V 011 HT HT it. Kiwiiiti'lpiifiU'iiiitTirlTiT nfiliiijfi rn.,jffii..iuu-i.ii EVENING LEDGER NIGHT JOBtj VOL.. I NO. 20 PHILADELPHIA, UilSDAT', OCTOJSElt G, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT Coriiuanr, 1814, r tuh Pent to Leixim CoitriNt. OLLED . NIECE iu nave id CoaJ d in P03. ties. 18-year-oii ! 'lom of h; 5" iMt wMk,ll "B to lnforj y uetecv ' I" ft shop ivenue, hai ' a nephew Inst Friday! rderod grL', Cope hu ved 2 f0f lined, x bread wer 'lent. nors, stata rltles failed wooded r. tho crime, 'ng a care. he would urday anil In paselnj the home od a com. hange for which he e fur Iuwd was said opo's trail soon, go would be e, father as ltept ofllco 90 irother If al of tho the ofllco RIEND HANDS ed With nnn and Al fif l HH Insr t f, I 000 fr. oclatli I Into! elver In nnnnfnt- Unltetf, petition yt oan Aa le, cred of $1600, he cred d owns location t know, alleged unable as pro ew mo lUon in a court, before 1 roach kruptcy ed ad e over 23 and ernbei ryvbali bohdJ ortv rMM he hal t J1000.1 ConsuliJ ermp sari I troori watfl ' T1i imoul rs hi sucl mail I 1 pf le arp m. her 7 y r y Jy m 1 m 'Pi ALLIES FALTERING XS GERMANS PUSH LINES WESTWARD Advance Guard of Kaisers Flanking Move ment Against French and British Left Reaches Lille Main Railway to Prin cipal Belgium Cities Threatened. Indian Troops Are Rushed to Front Between Douai and Roye Berlin Announces 15 -Mile Gains by Von Kluk and Von Boehn. PARIS, Oct. 6. Tho bnttlo front on tho right flank bf the German army, where tho allied British nnd French troops aro pound ing awny with unceasing attacks, Is Bteadlly becoming Greater, according to nn omclal statement Issued at 3 p. m; today. It Is extending toward tho tiorth and northwest. i "Largo masses of German cavalry have been reported In tho environs of XjIIIc," says tho stntoment. Llllo Is only ten miles from tho Belgian frontier, ffhe appearance of tho big cavalry forces thoro Indicates that the Ger mans, too, are engaged In a counter flanking movement by which they hope to turn back tho Allies' attack. The main line of tho railway that will be used for tho relief of Antwerp nnd Brussels passes through Lille, and tho destination of this line may be tho lend" mf aim of tho German advance The olllclal statement says that tho German cavalry Is preceding forces that are making a movement through that region at tho north of the Tur-colng-Armcntieics line. The British and French In co-operation have mado n slight progress on tho right bank of the Aisne north of Sols Bons, the statement adds. It Is at this point that tho Allies are trying to drive a wedgo between the German right flank and centre. Thero Is no Indication from today's Statement that tho Allies are getting any nearer tho German lines of com munication. It Is npparent rather that tho zone of action Is being pressed farther west, and for the timo being, at least, tho Germans liavo averted the danger of being cut off from sup plies. Armentleres Is about 25 miles west of Lille and about 35 miles southeast of Dunkirk, tho port where part of tho original British expeditionary force was landed. If the Germans extend their flanking lines to tho coast, tho Allies would have to drive their way through in order to reach Belgium. Turcolng is about ten miles north east of Lille. Sinco tho Allies' flank ing movement developed such power that district virtually had been clear of German forces. The otllcial statement follows: On our left wing the, front Is be coming Ynore and more expanded. Some German cavalry forces of very largo size liavo been reported In tho environs of Lille, advancing be jro forces of tho enemy which aro making a movement through the region to tho north of the lino of Turcoing-Annuntleres. Around Arras and on tho right 1 bank of the Sommo the situation is unchanged. Between the Snmme and the Olse there havo been alter native advances and recoils. Near Lasslguy the enemy at tempted a fierce attack, which failed On the right bank of the Aisne at the north of Soissous wo have advanced slightly with the co. operation of tho British army. We have mado tome progress likewise in the region of Berry-au-Bcc. On tho rest of the front there Is nothing to report. In tho Belgium theatre of war the Belgian forces which are defending Antwerp :ivc occupied In strength th lino from tho Rupel to tho I THE WEATHER For Philadelphia and vicinity penerally fair tonight and Wednea day; not much change in tempera ture; gentle to moderate winds, most-' 111 northeast. For dit.i.itx. Innf -nirr jCf ' -' l'4'"i(1'l ,. . 1 Concluded on 1'u- 4 , The War Today A strong German force Is advancing from Belgium against tho Allies' left wing. Cavalry already has reached Lille. This flanking movement not only threatens tho left of the Allies' line, but may mean the destruction of the railway to Belgium. French nnd British have rushed heavy reinforce ments to the western end of their lino. Germany announces continued suc cesses In France, claiming 15-mlle gains at some points by the right wing. Omclal admission is made of French gains last week in tho cast by tho statement that tho Kaiser's forces again have advanced to the Mouse. Antwerp Is reported captured by the Germans after a fierce bombardment. Communication with the beleaguered city was cut off. Russians again crossed Into East Prussia, near Lyck. Tho German forces, driven from tho Nlemen River region, are now threatened on both front nnd flank. German fortified po sitions Inside tho border are under at tack as the Russians movo westward. Servian and Montenegrin troops' closed in on Sarajevo, capital' of Bos nia, cutting the railway lines and plac ing guns for a bombardment. Japanese marines occupied the Ger man naval base on tho Island Jalult, In the South Seas. Tho siege of Tslng Tao is reported in its final stages. Italy's press and public clamor for war to avenge Austrian mine depre dations and to punish that country's alleged duplicity, Rumania was warned in a German ultimatum not to invade Transyl vania. GERMANS MAY BLOW UP TSING-TAO BEFORE CAPTURE Reported Preparations to Destroy Be leaguered Fortress. FEKIN, Oct. 6. Persistent rumors are current hero that the Germans have made preparations to blow up the great fortresses at Tslng Tao rather than allow them to fall Into tho hands of the Japanese nnd their English allies. Emperor William had sent word to the German forces holding Klao-Chnu that they were to hold out ngnlnBt Japan "to tho last num." This order probably will bo literally obeyed. According to the Information available mines have been laid to demolish Tslng-Tao when the fort can no longer hold out. According to a report received here to day the British battleship Triumph Is co operating with tho Japanese fleet In the bombardment of Tslng-Tao. The German gunboat recently damaged was the Jaguar. Information from German sources states that In the sortie of Saturday night from Tslng-Tao the Germans lost 1 killed, 3 wounded and 25 missing. The Japanese claim thnt 18 Germans were killed. Mayor Lauds Movement In Behalf of 'Taxpayer "The Hands of Esau," published in the Evk.nino Ledoer of October 5, makes very interesting reading. It goes straight to the point, and I hope these articles will be con tinued until the subject has been fully exhausted. This, of course, will renulre many Issues of the KvKNiNa Ledger. When completed, the whole series should ho published in pamphlet form and placed' In the hands of every voter in Philadelphia. Then "the ways that are dark and tho tricks that are vain" of the Or ganization would be exposed to full daylight, and In such a way that all citizens who care for their homes and their families will enlist in a warfare that will redeem Philadel phia for all time from the political meshea In which it has so Ions been kept by political brigandage. MA. OR BLANKBNBURG. PENROSE NOW SEEKS TO DELAY INQUIRY INTO SLOSH FOND Resorts to Tactics Employed by Lorimer, of Illinois, Who Was Expelled From the Senate. Favorable Roport on Norris Reso lution Expected Despite Ef forts of Standpatters of Both Parties to Smother It. trnoM our wrr conncsroNDRNi, WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-Faclm; ah In vestigation by the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee, Boles Penrose, can didate for re-election to the United States Senate, Is resorting to tho same tactics cmplo.ed by William Lorimer, who was expelled from the Senate, to postpone an ufnclnt Inquiry Into the charges of using large sums of money to advance his candidacy. He was In conforenco un til a late hour Inst night with his lieu tennnts devising ways and means of de laying llnnl action on the Norris reso lution. Forty-eight hours ngo It seemed cer tain thnt the Senate Committee, which seems to be domlnntcd by the reaction aries, would And a way for the Norris resolution to bo smothered In tho com mittee. Members of the committee 'are now beginning to hear from "bnck home." As much as they would like to administer a fresh coat of whitewash for Boles Pen roso nnd nogur C. Sullivan, the Demo cratic nominee In Illinois, they dare not send tho resolution Into the Senate for consideration. Indications today point to the passage of tho resolution by the committee on Friday. It will then go to the Senate, where Senators Norris, of Nebraska; Clapp, of Minnesota, and Owen, of Okla homa, will lead the fight for the accept ance of the committee's report. Once tho resolution sets out of the committee. Sen ator Norrls Is certain that the investiga tion will be ordered at once. STANDPATTERS ALARMED. There was much alarm in the Demo cratic camp last night when It became known that Senators Reed, of Missouri: Walsh, of Montana, and Pomerene, of Ohio, Democrats, had announced their In tention of supporting the resolution. But for the desire of some of the Senators to save Roger C. Sullivan from embar rassment, the committee could have sent In a favorable report at yesterday's ex ecutive session. Senator Owen's determination to invade Illinois to oppose the election of Roger Sullivan Is also causing his Democratic colleagues of the "stand-pat" variety con siderable trouble. No amount of plead ing, however, has served to cause tho Oklahoma Senator to change his program. Other Democratic Senators are, therefore, coming to the conclusion that they had best keep their own skirts clean and let Roger Sullivan look out for himself. REPUBLICANS TO FIGHT PENROSE. When Owen Jumps Into the Illinois fight to support Raymond Robins, a Pro gressive, Senntors Norris and Clapp, Re publicans, will start on a whlrlnlnd tour of Pennsylvania, the EvENtno Ledobr Is informed, to oppose the re-election of Penrose. There Is every reason to believe that Senators Norris and Clapp nill urge the election of A. Mitchell Palmer, the Democratic nominee, simply because they f-el that he has a better chance of de feating Penrose than has Glftord Plnchot, the Progressive candidate. Clapp and Norris will not oppose Pen rose because he Is a Republican. They wilt call upon the people of Pennsylvania, and especially the Republicans of the Stftc, not to bring the direct primary and the popular election of United States Senators, two reforms for which they havo fought for years, Into ridicule by sending to Washington a man of the type ot Holes Penrose. Clapp and Norris aro Republicans, but they put decent govern ment above partisanship The fight of the Curtis newspapers In Philadelphia, the EvtwiNO Lbdoer and the Prune LEDnrm. on Penrose Is caus ing much comment in Washington. Colonel Thomas C. Pence, assistant to National Chairman McCombs, and other close friends of A. Mitchell Palmer, assert that the support of these newspapers has been more effective than any other one thing In turning the tide against Penrose in Pennsylvania BRITISH CRUISER HOLDS UP SHIP IN AMERICAN WATERS Fires on Norwelgan Vessel Off New York, NEW YORK, Oct. 6.-A shot from a British cruiser, believed to be the Bri tannia, was fired across the bows of the steamship Katie, a Norwegian banana carrier, off Scotland lightship today, when the Katie was within the three mile limit. The action of the British cruiser fol lowed the refusal of the Katie's com mander to heed the wireless halt order. The steamship's commander Ignored the order, knowing he was only about a mile off shore, and, therefore, In Amer ican waters. The action of the cruiser In firing at a boat in American waters Is regarded as a direct violation -of the sovereignty of Ameneun waters. JUSTICE WEIGHT BESIQNS WASHINGTON. Oct. 6.-Justice Daniel Thew Wright, formerly of Cincinnati, re signed today as member of he District pf Columbia Supreme Court, effective No vember U. N TURKS' NAVY READY FOR ACTIVE MOVE, BERLIN DECLARES Wireless Reports Also Cap ture of Fort on Meuse by Germans Much Damage by Kaiser's Cruisers. BERLIN, Oct. 6. (By wireless through Sayvllle. L. I.). This official statement was Issued hero today: "The situation of the German nnd Aus trian armies everywhere i most hope ful. "Great surprise It expressed at the ac tivity of German cruisers stationed abroad. Though it was .generally ex pected they would fall an easy victim to British warships, within a fortnight after the declaration of war, Germans are now nstoulshed to learn by reports In the British nnd French press of the aamage tne cruisers are uoing 10 me enemy's marine. "The Goeben, Breslau, Emden, Karls ruhe and Lolpslg aro the vessels whose successes have caused the liveliest sat isfaction In Germany. In addition, the Scharnhorst nnd Gnelsooau, stationed In the Pacific, are reported busy near Ta hiti, having destiojed the French gun boat Zelee." An order of the day, written by Gen eral von Hochen nnd Just published, gives detulls of the capture of Fort Camp de Romains on the Meuse. It fcajs the fort was taken after hard lighting. Five French oftlcers and more than 500 men were made prisoners. The remainder perished In the ruins of the fort. According to the otllcial nows agency of Berlin, attempts by the Triple Entente to force the opening of the Dardanelles have failed, and the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople Is furious because of the embargo on the exportation of Rus sian grain and the importation of arms. The Turkish navy has been Increased and is expected to sail to the Black Sea. The Turkish press Is attacking England on account of tho suppression of tho Khedlval rights In Egypt, "The English textile industry." says an other report, "is endangered by the stop page of the Importation of German djeing drugs. England has tried to buy In Hol land German-djed woolen yarns. The Dutch have refused to sell, because the exportation of German colorings into Hol land would then cetue " A neutral correspondent behind the French front on tho Marne estimates that the population expelled from the battle icne In France numbers lO.OOO.TO. He says they are suffering bitter distress. 3000 TAILORS STRIKE Employes of 200 Fifth Avenue Shops Demand More Fay. NEW YORK, Oct 6.-Demandlng a working week of 43 hours and a wage ot 127 for first-class tailors and (34 for second-class workers, moro than 3000 tailors, whq had been employed in 200 Independent Fifth avenue women's dressmaking shops, are on strike today. Sixteen alleged strikers' pickets, includ ing two officer ot the Ladles' Tailors Un ion Nc 5S, of the International Garment Workers' Union, were arrested near a Fifth avenue dressmaking establishment Jacob L. Banach, secretary of the local, protesud tn vain to the police fgr the release of the men, HHF GHOSTS 8000 LIQUOR MEN TOLD TO RALLY FOR PENROSE VICTORY Word Passed Around Under Seal of "Confidence" to Every Brewer, Wholesaler and Saloonkeeper in State. "We must assist In the re-election of Senator Penrose," is the word thnt has been passed under tho seal of "confidence" to every brewer, wholesaler and saloon keeper In Pennsylvania. Tho evidence of co-operation of the S00O liquor men In tho State In the Penrose campaign bears the name of Nell Bon ner, former Democrat, but now president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers, nn organization which was formed early In the campaign to "lino up" the liquor Interests to support Pen- rose. Bonner, when not touring the State on Penrose's behalf, lives at 21st and Carpenter streets, Philadelphia. While the Philadelphia Liquor Dealers' Association nnd the association of brew ers, wholesalers, retailers and saloon keepers In McNIchol's district have been sending out culls for the liquor Interests to unite tu "have their Incomes," Nell Bonner, as president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers, has gone on rrcord as organizing the liquor Inter ests of Pennsylvania In order to re-elect Penrose. BONNER URGES UNITT. One of a herlfri of letters sent out by Bonner to the SUV) saloon and dive keepers of tho Ptatc urging them to unite In an effoit to send Penrose back to the United State? Senate, was received by them under 1ate of September 10, It opened nnd olosed with the admoni tion to keep tho request to line up the liquor vote for tho senior Senntor strictly confidential, ami then appealed to the liquor traffickers to "become active among your patrons." Tho second regis, tratlon day. September 15, Bonner pointed rut in the letter, was only a few days off, and he asked the liquor dealers to see to It that their patrons registered, "You must full realize," the letter con tinued, "thnt the coming election in No- ember means more to tery liquor deal- ronrluded on fane 3. The Evening Ledger's Big Series Supplement which will be published tomorrow in the Evening Ledger will contain, besides pictures of the Boston and Philadelphia teams, a prediction by Eddie Collins on the result of the series. Mack's great second baseman will tell you many facts about the two cham pionship clubs that have never ap peared in print. Don't fail to read Collins' story in the World's Series Supplement of the Evening Ledger tomorrow. Ask your newsdealer to order you a copy and avoid the rush. KGSiv POLICE PUT TO ROOT "FANS" IN LINE FOR BASEBALL TICKETS Four Hundred Men and Boys, Entrenched on Ninth Street Earning Speculators Pay, Charged by Reserves. What Is the baseball clastic that crips at a million hearts? What Is a hit of pennant that stays here or departs? What are the rlehts of persona laden with bankrolls rat? . Naught, when their ardent waltlnr keeps milady from her hat. Four hundred men and boys waiting In line for the beginning of the sale of world's series baseball tickets were charged by the police on Ninth street this morning, and the small army of basball fans and the men who were making 13 or B0 cents a day holding places for speculators retreated as re luctantly as a corps of Germans. Then entrenched themselves on the sldewnlk of tho Postofflce, considering It uovernment ground, but again the police attacked them and they were scattered to all points of the compass. This afternoon 300 of the scattered lit tle army strung a thin line In the alley back of Glmbels Into Ranstead street. They wero not blocking traffic and In somo places thero was not even a side walk to obstruct A long-lcgsed reserve policeman, whose mark of distinction is a weo black moustache, was taken hy surprise by the flank movement. Ho was the only man of Careys army left on guard. He telephoned the City Hall for in-sU-uct'ons and was told to use his head The order was a little confusing. He did not know whether to take it Utterly and use his head in lieu of his blackjack or Just hold his ground to await instruc tions. He finally assumed the latter position and stood on Ninth street, shouting Move along gents, don't block the high way." h The baseball fans also held their ground nnd grinned. The police broke up the line upo the complaint of the Ross millinery store on Ninth street. They had supervised the line and kept order all night, but the manager of the Rosa store upset all the police plans. He entered the millinery store this morning bhrugglng his shoulders and making disdainful mouths at the long line of sleepy men and boys. He then called up the City Hall and entered a complaint. CRIED "QUIT KIDDING, SARGE." Sergeant Carey, of the Reserves, was ordered with a detail to disperse the line. Carey made the attack gingerly. He is something of a fan hlmstlf. The line, when told to disperse, took it at first as a joke. Many of the beselgers of tho ticket office window shouted "Quit kidding, Sarge. we'll see you at tho game." The Sergeant meant business and then the demortllzation of the army of fans began. The troops of Carey attacked under the cover of the cavalry, consist ing ot Mounted Policeman Kelley. After the fans were dispersed the vic torious Carey called them back In small groups to recover their lunch bags, soap boxes and hats It was a bloodless and rather good natured fight Not a police club was swung, but several boys got spanked. It was rumored that the Hue would be Caodludtd Ml F S GOMCHEWERSAND PATENT MEDICINE OSERS TAXED BY WAR Revenue Measure as Submit ted to Senate Caucus Takes in, Beside, Cosmetics, Hair Dye, Dentifrices, Etc. Theatres, Agricultural Fairs, Re ligious Entertainments and Chautauqua Lectures Ex empted WASHINGTON, Oct 6. - Constantly moving Jaws will bo a sign that the chewer Is aiding the Government's war tax problem. If nn amendment to the War Tnx bill, adopted by tho Democrats of the Kennte Finance Commltteo at a meeting Just prior to tho caucus today. Is finally accepted by Congress. The committee ndded a section to the bill Imposing a tax of 4 cents on each dollar box of chewing gum. Senator Simmons, chairman of the Flnonce Committee, laid the war tax bill as framed by tho committee before tho Democratic caucus, when It met at noon today. He admitted that bo ex pected a hard fight on some of tho pro ilsions of tho bill, among them the tax on domestic wines, the tax on gasoline and automobiles, and the tax on bank capital and surplus. Senator Simmons snld: "If we can re port the bllt to the Senate tomorrow I believe that the Senate will be able to pass It before the end of next week." The committee also resurrected the Spanish war tac on proprietary medi cines. Including everything for which there Is a private formula, and also per fumery, cosmetics, hair oil, hair dyes and dentifrices. Tho rate of taxation ranges from one-eighth of a cent on values up to 5 cents to five-eighths of a cent for values from 15 to 23 cents and an addi tional five-eighths of a cent for each added 25 cents In value. A tax Is laid on sparkling wines, not otherwise cared for In the bill, of 1 cent on pint bottles and 2 cents on bottles containing more than a pint. The committee decided to exempt from the tax on theatres and entertainments, agricultural and Industrial fairs, religious nnd charitable entertainments, Chautau qua lectures and lyceums. "If we can report the bill to the Senate by tomorrow," said Senator Simmons, "I hope that the Senate will be able to pasa It by the end of next week." Democrats on the committee estimated that the additional taxes added to the bill toddy would yield several millions of additional revenue. The Senate was not In session today, having taken a resess on account of the war tax caucus. RATE DECISION AFFECTS COAL SHIPPED FROM PENNSYLVANIA New Tariffs of B. and O. and Other Railroads Suspended. WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. The Interstate Commerce Commission today suspended from October S to April IS, 1915, new tariffs of the Baltimore and Ohio and other railroads containing Increased rates on bituminous coal from Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia mines to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Delaware and Baltimore. AMERICAN TROOPER SHOT Pierced by Carranzlsta Bullet Whlla on Duty In Trench. NACO, Ariz., Oct. 6. Private Leroy. Bradford, Troop B, Tenth U. S. Cavalry, was shot through the chest today by Carranzlsta troops across the border while he was on duty In a trench on the American side, where he had been stationed to make observations. Only a few hours before trooper Brad ford was shot Major Gullfoyle had warned General Hill, the Carranzlsta commander, that he would be held per sonally responsible if the United States troops were fired upon He told Hill that this had been done repeatedly, but the Mexican commander professed Ignor ance of any such happening. Hill warned his men not to fire upon American territory ngatn. telling them that any one guilty of violating his order would be executed, but despite that they again fired and Bradford was struck. On Monday morning Captain W S, Holcomb, also of Troop B, was riding to the cavalrymen's camp when 15 shots were fired, but all mlsed him. Last night five shots were fired at him from a machine gun, but again he escaped American civilians here declared that Hill has at times directed his men to fire Into American territory. STOLEN SUBMARINE REPORTED AT CORSICA Retired Naval Lieutenant Blamed for Unusual Theft. ROME. Oct 6. The submarine which was stolen from a private shipbuilding yard at Spezia Sunday has arrived at Bastla, on the Island of Corsica, according to Informa tion received by the Minister of Marine. A retired naval lieutenant, Angelo Bel lini, Is said to have been responsible for the taking of the craft, which had no provisions abroad. CONNECTICUT "DRYS" GAIN 87 Towns Now Oppose and 81 Favor License. NEW UAVEN. Conn.. Oct .-Th "drys" gained one town and a portion of another in )sterday's vote on the license question In Connecticut one town, Griswold. changing from "dry" to "wet" and Kllllngly, Stoulngton and the Stony Creek district of the town of Bran ford changing from "wet" to "dry " Of the K towns in which petitions for a vote on license had been elrn.lat'd only il voted on the question. Torringlr-j not voting. Thirty of the towns vrt -j yesterday for license and 11 nq ll-c;. The Its towns now stand U for llctoa ind SI for act rlccase. til Vjfc4 I A1 a t fc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers