Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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    WJWWpSS"! -r-
VOL. I NO. 32
CoptsionT, 1014. t inr. Pfjiuto Lewm coiiriHt.
Belgian, Troops Throw Back Kaiser's
Forces Near Ypres Invaders Advance
From Lille in Futile Effort to Pierce
Allies' Lines Blocking Road to Dunkirk.
Capture of Several Outer Forts at Verdun
Is Announced by Berlin Paris States
French Advance Along the Meuse
Has Not Been Checked.
' French troops continue to push forward on the Meuse, in the peninsula
of Camp ties Romaincs. '
The Belgian army has repulsed German assaults along the Yser River
and its lines are, intact.
Germans are advancing from Lille in the direction of Arnicnticrs, Fournes
and La Basscc.
German warships on Sunday sank the British submarine E-3 and the
entire crew was lost, according to a Berlin official announcement.
A German torpedoboat destroyer has been sunk by the Japanese in
Kiao-Chau Bay.
Reports of the recapture-of Ostcnd by a land force, aided by the British
fleet, are unconfirmed. The British Press Bureau says it is without informa
tion on the subject.
Capture of some of the outer forts guarding Verdun is reported officially
from Berlin. The statement adds that preparations arc being made for
assaults on the main fortifications.
Several other forts on the, Verdun-Toul line arc reported in danger.
The French War Office, however, announces gains along the Meuse and
an advance near St. Mihicl. c
Desperate fighting has continued along the Poland-East Prussia frontier
where the Germans have concentrated on a line fromN Biala to Thorn and
offered desperate resistance to the Russian advance, which appears to have
been halted by the enemy entrenched in previously prepared defensive
positions in the lakes and woods of the .region. German aggression has
been confined to a demonstration at Mlawa, across the frontier from
Graudenz, a heavily fortified East Prussian position.
The German forward movement against Warsaw apparently has been
blocked, though the great army invading Poland has not ceased its endeavors
to cross the Vistula. The Petrograd War Office claims that the Austro
Germans have lost very heavily all along the battlcfront with a consequent
retreat from the Warsaw-Ivangorod front. The principal German activity
has been at Ivangorod, where the Russians have succeeded in destroying the
enemy's' bridging material.
In Galicia the Germans have moved almost to the Polish border, though
the main force opposing the Russians is composed of the rejuvenated
Austrian armies. Petrograd reports vanguard actions against these south
and cast of Przemysl and repulse of a determined effort to cross the San.
Przemysl still holds out, according to Berlin and Vienna, and the Czar
has lost 40,000 men in the storming and investing of -the fortress.
Berlin denies Russian advantages in the East Prussian frontier and
stamps as false reports of the recapture of Lyck.
Servians completely quelled the Austrian bombardment of positions along
the Save and Danube and prevented a further attack on Semlin, which is
still occupied by Serb forces.
Japanese forces occupied stations in the Marshall, East and West Caro
line and Ladrone groups to protect commerce of the Allies, and for "strate
gic" purposes, according to g Tokio announcement. The British cruiser
Triumph was disabled in the bombardment of Tsing-Tao.
Italy and Austria are at serious odds, London reports, because the latter
suspects Italians of burning thedreadnought atMontfalcone. War between
the two nations is expected.
Board of Charities Hears Dr.
Mary M. Wolfe Describe
Plan, for Which State Has
Appropriated $40,000.
BERMN. Oct. M.
Some of the outlying forts about Verdun
have been captured by the Germans and
they are preparing for an attack on the
main fortifications of the French fortress,
according to an official statement Issued
early today. It states that the German
operations against the Russians and
tgalnst the Allies In Belgium and France
continue to be successful.
The statement follows:
After several weeks of desperate
resistance our troops have captured
lome of the forts surrounding Verdun.
This opens the way for an attack on
the main fortifications and prepara
tions for this are now being made.
In the East the Austrian and the
German forces are meeting with con
tinued success against the Russians.
The enemy has been unable to drive
our troops back from the Vistula
River, and south of Przemysl the
Austrlans are Hanking the Russians'
left wing.
The situation In the West shows
little change. The remnant of the
Belgian army Is opposing our Antwerp
army near the coast. The French and
British troops, apparently worn out
by their efforts to check our advance,
are leaving the burden of the con
flict to the Belgians, who are show
Ine great bravery.
The enemy In this theatre of war
seems to have exhausted his reinforce,
ments and to have weakened his tine
by extending It In the effort to keep
our troops from the coast.
It Is frinkly admitted by German of
fleers that the long resistance of Verdun
han Interfered with the German of
fenslve campaign. The fall of that
fortress will release a great force that
has been trying to effect its fall for
many weeks.
Though the fighting on the western end
of the battle front In France has been
most spectacular because of its proximity
t Paris and the Enellsh coast, the grlm
ness of the struggle that has been golnc
on about Verdun has been eaustel nn.
wuero. mo i reucn nave struggled to
thrust the Germans back and every Inch
they have gained has resulted In severe
loss, but the continuous pounding at the
French lines Is now said to have had its
PARIS, Oct. 20.
The Carman forces In Belgium are
making sharp attacks, but the Belgian
army has succeeded In maintaining Its
"ne along the River Yser, according to
an official statement issued here this
afternoon The Allies In Belgium are
nstitlng with the Germans in the region
aoout Ypres, while the Germans are
making sharp attacks against the Allies'
"ft wing from Lille.
The offl. lal statement follows:
la Belgium, despite Wolent attacks,
the BeUian army maintains its posi
tion on the lino of the Vscr. Other
engagements are taking place In the
region of tne Ypres.
On our left wing, the Gu.-mans con
tinue their strong advanced from Lille
in the Jlrectlon or Armtntlv-res Four
nes and La Lassee.
On the Meuse the enemy has at
tempted in vain to repulse that part
of our troopa which debouched on the
Concluded oa I'axe Four
A Pennsylvania village for feeble-minded
women was advocated today by Dr.
Mary 'M. Wolfe, who asked the Board
of Public Charities for .1 fund for that
purpose. The amount deemed necessary
was not disclosed.
Tho bonrd opened the first of Its three
day sessions In the Bulletin Building to
hear requests from institutions through
out tho State for appropriations by tho
next Legislature.
Tho question of such a village was
brought up at the last legislature nnd
JIO.CX) was appropriated to buy a tract
of land for such nn Institution. A board
of managers was appointed by Governor
Tenor, Doctor Wolfe being one of them.
Meanwhile she has been asked to act as
superintendent of the Institution nnd
work for tho appropriation for buildings.
A tract of land was purchased near
Laurelton, about IS miles from' Lewis
town, In I'nlon County. Its location Is
declared by experts to be Ideal for the
purpose. Money with which to erect mod
ern buildings Is now desired.
Speaking of tho proposition Doctor
Wolfe said:
"It Is well known that feoble-mlnded-ness
Is hereditary. We want to make a
plnce In Pennsylvania where we can
rcgregate these women between IS nnd 15
years of ago. When we find a mentis of
reducing child birth among them we will
havo the key for stamping out idiocy.
"We will re-iulre a lnrge sum of money
to build ami equip nn institution where
wcak-mlndcd women may bo segregated
without being locked up like the danger
ous Insane.
"The cost of erecting the buildings
would be greatly lessened because of the
large amount of sandstone on the tract
purchased. There Is enough material to
erect the buildings now planned. Another
economic feature is that of the water
supply. Water will be furnished by two
lakes In the mountains, high enough to
give ri good pressure without a pumping
Thirty-three Institutions sent represent
atives to the hearing.
Head of System, Testifying
at Rate Advance Hearing,
Says Gross Income for 1914
Was $100,000,000.
All Delegates But One Taken Into
Custody at Aguascallentes.
LAREDO, Tex., Oct. 20. According to
a private telegram received here today
General Francisco Villa, at the head of
15.000 soldiers, entered Aguascallentes and
matlfl prisoners of the delegates attend
ing the national peace convention.
General Antonio Vlllareal, mentioned na
a leading candidate for the Presidency,
wof the only delegate escaping arrest, tho
telegram said.
Senator Accused of De
bauching Mayor Reyburn
by North American Issues a
Statement in Reply.
Downtown Leader Talks of
Loyalty to "Republicanism,"
But Politicians See Glitter of
Knife for Candidate's Back.
E-3 Destroyed by Warship
Sunday, According to Offi
cial Berlin Report All of
Crew Lost.
BERLIN. Oct. 3).
Official announcement was made today
by the German Admiralty that the new
British submarine E-3 was sunk on Oc
tober IS by German warships In tho
North Sea. This announcement helped
relieve the gloom felt throughout Ger
many as tho result of the fate suffered
by the German torpedoboats S-115, S-117.
S-US and S-119.
The submarine E-3 was built In 1913
and carried a complement of 16 men.
She was 17fi feet long, 22 feet In the
beam and had a Bpecd of 15 knots. She
was armed with four torpedo tubes.
Deep grief is felt over the loss of the
German crews, but tho vessels were old
nnd of little value.
PEKIN, Oct. 20.-A dispatch from
Tlng-Tao states that the Japanese
cruiser Tnknchlho. which went to the
bottom on October 17, was sunk by the
German torpedoboat S-90 and not by a
mine as first reported.'
No Vi.oln.tIon of Duty in Case of
Child Bitten.
Under instructions from Judge Henry,
a Jury in Court of Common Pleas No. S
today, rendered a verdict In favor of the
Zoological Society of Philadelphia In the
suit for damages brought on behalf of
Evelyn Mario Jones, 5 years old. who,
while visiting the Zoo on June 1, 1912,
had her left hand and arm bitten by the
equus onager, or wild ass.
At the time of the. accident the child
was accompanied by her grandfather.
Otto U Sechter. who testified that as
they were walking alone the Iron bar en
closure, where the bensts are conunerl,
one of the animals stuck its head part
way out and caught the little slrl's hand
and wrist.
The grandfather said the animals
snorted and appeared In a vicious temper.
Sechter struck at the animal's nose with
his fist, beating It back between the bars.
Little Evelyn's hand was badly lacerated
and her arm strained, which Injuries
required medical treatment for some
John P. Connelly, resisted the claim for
damages on behalf of tho society, by
contending that the accident was not
due to any negligence on behalf of the
defendant, nor had It been shown by the
testimony that the animal was vicious
Judge Henry ruled that the plaintiff
fallel to establish a claim by showing
any violation of duty on the part of th
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 -Daniel Wll
Inrd, president of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, resumed the stand In tho
5 per cent, rate advance case today to
Sive the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion his opinion that the present reve
nues of the rnllrouds are not adequate
to permit them to keep up their present
equipment and allow for necessary Im
provements. "If wo give you the 5 per cent, ad
vance," said Commissioner McChord,
"will It permit you to do all that?"
' No, sir," replied Mr. Wlllard, "but It
would help considerably."
Commissioner McChord said that the
commission had received petitions and
letters from nil parts of the country,
asking that the roads be given the advance.
"ir we give you the advance," said
McChord, "will that result In good to
tho country as well as good to the roads?"
"I am not arguing here for the country."
replied Mr. Wlllard.
Mr. Wlllard Introduced testimony to
show that the net operating Income of
his company was lower than In any year
since 100?, excepting the panic year, 1903.
It was lower by over U.OOO.MW than for
In 1902 the Baltimore and Ohio realized
total operating revenue of $'2 351.670. Its
net operating income was $21,373,311. In
the 12 years. 1W2 to 19H, this system
added approximately $HtJ,000.O to its prop
erty Investment, and In 19H its gross earn
Ings were slightly over J101.000.W0, or about
$3S,COO,000 more than In 1902.
Nevertheless, In spite of this Increase
In property Investment of over 37 per
cent, and the Increase In gross business
of 35 per cent . the system's net operat
ing Income In 1911 was almost exactly
H.Wtt.ono less than In 1902, before thi
added Investment of IHij.OOO.Ou).
On Its total capital obligations the Bal
timore and Ohio earned 1.12 per cent, in
1911, while on Its property investment It
eurned but 3.SI per cent. Both ratios
were the lowest of any year In the
past 15.
Charles A Conant. of New York,
author of many works on finance, fol
lowed Mr. Wlllard. He dealt mainly with
the effect of the European war on the
railroads of America, and said that the
war. If it lasts one year. youl.I cost ap
proximately tlS.OOO.WW.Oflo. This expendl
ture, he said, would raise rates of n-
Concluded on I'uee Two.
Andrew Carnegie Writes of '
What He Desired as Su- i RECEIVER NAMED
Power of Indus-
what ho
the steel
laird of
v. I
o cr
Andrew Carnegie's story of
would do If he were czar of
Industry as narrated by the
Sklbo H years ago In a letter to his
partners provided the most Interesting
featuro today of tho continuance of tho
Government's suit to dissolve the "steel
trust" in the United States Circuit Court.
"Briefly, If I were czar," wrote Car
negie, "I would make no dividends upon
common stock; save oil surplus and
spend It for a hoop nnd cotton tie mill,
for wire and nail trills, for the tubs
mills, for lines of boats upon the laks
for our manufactured articles, and to
bring back scrap." -
The sensational charge also was made
today by Special Assistant to the Attor
ney General John M. Dickinson, that the
capitalization of tho Steel Corporation Is
not less than JMW.0t0.CO in excess of the
vaiue or properties taken up In tho form
ation of the so-calli-d trust.
Several other letters written a dozen or
more years ago by Carnegie to his part
ners In the Carnegie Steel Compnnv wero
contained In tho Government's brief filed
today. The Czar letter was written July?;
11. 1'JOO. In this and In other letters Car
negie makes It plain that he did not favor
pools and combinations with the other
large steel companies. Another section
of the Czar letter reads:
"Concerning my wire upon the situa
tion, let me say that all Is coring out
just as expected. There Is nothing stir
prising; a struggle is Inevitable, and it
i a. itursuun oi me surwvai of the fittest.
For many years we have seen that the
manufacturer must sell finished articles.
One who attempts to stop half way will
be crowded out."
It Is mainly upon the contents of this
letter that the Government Is basing Its
demand for tho dissolution of tho Steel
Trust. In another letter Carnegie wrote:
"I do not favor disturbing th structu
ral steel pool as long as wo get present
percentages nor the rail pool if we could
obtain present percentages, but I do
think in the latter case It is Impossible
Simon Abrahams Is Ap
pointed by Court to Take
Over Stores on Market and
North Front Streets.
A fear of business depression and in
ability to obtain credit and loans to the
extent desired caused another receiver
ship for n local firm In Common Pleas
Court No. 2 today, when Judge Barratt
appointed Simon Abrahams receiver for
Berg it Berg, a corporation which con
ducts business at 020-2.S Market street and
MO North Front street.
Tho receiver's bond was fixed at $100.
001, nnd under tho appointment tho de
fendant's business will be continued as a
going concern. The action of tho court
fcllowcd the filing of a petition by two
stockholders In the concern and an an
swer by tho firm that It agreed to the
establishment of tho receivership.
Tho two stockholders are Adolph
Greenspan, holrtor of $1300 worth of stock
la tho corporation, and Ahraham Stein
field, who holds $;000 worth of shares.
The president of the corporation is Ben
jamin Berg, and tho secretary, Philip
It was stated that the corporation has
ampla assets to discharge all liabilities,
but that the necessary teady cash to meet
pressing tln.ms and forestall suits Is not
available owing to the refusal of banks
No action to refute the startling:
charges of debauching a Philadelphia
Mayor, nrought against them by tho
North American, was taken today by
United States Senator Boles Penrose
State Senators James P. McNlchol and
Edwin H. Vare or his brother, Congress
man William S. Vare.
"I am a Republican nnd I will stick."
This statement wns made today by
State Senator Edwin H. Vare at his of
fice In the Lincoln Building when he was
asked If he contemplated any action
agalndt tho North American or reprisal
against United States Senator Penrose for
tho charges made in the newspaper and
tho treachery of Penrose.
"Aro you going to take any action
against the North American?" ho vu
I asked.
I "It wasn't the North American that
j said It," he replied.
"It was Penrose, then?"
"So they say."
"Well, will you tako action against
"Of course I wouldn't; but I don't want
to discuss It."
"Do you believe he said the thingn tha
North American said he did?"
"I won't discuss that."
"Will your people in South Philadelphia,
believing he said It, throw htm over?"
"I won't discuss that."
"You are going to stick, then?" Vara
was asked.
"Yes, I am a Republican."
"Some people are naylng this Is the tlma
for you to drop Penrose and become
the lender In this city yourself."
"I am a Republican. I won't discuss
It," said Vare.
"If you don't begin a libel action
people will think the charges are true."
"Well, let them. I won't discuss It "
In political circles the declaration of
Vara that he Is a Republican and will
I stick Is regarded as merely a political
I move to prevent charges of "Irregular
ity." the organization politician's most
I deadly sin.
Senator Penrose this afternoon Issued
his promised statement. He failed to
, say whether he would begin criminal
j prosecutions. Senator Penrose's state
! ment read:
I "My attention has been called to an
artic. recently appearing In a yellow
Journal. Just at this time I am busily
engaged every day keeping appointments
throughout Pennsylvania, and I hardly
havw the opportunity or leisure to read
the newspapers, much less the yellow
Journals. I did not see the article re
ferred to until this morning when It was
submitted to me.
"I am willing to discuss public mat
ters with any one of responsibility and
character. I am not willing to get Into
a controversy with one whose name Is a
household work for muck-raking and
falsehood. He will have to bolster up his
failing circulation and endeavor to re
cover his lost prestige by some other
method than recognition from m ir
doubtless feels keenly the loss In clrcula
tion which he Is sustnlnltig by reason
of another newspaper trying to get into
the muck-raking business which he here
tofoie has pre-empted.
"Mr. E. A. Van Valkenburg claims to
have been In possession of Information
which he failed to announce for several
years, nnd his lack of good faith is bet
evidenced by his giving it to the public
now within a few days of election day
As a matter of fact I had several con
versations -with Mr. Van Valkenburg and
had of course with many thousands of
others during the Mayoralty campaign uf
three years ago. Mr. Van Valkenburg
expressed admiration for Mr. George H
EarU- and Indicated a willingness to sup
port him probably directly, and, certainly
"Mr. Van Valkenburg evidently has
gathered together all the ridiculous stories
and scandals to which he has ever lent
a willing ear and concentrated them n
me. His statement is a malicious, delib
erate tissue of lies. Involving a dead man
and meant to bolster his falllne new.
paper and to divert the attention of tno
nnrt nlnnrft tn cvl.nH ,-r-cwilt n.4 m,.
loans in the amount desired hi- Ron nn,i fopie from the real issues of ih. ram.
Berg. paign If he wants to go Into the past
It was also stated that the annointment history of Pennslvama politics, w-h
of a. receiver for Berg Brothers had in- I doesn't he begin at an earlier date, tak-
Mill another letter contains the follow- statement of
directly affected the ctedit of Beg and
tjerg ai'iinugn mere is no connection bo
tween the two stores.
Berg & Berg was Incorporated in 1912
and has outstanding cnnltnt .in.i. f
Ji'i'O.W. Its assets Include dry goods and '
uiticn.wunMi worm iiMf.UA. ;s,o further
ing. for Instance, the time when he was
indicted by the Grand Jury in Schuylkul
Concluded on face Two.
assets or anv ammmi ni
liabilities was; given to tha court. Th
attorneys declared, however, that the cor
poratlon assets are more than ample to
pay all obligations
Owing to th.- loiKttttons now prevalent
in the business world and financial In
stitutions, it was deemed prudent to have
a re.elvir take charge of the business
and ihus forestall any suits or Judgments
for amounts due creditors and to con
serve the Resets and continue the business
without interference of creditors.
For Philadelphia and vicinity
Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly
warmer Wednesday; gentle, variabla
winds, becoming southerly.
For details, see last page.
"Vt need to manufacture hoops, cotton
ties, steel wire, nails, tubes, perhaps
other things later as we go on. When.
cev ve do so we have the big Unsts at
ojr mercy Temporary arrangements and
understanding may be arrived at then
but we should place little dependence
upon them. Our safety lies In being
pendent and running our business In our
own wa " '
The hearing against the "Steel Trust"
Is being heard by Judges Woolley, Buf
llngton. Hunt and McPherson
Bdln"; h"aS,hae moSrer;,,s0tl;n.h, ' "" Dr0Wn Ba Sinks
semoiage of legal celebrities appeared
there than that which Induded tho men
representing the various companies and
defendants who are charged with violat
ing the anti-trust laws.
For the Inlted Steel Corporation are
John u. Johnsm. of this city; qeorga
A Heed, of Plttbuigh. Richard A Unil
ab.,r . of New York, and Francis l.Mid
abm . of New York, and Prances Uynd,
bteti n. Former Ambassador Joseph I
Choa . who U also representing the tal
magiu trs. Is expected t tun hre before
the al arguments hava ba con
cluded. Attorr.s repsentiag- the Stsel Trust
John l Rockefeller, his son Andiew
Carnegte. E. H Gary. Ueurge W Pr-
T.i a. Oct JO-Bisbt men
tre JruwaBd iB the SJusWagum jVrr Bt
Bevwlj- today. Wba 3 barga loaded wtt
r.wu sik bn mfelrenia. Tn other
on the bs,rge wers rescu4.
Workmen Make Hecord in Bemoving
Huge Destruction,
COLON. Panama, net ?) Forty-eight
hours before schedule time the canal
workmen achieved another record toda
by clt-aring away the debris occasioned
Uv last week's slide and making the Pana
ma waterway again navigable for ships
Concluded ua I'ase Two,
LONDON. iM m - a Petrograd dis
patch to tf Reuur Apency -..
"ssUn Umpeianee societ . 1
... .. .w. ji"inpu (ureter in
... no uoveniment
lOHii '
sa'e uf ai-
Sentenced Ten Months for Burglaris
ing Two Hemes.
Ju4g MtUs in quarter Sessions C'ou t
today sentenced John Dorsey. 3d and
I'ins strwts. to i months in the county
Prison after he pleaded guilt) to bur
glarlzinic the homes of Mrs. George Wal
ker. SMI North 1Mb street, and Mr
UmjW Huth. VOi Wast Indian avenus
la lb Walker hou the prloar tol
several article of Jwelr valusd at tis
A gold watch, a stick piu and U in mon
were takaa from the Huth hoot
Harrj Burns. 3X3 Garrett atraat, was
onUeted b a lurv of entering th itora
'if Ik finkel. SJ7 South lltli street, ar.l
stealit g clothing valued at Burns
was given one jtar In the I'ouoty Prison
3 Kl