Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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"i HI i. 'mlDlUJIpiipBWPtWgllW
eyjfru .pjiM.,w WIjjSwipp11 ' ' J'1'"' wmMjwi,i
More Warm Clothing Than
Toys Among "Christmas
Ship" Offerings, and
That's What Child Feder
ation Wants.
It's point; to be n very, very practical
Banta Clmm who visits tlio little "fur
rlners" ncross the sea this year, Juilc
)ntr from the first contributions to the
"Christmas Slilp" tlmt wcro opened nt
the headquarters In the City Hull Court
yard tod.iy.
For, In nccordnnco with tho appeal
sent out by the Child federation, which
has the work In clmrge, the Rienter
number of the sift bosen revealed wnrm
clothing; rather thmt the proverbial
Christmas toy.
And this Is oxnclly whnt the fedora
tlon wnnts new clothing nnd plenty of
It. or money to huy new clothing.
"tt'e renllzo thoroughly," said Albert
Proas, mannalne director of the cnm.
falgn, "how much Joy Christmas toys
would bring to tho lltllo kids over there,
but we think that when their homes
have been devastated nnd they are with
out sufficient clothing: In freezing weather
we should be practical rather than sen
timental, nnd thcicforc, nil of tho money
that Is cnt to us will he used to buy
When the biff United States collier
Jnson, which has been designated as the
Christmas ship by Secretary of of tho
Navy Daniels, sets anil on November ID
from Brooklyn for tho foreign ports, she
will be loaded to the gunwales with
wearing npparcl for the youngsters of
oil the nntlons engaged In the war Bet
glum. Germany, France, England, Ser
vla, Russia nnd Austria.
Strict neutrality Is to be maintained
In the portioning out of the gifts. The
Jason will stonm Into the mined Adri
atic to deliver packages to the little or
phaned Servians Just ns she will go Into
the iXorth Sea and lake care of their
monies, the German "klndchon."
This morning the telephone nt the Child
Federation headquarters rang nnd nn Im
perious volco demanded to know "whether
the barbarous Germnns were to hnvo any
Bhnre In the gifts carried by tho Jnson. '
This attitude. In tho opinion of Mr.
Cross, Is Inimical to splfll In which the
Christmas ship Is being sent. The Hed
Cross Society is to net ft, tho distribut
ing Agency. The gifts will bo handed
out absolutely Impartially, except when a
donor hns Insisted that his contribution
bo given to a. specific country. In that
case the giver's right to give where he
pleases will be rocognlzed.
There wns nn nlr of great Industry nt
the headquarters "nt noon today when
the office wns opened for official busi
ness. Comprehensive equipment has
been Installed for the ten days' cam
paign, and n forco led by MrsThomns
rtohlns. assisted by .staff members, em
ployes nnd volunteer workers or the
Child Federation, Is In Immediate charge
of the work.
Contributions of clothing mny he sent
up to October 23 by pnrcel post or
t.rought In person, Monetary donations
should be addressed to .1. Krneat Rich
ards, the West End Trust Building, '
The l.ehlgh Valley Ilnllroad Corripnny
announced today that It would enrry all
Christmas gifts from this city to New
Ygrk free. The Trenton Transportation
Company nlso stated thnt 'residents ol
New Jersey can have their gifts sent to
this city without cost.
Flannel dresses for children 1 year otd
nnd younger will be made by women of
Mlllvllle, N. J. Tho women are working
day nnd night In cutting tho garments,
A innns meeting has been ndycrtlsed In
Mlllvllle urging nil women to. purchase
needles nnd get busy.
Accidents in Pennsylvania nnd New
Jersey Exnct Heavy Toll.
Week-end automobile nccldents In Penn
sylvnnln and New Jersey resulted In the
denth of six persons nnd tho Injury of
nine others. Dr. James Brnllller, of Alex
andria, Pa., was killed Initantly nnd four
men riding with him were seriously In
jured when the automobile, owned by
State Senator II. J. McAteer. In which
they were riding, Upset nt the foot of
n steep hll on the Turkey Valley road,
nenr llotlldaysburg.
The automobile top protected nil but
Doctor Brnllllor, Who was thrown out
on tho road. Kx-Scnator McAteer was
Internally Injured.
Josoph fllobuskl, of 203 East 17th street,
New York, his son Victor nnd nephew
Joseph -were killed when their automo
bile Tan over the unguarded side of n
bridge over tho Bouth River, near James
burg, N. ,T nnd nit were thrown Into
the water.
Two men -were killed nnd two others
hndly hurt In nn nccldent nenr Scrnnton.
.tiwcph Tlerncy, of Scrnnton, and A. E.
Wheeler, of Newton. N. J., riding In the
fiont scat of an automobile, were thrown
out when the car, while rounding a curve, i
struck a carriage driven by Mrs. A. E.
Dutilcey, of Moscow, Pa. Mrs. Dunkey
escaped with minor bruises.
Students Up In Arms and Declare
They Will Jtetaln BecreC Ordort.
The Hoard of Education Is going to
suppress secret froternltles In the high
schools, nnd several hundred pupils of
the Central High School, Broad and
Green streets, are "up In nrms" over the
ultimatum they received this morning.
Dr. llobert Ellis Thompsbn, principal of
tho school, told more than 1S00 pupils In
nssemuiy mis morning- that the Hoard
of Education was going to exclude frn
ternltlcs, which were believed to Inter
fere with the health, welfnre or Indus
try of tho pupils.
The students were placed on their
honor nnd cards were Immediately dis
tributed on which the pupils were naked
to write- the names of tho frnternltles to
which they belong. Hcgardless of tho
warning mni n fnlse "entry" would
mean dismissal, many students Insetted
false names and others tore up the cardn
In rngc.
Doctor Thompson announced that fra
tern ties that hold secret meetings, with
outside relations nnd rooms of their own,
will be excluded. The shock was nil tho
mor severo ns many of the most popular
pupils are members. Many of tho ath
letic stars are fraternity members. The
concensus of opinion, however. Is thnt
R M?r .t,u! ,n'Bt s,orm ot Protest, the pupils
will decide t0 glvo up the fraternities
rnther than the school.
It Is estimated thnt thern am IS nr nmr.
frnternltlep In tho Ccntrni High School,
with a membership of possibly 300. When
Doctor Thompson Issued the enrds he told
the pupils thnt If one enrd wns not
enough ho could furnish as many more
ob were needed. Each enrd hnd room
for eight frnternltles.
Doctor Thompson nlso told the pupils
thnt In former years tho pupils had con
tested In court the right of the Board of
Education to Interfere with the frnler-
nltlcd, and that In each case the opinion
of the board had been sustained.
The decision of tho board, Doctor
Thompson said, hnd been reached nftor
great Vlellberntlon. He pointed to tho
danger of dismissal nnd hoped the pupils
would net with moderation nnd true
school spirit. Among the fraternities of
tho Central High School nro tho Dutch
Company, tho Styx Tux nnd the Satellites.
French Patriot on Way to
Mother Is Popular During
Uneventful Voyage of
American Liner.
I could not sec with my two eyes;
And my two hands and feet were black
When I had thrown the covers hack.
I woke from sleep with gTeat surprise,
I thought at first that I would cry,
And then I thought, "You big boy, why"
If there is nowhere any light
Of course, you know, it must be night."
In all the rooms the family slept
While out of bed I softly crept;
My moccasins lay on the floor,
I put them on, felt through the door,
And all along the upstairs hall.
And touched the button on the wall
That lighted up the house below,
Wherever I might want to go.
id then without a bit of noise
I ran to see my newest toys.
There in the laundry each one lay
All ready to begin to play.
"You here! It's only 5 o'clock!"
The furnace man came in and said:
'Good gracious, boy, get back to bed I"
st then a key turned in the lock
-.i :
Difficulty In Keeping Up Work Duo
to Great Losses Abroad.
Local Snlvntlon Army ofllclals nre find
ing much difficulty In keeping up the work
owing to the Europenn war depression
and the desperate straits of the army In
uio loreigu field. Tho conditions In this
city, however, are better than In New
"iork, It Is sold, but leaders In the work
nre nnxlous for n general Improvement
soon, ns they fear that tho holiday work
will be seriously hampered for lack of
Boports from abroad' Indicate that the
Salvation Army has been nlmost wiped
out In France, Germany, Russia, Austrla
Hungarla, Belgium and Sorvla, nnd that
the work In England has received a seri
ous mow through the war. In order to
continue its mission in the warring coun
tries It will be necessary. It Is reported
from headquarters In New York, for funds
to bp obtained for the replacing of
thousands ot dollars' worth of property
that has been destroyed.
Colonel R. 15. Holz. lender of the work
In tho East, with headquarters In this
city. Is out of the city, but upon his re
turn tho workers will hold a conference
to consider what can be done to Improve
local conditions nnd to help the work
Reports from England show that tho
work there is in need of many additional
workers, ns there have been 10.COO of the
Snlvntlon Army's leading officers enlisted
ns nurses with the nrmles In tho Held.
Founder of National Farm School
Sounds Message in Address.
Prominent Jews of this city today ex
pressed their approval of the statement
of Itabbl Joseph Krauskopf, founder of
the National Farm School, near Dovles-
town, that the Immigrant Jew hnd n much
better opportunity of developing Into a
good citizen by engaging In agricultural
work rather than tolling In a sweatshon
nnd sleeping In a tenement.
Before a gatheilng of prominent men
Interested In civic work. Doctor Kraus
kopf spoke yesterday nt the 17th nnnunl
meeting of the Farm School. In his ad
dress the founder predicted nt the- end
of the European conflict thousands of
Jews would seek their foitune in Amerlcn.
"My ndvlco to the Immigrant Jews is,
not to Invade the tenement section or
cities where sweatshops are located," sold
Doctor Krauskopf.
"Jews have proven that they are fitted
for agriculture, mid I urge that they In
vade the West and other sections of the
country where the soil Is good."
Tho most popular passenger nboard
the American I.lno steamship Haverford,
which docked here today from Liverpool,
was Guy Bouthllller, a French soldier,
who came from the scene of battle In
France, bearing wounds nnd scars.
Bouthllller Is 23 years old nnd enme
to this country on a two months' leave
of ebsenco. His 'most serious Injury now
Is n wound caused by a frngment of a
German shell, nnd hla chief ambition Is
to recuperate quickly and return to tho
firing lino In the French ranks.
'I was In four battles," said Uout
Mlller, as ho hobbled nlong tho deck,
"but my most serious Injury was re
ceived at the battle of Vltry-le-Fmncols.
There the Germans had their batteries
concealed among a fringe of trees. W
thought that the enemy was directly It,
fiont nnd chnrged H that direction,
when nn artillery flro opened from the
woods at tho loft. Mnliy nf us were
mowed down before wo were hnlf way
ncross tho field.
"I fell with the rest nnd Inter found
mjself on a hospital cot."
Asked why ho came to this country,
Bouthllller said thnt ho was born In
France and camo to this country to live.
When the war broko out ho felt that It
was his duty to fight for the country of
his birth nnd he Joined tho army two
months ago. Bouthllller left for Boston
this afternoon and wilt remain with his
mother there until he sails to rejoin the
Tho Hnvcrford arrived nt 9:43 o'clock
after an uneventful trip of 11 days. Al
though the portholes were kept closed
during the voyage. It wns not necessary
to take nny other precautions, as no war
ships were sighted on the way over.
Including Bouthllller thero wrro 100 cabin
and 132 steerago passengers nboard. The
liner nlso carried IXjOO tons of merchandise.
Among tho passengers was 9-year-old
Mny Dubois, of 153(5 Tine street. She was
the youngest of the refugees aboard. Tho
little girl and her mother, Mrs. William
T. Dubois, were near Ostend when war
was declared. The crush was so great
to board the ships bound for this coun
try thnt the girl would have been. separ
ated from her mother hod It not been
for two sailors, who picked her up and
can led her aboard the ship.
Manv of tho passengers expressed
nnlety concerning tho whereabouts of
Consul General Ethclbert Watts. When
last heard of he wns at Cnocke. Belgium,
with his wlfo and daughter. Miss Frances
Watts, his daughter, was ono of Phila
delphia's popular debutantes last year.
Ancestors Came to This Country
With Wllllnm Penn.
Miss Margaret do B. Levis, the oldest
member of the Socloty of Friends, and
whose ancestors came to this country
with William Ponn nnd made Philadel
phia, their home, Is dead at the home of
Mrs. William M. Shnffncr, her niece, 22
East Falrvlew avenue, Lnnsdownc. Mrs.
Levis was In her 6th year.
Her death occurred but a day after that
of her cousin, Mrs. Sarah A. C. Levis,
who died nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Casper Pommels, Lnnsdowne, last Friday.
Miss Levis was born In Springfield Town
ship, and her homo, built by her ances
tors In 1682, stands ns a historical land
Independence Hall Clock Causes Con
sternation in Square.
When tho big clock In the tower of
Independence Hnll boomed one dull
ntroke nt noon today persons sitting In
tho square below Jumped from their
henehes and pulled out their watches.
"I've missed my lunch," exclaimed one.
He looked nt his watch, which showed 12
o'clock. The hands on the clock's big
dial pointed at 12, too.
The mystery Is explained through the
fact that tho clock Is being overhauled.
Wllljam Gibbons, carotakcr of the clock,
and his assistants went to lunch shortly
beforo noon nnd failed to replnce a plcre
of mechanism, which cntised the clock
to strike but once Instead of 12 times.
Officials In Independence Hnll say thnt
tho clock mny bo expected to show ec
centricities for several clnys. Tho re
pnlrs, which begun last week, constitute
the first general overhauling to the clock
slnco It was Installed In 1876.
Last week Its hnnds wer missing for
sovcrnl hours.
Judge in another State. It l probable
tho case wlir be heard In the District
Court of Eastern Pennsylvania,
Convicted on the Testimony of Four
NEW TOBK, Oct. 19. Forty years Im
prisonment for while slavery wns the
sentence Judge Fawcctt, In Brooklyn, to
day Imposed on Joseph Angllotto. He was
convicted on the testimony of four girls.
' Violntbr of Matin Act Sentenced
TRENTON, Oct. 19 Judge Hunt In tho
United Stales District Court hero today
Imposed a sentence of one year nnd six
months In the New Jersey State Prison
on Joseph Bnranowskl, of Newark,
charged With violation of the Mnnn white
slave net. Barannwskl Is alleged to have
transported n girl from Newark to Phila
delphia for Immoral purposes A Jury In
the Pnlted States Court today convicted
Harry Knrllielm, of Atlnntlr City, who Is
nlso charged with violating tho Mnnn
act. Knrllielm will appear his ense.
Will of Adam Manning Filed for
The will of Adam Mnnnlng. late of 1211
Fnlrmount avenue, disposes of nn estate
of $2:1,1") In private bequests.
Other wills admit led tn probate today
nre: Andrew .1. Cohen, formerly of Phil
adelphia, who died In New York city,
$20,(XO; Emma H. Moyer, who died in the
Pershyterlnn Hospital, $1t00; George r.
Homlller, Spencer street nnd Old York
rond, J.1910; Cntherlne S. Keen. 2421 North
Seventeenth street, $2700; Luclnda K. El
lis. Home for Incurables, J2000.
Letters of administration were granted
In the estate of James J. Story, 17I3
Fnlrmount avenue, CW; Fannie Mien,
who died In tho Methodist Hospital.
$37 1.1. Personal property of Morris A.
Dolpman has been npprnlsed nt $3m2.'i2.
rnn t., Camden, N: J, 86t6in nwlrN
High Mrm at th Jmnwvrtl ConwpMjin
Church, at n s m Interment rt. jBrt"
Cmtry, niverilrte, N. 3. ' ' .. .
IMVIKH. On Ortobr IS, 1PH. KMSA.;
Iiktii, widow of John j. Dl. yunjryi
rvlers on Tuesday, t, 2 p. nt . t htr lit
rtldnee, 1K.1 North AUr, m. InUrment
private, nt .Mount Morlsh rtmeterr.
noN.NKM.Y. tn Conshohoeken, P.. Oete-
ber 1. 1BH, WILLIAM J., husband of Ciith
nrlne Donnelly, and ten of Ellen n.t. tilt
late Hugh Donnelly. Funaral on ThurrWr,
nt fi nV m.( frrfin 216 K. Hector at., IVnUho
hocken, Pa, Ittnh Maaa of Requiem it SI,
Matthews rhurch, nt ! a. tn. Interment at I
St. Matthew's New Cemetery, ,
riOtWirKKTY.- On Oetober IS, 10H.JAMBB, '
hualmnrt of the late Mary J. Iioughetyw Fu
neral frofvifeM oil Wednesday, at 2 "p. m at
hta late residence, 027 K. Clearfield at, m
tfrment private, flrecnwood Cemetery. ,
RIMVAIIDR On fJetobr 17i 1(114, BLtBA
L., widow of Thomas W. Hdwarda, ad' JiS
years. Funeral eervlees at th fealdence' of
r. George W. Gardner, 1T0O North 10th at ,
Tuesday, nt 11 a. m preolaely. Interment
private ' '.
KVANS. -At National Poldlera' Home, -on
October IB, HIM. JOHN T. EVANSt, ikti
70 years. Interment private, at Holy Prrwn
Cemetery. A.
I'Kltm'NON. On October IT. 10I4..MA5T
M . widow of Thomas II Fergumn. Funfrnl
eervlce on Tiicadny, at 2 p. m . nt her 1MB
realdenco, 20i-7 North (1th at. lntff ruent, Wt
vatr. North Codar Hill Omfttery. ,
Fr.STr.lt. On October 1R, 10t4, ANNA T?V
beloved wife of Henry Keater. nurd 44 yajta,,
Funeral erlcrs on wedneaday. at 1 p, m ,
from 154.1 S. Taney at., near 37li and T?
ker ls Interment pjflvate, at Northwftod
Cemeteryi ''
ITtKV. ItKDKCCA FIIEY. 01 year. 1330
Filter at.
OIH1IN. On Ocloher IS, 1014,, ELLEN.
(IniiKhter of the Iftto U'ltllam nnd Catharine
rilblia. Due notice of the funeral vlll.tai
phen, from the residence "t Mrs A. Mitch
ell. 1129 S. 5d at
OITHKNM.--Hud'lenlv, on October 17, 1014,
IIAf'TIAKL nlTW'.NK. Widow' nf Jrttt -i
rilthena. cd 70 veara FpperaJ service en
Tuesdny. at 2 n ni . at her daughters resi
dence. Mrs. W rinkrrl, 22.-, Oakljin rt.
Audubon, N. J. Interment nt Now Camden
Ut.KNNINtl, On October 17, 1014. PAT-
KiL-rc J v.-snand or Margaret uieniitnc.
Broken Back Fatal to Ex-Spenker of
Maryland House,
Adnm Peoples, nt one time Speaker of
the Marylnnd Housty of Representatives,
and a former resident of Port Depoit,
Mil., died on Saturday nt tho University
Hospital from a broken hack. Mr.
Peoples' home In this city was at nil:!
Pine street, where he had lived for the
lnt few years.
Mr. Peeplps, who was 6.1 years old, was
a member of the Knights of Pythias and
nn Odd Kellow. He Is survived by a
widow, three sons and one daughter.
Eight Pennsylvania Couples Obtain
Licenses at "Gretna Green."
BLKTON. Mil.. Oct. 19. t'p to noon to
day ten marriage licenses were Issued
at the court house in Klkton. Eight of
the number were taken out by couples
from Pennsylvania, who had tho marrying
parsons say the words that sent them
from the Oietnn Green town as happy
brides 'and brldegroomt,. Thoy were:
Jnmcs H. Smith nnd Helen Stolzer,
Morris L. Augentllck nnd Lenh Hlrsh
man, Robert D. Shock and Bessie Thomp
son, all of Philadelphia i Frank G. Nelson,
Philadelphia, nnd Kronces E. Wllks, Pitts
burgh; John E. Ryan nnd Marjory E.
Blackwcll, TItiisvlIlc, Pa.; Everett Hums
and Sydney Hanson, Chester, Pa.: Harry
A. Miller and Agnes O. Hurst, Manhelm,
Pa.; John A. Founds and Emma C Ped-
wlck, Chester, Pa.; Alfred J. Frey and
Margaret E. Porter, Newark, Del., and
Georgo H. Sarlcks nnd Emma E Gard,
Havre do Grace.
On a Rule Against Walter Wood for
Appointment of Becevler.
Judge Dougherty hnd on his schedule
today a hearing on a rule taken by the
executors of the estate of Stunrt Wood
ngalntt Walter Wood, Individually nnd
as surviving nnd liquidating partner of
n. D. Wood A Co., for tho appointment
of a reclver to take charge of the as
sets nnd effects of th- pnrtnershlp. Con-
Icn, ttrinton & Acker were counsel for
the petitioners.
the Oeu, at 10 a.
cathedral Cempterv
11AI Ml ANN On October
DOWN in the corner of the wood,
in a comfortable young beech
tree, lived Mr. Billy Raccoon,
fie was stocky and plump and so very
industrious that he never lacked for
One day in the early fall. Bobby
cottontail, a lively little white and
Rray rabbit, started out in search of
a(J,J'.e"res and found Billy Raccoon 1
Hello there," he called, "what are
you doing tliis.niorning. Billy?"
r ." i,.!!ot do'"S anything yet," re
plied Billy. "What are you?''
Hobby Cottontail sat down at the
joot of the tree. "I'm going deep
into the woods and I'm going to have
some wonderful adventures."
on don't say sol" exclaimed Billy,
end he was so interested he was nearly
envious. He slowly climbed down
me iree towards Uobby Cottontail.
on re always having luck," he
added: "Do tell me all that you are
Boms to do today."
fliat was exactly what Bobby Cot
tontail wanted to do. He licked his
f'.'ops, straightened a hair or two on
bis tail and began.
. r irst, I shall go from here deep
into the forest deep into the dark
Bloomy forest."
"Dear me," interrupted Billy Rac
coon "won't you be afraid?"
Me1 Vf--i,?" ..xrl-imed Hobby
cottontail. "You must be thinking of
somebody else. I'm never afraid!"
"i Kaccuon was quite ashamed of
'""self, as Bobby intended he should
ne, and he resolved to keep very still
ln,the future.
. J!0. of course you wouldn't be
firaid. he said in an effort to make
Himself right with Bobby, "but I
would be. You see that's what I was
thinking of.'
"Well, I'm not afraid of anything,"
clared Bobby, quite mollified. 'Pso
you mustn't judge me by yourself."
I won t," said Billy Raccoon hum
Ply ; 'but what will you do next?"
. n. next?" asked Bobby. "Well
next 1 11 hunt up the very biggest bear
1 can find"
Billy Raccoon guJjed. He was so
impressed he simply couldn't say one
"And then," continued Bobby, "I'll
say to him, 'yoli get out of this woods
or III fight you,' that's what I'll say
to html
Billy Raccoon heaved a sigh. "Oh,
but you are brave!" he exclaimed.
I hen he happened to think. "But
wl'at will you do if he fights back?"
Don t worry." replied Bobby Cot
tontail, "he won't. He will know I
would simply jump at his throat and
eat him up! Oh. I'll do it if he
" l behave and get out of the
Billy Raccoon was quite fired with
ciiuiusiasm. xomc on, let's go and
do it right awayl" he cried.
n't. ' ,.,wj!,at's ,he. hurry." said
Bobby, "1 like to visit with you."
"But I want to see you kill the
bear, insisted Billv Rarrnr,,, "i
think it's going to be wonderful I'
" es, it will be," Bobby replied, "1
I don t feel like hurrying off just
very first minute I arrive. I like to
nave a little talk with you."
"That's nice of you," said Billy Rac
coon, "for I know it must be very
stupid for you to waste your time
with an uninteresting person like me.
But I'll excuse you. Don't mind me
just go along."
"Well er a allright," mumbled
Bobby, "but hadn t you better go with
"Of course, I'd like to go," admitted
Billy Raccoon, "but I'm not a bit
brave, you know."
"Never mind." said Bobby. TI
protect you. You'll have nothing to
fear. I'll tell you, you go ahead for a
little ways and then if you see a bear
you turn and run to shelter and I'll
kill him."
Billy Raccoon thought that a cuieer
arrangement, but he didn't like to
seem too cowardly, so he came down
from his tree and, started for the
dark centre of the forest.
And tomorrow you will hear the
rest of the story.
3,BrrOB-a,w .0onia. vtar. i.n the Uarfc Tho Trenton u , -
,"'"' ...I, . ,.?.... VWV.VI), 4tU W iVlttlB U,
New System of "Cuts" at Bryn Mawr
Not in Favor.
Because the girls of Ilryn JIawr Col
lege have expressed themselves dissatis
fied with the new system of "cuts" which
went Into effect Thursday, Mlsa M. Carey
Thomas, president of the college, ex
plained the change after chapel exerclsej
"The system Is misunderstood," said
Miss Thomas. "The penalty is not as
severe as accounts have made It. No
ctudent will be expelled or barred from
examinations for 'cutting.' For a certain
number of absences from recitations and
lectures one point will be taken off the
term grade, and for 'cuts' above eight
each quarter, two points will be de
ducted." Although tho student body has been as
Mired that only girls with low marks who
innka "cutting" a habit will b In danger
of falling In examinations, the Ptudents'
Association Is said to be on the point of
making an appeal against the new system.
The girls prefe a rule similar to those
In borne men's colleges, where the num
ber of cuts allowed each quarter equals
the number of study hours which the
student has each week.
V. P. Christian Association Inaugu
rates New Season Tonight.
The University Settlement House, at
26th and Lombard streets will open to
night for tlw fall and winter season. Miss
Helen S. Knowles, the directress, expects
the year to bo one ot the most successful
In the hlitory of the organization.
An addition to the. house this year la
a neighborhood room, to be used as a
common meeting place for residents In
the vicinity. The house Is maintained by
the Christian Association of the Univer
sity of Pennaylvanla and the greater part
of the social service and welfare work
Is done by volunteer workers and resi
dent students.
Escapes in Dark From State Home
TllENTO.N. Oct. 19.-Escapmg from the
supper table at the State Home for Girls
here last night, while the attendants and
Inmates were eating, Ethel Hughes II
years old, of Eei County, donned 'her
ofcrwcv viuiurs, vumucu up iq me tran
om of a door and fled, while another In.
mate tried to Intercept her She was ,,...
ued for some distance, but became Io
M. E. Ministers Hear of the Late Itev.
Robert Mclntyre's Work,
A memorial service In honor of tho late
Bishop Robert Mclntyre was conducted
by the Methodist Kplseopal Ministers'
Association in Wesley Hull today, with
moi thun 150 cleigymen In attendance.
Alexander Simpson. Jr., was the speak
er, and he described the work of the
late bishop.
Bishop Mclntyre was a native of Phil
adelphia and he and Mr. Simpson worked
together as mechanics on local buildings.
The speaker gave u personal touch to
the story of the bishop's life.
The Rev. James Swain Says Results
Are Often Disappointing.
In order to be successful It Is essential
that clergymen keep up courage, no mat
ter how disappointing they may find, re
turnR from their efforts, was the opinion
advanced by the riev. James Ramsey
Swain, pastor of the Wondluml Presb
terltm Chinch, at the Pre.sbyteilnn min
isters' meeting In Westminster Hall this
Tho Rev. Mr. Swain was speaking on
j iip i nrisiinn .Ministry. anil lie em
phasized the pleasure it should afford
men to work for God's kingdom on earth
and the constant need of pvuyer fur their
success. The Rev. W. Courtl.ind liob
itihon. pastor of the N'orthmlnister Picb
bjterlan Church, presided.
Until Two Years Ago Clergyman of
Maryland Methodist Church.
The P.cv. E. C. MacNIchol, until two
years ngn a clergyman of the Cambridge
Methodist Episcopal Church of Cam
bridge, Md , died at the home of his sln-ln-law.
Dale Colbourn. of ZZ3 North 12th
street, following a physical breakdown.
Ho was BO years old.
After graduating from Dickinson Semi
nary. Rev. Mr. MacNIchol was ordained
to the Methodist Episcopal Church In Wil
mington, Del. He was pastor there for
two yenrs, when he wns nppolnted tn the
Methodist Episcopal Church In Laurel,
Del. He was later transferred to Anbury,
and from there to Rising Sun. He wns
pnstor of the Cnmbridge Methodist Epis
copal Church for ten yenrs.
Itev. MacNIchol, who died Sunday. Is
survived by his widow, Mrs. Mosena Mac
NIchol. and three daughters. Interment
will take place on Thursday, nt Camden,
Fune'al on Wednesday, nt i30 a m. trim
his into ri'oldenre, 1,47 West TliomPfpn st,
Fnlemn High Mns of Itequlemat Cnurcltinf
iinermeni At yM
10. MM. MJIV
iminflnn. naer! 7ft
ears. Helnmes unit friends ltd InvltM xh
nttend the funrrnl ervr-r. on Turnliiy. at
2 p m . nt her late residence 12 W f,e.
hleli avc. Interment nt Ml PrrC i'era
UmtSfN.H On Ortobpr 18. 1PM, BAnAII
HiriuiNtt, wife nf Daniel HIkrIiih, bit of
I'ountv Perry. Ireland Fnneini rm KaturdsV
nt fi 5H n. m., from 17ns Pountin at. Hnjcnm
IllKh Mats of neiiilent at 8t Rtepheh's
fhiirrh. at JO n. m. Interment Holy KetfliU
rhre femetery.
Ht'fiirK. WILLIAM ItUStCK. 77 Vtara. ioS
K. oth at,
.IONi:S On October 17. ltH. THOMAS -J,
JONBS, n;e,l W) jenrs. FunornI fcrvlcea at
tbe resldenco of Dr R.' A. Ttreed, Centre
Hqunre, Montgomery County, on Tueiday.'at
10 15 s. m Jnterjnent nt MHilletown. DM. '
KinilL.- On October I", 10H, LOUJSB
KlfeHL (nee Veil), widow of Kdonarii TlT,
Klehl, In hcrHUt year. Kelatlveg and frlendj
are Invited to attend tlie funeral amlcea. roft
Wednesday, nt 2 o'rloi k, nt )vr late resi
dence, tins West Huntingdon B. Interment at
KnlRhta of Pvlhlns ironiaterv. ' "
KI'IIIK. jnus Kl'UIC, 1 jear a montha','
IM7 Mclroe tt. . . -
I.T!Vm. On S'evenf li.rtnt. T.iiK fnnu 1l.
1011, MAHUAIIET VK a LIJVIH, agrfd )i
ar e months 2i dj. Relative ai(J
frlend arc United to nttend the (unerat
rrom the residence of her neptw, William
V Shuffner, i!2 Falrvlew nve.- iAr.sdowno.
P.T.. Thlrd-dav. Tenth Month. 10th, at '2
o'clock Interment private. Friends' HurAat
Oround. Darby. Carriages will be In wait
Inx nt Lanadowne Station between 1.50 anV
2 p. m. . -,-iV
I,i:'IS On Tenth Month J.-.lh.lOU. SAUXll'
A C LEVIS nged 0 years, widow of J.
Harrison Levla. Itclatlifj nnd 'friend ire
Invited to atten 1 the funeral, from the rV
5.:nV! 'J ,ler "or-ln-Ian. Oispar PennocK.
72 Wlndermero ae , !.ansdown. Ph.. oil
Peeond-dav. Tenth Slonth Ittth. sit o'eloolc
'i!.N'8'; :AME3 LONU. 72 years, JU2 "SV,t
Clearfield st.
100 Persons Buried nnd Death List
May Reach 000.
ATHENS. Oct. 19.-Accordlng to latest
reports from the earthquake zone, a great
part of the city of Thebes was destroyed
by the shocks that occurred there Sat
urday. At least 100 persons were buried
in the ruins, and it Is feared the death
list will reach 600.
The damage extends to a largo terri
tory about Thebes, but all communication
has been cut off and It may bo several
days before the full extent of the dis
aster can become known.
A fall from a ladder while he was
palming a roof In the rear of his homo
resulted In a broken right arm for John
Anderson. IR jeara old. 3103 Helgradn
street. Anderson stretched far out over
the ladder and It tilted, throwing him
to the ground. He was taken to the Epls.
cupai Hospital In the patrol wagon of the
Belgrade and Clearfield streets station.
Jcicph Stubbs. 371 1 N" 3.1 at., and IMIIh K
htubbi. -MM W. I.hl2h ave.
NUk Muralorl 102s Wharton t.t . and Annia
IVAmarlo, IMS Wharton st
Sam fchectman. 7" l'arrish st . anl Heckle
Qoldberu. 41. Daunliln tt.
Domenlco D'Allesnandni. 1110 R. t;th at., and
geiuta ,in (Ms rot r at
and An-
Ancelo Han
Karl Thoinaen. 417 Hronn st .
Klark. 3101 K IlarlUlle M
Krtdrrlck A Nelson. Washington, I C
Kathleen Krifthkorn. Jerhev Cllv V I
..,,,.. .. . ,.;u. 7. ..i.r--f ' -
vwuiain ueesier. ..t.ni Miiureu st
Ills Iicanskt. 21'.' I S. 7lli
Mike Magm. M0 t'amrell st , and Ltba Naftu-
lln 2iXi2 8. 7th sl
John Curran. I5ul Falrmount ave , and Pe.jla
ShiH, 13ul Falrmount ate.
Henry Wasch. San Francisco. Cal , anl Kdlth
Ivts, II) ton, 111.
iromenico raraane, K.'I FitxwaUr st . and
Teresa llonlo. Ma League st.
Frank Payne, 013 N. Percy st . and Kmlly
lleelo. MS N. Watts st '
Frederick V Zal.tr. Jr . 2.133 N 26ih st . and
Paula. E. Oppel. 2(S3 N. Hollymid st.
PfanW Siexenson ItUer Point. It. I. and Lit.
Morris Falrateln SW N. bth at
l.andls SlNt Mntt.r at
Michael ijariha. liCT N. 2.1 at., and H.l.n
at., and Esther
Kaiula 3A47 N1 21st st
"ysSS&J? ,ilSSlii,Mds.lN "h " ,n" Jw5n,e
Phtlln J D'Helllj. litil N park ve and
Mary M. SutclllTe. 155 W. Seymours
"o.UlkKa,,i'orr.rx.,1Ur,ha" " N""
aj:ko:'crSnford.eNrj: N J ,n4 wl,h""
Frank McAllister I30y 6 Taylor st and I.
UlU McCullough. HM S Ouenther St.
".' - i uiuhiihks, Aromors pa
Ratherlna A Cunnell Ph.,,.. i,A
ntil nn.A V h a a a A. t .' .
u.wsv.. .(, ,wu cvier SI.
cetta Cramasta. til.1! Knt,w m
Honaru It.imk, St Peter's. Pa. and CU a
Sailer follefe4Ul Pa wr B
tioVml" ,t N 7,b " 'LUd EMhr K4tt
JOlio.l8Ar?h'.?52:: G,rn' " ""' Uar PHI ".
WillUjn II Fiabr Pm,hnh - -.- fti
1 1 flftpiafrt. .. Mrt -""'' "' vrm- .,
j ----- - ., vv v ash.
Accused Man's Counsel Says Confes
sion Was Freak of Imagination.
riTTSBfltGH. Oct. ID. -Jacob Tnlor.
21 years old. a peddler of herbs, pi lor to
hi arrest rtn Juno 16. Inst, went on trial
hen- today for the murder of 8-year-old
Florence Dovn, who was assaulted, killed
and then hacked to pieces on a barren
hill side nt North Hraddock In May.
Tho crime was one of the most heinous
In tho history of western Pennsylvania.
Taylor, the police say, confessed to Us
Nevertheless, a strong defense for him
has been prepared by his attorney, A. J.
Hckles, who decUres that he will show
conclusively that Taj lor was not near
the scene of the crime when It wns com
mitted nnd simply Imagined himself tho
principal after n-adlng the newspapers.
Built for the Church of St. Simon the
Protestant Kplseopal Negroes of Smith
Philadelphia are rejoicing over the com
pletion of a handsome new chapel built
for the Church of St. Simon the Cy.
renlan. Kit nnd Heed streets. The tdl
flce. which Is largely a memorial to tho
Thomas family, much uf tho JS.ftW for
Itfc eroeilon having been contributed by
Mrs. George C. Thomas. waB dedicated
iiy Rishop nhluelitnder yesterday.
The Rev. John It. leogan Is the minister
In charge of the church, which Is n, mis
sion of the I'huroh of th Holy Apostles.
Escapes From Stepmother While
Way to House of Detention.
James Dougherty. H onrsold. 1135 Kast
Fargint street. Is being held at tho Ablng
ton pollco station pending action by the
Philadelphia police. Ho Is said to have
escapeu rrom ins stepmother aa she was
taking him to tho Houso of Retention
The boy was cared for by John Holt
of tho Second street piko. above Bethl
ayres. until jester-day when he was turn
ed over to the authorities. The police
say he Is a habitual runaway and has
a record In the House of Detention.
Federal Judge Executor of Estate
Coming Before Court.
TRKNTON. OcL t9.Heeaus Judpe
John nllstab Is a member uf the United
Statae Court In thh district, ami also
executor of the estate of the late Al
brt J. Whlttaker, a sul of OornaUa, E
Clement and other aakinst Anno i r.
Creveling and other cannot b settled
In. this Federal court, although the pa
pers In the case have l)astl 81kl he
It will be netetwary to try the case In a
district outside of the Stat, thua eatab
lufhlug a precedent In thi branch of
the New Jersev judiclarj
AcnTdlns to ex Attorney General Rob
ert H McCarter the peculiar urcum
stances of the cas win r-a presented tba
enlor Clrcyt J dge who In tvrn wi:i
trausff the LPsaUon , ,hn District
Hebrew Scholar Connected With Edu
cational Projects.
William Huslk, one of the oldest Hebrew
rcholars and well known In the Jewish
community, is dead at the Pennsylvania
Hospital from a tumor or the lungs He
was 73 years old.
Mr. HuMk, who died yesterday, was, a
contributor of Hobrow and Russian lit
erature to Jewish periodicals nnd inter
ested in the educational institutions of
Palestine. He Is survived by his widow.
Mrs. Hannah Huslk, and two sons, one
of whom is Dr. Isaac Huslk. an Instructor
nt pnuosopny at tho Unlversary of Pcnn
bylvanla, and the Gratz College.
Daughter of Late Augustus Merino,
Well-known Commission Merchant.
Miss Mary A. r. Merino, daughter of
the late Augustus Merino, a well-known
commission merchant, and descendant of
nn old Spanish famllj-, who at one time
lived nenr Rioai! street and Columbia
avenue. Is dead at the homo of her
sister, Miss Josephine A. Merino, W
Green street. Sho suffered from paralj--sls
for -ears.
Miss Merino, who died Saturday, was
a member of the Roman Catholic Church
or St. Francis Xavler She Is survived
by four sisters, one of whom Is Mrs
George R. Dilkes. 2211 Locust street
Former Private Chamberlain to Pope
Pius X.
LONDON, Oct 13-MonMgnor Robert
Hugh Dcnsun. former prtvate chamber
lain to Pope Pius X and or of th
ablest writers of the Roman Catholic
Church, died today at Salfcird. Ha was
j ears old and a son of the late Arch
bishop OenEon
yenrs, 001 CrptSj
I.mIXn.--At f.r-nloch, N. J, on October IT
10H. THOMAS LOnijirj, Pit . aged UTyiaiif
Inte residence, tlrrnloch. "N. J. Bervled'"ar
the homo interment ilurtrwile.
MrCAI'I'ltKY. On Octolier 10. 1011. .ELIZA!'
dauishler of th late Patrtrk and Susan ITbC
'ntm. HelHtleH and friends ara ItiTffe,!
to nttend the funeral, on Tueaday t.1rnlrir,-'
at R :io o'clock, from hr Kie residence. 71tA
Doyer at. Solemn P.qu'm Mass at rh
Churoh of th- Holy Cms, Utt. Airy) at 1U
o'cloik. Interment at Holy Sepulchr. -
McCALL. -At his resldanro, 4-M1 Markiil at
on October 13. 114 WIIUIanV MlL'
Uu notlr- of the funeral wilt he given "
JlcNIIItXi: V.- -Suddenly, on Ortouer 18.1014':
5LWIY. widow of MUlisol I, Serair
"Duo notice of tho funeral will b given from,
tho residence ot her sister. -Mrs. Ulllabeth
Mulllxjn. rear 7T14 Rate -st. - v " -
SleNfl.TV.-pn October IS, 1914. nrAP
widow of Patrick Mc.Vulty Mineral jo
Ueunesday. at R:S0 a. m. from- her' lite
residence 5.-,2iJ sprairuo st , Uermantown
rti.lomn Hlsh Hequlnm Mass at Clmrclt of
Immaculate fonceptlon, CheJten avc and
Sullltan et . nt 10 a. m. Intermenr -at Net?
Cathedral Cemetery. .
MnitlXf). On Octobr in. 1014. MARY A
C dauchter "of th late Augustus and
Amelia Merino Mass at ,St J'rancla Xavler
I'hurch. Tuesdav mornmg. st to a'clnfk
jears. Ill North 2d at. ins. "
3IKVKJIH.--On October 1. 1014, EI.TZA.
IIKTII. only hlld of John J. and OertnMeYn
Meters I-uneral services and Interment prU
2(;t7 Allrtt
Jlll.I.hll. At Dener. Col. on October 1.1
inn. pnoLi.Nx MiLLCiL wiao" Dfr It.
unmnbf given!1"' "0t'Ce ' th fun'rl
MlI.I.F.l; In Switzerland. Mr. UKN'JAUIN
ioEriiyca1b,7,W"t Sh00, ""
.MILLS On October 1. 1014, AONE8 d
jlauElucr of Kmma Orlnkwatw Mills and thi
late John T. Mills. In her With jear. funeral
on Tuesday, ut i! p in., from 4SJT Tacka
ZVX i? V frantforrt. Services at et.
."ciakla'ndV.SV!,- " 3 P" m" 'nt
.illi.xr.ll SAMUEL M1LXER. 4"
17.12 South 7th st "
hkv iarket t.
XP.VT()X. On Octohr 17. 1014. ALICn.
only datiEhter of Joseph and Mary Newton.
'HTlVuT.nlter;81 ,,rl"n "' '"'"-""""at
O'llltHIN. cm O, tolier 17, 10M MIC1IAPT.
J. rvnairlX. husband of Mary J O'nVtTiT
RelatUes and 'rlends are Invlied to attend
th- funeral, on Thuiaday momlnir. at 1
o.lock I r mi i his late rei leiic. 230-J Majjr
pn bouare (2Ttd and ''nihartne sis ) Solemn
"'I"1?"1 L Anthonys .'hurch at
jl.Ml o clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cents,
VitiZ&&-il'DlA "X". 29 year,.
'MV'nock-'sV.18'" RBU Vear
"ninnie'stVAOMI nIEU'v- " '"
III JI.nKY Suddenly
R7 Almond st. .
at Salem. N. j.
tober 1H. 101 j. QTORtJE n. RL-MSEY, Von
f 1'.n-r' ""' lhe ,a" Maria E. numsey
T . '. "rv Helattve and friends alio
..".-. o! w.um no was a member, are In
lte.l to attend the funeral from his r'esl
George W. Carr
.s.GeoRf AV.-.Carr' Mno vas a member ..r
the Mill Want Republican Committee
and for 41 years a resident of that ward
is dead at his home. Franklin and Mas
ter streets, from neuralgia of the heart
He was a Mason and a member of the
Keystone Circle, Rrotherhood of Amer
ica, and the Prexel Lodge, A O V V
Mr. Cnrr. who died Saturday. Is sur
Mvcil by a daughter.
town ae.
On October IT.
nuiwmlof Elisabeth Anderson Funeral serv.
i'lffl UrT)1hJ.r:.na.,l- ft.,f,VWF"
A!iI,,T BDWAHD ALBERT. 94 years.
MM Uermantaicn at ' years.
AXDKR.SHX. On October 17. 1014 j IMF's
hbaD-S' Ell-abelh Anderson ?-un.ral .Ml
more ltd
IIAICK.-PIin.IP SJIAHK. 67 .ara.
ISKH. 8uildsnl. at Atlantic tity v. j.
on mover IT. JOH. EMM V V SIXER ReU
ineno Kr invited to atten 1 t)j
allies mi. 1
,?'.,su. HENRY
III.AI'K. tin (1,'tAl,..
11I.ACK. son of Iuild an4 Flora WA T"as,,i
241b South Lambert st
"'"I. -n October IT. 1014. MARY
uauanier o. to. ui. Edward ant Margery
Carlln Funeral TuesU at 8:80 j n, ,.
lSia Mjrtl. st Solemn Ilfeh R.qul.m ilaS
at Church of the Aswmptlr.B at fo m. !5
r.l.1V.',w",uA,ulv Cro" ilery "
(AltK. (In Ocluber 17 1014 vt , w Hl.
of nanl.i carr Vunirai n-rJzx. VS.
a ni fnni 1 1 Ii-,.. ii " "VC i.
5ol..V.n lti.1. Ma.V'it i John l ESJe
sSe-s4p. vVm.tv! ""--' iirtb
jears. Funeral on Wednesday ,t : I ' ,
&&&& wHra'wi
CI IHK. -On October 18 low ,,,,..
II YDS -LARK, sob of IUmtaiiiiVAJ,"S
Maria K riarkV u."Tt!.,!.Pw an I
iiuujr. . j . aa1
'soVtKi '" CLARKU,7 :
CIK.KI.XU.-At Sara.
ucmoer 13 loll a.iii.rt37:
ai TEfli PiDm ia h" Mth ar Interm.ot
11 KTIS.
junvriti HrrMoei. on ln-sday at 5 p ni . ai
VRiJi!Krr"S5 ,..' ''"" " William JI
Hradbr, STI'i llri-ne st.. Uermantown. ln
terment prtuite.
SKi:.'IIN.-Un Onober 16, 1014, NORMAN
11.. son of Hadatla and th late Wllllsn
fckelton Funeril wnUi on Tuesday, ar 3
fcixTh &? ifS8!s&A"- "".
M..,.!Si,sy$i,H.?,ON" ,a'c,"k- " '
"".'"Ui' On ...ber 10, 1814, AONEwMow
uf Thomas Smith mr CalUnV Funeral on
Tuesdas at S .in. tram Srt) Mela st,
boletmi Remilrm Mas at lbs Church ot St
a,rr'4Thedar;.1rfm(,rny. preU"f- l.
"''w'eVt'-'ii.r.lli W STBELE- "" 2M
STKAVAIfl". At his resldenee. TBT North
Jlh st on iwtotwr IT IUI4 WIIJ.IAM hus"
oa oi ina miv tuo stevsart lm PUkan
1 Hl be
T I. Kit. On
tus njib-e of tbe funeral
Tenth Month 18th. 1914.
In 7th i ear Funeral eu Fourth day. Tenth
' w i iBwoaa v . i'uiaaswa4. N j
Ut real.
lutaruitui Kri.nda Huriai rjrouBds. iAt
lota. V l Autouohll. ,.... i '' """
,-j -- -. .
ii tun
sears. ,2U luutk Id .i
iiKM.KKT. On Deleter 17
t Ft
EDERICK AlPRlf-Jt Wtotonst iara. aai
V n
ilRTIS. d.ariv ,
O-tibe- IF ion
HKIIillT -in o. fober IT
S..i'il"!. I"". .."' ''aarlna P Wrlsk.
rV-.-a'r-."'' lnr-.-'. .M .!" t.
J. "fry, AflTna, at 8r, a , wXai5J
InUrmset aVaUsrfrml iimitu?
1911 tPKiveta
.Kj . ...::. -tsb't-""
denoe. No (! Market st . Salem, on Tuesday.
.,r, ,,..,.,, , urinnr -'", at i- O'clock.
Services at residence Interment Pretby-
erlan femeterl. Salem
wr Tin i hr'stlan st
li vear ai.t.i Market it
bit Mill AltO. On lob'r 1.1, 1014 lIO.
i,N'LJIA,T'8TA 8IAHBAUri. Imsbann of ,
Maria bbarbari Funeral on Tueslay. at 0 ,
a m from S17 South Hutchinson si HTsh ?
Requiem Mass M St Mary Magdalen Se
I' i church Interment at lfol Cross '
Mf?Lr.rSBrSS 8C,Va " ""'
8VAJ!l!.l&rti.,,.Vh.,Jft!tilfr 2.". "SL'fr .. i
.on of I aj master !e. re f Khamef fi" . I
ghn'JW Mr- H'.h1 Lmilta . Niohl f
ES.1S VBK,:I 5 5i" Interment at Haiti. f
f M