Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 10, 1914, World's Series Final, Page 13, Image 13

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i Happenings in the National Cnpi
tal of Importance and Interest,
Legislative and Political.
In the realm of foreign affaire, tho
most Important development of the week
n Washington has been tho assurance
received from the Japanese Government
that the occupation of the Marshall
Islands In only a temporary war meas
ure. Japan sent word to the State De
partment Wednesday that the seizure of
the archipelago was not now, and would
not be, regarded as anything more than
temporary strategic move.
The postponement of tho Pan-American
peace conference, which was to have
been held at Buenos Aires next month,,
was announced after a meeting of the
directors of the Pan-American Union
Wednesday, which Secretary of Stato
Bryan attended. Tho European war la
ostensibly the cause of tho postponement.
There were no Important developments
In the Mexican situation, although the
brief visit of John It. Sllllman, tho Pres
ident's confidential agent with General
Carranza, to the capital occasioned much
speculation Mr. Sllllman left Washlng-
ton for Mexico City Thursday night. The
real nature of hts "mission" to Wash
ington or the charncter of tho Informa
tion ho gave the President has not yet
been divulged.
Great Britain's alleged selzuro of neu
tral vessels bearing copper and other
"conditional cqntraband" to Dutch ports
was tho subject of a lively controversy
In Washington. The British Ambassa
dor, Sir Cecil Sprlng-Rlce. gave assur
ances to the State Department that Great
Britain's only plan was to prevent car
goes shipped to Dutch porta from being
trans-shipped to Germany. A settlement
of the problem probably will be worked
"" out on this basis.
Ecuador signified to Secretary of Stato
Ei van her desire to enter Into a pact
with the United States In tho familiar
"sobcr-second-thought-bofore-war" trea
ties negotiated between this country and
many other nations. '
Various plans for the rellof of the cot
ton srowors of the South, who have lost
almost their entire foreign market since
the advent of tho European war, were
advanced this week. Tho effort to have
nny one of the plans culminate In legis
lation by Congress to be passed before
tho close of tho present session, has so
far proved abortive, although Southern
members of the House have repeatedly
threatened that they will permit no ad
join nment or congress until some re
lief measures have been passed for the
cotton plnnters.
Perhaps the most practicable plan yet
developed has come through the Initia
tive uf Festus J. Wade, a St. Louis bank
er, who proposes the establishment of a
$150w.W0 cotton pool, to be composed
uf all the leading banks of tho West and
South Mr. Wade brought a delegation
of bankers to Washington Friday to meet
thn members of the Federal Reserve
Board and President Wilson.
The war tax bill was modified In some
vital details by the caucus of Demo
crat Senators Wednesday night and
wns presented to the Senate tho next
dav. The rates of beers, wines, rectified
splnts and tobaccos were raised, and re
ductions were made on the House levies
on bankeis and brokers. The tax on
, gasoline was stricken out.
The Administration nlans for the com.
In.; campaign were matured this week by
vaiioiis conferences at the White House.
Seci-tary of State Bryan was assigned
to speak in the Middle Western States, In
cluding Ohio. Indiana, Wisconsin, North
a k south Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska.
UK only appearance on the Btump In the
Kj.ern States will be nt tho Academy of
MufIo in Brooklyn next Tuesday evening.
secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and
fifci.tarv of Cummer?-) RedMeld will make
fwrjl addresses In New York State, and
pr ihahly a number In Pennsylvania. Sec
retin of Labor Wilson probably will
m ik an extensive stumping tour of the
I'-tnne Stnte Postmaster General Bur-I'-nn
will spend about ten days In the
Miii.'in Woit, epeaklnk In Cincinnati, In
dii.iiol)8 and other cities.
"campaign conference" was held at
thf White House Friday night, at which
plin- worn discussed by the President,
r -im-ister General Burleson, Represen-tn-ic
rioivmus, chairman of the Demo,
critic i ongresslonol Committee; Thomas
J Ti-nre, of the Democratic National
fnmrnlttee, and Secretary J. P. Tumulty.
Another important political development
or tlie week was the visit of Colonel
r, mce Harvey to tho White House last
Buiflav The truco between the President
nn.i rolnn. Harvey Iris brought forth
tlv .Miirci-stion thnt tho Colonel may be
nim.il ns Ambassador to Berlin If Mr.
d mril Is electei Senator from New York.
Tr Hmisp of Representatives Thursday,
ti i te (if 21 to 54, adopted the confer
rn r .r.mmitteo agreement on the Clay
ton inti-tnist bill, which materially sup-
pi- "i-nis the ShPrman anti-trust act. The
P t a, lias nlready adopted the agree
ment nnd tho measure will now be pre
f i"d to President Wilson for his ap
Ti"'"' which will place the bill on the
Statute hooks
From the Baltimore American.
Editorial Suggestions Concerning
Some of the Difficulties in the
Business World.
What we need Is to freo the energies of
the American mind from governmental
shackles. What we need Is to glvo freo
course to American activity and ingenu
ity and let tho American merchant find
his markets or make them. What we
need of government la a return to Its
original functions, when wo would have
better order and fewer laws and greater
snfety and less Injustice and the true
prosperity best built on tho highest de
gree of personal freedom. Louisville
Much of our business depression Is
wholly mental. It Is caused by paralysis
of the mind. It is pure panic which In
duces confusion and inertia. Amerlcam
should set an example to the world of
Initiative, Ingenuity and energy In meet
ing tho business crisis, not only for our
own benefit, but for the benefit of the
millions nbroad who are dependent upon
us for supplies. Present prosperity and
future rewards rest upon prompt, useful
and efficient service In all lines of Indus
trial and commercial activity. Let us do
business and quit talking war. St. Louis
The cotton planters are not the only
producers who are entreating us to buy
something. Porto Rico Is cut off from
her European murkets and she Is now
asking the American people to "buy a
bag of her coffee." In a sense, Porto
Rico Is a part of our own household, and
we should not Incur tho reproach of
heathenism by withholding consideration
from her. Boston Transcript.
The Republican policy, as outlined in
pum platforms and carried out by Re-pii-'unn
Administrations, was to educate
th. rillpinus and give them a larger and
lai j.-r measure of home mle. It has
pr-idm td excellent results and there has
bren lemarkahle progress, but It Is much
t- " rarh to talk about a piomlre of In
ch rieiui. nee The time when complete
self K'JM-rnment can be granted without
ltnustln- to the peoplo of the islands and
without ignoring our own obligations Is
in thf future, and this makes It all
fa l
tin- mote difficult tn understand th Ad
mmiotiations reasons for favoring en
fl'tmrnt of thn Jones hill at this time
he.ster Post-Kxpress.
In.- autonomy question most positively
Is ti-t ono to be decided on the utility or
ii uf ity ,,f tho Philippines to us In case
of ur if we are not Justified in keep
lni; them in peace, will we be Justified In
i ing them that we may draw on
their lesources In the event of war, that
th, v may become a target for our en
emies to strike at In striking at us. that
t" nu be forced to share In the de
' tuti.jn bi ought to us by a war In
hKh they may be only remotely con-
'I'd ''St Louis Post nisn.itrh
1 he question of keeping the Philippine
leinida need not be considered from the
i H duuint of self-interest at all, but
r-w l fium that of duty. The real ques-
'i i day is whether, having taken over
Jhe Islands we will do better for them
a- b' in. them independence, or by keep-li-
ihcm under our guardianship. This
a -lutiy that can be answered only by
espeit students of conditions In the
archipelago Detroit Free Press.
w hile the minority leader errs on the
e'de of argument, he Is right as to the
mam question. The United States Is not
called un to commit Itself on that ques
tion at present Such a commitment would
"t only be subject to revocation by a
subsequent Congress, but would also
"use continued uniost In the Philippines.
would have been better to have met
ine SM, on ,he grouna tnat ,he FIlplnoa
J"L ",ot nw trained for se'f-government
As a man of peace tho President can
not wish to make unnecessary trouble
for himself. If It Is not certain, at least
It Is as sure as shooting that Gov
ernment freighters will get Into trouble
with one or nnother of the bakers' dozen
of nations- now of a temper to light any
body about anything. Tho Government
boats might be without fault, and yet
fault might bo Imputed to them. If
It were a matter of Government duty
nobody would say tnnt It should bti
shirked. But It Is. expressly urged as a
matter of Government profit. That In
troduces an element of calculation and
of delusion New York Times.
Why does the Administration continue
Its support of the ship purchase measure
after the only possible excuse for gov
ernmental participation In the shipping
business has been removed? Belief Is
growing that there would be great danger
of International complications If a Government-owned
fleet attempted to carry
grain to Europe. It Is practically certain
that adoption of the plnn favored by the
President would prevent the establish
ment of n permanent merchant marine.
Rochester Post-Kxpress.
The proposal to have the Government
buy. own and operate merchant ships
might perhaps be defended If such pur
chase were one step toward the rc-estah-Ilshment
of an American merchant ma
rine. But It Is not such a step. The
purchase and operation of merchant ves
sels by the United States Government
would do nothing to encourage private
capital to purchase and operate meiehnnt
vessels. On the contrary, It would dis
courage purchase and operation by pri
vate enterprise. Outlook.
Already tho transportation across tho
continent is changing to tho canal route,
and the railroads, to meet the rate, will
meet with a declining revenue. But one
railroad man says they won't lose, whicn
Is as much to say that the whole country
Is benefited by tho benefit to any part of
it. Ohio State Journal.
Besides attending to the obvious work
of organization. Investigating foreign de
mand and advertising we must In minor
details tako the hint given by our rivals
only temporarily eclipsed. Germany's
tremenduus progress during the past dec
ades has been laigely due to her educa
tional system Involving Instruction In
trades for her artisans and Instruction
in languages for her commercial agents.
Washington Times.
means to It strict neutrality and tho per
formance of Its treaty obligations? Now
York World.
Chicago has a new defense. It's not
that there's bo much crime In Chicago,
but that there's so much social conscience
that you hear nbou't It more. 'Milwaukee
Tho blossiugs of peaco do not necessa
rily Include exemption Trom a war tax.
Washington Star.
Every boy born In Mexico seems to
have a real chance to become President
for a duy. If tho days hold out. Los
Angoles Express.
Carranza's friends seem loth to accept
his resignation. In the clrcumstnnccs that
Is a queer way of showing their friend
ship Charleston News nnd Courier.
Whut, people, do you think of a Natlonaj
House of Congress containing IK mem
bers, passing upon s vital a matter aa
the Philippine question with only 72 mem-
beis present nnd voting? Milwaukee
One thoughtful educator rises to remaik
that the way to do Is to emphasize the
good In the child and minimize the bad,
but the gnawing fear is that it will be
a long time beforo this wise plan Is gen
erally adopted with respect to the
neighbors' children. OJilo State Journal.
The question of how long the war tax
will last Is of smaller Imnortanco than
that respecting the life of the Under
wood law, and what shape tho new gen
oral tariff revision will tnke when de
velopments force action on Congress
Washington Stur. I
Thn nation should own the home of
Thomas Jerferson, and Representative
Levy's announcement of his change of de
termination not to sell Montlcello will be
What Newspapers in All Parts of
tho Country Think About the
Clayton Measure.
There; are two considerations which ap
peal with much forco to thoughtful people
at the present time, Ono Is that there IS
great danger In an overce'ntrallzed gov
ernment, and In loo close political control
of Industries. The war In Europe has Its
Industrial na well flu Its political lessons.
Imperialism In Industry Is as bad as Im
perialism In government Our people
have felt this, as has been shown by their
opposition to ship subsidies, to the Gov
ernment purchase and operation of a mer
chant marine and to extreme protection.
We have In the last few years seen an
enormous extension of the (unctions of
the State. Tho new banking and currency
law Is the latest manifestation of that
tendenay. Possibly It will be Just as well
to stop, at least long enough to catoh .our
breath. Indianapolis News,
"I believe," Senator Brlstow Is nuoted
as saying, "that tho President' knows ex
actly what this conferenco report does
and that he Is supporting It bocaUBe he
does know what It docs. I am convinced
that tho President has surrendered his
Administration to tho most sinister in
fluences In this republic. There has been
no Administration since the beginning of
tho Government which has so abjectly
surrendered to Wall street Interests na
this one hng done." Wherefore, In the
absence of nny specific Information as to
the terms of the conference agreement,
we are Inclined to think It must be n
very wise nnd wholesome one. Galveston
It Is this bill also which embraces the
great principle that "the labor of a hu
man being Is not a commodity or an ar
ticle of commerce." Hereafter no labor
union can be penalized unless It violates
the laws, and proceedings by Injunction
and for contempt nro wisely regulated.
There to no surrender hero. It Is rather a
triumph or good faith and good sense.
New York World.
i.'WiWV? tin ill
r? !iWifliif Nw ft zS
Mm wife! MwBi-wmtilft JS&&
LMa.4V? rell! silk l 1 2r "
From the New York World.
An unnecessary reafllrmatlon of tho
Sherman anti-trust law and a little sop
to tho labor unions prefneed with the
profound philosophic declaration "that
the labor of a human being Is not a com
modity or nn artlclo of commerce." and
asserting that proper labor organizations
are not conspiracies In restraint of trade
a fact which nobody had questioned.
"Thou say'st an undisputed thing In
such a solemn way" tho remark of Oliver
Wendcl Holmes to the katydid. New
York Herald.
This experimental anti-trust legislation,
greatly Increasing tho scope of Federal
Government and widening Immeasurably
Its control over private business, strikes
most men of affairs. regardlcsR of nolltl-
cal affiliations, as decidedly unfortunate.
That there aro problems In tho present
buslncst situation admits of no doubt, but
that this is the way to meet them Is .in
other story. But we shall havo to await
developments with such patience as wo
can mu3ter Boston Herald.
The thoughful lawyers and broad-minded
students of economic legislation would
shed no tears if the omnibus Clayton bill
should accidentally or otherwise get lost
somewhere. The country has not studied
It; Congress does not know what it means
or portends; it Is as vague in its phrase
ology as it in drastic In Its intent. It is
a leap Into tho worst Jungle of the twi
light zone, or several such leaps into ns
many Jungles Chicago Tribune.
Here we have vicious, un-American class
legislation favoring tho mighty capitalists
and the organized laborers against the
great middle class of eoclety, which finds
Itself each year harder pressed between
the extortions of the monopolists and the
requirements of the workers for higher
wages and shorter hours St. Louis Post.
mil fr ffei
Mju mi mv v . i i J k - i
Progress of the Campaign and Some
Illustrative and Picturesque In
The announcement that Martin G.
Brumbaugh, Republican nominee for Gov
ernor, Is financing his campaign Inde
pendently of the Penrose-controlled Re
publican State Committee, and the suc
cessful efforts of friends of Roger C. Sul
livan In tho Senate Committee on Priv
ileges and Elections to postpone the Sen
ate Investigation of the primary expenses
of Penrose and Sullivan, were important
political events of tho week.
A. Mitchell Palmer appeared before the
Senate Committee early In tho week and
repeated his charge against Penrose. Pen
rose paid one of his infrequent visits to
Washington, and made a strong fight to
prevent the Inquiry Into his campaign
methods. Indications were, however, that
tho Investigation would bo ordered, but
yesterday Democratic members of the
committee, who aro friends of the Demo
cratic candidate for United States Sen
ator from Illinois, postponed the Inquiry
until after November 3.
Doctor Brumbaugh's positive stand In
favor of local option caused the differ
ences between tho gubernatorial candi
date and the Penrose-controlled State
In his week's campaign through the
Cumberland valley, ho repeatedly defined
his stand in regard to local option. After
speaking at Ncrristown on Sunday and
visiting Philadelphia on Monday, ho re
called to a throng at Chambersburg on
Tuesday the fact that in 1SS5 he led the
fight In Huntingdon County for prohibition.
Officials of the Anti-Saloon League,
which opened its campaign for local op
tion on Sunday, have Indorsed Vance C
McOonnlck. the Democratic and Wash
ington party candidate for Governor. In
lecognitlon of Doctor Brumbaugh's local
option stand, A. K. Huston, anti-liquor
lender In Chester County, came out on
Thursday in support of Doctor Brum
baugh's candidacy.
J. Benjamin Dimmick. of Scranton. who
opposed Penrose for the nomination last
Bprlng, detined his present position in a
statement Issued Monday. Ho said that
he must abide by the decision of the
voters, and for that reason cannot enter
the fight against Pcnrote.
Dr. William Draper Lewis, who with
drew as the Washington party candidate
for Governor in favor of MeCm-miir ti.
the stump for McCormlck at Altoona on
Mond.iv. Ho accompanied McCormlck
and Palmer to Philadelphia, where the
Demicrntie candidates campaigned for
iu naj-a. un neanesnay McCormlck ad
dressed noon-day meetings of working
men. and lie and Palmer addressed the
Washington Party Committee and ward
workers on Wednesday nlnht On Thurs
day Palmer and McCormlck attended fac
tory meetings, and nt nUht addressed
the Palmer-McCormlck League City Com
mlttee On Thursday night alto the Palmer-McCormlck
Committee of One Hun
dred, at a dinner nt the Bellevuo-Strat-ford.
dlscussrd campaign finances.
Henry C Nlles, of York, entered the
campaign to aid Palmer In tho fight
agalrst Penrose. Director Porter on
Thur.-dav ordered tho police to canvass
every district in Philadelphia to discover
any illegal Penrose writes that may have
been included In the lists used on the
registration days.
Military and Naval Operations Con
sidered in Relation to Their
Effect on Whole Situation.
War operations In France this week
were devoted largely to flanking and
counter flanking movements character
ized by terrific fighting, as each advance
met with stubborn resistance. No de
cision was reached in the great conflict,
first known at the Battle of the Aisne,
and now as the Battle of the Seven
Tho feature of the week was the north
westerly trend of the battle tine and tho
violent effort of the Germans to sweep
down through Belgium and outflank the
Allies. This apparently has failed, al
though much ground was gained by the
invaders. On the other hand the Allies
have pushed their lines to the northwest
nnd are endeavoring to cut off the Ger
mans operating against Antwerp. Tho
movement means the shifting of the great
battle to Belgian soli. And this has
caused a lull in activities on the German
left. Almost no flgHtlng has taken place
In the region of the Vosges.
A surprise of tho week was the sudden
appearanco of a strong German force
near Lille on the Allies' extreme left,
threatening llnefl of communication with
French coast towns. The Allies were
forced to retire at some points, but re
galed the lost ground after several days
of fighting. Apparently the new movement
by tli3 Invaders has removed the proba
bility of the Allies' relieving the siege of
More dependable accounts have come
from the southern field of war. An Aus
trian army has advanced into Poland,
where it was Joined by a large German
force from Silesia. The combined forces
engaged In a bloody battle with the Rus
sians along the Vistula, northwest of Cra
cow, but this conflict is only preliminary
to thp great clash which Is due for pos
session of Cracow. A new Russian army
has moved toward Thorn in East Prussia.
a great Ftronghold, regarded as the key
to Posen and thence Berlin. The Austrian
German Junction came as a surprise to
tho Russians and may defeat the move
ment against Thorn.
In Eastern Galicla the Austrlans have
been pushed nearer to Cracow and the
Russian advance has crossed the Donajec
River, capturing Tarnow and other towns.
In tho west Przemysl has succumbed to
tho Russian bombardment, according to a
late, but unconfirmed, report. Russia has
reported further progress in tho Carpa
thian passage, but successful invasion of
Hungary is denied at Vienna,
As to making Montlcello an occasional
residence of Presidents why not? It is
In Virginia In near enough pro.lmlty to
the National Capital to make It con
venient for such a purpose. Its historic
associations lend an added phase of suit
ability to the project. It Is well worth
considering. Buffalo Times.
Montlcello was the homa of a man who
had much to do with shaping the early
history of this nation. It should be pre.
seived and it should be owned by the
nation Hnrtford Post.
If the property be purchased by the
Government It should be to commemoiate
tho greatness of Jefferson and of him
alone, and it should be converted into a
nationnl shrine, an historic spot to which
patri'-tic Americans of all shades of po
litical opinions mlsht feel fre to en m
any time to pay their tributes to the mem
ory of one of the founders of this smi
.-i-uuiii' -api-wsueiu L nion.
Events Significant of Present nnd
Future Conditions in the Busi
ncss World.
This week tho Federal Reserve Board
announced that Class C directors had
been apolnted for all of the 12 Federal re
serve banks. Actual work of organiza
tion has nlready begun in several cities,
all the directors of the 12 new Institutions
will confer with tht federal Reserve
Board In Washlngton on October 20 on
plans to place the banks In operation.
It Is felt that with tho Inauguration of
the now banking system, which, ns be
lieved, will be placed in actual opera
tion tho early part of November, bank
credit will bo restored by bringing the
leading banks within their full legal re
serve. Under tho new currency system
reserves of banks will bo cut down con
siderably, and this will bo a very favora
ble Influence, especially at tho present
Steps were taken by banks In all cities
In response to tho call of the Gold Fund
Committee for 25 per cent, of the allotted
contribution to the Jlfrt.OOO.OOO gold pool
tor the relief of the foreign etchange
situation. Philadelphia's first subscrip
tion, t2.000.fi00. was deposited at the Clear
ing House In four hours, where It now la,
at tho disposal of the committee That
the gold har not been railed for would
seem to Indicate that conditions aro be
coming better, or else that the subscrip
tions of other cIMpb aro sufficient for the
moment. The qulek action of the Phila
delphia bankers shows more conrluslvely
than It has probably evpr before been
demonstrated that tho banking methods
of the Quaker City bankers are good and
that the banks are In yound condition.
A delegation of bankers from the cotton-growing
States met In St Louis on
Monday and ratified the plan for raising
a cotton loan fund of 1150.000.000. Tho
plan now awaits the approval of tho
Secretary of tho Treasury and the Fed
eral Reserve Board. It has the approval
or resident wnson.
Tho bill creating the Bank of Texas,
with a proposed capital stock of in.OOO.OOO,
for relief of the cotton situation, was
defeated by tho Texas Legislature Dur
ing the week the New York Cotton Ex
change completed a tentative plan for
taking care of outstanding contracts in
futures. The plan. If it Is ratified by tho
members of tho Exchange, Is expected to
permit reopening by November 1. Two
syndicates will bo formed to underwrite
the cotton represented by "long" con
tracts and to work in preventing heavy
losses by firms with many obligations
A statement issued by Secretary Mc
Adoo on Tuesday showed that tho pre
vailing rate of Interest on loans of na
tional banks to correspondent banks in
uiuai ui m nnunciai centres was 6 per
cent. Philadelphia was given a clean bill
of health. It was stated that no caso
hart been reported where a bank In this
city had charged more than this rate.
Tho New York, Now Haven nnd Hart
ford Railroad started suit against John
L. Blllard and five other oillcers of the
Billard Company to recover $3,S2iI47 in
connection with the sale of the Boston
and Maine Railroad Within a week It
is exp.ected that the decree providing for
the dissolution of the New Haven will be
filed in New York.
Stockholders of the Canadian Pacific
Railway voted to Incrnase the capital
stock $75,000,000 to 1335.000.000.
The fortnightly bulletin of the Ameri
can Railway Association showed that on
October 1 there was n net surplus of Idle
freight cars on the sidings and In yards
of railroads In the United States and
-anaua oi lai.uji, compaiert with 136.01D
on September 15, a decrease of E022 Al
though this decrease Is not large, yet it
shows that n little mom freicht is mov
ing, and the freight business Is the main
stay of the railroads.
The Government crop report, which was
Issued on Wednesday, shnwod nn -n!i
We are now virtually assured of a bump
er wheat crop, the greatest In the coun
try's history. This crop comes at a very
opportune time. Of course, we will havo
a very large surplus that will not be
needed, and win be wanted by Europe.
This should go a long way toward help,
ing our foreign credit. The indicated
ield of wheat, spring and winter, la
S!)2.WlO0O bushels, acainst tho flnni
63.3SO.000 bushels in 1313; corn. J.fi;G 000,000
nnai last year of
uusneis. against a
2.4I6.95S.0O0 bushels.
From the New York Tribune.
Yr J!T uM'1 therfl ' evidence that they
ln re.,1 ro neeJ ot even discussing
i.. e!on of Independence. Chlcaeo
It seems Impossible to overwork a mem
ber of Congress to such a degref that
he does not feel able and willing to
come back. Washington Star.
The Agricultural Department proposes
to organize the boys and girls of New
England into apple-growing clubs; as If
the kids would get any fun out of raiding
their own orchards Boston Transcript.
The lowest death rate ever recorded In
the hlstoiy of New York city fall at a
time when millions of men In Europe
are engaged with all their might in cre
atine a death rate unquald in the his
tory of war. New York World.
No one will care much about Slav and
German and Anglo-Saxon culture for a
few days while we are reading about Boa
ton culture In the world's 8rles Grand
Rapids Prss.
The proposition to tax automobiles
meets with the approval of the man who
has to dodge tneni Birmingham Age-Herald
Turkey's only desire, according to A
Rustem Bey, is "to be let alone ' Is it
welcomed throughout the country. Mr.
Lovy, In putting a price of J500.0UO on the
property, yielded directly to the solicita
tion of Mr. Bryan, but the action of the
Secretary of State may be attributed fair,
ly to the national sentiment roused by
Mrs. Martin Littleton New York Herald
The statement of the Japanese Govern
ment that Juluit was seized for present
military purposes, with no thought of
permanent possession, should save us
from an outbreak of that painful disease
sometimes described - as Hobsonitls, or
moie sck'iitificalU- as Nlpponophobla. For
this relief, much thanks. Chicago Journal
Turkey's abrogation of the capitulations
does not affect the American missions,
colleges or hospitals, or any of the prop
erty of which the hold In Turkey. These
eiUt under the gtneral laws of the Em
pire, and they have the protection of
International law. As for the immunities
hitherto grunted to foreign residents, we
may as well confess that they amounted
to a curtailment of Turkish telf.govern
ment. Boston Herald.
It la an unfortunate notion to proraul.
gate that the. schools are hotbeds for the
development of crime It "does sometimes
happen that they exert a missionary in
fluence upon parents through their chil
dren, but It very seldom happens that
they weaken anything of good that the
child has received from the influences
of his home The country is proud of
its public schools and It has reason to
be. but If the charge made at the prison
convention wer-j true we could not close
ready to obtala that end bv Uw aly wire thf m aax. loo wlcUj'.-Bostoa Traaeertet ' Amirictn Review,
The congressional elections tills year
bid fair to be overshadowed, like every
thing else political, by the European war,
but it is evident that the Republican
managers intend to raise all the clamor
they can about "war taxes In time of
peace " They will ba wise, however, In
sticking to that vague cry, with what
ever effect It may have, lather than go
ing into details. New York Evening
The nesit Congress should represent the
United States without any regard to the
man wnu Happens just now to be the
chief executive officer of the United i
States. In no other way can the people '
of this country show that they know
their right and are bound to maintain '
mem. not in any oosterperous or childish
manner, but simply because these rights
aro necessary and useful. Hartford
Is it surprising that the Republican
party falls to recognize "the Immense ad
vance made by the Democracy" and that
tn respect to the tariff "it stands Just
where it did on the day after Wilson was
elected"? Springfield Union.
The return of a Democratic majority
(to the House), however greatly reduced
would signalize the most striking per
sonal triumph of any President since An.
drew Jackson overwhelmed the opposi
tion in 1832. Now, as then, the issue Is
not a party, but a personality North
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World's series baseball games and a
boom in the business of local manufac
turing plants were prominent in the
week's news in Philadelphia.
Thousands of persons arrived In tho
city to witness baseball contests between
tht; Athlitics and Boston team. A.- in
former years scandal has nirnmr,,n,..i
the advance sale of tickets, this vear the
police being implicated to a considerable
extent. The customary high puces rre-
ailed among speculators holding choice
The I'nlted States Government has
given considerable business to Philadel
phia concerns this week. A larg-- j.jit
of the armor plate to be ued in th-
new dreadnoughts, the California. imi-
sippi and Idaho, will be manufactured
at the plant of the Midvjle Steel com
pany In Nicetown. Contracts have been
awarded that firm amounting to s; jM
The New York Shipbuilding Conmn
of Camden will build on.- of th two
dreadnoughts, bids for which weie op. n 1
by the Navy Deputtniviit last we-k 'I o
oig Dattiesnip to b coiiitiucte-J -n tl--opposite
side of the rir will m.1
17 173.000
The Frankford Arsenal land Item it01
was announced by th- Secretary of War"5 t
will this year be included tn ihi- sun-iiutej
civil estimates budset This mark- t' seat
achievement of years ui attix -n rP rl-J-rart
of many organizations In Frankmi.
The new tract of land tmludes ) a r a tn
and will give the nrst-nal a Irontan-- ii r
the Delaware River
Kensington, the gra mill district nt
rhi'adelphia. i-ported thai its nitons uia
i r-erating ut from fin to T per cent of
their capacity Th minufacturers my
hat this Is bettor than for some Mi ia
, past t'omhi, nee I, expiis-ni espt-i-ullv
t- upholstery manuracturel s, Uoth w-,,.
; us and hosiery mukers
Deeper waterways for the Camden. N
J . harbor have bttn faiorei by the Uoy-
! ei nment, and the harbor is to be -m
proved- The work will t-.tt fW.Oui- "f
, which the Uty must pay $15. It a
e&pei-ud that the woil will be started
The city-wide campaign for "safety
nisi (H.'iil a 4eUMl impetus thu
week when Judge Hulzocrser In l.u
charge to the Grand Juiy scthinn de
nounced Couiuils for lis nfylect of pedes
trtanV cutely liy failing to pass lws
regulating the ie uf niator-dnven
A recert fet dumping coal into the hoi
or i vestel was iitabi:hJ si the Oren
wlch coal pier ol the iVmwylianu
JUtUosd fuuipiiny when, by a new
prucess. s&iii tons ere dumped in four
hours. A esl, the ! Bruce, docket
at the piers o'cl. k in the svornlnc
4 by J o'clock in the afternoon
ready for see
Tb PbihUU-lphla Housing Commission
fharuwl Councils with prmiltitij squalM
and 4ltts-brel4A6 conditions wokta no
4Ni to xit la various fctm,s of ti o
city Tfcy say Councils Ihb failed M
provide for the muiiitc-ume t.,
Dlvisicu of H iusmg an-l -,4n t.utou
Infant mortality m-u U , i I-rl ijjej,,. a
foi thj !at nit- month' ,w j-i -
of .'7 ovir th i.i-ctilt,K eyi.a p- i
despite ityadrs ujn,i ..ii.it-.s a ., .
children Thp t -tal nunio. i t u, .u'., , ',
the ranks of liue folks wu m,