mmmimmmi mno i i mmm IP mmmmmmm EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1014 18 INANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SITUATION AT HOME AND ABROAD-MARKET frERQ DJUSTMENT OF OUR OREIGN CREDIT HAS unvnnpnnnTmiiimTAlT WJUfll W Oil UHllUH cturn to Normal Conditions JNow Near Trading De mands Still Continue to )hov Improvement. "ie financial markets are near tlic end the abnormal sirnln In International Wit nml this leadjustmcnt, possibly r than any other one thing. If dolus li to stimulate mentor confidence. Ilal Rhipniens of qnld to Canada under dliortion of Hie national Kolil pool Liagois luHc hail n hcnellccnt effect IrNclmnRc retes nml there has eotne Iductlon In thoe In the last few days h foroeoo a an early return to normal. icro ntlll continues a fnlrly active tie- (id for the bfst ecutltlcs of high yield. investment houses nre reporting pood It ns as n remit of the circular tie- llitlons being sent to Individual in- lors The malls nre bringing Inquiries short term notes and customers vis- K broke-age nllice! nre nuking tor fids having earls maturities. Itock JJxiJianpc committees throughout countrx notintr this Ineicised dc- Bind, nre permitting price recessions hm those that ruled nt the time of hnnge oloslneo. and there Is an nn- jfrent delre on the pail of those having foney to Invest to get In on the lower notations Th" American credit slum- Ion nbroml has been handled In such successful wn that there Is not now pparcnt that diead of a general for eign liquidation which was feared not lone ago True, there will Be some sen ilis? by foreign holders soon after the exchnnsts open, hut the general Im- Rircsslon Is that It will not be large. ttnee those abroad who hold American curltle.s have come to regard them s nmong the world's best Investments, Sand nre not likely to let them go unless forced, through clrcumstnnces which are Boot now npparent, to take ouch action. A BETTBU MONEY MARKET, Although there Is no change In rates. better tone exists In the money market Jin this city, especially for commercial paper. Country banks are nftain in tne market for paper and In some Instances they are buying as much as they do In (normal times Another Indication that the better fcei- nng prevalent everywhere has penetrated to the country Institutions Is tho fact Bthat many country banks have, within the last few days, offered to strengthen their reserves with their city correspond ents. One large bank In this city has Ithls week received letters from many country banks offering to do this. This Indicates, In the opinion of bnnk- Bers, that the country oanks realize tney rnot need as much money as they have their vaults and also that depositors. Particularly farmers, who have, In a Fiense. been hoarding tnelr money De- tiusc they did not know what turn con- . nitons would take, are again putting It "I nvney in bank 'it choice name commercial paper Is ir rted to nave cnangea nanus nere dm nt this week as low aa 62 per cent., Shut -i. ii transactions are salt! to have Ibeer rare The prevailing rnte for p.iper is 7 and T' per cent., with Rth' bulk of the transactions at tho former 1gure The paper that has changed hands beb.w 7 per cent, has been or short naturltv t al. and time money Is still ner cert iStock bnkers. whose time loans are Kill ng due have no trouble In securing tensions from their n.uiKs. The nanus, most cases, are making extensions on Ml. PROTESTS CUTTING NUMBER OF TRUST CO. DIRECTORS E. B, Wllford Urges Stockholders of Northern to Act. Claiming that minority stockholders will lme no voice In the management of thf company and that they will he vir tual "frozen out" should the plan to reduie the number of directors of the Northern Trust Company from 13 to 12 be oted on favorably at the special meeting of tho stockholders, called for October 8 for this purpose, K. H. Wll ford, n stockholder of the company, has addressed a letter to stockholders ex pressing his views and asking their pres ence at the meeting or their proxy, W. Frederick Snyder, president of the Northern Trust Company, and by whom tin- call for the special meeting Is signed, today would not i1Isciis the plan to I educe tlw number of directors. Asked for what. Season this was to be done he said he could say nothing. Mr. Wllford, In his letter, calls atten tion to tho fact that the notice calling the special meeting does not give In de tail the proposed changes In the by-laws whereby the changes can be put Into efTect The notice says that a crtaln number of directors arc to be elected for terms of more than one year, thus the entire board will not be elected to serve for tho same period, their terms overlapping. CAMPAIGN TO PUSH "MADE IN AMERICA" GOODS IS NOW ON Permanency Is Given the Movement to Encourage Home Buying by Organi zation of Directing' Association. CONFER ON RESERVE BANKS Business of Organization, Discussed With Washington Officials. WASHINGTON, Oct. Z-Plerre Jay, of New York nnd the Federal Reserve agents of other reserve banks which have been selected, held a conference with the members of the Federal Re serve Hoard today. The meeting related to the business of organization and tho possible time for opening the resorve banks. It was largely an exchange or Ideas, with the object In view of out lining In a general way what must be done In preparation for the opening of the new Institutions. It Is expected that the reserve agents, who nre also chairmen of the boards of directors of the reserve banks, will short lv Issue a call for the first mooting' of the boards to begin nctual work. Their first duty will be to name officers for the reserve banks. NOTES OF THE RAIL public: utilities To stimulate freight shipments, par- Icularly farm products oor its lines. he Mangor Railway and Klectrlo Com- jiny cpeiated n k. w. uiarn of this city, is. directing an kperlmenul farm in Maine, at which Icre Is being dtmonstiatcd the advan jges of scientific farming All sorts of !-gctaV'le partial Jily potatoes, are be- Fig raised under the direction of a grad uate of the agricultural department of ie rmveraitj of Maine, and farmeru In lie ne.ghoorhood are being shown how i get the best results from their land r.din;s The p'an has been well re ived and there has resulted a greater ve opment in neighboring farm tils- icts, which haa been reflected In larger upine'its oer the Bangor line. IThe- TunsB"n-liIddeford high tension lansmission line .even miles long, con- pcung these tw Malno towns, has been Impleted Th, line connects the sys- Ins of the ' umberland County rower ffd Llsht f'ompany with the York luni JVwer ,inp.iny, which the Cqm- k-lana fecentl acquired The new line nneition eliminate the necessity operat ng a' certain sMtsoni of thu lar ths steam plants of the York Sunti Co.i.iun. thus influencing failer cost of operation and a conse- ent Increase ir efficiency. fhe iStw York Ddihon Company Is Ing over .is rates and will, it Is ex ited-' Sjun announce material reduc-. ri This action, it Is understood. lows knowledfe that the inquiry by t-urjic acrtice commission Is near- Its end and that Commissioner itbie is lkci to report next week ichholders of the Pennsylvania tr and Power Vmpam haie bn ifled by a circular letter signed by wurru preeiutni oi me company, It will fell f.V.0l of Its first tgac per tent bonds, the Dro it to b used to reimburse the ury f-r eiptJiditures made out of me en extensions. Shareholders -eord September 32 will have ilm leg of subscribing for thee s at 6i ana accrued Interest, and given tie opt,-jn of paying In full l"e c-ras upjn application, or In iT-Tis tr w per cent on or before ier .) ana me remainder on or tu. December 29 PRICE OF OIL CUT llair"' Pipe Line Company has f-1 the rr'"i cf Headton oil 10 cents rrei, CT-iuve t"-i"Mr Th's cuts Ir'c-j t-i iO c is u3 n Ok'a-"'"a t?avo b-n r. t-y t") rra'rl- O'l ar-i Oas Cm. t n-"-f' th-! P't'-l.tfeaei.e C'-r. ii i-'i- n rxi f t -M at tj r tj The purchase of ten Mikado and seven Pacific type locomotives Is being consid ered by the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis. In view of the present financial situa tion, the hearing on the application of the receivers of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton for authority to Issue cer tificates for the purchase of additional equipment has been postponed In definitely. A hearing has been ordered by the Cali fornia Itnllroad Commission for Novem ber 30 In Its Investigation of the Pull man Company legurdlng rates and practices. Railroads operating In the State of Louisiana are not permltte-d to close or discontinue rcgulnr freight, passenger or flag stations without tho permission of the Ixiulslnna Railroad Commission. The some order applies to railroad tele graph offices. An order tor the construction of u small bridge at Chester has been placed by the Baltimore and Ohio. The order calls for IV) tons of steel, which the Pennsylvania Steel Company will supply. Hearings will be held In Chicago on October S, 9 nnd It by the Western Classification Committee. Manufacturers and distributers of American-made goods, ns well ns merchants and nil others Inteiested In pioinotlng I national prosperity, will be asked to af filiate thcmscUcs with the newly orga nized "Mado In America" Products As sociation, inc., which was Incorporated In New York State a few days ago to give prem.mnncy to tho "Made In Amer ica" campaign now under way to stimu late home consumption of Aniorlcan-mado goods of all sorts. To make tho slogan "Mado In America" mean what "Made In Germany" has meant to Germany's commercial, manufacturing nnd Industrial development Is the object of the now campaign. The association was Incorporated with a nominal capital of $10,000. Its stock Is to be Issued In shares at J100 each, and the requisite for membership will be one share, which Is the maximum that may be held by any one firm or member. Each holder of stock must represent an Im portant manufacturing or distributing concern. Permanent organization will be put through at n meeting In New York In u few days. --Tho board of directors will Include C. A. Whelan, of the United Cigar Stores Company; Carl J. Schumann, of Moller & Schumnnn, varnish manufac turers; Harry Tipper, president of the Advertising Men's League; It. A. Holmes, of Crofut & Knapp Company, manufac turers of hats, and Henry Thompson, of Thompson, Freedman & Cooke. In a statement Just Issued, Mr. Thomp son points out the objects of the new association, the most Important of which will be a nation-wide advertising cam paign boosting American-made goods. Tho statement follows: i ,., Photo by Marceau, ELBERT H. GARY Chairman of the United States Steel Corporation, who has resigned his connections with all outside com panics in line with the general policy of big financiers to break up, as much as posniblc, what the national Govern ment has referred to as the "per nicious interlocking directorate system." CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET WEAK AT THE OPENING Rush for Commission Selling of Grain, But Buying Is Not Important Prices Abroad Lower, Too. INCORPORATIONS WERE SMALLER IN SEPTEMBER COMMISSION SUSPENDS RATES WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-The Interstate Commerce Commission today declared un reasonable rates on starch from Cedar Rapids, Io-wa, to Minnesota points nnd St IxnHs over the Illinois Central and other railroads, to tho ex-tent they exceed "1- cents per 100 pounds to the former points and I04 cents per 100 pounds to tho latter. Itatcs to Texas points were ruled un reasonable to the extent they exceed (A cents per 100 pounds; rates on corn oil from t-'eciar Itaplds to Chicago, St touis, Peoria, St. Taul unreasonable to the ex tent they exceed, respectively. 11 cents per 100 pounds, 12 cents, &Vj cents and 17 cents. THE MONEY MARKET Phllnd-lphta New York IJostou CtlltMlTP riiliadrlphia commercial papr, threo to six months' maturities, "Ht"i pr cent Call Time. . 6 H . fifiS 3S . 7 88 7 7 RAILROAD EARNINGS st. ivona. rooky mountain and PACIFIC 1014. pera4 Augut rm J21S.445 171.075 Nt income 28.SVS '27.S81 nom July l ttro-ii 4,v;.k:i im.sei Net lncorni 44.02-.I 14.K1.I DKTltOIT AND MACKINAC jkuruit gross . Net CINCINNATI. 1102.037 113,210 23,7 J 1 14,330 HAMILTON AND DAYTON 1014 Decrnas. Aurutt gross I977.4M ici , 1K,,14JT Two months' gross... l.!Hfl,i Net .1140 631 WEST-CRN MAim.AND AUR-uet gross I7Q.1.12S ' ; K25.01D Two months' gross 1.475.JS7 Net 418.843 ATLANTIC COAST LINE August gross 12.211,786 Nft 103.62S Tno months' gross 4.731.SOS Njt 410,910 Increase, 1H. 02.1 28,417 Ol.lftS 102.771 JU.OAS S-S.17S 18.24.1 78.142 1117.051 TJ.8U2 Sil,y8J I2,2U MnlVn,hnr'r'll?hlt '? ,noJ th 'ntontlon to make capital of the misfortune of Europo. tho In- l!S210Kt0i"a ,f th.e o'a"on feci that tho I;m.i,..p.0 or Amerlcan manufacturers nml nut-chants to band together and tnko advantago ?,," 0SPr,unlty 'hat haa prescntocl Itself inirMR the past month nowspapem and mair szlnes have liberally Indorsed tho Iaaoln America movement, and much good has al readj been accomplished thereby. This Mod work cannot and will not bo allowed to lag. Tt,e association proposes to launch a compre hensive, carefully planned nnd thoroughly up-to-dato advertising campaign In newspapers nnd magazine, which will Insure permanency to tho movement. Tho United States can mako practically eerythlng It consumes. If we get our citizens accustomed to asking for and using Amcrlcnn-mndo goods, this country will soon bo Wrtually Independent of tho foreign 44.U4 nt-ia a 444a win menu mat minions or dol l.iis that formerly went abroad each year will be so4.'nt at home Tho workshops will bo kept busy and tho entire country will share in tho prosperity resultant from this movement." EXTEND CHEROKEE BONDS Agreement Is Reached With St. Louis nnd San Francisco Receivers. Announcement was made today by the Protective Committee, representlnK hold ers of Ozarlt and Cherokee Central Hall way Company drat mortgage 5 per cent, bonds, that an agreement has been mado with the receivers of tho St. Louis nnd San Francisco Railroad for the extension of the bonds. The bonds, of which there nre 2,8SO,OnO outstanding, will be ex tended for one year from October 1, 19H. The arrnnsement provides that interest will be paid at the rnte of 5 per cent, for the six months ending October 1 or within a few days thereafter, and that Interest nt the rate of 6 per cent, will be paid for the six months ending April 1, 1915. The committee has requested that hold ors of certificates of deposit Issued by the Glrard Trust Company, of this city. and the Columbia Trust Company, of New York, forward their certificates to their respective depositories, so that the extension can be stamped on them. Checks for the Interest v. Ill be mailed to the registered holders. The commit tee, which represents more than 9'I per cent, of the outstanding bonds, expects to receive funds within a few days with which the Interest will be paid. The commltteo consists of Chairman E. S. Page, Howard Ilayne, Ilobort C. Dray ton, A. D. Leach and Robort L. Mont Total for This State in Month "Was 91,801,400. New companies Incorporated In this country In September, linvlng in each In stance a capitalization of $100,000 or more, totaled J87.651.40O, which compares with J93.785.000 during tlin prcvlouH month. During September Inst year the total In corporations were $72,714,000. Dccnuse of the flnunclal stringency resulting from tho Kuropean war, a majority of theso nowly formed corporations have not yet begun nctual organization. Inability to obtain new capital hnB Influenced pro moters to hold off completion of tlnal plans. Among the more Important concerns that took out charters In tho Eastern States wero the $10,000,000 National Hydro Electric and Conservation Company; tho J6.000.000 Huttlg Manufacturing Company; the $3,000,000 International Trading Com pany; tho $2,600,000 Central Ohio Gaa and Electrlo Company, and the $2,330,000 Pierce, Hutler & Tierce Manufacturing Corporation. Tho Pennsylvania charters In Septem ber and their authorized capital, In each case greater than $100,000, follow: American Circular Loom Co $200,0(10 CHICAGO, Oct. 2. Thcro was a rush for commission selling of wheat at tho opening this morning, but the buying was not Important, Tho tono was weak. Prices nt Liverpool nnd Paris also were lower. A good export business was closed nt yesterday's decline, the nmount being moro than 700,000 busViolB. Corn declined, with pit traders selling. Commission houses absorbed the offer ings. Scalpers were bearish and worked for lower prices. Prlcos at Liverpool wero lower. Thcro was heavy selling of oats, and the market was weak. Stop loss orders wero executed. The absorption at the dccltno wns good. Thcro wero resting orders In tho hands of n number of commission houses. Leading futures ranged as follows'. ,. Yesterday's TVhoat Open. High. Iyw. close. December 1.08 l.OBVi l.OtiU, l.of.Vi May 1.12T 1.12!, l.llktL13(i July corn (now delivery) December tw, oofi, nnV4 Iftl't CD',4 May July oats December May July lanl Octoler Noicmbor ....i January Hlbs October November Fork October Novnmber Hid. tAskcd. on'; 40Ji 47W 4BJ4 t7U, 40H WH 40i4 131H PHILADELPHIA MARKETS f.(!7 0.07 n.flo n.P7 n.r,7 tt.r2 .1022 10.22 10.15 ..19.23 10.27 in.: n.n.-. 0,11.1 0.07 10.R-10.20 10.70 tlP.20 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Oct. 2. flutter, dull and lower. Receipts, fill'-in packages. Creamery, extra, 20W!M0Mc. ; State dairy lubs. 22ia 2lic. ; Imitation, creamery, firsts, 23'.4i24c. Eggs Dull. Itecclpts, 0102 cases. Nearby white, fancy, 401312c. ; nearby mixed, fnncy, 2020c. j fresh, firsts, 24Q.11C GRAIN AND FLOUR tVIirjAT rteeelpts. 132,838 bush. Demand was light with no Important change In prices. Car lots, in export elevator No 2 red, enot 2r1n2?,ri,cr,..10,',1-O!)i. Na' 2 red Western, J in Northern Duiuth, $1 1W ' FLOUR Itecclpts. 1400 bbls., 1,170.020 lbs. in sacks Market dull and weak, hut (juqtnhly unchanged. Winter eleir, $4.eoa4.8S. do., straight, $4.nO0ft.t.1l do, patent, $."..2.Tf B.TO; Kansas, utralght, Juto sacks. $ do, patent, Jul nacks, $.1,; uprlng. first clear. $4.7.73-4'1; do., straight. $.1.1030 10; do., rmient, n.r.0-33 7,1: do., favorite brands, fiWH so, city mills, choice and fancy patent, TOiirno. cltv mills, regular grades, winter, clear, $1.0001.8,1; do., straight, $4.0Off5.15; do., tntetit., 10 KVK ri.OUIt Steadily held, hut quiet, at f.lrn M) for nearby nnd Western In wood. CORN necetpts. 22,048 bush. Trade slow and prices lc. lower under Increased pressure to sell. Car lots for local trade, as to, location No. 2 yellow, SlMf82e.; steamer yellow, SlOSllic. OATS Receipts, 011,720 bush. Market weak and le. lower with demand light. No. 2 white. MJjfilUr.; standard white, 60'ViJBlc., No. 3 white, GOWHic. PROVISIONS Trade nulet nnd of a Jobbing charac ter. Utile "hange In prices. I Ity b(ef. In sets, smok-sd, an I alr-drled, '1U.12.. Western beef, l.i sets, smiked :I1R.12 : city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and alr-drled, fl2iij,14c; Western beef, knucwes and tenders, smoked, ittfj.lte ; beef hams, $10114.1; pork, family. $201127; hams, 8. V. cureel, loose, 15V410'ic; do., skinned, loiso, l.1'41f 10c: do. smoknd, lSITinc.i other hams, smoked, rlty cured, as to brand and average, IJ-SlOc: hams, smoked. Western cured. 18 10c; do., boiled, boneless. 28p2nc ; plcnlo shoulders, B P. cured, loose. 125il2l(c; do., smoked. l4S?14Wc; bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 10HS17c ; brenkfast bacon, as to brand and average, city curod, 2ig2.1c; Westorn, refined, tierces. llWJ'llftc; do., do., do., tubs, lHvaimic; lard, pure, city, kettle rendered. In tierces, llHliy4C.; do., pure city, kettle rendered, in tubs, llfeeilfic. SUGAR Market dull nnd unchanged. Standard granulnted, 1.80c. ; nno granulated, . if.c.; powdered. fl.Sfic.: confectioners' A, O.Gac; fit grades, 5. 110(30. r.Oc. DAIRY PRODUCTS rttrwar n4r..lna lls-tit nnrl vnllies steadily held, but tra.l quiet. N. Y. full cream, cholco, 10V410".c.; do., do., fair to good. MMQUOc.i do,, part skims. fl$14c. Ilt'TTKll --Buyers lacked Interest ana prices lc. lower under liberal offerings. western ireHn miiiu'imuMu "'"' ' "".; x ilESII FRUITS-. Tradp. fslf'liVcholcJ) sfoclt nt VAtUes, rJ erslly- wtll. sOstalned, Appier, ptf-1 !2.2l ninsh, ll.B0.h2.2S XthSf' ZA eating Verlttes $l.B03.2f. medinn 17 tJaL.c"BSfcSV Wr Sl '"Bfti. wx nf ,JJV; c VijW' -vviVvtv1! fZ'rJlST'i-ifeMi- t'rpefrult, notlA-bkt, j.4niai.ovAj,-ineappies, per rrate for iirorrjoriaa..,.iH.rrf. iiTieS er era I orto nil CtanberriJ i?.K..I3& 3ffl3rXPJ'f.3W!ii.ii..''.; iinJL'V"-:,(vi'l'.iru.i-,,r,Ji icifc Mrcn rriinhrrl0, f: irfl ci.i..i.rvs"--? f-?" k1 tr ?rv 4?J&Pe2c"",i Virginia, per 2o3hj,l ket RdttfiOc., do., do., pert'eratn, 7fo?fcfl m no., iKuiwaro ami Aiaryiana, per bnsk(S'1 New York and rennsylvAnla, per toffi&J iJirgo white ot-yllowyi0915&K! medluW&rl 40c . peaches. iIertjrVhlt oVJyel ow, W liasket-nxtra large, ,7Xo.ejl, medium, iosnr Pears, nearby, peV bbl. Ilartlett. No. i. i. ?'wli,'i5'Ar', s! $2-WW3; Clapp-s FttViitlte.y ll.&lHijS' h?HQ.S. JS.'bO3 S"Vv 4,r.4i;j,, r,T-4. t44m,-'i44i4v i nrs, beckel. 1 bbl., f:fcwa.-.Wt pears. -Uartlett or Reek per husjin,asket. Iiot.tilf Ornpes, Nt y" rnr.rl'Zf'6roi?.-J,1" bn,?kfc- ISWlBc,; do.. 4-lh. basket, 8W10c.; N Ugara, per 4-lb. 'hi ket. SWlOc i DeWrfres, pe? l-lq hJk. 1! crnnes. f'Anrne.1. n,r lurntm. rvW . j i,. pSr ,2n-lb. basket, 4Vff45aJ r umi: pja 8-lb. basket, SOfTa-if. fJanlnloipes. ColoraSR r:7,"S ' F.L'?: 2?:-.Al:i CJ'i.possoc w.l n.i,nil'nril'r MT d "values well malnl t,C,Cauniitv125'J??, "I", ?? acco'rdl, 1 nIeqrnli.yVn,,fF?7c,: irtKks' "IMBc. Oulnoa.1 ?-f Pnr Youna, weighing 2 lbs, and oveJ specials, 32c; extra, auc.; e-i uioin, -.tjs 20c; firsts, 27J28c; seconds, 2j20e ladlo packed, 2 1(3 2.1c.. as to quality; nearby Illnl Real Estate & Imnt. Co. Huston Process Co CJrover. John D., & Sons Co Monongnhela Southern Traction Co. Montour ami Lake Krle Coat Co. . . . Now Castle Knitting Mills People'a Trust Co Sphinx Motor Car Co S)kes Ilros., Inc Total M3.400 200,01 in too.nnu 108,000 12.1,000 100,000 isn.non 100,000 r.oo.noo 1. 881, 400 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun nnd Tides Sun rises ... .1:57 a.m. Fun sets 5:43 p.m. PHII.AUKI.I'HIA High water. 12.04 a.m. IHIgh water. 12:27 p.m. l)tt viater, 7 .OS a.m. Low water. 7.31 p.ii. RBEDY ISLAND High water. 0:10 a.m. I High water. O'.IC p.m. Low water. 3.21! a.m. Low water. .1:41) pin. DELAWARE BRKAKWATKR High water, 0.57 a.m. I High water. 7.11p.m. Low water. 12.34 a.m. Low water. 12.37 p.m. is DIVIDENDS DECLARED Colonial Trust Company, regular semiannual 2 pr cnt.. paablo Noiimbrr 1 to stock of record October 3. Directors also added 110 000 to the surplus fund ' I'nltsd Ststea Rubber Company, regular quar terly H4 per em. en twuinon, 2 per cent on firt prferre4l and m per cent, on second rre firrd. iwiysble October 31 to stock of record October 15 Natlevnal Sun tlsnk of 'amdn. regular sem'nnnudl 0 per cent., pijable on demand tnliana rip Line Comrny a dividend of 2.50. paabla November 14 to stook of rocnrl October 17. The Uw rrtlous disbursement was $1. on August 14. Virginia Ralluay asd Fewer, regular hdi. annuil $1 50 on common, payable October 20 to stook of rword Ootober 8. Chu-les Warner Company, of Delaware regu uUr quirttrly IK per cenl. on Brst and second prefrrd, paabl October W to toek of rec ord Seputotxr SO. HskvI Rubber Cointny. regular quarterly IK per coat, on prcferrd. payable No ember 2 to stock ef record October 28. Drawback on Ground Ola The United .State Board ot General Appraisers has decided to permit a drawback to be paid ou the exportation ci Kj-cu-a ciu produced By F W Tl H-S-iv"5-.." WiJlty. !t: the usv COTTON CROP REPORT Government Shows Condition Above Ten-Year Average. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-Tho condition of the cotton crop an September 23 was 73.5 per cent, of normal, compare! with 78 per cent, on August JS, 64.1 on Septem ber 25. 1313, and 68 6, the average for ten years on September 25, according to the monthly cotton crop report of the De partment of Agriculture Issued today. .Tiy States tho cotton crop condition September 25, 1311, was: Virginia, SO per cent. Louisiana. 67, North Carolina, 70 Teias, "U. (South Carolina, TJ. Arkansas, R0. OeorRia, 82. Tennessee 7u. Florida, 81. Missouri. 72. Alabama, 78. Oklahoma, 60. Mississippi, 08. California, S3. UTILITY EARNINGS NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION AND I.IUHT. , . 1011. Increase August gross S343.5I.1 tl 237 Net Income 76, 15H 1.1, kit From January 1 gross. 2,410.002 261 -.''i Net Income 423.10A 35011 REPUBLIC RAILWAY ANU LIGHT. August gross H2fia.B21 m in "4 4uu,a)j Surplus 22.214 Twehe months' gross . 8.033.371 Net 1.222,040 Surplus after dlildends 2 18. SI) i iDecreate. 4..158 172..1.H0 111 001 75,781 Vessels Arriving Today Str. Stampalla (Ital.), Lavarello, Genoa. Na ples and Palermo, 10 cabin, 44 steorage pas sengers and merchandlso, La Vcloco Line. Docked Vino street. 8 a, m Str. Stamboul (Nor.), Fowey, china clay, Charles M. Taylor's Sons. Str. J. M. Ouffoy (Am.). Port Arthur, Texas, crude petroleum. Gulf Petroleum Company. Htr. Tosas (Am.), Port Arthur, Texas, crude petroleum, Texas Company. Str. Delaware (Am.), French, New York, mrrchindlse. Clydo Line. Str. Zjldyk (Dutch), Rotterdam via New York, merchandise. Holland-American Line. Str Rotterdam (Dutch), Rotterdam, ballast, loseph C. Gabriel. Steamships to Arrive PASSENGER. Name. From. Palled Merlon Liverpool Fept. 21 California Copenhagen ...Sept. Mongolian Glasgow Sept. 26 FREIGHT. City of Durham Calcutta Sept. 1 Man. Mariner Manchester ....Sept. lo Adolto lluelva Sept. 14 Hturmfels Calcutta Sept. Canadla Stnvanger Sept. 15 Zerenbergen Sir,.'," Se"f' U Nurvlk Mlddleshoro ...Sept. IS Rnpldan Mlddlesboro ....Sept. 30 Missouri London Sept. 22 Man Miller Momlicster ....Sept.24 corrlston Kow1ir ". rpt i"1 Solborg Hnrtlopool Sept. 25 Ftallielm Ilurnt Island. ..Sept, 29 Warloj Pickering Rio Janeiro Sept. Crown Point Umdon Sept. SO nnmtnr SnntllRO pent. 20 Marltores IJuelva Sept. 20 Murjek S'arvlk fiopt. 2a Mlssourlan Hllo Sept. 20 Vasconla Fayul Sept. 23 Steamships to Leave PASSENGER. For. Date. l.lverpV)l Oct. .1 Nuples Oct. fl Liverpool . ... ..Oct. 10 Glasgow Oct. Copenhagen ....Oct. 10 FREIGHT. chrlsllanH Oct. 3 Rotterdam Oct. S Manchester Oct. Ill Start Point I-omton Oi-t.1i) Missouri inoon Ha pi Jan , Lelth Oct. 10 POUT OF NEW YORK LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Oct. 2. HOGS. Receipts. 11, 000. Markets, best Be. higher; others lowei ' 'ed and butchers, $7.DO(g8.80: good heavy, V .11728.70; rough heavy. S7.G08.3O; light, 6( !5fc28.80; pigs, $5.00(28; bulk, $7.75(S8.00. CATTLE. Receipts, 1&U0. Markets, weak. Beoves. $7g)ll.G(i; rows anil heifers, ?.1.75ia 0.2,1; stockers and feeders, JOfgS.lO; Texans, 7.408.80; calves, JOrdJli.r.O. SHEEP. Re celpts, 15,000. Markets, strong. Native and Western, 3.25aifl.80; lambs, T5,007.7fl. COLLEGESREACH AGREEMENT Princeton, Yale and Harvard to Play Three-Game Series. riUNCETON, Oct. 2. A step In the right direction has been mado by the baseball authorities at Princeton, Har vard nnd Yale, when they decided upon an agreement last night whereby tho three college teams will play three games with each other next season, and tho champion of the triumvirate will be de cided on tho percentage basis, Previous ly Harvard nnd Yale played to win two out of three rxames, while the Princeton Harvard supremacy was decided by n single contest. A tentative schedule has been drawn up as follows: Mny 22, Princeton vs. Harvard at Cam bridge; May 29. Princeton vs. Ynlo nt New Haven; June 6, Harvard vs. Prince ton nt Princeton; June 12, Yale vs. Prince ton, at Prlnco'on; June 15, Yalo vs. Prince ton at New York; June 18, Harvard vs. Princeton at New York. The Hnrvard Ynlo series will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Saturday of tho follow ing week. prints, rancy, oo. , u.. inyiB ....-, -- - . '. a..., oamxnn ,ln.. neconds. 25171 27c!.' Special fancy brands of prints Jobbing Ktl'llH Fine fresh eggs well cleaned up and steady, but supply mostly of unattractive stock which was dull. ,. M, . . In freo coses, nearby extra, .lie por do?., nearby firsts, ?8.40 per standard case; near by current receipts, ?7.20(!?7.r.O Pr star.dar.1 case; Westorn oxtra firsts, 8.4" Per "V S5" first.. ?7.207.50 r case; do., "conds JO.0OQ0.00 per case -.Candled ""'Lr;? fresh eggs wero Jobbed out nt J5(c5.i4C. per dO!!., ns to quality. llSrT.Vgcrns."p,;,rRhBafr.115bfl.SncPl0:e' MC" 0lJ ""JSSKn-pemnnd sudlolli-t to absorb1 'V i.ltp,'L. '"?""" of'.nne rleslrnblS-alrod stoiki " '."" iiBurcs. i--rcsii-k lied poultry Fowln JJT ' silected heavy, 2l'. doll weighin M'sc: broiling cfilckens, VX' wJIRPnTO n. J,bH- ,nl','',, 20'322e ; brolllpg chicken. good I 'iVr ii Bu;,.,tKrn"' wcscljrn, fair to wetihln-'ii j- J'3u,'.l" pcr. ddjen-Whlte, 1J' y,.,ir I2 lbs. per doz., ).1.0&34.21 ?Sn'.e' w.lBnln; ?.to 10 lbs. per ios., K.itV 2? ,or"- l-aw-1s ' " VEGETABLES York ' fitf".h--ft.nn'y,Bn'11- t'-0B5e., Now ifjfi. PP- whlto potatoes. Jersey, nei- i SI"' '?'.. sweet, potatoes. EiatSrn II i..g2..1,1j No. 2. 75e. Jersey, per -;a "N, J.1"rp. Per bbl. ,Vo. 3 y,ii"we pqiatoevs, N. c. nor lib). S'hVl' 'r-.V.AZUW' '.weets, Jcrse m :.T..Z--yiL""i,.-Fi0. -'i per b-Tisl." JhW.-.n,' """"Jjr.V-,'5"i .do., medium, per 100-lh, bag.7itfi imUtT. nnrnnir f. nf tnn tlO,iir ' . V&r;nl:h- - V&VweAiSI'K? 1.A Name Dominion Stampalla Merlon ... Mongolian California Canadla Eldk .... .. .Man. planner Vessels Arriving Today Name. Cedrlo . . . Vadarland NoorUam . From Liverpool . Liverpool ., Rotterdam Due Tomorrow Prom. Palermo . . Liverpool . Havie .... Flamlre , Ilordeaux . To Sail Name, Napoll . . , Campania l ranee Name Cohimbli PlillaiJeihii . Duca d'Aoeta Minnehaha ... Rspagne . .. l"or ..(ilasgrw ..Liverpool ..Naples ,. , .,tun'loti . ...Havre .., Docked. . ..8 a. in. . . 1 p (ii. ...t p. m. Sailed . Sept. 17 . Sept. 20 . Sepi. S( ..Fepi. SI Date. . . Oct. 3 ..Oct. .1 .. .Oct 3 . .Oct ;i ....Oct. 3 Indorse Claflin Reorganization It was announced today that more than 60 per cent, of the merchandise creditors and note-holders of the II. R. Clafltn Company have assented to the plan of reorganization. All of them ure ex pected shortly to notify the temporary trustees of their assent Everything; is In readiness, it was an nouncd, to go Into court as soon as the necessary number and amount have sig nified assent. This probably will be the Utter part of next week. Cotton Ginning for September WASHINGTON, O-t. i.Th monthly c-rttcn g'nclnK report of the Cersus Bu reau today stated 3,381 363 bales were eairora loe it crcp jo lo Skiptel il J,H,tti FREIGHTS AND CHAuTIvIlS Ruslness In both the neam and sail markets Is dull. Rates in the former, howeer. aru firm STKAMSWPS Ruglieian (Ilr New York to west roast of Italy, oats. 28.000 quarters, private term- OWdla (Sne.1 ) Allanltc range to Scan-tl-nalan porta, grain. 18,000 quarters, 4s. lid . October. Atlas (Hr. . Montreal to ports t'nited King dom, grain, 20,000 quarters. 3s. 3d- options. (Xu.Ur. Conlston waters (Rr.), 2302 tons. Wet Itulla trud. one round trip, at or about 3s. lid., prempt. SCHOONERS Courtney C Hourk. 1357 tons. Raltlmor to Tanipti. coal prlvute terms. Nlnetta M Porctlla. 1M tons. Url.lswuater. N. S . to Wallluiore. iiulpwood. 2 per cord, lc-add enl discharged. President Cannot Attend Series WASHINGTON, Oct 3 Washington Is to be well represented at the world ssrba games In Philadelphia. Ffforta to In. duoe tba President to attend en the open ing day have been u-ivailing-, but the White House U to be represented bv jrsepn f mrnusjT. MiM6iLiajro vr ROPED ABENA NOTES "Terry" Martin, boxing better than ho oicr did In his llfo, won In every round of the fight with "Jack" Reck, tho marine, at tho Broad way A. C. last night. Reck was boning under tlio handicap of an ulcerated tooth and dis played great gamsneas, but Martin was his master at all times. In tba semltinal bout "Young Jack" Brltton displayed somo clever work against "Johnny" Ferguson. Drltton'o best punch was a right, which ho landed fre quently on Forguson'ii Jaw, sending him to tho mat In tho first, third and fourth rounds, Fer guson was noarly "all In" In tha fourth, when Roferoo Taylor stopped tho bout. In the other bouts "Jimmy" Perry stopped "Young" Scott In the fifth round. "Mike" Lubln had the bet ter of "Franklo" Kltch in a slugging bout that lasted sli rounds, and "Paddy" Fox quit to "Jimmy" Morrow In les3 than a minute of the first rtnind. "Kid" Tracey, of Shenandoah, who boxed a number of times In thin city two cars ago, is back In tovtn and wants to Sad an opponent at 140 pounds. "Jack" Ilanlon reports that whils his no Olympic Club in Pottwvillo did not make any money on Its Ilivt show, ho satlsllod the lutrons tlitit he Knew row 10 run a i4oxin ciuu. ,u tha tapors In that vicinity spoke In high terms ot tro manner In which tho rirst show was conducted. "Tummy" Kecnan's show for bis Kensington A. C. tonight will hao "Freddi" Yelle, tho cloic-r lloston boier, and "Whity" llaker, thn Richmond faiorlte. In tho final bout. They are tno rugged, hard-hitting bos, and aru sum to make an Intorcwtmg battle. "Redd" Holt, of ths Secnti.enih Sard, and "Tyrone" Cofctelto, of North I'cnn. ti hubkv middle weights will feature in the emtinJ-up. The oi In. r bouts ttill bring together Henry Ulnkle, of Rising Sun. ami "Funkic" Wllllauis, "l)ann" lioughem, 4if Richmond, an I "Juhnny" Kaivn. of Tioga, and "Johnny" L'radlej.,of the Mojer A. i . amt Jack' l.ll leeple, i't Rivhmon,. At the National A '. t'4niurroiv niglu Man ager "Jack" Mctlulgan nlll uffrr one of th best featherweight contests of the itauin with tit-urge l'bane, of llaltluiorif, tin-1 "lMt ' Kline, of N'tfuark. in the main buut. IliUh Clianey and Kline are extraordlnaril hard blt It r for i heir site, nnd li ,ulu not b much ut a surprise If one ur tht uthr uf tlwiu took the co,puj.'JCi ,A, cits, met hi a keiKatlunal six rounds and thi'y Here lmmeiliatel remat.-he.l Staule limkle and ' Jue ' Walsh tun rtu-i.nm.l bun, uill meet In one .f .he oilu-r bauDi. Viu others Kill be beinwii Mlik ' lonnIU uf New ark, and "ilubl ' l.ouglncy. of this tit . a ad "Frankle" Carllst. of Trenton, and "Harney" JUFailann. uf this ill "Tom" O'Ruurke th veteran handler t bosers. Is running n tare In Rri4okln. Us Is said to be making a sut.-eu of it. "Rattling' Lelnk, better kaonn in i'bll aedlphla ring paimiis as l(aine'' Williams, has two important mat-'hes. On Ootober 0 he Is to meet "(iunboat" f'lnlth. and on tlcintwr 11 Is scheduled with "Jack ' Dillon at St. Louis. Harry II Ilensel. the Lancaster boilag pro moter, writes the Kvbmmi I.jmu that the propose,! "Jo" Uorrell-Frank Ixigan match BIG FOURSOME ARRANGED Travers and Mitchell Will Play Kirk by and Hobcng Tomorrow. NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-Jerome D. Trav ers, former national amateur champion, with Joe Mitchell, the Upper Montclalr homebred professional, an partner, will play a fourbnll match tomorrow over tho links or tho Upper Montclalr Country Club, ngalnst Oswald Klrkby. the metropolitan champion, and Jack Hobens, of Knglewood, farmer holder of tho metropolitan open championship. Tho probabilities nre that a return con test will bo arranged In the near futuro. The autumn tournament of the East ern Trade Association will be held on next Tuesday at Upper Montclalr. There will bo a variety of competltloiiH. tho principal part bolng an elfrhteen hole medal play handicap, coincident with match play against bogey. Best ball foursomes nre scheduled for tho afternoon. Alex Smith has offered a set of clubs for one of tho prizes. WEST PHILLIES CRIPPLED FOR OPENING GA Al MulforcTs Eleven1 Face Haverford This ernoon With Four On Side Lines Through! juries. ' '' BY THE VOLLEYER Ono of tho most exciting matches in doubles held for somo time past at the Overbrook Oolt nub rc'ultotl In a victor' for Alfred Lynil and Hilly DoVlctor. who defeated A. I). Ferris and Howard Riddle. Three sets wero played be fore the mntch was derided. All are well known tourrament stars. Dud nnd Rlddlo hav ing played recently In tho South Jersey cham plonsnlps nnd Ferris In tho Cuglesmcro tour nament. When the final match to decide thn winners of the Challenge (ups presente4i by tho Hunt ingdon Valley Country Club In tho recent event at Noble was plajed, four tonnls play rs of ex ceptional ability nero seen In action. William A Larnod and William -J. Clothier formed a pair mado up of national champions of p-ist seasons, whllo Raymond D Llttlo nnd Theo dore R Pell, both of Now York, hnvo brilliant records for the past season In tournament com potltlon. Lamed and Clothier won out In tho final test. The tennis players nt Merlon were disap pointed when they rocolved word that Miss F.ltzn Fox was In New York nnd could not re turn to play the challenge round on Saturday of tournament weok. It waa mid that Miss Fox Rflkol to liavo the rhallcngo matrh neirt over until tho following Monday, but this re quest could not be grunted. Alexander P. Thayer nnd Miss Helen ,lex ander foitn a first-class mixed doubles pair. Philadelphia needs better tournament players, not only In the singles, but In tho doubles nnd mixed doubles, both men and women. Another pair that seemingly has a bright futuro Is Mtfs Agnea Kennedy and her hrothnr, Kenneth KennC4lv. the Junior star We should havo doubles teams to copo successfully with such players oa Miss Dorothy Ulsitnn an.t Richard Unite nnd Miss Marparetta Myers and "Joo" Thaer. There Is plenty of room for Improvement. Relfleld has clinched tho Tristato Lotgue ten nis champhnshlp. and University Courts nre Iteultrs In the Suburban Tennis Lgue Indi vidual honors In tho Trlstat Leaguo In singles go to P. B. Osborne, whllo in tho doubles two imnu are In lino for the honor. J. S Taylor und Paul Olbbons havo only lost ono mat-h for Woodburv, whllo T. II. Martin and P. S. Osborne have a similarly good record. The Trenton Country Club will rrobably with draw from tho Tristato Tennis league. The Now Jersey players made a gams effort to play oft their second hnlf of tho schedule, but failed to carry out their purpose. Scholastic Gnmes Todav r'sinte-it tllL n . High School.""ant SSSa S1-- W'J-nlJ1 ssssrszgs er,o'St0Wh!ft."''.Sto.l v.. id Southern High School vi ft. t ..A School, nt Wayno Pa ' k"1"1 Pcnn Ciinrtor Pchooi h.u I Preparatory, at ilwirthmoro. fiwarUmol ah;,,'. .."...Ti's""r. : yn likJ -."KsriVSa --ill apects at WeatWlla. WoHtts Loud Conversation Annoys Klem NEW YORK, Oct. I.-Kor tho first time In the history of baseball, players were ordered from the bench for loud talking among themselves, when Umplro Klem sent the entire New York list of non-combatants to tho clubhouse In yes terday's game with Boston. Klem first ordeicd tho players to lower their voices, and when he was not obeyed, cleared the bench of nil players, with tho exception ofActins Manager Mlko Ponlin -nd tho TZF?!). lictded by Uhrlstly Mnthewsnn, they formed in lock-step and marched across the field to the clubhouse. ui his Rocky Fprlugs Club was ln-ier author ised ty nisi ana inai n au tmt know nay tblng about It until be saw R announced lc 1 11 by htm and th Ding uooui ths papars. Ths "K14" Wllltams-"KW Herman bout at the Olympla Mundaj night drew 13100, tae lsrgsttt amount eter taksa In at a regular show at that plaeu. "Cave" Smith, champion middleweight or 'Australia, who was la this city for ssreral months last year, has announced his retirement from ths ring timtth has not been very sue- CCMfUl Of lt. Quoit Flayers la Hatch Game rg-d for LKtnedy pn the Langfonl and Jeannette Braw Ni:W VOItK, Oct. ?.-Joe Jeannette, of UuIjuUcii. uml Sam I.ancford. of Doston, two lieay weight rivals of the nnfr, boxed to even honors In a 10-round bout at the .Stadium Athletic Club last night It nn hard fast battle In every chap ter At the finish both men were on their feet. Neither scored a knockdown Langford left the ring with a cut right eye and Injured lips. Jeannette'a nose was battered. LnnKford weighed IWM pounds and Jeannette UK! pound. Browns and Caids Arrange Sates ST. LOUIS. SIo. Oct. J. -The dates for the post-season geries between the St. IvOuU National and American League Clubs have ben announced. The serlee will open on tho National I.siague grounds, October 6 and will alternate each day until th 10 th. when a double header will be played Speed Boats in Korristown Races NORRISTOWN .' t 2 Thn cream f tho local speed bonta wll rtart H tha Norristown M"trr I'at C rt'n ra"e heio tomorrow, Arrng tho Beted r-yd-cplar.ea that havo entered in their sr-'a evo-t Tho football prospects delnhla ITIiri, n ,l. . . " " iiu poorest in !.- ui tory of the Institute. Captain wiJenJ knight la tho only veteran re r-vlTk year's trwim m.i u- . itii . "" "' pw material la fax , '""""'iK. tn addition, MuIMrt team has had a lot nr ,.i i...,. . --- - ...u iuck m nafl Z " J"rcd- At th0 p"t ti.2 : " r. "e" e.n aro Inlrt p. wej ... v..u.ey. jteuKauff. Waimer anrt, owi.Knight As theso aro tho beat of '"" """""i" men, tne r loss win . ..,! cripple the tim 3n the Kame with IavirJ 1 In case of a. tie In tho Intcrcholtutlc League this eeason. an extra game or sames will bo played to determine the champions. This rullns of tho athletic -.m.M,una ot tlle Bevcral Bchm9 obtained chielly through tho efforts of Ellis A. Cilmhel. Mr. Glmbel j3 tho donor of the cup, emblematic of tha city championship and Jias been personally dihsutlsded with the outcome of the championship races of tho last few sea sons. No school has had a dear title to tho championship n the last five years, and no post-season games have been Played to decide tho win,. ' t. being customary for tha teams to break 'I naming ana disband nftr fh. i.. scheduled game-. ' Northeast High will have. Us first real tryout today when tlw Archives Jln up against V.lllanova pWp on Northeast Field. Vlllanova cornea with a heavy team this year, outweighing Northeast considerably, and hope to wipe out last year-s 13-0 u,efct. Eleventh hour changes havo been, made in th Uno-up of tho Northeast varsity as .a. result of tho last weeks practice. Two new ,en M1,orted during the week, and both hava won jjiutea on mo nrst team. Thomas, who piayeu on tne 1911 teajn. has just rkj .Mwiru io BL-nuui ana eviaenceri such ablM Ity as a lineman that "he will be used at mchie. uray. tnoutch lnem.'rianr-.t tr the bacljueld, showed so inuoh sped aiu dash in running with tha, paij thac he will start In today's game at halfback. Brelthaupt will' be unahle to rlav. awirV to a serious Illness In his family, and iMijiMiiii jiat, utwii rnovea over to end. The team will start as follows. Rnd Itidpatn and "WlUon; tackles, Thomas and! tiardner; guards, F. Whltuker and Brown: 1 centre, A. Whltaksr; backneld, Webb.l 4s4i4i, maj iuu iieuer. The Lansdowne liigh School will oponl " '"""ui "n luuiiy, wnen jt meetM the Germantowo Academy eleven at HaaJ ueiiii. LuiiMuowo aeieaien truj (eriranj iuyii uu) jo-o ma y.ear. ana uerranton Is anxious to return the defeat this yea Jess Wfllard Cancels Engagement NEW YOK, Oct 2.-O1 a u-t Hire's in fc'1 family Jts3 WTlard. wis c!co b"s rggtnrt at D?t -'t t-?T"orrc'S right ard rush djh'a Ku-tas hraef lU'ira w.ii retiUMfXfJaeta. we , fim ir prove to 1 J ho chaj Haj r Tech, Jr, Fee. veisjto, vmnews, nae- skUci
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers