UJ in, lvOl Spring Uardta t. SCHOOL GIRLS WHO LEFT FOR WASHINGTON TODAY SYNOD WILL AID PRESBYTERY Assistance Granted in Work Planned Among; Jewish Citizens Here. """.;. Ta Oct 22. The Homo Mission Board of tho Presbyterian Synod of i ...iyianla Mill give assistance to the Philadelphia Presbytery in the work to bo done among the Jewish people of Philadelphia at Mizpah Church. 8th and Wolf streets. The request wns present ed to the Synod this morning by the Philadelphia Presbytery nnd It was granted under certnin conditions. At tho session this morning the Bev. Dr. George P. Wilson discussed nt length the report of the permnnent committee of Synodlonl Missions submitted yesterday by the nev. Dr. C. C. Hayes, of Johns town. Among tho topics taken up In the discussion was work among foreign and receiving churches, better salaries for rastors, and kindred topics. Numerous reports covering tho work of the Synod were submitted to the members at the meeting this morning. Funeral of Mrs. A. L. Scott Funeral services of Mrs. Anne Louise Scott, one of the oldest residents In South Philadelphia and to whom many chari table Institutions are Indebted for her lH'fial contributions, will be held tomor row afternoon at her home, 1522 Hast Mcyamenslng avenue. Mrs. Scott, who died on Tuesday, was tho widow of George W. Scott, for many years a di rector of tho Southwnrk National Bank, anci founder of Asbury Park, N, J. Mrs. Scott was In her 81st year, and tho oldest member of the Old Swedes' Church, Front and Christian streets. Funeral of Walter H. Bonsnll The burial of Walter H. Bonsall, founder and editor of the Oermantown Guide, and a well-known resident of Oer mantown, who died last Monday at his home, 100 Harvey street, will take place this afternoon at 2 30 o'clock, at Ivy Hill Cemetery. Mmmimm ii ii iiiiw iiiii iinif MISS ETHEL C. HOLZ An ensign in the Salvation Army and daughter of Col. R. E. Holz, who is to be married tonight. SALVATIONISTS WED TONIGHT Ensign Ethel Holz to Be Bride of Captain Abrams. Several hundred guests will attend thi weddlns of KneU-n Ethel C Holz, daugh ter of Colonel R. K HoU, tho commander of th Atlantic Coast Province of the Sal vation Army, who lives at 127 South 60th street, and Captain G. Abrams. the com mander of the work at Merldeu, Conn. The ceremony U to take place tonight In th. citadel, at 8th and Vine streets, following a special program. Amons- many lino sifts that hv been sent to the bride Is a set cf allverwirt from John Wnn&maker, a friend of Colonel Holi. Station. Lower photograph (left to Barnes and Dorothy Stewart. FUNERAL OF MRS. WILLIAMS Wife of Late Veteran of Two Wars Buried. Tho funerul of Mrs. Eleanore K. Wil liams, widow of Lieutenant Colonel Albert L. Williams, a veteran of the Civil nnd Spanish-American Wars, was held from her home, ISIS North 27th street, today. Lieutenant Coionel Williams was wide ly known In Nntlonal Guard circles, and for many years was superintendent of the Union League. Ho was a memher of thu famous Washington Grays, and saw active service durinff the Spanish American War. FUNERAL M. J. O'BRIEN The funeral of Michael J. O'lirleti, one of the orsanisers of the Irish-American Club of this city nnd well known In Irish circles, who died last Saturday at his residence, 2300 Madison avenue, was held today at Holy Cross Cemetery. Mem bers of the Irish-American Club acted as honorary pallbearers. Mr. O'Rrlen, who was In his 70th year, was a director of the Fifth and Sixth Streets Passeneer Railway Company be fore Us absorption by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. OBITUARIES REV. MOTHER STUART Superior General of Religious of Sacred Heart Succumbs to Illness. Madame Janet Er&klrjo Stuart, sixth superior general of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, died yesterday at Roe hsmpton, London, England, after an ni ne's of five weeks. The Reverend Mother rituart visited the convent on Arch street In May before returning to the mother house In Brus sels. Lnst October she began an ex tended tour almost around the world in order to visit the diiforem houses of the soticty. Shortly nfter her return to the mother houfae In July the war broke out, and as an English subject she was obliged to leave. With considerable dif ficulty she arrived at Itoehampton, where she had spent her entire religious life as mistress of nolces, superior and vicar of tho order In England, until her election as superior general at the death of the Rev Mother Dishy, three years ago. During the past ear she visited her contents In Spain. Italv. Effynt. Australia. New Zealand and Japan, returning by wa of San Francisco. In this tr-intry she visited the convents In freattle. V.tiinuicr. Montreal, Albany, I Now York. Boston. Providence, Torres dale and PhlludHphia She sailed from atannattanviiie, x y , 0n June 20. Her death come as a great loss to tho ordei. She wns a woman of great ability ar d unubunl governing qualities and a writer of somo note. Her book, The Education of Catholic Girls," Is well known In this country. A requiem mass for the repose of her' soul will be celebrated by Archbishop Edmund V Prendergast tomorrow morn it. S at 8 31 o clock In the chapel of the couvnt at 1S19 Arch street. JULIUS ROBERTSON Philanthropist and a Pioneer Manu facturer of Colored Leather, NEW YORK. Oct 22-JuIiug Robertson, philanthropist and one of the pioneer manufacturers of colored leather in this country, died esterday of heart disease. He was 65 years old. Mr. Robertson was a native of Ger many. Reside being a patron or member of almost every hospital and charitable organization In the city. Mr. Robertson was a director of the Monteflore Home, chairman of the Bedford Sanitarium for Consumptive, and a member of the American Geographical Society. the Metropolitan Museum of An. the Ameri can Museum of Natural History, the German Club, the Fulton rtub mm thu New York Chamber of Commerce He leavej a daughter Claire, and two sons. ALBERT D. MULLER I HAKKENS VCK, tf. J , Oct- 22AIbert 22 1914. D. Muller, who for man years was su perintendent of the local silk mills under Glvcrnaud Brothers, died at his homo In Myer street yesterday, from a can cerous growth In the throiit. Ho was ED years old, nnd leaves a widow, two sons nnd two daughters. LEWIS T. HUTTON MOnniSTOWN, X. J, Oct. 22. -Within an hour after ho had registered for elec tion day, Lewis T. Hutton, 72 years old, was stricken with heart disease and died an hour later. He was a son of Andrew Hutton and was born In Xew York. Kor many years he was nn ofllclnl of the New York Calcium Light Company. JOHN TAYLOR UELVIDERE. X. J., Oct. 22. -John Tay lor, 74 years old, n. vetoran of the Civil War, died nt his home, yesterday, follow- i Ing a stroke of paralysis. He served four 1 jcars as a member of Company H, 9th Now Jersey Volunteers, and took part In tumerou' engagements. lie leaves a widow and a son. FRANK CAMPBELL NEW YORK, Oct. 22 Frank Camp bell, brother of Miss May Irwin, the comedienne, died from heart disease at ldyleaso Inn, Newfoundland, N. J., Tuesday. He was C9 years old. His fu neral took place today from the home of his mother. 102 West Slth street. GENERAL BRAYTON IVES OSSINING. N. Y., Oct. "-General Brayton Ives, former president of the New York Stock Exchange, died at his home here today after a long illness. He Mnn 74 year3 old. ROBERT ARTHUR Robert Arthur, an artist, known for his Impressive paintings of the Maine const, died In his apartments nt the Hotel Well ington, New York, late Tuesday evening. Mr. Aithur was widely known In Phila delphia. Although born and educated in this city, he lived the greater part of hia life In Washington nnd Baltimore. Ho is survived by a brother. Dr. W. H. Arthur, who is surgeon-in-chlcf In the Philippines. JOHN H. BENEZET John H. Renc7et, n well-known resident of Capo May, N. J , nnd for many years !n the plumbers' supply business in this city, died yesterday at his home, J31C Regent street, of paralysis. Ho was 71 years old. Mr. Benezet was a member of the Cape May Lodge. No. 21. A. O. U. W., and the Cape May Conclave, No. 1S3. I. O. H. A widow and two daughters survive. MAJOR K. J. DUNCAN NEW BRCNSWICK, N. J Oct. 22 Major K. J. Duncan. 7G years old, who for the lost 2") years had been paymaster of the New Jersey National Guard, died yesterday Major Duncan was, nt otio time, a member of the drygoods firm of Stoddard, Duncan & Van Pelt, but re tired from business a few years ago. He leaves one daughter. ALFRED BOND PATERSON. N. J., Oct 22 -Alfred Bond. 53 years old, died at his home yesterday following an illness of six months. For manv years he was asso ciated with the Crews Silk Finishing Company, and was active In church cir cles. His son. J. H n Bond. Is assist ant general becretary of the local Young Men's Christian Association. CLARA B. BOARDMAN NEW OBK. Oct. 22.-Mn.. Clara B Boardman, wife of r. A. Boardmun. died from pneumonia at her heme on Long Island. She wss born In Vermont w years ago. Her husband Is the manager of the Bayslde Automobile Company. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Susan B Decker, of Detroit, and Misa Helen P Boardman, of Baytlde. ROY W. TAYLOR Roy W Taylor, a well-known cartoon 1st. died esterday at his mother's home Mrs A. L. Marshall, 70B 3d street " W ' Washington. D. c , follow ing a brief ill ness of Brlght's disease. Mr Taylor was connected with the Chicago Triburui-Mtd the New York Herald. At the tnPfifof death lie was cartoonist for the North American. ' IN MKMOHIAJt IIKNDERSON In lovlnar raemorv of inn CHILTON HENDERSON. o dlVl Oc"oW 21, 1602. FATHKlt AND 410TIIEKT MILVNO.ln lnlnT mmembranca of a dearly bload hualmnd. Kolvo Slllar.o who departed his Ufa October 22 19US Q WIFE AK1 ilHLDKiiX. ' eatljs ALLISON Oa Oototier 21 iait ,,....,, OERTHIDB. dustu l'l thV'iVe '. K and AnnU M AlUaon. s seara. Funeral on Saturday at 2 .it d 7 J?f U rasldence of AuA,tA a?,1. fiH ftS? AKrHllt. Id New urk . lt on Tu.,l-v lt JO. 1U HOBEHT ARTIUH ?tle2i lame ea lrtday Octot, z , , J"'" DftJvr?T ln ,0cib" SI 1914. JOHN H j- neral aervuea ,n Krtdav at ft ,, ,,; eiHly. t hla wte mtJea... iW J?t . 11 DRATna West Philadelphia. Final aorvlceand Wtr ment at Xtethodist Cemetery, Cape May fourt House. Hindir. On October IP, 10H, CATIIARINIS. widow of John niren and dmurhter of the late nlehard and Mary 8. O. Boucher .Jit hr Md year. Funeral ervleea at her 1st rel dence, 4210 Stilts st on Friday, at 2 p. ml Interment prlvata. IIRAYKn. JACOB URATER., B years. Sl Jefferon at. RODDY At National Turk, N. J., on Octo ber 21, 1014, HENRY C nuahand of Brnma I. Roddy, a;ed i enrs Funeral services en Saturday, October 21, at 11 a. m., at tin residence of his brother, William J, Roddy, (119 Penn St., Camden, N. J. Interment pri vate, at Harlclgh Cemetery. URICII. ANDREW DRUCH, OS years, 840S Oermantown live. . DALY. On Octobnr 21, 1014, ELIZA T., wife of Matthew .1. Daly, aged 71 years. Fu neral ncnlccs on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., at her late rcfldenee, 013 N. C2d at. Interment pti ate DALY. On October 21, 1014, BLI3ABETH R., wife of Matthew J. Daly, aged 71 years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the fumrnl serviced, rn Saturday, at 2 p. n at her late residence. DM North f,2d at. In terment prhnte. DB HOIN. On Ortnber 21, 1014, LUCID,"be loved wlro of Aula De Doln. axed M yearn, ru notlee of tho funeral will be Riven, from her late rwldence, Iti.-.l Fltxaerald at. IIISSTON. -On October 21, 101L JENNIB C . daughter of the late Charles and Franres Dlsston Funeral from the resi dence of her brother-in-law, Atlee M Rile, ti.MB Morris at , Oermantown. Due. notice of funeral later. KIini.MAN. -HtllNnY EDBLMAN, 8 year, 25.111 North Natrona st IITi:, ANNE FITK. 117 years, 3018 Heller man at. OARIORTII. On October 21, 1014, OB' ROK husband of Mary Jane Oarfortn and son of the lato Paul nnd 'Ann Oarforth, In his 70th vrar. Iite residence. .1130 Hnver ford nvo. IMie notice of thn funeral will b Riven OKHHNnit.- On October 21. 1014. MATILDA, widow of Charles Oessner, aged CO jcars. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from her late reeldence, 3110 Wal nut St. (iROHS. -On Ortnber 20, 1014, HARRIET. wire of Oenme C Orosa nnd ilaiinhter of tha lato William nnd Matilda Cusltmorc FM nerr.i services on Paturday, at 2 p m., nt l.VK) West Tioga et. Interment private, at Laurel Hilt Cemetery HARRIS. At Nnrrlstnwn. Pa., on October 21 1014. ANN IIAILKY HARRIS widow of John Harris, nued 7 jears Funeral from bur late reldrne 714 l.afajtte at., Norrls town. IM -ii Frlrtav at 2 in p in. Inter ment private, at St Paul's Lutheran Ceme trv, Ardmorr. Pa HEANY. Suddenly, on Oetober 21, 1014, FRANCIH lielovcd huabnnd of Oraco Hfany Funeral on Saturday, at S an a. m from 2370 Seybert st Rritulem Jtan at St, Kllrnbeth a Churth, nt 10 a. m. Interment nt Hob Cross Cemeterj. HKHR On October 21, 1014. FANNIE tW HERR, -widow of Austin Hrr, nt Washing ton, D. C. HEWITT, At Rurllngtnn, N. J on October 20, lill4, Dorter EDWARD LL'KENB HEWITT Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral aervices, at St. Mary's Churrh, at RurllnRtnn N. J., on Friday afternnnn nt 3.4 o'clock. On Oetober 17, 1014, FRANK J , husband of Dorathea C. Kraemer (nea Miller), formerly of Atlantic Clt, N. J. Funeral on Friday, at 7"S0 a. m., from tha chapel of John H Wetzel. 232S Ocrmnntown avp. High Mnr nt Lady of Mercy Church, at n a. m. Interment private. LACK.MAN. On October 21. 1014, SUSAN NAH, widow of John D. Lackman, aged SO years. Funeral on Saturday, at '.' p. m., at her dauchfr'n residence. Mrs. Caroline Ar ment, US (Jucen et., Oermantown. Inter ment nt Ivy Hill ' emetcry, LILLY. -On October 20, 1011. ELIZABETH A., widow of Thomas Lilly. Funeral services on Saturday, at 9 .10 a. m., from lato residence. 2210 Lombard st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem nt At. Patrick' Church, at 10 a m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. ' MAXF.IN. On October 10. 1014, FRANK MANKIN. himband of Anna Mairln, aged 37 years. Fun-ial on rrlday, nt 8 30 a. tru, from 101 Ja t.. Mnmvunk Requiem Mass at St. Mir.- church, at 10 a m Interment strictly rrivate, at ft Marj'a Cemetery, Rox botouch. MacDO.NOVGIL- On October 21, 1014. DOH ATHY .MARIE, beloved daughter of Thomas c. and Mary E. MncDnnough. aged 11 yeara. Funeral on Saturdnv, at S a. m.. from 1S37 McKean st. High Requiem Mosi at Church of St Thomas Aquln nt 0 30 a. m. prn clsely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemeterv. McOl'IRE. At Trenton. N. J., on Octqber 21), 11H4. MARY J., wife of Timothy F. and daughter of the late Lawrence and Anna Kehoo, o! South Pcthlehem, Pn Funeral on rrld-ij, at R a. m . from 260 Clay St.. Tren ton. N. J. Solemn Requiem Mass at tha I in' re h of the .-acred Heart, at 1) a. m. Interment at St. John's Cemetery. MICKEI On October 20, 1014. HOLLIS P. MR'KEL. aged 7n cars. Relatives and friends, also G. 'A. R. veterans, are Invited to attend tho funeral serviced. M1LLKIL In Switzerland. Mr. BENJAMIN MILLER, of 137 West School lane. Oerman town. (By cable.) MORRIS. At Langhorne, Pa , on October 21. FANNIE A. wldiw of Jamcv H. ilor rl. aed 03 ears. lineral eervlcos on Fri day, at S p m.. at her lato residence. HKM S Norwood st. Interment at Camden, Del., on Saturday MORTON. At Parry. N. J. on October 10, 11114, ELIZABETH f.. widow of Timothy Morton, ased 7S jears funeral on Friday, at 1 P m from the residence of Collins H. Haines, Pnrr, N. J. Interment private, at Colcntowii Cemetcn-. Ml I.I.IV.- BRIDGET MULL1N, 08 years. 2J3.1 Klmtall at. Ml'Itl'Ili. On October 21, 1014. at her lata residence, ,vj w ll.ilnce at., Germnntown. Mrs. THERESA MFJtPHY. aged s. jeara. Due notice of the funeral will be given. riCHKTTL Suddenly, on October 20. 1014. MARY, widow of Simon Bartholomew Flchettl Funeral services on Frldaj, at 2 p. m . at 111 Collnm st , Oermantown. Inter ment rrivate. PRATT. On October 20. 1014. FRANK M. PRATT, son of the latn James Dundas and Sarah Pratt, uged Tfi years Relatives and friends are Invited tn attend the funeral services, on Frldav, Oitober 23. at 2 o'clock, at his lite residence. 2121 Hrldge st . Frank ford Interment private OI'IDOHT. On October 21 1014. at Capo May, PETER S. QCIDORT. in his SSth ear Services at his lato residence. 37 Jack son st , Cape May, at 2 P m.. Saturday, October 24 Interment private, at Cold Springs Cemeter), N J. ITfill. On Octoher 20. 1014. HENRY C, Sr.. husband nf the late Tacj A. Push. I"uneral ecrvlecs on f-nturda. at 2 p. m.. at his late residence. 2.110 N. Sartiln st. Inter ment atrlctly private, at Mt. 1'cace Ceme tery. RINOELSTEIN Octoher 10. MARY, wife nt Jacob 1 Ringelstcln, aged 53 jeirs. Fuaeral. on Frldaj attctnoon. at 2 o'clock, from 223 North Ofith st Interment at Mt. Peaca Cemeiery m'STr.MIAC'H. - On October 10. 1014. CHARLES A. husband nf Elizabeth Rusten rach. aged W yenra Funeral xm Friday, at 1 p. m . from his late nsldcnce. Oermantown avn and Duller at Interment at Ncrlhwood Ccmeten . M'HEIHt. -On October 20. 1P14. JOSEPH, husband of the late Margaret Scheer. Fu neral on Krlda). at Ha. m . from 3imi Clif ford st latove Columbia ave i Requiem Mass at St. Ludwlg'a Church, at 10 30 a. m. Interment private SCOTT. On October 20, 1014. ANN LOUISA Si'nxT. widow of Oeorge V Scott Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend th funeral serv I, es. on Frldav at 2 p m. at her late residence 1122 East Moyamensln ave Interment private SMITH. On October 20. 1014. WILLIAM. husband of Elizabeth Gmlth. aged 62 ear. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on rrlday, at 2 p. m at his late residence. N W corner of Emer ald and Tioga els Interment at Esat Cedar HHl Cemetery. cOMMKR. MADALENE POMMER. 13 months. 2P42 North Ortjnna st MI.TZIIUII. - MARY Sl'LTZBACH. 04 years 30.1S Arch st. TAIll'E On October 21. 1914. ANNIE J. wife of James Taaue Funeral on Saturdas' at 10 a in , frorq W21 Winxlland ave . Wast Philadelphia Solemn Requiem Mass at tha Church of the Moat Rleaed Sacrament, at 10 a in Interment at Holy Cross 1,'eme- T,,IO!h,;,T,iS0'?.0c,t,,"!r 19- 1H. CELIA JOSEPH IS p wife i of John H Thornton ant daughter gj Imephlne and tho late Samuel Stgrest Funeral on Saturday, at 2 p. m?. fiom 4111 -Vrih 'ith si Interment private, st Greenwood iK of P Cemetery """" TOWN. -Suddenly, at Cape May. on October 51. 11.11. WILLIAM r. 'Tt.W.sV ?r? hi. 7 Is? yenr froineral sei-vlres on S'sm.v t tt P m at his Iflt reM lenc. a.11 fonkrM ntm rspo May, N. J, Interment at Cold SprlncI N "l'jVirntarAVC'4 "Ai"'At'' "' "u2SMCr.tonAJnK,llN'E WAW"- 7S ". WEAVER- On O. tnber JO, 1014. COR NELIA A widow uf Wro V Weaver and daughter of Chas and Ellaabeth D. Jones Fi neral from 32:11 Catharine st , on Friday inr.rntnK at 10 o'clo, k Services at First rrebterlar ctiureh. 17th and Fltzwater ata at 11 o'clock Interment at Bden Coin, etcry IVKIiMAX.- HENRY WEOMAN. 77 yeara. It).: Pemiaerove at WEI. DON. -On October IP. IBM, EDWIN. husband of Annie U'eidon Funeral Fri day mornlns at Sill .nlotk froiH 2113 Summer ft High Requiem Maaa at lb Cathedral at 10 clcK Interment private. WILSON. -On October 20, 1814, ROBERT. husband of ' Ulls. n in hie 04th veai luneral on Frldav at 2 p m, from bis late residence 11 l'rift.lal , dw. luiiough Interment at Laverington ( emetery WIN'KI.EK. On Oitober 2u. 1M14. ADAM J, husland "f Calherlin- M Winkler FlafL'jl on rrmitr mwiiiiii 11 i , o 'o k ironfaM N .'-in at Koieran KMiulem Maaa at uudwixa ii'.iiun athoik itiurch at o'clock InleinKnt at Holy cross Cimet.rv. WOOD. On p. lober 21 19H. OBOHOE H. ftuebami or jjary wnurj, ite of in N ijiri at Fuaeral ou dalurda.) at 1 p m fro n ih undertaktug prUi of lwia H stwift. .jutbt ornr 13th anl Jeffr..n an iPi terineni private, at M tnilnlt C'etueter. WII.IT. Ob October 31. 1S14. BL1ZA. HETH. Ww ol Theotor. VfuUf' KetVifvl. and friends are Invited to atuna fuausel ervicee oo Stur'la at 2 p m t aiiart ?"'; ' lTU U pollock A. Son. IMVn, ,..'! v. iii'Kiu'riv private i NEIT i'Ti o, iobr 21 1914 HANsair SMini TAf.HOT w W nt t),"'g- ", K1 erat from U 0r,.n.-4 ave Jenkintoa.,, Interment at St I'nr J ,-ai-t (.",, l . Za"onnHIR1C Z1BAN CO y,fc US, 1 8. Oriiooa :l i'l A t r M r