55WSK3BS JJi!"'UB'!H".WB.J)iJJ'tilii!'"Jl!"W"l nyj ijlu, J.I iu. i. u iMilUHnaHimJi. Jjl.il A I UJUIIUJIJIUU guff w nwit,"rwy " y" hmj MW JWW1Wsy- 1 jjtiiff,ry TSSS. a""; Hftpgp .frf i j",h ty " i fiy Wi rs n L' -rrrrrrr EVENING d&& LEDGER ruLIG LEDGER COMPANY ' CTnUS II K CUItTlS. Ismidiuit. Ceo. W. Ochs, Secretary; John C. Martin, Treasurers Charles II. Ludlngton, Philip S. Collin, John H. Wll llnm Directors. EDITOniAIiCOAnDt Ctnus II. K. Curtis, Chairman. f. II. WIIAtiEr Executive Miter JOHN C. itAHTIN Ocnrnl Iluslne Manager Published dally nt I'ruLio Lemhi Hullillns, Independence Square, rhtlnttelphln. t-troia CB.NTMt..., Broad and Chestnut Street! Ait.ANtlc Cut I'rM-l'nttm nnlldlnit New ToaK ,170-A. Metropolitan Tower Chicago...... 817 Home lnurnneo llulldlni! London 8 Waterloo Place. Pall Mall. S. W. NnWSBOltEAUS! Trjuimssmm IititifjiTJ The rntHol nulldlnB WjMtiNOTOv ncnrAO The Pof nulMIn New York ntinEAU..,, The Time Ilulldlng ItxaUN HRFu fiO FrledrlehstraMo Xonmn nuniAO 2 Pall Mall Eat. S. W. Pabu Uusead 32 Hue Louis le Urand 5i'ncKirnox terms By carrier. rm.T ONt.t , six cents, ny mall, postpaid eutslde of Philadelphia, except where foreign rotago le required. Duly oni.t. one monili, twenty-five cents; DAtLt Onlt, one year, three dollars. All mall subscrip tions payable in advance. nru, sooo walnut niwstom: main sooo E7" Address nil comtminlcntimH to Evening Ledger, Independents Square, Philadelphia. ijiixbko at the rniunrLritiA roTorrice as second class mail MM-rcn. rmLUi.uim,Tti;nAY,t(:ioiiEii n, i"u Trying to Outflank Brumbaugh IONG ago his opponents realized Hint J frontal attacks upon Doctor Brumbaugh were worse thnn useless tho Doctor's record and platform were Invulnerable. Hence the chnngo In tactics "Brumbaugh an ally of. Penrose"; "DrumbaiiKh not clear on the liquor Issue"; "Brumbaugh mortgaging his future Independence for boss support". "Brumbaugh academical." Hut the Doctor pushes serenely and sturdily forward alone, asking no favors, making no clandestine al liances, oponly scorning the bosses, Implicitly trusting the common sense and honor of the people. Ho Is a new type In the politics of our Commonwealth, and he will win by the wheer force of his sane, vigorous and unim peachable personality. Patient, Tubclcss Philadelphia MANHATTAN starts work on two new tunnels under the Hudson, while It numbers 15 tubes beneath Its two rivers. But what about Philadelphia and tho Delaware? The tremendous traffic toward Atlantic City and across tho Market Rtreet ferry goes on in the antiquated, crowded old ways of a dorcn years ago. "Watching the strides of Js'ew York, can our patience last forever? Unmasking Penrosei$m THC bulk of the voters of Pennsylvania are clean and straightforward men. Further more, they are much moro Intelligent than the Republican Organlratlon Is willing to concede. The ballot Is the precious symbol and badge of free citizenship, and there are few men willing to be cheated or robbed of their Inalienable American rights. Therefore, A. Mltcholl Palmer has rendered a great service to the citizen body In unmask ing the plot of the Penrose conspirators. If the thug and bandit methods, once so suc cessful in certain wards of Philadelphia, are tried in the small town and rural dlFtrlcts. Penrose- will find that he is up against a p3ittrcal Liege. No moro Independent and sturdy race of men exist in any country than the rural voters of this Commonwealth. They read, they think, they support the public schools and reverence their churches; they rear chil dren of virile character; they earn a com petent livelihood from farms that have been brought to a pitch of productivity not sur passed by the new nnd rich lands of the "West, and, above everything, these men re sent tho domination of big or little bosses as on Impertinence. Every effort of the Organization to de moralize the election or to debauch tho elec torate will be met this year by a fierce resentment. Pennsylvanlans are thinking clearly and feeling deeply on the liquor usur pation of government, upon the blundering building of highways, upon the pource and distribution of slush funds, upon the moral standards nnd records of the men who are seeking public office Pennsylvania cannot be bought, buncoed or bludgeoned this year. Heaven's Germicide, Frch Air RIGHT living rather than medicine; fresh air as the best of germicides. That Is the new therapy. Every day It becomes moro generally recognized In the medical profes sion and more widely spread by the official agents of health. Director Harte. of the Department of Pub lic Health, contributes Philadelphia's mite to the propaganda with a weekly bulletin urging fresh air as a preventive of all the "colds" of winter. Not only tuberculosis falls before that cheapest of medicines. Grip, bronchitis and pneumonia can all be staved off through the winter months If only people will sleep and work with the windows open They can have the health of Fummertlme if only they will defy Jack Frost. Embattled TIarvard THEY are carrying the war into Harvard instead of Africa. Professor Muenster burg long ago left psychology for the verbal battlefields of the Fathrland President Eliot's "Five Foot" howitzer answered him, while the spitting fire of Professor Wiener's Russian gatllng gun spattered all over the place. And now another Wiener, one Clar ence, has bequeathed $10,000 to the university If only It will "cast out the Hun," In other words. Are Muensterburg. HarvarJ is bold- ng Itself neutral all right. If only by the, ass of divergent opinion it is manufactur ing. But perhaps it is nil a roero rru of th disgruntled professors to squeeze themselves back into the baseball-ridden dispatches from Boston. Civilized Warfare at Antwerp ANTWERP retrieves Rhelms, Whatever l the truth about the destruction of the rench cathedral, the latest bombardment ia j-nest enough of Germany's determination wage a civilized war. According to a, dis patch from Berlin, the attackers asked and. raflolved a map showing the pnnolpal archi tectural features of the city to enablo artil lery Are to be directed against spots lees sanctified by centuries of human art. Ger many will not suffer by such enlightened methods of war. 1 i Character Is an Asset THE Remedial Loan Company opened Its oXtlota yesterday to do a philanthropic work Modeled after a similar Institution f the Russell Sage Foundation and directed by responsible and public-spirited citizens of Philadelphia, Its principal purpose is to aid deserving fam lies whp And themselves! la financial straits. In the examination of EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, Xd'M. applicants, character Is rated at 75 per cent, and security at 25. So there Is nono of that puttering over character which Miss Octavla. Hill condemned In misguided efforts to help tho poor of London. This Is no mollycod dling philanthropy. It will save many from tho Seylla and Charybdls of poverty's clutches on the one hand nnd the loan shark's thievery on tho other; and the em phasis will bo placed where It Is found In all truly philanthropic work, on pcrsonnl char acter. One Is reminded of the late Mr. Mor gan's remark that he regarded character as ample security for tho largest loans. In stead of a nursery for weaklings, this new In stitution Is nn example of practical Idealism. Women on Their Own Rights ami Duties THK Pennsylvania Federation of Women, now opening Its sessions in PltLsburgh, Is face to face with vital problems. In discuss ing the enfranchisement of women and pro posed social legislation In Pennsylvania they should not flinch or compromise. Moral questions can never be settled with out the unerring application of women's moral Instincts. History Is strewn thick with the debris of men's futllo efforts. Men acknowledge that they have failed to control or eliminate the ancient evils such as Intem perance, Impurity and chronic poverty. Probably they have failed chiefly through applying economic methods to nchlcvo moral ends. Tho question for the women of the Fed eration to settle Is not whether the majority of women want to take a constructive part in the government of their country, but whether they ought to take such a part. Female suffrago In a civilization as complex ns ours, Involving directly tho conditions of living for multitudes of women. Is a moral Imperative. To treat It on any other or lower level Is to palter with private con science and public duty. Athletics Continue Strategic Retreat THE War Office at Shlbo Park gives out the following official account of yester day's engagement; "Tho situation continue much as heretofore. General Mack's forces successfully maintain tho strategic retreat inaugurated lost Friday with the purposo of interesting the fickle fans of Philadelphia and stirring popular enthusiasm. Thore Is no change to report In the rolntlvo position of the contending forces." Tho following dispatch from tho front has been passed by tho Philadelphia censor: " , Mass., October . Tho foroes of General Mack woro (deleted by censor) yesterday at Park for the time since the beginning of hostilities. Col onel seemed unable to hold tho ene my's attack In check, while the Redskins' battery did execution. The situation looks . General Mack will never be able to (remainder of dispatch deleted by the censor.)" For the Good of the Community IN THE benefits derived under the will of the late Francis T. 6. Darley the whole community shares. The Pennsylvania School of Industrial Art receives substantial aid in its splendid work, which goes beyond holp fulness to Individuals to what Is really civic service; a number of hospitals and other public or semi-public Institutions are bone flclarles. Through bequests of such spirit and purpose, and the far-reaching uses to which they are put, the lives of tho givers are prolonged in this world through tho years cut oft by death. Reserve Board Makes Good Start A" LL of the Government directors of the twelve regional reserve banks have been appointed and tho organization of these In stitutions should undoubtedly proceed rapid ly. Subscriptions to the capital of tho new banks scattered throughout the country will be put through In the money markot with a mlnlmim of friction. It looks as If the new system would bo In operation about the mid dle of November and, with this accomplished, the ability of the national banks to caro for future monetary' developments will be ma terially strengthened. The banks are al ready feeling the benefit of having the Fed eral Reserve Board In existence, for while It still can act only In an advisory capacity, Its Influence will be exercised toward pro ducing hearty co-operation among the mul titudinous Institutions composing the na tional banking system. When the new scheme of bank control has become a reality, there will develop a flexibility in our cur rency system which will make altogether un likely the creation of a stringent situation similar to that which has overwhelmed the country since Europe's war began. Old Home Week in Wilmington THIS Is commencement week In the city of Wilmington. As alumni returning to alma mater to renew old acquaintance and early inspiration and bringing a tribute of praise and praiseworthy deeds, the sons of Delaware have come back home to remem bered thresholds to pledge again their faith fulness to friendship nnd their loyalty to hearthstone, city and State. Delaware has good reason to be proud on this occasion, proud of the people she has kept with her and proud of those she has sent out to do their work In other places. Wilmington's Old Home Week la rightly a time of Joyous reciprocity, and Its more serious meanings extend not only into the past but also Into tlm furore. America For Universal Peace WHEN men can move a multitude of their fwUowmen by a direct appeal to eternal principles there Is warrant for the hope that the end they seek la possible of realisation. Not less phenomenal than the vast crowd at the peace meeting last night was the passion ate logto of Secretary Bryan and Mr. Btraue. The failure of treaties' In the past has been due to their nature: they were chiefly armed truces for economical or political reasons. If America can lead the way In making treaties a binding ethical obligation, there Is no doubt whatever that universal peace will ensue. Philadelphia may well be proud of the re markable response given to that principle In tho Convention Hall last evenrng. Emerson and Evers again I Training girls to be good housewives la a step that more academic Institutions than the College Settlement might profitably have taken long ago. In congress assembled, the Philadelphia Orchestra decided yesterday to remain neu tral among themselves. It should be noted, bowever. that no representative of Servta was present. Today began like yesterday's game. Rain or shine, cloudy or fajr, the outcome might be anything. But, iike typical October weather, by o'clock; u j, com8 around to one of those crysty cIear skUg that makn -rld's series ganMg a pracUcai certainty, CAPITAL GOSSIP The WihonJIarvcy-Wattcrson Incident Reveals Kcntttckinn as n Prophet Wilson Sure of a Second Nomination Some Typical Failures of the Primary System. Special Wathlnpton Correapondence. WOODROW WILSON, Henry Watterson nnd George Hnrvoy have been friends for a good many years. Mr. Watterson Is a family connection of tho President. Thoro was an Intellectual friendship ntnong these three. They thought ntlko on most subjects, and, ns they say In Virginia, "they spoko tho lan guage of tho trlbo." A little more than two years ago thero was a misunderstanding among them; but, happily, It has passed away. It Is a very Interesting story and I shall toll It one of theso days, perhaps, but this Is not the tlmo nor tho place. It Is onough to know Just now that tho status quo anto has been restored, and nil tho people rejoice. rpWO Sundays ago Colonel George Harvey jl went to tho White House on tho Invitation of the President. It was Peace Sunday. Next Sundny, the same being tho second Sunday after Harvey, Mr. Watterson Is ex pected nt tho Whlto House on the Invitation of the President, nnd tho three friends will go on ns If nothing had happened. This Is as It ought to be. It was Harvoy who "found" Woodrow Wilson, that Is to say picked him out as the soundest presidential timber tho Democrats could find for the great struggle of 1912, and early and late, week In and week out, In his "Journal of Civilization" nnd in his monthly magazine, to the Hibernians In Savannah nnd tho Scots In Charleston, to college nnd uni versity teachers nnd students, to social and political clubs, to the poor nnd the rich up and down the land he prenched Woodrow Wilson with true missionary fervor, nnd wherever ho went ho gathered recruits to his standard. Henry Watterson and at least ono of his other friends backed him for all they were worth, and the predestinated came to pass. It could not have been otherwise, manifestly, nnd tho work of the Jersey schoolmaster, as he used to be called, In tho laot two years has proved the wisdom of Harvey's choice TO HIS many other gifts, Mr. Wntterson adds the gift of prophecy, and Is, In fnct, a far older and better prophet than his disciple from Poacham, Vermont, now residing at Jornlama on the Jersoy coast. Mr. Watter son was Samuel Tllden's voice 38 years ago. To his brilliant and picturesquo work in 188 Democratlo success was largely due. His handwriting was on all the platforms of tho party for a quarter of a century, and In tho last supremo contest he kept the old flro burning. Not long ago I found In a mass of papers a characteristic letter from Mr. Wat terson. It was written at the Manhattan Club, New York, Juno 30, 1910. It was not written for publication, but, in' view of tho present happy Issuo out of an unhnppy epi sode, ho will pardon me, I am sure, a quota tion which establishes the claim that he Is, indeed, a prophet. Here It is: "Georgo Harvey and I talked of you con sumlngly; wept over your tendency to cynical mirth; swore at your tendency to unpatri otic levity; and mourned your absence. Woodrow Wilson was with us. They are going to nominate and elect him Governor of New Jersey. Would that not subject him to suspicion, If not put him In the running for 1912? Brace up," etc., etc. Does not that put Mr. Wnterson among the prophets? ALL the prophets now agreo that Mr. .Wilson will be nominated by his party for a second term as President. No other Is CURIOSITY SHOP The Arabs have a superstition that when a man is murdered a bird Is formed from the dead man's blood. They call It "hameh." It sits near the body crying "Iskoonee" (give me a drink of the victim's blood) until the crime is avenged, when It files awa". Christopher Columbus was known as Iberia's Pilot. Spain Is called Iberia and the Spaniards Iberl. Campbell In "The Pleasures of Hope" says: "Launched with Iberia's pilot froi.i the steep. To worlds unknown nnd Isles beyond the deep:" The Jackknlfe had Its origin, or rather the name did, from the fine French cutlery made by Jacques le Coultre, who lived In the 16th century. "Abandannad" was a slang sobriquet for a boy who stole handkerchiefs, an amuse ment much In vogue In other days. It Is sup posed to have been a contraction of "ban danna lad." "Catching a crab" is of Italian origin. "Chlappar un grachlo" Is used even as "catching a crab" is. "Plgllare un grachlo" Is to "commit a blunder." "Plgliare un grachlo a secco" (catching a crab on dry land) Is used when a person pinches his finger. "Damning with faint praise" originated with Pope, who first used the expression in his epistle to Doctor Arbuthnot: "Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer. And, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer." Senator Owen's Good Courage. From the Kansu City Star. Senator Owen places his greatest emphasis on the assertion that Sullivan belongs to the group of bipartisan politicians who may be labeled Democrats in one place and Republicans in another; but who are special-Interest rnsn everywhere Ho finds no difference between Sullivan and Murphy, Democrats, and renrose and Sherman (of Illinois) Republicans. Against the bipartisanship or nonpartlsanship of machine politicians Senator Owen would have the people place a popular disregard of party labels In order to advance the right public prin ciples. Senator Owen has the moral courage and the sens of publlo duty sufficient to fight It. THE DAISY The daisy like a Quaker alts Among the grasses, The while the vagrant sunshine flits. The shadow passes; She does not flirt upon the wind. Like blossoms of a lighter mind. Bluebells and buttercups, they try The cowslips, too To smile at every passer-by As panstes do; The daisy scorns those aire and graces, She does not care for such grimaces. Her simple gown is starched and white. And frilled precisely; She keeps It clean by day and night. And holds It nicely; She does not flaunt her frills around. Nor let them draggle on the ground. She has a wide and limpid eye. But all her glances Are given to the distant sky, And no one chances To find her nodding 'gainst her wllL Like primrose or like daffodil. She is. Indeed, a dame discreet A Quaker lady; Not knowing any walled retreat. Nor corner shady; But living on a common earth" Not all unconscious of her worth. Aenes Or "'' H'rbtrt a, la the IVu'lmr Msgulnt. thought of. Speaker Clark, who was his principal opponent nt the Baltimore conven tion nnd whose nomination was defeated by Mr. Bryan, has said several times that tho President can havo a second term If ho makes good In hln first, ami that If ho does not mnlio good tho nomination will not be worlh having. Mr. Bryan thought and said during tho campaign that tho one-term "prin ciple" lnld down In the Baltimore plat form meant that It would be effective at once; but ns tho plank only makes tho Presi dent Ineligible for re-oloctlon after tho adop tion of a constitutional amendment prescrib ing a single presidential term, even Mr. Bryan, who has been a stickler for this "principle," Is believed to have yielded to tho popular demand In this ense. At any rate, ho has spoken many times with high approval of Mr. Wilson's conduct of public affairs, and it wan said yesterday by ono of his admirers and longtlmo supporters that Mr. Bryan would not bo a candidate himself. Thero Is nobody else In sight or In tho bushes. If tho Democrats cannot win with Wilson they cannot win with anybody. JUST now there Is much criticism of tho primary plan of making nominations for public ofTlce. The system is not what It was "cracked up to be." Senator Owen, of Okla homa, will not mipport Roger Sullivan, who has been nominated for United States Sen ator In Illinois by tllo primary plan, and Mr, Bryan, who Is nut cnrnpnlgnlHg for tho party, will skip that Stnto to keep clear from In dorsing Sullivan. It Is snld thnt Sullivan got his majority In the city of Chicago, and does not represent tho Democratic party In his Stnto; but It would bo hard sailing for the party In Illinois with Cook County voting the other way. Besides, it Is said with somo asperity and a good deal of truth that the Oklahoma Senator Is straying from the reservation In attempting to mix up w)th the politics of another State. With Penrose nominated in Pennsylvania and Sullivan nominated in Illinois and Martlno holding from New Jersey as spoclmen selections mndo by this system, thero Is a growing dis position to question tho primary ns the best means of getting tho best men for public ofTlce. Possibly tho failure of the primary in the smaller places will save tho country from tho peril of presidential primaries. N- OSBORN, editor of the Now Haven Journal-Courier, when he was hero Boms months ngo, went to Ynlo University with Mr. Dlmmlck nnd expressed tho hopo that he would bo nominated for Senator by tho Republicans of Pennsylvania at their pri maries becauso of his high character, his freedom from entangling alliances with the grafters In the State and his eminent fitness for the office ; but tho primaries failed and for tho reason, It is said, that the machlno Is stronger than tho people. It was said last night by a somewhat careful student of political affairs that "the primary system docs ono thing surely It brings tho scum to the top almost lnvnrlably. Thero nre, of courso, exceptions there Is Underwood, of Alabama, for example; thero Is Manning In South Carolina; but In the main the-system Is bad, very bad, as It doubles the expense of elections, opens tho way for corruption wherever there Is a purchasable electorate, nnd makes it impossible for tho poor man of character and ability but without means to share in tho nffnlrs of government." RANDALL. HUM OF HUMAN CITIES Chicago is making plans to deal with tho problem of unemployment this winter. It evidently does not care for a local repetition of the Tannenbaum Incident in New York. One proposal called for the use of the police stations as employment agancles. Another In vited organized Inbor to recommend a cure. A meeting of tho Municipal Markets Com mission has also brought out soma Ideas on the subject. Several city officials signified readiness to supply work for tho unemployed In their de partments. The president of the Board of Education said that three school houses could bo built during tho winter. The Commis sioner of Public Works nnnounced that he was considering a plan to keep nil the men In the street department employed solidly through tho winter. Considerable objection nroBe over the sug gestion of Prof. Graham Taylor that the city should provide work for the unemployed, much as England is now doing, by the carry ing on of extensive public improvements. It was argued that, while tho city might be willing to care in this way for Its own needy, such extenslvo supplies of work would call In from all over the United States the casual laborers' of other cities. Chicago could not be expected to do every one'B charitable work. Miss Amelia Sears. Director of Publlo Wel fare, made the following points concerning unemployment in a recent report; Unemployment cannot he cured by re lief giving. The necessity of relief marks the break down of tho social order. Disaster alone follows when an effort to deal with the unemployed is confused with the problem of caring for the de pendent group of the city. Ab long as society permits" some forms of Industry to so nrgnnize ns to create homeless men, so long must society pay the hill by supporting them during periods of unemployment. The "sine qua non" of the problem Is that public work be provided for heads of families out of employment. An editorial comment on this; report runs: "These are the conclusions of a woman who has had muoh experience and thought much upon the subject of benevolence. Of course, the true way out of tho charity obligations la to have none, by having such a social status as will enablo all to earn their living. But there is no way to escape the misfortunes of life, and stranded men are always found along the shores of human destiny Wo cannot let them starve, even If they don't care If they do. The only ways out that present themselves Is the one suggested by Miss Sears, in the last paragraph, nnd tha other Is to choose a reliable agenoy llko the Associated Charities and let it do your giving for you." NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW "Where Is the strike In Colorado and the In dustrial Relations Commission?" And much more to like effeot. This is either a tremendous price to pay for the arbitration of war or else the Ideas we have, developed and the work we have undertaken in days of peace are worthless In themselves. To have these things brought to our attention and challenge our consideration may be counted as one of the Important com pensations of press censorship. Hartford Post. Roger Sullivan's candidacy for United States Senator from Illinois Is getting precious little aid from Democrats outside the State. Penrose and Sullivan are on the same level in political practices and Ideals. Sprlngfled Republican. In a time of common disaster like this co operation and mutual helpfulness should be the ruling spirit Let us all keep on buying, then, with wisdom and careful economy, but without miserliness. So may we all prosper and hasten the return of a season of abundance. Inde pendent. But If Antwerp be held to tha end o the war its possession will be of Immense value as a basis for peace negotiations to be retained and annexed If CJermany is vKtT!"us to be bartered l"r easier Iprms K she, ji beaten. F"r strl-tly military reasons Its capture therefore was worth the heavy cost New fork World. The new sovereign of Rumania Is confronted with a decision which must make his reign or maf It. If he follows his uncle's example he will elect to be a mere obstruction to the na tional aspirations of his people. If he aligns himself with popular sentiment and braves the risks of war lie may go down to history as the creator of a new and greater Rumania New York Tribune. VIEWS OF READERS ON TIMELY TOPICS Contributions That Reflect Public Opin ion on Subjects Important to City, State and Nation. J t Edtttr tit the Evening tedoeri Blr Single taxers and Christian ministers are engaged in the soma work, with this difference The single taxers aim to destroy false economics nt the root, while churches have ncceptcd the trco os represented by our laws, Including the root nnd growth of false economics. Their theology having been long since conformed to tho evil at the root, and the education of minis ters based on It, they can only fight the branches of Injustice or the air, until they have unlearned the false economics that their edu cation has been based on. This Is not a small task. In tho Evening Lcnonn of October 10. Professor Walter naiichcnbusch, of the Roches ter Theological Scmlnnry, says, "What the church needs Is a slnccro nnd scientific compre hension nt the social causes of sin nnd misery. I wish tho Professor and the ministers would rend Henry George's great mastcrplese, "Prog ress and Poverty," for tho Christian minister holds a very unenviable position as tne ngni advances. They must either advocate Chris tian economics or be held responsible by the sufferers for tacitly sanctioning a robbery In violation of their religion by their silence. Again, as teachers of morals they laoor at fearful disadvantage by oven tacitly sanc tioning the false economics In our laws by which the rich can npproprlato the earnings of labor lo ns grcnt an extent as If they owned the laborers ns slaves. Chilstlan economics nre "simple Justice" applied to the production and distribution of wealth, nnd any violation of them for private gain Is ns much a violation of the moral law as stealing, and In the last analysis degrades those who practice and advo cate It to the moral leval of robbers. This Is not a pleasant truth, but none tho less true for being unpleasant or for the class It de grades being "what Is called the highest class whan measured by wealth, Intelligence nnd re fined manners. It Is true many of them are un conscious of wrong, mistaking what la legal for right, while legal rights nre assumed where no primary right Is possible, and becomes a system of robbery whloh, howover disguised, will havo the moral effect of robbery both In practice and example. It is this robbery that corrupts our politicians and drives organized labor to strikes nnd vlolonce because they lose hope of legal Justice, and makes the preaching of Christianity to tho sufferers appear a mock ery because the suffering Is the result of deny ing Christian economics In our laws. T. W. KNAPP. Philadelphia, October 12. IN BEHALF OF THE FIREMEN To Ike Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Having rend In the papers last week of Councils' Intention of helping the unemployed of this city through tho help of the various charitable Institutions, I would suggest that charity begins at home, and that Councils should themselves open their hearts nnd pro vide money for 300 extra firemen for tho Phila delphia Fire Department. If there ever was a time to help the firemen In the present obsolete, slavish working houses, now is the time, and past political differences should be burled and each fellow pull together for a reasonable set of working conditions for us men. While others are walking the streets looking for work, we fellows are walklug and moping around wnltlng for that sixth day to slip around, that we may have the pleasure of a day with our families. Now. what I want to emphasize Is, why not put these 300 men on the Department, and by so doing not only brighten their homes through their employment, but It will have a tendency to brighten up the whole Department because each and every man could be home 12 hours a day. The efficiency of the Department would be In creased, men would have a cleaner nnd more moral conception of life, and their minds would be lifted from depression to vigorous energy through their contact with the Boclal and re ligious atmosphere of their fellow crentures, all of which Is denied to them at the present time. I hope the EvK.NlNO T.r.noEn will do Its part In trying to creatp a sentiment among Its rend ers for favorable nnd Just working conditions for the Philadelphia firemen. HOSEMAN. Philadelphia. October 12. AS TO MILITARY NECESSITY To thr Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir The cdltorlnl In today's Punuc LEnonn, "The Frightful Martyrdom In Belgium," states the case against Germnny ns clearly ns It can be made. Murder Is not murder nor falsifica tion lying when the act Is performed by a State. It is, on tho contrary, policy. If It were other wise, then every time the State of Pennsylvania or city of Philadelphia hangs a man It Is guilty of a crime punishable by the wrnth of Ood. The case against Germany Is therefore to be decided upon the answer to the question: Was Invasion of Belgium a military necessity to the success of Germany? If It was, then the sacri ficing of I.ouvaln, the blackened fields and the ruined homes, the unmerited Buffering of the people of Belgium, nre to be laid at the door of the Belgian Government in not realizing the necessity, and recognizing that necessity cannot be bound by law. In the argument, Germany's effort to preserve itself from destruction must be presupposed to be righteous. The argument must also Include the dilemma that It Is quite possible that the German Government honestly believed the Invasion to be a military necessity, while the Belgian Government, with equal hon esty, did not believe this. Treaties, In time of war, must also be construed by the same factor, necessity, transcending either law or agreement. The acts of a nation cannot be judged by the same standards that apply to Individuals. A government's obligations must give greater heed to type rather than to Individuals. It to some extent fills the place of the "ultimate law" careful of the type, "careless of the single life." HORACE T. TOMPKINS. Philadelphia, October 11. THANKS EVENING LEDGER To th Editor of the Evtnlng Ledger: Sir At a recent meeting of our Church Coun cil I was Instructed to express to you our thanks for the splendid manner In which you gave our church publicity at the time of our dedication. We are grateful to you. WILLIAM J. MILLEB, Jr. Pihladelphla, October B. THE IDEALIST "Jones," said the manager of a large manu facturing concern, "please find out for me when we sent that last shipment to Boston." In a few minutes Jones returned and gave his superior the required date. "Now, Jones," the boss, continued, "please advise mo what tho shipment consisted of." And Jones trotted away to return in a few moments with the information. Again the manager spoke to Jones. This time he desired to know who receipted for the shipment at Its destination. And again Jones returned to his records. But unex pectedly some one called htm on the 'phone. As he talked over the 'phone, the boss sat and waited. But he waited only till a spirit of Im patience smote him. Then he sent for Brown. "Brown," ho said, "please find out for me who receipted for our last shipment to Bos ton " In a moment Brown was back. "It was receipted for by John Doe. on the 21st of April and consisted of 30 bales of material." "Thank you." said the boss. And yet some people wonder why Brown's salary la double that of Jones. A few years ago a much needed word crept Into the vocabulary of business. The word is service. It means to deliver a little moro than you're paid for; to Inject the personal element into every transaction. You antic ipate a personal process your customer's unexpressed wants and strive hard to fulfill them. Many glgantlo firms have trebled their profits by this method and this spirit. Many a disgruntled emolove is nauim. kv an opportunjty in not following this very I tfWMV. IN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR EUROPEANA A More or Less Grand Operatic Outburst in Three Buttles am! One Skirmish. NOT by w S. GILBERT DRAMATIS PRHSONAB: William Rex, the Imperial joker. Britannia, n perfect lntly, addicted lo water. Bryan, a stalely secretary. Trouble, a brewer; necessary to every plot. The International Curtain Rises TROUBLE I'm browing; WILLIAM Behold the Teuton Ajnx defy ing myself deifying, I menn. But thoro'B a reason, ns I read In somo neutral American papers, (sings): If you want a receipt for that popular mys- tory Known to the world ns a Kaiser att fait, Tako all disreputable things known to history, , ' Shake 'em up well, without much dolay. Tnko of these elementn all that Is fuslblo Melt 'em all down In a pippin or crucible; Set 'cm to simmer nnd mix 'em with rum And a Kaiser nu fait is tho residuum! BRITANNIA (by wireless) I dare hlo navy to como out of Its hole I dare him to. (Sud denly) Ouch! Something's bitten mo on tho stnrbnnrd side. (Weeps) WILLIAM I enmo out of my hole, eh? But let us transgress for the nonce, Ja? Who comes here, arrayed In a crown of silver nnd a Chnutntiqua contract In his hand? BRITANNIA Tho 'ero of my dreams! MY npostlo of penco! BRYAN (enters via tho Whlto House, carrying a jug of llmeado) Who calls for help? Permit mo to lecture WILLIAM Help! Hllfel Donnerwclter nochoinmal! BRYAN Then I'll sing. (Sings) When first I heenmo head of tho state I said us I looked In the glass "It's one In a million Thnt any civilian My figure nnd form will surpass." A nnmo with a hnndlo My fame will cxpandto A Cabinet member, en masse! BRITANNIA You coward! Gilbert la dead and can't defend hlmselfl But to tho point. Will you Intervene for peace or not? BRYAN Did you vote for mo in '38, '00 and '087 BRITANNIA What has that got to do with Rhelms and Lou vain? Just for that I, too, will sing, for everybody's doing It. (sings) Prithee, Mister Bryan, prltheo toll me true (Hey, but I'm restive, willow, willow, wally) Have you ne'er a penco dove working now for you? (Hey, willow wnlly. Oh!) I would fain discover If William's run to cover? Hoy, willow wnlly. Oh! WILLIAM No, I haven't run to cover and I won't till I get tho centro of tho stngo and the spotlight nnd the receipts. (Sings) If you're anxious for to shlno In tho military line ns a man of talents raro You must try by grim court-martial, any stranger who's too partial to a Bel gian governalre. You must He to beat tho dickens, when tho charge of plund'rlng thickens, or you'll get the blame; The excuse, It doesn't matter, so you talk sufficient chatter, you can bent the game. OMNES Lot's fight for peace. WILLIAM No, let's sing. THE READER Heavens! Again? OMNES (sing ngaln, for the last tlmo on any stage): Britannia Germanla 1 Gallia Austria The Innd of the free! Russia 1 Servla ' Where movies take battles You can't even see. Britannia Germanla Gallia Austria Russia Servla We love thy fair skies Thy vlct'rles on paper. Thy thund'rlng big lies! TROUBLE I'm through brewing. Rush curtain for final edition. A Rummy Joke With State after State going dry, bottle senrred veterans will become less and less. News From the Rear Front Richard Harding Davis (censored): The British army, having lost most of its officers. Is expected to call on Kentucky for a few dozen colonels. The battle of the Alsne appears to ba the San Juan Hill of tho war. Mme. do Thebes predicts peace within nine years. Au Reservoir Rustem Bey He had his say. He's gone away For now and aye. So ends this lay Of Rustem Bey. Disillusioned The prince discovered that his vounsr hrlde had deceived him about her riches. "A sorry hand thou gavest me." he ex postulated. "Glad hand," she corrected, correctly. Appropriate "What kind of binding will ybu have?" asked tho bookbinder of a customer who wanted new covers put on his dictionary. "I think spellbinding would be very ap propriate," was the reply. The Duel She Where have you been? He Clever wives don't nsk questions. She Clever men cross-examine their wives. He Clever men don't have wives. Progressives The German regiment which retreated be fore a charge of Irishmen simply couldn't Btand Pat. now the War Started She (sighingly) I wish I had been born a man. He (gloomily) So do I. THE BABBLING FOOL "If a man Is unhappy, this must be his own fault; for God made all men to be happy." While I do not believe a word ot what Eprctetus says, it gives me the oppor tunity of remarking that more sentimental nonsense is written by men, and read by rxc?ptn,iovne. tha" anyother subject Happiness Is Incidental to life, and not an to be S .CMV",re than ioy- a" " I better Inv Jin'Jl! H happv- What business has fhB7 hennfltrJ'!,ehaP,Py '" a WOrld BWl't with the hell fires of misery and suffering? Tha HaPDPD!lnen..nuURfVt t0 "e "seamed of fiimself SS iSrinJ".Vfr8e ratl to success. The successful are not happy. Discontent is the price of power. The head covered with a crown Is a nest of worries The VelfSh are Ke0brrietn3erhaPP,y',bUt ma who bllleJS Jrhl m. th rhood of man cannot be content. tea Th0ee th httPPe PPle In Amerl i-a. The Negro minister who said If tho InDarr?iif.lh" rt "houl.1 nail him up in the bunlhoVVf'Uld V0?1 hillelujah through It wo.f.H L6' ,S iypl,oal ot tnat race. r,ii W Ui'f .H? a dlst'nct shock to some peo tn.m TheV"? haV0 haPP'ness thrust Vpon inem. rhey announce their miseries as a hen cackles the fact that a new egg has arou'ndas StiLt"? the" PaJnVanTachea urouna as things to be proud of but" Hmali10t expect evcry '"a" t be happy, master of if.t eXpeC uVery man t0 Consistent w.ihn "" Laughter Is not BTnlTTiU0 niZ."W The n,ttnsa.e strong" Betm.a.n,..fln5S. ,n. th0 8tor he Is ii Si, T.. ter flln' to the paddles tran lve up. strength U nore than bapptae; ta