Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 03, 1914, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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.Mrs. Cassatt and her husband, Mujor pissntt, will entertain today on their coach and at
luncheon at the Whiteinarsh Rnco Meet, Erdcnhcim.
THE Plays and Flayers' Club has decided to
hold Its club night this your In the begin
ning of the season rather t.ian the end. It
lias been planned to give "Tho Doctor's Di
lemma," a satire on physicians, by Bernard
Shaw, on the nights of October 17 nnd IS, nt
tho Little Theatre, on Do Luncey place near
Seventeenth street.
Members of tho club will net for tho other
club members and their friends, and In order
that all may see t.io peiformanco two nights
huvc been chosen.
Those who will take tho principal parts In
"The Doctor's Dllrinma" will be Mrs. W.
1'oike Stevenson, as Mrs. Dubldat; Mr. Dubldat
will bo C. Reginald Oatcs; Sir Tntrlck Cullen
will be Impersonated by J. Alexnnder Stout,
nnd AV. II. Whitney will net the part of Cutler
Tho part of Mr. Strickmachcr will be tnken
by J. B. Colosbcrry, Henry H. Shepherd will
Impersonate Dr. Hidgeon, and Sir Ralph, other
wise known a3 P. B., will bo played by Henry
B. Sc'.iaeffer.
Tho piny will bo managed by J. Howard
Ilebcr, who Is president of tho Plays and Play
ers' Club.
The club had plnnnetl to give a performance
of 'Tress Clippings" In November, but ns that
playlet Is a satire on a man nctlvely engaged
In tho presont Europcnn war crisis, tho idea
for rensons of neutrality was abandoned.
Tho Chnrlotto Cushman Club will 'nold the
first of Its receptions next Friday afternoon,
October 9, when Miss Mnrgnrot Anglln will bo
the :uest of honor. Thoso who will be in
chnrgo of tho reception will bo Mrs. Clarenco
Clark Jinntzlnger, Mrs. Stanley Grlswold Flngg,
Jr., and Mrs. Hoiatlo Gates Lloyd. Other
members of tho board of governors of the club
will assist In receiving. They arc Mrs. Otis
Skinner, Mrs. Mortimer Brown, Mrs. Samuel
Chew, Mrs. James Large, Mrs. Clinton Rogers
"Woodruff. Mrs. Kdward Beecher Flnck, Mrs.
Mahlon Kline, Mrs. Wnyhind Hoyt, Mrs. Rob
ert Kmott Hare, Sirs, Edwurd T. Stotcsbury,
Miss Frances Griscom, Miss Lydla T. Morris,
Mrs. William Iiurnluitn and Mrs. James Elvcr
son, Jr. Mrs. Henry Bartow Is also on tho
board of governors, but will not receive on
Friday owing to mourning.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph What ton Llpplncott aro
I being congratulated on tho birth of a son yos-
Iterday at Mclmnr, Bethayres, tho homo of Mr.
ILIpplncott's parents, Mr. und Mrs. J. Bertram
'Llpplncott. Mrs. Llpplncott will bo retnemborcd
as Miss Elizabeth Mills, of Tclham Manor,
New York.
Mrs. Hobert Thaxter Blcknoll will have as
lier aides for the produce table at tho Coun
try Fair ami Market Day, which will bo held
today at Lansdowne, Miss Emily La Fargo
Claxton, yiss Virginia d'lnvllllers, Miss Anne
d'lnvllliera, Miss Frances Rowland, Miss Elena
Santa Maria, Miss Elizabeth d'lnvllllers, Miss
Adelaide d'lnvllllers, Miss l6abel Bryan, Miss
Adele Bryan nnd Miss Frances Warner Bick-
nell. They will wear little Dutch sunbonnets
and white aprons, with green ribbon bows, and
will have little money baga attached to their
tides. They will sell (lowers nnd fruit In bas
kets and on trays.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt and Miss Jean
Christian Bullitt, who have been In London for
several months, will sail for home October
10, on the New York. Miss Bullitt has boen
the guest of Mrs. Harry Sedgwick, In Ventnor,
Jblo of Wight, for five weeks.
Mrs. James Potter left yesterday for New
Yok for u few days' visit with her daughter,
Mrs, James Polk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. De Groft Wilcox, of AVest
Price street, are entertaining Mrs. Wilcox's sis
ter, Miss Marjorle Lund, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dctenny, Miss Beatrice
Devenny and James Devcnny will spend the
winter at ItflC Spruce street.
Mrs. Henry D. Patterson and her daughter.
Miss Mac Patterson, havo returned to their
home In Torresdale from Maine. Miss Patterson
will not make her debut this ar.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore, of Germantown,
left Thursday for Atlantic City, where they will
spend several weeks.
'VEKUBOOK Mrs. Edgar Cop, who spent
,(t n Mai"? recently returned from AVcoJ-
r Pa., wnera she - V003!1111' &"
Miss Louise Co.ale. Miss Coalo left Fellsworth
yostordny fur Mont Clemens, Mich., where she
will spend the winter.
Miss Sovette Schultz entertained a costumo
party on Thursday, at her studio at 11 South
Eighteenth street. Among tho guests were
Miss Irene Cas3.ird, Miss Elizabeth Ditts, Miss
Ida Jefferson, Miss Virginia Musser, Miss Mil
dred Stern. Miss Leonora Walz, Joan Bonner,
Chailcs Walnuts, Frank Watklns, Albert Plsts,
Justin Peters, Rodman Schultz and Richard
itinmoN Mr. and Mrs. Perclval E. Foerdercr,
who spent the summer In Maine, recently
opened their homo on Morion avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Scnl and Miss Deborn'.i
Seal, of Hnzlcliur.it avenue, have returned home
after a summer spent in the Pocono Mountains.
AIMIEUTH Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Proscott,
of Esiscx avenue, will return homo Tuesday,
after n summer spent at Ocean City. Miss
Ruth Prcscott, who spent September with her
brother-in-law and her sister. Dr. and Mrs.
Harry Hartley, M33 Walnut street, will also
return homo next week.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Casner, who spent
tho summer on the New England coast, recent
ly returned to fnelr homo on Narbcrth road.
Mr. and Mrs. Casnor's son nnd daughter-in-law,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Adrian Casner, passed part of
tho Bcason with them.
w YISNr.woon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Evans
have closed their Bummer home nt Dorset, Vt.,
and are now nt their homo on Penn road.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ashton will move
Into iheir town home late In November or In
tho early part of December.
AimsionE Miss Julia Musser, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Musser, of Simpson road, will
leave next week for Bloomsbuig, Pa., w.iere
sho will visit her brother and slstcr-ln-law, the
Rev. and Mrs. O. Musser, at St. Paul's rectory.
From BloomsbUM Miss Musser will go to
Wllken-Barro, whero aho will be tho guest of
Colonel and Mis. Miner.
Mrs. James K. Clarke, who spent the early
summer nt Newport with Mr. Clarke, going later
to Maine, returned home Wednesday. Mr. Clarko
returned from Newport by motor, nnd arrived
In Ardmoro Thursday attornoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Carter and Miss
Katharine Carter, of Ardmoro avenue, recently
returned homo from Nova Scotia, where they
spent six weeks.
HAVnmmU -Mr. and Mrs. William G. Auden
rled, Jr., '.iavo returned from Jamestown, R. I.,
where thoy spent tho greater part of the sum
mer, and are now at their home on Montgom
ery avenue.
Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sharpless spent most of
tho bummer at their cottage at Pocono Lake
Prof. Rufus M. Jones Is spending this week
at Richmond, Ind., with tho executive board
of tho Flvo Years' Meeting. Professor Jones
and Doctor Gummcro spent part of the summer
together In tYw White Mountains.
lillYN MAWii J. Harvey Gordon wilt sail to
morrow for England to Join the English army.
Mr. and Mrs. Joeepn Kerbaugh and family"
hao returned from their summer home at
Pocono Pines. Their son has entered Havorford
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison a. Sceler and their
daughter, Miss Katherlne V. Seeler, who spent
tho greater part of the summer at Montgom
ery Inn, yiave moved to town. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus II. K. Curtis, who have
been bpcmllng the summer at their cottage
at Camden, Me., are expected to return, to
Lyndon, their home In Wyncotc, the middele
of tho week.
Honry M. McAdoo, of Fort Washington, has
gone on his annual hunting and Ashing trip to
Canada for several weeks.
Mr. und Mrs. Ralph Graham Wilson and their
family have closed their bungalow at Gynedd
Valley and taken an apartment at the Clinton
for several months before opening their house
at 303 Saurn Thirteenth street for the remain
der of the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin King have closed The
Farm at Gynedd Valley and opened their house
at 498 West Price street, Germantown, for the
The first of a series of tango tyt will be
given on Saturday afternoon at tr BetnM
Club. Tha poazaUlea la cfaue or tfeem wiy ,
consist of Mlsa Sarah Kennedy, as chairman.
Assisting hor will be Mrs. Lloyd Drinker, Mrs.
Arthur J. Clark, Mrs, A. Daton Smoker, Mrs.
Francis Donnelly, Mlsa Ada "Wocrthte and Miss
Grace !. Temple.
Miss Eleanor Jonos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph L. Jones, Jr., of Jenklntown, hna ns her
guest for several days Miss Dorothy Fannon,
Mrs. W. H. Hollls and Miss Gertrude Hollls,
who have been staying nt Springfield Inn, St.
Martins, since their return from Europe two
weeks ngo, are now occupying their home on
Morcland nvenue.
Mrs. George Stanley Phlllcr nnd Miss Helen
11. Phlllcr, who have been spending tho sum
mer nt St. Mnrtlns, aro now occupying their
town house nt 1811 De Lancey Place.
Mr. nnd Mts. Edgar Pardee Earlo nnd fam
ily, of Crittenden street, will close their cot
tage. Sewnrd, at Mnntoloklng, and return to
ClKstnut Hill the beginning of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard II. North, who have
been spending the summer at Castlne, Me., re
turned Wednesday to their home at 7301 Boycr
Mrs, Steven B. Ferguson, of 7113 Boycr street,
will entertain tho Mount Airy Llternry Club at
her homo next Thursday.
Mr nnd Mrs. David E. Crozler, of 7010 Ger
mantown avenue, entertained the members of
the Germantown Choral Society on Tuesday
evening, September 29. In their new studio,
which has been added to their beautiful hmoc.
Musical numbers wore rendered by Miss Edith
McPhlt, Miss Adclla Hcsscr, Mrs. Pierce, Doc
tor Blake, Albert Hoyte nnd David E. Crozler.
The tegular meetings will be resumed In the
hall of tho Carnegie Library during the winter
months. The choral work has become one.of
Germnntown's pet Interests and the list of
patronesses Include many society women In
that friiburb.
Tho Rev. J. Clayton Mitchell, rector of Cvl
nary Protestant Episcopal Church, Mnnhelm
nnd Morris streets, hns been granted, a leave
of absence of six weeks, owing to til health.
Mrs. Catharlno Cooper and her tw osons,
Jnmes E. Cooper and Stanley Cooper, have
taken apartments at tho Dclmar-Morrls for tho
Mrs. Edward Hcnson, of Manhelm street nnd
Wlesahlckon avenue, has as her guest Mrs.
Elliot Burton, of Charleston, W. Va. On Tues
day Mrs. Hcnson entertained very Informally
at cards. In honor of her guest.
Mrs. S. Howard-Smith has as her guest Miss
Susan Williams, of Charlotte, N. C.
Miss ElUe Howard-Smith, of 4833 Pulaski ave
nue, Is at present visiting friends in Tennes
see, and will return homo next week.
The Pi Epsllon Chapter of tho Gamma Eta
Kappa Fraternity, will glvo an Informal dance
nt Belfleld, Friday, October 9.
Miss Ethel Marrlot Jones will leave Bermuda
October 10 for hor home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonos
will then havo as their guest Edmund Gosling,
Miss Jones' fiance, for a few weeks.
Mrs. Thomas Skelly and tho Misses Skelly,
of 307 East Prlco street, have returned from
Wlldwood. N. J.
Sidney JJopson, of 314 High street, has re
turned to his home after spending the summer
In Europe.
An Informal danco was held last evening In
Odd Fellows.' Hall, Chclten and Ogontz ave
nues. Among those present were: &Mlss
Loup Chase, Miss Anna Condon, Miss Jessica
Burke, Miss Eleanor Buzby, Miss Grace Jones,
MIsk Annn Evana, Miss Hilda Matthews, Miss
Emily Hetrlck. Miss Mabel Lee, Herbert Las
sen, Edward E. Hales, Stephen Decoursey, J.
Russell Lassen, William M. Barstow, Robert
Doddfi, Kenneth Sweeney, Earl Schrufcr, Harry
McDonald. VThe feature of the evening was
the exhibition dancing of Miss Burek and Mr.
Decoursey In the Innovation Tango, Fox trot
nnd the Castle Polka.
Miss Edith Henry, niece of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert J. Brunkcr, 520S Wayne avenue, haa
returned from a trip abroad.
Mrs. Joseph Powell, of Qulncy, Mass., for
merly of Germantown, Is visiting Mrs .Edward
L. Reynolds, of 013 West Clapler street.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Townsend and Mrs.
Elizabeth Townsend Bowcn, of 4343 Baltimore
avenue, have returned from a short visit to
Townsend, Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Moore, Jr., and Miss
Elizabeth Moore, of 3907 Spruce street, have
closed their cottage In Ocean City and returned
to their home,
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bement, of 3817
Spruce street, returned on Monday from tho
Adirondacks, where t'.ioy spent the greater
part of tho summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Coane, of the Avon
dale, 33th and Locust streets, returned homo
Thursday evening from Westminster, Mary
land, where they had been visiting Mrs. Coane's
sister, Miss Ella Brown.
Mrs. Mary Eagan nnd Miss Marguerite Eagan
have closed their cottage In Island Heights
and opened their house at 4530 Chester avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Castner and children
have returned from their cottage In Cape May
nnd opened their house, 3908 Walnut street.
Judge nnd Mrs. Joseph F. Lamorclle and
family, who spent tho summer at Bay Head,
will return to their home, 3510 Baring; street,
this month.
Mrs. William P. Troth and Miss Emilia Troth
have returned from Lake Mohonk, where t'.iey
have been since June, and opened their house,
3433 Walnut street.
John S. Latta and his sister, Miss Margaret
Latta, have closed their country home at New
town Square and returned to 3903 Chestnut
Mrs. M. A. Dabbs, of the La Blanche, left
yesterday for a visit of ten days to New
Mrs. E. L. Cilnes, of Hamilton Court, sailed
on Tuesday from Portugal, and will arrlvo In
town tho latter part of next week.
Mrs. C. A. Musselman, of 43)3 Pine street,
will return from her camp at Sebago Lake,
Maine, next week. Mrs. Musselman Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben O. Moon.
Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Brown have closed t'aelr
cottage at Cape May and taken apartments
at 4010 Spruce street for the winter.
Charles II. Dougherty, of 41st and Pine
streets, has been spending a few days In At
lantic City.
Friends of Mrs. H. Russell Fox, of 4203 Wal
nut street, will bo glad to learn that she is
convalescing from typhoid fever at the home
of her sister. Mrs. E. F. Off, 4M2 "Walnut street.
Mr. end Mrs. Lyman Sayen, who have been
living in Paris for the last year, will spend
tho winter with Mrs. Sayen' parents at 313
Souf.t 43d street.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles I Lut have
taken a house at the Glrard Estate, 5337 South
1st street, fo? the year. They have Just r.
turned from the "West Indie.
JtfiM Birab, IcKuuia. and JUsa TUUo ilcKeu-
na have Issued Invitations for a maso.uera.de
dinner and dance, at their home, 1823 Moore
street, on Halloween. Some among those In
vited nre Miss Margaret Tweed, Mlsa Anna
Dougherty, Miss May Henry, Mlsa Reglna
Henry, Mils May Moore, Mlsa Sylvia Mullln,
Mies Elizabeth O'Donnell, Mlsa Mabel Freater,
Mlsrs Grace Mullln, John Tweed, Alex. Green,
Edward Henry, Joseph Breen, William Faust,
Henry Myers, Thomaa Tweed, "William "West
and John Lltngow.
The Rev. W. C. Healey, who spent the sum
mer months on the British Isles, haa returned
to the city. His many friends will be glad to
learn of Ills snfo return,
Mlsa Margaret Kahey, of 1706 Morrla street;
Miss Alary Durnlng and Miss Mattle Drunlng, of
1S0S South Nineteenth street, are spending tho
week-end at Munch Chunk.
Mrs. Samuel Gibson, wVio has been the guest
of her cousin In Oxford, Md., has returned to
her home, 21)4 South Twentieth street.
Many Interesting "600" parties have been
fotmed In the southern section of tho city, one
of which met for tho first time this season on
Monday evonlng, at the homo oi Miss Agnes
McBrlde, 1034 Ridge avenue. Among tno mem
bers, many of whom aro popular In tho younger
set, aro Miss Mary Bowcn, Mlsa Mary McGuI
gan, Miss Virginia Keofe, Miss Rose Larklns,
Miss Tetcsa Hobble, Mrs. John Cannon, Miss
Catherine Kelly and Mrs. J. Bowcn. Tho meet
ings will continue throughout the winter, every
other Monday evening, at the horno of different
members of the party.
Miss Mnrgnret Mnry Wilson, Miss Gertrudo
Wilson nnd Miss Catherine Wilson will enter
tain Informally tomorrow evening at their
home, 1517 South Flftconfn street. Among the
guests wilt lie MIsb Nan Klllccn. Jamea Scan
Ion, Daniel Do Vaux, Charles O'Ncltl, Albert
Wittenberg and Charles Gwlcner.
Mrs. Mono R. Isaacs, of the Lorraine Hotel,
has returned home after a few days' visit to
her mohter, Mrs. Emnnuel Schwerln, In Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Rice have moved from
1S33 North 32d street to tho Lynn Regis Apart
ments, 1051 Allcghony avenue.
Mrs. E. Rothschild, of 2008 North Broad street,
who has been In Europe, is expected to arrive
homo Saturday. She is a passenger on the
Noordam. S. Rothschild, of Chicago, tho son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rothschild, has come East
to meet his mother on her arrival.
iMr. and Mrs. Gustav L. Bloch, tho latter
formerly Miss Lenora M. iBrown, of Baltimore
5td will reside after October 11 at tho LJ
Trianon Apartments, northwest corner Fif
teenth and Poplar streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Koester have returned
from their sojourn nt tho Hotel Alamac, Atlan
tic City, and are making a brief stay with Mrs.
Fannie Hasslcr and family.
Mrs. L. Strouso has returned from Atlantic
City to her apartments at the Hotel Lorraine,
Broad and Falrmount avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stern (nco Wolf) spent
tho holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Wolf, at 210 South Connecticut avenue,
Atlantic City.
Mrs. Samuel Lehman, who had been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. Elfman, at 3319 Clifford
street, has gono to Newark, N. J., whero sho
wll spend tho winter.
Mrs. Leopold J. Haas, of Atlanta, Ga., Is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Stern, of
3238 Clifford street.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Abrams and Harold
Abrams, of 2231 North Park avenue, have re
turned from Atlantic City to their city home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolf (nee Cohn), of San
Diego. Tex., aro making their permanent homo
at 1S20 North Eighteenth street.
airs. Sidney M. Stern, who has been In Ithaca
since tho beginning of September, will return
home on Sunday, and will reopen hor city
home, 1613 Poplar street.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Abrahams and their
daughtor, Miss Helen Abrahams, of S119 Dia
mond street will return home this week from
Atlantic City, where they had spent the sum
mer. TIOGA
Miss Beatrice Rottner, of 3HG North Broad
street, gave a luncheon, followed by cards, yes
terday, at her home, for the members of a WO
club. Her guests were Miss Edna Scull, Miss
Florence Geikler, Miss Alice McFaddon, Miss
Florence McMorrls, Miss Marian Jones, Miss
Charlotte Fleming and Miss Violet Careon.
The marriage of Miss Edna B. Culbertson,
slater of Thomas H. Culbertson, of 6018 North
Sixteenth street, nnd Clarence J. O'Brien, of
3G25 North Nineteenth street, will take place on
Tuesday morning at tho home of the bride's
brother. The bride's sister. Miss Margaret H.
Culbertson, will be maid of honor, and Dudley
L. Hare will be best man. The ceremony will
be performed by the Rev. Thomas Moore, rec
tor of the Church of the Holy Souls, Nineteenth
nnd Tioga streets, and will be witnessed only
by the Immediate families of the couple. The
at home days will be Tuesdays In December,
at B01S North Sixteenth street.
Miss Marguerite Bradway, of 2012 West
Ontario street, gave a luncheon and shower
yesterday for Mies Clara Irene Pchoble, whose
marriage to WI1IU McDonald Powell will take
place next Wednesday, Autumn leaves, com
bined with yellow chrysanthemums, formed the
Miss Cecelia Lazarus, of 3723 North Park ave
nu. gave a tea and surprise shower this after
noon, at her home, for Miss Olive Fulton Gent
mi, whose marriage to Hector Alexander Sim
helmer will take place early In November,
Pink chrysanthemuma and ferns wero attract
ively arranged In the decorations.
The Artisans Order of St. John's Assembly
will hold their annual auto run this afternoon,
Thy will motor to a nearby seashore resort.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Battersby, of 3148 North
Broad street, announce the marriage of their
daughter, SIlss Bessie Miller Battersby, to
Francli J. Rlera, Jr., of 3516 North Broad
street. They will live at 228 East Meade street,
Chestnut Hill, where they will be at home
after October 15.
Miss Emma E. DuBols has for her guest Miss
Myra Cole, daughter of Judge Clarence L. Cole,
of Atlantic City. Miss Cole has Just returned
from Madl6on, Wis., where she spent the last
month. From Miss DuBols' home she will
visit in Perkasle for a few days, when she will
motor to her homo In Atlantic City.
Mta,3 Graco S. Donnelly has returned to her
home, 5111 North Thirteenth street, niter visit
ing her grandmother, Mrs. Harriet A. Don
nelly, of Ardmore. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gerhart, of 3404 North
Nineteenth street, are spending the week in
Atlantic City.
The Sigma Alpha PI Society of the William
Penn High School gave a mfecellaneous shower
at the home of Miss Mao Loughlin, 2J13 Hunt
ing Park avenue, last weok in honor of Miss
Minnie E. Kilgus, whose marriage takes place
today Those present were Miss Clara Hat
bach, Mlts Mae Dothard, Mtss Mary Hlggins.
Miss Elsa Koelle. Mtss Helen. Scopp. Miss Eve
line Hamerton, Mies AuujuJfeltenf rubtr and
JJIm. llarlgij. HespeU, n
Miss Disston, who is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Disston, of 2121 Walnut street and
Chestnut Hill, will be otic of the mot feted
debutantes of the year.
Smart Cowns and Coat Suits Worn For Shop
ping by Women of Fashion During the Week.
With cooler weather tho coat suit Is seen
more ofton, and, in spite of tho many changes
In stylo and cut, dark bluo seems to predomi
nate. Mrs. James Potter Is wearing an ex
tremely good-looking tailored suit of dark blue
broadcloth, which Is cut on plain lines. The
skirt Is mado in walking length nnd Is finished
with a wide hem. It Is very narrow about the
foot. Tho coat Is hip length and Is fastened
with three largo buttons. Mrs. Potter's hat Is
a bailor model of black mlrolr velvet, which
has a narrow silver and black band about the
crown and Is trimmed with a bunch of tall
goura feathers.
Dark blue broadcloth has also been chosen
by Mies Edwlna Elklns Bruner. Tho coat Is a
semlflttlng Eton Jacket, and tho skirt has a
fitted overdress, which Is rounded at tho front
and reaches below tho kneo at tho back. Miss
Bruner wears a perfectly plain, hlghcrowncd,
silk beaver sailor hat with this suit.
Mrs. Percy Maderla was noticed at a recent
tennis tournament wearing n very smart whlto
flannel suit, with a narrow black stripe, mado
on severely plain linos. Her hat was a dark red
velvet sailor shapo with a single red roso In
the front. With this costumo Mrs. Madeira
carried n walking stick.
Mrs. Herbert Tllden wears a shopping cos
tume in dark blue satin and serge. Tho coat
has the short rounded Eton Jacket effect, with
a strap of whlto showing nbout six Inches In
the back. This strap, or band. Is fastened with
a dull silver buckle, and Is very smart. Whlto
pique cuffs and a standing collar glvo nn at
tractive finish. Tho skirt has a Rusblan tunic
of .icco:dlon-plited satin falling over a
straight underskirt.
Mrs. Tllden's hat Is a black velvet, tailor
shape, with a single beaded ornament placed
directly In front.
White crepo do chine forms a pretty after
noon frock worn by 5t1ss Helen Gormley. There
is a long Russian tunlo which falls over a wide
black satin band at the foot. Tho bodicu Is
made In kimono fashion and opens in a, V at
the neck. A wide blnck satin glrdio finishes tho
waistline, nnd a close-fitting black velvet tur
ban with a feather fancy at one sld complotes
tho attractive costume.
A soft dove gray has been selected by Mrs.
Lewis H. Moore for a fall suit. The skirt is
made with tho conventional tunic effect, and tho
coat is short and rounded. Black silk cuffs and
collar glvo a smart touch also. A black smooth
beaver sailor hat, tho solo trimming of which
is a feather fancy placed in front, makes a
smart contrast.
Miss Eleanor Peterson is wearing a dark blue
satin frock, the skirt of which has a pointed
tunic of chiffon tho same shade. The bodies
is made of the chiffon, and satin with soft lace
at the neck nnd sleeves.
A smart hat of dark blue straw is worn, the
crown of which Is encircled with leaves. Two
large dark red silk roses are placed on cither
Mr. and Mrs. George U Taylor, of 640 Cooper
street, are home after being lit their cottage at
Atlantic City for inoct of tho summer.
Pr. Joseph Nicholson is recovering from a
severe attack of pneumonia at his home at
Fourth ind Ponn street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wayland Ayer ami Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Fuey have opened the Ayer
home at 4W Penn street, after summering at
the Ayer summer ome at Meredith. N. Y.
Dr. awl Sirs. F. A. Siaek and their family
have cloed their Ocean City cottage and are
at their home at 411 Cooper street.
Mr. anil Mrs. O. C. Von VolgtlandH have re
tumsKl from tluiir wedding trip, and will make
their home in Roeblins. N. J. Mrs. Vob Volgt.
lander was Mlsa Mary B. Markley, of jig
Cooper street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Clark and family, of 311
Cooper stret, have returned from a Ions May
at Ocean City.
Miss Nancy Northrup. of 3tf North Thlra
street, has returned to school at Dobb Ferry.
MUs Laura Reeve, of To'ad and State streets,
has returned from Southwest Harbor Me
Mr a-i Mrs J F Miller. f-trmr!y rf rm
i'", tut n"w rf North 63d street. Philadelphia
nave eeea eajcyias a Caasdtta trip.
1 V. v..
. i . r r.
Miss Mildred D. Vollrath is Married to
Herbert M. Lowry Under the Autumn
Apple Trees.
One of the prettiest weddings of the fall
took place today, when Miss Mildred D. Volt
rath was married to Herbert M. Lowry, In th
orchard of her father's homo at Penllyn.
Tho bridal party, to tho air of the wedding
march, enmo from tho house over the sloping
lawn and under tVie shady foliage to the altar
of flowers which was arranged under the trees
In tho fruit orchard.
Miss Vollrath, who was given In marriage by
her father, Alfred J. Vollrath, wore an ex
qulslto gown of soft, whlto sntln Which was
elaborately trimmed with rich lace, and the
long court train was heavily embroidered In
silver, nnd silver embroidery was used on
the bodice. Her veil was of tulle and was fas
tened with sprays of orange blossom. She
carried a nlmwcr bouquet of orchids and lll!e
of the valley.
Miss Rosalie B. Vollrath wna maid of honor.
Sho wore a gown of white net and a picture
hat of palf bluo velvet. She carried an arm
bouquet of yellow dahlias.
The bridesmaids werft Miss Marjory Thorn
ton, Mlsx Knthlyno S.iattuck, Miss Isabella
Wadsworth, Miss Helen Bachman, Miss Abble
M. Austin, and .Miss Elvira Rush. They woro
palo blue satin frocks trimmed with orange
tulle, and carried yellow dahlias. Their hats
wore brown velvet.
Mr. Lowry was attended by Henry Jr.
Thomas, Jr., of Baltimore, as beat man, and
his ushers wore Harold B. Vollrath, William
C Lowry, Jr , Alfred Lowry, John B. Lowry,
Edward "Wnllcrstcln, and Robert L. Miller, of
The ceremony was performed by tho Rev, '
Walter Norf.i, of Buffalo, a coualn of the
bride. A laiga reception followed tho ceremony
out-of-door, after which Mr. and Mrs. Lowry
left on their weddlns trip. Mrs. Vollrath,
mother of the bride, woro a beautful gown of
white lace over palo gray satin.
A pretty wedding will take place tonight at
7 o'clock, nt Tho Roosevelt, 2027 Chestnut street,
when Miss Mima E. Kilgus, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Kilgus, of 1223 North 23th
street, will become tho bride of Otto F, Sc'.ioen
hut, son of Mrs. Emily Shoenhut.
Tho Rev. C. T. Albreeht, pastor of the
Zion Trcsbyterlan Church, 2Sth and Cavat
streets, will perform the ceremony. Miss Kil
gus will havo Miss Clara M. Haibach as maid
of honor, nnd Miss Estclle B. Haibach as brides
maid. Mr. Schocn'.iut will havo Harry Schoenhut
as best man. Miss Kilgus will be attired In
white Ivory crepe satin. Tho bodice Is In
basque effect of Georgette crepo and old lace.
Tho skirt has a tunic of Qeorgotto crepe and
old laco and court train. The tulle veil will
be held In place with orange blossoms. She
will carry lilies of tho valley and orchids.
The maid of honor will wear peach color satin,
draped with sapphire blue crepe, with silver
crystal trimming. Sho will carry an arm bou
quet of pink chrysanthemum dahlias.
Tho bridesmaid wilt wear whlto satin, draped
with cerese crepe and gold crystal trimming".
Sho will carry an arm bouquet of cerise roses.
A large reception will follow the ceremony!
After the wedding trip, the couple will jive
nt 5129 North Fifth street. Logan, and will b
at home after December 1, 1914.
Miss Charlotte B. Moore, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Moore, of 2217 North 21st street,
and William Schoenemann. son of "Wlllam C.
Schoenemann, of 2357 North Park avenue, were
married today at noon In the Memorial Church
of tho Advocate. Eighteenth an-? Diamond
streets. Tho ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Dr. Henry Martyn Medary. The bride
was given in marriage by her father and was
unattended. Immediately after tho ceremony,
which wns witnessed by the Immediate families
of tho couple. Mr. and Mrs. Schoenemann left
on their wedding Journey. On their return
they will llvo at 5101 Angora Terrace.
A very pretty rainbow wedding was colebrated
in St. Edward's Church. Eighth and Yorfc
streets, at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, whet
Miss Frances M. Case, daughter .r-Mr. and"
Mrs. Albert Case, became the brio Edward
Joseph Toner, Jr.
The bride was given In marriage by her fa
ther, and was gowned In soft white satin,
trimmed with deep lace and chiffon. The bodice
and end of the long train wero trimmed wltB
orango blossoms. The long tulle veil was held
in place by orango blossoms. She carried a
bridal bouquot of lilies of the valley and roses.
The bride was attended by Miss Henrietta C.
Fortman as maid of honor, and Miss Isabel M.
Cusey, Wlss Nettle L. Hackett, Miss Ethel V.
Kelgef and MUs Miriam 11. Seelyo as brides
maids. Miss Fortman had a pale blue crepe meteor
frock of walking length, with a Russian tunio
of blue chiffon. Sho woro a black velvet hat,
trimmed with a largo white plume and carried
pink roses.
Tho bridesmaids wero gowned alike. In pale
shades of bluo, pink, buff nnd lavender crepe
meteor, with deep Russian tunio of chiffon.
They wore black velvet hats adorned with sin
gle gold roses, and tarried huge arm bouquets
of golden rod. Mr. Toner had John A. Toomey
as best man, and the ushers were S. Raymond
Fltepatrick, Albert R. Ca3e, George A. Ehren
wller and Joseph H. S. Seelyc.
A reception followed tho ceremony at t' n'l
home of tho bride's parents, 2415 North Ter
Streets, after which Mr. and Mrs. Toner, , .-
left for an exienneu inp tnrougn tno hoi
On tlioir return they win ave at 3o60
Fifteenth street, Tioga.
Pr. D. T. Pepper and his family, of 1H Do
pent street, havo closed their cottage at Reno
both Reach. Pel., where they have been stay
Ins slnc the early ummer, and havo returned
to Roxborough.
Mrs. John Morton, Jr., has returned homo
from RB all summer's 'tay at Wlldwood.
Mr. and 5Ira. S. A. Mf .in. of S2W Rlde av
sue, gave a box party "l-llowed by a dinner
on Thursday night for tl , g-uest. Mrs, David
Burwin. of Oakforth, Knfcovnd. j
la celebration of his Mt'ff jJWay anniver
sary. Fillmore Phy was S$m a dinner or
Monday evening, at hus Ane on Flemlns
street. W
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hood gave a, dinner last
Saturday night at ttttlr home on Suaio street
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pyle, of 114 Rochella,
avuu. with their sw and daughter, CUftorl
Pyle asd MIm Katharine Pyle, feavo returned
home aft-r spending; the season Jn Atlantia
M-w .'"t-ri M P'Vaiffer, of Eat.Tfer-',aga
a-S-ntf VAtlKHlJlrl 4J.. 1 -
rv, tifl isij! VJ
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Old IVat C3mort
22" '