Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Reported Fall of Antwerp,
Bankers Say, Sets Back
Date of Exchange Reopen
ing Trading Not Active.
N'cws of the Gorman occupation of Ant
werp Had in unfavorable Influcnco (in
both private mid public traillmr In Stock
Uxchmwe nnd financial clicks todny, and
sentiment showed a subxtnntlnl degree of
depression over this event, This cIuiuko
was most marked In Urn dealings In con
tinental pxc1ifim?e. Itclchsmarks which,
nt the end of Inst. week wcro offered nt
r'4 without n nenrby bid, were today In
demnnd nt 62(4, the offerings by foreign
bankers lmvlnR been withdrawn, nnd
there wns mi nbsenco of supply of Dutch
vVlieat on the Chicago Hoard of Trade
tuis also Btronff, May option' moving up
over 1 cent and fractional gains were
made In corn and oats.
Tho demand for short term notes which
was tho most invorai-io feature uurinrf
the past weolt flattened out, nnd there
was also a cessation of buying of long
time listed bonds.
Most of thd dealings In bonds has for
Dome time been In the listed bonds, sales
on some days through tho clenrlng Iioukt
amounting to nbout JS00.0CO, or nbout one
third the normal volume. Now York city
now loan Issues were also easy, tho 1017
bonds which on Saturday sold hb high u&
lam yielding to 1M.
Jt was general comment that the loss
of Antworp had set back the probabto
dato of the reopening of tho Now York
Stock Exchange. There was a fairly
largo gathering of members on tho floor
of the exchange, constituting what the
brokers called a "clearing house .of
Iilfns," and some of tho views expressed
In that gathering were of an Insurgent
One proposed schema was that tho ox
change should open for two hours dally
for cash trading, nnd n few of the mem
bers advanced tho Idea that the matter
of resumption of business should be token
out of the hands of tho governing com
mittee. Those suggestions wore ridiculed
by tho majority of those joining In tho
discussion, who Insisted that tho gov
ernors wore working for tho best Inter
ests of all, nnd thera Is little doubt that
nine of ten members of the exchange
approve all steps so for tnken by that
Prices In tho trading group on New
street were nt lower levels, with somo
pressure against Southern Pacific and
free offerings of United States Steel at
about the lowest prfces so far reached in
these outside dealings.
Business in stocks and bonds, listed nnd
unlisted, was reported as fnlrly brisk In
this city today, after the three-day holi
day. The business was chiefly In short
term bonds nnd equipment trusts, as was
tho case during last week. In the stocks,
Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley, Philadel
phia Hlectrlc and United Gas Impiove
ment predominated. These stocks have
been traded In more than nny others for
tho last ten days.'
Banks are again getting back Into tho
market for securities. This wns noted
the latter part of last week, but this
week It Is more pronounced, 'brokers say.
Thus far tho Issues asked for by tho
banks are Pennsylvania convertible 3Vs
of 1015 and New York city notes. Tho
former sold lu thN city today for flTTi, up
K from the last previous sale. Theie is
no demand for local traction issues. The
banks making the majority of the In
quiries and doing the larger part of tho
business are country Institutions,
Another Indication of the better feeling
that is every day becoming more appar
ent Is the eating up of the money market,
principally in commercial paper, being
tho only brnneh in which any business
Is done to nny largo extent. Call loans
are only made, generally, to brokers
when their time loans huvo expired and
they desire to renew.
Good name commercial paper, with ma
turities of four and Ave months, has
changed hands this week as low as 6',i
per cent. Last week paper bearing tho
same names brought 7 por cent, and In
some cases 7',i per cent., tho former fig
ure being the one at which the most
business was done, however. Inquiries
aro being received daily from country
banks, who deslro to buy paper.
Opinions aro advanced In banking cir
cles that the New York bank statement
on Saturday will show a surplus Instead
of a deficit, ns has been the case slnco
the outbreak of hostilities nbroad. Last
week tho deficit was cut down 10.1S3.a.
leaving a deficit of $7,701,330. The pre
vious week the Item was reduced
Cash has been (lowing from tho In
terior Into New York and this week tho
movement Is continuing. This is what
lends bankers to believe that the banks
will regain their surplus. If this is douo
It will be the first week since tho Kuro
pcan war bcsan that they havo had a
Developments In Europe Favor Heavy
CHICAGO, Oct. 13.-Offorlng3 of wheat
this morning were smatJ ,nd the market
was flim. There was moderftto buying
by n few commission houses. Tho re
ceipts at spring wheat points showed a
further falling bff, which gnve promise
of a let-up In the hugo pressure, while
developments In Europe were In favor of
heavy requirements. Wheat nt Tnrls was
lc. higher and flour lie. up.
No quotations for futures were posted
nt Liverpool today, but spot wheat
showed an advance of Id. to a decline
of d.
Corn was stronger on wet weather and
lack of offerings. There was scattered
purchasing by commission houses,
Oats wero firmer with the other grains.
Offerings wero light.
i,MiM-ifr rutitres ranged ns follows
low. cioe.
rTuien. Itleii.
i inu i. mi- 11(11: Inn;
May I.1H l.ltP l.IDU 1.1BS
. Corn (nan delliery
December 1)75;
Dcccmbcr ..,.,
Novcmtie" .....
Jnnuars "llld. (Asked.
01 'i
. 0.0.1
..18. SO
18 BO
.... 10 05
0.ST 0 07
.... (o.ns-i
.... 'lO.R!
o.cr, o so
1S.07 tl8.07
SAVE $38,000,000
Director Taylor Says Time
Saved, Capitalized at 5
Per Cent., Would Net
This Sum Yearly.
ciulwoo, Oct. in noos-ncci)ti, bo.ooo.
weak. Ilecvos, 0.7.tfi10.R.; cows nnd heifers,
W..VIW9.40; Mockers and feeders, $.1.7MiK.in,
Texans, J7.40f(8.80; calves, lO.COflill.'Sl.
HHKnP Hecplpls, 4..Ofln. Markets steady.
Native, and "Western, J.I.V'.ViT.'.OO: lambs, $.i.o
United States Circuit Court Judgo
Adams, sitting In St. Louis. hnB ordered
tho receiver of the Wabash Itallroad to
apply to tho Interstate Commerce Com
mission nnd to tho various Stnto public
servlco commissions for authority to In
crease freight and passenger rates.
Poforc tho consolidation of tho New
York Central and 7,ako Shore can bo con
summated the nuthorlty of several State
commissions In western States Is ncccs
snry, nnd It Is tho belief that the fnvor
able action of tho New York commission
will lend other commissions tn take
similar action. Nothing can bo done
toward carrying tho plan out until per
mission has been obtained from the com
missions. Tho Supromo Court of Michigan has
upheld tho right of tho Michigan Itallroad
Commission to fix tho time when de
murrage charges on Intrastate shipments
shnll begin and the regulation of the
A reduction of 8H cents per 100 pounds
has been made In tho rail rato on fir lum
ber from mills on tho Pacific coast to
nearly all common point territory in
Texas. Tho now rate Is 6254 cents per
100 pounds.
Tho Illinois Public Utilities Commission
has authorized the Illinois Central to Is
sue J13.318.100 Joint refunding 5 per cent,
bonds to refund money spent In tho pur
chase of the Chicago, St. Louis and New
Orleans Itallroad.
Director A. Merrltt Taylor, of the de
partment of City Transit, has figured that
one of the ble assets that would follow
Inauguration of nn Improved transit
system In this city, such as Is now
planned In the proposed agreement bo
tween the municipality and tho FhlladoU
phla Hnpld Transit Company, would be
a saving of time to car-rldcrs here, which,
capitalized on a basis of 15 cents an hour
nt G per cent., would amount to 138,000.000
a year.
"Tho program, ns a whole," says Di
rector Taylor, lu an article in this week's
Electric Hallway Journal, "assures to tho
people of Philadelphia a splendid modern
rapid trnnslt system, operated- In con
Junction with the existing lines ns one
crent unit. In n manner which will ren
der the public the greatest service nt a
minimum reasonable Cost.
"It provides that the city Is to own
tho new facilities' and all their future net
earnings excepting such reasonable pay
ments as are nllowed tho operator, Includ
ing G per cent, on tho operator's Invest
ment. "It assures to the city and tho people
the added prosperity nnd comfort which
every such great constructive ontcrprlso
and added convenience brings; tho cost
will bo slight, and furthermore tho cost
will bo more than completely ana gonor
ously offset by tho 1-mlll tax on personal
property which has been turned over by
tho State to the city as a practical sub
sidy tn the aid of transit development, by
the groat lncrcnso In property Values and
therefore In tax returns which will accrue
to tho city treasury, and by tho cancella
tion of the present exchange ticket chnrge
on tho public of $500,000 per annum, which
amount would have Increased from year
to year.
"The Indirect advantages must not he
overlooked. Present nnd over-Increasing
congestion will be eliminated. Tho city's
growtli will be accelerated. Tho effi
ciency of tho population will bo increased
by tlmo saved, whicli capitalized on tho
basis of 15 cents per hour nt 5 per cent,
would amount to upwards of jlS.OOO.OOO.
The city's nreas avallablo for develop
ment will be so enlarged ns to mnke com
fortable nnd economical homes readily
available to all, and undue congestion of
population will bo prevented,
"There has been a great world-wldo
awakening to tho view that comuuinttles
must collectively, for the good of all.
undertuke wider spheres of service, and
that tho community itself should retain,
to a greater degree, the unearned Incre
ment In vnlues which Is created by the
concentration of its own population and
by lt own activities. In Philadelphia
there is nn undoubted urgent need for ad
ditional and better transportation facili
ties. Prlvato Interests cannot handle this
proposition without municipal aid. No
one can reasonably doubt that the com
prehensive transportation system propos
ed will. In time, develop amplo direct
earning capacity, not only to carry Itself,
but actually to relieve taxation for other
. ' " "
Presi'dent of the Corn Exchange
National Bank, of this city, who will
become a member of the Council of
Administration of the American Bank
ers' Association, now in session at
Richmond, Va. Another Philadelphia
banker Wiliam A. Law, vice presi
dent of the First National Bank is
expected to be made president of the
Neighborhood of 15th and
Arch Streets Displays Ups
and Downs in Assessments
and Business Worth.
101 1. Decrea.e.
Ausu.t gross ti.fW.MS j)lOfMM
Vet after taxes I ISIilsa no.M.0
Two months.' groan .. .. 7,'.'tll,tCt -to.",!"'
Net after taxes . . .. s.oSS U.VJ 3.'! 1,7:3
Flrt week October. . . .V-'T:.i. $.72.00rt
From July 1 . . . .!., 7(.0T'J 3.32-.U"Q
First week October. .. JI.lli.'U'.'- -M5.;HS
From July 1 lS,:Si..7M SS.1.101
Year ended June r.0
Total operating revenue $i;0..-m.1.r-!)7 "l.ffl 1.207
Net . . , IK.iirt-VW-' l.S'fl.oU
Surplus i.',Ol7.777 l.US-MST
August total oner. rev... :.,.(Vn,7.'7 J77..12.1
Net 1,01.1,5111 130.747
From July 1 op. rev ... M!!,7in 222.011
Net l.DJT.MI 2i.0,l2l
First week October.. .. fXiri.hHO $11,700
From July I D.III.-..MO OSS,300
Lumbermen In this city wero notified
officially today that the Xatlon.il Lumber
Manufacturers' Association, at a meet
ing In Chlcngo, decided to establish a
new department of Interlnsurance, to
which members of the organization
throughout the country will bo asked to
The Rank of England bought 20,000
In gold bars and 43.000 In United States
gold ;o!n.
Tho Ifpuo of J1.000 000 5 per cent, five
year notes of the Provinco of Ontario,
dated October 1, nre going well, accord
ing to reports from Montreal, where tho
loan Is being handled by broherago
3.11, IUS
First week 6cfobcr
rom July I.
missoi-ri pacific.
rst wtek October.. .. H.lWifMiO
J roni July 1 lil,il(i,77l
The output of gold In the United States
last year was 1.203.TSI tine ounces, valued
at fSS.SS4.400. a decrease of HGOO.OOO, ac.
(.ordlng to the Geological Survey and the
Mint Bureau. Silver produced was 66,501,
(00 fine ounces, valued at $10,319,100. The
output decreased nearly 3,500,0CO ounces.
California, led In gold production, while
Nevada led in silver output.
Oct 13 The Senule of Nicaragua has de
clared a moratorium The measure is now
before the House of Representatives.
rnpUs Ca. Ught aud Coke Company.
r-guUr quarterly 2 per cent. paabl Notem
.' '?' of rtord Not ember 9
. lon)lWatel Ice Company of I'ltt-burgh. rci
EI a? ef,J' X''i v" ctni P-,,Mo --
,?'",1''. Mining Compim ri-gv'ar Quar
L. Ii-l ' 7 "'l"- ra a !- De enib-.r 10
Tho underwriting syndicate whicli han
dled the New York Central refunding
and Improvement mortgage, series "A"
4'i per cent, bonds, duo 2013, aro offer
ing the unsold balance of about $8,000,000
at S0V4 and interest, yielding 5.03 per cent.
The original price of tho first block of
$40 000,000 In April was DS; on a yield
basis of 4.70 per cent.
The plant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass
Company, nt Sandusky, O., has been re
opened, n wnge scalo providing for an In
crease of G per cent, having been agreed
on. Men were thrown out of employment
at the plant last spring.
Tho output of the Rand Mlne, in Sep
tember, was 702,170 fine ounces, valued at
2,952,630. This compares with on output
of "11,917 fine ounces, valued at 3,021,037
In August and with 72S.OK line ounces,
valued at 2.999,6S8 a year ago.
A sale of International Mercantile
Marine 4,.j.s., on which interest was
passed on October 1, wns reported In
this city today ns having been made In
Now York at 29. This compares with tho
closing price of 43.
The gross earnings of the Keystone
Telephone Company in September were
$111,135, Increase $JS25; net $56,772. increase
$4276; nine months' gross $991,397, Increase
$I6,9S0; net J303.6S2, Inciease $3S,470; net
surplus $269,610, Increase $33,464.
S. Pembcrton Hutchinson and William
W. Kltler were- elected directors lr the
Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on
I.Ives and Granting Annuities today, suc
ceeding George F. Baer and William XV.
Justice, deceased.
Ivy L. Lee, executive assistant Penn
sylvania Railroad, addressed the Pitts
burgh Chamber of Commerce this after
noon on the subject: "How Can Wo Re
store the Health of the Railroads?"
The seat of Alexander L. Crawford, on
tho Philadelphia Stock Kxchange. has
been posted for transfer, to Wilson Wolep
per. Both are members of the firm of
Wolepper, CrawfoiU & Co.
Rankers in Convention Relieve De
pression Is Disappearing,
RICHMOND, Va . Oct. 13. -Members of
the Ameilcan Bankers' Association,
gathered hero today for the annual con
vention, regard the business outlook as
most encouraging, and believe that the
llnancial depression due to the war is
Cotton planters are urged to diversify
their crops by raising grain, beef. hogs,
cattle and sheep, so that they will not
have to depend on any one pioduct as a
'money" crop.
Various questions relating to the bank
ing buslneiMi In this country were re
ferred to different committees The sav
ings banks and trust companies sections
have six meetings in progress. The act
ual buslneM sessions began this aftv-coon.
Canadians Are Entertained by Mayor
nt Luncheon.
Mayor II. L. Ilacken, of Toronto, and
other officials of that city are in Phila
delphia today inspecting tho systems of
municipal financing and accounting here.
Mayor Blnnkenburg entertained tho vis
itors and local municipal officials nt
luncheon nt tho Bellevuc-Stratford thU
Dr. F. A. Cleveland, director of tho
Bureau of Municipal Research In Now
York city, accompanied the Toronto dele
gation to Philadelphia. The Canadian
officials obtained data from the local Bu
reau of Municipal Research nnd from the
controller's office that will be complied
with Information gained In other Ameri
can cities.
Guests nt Mayor Blankcnburg's luncheon
wcro Mayor Ilacken, Controller J. O.
McCarthy. Alderman Dr. S. Marley
Wickett, City Treasurer John Patterson,
City Auditor Walter Sterling. Commit
sloncr of Works K. C. Harris and Dr.
Horace M. Brlttnin, of Toronto; Doctor
Cleveland, of Now York: Director Porter,
of tho Department of Public Safety: Di
rector Norrls, of the Department of
Wharves, Docks and Ferries; City Con
troller Walton, W. R. Hadley. chief ac
countant ct the controller's office; Chief
Webster, of the Survey Bureau; Cyrus D.
Foss, secretary to the Mayor, and Fred-'
erlck P. Geuenberg and Ralph Bowman,
of the local Bureau of Municipal Re
search, jj'
Addresses of foreign Importers making the
inquiries may be obtained from the Ilurcau of
Foreign an4 Domestic Commerce, DtpaTtment
of Commerce, Washington, 11. C, or Us branch
offices. Inquiry number must lie mentioned.
No. 13,930. Brush or bristle dressing
machinery. A firm of brush manufac
turers in the United Kingdom desires to
communicate with Ameilcan manufac
tureis of brush or bristle dressing ma
chinery and of brush punching or tilling
No, 13,937. Arclamp carbons. An
Ameilcan consular officer In Ireland bus
transmitted a letter from nn electric com
pany, which is desljous of securing arc
lamp carbons
No. 13,938. Zinc goods, etc. An American-Portuguese
llrm in Kurope wishes to
establish agencies for American firms
dealing In zinc goods and general novel
ties. No. 13,940. Chemical and pharmaceu
tical products. An American consular
officer In southern Kurope reports that a
firm wishes to make connections at once
with American manufacturers and expoit-
ers or cnenucai aim pnarivmceuticHl prod
Excess Cut Over Movements in Au
gust Was 117,000,000 Feet.
Holders of timber bonds In this city will
be Interested In a statistical tablo com
piled by John K. Rhodes, secretary of
tho National Lumber Manufacturers'
Association, covering the cut and ship
ments of lumber throughout tho country
In Augur; t, compared with the samo month
a year ago.
Reports from 621 mills show an excess
cut over shipments of 117.900,000 feet dur
ing August, 1914. Tho decrease In cut last
August, compared with tho samo month
last year, was fl.CCO.OOO feet. Tho de
crease In shipments Was 96,200,001 feet.
Tho European war Is declnrcd to havo
Influenced a smaller activity In new build
ing nnd extension work. Demnnd for
lumber, consequently, has been materially
Consul Says Country Is in the Market
for $1,000,000 Worth.
Kduardo Hlgglnson, Consul General of
Peru, announces that his country Is In
the market for $1,000,000 of American coal.
Tho fuel supply of Peru usually comes In
great part from Australia and England,
but export from theso countries is now
prevented on account of the war; henco
Peru Is compelled to turn to tho United
Financially, Peru has been very close to
England, her monetary and currency sys
tem having boen patterned after Eng
land's. Scnor Hlgglnson urges American
bankers to establish branches In his coun
try, so ns to facilitate the contemplated
purchaso by tho creation of dlioct Peru
vian credits here.
Tho neighborhood of Arch street from
15th to 17th has been a very busy locality
In tho year 1911 up to this date, tho Park
way from City Hall to Logan Square, as
plotted, 140 foot wide, passing Arch street
nt this point.
The operations take In tho block from
tho north side of Filbert street to tho
south side of Arch street, ut.ii tho south
side of Arch street from 13th to 16th, then
tho north sldo of Arch street to and in
cluding the northwest corner of 16th street
to 1613 Arch street, nnd portions of proper
ties from 161S to 103.3 Arch Btrcet.
As the final line was only settled upon
after many lines had boen proposed, prop
erty was held down In this locality ever
since the matter came to tho attention of
tho public Conditions made buyers un
willing to go into the neighborhood, nnd
pioperty owners, with u few exceptions,
did not wish to spend money upon their
holdings surely marked for destruction.
A notable example, however, to tho con
trary, was property at the southwest cor
ner of 15th nnd Arch streets, No. 1500,
which sold March 23, 1912, lot 22x143, for
$M,000. It was nssesscd in 1D09 nt $55,0CO,
nnd It Is now only nsscssed at $03,000. It
has slnco been greatly Improved, and,
from bringing In practically nothing. Is
now rented at about $I1,fX and Is held
at more than $150,000. Other properties
In the 1300 block on tho south side, which
will be entirely taken by tho Parkway,
have tho some assessments today that
prevnlled In 1909.
Tho north side of Arch street, from
ISth street to 16th, shows a very different
situation. Properties assessed at $30,000
In lOfj are now $50,000; those at $I2,0
aro now $74,300, such ns 1607-9 Arch
street. These two properties were owned
by J. Clifford Wilson, who, May 18, 1911,
also purchased 1303 Arch street, as
sessed at $50,000, for nbout $100,000. Tho
three properties gave him a frontage of
74 feet B Inches by a depth of 1SS feet.
Ho removed the steps nnd dwelling house
features, and by threo brownstono steps,
a neat landing nnd steps inside, the floor
Is reached very cosily. No fronts wero
put In nnd nil arranged to conform; tho
Interior ndjusted to the needs of on office
building which Is cnlled The Plnzn, and
l now a most satisfactory Investment
nnd Increases the vnluo of surrounding
property, besides showing what can be
done without pulling down or going to
enormous expense.
On the north sldo of Arch street, be
tween 16th and 17th, a glanco nt the as
sessments will bo quite worth while. Tho
following Is ehown.
W1IKAT. Iterelpts, 3I7,.140 l.uh. The
market wns I'ic hlnJier under bullish pecu
lation In Ihe Wcet and fl fair demand for ex
port iiuotntloni c'nr loin. In export elevator
No 2 red. rvt nnd October. l.oi'l4n.0'.'i,
No 2 red, Unterii, ft.lnifl1 1.1'i, So I
Northern IJuIulli. SI ItltMrl 1UH.
COKN Iteeelpts. 117(1 buH. Trade quiet,
but prices tendy. CJuotntlnns far lota for
Inml irnile, nn lu location No 2 jellott, SI'f
81'i. : rfteamer sellow, M)4flXlr.
OATS Iterelpts, I3.0H7 iuh. I'rlcei
ftUn-lll)' held, lint ilemnnd llRht. Quotation:
No. 2 hlte, M&r,l'.r.; stnmlard white. .Mili
ttlHc. No. !1 white. lliUflnoe.
I TOUK. Iterelpts, 122.-, blili., 2,filB,180
lbs. In aelts. Trmle slow ami values largely
nominal Quotations per ltut lbs. In wood
Winter clrar, M.m'iN.R.-.; do, straight. l.!JOii
f 1.1, do., patent. $..2."ifl.'0, Kansas, ntrnli-Iit,
Jute ncli, f..ln4f.j..l!, Jo., potent, Jute eftCK",
?"4o-j,-,.(r,; bring, nr.t clear, $4.7.".fl., do.,
Btralsht. f.l.lois.vio. do., latent, $! .iwr..7..
no,, favorite brand. silfF4I..Vi: cltv mills, rholre
and fancj patent, .ilfli'.."0. clt mills, rrgulir
Krmle Winter, clear. II.Miftl.s.-,. do, straight.
Jl.lKlftfi.l,-., ,0 patent, $." S.'fffi.rjO.
HVi: I'Millll. quiet, but steady. We
quotu nearby and Western In wood nt s.lfi.VW.
Trade quiet nnd Ihe market unchanged, ritv
beef, In sets, smoked and nlr-drled, .')1?.'lle. ;
Hcjtern biff, In Kits, smoked. 'SOTKIIe., tlty
"f ', knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr
ilrled, :UW.'12c.. Western beef. knucktCH and
tenders, smoked, :iKi.l2'.; beef hams, $.IS) JO,
pork, family. .2072i .".0, hams. S. I'. cure I,
ieose, His',M,-,c. ,lo, skinned, loose, ltii
...... .I.,., (ir,., smnKcii, j,iriii,f . ; otner nam.
smoked, rlty cured, ns to liriind nnd average,
j'j'WJie , lium, amnkert. Western cured, JilljUi
Ic., do, boiled, honel'ss. 2.1fl2lc; picnic
shoulders, H. . cured, loose, llfifl2c , do.,
smoked, LIViQlle.; bellies. In pickle, nccora
ln to ntemge, ooe, lOfllii'ic., breakfast ba
con, as to brand nil. I tn crime, city cured. 2JW
2Ii . ; breakfast b.icnn. Western cured, 20221c. ;
lard, Western, refined, tierces. !$UQ.i do.,
do,, do., tubs, llii.fillc . lard, pure city, kct
tlo rendered, In tierces. 10'iiiMlc. : lard, pur
city, kettle rendered, In tubs, llSJUUc.
Hull and lower, standard granulated. O.-.Oe.:
line granulated, I12.V. ; po,ler,, tl.ll.v. , con
fectioners' A, li.I.lc. , soft grades. .". lOUUc.
t'IIKI"NI. Thorn una little trading nnd
iini ninrKci weak and loer. Quutntlons: Si
Hi:. Ther wan Mttln trad
Ift vrnle tirwl Inunc Diinintr
., - - ; - - i-n vuumir;iio, -.
iork, full-.rcam. choice, I.Vic.; do., do., fair
'o K''d. ll'ilJISo ; do., p-irt skims, -.Sl.lc.
llfITHPl'l . ... .. -
'-, iuycrs opcrnung only tor ac
tual wants, but demand sufficient to absorb
all fancy stock nt full figures. Quotations:
Western fresh, solld-pncked creamery, fancy,
specials, ."..'lc ; extra, .'lie.; extra Hrsts. 21114
((..We. ; firsts. 2irff2l). ; seconds. 2i!(5127c. ;
ladle packed, 21ff.2Sc., ns tu riuallty; nenrby
Srints, fancy, ,'lic. ; do., meragc. extra, 'I2f,r
lc. ; do., firsts, 20ff?3lc. ; d-.. seconds. 27t7)
-',C.-J'n"cl, fancy brands of prints Jobbing
nt .ISiaJuc.
K(i(.S. Flno new-laid eggs well cleaned
UO nnd firm. Ouotnllonn! In froA , uo.
nearby extras, .lie. per do!.; nearby firsts
f,rlng Hilcken, according lo quality, lSSHAo ;
ducks, 13ri,'K , guineas, loung, weighing 3
lbs and oier nplece. per pair, Oc.i do., welith
Ing mlH lbs nplece. er pair. HOiHWo 1 do.,
weighing 1 lb nplece. per pair, SOc.j old, per
pair, Vtr . pigeons, per prtlr, 1T71!c.
IJItKHSKII.- I'lne deslrnble-sliied stock
fold falrlv and ruled firm. Quotations! Freeh
kllle.1 toultr Selected, heavy. 2le,, weighing
'jTi lbs. apiece. 20c ; do.. 4 lbs. npleie,
l!!v' , do, Vt lbs nplece, JOHSTU'jc., do., a
lbs and under, I.IWllle. ; old roosters, dry plel,
eJ. t.lVje. , broiling chickens, nearby, weighing
IVjfi'J lbs. aplere, 2Wi2c., do,, nearbv, fair
to good, I'Mjlsc 1 chickens. Western, -4 lbs, and
oier apiece, ISc; do., do., ,1'4 lbs. apiece, fat,
I riff Inc.; do., do., 2'itfn lbs. apiece, 13l4C !
broiling chicken, A estorn. 1 Hit's lbs. apiece.
17e ; do., fair tn good, lJttUc, squab, per
tins. White, neighing II to 12 lbs. per do..
.:.n.-,WI 2., white, weighing n to 10 lbs. per
ilor., ts J.lfl.'i.M. -shite, neighing 8 lbs. pr
dog , f3.S."fi2 Hi, rlo., do.. 7 lbs, per do., 91.7.1
(32: do . dn , liwm.i lbs. per doz.. $1.2.-,1.W;
dark nnd No. 2, .0e g$l 10.
I.K II. Trade slow nnd market generally
lower under falrlv liberal offerings Quota
tic ns. IVjwIs, 14fj llir. ; exceptional lols higher;
old roosters. llf(12c; spring chickens, accord
ing to quality, l.'lfid.V., exceptional lots higher,
ducks, l.'lfflte.; geese, Irtljl Ic. : guinea, young,
neighing 2 lb, nnd mer apiece, per pair. 70C.
do., weighing IHffl'i lbs (.piece, per pair, 001?
(IV.; do, neighing I lb. apiece, per pair, ROC.!
old, per pair, ,lOc , pigeons', per nlr, lrifllc
1 hnfro slock In fair tcuiicst nod stead-. Ap
ples, per bid. Jonathan, ftlfCt.V); riravetuteln,
J2.2.Vtf.1, Mush. t2.2."1)n. Twent-ounce. II.7SW
Sf.RU; Pippin, Jl.7.",fi2: other good eating a
rletles. ?I.7.",2rct). tnciium, Xlifrt.no. crabi
Stnofiii; crnb applis. per bushel basket. $l.fiOa)
l.i; npples, l)cl.iarc and J'cnnsvlvanla, pet
hamper, .'li'fT.V'c Quince", per bbl , $2iffa.GO
Lemon, per box. MJ!. (irapcfrult. Florid.
per crate. ,f 2 WH I an. Pineapples, per trnl
Porto nico, .$l.2.lfi;i,2.-,. Florida, WfJ.rj). cran
berries, c'lpe Cod. I'nrly Hlnck, por bbl., td.flK
.,: crnnberrles, Capo Cod, Carty Hlnck. per
crate, f 7.iri2, 1 ranberrles, Jersaj. per crate
Dark, J 1.7 ,. 2T,, light, 1 W1 .2.-,. Peaches,
Virginia, per 20-lb basket, WU75C.; do.. dn
lier crnie, $iiil.7.-: do., rjelininre nnd Mary
Intnl. per bnsket, l.'fW'r. , ,o., ,0 per crate,
JIOI.71. penelins. New Vork nnd Pennsylvania,
per bnsket l.iree white or yellow, tsic.gtl;
medium, Klfi.Vlc . pi m lien, Jeraiy, nhlto or
vellotv. per V-bnsket- Uxtrn lurge. 73c.HItl.S3;
medium. 2mMi. l'enrs, New Vork. per bbl
Socket, SI .Vifiij, tnrtlett. No. 1, $lii.-,.w. drr..
,",-- 5-':'; tleurrc Ho.,, 43.MI. Sheldon.
J4W.i, Hciirre rinirgenu. 2 riWr:I..V: Hnurm
,IAnJ.?.li;..?A--,T -. --"ehess. 2 2Sfi.- 25, How
?."' Ji''2'. "'V' '"rletles J2:; ,mir-.;
Hnrtlett or heckel, per biistW basket, tl.2.102:
ini -- ' , .T. "n-cini. Per S-Ih. b-lfkot,
l.lf-l.ic.; do., per l-lb. bdsket. c1Wc.; Niagara,
pet l-lb. basket. sr,w,;.. Iieluwnres. per 4-1 ti
!??,-? 1iai-'c:- urnpcfT, Concord, per crate.
JMi.ic; do., do., per 20-lb. bnsket. .'ISWJOers
Hums, per K-lb. bnsket. 2on2.-.c. Cantaloupes.
bocjjjl. Watermelons, Jersey, per loo. 10
Dull nnd barely steniti H'Mt ,,,..., ..
bushel- I'cnnsylvntiln, 1,'iiBO.V.; New York. 30
t"; 'c r,i j.i,wuuiru cusc; ncaiuy current re- '.. "oui iiuiiHf, .1, rsev, per banket :.,3V
celpts. t,...niii. i.sy pr Htnndurd case; West- "". . sweet potatoes, Eastern Shore, per bbl
em extra, firsts, Sn.40 por enso; do., firsts, I No 1. l.7.-.fi2..'l.".. No. 2. 7.V.0$I sweet nota
J,.uO(it 10 per case; do., seconds, tn.ROiil.nii toes. North i'nrolln.i. per bhl. No 1, l 73
per ense. Candled nnd rccrated fresh eggB I 2; Nn 2. 73c fitl , sweets, Jersey, per bbl.
were Jobbed out nt .13i337c. per doz., nn to Nn ' ti'SiifiS "-., No. 2. Jl 30W1.73: sweets,
quality. , Jerev. per basket. 4r1IK.11, . Onions, per bush,.
nnrr I loril-K. . do.. 1I1..1. e, 1,. r Kio-lb. bag. 1. do,!
I.IVi:. Trade slow and market unchang
eu, 1-owls, 1.1,. , old rooster:, 121 l.i
mcrliUIII. per HXI-lh bllir. T.'.H'lOe Onlihaca
doniestli. j.er tun. tlKllS. Celery, New York!
pel bum h loll 'Oc .Mushroom, per 4-lh. tms
k( 1. Xl.lofil uj
3:25 p.m.
Sun and Titles
Bun rtro!.... O.OSn.m. Sun sets.
High water. .3:24 a.m. I High water. 8:37 p.m.
Low water.. .'1:111a.m. lav water.. 3:21p.m.
High water. 3:13 n.m. High wnter. 5:40 p.m.
Low water,. ll:3Un.m. I,on- wator, p.m.
High water. 2:14 n.m. I High water. 2:12 p.m.
Low water.. S. ill n.m. Low wnter,. h:5'Jp.m.
1001 Arch street
inal Arch street
liv 13 Arch street
lfinT Arch street
10nn Arch street
Klll-l.t Arch ntreet...
...S 12, 000
... 7.30O
. . . 7,300
. .. 20. OCA
Andrew W. Smith's Trotter , Crack Local Organization's
Vessels Arriving Today
Str. Hardanger (Dutch), Murbclla, ore. Gal
ley. Dnvls & Co.
Htr. Mllllnocket (Am.), Stockton, wood pulp,
Str. Itomanlan Prlnca (Dr.), New York, bal
last. Schr. Clara n. Randall, New York, ballast,
A. D. Cummins & Co.
Steamships to Arrive.
Name. From. Sailed.
California Copenhagen ...Sept.
Mongolian Glascow Sept. 24
Pturmfels Calcutta Sept.
Man. Miller..
Crown Point.
Marltores ...
Mlsknurlan ..
Vnsconln ....
Incrgyle ...
Mlddl?sboro ...Sept. 30
...Manuncnier ....sept. 21
..Hnrtiepool Sept. 23
, .Ilurnt Island... f-'ept. 21)
, . London Sept. 30
..Huelva Sept. 2'1
..N.inlk Sept. 211
..Hllo Sept. 29
..Fayal Sept. 29
..Savanna LaJlar.Oct. 2
.. Hombay Oct. j
..Narvik Oct. 4
Itotterdam Oct. 8
Vlnland San Andreas. . .Oct
Abrnhamson Plymouth Oct.
Steamships to Leave
California . .
l-outh Point...
Crown Point..
.......Glasgow ...
Lhcrpool. .. .
..Ixindon ,.,,,
London ....
1 nrlttianla.
Man. Miller Manchester
Steamships Arriving Today-
Da t.
...Oct. la
...Oct. 21
....Oct. 14
... Oct. 13
...Oct. in
....Oct. 21
...Oct. 31
...Oct. 24
HellB Olav.
I'annonla .
From Docks at
..Chrlstlansand ,.p.m
4 p.m.
(tynda.ni .
ftnma . . . .
San Rlovannt
Oscar II .. .
Kroonland . . .
Due Tomorrow
Liverpool ,.
Steamships to Sail
Rotterdam ..
Marseille ..
. . J.lv ernool
.Liverpool ,,
.Copenhagen .
Movements of Vessels
...Oct. n
...Oct. 30
...Oct 13
...Oct. 11
...Oct. 14
...Oct. 14
...Oct. 14
...Oct IS
...Oct. 13
Jim Butler
Wont Knd
Jumbo Extension
North Star
Tunoititi, Extension
Touopah Merger
C.olJiiel.i Merger
C'.oldneM Cuntolldated
Nevada Hill
73 u 77
M f 5S
. t i 31
" FfHi lbK
40 4J
0-HS4i2 U-10
. 24 & 2R
VJL 9 -
.1201 2i
2(4 32
PAK1S. Oct. 13.-The Itusslan mora
torium expired on October 3 and all ac
counts of the banks ar paid as punctu
ally as In ttmB of peace, says a. nea
agency dispatch from Petrograd.
NEW YORK Oct it Buiiti- Market
eteady rcce'i'l, WiJ) paokasen I remtry ex
tra. .He, highT e 'Hus, .1'.
iTresti. txtra, firs s. 27SC8.., fresn firsts, 219
r. - 1
RaSowVeodc?oLe?riV. 'rm ''l"-. rrlvrt
Sir. John D. Rockefeller (Anier.), Phlladel-
phla for Copenhagen, pasd Dunnett Head
October II.
Str. Carthaginian (Rr). from Philadelphia
arrived UUsirow October 10 "imueipnia,
Str. Mauretanla (Hr I. for New York sailed
from Uverpool Octoher 10 r ' "llea
Str Mlne (Rr.). from Philadelphia, arrived
at Umdon ixtober 11. v ' "
Str. Noorderdk (Dutch), for PhlUdelchla
nl!o.t from llntlcr.tnn. nr,.k.. in "'""",
Str. Amtledk (Dutch), from PhiladelDhla
arrived at Rotterdam October 12 ""'P'".
dchr. Horatio, for Philadelphia from St
John. N B., sailed from Portsmouth Octo-
Tre full cargo steamship market Is stronir
undu a Med demand for boats for prompt
loadlnu. Hovvvver only a limited amount of
buliics ,a repurud. T) sail market Is
qule under an ample supply of onndg. vHh
rates weak
Margam Abbey lllr.i. Raltltnore to Genoa
lo.cno quarters Brain. 3s., (Xtober "-
ThHtleard (Rr ). 33 OoO quarters, ssms
MarosHeld (Ur t. 40,000 quarters oat 'umi
3. iHd . October ' Mn"'
lUru (Nor ). 10W) tons. New York. Scandi
navian trad, two round trips, JEMjo. dsllvsi-v
!vo York. Octotwr
Enrico Millu Ilia I ) TCIO tons, traniatlaulL:
trad, uiw round trip. 4s.. de4iverl Buroue
Frudsuu (Hal ), 20G8 tons, same.
Rosalia (IUI). V'T-i ions. same.
UIq of Jura (Rr ) 24-5 tons. Baltimors to
HavsD coal, private terms, spot
James P. TraWe. Il twu. Baltimore to 01
lwisa. seiL. srlfata tefa.xrvaJ
fCltv finlrt 1 70 (VIA .lnr.ii.1 IK loll V
1013 Arch street II.ikhi 2i!.nno
lill, Arch street 1ft.3fKI 23,(i(0
inili-21 Arch utrcct .12.(H"0 'ii.imki
1023 Arch street 22.(-0() .'IR.OOO
lfi2.i Arch street 20.nnii a.1. 1 h t
1127 Arrh Hreet 1S.WK) 33,r-oo
,,... .rc-,i -ircjec i,.,UU iio.Ji''i
lfCU to 1IJ37 Arch Htreet. In
clusive. Roll Telephone
Company S3.r.0O 173,000
(Tho Inrge hulldlnn of the Roll Telephone
Company Is now colng up).
It will bo seen that wherever the prop
erty wns to bo entirely taken assessments
remained stationary. The plan of ad
vancing them nnd the various ratios
3how a wonderful mental attitude on the
part of tho assessors.
The southeast corner of 15th and Arch
street (Nos. 142S-30) on a Inrso double
lot 49.6 by 130. nsscssed at $100,000, Is held
by tho Pennsylvania Company for In
surances on Lives and Grantlnp; Annuities,
trustee for estate of Mary J. Jllles. Under
tho provision of her will this propertv
could not be sold unless to the city of
Philadelphia. The Income belnp; willed,
tho property has not been profitable, and
tho tnklns by tho city would be a tedious
proceeding, tho trustees not being wllllnjr
to sell for 10 per cent, over the assessed
value, as offered by the city. Threo
email one-story stores havo been built
upon the unoccupied part of the lot.
fronting on ISth street. They uro held
at a rental of $1000 per annum, ono be
Inc occupied.
Tho Board of Education, owners of Xos.
1519-21-23 Arch street, aro imiUns with
the owner of the Plaza JluIIdln to have
Appletree street opened through to 15th,
to slve a. satisfactory back outlet to their
properties. Tliero is not much doubt that
this will be done. It will nlso bo a gen
eral public improvement.
Tho section under consideration has had
a creat deal to hold It back In the last
six or seven years, bitt the taking up of
such a large part In th Parkway and
the buying of realty by the Pennsylvania
rtnilroail Company has decreased the
floating supply.
There aro a lot of very energetic men
In the locality. They realize only too
well that Arch street Is one of the big
central streets, ami rarKway or no Park
way, It Is bound to go ahead. The plot
ting of It so much In artvanco of the tak
ing was a hardship and drove a good
many buyers to other localities.
Sets New Record for Two
year-olds When It Lands
$4080 Purse at Lexington.
LEXINGTON, Ky Oct. 13.
Prclma, by Directum Spier; Prelatess,
bred by David M. Look, nnd owned by
Members Are Resting Pre
paratory to Their Dual and
Closed Winter Games.
Mercury Athletic Club members will be
interested to know that the attractive
duul indoor track and Meld meets and
Andrew AV. Smith, of New York, set a dosed allnlrs will tBin i r,..(,.J .,'
record jesterday as the winner ot a stake I lnK tllt. ,,, ,, w of
valued at JI0S0. the richest purse ever Tho slorPury mmam are now entoyln
won by a 2-ycar-old on the harness turf. I ,. nftor tho Qn0Qr actlvU1
as well as one of the most Interesting ,vill soon start their Indoor training for
events of tho season. tho coming events.
It was the "Turkey Trot Sweepstakes," I
In whicli four ycarings wero named last vf!Zr'?,ontatU:e3 f t,,e -Middle Atlantic
year at ,10CO each, play or pay. winner o',"ha"4 a't oVfmbness10h
to take all. Three of the four entries duct at the annual meeting of the Na
were carded for tne event yesterday, tho ll0""1 Ay,'-ur Athk-tlu Union in New
fourth, Harvett. by The Harvester. ,' jVa't.y ' mpt "LnZvZTnL
named originally by Dr. Charles Tan- puzzling tho local officials win Z
ner, being the absentee. Tho third, how- 1 straightened out.
ever, Princlda. named by A. B. Coxe. 1 .. ..... ... "
.. V ..: " :".- .."e ""-at poIIlo athiot.-.
named by A. B. Coxe,
Pnolll, Pa., failed to answer tho call on
account of not being In proper form.
Polly Overton, bred nnd owned by L.
O. Winston, Kingston, N. V., and driven
by Tommy Murphy, was the choice ut
J30 to $10. with good soiling, as nearly j
ovt-ry breeder and horseman wns Inter
ested in the tin 1 111c event. I
j lie pr-iiin eniry proven uest 01 1110 1 rejenuihM n T.'.'
jmu, u. nut- wua in me ie;iu nil tne nine, (
I h.
' tendon Dr.vV,r...T i,' '" .'l""""0"1'-' ' I'""'
form ,to JumprnSdVuAs'Theifa.t'sSm-1
.-mes next t-riday and baturda.
5 St',i--h!?.
'vnishts nf Columbus, vesterdav at Hhi'iTiIv
1'urk. Knslevvood. N. V. The Events vveraheM
L" SWVS5. '." -oluml,u,SIaer0che1.!
"". ut ijie rim UMH ,
iitlii-1-clc orBanlzatfn-,
n:iii. n. xrf wnu. in tn. i-iji nil thn rimA i an ur wh.im ..!
although they raced close to euch other in ' ",i'!i7iV0,"v-S?,K
both heats. In the second heat Prelma win the cint',ntiU''-?i',,":',,t A' l ' "B
trotted her first half In 1.07ls, and whilo nMilt'llr''Hh. ... he
the clip una very fast, yet Polly uvortun & 'r"",efY -- t nxi-vr.l han.luup
hung on all tho way to the wire and only . r .JT uith.fr Jl?,?'.'.-. x ., il"'"- ""
lost the heat by half a length. fyiF&r?& ZaXZfc
In the Lexington Stake, an old classic -'rfa runner, flnlsbml tlrsi m n, .,. ...!!
for lwo.e.ir-oids, the Allen Farm entry ...J't'J"..,-1?"'"-'''.!' .u'. ' m.nutrs
ho Ki'Bistration ru
Ilacelll. was drawn, ns hefcirn ih rn, i.e. f...-.. .-'" "Zl..'"''''1 'n . an uiuatis-
. - '- "' "" -!-- -..- .cm.hu (IX - w-.,.. IIIS'-'I, HU UJ
was sold to Dr. Tanner, aciing
I'asnme .stable of Cleveland,
Even Primary School Teachers In
cluded, Petrograd Hears.
LONDON, Oct. 13
A Iteuter dispatch ftom Pettogrnd says
it is learned from a semt-otllclal source
that, owing to the heavy losses of of
tlcera lit the iiermnn nrmy, all the non
commissioned ottlcers who have ever been
In the army aro ordered to Join the colors
at once, irrespective of age.
lietirea officers are also being called out
for active fcervlre. Teachers In the primary
schools, who have hitherto been exempt,
aro now being compelled to go to the
... . '"'' "ni.ii, ami uio li.'Klntrutlon r-umm.i-IllB
for the , ba beer, re.iue.tjd , traUht,-n th. mat
Speculators ' Lr..01"-.. i'en.lliig the deilslon of the , m.
f.inclerl the cliinca nf th nrmr. Pn.m HX." .'.n." J10"" tr-iphv has l.e.-i, mthheM.
. .- ----- ,..... w. ..... v.v.... . . ... , n iniuuje arose r.vtr tho ncnnii'? nmi M. ....i
entry. General French. Unit won 0 heat runners a.serted they, taj "a H
In the junior division of tho Kentucky ' "Y.n 'he' " "wilted with. '
Futurity, but he proved no match for mddiVSiataBunn?, ,,ron.xi cn,urch Uo""
Chester I.azell's Henry Todd, that n-t "-ri mmt." aVyard rur?ArtVaRi Vr."
only won tlrst. third and fouith monoy. ", ''"J" ' -J'-j-jord mark m the fast tim,
but set a new world's record at 2lit v"ed ,?.'Jvu- ,1'h1; ";Hi. hamiiiua
for a two-year-old trotting getdlng. the EP AntK . ' ih SatJm-Tst'8 a" ?f
'"""" ivtum uoiiih iino juinuv oy Uua V ,. ', ,"""; " surprise on ths uimi frrm.
(-ournse ami jungo Jones in I.Ii'V
the Knights of s:, Anthony ond Bronx ihur h
II. is. l.j ea.ll vvlimins fh2 lf-jaM ?.iat
No matter liovv IIib I'mted istuies National 1., ,,ia .. .... . .. . t
In Tynnis Ass-xUttoi. Itankii.it iVinmltiSo "aiS ae.1 cfuf IZVf? " b.. a" ,Mr
may de.lde to rank tht touri amviil star, tut f.'.f Ji; ' i "iih.l !.',,Uf JPD,U "' -no
ear, there nil) ensue the usual livelv atsij njillee li reitembsr i'5. Ths writer lias rv
ln as t tho relative plan avvarde.l the ' ."Vl h " of tournaments and bearinr
pluyen in the tirai wn, nnd I'hiladelpbtans aro I ", """d, '" late oason results will carry
parti. uUirlv Interested, bt-.aus. this aty tuts "tt', ' with the Uanklnu L'oniniittro than
u. irUlm to threo o' Iht, t. n poslttons avaJlobU-. , -ar',' Mason toumamtnts. has picked a ' first
Hururd Norris WlllUuis. Vd- William J. I tin h mlloua. t- o nrst
As a result of an argument over the
respective meilts ot the Austrian and
Italians. Stero Siakey. who comes from
the rtrat-named country, lies in the Cooper
Hospital in Camden in a critical condi
tion from a knife wound in the abdomen,
said to have been inflicted by Patsy Bug
ler, uu Italian.
The men are employed on the Peacock
Dahlia Farm, in Berlin township. New
Jersey. Thc.v were cutting Ho worn the
Holds when the argument started, but no
blows were struck until Siakey remarked
that the Julians wire not wurth a .,
whereupon, tt is alleired. Buglet attacked
mm vvitn in.; unite.
ciuitilcr and YVQluue P. Johnson have un-
iiouDtwuy carnea tlwir rijnt to tlu- rJr.t-ltn
TI10 most remarkable Jump In tennis rating
made by uny of the E.itru pluera 41 ihit
Ly Ueorse M. Chun p. hu was listed tn the
second ten, or Class I ill to ;'0i. in mo trill
ratliiK Chunli U sure of a, place tn the hli-li-rr
class. .V nuttier plaer loouis uu In the West
with a record which will iilaoe bfm anion the
superts 'Je ts Robert l.ludlp Hurra), tho
Callfomian. who roust be given lecogmtlilq ihis
lime. The qutsitioii arises. ' wlu will steu
down 10 make room fur these plajers?'
Tho ItanklnK Committee has a stupendous
task on Its hands tn rank lug some losi pluvers
nn tho nailunal list tor lull Two utters have
teen maded out to the plajent rwjuestJoK
thvm to till out the blanks and prepare uau
for ths commute, Frederick. 1'. Inuwn for.
mer Aletrooolltan champion. U alter Merrill
Hall and Walter 1.. Pate have ihe pleasant
task of ranking the experts this vsar; Inman
tvoldine the I' as chairman, aai Pate as
ecretar of the coiiimlttee.
Not onl do tvnnls plars In sineral wonder
-ho vvlll nuke room for cjiurvji unj Muriav
but they ask wlK-llier tUUms or Mcliuinllii
will be plaied In .No. I isiih-n Prior to th"
Interi-ollesiate Championsbip Touro.meut at
Slerion. WlllUm was a favrite for Al rklni
over McLouj-blin with many Ne York.r
as well as Ptolladelphlans Since the Harvard
vapisln's defeat lu the cbauiptonsnip slnslea
match vrttli the Princeton star, there ' iS a
tendency to kt.e McUiughlui the place be
has held lor the lest tlsree years, in soils
of the victory scored b Wi.llum over the
,.. " -- ,... wfe ...a)w(i
ill. t
piajers w'u oiu-r in tiieir opinlou ., t ihe
tclaltvo north of W ilium, a i Mc iVueuU.I
vcar in buj car out j ic i ,.,,,., . f ,h j
fill -caa was the hniiian. . . ....: . .... . .
. - , .. ..,. ,. i, .-:...'. s ""
, vt.u.vi. v... .... , .till llHjl
1. Maurice I?. Mi.in,.i.iin .-,... t
f.,.nl -- o c.,,4,,,,
. nu iwni jv orris Williams. 5d. Phllae'iJhla.
' ;.""' ' t'bunli Tenaflj. N. J V
- J,'".1". f llothUr Philadelphia.
... Itobert Utidley Murray. Palo ,Uo. Cal.
tt nn V llardner. Jr. Uostou. iU.
I' .J- .M' "'sjnstoii. San Francisco. ai
b. Wallace P Johnson. I'hlladelpnia, Pa.
V;. V.!h?11 Yi- N"'" l"-n Mass
lo Theodore ftoosevili PeJJ, New York
?'.? .tif '-J rBkl"? ho' "W Philadelphia
leads the hast and shares honors with the
West it having the best of the Iswn tennis
, ,"L. '? naie "f pLiyers to quallf) Ph
ds'lpbU las three California, three Boston,
two. XVnall'.-. V J . en., m,.l . v.i. ....J'
one. Vest vear Philadelphia will have even a
better raiUlug. for Joseph J Armstrong of
raui Minn .
o i4c year was rated In
hU question could involve almost eudless
.usslon and comparison of r. ora Tenuis
i Us 2, will uphold local honors cm tha ,m,.i.
Pc u. time it looked ae If Wallace Jolinwn
would not iiualify for the "drst ten.' but his
sbuwiuK in the late tournaments gave him .
'lalm to u place emena the leaders, esnerlaii-
as he quatbied as a scmiMm.ru u the all
com rs event at Newport.
I'rli.ceion l'nliersit has a tennis star whi
will bear watihluk. Those who predi i thar
Harvard will sweep the courts neii season.'
with WlllUms. the tutlonel . hamulcn ant
KUhaid Harm, the Hunilnwlofl '4Uey country
Club star will do well to watch the Tilers In
Varies u .ve-Lr . fha nmiae - a m .
J. rT . ; . " ne.nis an I
Ham won the luterroUtsWte doubles title an l
for a. stronje pair, but 113 may brtoi a, few
luorv urprlees.
Prln . too . new star Is Iwnanl Beekman.
the New llork jouth who enterpj Prln pi n ss
c.e ii u r" UoU.tic- hampiou He i9 a, cnar
n lin ,-irls and as cause I the flrsr ci.ee m
l .0 i I" iirnamcnt by defeating A M K i It
I tin I rl Mint Prime, a l.Uuer Who fir, r ,
SO rr crj cc fii ,iK j. jitt'iv arl MI ' i -
Busier is be-us r-i I tiiiimjt Pail to '.-.at. -Vi thisw ,,: .h.. ' IL" or '.' n. i f" 1'"'"' "'''""'I'l' H
await IK result ot tbe Injuries sustained I ".iw ' 'ur,h cr n.S ia". in n, i,1 .u. " t V Z''' 7T ZT ";'-
l'.i.,V..,i,..n ... . . . Is.iolu o a vtloabu adlj on to tlu -rr
P)C 3ta.o)r:.
IW (
! hi j
'AC-.aoaljaaTdiir-.s.wj. Maa ts Bu-JaJtoaws. " lUn acivAai8