Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1914, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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.. uttiH rMtAriLES GIBBONS DA-
VIS, of 8201 Seminole avenue, Chestnut
Hill have issued Invitations for a dansant
hlch they will give to Introduce their daugh-
Miss Louisa Gibbons Davis, on Thursday
afternoon, November 12. from 4 until 7 o'clock.
The tea will be held In the ballroom of the
dermantown Cricket Club, Manhelm. The card
Edward Lawrence Davis Is Inclosed. Mrs.
ntvla and her daughter will bo at home on
Thursday afternoons In January after 3 o'clock
at their Chestnut Hill home.
Mr and Mrs. William Coleman Freeman en
tertained a house party over the week-end at
their home In Lebanon. Among tho guests
were Miss Marguerite Patterson, Edward O.
Troth, L. Brooke Edwards, John B. Mears,
CilebWlstar and B. Baldwin Edwards. Mr.
. jirs. Freeman will not return to their
horns in St. Martin's until November IB.
Mrs. H. " ' Sharplcss, of Laburnums,
rwue'n Hill. has recalled tho Invitations to a
tea which sho had Intended giving to Intro
duce her granddaughter, Miss Henrietta Howard
Bturgis, daughter of Mrs. Itobort Sturgls, on
October 29. owing to tho death of Mrs. Edward
Wlnslow Taylor last week. Mrs. Sturgls will
Introduce her daughter, ''however, as sho had
planned, at a tea to bo given at tho Colony
Club, New York, on Wednesday afternoon, De
cember Miss Carolina Franklin, who has been the
guest of Miss Sophy M. Worth at the Glad
done, has returned to her homo In Lancaster.
Lieutenant Commander G. A. Blffct, U. S. N.,
nd Mrs. Blffet will entertain tomorrow eve
ning at tholr home In tho Glrard Estate. Tho
affair will be a reception and dansant and will
mark tho 12th anniversary of tholr wedding.
The dance hall has been artistically decorated
wlth autumn leaves nnd pink rosos, and tho
orchestra will bo heard from bohlnd a bank of
palms nnd ferns.
Tho guests will mcludo Naval constructor a.
B. Court, U. S. N., and Mrs. Court, Ensign
Balncy, lT S. N., nnd Mrs. Bnlney, Paymaster
Walnwrlght, U. S. N., and Mrs. Walnwrlght,
Captain Williams, U. S. N., and Mrs. Williams,
Lieutenant Commander R. II. Keyes, U. S. N.,
and Mrs. Keyes, Ensign Welter, U. S. N., nnd
Mrs. Welter, Lieutenant W. F. Cochrane, U.
g. N., and Mrs. Cochrane, Lloutennnt Starr, -U.
8. N.i Lieutenant Taylor, U. S. N.i Lieutenant
Weyelbachcr, U. S. N.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
F. Davis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bcebc, Mr. and Mrs.
Jolley, Mr. and Mrs. Borden, Mrs. R. L. Shcp
pard, of Roanoke, Vn.i Mrs. Lutz and Messrs.
Itlrns, Fergueson nnd Rlelly.
William Morgan, who has been tho guest of
Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Blffct, ro
'turned last week to his home In Newport News.
The wedding of Miss Marlon Lawrence Zim
merman, daughter of Mrs. Walter Zimmerman,
1646 Chestnut street, nnd Herman Webster
Allyn will tako place early in November.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. White, of School
lane, Germantown, havo Issued invita
tions for a dinner of ten covers to bo
given at the Adelphla on Saturday evening
next In honor of Mrs. Matthew Morris, of Bos
ton, Mass., who Is their guest for a week.
Their guests will bo Mr. nnd Mrs. William J.
Harding. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred G. Wright, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter F. Ewlng and William K.
Mrs. Pclrson S. Conrad, of Summit avenuo,
Wayne, Is spending several days as the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. David Boise, at her home
In Scranton.
The Trcblo Clef Club, of which Mrs. William
Simpson, Jr., of Ardmore, Is president, will
hold Its first meeting today at tho Acorn Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Morgan will entertain
the Weedcrs at luncheon today at their homo
In Vr'yndmoor, Chestnut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogdcn, of Lansdowne,
will leavo tomorrow with friends on a motor
trip. They will be gone several days.
Mr. and MrB. David FItzslmons, of Atlantic
City, N. J., hnve Issued Invitations for the
marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Jane
, FItzslmons, to James William Bew, of At
lantic City, to take place at 6 o'clock Wednes
day evening. November 4. at St. James' Epis
copal Church, Atlantic City.
ovznnnooK Mr. and Mrs. Philip A.eCaatner,
who have been visiting Mr. Castner's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Castner, Jr., at Devon,
have returned to their home on Wynnewood
Miss Maijory Edwards, who spent part of the
summer at Capo May. has returned to her
home on Sherwood road.
MEMo.Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Thouron will
not go In town this year, but will spend the
winter at Derlwyn.t their attractive place on
Montgomery road.
Mrs. a. m. Lewis, of Balrd road, and Miss
Arnold hnve returned from a two weeks' visit
to New York.
WYNf(F.wooD-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Primrose
Eaiish closed their summer home at Jameo
town, n. I , last week and have opened Prim
M'e Hall, their country seat at Wynnewood.
M. T. Frank Devlin, of Manor road, ex
Wets to leave next week for Pittsburgh,
wher she will be the guest of Mrs. Benja
min Price for a fortnight.
AitDMOBE -Mrs. Granville B. Hopkins, who will
he remembered as Miss Helen Hancock, whose
marriage took place this summer at Cape
May, will be at home this Thursday and tho
..ninB Thursday, from 3 to 6 o'clock, at
h'r new home, Llanfalr road and Montgomery
Pike. Mrs. Hopkins will be assisted in re
ceUing by ,er sister, Mrs. Nelson B. War
wick, and Mlsa Helen Dando.
Sirs. j. Stanley Reeve, of Coopertown and
Ardmoro roads, returned yesterday from a few
da' vltit to New York.
Mrs. s. p. Curtis, who spent the summer at
nw camp at Lake Keuka, has returned -home.
MIsj Grace Anderson Porter, of Earlham ter
race, has recalled her invitations for October 24
ana wm gtve ftn Informal tea Friday, October 30,
w honor of Mrs. Edward Hughes, of German
Tok &ni Jlr" CharIea Montgomery, of Now
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tucker entertained
r. and Mrs. George Frits Chandler Informally
dinner last night.
," Al Earnest Brecht. of West Hansbury
W. accompanied by her two daughters. Mrs.
0' Corln Bnd Mrs. Lawrence Putraan Kel-
th eterdaJr 'or Atlantic City, where
7 will ,pend a fortnight at the Dennis.
j lr- and Mrs, Henry W. Frost, of Summit. N.
,'. "nt wveral days In Germantown visiting
BehZ7Th" Fro,ls ornly ved at 28 West
Bnel Hoim lane,
thtir an4 M- W,1Uam Barnes are occupying
Jane. "" rIllnc a West School House
& Daniel Wendell Huburfc o Of on .Uot.
Pholo by Eugene O'Connor
Miss Thompson is tho daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. James Beaton Thompson, of 2212 Walnut
street. She will make her debut at a tea ,40 ho
given by her parents, on December 12.
has as her guests Mr. apd Mrs. James Lew, of
Akron, O., for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Willing and Miss Jessie
Willing, of 5009 Wayne avenue, havo returned to
their home from Henryvlllc, whero they have a
Charles R. Erdman, of Princeton, spent Sun
day In Germantown and lunched with tho Par
dees at their farm In Whltemarsh.
Cards havo been sent out by the "To'rpslcho
reans," of Oak Lane, announcing their dances
for tho senson, 1914-1915, which arc to bo held at
tho Hotel Adelphla on the following dates: No
vember 21, December 19, January 16, February
20. March 20, April 17.
Tho Tcrpslchorean dances aro becoming more
popular every season, and this year promises to
be ono of tho most successful. Tho committee
In charge consists of A. W. Borton, K. J. Blrn
brauer, H. K. Kerr, G. H. Knauor, J. P. McCul
lough, J. E. Pierce, A. G. Smith, W. V. Winder
and C. E. Wolflnger.
Mrs. John Willing, of 392) Walnut Street, has
Issued Invitations for a luncheon, followed by
auction bridge, Thursday, October 29, nt tho
Phllomuslan Club., 3944 Walnut street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gerhard, who have
Just returned from their wedding tour, held a
reception at their home, 6740 Arch street, on
Saturday evening. Mr. and MrB. Gerhard toured
tho New England States. Both are very well
known m West Philadelphia social circles, Mrs.
Gerhard having been Miss Gertrude E. Sulli
van before her marriage, some little tlmo ago.
Among the guests, were Dr. and Mrs. J. T.
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Cunco, Miss E. Hup
litz, Mrs. A. Gorman. Miss Anna Steeble, Miss
McGinn, Miss R. Rodgcrs, Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Gerhard, and Messrs. H. JIargrnvo, J. Sealy,
J. McNamara, Thomas Kane,' Thomas Devlne,
James Cadtlgan, Howard Bowling and W.
Mr. and Mrs. William Crelghton, of the
Glrard Estntc, gave a dinner dance at their
home, 2506 South Clevelnnd avenue, on Satur
day evening, tho tenth anniversary of their
wedding. Covers were laid for 61 guests. The
decorations were cosmos and white roses. The
dance room was transformed Into a Japanese
garden wllh tho use of lanterns nnd flowers.
Tho orchestra played In one of the alcoves and
was almost hidden with palms and ferns.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, Det
wller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Radcllrfe, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Radcllrfe. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leld
wangej, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rambo, Mr. and Mrs.
James O'Connell; Miss Hackles, of Lebanon,
Pa.; MIbs Smith, of Reading. Pa.; Miss Foley.
Miss Fraser and Messrs. Borrell. of Lebanon;
J Buckley, of Reading; J. Fox, W. Hermont.
Mrs. Richard McAllister, of 1920 North Eight
eenth street, who has been confined to the
Royal Victoria Hospital In Montreal, Can., for
the past two months suffering from Injuries
sustained In an automobile accident In upper
New York, has gone to her cottage in Atlantic:
City to recuperate.
Miss Mary Newlands and Miss Agnes New
lands, of 4152 North Broad street, will leave
today for a month's trip to Buffalo, Toronto
and Montreal. They will return by way of
Lake Champlaln, Lake George and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chlpman, of 3313 North
23d street, are receiving Informally on Tues
days. Mrs. Chlpman was Mrs. Mary Cummlngs,
of Germantown.
Mrs. Charles Edward Hallowed, of 1S22 West
Tioga Btreet, entertained at cards yesterday
afternoon, when her guests, who are members
of her card club, Included Mrs. Ernest Ermold,
Mrs. Henry Barry, Miss McFarland. Mrs.
James Hoag. Mrs. Frederick JennngB, Mrs.
William Schultz and Mrs. Franklin Kribbs. The
game was followed by a buffet luncheon.
Mrs. Ellen Monahan has announced the mar
riage of her daughter. Miss Sara M. T. Mona
han. and Joseph Martin English, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William English, of 3651 Old York
road. The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. James J. Tynan, assistant rector of St.
Stephen's Catholic Church, Broad and Butler
streets. Mr. and Mrs. English will reside in
The American Bridge Company Club opened
Its season of entertainments on Saturday night
with a muslcalo and dance at Woodvale, Its
clubhouse. An Interesting program was ren
dered by the AdelphI Quartet; H. N. Marks,
violoncellist; Mrs. C. Cay wood, soprano, and
James Smith, tenor.
Mrs. WHilam S. James, who has been the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Hiram L. Wynne,
of Pechln street, has returned to her home in
Seaford, Del.
The Harmon Road Sewing Circle will reor
ganize the end of the month .with the follow
ing members: Mrs. Thomas Morrow, Mrs.
Harry Carty, Mrs. Walter Rlghter, Mra. Harry
Elsenhart. Mrs. Clarence C Keener and Mrs.
Joicph Mciiaaui,
"Beet Day of All" Is Still Popular "frith
Bridegroom anil Critic the World
Over. . k
Foremost among the weddings today Is that
of Miss Marjory Thornton, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Edward Grim Thornton, and Dr. Wil
liam Frederick MooreP which will take place
In the Church of St Luke and the Epiphany,
on Thirteenth street near Spruce.
Tho bride, who will be given In marriage
by her father, will wear a. gown of heavy
eatln, claboratoly trimmed with old family
lace. Her long court train will bo attached
to the gown at the shoulders. Her veil will
be lace trimmed nnd she will carry n shower
Miss Mildred K. Hughes fUll attend Miss
Thornton as maid of honor, nnd the brides
maids will be Miss Grace Carhart Miss Bva
llne Taylor, Miss Mildred M. Jack and Miss
Agnes Sclln Schoch. Doctor Mooro will havo
Frank Robins Mitchell, of Boston, for his best
man, nnd tho ushors will bo Thomas P. Firth,
Samuel R. Moore, Dr. J. Stewart Lawrence
nnd Dr. James A. Babbitt.
The ceremony will be performed by the Rev.
David M. Steele, rector of the church. A wed-
ding breakfast wilt bo served at tho home of
Dr. nnd Mrs. Thornton, 1331 Pino street.
A very riulct wedding took place today at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gilpin Haz
ard, 1001 Park Place, Wilmington, when their
daughter, Miss Mary Pusoy Hazard, was mar
ried to Robert Ferreo Brlnton, of West Chester.
,The bride, who was given In marriage by hor
father, Voro the conventional white satin lace
trlmmed gown and tulle veil, edged, with
orange blossoms.
A small reception for the Immediate fnmllles
and friends' followed the ceremony. After a
wedding trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Brlnton will llvo
In West Chester.
A pretty woddlng which will tako place to
night In tho Wayne Presbyterian Church will
be that of Miss Elizabeth Mead Allen and
Henry Conkle. Tho coremony will be per
formed nt 7 o'clock by tho Rev. William A.
Patton, D. D. Miss Allen will havo her sister.
Miss Mary O. Allen, as maid of honor, and
her little cousin, Miss Margaret Rodenbaugh,
will bo tho flower girl.
Andrew J. Martin will act as best man, and
the ushers will bo W. Y. C. Dickson, A. Lin
coln A. Castle, Earl E. Trout, Walter Plerson,
Jr., Charles T. Mather and Harold 31. Plerson.
After tho ceremony a small reception will be
given for the bridal party and relatives.
A very pretty wedding will tako placo to
night, at 6 o'clock, at tho Church of the Gesu,
18th and Stiles streets, when Miss Sarah
Euphrasia Murray, daughter of tho late Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph M. Murray, of 1509 North 19th
street, will be married to Lewis A. Kelly. Tho
Rev. Edward G. Splllane, S. J will perform
the ceremony.
Miss Murray will be gowned in a white lace
robe, with a court train of white eatln ex
tending from the short waist line. Hor veil
will bo of fine white tulle, caught In placo with
orange blossoms, and she will carry a shower
bouquet of lilies of the valley.
Miss Murray will be attended by Mrs. James
J. Kelly as matron of honor; Miss Agnos M.
Murray, a sister of the brldo, as maid of honor;
Miss Elizabeth Kelly and -Miss Helen McGril
lls, ns bridesmaids,
The matron of honor will wear pink crepe
tlo chine, with pearl trimming, and she will
enrry pink chrysanthomums. Tho maid of
honor will wear a pink crepe de chine, with
a tunic of white Chnntllly lace, and will carry
pink chrysanthemums. The bridesmaids will
wear dainty pink chiffon dresses, with white
lace tunics, and carry pink chrysanthemums.
All of tho bride's nttendants will wear largo
Pink picture hats, trimmed with huge pink
Mr. Keliy will havo Joseph L. Kelly as best
man, and the ushers will be Benjamin H. Lin
ton, James F. Ryan, James J. Kenney and
Joseph M. Murray.
A reception will follow the ceremony at the
bride's home, after which the bridal couple
will leave for an extended wedding trip. Upon
their return, they will live at 1170 Wagner
avenue, where they will be at home after No
vember 25.
The marriage of Miss Anna Fltzmaurice.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fltzmaurice,
of 307 North Seventeenth street, to George W.
Jeffers. of 1505 South Eighteenth street, took
place in the Church of the Gesu, Eighteenth
and Stiles streets, this morning. The ceremony
was performed at 9 o'clock by the Rev. Francis
Fltzmaurice, a cousin of the bride, who also
sang the Nuptial Mass.
The bride was gowned In white satin, made
with a court train, and trimmed with Chantllly
lace. The tulle veil was held in place by a
wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried
n. shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of the
She was attended by her sister. Miss Mar
garet Fltzmaurice, who wore a gown of yellow
satin. Her hat was of gold lace, and she car
ried chrysanthemums.
The groom had for his best man James A.
Klldea, and the ushers were Thomas J.
O'Rourke. John A. Nulty, Edmund Trainer nnd
Thomas M. Golder.
After a wedding breakfast, served for the
bridal party and the immediate families, Mr.
and Mrs. Jeffers left for an extensive wed
ding tour. They will be at home at 5H West
Sedgwick street. Mount Airy, after December L
Tho wedding of Miss Harriet Cooper, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper, of S09
South St. Bernard street, to Charles Vanderbllt
Woodwnrd, will take place this evening at Cal
vary Methodist Episcopal Church, 4Sth street
and Baltimore avenue, at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Cooper will be given In marriage by her
father. She will wear a gown of soft white
satin trimmed with ducheps lace. Her veil will
be made of tulle and will te fastened at the
hair with orange blossoms. She will carry an
arm bouquet of orchids and gardenias.
Miss Mabelle Cooper, sister of the bride, will
act as maid of honor. She will wear pink and
carry pink snapdragons. The bridesmaids will
be Miss Marion Bell, Miss Mildred Thornley
Muneheon. Miss Miriam Brown and Miss Mar.
guerito Murphy. Thay will wear gowns of dif
ferent colors, one yellow, one blue, one peach,
one green, and carry flowers to match each
Mr. Woodward will be attended by Louis
Peck, of Staunton, Va., as best man. and his
ushers will be Lyndsley Vogel. George A. He),
ler. Walter Reynolds and Harry L. Cooper, a
brother of the bride.
The ceremony will be performed by the Rev
J. BlcKley Burns, pastor of the church, and will
be followed by reception, at tho Roosevelt
Mrs. Cooper, mother of tha brida, will wear
white crepe And Jet trimmings.
,On their return Mr. and Mm. Woodward will
reside at UOO South Wilton avenue.-
A pretty wedding will tako place tonight at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stlefel,
1911 Diamond street, when their daughter, Miss
Leah Stlofel, will become the bride of Marcus
H. Rosenthal, of Mount Vernon, O. The bride's
father will give her In marriage, and the cere
mony will ba performed by the Hcv. Dr. Henry
Bcrkowltji, of tho Rodef Shalom Congregation.
Miss Rlth Stlefel will attend her sister aa maid
of honor, and Simon Stlefel, the bride's brother,
will bo best man. Tho brido will wear a gown
of white satin trimmed with lace, Her lace
veil will be arranged with sprays of orange
blossoms and sho will enrry a, bouquet of palo
purplo orchids. A gown of pink crepo de chine
will bo worn by the maid of honor, who will
carry a shower of pink roses. Tho ceremony
will bp followed by a reception. On their re
turn from their honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs.
Rosenthal! will live In Mount Vernon, and wilt
receive after November 15.
A- wedding of Interest to West Philadelphia
wilt take place In Lewes, Del., this aft
ernoon, at 4:30 o'clock, In the Presby
tprlan Church of that city, when Miss Mildred
Molrls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlen Mor
ris, will becomo tho bride of Lewis Mustard,
formerly of Lewes, but now living In Brook
line, Moss. Miss Morris Is well known here,
where sho has been frequently entertained. Miss
Marjprle Menemln and MIbs Lovlna B. Wes
ley, of West Philadelphia, will bo two of the
four bridesmaids. On their return from their
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Mustard will live
In Brookllnc, Mass.
A wedding of promtnenco In West Philadel
phia will tako placo today In the Church of
the Trnnsflgurntlon, nt 5th and Cedar avenue,
at 5 o'clock, when Miss Margaret Henry will
bo married to William A. Skahnn.' Tho mar
riage ceremony will be performed by tho Rev.
Father Sullivan, and will bo followed by a re
ception nt tho homo of tho bridegroom's par
ents, BS03 Chestnut street.
After nn extended tour of the New England
States Mr. and Mrs. Skahan will make their
homo at 110 South Aldon street.
kold nnowN
The marriage of Miss Ida Earlena Brown,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William O. Brown,
of Hnddon Heights, N. J and Charles Ferdi
nand Kolb, Jr., of 3321 North Fifteenth street,
son of John P. Kolb, of the Bank of Com
merce, will tako placo tonight at the home of
the bride's nunt. Miss Ida V. Brown, '1S50 North
Seventeenth street. Tho Rev. Edwin E. Riley,
pastor of tho Wnlllngford Presbyterian Church,
will perform the ceremony. The bride will wear
a beautiful gown of Ivory satin and rare lace.
Her tullo veil will bo arranged with a garland
of orango blossoms, and she will carry a shower
of brldo roses and lilies of the valley. Miss
Ethyl Mario Brown, tho maid of honor, will
wear a pink taffeta frock and will carry a
bnsket of pink Klllarney roses. The best man
will be Scnntor Max Aron. A reception will
follow tho ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Kolb will leave for a tour through New Eng
land, arriving at their new home. 5412 North
Camac street, Logan, after December 15.
A pretty wedding will tako plnco tonight In
Christ Church, Media, when Miss Marion
Froneflcld will become the bride of Elmer
Thomas Sloan. MJss Froneflcld will wear a
superb gown of Ivory white satin nnd duchess
lace, nnd sho will carry lilies and orchids.
A small breakfast will follow the wedding nt
the home of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Sirs.
J. Harvey Fronedeld, nftcr which tho couplo
will leave on a wedding tour.
conn TVETTi.iNt;
Tho marriage of Miss Mary Adella Wettllng
and Gardner Mnlick Cobb will take placo to
day In St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Newtown.
Tho brldo will he given. In marriage by her
father, Lewis C. Wettllng. The gown she will
wear Is an Imported one of faille silk and laco.
There will be no attendants. A small recep
tion, however, will follow the wedding, to
which only a few intimate friends have been
The marriage of Miss Helen Elizabeth
Farmer, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James B.
Farmer, nnd Dr. Leonard Jones Hurklns, of
Oxford, Pa., will take placo this afternoon at
i o'clock In tho Episcopal Church of All Saints.
Dr. and Mrs. Harklns will leave Immediately
after the ceremony for tho West They intend
making a tour of California, vlstlng the ex
position and returning to Spokane. Wash.,
where they will make their home. Doctor Har
klns has large orchards In Deer Park, Wash.
Miss Edith Veronica Lovctto and Edward J.
McCrosson were married this morning with a
Nuptial Mass nt half after 0 In tho Church of
tho Holy Spirit, Sharon Hill. The Rev. Joseph
P. Monville officiated.
Miss Lovette wns nttended hy Miss Amelia
Marie Conway as maid of honor, and Daniel
MiGarvey was Mr. tycCrossan'a best man.
Tnere were no bridesmaids nor ushers. A
breakfast followed the ceremony, after which
Mr. and Mrs, McCrosson left on a short wed
ding trip.
Miss Isabel Page to lie Presented Today at a Tea
to be Given by Her Aunt, Mrs. James Larse.
Honors will be divided between Chestnut Hill
and the Main Lino again today, for three deb
utantes will make their formal bows to society.
Mrs. James Large will give a large tea to in
troduce her niece. Miss Isabel Wurts Page,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Page,
at her home.v Summer Crest, nt Evergreen ave
nue and Graver's lane, Chestnut Hill Mrs.
Large and her niece will recoivo in the largo
drawing rooms of the house, which are effec
tively arranged with autumn foliage, and th
numerous tlowers received by the debutante are
artistically arransea aDout the rooms. Miss
Page will wear a simple gown of white em
broldered mulle and chiffon. A number of deb
utantes will receive with her. Miss Mary Stuart
Vi'urt., Miss Hilda TunU. Miss Rosamunde
Fisher, Miss Kate Furness Jayne, Jllsa Alice
Atlee. Miss Cordelia Riddle, Miss Molly Wood
Bally. Mls Marian Savage, Miss Mary Tyson
Penckla, Mlsa Elisabeth Thompson, Miss Emily
La Farge Claxton. Miss Huberta Potter Miss
Eleanor Porcher. MUs Edythe Smythe. Miss
Dorothy Foltz and Mis Mary Qest.
Mrs. Large will ba assisted in receMng by
Mrs. William Byrd Page. Mrs. Robert H. Large
Mrs. Howard W. Pag. Mrs. Charles P. Fox
Mrs. Thomas n. Tunis. Miss Pauline D Bowie,'
Mrs. Felix du Pont, Mrs. William Sawtell Mulr!
Jr., Mrs. O. Q. Me.l Ijrge, Mrs. Davld
repper. Jr . Mrs. Robert Kennedy Wurts, Mrs
J Gardner Cassatt Mrs. Joseph J BroRn. Mrs
Charles Penrose Keith. Mrs. George B Warder
Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, Mrs. E Harrison
Taylor, Mrs. Joseph. B. Godwin. Mrs. qharlca a.
ET 'siiiiflSjflHHliiiiiKreMfraliBisiiiiiiii.
jEsf'QHt, iHBBfltHHsiiiiiiiiiiiHSsi
ps- vmbsHHBbiiiiiHI)iiiisHsiiV
ut sm&s fc. . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBsiSssKJsiBusilsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHt
Kw iBftar lji.ii.iHitSBl.iiiiiiiiiKi9HlliiiiiiiiiiiiiHi
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVc LiiiiiiiiiBI& "PsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBBBVHiiiiiiiiiHBssisiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHI
1m&' 'TJKSj"5' me-y iiifliiiiiiHHBBsiiiiiiiiiiiiiHdlsisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBHH
In "Papa's Darling," at the Forrct.
W. Packard, Mrs. John C. SimB, Jr., Mrs. Wil
liam Wurts Harmar, Mrs. John Walllngford
Mulr, Mrs. John L. Cox, Mrs. John H. Packard,
Mrs. Josoph M. Fox, Miss Mongcs nnd Miss
Mnlda Fox, tho latter a debutante of last sea
son. A supper will be given for tho receiving party
after tho tea.
Another smart Chestnut Hill affair will nlso
bo held on Graver's lane this afternoon, when
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. P. Crlsfleld will introduce
their daughter, Miss Litlle Habersham Crlsfleld.
This reception will differ from Mrs. Largo's
tea In that there will be no debutantes in the
receiving party. Miss Crlsfleld will wear a
dainty model, which is a rich combination of
lace, chiffon and tulle. Mrs. Crlsfleld will havo
receiving with her Mrs. C. V. Anderson, Mrs.
Edward S. Dunn, Miss Sarah Coleman Drayton
and Miss Harriet Dawson Drayton.
Miss Crlsfleld Is a descendant of Mrs. Noble
Jones, who was a decided leader among the
Southern families In this city many years ago.
A small dinner danco will follow the tea.
Miss Ethel Hnstlngs will be presented also
this afternoon by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Victor Hastings, at their country seat In
Bryn Mawr, at a tea, with dancing from 4 until
6 o'clock.
Miss Hastings will wear a beautiful Imported
gown, which is a combination of silk, tulle and
lace. Quite a number of the debutantes will
assist In receiving.
Tho day will end with a small dinner dance,
which Mrs. J. Ogdcn Hoffman, of Ithan Derl
wyn, Radnor, will give at the Rndnor Hunt Club
In honor of Miss Hopo Truxtun Benlo and Miss
Almee Hutchinson. Tho guests will be seated nt
small tables, which will be decorated with au
tumn flowers. About 73 persons will attend.
Mite. Genee, who (3 appearing at Keith's this
week, will glvo the greater part of her earn
ings during her limited engagement of five
weeks In vaudeville in this country to Queen
Mary's Working Fund for the orphans and
widows of soldiers who have gone to war. Mile.
Genee Is a llfp-governor of Charing Cross Hospi
tal, and before tho war broke out she had ar
ranged a special benefit performanco for tho
hospital which she expected would net at leaBt
115,000. This was postponed until later, for all
charity performances held at present in Eng
land are for the wnr fund. Just before leaving
England for America Mile. Genee appeared at
a benefit performance held at Daly's Theatre,
which netted about JIOOO for the Belgian refu
gees, Lew Fields' production. "Suzl." Is scheduled
for presentation at the Lyrlo Theatre here later
In the season.
Bernard A. Relnold, who will appear In one
of the principal rotes in "Today" at the Ader
phi Theatre later in the season, is planning to
entertain a party of fellow-explorers while ho
Is In this city. Mr. Relnold is one of the very
few actors who Is an accredited explorer, hav
ing accompanied an expedition Into the Interior
of '-Darkest Africa" and later to Interior regions
of South America.
Charles Frohman and Klaw & Erlanger havo
completed the company that will support Elsie
Ferguson in "Outcast." a play by Hubert Henry
Davies. The cast Includes Charles Cherry,
Marguerite Leslie. Warburton Gamble. Anrje
Meredith, Malcolm Tearle, Mabel Archdalo find
Leslie Palmer.
A cable from London states that Queen Alex.
andra and ranking members of the English
nobility manifested their approval of Anna V9.Y
Iowa's art In the first presentation there recent
ly of the new ballet, "Flora's Awakening"
The affa)r was a charity matinee for the bene.
flt of the English nnd Russian Red Cross, and
larse sum ot money was realized. Arrange
ments are now under way for a similar Paylowa
performance In the New York Metropolitan
WALTER MAC.VAMARA8 "t'rrlns !),
Next Attraction. "THE LITTI.B6T REBEL."
Coming & "The Spoilerq"
Photo Melo-DrBm Jfr""iICl S3
KeDecca 01 bunnybrook Farm
Octotitr 26 Oilatlas Up Ftht
ADELPHI "A Pair of Sixes," fnrco by Ed
ward Peple. Two business partners choot a
cold hand, tho winner to retain th business,
the loser to become his body servant for a
year. Delightfully laughable.
BHOAD "Lady Betty Martingale." new comedy
by John Luther Long and Frank Staytoo
A noblo Indy of 1TJ0 marries a man condemned
to bo hanged so ns to escape her debts. But
the man is pardoned!
FORKKST "Papa's Darling," musical comedy
by Ivnn Cniflitl. On tho excuse of having a
mythical son, n professor of moral psychology
visits Pur l.i and well, musically accompanied
complications follow.
GAimiCK "Tho Yellow Ticket." by Michael
Morton. Florence Reed, revealed as an
actress of suporeminont ability in a thr-r-HI-lng
melodrama of Russia.
KEITH'S Mlsa Adeline Genee, petite danseuss,
in absolutely enchanting dances.
LITTLE THEATRE "Arras and tho Man." Revival-of
Bernard Shaw's play. Shaw said war
war purgatory hut 'twas before ho met tho
LYRIC "Passing Show of 19U," revue from
the New York Winter Garden. Frivolous and
funny. George Monroe gives original views
on "white slavery."
WALNUT "Way Down East." Nineteen year
old and appealing as ever. Presented by a
capable company.
Opera House, the net proceeds to go to the
American Red Cross Society.
Laurence Eyre, the author of "The Things
That Count." which will be presented at tho
Adelphi Theatre hero early In November, la
a Philadelphlan and Is a prominent member of
the Browning Society of this city. Mr. Eyre
will be hero during tho nppearnnce of his play.
ADELPHI Pop. $1 Mat. Tomor.
Evb.SOP.m Mats 2:20P.M
II II FHAZEE rreii.nts
The Laughing Hit of the Century
"Pair of Sixes' a winning hand "Inquirer.
Pair of St' Is a cream " Public Ledeer.
"Wins yurres " Press.
"Ib a triumph "- Evening Ledger.
'Will make a full house at the Adelphi."
North American.'
Million-Dollar Theatre
Continuous Vaudetllle i to It Heatinc Capacity I20
"" s "A Dream of the Orient"
Guy Bartlett Trio Potter Hur'wH! A Co. Other. In
Hurting JA Kit) SUltritlfrE ACT Contalnlns Well
Known Stan
BROAD rr Mat. Today & $1.50
M RS.FISKE lnlsSmr
V?.1. .sh'" 1-ai.t Matlnea Saturday
Next WeWi, OSt; WEEK n.Sl.V Seats Thur.4ay
FORREST Mat. Today fc'u$1.50
A ItKAl. Mt'Sll-M. joy
KLAW unl ERLAMien I'rent
A Ne- M il 41 Cmy. H hy IVAN CARYLL
n. .k i 1MHKY H SMITH
5 Wert. Oi.lv Sl.-in, h n R.'BiiUr Mat Saturday.
ll X IV X V !V"Hr Matinee To-U
liAKT ' All. JHaUM. REVfBS
"The Whirl of the World"
;.v ay.
TQNItfllT . Jc. Six T5c B,i u.oo
Nut ik -t.ueiiie Ui-iii A ti There Was"
"joet tfcariMiHfr d'l.it.t on tbn faat ' Eve lmivme
ilLt-K ADEUNt. UEMZE. tit World' Urwtlst
Uoeue fcur muu te.l i.j Tremendous ihow. Iclu,l.
IiikEDWIN STE ENh CO . A, Otfc si? KeitufeJ.
The Little Theatre m& 1..BY s'
B4!rjralu limine rcajormw at '- St All Seet l ().
vjivn. Prk, Piiii. luuajf 8at, ?i,UU
rne Yellow Ticket
r.s AHDICX tad All.fH.r Ca.i
Buppfrte-H by EDW
mu ti'j eit ntu
Knoii ( h IS
Ni gt.
Today 2 l Ut
" "r - . . ihm 2 wr
Y i;
i CASINO "5&. aim j&Sr"