J BVEyiNG LBDGEB PHIIAPBCPHIA, 8ATTTKPAY, OCTOBER 10, ipit. L.LJ a It ill ARREST SCALPERS OF "SMALL FRY," BUT LET "BIG GUNS' WORK Baseball Ticket Speculators Hawk Their Wares on Streets Again, Though Police Have Orders to Stop Them. The police campaign against "small fry" scalpers of world series tickets was continued todny. Several of the less Im portant speculators wore arrested during the night and nrrnlftned this morning for hearings before Magistrate Ilonshaw, at Cent! at Stntlon, nntl the "bis guns" were unmolested. Today the really Important scalpers trrre still busily at Work on Chcfltnut ond Broad streets, flnuutlhtf largo batches .of llck Ib In the faces of pedestrians. Ite serve, trnflle and every other type of poll'omcn paid no attention to them. The tcalplng goes merrily on. The "little men" are becoming fright ened and aio using mote care today In disposing of their wares. Bxncnscs of employing counsel to got out of the clutches of the police talte away all their profits, and they are doing every thing poislblo to avoid arrost. Among thoie arraigned Mils morning was a man who gave IiIa name as Hurry rtngllH and who literally arrested him self. Haglls went up to Police Captain Tempest last night at 13th and Chestnut f licet and asked him If he had any world series tickets to sell. The lieutenant, who was In citizen's clothing, explained that ho had not, and then Hughs offered to sell tickets. Before Tempest could reply Haglls caught him by the nrm and started to walk him up Chestnut street, talking volubly and quot ing rates. At Broad street tha scalper turned north. Appreciating the Joke, Captain Tempest permitted himself to be led Into a shadowy corridor In City Hall. Then ho took chargo of the situation, when Baglls tried to stop, and took the man to tho roll room on the sixth floor. Rates dropped today on all classes of tickets, but not appreciably. There were fewer scalpers on tho streets, due to' tho fnct that most purchasers took seats for all three games. The demand, however, Is still large, and tho scalpers aio nor losing money. ACCUSED OF PICKING POCKET IN BASEBALL CROWD ON TROLLEY Two Men Arrested on Com plaint of Patron Wlio Lost $ 1 0 Another' Charged With Stealing Auto Tire. "BILL" JAMES, THE WINNING PITCHER RUDOLPH EXPLAINS TROUBLE BETWEEN TEAMS' HEADS Boston Pitcher Also Gives Gowdy Credit for Victory. A new light on the JTack-talllngs con troveiB.v was furnished today by Dick Jl'Jdoiph, victorious pitcher of the open ing game, who said Connie Mack refused to permit tho Hoston Braves to practleo at Shlbe Park, because of a sloping pitcher's box, well coleulnacd to confuse any tulrler not-accustomed to Its use. nudolph would say but little regarding thp unplonsantnesa between the two man agers, except that. In his opinion, the arrangement of the pitching box was part of the Mack tactics and strategy which the Athletics' manager did not caro to have known until It was necessary. Itudolph praised tho work of his team In wslcrdav's contest. lie modestly dis claimed great credit and. said Catcher Gnwdy deserted as much praise as ho, Concerning his victory, Itudolph said: "How could ou expect n man to feel after winning a gamo llko that? When I went Into the box In tho first Inning, I felt a little timid, aa I faced the first bat ter if 'Murderers' Row. Tho batters I feared most were Collins and Baker. "When the second Inning started I re Culnbd my confidence and nftcr that everything went well. I felt sorry for Jack Barry, who tried his best to get a hit. but foiled. It was not masterful pitching that won the game for me, ana Catcher Gowdy deserves as much credit as I do. I did not think tho Athletics weio hitting nt nil well, so I simply out-gucs-ed them." Rudolph would not discuss tho possi bilities of today's game. The Boston team spent a quiet morning at the Hotel Majestic. Before breakfast the players sat nbout, discussed the re sult of yesterday's contest and the merits of various membcts of tho Athletics. With tho npponrance homo tlmo later of Manager Stnlllngs. tho entire team held a confeienco with Its chief. Many flowers havB been sent to various mi-mbers of tho Braves' team by admir ing fans In this city. Some came from Hoston. The flowers were placed on dis play for a while, nnd It was later an nounced they would be distributed among Philadelphia hospitals. SPECULATORS REAPING RICH HARVEST FROM ARDENT FANS Places in Line at Shlbe Park Bring , High Prices. Speculators at the baseball grounds to day reaped a rich harvest duo to the .Athletics defeat yesterday. .Offers of peats and places In line were snapped up at almost any price because of the desire of ardent Philadelphia rootera to see their home team retrieve Itself today. Good positions in the line of blpacher fans out tide Shlbe Park brought high prices be fore the box window opened. William Hawkey, SG5 Gllmore avenue. BrookUn, who came to Philadelphia to trek a fortune aud obtained 15th position ti'un the ticket window, refused to sell Ida place for less than 115.- He was of fered 12 and refused. They suy the de tut to see the Athletics win today's Bjme Is greater than the pleasure of n.aUIng money. I ne business nf kr.-ilnlnir nlaces In line Is being conducted outside tho ball giminils along the lines of a well-organized buelness. The scalper, who has had the foiethought to pluct a number of email boys In line to hold places for him. now goes among the ciowd and ofters these stations for no modest sum. Usual lv his offers are quickly snapped up. 1'aEsengera nllghtlng from street cars anywhere within a radius of six blocks from fahlbo Paik are assailed on every f d' by speculators, who have places in the bleaiher line to offer. These sell at ta'lous pjiccs, from II up. Thomas Burk, an old man, of 1515 Le high utcnue. (.omplatned to the police that he sola his plate In line and re ceived a counterfeit 15 bill in exchange. Uemenunt Boyle, of the Park and l,e hln aicnuus station, went with Burke to the plate In which he had been stand h'S pnor to the transaction. The po tjtlun then was held by Frank Powd, of miMoii, Pa. Down denied he had pur chased Burk's plate and the crowd sided "With him. No police action was taken. v' Charged with picking the poikct of B. E. Boucher, of Washington, after tho baseball game yesterday, Thomas Mlllett and George Sheolinn, who say that they are residents of Boston, were held under PX) ball for further hearing when ar raigned before Magistrate 1'cnnock at tho night session of the central police station last night, but discharged by1 Maglstrato Itchslmw today. Boucher was returning from the game on a crowded 17th street car when ho dis covered that 110 had disappeared from hla pocket. Heportlng his loss to the con ductor, the car was stopped nnd Police men Smith nnd Donnelly were summoned. The arrest of Mlllett and Sheehan fol lowed, nnd although the missing money wan not found upon them, Magistrate I'cnnock was not satisfied that they wcro Innocent. Another an est that followed the; boll game was that of John McBrlde, W21 Not Hi 11th street, who Is ehnrced with Mm stealing of an automobile tire from the machine of Frank B. Johnston. CG28 Mc- Cullen street, which was standing neap binoe Park while the game was In prog ress. McBrlde admitted trying to sell the tire to nn automobile dealer at 1337 Bos ton nvonue, but said he had obtained It from a friend, whose name he rrfused to divulge. He was held In $500 ball for court when arraigned before Magistrate Kmely In the Park nnd Lehigh avenues pollco station this morning. A ense of alleged robbery and one of obtaining monoy under false pretenses were also brought to light In this morn ing's hearings, the former being that of John Dorfey, who says he lives at 2d and Pine streets, charged with forclblo entry and robbery of tho homo of Mrs. Georgo Walker, 2S31 North 12th street, nnd Mrs. George Wood's home, 3002 North Wnrnock street. Dorfey was arrested by Special Policeman Richardson, of the Park nnd Lehigh nvenues station, after an exciting chnse over housetops In the neighborhood of Gcrmantown avenue nnd Orleans street, which Anally ended In a. capture, effected In the cellar of the home of Mrs. Williams, 1004 Orleans stJ-ect. When nrralgned before Maglstrato Emely this morning, Dorfey admitted tho robbery of tho home of Mrs. Walker, but denied the chargo of lobhlng Mrs. Wood. He was held under $1!W0 ball for court. ' The charge of obtaining money under false pretenses was preferred against Charted Miller, 2231 Canine street, by Mrs. Mary Haberkorn, of 2014 Hancock street, who alleged that tho man ob tained $150 from her In exchange for a worthless note on which two Indorse ments were forged. He was held under JVO ball for further hearing when nr ralgned before Magistrate Kmely In the Park and Lehigh avenues station this morning. ATHLETICS' LOSS PUTS POLICEMAN BEHIND BARS Guardians of Law and Order, Disap pointed, Seeks Solnce in Saloon. There Is no sadder man In this city today than Pollcomnn Patrick Kirby. When tho Athletics lost yesterday Kirby also lost his spirits. But, fortunately, ho made up for the loss by getting In touch with more spirits far away from his district, which Is the 53th and Pino streets ' station. Kirby, It appears, was detailed to help handle the crowds at tho world's series game. He anticipated a decisive victory for the home team, and when the Braves i brought run after run across the home plate he couldn t tolerate such a condi tion. But Just how the policeman lost his bearings and got to 12th and Filbert streets on his way to 53th and Pino from 21st nnd Lehigh avenue Is n matter of conjecture. While In a saloon near Frt street early this morning. It seems that Kirby attempted to tell others Just how the Athletics lost. Ho became so noisy In his explanation that he was ordered out. In the nipanwhlle Policeman McMullIn, of the 11th nnd Winter Btrects station, happened along, nnd, hearing tho racket, ran Inside. Kirby objected to being ar rested by nnother policeman, but could not specify clearly Just who he would like to be arrested by. Even the ap plication of the brother policeman's club did not seem to Impress him. Finally he was half carried to the Winter street stntlon house and placed In a cell. Magistrate Tracy made every effort to learn how Kirby got Into the district, but the prisoner did not know, nor did he care. Ho wns held In $500 ball for a further hearing. SCALPERS STILL AT WORK One Flaunts Roll as Evidence of Police Co-operation. Policemen ticket scalpers were further exposed today at Shlbe Park, when Ed ward Dehrndt, 2710 Judson street, a 19-year-old speculator, proudly held up a roll of $350 In bills and said, "The cops helped me get that." Dehrndt Incident ally disposed of a single seat In the stands directly over the Athletic players bench for $35. He said he had been one of Joe Banks' companions In the line which formed at Glmbel's on the day tickets were first olfered for sale and that the pollco had placed him ahead of others at good places In the line after he had "sllnped them aomo money." "I paid out $30 or HO to cops," said Dehrndt, "and had no trouble In getting all tho tickets I wanted. If I saw a place In the line which looked good to me, I gavfl a policeman $5 and was squeezed into the place. Others In the line ob- Jected, but the cops fixed that all right." The man who paid $35 for his teat back of the home players' bench Is William Lodge, of Logan. Mr. Lodge is an en thusiastic Athletlo fan, and said he was willing to see todays game at any price. lie said this after he had purchased thj ticket from Dehrndt. iHHHB, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""a3"""""""""""""""""B MigmWrMM ?MxMmMmsuJ' Mt&m8mmWmmmMmk imiimszMmsmtm K.YX44S- T vXA J-(li-fia- 'MuxrVv'CK8,v43fi)?JtMt5.;:j,ZULiKWeTaffXX'a-KJ ' .WrtX,4jaAUC&&X'...YaoaHRtV;'?.4. K:vySXrK3&Jr-jV.j&yJia'faJ:-iiVZT-X HHnKSHNr. V&r . rvflH tiHBm& mmBS&mmmu-. it wmrnm BSSBsssRwKk' mmkmm?Mim$$mmimmmL & r msmmm W?&&fWf9W&jfrrMCs Xft'SP4&?t 45ft:St88Srt?S3i'!' .&& aV&&:Sf&: IBUeBMbSsw - fmmmimSmmM'kJfzm?' ... Hi wBMliBKaBMAl tllyglMMB8B ; ' -i, jSbwMM. UUf3ttJZHHHMBHHHH- ytfW? ?ftfiXf.K.a:;AHMHHHBHHiHHM&b- &"?..'' SfMEaMCaKfflHH'ZdlU.&S&rcTHH . I I ?ij?9!sgas?f;rm7j"g I I tyBWL28S8&B lmsyv" ' ' . - v- .. 1 MimMM&mwimSM HITS OUTSIDE THE DIAMOND SCORED BY FANS AND ROOTERS Patrons of the Game Comment With More or Less Zca$ On History-Making Conflicts of Baseball Giants'. ' Today's Hopes Overcome Yesterday's Grief. A merchant from South street, with a. wagon load of umbrellas, found business rather slim, Tho a'veiflgo fan will stand for a llttlo rain unprotected, while If It rains hard hf knows the game will be called off. The umbrella man was told that he "stood to lose, no matter which way the weather went." Drug slores near the bull ground did a good business Inst night. There was something In the nit that developed hun dreds of coughs along the half mllo of fans. All kinds of told curca had a trial to ward oft possible attacks of pneu monia. There wns nnother disagreeable sur prise In store for tho fans this morning when the walking restaurants Indented the price of food. Slim sandwiches, whlrh sold two for five yesterday, Jumped to five cents each, and coffee went to the regular restaurant price of five cents n am. It was learned that I the venders had n conference early this morning, nnd. realizing wnat a con venience they v.'fre to the bonebnll lov ing public, agreed to reward themselves according))'. Several of the plnyors on both teams have received offers from vaudeville man agers, but the Inducements, for some tin- I known reason, are not ns good aa In former years, Police stations nrnr the ball park hnd a record-breaking night for drunks. Many were so disappointed nt the Braves' tin- 1 oxpected victory tint ordinary language failed nnd something deflnltn had to be done to properly express their loyalty. Youngsters nnr the ground found n rcW nngle for making money. Fans In line who wanted a regular meal paid tho boys for holding their places while they wont to restaurants for brenkfnst. The enthusiasts then returned In much better condition to wait for tho battle. Many of the "ronf-top" fans wem root ing hard for Boston at yesterday's game. They had been unable to get sents, com ing In town nt the last minute, and they wore particularly bitter. i they asserted tho Philadelphia club had not given them a square deal. "Get a megaphone!" shouted a staunch Philadelnhlan to a Brave rooter, who wns making himself heard on a 20th street roof. The Brave rooter grabbed n newspaper, obeyed Instructions, and soon gathered n crowd of several hundred, ' who were anxious to hear every play. I Even the home fan stood underneath and took the "kidding" cheerfully. Hoard from the 20th street roof tops: "Bender should worry maybe he's only 'Stalling.' " "The Babbit may only be knee high, but he's got some reach he Just knocked down the score board." "If any one wants to buy me a drink they will hnve to wait until the game Is over, sold one of the men who were using megaphones to give tho plays to the ones below. "Did you see that play? The Rabbit Just stood on his ear to cntch that one." "Doublo plays don't always win the game." "Wheooooo fwar whoop) did you see that strike?" yelled one fan who was several blocks back. Fans who sold their places and then lefused to give them up caused several fights In tho lino this morning. In one Instance the buyer of the space dragged the temporary owner out of lino and de manded his monoy back. In thu fight which followed sevprnl others became In. 1 volved and half n dozen policemen chased the fighters from tho neighborhood. Sev eral sympathizers who had been In line all night lost their places. It was surprising to find how many fickle Phlladelphlans denounced the Ath letics for daring to lose the opening Knmc. The pessimists readily predicted that It was tho beginning of the end This species of humanity wns especially' prevalent In tho hotel corridors thlil morning. Although few of tho fans would Admit) that they were ever on the police force, many of them nrnulred the knnrtr f sleeping while standing up In line. But It Is necessary to stand on an angle, and wedgo ono's heels agnlnst a plcce of wood. This prevents falling over on tho face. It Is Impossible to fall In any other direction, for the surrounding fans hold tho sleepers safely. Hundreds of high school boys Joined the line last night. Mnny of them aro stnr player on the srhool teams and desire to get a few pointers from th world's best In today's struggle. A dolegntlon of clergymen have reser vntlons for today's game. One promt iieni minister sit!j "mo game gives on excellent subject for a sermon, for It sIiowh In Itself that perseverance enabled us to overcome ohstnclea nnd come back; to the home plate and bo winners, al though we may have boon down and out'l WHY? Don't tho blonds all elt In the bleachers The sun preorvco tho color7 Did so many Athletics go out on striked when they're not union men? Ill the fans want to nit nn Tjitin rrhW j-ho gave such good support. i,oi innKe the female fans take theltj hnts off nt a men's show? Do so mnny peaches go In pairs to thd amo when a single girl has tho best chnnct. near a diamond? Does tho thin man sit down bo wide and become nnrrow when he's criticised? Does the sandwich man try to Inflict hl food upon the people at the most critical time In the game? Do the turnstile men growl at the bleach erltes? Thev should remember that on good turn deserves another. Robert Wendell Smith, a Boston mnmi-. fneturer. stepped from a train at tha Grand Central Station at 11 o'clock yes terday morning, says the New York; World today, nnd took a taxlcab to tho Hotel Astor, where ho registered. "I thought all Boston would be nt tha world's series game?" said the clerk. "About all Boston will be there, too," replied Mr. Smith. "I wouldn't miss tho series for a farm." "You'll miss todny's game, though," snld tho clerk. "How can you get there) now?" "Why," retorted Smith, "here are my tickets." and he pulled tickets for yes tcrdny's nnd today's games from his pocket. "I'll Just have lunch leisurely nnd drive In a taxi to tho Polo Anri right there his own utterance awakened Mr. Smith. "I'll bet I'm the most absent-minded person In the world," ho fairly yelled. "I've got into the hnblt of coming to New York for the world's series and I don't seem able to break myself of It. Call a cab, call a cab"; and ho ran to Broadway. A chauffeur who got Mr. Smith to the Pennsylvania station In time to cntch tho 12 o'clock truln for Philadelphia was well 1 c warded. EVERS CAUGHT OUT AT SECOND LOCAL FIRE RECORD Loji. P. M. 11.21 Halne it. ant McMahon ave 1'hlla. ant) Heading bridge Trifling A. M. II' 31-331 N nrotd t . Doctor Vandtr- otft reildnc . .: Trifling T .07 117-19-31 Si'ott'j lane. Manayunlt: Potion Company's stable ..Unknown Let 8 cease this sad repining, let us chuck away the gloom, Let us "can" the inquest stuff and alibi-ing; In the lexicon of champions there is no post-mortem room, Let Ms blame the God of Love and cut out sighing. For if Hoston ivina the championship Hank Gowdy wins a mate, And Cupid on his shoulder has been sitting; Which provides a goodly reason for the catcher's lightning rate, Ana another explanation of his hitting. POLICE LIEUTENANT H0RNSBY STRICKEN AT SHIBE PARK Two Spectators Overcome by the Heat at Game. Stricken with heart disease while In charge of a squad of policemen In Shlbe Park, Police Lieutenant Charles Hornsby, commander of the Branchtown Police Station, collapsed this afternoon. Brother oltlccrs who were nearby picked him up and carried him outside of the rark. Ho received first aid from physicians who were In the crowd. Later ha was removed In a patrol of tho 12th and Pine streets station to the Jewish Hospital. PhyMcians at the hospital said that Lieutenant Hornsby was unconscious when brought there. Lieutenant Hornsby has been In charge of tho Branchtown Pollco Station for the past eight years. Ha Joined tho pollco force 21 years ago. He la married, and lives at SCO Olney street. Scarcely had the excitement following Lieutenant Hornsby's sudden collapbe subnided when two more men, evidently stricken with the heat, keeled over In tlH'll btMtb The first to faint was Charles R. Brown, a business man from Yorls, Pa. Brown fcald he had had nothing to eat since an early breakfast. He was .taken behind the grandstand by Lieutenant cowers, or mo nin ami winter streets police station. A physician was called. While efforts were being made to re suscitate Brown, another man, who said ho was Frank George, Dover, Del., col lapsed In his scat. The man was barely able to tell who ho was before he became unconscious. A physician advised his re moval, and he was taken to the Samari tan Hospital, WON ?20,000 ON BRAVES Boston Sporting Man Makes Large Sum in Bets on Team, To have "cleaned up" 20,ufK) n bets Bint-e tho Braves made their phenomenal spurt not so many weeks ago Is the feat accredited to Jack Spauldlng, the well known Boston sporting man. When Spauldlng first backed the Braves his friends thought that he was taking big chances, but he explained that "long shots" were often tho best. He has been a staunch Brave rooter from the start, having followed them on several trips and he was among the happiest rootcri at estcrda s game. BETTING IS BRISK TODAY Phlladelphian Takes Wager of $1000 Even That the Athletics Win Game. Betting on today's game was brisk. Most of the bets on the second game as well as on the series was at even money. Boston money of various amounts was visible In the corridors of tho leading hotels. The largest bet was made by a Phlladelphian. He placed JIOOO even that the Athletics would win today. A betting commissioner this morning was holding J7C00 in bets. The entlra amount had been placed at even money. "Poco" Bennett, a son of th famous money lender who does business with Harvard (students, won J3000 on yester day's game, giving odds of two to one. Many bet were made by Bostonlans on the Athletics. INSURANCE AGENT HELD ON SWINDLING CHARGE Accused of Writing Policies for Persons in Nnmes of Invalids. An alleged swindle in which Innocent dying women nnd men are the central figures, and which, according to detec tles of the Stato Insurance Department will result in many arrests, was revealed today in the arrest of Lewis Pelger. of 531 North Marshall street. Selger ii a life Insurance agent. Tho arrest of Selger was mado on com plaint of the Conservative Life Insurance 1 Company, with branch offices in various yana m me country, -rne main ofllces of the company are located at Wheeling, After Selger was held In JsO ball bv Magistrate Tracy for a further hearing on October IX, on tho charge of making false and fraudulent representations for the purpose of defrauding, detectives started out to make other nrrests. . man nlleged to have been Implicated In the swindle was arrested last night nt 1 Lock Haven, Pa. According to Detective Wilson, of the State Insurance Department, and D 1:. Hunihan, a State Investigator. Seise made it a practice to Insure healthy per sons In the name of Invalids and nthei s who wcro virtually on their deathbed. The operations of the swindle as de scribed by the detectives was to have a healthy person flic an application for Insurance As a rule, it Is alleged by tho Insuronco department, the insurance) would be placed In tho name of a person who was old and feeble. Following death tho Insurance wns paid to relatives of the dead person. Selger was an authorized agent of th Conservative Life Insurance Company, and is alleged to have done business In I'nundeipnia and other pnrts of Penn sylvania. A warrant was served on him while he was standing in the corridor of tho (Continental Hotel. Selger lles with his wife and six chil dren at the North Marshall street ad dress. At his homo It was said that he was a life iiburance agent, nnd acted as the Philadelphia representative of tha Conseriative Life Insurance Company. Selger maintained desk room In a real estnto olllco a short distance from his home. g? BLACK & WHITE A W. SHOP Va jp. I W. MULREADY v Millinery & importer M5W LOCATION 125 So. 16th St. llnrinerb at I MM Walnut fit.) Va 2 XI&. IFf'QaaBolail.e Car- Of rJZ 3 er-Sc ost famv r Wedding Silver " If you have a wcddls sift to bur fe our very attraotlro itMortmenl of Bttrllng bllvtr ana bard mttal plattd war Oiru that ara alw appro- rrllte and axteptabla. 6Uctlona of b hlghm character at mpdtrata coat. C. It. Smith & Son, Inc. Market at 16th Street ) U Lighting Troubles arc easy for us to solve and ad just that's our specialty. We show you exclusive models, or we will specially design and make up your own ideas. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. Display Rooms and Workshops 427-433 N. Broad St. A Short Walk Along Automobile Row 1200 F . O. B. Dttmt f-ptltf-ttr Tttrlnf Car and RltJittr TIOGA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 336 N. Broad St. UH 'I'hone bpruce 1993 Broad and Tioga Sts. Ilfll 'Wione Tloc. im bryatoae 'I'bone VmxV. 53IU-A G. G. Brownlee, Mgr. Five Passengers Five passenKers in all the comfort and ease that reabon can ask or require. Power nnd to spare for anywhere you can travel. Equipment complete, even to small details like license cairlers, Refinements that belonir to the Hup alone this year because the Hup leads progress. All this and more the new jiun ulvoi Jqu. For you set the old Hun quality, the old Hup service-at-lott'-sost. the old Hun reliability. And those, let me tell you.1 are ea. tentiaU worth luivlng, u well as a liiir, roomy body, convenienses throughout urn! everything an nected with the operation of the car made simple and e&sy. The Hun hu always stood hud and shoulders above the general run of cars I hardly ned tall you that. When you come In. to see tha new tHal you'll My that It Is buiIq talnlRK the place that belongs to the Hup, G. G. HROWNIHE; Mfc-n, The Importance of the victory to tha Boston and Bostonlans was shown that moie than ten columns of "news" mat ter was "shot" over the wire by one of tho sporting writers of a Boston news-- - paper. Many of tho Boston loyal rooters lost money on yesterday's same, havlnff nlnrpri their hoAn nn ihn ArMntlna n..A j of them wns scon dancing on the street alter tns irt.me. "Why are you danclnir. Didn't you lose J200?" he was asked. "Sure," ho said, "but I have the rlsrht to dance, haven't I?" he replied. "That Is where tho loyalty comes In." 6dan top for the tourlsg ear. eoupe top for the roadeter. make winter driving coay end comfortable, and their coat U exceedingly attraatlv. 111 ! i. 'L n r J1 rl ii; . .t n , if j I