Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1914, Night Extra, Image 18

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CoFiMOitr, 1014, r ins rostto Lsoora CowrANt.
Majority Must Stand as Unit
Against Tyranny of Minor
ity, He Declares Praises
Doctor Brumbaugh.
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Answers Charge That Heads ,
, of Departments Keep
Money in Idleness by Put
ting Blame on the Organi
Mayor Blankenbtirg has answered In ft
formal statement the assertions emanit
Ing from machine source" that responsi
bility for Idleness of approximated $11.
COO.Crt) of city funds that -mould be under
contract to give irk to the city's un
employed restr, with the heads of de
partments In the Administration
The Mavor declare-) that the bulk nf thU
Jnonrv that now lies unexpended In the
City Treaury has been rendered virtual
ly inaccessible to constructive work at
the present time because of the hindrances
to lis proper epondlturo enmeshed about
It by the Organization Councils
Tho desire of Councils to retain absolute
control ocer the expenditure of loan
moneys has tied up the bulk of the funds
to isuch an extent that authorization of
Councils Is necessary to almost every
outlay, the Mayor shows. That "au
thorization" has In most cases been con
sistently withhold.
The figures purporting to show the re
Bponslbilley of the Mayor and his dlrec-
tors came originally from the ofllce of the
City Controller. They were Included as
BUpplementais material In a reply from
City Solicitor Hyan to the Mayor when
the Mayor requested nn opinion on the
feasibility on the early start of construc
tion of projects included In the proposed
811,300.000 loan.
Finally they were used In an oratorical
eutburst In Councils by John P. Connelly,
organization chairman of the Finance
Committee of Councils.
Analyzing the specific statements In
cluded In the City Solicitor's opinion,
3Iaor Biankenburg shows that tho ldln
money In the city treasury falls under
one of the four following clashes:
Money that has been improvident!)'
borrowed under previ-m administrations
for specific purposes for which it can
Mot at the prtsent time be used, such
as $7s.".000 for a library.
Money which could not be used until
after the execution of agreements Involv
ing long negotiations, such as the JlW,
COO for the removing of grade crossings
In the southern part of th city, and tho
;00.0jO for the opening of streets under
the Richmond branch of the rhlladclphla
and Reading Railway.
An Item cited b the City Solicitor of
8154,033.01 for Improx'ement of the Park
way, the Mayor points out, could not be
put under contract until the city ncqulred
certain properties Those properties havo
since been acquired and are being de
molished by contractors and the amount
of the funds for paving the Included
Btreets may not be put under contract
at this season of the year.
Other Htaiements of the Mayor contra
dicting the assertions of the City Solicitor
Included the following items:
Instead of 37,0G2.11, available for repairs
to streets not occupied by the Transit
Company as aserted by tho City Solicitor,
the Mayor sa.s that under five different
Items onlv $S1.V was available September
3. and from that amount $32,000 was used
In September.
From 1113 131 23 for country roads and
repairing trets. the Mayor contends that
$2fl0,r0i) is tied up by Councils pending
further legislation, nnd that the remain
der is being advertised and will he under
contract before the nd of the year.
Instead of a balance of KX,000 for im
proving country roads, the Mayor asserts
that the balance existing at present Is
13730 The remainder has been put under
The J2J1.0S6.5S cited as for the improve
ment of the West Philadelphia water sup
ply, the Mayor declares to be an error.
3Ir says that from ISio.nrfl originally ap
propriated a balance of only I27,02.1S re
mains not under contract.
In conclusion. Mayor Rlankenburg says:
"If, as I presume Is the case, tho Con
troller simply furnished a copy or tran
script from his monthly statement, he is
not to blame for the use which has been
made of hii material The motives of the
Councllmpn who vouched for the state
ments Is too well known In the commu
nity to require comment. Whether the
Cit) Solicitor wrote in Ignoranco of facts
which it would f-eem that he must have
known, or deliberately chose to Ignore
those facts. Is a question to whbti he
alone can give the answer "
Discussing the Mayor's statement. City
Solicitor Ryan said:
"Yes, I will later make a detailed reply
to the Ma)or's statement. He requested
m to advise htm as to a method devised
l) him of accelerating a loan for $11,300,
000 which is yet to be voted upon and
Ilia special reason for requiring such ac.
tlon by me ws.s. he said, to give work to
tho unemployed. Tie also asked If I
could not approve of the plan ho outlined,
that I would suggest lawful means to ac
complish the purpose; nainel), the relief
of the unemployed.
"Any one with a shade of familiarity
with city finances and the negotiation and
lisuance of loans must have Known (hat
what he proposed to do was entlrel) un
lawful, and I so wrote him, and suggested
that he make use of the money now in
hand, and pointed out quite a number of
Items that could be used. My authority
fur the figures is the fiscal officer of the
city the City Controller and his figures
iire correct.
"In his statement today the Mayor
makes no denial tluit there is now law
fully authorlze-a but unissued by him $,
SOKII of lOAn fund. There Is nothing In
' i orW '" '"I hinl from issuing that
plon la a(j a to the i,aance which Is fre
j ear ll disposed of, I underestimated the
tm" iinl' a l w"' c1'1'''' demonstrate.
H' clly Treasurer of the city of
mUM '1,lphla ha actually on deposit thU
'"? jng In the banks and trust companies
mna P'a5jiiaa0ipua i.42I.S3t66, and what is
. .Id to I'ut this money In operation
.,Vi3 put It In practical use is not abuse
officials who answer In accordance
., I ., la -. V,,, & l nrtnnnlnn
,vlth lw and Justice, but honest itlclency
that will do i)ik and not merely talk of
1'iiiM. The dtkcusston uill result I hop.
rot only In, eij.ightciniig the Mayor, but
will make all citizens better informed of
pur actual condition.
Carts With Licensesout Being Bented
nt Cheap Rate.
The arrest tndny of Philip llosenbeig.
323 Fltzwater street, on a charge nf ped
dling without a license, revealed to the
police that a group of men have been
victimizing the ptddlars In the downtown
districts by renting to them enrts at n
cheap rate nnd lit the same time sang
no license Is ncccssarj for them to opt
According to Magistrate Corson, n
license may be Issued only to u citizen
of the United States, nnd Is not trans
ferable The foreigners who were una' ''
to obtain llcensei have been renting
carts with the understanding that the
would not be Interfeicd with by the
police. Several of these cait owners. II
Is old. hid as imny as 5 licenses
When one of their patrons was ar
rested for peddling without n licence, tlK
owners of the curt would take n llrenr
from another cart nnd have the prison r
discharged on the grounds that he had
left his license home, the police sav.
Carts were rented for " cents. An
extm commission of ten cents was charg
ed when no license was loaned. To get
a license the peddlar had to pay a com
mission of IS cents. The foreign pcddnlrs
not knowing that a license was necessary,
usually took advantage of the lower rnte
Magistrate Catson believed that the im
positions Fhould be Investigated and dis
charged Rnsenbfrg
300, With Wives nnd Children, Go on
Annual Excursion.
Rain did not In the least dampen tho
ardor of the 3'0 paper carriers, who, ac
companied b manv friends, left the
Reading Terminal nt 7-30 this morning on
tho nnnunl outing of the United Paper
Carriers' Association to Switchback and
Maucli Chunk.
As if to show his approval of tho af
fair, the weather man turned off the
rain after the exrurslonists started. This
was only Just reciprocity on his part, a
hn probablv realized that If It were not
for the carrier.. Ill" views on nature anil
the woathcr generally would never be
brought to the doi.rs of tho people.
As tho carriers are all one hlg, happy
family, the fun took care of Itself after
thev'cot started
There were snnes and surprises In each
car, and, thanks to the railroad company,
the' merriment was enJo)ed In comfort.
Ample preparations were made for the
feast that followed the tilp Tlw e..
cursinnist'i will leturn to this city late
Suggests That Football Rooters Tak
Raincoats to Be on Safe Side.
The weather man could not say this
morning whether or not the rain would
continue throughout the day. Besieged
by questioning football rooters, he sug
gested that they take raincoats and um
brellas to the Penn-Annapolls game to be
on the safe side
Crops have benefited grtally by the
rain of the last two days, and tho fact
tuat th're was no drop in temperature
was also an agricultural asset.
Judging from the actions of the ther
mometer this morning, ihero wna promise
of relkf from the humidity. Starting at
6 o'clock this morning tho mercury, then
at C", starud to drop, and It was said at
the Weather Bureau that It would con
tinue in this dirertl-m.
Showers continue along the Eastern
Archibald Walks to Haspltnl for n
Few Strips of Plaster.
A smokestack failing on a man. after the
man himself has fallen from a roof. Is
enough to crush the ambition out of any
ordinary person Rut William Archibald,
of IZt'i West Lehigh avenue, Is an excep
tlon. He was! painting a smokestack on
tho roof of ft building of the Lubricating
Oil Works, at Kth and Clearfield streets,
when the stack parted and the upper half,
with Archibald fastened to it. fell to the
ground, a distance of 40 feet.
Workmen ran out with a stretcher and
a policeman telephoned for an ambulance.
Hut Archibald Ignored the excitement nnd
walked to the Women's Homeopathic
Hospital. Two or three strips of stick
ing plaster was all that he required.
Beat Them With Flour Shovels for
Refusing Cakes.
Attacked bj three jounjf men while at
work In a bakery Karl Kaiser, a baker.
UK North 23d street, and Karl Hyman.
his helper, werr beaten today over the
head with a flour shovel The men made
the-r escape after a rliaso of several
Kalsr and Hyman were at work In
the basement of the bakery when the
three men entered and demanded rolls
and cakes When their request was de
nied, the visitors pkkwl up flour shoVtta
aid began to assault Kaiser and Hyman
Special OtUicra Douglas and 'le.g, of
the Wth and Oxford uee tuition, are
locking foe the men.
These photographs were taken outside
picture shows
Postmaster Requests Establishment
of Additionnl Branches in City.
Philadelphia will have two additional
postofllco stations, If a recommenda
tion forwarded today by Postmaster
John A Thornton to tho authorities in
Washington Is carried out.
.Mr. Thornton requests one of the new
stations be opened In a ground-floor room
of the Knickerbocker Theatre, at 10th
and Market street-,, and tho other at BUS
Ridge avenue, Roxborough. The new of
fices. If established, will do all business
common to poBtotllces, but will havo no
carrier service.
Five Cases of Diphtherin Reported
' in Delaware Reservation.
WILMINGTON', Pel., Oct 17. Because
live cases of dlplitbeila were reported on
the reservation at Fort du Pont, at Del
aware, City the place has been put under
quarantine nnd guards have ben posted.
There nro also several cases In the town,
and the public school Is closed.
poctors Hills nnd Helvllle and Surgeon
t'urnell, of Port du Pont, havo been
placed In charge of aftnlrs.
Magistrate Carson Discharges Pris
oner When Latter Tells Story.
Hunger from three davs' starvation led
Joseph Wlmson to steal a loaf of bread
and a bottle of milk from a wagon be
longing to the Dolflnger Milk Company.
Wlmson, who is in years old, came to this
city Wednesday from Pittston. Pa., to
peek work He had eaten nothing since
his arrival When Magistral Carson
heard his story In the 3d and Dickinson
stroi ts police station today, he gave
Wlmson a half-dollar, and discharged
Penn Club Will Tonight Entertain
Philadelphia Directors.
In the appreciation of their selection as
directors of the Federal Ileserve Hank of
Philadelphia, the Penn Cluh, at 7?) Locust
street, will give a reception at the club
house tnts eening to the five members
of the board of the new bank who are
Philadelphia us.
The directors to whom Invitations have
been extend' d are Charles J. Ithoads.
governor of the new institution and for
mer vice president and treasurer of the
Glrard Trust Company: Alba II. Johnson,
president of the Ualdwln Locomotive
Works, former Oovernor Edwin S. Stuart;
Itlchard L. Austin. Federal reserve agent
and chairman of the board and former
president of the Girard National Hank;
and George W. Norrls, director of
Wharves, Docks and Ferries.
Pittsburgh Visitor TJnder Bail for
Removing Lead Pipe,
After he had removed a quantity of
eud pipe from a vacant house at Hi
North 7th street, Joseph Kraeper. 26
yesrs old, of Pittsburgh, was caught by
the owner, Abraham Rubens, of 422
North 7th street, who walked him to
the loth and Buttonwood streets station
and had him arrested Magistrate
He thtr held him in 8W ball for court.
The pipe was worth about $&).
Attempts Murder, Commits Suicjde
CHICAGO. Oct. 17. -Max Tscherney
shot and fatall) wounded his father-ln-lu.w,
Louis Janousek. early today, and
then blew out his own brains becausa
Junousek refused to permit his daughter
tj accompany him to his home Tacher
ney's wife died three years ago and the
grandparent took the child.
the Hotel Walton today just before the
Overesch, the captain, and "Scotty"
Itinerant Polisher Gets Idea at Sight
of Dirty Bndges.
A little old man found Ilfs way Into tho
cell room at the Central station early
this morning, said he w.is tired of tramp
ing around in tho rain, and asked for a
place to sleep until I was clear again.
He wns told that if he was given a cell
the chances were that he would be com
mitted to the House of Correction as a
The little old man replied that he would
sooner take chances on the street. He
was turning away when Lieutenant Mills
handed him n quarter.
"Mighty fine," said the little man, "If
you give mo your badge a minute, I'll
fix It so you won't know it."
Lieutenant Mills took a chance nnd tho
llttlo man drew from under his coat n
big can of white powder and some,
chamois skin and started to work. Thff
badge in a few minutes looked ns If It
had Just come from the Jeweler.'.
Captain Tempest theu find his badge
improved and that meant another quarter
for the old man.
"I think that every man In the roll
room would look better with his badge
cleaned," said Lieutenant Mills.
Tho policemen paid 10 cents a head, and
the polisher worked until Ions after
breakfast time. Ho filled one pocket
after another with coins. He said when
he was through that he had made $10.
Date Now Set, Unofficially, for No
vember 10.
The Rltr-Carlton Hotel will reopen on
November IB It was learned today from
unofficial but reliable sources, unless
prese.nt plans are held up by unforeseen
ohstnrles. It was orlglnnlly Intended to
open the hotel nbout October 1. but a
series of strikes and labor difficulties
caused a delay. The building is practical
ly completed now as far as e-onstructlon
is concerned. The work still remaining
to be done Is tho Interior finishing nnd
furnlrhlng. There should be llttlo dif
ficulty In that being rompleted on
Dedication of the Flelschmann Me
morial Church Tomorrow.
The new edifice which has Just been
completed for the congregation of the
First German Baptist Church, but which
is hereafter to be callid the Flelschmann
Memorial Church, will bo dedicated to
morrow. The bulldlns at Sth and Lu
lerne streets. Is of modern design.
AH the former pastors of the church
arc to taka part in the exercises. They
are the Rov. II. Schulz, of Benton Har
bor, Mich.; the Xtev. L. C. Knuth, of
Dayton, O ; Prof J. fi. Qiibelm.inn and
Prof. L Kaiser, both of Rochester, N. V.
The Itev. Hermann Kaaz Is the pastor of
the church.
A Hint
Anderson owned a pool room, and late
ono night his German friend, Hans,
found him nodding In his doorway.
"Why don't you gq to bedl" asked the
"I can't," replied Anderson. "Two
Buys are back there playing pool."
"Why don't you break up their game
and make them go home?"
"I've tried to, but I can't I gave them
two or three hints, but they took no
notice of them "
Hans assumed an expression of de
termination "Leave It to me," he said, "I'll give
'em a hint."
In a few minutes he returned from
the back of the pool room to where An
derson was sitting-.
"It's all right," he said, much grati
fied; "they're going home."
"How did )OU fix It?" Inquired An
derson. "Oh," said Hans, with an air of In
difference. "I save 'em a hint "
"I Just took the bails off the Uble."
Popular Msraiina.
team left for Franklin Field. The lower
McMaster, coach.
Voters Asked to Elect Legislative
Candidates Who Can Bo Trusted.
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, of this city,
has Issued a stirring call for voters of
Pennsylvania to elect only those candi
dates to tho Legislature who will como
out squarely for local option. In the cur
rent number of the Methodist Times,
Bishop Berry says In part:
"I hope the chief issue In the pending
elections In the State of Pennsylvania
may be kept clearly in view. The thing
that should chiefly concern every Christ
ian voter Is: 'What kind of n man will
represent me In the State Senate and
Assembly?' The question of local option
and possibly of State-wldo prohibition will
be brought forwnrd In the Legislature,
and the Importance nf electing reliable
tempemnco men to that body must be
"The candidates for Governor on both
the Republican and Democratic-Washington
ticketH have committed themselves in
tho most emphatic terms to advanced
temperance legislation, so that which
ever Is elected we will have n Governor
who has publicly pledged himself to sign
any bill which the temperance forces put
through. The big task brforo us Is to
elect a Legislature which will surely pass
the necessary bills."
Slippery Pavements Cause Skidding.
Two Machine Drivers Hurt.
Slippery pavements resulted In three
automobile accidents todny, In one of
which a man was seriously Injured.
A touring car operated by C. V. Man
gan, 2S years old, 2304 North ICth street.
Clashed Into a tree at 25th and Dlnmontl
streets. Man gun was hurled from his
seat to the. pavement. Ho was removed
tr. the Northwest General Hospital, suf
fering from Internal Injuries and bruises
about the head.
A northbound 10th street car crashed
Into an automobile at 19th and Diamond
streets. The machine was driven by
Charles Dewes, 3131 Euclid avenue. Whllo
crossing 19th street, th wtesrlng gear
of the machine stopped working. The
car skidded and before the motorman
could put on the brakes the car collided
with the auto. Dewes was slightly In
jured. Another accident due to the sllppsry
pavement occurred at Broad and Norrls
streets. A taxlcab driven y Tatrlck Kirk
collided with an automobile driven by
II. S. Norrls, of York Road and Chelten
avenue. NorrlB was slightly Injured.
Resumption of Sailings Expected by
October 27.
Only a slight delay In the schedule of
vessels sailing to and from this port via
the Panama Canal la anticipated because
of the elide on the east side of the water
way north of aold Hill on Tuesday night.
Colonel George Goethals. Governor of the
Panama Canal Zone, has assured the
steamship companies that he will have
the eanal open for vessel of SO foot
draft by October 27.
The Mlssouran of the American-Hawaiian
Line from Hilo, Hawaii via San
Francisco, for this city with a cargo
of sugar and general merchandise, Is now
at Balboa and will probably be held there
until the dredges remove the earth ob
struction from the canal
Aching Tooth Leads to Murder
FORT SMITH. Ark.. Oct. 17.-SamueI
Beard, a wealthy land owner, was shot
and killed here by William Owens,
wealthy farmer, who was crazed from
drugs he had taken to stop an aching
tooth Before shooting Beard, Owens
drank carbolic acid and died fiom It
affects a, short tlm after h. bJ shot
Beard to deatf
Celebration Has Shown
Proof of Wilmington's
Good Citizenship, Mayor
Howell Declares Auto
Parade Today.
rno A stait conRr.iro.NDSNt
WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 17. -The au
tomobile parade held hero this afternoon,
one of tho closing eventa of tho Homo
Week celcbrnllon, surpassed anything of
Its kind ever rcen In Wilmington.
Mnny cars attractive both In design nnd
decorations were In line, nnd automobile
owners met entirely with buccoss In their
effort to have tho last parade of the
celebration an enjoyable affair.
The Old Home Week cclobrntton as an
entirety has been a decided success.
Town ofllclntH, residents, ex-resldents and
visitors all agree that Its excellence ex
ceeded their expectations. Mayor Howell
has received many messages of con
gratulation. "Old Homo Week has by far surpassed
my expectations," tho Mn)or said today.
"It certainly has shown proof of WTI
mlngton'B good citixcnshlp and their pride
In the city. While business may have
been carried to a higher scale, the cele
bration has shown tho advantages, the
Industry and the sociability of this city.
Residents, ox-r?sldentH, those who pa
raded, and the many visitors all, I
think, have nnd a goot time."
"The. Old Home Week celebration haB
Lrought us new rcsldonts. It has brought
back many former Wllmlngtonlnns, nnd
In that way it has united family ties, and,
In many cases, scaled bonds of closer
friendship. There arc so many responsi
ble for the success of tho celebration that
I could not attempt to name them. The
chairmen of the vnrlous committees, cBpe
dally deserve the thanks of all Wilming
ton. "I feel I am voicing the opinion of those
who have had charge of the celebration,
as well as my own, when I say the Inter
est the F,vi:n'IN" LEDOEn haa shown In
our Old Home Week celebration Is greatly
The water carnival on the Christiana
River Is scheduled for tonight. Even the
United States Government has become
Interested In the river pageant, which
will .loso the celebration. The United
States dispatch boat Ganct has been as
signed by the Government to patrol the
Many prizes will be awarded for nrtUtic
and fnncy decorations and the Illumina
tions on the river will make an Impressive
sight. The entries have been divided into
ecveral classes Including motorboats, sail
ing craft, launch, and canoe class.
The Judges arc General Du Pont, Mnyor
Howell, Secretary of State Thomaw W.
Miller, General I. Pusey Wlckersham,
and Major IZ. N. Johnson, U. S. A.
Tho Judges, with members of the K.xecu
tlve and Old Home Week Conmlttees will
witness the carnival from General T.
Coleman Du Pont's yacht Tech. A band
will also be on board. Many other bands
will be along tho river nud In bontfl.
Tho fleet will aaacmhlo In the Christiana
Rlcr above Market street bridge before
7 p. m., and will then be assigned places
In line nnd corresponding numbers will
bo distributed to each boat.
The route of tho parade will bo aB fully
illuminated as it Is possible to do, and in
tho vicinity of the commltteo boat, where
the Judges will be stationed, thero will ba
a beautiful display of electric decorations.
Fleet to assemble nt 7 p. m. on Chris
tiana River above Market street bridge,
Wilmington. Pnrade to move promptly at
S p. m., proceeding down the river to
Pennsylvania Railroad bridge, leturning
to starting point and disbanding. All
turns while on pnrnde to be made to tho
left. Judges' boat to bo stationed at
United Boat Club grounds, foo of Com
merce street, and awards to be announced
Immediately after dlsbandment of parade.
Orders for prises to be distributed from
committee boat on which Judges will bo
Committee Decides Many Could Not
Attend It at Beglnlng of Week.
Tho committee of arrangements for the
Police Carnival, after a meeting In the
ofllce of Superintendent of Police Robin
son today, agreed to hold the carnival
next Friday and Saturday nt tho ball
park at Broad and Huntington streets.
The committee expressed tho opinion
that many porsons would be disappointed
If the celebration were held at the be
ginning of the week, when It Is dlfilcult
for many to leave their places of business.
For the second time threatening skies
and a soggy field have upset the plans nf
the committee and caused a postpone
Prosecutor Pails to Establish Guilt of
Municipality in Accident.
Falling to establish negligence of tho
city for an accident In which his leg was
broken, the claim of John J. Button for
damages was non-suited by Judge Henry
In Common Pleas Court No. 5. Burton
Is a bnrtender and lives at 1009 Button
wood street.
With friend he was viewing a Are
station opposite his home, when he fell
down a pit, breaking his leg. Burton, to
sustain his claim for dagames, main
tained that as a citizen and taxpayer he
had a right to inspect municipal build
ings, and the city had a duty to protect
him from Injury while on Its property.
He was unable to prove, however, that
his guide, who, he said, had Invited him
to Inspect tho Are house, was a city
Assistant City Solicitors Breen and
Daly developed In the testimony that
Burton had strayed from the Inspection
party and through his own negligence
had met with the accident Judge Henry
ordered a non-suit of Burton's suit.
Charged with robbing the storehouse of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Swaneon
and Reed streets, of 1300 pounds of sugar,
Charles Cummlngs, of Sont street near
Manton, was arraigned in tho Central
Station today He was arretted by Spe
cial Policeman McCorkle, of the 15th
tmt and Snyder avenue station.
Manufacturers and business men repre
senting various Industries heard former
Secretary of Slate Philander C. Knorc
and Senator Boles Pcnroso deliver
addresses at noon today at tho Manu
facturers' Club. In the nudlence was
a large number of membcra of the Union
Mr. Knox, In opening his address, said
thero wob no tyranny equal to the ty
ranny of a minority. Ho regretted that
Colonel Roosevelt did not conscrvo his
strength for future contests with the
common enemy, Mr. Knox then said in
"History shows nr.J is demonstrating
every day that the present political condi
tion In this country Is a living demonstra
tion of the principle, that no matter how
mnny people hold the same political be
liefs, they cannot put their beliefs Into
practice unless they work together. Co
operation, If you will. In cssenco of suc
cess, otherwise tho organized minority
rules. If, therefore, we who believe In
Republican principles In Pennsylvania and
we who believe In Republican principles
In the nation are to put our principles
Into practice wo must form n solid, united
party. Our bickerings nro our only weak
ness, They are our enemy's atrength and
his only strength.
"Last May thero wore held in Pennsyl
vania pilmary elections at which the
voters expressed a party preference as
to a candidate for each of the various
ofilces which were to be filled by election
this fall. To those primaries, wo nil,
candidates and supporters, submitted,
presumably In good fnlth. Now I taka
It that Inasmuch as we, the members of
the Republican party, have, through our
statements, our actions and the statutes
of the State, declared that those who
receive u majority of the votes cast at
primaries shall be our candidates for the
respective odlces, wo are In honor bound
to support those -whom the majority de
sire, even though they do not represent
our personal choice.
"I, therefore, cannot state too Btrongly
the Importance of tho people of Pennsyl
vania and to tho people of the nation of
having tho regular lly nominated Repub
lican Senatorial candidate teturned from
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
a Republican Governor and other State
oulcers elected to administer our homo
"May I now speak personally regarding
our Republican candidate for election to
the Senate? I havo known him intimately
fur a great mnny years. He has enjoyed
during his term of service In tho Pcnato
the confidence and respect of every Re
publican President. Each and all have
sought his advice and assistance in woik
ing out the public measures and policies
for which they stood.
"He enjoys a position of prestige, honor
and Influence In the Senate of the United
States which could not be even nppioxl
mated by the candidate's who oppose him.
The great charge that his enemies hurl
against him Is that lie Is a political boss.
But what Is a political boss, and when
does a political boss become a political
"Even Colonel Roosevelt and President
Wilson nre not likely to go down in his
tory as grent models of political modesty
and self-effacement. Of course, they pro
fess their grniluatlon to the class of
leaders, but it must not be forgotten that
both have been the recipients of favors
of bosses. It surely cannot be that either
tho colonel or tho President is prepared
to announce the principle that bo-sing
for him Is a virtue and against him a
The speaker then criticised steps taken
nt Washington by the present Adminis
tration and said "our positive action has
at times approached dangerously near to
open partisanship. At the outbreak of
the war we took, as to certatn German
wireless stations, an attitude uncalled
for under the rules and principle of In
ternational law. Wo practically sealed
up the German wireless station, and, co
Incldentally, the cables connecting Ger
many and the United Stntes were clipped.
Thus was Germany Isolated, while the
Allies had complete and perfect lines of
communication between America and Eu
Official Forecast
For Eastern Pcnnsylvanlar-l'nsottled
tonight; somewhat cooler in north por
tion; Sunday partly coudy; gentle to mod
orate shifting winds.
For Now Jersej Unsettled tonight!
Sunday partly cloudy.
Rains covered the eastern portion of
the country during the last 21 hours, ex
ceptlng Mississippi, Alabama and Geor
Rla, and scattered showers continue this
morning. Clear skies prevail from the
Mississippi River westward across the
Rocky Mountains, whllo light rain ts re
ported from the Pacific States and from
tlie northern plateau region. The tem
peratures are lower this morning alonS
the Middle and South Atlantic slope and
In the Upper Ohio basin and are higher
nt most plaee-6 In the central und west
ern portions of the cotton belt and over
the plateau region, j sharp riao bcinj
reported from Northern Nevada.
U. S. Weather Ilureau Bulletin
Obaenatlons miicio at a. m. pattern time.
UH JUIn- Vcloc
Stations. tjn.m.n't. fali.Wlnii ltj.UcatlKf
.tbtlene, Teias. Hi Hi . . v 4 loudv
AlUntle Clt . (U til 1.7-J bV 6 i'oud
lllumarik, N. U. 3'i 3l . . U 4 i'kr
Huston. Mans . flu 5 I IX! I, i Jtaln
llurfalo, .. v... M 3S .01 SiV 2S e loudy
IWcjjro. III.... SO ro . SW i I'.tloud
l'!e eUnJ. o .., lil is ,00 bK 12 Clear
Dtmer, 'ql . ... -( i'i .. b 12 Clar
I)e Moines. la. 41 U .. JvtV J clear
1'elrolt, Mich.. Ml ri ,31 bW U CUar
Duluih, Minn .. 4lr an ., HV U Clear
li4lcton, 'I'tui 11 IJ. . , w 4 i lear
JldlUTut. N v. IIS 64 ,3 t s mm
Helena, Mont. . an ." .. sv 8 e'lear
Huron. B Hak. 31 :i ., bK 8 Clear
Jacksonville . IK il ., iv li clear
Kan City, Mo. 4S 4S .. v tl clear
IaulsUlle. Ky . W it .11 4 jula
Munphla. Term. CO r.l .10 SW 10 e'lou'ljr
New Orleans . BS Wl .. SW II near
w..."rk B 1 23 S 18 lialn
N. Platte. Neb. 3S 31 .. Ntv is clear
Oklahoma. Okla 4 41 .. sw X Clear
1'hlladelphla ... Gl fit 60 SW IS Cloudjr
i'boenix. Aril .. W IV) . KR 4 Clear
ruuliurxh. Pa.. 63 50 .01 SW 30 clear
Por Uufl, Me . SI K! .32 NB 8 Italn
Portland. Ore . 62 62 ,m sw 0 e'loudy
Quebec. Can . 4 40 0; xb i lialn
Si I.JUll. M'J S4 .VJ 1 11 V'lL' a llnln
ft Paul Minn 4. 42 bW 4 I I'ar
ball Uk I tab W .vi s 8 Clear
Pen Irani-Uiu BS is 18 bW 6 Itam
Pcranlin. Ta m 61 .20 SW 6 il '"
Tampa t 68 .10 ne 6 near
Oil) I rig ton 80 60 ,01 BW -1 ll"4f
winnlws 38 ii .. ti S Clear