Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 03, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
"""MVWqpH y. k E Wi mm m. s CHURCHES PENROSE AND LIQUOR ALLIES MENACED BY TEMPERANOE.HOST Superintendent Tope, of Anti-Saloon League, Tells of Vigorous Campaign in Be half of Local Option. TK- i.i-.V. DR. HOM.it a. U.E He is to lead the campaign in nine counties, comprising the Philadelphia District of the Anti-Saloon League, against "rum"-supportcd candidates. There li moro trotiblo coinlns to Sen ator Pentose in his campaign for re election with tlii- support of the llcpigr 'interests. Besides the netloli taken by the ministers of Philadelphia Inst Mon day in approvlnB tho appointment of a. committee from each church to obtain signatures of voters to u platform In which the signers pludKcd themselves not to vote for Tiny candidate for State or national offices who would not come oit In favor of local option, announcement was made this week by the Ilov. Dr. Homer W. Tope, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League for the Philadelphia district, that his organization plans to conduct a vigorous campaign from iiqw until tho November election, urging vot ers In the nine counties, of tho distiiot to vote for men who aie pledged for local option. Tho first Of these cmupalgn- meetings will be held In the Presbyterian Church, Darby, tomorrow, when the chief speaker will be the Rovrn. TT McCIM'e; of lllalrs vllle The next njobably will be held In Media, and then the campaign ii to spread through the counties of Lehigh, Berks, Bucks, Noithampton. Chester, Del aware Montgomery and Philadelphia. In this county thero will be many meeting with strong temperance or local option speakers. Tim PEOPLES. OPPORTUNITY. "Now is the time for tho good peoplo of Pennsylvania to .led a man to tho t'nited States Senate who will repie sent them." declared Dr. Tope In dis cussing the campaign. "Now Is the. op portunity for the church people to vote for a man for United states Senator who will lepresent the Ijes-t inteiedt3 of Penn sylvania. If tho voters will register and go to the polls and 'vote for men who will represent them in Harilsburg In the Leglslatuie and, Senate wo can bo sure that Pennsylvania .will tako her plae among tho jeileemed. States of tho count! y. "Willie we shall endeavor to havo a man elected United Statts Senntor who will be pledged against the evil of strong drink, w shall wage an unceusing ctun-pai-'n in every county to have men elect ed to ihe pennsjlvanla House of Repie-eentutivi-, and Senate who will vote for local option Tho speakers who Invade tho counties to ask the church people to go to the polls and vote against tho 'demon mm' will nut liesltato to mention the names of those who are known to be frnndlv to the llriuor Inteiests, and the will tell the voters to oto for tho men we enn trust to carry out our le elrei In Ilarribburg." DISTINCT FROM MORMONS Reorganized Church of Lattor-Dfiy Saints Was Parent Body. The K.oiganized Chuich of tho Latter Day Saints, tomorrow will celebiate the 75th aniuveisaty of its organization. Services, will lie held both in the main chuich brilding, Mowaid and West Outa. rlo btiects, and ill the chapel on 13 street. ''" opposite 1'eiguson Squaio. They will be conducted by tho pa.stor, Walter XV, Bmlth. That the Latter-Day Saints aro not to be confounded with tho Mormon Church was stiongly insisted upon by John iiim merman, ot Ii72 Allegheny avenue. Mr, Zlmmeiman, who In a bishop of the Lat-tei-Dav Saints when not engaged in hlr dutits at the Philadelphia Tapestry Works, declared: "Wo aru tho oiiginal Church, and when the Mormons left us they lost nil right to eonidei themselves of our number." The oulf-r of tomorrpiv's eenlces will be as I'o'lows: 8 n. m.. young poople's prayei seiviee; 0.30 a. m , Sunday scnool ond rally; U a. nv. sacrament service; 0-30 p. m , rellgio-literary; 7:15 p. m., annlver ary service and rally. THE REV. W. M RANDLES A former Kensington boy, now a "Bi'ly" Sunday booster, vho assumes -u, t u tr . n I charge cf the Kens'ngton Congrega- vm Church tomorrow, i .-- w WA " . A AND THEIR OHje Jf riettblp at!j "Anything worth having Is worth working for." This Is nn old, old saying; but -it ts as truo today s It ever has been In the past. . But how often It Is forgotten! Many men In fill tho calling's of life are, frequently heard complaining be causo they fall to accomplish their desires. They cannot understand why they fall when others succeed. But, when thev begin to search for tho trouble, they very often find the fault ot their own front doors, They discover that they have been dream ing and hoping, and have failed to work; or, if they did work, they failed to apply their hands and their minds In tho way that assured accom plishment. I It Is absolutely necessary for men to work It they will succeed; to work ; bird and to bo filled with tho spirit if never-glve-up, If they would attain anvthlng worth while. Wony, will not do It; It will only pull thefn hack. In working and In trying to nchleve I omotlilns It I. essential that now I ideaH nnd'modorn m6thods bo applied, for in these days tho "moss-covered" 'inve little chance, I With religious workers the same I i tiles npply. Wo hear men complain that thev cannot get anything out of heir churches. Wo "hear clergymen ighing deep sighs of disappointment bponusn they do not find their peoplo lexponding ds they should. All such complaint Is wrong. We enn only get something worth while out of a thing by putting some thing Into It. The laymen who nre inactive and do not help tlleli pastors .annot hopo' for full benefit and en inyment. The pastors who dream and hope, but do rtol work hard, cannot expect to see grand results. Lot us follow the path of ambition, ml keep ourselves awake with the Joyi of endeavor, and eventually nil that Is good or us will bo ours. "As jc sow, so shall ye reap." PHILLIPS. DR..SC0FIELD WILL SPEAK Second In Serios of Seven Sunday Afternoon Lectures.' The Rev. Dr. C. I.. Scolleld, president of the Philadelphia School of the Bible and authur of the Scolleld Reference Bible, will speak tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock in Christ 'United Evangelical Church, Twelfth and, Oxford streets, at the second Sunday .afternoon lectuto of the series of sevou to bo given In this cltv on "The Present War in the Light of "Prophccv," under tho auspices of the school of which ho is tho head. Doctor hcoliold declares this war Is not to be tho last, and will take, this stand to morrow. . At tho sumo hour of .Doctor E?callcld s lecture In Christ Church tile Rev. Dr. Prederlrk -W. -Van- will sneak in the Kbeno.r Mnthodlst J-pIseopal Church, Wd and Pairlsh rU'cc-S. ,. .. The- gonqial thome of tho course or lectuies is "What the War May Mean and What U Docs Not Mean." RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Jot-cpli McLaughlin, f owner assistant dliector of supplies, ts to be the special fpeakcr at the Peaco Day service to bo hold In tho Fourth Presbyterian Church tnmonow morning at 0:M o'clock. Spe cial postal card notices have been mailed urging all members of the congregation to attend tho service. Tho Rev. Clcorpro Chalmers Richmond will preach In his pulpit In St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, tomorrow morning on the subject, ".shall We Piay for Peace or a Moral Victory?" In the evening his subject is to bo "Ileal Val ues." The Rev. C. A. L'ylerwill discus.. "The duca.tiori.il Missionary Movement In tho Sunday SchouT'.nt tlie regular meeting of tho Lutjieran Miiifstci Kit Association of Philadelphia, und vicinity Monday foie- IIOQI1. ' Tho Rev. Asa J. Ferry, pastor of Bethany Templo Piesbyterlan Church, aid. and spruco btivets, will preach Peace Day sermons both morning and evening tomonow. Peucd' Day services will bo held bota inoining and evening in the First Bap tist Church, 17th and Sinsom streets, to morrow, tho topic of tho evening ser mon to bo preached by tho Rev. Dr. G. II. Fcnles. helns "The War God." At this service thero will bo a special pro gram of" choir and orran music under the directign o Frederick Muxson, tho organist. Adam Geibel, tho blind musician and composer, will tell tno story of his life, and give nn orsuu lecitnl at the East Baptist Chuich tomonow evening. "Tho Ouo Thing That is Worse Than Peace" Is to bo the subject of tho ser mon to bo preached tomorrow inoirilns. in thn CI Hire 1 1 of tho New Jerusalem, Frunkfoid, by the pastor, tho Rev, Joan XV, Stockwell. Tho Rev. Dr. John T. neeve will preach In the Fourth Presbyteiihri 'Church,. 17th street and Kingsesslng uveime, tomorrow morning ond evening. In the morning the regular Communion bervlce will bo observed, and in tho evening Doctor Ueavo will preach on "Filling Up tho Sufferings." At 0-S0 o'clock In the morn ing thero will bo a peace service at tho nitn's mtetlng. "IIus Christianity Failed In Kurope?" will be tho subject of u sermon to bo preached tomorrow evening bv the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell: pastor of tho Pjrk Avenuo Methcdist Kpiseopal Church, In the afternoon, nt the rally services of tho Sunduy school, the Rev. Dr. Ch 'rles Wesley Burns will speak. Bishop Rlilnelandor will sail for At.ier Ici after more than two months in L'ng- tanu. ue is especien nomo about next FUday. Bishop Garland nlll offldate at confir mation services tomorrow morning in Newtown, In tho afternoon at Humevlile, and in the evening nt Vardley. James P. Briers will celebrate the third annlveisary of his conversion at the Sec ond Baptist Church tomorrow afternoon, fin Friday night a special "Everybody's meeting" is to ba held. There will be special music at all the services, Bethany Anehorage for Girls and Worn en, 3W North Niuth street f f which Misi M Si-hooley is superintendent. Is asking for donations of groceries, clothing money and other thlnsa that can be used in the home- At the Central Consrecatlonal Church. i lie Rev W V. Bers will offldate at a i mmunlon serWee ut !1 o'clock tomor iii rnoniiiisr. and in tho evening be will pieaih on "Religion and Politics." i Th.. Rev Dr. V. I McDrmott. rector t ow st Mary's Church Fourth and t-i'tuie sheets, will preach tomorrow i .imti8 at I1' o'clock, when High Mass .-nit bo lesumed The ijuartct and Mrs i ibi-tli Douvait the organist, will give n .lib'irato pf.ijjum of music In Abmgton Presbyterian Church to- '" r""w 'rnr"!nir tbo Wv Dr James a irrlrn will dr I vrr in .-rddress ti 1'ounc; ' , , . , f ,w uvr n to a k . cntitua ij iay d lrayer for Ftjace." . 9 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATTJBDAY, OQ-OBEB WORKERS ' I I II w I ST. JOSEPH'S ASYLUM Oldest institution in the country for the care of orphan children of poor Catholic parents, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Tuesday with elaborate services. COATESVILLE READY FOR GREAT WAR OH RUM AND THE DEVIL Rev. George Anderson Will Lead Big Campaign and All Churches Will Close and Unite. Coatesvllle, tho mill town on the Main Line that khocked out every one of Its saloons two years ago, Is to have a regular "Billy" Sunday evangelistic campaign during tho next six weeks. It Is hoped that such a revival will take place following tho campaign that the town will be allvo with Christian work ers who will work so strenuously against "rum" that It will be banished from that place forever. The campaign Is to be carried on ex actly like tho basebatl evamtellst con duct his "trall-hlttlng" jubilees. It is to bo under the direction of the Rev. Dr. George Wood Anderson, pastor of the largest church in Scranton, who was one of the leading workers during the Sun day meetings In the upstate city. It Is the first time that Doctor Ander son has "hit tho trail" for souls on such a broad scale. He Intends to resign his pastorate and continue to conduct large revivals In all parts of the country If he finds that he can win men for Christ at a rapid rate. Ho Is a man who speaks without fear, and his friends In his Scran ton church have willingly granted him a six weeks' have of ubsence In order that he might give the evangelistic work a tryout. In Coatesvllle It Is expected that Doctor Anderson and his party will turn things upside down and then right side up again. Every Protestant church In the town has Joined In the preliminary work, and a great tabernicle that will seat more than SfXW persons has been built for tho re vival meetings. Every church Is to be clostd f'ir tho work. Regardless of de nomination, color or creed, tho Christian peoplo are going to work together for the redeeming of Coatesvllle as one mon ster congiegatlon. The taberuiiclt was dedicated last night with such a lurge attendance that hun dreds wcra unable to gain admittance. The Rav. XV. M. Walker, of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Scranton, officiated, and the music was a teature. Doctor Ander son will btart his services tomorrow, and diiriiiq the next six weeks ho will have meetings afternoons and evenings on wtokdajs. excepting on Mondays, when he and his. party of singers, Bible teach ers and other workers will lest. Euch Sunday there will bo three meetings, one in tho morning, one In the afternoon and one in the evening. Doctor Anderson added 15C) new mem beis to his chuich. the Elm Park Metho dist Episcopal Chunh. Scranton. as the lesult of tho "Billy" Sunday campaign, und now bus a congiegatlon numbering S500 souls. He hai been In Scranton three years, gojns thero from St. Louis. Before 1 teaching In St. Louis he had a success. tul pastoral career In Troy, N. Y. THE REV. DR. GEORGE WOOD ANDERSON An evangelist who starts a cam t in. 1 1";t--IJ ci i . pignic -.y aunaays m a taber- cle in Coatesvllle tomorrow. i , w - ----, --p r S lilik w ii 1 HtH ii M RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS DREXEL BIDDLE CLASSES TO PRAY FOR PEACE Special Services Will be Held In Holy Trinity Church. Drexel Blddlo Bible classes throughout the civilized wot Id will observe Peace Sunday tomorrow. In every class prayers for peace will be said, and In many of the sessions there will be special pro grams appropriate to tho observance. Holy Trinity's class will meet In tho Parish House, 217 South Twentieth stieet, at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning, when elaborato exercises will bo given. The program will open with the singing of "Peace, Perfect Peace." Dr. George II. Tinges will give an address, and A. J. Drexel Diddle, who has traveled through the warring nations and Is acquainted with several of tho rulers, will speak on the subject, "The Opportunity for Chris tians In Europeun Conflict." The Drexel Blddlo classes early advocated a peace movement. CHURCH ANNIVERSARIES Union Methodist and Bethel Bodies Have Services Tomorrow. The 100th anniversary of tho Union Methodist Episcopal Church, Blue Bell Montgomery County, will be observed tomorrow afternoon. The centennial ser mon will be preuched by the Rev. Dr. Frank P. Parkin, superintendent of tho central district of the Philadelphia Con ference. In the forenoon the 132d anniversary of Bethel Church, on the same clrcuif, will be celebrated when Doctor Parkin will also preach. The Dastor of these churches, the Rev. Charles Truax. has arranged for a week of special services In obseivanco of tho anniversary. Deeds to the Bethel Church have re cently been discovered that date back to 1782, but It Is thought that the church was organized before that year. SOCIAL WORK WILL GO ON Catholic Guild Aims to Aid Self-supporting Young Women. The Catholic Guild. 1S14 Gieen street. In charge of the Dominican Sisters, is pre pared to continue the social and edu cational work carried on for 12 years In Philadelphia It alms at doing for self supporting young women, without dis tinction of creed, what other organiza tions do for non-Catholic girls. A home where room and board aro supplied Is provided at a charge that can be met by the average wage-earner. Wishing to extend its Influence, the guild offers the privilege of its lectute and evening classes, library and reading rooms during tho season of 1DH-1915. Spiritual, social and educational advan tages are offered to resident members and other young women who wish to ad vance themselves along these lines. The season will open with a day's re heat on Rosary Sunday. Ottober t, when tho ancient ceremony of "blessing the roses" will take place. The Saint .Monica Circle wilt hold its first meeting October II, and the auxiliary Ottober 13. A DAY OF RETREAT On Rosary Sunday, October t. a day of spiritual retreat 3 to be observed at tho Dominican Convent. ISM Green street. At 4:20 o'clock In the afternoon the an cient custom of blessing the roses is to take place. BISHOP WILLIAM M. WEEKLEY vania Conference of Ahe UnhVri Brethren Church. t-.- ru..-u .-w Prominent divine, who came from f. nd imto mu-n- p . i West Virginia to preside at the 115th f. D V etty ,prp'J,',,r aC s"r)'ict annual sessions of the E.tPnn.il. ?" ".J J' J-"?! ": JITI . u u. CATHOLICS PLAN BIG CELEBRATION AT OLD ASYLUM St, Joseph's Will Observe 1 00th Anniversary Next Tuesday With Special Services Archbishop to Preside. There ts much Interest among Philadel phia Catholics In tho celebration on Tues day of tho 100th anniversary of tho com ing to this city of Sisters of Charity from from Emmitsburg, Md. The Sisters took charge of the work of St. Joseph's Asylum, a children's home, at Seventn and Spruce streets. The asylum Is tho oldest Institution of tho kind in the country, having befu founded In 1707 by wealthy men who weio interested In caring for orphans of poor parents who had fallen victims of yel low fever. Since the Sisters of Churltv took charge there have been thousands of children cared for and plated In lives of usefulness throughout the city and the world. The celebration Is to be elaborate. At 10 o'clock, with Archbishop Prendergast piesldlng, a Solemn Pi ntlflcal Mass will bo celebratfd In the chapel. Bishop Mc Cort Is to be the celebrant of the Mass; the Rev. William M. Sullivan will be deacon; tho Rev. A. B. Culne stibdeacon, and the Rev. Joseph S. Kelly, master of ceremonies. A sermon will be preached by the Rev. P. McHale. In tho evening at 7:30 o'clock there will be Solemn Benediction of of tho Most Blessed Sacrament and a sermon will be preached. Tho Rev. Charles A. McCar ron Is to bo the celebrant and the serv ices will closo with tho singing of "Te Dcum." REVIVAL STARTS TOMORROW NIGHT IN KENSINGTON Thirty-day Campaign Preparatory to "Billy" Sunday's Visit Begins. Kensington Is to have a great revival. Starting tomorrow evening the entire Protestant populace of that section of Philadelphia is to Join In a campaign to last 30 days. Although It Is to be a reg ular old-time revival, It Is also to be a "stir up" rally In anticipation of the visit of "Billy" Sunday to this city in January. Churches uniting in the campaign In clude the Emmanuel Reformed Episco pal, Beacon Presbyterian, Cumberland Street Methodist Episcopal and tho Frankford Avenue Baptist Churches. Tlie meetings are to open tomorrow night in the Beacon Church, Cedar and Cumberland streets, and they will be continued In that church until October 10. After that date the schedule Is to be as follows: From October 12 to 16 Frankford Ave nue Baptist Church, Frankford avenue and Letter! street; from October 19 to 23, Cumberland Street Methodist Church. Coral and Cumberland streets; from Oc tober 20 to 30. Emmanuel Reformed Epis copal Church, EaBt York and Sepvlva streets. $1500 SPENT ON CANDLE Placed in Vatican in Honor of J. Pierpont Morgan. A candle that cost the Church of Our Lady of Mount Caimela, of Jersey City, X. J.. $110i). is soon to be placed In the Vatican in Rome, in memory of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, to show the church members' appreciation of his charities In Italy. The plan Is to light the candle on All Souls' Day only, and at that rate. It Is declared, the candle will last for thou sands of years. If burned continuously it would last nino years. Workmen were engaged four and a half months In making the candle, and It stands 15 feet high and weighs 400 pounds. Gold leaf used to decorate It cost about $.'C0. PEACE SERVICES AT Y. M. C. A. Rev. Dr. Roberts Speaker at Mass Meeting Tomorrow. The Rev. Dr. William Henry Roberts, stated clerk of the Presbyterian General Assembly, will be the speaker at a mass meeting for tho men In the North Branch Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayers for tho restoration of peace will he offered Doctor Roberts will speak on "The Church and Peace." L'nder tho direction of George IS. Teaz. tho service department will conduct a herles of social and religious activities, notable among which will be a star course of entertainments given jointly by me rorin t-niiuneipnia tniercnurch Ly ceum. Activities in the boys' department will begin next Sunday with a meeting for boys at which O La Forrest Perry, of the Lemon Hill Association, will speak The Gaston P!-esbteiian Sunday School Band will play selections Y. M. C A. WILL AID PEACE v . Congressman Moore Will Speak at Special Services. Congressman J Hampton .Moore will speak on ' Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men." at the special exercises in observ ance of the national Peace Prayer Day in the Central V. M C A. tomorrow aft rrnoon at 4 o'clock The offering Is to go to the Red Cross Society. Speeiat music will be furnished by B, L Kneedler. F R. Borrelt and P Nevln Wiest Thomas L. Lawton will lead the snging Richard E. Wilson i. to pre side. Plans for the new season of the Drop. In Bible Study Class of the Central Branch will be explained at the opening meeting tomoirow bv Mr. Lawton, the leader Franklin Spencer Edmonds. George W Braden and others will spfoH The tame musicians will play as for the men's meeting All men are welcome to the study, which will begin at 3 o clock ! Y. M. C. A. WILL CELEBHATg Speci-l Ssrvicss on First Anniversary of West Bransh. in cotijuiuuon uiin tvnc- Sunday, the rttst anniv.ij)ar ot the opouinc of ih . ... . Ve,-t nran.b V. M C A wtli fee celc- br-ted tomorrow by spec-a! scrvkes. Franklin s'tx'ni.er Edram da will spat? at 4 o'clock bvforrt thv men's meeting on the subject. "Peace and Uood ork" Fol lowing the address bv M- Edmords orinlT fi offM jpe'iafpraw f bnya atyerde- the Burda-v ftfternfon meet loss H-. lsist U tncntUs. vraLi'ii-icM iii-av iin. re in v i . wi irter ar.a 3, -Old. THE REV. CHARLES BRATTEN DUBELL A young Episcopal clergyman, who looks after three New Jersey churches, and is a chaplain in the New Jersey National Guard. ItELIOIOUB NOTICES Uaptlst ClIKSTNl'T S-TOEET UAl'TlsT CHt'KCH ( liplnut ft . neU of 40th Or.OHOB D ADAMS, D D , Pastor, (i 4"i Brotherhood of A ami P 10 no a m Worship ami Kirmon by Taftor. 12 tn Punday School session s p m Mmleal SWvlc Selections from Itos'lnl's ' Slabat Mater." Soprano, Mrs I'm erkk r Newbnunf, Jr ; contralto, Mary Newklrk. Ttnor, Frederick Erdman. nats Horace H. Hood, assisted by Elizabeth Krue (ter. Pophle Helsch. Hiram Horter. Jr. Organ ist ann uirpcior, Hay Hantcls Jones FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH. Sprlns Garden nnd 18th .sts . Rev. W Quay Itcsello, rii. U.. n. D.. Pastor. 10.30 a. m , "Keeping tho Fnlth.7 4". p. m , ' RoUUlng Hope. SJF.PnS'tl V1APTIKT HELPtXn.IIAN'n PEARS meets 2 in, 7th belovs Olrard live Mr Jnmes 1 V I'rlers. "Third Spiritual Annlersary." j-rnay nigni i--ervnocv .Meeting v ms-im J I'lckett tpader. Wllllim H Mlntrer, Class Phorus Orchestra and Soloists. HAPTIST TEMPLE, Broad and Berks. RLKSELE H. CONWELE. Pastor. Morning. 10 SO; Bible School, 2 SO: evening. 7 CO Horatio Connell, a distinguished bass-barl-tono, nil! assist tho chorus at the evening son Ice. Doctor Conwell will preach morning and evening Orijan Recital, 7 in. William ' Powell Twad dell. organist and musical director. 1'rnnkllii Home EHANKEIN HOME FOR THE REFORMA TION OF INEBRIATE?. nil-HKI Locust st Sundajs. S p m. Service conducted by Rev. W. P Alexander. Soloists Miss Irene Mar pel and Mr Parlton A. Fisher. Congregational CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CIIfRPH. lKth and Green sts. Rev W V. HERO, Pastor. 11a. m.. Communion of the Lord Supper. S p m.. "Religion and Politics " 1141 a m., Bible S-chool Junior Pongre gatlon In connection with Morning Fen Ice. Drexel Itlddle Bible Clashes DREXEL BIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Wo stand ready to assist In upbuildlne Blbl Classes und Churches, and to assist Pasters and Rectors In carrying forward the Mas ter's work Call on us. General Offlce3, 1D17 Mount Vernon st. Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN "The Friendly Church" lHth ard Jefferson Streets DANIEL E WEIGLE. Pastor 10, ,1ft a. m Holy Communion. Dr Herbert C Alleman. of Gettvsburg, assisting. 2.30 p. m Bible t-chool. P. m Holv Communion. 7 43 p m 1'rajer for Peace, nnd Sermon by the Pastor, Wi lUm A. Schmidt, 'cellist of the Phlladelohia Or hestra and the Mea tlah Quartet. TABFRNACLF. .Wth and FrnKO Wm J. Mil ler. Jr.lt). 11. 7 . S. S , 2 30 p m. TEMPLE, 32d and Race Rev. a" Pohlman. M V . in 3D a. in , 2 10 and 7.45. Methodist Epl-ropal CHfltCH OF THE ADVOCATE Wane ase and Q'leen lane, Gcrmantown GLADSTONE HOLM. Minister. 10 43 a m --Holy communion 7-43 p. m. Service In Interests of peace. SpecUl music by quartet and choir. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH IN UEHMANTOWN CHARLES WESLEY ni'RNS. Minister, Mmn'.ng t-ervle. ten forty-live. Autumn Communion Service. Addiess and Fraver for Peace. Sundiy s-ihnol. two-thirty, III t.LE CALL RALLY Evening evlce, eight THE CRIME OF LAIN" Mu.lc by vested boy choir. MOUNT HERMON. lath and Porler-Bev, f, t Thoiras, 11, S. S. S . 2 30 p. m. PARK AVENUE CHURCH Pjrk ave anil Norrls st. RI.V. HUBERT BAv.NELL, D. D. MIN. LSTrn. JO 0 HOLY COMMUNION, 2 'IP-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11ALLY DAY Sl'RMCE AP-DRESS BY DR. CHARLES W 1M.I-.Y ifiu;c 7 30-EUROPEAN WAR SERVICE. .d dre' Has Chrlotlanlty Failed in Europe."' by DOCTOR BAGNELL. seventh STREET. 7th and Norrls Hev R E JOHNSON, MinUur. 10 .10 -Conferen-e o: Prayer tor Peace, 7 ISSpeclal musical service bv the com bined choir Mrs Uager. sulolst 2 'iO-Raliv Diy address by Pr. J G Bcf. crtn lARFRVXPLK 11th below Oxford , E PHOWELL Pact r 10 10. Communion , 7 43, "The First Night In 3ln " New Jfniasin I'jueilenljQrBlgn) NATluNS AS MEN' . the .Ublect jf tlw rernmn SunJay moinlns by the Pastor, the SrcOXO CHI Id'H th inl i it' REV i'.IarLes. W .HARVEY, 'at' the S P EN'CK I) t II s- - inur-n or ttw ? jrusiejn. ssu and 'TO Ch?mu' sts service at clocS Sun day cnooi at a it). AH wat are Evervbu'.v it welcome. free. I,sn.b)trbir AfC" -"' l-.'sutUMAN UJUI.VH JSth .ir Atvh Church reon ed after reealra. Turner Uemorla, Orsan dMlcated, mv ci,imce PYAnpeH3:cARTEr ! v 43 a,. kw-'TUe ctaMcn an- Jmswo ' Pro6' .... . rne worm -war nsj cotimbb- j liy " t i i - t'ri,jii I.e ttal THE I'Ol. ' '. '!'! VTE8US CIH-'OCU .IBB-tti-till-C a .Hr.l S..!WiA-k w. jinirfr. w; sev b. ra l'u Kmi will niMk. At! lh. at.rslnefl iBk 'M3JSUdjpenfeje, II1 R -l'6M tl-v. l' 9- & 3JkUiS HOPE PRFsBYTEBIAS CUVft?H" gajiftU- MoTmJUt "'" ' " W WJS M -F..v -Hi fn, Bolivia. puCSTs, M) I eSI'll Ftobi fie . -"" f C,HIP;C,H. v "' . v. : H V. rrlfi l MiX5BE r p.. Mlnleler. ! i .-. -i ! tf a r Ft py trn on M" w . ' b an J th $ti " - V A' l' ubvti kuv nunrff . J B.:EBl-Xt LEE, II. IK. UtalWer lt.J-r4I,,PuWk! ' W" ' o -P.-aiIa BIM S-lol P , n- ;, j! V - al s-rruce Men daUtchR's 'Hymn ot Pre'se" and "o (j ,j ll v it v Aisni'Bt.d i I S 1 o r- tt Al -i r. w Cbeatoit at llth st ., i ,. MK J'lHN , - i t t , a ,.r 1 '0 a in Pra -r ""Jef K iv4 11 u er , . 1"! ng i ih , ,. r 2 " I r r,h i,, ,n. . . M T i m Rl v La- i t 8 . m is-itnoni Testmi Y - .: ua;. otrr-sus i.ortU-,11 wi,.utJ. . t.t ..-..' 13 imj THE. REV. CHARLES DUBELL PASTOR WHO DOES THINGS Looks After Two Missions Besides Own Church at Olassboro. A clerjrvman who does things fa th Rev. Chirle Bratten Dubell, rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, Glassboro, N. J , and formerly of Philadelphia. Not only has ho been successful In his work In Glassboro, but he has looked after the Interests of two mission church. Ono of these, the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Pitman, K J , was added to the parish charge through his effort, and he has had one of the finest chapel build ings for mission work In New Jersey erected there. The building and prop erty is valued nt 117,000 Tho other church Is St Shcphen's, MulllCa Hill. N. J. Besides being actively engaged In thi work of his parish the Rev Mr Dubell Is the chaplain of the Third Reglmcrtt of the New Jersey National Guards, H,e la a personal friend of President Wilson. itr.r.Kiiocs NOTICES rrrsbytcrlnn WEST HOPE cor Preston and Asp"n sts Rev rHARLI-S E HKU.MSUiN u v jnnisier Hev Charles H Whlinker. D D Assistant. n 4r, Communlrants I'raser Meeting- in 30, Holy Communion with Sermon. 2 '10, ruble School Itally Da 7 no, Christian Endeavor Foeleties 7 43. Dr Hronson b thm, "Peace and Pa trlotlsm " . wiOBLANr, prtEPDVTnniAN rinrtfii 4'.'d and Pine. sis. JAMES nAM.AY SWAIN. Minister llr-nrnmunlon Sen-lee. Srort Fermon. PRAYKH AS POWEtt." .... 2 4t Tilblv School New eeholnrt Invl'ed S Prayer and Tralse SerW'-o Sermon Wednesday at . the Pllarltn s Progress, Part II. Studv I It you aro louklng for a church home 1 Come thou nnd alltjTyhouse I'roti'Mnnt Eplsrtipal . PHERCH OF "HIE HOLY APOSTLES 21st ind Christian sts Hex OEOnOE HnriUERT TOOr B. D Rector. a m -Holi- Communion. 10 :;n a. m Holy Communion and Eermon. Fermon on ' I'cace." hi tho itort r 7 .id p m Klrst Sreclnl Musical Service, f-eason of WU-U'l.-i , OROANIFT-rred Mman Wheeler HARPIST liorenre Adcle Wlghtmin VIOLINIST Hazel Hattman HARI' f-OEO Handel's Eargo. Organ, Harp nrwl Vlftlltl ORATORIO "Jalrus' Daughter." Sir John Stalner . , , l.areely aucmented choir. Short Sermon Iv the Rector. AVE MAriA -tionnoa PARISH OF ST LUKE Tljn BpIp1IANT 13th st below Spruce Rev-. DAVID M STEELE, Rector. 8 a. m Holy Communion Warn Sunday School. 11 a m.-Mornlng Prajer nnd Sermon 4 p. m Ppe-hl form of Praver for Pcae Fervlro with full musical program Mrs Henrv Hotz Soprano fcolnist Anthem. "Hear Mv Praver." Mcnde'ssohn. Tho Rector will preach at both scrvMs. EPIPHANY PHAl'EL 17th and Summer sis. 5 a m. Holv Communion. 11 a m. Morning Praver and Sermon. 2 4." ti. m Sunday School R P. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Rev Irvine A McGraw will preach. PARISH OF ST MARK'S. The Rev. ELLIOT WHITE, Rector. Tho Rev William A Grlcr. Assistant Priest. Telephone, Spruco 2713. Clergy House, 1623 Locust st. ST. MARK'S CHURCH. Locust between lGth and 17th ats. Sunday Services: 7 and s Holy Communion, in :io Matins. 11 ooPhoral Eucharist. 3iO Choral Evensong. Wcekdavs, 7. 7 43 and n a. m. and 3 p. m. Thurdav nnd Faints' Days additional cele bration, !) 30 a. m. ST. MICHAEL'S CHAPEL. 10th and Lombard sts. The Rev SAMUEL EVANS, priest in chars Sunday. 7 and 0 30 a. m. -. 4 and 8 p. m. Sunday School 3 p. m. Sermons. 'J 30 a. m. and 8 p m. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL (Colored Congregation) Bainhrldgc between l'th and 10th sts. The Rev. r. E. AITKINS, Vicar. Sunday, 7 and 11 a. m ; 4 and S p m. Sunday School, 3 p. m. Sermons, 11 a. m. and S p. m. In accordance with the procUuna.tlfcn4Wrh- Presldent of the United States. Intcrcrsso.-y prajets for reacs ni be offered at the 11 a. m Eucharist In St Mark's Church, and tho sermon on that subject will be preached bv tho Rootor The Ladv Chapel -will bo open after tho service. Vlsltois are always welcome. On Wednesday and Trldavs at II m, tha Litany wil be said, and Intercessions for peace made. ST. ANDREWS. Mh above Spruce 11 a, m "Barnabas. Wise Comforter." s p m Song of the Morning Stars Special musical services Daniel Donovan. tenor ololst Henry Elrey. baritone The choir will sing "Inflammatus," rrom Siabat MattrV ., ST JaME.-' PHI RCH" 22d and Walnut s'reets. s-ervkea Ho.v Ci mmunlon" 8am Sermon and Holy Communion. 11 a. m. E'enuni anJ hort address 4 pro Preacher REV S D M' OXNELL D D formerly rectoi of St Stephen t. Chuich. Strangers welcome, , bT." GEORGE'S. Hist ; and Harel n Rev O. La fia smun. i ). w hi una . bT. JOHN'S. Brown below id -Doctor iii;m- Shall ' 7 43 monil preaches tomorrow- lu 3ti d. m . Wo Pras for I'mce or a Moral v i turj p.m . -ileal v ui-ies rFACE SUNDAY SERVICES " church o' St John the Evangelist, 3d and Reed sts. Pelpbratl m ot I ly Communion. 10 30 a m. Set mon. 7 30 p. m. Text for evening tcrvlot, St Slatt v. Ii. Special prayers for the World's Peace, Reformed FIEST N A.. lSth"nnd Dauphin. Rev Juhn D' Hicks. Pastor. H hi ana s s . - u c'um munlon Preparatory tscrvlie, Wednesday an r i icmv pvenings lFlTlDFl BERG. 10th and Oxford sts. Dr Kartman, Services 10 ! 3" 7 13. jilrltunl!i.t MRS ZOLER LEFS WILL ONDfCT meetli.gs, Sun.la evening. oMxk 1323 Columbia ova, Oerman and English Suftlcnborglun SEE NEW JERUSALEM I'nlturlnti FIRST" UNITARIAN ElS'i Chestnut ot Rev" P. K. St. John Minister 10 a tu sjrlajr Bchoal II a. m. the Min.ner will pi a h on Tea.e." IT p. iu .n the Charel Rev F A r.i;i.nisiir will pre.ien In 1 . i uFHARiyA 1." 15S0.' Rev" K 1. IV ifl 4.1 " 12 -A Level K i -u. In .b " T 43 W 1'ivr, Red Projs -nict a- - Dr. V. niachwod HUVAvn Y in hah ' lnlPd Urethral i ' nitersnlht CHURCH OF THE HE-TOR A TIuN M. . . lovt 17rh fct . 1 'hi. v'larenc I.t L ! Pji lor 10 43 a. m Da ut Pi..v r ' I- . e A4dre trxi.iti m--U-. omiT.i .j: : . m p. ijj. Snnds felVHil Rall AM v mr ) VnjinB 3Ien'b ( lirUthin .-m luliim fKAPE SUNDAY CELKBItA rU'N .n t trI punch I m, Hon J. II. t i , -in (-. .spi ropriati1 niua a-i i i is. .f Come earn letrancers vvn iirop-lli i lass meeia a p in n ! Oprntng set4an ih mas W. I.at n I r BRANt H. and fear- in r, 01 a'l rlru AniU'tf ) am S'r.'rr : lei Addreu by Irrai '1 n pei 131 nm ic b Henrv la hi rlrnr -,t fall w sk yiui!B n!!iriiS flirlslhin Atsnciailon .Veliuoang jiervi . pn.lii i ; , .bi Atwir.W Hal P . I in. MA. U u, yoromi Hrd(.r,i (.lire 11- Avcumpaoiti. M I tm VUt, Cornet 1st Ml jfliiZl'H huitl?P-ON vor AKF IN I - he -Jie mreHmipu THB PRESENT WAR JX T.iL PPOPUECV WM H my mtjn anl Whiit U 4oi not n -ji fOSJORE W HE" CHRUT s 4.FTEKXOOX AT . 'f'-K. IR C . SP F'lL i ".VAJKIIXl' vi v -. .ad 0?v.rd tt i r oERtc v . a k i F .1 vrn m r itv a'.'d and FarrUii -. 'I . Thene 't u. -Hb oihtrs '. I a a i -r..,9d l-i ui&tr w H uvth !.. t-. -ble taw s , urrum Etiruit war. fc'wi Amile-.. it- Ptmia4ijf&'.4 .- HF'. I) 'or lh S-l-f il'Ni! 1 . U i i r. l-Jll t 111 NFIU EM .-.Of - J r 1 W i VV I . ' l U I, .1 k . iii , , . E-!r UvUiea, .a.- irU , i 1 m i a i , J !