Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Austria Reported as Sus
pecting Italians of Destroy
ing Plant at Montfalcone.
May Involve Turkey and
LONDON, Oct. 20.
Tha International developments Involv
ing the possible participation of Turkey,
Rumania and Italy In the war held a
large place In the general Interest today.
That Importnnt developments may be
looked for very soon la the general belief
jn diplomatic circles.
Tho neuter Affency rocelved the follow
ing dispatch from Its correspondent at
Chlatso, Switzerland, today:
Who situation between Italy and Aus
tria Is becoming Braver dally. Notwith
standing efforts to prevent friction,
JVInce von Holienlohe, tlio Governor of
Trieste, has declared his moral conviction
that he will soon have evldenco that the
(Ire at Montfalcone dockyard was duo to
an Italian conspiracy.
The partial destruction to a new dread
nought clocked at Montfalcone, has Inten
sified tho antl-Itallan feeling In Trlente.
"Dcsplto efforts by tho conspirators to
conceal their Identity, he Is convinced
that tho rlnglender will bo found
among prominent Italians of Trieste, and
Included among the thousands whom the
police havo put on the list as dangerous
subjects to bo arrested In caso of war
Tilth Italy.
"Von Hohonlohe has Inaugurated even
rnoro bitter oppression of tho Italians, ex
pelling many and thus adding to tho re
tentment of tho Italian people."
Garrison's Shellng Retires Triumph
From Active Conflict.
WASHINGTON, Oct. SO.-Shell fire from
howitzers In tho German fortress of
Tslng-Tao has heavily damaged the great
British battleship Triumph and compelled
her to withdraw from the nrltlsh-Jap-ancse
bombarding fleet, according to a
statement Issued last night by tho Ger
man Kmbaasy, as based on dispatches
from the Far East by way of San Francisco.
The Triumph Is a battleship of 11,500
tons, built In 1903. She carries a comple
ment of 700 officers and men.
No details wero given In the dispatches,
embassy officials stated, nnd the ilato of
tho Incident was not mentioned. Tho
officials, however, thought the damage to
the bombardlnc fleet was Inflicted Sun
day. They discredited rcpurts that the Tslng
lao garrison wns pioparlng to capllulale.
Government Will Send Warships to
Convoy Merchantmen.
COl'KNIIAGKN, Oct. 20.
Sweden Is complaining of the repeated
seizure oncutral ships In German Ualtlc
harbors. Ten vessels used In the wood
trade are now at Swlnemundo and this
trade Is practically at a standstill. Pro
posals havo been made to protect tho
trade by sending Swedish warships to
convoy the wood ships.
To allay suspicions that neutral ship
to Scandinavia aro carrying contraband
from America tho Swedish Government
would welcomo an arrangement by which
a Hrltlah representative would oxamlno
all cargoes arriving in Swedish wators.
Some Approved Recipes From a Master in the Culinary Art
Dangers of Bombardment Do Not
Bother St. Mihiel Youngsters.
PARIS, Oct. 20.
The Germans are holding St. Mllilel and
the territory adjoining, although they
are still subject to a heavy artillery flro.
The children, however, play about the
itreets and the Inhabitants go about their
duties In an unconcerned way. They
express no curiosity. Familiarity with
danger has In this case effectively bred
a feeling of utter contempt for It.
Nnmed to Succeed tho Xnto Bev.
David Smyth.
The appointment of tho Itev. Joseph
Manuol ns rector of St. Barnabas' Prot
ectant Episcopal Church, 63th street and
Ilavcrford avenue, ns successor to tho
late Itev. David Smyth, was announced
today by Bishop Ithlnelander.
The Rev. Mr. Manuel was born In
Sheffield, England. Coming to this coun
try ns a boy, he lived for a number of
years In Boston, where ho began study
ing for tho ministry. He was ordained
In New Mexico and remained there for n
number of years, when he was called to
.St. Peter's Church, 3d and Pine streets.
wncro ne wonted tor four years. Then
he went to St. Luke's, at that tlmo n
chapel for patients at the Episcopal Hos
pital. Ho has remained at that post for
15 years and has accomplished the erec
tion of the magnificent edifice which now
stands there.
-WV-? j;, "fi
V. "l ilIiVC A,N
jDou prom
i Vi
We said "Hello," to that new boy
Who had. upon his head '
The biggest hat I ever saw.
"Como le va," he said.
We said, "Come here and play rviih us."
He said to us, "No sabe." X
And when we all got through with him
His clothes were pretty shabby.
Now father says the boy just meant
"How do you do today?"
And by the rest, (poor stranger boy),
"I don't know what you say."
And mother said to me at night,
Before I said my prayers,
"Those kind to strangers entertain
Cood angels unawares,"
So Til be kind to all the boys
That come from countries far.
Because I'd really like to know
Just what good angels are.
Termer chef at the Rojal Ponclana, at Palm
Tho English have a maxim, "Better
an oyster than a pill." This old saw
Is worthy of tho attention of tho
housowlfo heso fall days, when' the
oyster Is coming Into Its prime condi
tion and adding much to the possi
bilities of the family cuisine.
But, like many other foods, the oyster,
to Justify Its high reputation as n
food, must bo cooked properly. So
prepared It Is tho nemo of healthful
ness nnd digestibility. Epicureans
assert that It should not be cooked at
nil, and the consensus of opinion is
that it should bo cooked but little.
Much cooking makes tho oyster tough,
"leathery," indigestible and flavorless.
Somo approved recipes for the prep
aration of oysters follow:
Pour whatever uuantlty of oyster liquor
that you wish to prepare In a tin-lined
pan or pot nnd place over a quick fire.
As soon nn It starts to boll, begin to
take tho scum oft as fast as It appears
on tho surface. After boiling steadily for
ten minutes, for every pint of oyster
liquor add a small hunch of parsley, a
pinch of red pepper, a pinch of salt,
n dash of fine-herb! boll one-half hour
nna strain through flannel or three thick
nesses of cheese cloth. If served hot, add
one-half ounce of sweet buttor to each
pint Used. If served cold, placo In a
stono or china vessel In an even tem
perature. Will keep sweet and puro
almost Indefinitely.
Melt somo butter In a tln-llncd sauce
pan or pot; ndd a tablcspoonful of grated
onion, four ounces of dry flour, ono
tablcspoonful of flnc-horb, a pinch of red
pepper; cook slowly until all has turned
brown j add two quarts of oyster liquor
that has been boiled and strained and
stir well; add one quart of sweet croam,
small blanched oysters and ono tea
spoonful of chopped parsley. Serve as
soon ns finished and do not add cream,
oysters or parsloy until you aro ready to
Puree of oysters Is made exactly llko
oyster soup, except that you uso moro
flour and you grind tho oysters fine
nnd mash them thoroughly Into the oyster
soup. Press tho whole through a sieve
and serve at once over croutons of bread.
Risque of oysters Is pureo with tho
minced oysters left In and somo Rhino
wine added.
Place 10 or 12 strained prlmo oysters In
a tin-lined copper or block tin saute pan
with ono ounco of sweot butter, light
dust of red pepper, one-half teaspoonful
of flno-hcrb and cook over an open fire
one minute; turn oysters and cook one
minute longer and servo It in a hot dish
or Individual tureen. It enn be cooked
and served also In a chafing dish with
quantities of ingredients tho same.
Wmrs .tfl4Q.B iH
KffillifiP 'H '
i k - - ft HM
. ', 1 9
I 5" "? 4 is ,'
Anticipates Czar's Advance
With Strategic Move.
German Resistance Obsti
nate at Defensive Frontier
copper or block tin saute pan or chafing
dish with one ounco of tho best creamery
butter, a pinch of celery salt and a light
sprinkle of red pepper; sauto two min
utes over an open flro sufficiently hot to
start to cook tho moment the pan touches
tho heat. Turn or toss oyBters over onco
nnd add one nnd one-half gills of milk
nnd cream mixed. Cook ono minute
loilger and servo quickly. Celery, mush
rooms, truffles, can be added If desired.
On half shell (deep or flat), according
to fancy. Place tho oyster, shell down,
on a bank of shaved or fine cracked Ico.
Servo with lemon and bleaced celery.
Do not put cracked Ico on top of tho
Placo Into a sherbet glass six small
oysters, season with salt and pepper, a.
teaspoonful of each, tomato ketchup,
lemon juice, table sauce; ndd a sprinkle
of horso radish and serve.
All styles of panned, creamed or stewed
oysters should bo cooked over an open
flro or live steam, because they should
start to cook tho momont the heat strikes
the pan or chafing dish nnd continue at
a forced rate until finished.
Tho cooking of oysters can bo greatly
Improved by tho uso of tho chafing dish
Instead of tho sauco pan In connection
with tho recipes where the latter Is
Oysters most easily secured and mostly
desired are Saddle Rocks, Rockaways,
Lynn Haven Bays, Shrowsburys, Blue
Points, Cotultfl, Lynnhnvens, Cape Cods.
uuzzaras nay, Norfolk. Cape May Salts
Demonstrative movements have been
made by the Germans at Mlawa (In Rus
sian Poland, Just across the frontier). In
nn attempt to form a link between tho
last German fronts, constituting the gen
eral line along Verjbolovo, Blala and
Thorn to Cracow, as well ns to make
secure a post of observation against an
anticipated Russian action In a north
western direction.
Particularly desperate resistance has
been offered to the Russian advance at
three points In the neighborhood of
Verjbolovo, Olctska nnd Blala, where
largo forces of Russian reserves havo
been concentrated from the east.
Obstlnato fighting continues along tho
front, In the North, where the enemy oc
cupies previously prepared defensive
positions nnd skilfully uses the passages
between tho lakes and tho woods.
Tho War Office makes tho following
statement concerning recent fighting In
the Suwatkl and other provinces border
ing on East Prussia:
"In tho north It Is estimated that tho
German forces that were1 engaged lost
40 per cent. In killed and wounded. On
the Nlomcn the Russians found and
burled 18,000 corpses."
He is survived by four daughters, one of
whom Is Mrs. I. A, "Whetstone, of CHest
nut Hill. Another daughter, Mrs. Edwin
Chambers, Is the wife of a prominent
merchant of Tacoma, Wash.
For Thirty Years In the Employ of
the Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Georgo W. Wright, In the service of
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company for
30 years as auditor of the merchandise
nnd trafflo department, Is dead at his
home, 1H2 Foulkrod street, Frankford,
after a long Illness of Blight's disease.
Ho was In his 61st year.
Mr. Wright was born In Russia. His
father, tho late Colonel William Wright,
was then engineering the railroad and
bridge constructions for the Russian Gov
ernment Mr. Wright, who died yesterday, was
at ono tlmo secretary of tho Homo Build
ing and Loan Association, a member of
tho Clerks' Aid Society and director of
tho Wright Instltuto In Frankford. Ho
Is survived by his widow and two sons,
Georgo M. Wright and Franklin Wright,
who Is with William Cramp & Sons, shipbuilders.
Funeral on WMnnomjr, at z v. in..
, nonnfflBl corner w
lAurl Hill Cemetery.
mm fila lAtM rftlilAtlrA. nnrthiviitt earner OI
Franklin nnd Msxter su. Interment t West
Paperhanger Held to Await Outcome
of Man's Fractured Skull.
David F. Lynch, W years old, a paper
hanger, COS Thayer street, was arraigned
boforo Magistrate Campbell In tho Front
and Westmoreland streets station today
and held without ball on a charge of as
sault nnd battery to awnlt tho result of
the Injuries of Henry F. Hrtilolgh, Sill
Edgemont street, who Is In tho Episcopal
Hospital suffering from a fractured skull.
Lynch, It was testified, was In n sa
loon at Kensington nvenuo and F street
Saturday night In an Intoxicated con
dition. Tho bartender, nsslsted by
Schlclgh, put Lynch out of tho saloon.
Angered at this, Lynch, It wns said,
waited outside nnd struck Schlclgh when
ho camo out. Tho man's head struck
tho pavement nnd his skull was fractured.
Cherry Stones. Chlncotentriies nmi rmi.
Place 12 prlmo oysters In a tlq-llned Creeks.
WITH never a look behind him,
Billy Raccoon started for the
centre of the forest.
And Bobby Cottontail? He let
Billy get a good start, then he trailed
along behind, looking carefully to the
right and left as he went.
"I don't see anything yet," called
Billy Raccoon in a trembly voice.
"No, I expect not this soon," an
swered Bibby Cottontail, "We're hard
ly deep enough into the forest as yet.
Don t you look around. I'm taking
good care of you."
Now it seemed to Billy Raccoon
that Bobby Cottontail's voice sounded
very far away; but he was afraid to
!ok 4round- So he didn't find out
that Bobby Cottontail was following
way, way behind. On and on they
ent, deeper and deeper into the for-
"Don't you think you had better go
ahead nnw?" -,t-,l n;ii., r .,,....,
it s pretty near time to find the bear
and you know I'm not brave like you
are "
i "'S"- 'ts a Pd time for you to
rn," said Bobby Cottontail; "think
KPr?ul vo" wl" ,)e wne" you can
fli I to ",e tl' raccoons and
" them that you explored with me,
aeep into the forest and found a bear
and well and all that, you know."
I am thinking of that,'r said Billy
Kccoon, "but I can't help but think
about the bear, tool"
0oh!" said Bobby Cottontail,
Who s afraid of a bear? Nothing but
a bunch of fur and growl I I'm sure
you are not such a coward as to be
afraid of that!"
Billy Raccoon gulped.
v, "u,1 "seems to me that you're so
very far behind!" he ventured to say.
your voice sounds so very far offl"
1,fl9w" ?obbv Cottontail had been
"Kging further and further behind,
out, of course, he didn't want Billy
to . ?1 to find !t ol" s he spoke
S teal brave and loud. "Oh, you iust
think so because you're a little scarey
I'm right here close and I'm taking
the very best kind of care of you,
fear nothing."
And so they went deeper and deeper
into the forest.
Billy Raccoon kept walking right
along and walking right along and
he didnt say a word! To tell the
truth, every time he tried to speak he
got a great lump of 'fraidness in his
throat and he couldn't get the words
out they couldn't get past the lump I
And so they went deeper and deep
er into the forest.
rTil,-7TaI1I?f a sudden right in front
of Hilly Raccoon, there sounded a
growl I A great loud fierce growl I!
The lump of 'fraidness in Billy Rac
coon's throat got so big that it
spread all over his body over his
whole body, and down his legs so he
couldn't move a step! Then, quite
suddenly, the lump vanished; strength
came into Billy Raccoon's legs; he
turned and ran. Ran till he reached
his home tree, scrambled up to the
first branch and hung himself up by
one hind and one fore foot, then he
pretended he was asleepl
Later in the day he saw Bobby Cot
tontail skipping by. "Hello Bobby,"
he called, "did he fight very long?"
"Who fight?" asked Bobby Cotton
tail. "The bear, of course," replied
"I didn't see any bear," said Bobby,
"I happeued to remember an errand
my mother told me to do; maybe I
turned for home before you did."
Billy Raccoon looked at Bobby.
"So that's the way you kill a bear,"
he exclaimed in disgust. "1 believe
you're just as 'fraid as I ami"
And Bobby Cottontail couldn't
think of a thing to say; so he just
sneaked off hoinel
Tomorrow Cornfitli Falritt.
Copyright, 19 H, Clara Ingram Judson.
Passage of Vistula Thwarted
in Several Actions and
Bridging Material Is De
stroyed. PETnOQRAD, Oct. 20.
Tho Russians continue to forco the
Austro-Germnn Invaders back from tho
Warsaw-Ivangorod front. Tho enemy
has besn compelled to yield .step by step
tho territory previously occupied.
Tho fighting has been of the most
desperate sort, but the Russians have
not only relieved pressure on Warsaw,
but have pushed the Germans back to
ward their bases at Lodz and Nleko, Into
a marshy section, which Impedes retreat.
Repeatod attempts to ford tho Vistula
have resulted In constant repulse of the
Tremendous losses havo been suffered
by tho Germans In their attacks on the
Russian positions along tha Vistula Rtver,
u was announced hero today, but fighting
continues dav nnd night. The army
Gazette, official organ of tho Russian
military establishment, stntcs that 18,000
Germans killed In tho conflict have been
buried by tho Russians.
The Gorman right wing, stretching Into
Gallclu, has been making determined at
tucks In tho last few days, ns havo also
the Austrlans under German commanders
on tho front of Snnok-Ktaro-Mleato, south
of Przemyel. Repelling these attacks, tho
Russians, In several bayonet charges, took
15 Austrian officers and more than 1000
men. The Austrlans failed In an attempt
to cross tho river San.
A vanguard action against the Austro
German nrniy along tho great circular
front reaching from Thorn, through Cra
cow, to Przemysl, developed ut several
points on tho 13th and Mth Into engage
ments between main forces with unin
terrupted vigor.
This statement was Issued at the War
The German right wing stretched
Into Oallcla has been making deter
mined attacks during thu last few
days, as have also the Austrlans. On
the front, extending through Sanok,
Starnsol and Mosty, south of Prze.
mysi, several bayonet attacks have
been carried out.
The Russians captured 15 Austrian
officers and over 1000 men. The Aus
trlans have failed to cross the River
The Russians continue to throw
back the Austro-German army from
the Wareaw-lvangorod front, com
pelling the enemy to withdraw his
front step by step from tho territory
he seized In September.
Tho activities of the German aviators
continue alony the Vistula front. Follow
ing tha bomb attack that was made on
Warsaw Sunday, a German aeroplane
flpw ovur tho Polish capital on Monday
and dropped circulars telling the Inhabi
tants the fall of the city was certain.
Extension of Railroad Freight Yards
in Overbrools Contested.
A publlo meeting has been called by the
Overbrook Association, for Thursday
evening, at 6Jd strtet and Lebanon ave
nue to protest against ths Pennsylvania
Railroad's ordinance before Councils
The ordinance permits the extension of
the railroad's freight yards from 62d
street to Malvern avenue as a part of the
crojjosed low grade freight lino and to
run parallel with City Line avenue for
a distance of two miles through Morris
Park and Cobbs Creek Park.
Ex-Governor Edwin S. Stuart, Francis
Shunk Brown, ex-Mayor Weaver and Ed
ward W. Patton, chairman of the Rail
roud Committee of Councils, will be
German Siege Mortars Said to Be
Limited to 120 Shots.
NEW YORK. Oct. 20.
Tha giant German slego guns have a llfo
of 120 shots and a range of ;s miles nc-
cording to a correspondent of tho dun.
A high personage In touch with the
Krupps' establishment Is given as author
ity for the following measurements:
Weight of gun, 124 tons (248.820 pounds
or 2K2 Zentner). pounus
W.-lght of shot, ono ton (20G0 pounds or
18 B Zentner).
Quantity of po-vdir for one shot, three
quarters of a ton (1716 pounds or 15.G
Length of gun tube, 6S feet 9 Inches (21
Rango (scnusswolto), 28 miles (45 km.).
Power of penetrntlon at 24.8 miles (10
km.), 6i feet (1.90 metres).
Cost of one shot, 3S.CO0 marks or J9300.
Cost nf gun, 1.850,000 marks or $162,500.
Capability of gun. every 10 minutes
one shot, which when range Is found Ij
electrically exploded from a distance of
1300 feat (409 metres).
Duration or life ( f gun. 120 shots.
Psarco J. MrKeown. S20 DlamonJ St., ami
Sarah C. Hughes, 713 HuntlntJon it.
Grant r-ooett, 1017 8. Colorado t iiivl lfeli'n
Wanhlnrton. 1010 Taker at.
Matthew J. Hoylan, lilrtl 8. Mth at . nnJ Para
A. Owens, 4S47 Ogdtn st.
William U Justls. 0701 Woodland ac. and
Allca M. raul. 1XK Colwyn st.
(leorga H. Stevenson, IMS Jefferson St., and
Cornelia DIharom. 142S N 23d st.
Carl w. rtausch, 2SU Reynolds st., and Mary
V. Donahue, 3031 nidne ave.
Joseph I young, 1523 N rtlst St.. and Mar.
saret n Krewson. 1123 N. (list st.
Joseph P. O'Donnell. 850 N 44th St., and
Margaret MaDrlde. RK N. 45th st.
William F. ParV, 1431 N. Robinson st., nnd
Elisabeth Ilowden. 1431 S' Ilr.hln.nn .,
Herbert Toner. 353T 1C St., and Mabel Miller
3530 Kensington ae.
Elmer C. Stockbemer, 2140 N. 12th at., and
Hattyo M. Hop. lflliu Butler st.
Clifford A. MeClellan, 430 Market St.. and
Mary Haggarty. 433S Market at.
Dernard P. Ward, lata Panama st., and Win
ifred amham. 12IO N. Frailer st.
Harvey Miller. 813 Union St.. and Mary Ettor
3833 Tear! St.
Harry M Rose. 1227 N FVanklln st . and
Ida Wolf, 1)21 . Sib st. ' na
Clifford V. Narrlgan. Narberth. Pa., and
Wllma 8. Maullck 229 Manheim st.
Dr. Leonard J. Harklns, 41117 Florcnca st . and
Helen B. Farmer. 872i Chester ae.
John J. Qulnn, UXJO Ridge ave., and Angelina
Casalla. Worcester. Miss. "nno
Jacob Werlln, Maiden, Mass , and Aida Du.
uin, o.o lasKer mi
William Wilson, 321 Dickinson at , and Anna
Baas. 1421 8. 4lh st. "
Ednard R. Koch, 202 Leterlngton ave.. and
Jean N. Halsey. 323 Rector st.
John J. McDermott, S3U Leland St., and Anna
A. Cunning. 2337 E. Albert St.
Fred Jerszoff. Ml S. 2d at., and Ooldla Gel.
font 10 JO K. Mojamenslng ave.
Rev. Charles O. Qlrellus, Vlneland. IV J , and
Vehna V. Vocum, Ablngton. Pa.
George J. JelTers, two a. lKth St., and Anna
M. Fltimaurice. 307 N'. 17th st
August J. Toelke. 1623 Moravian st.. and Jen-
nio McCarthy. 1504 Catharine st
Robert 11 Scott. 2327 N tlancroft st . an 1
Ilessla M. Kenyon. 2108 N. 11th st.
Bam BronsWIn. 7&i S 3d at., and Fannie Dim.
merman. 045 8 37th st.
Francis T Gullfoy. 3834 Brandrwlne St.. anl
Mary E Collin. .1834 BranJywIne at
Harvey Snvder 2410 N. Marshall st.. and Elva
Mason. 2ROS Natrona st. a,YH
Frank l" Malatesta, 4S24 Baltimore ave ant
Man Found With Fractured Skull
DleB in Hospital.
Potcr Burns, 2213 Rurfner street, died In
the St. Luko's Hospital enrly today as a
result of Injuries received Saturday night.
He wns found lying unconscious on Ger
mantown road, near Roberts avenue, with
his skull fractured.
Although Coror.er's detectives have been
detnlled to the case tho mannor In which
Burns' Injuries wero received remains
a mystery.
Author and Pastor and Father of
Former Police Commissioner of
New York,
HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 20,-The Rev.
Dr. Joel Footo Ulngham, author nnd
writer and father of General Theodoro A.
Bingham, formerly Commissioner of
Police In New York city, died at his
home hero from apoplexy.
Ho was horn In Andover, Conn., on
October 11, 1827. Ho was valedictorian of
his class at Yale In 1S32. He studied later
at the Union Theological Pemlnary nnd
entered the Congrcgatlonnl ministry, be
ing pastor of churches In Cleveland, Buf
falo and Augusta, lie. In 1871 he wns
ordained a priest In tho Protestant
Eplscopnl Church, and was a rector In
Now Haven, Portsmouth, N. H., nnd
Waterbury. From 1879 to 1SSS he was en
gaged largely In literary work, but In
the latter year becamo a rector In N'ew
London. In 190 he retired from the pulpit.
For ten years he was lecturer on Italian
literature at Trinity College.
Formerly Active in New York City
NEW YOniC. Oct. 20. James G. Brink
nun, once a leading Democratic office
holder In New York nnd ono of Presi
dent Lincoln's pallbearers, is dead at
his homo In Brewster, Putnam County,
In his 7Sth year. Ho was born In Au
gusta. Mo., in 1836. He moved to New
York when 10 years old. In his young
manhood he engaged In the grocery busi
ness, and entering politics, obtnlned sev
eral municipal offices. Including that of
president of the City Council. While in
this office he was one of a committee
guarding the body of Abraham Lincoln
while It lay in state. In 1894 he was
mado superintendent of New York city's
Sodom reservoir at Brewster, and had
held the office since. He leaves a wife.
"Young" Palmer, Lightweight Pugi
list, Takes Draught by Mistake.
Poison taken by mistako early today
nearly cuused tho death of Charles Pal
mer, 23 years old, 2121 Indiana avenue, a
lightweight pugilist better known as
"Young" Pnlmer, who. It Is said, put the
poison to his lips In a spirit of fun while
talking to friends at 21st nnd Toronto
sticets last night.
He was rushed to the ,merlcan Hos
pital nnd soon recovered after an antidote
had been administered.
of Former Rector
Mary's P. E. Church.
Mrs. Anne Frazer Conrad, whose hus
bunrt was the late Rov. Thomas K. Con
rad, formerly rector of the St. Mary's
Protestant Eplpcopal Church in Wayne,
Pa.. Ib dead at her home, 1711 Walnut
street, following an Illness of two years.
Mrs. Conrad was president of tho Phil
adelphia Depository and Exchange for
Women's Work and connected with vari
ous charltablo Institutions. Sho died yes
terday, In her 75th year.
Prisoner, Accused of Assault and
Robbery, Held.
Charged with assault and battery on
August Lelstrun, 1216 South 2d street,
nnd with the robbery of a trunk owned
by Frank Boyer. 23th and Christian
streets, Bernard Frame, Front street near
Queen, wns held under JWOO bnll for
court today by Magistrate Coward In the
7th and Carpentei streets police stntl n
4 NEW YORK. Oct. 20. Frederick C.
Scoman, ono of the prominent German
pllk manufacturers In this country, who
had a large establishment In Union Hill,
N. J., died nt his home. In Richmond Bor
ough, yesterday from pneumonia. Ho
was 55 years old. He was prominent In
German societies, both in Manhattan nnd
Richmond, a director of the Staten Island
Savings Bank, president of the Ehrel
terund, member of the Richmond County
Country Club and of a number of clubs
and organizations In Manhattan. He
leaves a wife and two daughters.
Member of Manufacturing Firm of
Haines, Jones & Cadbury.
Tho funeral services of Thomas J.
Jones, who was a member of the tlrm
of Haines Jones & Cadbury, manufac
tures of plumbing supplies, were hold
todav at his home In Centre Square,
Montgomery County, where ht died last
Saturday. Mr. Jones was in his 80th year.
Mr. Jones, who was born In Middle
town, Del., retlied from active business
In 1SP0 to take up beet sugar cultiva
tion In California. For 2 years he wan
affiliated with tho American Beet Sugar
NEW YORK. Oct. 20. Eugene Gattlc.
a retired Jeweler, Is dead. He was born
in Germany 78 years ago He came to
this country on his honeymoon when 1!
years old, settling In Plattsburg, N. Y.
He was one of the pioneer settlers of
that city. Twenty years ago ho retired
from tho Jewelry business and came lo
New York. Four sons and a daughter,
Mrs E. G. Levy, survive hint. Tha fu
neral will be from Temple Israel tomorrow.
ROSLYN, L. I., Oct. 20. Word has
been received here of the death of Wil
liam Wlllets, of this place, at Mlddlctown,
N. Y. Ho was a member of tho old Long
Island family of that name. He leaves
three sons, S. Tabor Wlllets, Stephen and
Robert Wlllets. Mr. Wlllets was prob
ably one of the best known horsemen on
the north shore of tho Long Island, nnd
had ono of the largest stock farms tn
this section. His funeral took place to
day at the Friends' Meeting House nt
SUMMIT. N. J., Oct. 20 -Paul O. Par
kin, 73 years old, a veteran of the Civil
War nnd formerly a Brookbn fireman,
died yesterday following a third stroko
of paralysis. He moved here from
Brooklyn 32 years ago. He was a mem
ber of tha Grand Army of the Republic
post at Chatham and the local tribe of
Red Men. He leaves five children.
Marv Avnea dimmer. 2304 V nm. .V
1 lUUm C Wilson. 30381 Osage ave , and Susan
Olllesple. Ilaverford. P. u usn
Albert Fills. 3131 N Rotehlll st., and Mirth
A t.. Vochum, saa E. ChelUn ae. ""
Josef Nuiolikt, 29S8 Mercer tt . and Paulina.
IlosUka, 304 Mercer t. u raunna
Irvln E. I.utter. IMS a Lehigh are., on! Maj-
Ion E Mess. 1S3S B. Lehigh ave "
Jcmee Collins, SO07 Stiles St.. and Katherln.
Cunningham. 6027 Qlrard ave. wriM
Harr Namorofsky. BIO MlSlIn St., and Tlo
Yonavltx. 1133 8 4th st. a uo8
Wai.nty Furtak 2402 Duncan at., and Mar da.
Una Borek. 2421 Duncan at. aJagda-
Jaiue Miller. Nw York City, and Marv rn
Usan. 4532 N. Mole st. lry MU"
"ail? ssfs arwui -4a4 c
t"r"niCk,V, 5?.gSnw " Lillian
' V. 1 im it M.ers. 63o E. ijtrard a.v
PORT JERVIS, N. Y., Oct. 20.-Nor-man
C. Glle. Superintendent of Schools
of this city, died yesterday at the Cllf.
ton Springs Sanatorium from liver trou
ble. He was born In Van Etten, N. Y ,
and was 40 years old. Ha was a grad
uate of New York l'nierslty H had
been Superintendent of Schools of King
ston, N. Y . before coming to this city
He leaves a wife and three children.
Services Tomorrow for Late Whole
sale Druggist.
The funeral of Henry A. Zlcgler, for
many years head of the wholesale drug
firm of Zlegler & Smith, will bo held
tomorrow nt nis dome, 6027 cedar avenue,
where ho died last Saturday. He was
63 years old.
Mr. Zleglcr is survived by his widow,
Mrs. V. Catherine legler, and a son,
Howard E Zlegler. a civil engineer.
thomas harvey g0ldey
War Veteran and Assistant Chief of
Compulsory Education Bureau,
Thomaa Harvey Goldey, a veteran of
the CUll War and assistant chief of thu
Bureau of Compulsory Education. U dead
at his home, 6101 Springfield avenue, fol
lowing an attack of acute Indigestion
and heart disease. Ho was 70 years old.
Mr. Goldey, who was born and educated
In Philadelphia, was connected with tho
Compulsory Educational Bureau for 17
leHrs. Prior to his aftiliatlon with the
bureau. Mr. Uuldy conducted u grocerp
business In South Philadelphia
Mr. Goldey. who died ysterday, was a
member of the Wharton Street Memorial
Church, the P O. S. of a. and several
other organizations Two daughters, Mrs
William Uoppel and Mrs. William R.
llosuell. Mirvtve Mr. Goldey.
Twenty-two Years in Comptroller's
Department of Reading Railway.
Edward J. Fallon, who was connected
with the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
way Company for 38 yastrs as ejxcUt
agent and auditor of the comptroller's d
partnvent. U dead at hU home. Hfi fJiu
avenue. Oak Lane, of tuberculoma. ja
was H year old
Mr Fallen who died vesterrtav u.o
on 0f the old.-,t residents of oak' Lane CAiu'iv -john Carun
ARLINGTON, .V. J., Oct. 20.-Goorga
H. Walker, 43 years old. ttrst president
of the Starapf Memorial Hospital Asso
ciation, of Kearny, past exalted ruler of
Keurny Ledge of Elks, and a member of
several other fraternal organizations, dei
CAltTnit, JUIJA CARTER, 80 Tears, 1713
Montrose st.
CHAPMAN. Suddenly, on October 17. 1914.
Bnrah A Chapman. Funeral on Wednesday,
at 2 p. m., from 173S Francis at. Interment
at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
CLARKK.-On October 10, 1014. CltAnLKS
W. CLAIIKK, eon of Thomas II, and Mary
Emma Clarke, and grandnon of William and
Laura If Thomson, aged 1 year, Funeral
services on Wednesday, October 21, at 8 p.
tn., nt tha residence of hit grandparents, -111
North .tltth st , Camden, N. J.
COLUNSON. On Oetoher 10. MART ANN,
widow of Thomas folllnson, aed 75 years.
Funeril on Wednesday, st 2 p. m . from
122 Osborn M , Wl'sahlckon. Services at Bt.
Timothy's Protestaol npHeopnl Church, at
3pm Interment in the adjoining ground,
CONltAI). On October 10, 1014, at 1711
widow of the late Itev. Thomas K. Conrad,
D. I)., and daughter of the lato John Fries
Fraser. Funeral Thursday, October 22d, at
11 a. m , nt the Church or Bt. Luke nnd the
Epiphany, 13th st. below Spruce.
dntiichler of the lute Jeremiah H and Har
riet L'ovonslilre Funernl on Wednesday, Oc
tober 1. 1011, from residence, 2S 12th ave.,
I'itmnn, N J Interment nt Mount Morlah
Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa
rif.NLAl'. Suddenly, on October 10, 1014,
THOMAS TEMPLE, beloted son of Frank K.
and Thlria J. Lunlap, nued 21 years. Fun
eral services Thursday, nt 2 .To p. m., from
his parents' residence, 12 North loth St., Dar
by. Pa Interment Mount 55lnn Cemetery
FALLON. On October 10, 1014, EDWARD
J. FALLON Funeral services, nt his late
residence, COS 07th nve Onk Lane, Phila
delphia, nt 2 p. m., Wednesday, October 21.
Interment private.
OAINOR. In Pbnenlxvllle, Pa., on October
1. 1014, DENNIS, husband of Mnruarel
Oalnor and son of Mary nnd the Into John
Oalnor. Mineral on Thursday, at 0 a. in.,
from 12S nmmr-tt st. Solemn Requiem Mass
at St. Ann's Church at 10 in n m Inter
ment at St. Mary's Cemetery, 1'hoenlxvllle,
OALLAflHEIt. October 10, JOHN P. OAL
LAOHER, husband of Ilcrtha A. Onllnsher,
Hel 44 years. Funeral, Wednesday after
noon, October SI, at 1 o'clock, from 210
Htevens st., f'amden. Interment Mt. Vernon
Ccmeterv. Philadelphia.
OASTIOEIl. On October 17. 101 I.JOHANNA
V., wife of Charles Clnstlcer nnd daughter of
Annie and tho late Thomas Murphy, In her
2."th j ear. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8 n
m from 4130 Illdse ne., I'nlls of Schuyl
kill Interment at Hely Sepulchre Cemetery
GLENMNU On October 17, 1014. PAT
RICK J., husband of Mnrgiret fllennlnif.
Fune-al on Wednesday nt H 3d n m,, from
his Irvte residence, 174, West Thompson st.
Solemn High Mnss of Requiem at Church of
the Orm, at 10 a. m. Interment at did
Cathedral Cemetery,
GOLDEY. Suddenly, on October 10, 1014,
THOS. HARVEY GOLDEY. Relatives and
frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock
precisely, at late residence, 5101 Springfield
ave Interment private.
GOODCHILD. On October 17. 1014, JAMES
J., husband of Mary Goodchlld (nee Prenler
vllle) nnd son of tho Inte I'harles and
Isabella Ooodchlld (nee Ilradley) Funeral
on Thursday, at n a m . rom 120 Pierce si
bolemn Mass of Requiem at the Sdcred Heart
Church nt ft 'to n. m. Interment at Holy
rTons romotery
OUEEN On October 17, 1014. nt her late
home. .104 Redman ave, Haddonflcld. N. J..
llLLLe M. OltEEN, daUKhtor of tho late
Arnold nnd Elizabeth Salome Green. Sen
Ice and Interment private.
HASSAT.r.. On October 17, 1014. EDWIN
HAS.-AL.. Funeral on Wedrc'day mornVna;
at S 30 o'clock, from 42Ti3 Muntua nve.
Solemn Hequlfm Mass at Church of Our
Mr.ther of Sorrows, at 10 o'clock. Interment
Cat' edrul Cemetery.
IIENNL'. On October 17, 1014, AUGUST
HENNE, nired r.7 years. Funeral services
on WedneMiv morning, at 10 o'clork, nt tha
parlor of Gus. A. Klrchner, 7I N. 3d st.
Interment nt Germantown Cremntory.
HILTON HARRY HILTON. 50 years, 5227
Webster st
yrnra. 401 Earp st.
KILIIL. On October 17. 1014, LOUISE
KIEHL (nee Veil), widow of Edouard J. I).
Klehl, In her (list car. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Wednesday, nt 2 o'clock, at her late resi
dence, Cos West Huntingdon st. Interment at
Knlehts of Pythias Cemetery.
yonr. 0:4 North :id st.
I'QY.ISi7mn October 10, HANNAH LEID
IltlLD. wife of Morris P. Lewis. Funeral
on Thursday at 1 p m . from 1M7 Tulip st.
wr-vlcea In tho Montgomery Avenue Meth-ixll-t
Episcounl Church, at 2 p. m. prcclselr.
In'crmem private
MeAI.EEIt on October 10. HARRY, son of
tho late Henry and Sallle McAIeer, of County
Tyrone, Ireland. Funeral on Thursday, at
J.lo n m . from 2144 St Alban. Bt. High
It'qulem Mass nt Church t St. Charles Bor
romeo at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at
H'dv f'roM I'emeien.
.McCL'LI.Ol'GIL On October 10.10I4.JAMES,
beloved n of Margaret and the Into George
McCuliouKh. Relatives and friends, also 30th
Ward Democratic Assoclatl'in. aro Invited to
attend funeral on Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock, from 2340 Fltzwatcr at. Interment
nt Feinvvood Cemetery.
.McFAHLAND. Suddenly, nt South Bethle-
lu;nJ;.,.1.? on. -ber 17. 1011, JAMES
ARTHUR, husband of Annie W. McFnrland
In his 5Mli .year Funeral from his late
residence. Gulf Mills, Montgomery Co., Pa.,
on Wednosdaj nt JiliO p. m. Interment
private. Gulf Mills Cemetery
Mc.M I.TY.--On October 10, 1014, ROSE,
widow of Patrick MeNulty. Funeral on
Wwunesday at ".0 a. ro. from her lata
reslden-e ...an Sramo l, Gerrrnntnwn.
M lomn With Requiem Mnss at Church of
Inmmruiate Conception, Chelten ave. and
Sullivan tt ut 10 a. m. Interment at New
Cathedral einctery. "
MILLER. In Switzerland. Mr. BENJAMIN
tSoJJnLEPliycal1e.,WC3t S01 ""' a"'
JinollK.-On October 10. 1014, NORMAN
R , son of tho lote William E. and Harriet
S. Mooro Residence, 139 Morris st. Due no
tlce of funeral will be given.
O'llltlEN. On Oiioher 17, 1014. MICHAEL
J. ci'imiBN. husbanl of" Mary J O'uVleru
Relatives and fricn Is ore Invited tu attend
the funeral, on Thursday morning, at 1
o'clock fr.im his late resldenco. tHino. m....
spn Square cU3d and Catharine sta.). Solemn
c?5?,utrm lla", at Sl- Anthony' Church at
0-30 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross c"m.
POLLOCK. On October 10. 1014 iron.
TUNSB. wife of Leo A Polock Tlnee ii.
mannt. Funeral services strh tly private, on
Wednesday morning, ut 10 o'clock precisely
nt the rest lence of her brother. Mr. Llonei
Frledmann. 2310 West Tioga st. Interment
private, at Mt. Slnal Cemetery.
Pl'ItCELL. un O. tnher 10, 1014. MARY' P
LONGSTRETH. wife of the lato William j'
J. Pureell ltfl.it Ives and friends are fnvttc.1
to attend the funeral, on Thursday mornlns;
nt S 3u o'clock, from her late residence, 207.1
North 031 st Solemn Requiem Mass at the
Church of Our Lady nt Lourdes at 10 o'clock.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery,
ILVGETI.E. On October 17. 1014. ANNA M.
vvlti of .Martin Itagetl j inee Jann), aged M
ear. nt htr late residence, SSIO llowell st .
WUslnomlns. High Mass at St Leo's
Church Ttt' ony. on ednesday. at 10 a. m.
precisely Interment rrivui
ItlNGLLVTEIV October 10. MARY, wife nf
.Inc. 1. I Hiniietsteiii agj. M years. Funeral
en Friday nflernocn at 2 o'clock, from 221
North 'fth st Interment at Mt. peace
, nv terv.
ROE.- Suddenly, nt Bristol. Pa., on Oc
t.ber 17. WILLIAM B RihikKS. In hl iStn
vear runernl services, en Wednesday . Oe.
toner 21 at 1 :! p in , at his late residence,
4W Ka.bdtffe st . Bristol. Pa Interment St
Jnmes' Churchrd.
KOONKY. On October IT. 1014. nRIDOET.
widow of James Rooney. Punaral on Wed
rr.'la5. at . a 71- ,Tnm "' South Mole st
High Rixiutem Mus at tha Church of St
rhunws Aquinas, at 9 30 a. ro Interment
Hull i mss I'cintii-rv
Rl'TTER. On October 18, 1614, JAMKS
HKN'JAMIN Itl'TTKH. aged Myeara. Fu
neral service tn Wednesday, at 2 p n.. at
his late reslden e Knight's Park, XtoHUli
ii..d N J lntrn,iit private
SeHII..KIE.-43n 0.t,.bei 10. 1814. PAUL
INK. virtov of J.,hn 1. Schiller. leunJrSl.un
Th.:rl. t J .. in fnvn vlU North Qovw
st. .iwn and iumnl su ). Interment ptf.
r?C!OIIXRB.-rOn Octobar IT. !0M. SARAH
J. If of Harry II Schmlnk. and datJIlV
tr ot the laio Inniel and Mary Bhasy, "d
4d sears Funeral fe-.lcta. on WlnoUy.
trollV Internum Hillside Cenittsry via
PCII .N EI K BR.- Op October IT. 1811. FRAN
CIS HlJLITKIN e.-IINKlKEl" ildow or
J rank ohrM-lkt-r ait I Phlie, , hmldt aged
' .Z,., fu'l. n TburuUy. at 3 o n.
from m iira-.n t . Brldesbuie. IntcrmeBI
at 'lernian IW'. n-d ('em. tery. ""
SiiiilMsA6i'b"st?LOMON SS,WAN. rmaw.
S15.V .A'. Pboonis, Arl., oa Tenth Heath
wn liilj IUIMOJII) II. a VK. ua i in
"', ;.h,r,'un'r 3on
I'Ah'HI.- On Octninr 18, 1814. LENA K
widow of John tjrth tn.-e Kotlerl Waeral
S , Thursday. " TWp. m. M
1121 V Lh i i nt, 4.rs,a.,t ...71... IT . .
ALLAN. On October IT. 1014. AGNSS M
wile t James Allan lino DulTv l and dauzn
Ur of Mr A and the late John J Duftv
iMie relic, of ths funeral win be given from
the res Jente. 1538 N American st
(I months KI2o Eostwlck ave '
RENDER.- On October IT. 1914. WILLIAM
II 11ENDER huahand of Caroline iUnJir
(nsr Klu,-tr), sou of the luts Harry aiid
Aunte l'.ender (nse llollowell) FuBaral on
Wednesday, at 10 a m. sharp. froE, i8i
tt.lvamaon st- lutermeat at lillliSii
. I and a memtte- e ilia nAK. t) m, ..
liuunu B.mn.iaav.uSSK' "MtaCtab and lio Terrnlna. r'ZT,'
IIOWEN. -On October 10. 19H. BESSIE r
wlj of Frank M Uowta. sad lUuiint ,
WTlUao. and lUrrtat Graolill?Ut,giff 4
ar Due aotlc of the fuaeral will tw Vlv.n
from bar late rUuif. ntyt Xorih ifih'i,
CAMl'HEl I..-On October IT IBH,,
nut Hill ANNA B. wtJow of P.iri.k j
i-amrbeil ihj n-41'co of th h,7.;.i " J,.
jlVJU - ---. i,
18 year, 909
Vn,n -rn,trv " .--.. v..
AI.I.KR. i. il.er It. WALTER 8.. us of
Ut J-hn A aul Martha i, WUut gitd
griadt.u of lat Joe,toan Sarah VII. ld
Msi'ow ?i"t3 ""'lt'-' S ,un"1- "w
RBT fit. a Frv-nrl-k ynd.l ?i.?tw2.
brand'). In hr rnh vuar Pu notlT of tkii
furl lll be BlvvnT lru h Tat ri5?
deaca. ltl E. York si " ' '' '
WEIR. - On 1. 1 ti.ber 1W, SAKAH ANN WBIB.
vvliow if Janws WU aged tn yar SC.
nt-rst ou i tiiir-' lav .
restden e of her a n.
ir j.J kti years
. 4- ui ir
E. Mo. ,
jii ni'iitv r t ,,m Kok.ruuab Inter
"----- -----. p.V4HlkVri4
Or Hind
WEI mi AN.
io t. buret
I FIRMAN.-d Ottobcr 1T.1914, CHARLklii
T.. hubid of Marv k w.irnVaB Ium aT
dr .id. and sun of tk Ut Sacnual aasTisil,
tl.ul.nnn V 1 ...T7S m7 "
.T w liew w. f ucuirsj. hhimush
fruic the irurs at Jiba. FTuiuTar s5i
If of, Mercy Aurrfc. t M !'
NILIIAM.V t.t'.twr 18, ttMAaolStV
wldt.w f jd.Mi a U WaiKi, TeL-Su
irvtCAA ob Vhtirbl.. -- V" ,. . TSSt
at I rl k at lb rndor of Mrw
S 3th st
Terminal Dictrs Club I ChUl.S:I.)rJ. ?CiT.,,1 ,7 19li OEORaK w.
!'3i.-hi rt
WKniir . ... n ,
r.".l I.- i u.
' f-1 tt I V , 1 l . 1 1
ev iv. g ,., t h
IMiduir. ., V4. n, .3
1VU "th 2Tth at Ituassastat
le, It, 'U14. at his 'iu
e i k. . Frankford
n t f it.,,, ( ,
tin w.
eusbani pf th lat. Aon..'il .".,r.d Ti I U r, .'r'..V. .. n r. ." ?' l ' f-
. . , . w , v. , ,w . -. na, i j ,?n