Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1914, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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&fter Running Battle on
Culm Bank, Police Cap
ture Men Who Figured in
SHENANDOAH, Pn., Oct. 13.-As the
result of a frcc-fof-nit fight In the saloon
ci Domlnlck Salnmlnsky, Alex Zucufsky
lies dead and Anthony Chenerccky Is In
the State Hospital, at Fountain Springs,
wltb two stab wounds In the back and
ene hand almost severed. John Chernn
iky In also a patient at the same hos
pital, wUh twoy stb wounds In the back.
About It o'clock last night Chief of
J'ollce Cnntlln, Captain of I'ollce Man
ley, Lieutenant Itlnghelser and omcer
Tempest answered, a hurried call fiom
West Cherry street. On their arrival at
the saloon they found n smalt riot In
progress, the result of an argument,
Seven men Med when tho police appeared.
Arriving" at the colliery, they turned
and fired four shott nt the policemen,
then ran up tho culm bank, closely pur
sued by the ofllcors, who called on them
to halt. Attor a chase of about a mile
tho men were captured, and are now In
tho lockup. They will be given a hearing
this ovcnlng before Squire CJIblon. Alex
Zucufsky was stabbed through the heart.
Thin morning another arrest was made
In the mines. Tho man, believed to hnve
escaped last night, went to work this
One of Accused Surrenders, Saying
He Wielded Razor in Self-defense.
A man who was found with his throat
cut at 7th and Cnllowhtll streets early
this morning Is In the Hahnemann Hos
pital In a serious condition. Four men
were arrested and nrralgncd before Mag
istrate Belcher, In the 10th and Dutton-
wood streets station, and held without
ball for a further hearing.
The men said there were William
Ttltchlc, 031 South Concstoga street; Ed
ward Fitzgerald, Kansas City; Thomas
Reagan, MnnayunU, and John Gulnaii,
of Baltimore. Gulnan came to the po
lice station after the first three men
bad been arrested by Special Policemen
Ernest and Barry and said that he be
lieved he hod cut a man's throat wtlh
n razor during a light In Franklin Square.
Special Policemen Ernest and Barry
took Illtchlc, Fitzgerald and Itcagan,
wnose clothing had blood spots on them,
to the bedsldo of Howard Schoflold, 21
years old, 2012 South 23d street, tho victim
of the attack. In the Hahnemann Hos
pital, but the man was in a dazed con
dition and unnble to Identify the men.
Cluln.in came Into the station house
this morning and said that he was at
tacked In Franklin Square by a man with
a razor. He said the man accused him
of being too friendly with his wife.
Gulnan declared that he took the razor
away from him. and in the light that
followed the man's throat was cut
Schofleld was found by Theodore Schlf
fer, a private watchman.
Plunge Forty Feet When Structure
Six men taken to the University Hos
pital last night, following the collapse of
a wooden bridge over an oil tank nt the
plant of the Gulf Refining Company, 6Sth
street and Reading Railway, were re
ported as being out of danger by the
physicians at tho hospital this morning.
When the wooden superstructure, on
which the men were working gave way
under their combined weights, they fell to
the bottom of the tank, a dlstnnce of 10
feet. Workmen, who went to their rescue,
had great trouble In reaching them, since
there Is only one entrance to the bottom
of tho tank. This entrance Is large enough
for one man to squeeze through at a
Tho six moat seriously Injured were
taken to the University Hospital. They
were Charles Traxtnn, Llnwood, Pa,, lac
erated scalp and sprains of wrist and
ankle; Charles Nlckcrson, Marcus Hook,
?; ifacture of ,eft leKi Jamea Adams,
27M Titan street, contused back and In
Juries to both feet; Louts Pierce, Marcua
Hook, body bruises and cuts about face;
Edward McMonlgal. Chester, Pa,, bruised
Hip and face; (Jeorge Reltzcl. Chester, Pa,,
contusions and cutB about face.
The men, all Iron workers, were erecting
tJi'el rooJ,?ver the big tank. The
wooden scaffold started to crack, and the
men all started for the edge of the huge
tank at once. The men were saved from
h ?i'V,e?th. hl mli ,nto s" clay
which lined the bottom of the tnnk.
THREE MONTHS $16,948.85
Returns Made to Controller by Mem
bera of "Minor Judiciary."
Fines and penalties Imposed by the
police magistrates of tho city during the
three months ending September SO
amounted to n6,818.S5, according to re
turns made to City Controller Walton to.
day. All the magistrates, excepting
Thomas w. MacFarland, made their re
turns, as follows:
Ialle Vates , ,,m.,
i.S"7Ji?nniw.v."v:. SSS
William J. Tracy.. "; Hl'.Z
wjiium h. Aicher ::::: SiVS
Tim?"" 8efnaon B22 fli)
T. Q Morrlt ::n .in
Joseph Call III". s-iiK
"n g- Wriilay ::.....'.; fmi.ia
i-n T. Pennock , 23T97S
J"Ph S. 'Boyle .....!..I!!.!.I . n?o
William T. Ilarri.......... '.'.... ..'... ima
Jam.'.' "n", ' '
Jma A. Orlgra 281 IS
William p Campbell more
John J. Orclta 3fi0.10
Application Made to Supreme Court
for Advancement of Litigation.
WASHINGTON. Oct. ll-Appllcation
for the advancement of the litigation
ever the extradition of Harry K. Thaw
from New Hampshire to New Tork wa
made before the Supreme Court this
afternoon by attorneys representing New
Vork State.
William Travers Jerome made a state
ment of the reason for a speedy decision
of the case, allesrinar that the stay of
Thaw In New Hampshire was a scandal
I to the fitate of New York.
Enrolment at Institution at
1 9th and Reed Streets
Warrants Changes, Peti
tioners Declare.
Tho Board of Education nt its meeting
today received n communication signed
by residents and property owners of the
20th and Mth Wards asking that more
Negro teachers bo appointed for Logan
School, 10th and Reed streets. About 73
per cent, of the pupils there nre Negroes.
The communication points, out that a
number of Negroes have completed the
high school nnd normal school courses and
are ready and willing to enter the teach
ing profession, for which they have quall
lled themselves. The matter was referred
to the Committee on Elcmentury Schools.
A communication from Miss Mary A.
Carruthcru requested the board to suspend
Its rules forbidding collections to be tnken
from school children, in order that 1 cent
each week might bo collected from the
rchool children to aid the American Red
Cross In relieving suffering during the
Europenn war.
The It vers Homo nnd School Associa
tion asked for a new building to relieve
congestion In the Ryors School.
' A resolution from the Philadelphia
Tenchers Association expressed thanks
for the action of thn board In not deduct
ing from the salaries of teachers detained
abroad by the outbrcnk of tho European
Tho following have been elected teach
ers by the Elementary School Committee:
Grade Gcorglnna White.
Sewing Margaret H. Russell, Leah
Kindergarten Pearl M. Wcstcott, Alma
E. Schock, Mildred M. Sccler, Trances
S. Heinltsli, Katharine McK. Turner,
Eleanor McNulty, Anna Elssler, Mary
G. Magee, Bertha G. Stansbury.
Cooking Dorothy Boswell.
Shop Work Clnrenco D. Cornell, Percy
C. Bellleld, Albert II. Hendren, Samuel
O. Christine.
Improvements to various schools was
reported by Superintendent of Buildings
J. Horace Cook as follows:
The Henry C. Lea Building, at 17th and
Locust streets, will possibly be ready for
occupancy In the course of a week. Tim
iirst lloor and basement art! nearly com
pleted, the third lloor Is plastered and
the finish has been started.
The roof Is being placed on the wings
to the James Rhoads Building, 49th nnd
Parrlslt streets.
Tho wings to the Bridcsburg building,
Richmond and Jenks streets, nre very
nearly completed.
Tho Gnrmantown High School building
is up to tho level of tho first floor.
The contractors have started to lay tho
foundations for the addition to the
Southern High School.
Magistrate's Act Gives G5 Cents a
Day to Woman Neglected.
Feeling that Mrs. Joseph Helverson, of
912 Arlaona street, would be better pro
vided for If her husband were in Jail.
Magistrate Morris, at a hearing In the
26th and York streets police station, sen
tenced the man tq a three months' lm
pilsoument. Helverson, arrested on a charge of dis
orderly conduct was recognized aa an old
offender. When he admitted he was not
supporting his wife, the Magistrate said
Mrs. Helverson would at least benefit by
the 65 cents a day provided for women
whose husbands fail to support them, If
her husband were sentenced.
Fatal Accident Occurred as Mother
Looks for Medicine,
Two-year-old Hilda Wharton, of 23U
Oakdale street. Is dead In the Women's
Homeopathic Hospital, as a result of In
juries received when she fell from a table
on which she had been placed by her
Mrs. Wharton had left her child on the
table while she searched for medicine to
administer for a alight cold. When she
returned the baby was lying unconscious
on the floor.
The mother rushed her daughter to the
hospital, where It was said the infant
suffered concussion of the brain.
Two Men, One of Whom Pleaded
Guilty, Sent to Jail.
Thomas Sharp, who pleaded guilty to
the larceny of a pocketbook containing
115 from the dresser of George Morrison,
of 3410 North 2d street, was sentenced to
10 month In the county prison by Judge
Little In Quarter Sessions Court.
After a Jury returned a verdict con
victing Edward Digler of stealing the
pocketbook of Drefus Tabacos, Judge
Little sentenced the defendant to one
year In the county prison.
Mrs. Dora Bor, 85 years old, of 306 Mif
flin street, slipped and fell down the
cellar stairs at her home this morning and
sustained a probable fracture of the skulL
The woman was taken to the Mt, SlnaJ
I Hospital. Her condition Is serious. .
Wniter Substitutes Frying Pan When
He Finds Cartridges Are Blanks.
A little business misunderstanding be
tween John Robert Jenkins nnd George
Howard BrlggH developed today when the
former started to "shoot up" tho Intter'a
cufe, at 513 Sotith 17th street. Both men
are Negroes'. Jpnklns wns employed as n
wnltcr by Brlggs, nnd, according to
Briggs, he used to help himself to left
over roast chicken, pigs' feet and pork
Brlggs discharged Jenkins and says he
then received threatening letters from the
ox-walter. He ndmltted owing Jenkins
money, but said what the latter took out
of tho refrigerator at night "more than
amplified any financial deficiency."
Jenkins called with n revolver. Brlggs
Jumped under a table at the first few
shotc, but Jenkins pulled him out and
shot him In the back. But Brlggs didn't
drop dead. He simply stared at Jenkins
and looked amazed. Then it dawned upon
Jenkins that he was using blank cart
ridge.". He threw the revolver away and
pirked up a frying pan.
After he had smashed enough things to
gratify his temper, ho was arrested by
Policeman Borton, of the 12th and Pine
streets station. Magistrate Haggerty held
Jenkins In J5C0 hall for court.
Charged With Buying Goods Alleged
to Have Been Stolen.
Milk alleged to have been stolen from
the Pennsylvania Railroad freight sta
tion at 31st and Chestnut streets led
to the arrest of Howard J. Mowrcr nnd
Leonard F. Robb, West Philadelphia
milk dealers, on a charge of receiving
stolen goods.
According to the police, Mowrcr ad
mits buying tho milk from Wlllard Ward
and Roland Smith, who were previously
charged with tho thefts, and reselling
It to Robb. All were held under $009
ball this morning by Magistrate Boyle
In the 39th street
and Lancaster avo-
nuo police station.
Police Think Prisoner Is
Wanted for Slick Thefts.
Charles Kraup, 15th and Cumberland
streets, wns held In 11S0O ball for court
today by Magistrate Emcly at the Park
and Lehigh avenues station on sovcral
charges of larceny.
Kraup was arrested on a charge pre
ferred by Mrs. Louise Curnock, 2157 Norta
Park avenue, who said he came to her
home for a room, and when she went to
answer the door bell tried to steal some
Jewelry. The police say Kraup has been
working this game for a year, getting
rid of the stolen property by exchanges
with Jewelers.
Boston police have been asked to keep
a lookout around Fenway Park today for
K-year-old Myron Sperlln. of 3201 Colum
bia avenue, who disappeared from his
homo last Friday, and Is believed to have
gone to Boston on a freight train to see
the world's series games.
The boy ran away to eecape punish
ment from his mother for disobedience
and failed to return. His father, Her
man Sperlln. thinks the lad went to
The Young Men's Christian Association
School for Training for Leadership has
opened in the Central Branch with an en
rolment of 60 men George W. Braden,
director of the school, announces that he
expects the enrolment to reach 200 with
in a few weeks The school offers in
struction In child pschology, pedagogy,
story telling, physical training, social
welfare work, folk dancing and singing
games, pageants and festivals.
r r
We ha a variety of bracelets made of
quarter sold stock. They will jive bet.
ter senlc than low-price goll brace
lets. . Neat deslSBs, 15.00 to flOOO.
Market at 18th St.
Will Attend Nineteenth Annual
Meeting of State Federation.
Many Philadelphia clubwomen left the
city today for Pittsburgh to attend the
19th annual meeting of the State Federa
tion of Pennsylvania, which opens to
night with an address by Mrs. Percy V.
Pennypnckcr, of Texns, president of thu
General Federation of Women's Clubs,
who was recently entertained In this
city by tho Phllomuslnn Club,
Chief among the topics to be consid
ered is suffrage, and it Is expected that
opposition to those who favor tho en
franchisement of women will bo strong.
Tomorrow will be devoted to sociological
questions, while tho liquor question will
bo discussed at a later date by Dr. Sam
uel E. Gill, of Pittsburgh.
Among tho Phlladelphlans who will be
present nre Mrs. Rudolph Blankcnburg,
Mrs H. S. Prentice Nichols, Miss
Mary H. Ingram, Mrs. F. Miles Day,
Mrs. Charles Z. Klauder, Mrs. Marshall
13. Smith, Miss Ruth Potter, Miss Mary
J Hopper, Miss Ella Robb, Miss Mary
Breed, Mrs. Benjamin F. RIchnrdson,
Mrs. William Levorctt. Mrs. George W.
Plersol, Miss Anna H. Markley, Mrs.
Horace H. Burrell and Mrs. J. Howard
Arrested After Alleged Assault on
14-yenf-old Girl.
A chnrgo of assault and battery led
to the arrest of William Futsch. IB years
old, of 1219 North Burns street. Ho was
held under ?5C0 ball today for further
hearing by Magistrate Morris.
Jt Is alleged thnt Futsch was the leader
of six boys who attacked 11-year-old
Marie Hallagan at her home, 1822 Mont
gomery avenue, last night.
The girl and her brortier, Timothy, who
Is IB veaia old, had been left nt homo
by their parents. When the girl was
attacked her hi other rushed to her aid,
but was unable to drive off her as
sailants, A neighbor, Fred P. Marx,
heard tho girl's cries and summoned
Pollcomnn Znngle. of the 20th nnd Berks
streets station, who arrested Futsch. The
other boys escaped, but It is said that
their identity is known and that arrests
will be made today.
Leaves Germnntown Church to Ac
cept Pastorate at Reading.
After llvo years' pastorate In tho First
Congregational Chinch, Germnntown, tho
Rev. Edwin II. Romlg has resigned to
become pastor of St. Andrew's Reformed
Church, Rending. He will succeed the
Rev. Dr. II. H. Ranck, who left Reading
to nssuino chargo of a Jarge Reformed
Church In Washington. D. C.
The Rev. Mr. Romlg Is a native of
Reading nnd received his theological
training In the Reformed Seminary in
Lancaster. Pa.
People of good taste
Realize the Im
of good illumination combined with
artistic fixtures. Our long experience
enables us to give you this result at
moderate cost.
The Horn & Brannen
Mfg. Co.
Retail Showrooms
427-433 N. Broad St.
1 l
First of n Long Series for School
I Children.
The first of n long series of lectures for
I public school children was given this
afternoon In the Commercial Museums,
I 31th nnd Spruce streets, and from now un
1 til Christmas almost every nftcrnoon
! classes of pupils from schools In every
section of the city will have nn oppor
tunity to hear lecturers of note discuss
geographical subjects.
For eight years the Commercial Mus
eums have been visited dally by school
children, nnd this year their teachers nre
making more lequcsls than ever for dates
when they can bring their classes to the
This nftcrnoon pupils of the Samuel F.
B. Morse School, Morris street below
2d, visited the museums and heard nn
Illustrated lecture on "The United States."
Colored lantern slides nnd motion pictures
were used to Impress the nudience with
the magnitude nnd beauties of this
Tho Commercial Museums are regarded
by the public schools as an indispensable
laboratory for tho study of geography.
Collections from foreign countries found
In tho West Philadelphia Institution nre
far more complete nnd extensive than
may be found In any part of the world.
They show the products of people of
foreign lands, not from a historic stand
point, but In the light of modern condi
tions The schedule for the next two weeks Is
as follows:
WVdncailn). October 14
Nntlmnl.il Ilnwthnrnn School, 12th and Fltz
water streets. "India."
Thura.lay, October l."
Martha 'Wn'hlnBtnn School, 44th and Aspen
utrceu, "The Rhine."
Thomas Uunliip School, 51st and lt.ico
(itrcotK. "Tho Ithlne."
frlilay, October 10
Aloxiindar Henry School. Taul and Unity
streets. "Trannortntlon."
Jfondaj. October 10
Friends' School. "Panama."
Tneaday, October 1!
Thomaa Dunlap School, Slst and Haco streets,
WednesJay. October 21
(Jeorgo w. Vauchan School, Marlborough and
Thompson streets, "Africa."
Thomas Dunlap School, 51st and Race
Mtrcots, "Africa."
Thnrsdij. October 22
Janica a. Hlnlnn School, 30th and Xorrla
Btroets. ".North Africa.'1
Friday. October 2S
Henry W.Lnn ton. Benner nnd Ditman
streets. "South Africa."
Plea Made to Government by Cham
ber of Commerce Committee.
An appeal to the Government for the
establishment of banking Institutions In
vnrlous ports of South America has been
mnde by the Chamber of Commerce Com
mittee on the Improvement of tho Manu
facturing nnd Mercantile Interests. In n
circular It points out that during the
Europenn war Is the time for the United
Stnt03 to gain trading prestige in tho
Smith. It Is also shown that when Eng
land and Germany gained the trade banks
were established by those countries that
traders might have six months' credit
Pebeco Saves
Tooth Enamel
A score of dentifrices can
clean teeth. That is easj
But how about saving teeth?
This is the final test of a real
Tooth Paste
saves teeth by overcoming
"Acid-Mcjuth.M Because
Pebeco protectstooth-enamel
from the attacks of "Acid
Mouth" it gives Pebeco users
the best chance in the world
to keep their teeth for life.
"In the 25 yean I have
been practicing medi
cine, great strides have
been made in the scicn.
i tific care of the teeth.
Without a doubt the
biggest tep forward is
neutralizing the effect of
mouth acidi. That's why
I use and recommend
Jmy patients to use
The undisguised taste of
Pebeco is vastly superior to
a flavor of mere honeyed
Pebeco costs more. Comes
in extra-large tubes. Use one
third of a brushful only.
Manufactured by
LEHN & FINK, New York
Cuiiiia O&ai
1 and J St. Helen Street Montreal
S V. If
13, 1914,
Especially Interesting Are the Iiatest
Devices to Domesticate Electricity.
To those who are Interested In the latest
conceits In hardwnre Implements, whether
they be for household, workshop or
'(tore puiposes, n ' Islt to the first annual
exhibition of the nlladelphln Hardware
Association which Is holding forth oveiy
li'lcrnoon and evening up until October
7 In the Parkway building, Broad and
hory streets, Is well worth while.
T!ip exhibition Includes everything In
.he hardware line all the way from the
most recently devised tack tip to the
last thing In lawn mowers and blcyelei.
And no better Idea of the manner In
which electricity has been domesticated
could be t'btnlncd than from seeing Just
how ninny little labor saving devices for
the home are dependant upon this power
for their operation.
Seventy-two exhibitors, most or wiiom
ippresent Philadelphia dealers and manu
facturers, are ghowlnp their wares. The
booths are attractively decorated and il
luminated nt nlRht. The committee In
charge of the aranfiemimtB Includes K. 0.
Ooodwln. chairman; T. ('. Wlltncr, secre
tary, and H. ". Wilkinson, treasurer
Had Hoped to End Long Service
When Present Administration Ends.
I CleoiKO W. Thompson, senior captain
of the Philadelphia police force, Is dan-
I Kerously III nt his home, 1WJ Morris
street, ns the result of nn attack of
stomach trouble. Tho cnptnln has n
thiee months' leave of absence, and If
he has not recovered nt the end of that
period may decide to rpslRn.
Cnptnln Thompson's recoid Is unique In
the police services In thnt h never
served below the rank of lieutenant. He
wns appointed to tho force April 14, 1SSI.
nnd Immediately made ii lieutenant owlntr
to his Civil War record.
He took part In many naval entiaec
ments, servlnjr under Admiral FarraKUt.
He worked up In the navy from the ranks
to tho position of petty oillccr. After
bcinB on tho police force 10 years he wns
made a captain. For some years ho hnd
churse of the 5th I'ollce Division In West
Philadelphia, and later he wns trans
ferred to the 1st Division downtown.
Cnptnln Thompson had been on the
rolnt of retiring several times beforo the
present administration took olllee. Since
then, he has frequently told friends that
he intended to remain on the force until
tho end of Mnyor Uiankenburg's term and
Ho out with tho administration.
Explosion Sets Clothes on Fire, Caus
ing Her Death.
A desire to Hnd relief from toothache
resulted in denth today for 13-year-old
lilsle Sayers, of S10 Pine street, Camden.
After suffering pain for muny hours, tho
Klrl lighted a lamp and went downstairs
for medicine. On the way down she trip
pod over her nightgown and fell headlong
to the fli st lloor. The lamp exploded, imd
she wns soon enveloped In flames. The
girl's parents heard her shouts, nnd did
all In their power to save her.
She wns tnken to the Cooper Hospital
nnd died shortly after ndmittunce.
The exploding lamp caused a tire, which
was extinguished after doing alight dam
Policeman Produces Blackjack When
Seaman Wrests Away His Club.
Thomas Martin, a snilor on the steam
ship Alabama, was held In S'J0 bail for
court today in the Front and Master
streets station, on a charge of attacking
a policeman and Mrs. Winifred Adams,
120S Hope street. Martin went to the
Hope strcf.t address immediately after
the Alabama touched at Marcus Hook.
Ho declared that ho had left his sea
kit with Thomas Adams, husband of Mrs.
Adams, and wanted to search the house.
.Mrs. Adams refused to permit this until
her husband returned. Her husband Is In
South America on a voyago. Martin then
grasped ner by the throat, according to
her testimony, and she summoned Pn
llceman Falls. After Martin had taki n
away tho bluccoat's club. Falls got I1I3
blackjack into play and the sailor sur
rendered. Perry's
'Art is
Says a
It means the ability to
pick out the right thing, the
beautiful, from the mass of
the common-place! It's our
At Perry's
We believe we have fol
lowed it in the designing
and modeling of these hand
some new Fall and Winter
Suits and Overcoats
At Perry's
We have given them a
grace and a character which
lift them above the ruck of
mere clothing
At Perry's
Look at them today!
Come in and put on a few
and see their difference and
distinction $12, $15, $18,
At Perry's
Perry & Co., -n. b. t."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
Questions Vital to Prosperity
of City, State and Nation
Discussed by Speakers Be
fore Federation.
PiTTKnunail. Oct. J.T-Questlons of
vitnl Interest to the home, the State, the
nation nnd to women In particular were
discussed today at the nineteenth nnnunt
meeting of the State Federation of Penn
sylvania Women, which opened In the
Soldiers nnd Snllors' Memorlnl Hull. Tho
events of yesterday were merely Inci
dental to the formal opening of the
business Besslons this morning
Mrp. Samuel Semple, of Tltusvllle,
State president. ns In the chair when
the meeting was called to order. Mrs,
Hobert D. Coard, vice president of the
southwestern illstilct of the State Fed
eration, delivered nn nddiess of welcome,
ns did Assistant City Solicitor 11. M.
lions for tho city. Tho responfo wns by
Mis. Semple on behalf of the State Fed
eration. Mrs. Semple In her response snld thero
were two classes of people, those who
lift nnd those who lean. The spirit of
Pittsburgh was "not to knock, but to
boost," nnd Pittsburgh's aim uns to lift
nnd not to lean. She thnnked the various
orgatilratlons for their co-operation At
the conclusion of her udtlress she asked
the women to remove ihclr hats and ,all
the fancy fall millinery was removed.
Mrs. (!. tV. Coblentz. of Clarion, record
ing secretary, lead the minutes of tha
last meeting.
Dr. S. B. McCormlck, chancellor of the
t'nlverslty of Pittsburgh, in nn nddrcss
to the federation, said:
"The form of service of clubwomen to
day Includes the domestic life of the com
cunlty nnd the cultuial life. Any as
sumption that women's participation In
the nffalrs of the world will Injure tho
home Is a false assumption, and It la
the business of women to remedy any
belief of that kind. Tho homo Is the
economic institution, nnd It Is Important
for the women to make tho home nn
economic factor. If social conditions are
to be made wlint they should be, men
and women must co-operate In remedying
the condition.
"When women learn thnt men are as
good as themselves, and when men learn
that women are their equals, then this
great State will take its foremost place
in ninny ways, as It already has In sorno
days in tho sisterhood of States."
Wills Admitted to Probate Leave
Money to Churches nnd Hospital.
Hequests of IXiO to the Methodist Hos
pital nnd (2W to the eighteenth Street
Methodist llplseopal Church are con
tained In the will of ICllznbeth Wray, who
died In the Polyclinic Hospital. The es
tate amounts to U200, and the residue Is
given to relatives.
Tho will of Anna Dugan. IK Cotton
fctreet, whose estate amounts to $ 1 3f 0. In
cludes bequests of $100 to the Purgatorial
Socletv of St. Peter's Roman Catholic
Church; $73 to the Altar Socletv of tha
Church of St. John the Baptist Mnna-
yunk. and S3 to the Philadelphia. ESep-i.
logical Seminary.
The 11.030 estate of Joseph Wotlz, 2113
Turner street, Is distributed In prlvnto
bequests, excepting a $100 gift to the con
gregation of Ilodef Shnlom for tho Me
morial Fund.
Other wills admitted to probate today
are those of Klinnur C. Mnrozzl, 4G17
Klngi-esslns nvnue, whose estate
amounted to fHWi, aim Henry W. Knee
moeller, 1531 Moore street, JIT00.
A dash of speed, a pull up a
long hill, a steady plugging
throtrgh the heavy road, a quiet
gliding through the crowded city
streets these varying require
ments are all alike to the 1915
Chalmers "Light Six".
It's ready for any of them and
it does them all equally well "on
AD "toce" are more flexible than
"four". But the Chalmers "Light
Six" built complete in tha
Chalmers shops has a range
of ipeed and power unequalled b
other can of the tame rated horse
power. This peat car will vralk along at
two miles per hour without the tight
est motor-neaitation. And then in
1 0 teconds, with just a touch of tho
accelerator, you can reach 25 miles
an hour. Chalmers engineers design
it and Chahners-tiained men build it to
do things at which other cars falter,
You can ttart on high from a
standing position. You can weave
your way through traffic without touch
ing the gear lever. You can do a
score of things that the Chalmers "Real
Test" Ride will prove.
Please come and try it
1915 "Light Six", $1650
1915 "Ma.ter Six", 2400
Quality Firtt
252-254 N. Broad Street