KS EVENING EEBaEU-PHrCMEXTniX FEIP&Y, OQTOBEB 0, 01 .' TT BURNING BASEBALL QUESTION NOWADAYS iK WHICH TEAM WILL WIN WORLD'S SERIES WINTER FAHNIN& BEES WILL HAVE FOOD FOR GOSSIP Many Baseball Questions May Be Asked and Then Divers Opinions Offered as to Solution. CENTRAL ELEVEN NOW HAS GIMBEL CUP ON DISPLAY 4- KDW YOHK, Oct. 0. Tho coming cam paign In tho winter baseball league will have many features to hold the atten tion of tho fans. Among the many things that will bo thrashed out before tho cur tain rises on another season tiro the changes In management, which will sure ly occur, In many big league club; trades between certain of thi major league teams and the question, "Will tho Federal League be taken into organized baseball, will It continue as It no wis, or will It elvo up the ghost?" In tho National League one manager will surely go, and perhaps a fow others. Tho one who Is most likely to be super ceded Is "Charlie" Dooln, tho "brick-top" manager of tho Phillies. Others, whom rumor says will go, aro "Hank" O'Day, of tho Cubs; "Duck" Horzog, whoso scalp the Cincinnati directors ' aro said to be after, and "Froddlo" Clarke, of tho Pirates, who has beon quoted as saying that this Is his last year In baseball. The other National League managers will be again found at tho helm when the bell rings for tho spring training trip. In tho American League the Yankees are at present without a permanent man ager. It Is said that Manager Callahan, of the Whlto Sox, will retire and that Trcsldent Somers, of tho Naps, will have to look for a now leader. It Is learned from an authoritative sourco that tho fatluro of Cloveland this year was uuo to tho fact that tho club Trophy Is Emblematic of CiV Championship and Was Held First Six Months by Philadelphia H.S. MRS. REED NAMED AS JUDGE BY THE TOY POODLE CLUB Ellis A. Qlmbel this morning presented tho Qlmbel Cup, emblematic of tho city football championship, to tho Central High School. It was arranged last year, when Central High and West Philadel phia Schools tied for the championship, that each school should havo possession of tho trophy for six months. West "Phllly" kept It for tho first half year, and by this arrangement. Central High could havo had the cup several months ago, but Doctor O'Urlon thought that If Mr. Qlmbel should wait nnd present It when tho football season was well under way It would serve to stir up ad ditional Interest in tho sport. Doctor O'Brien, Central High's cross country coach, Is very well pleased by tho showing of Jloock, a now hill and dalo candidate. Tho latter has been do ing good work In practice and ho Is expected to bo among the 11 rat to finish In tho novice run tomorrow. Ho has the Ido.il build for a dlstanco runnor and Is expected to mako a namo for himself. At Meeting Held at 3567 Sfenton Street Other De tails Were Arranged for December Show. COLUMBIA FRESHMEN TO BOW NEW YORK, Oct 9. Sixty freshmen reported for tho Columbia first-year crow yesterday, nnd this Bquad will bo sent out on the Hudson for their first practice In the barges next Monday. Jim nice, tho coach, Is pleased with tho showing of youngsters on tho machine and promises that if tho same callbro of men stav out was divided Into two hostllo camps. On ' for tno whole season ho will bo able to tut,, uui u. ireanman eigne mat will bo a winner. one side uns ranged Manager Blnmlnsr. ham and tho college players of tho team and on tho other Napoleon Lajote, "Joe" Jackson and other players who roso from the sand lots and the bushes. Manager Birmingham, who Is a college man, is charged by tho hostllo camp with trying to mako the Cleveland team an oll-oollego club. It Is claimed tho two factions aro beyond reconciliation, and beforo Somers can hope to got his club out of the celler ho will havo to get rid of most of the playors of ono of the factions A promlnont baseball man said he would not bo surprised to see a fow deals arranged with the Yankees by Somers -which will materially benefit each club. I EBBETTS SIGNS MYERS NEW YORK, Oct ".-President Charles II. Ebbcts, of tho Brooklyn National League club, yestorday signed II. II. Myers, an outfielder, to a two-year con tract covering tho seasons of 1915 and 1916. The Toy Poodlo Club's meeting at James Pottersoii'a home, 3507 Stanton street, West Philadelphia, selected Miss Blanche Reed as Judge at the specialty show slated for December, tho dato to bo named at the club's next monthly meeting. mul- -I... it, t- ..- . . . y AiiiH hiiuw win uo me seconn Ampn 'can Kennel Cluh nffnlr linM hv lliln nr. gantzatlon. The Kenslno-lnn Itonn) fMnh wilt tinM n pen erftl meeting- tonight nt Plerson's Ilnll, Ken sington avenue and Clearfield street. Secre tary Cotton will present hi report of th re cent show held by this club at tho Seven Rtnrs Hotel, Frankfprd. ThlB report will show a bnjanco on tho rlnht side of tho ledger. The Kensington Club Is rapidly forn Inff to the front. liavlnR at present a member ship of 308 enthusiasts. Another monthly meotlnir Is scheduled to bo held next Monday e fining by tho West Phila delphia Kennel Club, at tlio homo of Vlco President Frank Morso, fi227 itansom street. Iluslness of Importnnco will bo discussed. A now set of by-laws aro to bo oted upon and the question of dropping out of tho Quukei City Allied Kennel Association will ,also be a mattor to decldo. ETAWAH LOWERS RECORD LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. O.-Etnwnh, tho sonsatlonal four-year-old colt owned by Frank O. Jones, of Memphis, nnd driven by Pop Geors, won tho Lexington trotting classics, tho Transylvania Stake, hero yesterday, In tho three fastest consccutlvo hents over trotted In tho history of tho harness, turf, whllo tho .time for tho flrt two heats has been equaled onco only by Hamburg Belle. Etawah also lowered tho world's record for a four-year-old colt, mado In 1893. RED BARNSTORMERS CHOSEN CINCINNATI, Oct. 9. Tho llno-tip of tho Reds for tholr nnnual barnstorming trip will bo Ames, Ylngllng nnd Benton, pitchers; Clarke, catcher; Graham, first base; Kellogg, second base; Nlehoff, third base; Bcrghammer, Bhortstop; Daniels, loft field; Miller, centre Held, and one of tho pitchers In right field. THIRTY ROUNDS OF BOXING BILLED AT NATIONAL TONIGHT Robideau and Murphy, of Boston, Clash Athletics and Braves to Be Guests or McGuigan. Personal Tou.ch.qs in Sporty A "World's Series Special" boxing show is scheduled by "Jack" McGuigan at the National Athlotlc Club tonight. In tho main bout "Sam" Robideau, of this city, will meet "Eddie" Murphy, of Boston. The Athletics' players and tho Boston Braves will bo McGulgan's guests. Tho remainder of tho splendid card Is ns follows: Harry Basom, Denver, vs. "A" Nash. Philadelphia. "Ben" Koch, navy champion, vs. "Kid" Wagner, Wllkcs-Barre. "Tommy" O'Keofo, Philadelphia, vs. "Joe" Farren, Boston. "irrankle" Callahan, Brooklyn, "Pat" Bradley, Philadelphia. vs. One of tho best boxinir entertainments over fathered nt one time has been arranged by Manager Harry Edwards, of the Olympla A. A., liroad and nalnbrldge streets, next Monday night. "Joe" BorreU Is to meet "Italian Joe" Cans in the star bout. P. C. Magulre, who Is now managing "Willis" Houck. la of the opinion his fighter f?Jf. $e?.' nny onB at 133 Pounds. Magulro Is KfihC'nail5r.Juser ,,..httVe """ t "Johnny" Kllbane, the world's champion. in'tne ..arafr'aV.'01"0 " A bout between Leach Cross, of New York fh, J,Zl sIan'lot,- h New Orleans York club arranged by a New "Willie" needier. th Vw Vnri- ii.Ti.t..i.t.. Jjai'. n1?50 ln h.la, '" 20-round tights ', ''' Rivers and "Johnny" Dundeo at Ver. "Johnny" Deltz lm started a "boxers' Tn.atnr! building1"' n ttiCO ln the Colonlttl ,.','Lfw" Ba'I;y trjlng to arrange a ten rouna match between "Johnny" Maio. of IJitle Italy, and "righting" Hob, or "Tommy" Athletic Club, next Tuesday night. Entries in the boxlncr events at the Tollce Carnival this year are filling rapidly. .fM'i.iM"' lJ ftanTpkluhomin, Is match d with "Wg KreU" Fulton, of St. Paul, for Club To"" St Bt th8 1,udson wu" Athlello They'ro splllln' teardrops on the moss in of Wisconsin (town, LaCrosso) since Ed Konetchy's slump. For Eddlo was tholr fav'rlto son. Ho heroed for a six year run-then gavo their prldo a bump. The townsfolk, back In nlneteen-flvo. thought Ed tho greatest guy alive at bat or on first base. Tho town team's brightest llttlo star. They talked of Ed across the bar homes, pulpits, any place. ine cardinals picked Eddlo up. It filled the village's joy cup until It over flowed. An' Eddlo had a lot o' class. To shlno ho lot no chancos pass at homo or on tho road. His six feet two mado him a peach to play first base. Ho had a reach a ladder couldn't beat. Then too, ho had a bunch o' weight that camo in handy at tho plate where bat an' spheroid meot. I.ast year tho Pirates started out for some flrstsacker who could clout an made a Md ror Ed. The Cards asked hntf d,Ze1,Uys, beroro the"d trade their great, bis prlzo an' Clnrko wH niIi e,'h" Rd,' Ined the Plrato crow he couldn't mako the hits como throuirh no more than he could fly. That's why LaCrosso Is wet with weeps. An' wh Clarke looks at Ed ho keeps a hanky near his eye-Copyrighted by A. M? Cor- HnvToW1 S0t""ents were made happy today, as they received the Glmbol HIB&P,0Jf,Sp- Wcst ph'""JlPhla High School and Central tied last year Em X W.IUi uKrce(1 thnt enoI institution i.h J , T?rhY alx moMha- The athletes who helped win the cup aro very proud to possess the award. They should bo. Ponn's varsltv elnven l r,r.t -ii much encouragement theso days. Tho should be! scrub again outplayed the regulars, and It Is a distressing condition to note. After much squabbling the Army-Navy football garrm has been definitely called off. Tho manner ln which tho two branches' of tho United States service have fussed nnd fumed has certainly not been very elevating. Walter Trumbull, In tho New York World Is responsible for tbo following bit of verse, which appears rather tiiritely. Hero goes: MAYBE. "Where are you going and what do you wish?" The old fan asked tho thrco. "We've come to fish for tho Connlcmack fish That quake In this Quakerish sea. Wo'ro going to get them, too, b'gee," Said Rudolph, Tyler And James. Out of town papers have not taken seriously the little misunderstanding- be tween George Stalllngs, of tho Braves, and Connie Mack, of tho Athletics. They, llko ourselves, nttributo tho show of anger on Stalllngs' part to the terrible strain under which tho visiting manager la lab oring. After tho series Is over It Is .i pretty safo bet Stallngs and Mack will "make up." Tho steady manner In which harness Ihaclng records have fallen this year would Indicate that 1914 will bo a banner season when tho Information at tho end of tho year Is compiled. Fow years havo v;ltnes3ed such a general slaughter of hlghwater marks. Battling Levlnsky nnd Gunboat Smith will furnish tho fistic llrowork3 In Now York tonight and what a royal battle It WILT, LEAD PENN AGAINST LAFAYETTE 1HPP1, Mluli wliissHHHi&k9llssk VssssssT Vi , j -fV ' ' ',ij. vv 9ryfLtxxSKf.fZS9 mm ; -' - & i ' r 'MWm8 Wsmi '' ' - '- ' . w$m&m flDTiTH TrTTT3M'n,A V W 2i SSL SOCCER APLENTY IS PROGRAMMED FOR LOCAL FANS Tomorrow's Menu Is Well Filled With Tid-bits of English Association Foot ball Variety. With tho exception of the first division of tho Cricket Club League, ln which only ono game Is scheduled, thoro will bo a full list of soccer games In the various leagues tomorrow. In tho first division of tho Allied League an Interesting game should result from tho meeting between Boys' Club and Pea-body. Tho Hibernians may not havo much trouble ln defeating Kails In the Amer ican League, but tho Victor team should render a good account of Itsolf against Bethlehem at Bethlehem. Tomorrow's soccer games follow: CntCKET CLUn LEAGUE. First division Germantown vs. University of Pennsylvania, at Manhelm. Second division Haterford ColleKO 2d. vs. Clcrmantown 2d, nt l!nerford; Moorestown 2d vs. Merlon 2d, at Morrestown, N. J.; Ucincia vs. Philadelphia 2d. nt Wlster. ALLIED LEAGUE. First division Wnnderers vs. Ken-dncton A. A., at 2d street and Erlo avenue: Norrls town vs. Vlctrlx, at Norrlstown: Putnam vs. Viscose, at Washington Park, 20th "iret nnd Allegheny avenue; Kensington Hojs Cluh vs. I'eabody. at Front ctreet nnd 1-rie avenue. Second division Kosmont Celtic vs. Cen tenary, at Dryn Mavvr; Puritan . M. L. vs. Atlantic Tletlnory. nt SIM owl Huntlncdon streets: Wilmington vs. St. Nathaniel, at Wil mington. Third division Kenslnston Reserves vs. Veteran, at n and Clenrileld streets: falls M. A. vs. Iloys' Club, at Dobson's Field. I alls of Schuylkill; Dlsston vs. Edccmoor. at Princeton street and Torresdalo avenue: St. Nathaniel Reserves vs. West End. at F street and Allegheny avenue. AMERICAN LEAOUE. Hothlehcm vs. Victor, at Bethlehem: HU bernlans vs. Falls, at !ld street and Lehigh avenue: Dlsston vs. Hangers, at Tacony Rail rark: Irish-Americans vs. West Philadelphia, at Wllmlncton. UNITED LEAGUE. Roxborough vs. Shamrock, at OS0O Tort Royal avenue: Teltonvlllo vs. Inrome. nv Rising Sun lane and Wyoming avenue; Card lngton vs. O'Hara. at 02d and South streets; LaMott vs. Rristol. at LaMott and City Lino; Whitehall vs. American Pulley Company, at Hrldgo street and Torresdala avenuo. NORTH HILLS MEN PREPARE FOR BIG GOLF TEAM MATCH Tomorrow Is the Day Set for the Semi-annual Festival on the Greens at the Popu lar Place. Tho North Hills men will get together tomorrow for a. jrolf team match at 18 holes. These matches aro played twlco a jvnr nnd always call out n big gather ing. Tlio teams will prohabty bo cap tained by c. H. Murray and S. B. flt. John, club champion and runner-up, re spectively. Tho championship nf tlio North mils Country Club was won Saturday by C. II. Murray, who thus carries the lltlo over for another year. .Muiraj has ),ern playing sterling golf lately, and It was anticipated tljat ho would capture tho honors, though ft as expected that St. John would glvo him u rather tighter battln than resulted To do him Justice, however, It must bo said that Ht John was not en hl game, as hi medal More for tho first round whitof!.;, caTri "",' St. John fiad a 40 tn Murmvo no r. .u- !-." . nlf . lho afternoon Journey but tha lot ter's lead v,ns too grr-it to ho m'ercomc! 7 to pTay"11" re'Urno1 ,h0 w"""'r' 8 & 3& fo?hrho"Tn'' 1r'".'.l", "handicap medal plnr lor lho Prcsldeiifs Cup will r,o conteitpd nt nev?wrofJ.'he,f fi"" ?" aficmooSf ir . of "l' Hrckly got crowds It cecmi in .h U'n ".r that n" nt "'oso who oon?MtSJ in tho first round vvllMw present for tlio finals. ' .;n.'0...n"la aolf riuI' will pull off Its n ?nlt 2mM,,ron? .,ou"'n''nt"PtomuOr?0w n uL V the club"- anJ n' nearly every lub It has beromo a fixture. There Is somethlnlr S?;'"1,1; fPrm ot handicap' meda. plaV6 tlf SPOTLIGHT SHIFTS FROM FIELD OF WAR TO FIELD OF SPORT "Bert" Braley Enthuses in Verse Over World's Series Contest Today at Shibe Park. EAGERLY AWAIT BOUT New York Fans Will See "Gunboat" Smith and Levinsky Meet Tonight. NEW VOHK, Oct 9.-FolIowera of tho prize ring will Journey to the Empire A. C. tonight when tho oreanlzutlon will throw open Its gates for the first time this season. The main event of the card, ond practically the only man In the eyea of the vast majority of enthusiasts, will bring together "Gunboat" Smith and "FlattllllK" Levlnskv. nnd If p.-mh man u i In first-class condition a splendid bout should result. I Levlnsky Is one of tho cleverest of ne ngnt neavles boxing In this port of the country He has defeated nimrlv nil I the boys of his class In the last year, and ins meeting with the white ctiamplonalili. aspirant wU be watched with much In terest by sportsmen. "Gunboat" Is a ter rific rusher and packs a wallop In either hand that spella sudden sleep when it lands successfully To keep at a safe distance and still taka part In enough of tha aggressive fighting to Rive him at least an even break will be :?' t.a,k of t"vinsky It is scarcely likely the UUer will ba abla in 1nrt a knock. P''t as bo bas sbrWn utt!a hard-hitting tte-d-nel-3 in tha past. 1 By BERTON BRALEY (For tho United Press.) Tho spotlight shifts though tho time bo short from the field of war to the field of sport, nnd the fond fans linger and watch nnd wait for tho swinging wide of the Shibe Park gate; for the cheers and Jeers when the Prnves attack tho war-scarred toldlers of Connie Mack. The Jlraves have won from a, tall-end place to the victors' spoils In the pen nant race; they're a gallant bunch as the world may see but "them Athletics" look good to me! These Brave inflelders have battered down the Giant fortress uf oGthamtown and dogged and dauntless have forced their way to the final fight ln the base, ball fray. And Hushed with triumph and vim and zost thoy face, unfearful, the final test. They are young and dar ing and full of right, and they know no lualms at tha Mackmen's might, and they may rush onward to vlctorry, but "thorn Athletics" look, good to me' "i'wai a long, hard drill that the Braves went through, but they never have fought -with the "wrecking crew," and the battles they've known In the past will seem like pleasant bits of a drowsy tlr-am when Collins, Baker and Wally St 'mint and Plank and Bender and all th.it gang come stalking forth on the field uik. more while the Ktandstund shakes and the bleachers roar. I'm kepli- a strict neutrality but "them Atblt!'.ce look good to me! NIMRODS PLAN TO ENJOY SEASON OF TRAPSHOOT SPORT College Gridiron Gleanings GERHEART, OF F. and M. Gerheart plays right halfback for Franklin and Marshall College eleven and is a star athlete. Lid on Local Pastime to Be Pried. Off Tomorrow. Lots of Tests on Are on the Program. SCHOOLBOYS TO COMPETE NEW yoiiK, Oct. . Between 2000 and SOuo kiementary schoolboja are expected tu c mpte In the athletic games at the Brookl t P. S. A. L. field tomorrow afttrneon A total, of 171 schools will be repfesented in tha 16 events. The school boy band of Public School 21. Manhattan I will Play before and Vlurlng tha Karnes, ' The trnpshooting season will bo ushered tn In full blast tomorrow, when a scoro or more local and suburban clubs inaugu rate their fal season. Gunners who havo iau ineir nrearms decorating- walls havo given thera oil baths in prepaiatlou for tho tourneys. Competition in tho Philadelphia Trap shooters' League also starts tomorrow and eight clubs will compete In a series of monthly tests which end April, JSI5. The members of tho leaguo aro S. S. Whites. HolmesburK Junction; Highland Edge Hill; Meadow Springs, Manoa: Ciearvlew, Darby; Lansdale, Lansd.tle Glen Willow. Itosborough, Camden Shooti int.- Association, Camden, N. j., aua Du Pont. Wilmington. Dei. President Kobort Greenwood hopes to seo more marksmen taking part this eur In the target game than formerly. vlew of the widespread interest. Prliea will be awaked in several classes at the end of he season. Many valuable trophies await I-'olIowlnsls the schedule tomnr,. Scholastic Football Games Todny Central IHeh School vs. Villanova Preparatory, in Stith un.t Sonu-rset xm-ein Souilifrii lllgli School is Frunkfnrd IllirS School, at lOtti and Oregon avenue. West l'hllaiielphl.i Hlgli School vs. Cheater IIIbIi School, at luih ami Chester avenue. I'enn Charter School vs. Chestnut Hill ru.ttfmy, at St. Martins. Catholic Hiiili vs. Strajer's Ilii8lnea College, nt Ulth nnd Woodland avenue. I Jo r.ancey School v. Lower Jlerlon HIbIi fcMiciol, at 22d and Weatmorelona street s. tlnnuntonn Academy vs. Uryn Athyn Acai1em, at Manhelm Kplrcojial Acndemy vs. Haverford School, nt Old and Walnut ttrects. Lunk'ti.niiD HlBh tkhiMil va. Tolentlne Academy, at Villanova, Ta. FOOTBAXL GAMES TOMORROW Drown vs. Amhert, at Providence. CarlUlii va Cornell, nt Ithaca. Colby s. 'fufia ut Medfurd. Coleata va. Jt;is;n.hust;U3 Agricultural, at llamllicju. Dartmouth va. 'Willtami, at Willlama town. . j, Dlcklnaon vs. Albright, at Carlisle, Foidhum vs. University of Rcn.lter, at V'ordham. Georgetown vs. Vlrglnl Medical C. at Wushlugton Harvard vs. Washington and Jefferaon, at C'umbrlJge. UHwrford va. Delaware, at Hitverford, Holy Cn vs. Spr. V. It. C. A., at Worot,ter. Muhlenljer.- va, Susquehanna, at Allen town I'enn State vs, Gttyilmrg, at State Col letfti. I'rluceton vs. Syracuse, at Princeton. Arm vs. Itutyvr, at Wat Point. Navy vs. PitiEuurgh, at Autuipolla. Michigan vs. Vandrbllt, nt Aon Harbor. Peuuatlvunla, vs. Iifjttte, ut Philadel phia. Yul va. l.vhish. at New Havwi By EDWARD R. BUSHNELIi Pennsylvania's football team will havo a chanco to redeem Itself tomorrow, and the coaches to a man think that the team which lines up against Lafayette will bo E0 per cent, stronger In football knowledgo and fighting spirit than that which went down beforo Franklin and Marshall last week. This will undoubt edly be true it the men play against tho Eastonlans with tho snap nnd certainty they have been showing for the last three days. Tho coaches seem to have gotten the men aroused. The result Is that the backfleld men In particular havo been speeded up 23 per cent., and If tho In terference Is as cood in tho Lafayette game ns It has been ln practice the Quaker supporters will be treated to at least a better brand of football than thoy havo seen this year. This game will glvo tho spectators their first view of Tucker playing tho fullback position. The uso to which Tucker Is being put Is tho ideal way to handle a fullback. Tucker Is what might bo called a combination man. That Is, he can punt, ho can forward pass, ho can buck tho line nnd he can run the ends. When he goes back tho opposition won't know whether ho Is going to punt, forward pass or run from tho false kick forma tion. This uncertainty makes him all tho more valuable. Not since BUI IIoI lenbach has Pennsylvania had a man who could do all theso things. RASTON", Pa Oct. 0. Lafayette held tho last scrlmmagro yesterday before tho claah with the University of Pennsvlvnnla eleven to morrow. Tho varsity aa placed on th de. iene ror ten minutes, nnd the line and hack-I1-1J had their last practice in breaking up I'lajs. Then for ten more minutes the varsity nai on the offenae, nnd here they had their last opportunity to put to the teat the pin) a which will bo used on Franklin Ilcld. KHIV HAVEN. Oct. 0 The Yale football regulars had a hard workout sesterday agalnvt the scrubs, which Dr. William T. Dull hat been equipping with a new aet of formations. Tho first and second scrub teams were sent against the varsity, with the result that the tlrat string men made four touchdowns to nono for the Bcruba. Coaches Harlow and Hollenback did the punting, sending the tacklers down In relays. The Improvement was marked. It was the first attempt to develop open field tackling this senan The wet Held resuueu in iiiu.ii Y J ' vi capped fast startlng.'- hand!- EXTREME INTEREST TAKEN IN OFFENSE BY GRIDIRON FANS Development of New Style of Play Cannot Help But Hold the Attention of the Followers. Tho football situation this fall presents two elements of extreme Interest to th follower of tho gamo who Is not partisan to any school. Tho development of the now stylo of offense and the problem of working out the necessary appeal to lho purely academic fan, while the early season showing of elevens representing several minor Institutions holds tho at tention of tho lover of good sport. Lehigh defeated Franklin and Marshall by two touchdowns and scored a decisive 21 to C victory over Carlisle, whllo Prani: lln and Marshall was beating tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania 10 to o. What sort seino of fltnesi. A fltorv la t ni.f f n ., . . thn iniii.BX, ., i, '"t wunownat under mmi f n.ci? C "'luo who thought that a roum of tha course with only a caddie an companion might tend toward bringlngv him bnek to a condition of f-obrtcty Accord? irtU? v"aerv.rtC!' out anV! P"-od soyvoraChoU with varying degrees of uccosa, but always in '' r"-!rab!o determination Lm pit .S,UB,i 5"d bnck nn,n bo cnt, and tho hnita.irC- thont.hp nB and flnalb-'dropped Into tho cup. Without a word tho caddie proudly led tho way to tho cup, where the ball arious tilts hn hml vioiti .u- ....i.V"i golfer gazo-i nt mdlv the.,' with a "do nlbbllck!"rC5 exclaimed: -Otmmo me Tho ewnts rf last Saturday ngaln present oppcrtunlty for a woni of prnisi fSr the joutbful -nlf..r nnd tlll mor.. lorclhlv brought wii.0hhe n""',; ,h0 ol" adaRO lhat "th EDDIE BENNIS' TEAM IN SHAPE FOR FIRST GAfflF Heavy Delancey Eleven Ready for Battle With Lower M e r i o n High Eleven on Stenton Field. CAMUntDOE. Mass , Oct. 0. The Har vard varsity football practice esterday was light In comparison with what It haa been for tha last few days First the regulars anl then the substitutes worked on defense again the scrubs, who were putting on the pla)s th scouts had seen used by the Washington and Jefferson eleven, which will come all con fident to the stadium tomorrow. ITHACA, Oct. O The Cornell coaches took Immediate steps yesterday to repair the dam age to the squad caused by Wednesday's in Jury to I.ahr. who will not be able to play for the balance of the keason. Line Coach Dan Heed turned over to Dr. Sharpe MPce Klelnert, who played centre on the varsity last Saturday and haa been on the second team this week. This waa a aacrlRce on Heed's part, because Klelnert bade fair to develop Into all American stun" at centre, but the good of the team required a strong second fullback, and Klelnert has had backtleld ex perience, pla)lng behind the line on the fresh man team twu years ago. lie was placed at centro this year when a scarcity of mate rial caused Iteed himself to send out the S, O. S. call. Perm State Practices Tackling: STATE COLLEGE, Pa, Oct S-To ruinedy Penn Stnte's weakness In open field tackling. Coach Hollenback spont tnoro than an hour yesterday drilling thu linemen and backs in two squads. Coach Eddlo Bennis has his Delancey School eleven in good shape for Its initial try-out of tho season with the Lower Merlon team this afternoon. The gama tvtll takep laco on tho Stonton A. A, field. Delancey faces tho present sea son with prospects that wero never brighter glnro tho school resigned from tho intracademl. League. Bright, late of Mackenzie High School. New York, Is the huskiest lad on tho squad, tipping tho boam at 2(K pounds, vvhilo Tavenner, the new fullback, weighs exactly 17 pounds. Because of the plentiful supply or back fleld material. Coach Bennis has been forced to shift P.obinson, last year's half work durinsr the tscrlmmago has been of a showing will Lehigh make against Yale tomorrow. Lehigh has produced back, to one of tho end positions His somo great football teamsand appears j ,eatUred by his unusual ah.iu.. ,... to ha turned out ono of its greatest tills year. That thn South Bethlehem lads will win appears hardly likely, although such a disaster for the Yalo record would not bo unheard of. ns witness tlio Colgate score of 16 to G last year. MT. MORIAH'S LAST GAME The lit. Moriah A. A., victors ovor the Wilmington Tristate to.tm. following the winning oc mo west Philadelphia base, ball championship, will play Its Jlnal game of the season tomorrow afternoon when it meets tho Cheltenham Suburban League champions on tho 63.1 strt-et ontl Wood land avenuo grounds, ilevenor will pitch for Mt. Moriah, with possibly Swallow for tho Suburbanites. Tho scores of tho world's series will be announced (luring the contest. Ing the forward pass. In a recent pnuuco game with the Germantown Academy teum, Delance more than held Its own with the -Manhelm otevrn and on several occasions carried the ball well Into tho lnttera territory. h X UNITED HUNTS T OSTART RACES NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-Racln with a number of innovations will mark the autumn meutlng of the United Hunts Racnlg Association which opens next Monday This is one of the oldest rce ogniied hunting gatherings around New York, and consequently leads the other clubs in interesting features. ROSENBERGER AS COACH Irish-American Sprinter to Take Chavgre of N. Y. Regiment Athletes. NEW YORK. Oct. 9.-Jim ltonbrger. for years ono of the Uist sprintera of the Irbih-Anierican A. C'., lias turned pro fessional and accepted a position as coach of tin Thirteenth Kegluient atbUte Ittoa Robertson has been tho coach of the regiment and has turned out many winning teams. When ha m-u appointed trainer fir Hungary he failed to pm in an application for a rtncwal of his con tract w itu fie Thirteenth and RofcenberK er wis selected from . number of appli carts. ! ROSE TREE RACES TOMORROW 7 BIG RACING EVENTS STAItTlNlJ AT i CUICK On Clut Utauttlvt Course, it BUI A, J'l Ktfseriuu.tn of Parking Vlacea -Jumes B. Illll 42S Walnut street FOIKIEST THEATRE $8? TUIl.W Afternoous eirept Sut. & Wed. The WILLIAMS BOARDclfe'aTe0.: RACES FOR VIRGINIA The third annual race meeting: of the ' "Vlrgtnln, United Hunts AssniHatin,, n.n ' bo held near Middleburg. Va., on Sat- I urday. October 31. The on tries close with ' B. W. Haxall Jr , racing secretary, on it eiiiit-auu , uviouer .1 i -- 1 fEs FIND AT VT1I AAA HmmmI ltabitrrkltB JU 1111 1A A. A, Uart) Edwilrii,r s7gr. MONDAY NIGHT OCT IS .JOK 110HKK1.I. . ITALIAN JOK OANS Adm Soc 1U1 Hen BOa Arena ltes. lie, II WORLD S HKHIKS SPECIAL NATIONAI . t. NATIONAL ,1. O. Tonlfrht- Tonlsbt Tonlicbt romsbt Kddle 3Iurphr 3Iet bant Itobldeau F''ur Other Slir Bouts BOTH TEAMS WILL UK THERE UNION SUITS of every make, of eiery vue a,ul style. The durable, comfort- C 1 n able kind 1.UU UD ou luunt be plcukcd or luouey huik 1038 Market St. BROAD & GIRARD AVE. 2436 N. FRONT ST. The Continental Sunday Dollar Dinner Served from 12 Mto 9 I M, Tht-y surpass anything of their kind ever served in this city. .Make it a day of rest for those ut home. "I A Orckealra Location Central, OpjjustU GitabeUi Cor. Chestnut & Ninth Sts. BOXING Saturday Night BOXIN'Q Tommy Keepn. Prop. KKNSlNCTON A. C. KensLncton Ave, and Ontario tit. EDUIB ItKVOIHB T. JAIK TOL 1D Four Otber ljum four other Bouts. $20 to $25 Suit or ti -i o Overcoat, to order. . . tpli.OU Uuranta all Wnol and ctd w , r at runk JESSE THORNTON Tailor tu Men N. W. Corner 10th and Arch Sts. '" ''fflrT ifiiilsMriti : myl7-ir 1 t. . Xgmjfifca