G rfl-PHILALLPHlA, miDAY, OUTOBli, k 2, 1914. SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA 1 - -vrA' ml' WSSBSBsKBHm ,: Si's - . tl83K$XS&i ed to their horn on Glenn road, after a ummer spent at Watch Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Maaon Chichester have returned from a two weeks' stay at Atlantis City and are now at 8t. Mary's Farm, their home on Chtlrch road. WTNNEWOOD Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Beaver Browne returned last week from their wedding trip. Mrs. Browne will be remembered as Miss Mnrocy Curtln, whose marriago took place Inst month In Gloucester, Mass. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grcnvllle Dodge Montgomery wilt not occupy their houso, corner of Aubrey and Penn road, this winter, but are spending their fall and winter with Mrs, Montgomery's father, the Bev. George Pomeroy Allen, at St. Mary's rectory, Ardmorc. MEIUON Mrs. Walter T. Balrd has returned from the Berkshire Hills, and opened Brook noil, her attractive home on Highland avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Frank B. Oft and family, of Latches Ittnc, who spent the summer at their Chelsea cottage, returned home last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl E. Llndgren returned Tuesday to their home, Hazelhurst and Forrest avenues, after a two weeks' visit to Glen Bid- die, Pa. ovimnnoOK Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwln George Close '.lave Issued Invitations for a musical to be given at their home, 646? Drexel Itoad Fri day evening, October 16. Mr. and Mrs. William McCnhan, of Over brook avenue, have returned to their home for the winter. MRS. WILLIAM WURTS IIARMAR Mrs. Harmar, who has Ijccii spending the summer in Chelsea, returned yesterday to her home, at 3101 Midvalc Avenue, Gcnn.intown. MBS. A. MERKITT TAYLOR, of firooU wood, Wayne, will give a debutante lunch con noxt Thursday, October S, In honor of Miss Alice Chapman Thompson, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson, of Merlon. Covers will be laid for 12 guests, who will bo from the debutante sot. Dr. and Mrs. Norton Downs, who will enter tain Miss Margarot Moore Klker, of Now York, extensively durlne her stay with them at Ford- hooke Farm, Three Tuns, will give an Informal afternoon tea In hei honor Sunday, October 11. JItss Rlker's engagement to Henry I'ratt Mc Kean. n brother of .Mrs. Downs and Thomas McKcan. Jr., was recently announced. Invitations hae been received In this city f-om Mr and Mis Henry Hutton Loudon, of Now York, for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Agnes Grlsnold Landon. to Moses Taylor Pynr, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mosos Tnylor ryne, of New York and Princeton. The wed ding will tnko place In Now York on Tuesday, October in, at 4 o'clock, in St. Bartholomew's Churoh, .mh street and Madison avenue. Mr nnd Mrs. Charles n. Co:.c will give n large dinner dante tonight at their beautiful country seat. WlHisbrooko Farm, Malvern, In Donor of their iilcoo. Miss fjuth ue, ilnuiflitur of M- and Mis. Henrv Hi in ton Coxc. of Peu Xlvr As Mrs. Charles Coxc is in mourning, sho ml' rut receive the guests this ooulng. Mr. 'ox(.. nnd Mlsa Coxo will be assisted In recelv 1ng In Mhs Coxe's mother. Mrs. Henry Brinton f -x About 160 guests from the debntanto set v II attend. 'tidne J. Willis Martin will drlvo n four-in-hand loach to tho Whltemarsh races tomor m ma entertain his guests at luncheon In re tiid fashioned coaching 6tle. 'ihrfc who will attend the WhltcmnrMi races ' ur-in-hand coachot. and serve luncheon at - Uhik will be Frederic Strawhridge, Major r 'ass.m and It NVUon lltiekley. M- ani Mrs. Harry Cobb Kennedy and Miss .nalth Kennedy will leavo Havcrfoul Court. Jerford, the middle of this month and rnovo lot town where thoy have taken an apartment or the winter at ! West Rltenhouse equnrc. ' . of the most Interesting waefca of the e-..n for tho lirtlo debutante and her frfM.ds will begin tilth next Monday, when ?!"!, Ada Lambert Wetherlll, of Reyrt Mawr, will make her formal bow to society at her Jioiri- in Bri'n Mawr. rn the same day. or rather In the evening. M Edith Neville Smyth will bo Introduced at . Urfc-A dinner danto at the Philadelphia C,. Ht riub, at St. Martins. f rurirty, air. amJ Mrs gamge, porcher n. .nwit Mtss Eleanor I-andls Porchcr at t. i their home In Navahae avenue. Chest r i iiiii iiisnt whleh will Introduce Mius Caroline lie himnn and Mlw Anna Blnney Brinton. t'aui. r- of sir. and Mrs. Fcrre-e Brinton, will be i n ,t Wlnilyhrow. their plase In St. I"1 n the Tth of Ortotier. Tb ... xi day, at Strafford. Mr. and Mrs. fr"' vunwr Bally will give a large dan. not fur Mi- Molly Winter Bajly, and on the 8th ,jt ihe month Mr. ami Mm. B. H. Bayard will .miwtm iheJr !au?hUr. Mts Katharine Ashhu-t t.oie. m (heir ptece, MWweods, in Phtfclriut Hi On 11, ,eht of the h. Mr. and Mr. Qua tavjs r rak wm gnc a nuU1 dg.g , ,waor tf v iiuiutby B. Petu. dagtsr of Dr. end m i cn8ta P1U, of Chnut Ulll. t-i till prweat twa dbtatHe. WUw i J.n i Kllu,j, tfaygbter of Mr. ami Mr. JJcrr u-;iard PilifcSkn. ho will be Jtrlitc4 f i . o b given at br hom l Rxmnwt, rt m id fri, jftm u. must tu give a e a ilr IwtM is IIavrferd for tblr t g i i Miss Mar Arkwn Miller J - in U of tin- vvhn1 ot ,:.iic! Hf,irj) w ' i" rUi. ii His )i,to dcl mil e r , , y tnvse sevtral tcs and danvij I 2WI to sny nothing of small luncheons, theatre parties, etc , In this first week In October. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson have opened their house at 233 South 21st street for the winter, after a summer spent on the Main Line. Dr. Robert E. Hoyt, U. S. N.. . and Mrs. Hoyt have been spending a few days at the BoIIovuo-.Stratfotd. Doctor Hoyt hus Jut re turned from the foreign cruise of the mid shlprnon from the Naval Academy. Doctor Hojt was at one time surgeon on the U. S. S. Idaho, which was afterwards sold to Greece! Later he has been stationed on the Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lewis. Ji., of 1000 Spruce street, are spending several weeks In Chcltea before opening their house for the winter. Miss Agnes Repplier has returned to th nil,- this week und Is at her home, D0K Chestnut street, for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wain Morgan Churchman, who spent the summer in Longport. have returned to their home at Highland avenuo and Navaho htreet. Chestnut Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Travis Cochran, who spent the summer In Campo Bello, N. n.. Just off of Maine, will open their house, 131 South I'd stieet, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Dicjk1 nidcllc of 01 Walnut street, ulll open their hnii'i, latter part of thfl month. .Mrs. Anthony Taylor and Miss Alice Whar ton, who sailed lust month from Genoa, Italy have arrived in the city und will spend the winter here. Catds Aojo received In this city yesterday from Mr John Fnhy. of Rochester, n. y announcing tho marriage of their daughter Miss Rcglna Fnhy. t0 John A. Dlmond, ot Philadelphia. September CO. Mr. Dlmond Is a '" "l usenii tiimomi, or this city, who married Miss Mary Henry, also of this clt. fcevoral yoar.s ago. Mr. and Mrs. Rdwnrd Gulrtln will leave tminv for Wisconsin to visit Mr. Uulrtln'B parents, who will shortly celebrate their golden wed ding. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Upjohn and .Mrs. Up john have returned, after n summer epent In Mnlr.o, to St. LuUo's rectory, Germantown. Their granddaughter, Miss Dorothy E. Foltr, nil! be among the season's debutantes. Mrs. Henry P. Dixon, of Walllngford. will give a buffet luncheon today at the Sprlnghaven Country Club. A golf tournament wlil follow. Among thoje invited were Mrs. Caleb Fox, Mrs. Ronald Barlow, Mrs. S. Vanderbcck, Mrs. W. AV. Justice, Miss May Bell, Mrs. U Morris, Miss Kllen Gowen Hood, Miss Marfan Nallor, Miss Mildred Caverly. Miss Louise Lorimer, Miss Alice Coryell, Miss Irene Richardson, Miss Grace Galloway. ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brock and Miss Louise Brock are spending tho autumn at their coun try place In Wyncotc before opening their town houso at 1417 Spruce street tho latter part of November. Mrs. Morris Hcrknoss and Miss Ellen Herk ncss, of Cholten Hills, have gone to Atlantic City for several weeks before returning to town for the winter. Tne Misses Perry, of Elklns Park, have Issued Invitations for a costume danco to be held at the Old York Road Country Club on Monday, October 5. The guests will be members of the younger school set. Mrs. Howard Anthony, of Eleventh street and Chelten avenue, Oak Lane, gave a lunch con at her home yesterday. Among the guests were Mrs. Albert Parker, Mrs. Warren Baker, Mrs. Maylon Trumbauer, Mrs. Lewis Rems. Mrs. Theodore Dlmmlck. Mrs. Josepn Firman, Mrs. Bonjamln Hltchner, Mrs. Charles Swolm, Mrs. William Locker. Mrs. Robert Fadelcy, Mrs. Edward Congdon, Mrs. Charles Eckman nnd Mrs. David Nclfer. Mrs. Albert Gee. of Camac street, Oak Lane, entertained a lunchoon party at her '.tome yes terday. Among the guests were Mrs. David Bcneko, Mrs. B. c. D. Ncuhauser, Mts. Albert Dudley, Mrs. John Hltchner, Mrs. Howard Anthony, Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. Bateman Sad dlngton and Miss Lilian Marlon. j At tho manlage of Miss Clara I. Schoble and Willis McDonnld Powell, which will take place at 7 o'clock tho evening of October 7, the maid of honor will be Mlsa Marguerite Bradway. Miss Beatrice E. Fair, of East Orange, N. J., will be bridesmaid, and the llttla flower girl will bo Miss Elizabeth Jackson, daughter of Senator Jackson, ot Maryland. The little train bearer will be MI63 Ruth Lower. Mr. Powell will be attended by his brother. aiepncn A. I'owell, Jr., and the ushers will be younrer net havo entered the ranks with a will. One of the most active circles may bo found every Thursday evening at 1705 Bouth Broad street, under tho dtreotltm ot Mlsa May Ferris and Miss Agnea Ryan. Among tho members may be mentioned tho following! Miss Anna Dougherty, Mlsa May Helay, Miss Catherine Brennan, Mlsa Anna Stowart, Mlsa Mario Duffy, Miss May Myer, Mlsa Marian Dee, Mlsa Rcglna Donahue and Miss Dolllo Buckingham. Miss Mary Moon, who has apent tho summer months at Witdwood, returned to her home, 1827 South Seventeenth street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheerer, of Carrothers, O., will be the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Schaefer, of 1810 South Twentieth street, during the com. Ing week. Miss Maria Smith, of 2135 South Fifteenth street, who spent tho summer months at At lantic City, has returned to her home for tho winter. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Kelly have closed their cottage at Ventnor, where they have been en tertaining during the summer months, nnd re turned to their home, 1H1 South Eighteenth street, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McCormlck, of 1730 South Eighteenth street, will entertain on Oc tober 6 with an Informal dinner In honor ot their guest, Frank A. Healy, of Gleason, Va, Some among those Invited are Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cantlln, Miss Mary Brndley, Miss Madellno Burns and George A. Walters. Mrs, ,T. A. Wilson and her family havo closed their cottage In Capo May, where they have been slnco May 1, nnd .eturncd to the'r homo, 1537 South Fifteenth street. Friends of tho Rov. Robert Connors, of Cata sao.ua, Pa., will bo sorry to learn that he Is 111 In St. Agnes' Hospital. Mrs. George F. Blackford, of Cleveland, O., will be the guest of her cousin, Mrs. O. J. Stan ert, at her home, 170 South Eighteenth street, during the latter part of this month. Mrs Blackford will remain In tho city until Christ mas, and many delightful affairs have been planned In her honor. Miss Elizabeth Brown, who spent tho summer at Arlington Beach, has returned to her home. 1420 Castle avenue. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Virginia Hume, of 1919 West Dauphin street, gae a kitchen shower on Tuesday night for Miss Edna B. Culbertson, whose mar riage to Clarence J. O'Brien will take pine In October. The decorations were yellow and white, the flowcr3 used being dahlias. The guests were Miss Emma Clark, Miss Helen Eberbach, Miss Josephine Eberbach, Miss Emma Campbell, Miss Mario Schultze, Miss Ella Abbott. Miss Clara Abbott, Miss Mar gatet Culbertson, Miss May Culbertson, Miss Mildred Hnag, Miss Mnrlan Bcrtolct, Miss Mlna NowUnds, Miss Edith Clark, Miss Edna Lindner. Miss Carrie Simpson, Miss Bessie Simpson. Miss Kathryn Haubert, Miss Mar garet Stapleford. Miss Lillian Gordon, Miss Florence Nuttall. Miss Marian McDado, Miss Miriam Humo, Mrs. William Eberbach, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Henry Schultze, Mrs. Howard Abbott. Mrs. A. J. O'Brien, Mrs. Aaron Henrlcks, Mrs. William Kamp" and Mrs. William Hume. mmmmmm,um,mmm''" MnwiMMinii I THE DRAMA oua individuals. The most curipus pi ever met was a cabman I employed dul engagement In Sydney, Australia." sal Anglln. "Toward the end of my engagl was desirous of extending him tho hi seats to see my performance. Im.I surprise when tho Jehu politely declhl favor with tho following explanations want to sco no plays. I see quItJ 'uman nature drlvih' this 'cro old 'oil day.' " miss Angnn's autumn tour in "L.I I.,-. t .!. ..... I ..:, nemo nn- win take her to tht eastern nnti southern cities. Her Now season will begin shortly after New when she will present "Tho Dlvlno Frlcndl unarics Phillips, a Snn Francisco news! writer, and n new comedy by Ernest Dl tne Ingush dramatist. She will elvn nl special Shakespearean performances at rl nccs. Next Spring Miss Anglln will aonear revival ot Viicdea," by EurlDiden. In h nl Theatre of the University of California ntnfl ley, Cal after which sho will make a til monuis tour ot Australia In a repertoire! pinys, rtiter a career of GO ycais. Mrs. Thoml Whlffon will make her Inst stage nnnearnnl as the grandmother In "The Beautiful Acl venture," which Charles Frohman will preserl nt tne Broad Street Theatro November "The Beautiful Adventure" Is by tho outM of "Love Watches." and, like It, ran for mo man a year in Paris. George Ecerton. ill ndaptcr, stipulated by the authors, has maol tho Lngllsh text. The principal characters wll lie played by Charles Cherry, Ann Murdoch Lrncst Lawford and Mrs, WhlflMt The Amcilcan debut of GAbriclrt "Tho Hawk," with William FavorJ isos to piovo Interesting, for In urzmt nas neon a pronounced fav!l ionuon, too, when tho actress made appearance In an Engllsh-spcaklng role, ahd .... .,.. .....u ..nmcQiaio popularity. Mile, Dor-B z win piay in English the same rolo which! -...c crrutect in the Paris production of "Thd BELLE STORY who sings delightfully in "Chin-Chin," at the Forrest. Schoble. Jr., a brother of the bride. The cere mony will take placo nt tho homo ot tho bride's parents. Mr. and Mr3. Frank Schoble, the Oaks, Wyncote, Pa. The Rev. William Barnes Lower will perform tho ceremony. CHESTNUT HILL Friends of Allan Hunter. Jr., son ot Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hunter, of St. Martin's, will be pleased to learn that he Is recovering rapidly, after an operation for appendicitis a week ago. Mr. Hunter's engagement to Miss Arabella Scott, daughter of Major and Mrs. W. Saun deis Scott, was recently announced. Mrs. Bolton Earnshaw, of Birch lane and Montgomery avenue, left yesterday for New Yoik to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gayloid over the week-end. Mrs. Gaylord will be remembered as Miss Martha Bell. Mrs. John Strawbrldge has returned from Northeast Harbor, Me., to her home on Mill Creek road. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Randolph will be glad to hear that their little son, Evan Randolph, Jr., Is recovering rapidly from an operation for appendicitis. Miss Julia Hcebner, of East Evergieen ave nue, Is visiting Mlsa Coryell In Bay City, Mich., for a few weeks. Mrs. Taomas Potter Is spending several days In New York. ALONG THE MAIN LINE HAtKHiIlli-At the wedding of Mies Izora Vcnetta Hunter and Dr. J. Leslie Davis, which wtll take piace at Coolkcnny, the home of Miss uunicrs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hunter, October 14. rae bride will be attended by Miss Edith H. Walz as maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Gladys W. Trlnkle and Miss Leonora P. Wal and the little flower girl will be MUs Ruth Virginia Belts, of Lex. Ington, Va., a niece of the bridegioom, and Miss Elizabeth Conoer. Doctor Davis will have his brother, Dr. War. ren B. Davis, as best man and his ushers wU bo Dr. Rom Patterson, of this city; Dr. Henry C. Fleming and Richard Warren Barrett, of New York, and Dr. Junius H. McHenry, of Cleveland, o. Tb ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Dr. Alexander MacColl, pastor of t.ie Second Presbyterian Church, ttt and Walnut streets. AHDMUKE-Mr- and Mrs. Brown, who spent the summer on the New I ngland toast, have opened Clifton Wynyates for the winter Ux. Bod Hi. B. B. Lloyd and chiidteo b-m GERMANTOWN Bad as war conditions are. nothing seems to dampen the spirits of the young when It comes to dancing. Noticed at Manhelm on Wed uesday night were Mrs. Florence Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Hdwaid Reynolds. Mr. and .Mrs. Bolton Earn shaw. Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. John Blak ley, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Earnshaw, Mr. and Mrs. AValter S. tflgler. MIhs Ruth Elsenhower, Miss Gladys Edwards, Miss Dorothy Daniel. Miss Anna Taylor, Miss Margaret Bradbury, Miss Dorothy Bradbury. George White, Joseph Shoemaker, Frank Green, Yale Hutchinson, Alfred Wol stenholm, French Bmmonds, Horace Cleever, AV. II. Kurtz and F'cderlcli Brewster. Yule Hutchinson has returned from Cape May. where he spent the months of August and September. Miss Helen McCracken has returned from Europe, and spent last week in Beach Haven ns the guest of her brother and lter-ln. law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken closed their cottage this week and havo returned to their home, 413 West Stafford street. TIOGA The Tioga Shakespeare Club, of which Pro fessor Wlllard K. Ross, of the department of Herbert Druckllob, of New Yoik; Charles P. j literature of tne Northeast High School, Is W. Cheney, of Elizabeth, N. J., and Frank president and lectuicr, will open the season's meetings with an Informal reception on Thurs day night, October 3, In the parish house of the Church of the Resurrection, Broad and Tioga streets. Tho association studies one play every five weeks and tho work corre sponds to the graduate courses In the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. It was organized with a membership ot 50. which Is constantly in creasing. Miss Marian Bcrtolet. of 351G North Eigh teenth street, gave a luncheon yesterday at her home. Her guests were her associates In the Phi PI Alpha soiorlty of the Girls' High School. E. D. Bornheimor, of 22U West Tioga stieet, has returned from Atlantic City. CAMDEN AND VICINITY The ladles of the Colllngswood Country Club will gic a card party this afternoon, the sec ond of n series. Mr. and Mra. Charles Haaga have moved from Audubon to their new home at 714 Lin- acn street. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Magoun, of Mansion ave nue, Haddonfleld, have sent out Invitations to thf wedding of their daughter, Miss Katherlno Magoun, to Harry Day, of Bath, Mo on Octo ber 14. Members of the Haddonfleld Country Club are giving a three days' "Country Fair" for the benefit of the new clubhouse. Mrs. J. E. Baer, formerly of 665 Stevens street, who has lived In Southern California for a unmber of years, is revisiting her old home. Another fotmer Camden woman. Mrs Her bert Goodell. who will be remembered a Mls,s Geit.ude Holllnshed, now of Llvermote. Cal ii spending three months in the city, ncconi panled by her young son. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morse Archer and family are again b. their Haddonfleld home, after a omnium- in uarnegat Bay. Mi. and Mrs. Edward Pryee Challenger are now at home to their friends in their w home at 6 Clifton avenue, Merchantvllle Mr. and Mra. Augustus Reeve and Mies' nu. abeth Cooper Reeve, of 001 State street, have wMkH'T ,he c,lff nouse' I-ake Waat' WHITEMARSII RACES Members oflluntipg Set Engage Prki,,K Spaces ForlUce Meet Tomorrow. An unusual number of paiKg rpaccs have been taken for the Whltemarsh race meeting, ,Q be held tomorrow on the Erdenhelm track, near Chestnut Hill. Among those who iw. spaces for automobiles and coaches are J Ger hard Lelper. Jr.. Captain Arthur B. Cook. Wll Ham J. Sewell. William G. Warden. Dr. Oeorge Woodward, Charles Edward Ingersoll, Edward D. Toland. Fred. S. Wh.ttaker. R. Nelson Buck" .,. ireure. r. 1J(er. Marshall s. Morgan, Mrs E. Florens Rlvinue, Jesse Williamson, 2, M., Emily Barclay, William II. nill, Frederic H Strawbrldge, Judge J. WHU Martin. Major Ed' ward B. Cassatt. C. Bradford Fraley Mrs" Arthur Riddle. James W. Cook. Henry Fr'azer Harris. Theodore C. Vooihec. Daniel D. Wentz John H. Packard, 3d, Archibald Barklle lfoi ard Houston Henry. Miss .Iarle Loulte Wana maker, Samuel F. Houston, A. J. Antelo Dev. I ereux. J. Stanl.y Reeve, Richard M. Cadwala. I der. Jr.. W. L. Supphae. Mrs. C. m. Wain. Rob ert Kelso Cassatt, Hamilton Dlsston. Augustus B. StoMghton, Mrs. II. Howard Ellison. Jr., Stevenson Crothers. Edwin N. Benson, Jr i George D. Widener. Jr, P. Eugene DUon. Miss Eleanor Hopkins, Robert Glendinnlng. Oeorge WllUnr. Jr. Miss Glad Williams. Uiinam M Krr. &fra Simn.i rt tu. ... oa Ctsjtt, Clement N WlJJUinu. I Uj. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ACADEMY OF MUSIC "Cablrln," movlng plcturo 'drama, by Gabrlella D'AnnunzIo, of tho third century B. C. ADELPHI "Tho Revolt," by Edward Locke, starring Helen Wale. Neglected wife, des perate, rushes to ruin. Ruin proves shock ing. She rcolls In time. Stepmother tip ples. Child nearly dies from eating bananas. BROAD "Lady Windermere's Fun." Revival of Oscar Wildo's satlro by Margaret Anglln. One of tho clcveiest plays of tho century, never moro brilliantly presented. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Pi lato's Daughter," miracle play, by Francis L. Kenzel. Tho daughter of Pontius Pilate performs miracles by a rose which touched Christ's garment, and Anally meets martyrdom. FORREST "Chin-Chlii," musical comedy by Anne Caldwell nnd R. It. Bumslde, music by Ivan Caryl!, with Montgomery and Stone. Splendidly spectautillir, fantastically funny: gorgeous girls and gowns. GARRICK "Nearly Mnrrled." farco comedy, by Edgar Selwyn, starring Bruco McRac. At tenuated, but nmusing. WALNUT "Bringing Up Father." musical comedy, bated on Gcorgo McManus" cartoons, by Gus Hill. FLASHES FROM "STARS"' Fred Stone, of Montgomery and Stone, play ing In "Chin-Chin" at the Forrest, Is a keen sportsman, nnd has hunted In Alnska, the Rocky Mountains, on the banks of the Orinoco and in far-off Giccnland. In fact, his hunting achlcvemonts rival those of tho redoubtable "T. R." Ho Is Ilkewiso an enthusiastic yachts man and polo player. Mario Tempest Is coming back to America! Her American managers, the Shubcrts, ad bounce that she and Graham Broune, who was seen here as her lending man some ye&rs ago, will arrive from England by way of Canada nnd will begin their tour nt Toronto on October i. Miss Tempest is to appear In "The Marring or Kitty, ono of her old successes, and whtl sue comes to New York she will also be seen ... curaeuy oy iienry Arthui Jones, "Mni comes First,'-' and possibly also In "At tl Barn, a play in which she scored a succJ a year ago in London. In spite of the great success which she wiw in vaudeville in London, EIjIo Janl owing to the war, has canceled all her Eno contracts, which were to havo kept hor It uu.i .u, a year at least, nnd will sail for 11 on the Olympic on Octoboi 7. Whether! Ameiican manager. Charles B. Dillingham J tends to present her in a new musical veil tins season is not known, but It is believed n.. ti i. . .. .... .mn.s on ner return will enter vaudeville this side of the water, for a short tlme.l least. Gcorgo AY. Monroe, ono of the stars in i-asstng snow of 1911," which will open on J sagement at tho Lyilc Theatre October 5, J i-iiii.-iueipnia boy." having been reared educated in tills city. Since settlnc out m JI world, ho has achieved noteworthy succcsl VlftlUfT tl.lnn fi , w..UJ tuuamercu one of the greatest comcaians on the stage. Ilia forte Is the de-' ml"on 0l Krotesquo woman charactcra, and ... .....- .11 1 ne is in a class by himself. David Montgomery, the senior member of the popular team, on the other hand. Is devoted to horses. When ho Is not acting he Is oft with his rqulnes. He Knows tho record nnd pedigree of every trotting horso ever foaled, nnd It Is his boast that he has not missed an English Derby for 15 years. WEST PHILADELPHIA The Hathaway Shakespeare Society will hold its first meeting of the season this afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, at the Phllomuslan Clubhouse, 40th and Walnut streets Following the meet ing, afternoon tea will be scned. Mrs. John Blggerstaff, of 6113 Cedar avenue, has returned from Moylan, where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Johnson haie closed their Allenhutst home and mocd to their town home. 3SCS Chestnut street, for the winter. Mr. and Mra. Harr. Rittenhouse and their daughter. Miss Mella Rittenhouse, have tlosod their home on Wet Chester pike and returned to thtlr town house, 5161 Hszel avenue. John McCabo. who plays Tom Robinson In "Neatly Married," at tho Onrrick. says tho nctor from tho "small time" theatro frequently outdistnnces his rh.il In higher places because the meaning of failure Is unknown in the "small time. ' "Whllo waiting for n car In a Pittsburgh subuih the othoi night." cxplmneil .Mr. Mc Cnbe. "I oveihcard this comorjmtlou; Tin a i.crc.iin In my now n.-t.' said tho first speaker, a jouug chap who couldn't have been more than IS j cats old. "'A scream?' said my friend. -Why. six weeks ago I taw theni pelt jou with eggs!' "'Yea,' he roplied. with gratification, 'that Is right. But they used to throw bricks!' " Ruth Holt Bouelcault, who plays the part of the Duchess of Berwick in "Lady Winder- mere's Fan" has attained tho distinction of bcine n successful nnvnii.i iri, t. . ... ' '" -'-.. ...,oa .MJucicuuil 3 latest book, "The Stibstuiico of uis House." has been a "best seller. " .Miss Bouelcault is now cngugrd In making a tdago version of the novel, which she hoics to havo produced when it is finished. Lew FIeld3 has engaged Miss Jose Collins for tho title role of "Suzi" In lib forthcoming pro duction of the operetta of that name. Miss Collins 3 at present tho piinia donna of the Winter Garden. "Suzl." which will be one of Mr. Field's most pretentious productions of the season, a n Hungarian operetta which has been plnjlng for three years In Budapest, and .. .....v., .ur. i-ieius obtained the Amjfilfan ...... 1..1BH3I. ugnts fiom Edward F Ruhh written by Frank Martos. with music by . i.cnyi. ine l-.ngllsh version Is made b Tin nnrK'...l. .... . ...... "" "" ""..""i- oi iiiree Twins," Ma Shmr." "Hint. T...I .. . . '"" " nnci other hucccs flprirrrn fr..l.. ... "" 1'ruuuccr Of "Th.t At Widow. ' is staging tho operetta, which m bcIi uled for production early next monlf. AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT STREET .matin ni: TOMoimow at TKUMR.VDOt h riUfi-i! Pilate's Daughter OKlnuPtaTANUM hcl'nio rnourcTh. 'ELPHI ,, Ti HELEN Wart? GR ACE GEORGE W,,T.. The lirrowr mipu..i. m.. -r-3 CAbT OK l.,u JMiuFu: anB SXW.st "''H I HUUl CTJU.S , il nn 'erfonnan. s sitv- ADELPHI "l'ra ... . ....,, Ivv iuniuirow Marfiarrt Anslln Is ono of (ho most widely traveled of American women. In the course of her tours around and about the world M,e has encountered many intciestlng and sterol curl. SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Many of the sewing circles that were so popu. lar last season have already reorsani. ,! James Crosby their mtlngs are full ot Interest and activity. Christmas work for the many little orphans that will be left In the warring countries af fords a splendid opportunity for nnnble fingers to play thfl roje of Bacta, and pjany. of jh, AMLTSEME-NTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC WSffi w -0- tJ x JV l I'hoio Spectacle bVMl'IIONV ORfHKhTItA. altAN'n Ol'BItA CHOItUS. MKCIIUbTRAI. QRliAN Dally Matlns at S:ia-Rrd Sims to. 15 anl M Owns Kvenliign at b;15 Boau 10. 15. i'S anil CU nl "a lkx Offic atAiademy open 0 A M. White Marsh Races" U Me ploilMKia and 4 I'Ut Ra.es Saturday, Oct. 3, at 2 P. M. rnna R It li 60 III. ill ni ; i Raa.llnc R R. 12 "O 1 2U J .V), 2 Jo 50 t'?S!1."i, "?r8 '5 "'' met irjliw at '('beat nut Hill btallon und irulla.a'ut What I Vumo ADMISSION. Jltio u LIBERTY lut?JLr BUSTER BROWN OCTOBER 8-BOUGHT AND PAID l-'OR r ORPHEUM "' BOUGHT AND PAID FOR . .- - .. v ui. .- r ti cu j '. MAT1M.C TODAY SEY POSEY GIRLS B. F. KEITH'S THEATRI? "" a bill of ti. isn tvii ri?;.Afrrv.ir.-'' hB.rETTK. Klfi'lN iIIOiiiipTA,. rJ.'ltKlRA i lO. . MKI.VII.I.i: . i.i I'r'.'i'J'.Jt "nm:lly - .....o unit, dtur ,..- FORREST;8, f ,2"' .xrk ,,l- MONTGOMERY & STONE in nUN.yw.v . Mu.lc.1 pT-,V:. " BROAD D ??,:'. .ni,i, at 8I3 Poi.ulai Prue ilat WedneaUay. li," k.... lFjlTOm,of. Ajtrrlin 0 w ....wj uhiJt Ut heal in I udy liwillie.e a Fan 51 JO GARRICK m"!? N;" Wt N,'" at u 7 Tvv Muliiic tomorrow at -j li Popular Pll.e Mai rdn4.i Iit,i Seal, si nn NEARLY MARRIED BlJSn t,XaTt9t I S. "flufS' lt8B GRAND h.Nlvitf S Todayjt.l?, T A8 ! W1H.1SCH t UITA ' "I h' PALACE ""SIS", A jl V,Ar? sr LoJvA;s "THE SEA WOLF" AND QUALITY VAUDEVILLE THK WAI.Nl T - Mulnca Tmiurrov, ji, K "BRINGING UP FATHER" . t lA'UMNtlti m:i hkkk- . . i ,. . r i ritB roi uip uarmai & fuel LYRIC Seats Now Selling! Nat York Wlnttr OarJtn'a Mul ai x , THE PASSING SHOW OF 1914 Eosaiiit Bwljaa Ntxt Monday E n.r Philadelphia Orchestra ?:.,"" NOW l.'-i CASINO ,' 4 XAAvU CO.XKl iUi I EV mK ,
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