Ml .v- v MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMfcj SSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBtte. .EVENING sMlia LEDGER . TUBL1G liEDGEH COMPANY CYllUS II. K. CUHTIS. Pnr.sitirT. iGeo. W. Och. Pfcrctnryi John C. .Mrtln. Trpnuurfr; Chrle II. Lmllngion, Philip a. Collin. John U. Wit llamn. Director. EDITOUIAI. ItOAHDt Ctr.L'8 It. K. CtinTls. Chnlrmnn. KJ1. tVH.Vt.UV u L. LL. Kwuth e rMltnr I JOHN C. MAItTIN rjon'rnl ItiiflntKii Mutineer rubllncl dully, exctia Kun.lav. nt t' I.mxieii nulldlns, Imlepemlenni iivnro. Phl'Milelphln. I.rennn f'KVTnit. ttrnail rtn.l OheMnut Streets ATMNTIo Cut.... ('I'M" Vii lo llulldlnu ' Nrw Vouk 1T0.A. Mrtronrtlltnn Tower . lw::::.7:.7.vv news iicnu.VfS! mnniKBcnn IirniMu.' .'.'.. Th ivtirioi tiuiMln l&JWX.'JVt RV8,'I!p,?ii: :; :::: ' Pali' jisVn&t.W" Pima Uukejiu 32 Hue Loul la UranJ si"n?citltTi(N Tt:itMs Pv carrier. iJut.T Ovi.r. nlxecnis. ttv mull. Mt!,V nf IMillmlelnhln. cxcrKt wherp fnrelBn tinMUKO M required. Dm.? Ntr. on- month. nwim-rive eem. Dut.t o.Ni.Y, one enr. thrco dollnrs. All mall nuiweriif lions rmjnbjj in aH'nnr. rru, .1000 WAi-MiT KKlsTDNtt MAI .1000 CT Attttre&i nil rommiintcatton to .t-riiitia Ledger, Innewndence Sijwnrr, PMladftithln. tNToiiEn at Tin) ritiMnvi.ptiM roKTorrtet: 49 stcosb- CMS Mill MATTEH. PIIIUMIKLIMIIA, SATl'HItU, OClOlllill .1, 1911 Pcnroscism Terrorizes Vormoiit LKADINU Uetmbllcans In ninny States I have dcclatcd publicly that tlin groat foe of the protectionists Is Holes Penrose. Tho Republican party of the nation finds it necessary to repudiate Pcnroscisin. It Is the duty of the P.epublicun party of Pennsylvania to do likewise ut tho polls. Tho Kroo Press, of Hurllngton, Vt., Is the chief Republican paper In one of the two States which voted for Tuft In 1912. It snys: The protectionists of the Culled States arc beginning to realise that we must eliminate as our recognized mouth pieces and public representatives ihpii who bavo helped to Imperil both protection and Republicanism by causing theee mimes to stand for what tho great mnxs of Hie peo ple do not want. Everybody well Informed icgarils Ponroselsm In Philadel phia the same as Tiimmnny Hull in New York. Whereas the way for a pollticnl party to seeuru the support of the present generation of Americans us a whole Is to lccrvo support by ctenn politic.-", squnru dealing and thoiough fealty to Stirling prin ciples. Tho name of Penrose Is a burden to Re publicanism in every State of thu Union. More '" Uplift" From Councils COUNCILS are turning philanthropic again. These specialists in marble hall "uplift" want to confer with other charitable organi zations about tho city's unemployed. Winter is still some months off, but election time Is only a matter of weeks. So the honorable gentlemen and amateur sociologists htiv formed n special committeo to go talk with the charities. Thero nro two natural explanations. Hither the woodpile has a political "nigger" in It, first cousin to the LSthiopinn real estnto speculator that graces the. municipal courts bill, or else Councils sudden Interest in the i unemployed Is nuother "uplift" bluff, do- signed, like Mr. Connelly's delinquent child enthusiasm, to blind the public to crooked work. If Councils are sincere, why don't they vote the. "$50,000 that the Mayor is constantly call ing for to keep Philadelphia's Coo street pavers at their much-needed work? There's unemployment. Why don't they do some thing? Tho cause and the cure aro right In their own hands. City Men Make Good Soldiers PSYCHOLOGY Is playing n larger pnrt In the battles of this war than many realize. Observers report some Interesting mental phases of tho conflict that uro vastly Im portant, not only In determining the result, but us criterion of our civilization. For one tiling, it is being noted that the city dwellers much despised hitherto as de generate, enervated weaklings aro proving tho better soldiers. They weur better in 'lo titan their sturdier brethren of tho ntry. They tand much bettor the ner s strain of bomhurdment, of nil -day ox enient and uncertainty. Their city life, nld nolso. movement and danger, has .rained them. Yet even thoy aro not proof against tho psychology ut tho German siege opera tions. They wear down mentally and phys ically under a mental torture that Pro fessor Muonsterburg himself might have de vised tho firing of tho great siege guns Just so far apart as to give tho impression each tlmo that tho bombardment is at laat over. More Terrible Tlian War THE war in Europe is deadly, but humoop athlsts in convention tell us thai tho scourge of cancer is deadlier still. Will tho war kill -10.000 persons outright in a year? Perhaps so, but the doctor say that rancor Kills that many in our mjuiud alone an nually. Krupp guns, mrpinite and all tho other destructive agencies of wart uro sink into insignificance Wure this Invidious enemy of mankind, whih doesn't attack us face to face, but steaks its way within, elves no quarter, takes no prisoners, but destroy all alike. Despite the great progress of medicine. It would appear that little Inroad s been made on the stronghold of tho so 'eO. Incurable diseases, jf war is bell. i ghali we say of enncer? Operatic Legions "ESI3 are tense dajs round the Metro- Htun Operu House in New York, Tho flnt'Class home of music-drama vviih chance of opening this winter Is waUins a ousiy for news from Italy. Neutrality or no neutrality, that is the question. If the Italians decide to take back Trieste, there will bo a different sort of "Miserere" at the Metropolitan this winter. Little Miss Tren- tlnl reports that Director Oattl-Casazza, is gloomy. He sees his legions storming the Austrian frontier to the tune of the "Sol. alers' Chorus" from "Faust." Caruso la in tsars at the proapect of being drafted to bring down some modern Jericho at a price considerably under his usual J2000 a, night, vBut little Trentlnl isn't worrying. Jf women iHjyan't vote, at any rate they don't liave to -thjhJ, And she's graciously looking forward i nws of what she thinks will be Caruso's istjiiy, the commissariat. Terrible Burden of Defectives X RHVOLUTIONAUY days a youth who i, had enlisted in the Continental army be Lame acquainted with a girl vt the defective typ. who. although physically matured, was ,et an mUnt mentally Their son, born iX wedtocK wj-5 feeble-minded. From 10 ' 3 nded iQ m-n. and worncr - 1- 1 il 1 Bl. lutn vpr4 fetihlA- enure total normal. SBHBBlBHlBlBllllBCiUJjlV ill 1. 1 lUo enure total nonml. , tnrJhn TTl H - 1 -- . --- v .,"" , The records show: Thlrty-slx Illegitimate descendants, 33 morally perverted, 24 con firmed drunkards, 3 epileptics, 3 confirmed criminals with police records, 8 keepers of biothels. This record In told with a purpose, for the ancestor of this tribe of degenerates, after tho Revolution, married n. normal woman, l'Yom them have descended Senators, Con gressmen, t'nlted States .Judges, Ambassa dors and Hvo college presidents, every one normal. There art more than 200,000 mentally do fccmu 1,c",,1 at lare '" tllla country. There ' ",0 3000 fccblo-mlndcit children In tho pub- ! He schools of Philadelphia. In the State of ! l'cnniiylvunltt theio arc nt least 7000 do- '"" ve wwn ml girls, whose mentality Is such that they have practically no concep- lf,,n f tho meaning of morality. From them wl" descend, so It Is estimated, 35,000 feoblo- , ,,.n,,t.l ,.. .1 ... ,-. . .... ..,. ,... "" - ncsi .u yenro. Aim iiom cny and Stnlo arc marking time as regards their tare nnd segregation. Waking Up American Industry LET no ono despair over the big decrease I in customs collections at tho port of Philadelphia for July, August and Septem ber. If other Items in the same day's news have any meaning, tho boom In exports to the embattled nations has begun. Accoidlng to the Treauury Department, grain shipments to Great Uiitaln, France and Scandinavia have taken a big Jump. One of the nations nt war has placed a single order for 110,000 barrels of Hour tho largest ever given with a St. Louis milling firm. Grecco Is said to be buying great stores of wheat here. Cuba has come Into the American market, through a member of the Havana Foreign Trade Bureau, for $30,000,000 of man ufactures that used to come from Europe. Frunce is placing orders for 3000 automobile trucks, Croat Hrltain for 100,000 tons of sheet iron. Work, It Is announced, will be resumed on additions to Bethlehem's big steel plant. Meanwhile Immigration nt Philadelphia has fallen to a fifth of last September's. Amer ica will soon bo In need of a dignified equiva lent to the popular remark on worry. "Sleeping Monster of the World" REPRESENTATIVE MANN'S allusions to the "yellow peril" and the "sleeping monster of the world" were tactless at this time, but there can be no doubt that out of tho creation of gigantic economic nnd po litical forces In the Far East will rise a new world struggle. How that struggle will be conducted, what shape It will take, Is a mat ter of conjecture. Social evolution works with greater force and precision today than it ever did, and It Is, therefore, reasonable to suppose Hint with the economic growth of the Far East will also come the development of the political acumen and democratic sen sibilities of the peoples of China and Japan. The Jester's Question WHAT Is common sense?" said the jester, and would not stay for an answer. It has been announced that a certain college Is to havo n. chair of common sense. From the .standpoint of tho students, a "joke course." Probably there aro several answers to the jester's question, but here is ono: Common scm,t" lH tlle ohlc ,,,st!lc,'o ' to way of iuuHu-n?. al uun in uu wiui mo ouvious, me generally accepted. Common sense derided Columbus; common sense persecuted Coper nicus and Galileo; common sense hanged Jesus Christ on a cross at Calvary. Is thero any greater arrogance than tho arrogance of common sense? "Common sense should have told him better," has always been the sneer ing comment on every great man who has hail difficulties In trying to lead science, or religion, or politics out of the old ruts. No wonder the Jester would not wait, but went away laughing! War's Waste in Human Welfare THE navies of the warring nations have suffered very little o far. Yet the cost of the 'S minor vessels sunk makes a staggering fortune when translated Into terms of human welfare. A rough estimate gives 2,823,000.000 loaves of bread as the equivalent of the 511i.000.ono that the vessels cost. Tho loss In this one small field of tho war has been SO times tho amount necessary to mivo the half million lives tnnt fall each year before pre ventable diseases. Tho sum would furnish pure free milk to the Infants of our big cities; it would ilu untold good in other ways. This from tho hundred-mllllon-dollar naval loss alone. The London Nation estimates at least 60 millions a day for the armies. Multiply it out and the human waste Is literally stag gering. Art Is Universal Wealtb ART belongs to all the world. The Alps, . tho sea, the sky belong to every man capable of seeing their grandeur. Popular resentment against the iconoclasm of Euro pean soldiers reveals n universal interest In the masterpieces of architecture and paint ing. The destruction of any art gallery in Europe would be a loss to tho whole world. It is this higher ufllnity which unites tho nations, and onco disrupted by shell and fchrapni-l, is resented by all who lovo the beautiful. When tho French troops entered Dresden, Napoleon gave orders that the Madonna dl San Slsto, by Raphael, should not be touched. It was a gracious trihute to the masterpiece and a recognition of the truth that it was all men's property. Plcturei and cathedrals and statues are biographies and histories, and once destroyed can never be replaced. Jt is hoped that Antwerp, where Rubens sleeps and In whose cathedral three of his masterpieces nans, may be spared the fright. (Ut destruction that follows hi the wake of war. Special Added Attraction: Penrose and FHnn in their Famous "Pot and Kettle" Act. Whether they call It the tango or the fox trot, we wilt probably continuo to be more danced against than dancing. There Is balm for much-plundered Uncle Sam In the news that tho Panama Fair has been "touched" for $25,000. By discharging their military air craft the warring nations of Europe could greutly cut down their overcharges. D'Annunzlo calls on Italy to join the war of the "Latin races" against extermination. What, by the way. is the particular anthro puloglcal cast of England, Japan and India? Now as between a newspaper reporter who would lose his job if he didn't write the truth and an erratic forejgn representative whose I Jr.b depends upon his delicate manipulation ct facts aid the truth to suit It Iin't bard Street to PASSED BY THE CENSOR 0 NCE upon a tlmo there woa nn editor .... ii.i.i i .i ..t., i.. ...,ii,i c. it who dabbled deeply In politics. So It was no wonder that when the occasion camo and opportunity knocked nt the sanctum ho consented, with considerable grace, to run for Congress, He set to work to preparo his literary and verbal ammunition, much to the amusement of his co-workers, Ono night when good people wore asleep and only newspaper men prowled about, ho dictated a speech to his stenographer, nnd this Is what the rest of tho staff heard; "And now, my friends, I must cense. I havo taken enough of your time. In parentheses, voice In the gallery: No, go on; you're good. Close parentheses. I will comma however comma 'say " And ever nftcr bo wns known In Journal istic circles as "Go on, you're good." FORTY-EIGHT French kings nnd queens were crowned In tho cathedral nt Rhclms, the first being Louis IN, better known us St. Louis. Hut tho most Interesting of the coronations wns that of Charles VH, the weakling. Henry VI of England had already been crowned nt Paris, when Joan of Arc drove the English Invaders back and rodo Into Rhelms. Tho consecration of her monarch, Charles, took place a few days later. The affair was a great military pageant, led by tho Maid mounted on a charger. Chroniclers stato that tho cavalcade rode up the aisles of the cathedral. The Maid stood by tho side of Charles, holding her victorious standard. After the ceremony was completed Joan dropped on her knees and, embracing those of tho monarch, exclaimed: "Gcntlo King, now tho will of God Is done, who caused you to come to Rhelms to re ceive your consecration and thereby show that you are tho true King to whom the kingdom should belong." THERE arc weepy natures whom nothing delights so much as retrospection nnd recollection of woes. Richard Mansfield had a valet of this type. One night tho actor had Just dropped off into a doze when he "heard the valet In the adjoining room moan: "Ob, I am so thirsty! Oh, I am so thirsty!" This continued for so long that Mansfield, over impatient, demanded a glass of water for himself. Tho valet brought it to the bed side of the actor. "Now drink it yourself," thundered Mans field In truly Rlchardlc tones. Tho valet obeyed and went back to bed. Again Mansfield dozed off; again he was disturbed. "Oh. I was so thirsty!" grunted the valet, and that was why ho was discharged there and then. OCT beyond Darby stands an old-fashioned frame house. Passers-by will hear the voices of babes In chorus. It they mount the porch and peep through tho windows they will see a strange sight. Within thoy will see a handsome, white-haired woman, a baby in each arm. Nearby, her red-haired daughter, an Infant on each Knee. Thero aro babes playing on the floor and babes in carriages. The white-haired woman, of Irish-Spanish descent, has four children of her own, rang ing from 11 to 20, but sbo must have the wall of the tiny babo to make her happy. So sbo has taken In the foundlings and those whose mothers would hide their folly, and has cared for them ns her own, sacrificing hours of slcp and hours of waking to her love for children. And her practical husband, who Is a machinist by trade, is just as fond of the little ones as is his wife. FEW know that tho third Napoleon, who lost his throne 41 years ago In that other Franco-German war, looked utterly unlike a Frenchman. He was short, with an enor mously long upper body, diminutive legs; the large head was crowned with light yellow hair and his eyes wero exceptionally pale blue. Tho writer saw him a number of times during tho Emperor's captivity in Wllhelms hoehe, whither he was taken after tho fall of Sedan. Tho Emperor mingled freely with the townspeople and nt Christmas, 1S70, dis tributed gifts to all tho women and children resident at tho hotel opposite the castle where ho lived. Thrco years later, when a German newspaperman a friend of a life time visited the ex-ruler nt Chlselhurst, ten days before his death, Napoleon said: "I may not live to see It Lulu (his son) may not live, but within 50 years France will again be an empire and a Ronaparte will sit on the throne." There aro still six years In which to test the gift of prophecy of the man who rose from poverty in London to a throne In four short years! IT TAKES much to shock tho average poli tician or political reporter, but It can be done, and was, when a number of reporters and political lights marched into tho old Fifth Avenue Hotel, in New York, during tho first Harrison-Cleveland campaign. Thoy went there to meet James G. nialno, who had donned his fighting clothes to defeat Clove land for re-election. Ulalne wore a closely trimmed full beard nnd mustache, and when the reporters dropped Into his suite they were told that he would fcee them in a minute. After a bit, a ruddy, healthy man appeared at the door and entered. Nobody paid any at tention to him. He sat down and began to read a paper. The minutes passed until half an hour had gono by. Then some one demanded to know where tho dlcftens Blaine was. The ruddy ono arose. "I'm Rlalne," he said. "You're a darned liar," exclaimed an un regenerate person present and It took James G. Rlalne flvo minutes to convince the crowd that he was really himself and all because he had been shaved clean an hour before. T5RADFORD. CURIOSITY SHOP "Buckskins" was a name applied to Amer ican troops during the Revolution. The Marquis do chastellux, ;n his "Travels in North America in 17S0-17SV says: "The name of Buckskins is given to the In. habitants of Virginia because their ancestors were hunters and told buck or, rather, deer skins." Burns says of them: "Cornwallls fought as long's he'd ought An did the buckskins daw htm." ' The Devil's Wall Is the old Roman (Hadrian's) wall separating England and Scotland. The peasantry believed that, on account of the firmness of the mortar and the imperishability of the stones, Satan had a hand in its construction. Hogen-Mogen was a name applied to Hol land, it being the corruption of the Dutch "Hooge en Mogende" (high and mighty) Hudlbras uses the term " 'But I have sent ht-i for a token To your Low-Country Hogen-Moge ." The "Pnns' vanis Farmer" was John Avn.m.uo7... nww wa uuru m Ji83, and who statesman and author. In 1768 ho published "Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer to the Inhabitants of tho British Colonies." v The construction of tho Cane Cod canal vul "l iiigiu jrm oi mo ;ornmon- , wonUh... a aescrlptlvo term formerly applied cut off tho "Right Arm of tho Common- to tho Cape Cod district, becauco of Its pecu- liar shape. IN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR A Misuse of Language Falrmount I hear that Kickshaw has" had Ills automobile, smashed. Wlssahlckon Indeed? I understood that It wns tiullo unpremeditated on his part. The Old, Old Story Now sings the man whose heart's ns cold To Fashion's coy ndvunco as lco Who clings to things ho loved of old; Somo say because he's shy tho price. "1 do not euro for Fnshlon's laws; Nor If my hot bo up to date; I wear this last year's hat 'because I will not let the shops dictate The kind of lid that I must buy; I'll stand ns firmly as a rock Until they learn the reason why And get tho old stylo hack-In stock." Their Destiny Tho Village Improvement Society of Lans-downe-ln-thc-PInes was In animated session. Two Important projects wero under discus sion, namoly: Incineration of tho garbage and Improvement of the water supply. "I am very much afraid," remarked Mr. Emerson McNutt, "that If wo nndertuko too much, wo shall accomplish nothing. Would It not be bettor to confine' our efforts to one thing nt a tlmo?" "I certainly think so, too," earnestly as sented Miss Sophronla Gaggln; "let us throw all our efforts lnto tho garbago." Needs a Little Salt "Sho Is compelled to tako Mr. Geezer cum grano sails," went on Miss Callowhlll, pur suing the subject. "That is quito true," assented Miss Wlnc blddlc. "He certainly Is exceptionally fresh." Conscientious Objections "What!" exclaimed Snodgrass, with righteous Indignation, "What, buy a ticket for a rafflo for a gold watch? No, sir; cer tainly not. Why, sir, that would bo gam bling. I never do anything of the sort. Be sides, I never havo any luck that way." Limerick for Eventide There was a young fellow named Hughes, Inordlnntely fond of his vughes; He came home quite late, No supper he ate, But went to bed In his shughes. Tiic Turk Is Catching On Tho early closing movement now affects tho Dardanelles. Improvement Looked For Tho Russians, who did not hesitate to change tho name of St. Petersburg to Pet rograd. won't do a thing to Przcmysl and Colonjck. All Included "I nm very glad to seo you," remarked Jones to his friend, meeting him on his re turn from his vacation. "How are you and Mrs. Smith?" "Quito well, thank you." "And all the little Smithereens?" pursued the questioner, anxiously. Gctling Into Trouble The Sultan wns slightly peeved. "He Is ti venerable mnn, this missionary," explained tho Grand Vlscler, "but ho teaches that all should pay their debts, from the highest to tho lowest. "By the beard of tho prophet!" thundered the Sultan, "he Is too gosh durned personal." Whereupon the Sublime Porte abrogated all scraps of paper, formerly known as trea ties. Hungry There was a young fellow named Bowles, Who was fond of his coffeo nnd rowles; But doughnuts ho hated Because so he stated "There's not a thing to thorn but howles." In Court Judge What Is the reputation of tho de fendant for veracity? Witness other things being equal, your Honor, he'll tell the truth. Dethroned The eyes of the vixenish young lady on tho other side nf tho table glowed llko spots of fire. She almost forgot to eat in her anxiety to scrutinize every spoonful that went Into tho mouth of the stur boarder. Something In the air gave warning of a catastrophe Im pending. Then, In dead sllonco, the star boarder lifted tho last half spoonful to his mouth. "Displaced," shrilled tho vixenish person with a cackle of delight. "That's tho third time you didn't find the oyster In your stow. I havo it." On Any Trolley Car "Sure, the Kuzar's got twenty million men." "Somebody'Il havo to pay a big indentity." "Wo could lick "em In a week." "If the Emprurs n kings hadda fight thero wouldn't be no war." Even So Sounds of weeping and of protestations were flltoilng from the house next door. "Wonder wnssa matter?" Inquired Mr. Smllhers. "Sumo old story," said his wife, "Mrs. Jones Is trying to tnlk her husband Into buy ing her a set of furs." "Huh, regular furore, eh?" Somebody Lied Lists of the dead to dato Indlcato that the population of Europe has been greatly under estimated. Oh, Dear, No A devico has been Invented to detect listen ing on the telephone. Not, bo It understood, to prevent tho practice. In Wilhehu's Defense Thete is this to ho said for the Kaiser, (Though subjects might wish ho were walser) That time and again When It comes to his men He has proven he Isn't a malser. Thinned Scotch '"D'ye ken Mac fell in the river on his way hamo last nlcht?" "You don't mean to say he was drowned?" "Not drowned, mon, but badly diluted." London Opinion. A Treat "What Is the charge?" asked tho Magls. trate. "Nuthln" 't all," snickered the prisoner at the bar; "thls's on me." Buffalo Express, Curleycues Barber Your hair's very thin on the top, sir. Customer Ah, I'm glad of that; I hate fat hair. The Tatlejj AMERICA FOR ME Oh, London Is a man's town, there's power In the atr; And Paris la a woman's town, with flowers In her hair; And It's sweet to dream In Venice, and It's great to study Rume; But when It comes to living, there is no place like home, I know that Europe's wonderful, yet something seems to lack; . The past is too much with her, and the people looking back. But tho slory of the present Is to make the future free We love our land for what she Is and what she is to be. Oh, its home again, and borne ajain, America for me! I want a ihlp that's Westward bound to plow the rolling sea To the blessed Land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars. Where the &r 1 full of sunlight and the flag is full of Ur. DONE IN PHILADELPHIA NOT many persons who read tho war nows from Europo every day know that tho hospital service and tho Bed Cross work generally, which Is doing so much to relievo tho sufferings of tho soldiers In nil tho armies now engaged, was1 started fifty years ago by the efforts of a Phlladelphlan. That fellow townsman of ours was tho American dentist, Dr. Thomas W. Evans. There nro still somo persons who laugh at the mention of the man who has been alluded to ns tho "llttlo dentist," and "tho royal tooth-puller," hut forty years ago thero was probably no other American In Europo on such familiar terms with tho majority of its sovereigns. Pnrt of this high rcgnrd In which Doctor Evans was held by monnrchs undoubtedly was duo to his high professional ability, but that alono nover would havo given him such confidential re lations with royalty. The secret wns his personal qualities as a gonial and educated gentleman. Ho novor overstepped the line convention placed between himself and his royal friends. At tho same tlmo ho never ceased to bo an American, and could stand upon his dignity when occasion demnnded. H E HAD to do this onco with the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas I. Tho Incident occurred during tho early years of Doctor Evans' rcsldcnco In Europe. Alrcudy he had been called professionally by tho French Emperor and his family, and by Queen Vic toria und her royal children, cousins' and aunts. Consequently his famo had reached tho Czar. Ono summer holiday took him to St. Petersburg. Llko other travelers having no friends in tho capital ho went to a hotel. His presence In St. Petersburg, however, wus soon known to Nicholas, who Bent an equerry to Doctor Evuns, commanding him to wait upon tho Czar and cxamlno him profes sionally. If Doctor Evans had been ns' "llttlo" as ?omo persons have accredited him, ho would havo called a cab nnd been driven direct to ho palace. But he did nothing of tho kind. Ho was pleasant enough about It, but ho gavo tho C2ar's equerry to understand that io was nn American, visiting St. Petersburg n his vacation, and that, not being a Rus sian subject, ho respectfully declined to obey tho Czar's orders. THAT equerry's faco must have been a study of blank astonishment, If not hor or, when ho received tho message. How ho ever got courage enough to convoy It to his Imperial master will never bo known, but that ho did do so was evident from what followed. In a short tlmo the equerry was back again with a cordially worded invitation to Doctor Evans to call at tho palace. The American accepted tho Invitation, and an appol-Unent was arranged. Doctor Evans visited tho Czar of all the Russlus at tho appointed hour, and found him a very charming man. Thoy got on together most agreeably, and until his death Nicholas I numbered the American dentist umong his friends. DOCTOR EVANS Studied dentistry in his nntlvo city at a tlmo when tho science had still a long way to go to attain perfec tion. Yet even then Philadelphia dentists wero among the foremost In tho world, and tho city wns ronowned as tho homo of this branch of surgery. After studying with Dr. John D. White, who was a prominent dentist here, Doctor Evans took a course at tho 'Jofterson Medical College, and when ho left Philadelphia to practlco In Maryland was a good practitioner. Ho did not remain In Maryland long, but removed to Lancaster, where ho obtained his first recognition ns a dentist above the average. About 1816 ho went to Paris and became tho assistant to Doctor Webster, tho only American dentist then In Europe. Ho succeeded Webster, nnd being an exceedingly skilful and learned man In his profession was soon on tho way to fame. He becamo tho "surgeon dental" to Napoleon III and his family, and probably wns on ns Intimate terms with that unfortu nnto monarch as any foreigner over was. Doctor Evans was trusted by his royal clients, who regarded him as an ngroeablo companion. His learning, combined with his strong, American good sense, mado the friendships lasting. THE Civil "War In this country brought forth tho first attempt to attack In a sci entific manner tho problem of the sick and wounded which confronts combatants In every war. Before hostilities hud continued two months the Medical Bureau of the United States army found Itself unequal to tho task. A sanitary commission of volun teers was1 organized In June of that year, and through this agency camps und hospitals were placed on as good sanitary footing ns tho sclenco of sanitation could then achieve. The work of the medical side of tho Civil War attracted the attention of all Europe. But very llttlo was known of tho methods practiced here. Doctor Evans studied tho subject, purchased supplies of every kind, Including ambulances, and had models of tho Philadelphia military hospitals constructed, and then went back to Paris to write a book describing tho work that was1 being done here. This volume he sent to nil his royal friends, and from that book nnd Doctor Evans' collection of Illustrative objects, Eu rope received Its first lesson In taking proper care of the soldiers In the field. Tho book also was quoted at tho Geneva Convention at which tho Red Cross was established. Of course, the sanitary work, even In this country, has been vastly Improved in the last half century. A wounded soldier now has a chance, but time was when It wag a miracle if he survived hospital treatment. GRANVILLE. The Deal Coppered From the St. raul 1'loneer I'rew. Virginia has gone dry. This will undoubtedly bring great rejoicing to the liquor Interests. For la it not their contention that prohibition does not prohibit and that more liquor Is consumed In prohibition territory than In wet? THE IDEALIST Loudly a mother was proclaiming the vlr. tues of her son. "His manners," she said, "are perfect. He is never at loss to know what to do or when to do It. His conduct never falls to win the most flattering comment wherever he goes And the best part of It all is that his excel lent deportment is Instinctive. It has not been necessary for me to teach him a thine It is absolutely Inherent." " Somehow. I could not help but reflectlnn on two pictures: The one of a ma.i of Inborn chivalry and fine manners, the other of a man reflecting somewhat of the primitive in his make-up. and yet by noble effort suDDress. Ing it with that which he had worked hard to acquire. u I doubted not which young man would eiva a proud, mother the greater reason for her pride. iLnust be In the very order of things to make that possession mors vainii ......'N fought, when repelling Instincts have bn constantly In leash. It should never be considered n. handicap to bo born without n desirable attribute- Of character or personal ability, Tho "natural born salesman," tho "bom orator" much of tins is vaunted nnd prated rar oeyona iw true worth. Actual, every-day life refuses to bear out tho "natural-born" theory. Work hard for a thing and you'll malce more out of It when you acqulro it than will tho follow who had It "born in him." VIEWS OF READERS ON TIMELY TOPICS Contributions That Reflect Public Opin ion on Subjects Important lo City, State and Nation. To ihe JMKor of the Vvcntng Ledger! Sir My good friend Dr. David McConaughy Is quoted by tho Evenino Ledger, of yesterday (September 29) as saying! "Tho Kaiser must bo scotched for the future preservation of the world's peace. He personifies militarism, and militarism must bo eliminated from tho world at whatever cost." It is because I agrco with my frlond that militarism n.ust bo eliminated that I havo taken up my pen. Wo have come to think of militarism ns armylsm, nnd havo forgotten entirely that militarism spoils navylsm as wall. Certain countries because of their land-locked condition, havo developed armylsm, and certain other countries because of their sca-lockcd con dition havo developed navylsm. Both are equally reprehensible. Tho lnnguago of my friend bus boon somewhat amusing to mo because of Its delightful Incon sistency. Ho Is quoted as saying "Tho Knlser must bo scotched." I havo looked up the word "scotched" In my now dicConary nnd find that It means "to cut with shallow Incisions, scratch or scdic, chip, hack. Henco to wound slightly; cripple." Scotching Is, of course, to bo pre ferred to slaughtering, nnd may be a necessary step In our emergence from militarism, but It is militarism nevertheless. As n citizen of tho United States I stand with tho President for nbsoluto neutrality and a suspension of nil Judgment until wo shall know tho facts. E. P. PPATTEICHER. Philadelphia, October 1, 11)14. AMERICA'S QREATEST ASSET 7o the l.'dttor of the Evening Ledger! Sir That tho English say our progress Is dus to tho wonderful resources of our country Is very true, for If tho United States would bo boycotted by nil nations It would still 'thrive an -amazing fact that no other nation can boast of. When Germany says It Is tho remarkable com mercial Instinct of the people, It Is nlso true, as has been proven by our largo trade with for eign countries. As tho Frenchmen declnro It Is our astonish ing Inventiveness, can readily bo seen by tho largo number of patents llled annually at Wash ington, D. C, nnd Ferrcro's statement that It is our idealism, Is about the best answer avall ablo of tho fcur. Hut what causes most of theso Important features? Striking nt tho source, I think It is our Government. What nation can boast of a Government as great ns ours? None. Had we a monarchy and were we ruled by a fanatic (as Herbert Quick terms the rulers of tho nations that caused this great European war), tho chances aro that our resources would remain undeveloped, our commercial Instinct would not be ns great unci so with our Invent iveness. As for our idealism, It would bo noth ing to boast of. Our Government hns gono a long ways to ward making our nation great. It hns sent out many surveying expeditions to determine the value of Its resouices; It has caused a great many educational Institutions to bo built all over Its dominions, that tho poor and rich allko may gain in intelligence and thus cultivating tho commercial lifcitlnct of tho people. It has nlso greatly encouraged tho Inventiveness of its citizens by offering flattering rewards for certain Inventions, or In reitnln cases, compelled by law big corporations to install safety devices, thus looking nfter tho welfare of its people, as well as itidiiectly a larger field of Inventions. It hns always been htrlvlng for idealism, backed by tho people. Our ovcGrnment Is great because It serves tho people, which Is ndvorso with a monarchy. It nns tiic greatest system and tho best laws on earth. Could any other nation construct a Govern ment as ours, with such a resolution In their constitution, "that the Government of tho poo pic, by the people, for the pooplo shall not perish from earth," they might accomplish as much. The greatness of our Government can be at- iriuuiuu to ino noovo resolution, which has al world of meaning, but the moist Important onos that It spells nro: Liberty and Justice to every ' ono, proving mo on-quoted saying that "Amer ica Is another word for opportunity." MORRIS BTRAUSS. 11 West Wisconsin street, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTS A SEAT FOR HIS MONEY To the Kditor of the Evening Ledger: Sir I want to protest most forcibly against a practlco In certain of our "movie" theatres. Tho other night I paid ten cents for a ticket to ono of theso, after reading a sign that said, "10i Reserved Scat. Mc." When I got Inside I found that tho whole of tho floor was re served tdr JO.cent patrons, while thoao who had paid only a dime (on tho Implication that they would get some sort of seat. If not a reserved one) were herded Into a very small standing room spaco fiom which they could see almost nothing. Naturally tho bulk of us "coUKhed up" another dime to a second box ofllce ready waiting inside, and got ono of the "reserved" scats. It teems to me that public signs should be as nmenablo to honesty and truth as the labels on drugs and canned rood. H. L. BRIMMER. Philadelphia, October 1, 1911. "THE REST PAPER PRINTED" To ihe Editor o the Evening Ledger; Sir I want to compliment you on your nev paper cauea too kvrnino i.EiaEn, as I think is tho best paper printed. I would like very much If you would print! the "Songs of Seven;" also the poem called "wiviucu. h. u, a. Ablngton, Pa., October I, 19H, AN IMPATIENT REFORMER To the Editor 6 the Eiening Ledger! Sir I wished you to pilnt, not my suggestion, but tho list of gang hirelings. Or do you fear It might hurt their feelings? JOHN II. EVANS. Philadelphia, October 2, 1911. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW People who aro looking for a fight usually find one. The reply of various Colorado mining companies to the President's suggestion of a truco is that of men who evidently prefer war to peace. New York World. r It Is becoming more and more apparent th-it if President Wilson is to be a candidate for m' election ho will have to make his fight without J,1.'U.nU,S5Ut?,n-e J tl10 osresslve Party. If the disintegration of tho Progressive party contin- Ue8 ? H'., pres''nt rate l be only a mem' ory in 1316-Sprlnsfleld tMass.j Union. A few weeks ago the country was tnM h. under the WlUon administration, and particS any because of Mr Bryan, our diplomatic serv ice had beeu ruined. There aro still manufacl turea ktur m to the same effect, but they "; Journal3"11 tUrU'r b6lwn.-Portland fore J Flay,"5 P'dent Wilson's antl-truit bill in an ull-day spoch In the United States ?,, ate. Reed, of MUsouri. taid the bll wa, not harsh enough! That old, old trick" Th iin old triuk of hln -.,..,..: . 'ric!V. "" old. excuse tht T.,V 2:.V'". "?a 'iS on the ernment purchase of ihlnVin .i.i oH ure. adroltt'ns that t ,.. :". "r.V."Mrr measH to ranfc , vrW.-Vlrr ' 1 "fftclent v? sat1: the coi1 . f Mn uea or hU the Junior United Bute. Sena o"' from Mi,?0? rcCs!ahrnk Carl 6et aWa? wM-&ri la V- i F'tV i 'u w, m v, tin jff(u yivu fcuowa "ftfi! yau toke. to ayMUJied. pnly eu opposition haa beeS housesjjpr ess Ive KiBMMBMiMMlMiasasWMIWMJiiiiiMsfgBaBZ3LEM ., . , ..' -Jt?Mi.i?J-2?!F"M?'flaf7ljWMraWiygCMg lisfc uta4HNMMMlMMMlPlM -'-- "" .aaSsi ltWirTitTYMr arvT-,? iraldl "HHfe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers