npmtpmw TFTiK EVENING LEDGERPHILADEL'PHIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1914, 13 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SITUATION AT HOME AND ABROAD-MARKET REPORTS BANKER TELLS OF - FINANCIAL MARKETS EASIER AND PRICES GO BACK SOMEWHAT Decline in New York City Note Issues Reflects a Bearish Sentiment in Trad ing Generally. Various (actors made the situation In New York financial circles less favorable today, variations In known transactions being chiefly to lower figures, although there- was no sound reason for this change. New York city new bond and note Issues were easier, with the three year bonds yielding to 1029JQ102T4, and similar recessions of about H were noted In the two-year bonds and one-year notc5. Irregularity prevailed In the short-time maturities, som4 Issues being easier, but Pennsylvania 3&a were stronger, with a good demand at 07i. and Amalgamated notes wero wanted at 93 There was little demand, however, for long-time Invest ments and the lesser classes of bonds wcrp without a nearby market through the varioua Stock exchange committees. SHIPPING MORE GOLD It was thought In some quarters that the easier tone to the city Issues was due to the call for a fourth Instalment of pool syndicate subscriptions amounting to $7,6"8,s;S Thlfc amount has already been paid Into J. P. Moigan & Co., the syndi cate managers. Shipments of gold to Canada have been In progress as a re sult of this payment all day, and It Is understood that the total export today to Canada w 111 amount to $3,000,000. Amalgamated Copper directors met at noon and declared a dividend for tho quarter of 50 cents, or two-thirds less than tho regular rale of 6 per cent., which had been maintained for more than u jear. This action naturally followed tho reduction 'In tho Anaconda dividend a month ago from 73 cents to 23 cents. Amalgamated on tho Now street curb wa3 In supply around JO, against -I9V4 at the close on July 50. FOREIGN EXCHANGE QUIET. There was no change today In sterling exchange, demand holding at 4 97& and cables M 4.9Sii. but there was a free sup ply of Berlin cables, Relchsmarks selling at 92i Other continental exchange, In cluding Dutch guilders, was at a stand still, indicating that the bulk of tho week's largo exports to Sweden and Holland had In reality been for German account and a charge against Berlin financiers, There, was a further casing of tho monetary situation. Tho First National Bank of New York voluntarily reduced Its rate on call money to 7 per cent., and the first open offers of call money since the Stock Exchange closed were made on the board room floor at 7 per cent. This example Is expected to bo followed bj other Institutions In tho Wall street district Broad street curb trading was at a Blnndstlil and thero were no Important changes In prices of the leading curb stocks. AMALGAMATED DIVIDEND IS REDUCED DOLLAR A SHARE Action Not Surprising in View of . Smaller Earnings of Subsidiaries. Tho Amalgamated Copper Company to day declared a quarterly dividend of SO cents a share.. This compares with $1.50 a share In tho preceding quarter, a re duction of $1 a share. The dividend la Sayable November SO, to atock of tecord ctober 21 Tha action of Amalgamated directors In reducing the dividend from 1V4 per cent, quarterly to Vi of 1 per cent, was generally expected by tho street. As this company is a holding corpora tion and Interested In mining only by virtue of Its ownership of the shates of other mining companies. Its dividend ac tion Is nlwajs dependent on tho action of its subsidiaries. Its chief nssqt lq the Anaconda Copper Company, which It con trols by virtue of Its ownership of 3,212,631 out of the 4,66i,4SO shares outstanding. In 1913 the Anaconda paid into the Amalgamated treasury In dividends ap proximately J9,00O,OCO. Tha action of the Anaconda directors In September In re ducing their dividend lrom $3 to $1 an nually, thereby reduced the paront com pany's Income from this source two- tnircis. The Amalgamated also owns 150,000 shares of tho Inspiration Coppor Company, but this company has not as yet been a source of Income. The Amalgamated Is also heavily Inter ested In the Grecne-Cananca Copper Com pany, from which It enjoyed considerable Income, but as this company's plants aro located In Mexico, they have been closed down since early In September. ThH company In 1911 paid SI 25 per share In dividends. Thus far In 1914, up to June 1, $2 per share has been paid, but the dividend due September 1 of Jl per share has been deferred and tho company Is not likely to resume Its payments until nffalrs In Mexico aro definitely settled. Apparently Amalgamatcd's only source of lncomo at present Is from Its Anaconda Investment, and tho dividend declared to day Just about covers what Is received by the Amalgamated from the treasury of the Anaconda. CHICAGO WHEAT OPENS STRONGER BUT SOON REACTS Prices Fall Below Last Night's Close and Grain Sells on Free Offers Ar rivals Falling Off. INQUIRY INTjO ROOK ISLAND'S FINANCES STARTS TOMORROW Railroad Officials Generally Interested in Government's Contention That Road Was Looted of $200,000,-000. As s. general rule, business hero In stocks and bonds was not very large today. Penn sylvania convertible 3&s and Philadel phia Electric were those mostly favored Sales of the former wero made at 97 and the latter at 214. The same price was later bid for Philadelphia Electric Philadelphia Traction changed hands at 79H. Tho attendance In board rooms was larger this morning, although It was nothing llko In normal times. The larger attendance was probably, caused by the opening of the New York and Boston curbs. Investors desiring to get the open ing quotations. Disappointment was ex pressed when It was announced that the New York curb had been "officially" closed FINANCIAL BRIEFS The minimum rato of discount of the Bank of England remained unchanged at 5 per cent, today. Representatives of every Clearing House bank In Georgia have voted to Join the Bt. Louis $150,000,000 cotton pool. Tho banks of San Francisco have sub scribed J3.KO.000 to the $100,000,000 gold pool. The syndicate composed of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and "William A. Read & Co., which underwrote the $65,000 000 New York city 4'i per cent, bonds last April, expired to day by limitation and was dissolved. It Is understood that a substantial amount was placed with investors. The New York Subtreasury lost J2.041, 000 to banks yesterday, making the cash net loss since Friday, $5,105,000. A dispatch received In London today from Amsterdam said that the exporta tion of petroleum from The Netherlands has been forbidden by a royal decree. Announcement was made In New York today that the receivers of the Interna tional Steam Pump Company have sold $300,000 receivers' certificates The pro ceeds will furnish all the funds needed tor the present. The plants of the com pany are. running at about 75 per cent of capacity, compared with S3 per cent last J car. The sales of cotton In Liverpool were 31.0Q0 bales, Including 260O bales American. Imports of American cotton at Liverpool were 1000 bales. Theodore Wold, president of the Scan danavian National Bank, of Minneapolis, has been elected governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of the 9th District C T. Jeffray, vice president of the First Na tlonal Bank of Minneapolis, has been named a member ofthe advisory council Investigation of the financial history of the Rock Island Railroad will begin be fore Commissioner Clements, of the In terstate Commerce Commission, In Wash ington tomorrow Railroad officials In this city are very much Interested In tho Investigation In -view of tho fact that It Is reported It will show how the railroad was looted of more than $200,003,000. It is said that the investigators have evidence that the "tin plate syndicate," which tho Hock Island acqulicd control of for about $90,000,000, through manipula tion of stocks of holding companies In much tho same manner as the New Ha ven, was later sold for 1300,000.000. Edward T, Morgan, one of the account ants ot the Commission, will bo the first .witness called. Mr Morgan, with other uccuuntants of the Commission, have gone ovet the books of the railroad, securing Information for the hearings, which will Da pumic The Commission will be rep resented by ex-Governor Folk, Its chief counsel. OBJECT OF INQUIRY". The Senate resolution, under which the Investigation will be conducted, called for tho fullowing Information: Tho facts and circumstances showing tho .,u,o u. ,,,,, ,(iisaii(uiia wnereoj mo nolo tng companies known as the Chicago, Itock Island and Pacific Railroad Company and the Hock Island Compiny wero organized, the na ture of tha control exercised by aald holdlns companies over the Chicago, nock island and Pacific Hallway Compntiv . the amount ot profit made by the promoters of said transac tions and banks or financial Institutions con nected therewith, and the effect of these transactions upon the financial status of the said Chlcajo, Hock Island and Pacific Railway Companj Tho naturo of all properties acquired by any of the companies named above after the or ganization of the said holding- companies In addition to the properties then owned bj tha Chicago, Uock Island and 1'aclflr Railway Company, the cost of tho same and. If any portion thereof has since been sold, the price obtained therefor, whether the acquisition of such properties has been to the financial ben efit of said company or otherwise, and In gen eral how the public has been affected thereby, THH COMPANY'S FINANCES. The amount annually expended by the said railway company after It came under the con trol of said holdlns companies for equipment and maintenance of waj and what proportion the amount so expended by other railways similarly situated for the same purpose the condition or me equipment or tne said railway CHICAGO, Oct. 15. Wheat opened stronger this morning, with good com mission house buying, but soon reacted and sold below last night's close on free offers. the arrivals at Winnipeg and In the Amcilcan Northwest showed a heavy fall ing off from a week ago. Reports that Patten's holdings of wheat, corn and oats were sold yesterday discouraged t those who entertained bullish convictions, and while It Is believed that a largo dxport business Is being done In wheat under cover, the foreign demand does not ap pear to be of any aggresBlve character. Shipments from Argentina for tho week arc estimated at SO.000 bushels. Beneficial rains have helped the crop there. The market at Liverpool was stronger on better buying and a broadening de mand. Liverpool bolleves that offers will become lighter and that American farm ers will now hold more firmly. Reserves abroad aro light. Corn declined at the outset on poor support, but later rallied. It was fcarqd that tho crop has been damaged by the recent wet weather. The spot demand, however, Is poor, but offerings of Ar gentine corn are liberal, with the quality better. Oats was easier. Thero wero Indications that tho market had been overbought. There Is little Interest shown by Liver pool merchants In foreign oats, nattvo supplies attracting attention because of tholr cheapness. The yield of oats In Russia this year Is placed at 1,003,000 bushols against 1,280,000 bushels last year. Leading futures were as follows: yesterdays PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Bun and Tides Sun rises,., 0:10 a, m,Sun sets .. B 22 p m. PHILADELPHIA ) HIah wAter.lOJOa, m IHIgh water. 10 48'p, m. Low water. i 5.08a. m.lLow water.. 5 22 p. m. REEDY ISLAND High water. TOIa. m.lHIgh water. 7 IT p. m. Low water.. It2.1a m.Lov water,. 140p.m. nnavicwATBR High wafer. 4.2fl m.lHIgh water. 4 4? p. m. Low water .10.25 a m,Lowr water.. 10 53 p. m. Vessels Arriving Tpday Sir. Nunlma (Dr.), Port Bald, ore,- Chss. M Taylor' Font. . . ......... Str. Llllle (Dr.), Port Antonio, fruit, United Fruit Company. ntr, jnaisn. JJOSlon, merennname, mercjianv and Miner Transportation Company. Btr. Antnony ume uammore, and mercnaniise, Ericsson une Str. Ilerlcehlre. Jacksonville, passengers and merchandise, Merchant and Miners Transpor tation Company, . .. , Str. Lone-scar (Br.), Huelva, pyrites ore, Flint, Ooerlnsr Company. . . Ptr. Vlnland (Nor ). San Andreas, cocoa nuts, Franklin Raker Company Balling Today Sir. City of Durham (Or.), Hopkins, ilie, New Open. 1.11 Wheat-December Mav .. . l.isi Corn (new deliver )- December ,. . 674 May 70 Oats December .... 4 May fill)! card High Low. i.n 1 W 67H 70 4SH 31S October . . No ember January . Ribs October January Pork- january 10 07 10 07 11.03 000 10.07 11.02 000 1.12 1.17 G0W 47K CI 0.03 11.00 0.7B close. TOltt 10 SO 10.17 110.10 11.01 0 00 Bid. tAskod. 18 85 18 83 18.70 10.02 TREASURY DEPARTMENT TAKES UP COTTON POOL PLAN Conference Today In "Washington Concerning $150,000,000 Fund. WASHINGTON, Oct 15. Festus J. Wade, banker, and George W Simmons, business man, of St. Louis, promoters of the $150,000,000 cotton "pool" Intended to wve the cotton situation In tho south, appeared at the Treasury Department to day and went Into Immediate conference with Secretnry JIcAdoo, It Is understood the pool promoters are seeking the active assistance of the Treasury to complete the total necessary to launch tho plan. This amounts to some $13,000,000, but the big money cen ters nlready have contributed and some method of completing the total Is being sought It Is understood that a further object of tho conference was to decide upon the details of operating the cotton pool Rankers who have subscribed to the fund aro desirous that the pool shall bo operated by the Federal Reserve Board, acting as a syndicate Previous to this tho board had refused to stand respon sible for the operation, but It Is being arranged to have Messrs. Wade and Simmons go before the board later to day to discuss the matter further. Vn-ir. rind!. r)Aift rn Sir. Currier. Van Glider. Puerto Padre, Cuba, Earn Line Steamship Company. Str. Rlla (Nor.), Omdal, Newport News, W, F. linear tc Co Str. Tuscan, Howes. Savannah and Jackson ville. Merchants and Miner's Transportation Company, Str. Lexington. Nlckerson, Boston. Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company. Str. Rrlcsson, McNamee, Baltimore, Ericsson Line. Steamships to Arrive PASSHNOER. Name. From. failed. Haverford Liverpool Oct. 7 FREIGHT. Slurmfels Calcutta Sept. Rnpldan Mlddlesboro ...Sept. 30 Man Miller ,, Manchester ....Sept 21 Sol boric , Hartiepool Sept. 23 Stalhclm , Burnt Island.., Sept. 29 Crown Point London Sept. no Marlterea Huelva Snt. 20 Murjck Narvik Sept, 2o MlMnurlan ,Hllo Sept. 20 California Copenhagen ....Oct. 1 lnvergyle Bavanna LaMar.Oct. a Hemeros Romhay Oct a Klruna .....Narvik Oct. 4 Noordvk Rotterdam rw. a Abrahamson Plymouth .Oct. 8 Steamships to Leave PASSENGER. Name For. Dsta. Monsollan Glasgow Oct. California Copenhagen ....Oct. It tiaveriora Liverpool Oct. 24 FREiailT. South Point London Oct 13 Rapldan La lth Oct. IS Crown Point London Oct. 24 Canton Chrlitlanla ....Oct. 21 Man, Miller Manchester ....Oct. 24 PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships Arriving Today Docks at BUYING BONDS IN ODD LOTS IS NOW BIG MARKET FACTOR Name. From. C. E. de Reres . . .Seville .. Sangugllelmo Almerla Due Tomorrow Name. From. California Liverpool Olympic Bordeaux Mauretanla Glasgow 8 a. m. Sailed. ...Oct. 10 ...Oct. S Oct. 1U Steamships to Sail Name. Luca de Genova Kochambeau . . . St, Paul , F"-. Date. .Liverpool Oct 17 ...Naples Oct. 17 Havre Oct. 17 Movements of Vessels Str. Vltolla (Nor.), Manzanello for Phila delphia, arrived at Chrlstona! October 14. i Str Dominion (Br ), from Philadelphia, ar rived at Liverpool October 14 Str. West Point (Dr ). from Philadelphia, ar rived at London October 14. Hark Duncrag (Nor.), for Chester, sailed from Monte Chrlstl October 1. Str. Cebao (Nor.), tor Philadelphia, sailed from Port Antonio October 11. Str. Manchester Miller (Rr.). Manchester for Philadelphia, sailed from St. John, N. H.. Oc tober 12. Str. Gulf Stream, Philadelphia for Port Ar thur, was 120 miles south of Jupiter at noon October 14. Str. Nelson, Port Arthur for Philadelphia, wa 81J miles south of Overfalls Light at 7 p mJOctober 14 tho needs of the said railway proper service to the public, also RAILROAD EARNINGS company and quantity thereof In proportion to io railway company for a Dublto. also the tinner. ship of said equipment the condition of traolrj and vvay of said company, and whether the same is reasonably safe for travel The Increase In the fun led and other Interest-bearing debt of the said railway company for each year since It has been controlled bv said holding companies, also the amount of net earnings, nxea marges aru capitalization per mile for each year during the same period What Interest, If any persons connected with tha promotion of said holding companies and officers of any of said companies had la tna properties purcnaseci tor tne ntcajo, Roct Island and Pacific Railway Company subse quent to tha time when control thereof was acquired by the said holding companies NEW EXCHANGE LISTINGS The following aDDlicatlons for llntlm? ha,, been received by the New York Stock Ex change. Illinois Central Railroad Company, $2,000,000 additional refunding mortgage 4 per tent, bends, due IMS. Illinois Central Railroad Company and Chi cago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad Company $1,1,000.000 Joint first refunding mort gage bonds, series A. and Jl.o00.ono Joint first re! undine mortgage bonds, Eerles B. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Duslness In the steam market Is limited by tho light offerings of tonnage to meet the steady Inquiry for transatlantic trades Rata are firm The sail market continues dull with little prospect of Improvement. STEAMSHIPS. Halgh Hall (Br ). Montreal to Marseilles or Genoa, grain. 34.0K) quarters, 4s., October and November. Rostano (Dr.). Montreal to London or Avon mouth, grain. 21,OiX) quarters, ,1s. November. Mexican (Am ), New York to Copenhagen, grain, 60.OCO quarters private terms, prompt. Oreennlch (llr), 1878 tons. Baltimore to Ge noa, coal, private terms, prompt. Aldernev (Nor ), 1070 tons, Raltlmore to Ha vana, vodl, private termB prompt. Britannic (Rr), 2240 tons, Gulf to Genoa, general cargo. Us.. November. Abouker (Rr ), 2:110 tons, time charter, 4 to 0 months, basis about 4s , October. SCHOONERS. Eleanor F. Bartram, 1114 tons, St Andrew's Ray to New York, lumber and ties. S7 and 2.1c. respectively Margaret Thomas. Philadelphia to Porto Rico, 20U tons coal, private terms. Lewis IJ. Goward, Philadelphia to Porto Rico, 1SOO tons coal, prlvato terms. Small Investors Indicate to Brokers, by Their Activi ties, What Way Financial Winds Are Blowing. A department of the Investment busi ness which has developed to an extraor dinary degree the past few years Is what la termed by brokers as "Odd-lot Business.' On the New York Stock Rxrhnnern alnnn there are perhaps upwards of 50 odd-lot brokers who make a specialty of this business. In a small way the odd-lot broker, llko the specialist, resembles the London Jobber. One of tho houses that confines Its operations to this odd-lot business has nlno partners, seven of which are members of the exchange; an other has soven partners with six mem berships on tho board Tho fact that two such houses should have over 1500,000 Invested In member ships, to say nothing: of tho large amount of capital required to conduct their opera tions, shows how vi this parts of the exchange, activity Is taken caro of A MARKET BAROMETER. Odd lot buying is always welcomed by brokers. The buyer of odd lotB la gen erally credited by the financial world with a largo degree of shrewdness, and his operations lack the speculative tone of tho larger operator. After a market decline it Is always the odd lot buyer who Indicates the decline Is about over oy nis appearunce with his Investment buying, and In times of stress his ad vent Is eagerly awaited and watched for. Tho bond dealers have also been quick to recognize the possibilities of the odd lot buyer niul late years have witnessed tho offering of most of the securities In ?100 pieces, where hitherto $1000 was the unit, nlthoiiKh at times a $500 bond was to be obtained. , No doubt tins Idea was acquired from the French, who make It possible for the man of most modets means to sub scribe to Government loans, and the avidity with which he has taken up with the Idea makes the French peasant a byword for frugality and thrift. SELL ON INSTALMENTS Tho buying of bonds In $100 denomina tion has also resulted In another de parture In this form of business. Houses handling these ore very glad to make it possible for the buyer to do so on the Instalment plan, spreading the payments out over a period of time. Inasmuch as the Interest on the bond Itself offsets nnv Interest charges ogalnit the credit thus extended, It makes It pos sible for the man of ordinary means to have such a variety of Investment scouil tles that his feeling of Independence and prosperity must Increase monthly as ho clips his coupons. This all tends to bring the man of affluence closer to the man of moie modest means nnd remove the appre hension and uncertainty with which each has at times viewed the other in tha past. BROKER. CANADIAN RUGBY MEN CALLED IN BY HARVARD Toronto Stars Engaged to Teach Crlrnson Players Open Field Tactics. TORONTO, Oct. 15 -Harvard has de cided to fight Vale in kind In the mat ter of employing Canadian rugby meth ods In Its football campaign, nnd last night arrangements were completed for the sending of half a dozen local players to nld the Crimson eleven For some tlmo Yalp has had sencral members of the Tiger RUgby Club of Mnmllton, On tario, as Its guests while Imparting their knowledge of the open passing garrte This Information finally reached the ears of Harvard supporters Not to be outdone the Harvard au thorities have conducted negotiations with the Hamilton Rowing Club of To ronto, which has one of the best rugby teams In this part of Canada The ar rangement finally made Is for six of the most proficient members of the local teatn to visit Cambridge and spend more than a week working under the general guidance of Head Coach Percy Haugh ton to teach tho Crimson plovers the open field tactics of the Canadian game The local players will leave for Cam bridge Saturday night after their gamo against the Ottawa team GREAT FARM LAND WASTE IN THE NORTH Declares 921,996 Acres1 Were Agriculturally Abandoned in 1910 in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. REFINERS EXPECT SUGAR PRICES WILL TOUCH LOW LEVEL Lack of Export Demand Puts Excess of Raw Prod uct in Markets Beet In dustry Booming. TORONTO EXCHANGE OPEN Trading Permitted Today "Under Same Restrictions as In New York. TORONTO, Ont.. Oct. 15 -The plan adopted by the New York Stock ex change for purchase and sale of stocks was put Into operntlon by the Toronto Stock Exchange today. The Exchange has been closed for mote than two months, with no tranBactlons tecorded. The modified reopenlnsr will permit of Tash transaction only and solely In approved listed issues. CAMP OUT AS TREASURER NEW HAVES', Conn., Oct. 15 -After holding the position for 21 vcars, Walter Cump has resigned as treasurer of the Yale athletic departments During his career the athletic authorities have ac cumulated a surplus of $125,000, after pav ing for many Improvements. Henry Hob son was elected to fill the position temporarily. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS NOTES OF THE RAIL Decreaja JIM, W0 4 114 5.410 212.1(13 T.477 13.-'SJ I4.40T 7,060 32 278 ', Da CHICAGO AND ALTON inn August operating- ?v ll.32S.562 Omatlnj iniomt 425 013 lanc . S7S.208 From July 1 optr rev 2 607.000 Operating Inconi . 800.653 Balance. . . 610.079 BANQOR AND AROSTOOK. August grots . J232.S18 Net . . . . in oro Two months grow . 475.JM 00.224 MISSOURI KANSAS AND TEXAS, Flnt week October . JM-'.IM 133.741 Tom juij T . 8,783 406 5U.242 LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE FUH week October I10S.1.SW J267 47S rom July J . . 15,200.853 J.403.S6S -increase ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN. Tear ended Juna SO ' I""1 IS.385.S0I T"tsl lneotne ' 1.3388S2 ijurpivs alter charge 767,187 JfTfenel dividend 202,821 BSurpius . . . 451 3rt PACIFIC" OAST Augut g-o . 1849 793 11 71 i CJOCtb' g-OSi J 2,8 243 $153,321 271. SSI 3S0 31i 377 433 358 4J3 Net .. 3i2.itf $60 852 1S0W6 itCCI Ivy L Lee, executive assistant Penn sylvania Railroad, In the course of an address before the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce yesterday, said "To re store the health of the rallraods, to make them the efficient agency of commerce which they should be, we should provide them with ample revenues, and, In ad dition, prevent the Oovernment from med dllng with management Insist that rail roads play fair and perform their due obligations yes but outside of that, en courage and foster a spirit of enterprise, enthusiasm and energy on the part of railroad managers themselves, so that American traae may continue to enjoy the services of the greatest transporta tion system of the world" A E Preble has been appointed super visor of the Camden Terminal Division and West Jersey and Seashore Railroad He entered the service of the Pennsyl vania Railroad In July. 1900. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Lake Shore will be held In Cleve land on December 22 for the purpose of ratlflng the agreement for the consoli dation of that company with the New York Central and other roads Tho Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, has ben asked by the Hooking Valley for authority to issue $1,000,000 one j eat 6 per cent gold notes The proceeds aro to be used in refunding a similar issue of notes due November 1. Quota- ": I t NEW PERUVIAN MORATORIUM LI'I . Pe-u 0"t 15 Provisional Presi- 4 dert Bnavlde has signed a decree) pro malsati . new moratorium ion Peru. GRAIN AND FLOUR WHKAT. Receipt 57,350 bushel Mar ket steady with a fair Inquiry rrom miller and Importer and exporters. Quotations Car lot In export elevators No 2, red spot and Octtober, f 1 H7-1 lOv,. No 3, red, West ern Sliynll4i4, No 1. Northern Duluth. $1.17tj4t 1 SMS. CORN. Receipt nothing Offering light and trade quiet at former rates. Quotations Oar lot for local trade, ae to location No 2, yellow, 8U,gS2c., steamer ellovv. mgi rf.VTS Receipt 83,738 bushel Trade nulet, but price steady with moderate offer ing Quotations No 2, white, 51 V352e . SOW1 ' whl,e' v)H0,51c.. No 3, white, 0iy FLOUR, Receipts. 1185 bbl . 874.200 lb In 9ck Trade rlow and market largely nominal Quotations ner IDA lh. In u.,-,1 rln,er ilear " ftp3 8S d0 straight, $4 01 3 '! . do Patent. $5 2Jfffi 80. Kansas, straight. Jute sacks, 5.10g$5.l5, do. patent i" t o aaclcs. .4u.S5 65 spring, first clear lll,l0 bt"'ht; $3 10fl do. patent $we.17 do favorite brands. aa$6 V), city mills choice and fancy brand. $626 50. city ni'llr. regular grades Winter clear. $4 60ffl $3;335W "'' $IOO6 15. do..' patent, i.B rLPU,,'-7D,?,M and unchanged We 30 y ani Wt,tern ln wo3 ' $59 PROVISIONS Trade low and market unchanged lions city beer In set, imnlni dried. 3033lc , .Western beef. In set, smoked and alr-dtled 31032c . city beef, knuckle -, nmti", iiu,Keu ana air-ariea, ain.i2c i i"" beef knuckles and tender, smoked 31382c . beef hams, $3840. pork, family 15c , do skinned loose. HVj13c , do. do. smoked tagiOHc , other hams, smoked city cured, as to brand and average, laue 17c. do, smoked, Western cured, 16it 17c . do, boiled, boneless 23024c, picnic: shoulder. S P cured, looae. lH;12c do . moked HHOllc . bellle In pickle, accord ing to average, loose. 10cftl6Ue hraaWa,- h,. con, as to brand and average, city tured 209 21c , breakfast bacon Western cured. 20J21c , lard, Western reflned tierces, lO4011c do , do. do., tubs. 104gllc . lard pure city, ket tle rendered In tierces 10,(Siic lard, pure v.;, Aiiuq renucrea. in iuos, iiag'iiuc REFINED SUGARS Dull at former rate Quotations Stand ard granulated, 6.30c , fine granulated 9 25c , powdered. 6 .i3c , confectioners' A, 6 15c. . soft grades, 6 406c DAIRY PRODUCTS ni'TTER. Fancy creamer) scarce and one cent higher but there was no im provement In the undergrade, which con tinued dull Quotations Western fresh oltd Sacked creamer), fancy, specials 31c extra. ic , ext-a first 3l331c rlrt. 2a;oc . econds. :i-27c . ladle racked, 2 tea" as to quality nearby prints fancy 35o . do . average extra 32834c . do., flrst. 2lSO ic ; do , seconds 273iSc Special fancy brands of print Jobbing at 38;4lc. EOGS Fine fresh eggs were in very small supply, and 30c per cam or So per dozen higher Quotttfons In free case. nearb extras S3c per do , nearby first. SO per atanlard case, nearby currant ,.. celpts, $8 103 40 per standard caae. Weatern extra fl-sts, SO per case do, first. I8.1O0 8.40 per case. do. seconds, $8 GOt38.tx per case Canoled and recrated fresh eggs were Jobbed cut at 37339s per do J., aa to quality ijibbaKi, iuq uia.t wne quiet Willi ar' is tifler'ag at f raer rate. QuotUun. Nf5- York fuTl-reata cbo!- 15U 4o.. 4a. fair fa Eoad. 14MS13C.. do., bait akisu an 13c ' " POULTRY , I.H E. Offering fairly liberal and mar ket quiet and unchanged Quotations. Fowls, 1415c . exceptional lots higher, old roosters. 11612c. : spring chickens, according to qualltj, 13815c , ducks. 13914c , geese, lSOHc, guinea joung, weighing 2 lb and over apiece, per pair. 70c. do. weighing mei lb, apiece, per pair, fi0305c j do welghlrg 1 lb. apiece, per pair, 50c , old, per pair, 50c , pigeons per pair 15fflSc DRKSSKD. Fine deslrable-slzed atock prettj well cleaned up at full figures Quota tions Fresh-killed pouttri Fowl rer lb, selected heavy, Jlc . do, weljhlng 4y.35 lb, apiece. 20c do , 4 lbs apiece, 10lC , do , 34 lb apiece l'5ffl7Vjc., do, 3 lb and under, l.Vfjlflc , old roosters, dry picked, nte , broiling chltkens nearby w etching H32 lbs apiece, 20822c , do . nearby, fair to good. 18 18c , chickens Western. 4 lbs and over apiece, 18c , do , do . ."H lbs apiece fat. 15f)l6c . do, do, 2tvfj lb apiece. IVSHc, broiling chicken Western 11482 lb apiece, 17c do , fair to good, 12llc, squabs per doi White, weighing 11 to 12 lb per doi , $3 OlfN 2V white, weighing H to 10 lbs per doi , $2 75 ?J 50, white, weighing S lb per doi, $2.25 2 40. do . do , T lbs per doz , $1.732, do , do . OQaH lbs per doz. $1258-150. dark and No. 2, 60c 8$l 10 FRESH FRUITS Apple plentiful, dull and weaker Othet fruit In moderate request at revised prices Quotations Apple per bbl Jonathan $3Q 3 50. Gravenstefn. S20.2 50. Rluih 'itf n Twenty-ounce $17502 50. PloDln. SI 7502 York Imperial $1 1081 75. other good eating varieties, $1 752 50, medium Slejl 50, crab. $4 505, crab apples per bush -basket SI 50 re I ja. Apples western, per box Jonathan, $1259163. Grimes' Golden. $1 25(81 85, apples Delaware and Pennsylvania, per ham per. 253c . quinces, per bbl , $23 50, lemons, per box $3ffi4, grapefruit, Florida per crate, $2 50 Qi 50 Pineapple per crate Porto Rico. $125(1.125, Florida, $12 60 Cranberries, Cape Cod, early black, per bbl $4 503. cranberries, Cape Cod early black per crate, $1 75KJ2 Cranberries, Jersey per crate Dark $175SJ2 25, light. $16125 Peaches, Va . per 20-lb. basket, 40675c . do, do per crate. $1175, do Delaware and Maryland per basket 45SOc, do, do per crate. 11Q175. Peaches New York and Pennsylvania per basket Large wnne or yonow ducuii, meoium -iu(rauc Pears. N Y , per bbl Seckel 1 50aa. Bartlett, No 1 $435 3J, do. No ., $2 50 q;3, Beurie D-. $13 50, Sheldon. $425. Beurre Clairgeau, $2 50-jja SO, Beurre d'AnTou $2 253S3. Duchess. $2 2533 23, Howell 2g2 30, other varieties, J 26 3 Pears Bartlett or beckel, per bush-baaket $1 21V Grapes. New YorkConcord, per 8 lb basket, 13815. do . ptr 4-lb basket. 839c Niagara, per 4-lb basket. SSlOa. Delaware, per 4 lb. basket 12915c grape. Concord, per crate. 40350c do do., per 20-lb basket. .16 SIC- : plums, per S-lb basket 20825c , cantaloupes. Colorado, per crate $ltn 50. do , do . fiats, 30&76c . watermelons, Jersey, per 100, 110 23. MONTREAL EXCHANGE TO OPEN The Montreal Stock Exchange will re open shortly nnd conduct business along the same lines as those adopted by the Toronto Stock Exchange ALL-STARS GATHERING Three Mackmen Join Barnstormirtfr Crew Bound for Pncific. CHICAOO, Oct. 15,-The "all-star" teams representing- the National and American Leagues, which will tour the Pacific coast and Honolulu, will gather here tomorrow under the leadership of Frank Bancroft, business manager of the Cincinnati Reds, and Ira Thomas, of the Athletics BUI James, of the Boston Braves; Te-sreau, Fletcher and Burns, of the Giants, and Vaughn, of the Cubs, are among the National "all stars." Walsh, Strtink and Thomas, of tha Athletics, head the American league star contingent Sugar refiners nnd planters are In a quandary. Thev are confronted by un precedented conditions on account of the war. What the solution of th- quandary will be Is nieir conjecture. But It Is the concensus nt opinion that there will not be any Immcdlnto rise In the. price of raw or refined sugar. In fact, the chances for a decline In price of the latter are very favorable to tho consumer Cuban sugar planters, with only a rem nant of the last crop on hand and a bumper crop due, are resisting the ef forts of the refiners to compel them to sell out the remnant nt a low price Re finers are anxious to obtain the remnants so they can fix the pries on thp Loulsana. crop of about 200,000 tons, which will soon bo retdy for gtlndlng. On top of this thero will como an unusual amount of beet sugar from Colorado and Michigan. Importations of refined sugar are lim ited. Great Britain la the only consist ent Importer. She purchased S000 to 12,000 tons last month at r, 20 to 1.23 net cash In bond It Is expected that orders for ahout 30.000 tons per month will be received during tho remainder of this year. The planters of Cuba, Porto Ttlco nnd other Mlgar-grovvlng Islands of the Vst Indies are deprived of the!'- nuiopean matkets by tho war and wilt be com pelled to dispose of their products to this country Itenllzlng this, the teflners are not nnxlous to buv futures They ate playing a game of "watchful waiting" in order to get tho raw product at their own prices. One of the advantages of the war to this country has been tho revival of the beet sugar Industrv- of the West. The reduction of tat Iff on the beet sugar from foreign countiles was expected to put an end to beet sugat growing here. The war, however, has cut off completely the Impoi tntlons of beet sugar Plant ers wero quick to grasp tho opportunity thus offered, and tho latest reports are that "Western growers will have good lclds. Tho grpat plants In southern Cali fornia are now running night and day In an effort to cope with thfl situation nnd reap the rpward During the last SO days one beet sugar factory handled 2T0,v tons of beets every 21 hours, break ing all previous rapacity rocords, and the company Is expertlng to pay a divi dend of 45 per cent on Its common stock. THE GOLFERS' AFTERMATH The nnnual fall tournament of the Country Club of Atlantic City will be held at Northtleld on Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday, October 23 30 and 31, In the matter of weather this event ha ,iot always ben treated too kindly, but In spltrt of that the entiles, mostly Phila delphians, have always numbered consid erably over ino We have had no ram for more weeks than we care to count, and presumably It is holding oif until the last week In the month niCHMOVD, Va, Oct. 15 Today's ses sion of the American Bankers' Associa tion, now In annual convention here, was given over laigely to an "agricultural symposium " One of tho principal speak- , ern was Cyril O Hopkins, director of agriculture of the Southern Settlement, j and Development Organization, of Balti more, and professor of soil and crops at, the t'nlverslty of Illinois Mr. Hopkins, who spoke on "Soil Fertil ity," declared that the money spent on. tho Panama Canal might far better have) been devoted, at this time In our national6 history, to the investigation of American soils-to securing necessary Informations' and to the demonstration of Its practical, application In profitable systems of pcr-) mancnl soil Improvement, contrasted with the rjast and present systems of aoll i robbing, land ruin and farm abandon- - ment. ,rJi He also made the Startling statement that 021,'j'kj ncres of land farmed ln 1500 '' were fcund agriculturally abandoned ln 1'ilfl In the States of Pennsylvania, Mary-.,,, land and Virginia This, ho said, exceeds the total area of Improved farm land In ' Rhodo Island nnd Delaware combined. OUR. AGRICriVrURAI., WASTE, "If a State like Maryland should en-s ' tlrely stop farming," said Mr Hopkins," "the people of responsibility and Influence1 In the United States would promptly " wake up. and the startling fact woulT''v be given the widest publicity at home anct"" abroad, with resulting Investigation axA's remedy, but th- fact that farm land far''1' In excess of th" total land area of May-,, land has been agriculturally abandoned7 ln the noith Atlantic and New England"1- States during the last SO years Is com- monly unknown and almost unnoticed. - "From ISsO to 1910 the area of Improved r farm land (farmed land) decreased by 0,909,531 acres ln New England, New, 7 York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Thl a aggregate of agriculturally abandoned, . farm land Is double the nrea of New Jersey, It is greater than Maryland and,., Delaware combined: It exceeds the total-vi area of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and,., Connecticut r- "The two preliminary causes for the de-v , crease In productive power and the final -agricultural abandonment of these vast v n;eas of farm lend aro lack of knowledge .-5 and lack of profit in farming as compared with Industrial and commercial enter prises A few men of broad vision hava 7 seen thf conditions, but their commentat or warnings have been lnrgely Ignored,' " and as vet comparatively little .has been ,, done bv tho nation or by the States to remedy the basic difficulties " Wit, ELECT PHILADELPHIAN. rinal preparations were made here this morning for the election of William A. Law, president of the First National Bank of Philadelphia, as president of the American Bankers' Association. The Philadelphlan's election Is assured. Either Seattle or San Francisco will get tho 1913 convention of the association. financiers today declared. Seattle'! chances appeal best James K. Lynch, of San Francisco, will bo elected vice president of the asso-i elation. B F Harris, chairman of the Agri cultural committee, presented his re port. He urged diversification of rrop In the South as a solution for the over production of cotton, saying that more) grain, cattlo nnd hogs should be raised Instead of devoting all the soil to these cultivation of cotton. Logan Walter Page, Director of Na-" , tlonal Highways, spoke on the necessity of good roads, saving that they were"' necessity for the better development of"" the commercial and agricultural Inter ests of the country. Flour Men Help Sale of Cotton Crop WASHINGTON. Oct. 15 -The Depart-' ment of Agriculture announced today, " that In order to Increase the demand for -cotton, one of the largest flour milling firms in America has directed Its man agers and salesmen all over the country to urge its customers to accept deliveries . , of flour that are shipped In cotton In- -stead of jute sacks. VEGETABLES VEGETABLES. Offerings fairly liberal and market quiet and barely steady Quo tation White potatoes, per busb. Peon., HOJ vw. . v. iwswv,. nun? iH?iiecs, jer' eer, per bikt B5T41c Sweet potatoes, East Bra b tlho rn dhore. per bbl No. 1, 1 75S2 35; No. 'i. 5c 81 Seot potatoes. North Carolina, per ill No. 1. J175B2. No 2 TSe Hit ai.JSi jc(r, jser 0010. w0- TO, JVO, a. 9150 ?:l 73 Sweet potatoes, Jersey per basket. 3 ft 60c. Onion, per busb. 35S4V, . do.. cholcs, per lOO-lb. baj. $1 100- lb, baa. T58-30C .Vbl tOO. IVCJILI. da . rrrtinm , ibftKA. drrriiMi rvatr Cmlerv. Niw York tmv hHh u Uusluooxai, pr 4 lb, tint .. if! id SCHOLASTIC NEWS The De I.ancey coaches have been working tooth and nail for the past week to get the eleven In shape for Its bl? game with Chestnut Hill Academy to morrow at St Martin's Eddie Bennls plans to use the open game almost ex clusively on the attack, for he has two of the fastest ends In the city in Robin son and Logg, and in addition they have been very successful In catching forward passes to date Tavaner, the big fullback, still remains In the limelight as the team's best individual ground gainer, and will be used to tear up an opponent's line whenever necessary. Several big school games are carded for tomorrow, and from them some idea of the respective merits of several of the teams can be gotten The most important battles are those between Penn Charter and St Luke s at Wayne, and De Lancev and Chestnut J1H1 at Bt Martin's The other games scheduled ate as follows Geunantown Academy vs Radnor High at Manhelm. Catholic High vs Chelten ham High, at Elkiu s Park, Lan&downe High v Bryn Athyn, at Brn Athyn. Southern High vs Vineland High, at Southern. Episcopal vs Swarihmore Prep , at Swarthmore. Spends' Central vs Lower Merion, at Ardtnbre Coach Howell, of the Central High School football team, has been doing a great deal of xperlraentlng to enable him to pick the moat capable quartet of backtield men from the numerous candidate The four who Mem to work together best and to be the moit con sistent ground gainer) are Gottvals, quarterback Stephens and Thomas. halves, and Butler, fullback G"rd 1, os3 and H'ory have all been tried o-tt behind tfe line, b'4t they do jjt, wm o tit Inti tM --mb!naUon as we'' as -he first four mentioned. , J D. Baker recently won the presi dent's cup at the Bala Golf Club and he had a pretty good Held to beat at that. The results of the matches In the first round were: F. M McAdams defeated J C. Hutchinson. I up, P DeLong de feated C J. Parry, 5 up and 1 to plav ; W B. Supplee defeated H 31. Newlin. 4 up and 3 to play1 W B Scott defeated A C. Alexander. 2 up. P J Reilly ds. feated A. 31 Ehret 1 up; T 31 I'hlor defeated C T Wells, I up, J. n Baker defeated J C Parker, 5 up and 3 to play, C II. Long defeated J P 3lurphv, 6 up and 5 to play Second round MeAdams defeated DeLong. I up, Supplee defeated Scott. 2 up and I to pli . Reilly defeated L'hler, 2 up nnd I to play . Baker defeat- 1 J'?1"1 ed Long, 2 up and 1 to play Semifinal 1 jjfl roumt ouppiee wcirtiiea .uu.-tiiitm, i up; Baker defeated Reilly, 5 up and 1 to play. Final round Baker defeated Sup plee, 3 up and 2 to play It was a han dicap event which accounts for the elimination of A C Alexander, the cluo champion, A 31 Ehret and C J Pairv In the first round The final 3-5-h-il. match was one of the best ever seen it Bala Every hole of the first l w if won in par figures or better, and Bilirt was 2 down at the turn On the Ui l Baker gradually overhauled his opt oueru and finished orf the match on the 34t' hole The winner has a handicap . t 14 arid the loser one of 13 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Wttljs Overran i I'wnpsni regular quarterly Hi per cent ,n tommon pavabla November I to stock of record 0, toher 22 helten Trust taniranv. regular semiannual s per cent ratable November is to atock of record October IS Merchant I'nlm Trust, a quarter!) $1 no, pa v able October 10 to ttock or record of that date Vet Cnd Trust Company, regular eml at nual 4 per cent pavahle November 3 to stock of record Outober J5 Ileal Tatate Trust Company, regular semi annual 2 ter cent ratable November 2 t toek of rotord October 15 F W Woolworth Company, regular quarterly 14 per cent, on common, paya ble December 1 to stock of record Novem ber 10 NEW YORK CITY NOTES New Vrk cltv 6 per cent corporate nstea wero quoted to.Uj a follows ii Asked. Last sal W.!', 10a 102 la-tsj Kin. inn. mi. 1B15 . 100 7-lfi lWO-lll lOVj HE II ESTVTE FOK KALE New Jersey ,lfBBj -a -r f-vr HwsmU fTU mz. ' e MORE GOLD SHIPMENTS NSW YORK, Oct 15. - Gold .out amounting to 51.ft.(V0 wag withdiawn fiom the ubtreasury this morning for shipment to Canada. There has been witluirav.-H from the aay olrke i"5.o.) In gold bars NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW VORK, 0t. W. Butter Top grade stroa Receipt. UH package Craarv, -tra. 38c higher (coring. 3,'c Egg Firmer Receipts 11 140 e Kre.b extra first :src iresn irsts 2i.'T BANK CLEARINGS nan ri-armj ioi- Qet" ra A vs 1 ,1,, ,,. jjh t "Uaaei-J-'T. rj "w irons ifr twavou. jOS': .juOiad Ger7t 1.1- 15'' f , I. J " JT' i I " Hsue,-' ',! - ' Conveniences of a Flat WITH THE ISD1M0I AL1TT OV A HOME A I 'tl" 'beertul basement 10 m with Lrfa e entrance A oi lerful g)inn!um for Iht hll iren or dutiable for future, erlarcement First floor- Trs Three sleeping chambers, lora p,vi wh wwtm Klicaeo, dialog room and living room. SELLING BEFORE COilPLETIOK We have five of tnee at tractive bungalow bargains left -two at $1950, three $.11" Modern term. Cramer Realty Co. 3115 FEDERAL STREET CAMDEN, N, J. i fe& ,H,..,vl,S7S J r- .'' i. "-