EVENIHC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1914, r HAPPENINGS OF THE DAY AT HOME AND ABROAD. TOLD BY THE LENS OF THE CAMERA ifMl n ' ' mil i in i ...-,- , , . ii, ' " - ""I ; nmmwrnrm '?r"MgpmwwrM m:M, m mimmmmm?mmmwmmym 4mMmMmM& & ymm8&&&sfr :mm Ll "MADE IN AMERICA" LABEL AND ITS CREATOR Effie Griffin, of 2625 North Thir teenth street, is the designer of a label to advertise and designate American-made goods. The label represents the Spirit of Commerce driving the trade of the world to America, Mrs. Griffin has made ap plication for copyright of her design. the the l nnnar ninfu. ! ..? f XT" .t. i .w uf.j.w Mv.fcuc ia a view 01 iNintn sireet. looifincr north ahntunn -i ,1..K1- -. r r- ;.r ...... . . -. . . left, shows Miss Emma Connell. She entered the line on a bet and held her Place al nLht The n!c,r, i7 H , "Tu.uT t0 SpfUCC Street' Thc lower Pictur. n long night hours by playing card, The lower rihtT"h MO'b?, whodgptace fomstlok X. " midnight' " " tto fanS Whi,ed aW r- - ' i iif . ...'?.. -r "v r & , sva&.&a rr'. . ssv ' ssvi S -s irt v"l,., '-' NURSES WHO WILL BE GRADUATED ON SATURDAY in. from iw; Ii Vi;ht" ;rMi r. i "?iao su.erc'ses '" t"6 1ew.Centrv Drawing Room. Read- Bottom row-RosZ Ic.nl T.,1 U R Mr'"" " U""' at "??. Sarah. Shocnberger. r - "..., vuiiciiicav, x-iorence Koeaer ana WelUe Murnhv. thought to have Orr, 9 years olil, OMEN BURNED RESCUING CHILDREN FROM FLAMES r mi . . gurry xnree to Safety From Biasing K Bedroom. Two women were badly burned today csculnar three children from the home ft Samuel Orr. 8606 I.aycock avenue. Milch was almost completely ilestrojed PV fire because the city water uupply was inadequate. Neighbors were obliged to u ne niemen by forming a bucket br. ". me oiaze is Started when Samuel plaed with matches ,'" r,''- who was downstairs prepar J"S b"aUfas,t. wab startled by a cry ff1"' the by that his bed was on tire. ttAi i same tlme Mrs- George Young, 1 'fcoclc avenue, saw smoke coming l?J? , w'Jow Beside Samuel, his 10. jear-oid sister and brother, 7 years old. were Ule bedroom. ' iS iv,1?10 women ran upstairs and. flght- Shf 1h r, Way' thr0UKh flro to '" bds of Safet n ".'. cn.rrled them downstairs to Sierih-rti0t,h Mrs, rr and Mrs- Jnes were b-dly burned. Ltton'!.i.h? arrlved attach their &th ,ir f'y plus at Tlnlcum avenue and forced ,L hhat a 8,ream could nt be house ThB SCnd St0ry of th8 burnln i?"e . lne firemen carried thalr hu t.urlb""dl a up,UI to the xt-i "'via1 noors lormed a bucket brigade and men and women helped the city depart ment fight the Humes. Before they were able to effcttUely check tho fire, it had nearly gutted tho Orr home and spread to the Jones' house next door. Several hundred persons gathered to watch women fill buckets of water and pass them up over a rear shed roof to the men above. The Orr house was damaged to the ex tent of more than 120CO, while the Jones house suffered upward of 5600 damage. DOG FIGHT BRINGS JAIL TERM Fisher Accused of Shooting Man Whose Animal Beat His, Frank Fisher, a former circus man, of Market street near Kth, was sentenced to- oay oy juuge atartln, in Quarter Sessions Court, to threo months In tho county prison. Last April Fisher's dog and one owned by William Kader, 6511 Walton avenue, were fighting, and the former's animal got the worst of It. Fisher. It seems, took up where hU dog left off and Kader went to a hospital with a bullet througa his shoulder. Suit Against Boston and Maine BOSTON, Oct. 7 A tl'5,000 suit against the Boston amd Maine Kallroad was be Run todav In tha Suffolk Rtmpm- nM..k by Willis B Sargent, of Somervijle. who is seeking to recover on fifteen JlO.OOO notes made on February 1, 1913, and pay ablo 6 per cent, yearly, on which pay ment was extended until Jun t, 1311 MAYOR AND CABINET DISCUSS PROTECTION TO PEDESTRIANS Steps Will Be Taken to Lessen Dan ger on Streets, Protection to pedestrians from acci dents while crossing streets was consid ered today at the regular conference of Mayor Blankenburg and his Cabinet. Following the killing of nine persons one day last week by vehicles of various kinds, either through accident or care less driving, and the recent charr n the Grand Jury by Judge Sulzberger, the Mayor announced that "safety first" to cltlians, who had the right of way at crossings, would be one of the things taken up and discussed at today's con ference. Every director but1 Doctor Harte. of the Department of Health and Charities. wno is out of the city, was present at the meeting. Many letters were reaO from citizens protesting against condi tions which cause accidents to pedes trians. ' Ihe solution of the probUm was left to Director Torter. of the Department of Public Safety, lie will confer with traf fic officials, and It is expected a new set raf4j rules, formulated to safeguard yiimuuag uuuuiuaauy, win De issued. I LUMBER JACKS" IN BAD LUCK Tale of Unemployment Touches Mag istrate's Heart to Extent of Dollar. Tho sympathies of Maglstrato Wilgley were enlisted today in behalf of two six foot tall and broad-shouldered "lumber I Jacks," who camo Kast from the State of Washington In seaich of work and could not find it He gave the men each 50 cents and wished them luck. Tho men weto Henry Rusk nnd James Lighthnll, who for many months had been Uvlnt In lumbor camps. Shortly after the opening or European hostilities they heard of many reservists leaving thl.i country and decided this was nn op portunity for them to get employment nearer home. Husk and I.lghthall were arrested ns suspicious characters when they allghtid from n frMcht trnln In rim n... r.i.. tlon freight yard of the Philadelphia and Heading Railway. ROMANCE QUICKLY SHATTERED Young Woman's Admirer Gone, Also Jewelry and Other Valuables. The three-day romance of Anna O'Con nell, of 5601 Baynton street, was shattered today when she learned that Thomas Flynn, a boarder at that address for only six days, had disappeared It was also discovered that Jewelry and clothing be longing to other boarders were missing. Fljnn proposed to Miss O'Connell when he had been there only two das. Ho admitted that he only had 25 to start housekeeping, which Miss O'Connell de clared insutllclent. The boarder suid that he was formerly a nurso at the State Hospital for the insane at .vorristown. IN SLEEP of BLUECOAT "ON DUTY' Hears "Murder" Cry. Hops Out Bed and Makes Arrest. Hearing ciles of "murder" shortly after seven o'clock this morning, patrol man Lafferty, who was In bed, responded to the call In bare feet, clad only In his shirt and trousers, and arrested Morris Lipton, 23 years old, n tailor of 2S33 A an Pelt street, who was being chased down the treet by his wife. When arraigned In court some hours later, Upton explained that his wife was j.-.nuu ui some ui nis women customers und this brought nbout an argument which resulted In his hasty exit from the house Mrs Llpton declared hr hus band hnd struck her on tho mouth. Lin ton wns held in 1500 bond on the charge of assault and battery FIRE CAUSES S3000 LOSS Fire of unknown oricln rtnnnr-n,? . erty owned by Mrs. C. Mvidmi. iiir South 49th street, this morning to tho -Mum ui mhi jne names were dls covend by Walter Duncan, whose resi dence Is directly opposite to that of Mrs McMunty He sent In an alarm, and Engine Company No. 10 responding, suc ceeded In confining the blaze to the second floor of the structure, although considerable damage was done by water to tho stationary and sporting goods store which occupies the first floor of the building. LUMBER SWINDLERS LOSE United States Court Denies Their Ap peal for Rehearing-. A formal Older refusing a rehearing of the appeal of tho live convicted nromoteis of tho International Lumber and Doelop ment Company, a JS.OOO.OO') swindle, was filed today by the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals in this city. The last lehort of the convicted promoters to escape overhanging sentences Is the (.'lilted States Supreme Coutt, where their case may be heard on constitutional questions. The convicted men, who have made despdfate efforts to keep from going to Jail, are John R. Markley and Isaiah B, Miller, of Chicago, the contractors, each of whom was fined J10.000 and sentenced to one year Hnd three months In the Eastern Penitentiary; Charles M. McMahon, secretary and treaiurer of tho company, under a sentence of two yeais In the penitentiary and a fine of JiOjO; Wlllfnm H. Armstrnnir. .1r. ntnnnPftr nr the company, also sentenced to two years anu nneu r."N. ana uoionei a. u. Stewart, special commissioner and vice president of the company, sentenced to one jear and one dny In the penitentiary and ilntd $lu00. THE REV. CLEMENT CAPOZZI He was a priest connected with the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. He has petitioned Bishop Rhinelander to take"him into the Protestant Episcopal Church. HOWARD LOOKING FOR BAIL Last of Storey Cotton Group Brought Back After Pleading Wot Guilty. Arthur O Howaul. said to hn h t. man wanted In connection with the famous Storev cotton swindle hero and who was indicted in 1901. was brought back to this city for trial today by I nlted States Marshal Harry T. Harvey Jr. from Providence, R. I., where he was arrested. Contrat y to previous reports, Howard did not plead guilty at the hearing at Providence before United States Com missioner Cross Ho pleaded not gullti accoidlnsr to Marshal Harvey. anS ball was tlxed at $7500 Howard could not rale this nmount at Providence, but said ho could get It In this city. "V".?? l3 now bel,,S held at tho Fed eral building ponding the result of his ,,i ., i i . sct oa"' Ho "111 not be ar raigned before- a United States Commis sioner here, but will go on trial at the December term of the United States Dis trict Court. Howard arrived In this city n th custody of .Marshal Harvey on the Federal express that reached Broad street station at 7:30 o'clock this morn- MAN ACCUSED BY GIRL Declares Former Policeman and Wo man Lured Her From Home. Repentant and 111, Katherlne Emma White, 33 North Tenth street, a 16-year- old runaway, told a story to Maglstrato Renshaw in Central Station today which Induced him to hold without ball for court Henry Lnngsner, 30 years old, a former member of tho police force, now engaged in the real estate business. In connection with tho disappearance of the girl from her home more than a year ago, Mrs Leonora Taylor. 1513 North Ilouvler street, was arraigned last week In Central Station and held under 12500 ball, charged with violating tho Mann white slave act. The girl told tho police she had been taken from one house to nnother In this city by Langsner and Mrs Taylor. She was found recently on a farm at Water town. N. Y.. operated by relatives of Mrs. Taylor, and brought to Philadelphia by Mrs. Mabel Kellogg, superintendent of the New York Society to Protect Children from Cruelty. SUNDAY OUTINGS From Market Slrret Hharf $1.00 Atlantic City. T 30 a m. ; Wlltluooil. Anslesea. T 2ci a m until December 2T Itulujlve Baruegat Pier, Bay Head. Pplnt 1'lemant. 7 20 a. m until Oituber 23, Inclusive Aibury Park, Ocean Oruve. Long Branch. Bel- mar bea Ulrt, 7 20 a. rn until October 25. inciushe. ' SI.25 $1.50 From Broad Street Station J9 flfl Baltimore. TH a. Tfc.UU October S8. Noiemb. December 0. Wai hlneton. 7 33 ijciocer 20 November 2 December 20. $2,50 $2.50 Pennsylvania R. R, New ork, October IS. 713 a. T. E. CAI.DWFI.I. & rn I AmJSmJJ JS mS m II -o iare pleased to announce many beautiful additions to the stocky English and Dutch Silver. m. I Ii I I 5522 II I i Perry's Where the Fabric is THE Thing! Months and months be fore each season, we look at, handle, and pass upon literally hundreds of thou sands of different samples with the keen sense of qual ity in our fineer-tiDs' he- gotten of years and years of practice At Perry's Heaps of stuff we simply pitch aside as unworthy our consideration for any Suits or Overcoats we sell At Perry's Cheap, flimsy materials such as we know that most stores think good L r' enough, and the best THEY can afford, to put into some of their clothes! It's not for us At Perry's The cloth in our $12, $15, $18, $20 Suits and Overcoats has the backbone that wears For, we do our own work and put the saving into the quality of the goods At Perry's i Perry & Co., "rur 16th & Chestnut Sts. K r K3r