Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1914, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Tan On
ported attempting to break through the
Allies' lines at a point vapucly referred
to as "some 15 miles from the sea
coast," but It Is stated that at no point
haVe they succeeded In gaining terrU
Ostend, It Is admitted, Is now held
by the Germans In force. Another port
reported occui'cd by the Uermans with
heavy force la the northerly seaport
of ZecbruBSO. However, reports reach
ing here say the Germans have found
It Impossible to push their advance
south along the coast because of the
presence In their path of a combined
Belglan-Brltlsh-l-'rench army.
The Germans are reported to have
been driven out of Lille, which was
occupied by the. Allies, but this has
not been officially confirmed.
Near Soissons, the British have cap
tured a number of German positions.
In tho Lasslgny and Roye regions,
where tho Germans made their hard
est attempts to smash the lines of the
Allies, all nttneks have been repulsed
In the vicinity of Lens, at Albert and
Lille, French and British forces,
operating with horse, foot and artil
lery, have 'beaten tho Germms back,
and the Allies' line now reaches to the
English Channel litteral, precluding
the possibility of a flanking movement
by the Germans.
In the vicinity of Ypres, where the
British seem to have received rein
forcements (probably Colonial troops),
The German right wing In Franoe
has received further reinforcements
from Belgium
The Germa War Office announced
today that decisive fighting is likely
to begin on the Belgian frontier
The reinforced German right wing Is
going to make an offensive movement
with tho greatest possible energy.
A vigorous movement Is to be di
rected against the Allies' troops de
fending Calais. We know that this
movement will echo the longing that
is In every German heart.
The following statement today was
Now that Ostend and Bruges
have been taken by us, the Ger
man campaign In Belgium Is com
pleted. We hold all of Belgium,
and the only point where our con
trol Is contested Is In the extreme
northwestern part (In the vicinity
of Tpres) where the enemy (the
French and English) hae massed
a considerable force of men.
The German army Is to be con
gratulated upon Its notable feats
of arms upon Belgian soil
We are retaining one army divi
sion (about 20,000 men) In Antwerp.
The Belgian people are being en
With the wings of both Germans
and Allies stretching north to the sea.
the possibility of further flanking
movements has passed and a con
flict which will result In disaster may
be expected any day. If It Is not raging
The Germans have retired from Lille
after the pitched battle which raged
when the two armies came In conflict
there and In the region north of that
The Germans have occupied Ostend
and tho forces In Belgium have effected
a union with their main army near the
North Sea It Is believed the Germans
will try to capture the railway from
Calais to Tarls through Hazebrouck
and Arras
Great Britain Is rushing the prepara
tion of her "raw levies" much faster
At Trial of Mea Accused of $2,000,
000 Book Swindle,
NEW TORK. Oct IT One of the
"millionaire" letters written by James J.
Farmer to his associate Colonel William
J. Hartley, with instructions to mall It
buck from England, wan Introduced In
vldence before Judge Foster jesterday
Farmer, Hartley, Samuel L Warfleld
end others are being tried for a. J2.00000
da luxe book swindle, the victims beln?
rich men in many cltle The letter, used
in thla country as a bait, was signed with
the name of some American millionaire
who happened to be in Europe at the
time It read
"My Dear Colonel:
We landed here today after a stormy
pM4ge Rain and high wtndi prevailed
until w landed In Southampton. I am
now resting and figuring out a plan for
our library.
"The bulk of what I purchased for
$11,000 U altogether too much money to
put Into one set of books, but I must have
that ex-llbrls monograph copy of the
Oriental serlea-the Kapoleona, Dickens.
Thackeray, Scott. Beaux Art Clewic.
Days of the Dandles, Wilde. Balzac
Hugo. Immortals, Roosevelt, Whitman.
FUlding and the British poets
We will return In a few months, when
I will give you my full list of what mr
wife and self have, selected for our
W hav put askU UOO.000 to lnve In
books. Don't you tbink w ought to get
a nice home library tr thatT
"Of course dv do lot anticipate any
thlwt Uk th c2s-Jr xrla4 Moreaa
the Allies have taken a strong posi
tion In that vicinity the Allies' cav
alry Is pressing forward vigorously.
Tho Belgian army of King Albert,
which has retired Into France, will be
ready In a few days to assume the
offensive In co-operation with the
Trench and British In the north It is
recuperating In France.
The capture of Ostend by the Ger
man'! and the establishment of tho
Ckrman wing upon tho coast at Blank
enbergho has enabled the German
forces In northern Belgium to get In
touch with the main army. This Is of
big advantage to the Invaders because
It enables litem to present an un
broken front, no matter If Is weak
at points The right wing of tho main
German army In Belgium now rests
upon Vcrtine, the westernmost town In
Belgium, near the North Pea, about
26 miles from Bruges
There hns beci. a disposition in some
quarters to believe that the Kaiser has
ordered another drive against Paris by
way of the coast. It Is unlikely, viewed
from a military standpoint, that he
would undertake such a gigantic en
terprise when, with all his available
troops, he has been unable to get his
grand army before the city In a direct
march against a retreating foe. There
seems to be no doubt, however, that
the German scheme of operations in
cludes an offensive campaign against
Calais and Dunkirk.
couraged to continue their occupa
tions Factories are being operated
and mines axe being worked The
German troops have attempted to
Impress upon tho Belgians that
they are safe so long as they ab
stain from hostile acts
French attacks northwest of
Rhelms were repulsed.
It Is reported that the German Gov
ernment will not Insist upon a war tax
from Antwerp If the residents will re
turn to their homes and furnish food
and shelter for tho German troops sta
tioned there. The people of Antwerp
are being given unusual freedom, be
ing allowed to keep lights In their
homes at night and lock their doors.
Great amounts of spoils are being
shipped to Cologne and Alx-la-Chapelle
from Antwerp
A private dispatch says that the Ger
mans have occurred Roubalx and that
hard fighting Is going on In the flooded
territory near Dunkirk.
Another dispatch says that Lille was
severely damaged by shells and that a
considerable part of the city was
burned. The Germans entered tho city
Wednesday morning with bands play
ing. now than In the early days of the war.
British arms probably will be relied
upon to check the German advance
along the French coast.
The chief difficulty up to date in get
ting the troops into the field has been
the lack of supplies. When the active
army went to the front to take Its
place on the firing line It was accom
panied by as efficient a quartermaster's
department as ever existed.
It Is now felt that possibly It was a
mistake to permit the chief officers In
this department to go to tho front
They have been badly needed In Eng
land. Many of the new troops have
been unable to obtain needed equip
ment But Earl Kitchener now has
the new department working in clock
work style, and equipment Is being
turned out at a rate heretofore con
sidered impossible.
has. but with your assistance, eld chap,
we should get something nice
"Falthfulb yours
"P S My wife wants a. copy of 'Fads
and Fancies." Can you secure It?"
Irving A- .Vemerov, one of the defend
ant!, explained to the Jury that tho let
ter ' established confidence " Nemerov
was asked who sold the de luxe books
to Clinton S Martin. 165 Riverside Drive
He said George Fisher "sold him " Fisher
Is a defendant an trial
"What did he say about that sale?"
Nemerov was asked
"He said it was like taking candy from
a fat baby," replied the witness
Anniversary and Peace Sunday Cele
brations at 'VVUminfrton.
WILMINGTON, Del Ort. 17 -Tomorrow
will mark lo Important events
among churches here Asbury Methodist
Episcopal Church, the "mother church
of Methodism." will begin celebration
of Its 126th anniversary The exercises
will continue for a week They will
be In charge of the Rev George White
Dawson, pastor of the church. One of
the prominent speakers will be Bishop
Berry, of Philadelphia
The Sunday school of Hanover Preb
terlan Church will celebrate Its 100th
anniversary, and the Rev R L Jack
son, pastor of the church, has arranged
an Interesting program. A historical
meeting will be held In the afternoon,
when Mayor Harrison W Howell will
make an address
A third religious service of Importance
will be the Peace Sundaj celebration to
morrow in the Roman Catholic Cathedral
The Italian retldenta of the city will
attend this service, nd special prayer
will be offered that In the present war
and In the future both Italy and thj
UxdUd States may rsJa at peace.
Kaiser's Terrors of the Sea
Dart at Will Past Patrol
ling Fleets Record
Present War.
Of outstanding Interest on the naval
ride of the war is the record of the
Kaiser's submarines, which seem able at
will to elude patrollng fleets and strike
at cruisers with deadly effect. The rec
ord to date of thos In service has been
formidable, and It Is reported that Ger
many has 5fl more ready for launching at
tho North Sea navil bpsess.
On September 6 tho Germans scored
their first 'bull's eye," when the light
British crtll'cr Pathfinder was torpedoed
and sunk by a German submarine almost
off the Scotch const. At first the British
authority said the Pathfinder had struck
a floating mine, but later on they ad
mitted that a Gcrnnn submarine was the
On September 11, In retaliation, the
BrllMi tent a submarine Into the outer
entrance of Wllhelmshaten harbor and
torpedoed and sung the light German
cruiser Ilela
Gcrmanv did not wait long for her re
ins'". On September 22 a German sub
marine torpedoed and eank the 12,W0-ton
armored cruisers Abouklr, Cressy and
Hogue In flight of the British coast It
was as a result of this tllaster that the
British Admiralty Issued an order to Its
worship captilns that In the future they
must disregard humane reasoning and
sae warships before attempting to save
On October 7 the British sent a de
stroyer Into the Ems estuary and It tor
pedoed and sunk an old German de
strojer. Most of the latter'B crew was
saved by a German cruiser which went to
the rescue.
On October 12 the Russian cruiser Pal
lada was torpedoed and sunk by a Ger
man submarine oft the entrance to tho
Gulf of Finland
On October 15 the British cruiser Hawke
nas sunk by another German submarine
Today's Enrolment at Consulate in
Spruce Street the Largest.
Three hundred reservists stormed the
Austro-Hungarlan Consulate at SO" Spruce
street todav to have their names and
addresses taken so that when their serv
ices are needed they may be notified
It was a Jojful crowd, and the men
seemed to take the war business lightly
They smoked Innumerable cigarettes and
bought sandwiches from tho street ped
dlars while they waited In line Venders
did a prolitablc business In selling tho
men their national colors.
Men were enrolled at the consulate last
week, but todays enrollment was by far
the largest
Great Northern Steamship May
Transport Them From America.
SEATTLE, Oct. 1".
It was reported hero today that the
Great Northern steamship Minnesota
would be chartered by the British Gov
ernment to carry to Europe 90fV) horses
bought in Eastern Washington, Idaho and
Protests to Austria Against Flights
Over Country.
ROME, Oct 17 The Italian Govern
ment has protested to the Austrian
Foreign Ofnce against the flight of an
Austrian airship over the Italian border.
The Italian War Office fears that the
occupants of the airship were bent on
military espionage.
Duchess de Talleyrand Pays Their
Transportation Expenses.
NEW YORK, Oct 17.
Dr M J Sheahan, of Derby, Conn .
Dr Mary M Crawford and Dr A S
Cooke, of Brooklyn, Dr. Barton C McC.
rooklngham. Red Hook, N. T , and
Doctor NIsbet. of the French Hospital,
this city, will leave today on the French
liner Rochambeau for France, where thej
will serve as volunteer surgeons with the
French army corps In hospitals In that
They ar going abroad at the request
of the Duchess de Talleyrand, formerly
Miss Anna Gould, who some days ago
forwarded her check for 11000 to pay the
transportation expenses of the surgeons.
Dr David E Wheeloek, of Buffalo, left
here several dais agon on the same as
signment. Doctoh Sheahan recently re
signed his commission as First Lieuten
ant In the United States Medical Corps
He will receive the same rank In the
French army
ESTIMATED AT 0,700,000
IVDNDON. Oct 17 The Nation say 3
that the best official estimate of the
total fighting force of the German
Empire In trained men now serving
Is l3f)0ri The untrained men liable
as Ersatz reservists and for the
Landsturm number 3 750.000, and the
Landsturm vouths of 17 to 29 years
of age 1 501000 more, a grand total of
9,700 WW
Private letters from Germany speak
of terrible losses among the officers
One records the death of 42 per cnt
uf the officers In the Bavarian Guard,
and also that every family the writer
knows is in mourning
wmimMmmmmm m
A special offer which no lover of
Holland bulbs can afford to overlook.
Present or mail this advertisement any
day before October 24th, and we shall
make a special price of
ran -WAKRD- auto i RetailStore,830Chestnut5t.
Registered Trademark.
"'! uniinniiimji!j, i ilium.'
Honolulu Wireless Officials Regret
Aiding Allies.
WASHINGTON. Oct 17 -Orders to al
low the Marccnl wireless station at
Honolulu to continue In operation were
Issued by the Navy Department today,
following receipt of an expression of re
gret from the company for lis sending
of a message announcing the arrival of
the German gunboat Gclerat Honolulu.
Loss of Hawke Starts Criti
cism of Admiralty's In
ability to Check Daring
Raids of German Sub
marines. By ED L. KEEN
LONDON, Oct. 17.
All England demands revenge. The of
ficial announcement that another British
cruiser had fallen victim to a torpedo,
hurled by a German submarine, stirred
the nation to Its depths. Tho Iosb of the
Hawke, with virtually all her crew, Is
In Itself no eerlous disaster to Britain's
sea strength There are plenty of war
craft ready to commission to take her
place But tho almost uninterrupted
scries of successes of tho Gorman sub
marines, which seem to be able to go
whero they please, unchecked by the
British destroers or torpedo craft, has
started a chorus of crltlclBtn of the Ad
miralty that only a stern blow, with re
sultant success, can check.
While details of the loss of tho Hawko
aro withheld, the very fact that her sur
vivors were landed at Aberdeen would
indicate that It took place far from the
German coast and very close to a British
naval base Bccauso of this fact tho
bewilderment grows. "Where is the Brit
ish fleet?" now Is the question on every
one's lips this evening But it Is a ques
tion that for strategical reasons must go
At the Admiralty no comment was ob
tainable on the latest German move But
the chiefs there made It very plain by
their attitude that England would reply
In ItB own way, and It will not be greatly
surprising If news was soon forthcoming
of a British naval move that will balance
the now greatly one-sided scale.
The general situation Is described as ex
cellent. The uprising In South Africa
rapidly Is being stamped out Reports
received by cable from Premier Botha
state that the at my Is absolutely loyal,
that all persons suspected of nntl-Brlt-Ish
sentiments arc being arrested as rap
Idlv as thev can be located, and that
It will be possible to rescind tho martial
law order In the near futuio. Brigadier
General Lukcns, who is In charge of the
operations against the Germans In Ger
man Southwest Africa, reports that the
Germans have withdrawn B0 miles Inside
of their frontier, leaving a wide space
of desert. In which all water holes have
been polluted The Germans are acting
entirely on the defensive, and their ulti
mate defent Is considered a certainty.
In France the Germans slowly are being
driven back and arrangements have been
made to prevent their taking Dunkirk,
Calais and Boulogne.
tn Belgium the situation Is hidden un
der a cloud of censorship, and there Is
no confirmation of the unofficial reports
that Ostend now is held by the Germans,
although It is generally accepted as true
Hagenbeck Hns "White Elephants"
on His Hands.
LONDON, Oct 17 A dispatch to the
London Standard from Copenhagen
says that the firm of Hagenbeck has on
Its hands scores of wild animals with no
The firm had a contract for the deliv
ery of wild beasts to the amount of 550,000
to America, besides other big contracts
with tho zoos of belligerent powers. In
tho present circumstances these cannot
be fulfilled
So now Hagenbeck is left In the lurch
with 75 full-grown lions, 45 tigers. 70
trained polar bears, 100 hyenas and 67
clsphants. besides five caravans which
ought to be on their way home In Africa,
India or where their homes may be, with
their horses, camels, etc. All these men
and beasts must be housed and fed, the
animals need fodder and everything Is
getting scarce. Oats and maizo are hardly
to be had Fish is almost Impossible to
procure. The only thing easily obtained
is horse meat
LONDON. Oct 17 The namo of Lieu
tenant David Kerr, younger son of Lord
Ralph Kerr, appears in the official cisu
alty list Issued last night as killed In
action. Ho was an officer In the Royal
These British cruisers have
sunk by German submarines.
Crullers. I Crew. Men Lnt.
Amphlon 320 i
Pathfinder SS j
Abouklr Ti
Hogue T55t HM
Cwiy T35J
Hake ... .. 544 ill
The Amphlon was destroyed August
6. the Pathfinder September 10, the
Abouklr, Hogue and Cressy September
22 and Hawke October 15 The Am
plon was a third-class protected
cruiser, the Pathfinder a scout, the
Hawke a second-class protected
cruiser and the Abouklr, Hogue and
Cressy were armored cruisers.
At the beginning of the war the
British navy had 143 cruisers, divided
as follows. 10 battle cruisers, 42
cruisers of the first class and SO light
12c per doz., 85c per hundred;
(or 43c for tmr)
for Murillo (double) Tulips
The finest of double tulips for forcing
or planting outside. Beautiful blush pink.
No orders after October 24th at the
above price.
(jM&m Jfifjfi
tmerican Branca Office, zoo wainut riaco
Invincible and Terrible Vic
tims, London Hears, But
, Admiralty Denies Disaster
Feared in North Sea.
LONDON, Oct. 17.
An unconfirmed rumor, widely circulated
throughout London today, declared that
tho big cruisers Invincible and Terrible
have been torpedoed and sunk by Ger
man submarines In the North Sea.
So persistent were the reports that tho
ofnclal press bureau, at the Instance of
tho Admiralty, Issued an official state
ment discrediting them.
It was positively stated that no report
of any further operations by German sub
marines had been received here since yes
terday's announcement that the cruiser
Hawke had been sunk. Tho Admiralty
Insisted that the rumor was utterly with
out foundation
Despite the denial from the Admiralty,
the report that disaster had overwhelmed
the Invincible and Terrible continued to
circulate, and at 1.15 this afternoon tho
bureau Issued tho following supplemen
tary announcement:
There Is no truth whatever In the
rumors that any vessels of the navy
have met disasters other than those
abi.ut which official announcement al
ready has been made.
The Invincible Is a battle cruiser
formerly of the Mediterranean fleet. She
has a displacement of 17,250 tons, Is EGO
feet long, engines of 41,000 horsepower, a
speed of 23 knots, carries eight 12-lnch
and many smaller guns and a crew of 731
The Terrible Is a cruiser of 14,1(0 tons'
displacement, 520 feet long, engines of
2"),000 horsepower, and carries two 9 1
guns, 16 6-lnch and many smaller gun3
She carries a crew of 801.
One Zeppelin n "Week Manufactured
and Aeroplanes by Dozens.
THU HAGUE, Oct 17. "Germany Is
preparing for an air raid on Great Britain,
but don't tell anybody." This Is the
statement, according to German papers
received here, that Is being repeated
everywhere The German feeling against
Great Britain is so deeply aroused, their
hatred so strong, their dcslr for Britain's
downfall so unanimous that tho Govern
ment fell they must do something to
pacify the people and start some sort of
attack on the Insular enemy. An attack
by the fleet which Is prudently scouting
the emptv Baltic under the leadership of
Grand Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia
and Admiral von Ingerohl, Is Impossible
for many good reasons, so tho Germans
are urged to try their luck In attacking
Britain by the air The Zeppelin work
shops at Fredrlchshafen are laboring day
and night with quadruple working staffs,
and are credited with being in a position
to turn out a Zeppelin a week The
Schutteh Lans manufactory in Mannheim
nnd the Parseval concern In Bltterfleld
ari equally active, and near Berlin the
workshops of the Taube and Albatross
aeroplanes are manufacturing flying ma
chines by the dozen.
Tubantia, Carrying a Number of Pas
sengers, Runs on Kentish Coast.
DOVER, England, Oct. 17. The Dutch
steamship Tubantia, with a number of
passengers on board, bound from Buenos
Ayres to Rotterdam, went ashore on the
Kentish coast today. Assistance has been
Austrialia Keports Capture Off New
Guinea Coast.
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 17. The
Minister for Defense, Commander S. A.
Pethbrldge, has received Information that
a German gunboat has been captured off
New Guinea
&A ItOJl rnn n
No matter how deaf you are, unless born
deaf or stone deaf, the famous "Acousticon"
the world's only universally successful
hearing device for the deaf will positively
enable you to HEAR EVERY SOUND, LOW OR
By a remarkable patented feature the "Acousti
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Covers 48 degrees
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This is the most remarkable result ever achieved
it actually and positively covers all 48 degrees of
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It makes absolutely no difference what caused
your deafness, how severe it is, or how long stand
ing, the "Acousticon" will enable you to hear more
cieariy man any oiner neanng device In the world.
The Original The
Over 100,000 in
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Thla remarktble bearlac lnttnimuit Ii tba only de-rle
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Thtre Ii absolutely no othr hearing Instrument con
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but all other electrical bcartn devlws are simple,
unguaranteed microphone.
10 Days'
If you do not live here and cannot visit our office. we let
you take and use the "Acousticon" without a deposit for
10 days to proie absolutely that you must use the "Acous
ticon" if you want perfect htarlng under all conditions.
The "Acousticon" Is the hearing device for the deaf
that gUes you an absolutely legal guarantee which pro
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Deafness grows vorse yearly If neglected, until even
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' " fanv jin k 'isbt siii n i ii iw ii iiiiTTiiin iii M , m i - i r"r nntfc m imi jHMfc.Ttif wra, - -j vn.Ai.jj-Asff .? vuhh tt
Rome Hears Long Siege Has Ended
With Capitulation.
ROME, Oct, 17.
Przemysl. the Austrian fortress In Oa
llela, which has ben under a state of
siege for weeks, has been captured by
the Russians, according to a report re
ceived here today. No confirmation of tho
report has been received.
Earlier In the week the Austrlans Is
sued a statement saying that the Rus
sians had been driven back and that the
siege of the fortress had been lifted.
This wns denied by the Russian General
Staff, which stated that the siege was
All Germany Acclaims Bril
liant Leader of Campaign
Against Czar Title
Asked for Military Idol.
THE HAGUE. Oct. 17.
Advices reached here from Berlin say
that the Emperor Intends to elevate
General von HlndenburtT, tho Comman-dor-ln-Chlcf
of the East, to the rank of
The general, by reason of his great
activity, has been able, with an Inferior
force, to keep Russia from gaining a
foothold on German soil, and, according
to the reports given out in German offi
cial circles, It has been due to his sug
gestions that tho Austrlans now havo
been able to assume the offense In Gall
cla. General von Hlndenburg Is the popu
lar Idol of Germany, and button photo
graphs of him nro being worn by Ger
mans generally in their coat lapels.
Motor Trucks Filled With Infantry
men Soon Followed.
LONDON, Oct 17.
A dispatch to tho Dally News gives the
following unofficial account of the Ger
man occupation of Ostend:
The Germans entered Ostend about 10.30
Thursday morning. The civil guardsmen
weie seized and their rifles were thrown
Into the harbor. The advance guard of
the Germans was composed of Uhlans.
They wero guided into the city by Ger
man cyclists About five minutes after
two German cyclist soldiers appeared, six
Uhlans rode Into view. They were fol
lowed by 12 others. Then camo the Ger
man ofllcers. then motor truck nftcr
motor truck filled with German Infantry
men The troops proceeded to the city
hall, where the German flag was hoisted.
The citizens who had ben unable to
leave were panic-stricken.
2,000,000 ARE HOMELESS
Desolation and Terror in Northern
Belgium and France.
CALAIS. France, Oct. 17. A pall of ter
ror and desolation hangs over Northern
Belgium and France. Tens of thousands
of refugees, penniless, homeless and hun
gry, have been taken to England, where
they are living on charity. All the cities
of northern France on the coast aie
crowded with fugitives, who fled from
their homes leaving all behind. It Is
feared that most of these homes are in
Dover and Folkstone, In England, are
overcrowded. Most of the refugees are
In a nightmare of panic for fear the Ger
mans will make an aerial raid and diop
bombs. Famine is threatened.
More than 2,000.000 in northern Belgium
and northern Franca are homeless
Mi lUf ft" fr fr l
Ml til V1JH yjr JJ VA
World's Moat Scientific Invention
ftWUW&lmcm tWIlfUWfiW
SmJtk iiF-A- 2 j 52ii v yiyi ?i 5 vi f 1 f.t
Use 3 Times More Than All
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Acousticon" to the hardened Inactive musclee and tis
sue ot the deaf ear (Ives these deadened parte elasticity
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Don't pay any attention to an hearing device which
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tureo, except in us
.. WS n " ,' fr nybody to own a famous ' Aeous
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Joy and advantage of hearing every eound clearly
Call or Write
If you live here, call at our office for fr dsmonstra
lion If you live out of town, write for free copy of our
great book and special free trial offer Don't think be
cause you have been disappointed In all the other hearing
devices that the "Acousticon" is like them. Don't Judge
t uuui ;vu uve uieae too sreo test we oner you.
General Acoustic Company
1008 Commonwealth Bldg., 12th and Chestnut Sts.
Many Russians Drown as'
Bridges Over San Are De-'
stroyed Carpathian
Passes Reported Freed of
Czar's Forces.
. BERLIN, Oct. 17
Reports received from Vienna say thu
Austrian troops have occupied the fort,
fled heights of Starnsot, to tho east cj
Chyrow, and they have also moved south
along tho San River, so that they tr,
reported to bo ncarlng the northeast front
of Przemysl, which continues successfully j
to resist the ltussian siege
Tho Russian army of Investment, which
Is commanded by the Bulgarian Genetil
Dlmltrleff, has attempted to check iv
progress of the Austrian forces march.
ing 10 relieve uie lonress, out in every
Instances It has been defeated
Temporary bridges thrown across th
San River by tho Russians have b.n
destroyed by tho Austrian artillery and
many Russians drowned.
In the fighting In the neighborhood ot
the Carpathians the Austrian trooos hav
retaken Tnrony after a fonr-cfty bat.
tlo In which they Inflicted heavy losses
on the Russians nnd aro novv yursulng
tho defeated enemy toward 'Wyskow.
The Russians have been driven back
from the Hungarian plalni, and the Aus-
trains have retaken the passes through
tho Carpathians according to the latest
Vienna aavices tne war umco Bays.
The Pleasure vehicle
converted to haul
suffers break-downs and de.
lays, because it lacks the rug
ged strength necessary to move
dead loads in ten-hour a day
Second Largest Pro
duction of Trucks
in the U. S.
achieved in one year is record
of the
now used extensively by Gov
ernment, Public Service Com
panies, and merchants in
eighty-three cities, resulting
from' proven reliability in
fields previously monopolized
by low-priced pleasure car
Manufactured in Phila
delphia by
Broad & Huntingdon Sts.
Others Combined
very earliest ttages.
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The Famous 1
-.dtaLLMLlL 1 mmmmmtmmimiMmtmruii n m t;. Ma-.,-.j.M.., nHFTr-rr-iiinMMrtTrr"'