lamting NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA PRICE ONE CENT PHILADELPHIA, FKIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1914. VOL. I NO. 23 Corrwonr, 1014, st inn Pontic hrrxin Commht. BOSTON HAS LEAD IN EARLY INNINGS -OF THE FIRST GAME Slrtrger ' ' r ALLIES' CAVALRY DRIVES BACK FOES IN FIERCE CHARGES Mounted French and Pritish Fight Way North of Lille and Engage Strong Ger man Force, According to Official State ment From Parish :' ' llKfiiL' wHBMKnNmrK I iiii B0 Invaders Give Ground Near Soissons, But Continue Terrific Bombardment of Antwerp Berlin Announcement Says Another Fort Has Fallen. PARIS, Oct. 9. That the Allies are moeilng with con tinued success In their flanking- move ment near the Franco-Belgian border la indicated by the official statement Is- aued at 3 o'clock this afternoon, al though It states that the general situa tion has undergone no change. It states cavalry forces of the two armies now are operating north of Lille. This shows that the Allies' cavalry Is pressing for ward ngalnst that of the Germans and that tho Allies' pffonslve has not been checked. The official statement follows In full: " Tho general situation has under gone no change. On our left wing tho two cavalry forces are oper ating continually at the north of Lille and La : arro and the battle continues on tho line marked by the regions of Lens, Arras, Bray-sur-Somme, Chaulnes, Royo and Lasslgny. At the centre, from tho Olso to the Blouse, there are only minor engagements. On our right. In the "Woevro re Flon. there has been an artillery battle along tho ontlre front. In Lorraine, in the Vosges and In Al enco there Is no change. In Bosnia the Montenegrin troops . continue their advance In the di rection of Sarajevo, having reached the fortified lino which protects the city at a distance of eight kilo metres (about five miles). A dispatch from Bordeaux, the seat of tho French Government, to the Paris Figaro says: "An orderly German retreat, accom panied by violent fighting, seems to have begun from heavy transfers of troops from the north of the Alsno to northern France. Wherever they havo teen TepuUsed tho Germans still am burning, sacking and destroying. It Is reported that Arras Is badly damaged." A retrograde movement, a crumpling of the lines at either end, would mean retreat by tho centre. Military experts here are confident this is Impending. Tresslng back of German forces In the neighborhood of Verdun Is regarded as "particularly significant. The French artillery Is proving Itself more than a match for the German guns in this sec tion. Cavalry reconnolssances in force on the far western end of the line have re sulted In severe losses Inflicted on the German cavalry lines north of Lille. World interest In tho gigantic opera tions In tho western theatre of war is now divided between the fighting along the Immense front In the battle of Seven Rivers and the German as eault against Antwerp, where 200,000 German troops (flva army corps) are engagedand the city Is being ehelled by the heaviest ordnance known to modern warfare. In Franca the Germans have been Compelled to give ground J.ear SoIssonB, losing strong positions and heavy guns, but the Invaders, at last reports, atill were holding their positions aRoys, (where fighting is furious night and day, Arras, one of the finest old cities in northwestern France, has partly been destroyed by a great artillery duel which is raging there between French and Germans. Around Lille, German troop from the The War Today Continued success marks tho Allies' campaign to check the flanking move ment on their extreme left by tho Ger mans. A fierce cavalry engagement now Is' In" progress north of LIUc. Re treat by Germans reported In Paris. The German bombardment of Ant werp grows in violence. Somo of the suburbs havo been set ablaze by the continuous fall of shells. King Albert's whereabouts still Is uncertain, but a large part of the Belgian troops has left tho beleaguered city. German War Office announces tho capture of another Antwerp fort and continued progress near St. Mlhlel. on the Mouse, and In tho Ardennes re gion. ' Russia's now army has advanced to within 30 miles of Thorn, tho heav ily fortified Slleslan city, which Is tho key to Poson and Berlin. The Czar's troops are within three miles of Cra cow. An unconfirmed dispatch reports the fall of Przemysl. Both Germans and Russians -claim success in .tho Poland-East Prussia campaign.' 'Germans have lost several engagements In tho Wlrballen region, but havo gained ground along tho upper Nlcman River. Montenegrins have- taken three Boq nfa towns In their sweeping movement toward Sarajevo. x TsHfs&iSs! TODAY Bender in Box and Schang Behind the Plate for White Elephants, Opposed by Rudolph and Gowdy. Clear Skies and Broiling Sun Make Ideal Baseball Weather for Players and Fans Who Pack Shibe Park. SCORE BY INNINGS FIRST SERIES GAME BOSTON R. . E. 0 2 0 0 wm mm ATHLETICS H. E. m Jill m 1 0 0 ffi M B AM mi wm man w,zn vm wm Batteries Rudolph and Gowdy; Bender and Schang. Umpires Dinccn, Byron, Hildebrand and Klem. Details of Play WORLD SERIES' LINE-UP ATHLETICS. BOSTON'. Murphy, rf. Oldring, ir. Collins, 2b. Baker, 3b. Mclnnls, lb Strunk, cf. Barry, as. Schang. c. Bender, p. Umpires: Dlncen. Moran, rf. Evers, Zb. Connolly, If. Whltted, cf. Schmidt, lb. Gowdy, c. Maranvllle, ss. Deal. 0b. Rudolph, p. behind the bat; CAR KILLS BOY; CREW SAVED FROM LYNCHING Mob Threatens to Kill Motorman and Conductor as Police Arrive. A lynching at 6th and Winter streets today was provonted by police of the 4th street and Snyder avenue station when a crowd of more than SOO Italians mobbed the crew of a street car which ran down and killed 1-year-old Theodore Karp, 21IT South 6th street, who dashel Into tho street after a marble. The body of the little boy remained for more than a half hour beneath the car trucks, and the srlef-crozcd attempts of his mother to pull It out frenzied a crowd of persons who gathered on the scene. Cries of "lynch them," "murderers" nnfl threats of vengeance came from the mob. Men drew knives. The motorman and conductor crouched In terror In the car. The arrival of police who heard noise of the excitement prevented serious trouble. They dispersed the people, and sent for a repair wagon of the Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company. The body of the boy was taken In the patrol wagon of the 15th street and Snyder avenue station to St. Agnes Hospital, but the child was "dead. Theodore and other children were play ing with marbles In tho street. Ills mother etood at the door of her homo not far away and watched. Just as she called h6r boy to come, Into the house, a marble escaped him and he dashed Into the middle of the car track after It. The mother, who had witnessed her son's death, rushed to the street, tore at her hnlr and tried to clutch the small body from beneath tho car. Then she fainted and friends called a physician. BREWERS COERCE SALOONKEEPERS IN SUPPORT OF PENROSE Debtors Intimidated by Liquor Barons to Aid Their Candidate's Desper ate Campaign for Election. STALLINGS IN FIST FIGHT Concluded on Par Four JC!S'"'" H CLOUD THE WEATHER For Philadelphia and vicinity Generally cloudy and unsettled fp niyht and Saturday, with possibly some light rain. Gentle southerly tuinds. for details, tee last page. Braves' Manager Achieves Desire to Punch a Head It's a'Pan's. George Stalllngs, manager of 'the Bos ton Braves, appeased his desire for punching some one's head today when a fan became overzealous In expressing Ms praises of the Athletics within Stalllng's presence. The unlucky fan was P. J. Callahan, who has been hanging around "kidding" the Boston players ever since they have been in the city. "We'll show them," chortled Callahan In the lobby of the Majestic Hotel. Then he ambled over to Stalllngs and made a Jeering remark. Stalllngs grabbed Callahan and punched lllm. Callahan was then ordered out of the hotel. The Braves' manager ambled back to his post at the hotel desk and lighted a cigar. FIREMEN VISIT PRESIDENT "Wilson Gives PhoenlxvHlo Fighters Cordial "Welcome to Washington." WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.-President WIN son today gave a courteous and cordial "welcome to Washington" to 73 members of the Phoenlxvllle, Pa., hose, hook and ladder company, who are in the national capital on a sight-seeing tour. The delegation plans to return Phoenlxvllle tomorrow liter g. flyintr to Baltimore. Richmond, Newport N and other cities. Intimidation of saloonkeepers by brew eries that hold mortgages of their cus tomers Is the latest step In the fight the liquor Interests are making to send Sen ator Penrose back to Washington nnd to keep tho Penrose-McNlchol Vare ma chine In control In Pennsylvania. A threat of foreclosure Is the club that Is being held over the heads of the saloon keepers to keep them In line, Tho breweries conduct their sales under a system which absolutely controls tho business of tho saloonkeepers who sell their products. They are using the same system to coerce the saloonkeepers to show "cortnln" results In the way of vote for Penrose and against "black balled" candidates for the Legislature. The system employed Is simple. The breweries, when they find a location where a saloon should prosper, have for many years been building the saloons and either operating them themselves In directly through a man whom they would select and to whom they would give a percentage of tho receipts for conducting the place, or have been lending the men sufficient capital to start In business. CONTROL MANY SALOONS. Scores of saloons which were In opera tion In Philadelphia before the breweries started this system have also come under the control of the breweries by virtually the samu means, money. Whether be. cause they have been "squeezed" or be cause they have had bnd luck In their business matters, the proprietors of these Baloons havebeen forced to borrow money. The breweries have In nearly every Instance loaned It to them, without Interest. It Is by lending money to saloonkeepers and never charging Interest on It that the breweries have been able to get a stranglehold on the business of the sa loonkeepers and force them to do the bidding of the brewers. SEND OUT LETTERS. Letters ordering saloonkeepers In all parts of Philadelphia to work for Pen rose and for certain candidates for tho Legislature, who, as cogs of the Penrose-ilcNlchol-Vare machine, are allied with tlio liquor Interests, have been sent out by breweries during tho last two weeks. These letters, while the details are differ ent In nearly every case, nearly all fol low the same form. The saloonkeeper. In these letters, has first been reminded of the dates on which he borrowed money from the breweries and the amounts. The breweries then add the amounts, Inform the saloonkeep er of the total, and then remind him that no Interest hus been charged during the years the breweries have held his notes The saloonkeeper has then been urged to work in the interests of the Republi can candidate for United States Senator and for the Penrose-McNIchoj-Vare ma chine candidates for the State Legisla ture. He should get "certain" results In his district, it is pointed out in the letter. MUST ATTEND MEETINGS The breweries have followed this with a demand that the saloonkeeper ateml the meetings of the liquor men. "If you re not wun ua, you are against us," the THE HANDS OF ESAU In this issue of the Evening Ledger is printed the thirtl arti cle of this remarkable series on political and economic conditions in Philadelphia. Today's instal ment deals with "THE ORQANIZATIOIN" and the methods by which it is sustained. See Editorial Page. DELAY FOR PENROSE THROUGH VOTES OF SULLIVAN'S FRIENDS COMMITTEE NAMED TO PROBE POLICE TICKET SCANDAL Judge Frees Speculators Ar rested Last Night Scalp ers Demand Confiscated Pasteboards. Senate Committee by Secret Vote Decides to Postpone Inquiry Until After the Election. WASHINGTON. Oct. 9. Behind locked doors the Senate Privileges and Elections Commltteo this morning postponed tho In vestigation of tho primary elections In Pennsylvania and Illinois until after the November election. Senator John W, Kern, of Indiana, the chairman, gave as an excuse for this action that It would b Impossible to get a sufficient number of Senntors to serve on the subcommittee. Senator Moses E. Clapp, Republican, of Minnesota, who favors the Norrls res olution, led the fight for an Immediate Investigation, but the Democratic- Sena tors, who were determined to save Roger C. Sullivan, the Democratic nominee In Illinois, from the embarrassment of fac ing an official Inquiry before the elec tion, succeeded In postponing action. When Senator Clapp realized that a malorlty of the committee members had uirieecl to delay action on the resolution he rtetnanded an open session of the com mittee. This the Senators would not agree to and the hearing was conducted behind closed doors. Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, ap peared on behalf of the Pennsylvania Protective Union which, according to Representative Palmer, has collected a large campaign fund for Penrose. Oliver pleaded for delay, and he told tho com mittee that the Protective Union had col lected only 11,000 to be used In Senator Penrose's campaign. The primary cam paign, ho said, cost Penrose $11,610.73; Brumbaugh. J3139.43; McC0rmick, ?33, 274.73, and Palmer. J3704.1S. The Palmer McCormlck League, he said, reported ex penditures of J19.406. Senttor Oliver Ignored the charges ot Renresentatlve'-at-large Rupley, of Car lisle, Pn.. who last Monday told the com mittee that SOM retail liquor dealers In Pennsylvania had contributed to a $100,000 fund. The liquor dealers are supporting Penrcse. Advocates of the Norrls resolution be lieve that tho vote to delay action until after the November election was due to the great pressure that has been brought to bear on members of the committee by friends of Roger Sullivan. How tho Senators voted In the com mittee room Is bolug kept a secret. Sena tor Kern refused to say which members had voted for an Immediate Investiga tion. The question Is understood to have been decided by tho votes of absent members who havo not heard any of the witnesses who havo appeared to advocate the resolution. They telegraphed to Chairman Kern as to how their votes should be recorded. Senator Clapp announced that the fight for tne Norm resolution win be con motto of the liquor leaders all during the tlnued. It t known that If Penrose ttllU ouiutatt at v vtvvtvu iv HH3 0VI1U16 t t?u.iiiM3iii. ib axaiu uiuusnt lnrr mau k. .,.' ..; "- " I " WUI- Senator Norrls IB nreoared to intrnHin.A .1 ITU "dow ft U.; tointoSer0 thK , "iun "mlIar that ortered bj trio . W ugne " lno M'oonneeper thinks I cmm. t..,vu Tn nt rn. i ,a, eWS Is I which resulted !n the emulsion o wn. CoacItHjed pq foje Two Ham Lorlmer frvu the Senate. Following a conference with Superln tendnnt of, Police Robinson, Director Por ter tlili afternoon appointed a committee of three to Investigate the graft charges made against policemen who were In charge of the crowds who bought world's series tickets. Director Porter appointed Major Joseph Pickering, chief clerk of the Department of Safety; William J. Cooley. attached to the City Legal Department, and Po lice Captain Harry C. Davis to Investi gate complaints. The committee will bo In session In Room 22G next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10 o'clock in the morn ing and 1 o'clock In the afternoon. They will listen to alt complaints and make ef forts to ascertain the name or number of the accused policemen. Director Porter stated that as soon as the complaints were confirmed charges would be made against the officers and they will come up for trial before tho police board. n Speculators began to desert Broad and Chestnut streets In the afternopn. They boarded trolley cars while others rushed to the ball grounds to continue the sale of tickets. Judge Martin In Quarter Sessions Court this afternoon disehnrireH nil iv. .. lators who were arrested last night by ...uuicuaiiv .uiiis. ine discharge of tha men wns based on the act of 1SS3. It was unaer inai act that the arrests were made. In discharging the prisoners Judge Mar tin declared that the act of liss con talned no provision against the sale of tickets for baseball games, but only against the sale of theatre tickets on Um public streets In front of theatres Judge Martin heard the cases after tho attorneys for the prisoners had sworn out a writ of habeas corpus. The writ was returnablo this afternoon. Upon receiving their discharges the scalpers made a rush from the courtroom In tho direction nr ronini ..,., . ,. a demand for thulr baseball ticket wnn h were confiscated by the police when the arrests were made. Judge Martin, before leaving the tench, tlated that shouU tho initio lemsu iu return tne tickets re course could be taken throufh a writ of replevin. News of Judge Martin's decision spread like wildfire among other speculators who didn't go to the ball grounds. They sta tioned themselves almost outside of the City Hall and around Juniper street and began to sell their tickets. While policemen and city detectives were standing a few feet away the scalp era kept shouting: "Get your tickets for the world's scries!" Ban Johnson, "czar" of the national pastime, was followed for two blocks on Uroud strict this morning by three per sistent speculators who wanted to sell him a batch of tickets. Three thousand V, 13 and 15 tickets were held In Ryan's agency at the Uslle-vue-Stratford hint night, according to the positive statement this morning of a high police otitcial Hven those who paid chferfull the rates demanded for the seats wondered how Ryan got the teats when it was next to Impossible to get them at the regular sale. Rates took a big jump this morning Concluded oa Fat Two umpires; uincen, ucuuiu me um Byron, left field; Hltdcrbrand, right field A great roar of npplause hurst from tho stands when the announcer pro nounced the name of Chief Bender, Con nie Mack's choice to bring victory to Philadelphia In the first game of the 1911 world's baseball championship scries. Dick Rudolph received a splendid ovation when It was learned that he was to do fend the Braves ngalnst tho slugging Athletics. Thero was no surprise when tho entire Hne-up wns seen to correspond with the majority of predictions. Tho Athletics took the field early. For 30 minutes they pounded the practice of ferings of Thomas and Coomb3 to all corners of tho lawn. Each member of the Athletic club Indicated by his pre liminary batting that he had reached the height of form. At 1:20 o'clock the Braves, who had been warming up for half an hour, took the field for practice. Their hitting was not as terrific as the Athletics, but tho precision with which they met tho ball surprised many local fans who had never before seen them in action to doubt tho ability of the Mnckmen to outhit their rivals. The fielding work of both teams was eagerly watched by the 21,000 specta tors, who constantly cheered the brilliant Athletics, and Maranvllle and Kvors, of the Braves. If any one expected cither of these two pairs of wonderful perform ers to cieariy ouismne ine otner lie was mli.tnken. There was discernible no ma terial difference in the speed which the men showed during the preliminary work out. Big Charley Schmidt showed up well around first bnse, but ho was no match for his rival, Stuffy Mclnnls, In clever ness and style. In the outfield the Braves were at a decided disadvantage. The speed of Oldring, Strunk and Murphy, coupled with their running Judgment of line drlvcd and flies, showed the Boston trio to bo far In ferior In natural uml acquired ability. positions on the field and tho batteries, the Athletics strolled out to their posi tions amid great applause, which lasted several minutes. According to his custom. Chief Bender fitrolled slowly to the mound, glanced over the field. He gave Moran ft calm "once over." then deliberately wound Up and the 1911 world's series was on. FIRST INNING uenaer snui uei atunu. .hwhmi hm,-- off the next one. One ball was called. Moran hit a foul down the left Held line, .iiciiniia ian mj ,uu !.,' .v.i easy foul. Evers hit tho first ball pitched and Collins backed into right field ond took It easily. Bender shot over a strike on Connolly, then ha fouled ono Into the stand. Connolly missed tho third strike cleanly. No runs, 1.0 hits, no errors. Rudolph shot a strike through the heart of the plate. Murphy caught the next ball squarely on his bat and drove it between Evers and second bnse for a clean single. Oldring attempted to bunt, but missed the ball. Rudolph threw to first, but Murphy was on the bag. His next offering to Oldring was high inside. Oldring sacrificed on tho nest, dumping IMC U.lll III 4IUIIV " n.w I'tatv. gi woo thrown out at first by Uowdy. Murphy took a big lead off second as Collins let a low one pas. Two balls were called when Rudolph threw high on the outside A low one on the side made it three balls. Collins tuok one strike, then walked on the next ball, which was a low curve. Tlntr,.,. ott a I. If- hnn.l U'lion hot tt'ont ,rt ! but the best he could do was an eas foul to Schmidt Murphy attempted to take third after the out, but was thrown out on a closo play, Schmidt to Peal, end. iug the round. No runs, one hit, no errors. SECOND INKING. Bender opened the second inning with, a wide curve to Whitted. Ilia next was a fast one Inside. A high fast one fol lowed, and three balla wcte called, Btulei WU1MVU U. VIIIKV U..-(W. UIn ffflK ftjl- other over in the same place. high curve outside gave Whltted a pats. len der made Whltted slide back to firt with a quick throw. He tosaed two moire to Mcltinis bfore Schmidt mused hi flj-t ttrike Schmidt lilt the u-t one straight ti to Oldring's hands in left !owdy let a wide one pas Then Bndcr followed with b fast one Inside. Another on a the same place made it three bill Gowdy Ckar skies and a broiling sun, which gave the Mo to tho weather man. graced tho opening of tho first game for tho baseball championship today. Stands were Jammed to the limit of their ca pacity when the game began at 2 o'clock Eiiarp. And tho name of Bender echoed from "0XW throats. Tho white of shirts and waists had taken tho place of darker wraps, and coats were taken off when the sun became strong. Boston's rooters flung back the chal lenge of the Macklan host In prolonged cheering, making up what they lacked In numbers by their unity. Then White Elephant and Brave fans got Into the din together, and only n faint murmur as of far-off music gave evidence that the bnnd wns trying to make itself heard. A fan in the upper grandstand leaned so far over tho rnll trying to swallow his heart when Bender started pitching that ho lost his balance, and was only saved from pitching over by others who grabbed his leg. The Athletic fans gave Gowdy a goodly share of praise when he drilled tha norsenido into deep left and drove home tt bitted with the first run of the series. GLOOM OVER THE STANDS .Maranvllle was also cheered to tho echo when he sent Gowdy homo with tho second run, but rifter that thick gobs of gloom Bottled over grandstand and bleachers. Tw But when Mclnnls drew four balls and Strunk sent him home with a single to right the tumult shook tho steel and con. croto of the stands and fans near the dug-out swung thenibclves out over Its short ronr nn.i ,..,..! ...... . t.n .. . "" ineir nats at tha Athletic players, who danced and Jumped about llko schoolboys. 1-X6henrrath lr.k the fleI" for "ractlce at I.lo. B5 that tlmo several reserve seat holders had filed into tho stand 'and I fha men" wlVr "llIy ten mfnutes dFou? mon l h megiphones assembled in front of tho band and tried to get the fans to S1''"1 n ong. The band struck up "ore taking the field and of tha Boston ball players reached the r pos ! tions at the ono-step. dip and glide. ,h,, . """V. a oattlng practice had the r eye on the press stand, and severe hv . VUpQ,n',8 ,only escaped being hit by fouls by dodging under the table NO STALLINGS FISTS FOR .MACK Stalllngs failed tu put In an appear once In the dugout until Just betore th8 gamo started. Apparently by that tin... he had changed his mind about testing ithn-J"f !' f 'i16 MeChUlniddv nose Jty 1 o clock human tv t,.n ... .,.,..,. . Iind hOUSe tons r.n Ml. I. . rner0- ' Men and women no larger than ants at OVATION FOR BENDER With the arrival of Connie r,, , ., dugout ten minutes before th- game started a noted Chippy ,ndian started to warm up-Charies Albert Bender Bender got one of the greatest ovations of his life Stalllngs leaned far forward In the Boston dugout and kept his e5e glued on Bender. The neat little gift of Hugh B rhi,' !"' lo,Edd,e '"n he most valuabi, plar of the American Leagm. a Ull automobile of tUe Chalmer fa1 on the field Just befo.e the game sl.tc0 Braves and White Elephants ..uh- i around It and the formal premaiw.i i.An W?" 0rmy ot Photographers numer lcall stronger than both teams, caihere-l around and took photographs of the en tile collection and then snapped rull.ns sluttiins hands with John R. Evers. wbu will be presented with a slmiiai tar .. Woston. as the most valuable National League player. The only noto of contempt before th game started cams from the photog rapher. As In former jears, the camera meu were made the butt of the police men's desire to show his authomj After btiiug chaed from a vantage point north of the dugout they were hounded from plaee to place by the brass-button euard. Some one had the order countermanded. MANY WOMEN IN THE CROWD. Fandom storn4 the citadel of SMb Park today by way of the turnstii lre for th Drat game of the series. At noon the bleacaan were Ailed with blue-eed mm aad Uojb who t"od the 40-ho'ir vigil and thousands of others i had staved hume to slaep clamored vafnl at the xatea for adiiueeJon With several hundred women scatter CotuiwltiX sa Face Tw m i ri 1': Concluded oa race Two
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers