Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1914, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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riiii.ini i - " .-vF. " Tj-gMFSf. 1Oiisy'jff'-Sylffji j"Ki M-t Jlarllii jiiTn ii fill
.. , J - - i - t r ' i-i .hiiiiimii. m jm
Candidate Puts Brand on
' Those Who Wilfully Mis
represent His Stand on the
Liquor Question.
AIVrOONA. Pa. Oct 13 Hlalr CountV
thta morning heird fir Mm tin O Hrum
bnugh, lht Republic m nomliieo for Gov
ernor, reaffirm Ills fnlth In loenl option,
rand ns liars nnv who mioreprcsont him
on the liquor eiiicitlnn. declare tint tip
rtootl ttneiitilvocnllv pledged to the paps
ngo of a local option law In Pennoylvntiln
and assert that he would not flinch on
tjils great moral issue More than n
pcoro of formrr Washington pnrtv men
M once pledged Doctor Brumbaugh their
votes and theh support
Dr. Brumbaugh wan buck among the
home foiKx. iiiro enough, when he toured
the southern end of Hlnlr Countv today,
everywhere he went he was met bv rela
tive and friends who addressed him
fdmlllnrlv as 'Martin Thee plain, blg
hearted, sincere people were Kind to see
him and he was glad to sec them, and
the told curh other so
Dr. Brumbaugh, accompanied bv Henrv
Itouck and M M Oarlind, the latter
candidate for Congressman at large, ur
rived at Hollldavtiburg from Bedford this
morning Dr Brumbaugh spoke In the
public schools, mrefull excluding politics
from his remarks Liter i inception
win held at the oltlce of Count Chalr
inan J Lee I'lummer, where an addtess
was delivered before 40i citizen? The
party then entered automobiles and made
the flrst stop at Duncans llle, two miles
away, where the schools were visited and
speeches made before 100 people
The next stop was at Roaring Spring
The part visited the bin paper mill and
book binder and shook hinds with the
etnplojcs At noon Dr Brumbaugh spoke
to SCO hundred townspeople from the
bnlconv of the hotel and was noMlv
greeted Mnrtlnburg, Ilea ei town and
Williamsburg were also visited, and at
each place the candidates were given a
lousing welcome At Wllllani'buig the
pcliool children met the candidates Ad
dresses were delivered In the public
Congressional Candidate J 1. Hartm m
Senatorial Candidate PH mouth V
Snvder and other local candidates ac
companied Dr Brumbaugh on his tour
The. part will go Ilast this evening
Speaking at Bedford last night. Doctor
Brumbaugh said
'In this gooellv countv whose people I
have known, mam of whom I have
taught, and with whose eionomtc outlook
I am familiar. I wish unequivocallv to as
sure jou that I stand committed to the. I
passage of a loc il option Hw In Penn- i
pvlVanla. giving the people of the several
counties of this Stato the right to decide I
for themselves whether or not the licenses
for the sale of liquor shall be granttd In I
their count) I
"No man can speak more plalnlv on
this subject than I have and no catnli-
date, who Is honest with the people, ran
cay or do more than I hive promised to
do, and vou know me well enough to
lennix Hint it )ipn T hnvn nrnmlsprl tn dn A '
thing, I do it "
With Democrats in Control. His
Tariff Ideas Wouldn't Take.
SU.VBUnV P. (Jet 1J-V Mitchell
Palmer, Demneratir candidate for Cniteel
States Senator, left hero this morning for
a campaigning tour through L coming
County Meetings wl't be held at Jersev
Shore, Montourvllle. Muney and Mont
gomery during the dnj and in Wllllam
Bport tonight
Before an audience that tilled ever)
seat In the 12th Regiment Armory and
n crowd of several hundred persons, who
were forced to stand In the reeir of tho
liall Congressman Palmer repudiated In
vigorous terms the imputation of K
Attornej General M Hampton Todd that
he was a free trader ' and as In previous
speeches he pointed out how helpless In
a. Democratic Senate Senator Penrose
would be to bring back a high protec
tive tariff, even If he should be elected
Congressman Palmer commented upon
a Penrose Interview which appeared In
n Philadelphia newspaper before going to
the armorv to penk Inst night In his
statement Senator Penrose stated that
Senator Crow was correct In legard to
'ongresamnn Palmers attlliations with
corporations as reflected in tho l!Xi7 ses
sion of the legislature
When shown the statement. Congress
man Palmer said "I will answer Senator
Penrose In the same vvav I answered
Senator Crow His statement is false "
The Democratic candidate had the big
nudienco thorough!- with them last night.
Vance C McCormlck. candidate for
Governor, "Farmer ' A illiam T. Creaky,
candidate for lieutenant Governor. Wil
liam X McNalr candidate for Secretary
of Internal Amalrs. and two of the.
party's candidate for Congressman nt
Large, Itohert S Bright and Arthur B
Clark, were greeted with enthusiasm
when they were intioduced by Congress
man John A' Lesher, who presided De
risive laughter for Senator Penrose and
the Penrose machine In State politics con
tinually Interrupted the speakers as tha
methods of the Penrose organization
were laid txire
Answers Charge of Campaign Fund
Irregularity With Like Accusation.
NEW YOUK Oct 13 -William Sul?er
lias challenged Theodore Roosevelt to de
bate on campaign contributions political
losses and "lifts -flft graft the sale of
the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company to
the United States Steel Corporation and
the Panama Canal scandal The former
President has not replied to the challenge,
but he Is expected to sa something about
It In one of his campaign speeches In the
central part of the State toda
Sulzer's letter to the Colonel Is an
Answer to the letter's accusat'on that Sul
zer had failed to report all his campaign
contributions In 191! The former Goer
nor asks if Tamman Hall ts financing
the Roosevelt campaign.
"What have jou to say about the Har
rlraan contribution of several hundred
thousand dollars when you were a can
didate? Who got that' Who accounted
for It? Who got the money through the
Insurance companies''" These are some of
the questions Sulzer wants answered
He adds that "people who live In glass
houses should not throw stones," and ad
vises Roosevelt "to be a man or a
Says He Will Be Addition to Reform
Strength in Senate.
Concressman A Mitchell Palmer. Demo
cratic candidate for United States Sena
tor, was strongly Indorsed by William
JeanlBK Bryan Mtarday when the Secre
tary of State passed through Harriaburg
on his way to Philadelphia Bryan said
that Palmer Ii one of the reall strong
men In the Democratic party and that
he would make a valuable addition to tha
reform strength la the Senate
Accordlnr to Bryan Palmer 1 expected
to draw 4 large oU Uoux tha progressive
Would Have Them (Hve at Least One
Sermon Before Election.
Clergjmen of Pentisjlvnnla have been
urged In a letter bv Vance C McCormlck
Dtmociatlr candidate for Governor, to
consider the pioprletv of preaching at
least one sermon prior to the election on
the importan-c of Christian citizens vot
ing and seeking the vote of their neigh
bors for good government
Prefacing his letter with n statement
that he lias no desire to commit the pul
pit to partisan polities, Mr McCormlck
states that a political tampalgn should
be a period of education, and that the
rulplt Is one of the milnstnv s of pitrlot
Ism. Mr McCormlck deilaics that Un
moral Issues In this election are high,
and sivs
"The liquor Interests are devoting al
most unlimited mon v and the irsonrces
of u earefullv perfected orgnnl? itlon to
gain the defeat of Mr Palmer and mv
self because of our lifelong support of
the temperance cause
Gives Advice on the Political Situa
tion in Pennsylvania.
Sceretar of Stun Hrvan and Postmas
ter John A Thornton lit Id a polltlinl eon
feicnce shorllv before Mr Uivans de
parture for Washington, late Inst night
It was tieailv midnight when Mr Hrvnn
entered Broad street station, unnoconi
panled, and was met there bv Postmaster
Tor about 0 minutes the two niocd up
and down the plutlrrm absoibed In seri
ous discussion At Urst Mi llrviui
listened er attetitlvelv to the rcpoit of
Postmaster Tho nton on the locnl situa
tion after which, knitting his brows
henvllv Mr Bryan began to give Mr
Thotntiiii mlvlce Piom the expressiun on
Ml Brvins fnce It was evident he con
skier. (1 the sHifitiun In P. nnsvlvanln
quite si rlous as fai ns the Demounts
wen- cntieeineel However it did not put
Ml Hi van In nn bad lmnior Pen he
cheerfnllv lund'd the p.utet n '.a-cent
tip and lumped Into his 1 ping c.n
Reported He and Jnmes J. Hill Have
Contiibuted Campaign Funds.
WASHINGTON Ot t 11 -That Andrew
Carnegie Is contributing generousl to the
Demoi ratlc campaign fund was the In
formation obtained here tonight from a
source believed to be authoritative Trom
the same source It was ascertained that
Tnmts 1 HIM l also n eontrllmtoi Mr
Hill Is a close filend of Speaker Clark of
the House and Interest In the Speakers
retention of his plai e in the House was
assigned as a possible nason why Mr
Hill was contributing
Mr Cnrnesles enthusnm for the elec
tion of a Democintlc House and Seni
In No ember Is ascribed to his admiration
for President Wilsons pence polities It
will be recalled that Mr Carnegie was an
enthusiastic supporter of President W il
son s Par ima Canal tolls policy and nc
was ver much In favor of the repeal of
the e. mptlon clause In the tolls law
Mr Carnegie's contribution, It mob
stlted. were made thtough William I
Mef'ombs Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee Whether the v.ill
be set forth In the forthcoming statement
o the DemocritU Congieslonal am
palsn Committee lenialns to he seen, as
the law does not iompt-1 disclosure f
campaign contributions made to the Na
tional committees e,pt in Presidential
Republican Chairman Points Out
Three Essentials to Success.
NTW ionic. Oit 13 Asked to indicate
his polic as ilialrinan of the Bepublioan
State Committee vest.rduv. Frederick C
Tonm r summed up what he stood for an
fOllOW M
rirst a clean, effective and hard-hitting
"Second, responsible leadership, with a
liberal and allirmailve program
"Third (the final test), sincere and real
public service without which part or
ganisation fads of Its purpose '
Emphatic Denial of Brumbnugh-Fen-tose
Meeting at His Home.
Kmphatic denial of the stor circulated
recent b Washington part baders
that hotter Brumbaugh before announc
Jnr his candidal- conferred with Sen
ators Penrose and OUer in thi home of
Intiis J IColb Is mad" b Mr IColb w'iu
no is the treasun-r of the Biumbaugh
Citizens' CmimlUee
Mi Kill declared estrda h did not
ltn w personall either of the Senators i
from PHnns!vanla and that the whole
Ftory did not contain an atom of truth i
He said that although he had made a
general denial when tho storv was flrst I
circulated, there still seemed to be a '
doubt la the minds of some i
Democratic Chairman Is Asked to
Support Penrose,
Roland S Morris, Iiemotratle Sta
Cnalrman, hag received through the malls
bv some mix take lotteis ur.-lns him to
malto contributions to P.r publican cam
palgn funds One of the letters was
signed by Republican State Chairman
Crow, and in the letter It was stated
that the person to whom It was addresswl
was a candidate for olfleo Mr. Morris
declared that until he received tho let
ter he had no knowledge that he was a
i andldate
The letter points out that for business
reasons, Biumbaugh, Penrose, McClaln
and Ilouclc ore the only names which Mr
Morris can support t'pon his suppoit
of these candidates. It I stated, his busi
ness and political prosperity and happi
ness depend
Miller, of Delaware, Suspends Politi
cal Speech When Flames Threaten,
POIBR, Del Oct 11 Socretarj of
fctate Tbomaa W Miller Republican nom
inee for Congress, last night led Smjrna's
firemen when flames destroved the liven
stables attached to the Delaware House
and threatened to spread to nearby frams
Mr. Miller, who was in Smyrna address
ing a campaign meeting, responded with
the volunteer firemen, and alde4 them
in rescuing horsts and live stock from
the buildings The loss was 15.0'A
Board of Education Serves Notice on
Lessees at 1522 Arch,
In an effort to hasten construction of
Us new administration building, the Board
of Education Mrvnl not toe to vacate on
the lessees of its property at 153 Arch
street The lease expired October 1
It Is hoped to have the new building
completed by September 1, 131$ It will
be eight stories high and will face upon
the Parkway It will contain alt tho
executive offices of the school beside a.
library which Is now housed In tha Slock
Exchange Building
Dry Goods Retailers Organize,
SYRACUSE, N Y . Ocv ll-Retail dry
goods merchants from all over the btate
met here today 10 talk over plans for a
State association Th meetings were
private It Is understood that New V rk
city will not b included, as tferc 13 a I
ready a similar organisation there.
"Hands Off!" Says Mr.
Pennypacker to the Bureau
to Encourage the Happiness
of Families.
Mnriligcs, nil the good books say, are
made in heaven but If a ccitnln asso
ciation which Is nppljlng for articles of
Incorporation to the Supreme Court In New
ork ami which. If It gets them, expects
to establish branch bureaus In Phllidel
phla and other large cities, has Its way,
It s going to ho permitted to keep Its
ee on this business of the celestial king
dom to see that cerv one goes nil right
Of course marriages tna continue to
be made In the same place, but the suc
cessful outcome of thorn Is, hereafter,
going to he looked after bv this associa
tion, which calls itself tho Sooletj for
the Promotion of rnmllv Happiness
Of what nvnll Is It, nsks this organic
tlon to have jour husband's life Insured
or his health or his safety. If jou leave
out tho most important thing of all and
do tint secure n piemlum on his affec
tions? Has the first blush of romance been
brushed from vnui wedded bliss Hae
jour husband's "clet.itncd-at-tho-olTlco"
tnesnges become suspiciously frequent"
Are the Saturday night otle offerings
the flowers nnd tho cands no longer
roitheomlng? Does the pule blue blouse
which used to bring forth extrnngant
encomiums eeiv time ou wore It no
longer elicit compliment or een com
ment? In short, do ou ffel that .vour loe
sulp has gone the least hit nstra. and
would vou lllce to prevent the foundci
Ing" 'I he 11 consult the Society for the
Pinmntloti ot family Happiness, which
Is headed b no less a personage than
Judge Maer. of the fnlted States Court
In the lingunge of the vernicltlir, the
socletj's the doctor'
In an emleioi to Hue! out Just how
bndl such nil association was needed In
this citj of Brothcrl I.oe (und the othei
Kind, tuoi, n lepoite-. went to 'ntnucl W
Peun pneker, who from the wealth of
cpeilcnce which he must have gained
on the bench, nt the bar and In the guber
nattonal chair. Is considered an nuthurlt
on all these meitteis
The formei Governoi and ardent ado
cate of reform divorce laws, though Im
mersed In the accumulation of several
dujs' woik, stopped to epress IiIh dls
nppiovnl of sucli an ntgnnlritlon
He stuck his eve glasses on vigorously,
frowned across the top of them, nnd then
rapped out starplv
"Tut, tut, thero are some things tint
It lh best for outsiders to let alone and
the love nffnlrs of a man and a woman
Is one of them "
And because h rcallv wns prooked nt
the thought of 11 c old-hloodtd nssoclAtlon
daring to interfere with n matter tint Is
the eNprcss business of a certain little
blind bov who wears wings nnd not much
else he would not s-.i another word
Judge Patterson, on the contrary,
though he agreed with Mr Penn packer
that the less outside Interference the
home Is afflicted with the happier It will
be, wos pleased to put forth sumo epi
grams anent the Idea of tho newly pro
posed Societv foi the Promotion of Tamil
Happiness, and after thinking a minute
or two, he spoke
The best isort of love insurance that
un man nnd woman can take out is a
large famll. This will keep them so
bus that there will be no time left for
marital disagreements or for cults Cults
are a great detriment to conjugal felicity.
A prospective husband should think
twice before he speaks tho wurds that
will bind him, nnd th,- mosptcti,, wife
should think at least three times before
she ausw. is
A man should be Industrious, kind,
forbearing and willing to give wa to
Ids wife when reason clomnnds He .should
also turn over u good portion of his
earniii-s to her
"A woman, no mntter what her station
In life, and no mntter how many maids
she can afford to keep should give tho
running of her menage her personal at
tention No wife U ileh enough to bej
able to nfforei to neglect this
"And tlnali, luwvers would serve the
eommuiut be tti r It thev expended more
of their eneiglec on bringing dissenting
couples together instead of pushing
divorces "
Once upon a time a long while ago, a
bod of men applied for articles of incor
poration for a soclet) whose business it
was to insurp people againHt the frightful
tragedv, in their estimation, of falling in
love But this was a cynical buslnuss nnd
Philadelphia would hnve- nono of It In
sure people against falling In love'
ShadeB of Aphrodite and Eros' Of course
not The socletj was not allowed to In
curpnrate here
Tudglng from the expressions of opinion
of Mr Pennvpacker and Judge Patter
siii the new societv. whose purpose It Is
t, Insure peoplo from falling out of loe
w.U not receive a m' re cordial treatment
although its purpose Is certainly not
Bgalnst public pollcj
Part of Large Order Ready to Be
NPW YORK Oct. H Automobile
trucks of from tares to Ave tons capacity
r he-ing hurrieellv loaded aboard tho
JlritUh steamship Suruga. duo to leave
the Fabre Line pier, Rrooklyn, next Satur
da It U understood the are part of an
order for 17CO automobile trucks given to
American automobile manufacturers sev.
eral dajs beo b the British and French
governments for use in the war The
destination of the Suruga Is being with
held, but she probahlv will make a epjlck
dash across the Atlantic for a French
or English port
squad of policemen and private de-te-tlves
aro guarding the pier, and keep
ing all suspicious loouing persons away
Bernard J Rradv, Sr , a re-tired shoo
and leather dealer, died yesterday at hU
home, 1SJ3 Nortn 17th street, after a four
months' llness He was stricken with
apoplcxv Mr Brady was a member of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians He
was 78 jears old, and a native ot Ireland,
Canning Factory Burned
BORDENTOWN. X. J . Oct 13 -The
Morris canning factory at Allentown, N
J was destrojeel by fire early this morn
ing, causing a loss of I10C00 All canned
goods were saved
J Jranklin Miller
1 626 Chestnut St.
Chamois Skins
Dust Cloths
Everything for
Clean-Up Week
'The HouWuriiiBir-j Store-"
Delaware County No-License League
Holds Meeting at Norwood.
NORWOOD, Va., Oct. 13 -The Rev A.
li Lnthcm, pastor of iho Third Presby
terian Church of Chester, nnd tho Rev
Henrv S Noon, of Media, were the prin
cipal speakers nt the meeting held In the
Norwood borough schoolhousc last night,
under the auspices of tho Delaware Coun
ty No-I.lccnso League Doctor Iathem
spoke on the economic sklo of the ques
tion, pointing to the ndantagcs being de
rived bv the States that have annihilated
the liquor trnflle He expressed the belief
that the no-llccnse or local option move
ment would sw'eep through the country
from the Gulf to the Lakes this coining
election, with Ohio getting Into lino with
n large vote against- tho liquor trofllc The
addition of Ohio, he said, would glo a
sufllelcnt number of States to warrant the
ptoposetl amendment to the Constitution.
Mi Noon, the county chairman, gave
Illustrations of tho pitiable conditions
wrought b the liquor tinfllc which camo
under his pcrsotinl observation, nnd gave
statistics showing the great strides that
have been made In the battle against
the trnllic the last jenr
Nono of the part s candidates wns re
ferred to nt the meeting Onlv the Issues
weie discussed The Rev Ttov N Kelsor,
pastor of Norwood Methodist Episcopal
Church, presided
Says He Is Better Representative of
Thnt Doctrlno Thnn Penrose la.
PITTSUITRGH. Oct 1.1-QIITord Plnchot.
Progressive nominee for United States
Senator, accompanied by Lex M Mitchell,
of Punsutawncv, candidate for Con-gressnian-at-l.nrgc,
and I. A Schneider,
chili mini of the Washington Pnrty of
Allegheny Count), started out this morn
ing nt 1! 41 o clock to meet 1209 emploves
eis the were going Into the plant of the
Verona Tool AVorks nt Veronn After a
brief stop there during which Mr Plnchot
snook hands with sccin hundred men
the part proceeded to llraddock, where
many Progressive lcadeis and business
men awaited them A shoit estop to greet
the part was made and the trip wns
continued to Wllltlnsburg
Part of the morning Mr Plnehpt rested
at the home of H H Wlllock In Oakmont
Continuing the tout fiom the Wlllock
home, the Senatorial candidate wns taken
to the cnttnnio of the Westlnghouse Elcc
tilc and Manufacturing Compan, on
C ible sUeet, Inst Pittsburgh, a here he
nude his mil speech of th" da He
spoke from the tear of his automobile to
scveinl bundled workmen who stood nt
cljse attention In a drizzling rain during
the lenmrks
In part .Mr Plnchot said "1 want vou
to help me bent Penrofce I believe that
ever otcr has the right to see the can
didate he Is voting for tin suae as he
has to seo a horse or n house he Is pur
chasing "It Is not thnt I need the Job that I'm
seeking I have held one Government
Job that of Chief forester under Piesl
dent Roosevelt and for a few months
under his successor, Piesldent Tnft, who
tired mo localise 1 woulilut peimlt the
coal lands of Alaska to be turned oet to
the Giiggenhelms
"I nm a bettei protectionist than Pen
rose evei was I hellee ill a tariff com
mission to work out that e,uestloii That
Is the mils volution to the most voxatioun
problem before the American people to
da '
fter the East Pittsburgh stop, the
part was hurried to Swlssvnle, wheie
Plnchot met the eiuplojes of the Union
Switch nnd SlM1.1l Company dining theh
diniiet horn
IVorn Mure then will go to the Edgar
Thomson steel Works In Itiaddoek
Tonl'ht Mi Plnchot will attempt to ad
diess three meetings, one each in Wll
klnshurg, Hnddock and McKeesport.
Mrs Plnchot Is not with her husband
on the trip
palmer and Mccormick
greeted in lycoming
Secietaiy Wilson, of Department of
Labor, Accompanies Candidates.
ll.I.lAMSPORT Pu . Oct 13 Vance
C McCormlck, Democratic candidate for
Governor and A Mitchell Palmer, enn
illdate for fnlted States Senator, wcrt
greeted b hundieds ot railroad men and
other worker, as well its man) business ,
11 no professional me.i 11 ml farmeis. on
theli tour through I.vtoiniug Count) In 1
da and ever)wh'ie the were met with
assurnnees of suppoit on election day.
Resides Messis Palmer and McCormlck,
the "flying squadiun included Win N
McNnlr, candidate for Senetarv of In
ternal Affairs, Robert S Bright, Aitliur
M Clark and Chas K Crosby, candidate
for CotiBreismen-nt-Uirge, nnd Secretary
of Labor Wm II U ilson Wnen they ar
rived here at 11 o'clock they were Joined
by a number of Wllllnmsport Democrats
and went b) train to the Jerse) Shore
station of the Penusvlvunla Railrond and
from there vveru couv)ed by automobile
it Avis, where the New York Central
shops are located
Urief addresses were made here by
Secre tar) v llhon nnd Messrs Palmer and
McConnick nnd the cnudldatcs shook
hands with the throng of railroaders who
gathered near the shops at the noon hour
Returning to Jerte) Mioro a street
meeting was held nnd the caravan of
automobiles then returned through Wll
llamsport. going to Moiitoursvllle, Muncy
nnd Montgomer) At each of these places
khort meetings were held and the candi
dates met crowds of voters
The party will return to Wllllamsport
this evening and will be guests nt a recep
tion at the Young Men's Democratic Club
from 7 to b o'clock A mass-meeting will
be held nt the Court House tonight, at
which John J Re.ardon, candidate for
Congress In the 15th District, will preside
The Pasteur treatment will be given to
10-) ear-old George Jeffries, 1512 Warnock
stieet at the University Hospital, fol
lowing tho discoverv made toda) that a
dog which bit the child estcrday was
mad 1
our prices are extremely
moderate; and neither the
"times," nor our move to the
New Shop, has been al
lowed to "inflate" them.
Men's, $5.00 more nota
ble values than ever.
1 420 Chestnut St.
"Where only tho best Is good enoughs
Agree on Amendment for
Three-year Four Per Cent.
Bond Issue to Get Loans
for Growers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-Setifttors from
the cotton States were ready to submit
to the Senate today nn amendment to
tho war tax bill designed to aid tho cot
ton growers.
The outline of this amendment was
ngrceel to nt a conference at tho home of
Senator Hoko Smith, of Georgia. It pro
vides for an Issuo of three-year 4 per cent
bonds, the money thus raised to bo used
to mnke loans to cotton farmers on cot
ton warehouse receipts. Tho limit of the
Issue hns nil jet been determined. Tho
cotton is to bo held as Becurlty for these
loans until 1916. A tax of 1 cent a pound
on the cotton crop of IMS, to help retire
the bonds outstanding at that time, Is
pro ldcd.
Southern Senators do not tstend to fili
buster against the war tax bill to have
their amendment ndoptcd, but they will
mnke a number of speeches and demand
a vote on It.
Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, has
drawn up, nt the request of Senator Sim
mons, chairman of tho Flnanco Commit
tee, an amendment to tho proposed stamp
tax on shipments of newspapers In bun
dles The amendment proposed by Sen
ator Oliver will permit the newspapers
to make sworn statements each month
ns to tho number of packages ot news
papers shipped, and upon these state
ments to pay a tax of one cent a bundle.
The amendment also provides that no
taxes shall be paid for shipments of
newspapers to points In the same coun
try. Scnnlot Simmons has accepted the
amendment In connection with efforts for
an tnrl) adjournment
County Commissioners Announce
New Locations in Six Wnrds.
Chnnges of location ot seven' polling
places In six of the wards of the city
were announced bv the County Commis
sioners todav bs follows
In the Tenth Division of the Fourth
Ward, from ft3 Balnbildge street to 611
ISnlnbrldgc street.
In the 15th Division of the 16th Ward,
fiom the northwest corner of 15th and
Callow hill streets to 415 Notth 19th street
In (lie -Hit Division of the loth Ward,
from the northwest coiner of 23th nnd
Parrlsh streets to -SJ9 Parrlsh street.
In the i'el Division of the 3)th Waid,
from the northwest corner of Tenth niul
Jefferson streets to 1011 Jefferson stieet.
In the 27th Division of the "nth Ward,
from the southeast corner liitli street and
bnvder avenue to the northwest corner
of Mole and Jackson streets
in the Kith Division of the ISth Ward
from the northeast corner of York and
Cnrllsle streets to the southwest coiner
Hroad and Cumberland streets.
In the 2M DUIslon of the th Whrd.
from 17(0 North list street to 3MI Ox
ford street
Fatally Shot by Assassins When He
Reaches Street Corner.
NRW IORK. Oct. 13. Lured from a
eafe to a street corner by a woman. Mu'r
ia Henness). formei gangster and gun
man Is d)lng In a hospital toda) from
two bullet wounds Indicted while he etoo-1
within range of the would-be assassins
Two men. who gave the names of George
Gordon, 3510 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh,
and Arttvn Lawrence, Manhattan, aro
under arrest charged with felonious as
sault. Hennessy was In a "th avenue saloon
with the woman early today. They loft
the place together and at the corner the
woman suddenly fled An Instant laer
there were two shots. Hennessy fell with
a bullet wound In the abdomen and
another In the back
Calls for Meetings of Washington
and Democratic Candidates.
Significant calls for meetings of the
Washington and Democratic Party State
Committees at Ilarrlsburg on Friday have
been Issued, according to Information ob
tained this afternoon Backers of a gen
eral fusion plan to defeat Penrose were
much encouraged today when they learned
that the calls had been made, as Sat
urday la the last day a nwhich a can
didate may withdraw In favor of another
The Democratic call was Issued by Btate
Chairman Roland S Morris, and the
Washington party call by Stato Chairman
A. Nov in Detrich Washington party men
will not admit the possibility of Finchot
getting out of tho race in favor of Pal
mer, but it Is admitted that thero will
he fusion on 15 to 20 legislative candidates
Captfttn Colemnn Repudiates Alleged
, Now York Talk,
WASHINCITOtf, Oct. 13 -Captain 1.0
Vert Coleman today denied to the secre
tary of War that ho had Riven utterance
to the anil-German Interview attributed
to him In New York last week, publica
tion of which caused Secretary Garrison
to order nn Immediate Inquiry Into tho
According to the published Interview,
Captain Coleman, who has recently re
turned from the European theatre of war,
expressed decided views of the conduct
of the war, and strongly criticised tho
officers of the German army for tho
"atrocities" reported In press dispatches.
The officer admitted thnt he had talked
to reporters In Now York last week, hut
said he had been guarded In expressing
his Views nnd experiences
Financier, Interested in Cop
per River Line, Calls on
Secretary of Interior With
View to Avoiding Difficulties.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 -J P. Morgnn
appeared unheralded early today nt tho
Interior Department nnd was closeted
with Secretary Lnne for some time HU
visit was said tA be In the hope of Anil
ine; some solution of the complicated rnll
road situation In Alaska, which hm
Brown out of tho proposal of the United
States to build a Government-owned road
In tho territory.
The Morgans nre heavily Interested In
the existing Copper River Railroad, now
In operation between the coal fields and
the coast It parnlleM the route of the
proposed Government railroad, and com
plications are feared by the privately
owned line under the Sherman law when
the Government road Is completed.
Neither Secretary Lane nor Mr Moignn
would discuss the extent of their con
ference, which wns abandoned only be
cause the Secretarv was compelled to
go to the White Home to attend a Cab
inet meeting. It Is understood however,
thnt the New York financier hail no
definite plan to offer to the Government,
nnd thnt his visit was for the olo pur
pose of ascertaining the views of the Ad
ministration before submitting a eeucial
Tablet Made From Metal of Wrecked
Warship Unveiled.
NEW YORK. Oct 13 A t.ible, made
from metal recovered from the wreck of
the Maine In Havana llurbor. was un
veiled yesterday In MeKlnlejv Seiunr,'
Park, The Rron em a memorl'il to the
men who loot their lives in Tebruaiv,
lS A naval gun was also piesentcd to
the Park Department bv the Hut Depart
ment Mujor Charlm S Nyman as ginml
marshal, und all the v derail milium or
ganizations In The llronx wen- piesent
ut the services There wore Hoy Scouts.
G A R veterans, members of the
Vmiderbllt Woman s Relief Coips No. ".
the Sons of Veterans and a squad of
sailors from the W)omlng
Doctor Rrlggs leceived a notu fiejm a
woman living back finite a vv.i)s In th
countr) leeiue sting him to come as quick
ly ns possible to seo his child who was
very sick with 'a ver) bad cold."
The doctor examined the child and then
tinned to the mothei
"Don't )ou know, ho asked, "thnt vour
little girl Is coming down with the
"Yes, doctor." wjs the woman's leply
"I knew she was "
"Then why In the world," asked the
doctor, "did )Oii write me that ihe lind n
very bad cold"'
The woman hesitated for n moment;
then looking nt her husband, she said,
with sullen frankness
"Neither him nor me knew how to Bpell
measles." National Monthly.
s-ik'vt -s; svTT5T-?g;-Ris--??"sn?;;;y;vres
Public Service Companies all
over the country have in
stalled the L. B. " Automatic
Index ' method of filing.
Massachusetts l Connecticut! Illinois! Michi
gan I Missouri I New York! Ohio I Pennsyl
vania! Rhode Island! Wisconsin! Vermont!
In towns with less than 5000 population;
In cities of more than a million.
Gas companies; electric light companies;
telephone companies; telegraph companies,
Some of these companies bought entirely
new riling equipment cabinets, guide cards
and folders.
Others bought guide cards and folders only,
using their old cabinets.
The feature of the L. B, "Automatic Index"
that impresses them most forcefully is that it
provides an automatic check against errors
in filing. Then, too, It is wonderfully quick
quick In I quick out!
"Vertical Filing," a 64-page book, describes
it In detail. Your copy is ready,
Library Bureau
Manufacturing; dUtributore of
Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets in -wood and steel.
910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Public Service Commissions
Impose Restraints That
Threaten Reasonable Re-'
turns From Investments,
Delegates Declare.
ATLANTIC- CITY, N. J., Oct. 13
Dangcr of h complete lull In the electric
business, (In en te in d becatiso nt hln
elrnncci offered ly public utilities commis
sions throughout the country, according
to member') of the American lJlectrlc
Rnllwn) Association nnd Militated asso
ciations In session here today. Com
mittees reported that these conltoling
bodies wero setting regulations thnt
hampered the work frqm all angles nnd
thnt Investments ns a consequence were
netting' only mediocre icttirns
night per cent, earnings wero granted
numerous compnnlcs this )enr, but a
much lower gain wns reported by other
concerns tn view of tho risk nccom
panvlng tho Investment", these dividends
are considered too small. Relief will be
sought nt the end of the sessions by a
specially nppolntcd committee.
President Charles M. Ulnck, ot Knn
Prnnclsco, dwelt nt length on this prob
lem In his annual address and urgtd
nctlon by' the nssoLlntlon lie paid tho
growing country needed elcctilc service
and Improvements should be encouraged
It wns possible thnt tho commissions
were not onllrelv familiar with condi
tions, ho declared, and expressed the be
lief tint chnnges might be made It the
propel pel sous waited on the Public Ser
vice Commissions
1 I Prvor J 1 , of Philadelphia, re
ported 1111 the advisability of establishing
a.i electric ncc minting coirespondence
school for cspeclnllv trained men for the
service tils suggestion was tuken up
iuMnntlv h v mcmbeiH nnd Pioh. Folin
R Wllilninn. of the New Y01U I'niver
oltv, will control the woik This Insti
tution will have eiuaiters In Philadelphia.
New Y orl. Chicago, Cleveland and other
M V Glove 1, of Mobile, Ala presi
dent of the ccountants' Association,
urged adoption of a unlfoim s)stem of
accounts on the put of Public Senlcc
Commissions In the countrv. and an
nounced the appointment of a committee
to attend the 1 convention of the Railway
Commissioners for the purpose of Inter
esting the Public Service Commissions tn
the plan
Court Askeel to Force Election Offi
cials to Change Methods.
SYRACL'hP. X Y, Oct 1J Organized
labor throughout the St ite Is planning a
Stnte-wldr movement to force election oftl
clals throiuh the courts to prividc other
melius ihin the voting pipthines for bal
loth g tor eb lqt,ut s-nt-large to the Con.
Ht'tutlon.il convention
vs the machines now .t.ind, lnboi men
1 1 ml the will hive to vot" 11 straight
tie let em the eh lcgntes-nt-lnrgo 01 thev
will hive to wilte on u curd spnee at the
top of the machine the cntlie list of 11
delegates foi whom thev wish to vote
l.lllieu leaeleis sav this does not give
them n fair chance nnd thev want a sepn
i.'te and distinct ballot
Couit Refuses Woman's Plen for An
nulment of Mntringe.
CilltWOO. Oct l!- cleci-lnn was
handed down hcic tndiv bv the ppelliite
Court tefiislng tn vacate the divorce rie
eier granted Wlllium Ouggenhelm ftnm
Mis. Oince H Guggenhe Im
hhe had asked for the nnnulment of
theh niniriage. on the ground that It was
obtained thtough c cillut-lon
Pentose Takeb His Enemies' Measuie
Gllfoid Plnchot has neen pionouncrd
uiHiunlillecl tn vote In this Stale nnd Col
onel Roosevelt been condemned as an
"IntruMvo outsider who introduced of
fenive lioMsm nnd hlpnitlsan deils In
this Mate" bv Senator Peniose who nisi
has nnnouncecl that he will mnke his final
"clash" for re-election next Thursday
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