Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1914, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2
uma i jimii.niBWJW i' 'i' jr at EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA", SATUBDAY, OCTOBER 17, 191, 2 4 4 ABUNDANT CROPS LARGE DECREASE IN THE DEATH RATE OF CITY THIS WEEK RAILROADS READY WITH HEW EVIDENCE FOR RATE ADVANCES FORMER PRESIDENT TAFT'S SON flND HIS BRIDE tLiiuaiiu.uijuuiu.j.uJWUiuiLUijmai..LuiuLij GLADDEN HEART OF AMERICAN FARMER1 an$T'Jrt.HWgHiW immiual Record Is Seventy-two Un der Last Week's Total. Fifteen New Cases of Ty phoid Reported. A large decrease In Philadelphia's death rate was shown duilng the last seven days, In which period only S3 death were reported to tho Health department. That record is 12 under the total number of deaths list week and 13 under the record for the corresponding wj. last year. Seventy-nine babies under 1 year died this week. fifteen new cases of typhoid fever de veloped, a decrease of two caso3 compared with the number reported last week. Scarlet fever increased to 20 new cases. Thirteen new cases of scarlet fover de veloped 'ast week. Forty-eight cases of diphtheria de veloped, a decrease of eicht. One hundred new case3 of tuberculosis of the lungs were reported. The Hat of deaths from all causes fol lows: Measles 1 Emphyaerf.a 1 Dipntneria. i Dentition Epidemic cereuro spi nal meningitis. . .. 1 KpntlpsmljL 1 Ulcei 't stomach.. -Appendicitis and ty- pnniis Tetanus 1 Hernia. 1 TuhereulnalA of tuner oostrucxion qi intcatinee 3 Acute nephritis 1 lungs 31 Tuberculosis, acuta miliary 1 Tuberculosa rr.onln- tltis 2 1 Brigm s aisease i Cirrhosis of liver... 4 2 Biliary calculi J Diseases uf bladder. 1 I Diseases ot tubed. . . 1 1 Diseases of prostate I Puerperal septicemia 2 1 Puerperal phlegma- 2 sin alba, dolens... 1 Abdominal tubercu losis Pott's disease . Tuberculosis ct oth er organs Cancer of mouth . Cancer of ston.ach Gangrene I inl liter ..12 Abscess Cancer of Intestines Hydrocephalus 1 and peritoneum.... 3 Cancer of genital or gans 0 Cancer of breast .. 4 Cancer of skin 2 Other diseases of stomach 3 Diarrhea ent. (under 1 j ear) 30 Diarrhea and enter Cancer of other itis i under . yr i. l unspecified orsans. 3 Diarrhea and enter; XHacetes EiophthAlrolc colter 1 it l i" rars and over) 3 leukemia . . . 1 Burns 1 Anemia, chlorosis. . 4 DrownlnR 1 Other general dls- Injuries by animals. I eases nluries ay street Alcoholism Locomotar ataxia - cais i I Injuries by automo Apoplexy IS biles i Injuries by fall .. 1 paralysis . .. Pericardii Endocarditis 1 Injuries by railroads 1 2 Senmtv 1 Heart disease 40 Trematurc hlrth in Diseases of arteries 4 Injuries at birth.. .mDousm ana tnrom Congenita! debllltj.. B Other diseases of early Infancy . . '. Other Ill-defined dis eases 1 5ui'liJ bv poison . 1 Suicide by firearms. 1 Sulolde. jumping from high place . I Himlcldo by other means 2 basis Diseases of clns . 1 Diseases of the thy roid body . . . . 1 Acute bronchitis . . 4 Chronic bronchitis.. 2 Bronchopneumonia .IT Pneumonia ty Congestion and apo- plexv of lunits . t Diseases of pharynx 1 ORGANIZATION PLANNING TO ELECT COUNCILMEN Slating Candidates for Seats Vacated by Men Appointed to Offices. Hurried slatins of tandtdates tor Select nnd Common Councils to fill vacancies there with Organization followers Is shown In the announcement of candi dates" names Elven out by the ward committees. Eight vacancies remain to be filled at the November election. Five nre In Select and three In Common Coun cils. The ward committees' slate for both branches shows name3 of those who will fall Into the Organization line In voting. Democratic and Washington party ward committees have thU3 far neglected to nominate their candidates for the vacan cies. The causes for the vacancies and the Organization candidates are as fol lows: First AVard Common Councilman V'. Edwin Bonnlck was nominated for Select Councilman, to take uw place of Charles J Pommer. who is now on the Municipal Court staff. For Bonnlck's seat in Com mon Council Dr. H. M. Rlghter was nominated. Fifth Ward George T. Conradc. nom inated for Select Council, to take tha place of John J. Harrfgan. who Is now a tipstaff. Tenth Ward Joshua Gvani. nominated for Select Council, to tako the place of Dennis F. Fitzgerald, another tipstaff. Eleventh Ward W. E. Nickel, nom inated for Select Council, to take tho place of David F. Murphy, of Municipal Court staff. Twelfth Ward J. Levy, nominated to succeed William H. Cooper. Fifteenth Ward Samuel McQuald, nom inated to succeed Common Councilman Byron Harron. who resigned because of his appointment to a place In the Mint. To oppose McQuald, the Democrats and "Washlngtonlans have fused on James L. Shields. Twenty-first Ward J. T. Thompson, to succeed Common Councilman Levi C Hart, who resigned because of his position as court crier Twenty-eighth Ward-William Asnlp. to succeed Common Councilman James Stm mlngton, who resigned because of his candidacy for the State House of Repre sentatives Jacob Rothkugal Is the fusion nominee. $6535 ROBBERS' LOOT DURING WEEK CITY Operations of Thieves Reach Alarm ing Proportions, Report Shows. Two daring robberies todaj. in which the loot comprised an automobile and 00, completed a successful week for thieves who are visiting this city. Re ports at Citv Hall show that since Mon day there have been goods and money stolen amounting tn value to I533J While G M Todd, an official of the Waste Products Company, was in his office at the Real Estate Trust Building r stranger jumped Into his Ford auto mobile and disappeared The street as usual was crowded with pedestrians when the theft occurred- Thieves gained entrance to the store of M. Weiss. HtO South 5th street, while the occupants were In the rear of the house and stole dr goods valued at 1200. The most sensational robbery of the week occurred last Monday, when Andrew Pettner was held up tn Frankford by four men, who stole his grip, containing S1S0O, the receipts of a building and ioan as sociation While the police were looking for the thieves a lone thief robbed four houses at Front and Master streets and got off with considerable loot NAVY YARD ENTERTAINMENT The crew of the battleship Michigan will give a farewell smoker and entertain ment tonight to the crews of the other ships at the Philadelphia Navy Tard The Michigan sails October SI for Hamp ton Roads, where she will engage In gun practice, and then proceed to Vera Cruz. New Haven Burglars Active NEW HAVEN. Oct IT -Burglars last night entered seven stores on Chapel street within a 6tone s throw of police rilyoartirs. forcing; the safes In each r us ana matting; awav with between t-uuQ and J25W wurta of jash. Commission Will Hear Offi cials Monday War's De pressing Effects on Finan cial World Will Be Emphasized. When the Interstate Commerce Com mission reopens the Eastern freight rate case on Monday In Washington the rail roads which aro petitioning for a 6 per cent. Increase In freight rates will pre sent a mass of new evidence. The rail roads will show that facts and circum stances have arisen since the commis sion handed down its decision on July 20 that make It absolutely imperative that they obtain more freight revenue. Railroad olllcials from 112 railroads, comprising 33 s stems, will bo present at the hearings or will be represented Dnnled Wlllnrd, president of tin Baltimore and Ohio Rallrtad, who was the chair man of the committee In the previous hearings before the commission, will again , act in tno same capacity. Among other things that will be set forth by tho railroads as a just cause of an Increase is the European war. They will show that this has caused a disloca tion of credit and destruction of wealth throughout the world, which will result In a keener competition for capital for many cars to come. They will also show that the railroads of this country havo obligations maturing In the next 15 months which amount to about 5CO,W0,0O) and which muat be met In a petition asking for the modification of the order of the commission in tho previous hearings of the case, which haa already been filed with tho commission, the railroads set forth that, for the year ending June CO. 1S14. the gross operating revenues of the petitioning railroads showed a decieaso of about $I4,"W,C00. During the same period operating ex penses Increased about J23.0O0.00O. There was a decrease In operating Income of about $73,700,000 after deductions of taxes and deficit In outside operations. In addition to their pleas the railroads will be assisted by a committee of the Investment Bankers' Association, which will appear before the commission In the Interest of the railroads. The commission will also have before It a resolution Adopted by the American Bankers' Asso ciation at its convention In Richmond requesting that the commission grant the railroads' plea. Representing the Pennsylvania Rail road at the hearings will be C. M. Bunt ing, comptroler: George Stuart Patterson, general counsel; and Ivy L. Lee, execu tive assistant. PHYSICIANS CONFLICT IN CORONER'S INQUEST Doctors Ascribe Woman's Death to Different Causes. Conflicting testimony of physicians characterized the Coroner's Inquest to day Into the death at tho Philadelphia Hospital of Mrs. Catharine Curry, 3503 Filbert street, October 7. Dr. W. H. Wads worth, the Coroner's physician, said the woman died of pneumonia, and Dr. D. M. Vogt, of the hospital, said heart trouble was the cause of death. Dr. F. C. Doanc, acting chief resident at tho Philadelphia Hospital, declared Doctor Vogt was at fault in not notifying the police after the woman died, bruises having been found on her l)dy. The Coroner also administered a nld reproof to the physician. Michael Burke, a brother of the dead woman, who had been held by a Magis trate after th- woman was found to have been bruised, was discharged. There w-as no evidence to show that he had struck her, nor that death was In any way due to the Injuries. RODMAN WANAMAKER HOME Has New Plans for Flight Across the Atlantic. Mr. and Mrs Rodman Wanamaker were among the passengers on the White Star liner Olvmplc. which docked last night at New York. Mr Wanamaker said he had certain new plans under con sideration for the attempt to cross the Atlnntic In a flying boat, but he does not believe nnvthing can be done until the war Is ended. Th America never was delivered to me " said Mr. Wanamaker -when asked what disposition had been made of the liylng bout in which Lieutenant Porte was to have attempted the oversea flight. "I do not know what disposition Curtis mado of It I shouldn't be a bit sur prised If she were doing scout duty for the English" HOSPITAL HEAD DIES James Francis Spear Succumbs to Heavy Illness. Friends of James Francis Speer. for merly superintendent of the Germantown and Polyclinic Hospitals In this city, were shocked today to hear of his death at the Homeopathic Hospital, Pittsburgh, fol lowing a brief Illness from typhoid pneu monia. Mr. Speer waa a druggist in the Poly clinic Hospital, where he later became superintendent. He was then transferred to the Germantown Hospital and from there was appointed superintendent of the Pittsburgh Homeopathic Hospital, lie Is survived by his widow and daugh ter. He was 50 years old. DANE DIES OF STAB WOUNDS As the result of stab wounds received in a light on board a steamship tied up at Greenwich piers on September 15, Knutz Rokus, a Dane, died in St. Agnes Ilospttal early this morning. Rokus was stabbed by Andrea Avlslstlo, who worked on shipboard with him. Avltlstio will be held to await the action of the Cor oner. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Hoard H. Lees, 1413 Venango at , ajjd Flor ence H Wlion. IMm Orthodox t Hertcrt Tbornton !4-'3 N 3d St.. and Eliza beth A. Willi l:ti E. Albert at. Kal 6 OIn. northwest corner Coulter et. and ie.nantou am and Emllle A. II Jensen, SU W School lane Andrew Laerv 2840 N Cleveland sve.. and Marie Willie. 1352 B. Oxford it. Guatav E Herrmann. 3474 Helen at., and Anna M Miller. 4149 N Sth it. Mirttn F Maher 6051 Hajerman at. and Katherlne J Gercke 7101. Tulip at. JiMrh E ytml &oto N 2d at., and Emma B Hack. 8)74 N. Sth at Eduard D. Thompson. 3r"tt Richmond t. and Anna E Cloud. 3118 MUler at Ednard T. Altken 413 B WcodUwn at, aad Alice M Halion, 24 Nippon at. George I M-Elro. 2310 Crow St.. and Helen M Ktna 1M7 S Hollywood at. " Michael Kane -V70O Germantoun ave., and Mirah Kane, 32S N 21et at. James B W Andrew, 2421 N loth at., and Matala V Loeble 2415 N 17th at. pnle! Binder. .',043 Ogden at., and Eleaacr Foj. 1W N Ut t llirlua Johanaeu. 2815 E Cambria at, and Emma Welt. 1111 ITalnnount ave. Harry S Schroeder 311$ Martet at., and tery! rnw, ii . ior . Wait'r G Dovrna, 740 N Iter t V Munaon 740 X t'ber fct. and Mary Thomaa J. Meraa 4 X 95th at . and Kath- ryn Nugent S334 Poplar at Theodore D ronerton. Haw Tork city, and Grace B Eanaon, 2220 N 11th at Frank Henderum. 11 N Ruby at and Ida. Fet'la, 6724 Pearl at Robert U Ke'logg. 3220 Diamond at. and ARM T 4CWU3. O'O .1 UDIIOld at' Genrge Hargro. 1043. B. CDlorada i t, aal Slioos Koica, una rrrytna tt. I WfSSiSi&SiM BUB r ...IMHMMm I WL ,41111! OL WVSfBtW ROBERT A. TAFT O MIDDIES SEND HEAVY TEAM Continued from "Pace One to end Pennsylvania averages only 1SI pounds, while the average of the Quaker backs Is 163V This brings down the team average to ITS 10-11 pounds. Thus the middles have an averase advantage of five pounds. It Is not only the heaviest team that ever represented the Naval Academy, but few teams In this country have ever had so much weight The middles have a team that can play any kind of a game, but best of all they love the old-fashioned line plunging type. A wet field, theiefore, was Just to their liking. But they can operate tho forward pass, and already this year they have been scoring touchdowns with it. Pennsylvania, too, has been using the lino plunging game more than anything else this jear, but has shown lamentable weakness with the forward pass. On account of the Importance of this game and the fact that longer periods were to be played, the game was called at 2:30 o'clock. The line-up: Pennsylvania. Navy. Hopkins left end . . .Overeseh (capt.) ntseell lett tackle Kennedy Wlthrow left guard Jones Nornalk centre .Perry Journeay (capt.). right guard Hick Harrlf right tackle DoRoodo Urouhart right end Graf Merrill quarterback MltchJll Vrecland left halfback Tallin Wray right halfback Blodgett Tucker fullback H. Harrison Offldala: rtoferee Fred Murphy, Yule. um pireFred Crollus, Dartmouth. Field Judge Mr. Sherlock. Harvard. ANNAPOLIS. Oct. 17. Prepared to glvo a good account against the University of Pennsylvania today, the Naval Academy eleven left Annapolis for Philadelphia shortly after 5 yesterday afternoon. It is the big game of the year for the mid shipmen, as the Military Academy eleven Is not met this year. Thirty-five players and substitutes were In the party, and coaches and others brought the number up to 60. The midshipmen had been dlsmlfised from drill Just before the car left the academy and they rushed to give the team a rousing send-off. The team Is In excellent shape, and with a more varied attack than in for mer years and a set of backs who can give an opposing line a terrible pounding, the Navy contingent considers that the midshipmen have an even chance of a victory. The average weight of the backs is almost 150 pounds. In the line, ends and centre are strong, but In other places It Is not up to the standard of former years on the showing so far this season. VILLA LIEUTENANT GREETS PLEA Continued from Tage One this town. The Vaqul Indians under Governor Maytorena led the assault Six wounded soldiers were, taken to General Hill's hospital today, making about 200 wounded there under treatment WASHINGTON BELIEVES CARRANZA WILL WITHDRAW Advance of Civilians in Public Af fairs Deemed Significant. WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. That General Corranza ultimately will withdraw as a candidate for the elective presidency of Mexico as one result of the convention at Aguascallentes was the opinion today of some of the best Informed diplomats In Washington. Civilians rapidly are being advanced to the forefront of public affairs In the southern republic, according to con fidential advices received here within the last 24 hours. The program of purely civilian rule, first demanded by Villa and frowned upon by General Carranss, now is believed to have gained majority sup port In the conference Constitutionalist and Vlllalst spokes men here agree with the diplomats who are watching Mexican events, that An tonio Vlllareal. president of the conven tion, -will be the dominant figure in the country until after the elections. These elections probably will take place In January. It is understood that General Carranza has assured the State Department that hs will surrender the supreme executive power to the Aguascallentes convention. He then will agree to support whatever civilian or commission shall be named by the convention to direct the civil depart ments of the Government during the pre election period. The appointment of Vlllareal, Igleslas Calderon and some other civilian as the commission would not surprise diplomats and officials here. conferencFdemands peace Sends Orders to Belligerents to Sus pend Hostilities. AGUAS CALIENTE3, Mexico, Oct .17 -The Mexican national peace convention last night in secre session adopted a res olution ordering First Chief Carranza, General Benjamin Hill. Governor Mayto rena and General Zapata to cease all hos tilities immediately. This waa made nec essary on account of reports reaching here of battle In the suburbs ot Mexico City between Zapatistas and followers of Carranza. The convention also sot up another ormal invitation to Zapata to send his delegate at once. Thifl waa sljnad F 14 rViSM MISS ROBERT A. TAFT MARRIES MISS MARTHA BOWERS Former President's Son Weds Daugh ter of late Solicitor General. WASHINGTON, Ovt 17.-In the pres ence of a throng that taxed the capalcty of the edifice, Miss Martha A. Dowers, daughter of the lato Lloyd Bowers, former Solicitor General of the United States, be came the bride of Robert A. Taft, eldest Bon of the former President of tho United States. The noon wedding, celebrated In a wilderness of flowers, was attended by official an dsoclally and exclusive Wash ington. Miss Helen Taft, sister of the bride groom, was maid of honor. Miss Mar Jorle Edgar, of Minneapolis, and Miss Julia Thompson, of Chicago, were brides maids, Ex-President Taft and Mrs. Taft were present, as were Henry W. and Mrs. Taft, Horace P. Taft, Miss Louise Taft. Charles P. Taft. Jr., and Mrs. John Haya Hammond. Cabinet officers, leaders In Congress and members of the diplomatic corps helped to swell the crowd of -well wishers of the young couple. A reception was given later at the home of tho hrlde, to which virtually all the church guests were bidden. The young couple will leave tonight for a two weeks' honeymoon trip, their Itinerary being kept secret. They will return In time to attend the marriage of the bride's brother, just two weeks from today. He Is to wed a young society girl of Washington, BAPTIST UNION OPENS CONVENTION IN CHURCH Young People's Bally Brings To gether 200 West Philadelphians. More than 200 delegates from all parts of West Philadelphia were in attendance this afternoon when the second autumn convention nnd rally of the West Dis trict Baptist Young People's Union opened In the Wayland Memorial Bap tist Church, J2d street nnd Baltimore r.venue. Following a devotional service the Rev. L M. Halner, the new pastor of the Bel mont Avenue Baptist Church, who came here from Ambler and assumed charge of his work last Sunday, made an ad dress. At the close of his Inspiring talk for loyal work and co-operation, confer ences on missionary, social service and membership were held. Leaders In the conferences were Miss Daisy Dean, the Rev. George Venn Dan iels, pastor of Wayland Church, and A. H. Vautler. This evening It Is expected that the au ditorium of the church will be crowded when the Rev. G. C. Young", of Jenkln town, Is to be the speaker. M'CORMICK AND LEWIS SPEAK AT MEETINGS Attack Penrose and Challenge Brum baugh on Bigelow. CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS. Pa.. Oct. 17. Vance C. McCormlck, Washington-Democratic nominee for Governor, and Dr. William Draper Lewis, who withdrew In Mr. McCormlck's favor, addressed sllmly attended meetings at Sagertown and this place this morning, going thence to Waterford for an afternoon meeting and a brief tour of Erie County. They will conclude their two days' campaigning together with a mass meeting at Erie totnlght. Mr McCormlck and Dr Lewis attacked Penrose and the State organization and Mr McCormlck challenged Dr. Martin Brumbaugh, the Republican nominee for Governor, to declare publicly that If elected Governor he will remove State Highway Commissioner Bigelow. DISSOLUTION DECREE IS FILED IN NEW HAVEN CASE Trustees Will Take Charge of the Ballroad's Pormer Securities. NEW YORK, Oct 17 The dissolution decree in the suit of the Government against the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad waa filed today before Judge Mayer In the United States Dis trict Court. United States Attorney General T. W. Gregory and Special Assistant United States Attorney Frank Swacker repre sented the Government, and Moorfleld Storey was present for the New Haven road. The decree provides for the ap pointment of three sets of trustees. The first set Is to take charge of the New Haven holdings of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company, now held by the Boston and Maine holding company. The second set Is to have charge of the New Haven holdings of trolley lines in New Hampshire, and the third of the trolley holdings in Rhode Island. Attorney General Gregory said that the trustees are to be made officers of these properties, and will have charge of the disposition of the New Haven holdings as provided for by the decree. The trustees will have transferred to them Immediately by the New Haven, sl.OCS shares of common stock and 44,9339 share of preferred stock, being all of the common and all but' approximately 28,000 shares of the preferred stock of the hold ing company, the latter being the holder of 6543 shares of the preferred and 219.1S3 shares of common stock of the Boston and Maine Railroad Campaign. Photos, bv Harris ami Enlnj. MARTHA A. BOWERS ROCK ISLAND R. R. DIRECTOR FOLLOWED Continued from Tage One member of the Rock Island boards since 1002, has not resigned and has no Imme diate Intention of so dolnjr. George T. Boggs, assistant treasurer ot tho Rock island Company of New Jersey and director In a few of the Rock Island subsidiaries, said he did not regard rail road rates as a tax upon the public, bt causo the public received full value for their money. He believed directors Bhould be permitted to exercise their Judgment in matters of policy unham pered by public Interference. This opinion was evoked by a series of Folk's questions following Boggs' state ment that he approved the 7,500,000 loan to the Rock Island Railway Company. He said he approved both the purchaso and sale of the Frisco system. Folk learned from this witness that the sole source of Income of the Iowa Hold ing Company was dividends on $71,000,000 worth of railway bonds It held, and that the sole source of Income of the Rock Island Company of New Jersey was divi dends on Its holdings of Iowa Company bonds. The railway company took bonds from the Rock Island Railroad Company when It lent the latter concern J7,5OO,O0O. Folk asked Boggs what these bonds, the solo Fecurlty for the huge sum, would bring In the open market. Boggs admitted they aro practically worthless, and that tho $7,500,000 Is really a total loss. Folk asked Boggs If he were not a dummy director. "I would hardly say that," replied tho witness. Mr. Boggs said he did what Reld told him to, and acknowledged that he had received a gift of $15,000. DREAM OF CONSOLIDATION. Benjamin F. Yoakum, to whom the Rock Island sold the Frisco road, wns the next witness. "What was your dream of consolidation when you bought the Chicago and Alton for the Rock Island?" asked Counsellor Folk. "I was not a principal party to that dream," replied Mr. Yoakum. "I merely acted with others in gathering In the stock." Did the fact that E. H. Harrlman, the owner of the Alton, was In Europe then, have anything to do with the pur chase?" asked Folk. "Well, it was a propitious time," an swered the witness. "Did you not take advantage of Harri man's absence to buy the road?" "I would not say that. It happened that Harrlman was in Europe; It hap pened that the Rock Island wanted the Alton, and It happened that we bought It." PURCHASE OF FRISCO. The Inquiry then turned on the pur chase of the Frisco. Yoakum said that he had sold the road to the Rock Island in 1003 at 1C0 and bought it back in 1907 at 3"H' Folk asked him why he bought back the road. "I believed In It," said Yoakum, "and I still believe In it." Folk asked the witness If the consolidation of the Frisco with the Rock Island was successful. Yoakum waa doubtful. At least, he said, the Rock Island waa glad to sell It back to him, and he negotiated the resale with Daniel G. Reld. To do this Yoakum said he went among tho St Louis men who were Interested In the Frisco road and Induced them to agree to buy blocks of stock. He him self bought $1,000,000 of stock. Folk asked him if he had known It was necessary for the Rock Island Rail rbad Company to get the Rock Island Railway Company to obtain from the First National Bank of New York a loan of $7,600,000 before the resale could la completed Yoakum said that was none of his business. Yoakum admitted that he had resigned from the Rock Island board at the meet ing at which it was decided to negotalte the loan. Yoakum said that when the Frisco was sold back to the original Frisco crowd there was "a friendly dissolution" of In terlocking directorates. Counsel Walker, for the (Rock Island, brought from Mr. Yoakum the statement that the Rock Island and Frisco, even after the efforts of Moore, Leeds, Reld and Yoakum to combine them, were not strong enough to drive other carriers from disputed territory. "If the line Is overburdened with water ed stock," said Yoakum, "it is not the fault of the parent company, but of the subsidiaries." "RECALL" FAILS IN DENVER City Official Returned by 6830 Votes Over Nearest Competitor. DENVER, Col., Oct. 17 -The first at tempt to recall a city official since the recall went Into effect in Denver several years ago has failed, complete returns showed today. Alexander Hlsbet. Com missioner of Public Safety, whose recall was sought on the charge that he had bten lax in law enforcement, waa re elected in yesterday's balloting. His plurality over Sidney Eastwood, his merest competitor cm first, second and I tUrd choice votes, .was, 6530, 1 FACE OF PENROSE NO LONGER BEAMS IIP BAR BOTTLES Exposure of Liquor-senatorial Combine Brings Order Removing Candidate's Likeness From Saloon Prominence. Penrose pictures have been taken down from the windows and from over tho bars of saloons ana retail liquor dealers' estab lishments In all parts of Philadelphia. The orders to remove the likenesses qf tho senior Senator from the positions they have occupied since before the first registration day this fall came from the Republican Organization. Tho Penrose lieutenants have become alarmed at the disclosure of the alliance between tho liquor Interests and Senator Penrose, and have quietly passed tho word around In the last week thot tho members of the liquor men's associations should take down tho pictures of the senior Senator from their saloons. It was said today that not a etngle photograph of Senator Penrose is on dis play In the saloons In South Philadel phia. Bcforo September 3 Vara lieuten ants placed engravings of the best photo graph of Senator Penrose In tho windows and over tho bars of nearly every saloon In the southern warda. They were placed as Vvere tho ones placed at about tho samo time In the saloons of the old Tenderloin. Senator McNichol's district next to notices call ing the attention of the patrons of the saloons to tho fact that they had to reg ister In order to be qualified to vote on November 3. In the Industrial districts of Kensing ton nnd Frankford tho Republican Or ganization had also publicly advertised Senator Penrose In the saloons, and, until a few days ago, photographs of the senior Senator were In every saloon window In those districts. In the Vare and McNIchol bailiwicks and In Kensington and Frankford there are today not more than a dozen Pen rose pictures to greet the patrons of the saloons when they step up to the bars. The few pictures that are displayed nre hung on tho walls, and not In the win dows or over tho bars, where they held the place of honor until the Republican Organization ordered them down. ITALIANS AND CHINESE IN A STREET AFFRAY Belligerents Arrested After Fierce Tight at Twelfth and Bace. Representatives of China and Italy fought today at 12th and Raco streets, and the conflict became so Intense that tho United States could not remain neu tral. For the sake of peace, the bel ligerents were surrounded by Sergeant Corcoran and Policeman Strong and taken to the 11th and Winter streets station. When tho two Italians and the two Chinese attempted to explain at once how It happened, Magistrate Tracy was driven almost to distraction. By the aid of two near Interpreters of the tenderloin the magistrate gleaned the following: The Italians, Frank Brlzarls and Slg mund Bogello, of 3U6 East Thompson street, collided with the Chinese, Charles Yum and Young Dow, of 931 Rnce street, at 15th and Race streets, and then fol lowed a general fight. It ended with tho Chinese being thrown In the street. Then thi policemen arrived nnd rounded up all four. The Chinese were sent to tho Hahnemann Hospital for repairs and then brought to the station house to appear against the Italians. As brass knuckles were found on Brlzarls, the police believe the Italians attacked the Chinese with tho intent of robbery. Large rolls of money were found on Yum and Dow. Brlzarls and Bogello were held without ball for court, TWO AMERICAN WOMEN IN SUIT OVER PRINCE London Trial Not Delayed Because He Is in Austrian Army. LONDON. Oct. 17. The attempt was made in the high court to prove that the Princess Victor, of Thurn and Taxis, who was American born, Is an alien enemy of England, in asmuch as her husband Is presumably fighting for hla country, Austria, against Great Britain and her Allies. The point arose tn connection, with a. pending suit brought by the Princess against Josephine Moffttt, also an Amer ican woman, as to which is the lawful wife of the Prince. Josephine Moflitt's counsel sought to have the case postponed on the ground that the plaintiff, as an alien and enemy, Is not entitled to seek relief tn the Brit ish courts. Judge Sargent ruled that. Inasmuch as the plaintiff's claim was to assert her In dividual right and not on behalf of the Prince, she was, under the aliens' act, entitled to enforce her rights, notwtth standing the existence of a state of war. The Judge, therefore, disallowed the counsel's objection and fixed December 2 for the trial of the suit TANGO "LORD" LOSES BRIDE Romance Ends When Court Annuls Runaway Marriage Without Protest. NEW YORK. Oct. 17 -James Douglas Moore Gray, an English engineer, who became an added attraction at an uptown tango establishment as "Lord Gray," put In no defense in the Supreme Court yes terday to the suit brought by Mrs. Ana bel Gray for an annulment of their run away marriage In April. Justice Glege rich may now sign the decree untying the marriage bonds. The marriage of the couple was al most as precipitate as the proceeding annulling It The wife, whose step father. Charles Henderson, is a stock broker, met Gray at a dance tn the Ho tel Astor Soon afterward Mrs. Hen derson missed her daughter one morn ing. She had eloped with Gray. "Lord" and "Lady" Gray never lived together. Suit for annulment of the marriage by Mrs. Henderson, acting- as guardian for her daughter, was brought on the ground that Mrs Gray was not of the legal age of consent when she married "his lordship." A NABBOW ESCAPE "Hold on!" cried the proud young father, as the minister was about to proceed. "Before the baby Is christ ened I want to change his name." -What is the trouble?" the good man asked, "Ebenezer is a Eood name." "No matter. We'll call him Harold. I've Just heard that Undo Kbenzer, the old fool, has married a woman who is young enou&t to be hla daughter," Bulletin of Agricultural Doll narfmpnt Shows f!nmnre.Y. f.i Condition of 99.3 Per CenL of the Average. WASHINGTON. Oct. 17.-Crop condJ tlons during September were so favorable , that the expectation of yields increased,! ,-. ,,v. u..t. n.w iudvw uil vctooen-iL 1 were that tho yields would be 6.4 ptt)ii cent, better than Inst year. The com.f poslto condition of all crops on October! 1 was 99.3 per cont. of the averane. "1 This was tho "agricultural outlook" anM' ncunced today by tho Department of Agriculture In Its monthly "Farmer',J Bulletin." The most marked Improvement durln.i RpnfpmhAr iUn nAn,,(M.nl ...- . ! -,..... ., ..u uul,u,.,,.a.,L oajii, WUJ mado In tobacco, potatoes and corn. Oats,! production was slightly above earlier ex pectations and about an average total output. Spring wheAt fell below th&U, forecast and materially short of tha. average. Tho total wheat production, the. uuiiuiMi Buys, comes wunin ,0U0,uWj bushels of tho anticipated 800,000,000. This ' will leave a surplus for exnortatlon nnV' feed for live stock of 290,000,000 bushels,1 : the Department estimates. With favorable conditions thus far In October tho department looks for a total production of corn this year of about 2.700,000,000 bushels, against 2,447,000,000 last year. The total production of all cereals..- based on tho October 1 condition, will! bo about 126,760,000 tons, compared wlU. ii4,W3,wu tons last year. n OTHER CROPS. , 5 A potato crop of 381,000,000 bushels U expected. This would be exceeded only? by the record crop of 421,000,000 bushels In' 1912. Tho latest forecast ot 23O.O0O.C00 1 bushels of apples Is within 5,000,000 bushels of the estimated record crop of 1912. Tho cotton crop improved during Sep, tcmber In tho eastern and central see, tlons, but foil off slightly In the west- ern, and Indications point to a crop ofv more than 15,000,000 bales, second only to' the crop of 15,693,000 bales In 1911, the report states. On October 1 the condition of sugar beets was 91.9 per cent, of normal. This ' forecasts a harvest of about 4,2i!,OM1 tons, against 5,659,000 tons last year. Prospects for a heavy orange crop this year are good, the department says. The ' condition of the crop on October 1 was- estimated to bo 11.1 per cent, higher than, iv year ago, and 2.2 per cent, higher than., tho ten-year average. The condition of lemons was estimated to be 36.9 per cent, i higher than a year ago and 2 per cent,,, higher than the ten-year average. Tho department addod to Its report to. day a survey of the citrus fruit products"' abroad, based on reports from United Plates Consuls. These reports show a ; record crop of oranges Is expected In ly In the Valencia District. The outlook ' for mandarins is equally good both as- regards size and quality of crop. PRICE LEVEL FALLS During September the level of prices i paid for principal crops decreased about 3.5 per cent, being about Lft per cent. ' lower on October 1 than a year agd. Prices paid to producers for meat anlmaU' decreased .7 per cent, during the month'', from August 15 to September 15. This,, compares with an average advance for the period In the past four years of 1.4 per cent. SOCIALIST LITERARY S0CIETY's Tn DirniM otfAcnM'o wnovX iu ui-uiiv ouHoun o vumv Morris Hillqult Will Give First Lec ture Tomorrow. ,t Tho Socialist Literary Society of Phlla delphla will enter upon Its fifth con secutive season tomorrow, with a lecture by Morris Hillqult, qf New Tork, on "Ths Mission nnd Promise of Socialism." ThSij lectures of the society, 22 In number, will be held at the South Broad Street Theatre." Especial interest ts centred In tomor-' row's lecture In view of the fact that Mr.j; Hillqult. who is a member of the Inter-,, national Socialist Bureau, will undoubted ly be called upon to answer questions on" the muoh dlsoussed attitude 0 the Social-i Ists toward the war. Mr. Hillqult Is prob. ably the foremost Socialist in the United States. " Mr. Hillqult Is also a leading- figure mi trade union councils. He Is the legal.i adviser of the Garment Workers Union of Now Tork, and has done mucn to set-e , tie the recent disputes between tne gar" ment workers and manufacturers In this? city when a strike in the local industry was threatened. i The Socialist Literary Society will bai addressed during the season by some ofo the most prominent figures In the worlda of political and social science, llteratureJ and economics. The Van den Reemti string Quartet will render the musicals program at each lecture. Admission to" the lectures Is free. 3 . .., 1 MANY APPLICANTS QUALIhY IN CIVIL SERVICE TESTS EUgibles In Transit and Health De-J partraents, Elevator and Electrical ; Bureaus, j Applicants qualifying in Civil Servlcv examinations for various ports In : service are: DRAFTSMAN, DEPARTMENT or CUT TRANSIT. Salary. 11000-JlSOo per year Name, addrc and average ') Edwin E Harm. 133rt N 2Sth at , MS. Stafford R. Webb. 1012 S COth at . St 8 William M Lanard. 70M Vandyke at ..Ix , William M Hettler, W5S Norfolk it . JJ Leslie D Weygandt. 1303 N. 13th at. 718. William D. Bupplee, 5113 Klnsaceilng , TO R r ' Artolph Galpke. 2T N. 20th at, TO.1 RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. DKPARTSIBNT HEALTH AND CHARITIES. , Salary 6fiO-tOOO per year t Name, artdreaa and atarage. c.a Cleorgc D Helit. S319 Germantown av . 88fi Ruth A McKcllar. Philadelphia Hoiplt". (Inline). 81.25. Adolph Conn, 1823 N. 7th at . 78 7 Joan.h I Levy. 1S20 N 7h at , 75.8. a ELEVATOR INSPECTOR, BITREAU " ELEVATOR INSPECTION , Salary. I1000.J1200 par year ., Name, addreas and average. John C Punn. 4227 N 15th at . 70. . Jacob Woahr. 811 W Indiana, ave., 75 8. John A. O'Brien. B538 Chaster v-, 78.8. Charles E Wood. 6010 TorreadaU v.. 70.4. LINEMAN, ELECTRICAL BUREAU Salary. J1100 per year. Name, addresa and average. Harry W Bheffer. 70S N 8th St . 76.7. .. Robert E fiennott. 4128 Manayunk ave. Iff. Charles Uarcuccl. 1018 Ellsworth at 70. ETHICAL CULTURE SOCIETY ' The Socletv for Ethical Culture w1 oten Its 13th year with the dedication. this evening, of a new Society Hou Junloer and SDruee streets. Protestor : Felix Adler will speak tomorrow morniof: at It o'clock in the Broad Street Tb;i tr rn "Th Pr.i.nf WnrM Trial! SB4" Its Meaning " The Sunday School 'JJ meet, in me nocieiy Mouse ax 1.91 owv in the pwrnlns, JBiaBiaisMs.yiWsiaKar """ " ' ' v!mmlll&&i41t?aziMmemKmaiM&fm miifai; W 1