, b ESVENIHO LlSPGrBK-PHIfrADEIPHIA', TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, SDl. r r-w mii t--i ,p - LDREN'S corner f, Makes J hi L' I?. . mfniiin?in..iij mmiinMisliM. "f ty : Bs3srV$gU 'tk to' J 9 TRACKS rrr.rorjn WALKER WAGON FACTORY ZQX STREET ss WHAT MAKES A BOY I wonder If' thorp wns a boy Thoy naver had to spank t Who neverhad 'to hold rlj-ht In, Who'heVer played a prank; Who never said a saucy word, Who nover played In mud! Who ate Just .what the table held 'Ami said It tasted .good; Who tinned close home and plated, be cause That was his ,placo to play, And though the boys Invited him, Would never go away; Who was not angry all day long, No. matter what was said; And was all ready when the time Had come to go to bed I Perhaps If I could be like that, I never would annoy; Hut If I never once was spanked They'd say "He's not a boy." Malcolm Sanders Johnston. & Ss H WAGON Mcron---- PRESENT E IZ b r MQHT OF- WAV " ' X 777T7pr I " ' . o J 1 1 II 1 1 M NINETEENTH STREET rx PRESENT -t Osrvi ws3EMsrK itWWnv vWA rtvf nSfc vpwB 9C rtvS- c ,Av,f $8 seMJHr. HiG1 BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES LISTEN! Hear that noiscl" ex claimed Jimmy South-Breeze as he swooped around the caves of & liig apartment building. "I wonder what in the world it can be?" lie listened carefully for a few seconds. "Tinkle, tingle." Such a sweet chip- y chime it was. (June unlike any hing Jimmy had ever heard before. "I believe I'll ask my mother what hat is," he decided finally, and im mediately he began hunting for her.' Now maybe you think it's an easy thing to find your mother, and maybe it is easy when you call and she is right there to answer. But Jimmy's mother was different. She loved her children and kept track of them in her own fashion, of course; biit wind fashions and people fashions arc very tinlike. In the first place, Mrs. Sou'u-Brccze had a great many children, and then she had such a wide country to travel over that she would not stay in one place very long. Jimmy hadn't seen a glimpse of her for two days. "I wonder where she is?" he mused houghtfully. "I believe I'll hunt to- llward the East." So he did. He blew softly over the smooth streets till he reached a big park, then ,he called gently through the hig Ibushes: "Mother. Mother South- Breeze. I want vou." And by rare good luck Mother South-freeze was there and answered: "es, Jimmv." she said kindlv. "can T do anything for you?" "Oh, Mother, do come back this way with me." cried Jimmy. "There's a wonderful new sound I want yott to hear. Come along this street, and I'll show you the place." Together they blew swiftly down the street to the hig apartment build ine where Jimmy had been. "Here it is," he cried. "Now blow up to the second floor porch and lis ten I know you'll think it is wonder fully sweet." Softly they nestled down on the tiny front porch, carefully they lis ten.?m,t no a sound die! they hear. i hat's queer," said Jimmy. "I the matter." He blew softly through the screen and into the living room. Instantly a dainty musical chime was heard a chime as cool and sweet as the sound ice fairies make when they frolic and iing. "There it is, mother." cried Jimmy, delightedly. "Now listen." They both kept very still and the music stopped. "Oh, dear, what is the matter now," cried Jimmy. "Matter enough," answered a little voice sadly. "I can't sing, unless you help me." "Who arc you?" asked Mrs. South Breeze, blowing into the big living room to investigate. "I?" said the voice. "I am the wind- bells over your head. I will play you sweet music if you will help me." "This way?" said Jimmy, and he blew a swish of air through the room. "That's the way to help," twinkled the wind-bells. "You're the very play mate I want." Copyright, 19J1, Clara Ingram Judson. fkn know this is the right place I II look in the door and s I think see what's 4 i y RtoHT or WAV 3 Si JBIS PZNMR.R.CO :ssr Wl 3 EIGHTEENTH STJREET & AJ TRACKS 7 SWITCHES, 'PRESENT RIGHT OF W, m IT TRACKS 1739 a i J EXtZRETSS in- DSAWCH H fABtt "J 1212. BELLTEL.CO. S SEVENTEENTH STREET- J 6 TRACKS BROAD ST. STATIOf 4 16 TRACKS Jiii m 6oy 30 o SIXTEENTH STREET 16 TRACKS. I I I BROAD ST. STATION . Zf -v y m ISIS d Is J yiao SriETEENTH STREET 3 BROAD ST STATION I'M A BUBY IJTTLB nOW-WOW, AND I WORK WITH nnOOSt AND PAILi BUT I HATE THIS NASTY, CLINGING SKIHT; IT SQUEEZES MY TOOK TAILI PROPERTY SALES AID TO PENNSY'S TERMINAL PLANS V urchases Nearly Completed With Only 1 5 More Sales to Be Consummated. Speculation as to Plans. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company jhaa nearly completed the purchase of all h property on the north side or Filbert street, and the south side of Cuthbert street, from 15th "to 20th street In the Ninth ward, needed to complete the lo. cation of its enlarged terminal and ad ditional trackage. u ' h,s 5a,e' on,y l5 properties are on I the books of the cltv with reentered ?J"er other than the railroad company. -... properties nave been aiWilretl ut rry. reasonable flcures: otherb it was ;"m,J beiit to purchase even at prices ivip seemea abovn the markft. The' buyinir becrail ah arlv n 1S1J iUlte.a number nf nmnrtln. urr nitp. ffchaeed in J002, and the majority In ISIS th i1.911' "e ' ,he "stumbling block. I . .1 T'tphone Company's property at the northwest rnrm, tt i7iv. ii,t ini. 'fieri3l!,CftS' Wab n0t ac1ulre1 unt11 Jul' I 'i' !!?e aerement between the railroad Ind tio city, thji, former Is to dedicate WfOclcut land on the south side of Cuth crt street, free of cost to the olty, for the widening of that thoroughfare to Jl feet. the Vvldth nf I.-llhr, t,.o, i. l ai.n bOitved that tbe ratooiid bu aa un4f standing with the city that the present station Is to come down as far back as the west side of 15th street, to give way for the plaza nt the beginning of the Parkway, though no formal agreement has been admitted. The pleco of ground which the railroad now has practically acquired. Including the bed of Filbert street, Is 177 feet wide and extends 2250 feet from the west side of Fifteenth street to the east side of Twentieth street. It contains 9.160-10 acres. I'HOPERTIES YET TO BE ACQUIRED. Trice 1513 nibert .t . JML"".Um,i. Michael O'llrlen 118,000 of 1'hlladelphu ..?.., 1SIII Filbert it.. 18x127. John Blmlry N. E. Cor. 17th and Filbert. t . lUxftl. Anna lie. Naufhton (homeitead) ISSI.:?, Flltwrt i . 33tl7. (jeorKO Abbott, Jr 1S2J.2' Filbert t . 40117, n. W, lllrdalti IU27 Filbert t . 1P24 Cutli. hen I , 16ill7, William McLauxhlln thomeftead). ... MO Cuihbert at . 20x18, B. IV nibble. 151.' C'ulhLm at , 20x48, D. Alexander 1520 Cuthbert it , 18x6.1, Ab bot estate 1814 Cuthbert at. 20 6x58, Muriel Dobbins Plans showing present right of way of Pennsylvania Railroad into Broad Street Station and property acquired to close Filbert street. road company will be entitled to dam ages from the city for part of properties No. 1503 to So. 1523 Inclusive taken for the Parkway. NOP.TII SIDE F1LUERT STREET, FROM 16TII TO 17T1I. 1832 1000 1M4 1MB 1.110 13U 1520 with 37th N. 58 ia x no a x 60.3 ill X 4 2U x 48 :oth. 3, ISO 8,000 6 000 3,tM) 30.000 18,000 13.500, 16,000 20,000 4,600 3,500 3,000 3,600 6,000 $27,000 45,000 27,000 60,000 80,000 40,000 14.000 6.000 5,000 6,000 8.000 lnos-T.o bo iirr . .mil ..1611 ..1615 ..1611 . .16111 ..1621 ..1623 .1625 80 X127 SO X12T 15 X127 15 X127 IS 1137 15 Xl37 30 xlJ7 21 x 06.6 18 X SO 13 x 80 124.000 53,000 45.000 17,000 12.000 I8,.vm 11,000 1.000 23.250 7.500 7,600 50,000 1802 Nov. 20. 1012 April 10... Aug. 15.., 1913 May 0.... 1012 Feb. 0..,., Feb. 12..., 1H02 May 14.,., ISM Jan. 3 .... (with 82 N. 10th it.) 1002AUC. 24 1027 1002 Feb. 28 1624 N E. cor. 17th and Filbert at , juxeo E.llm.l.d, ,JT3'T! NORTH SIDE FlI.nERT STREET FP.OM 17TH STREET TO 18T1I STREET. 1014 July 11. N. w. cor. 17th nd Filbart. No.. 1101 -3-B M xll7 lUU'Jun 28... ...17O7-0 40 xlt7 Juna IB 1711 20 xl(7 1313Aprll 21 171.1.23 120 i!17 April 4 172.1 20 xll7 IDU March 11 1717 X117 (and 34 N. 10th it.) 21 xllO 1013.111110 17 i?zn zo Marcu i 1731 1001 Aus, 1 1711 1012 Oct. 4 171.1 1913 March 2 1787 lfll'2 Fb 20 10311 (N. E. cor. 18th it. xllT 20 xll7 fo X117 0 X117 18 Xll7 1U 1117 $075 000 80,000 40,000 in.i.oio 17,000 35.000 12,500 lO.Ortl 10.000 18,500 10,000 17,500 Eatlmated. SIXTEENTH STREET. IDI'J.Mjv 14. N W. cor. i..u n n.ti,.-2. .(!, n,u f num... July 22 2SN. IDOSFeb. 2 30 N. 1001 July 8 32 N. 1012 April 8 34 N. 1002 March 23 .ION. 1U12 April 10 38 N. (corner Cuthbert atreet). (V 10 x 73 IS x 73 18 x 73 1H x 70 lh x 70 IK X 70 IP X 70 $50,650 123,000 16,000 14, 100 13,423 15,000 12.600 18,000 1013 March 1H1- 1U12 Oct 12, . 10O1 Juna 12. 1012 June 1.., Dec. 5... SEVENTEENTH STREET. 23.. .8.1 N. . . .3.1 N. . . .37 N. . . .81) N. ...41 N. ...43 N. 18 x BO I X HO IS x BO 18 X Oil JR X IS :s $114,023 $13,000 12,000 13,100 7.000 11.050 1II.fX)0 EiaHTEENTH STREET. (None ) NINETEENTH STREET. U03 80 N 21 x 00.6 1605 Jun. 14. 32 N. with 162.1 Filbert t. , 1012. March 11. 34 N.. with 1727 Filbert at.; 1012. 36 N. 21x100 anj 1010 Cuthbert at .... 1002 Ian. 23 38 N. 21 xlOO (6. W cor. Cuthbert at.).,... $76,850 $13,360 18,760 a. 600 16,000 $106,300 $233,000 Passing- to properties purchased and including properties to be yet acquired, at estimated values given above, each block considered separately, vli. : NORTH SIDE OF FILBERT STREET FROM NO 1503 TO NO. 1543, INCLUSIVE. $22,000 'w.ooo 20.000 13.000 2O.00O 22.000 20.000 SI). 000 22.000 30.000 OJ.0O0 27.000 43.000 27.00$ 1010 Nov. 8 isotl IT x 76 1010 Nov. b 1.103-7 82 x 03 150U.U 34 1127 1521 18 xl27 1012 July 13 152:1 18 x 63 1002 Feb. 20 1.12R IT xl27 1312 Feb. 20 1S27 17 X127 ItKRJilarch 1 1520 17 xl27 11)12 June 13 1S11-33 31 x!27 July IB 1533 16 ji27 July 10 1337-0 17 x 76 16 x 76 1641-3 40 Xl27 1311 IX X127 1513-1T 40 x 7 1519 xl37 it tuuit i baa la Blui that ,ti reil. $1,384,600 Note Soma loti 20x117 at rani or $10,009 to $40,000. ' NORTH SIDE OF FILBERT STREET FROM 18TH STREET TO 10TH STREET. $62,550 B.OOO 8,000 9.000 8,000 14.000 40.000 14.000 33.000 80,000 40.000 1?AA Rin Eatlraatad. NORTH SIDE OF FILBEF.T STREET FROM 1BTH. STREET TO 20TH STREET. 1812 May IS .. ..1811-18-15- 29-l-i3-a 1012 Feb. 23 1017 1001 July 2 1010 1013 May 1 1021 1001 July 20 1023 1001 Juna IMS 1014 Cuthbert ii .-.. r cor. 1012 April 10 lftOO-11 43 xllT lUOJMarcri 3 1813 20 xllT 112 Feb 4 1813 20.6x61.0 1002 April 7 1817 18 xllT 10O1 Feb. 26 1810 16 X117 1013 March S 1831 16.6x117 10O1 July 7 1MI-S.S-T 73 ilU 1012 Feb. 10 183$ 16 xitT 1011 April 24 1841-3 34 x!17 1823-5 33 XU7 1827-3 40 xllT 1012 April TO' th and Filbert. . 6x 67 xX? 6 X 67 14 xlT 15 xl26.1l 30 t 83 $33,000 5.000 3,250 ibiss 0.150 14,000 10,000 Estimate!. Ct'TTIBEBT 8TRZE7T. lttllAW . . W. r. iwtn ana iniiaoan, zi $31,817 Estimated .. TWENTIETH STREET. 1010 Nov. 1R. S. W. cor. 2uth and Cuthbert eta The Fulton Walker Co. 1012 March 10. 37 N. 15x60. alao 1820 Cuthbert at March 3 39 N. IS x B7.6 Pec. 21 41 N. 16 x 31.6 Nor. 20 43 N. 15.3x57.6 $36,110 $323,000 12.000 O.S0O 6,630 13.600 P TJNERAIi 01? MBS. B. O. ATEB. Tho funeral of Mrs. Rhandena. Gllmon Ayer, wife of Francis Wayland Ayer, heart of the advertising firm of F, "W, Ayer ft Bon, of Philadelphia, will be held on Thursday, In tho North Baptist Church, Camden, In which Mr. Ayer had been nn active worker for many year. Mrs. Ayer died on Saturday at hor country home In Meredith, Delaware County, N. Y., after n. brlf Illness. She had devoted consldcrablA time to chari table work In' Camden. -She Is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Wilfred W. Frey! n Blsler, apd A brother, Dr. Wlllard Hlddlo Oilman, of L,akevlew. North Cntollna. f i a OBITUARIES THE REV. THOMAS M'GRONEN Clinplnln of New York Hlro Depart ment. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. The Rev. Thomas McGroncn, Flro Department chaplain and paBtor of St. Ambrose's Iloman Catholic Church, Brooklyn, died yesterday In Holy Family Hospital from an operation. To tho men In tho department he was known as "Tho Coffee Man," bcca-lsc ho Insti tuted tho coffee wagons from which Brooklyn fire fighters were served In cold weather. Tho dead priest was 52 years old and had been at St. Ambrose's nine years. For years he had attended practically every two and threc-alnrm flro In the borough. He was a well-known figure, In battered hat, a patched and worn rubber coat and long rubber boots. DEATHS MBS. J. TOWNSEND VAN METEB For Many Years an Active Worker In Church Circles. COLLdN'OSWOOD, N. J., Oct. 6.-Mrs. J. Townsend Van Meter, 72 yenrs old, one of tho oldest churchwomen of this place, who has lived hero for a quarter of a century and who, with her husband, celebrated the 53th annlvorsar'y of their wedding a few months ago, died at the home of her husband, 211 Lake View drlvo, yesterday, after a Bhort Illness. For many years she had been an active worker and a devoted worshiper In the First Methodist Church. Tho funeral will bo hold Thursday, nt 2 o'clock, at 211 Lake View drive. The Itcv. Dr. Alfred Wngg will ofTlclate. The Interment will be In Harlclgh Cemetery. MBS, WILIiIAM WINDOM Widow of Pornier Secretary of United States Treasury. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Oct. S.-Mrs. William "Wlndom, widow of William Wlndom, Secretary of the Treasury In Trcsident Garfield's nnd President Har rison's Cabinets, Is dead here, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bentley W. Warren. MBS. MINA GrTJGGENHEIMEB Mrs. Mlna Guggenhelmer, formerly of Flncastle, Yn., died yesterday at her homo, 2312 North Thirteenth street. She was 87 years old) and succumbed to a stroke of paralysis nfter an Illness lasting over four weeks. Mrs. Guggenhelmer had been a member of the Temple Ken eseth Israel for nearly 30 years, and was Interested In charitable work. Four daughters, Mrs. M. E. Lam, Mrs. Henry .7. Wnlter, Miss Betty Gungcnhclmer and Miss Flora Guggenhelmer, and a sister, Mrs. B, Joseph, S3 years old, survive. MBS. E. A. PEIZENMAIEB Mrs. Emma Alice Pflzenmaler, wife of Henry Pfizenmnler, an nccountant with' tho Shelbley Tyler Company, 625 Market street, died yesterday at her home, 2323 North Seventeenth street. She was 27 yenrs old nnd hnd bpen In poor health for the last three months. A complica tion of vntvulnr heart disease and rheu matic fever caused her death. Her hus band survives. MBS. J. FBANKLYN BEYNOLDS Mrs. J. Franklyn Reynolds, of Dorset road, Devon, Pa., died yesterday. She was preparing for dinner when death enme to her from an attack of heart dlscaso. Sirs. Reynolds was to have pre sented her daughter, Mlis Marie Magda llne Back, at a tea on November 23. She had been twice married, her formed hus bnnd being Francois do Back, of Paris. Mrs. Reynolds Is survived by his hus band, her daughtor nnd two nephews, Cecil Forester, of London, nnd Graham Forester Reynolds, of Devon. She was Miss Anne Forester, daughter of Lord Forester, of London. AV15T-At Meredith. N. T,, on October 8. 1014, FHADENA OILMAN, In her B7th year. wtf of F. WaylanJ Ayer. Relatives and .frlenda sre lirvltm to Mtenil the funeral BtrT Ices, on Thursday afternoon, October 8, at 2 o'clock, at the North Daptlat Church. Linden at. above 3d at., Camden, N. J. Interment pri vate. nr.UMHtnnT. On October 4, JACOB LOUra, huibnnd of the late Bertha, Blum hardt. Funeral sen-ices on Wednesday sfter noon, nt 2 o'clock, at his late realdence, 2147 Ann at. Interment Franklin Vault. noOF.lIOt.Z KATIIEBINE BOQEHOLZ. 44 year, 478 North American at. llOMEItNFIEMi, On October 8, CIIAnLES l)6wnrteFIEI.TJ. In hl 32d ear. Relatives and friends, also General Q. K. WHrren Council, 631, Jr. O, U. A. M., are Invited to attend lhd funeral slices, on Wednesday afternoon, nt 1 o'clock preclsely,-at hla lata residence, 1244 North Jeaaup at. Hody m.iy be viewed on Tuesday evening after 7:30. Interment prlvlte, noilKNRII'.Tir-On October 5, 10H. JOS EPH v., husband of Elizabeth llobenrleth, Funernl on Thursday morning-, October 8, nt 7:30 n. m from 740 New t,, Crtmden. Bolemn Henjilom Masa at the Immaculate Conception Church, at 0 a. m. Interment calvary Cemetery. niMNNKN.On October 3. 1011, MAIUIA ItEr, nlfe or John llrnnnen. runeral serv ices on Thursday, at 2 p. m at 3101 Frnnk ford ave. Interment nt Franklin Vault. llitEITlfAUfT. On October 3. 10i4, JOHN V , leloved hustand of Caroline Hrclthaupt (nee Vces). In hli- 57th jear. rtelatlvey and friends, also members of the Bncred Heart League and Holy Name Society of the Church of the Holy Child; Hrnnd Court. I. of A.! Court George Washington. No. 124, F. of . I nranch No, IIS, C. If. of A.; Bt. Ed-nrd'a T. M. B. Association, officers and biard of directors of the Garfield Hulldlng Associa tion; Hancock nmidlni; Association, Han cock Bulldlnr Association, No. 2, .Philadel phia Schuetzen Vercln, 1'anama Cluh and the Cnpltol Club, nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday mornlnit. at S-30 o'clock, from hla late residence, 4014 North Broad at. Kolemn Ilenulom Mass at the Church of th Holy Child, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Bedcemer Cemetery. IlIIIBOES. Suddenly, on October 3, 1014, AM-TiEO, son of Albert and the late Eliza beth Ilrlders, aged 10 year. Funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m at 5152 Havfrford avc. Interment at Westminster Cxmetcry. nitOWN. On October 3, 1B14. MAItflA I1I1T. wlfo of Thomas J. Brown. Funeral on Wednesday, at s .10 a. m., from 1107 North st. Kolcmn High rtequlcm Mass at ho t'huch nf tho Assumption, nt 10 a m. Interment at Holy Crnas Cemetery. IltCKMAN On October 4, 1014. THOMAS IHTKMAN, .tr , In his 72d year. Funernl ednelav October 7, at 3 p. m., fmm Hnthoro, I'a. Intermont Hntboro Cemetery. IirilNS. On October 3, 1014. 1KENE K , widow nr John II nurns nnd daupliter of tlia Into I.. If. and A S. Ahn Funeral from tho residence of her sister. Mrs. Itebecra Ash ton. 2O40 E. Cambria at. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, CANSIDV. On October 3, 1014, JOHN .7.. husband of tho late Bridget .Mary Cassldy. Tuneral on Thursday, nt fi:30 a. m, from 1014 North Van I'elt st. High Mas at St. Elizabeth's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. CAKNEV. On October IS. 1014, JOSEPH M . husband of Marl A. Carney and aon of late Patrick nnd Cella Carney. Funeral Thurs day nt 8 n. m 1013 Slgel st. Solemn Bequlem Mas at the Church nf St. Thomas Aqulnns. precisely at 0;30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cros Cemetery. Cr.AWOES. On October 4. 1P14. ANN, widow- of Joseph V. Clawgce. Funeral serv ices Wednesday, October 7, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, Edward O. Hoffmelater, 1023 ralrmount ave. Interment Central Laurel Hill Cemetery. COHEN. YETTA COHEN, 00 years. 224 Cuthbert at. CON'NEE.V. LILLIAN CONNDEN, 40 years, .1002 N. Swanson st. COniSII. On October 4, 1014, WILLIAM roniSIf. Dua notice of tho funeral will bo Khen. CKAiVt'OItn On October 3. 1014. Mis SUE CRAWFORD. Relatives nnd friends ar In vited ro attend tho funeral nervlcos. on Thursday morning, nt 10 o'clock precisely, nt ,in.' rcHiurnco oi ncr oroinrr-in-iaw. rienry J, 11EATHS AMOS S. KELLOGG NEW YORK, Oct. 6. -Amos M. Kellogg, editor of The School Journal from 1874 to l&Oi and a prolific writer of textbooks, died In New Rochclle Saturday, In his S5th yenr. He wns born In Utlca nnd won graduated from Hamilton College In 1&57. He then tnught for several years. Two sons, .Edward L., and Herbert S., of New York, nnd a daughter, Mrs. R. W. Barrington, of New Rochelle, survive him. MBS, ELIZABETH BIDSDALE Mrs. Elizabeth Rldsdale, wife of John Rldsdale, a merchant with offices on Front street, died yesterday at her home, 314 Bala avenue. Cynwyd. She, was 73 years old and succumbed to an attack of heart disease. Mrs. Rldsdale for n long time had been Interested In the Baptist Home and In charitable work with other associations. Hor husband survives. In Memory of Justice Lurton CINCINNATI. Oct. 6.-A meeting of the bar of the Sixth Vnlted Statea Circuit Court was held here today In memory of the late Justice L.urton, of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Day. of the United States Circuit Court, presided HELEN HABBIS NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-Mrs. Helen Har rls, said to have been 106 years old. was found dead In bed yesterday at 193 Eighth street, Hunter's Point, whera she lived with a son. Dennis. Her husband died in 1882 and she recently came from WaJden to make her home here. Heart disease was given as the cause of death. 8UMMABT. m'-65 RISIS !l: ISIfc S l?in I!-::::::::: ' Filbert st . 17th to ISth at l.asiiiuO Filbert at . 18th to 10th at 2,9 350 Filbert t . tOth to 20th st 81017 Cuthbert it HO.OSO Intertectlnc att 611633 Total 13,139.011 The land (not Including the, bed of Fil bert street) was purchased at the average rate of 11400 a front foot on Filbert street. a wonderful showing for railroad buying. Information regarding the plans of the Pennsylvania Railroad Is cot to be had, but extensive terminal improvements .are quite certain. The problem of the pro jected tunnel under the Schuylkill River with connection at Broad street via sub way with North Philadelphia station has not been disposed of. This would, relieve Broad Strut Bt. tlon. as local and through tralna could aM. 1MQ CltblMJr,,. 1 xSr UC0' be jwnt out aa Vftre.nt level. LESSOR, MABGABETTA S. JOHNSON HACKENSACK. N. J., Oct 6--Mrs. Margaretta S. Johnson, wife of Justice Edward M. Johnson, of Hackcnsack, died at her home, at 183 Main street, last night, following a stroke of paralysis. She was 67 years old and leaves a. hus band, two Bisters and a brother. JOSEPH E. EIBTH ROSLYN. L. I., Oct. 6.-Joseph E. Firth, 71 years old, one of the best known resi dents of long Island. Is dead at his home here, after an Illness of several weeks. Mr. Firth was for many years a farmer. He was a past master of Morton LoJtce. No. 62. F. and A. M.. of Hempstead, and a director of the Hempstead Bank. eattjs ASHEXFELTER. On October 5. 1)14 at bis lata realdente. 117 E. Duvul at , Ger mantovtn ANDREW J ASHENFELTER Due notice of tbe funeral will b rUen ALCORN. On October 1914. ELIZABETH. wit oi Anurew Aicorn ana aaujeruer of the k rfu ua uuuni 3i?ay. on Wtdaesday, JSta . Hlrh R st 10 a. m. 8th at. i nuren. 4ral Ctxcttry. Kitil . a a. 7 - --.' .:;" Requiem Mui at Bt. John's uuerrcsal at Catb. Hartley, 124 Oxford at. Interment prliate. Ct'TIIIIEKT. At Edcewater Park. N. J nn October n. 1(114. MARY CCTHUERT. tlnugh ter of Samuel and Anna Mayland Cuthbert. Funeral eervlccs at St. M.irv'a Church. Hur llngtorr. N. J., on arrival of tho 10.30 train from Market at. ferry, Plilla., on Wednes day. Octobr 7. DAIICEY. On October 3, 1014. JOSEPH L. huibnnd of Marv A. Darcey (nco Moran). In hla 40th year. Funernl on Thursday, at 7 10 a. m., from 1021 N Hopo st Reo.ulem Musn at St Uonlfnrlua' Church at 0 a. m. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery nrnOl'SSE. On October fi, 1014. HENRT DEROUSSE, aged 70 years. Funernl services Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., at the residence of W. R. Weaver, 5M North 5th st. Inter ment private. DEAN. DELIA DEAN, 40 years. 1323 Chad, wtck st. nnillllNS. On October 4,-1014. MAR GARET A., widow of Alexander W. Dobbins, at her Into residence, 1727 North Park nve. DOIin. On Oetoher 3, 1014, Mr. OEOROE T)ODD, aged 77 ears Relatives and friends re Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tueadav afternoon, at 2 o'clock nreclsely. at hli lato residence, 1429 North 13th t. Interment private. DOI.AN. On October 3. 1014, CHARLES J., son of the lato John J. and Annln Dolan. Funeral Thursday, at 10 a. m , fiom 21 OS MlfHIn st. High Mnss of RciuUrn at Church of St. Edmond at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cress Cmtery. nOI.IIHICK. ACNES DOLHRICK. 2 years 0 montlis, 1310 Wallace st. DOYI.E. On October 2. 1014. THOMAS J. son of Thomas and Margaret Doyle (nee Cullen), nt the residence of his parents, 6323 Media st . above Master st. Due notice of the funernl will be given. ni'OAN. On Oetoher .1, 1014. MARTIN A.. huxbnnd of Mary A. Pugan (nco Kaufman) and eon of the late Dennis nnd Ann Dugan runoral on Wednesday, at s 30 a m.. from 312S Aramlngo ave . 25th Ward. Solemn Re quiem Maes at the Church of tho Natltlty at 10 a. m. Interment St. Ann's Cemetery. ni'HAN.-ANN DUGAX, CO years. 123 Cot ton st 1-S1IEK. OnOetober 4, 1014. REDECCA.wlfc of Matthew Park Eaher. Jr. fnee McGonacle) Duo notice of the funeral will bo given, from her late residence. 40.1 S 20th st. nXKBLSTEIN. JOSEPH FI.VKELSTEIN. 34 car. :i:t4 Itnlnbrfdge st. riTZCSKKAI.n On October 2. 1014, at At lantic City. N. J.. MARGRETn:. wife of Dirry J. Fitzgerald. Relatives and frienda are invueu io tuienn uie iiinerai, on wenne da morning, at S o'clock, from the residence Rally road nnd Union ate., Yeadon Dela ware County, Pa High Requiem .Mass at St. Fhllomena'a Church, Lansdonne. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cometory. n.AN'IO.N.--On Oetoher 3. 1014, CATH ERINE FLANICiAN. wife of Hugh Flanlgan and daughter of Catharine and late Mltli.icl Hums. Funeral on rrlrta at S 30 a. ni . from the residence of her brother-in-law Dnnls Fahy. 3012 Cedar at. Interment New fatnearai uemeiery. FIXEIKIIITV. -On October 4. 1014. CARO. LINE, tttdjw of John Flnergbty and daugh ter of tho late Major George and Maria Jones Funeral on Thursday morning-, at 7 30 o'clock, from 10 East Ashmead t , Oermintown. Solemn Requiem Mass at St Vincent de Paul's Church, at i) o'clock. In terment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery FI.AKE. On October 3. 1P14. MARY IX. F. FLAKE, daughter of Henry S and Man- R Flake, tn her 2tfth ear Funeral serlvcci on Wednesday, at 1 30 p. ni . nt 1101 Sbaikn nmi3fi st Interment prlate 1-r,k.T.Tl fin Detfthpr 3. mil TlUra . husband of Iteslna Foster ineo Kent) and ftm of James J. and Mary E. Foster Funcrul on We.1iesda. .11 S 10 a m , from r42 N 03d st. Solcnvi Mh of Requiem at the Church of our Ijdy nf Rosary at 10 n. m. Interment Holy Cross Ccmeury. GITHEXS. EARL GJTIIENS. Id years, 19H Wist Montgomery ae. GORDON. on the 4th Instant, KATK ERINE KRICKEL wife of William Oordon. In her 42J jear. ReUiUca an1 friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. 1315 North 33d st. Interment private OIIACK. JENNIE GRACE. 71 years. 2043 N. Rroad at. Ol'DOWlZ. JOSEPH GUDOWIZ. 10 years a2Tts inner ::. GI (.(iENIU'IMEK. On October 5. lnii MINA. wife of the lata Henri Oucutnl hclmer, In her 87th year. Relatives and. friend are Invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, at 10 a m , from her late resi dent e 2312 N. 13th at. IIAFNKK. On October 4.1914. ANNA.wldovr of Caapor Hafner, aged S-l e.irs Duo notice of the funeral will be given, from her late realdence. 8220 Wakefield St.. Oermantown. IIAGV. -On October 6, 1914. EDWARD W . husband of Agnea llagy. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p m.. at 1710 N. 2"ih st Interment rrlvsto at Arlington Ceijieterv. HAINES. On October 3. 1914. FREDERICK F. HAINES, aged 40 sears. ServUes at his i. iBiiucnci ai (.mien, jia . on inursuay, at 3 30 p. m. U.l-7A'LJFli!:yi..Ci, on September 2S, 1914. aEORGE W.. son of James T ami liulsa A. Hall. In his B4th year Funeral servdea on ThurJa at 2 o'clock, at 2S1B East Norris st. Interment at K. of P. Cemetery r HAM,.- On October 2, 1914, LORING C, huetund of Mary A Hall, aged 33 years. 1-unvral service on Wednesday, at l-ao n. m . it 24SO N Mth t. Interment private at Northwood Cemetery HARIJXn. RALPH HARLING. 1 year. 1000 South Front St. ' ll.Vl'ti. On 0 tober 3, 1914 JACOH IIAUO in hU 78th ear. Funeral services on Wed nesday October 7. at 2 10 o'. lock at 4tW .y.S2,n A1 ""rnierly Fronkllnj Frankford. HAp.--Oii p.tober 2. 1914. MICHAEL Jr. husband of Mary E Hayes, late of County Clmrek lrvDd , ""notice of the funeral 1 b given from hi late residence. 447 N 4tn at. ni'HUEI. ,-On October 8. 1914. HENRY P. aon of William and Lllllo J Hummel Ilesl drnce. 419 North 32d st. Du nolle of th funeral will be given. nHs,"9n.c.Vbr S- ,91' HERMANN, son of the Ute Herman and Wlllwimlna ileT Funeral aervlrea on Wednesday afternooa at 4 o'ctock, at 3112 North FrootV. IhatiSitat private. Greenroouat Cemetery -' "HS'LMaia L'Z,ABETH HOFFMAN. S3 eara. 28 18 N. Orlanni at. IIOI.I.OWAY. At he; residence. 3900 Bar f"" "I, . AJAll S Due rwtlce of funeral will t Y.'RlT,v""?Sff . ?!.." ..AMAND.v s LLOWAY xivca. UORNER.- Near Centarton. N J on Octo ?'r.8i i9U "ARV C HORNER wife it Joseph Horner, aged r years. Due notke ol th. xuotral will btlvta from tu AMeaw of her aon, Clarence V. Horner, near Ctflelf. ton, N. J. JACK8ON, On October 4. 19le, AnOADlA A., daughter of William O and KIlMbetti M Jackson (nee McCaffiey) In her 20th year. Funeral from 7920 Germarttown av Chestnut Hill, Wednesday, at 8 s. m. High Masn, At the Church of Our Mother of Con. solntloi, at n 30 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. JOHNSON. At the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Oliver Cope, 1323 N Redneld st , on October 4. 1014, SARAH JANE, wlfow of Charles Johnson, aged 74 years. Due Mice of the funeral will he given. "ONUS. On October 4, 1914. SPENCER JONES. Relative and frienda Invited to services, Wednesday, 2 p. m residence, 2107 North 3th st. Interment private. North wood Cemetery KEM.ER, On October 3, 1014, PAULINE SOPHIA KEM.ER Services and Interment private, at Mt, Peace Cemetery. ItEMIV On October 3, 1014, MARY E daughter of the late Michael T. and Sarah Kelly. Funeral, nn Wednesday at 8:30 a m., front 13 East Oxford street Solemn Requiem Mnsa nt St. Michael's church, nt 10 o'clock. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Jfl.lNH. On Ortober 4, 1914, FRANK W.. husband of Snllle It. Kllno (nee Smith), Funeral service Wednesday, 7th Inst,, at 8P m. at 2537 North 2f)tli street. Interment Pottstown, Ta , Thursday afternoon. KOCH. Of diphtheria, 01, October 4, 1914, Hcrm.il', son of Conrad nnd Madallne Koeh. aged It years. Parenta' residence, 1140 Cantrell st. No funeral KI'NIN. ESTHER KUNIN, 34 years. 401 Mlfllln at. LESTER JOHN LESTER. 42 years, 31T South Juniper st. M'KHNS.- On October 3, 1814. CLARENCE, husband of Carrio I.ukena (nee Zlegler), and son of Henry K and Emma Uikens, aged 20 jears Funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 P. m.. at 1212 North Hut- hlnson street, . Interment Mt. Vnon Cemeterv MACJMOCCA MICHAEL MAULIOCCA. 1 enr n months, 730 Carpenter st. MARSHALL- On October, 4, 1914, EMS5A Rirril. wife of the late Andrew J. Marshall. Ft ncrnl services on Thursday, nt 1 o'clock, at her late realdence, 1127 Creaso st. In terment North r-ednr Hill Cemetery. JIATTEO. MARIA MATTEO, 63 years. 713 South Seventh st. MrCM'IIKIN.- On Oetoher 1. 1014, GEORGE Mci'I.fRKIN, In his Toth year. Funeral on Wednesday. October 7, at 2 p. m . from U t-esldcnco of William Reed, corner Veneo rnnd and Rhawn st , Fox Chase. Philadelphia, MrCIinilY, On October 3. 1014, PATRICK, husband nf Annie MrCrory Funernl Wednes day at 8 30 a. m. from tho renidence of hla son-in-law, Jnmes tlayne, 2830 Miller st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St Ann's Church at 10 n. m. Interment New Cathedral Ceme tery. MrlKTHIIHlE. ISAI1EI.LA McFETRIDGE. 07 years. ISO'l Titan t. Mrlt. AIXK. On Ortober 3. 1914. EMZA IIETH. wife of Harrv Mcllvnlne and daurti. ter of tho late Reuben nnd Elisabeth Ham mond. Residence, 419 Richmond at. Due no tice of the funeral will be given. MIM.KR.--On October 4, 1914, JOSHUA M, MILLER, aged S2 years. Tuneral on Wednes day at 1 p. m from the Odd Fellows' Home, 8 E Cor. 17th nnd Tioga sta. Interment In Westminster Cemetery. MnXAGirAX. ELEANOR MONAOHAN. 3 vears. 203 Oerrltt st. MOORE. STEPHEN MOORE, 40 years. 1703 Wharton st. .MOHAN. On October 3, 1914. SUSAN MOR IN, wife of Jnmes J. Moran, Sr. Funeral nn Thursday, at S-30 n m., from tho residence of her husband, 2031 North Mutter st NAI7.0K. MILLICENT NAII.OR. 43 years, southeast corner 22d and Chestnut sts. NOItHAV. -RENJAM1N NORHAY, fi years, 4IH1 Iwine avc. O'llOXNEM.. On October 2. 1914. at her late residence 100 MoKcsn st . CATHARINE T.. wife of Edward F. O'Donnell nnd daugh ter of Margaret and the late Henry Smith. Due notice of tho funeral will ho given, O'KKEfi:. On October 4. 1914. MART O'KEErK. widow of Tatrlck O'Keefe, Fu- , neral on U odnesday. at S .'10 a m.. from ' 1V2 S 20th t. Solemn High Mass of Req uiem nt St Edmond's Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. OXLKY.- On October 4. 1914. ALFRED W. OXLEi", aged 32 years. Funernl serv kea at tho residence nf his daughter. Mrs. C. H. Newell. 5521 Addison St., West Phila delphia, on Wednesday nftcmoon, October 7, nt 2 o'clock. Interment Westminster Ccn.otcry. O'KKEri:. On October 4, 1014. MARY O'KEUrE. wife of tho late Patrick O'Keefe. rttncrtl on Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the residence of her son-In-law, John O'Leary. 112 South 20th at. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at SU Ed mond's Church at 1 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. FEAXGOi. ELIZA PEANGOT. CO years. 1747 N. Randolph St. " n.VTON. WALTER PIXTON, 31 years. 2033 N. fth st. PRICE. On October 4, 1914, WILLIAM HARRISON PRICE. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at 1530 Poplar at. Interment private. rill'ITT. On October 2. 1014, ELIZA A.. wife of William Prultt, aged 72 years. Rela lives and frienda aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at her .ate residence, 2034 North 25th at. Internent private, at Mount Peace Cemetery. Pl'llSE. October 3, 1914, PERRY PURSE. Funeral, "Wednesday, 2 p. m., from his late remnant-.-. ,-. orniui aim ic interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. RANDOLPH. On October 3. 1014, SOMERS F . son of Somers and Clara R. Randolph, aged 27 5 ears. FUneMl services, on Wed nesday, October 7. at 2 p. m.. at 100 Central ave., Cheltenham, Montgomery County. In terment private. REKD. CHARLES REED. S3 years, 1040 Hopo st. REGAN. On 4th Inst., BRIDGET, wife, of Edtvard Regan and daughter of Michael and Drldget McCoon. Kllmoyee. County Mayo, Ireland, need 81 jeara. Funeral on Wednesday morning at S o'clock from 2300 North Mjrtlewood st Solemn Requlm Mus nt Bt. Columba's Church. 24th st. and Le high ave. at 10 o'clock. HIDSDAI.E. On October B. 1014. ELIZA 1IETH. wife nf John Rldsdale. Funeral serv. ices. Thursday, 2 p. m. precisely, at 314 Bala ave, ijntvd. Interment private. RIFKIN. EVELYN RIFKIN, 1 year, t months. 813 Cross st. ROSEN. SAMUEL ROSEN, 28 years. 310 X. Randolph St. SAGE. NAOMI SAGE, (1 years, 5405 North Fifth street. SCHOTT. JOHN SCIIOTT. 08 years. 3811 Melon at. SEAMAN On Friday, October 2. 1914. at his lata residence, nn Central avenue. Tomn ktnavllle Maten Island. RILLOPP SEAMAN. In hli, 7Sth VMr FVnr:il npli'iit. SELITA JIOSEPPE SELUCA, 41 years. 519 K Haines t. SCIIIMMEL. Suddenly, on October 4, 1914, ANDREW SCIIIMMEL. the 3.1 eldest son of And.ew. Jr nnd Edith Hall Schlmmcl, nged 0 yeara K month. Tho relatives and friends uro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursdaj, at 2 p. m , from hi parents' resi dence. 1324 Ontario st. Interment at Mount v crnon Ccmiterv. SCHMIDT.-On October 4, SARAH, wife of William Sonmldt and daughter nf James and Catherine llenfv and granddaughter of the lain Charles and Grace Carr Funeral on Thursday morilnir it s 10 o rlcvk from ItIS Ami er st. .lolemn Requiem Mass at Na tlviu Church at 10 o'clock. Interment private SPECTOR. TSADORE SPECTOR, 2 years, 2.110 S. 7th st STOl'T. Suddenly, at Ocean Grove. N. J., MARGARETTA DIEHL, widow of David E. Stout. In her 7tii vear. luneral and inter, ment et Reading. TAiiE On October 1. 1914. CHARLES a. huahind of CaiTto S. Taee and son of the latf Oscar S und Llsia Walnut Tage. aged 19 yenrs. Residence, 1st and Central aves , Ilerwjn. Pa. Due notice of the funeral will bo given. TATEM.--On October 3, 1314. ESIMA J. widnw of joeiib 11 Tatem, aged M years Funnral 011 V ednexlav nt 2 p m . from reMdenco of son. Robert I. Tatem 2321 ri.uili Kith it Iniermeni at SlechanUa' rem. eterv T.W I.OK. On Ovtober 3 1914. REBECCA. wife f Frank II TaMor inee Laird) Fu neral on Wednesday, at 2 p m from 2244 Wilder at. Interment at Mount Moriah c m- THOMAS. CHARLES THOMAS, 1 year, 2rili N.mli Kalthlll t. TlEI..--On O. loher 4. 1914. MARTHA P, widow of George Tie!. The relatives and friends of the family ar respectfullv Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock precisely, at her lata residence, 1004 North 12th st. Interment private TOns'SEXn.-Suddenly, on the 4ii Inst. CHARLES C TOWNSEND In the 11th ear of his age. Funeral services at the Memorial church of St Paul. Ov.Ttirook. on Wednes. dav. the 7th Inst on the arrival of ths 2 IB train from Broad Street Station. Interment private METER.-On Oetoher 3. 1914. ANNIE. wife of J. Townsend Van Meter and daugh ter of the late John I and Susanna Middle ton Funeral servh.es on Thursday, at 2 p m, from her lato residents. 211 t.aks view Drive, Colllngswoo.1 N J Internent strictly private, at uarietgn ometery WCeIIO.--CONOBTTA VICCAIIO. IT moa, 2010 East Lipplncott st WAM ER. On O. tober 1, 1014. BLANCHE D , wife of Lafayette Waller Funeral an! Interment private, from her late residence. 10IS South nut st. WVltll. On 11. tober 3. 1914 HUGH T, on of Marv E M ard ine Tor hlana). and late Hugh T. Ward Fiinaral -n Wednesday at S 30 a m . from 12' 1 Herks si High Re quiem ilitx at St KHabieih's church at 10 a in preciscl Intermtut at Holy Cross Cemetery WARD. -On October 3 1914. MARIA, wife of lh late Michael Ward Relative ani frienda are Invited to atteatd funeral. Wednes day momtuK. at S 30 oMo.li, from her late residence 1337 South Broad st Solemn ftwjulem Man at ft. Rita's Church st 10 o clock. Interment private WATTS. on October 4. 1914. JOSEPH WATT &. agei 0 ears Funeral services on Wednsela afternnoti at 2 o'tlnck at Ms late residence. 131 East HIMmIsoum st . tier, luaatowu Interment Ivy HUI Cemetery niLUASISON. ELIZABETH WILLIAM. SON. 74 rvars. 448 K Hlltaa st WLl.ITTS. on O. tuber 3. 1914. ELLA, wife vf William H VAIIlltts aged 41 year Fu neral servU.es n W eduuday at 2 p ro at 1811 Nirlu Bailey u. Iatermeut at Ken -w. d I'emtary ZINDEL. HENRIETTA ZINDEL. T rear. 41, N.rth Wanamaker st 1ATK8. Ob October S 1014. IDA F w-f of Edward 8. Tate anl daughter rf j- i and tbe late Elizabeth 1 arley "'- a Thursdsy tVtober H. at 12 JO p. m I -a the ieidnre r.f her brother In law George K tii ay 142s Eat Moyama4o" ava.. Ia ttraiHH at fgraweud Cemury, iJL. gji
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers