Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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CoFtmaHT, 1614. t Tim rcm.io Lrnar. CoMrAKt.
XOL. i-ko. a i
mm 33ff&zri-iz& fn&pju v
Continuous Assaults Check German
Flanking Move and Bend Back Lines
From Coast Paris Official Statement
Reports Big Gains Near Arras.
French Forces Reported Almost Within
Cannon Range of Metz British War
ships Said to Have Shelled German
Positions in Belgium.
A series of forced marches and sharp fighting has enabled the Allies to
check the German advance into France from Belgium.
The Allies' line has been extended until it blocks the path of the
Kaiser's forces on Dunkirk.
German artillery is bombarding Xicuport, 10 miles southwest of Ostcnd.
The Belgian army has repulsed all attacks and has advanced to Roulers,
22 miles from the coast.
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navy, is accepted as confirmation of the report that an attack on England ! $$&!
loon will be made. i sj2r.5J5
ficrnmn shore tintrnrirc havn c1ip1I,I dm i;l,tel,,'r. r.ff 7n1.riinn Ttl. .VAi&fcii'
gium, and put the crew to flight. British warships arc reported bombarding
German land forces in northern Belgium.
The Allies have occupied Armcnticrcs and state they have taken positions
between Calais and the main body of German troops. An artillery duel is.
in progress near Lille.
French troops arc reported almost within cannon range of Metz and
have repulsed the enemy north of St. Die.
The bombardment of Bclfort by heavy siege guns is said to have begun.
Berlin's official statement refers to the shifting of troops in France, but
no details are given of the new move against the Allies' lines.
The Japanese light cruiser Takachiho was srtnk by a German mine off
the coast of Kiao-Chau in China. Only 13 of her crew were rescued, 344
being reported lost. The Takachiho was of 3700-ton displacement.
An Austrian submarine was sunk off the Dalmatian coast by the French
cruiser Waldcck-Rousseau, according to an official announcement by the
Montenegrin War Office.
?f The fifth week of vigorous fighting has opened along the Vistula and
San rivers, which extends the battlcfropt from West Poland into Galicia.
The Russian War Office has again claimed a successful defensive against
the invading Austro-Gcrman forces, whose movement into Poland is de
scribed as taken for political effect, rather than strategic value. The Austro
Gcrmans arc held at bay at Ivangorod, south of Warsaw, which has regained
tranquillity since the repulse of the first advance of the enemy. Rains have
turned the fiat Polish country into morasses, impeding the Germans' attempt
to bring forward heavy artillery and cavalry reinforcements.
Russians have been driven back all along the Galician line, Vienna
declares, and have lost 40,000 men in successive attempts to take Przcmsyl
by storm.
Berlin and Pctrograd arc agreed in the statement of renewed activity
along the Hast Prussian frontier. Germans, heavily reinforced, have con
tinued to pour into the Suwalki and Lomza provinces. They are being
juccessfully withstood by the Russians, according to Pctrograd advices.
Signor Salandra, Italy's new Foreign Minister, declared he would main
tain the strict neutrality of his predecessor, but that, while the Triple Alliance
was to be preserved, the country would be prepared for action in case of
eventual necessity for war.
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Senator is Declared By the North Ameri
can to Have Shown Gross Treachery to
the Vares and His Other Lieutenants
In Secret Agreement.
His Own Alleged Conversation Is Quoted
To Prove That He Contributed to
$198,000 Corruption Fund, Putting
Up One-third of the Money.
Penrose Refuses to Answer
Debauchery Charges
Senator Penrose called tho North American editorial "only one of
Van Valkcnburg'H lle.f today at Doylcstown, where he was seen by an
Evbkiko Ledoeu reporter. Asked If he had read the story, he replied In
the afllrmntlve, but said he had had time to jjive It only partial attention.
"I've been busy todny," he declared.
"Will you Institute criminal prosecutions against Van Vnlkenburg and
Benn?" Senator Penrose was asked.
"I have had no time to consider that," he replied. "I will think It over.
That's all I want to say about it. I do not care to discuss It."
"Do you not think," he was asked, "that failure on your part to start
a libel suit will be taken by the public as admission of guilt?"
"I don't want to say anything more," said the Senator. He then turned
his back and walked away.
PATHS, Oct. 19.
The flerman Invasion of France by
'ay of .Southern Belgium 1ms been
eheeUcd, the ofllclul communique tills
afternoon declares. Tho nermann have
been driven buck from the seacoast ns
far na Holders, and the line to Dunkirk,
strongly held by a combined French
Belgian army, la Intact. Tlio general
battle now extends almost due north
anil south from Arras with heavy fight
ing In the vicinity of Lille and I.a
Jlllltnry headquarters continues opti
mistic. It la believed the entire German
ttrength Ims been tried and hus beon
found uantltig. The proposed second at
tempt on Paris by way of the seacoast
end the rich valley of the Seine now Is
xpected to bo abandoned and already
In many quarters can be heard the decla
ration that the retlremont of the Oer
mana entirely from Xirthern France is
In slKht. w
While this may be piemature, thoro Is
no doubt that In the Inkt 72 hours the
Allies have turned tho tide of battlo very
"""eh la their favor. Follow lag the fall
Antwerp tbeie weio grave ftnrs that
ine Allies might ba forced to give con
tWerable ground. Hut the dermans held
ck for rilnfoiecments, and the French
"eneral Staff was uble to withdraw largo
Jsrctg from certain portions of the line
Jnre they could be spared and rush
lBem to tlie threatened points In the
"i-inltj of Dunkirk.
At the s.tnie timo tho tlrltish contin
ent, stionifly aided by the French, as
Kltfd the Germans In tho vicinity of
timer and diovc them back to the
Wnlty of I,le, wbeiu they now are.
n .r.e6ult was that Dunkirk was spared
f" Haek from the southeast, and a com
JwUo of tho amiutn Helgium army
ua that of Uencial ou Roehu was pre-
The general situation In tho North Is
Jr ntlel dumlual by the Allies and
are reported to ba prtssing the Ger
" hard at ery point.
fo,i0" frum unn sources that Uel-
t bc'"K ckd by a strong Uer
SSiJLfl' wl,h hvy ' artillery are
rra utre to be without foundation
init ar'' '" ,ro"K force In that
im-r.I.1" h4,B aU "i considerable
'ss jutfl Ah,ace, wbjtf Vsxt liavs
cut tho German communications at sev
erol points.
It Is believed that the general opera
tions by the French right wing nre far
mote Important than the meagre an
nouncements from military headquarters
would Indlcnte. The army of the German
Crown Prince is being steadily forced
backward In the direction of Stenay. and
If sufficient pressure can be applied It Is'
believed here that the centre will have to
fall back to escape annihilation.
The official statement follows:
The enemy's heavy artillery has
bombarded without result the front of
Nleuport-Vladsloo, at the east of Dlx
mude The allied forces, and notabltf
Hie I elglan army, have not only rT
pulsed the new German attacks, but
have advanced to Itoulers (!C miles
from the coast). '
On our left wlnr. between the Lys
and the Canal of La Bassee, we have
advanced In the direction of Lille.
Kxtremely obstinate conflicts are tak
Ing place on tho front of La fiassee-Ablaln-St.
Nnralre. We are advanc
ing house by house In these two locali
ties, to tha north and to the south
of Arras.
Our troops have been Tghtlng with
out respite for more than ten days
with a perseverance and a courage
which have not given way at any time.
Ill the campaign In the region of
Chaulijes we have repulsed a strong
counter attack by the enemy and
gained some ground.
At the centre there Is nothing to
On our right wing. In Alsace and to
the west of Colmar. our advance
guards are on Honhomme-Suliern.
Farther to the south we still hold
The desperate nature of the fighting
going on between the Allies and the Ger
mans In the district near the coast Is
shown by the statement that the former
are gaining "house by house." This
shows that the conflict is raging In and
through the little towns In the battle
According to the unofficial reports, some
of these towns have changed hands Ave
times In 24 hours.
The Antes have captured Armentlerej,
while the Germans are said to be at-
Takachiho Wrecked and
344 of Crew Lost Only
13 Rescued by Warships.
Craft Was of 3700-ton
Taxation, as Philadelphia knows
it,, is the subject of the seventh
article, of the scries op political
ccijutitjqus' in this city nw 'icing
pnnted on the editorial pace of the
Evening Ledger. Todays instal
ment tells how
arci juggled and the citizens of
Philadelphia deceived by a system
of chicanery never matched for
grotesque humor in the history of
American municipalities.
TOKIO, Oct. 10. The Japanese light
cruiser Takachiho has been sunk by strik
ing a German floating mine off the har
bor entrance of Klno-Chau, the German
concession on the Shan-Tung peninsula.
Three hundred and forty-four of her
crew were lost with her. Only 13 sur
vivors were picked up by warships whlcn
wont to the rescue. No dotalls of the
disaster, the first of any real consequence
to the Japanese navy In the present war,
have been received.
The Takachiho was one of the oldest
of the Japanese cruisers. She was built
In 1SS5. was of 3700 tons displacement,
speed ls.E knots and was armed with
eight six-Inch guns, two six-pounders and
U machine guns. When she was re
modeled In 1000 four toipedo tubes were
Tells Interstate Commission
$3,000,000,000 of Ameri
can Securities Abroad Are
Imperiled by War.
Mayor Declares Ryan Opin- ,
Supreme Court Agrees to Review De
cision by Judge Dayton.
V'ASHJ.VGTO.V. Oct. 13.-The Supreme
Court today ngreed to review a decision
by Federal Judge Das ton. of West Vir
ginia, since reversed by the Federal
Circuit Court of Appeals, holding that the
United Mine Workers" Union Is a mo
nopoly In restraint of trade.
The Dayton decision was In tho case
of the Hitchtnan Coal and Coke Company,
of West Virginia, which brought anti
trust proceedings against John Mitchell,
T. L. Lewis and William R. Wilson, now
Sw-Titary of Labor, as officers of the
minora' union and against the union It
self. The company alleged that the union
was destroying Its business.
Concluded va Pate ieiu
Vessel Destroyed and Firemen tost
After Ammunition Explodes.
rORTLAyn, Ore.. Oct. lO.-Tho steam
ship Santa Catallna, a ?7X,C) freighter
owned by the Grace Steamship Company
of New York, was burned to the water's
edge In tho Columbia River, 30 miles from
Portland yesterday.
She was beached in time to save her
passengers and creu, with the exception
of Fireman Gus Johnson, who was burned
to death.
The tire was caused by the explosion of
a quantity of ammunition consigned to
Portland from New York.
WASHINGTON'. Oct. 10. The Inter
state Commerce Commission's rehenrlng
of 132 eastern railroads' amplication for a
i 5 per cent, advance In freight rates was
opened today with statements by Daniel
K. Wlllard. president of the Bnltlrnore
nnd Ohio Rnllroad, and George M.
Shrlver, vice president of the same road,
tending to show that the world war has
brought such a crLsls in railroad affairs
that Immediate Increased revenues are
Imperative. A statement of the Fcnn-
. , -, . Till" T 1 1 ' ' "" .,!, wau uunmrM n- yirr-
lOn IlrrS in Holding: r ederal , henlv,i- Morris Rosenthal, represent-
( In,? tho Investment Bankers' Association,
An;lmnt T..1.'J i I made nn argument on tho advance In
Appointment invalidates behalf of the financial Interests of the
A. striking passage In tho testimony of
Mr. Wiliaril. who Is chairman of the Com
mittee of Railroad Presidents, was that
"the needs of the carriers are pressing
and Immediate," and that "the actual
Hltuatlon has become extremely critical."
Mr. Shrlver, chairman of a. Committee of
Accounting UtlU'eirs, appointed to com
pile data for tho inllroads, summarized
conditions with the statement:
"A striking feature of the 19U returns
Is tho complete disappearance of surplus
or margin "
Flgiues presented showed the railroads
in Knitern territory paid averr.ge divi
dends of 1M per cent in 19H, but that
their earnings were S.SOO.WQ less than
the dhldends, the Mimllest paid In 10
Samuel Rea, president of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, and A. II. Smith, presi
dent of the New York Central, are pres
ent at the hearings, but It was believed
today that Mr. Ilea would not take the
stand as a witness It Is hoped to con
clude the hearings within three days.
President Desires Cotton Bonding
Bill Catapulted Through Congress.
WASHINGTON. Oct 19.-The President
uants more legislation. He Is anxious to
have catapulted through the House and
Senate the Lever bill, providing for tho
bonding of cotton warehouses so that the
Federal Government may give Us stamp
of approval to the warehouse certificates
on which emergency currenc may legally
be Issued
The bill has been raucht In the Jam of
unfinished business that always attends
the closing days of every Congress,
Holding of Office in City.
George W. Norrls will not relinquish
his position In the Mayor's cabinet as
Director of the Department of Whnrves,
Docks and Ferries, despite the legal opin
ion of City Solicitor Ryan that the accept
ance of a directorship on the Federal Re
servo Rank Board bad automatically re
moved him from his municipal office.
Mr. Norrls said today that ho would con
test any action taken to oust him nnd
would .tlppend upon the courts to eventu
ally decide the question. Mr. Ryan's
opinion, which woa asked for by Councils,
Director Norrls said, was not to be ac
cepted as a legal decision.
"To hold that service on the board of
directors of a bank. Involving probably
an hour's work once a week In atten
dance at a board meeting. Is an 'office
under the United States' nppears to me
to be technicality run mnd," sold Director
"If I consulted only my own conven
ience, I would cheerfully accept the City
Solicitor's opinion, nnd exchange the long
hours and exacting duties of tho Director
ship of the Department of Wharves for
the elegant leisure of the bank director-
snip, out ns i uae a pudiic duty to
perforin I shall continue to perforin It
until a court of competent jurisdiction
pases on the question."
Mayor Blankenburg today said:
"Common sense would consider Mr.
Norrls' non-salaried position as a director
of the Federal Reserve Bank altln to a
Concluded on l'ue Two.
For Philadelphia and vicinity-
Fair tonight and Tuesday; slightly
warmer Tuesday; gentle to moderate
windt 'becoming south.
For details, see last page.
"The needs of the carriers are press
ing and Immediate nnd the actual situa
tion has become critical," said Mr.
Wlllard in opening the case of the railroads.
C.i'llns attention to the decision of the
commission In the former case, Mr Wll
lard said: "The net operating Income
of the railroads In official classification
territory Is smaller than Is demanded In
the Interest of both the general public
and tho railroad". " He said that the
railroads bad already taken action to
secure additional revenues through vari
ous advances and changes in practice, but
that, in the opinion of the railroads,
these changes will not adequately meet
the "existing situation."
"A war such n Is now rasing causes
great and immediate disturbance of In
dustry, commerce and finance." said Mr.
Wlllard "It causes contraction of credit
and great restriction. If not the actual
stoppage, of international trade, as well
as serious disturbance to domestic com
merce, and, as we have Been, It has
thrown the security markets of the world
first Into panic and then Into suspension
"These have. In foot, been the Imme
diate, direct and clearly apparent conse
quences of the war which began leas
than three months ago. bat the ultimate
and more lasting consequences are al
most as plainly to Im sn and will dl
rectly follow. If they do not accompany,
the conditions mentioned.
"It Is known that the railroads of the
Lnltcd Stated have over (62.000 000 of out-
Roles Penrose, United States Senator
from Pennsylvania, Is charged today by
the North American with having person
ally debauched former Mayor John E.
P.ejrburn, with the co-operation of State
Senator James P. McNichol olid William
S. Vare, through the payment to the then
.Mayor of J19S.000.
Penrose also Is directly charged with
hiviiis supplied this Information to the
newspaper to force Reytmrn and his Di
rector of Public Safety, Henry Clay, to
withdraw their support of William H.
Vnre's mayoralty candidacy. What pur
poit to be the exact wordi of Penrose
arc quoted In the charge. They arc:
"Well, I was one of the three who sup
plied the J1SS.0D. I put up ono-thlrd of
thi money."
In political circles today the charges
furnished the sole topic of conversation.
The opinion was freely expressed that If
Penrcw falls to cause the arrest of the
editor and city editor of tho North Amer
ican, the men who make tho chnrge of
debauchery, his Inaction will be taken
hy the public aa final Indication that the
charges are true.
Everything that had gone before was
thrown into the dlscnrd by Penrose In
a desperate attempt to crush the Vares,
according to the editorial. The names
of political associate were freely men
tioned, It Is charged.
Penrose, It Is said, figured that publica
tion of the charges would kill whatever
chance Vare had to be elected Mayor.
Further to embarass the Vares, he Is
said to have used Influence through
government channels to force three local
local banks to demand payment on Rry
burn's paper.
Clay was reached through Robert A.
Balfour, who Is said to have been forced
by Penrose to demand the return of
securities he had loaned the then Direc
tor of Public Safety, the editorial assorts.
According to the accusations made to
day, Penrose repeatedly pledged his word
to- appear as a witness Before tne catlln
Investigating committee In support of
the charges made at that time by the
North American.
These charges set forth that Reyburn
and Clay were on the verge of bank
ruptcy and that they had received nearly
ft,0iO,000 In cash or financial assistance
from contractors and bankers of this
It will be recalled that the Catlln com
mittee was adjourned on the eve of the
date scheduled for the hearing of these
charges. Repeated conferences between
Penrose and the editors of the news
paper preceded this, according to the
North American; at each of these Pen
rose ruefully complaining that his ap
pearance as a witness before the com
mittee would be an unpleasant experi
ence, but agreeing to stand by his "word
of honor."
Tho specific alleged Incidents on which
the editorial charge is based, summed
up. are as follows
That Wllllsm S. Vsre personally
handed 5000 ca(h to Mayor Reyburn.
That Vare "fted" the Mayor by pur
chasing a Urge block of the worthiest
bonds of a Southern railway In which
the Msyor was Intereited.
That 5Ute Senator Clarence Wolf has
paid ths Msyor approximately 1100,000 so
he might b regarded as the "power be
hind the throne" In the administration.
That President Joseph B. McCsll saved
gambling account In which Clay lost
half million dollars.
That John B, Parsons and George D.
Wldener Indorsed Clay's notes and had to
pay $100,000.
That Robert A. Balfour aided Clay
with the loan of a large amount of se
curities. It Is pointed out In the cdltorinl that ths
Philadelphia Electric Company, of which
Joseph B. McCall Is president, received
about 15,000.000 In contracts from Clay
while the latter was Director of Publlo
Two reasons are said to have been given
by Penrose for his betrayal of ih ,i.
bauchery of the Mayor. In which he him
self is said to have admitted having taken
a prominent part. The first was that ha
"desired to rid himself for all time of
the stigma of being responsible for con
tractor government In Philadelphia." Tha
socond was "becnuse tho drain upon his
personal resources In sustaining the sys
tern of corrupt politics that provaUed In
Philadelphia was too heavy for him to
In the beginning, according to the al
leged admissions of Penrose, he did not
know that Reyburn was a bankrupt.
After the man became Major of the city
ho became aware of his financial con
dition through Reyburn'B demands for
money. Then he decided that for the sako
of the Republican party and to "avert
scandal" there was nothing else to do
but glvo It to him.
The largeit single sum mpntinn.. ..
vii'iy aa
having been paid to Royburn-the HOS.OOO
of which Tenrose. McNichol and Edwin
II. A'are each provided a third-is raid
to havo been paid to the Mayor through
Fred Wagner, a confidential bookkeeper
In the office of Wolf Brothers.
Further details In the alleged duplicity
of Penrose are the charges that he ad
mitted having arranged, through the
Comptroller of the Currency, for a special
Inspector to visit Philadelphia banks that
had accommodated Reyburn and maka
an adverse report on the paper. Thie
local banks ar said to havq been com-
peucu 10 oDiain cash or Its
for Reyburn's notes.
. , i ".nr w.jr jrom nnsmpitf ruin by
Concluded en fag Twe. backing Rapid Transit jfer"y tok
Robert A. Ralfour Is again mentioned
in this connection. It is charged that
Penrose promised to have Balfour make
a demand on Clay for the return of
securities, and It Is set forth that "Hal
four did so. In a tragic Interview with
Clay, and upon the day set his de
mand received his securities or their
It Is further declared thV "the Sena
tor's avowed object In aqtieeiln Ueyburn
through the banka and squeezing Clay
through Balfour was to oblige them to
fsll back on the Vares' and compel the
latter to put up nearly J3W.0OO n mu or
securities to save ths Mayor ami Director
of Public Safety and to hold them In line
for -Bill' Vare for Mayor "
Penrose U quoted as having deslarej
that Clarence Wolf declined to tell details
of alleged transactions between Cay and
tho Philadelphia HUetrlc Company. He Is
also quoted as saying that President Mc
Call, of the Philadelphia Klactrle fern
pany. made a. personal Je to him ta )t
up" on Clay and "call off the CatlB Qem.
mission "
"H. state4 that MeCall had pleaded
that It would be ruin to him and the In
terests with which he was cnneted If
the matter went further." continues the
Charge "to which. Senator Peurwt
stated, he responded. "'
'"Well. Joe, tins Is war; and durtuz
war sever measures are neesary
The conferences at wgtM the alleged
admission were made' by Penrose, ac
coxdins to the editorial today, were