Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Image 8

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tfi&b LEDGER
IreUfy. John C. Murtln. Trufert
Ion. l'hlllp S. Colllrm, Jonn u. wh
I It It. Curtis, Chairman.
t.K-teeutlv E'litor
IS., ...... ,0nerai UutlncM Minister
......... (f...j ni ntif l.trwiKit
Ii4rpndtnc9 Square, Phllnileliinln.
.........i.llrond rM Chinut Rtr'
Eltl.,i.h. . .rrf "("" I Mil in I M
..i . ... i. ..lill-A. jlfirnpomnii """
fttT Ham. tnnifnnm UllUtllnt
I....8 Waterloo Pine, Tall Mall, 8. V.
NEWS ntlnKAt.tft!
l,k,H Th. PntrlAl TtlllMlnff
caictD'..,.tii. ..The Tol nwlMltie
1EAV The Timet iiunnins
1 nil FrMf l hlrn
10. ........... ..2 Tall Mall Knt. H. w.
(ili.lili ..32 HUC 1OUIS IS urana
sunscntrtioN TF.nis
njtt.t O.xi.t. nix rents, rtv mail, pottiilrt
phiis.uinhin. tpnt nhF forMorn ho-tnro
nII.T Oxi.T. one month, twent-rte cents;
. One rear three dollars. All mall u'erlp-
i In aJvance,
iO WAtMrr KKYSTOM-. MAIN .1000
liMrcss nlJ commtinlrnltotii to Evening
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
at tub riiit.Atir.tnin riwtoiuraA skoo.nh-
BlEtrillA, TIIUItSDAY, OCIOIir.ll 1, I'M I
" Working" for Penrose
ciav two hundred saloonkeepers ineot
re In secret conference; the next, Ponn-
la hears of frco "movies" showing Pen.
work In Washington. The "burkecps"
tie. .by the aid of "small orange-colored
..and a secret password object im-
''oni-oso's "movie" man proudly nn-
kiut It costs the Senator a hundred
spread through the picture houses
thirty prints of u "reel" showing
Lbllls and smoking cigars nil over
There may ho no connection
icse two matters; but long expe-
Kvlll lend the public to look at them
typical examples of the campaign
of Pcnroseism. The liquor Interests
In secret, that Is common enough.
.Penrose actually at his desk In
working the film should be the
Nation In months. Xo doubt It
pen'personai inconvenience, gumi-ais-tni
T . . , T ..I..M.1
Fd bills and Infinite surprise to the olllec
If the Capitol. Hut It was worth it. At
jrst, the Senator Is going to have n
Lit reminder of other days to cheer him
winter of discontent.
Wisdom in Vigilance
PUWR of the appearance of Asiatic
Iholera W(Russlan Poland and In Vienna
Budapest .Jre disquieting. The world
Ibo standing on the threshold of now
(3. Conditions are exceedingly favor-
lo the spread of the disease through u
part of Europe. Armies and battles
lirry It far, but It Is also to be remem-
that in vust regions where there arc
mlesnd battles the requirements of
ne and sanitation. Just now, cannot be
rly met. Disease and pestilence, nccom-
Ing war or following in Its wake, have
Bier times devastated cities, countries,
lole continents. It Is more or less
to reflect that scientific knowl-
nethods have lessened the danger;
y sanitation has been marvelously
led In recent years; that the perils
fei In food and water supplies are recog-
and that quarantine Is nowadays, in
countries, regarded at Its full value.
natever Europe may be able to do to
It tho spread of Asiatic cholera, it Is
Singly Important that tho strictest
res be taken at American ports to
this country from possible Invasion
So. When awful havoc wns
jTurope in 1S9L' by that disease,
IrHance of the port authorities of tho
1 States was the price of public safety.
Commerce Knows No Country
MBER of Innocent persons are making
e surprising discovery of the interna
lization of capital. A great many ICng-
ten are worrying over the news that
cent of tht stock of a CO-yenr-olcl Stnf-
hlrc firm is owned in Germany. .Shall
hey say, buys goods from our enemy?
we contribute to his funds' Or shall
m down his works, Impoverish llio
stockholders and throw hundreds of
workmen into the street? To pay
Us over to the army does not seem a
more satisfactory solution, for wise
are saying that nothing must be done
rfcro with the free flow of fo 'ign capl-
he country when the war Is over.
Idents are spreading faint gllmmor-
nowledge thut .something binds
together. Common humanity may
rong enough, but commercial Inter-
ilnly Is When this war has rubbed
j notion of how completely we are com-
ially and Industrially stratified and In-
ated across nil our frontiers. It is not
to bo so easy to start a new conflict.
lee for Those "Who Fight the Fight
I'JIE end of every political campaign
tere is recrimination. Perhaps the hard-
these Coroner's verdicts Is the sneer
jvlctorlous bosslsm so often (lings at "the
le" who have been deceived and the men
Ipartlca who still believe In them. It Is
Ittsfactlon to read such a sympathetic
lafcute analysis or popular fallings as
from an English statesman:
Inhabitants of a modern State.
Bier they are officials or Journalists or
'inKinen, are indeed Ignorant of much
th It would be well for them to know
L ftnmoved by much that it would be well
Itliem tq feel. That they are so Is duo
to the fact that "inuiviuuaiiy" they are
lihtful and temperate and "collectively"
and ferocious, out to the fact that they
human beings, whose Intellectual and
llonal nature was evolved In contact
the rebtrlcted environment of the
jtlve world, and who have not yet
:d, tf ever they will, either to educate
I faculties In each generation to fit their
fonment or to change their environ
so as to fit their faculties.
thoughts give new courage to tho
ho "fight the good fight" for political
ines all over our united States each
itrosities Felicitoitbly Decerihed
Ihieved Immortality for a ceitaiu felic-
s3s of expression when he character-
treaty agreement as a "scrap of
Now again the great diplomat
.in beautifully simple language. "Eng-
tcll your countrymen," says he, ad- '
the fair-minded Americans, that
li-jy-a t:uitu uynn 4JjiUM V-
dinner and have shot and killed them across
the table, Belgian women cut the throats of
soldiers whom they had quartered In their
homon whllo they were steeping."
Of course, wo all share In Doctor von Beth'
mann-Holtweg'a Indignation that social calls
should bo outraged by such discourtesy. It Is
certainly bad manners to shoot your dinner
guest; and ns for cutting the throats of vis
itors whllo they are dreaming sweet dreams,
that Is a violation of social ethics which Is
quite unpardonable. Whllo the Hrtglnn girls
were gouging ottt the eyes of wounded Her
man soldiers and Belgian women were rutting
the throats of sleeping callers, nud Belgian
hosts were shooting their guests nrross din
ner tables, Doctor von Ucthtwriii-tltdlwpg
does not tell us In what social atrocities tho
Belgian babies were engaged. The Get man
chancellor's silence In this respect Is most
ominous, for, judging by the rcprchenslblu
manners of their parents and slstrH, wo
feel quite certnln tho Bolglnn Infants were
IndustrloURty occupied on the fields of bat
tle, subjecting the poor Hermans to tortures
too fiendish and terrlblo to describe.
Iittnipty Dtjnijity'o League Islnntl Wall
HUJIPTY DUMPTY sat on n wall. Somo
people, who ought to know, said ho was
taking chancet. But liu replied scornfully;
"The wall Is a handsome structure and there
Is nothing wrong." And now tho wall Is
down, and "all tho king's horses and till the
king's men" arc hauling off tho pieces. Poor
Humpty Dumpty and his Ivory dome!
Unfortunately, the destruction of the
5250,000 League Island wall may not bo the
cud of Senator Edwin Humpty Vnrc. Ho
may oven go on for some time building "near
concrete" work for the city. Experts will
continue to condemn It. Vnre will Insist that
It Is the best ever made. And then, when
the blulf can't bo kept up any longer, he'll
start tearing It down again.
There Is one consolation, anyway: "Near
concrete" Is the best materlul for wrecking.
New Cycles of Cathay
CONTUA1W to reports, coming mostly
from sources of uncertain dependability,
China Is now well on the way toward a really
republican form of government. An optimis
tic message Is brought by Professor Frank
Johnson Goodnow, who until recently was
constitutional adviser to the President of
China, and has now returned to this country
to assume his new duties as president of
Johns Hopkins. Doctor Goodnow not only
ridicules the stories of dictatorial and so
called Imperialistic ambitions on tho part of
Yuan Shi Kul, but says that the President
nnd his advisers arc working earnestly to
create a free system of government for China,
which will answer the immediate needs of tho
Itepubllc by wielding a strong centralized
In view of this evidence, coming from a
man who Is considered one of the greatest
authorities on law and administration and
a sincere exponent of the principle of demo
cratic yet cfTlcIent government, the people of
this country cannot help but wish China
success, nt the sumo time preserving a sym
pathetic patience for her efforts to extricate
herself from the bondage of dark ages. Eor
today the phrase of an English poet, "rather
50 years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay,"
has lost some of Its meaning.
Trying Out a Theory
THE completion nnd opening of Cleveland's
municipal ice. factory and cold storage
warehouse calls attention to tho great strides
which municipal ownership of public utilities
has taken In tho last ten years. A report of
the United States Census Bureau, just issued,
chows u remarknblo growth. From 190 to
1W2, heat, power and light plants have al
most doubled in number. They have increased
from St." to IDOL', or 01.7 per cent., while pri
vately owned plants have grown from 2S03
to 3659, or 30.-1 per cent. A net gain of more
than 60 per cent, over private Industry and
private enterprise is nt least Impressive. It
does not settle tho merits of tho case, but It
means valuable experimentation on a press
ing question of public policy.
The Kaiser's Last Shred
LONDON tells us that the Kaiser may lose
X his Garter; England Is nerved fur any
d.su-mte blow William may laugh, "Ich
wuerde sorgen." as ho tends tho dally report
of his, Iron-cross factory: but tho news Is
not to bo tukon lightly by the rest of us. It
threatens tho social decorum of nil Europe.
William has already divested himself of sun
dry foreign robes of honor. Fearlessly he has
bnrt-d his breast to tho autumn winds by the
removal of alien ribbons, decorations and
medals. Ho has cast off half a dozen hon
orary collars there perhaps lies the secret of
his recent pneumonia and discarded n score
of uniforms of the armies of his enemies. If
England takes tho fatal step of removing tho
Kaiser's Garter, we may have to transfer An
thony Comstock to the embassy ut Betlln.
Life Motto of Dickens
HOPE Is help and health and strength, tho
foil of doubt and tho enemy of discour
agement and detpalr. A prominent physician
said that the world Is full of four things,
"sin, sorrow, books and neurasthenia."
Hope Is u corrective of all these, "tho evi
dence of things not seen." It Is tho power to
bo cheerful when there is little or nothing
to be cheerful aoout; and of priceless value
even if it did Ho in tho bottom of Pandora's
box. Somewhere In every heart Is concealed
this Inexhaustible source of cheer. "We are
saved by hope," haved from folly and weak
ness nnd surrender. Hope nlways paints a
picture of tho future.
The world cannot bo wholly bad while men
are hopeful of the best. The life motto of
Dickens was: "Don't stand and cry, but press
forward and help relieve the dltllculty."
"Four New Haven Directors Resign as
Mellen Takes the Stand." Cause and effect?
This) year's pork barrel is headed up at
last, thank heavens!
No, Alice, It is Gurkhas, not gherkins, that
India lias contributed to the feast of J! a pi,
Wilson believes that a second cup n 1916 s
better than a deml.tasse now.
War Is just one offensive operation after
The world's series fans will do well to take
it out on the speculator Instead of the um
pire. How does Mexieo manage to go to war
without a. Hague or even a BaUnce of
The conviction is growing that the Euro-
pan rower migt't b betfr off now had
loptrd the "watrMul waiti'ig" popcy
lhLjirlde1 a short wHle
OUR sailors and marines had Just landed
In Vera Cruz and street fighting was In
progress. Tho papers were full of rumors
of Impending war. A company of Philadel
phia actors, employed In tho Jewish theatre
In Arch street, were on their way to Bal
timore to give a Bpcclaf performance. Their
stage manager, Auschel Schor, now" gradu
ated Into the ranks of Yiddish dramatists,
sought breakfast In the dining car. There
was only one vw-anl scat and William Jen
pines Bryan sat opposite.
Mchor, unaccustomed to tho presence of
greatness, sat down diffidently. Stnmmcr
Ingly ho ordered his meal and then Mr.
Brygu began a conversation on various
topcs. Then lie arose.
"My nnme Is William Jennings Bryan," ho
said. "Mny 1 ask yours?"
"My name Is Auschel Schor," replied the
theatrical man, explaining his calling.
"Will there bo any war?" ho ventured
"My friend," responded the Secretary of
Stale, placing his hands upon tho Philadel
phia's shoulder, "rest assured thoro will bo
NO wur."
And he spoke truly.
VON MOLTKE, not tho chief of start of
the present German army, but his greater
uncle, was taciturn It wns said that ho
could remain silent In every language ever
Invented, und German. It was disconcerting
to face this human sphinx, und Mario Oofs
tlnger, a famous German actress, now dead,
found It so ono evening when fate placed
her next to the general nt a public dinner.
For more than an hour Mottko had not ut
tered a sound. Repeatedly had thu actress
sought to draw him Into conversation. Again
and again sho had laid trnps for him, but
the wary old strategist was too keen to be
duped. At last Gelstlnger could restrain her
self no longer.
"General," she said, after both had been
mute for ten moro long minutes, "let us
chnnge the subject."
And Moltke did by resuming a new
THE announcement that certnln railroads
of the country would raise tliclr mllo
age charges raised many protests, but what
would tho protestants say If they had to pay
6 cents a mile, us did tho passengers on thu
old-tlmo Mlsslsslpp' steamboats? From 1S34
to 1S63 rates were as follows: Upstream. 30
miles or under, 6 cents a mile; 30 to 60 miles,
fi cents a mile; more than 60 miles, 4 cents a
mile. From Prairie du Chlen to St. Paul,
225 miles, the cabin passage wns ?10; deck
passu ge, to.
River steamboats usually paid for them
selves In two trips. The Fanny Hart, of the
Minnesota Packet Company, worth about
$16,000, earned $13,200 In passenger and
freight receipts on ono trip. The T-ady
Franklin arrived In St. Paul at the end of
ono trip carrying 300 passengers In accommo
dations meant for 150.
BREVITY' being the soul of wit, It Is also
the prlmo necessity In the writing of
minor news events. Once a green reporter
was assigned to an $8 fire. lie returned to
tho ofllco and wrote a glowing two-column
account of the "conflagration," laying special
emphasis upon the "holocaust" which had
been averted by merest accident, and re
ferring touchlngly to the "devouring ele
ment." Tho city editor took the copy and
glanced at It. Then he called the reporter
to him.
"Did you ever read the story of tho crea
tion In the Bible?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," replied tho reporter.
"Pretty big thing, wasn't It?"
"Biggest In history."
"Well, It took Just 600 words to tell that
story, so try to get this fire down to 25."
CHILDREN have queer ambitious for tho
future. The writer's main object In life,
at tho mature age of 11, was to produce an
other "Three Musketeers." But a youngster
belonging hi a Philadelphia home has given
Juvenile evidence of future financial great
ness. "I want to be a street car conductor," he
said when asked as to his ambition. "Be
cause all you've got to do Is to hold out
your hand nud somo one will put a nickel
in It. And you don't have to work."
And then his prospects were utterly ruined,
for tho Rapid Transit Company Installed
cash deposit boxes in its cars. Incidentally
nnd oxtra-torrltorlally, it may be mentioned
that on a certain route the first day's col
lections with deposit boxes Increased $00 over
the previous twenty-four hours.
IN THIS city of ours lives a Frenchman
who for years was a valued contributor
of the Paris Slatln. He represented that
paper with the Ruslan army In Munchurla,
where ho saw the Bear beaten and yet fight
on for five months before a realization of
defeat permeated Into its dullish brain. He
was correspondent in Paris for American
pnpers for twelve other years. Now, ho Is
working here, pulling at the leash, but deem
ing his duty to his American wife para
mount. A fow days ngo ho received a letter
from the editor of a Parisian daily, reading:
Mon Cher:
I know It Is thy age that prevents thee
donning a sword. But come to us with thy
art. Thou canst so servo France.
J. B.
And his American wife was ready to sail
at once, he to fight with his pen, sho with
tho gentler weapons llnea Cr03S nu"se-
ANEWIY MADE millionaire bought a cer
. tain Chicago daily paper. His first or
der was to put on the bulletin board a notice
that under no circumstances should tho word
"balanco" be used. "Use 'remainder' Instead,"
he ordered.
That afternoon a cleaner fell out of the
10th story window of the building, and tlib
next morning the paper had the story:
"John Jones, a window-cleaner, lost his re
mainder and was dashed to death by falllns
out of a lOth-st ry window."
Westminster Abbey bus the proud distinc
tion of being tho best lighted cathedral In
the world, according to London Information.
A rather romantic story Is connected with
the Oldeburg Horn, now In tho possession of
the Danish Crown, in 957 Count Otto, of
Oldeburg. received the horn filled with drink
from a "wild woman" near the Osenburg.
As he did not like the looks of the liquid
and fearing poison, he emptied the horn and
rode off with it, leaving tho woman to curse
The Mother of Cities ia Balkh (the ancient
Bactruj in Central Asia, so-culled because of
Its great antiquity. The modern town covers
only a very small fraction of the area of the
original city, whose circumference was 20
t? a woman of the fender-
world who was transported from England to
the IslS of Jamaica In 1671. Returning with
out leave two years later, sho Was hanged In
Tyburn Prison, Sho was also known an tho
"German Princess."
"Benton's mint drops" were gold dollars
coined In tho Philadelphia Mint, They wero
so called becnuso their coinage was author
ized by n resolution offered by Senator Ben
ton, of Missouri.
"Jones has stopped talking of his now
safety razor. Guess It won't work."
"Yes, It will. He's selling It to hospitals
for skln-gruftlng operations."
Another Lie Nailed
Tho man was slowing drowning, gripped
In Ocean's mighty maw;
But, though they throw him bales of hay,
Ho never clutched a straw.
In Justlco to tho pickpocket, It should bo
said that ho Is rarely n punster.
Sweet Medicine
"Ho has found a remedy for his bashful
ness." "So?"
"Yes, the manicure."
"Isn't he rather weak-minded?"
"Draw your own conclusions. Ho
scribes himself as an avorago man."
Sunday School Version
The youth stood by tho burning deck
Not Hint ono of the bard's
"My life," ho said, "you shall not wreck
On evil playing cards."
"How do you like your now English
"Ho's a gem. Positively refuses to 'recog
nize me when wo meet outside the house."
Something Else to Worry About
In an otherwise esteemed contemporary wo
noto that tho Kunlgalkszclo Ogtnscio Jnuau
omenes IJIetuvlutr Lletuvulsczlu has been in
corporated In Illinois.
Protesting volubly that ho was an Amcriji
can citizen, tho tourist wns forced Into tho '
"Government hospital," said tho customs
officer. "Ho's cither a spy In tho pay of
somo foreign government or else ho's do
mented." "How do you come to that conclusion,"
asked another tourist.
"It's perfectly obvious. He's tho first of
fifty thousand back from the war zone who
doesn't claim to have Inside Information
about tho wur plans of all Europe."
When baby's teething, papa's night
Is one of mnrathonlng labors;
And mother's day Is mudo a blight
By certain sayings of tho neighbors.
The Easiest Way
"Tell me," said tho lovelorn youth, "what's
tho best way to find out what a woman
thinks of you?"
"Marry her," replied Pcckham promptly.
Dallas News.
The Censor
Who Is It grabs his pencil blue
And makes tho correspondent rue
The whole heartbreaking interview?
The cenhor.
"Who Is It slashes, jabs and snips
And crosses, scratches, stabs and rips,
And cuts tho copy all to strips?
The censor.
Who will, let's hope, bo rapped by fate,
And forced In anguish long to wnlt
Bluc-ponellod at St. Peter's gato?
The censor.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Not the Common Lot
"You must have thought tho world of your
first wife," .sneered Mrs. Lot the second time
during one of the family squabbles.
"I certainly did," replied Lot. "Sho was
tho salt of the earth." Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Parting Shot
Cholly (making n dato) Very well, I'll bo
thero bright nnd early.
Miss Keen Bo thero early, anyway. I
won't ask tho other thing. Boston Tran
script. Turning Back the Clock.
Butcher Well, yer know, mum, meat's
very dear today.
Mrs. Gubblns Ho! Then glmmo a pound
o' yesterday's steak, please. Sydney Bulle
tin. Itci;cd to Date
Beyond the
and lies, and lies and lies
Detroit Frcs Press.
Another Masterly Retreat
Observing tho retirement of General Mar
quurd. It becomes plain that Field Marshal
John McGraw's left wing has given away.
New York Herald.
"If I were you, Matilda, I wouldn't take any
notice of the cuok, If she's angry."
"But I havo to tako notice she's Just given
It." Uiltlmoro American.
More Apostles Wanted
David Belasco, praised at a luncheon In
New York upon tho accuracy of a medieval
stago setting, answered modestly:
"My accuracy Is not wonderful It Is
merely tho result of hard work, of long
"I try not to tesemblo Skaggs, you know.
"Skaggs, a great American manager,
dropped Into ono of his theatres and found
n religious play, 'The Crucifixion,' In proc
ess of ri'hoar.ml. Skaggs looked on intently
for half an hour, then he frowned und said:
"'Who aio them chaps with the whiskers?'
" 'They are tho 12 npostles, Mr. Skaggs,
tho local manager politely answered.
" 'Twelve!" growled Skaggs. "Twelve!
What kind of a showing do 12 make on a
stage tho size of this? Put DO apostles on
the Job!" "Washington Star.
Sometimes, my Conscience, says he,
"Don't you know me?"
And I, says I, skeered through and through,
"Of course I do.
You are a nice chap ever way,
I'm here to say!
You make me cry you make me pray,
And all them good things thataway
That is, at night, Where do you stay
Durln" the day?"
And then my Conscience says onc't more,
"You know me shore?"
"Oh, yes," says I. a-tremblln faint,
"You're Jes" a saint!
Your ways Is all so holy-rlght,
I love you better ever' night
You come around 'tel plum daylight,
When you air out o' sight!"
And then my Conscience sort o grits
His tveth and spits
On his two lianda and grabs, of course
Some old remorse.
And beats me with the big butt-end
o that thing 'tel my closest friend
I'd hardly know me. "Now," says he,
"Be keerful as you'd orto be
And alius think o' me"'
James Whitcorab Riley, In Century Magazine.
I NEVER havo been able to discover tho
time when tho" stago was not declining,
according to some writers of the period, nnd
I havo como to the conclusion that each
generation, after It ceases to bo Interested In
theatrical exhibitions, comes to tho conclu
sion that tho shows are not so good as they
used to be.
What led mo Into this digression wns a
.gmall theatrical Journal kept by somo en
thusiast In Philadelphia In 1867. Tho young
man, and I have como to tho conclusion that
ho was young, for the book contains nov
erat attempts nt rather weak vorso, began
In January of that year to keep a record of
all tho plays that wero given nt tho various
Philadelphia theatres, although ho did not
attempt to add any comments In tho way of
criticism. However, tho mero list of plays
and tho occasional notes of tho stars then
at tho height of their careers seemed to mo
to be Interesting In view of the opinion that
ono thing or another has caused plays and
actors to deteriorate.
THERE Is not ono playhouse In the city
that would dare to offer the kind of en
tertainment that wns filling houses In 1867,
Tho usual evening's offering was a drama
and a farco and dancing. Tho programs, as
In tho enso of tho modern motion picture
houses, wero changed dally. But this wns
not noarly so dltllcult to managers ns would
appear, for tho majority of tho pieces pre
sented wero stock plays. Novelties, or orig
inal plays of merit, wero utmost ns Infre
quent ns tho legendary angels' visits.
Let us take one week's plays at tho Walnut
Street Theatre In April, 1857. The first night
tho plays wero "Tho Serious Family" and
"The IrUh Immigrant"; tho second and third,
"Tho Serious Fumlly" and tho farce, "Too
dles"; tho following evening, "Tho Knight
of Ava" and the farce, "Handy Andy"; then,
"Tho Irish Ambassador" and "Handy Andy,"
and tho last night of tho week, "The Irish
Immigrant" and "Handy Andy." Each
night's performance concluded with dancing.
?Tho run ofiirish nlays was duo to tho fact
f'that tho atarjtwa8 John Drew, a favorlto
insn comcoinnf anu mo miner oi our umi
John Drew".'1'
PERHAPS, Instead of commenting on that
program, I should give another week's
offerings In the same year. The week se
lected wns In February. OnfjMonday evening
tho plays were "West Etmf; or, tho Irish
Heiress" and the farce, "Miseries of Human
Llfo"; Tuesday, "Walslnghatn" and tho nau
tical drama, "Black Eyed Susan"; Wednes
day, "Seven Ages of Women" and tho farco
"Tho Cork Leg"; Thursday, "Fazle," "My
Neighbor's Wife" and "Valet Sham"; Friday,
"Sho Stoops to Conquer" and the drama
"Dombey nnd Son"; Saturday, "Mons.
Jacques," "Dombey and Son" and "My
Neighbor's Wife."
That Saturday night performance must
have been like a picture show where thoro
ure fifteen! reels. Two dramas, ono of them
a long one, and a farce, together with danc
ing, nnd an extra song, wero surely enough
for any one. It was a wlso provision that
the entertainment In those days began at 7:30.
In Juno the elder Booth nppeared for two
weeks and played "Richard III," "Hamlet,"
"A New Way to Pay Old Debts," "Brutus"
and other tragedies that were perfectly fa
miliar to theatre-goers' of that period. But
imagine, after an evening of "Richard III,"
to havo that long tragedy topped off with a
farce, "Bewaro of Garroters": or, after
"Hamlet" to bo treated to the farce "Irish
CHANGES of bill wero not so frBquejMat
tho Arch Street Theatre that sensonPfThu
"Sea of Ice" had attracted gcneral'tfttcntlon,
In view of Doctor Kane's Arctic expedition,
and the drama had a run of uhnost three
weeks in April. A comedy. "Lovo in 70," was
another popular piece about this time, and
hnd a run for almost two weeks, whllo
Shakespeare's "Henry IV," which Is unknown
to theatre-goers of the present day, hud a
run of tho same duration. Of course, tho
farce was changed nightly, and late In the
season "The Naiad Queen, or tho Nymphs
of tho Rhine." had a run of three weeks.
Even tho names of ninny of these plays
that weio drawing crowds In thoso days ure
unknown today to tho average play-goer.
From what may bo learned of tho produc
tions from the playbooks, I feel that none of
them would bo able successfully to keet tho
boards for a whole week If nttempted now.
PHILADELPHIA also had. In 1857, In addi
tion to the Academy of Music, then Just
opened, tho National Circus nnd Theatre on
Chestnut street, on the slto of tho Continen
tal Hotel. Here tho productions necessarily
were of tho spectacular order. Parts of tho
performance during the winter wero glvon
afternoon and evening, and such spectacles
us "Cinderella" und "Herno the Hunter" were
given on the days when the circus company
did not perform In the ring. Dan Rice, the
clown, with his comic mules, was tho chief
attraction of the circus, but ho did not ap
pear at every performance.
Thero uro very few names in the stock
companies of that year that would bo re
called nowadays, but a list of tho actors re
garded as at the head of their profession In
this company In 1857 and found in this old
manuscript Journal may bo of interest. Men
tion Is made of E. N. Thayer, Henry Placlde,
James II. Hackett, father of tho i resent
actor of that name: Forrest, John Gilbert,
Murdock, Wheatley, E. L. Davenport, J. B
Roberts, J. W. Lester, later known as Lester
Wallack; Frank Chanfrau, H. A. Perry, Jo
seph Jefferson, and Edwin Booth, who was
tho youngest of the group, being then but
24 years of ago.
Roberts, a good old-time tragedian, later
became celebrated for his performance ns
Hertzog, In "The Black Crook"; Gilbert lived
to be more than SO years of ago; Perry's repu
tation has not survived so long as the oth
ers In tho list, and Thayer Is best remem
bered as a theatrical manager. Jefferson,
of course, was our old frlond, "Rip Van
Winkle," but he had not yet made that
character his own In 1857, for he was then
but 28 years old.
Some people possets the knack of Im
mediately converting their good intentions
Into action; while others sit about and
theorize theirs into inertia.
Hear tho words of the superintendent of
one of our thriving boys' clubs: "When, a
few months ago. It became necessary to In
crease the membeishlp of our organization,
I called the boys together in meeting.
Precedent would have prompted me to outer
into a discourse as to the wlwlom of en
larging our membership, a disi'uslon of the
reason why more boya should be members
of our club and so on. But b.ick In my
mind I bad stored the policy of a certain
business giant, bused on a simple little
phrue 'Get action.'
"I had compiled a list of boya in our
neighborhood who did not belong to the club.
Without any attempt to generate enthusiasm
with a stirring speech, I simply called pff
tho list and after each name delegated frny
boys In teams of two to 'Go get him.' The
results, wero far boyond my anticipations."
Therein lies a lesson for tho man who
makes a minute Investigation of all four
sides of a proposition beforo ho puts It Into
notion. Whllo ho turns It Insldo and out, h
notices a curious thing: His original, en
thusiasm has begun to wane. Quito often
he drops tho matter altogether.
Vision Is a mighty powerful attrlbuto of
tho man who arrives. Ho looks ahead and
sees lils. Idea worked out to a success; ho
can seo It In no other light. And that Is tho
Bluff of which action Is bred.
Contributions That Reflect Public Opin. g
ion on Subjects Important to City,
State and Nation.
To the Editor o th Evening Ledger!
Slr-Every I'hllndclphlan Is loyal In his sup
port of the Athletics and desires to see them
win tho world's scries. But we must nil ac
knowledge thr marvelous gnmo Boston hai
played for tho last threo months, and while
wo admire them for It, we must consider what
such phenomenal signs of sportsmanship mean
to our own team's chance. It seems to ma It
would be Interesting to know Just what the
average of the Braves has been slneo thoy
began their spurt In July. If Bomo render hap
pened to have a paper of that time, ho could
easily sulitrnct tho games then won and lost
from the presont figures and work out a half
season average. It would also be Interesting
to sco whnt the other teams of tho National
League have done In this period. Q. S. M.
Philadelphia, September 29, 1014.
To the Udltar of the Evening Ledger:
Sir Many a render must reflect on tho un
satlsfactorlness of the news of tho present
war compared with other recent conflicts In
which tho newspaper correspondent has had a
free hand. Tho war ofllces havo undertaken
to handle tho news, and they seem to be doing
very badly. Thero Is certainly no more truth
or security In their reports, not so much.
Moat of tho time wo hear nothing. Then come
rumors such ns nro afloat today nbout Gen
eral von Kluk'3 retreat. We don't know what
to believe. In the end we faro worse than
we used to with tho despised war correspond
ent E. O. E.
Camden, N. J., September 30, 1514.
A British Washington City
From tho Hlclimnnil News-Leader.
The prlmato of Knglnnd has directed that the
form of prayer for the British navy nnd armies
now engaged In war bo used In all tho churches
and chapels In England and Wales, and "in the
Town of BcrwIck-on-Tweed,"
The explanation of this peculiar phrasing
peculiar In specifying ono town Is historically
Interesting. The "ancient borough" of Borwlck-on-Tweed,
and the county In which 11 Is In
cluded, constitute n sort of British Washing
ton city and District of Columbia, In their
governmental and political relations to Great
Britain. A "boundary mark" between England
und Scotland, "Berwlck-on-Twecd" belongs to
neither and Is under the authority of neither.
Tho town was claimed originally by the
Scots, slneo It Is situated on their sldo of the
rlvor. Several times up to 1333. by vlolenco It
changed ovorlords, aiming them Robert thf
Bruce, In 13IS. In the first named year It was
"annexed" to England, onlv, however, to con
tinue a bono of bloody contention. In 1482, after
a series of captures and recaptures, it was for
mally ceded to England, but seventy years later
the quarrel for It3 possession broke out afresh,
and was not settled until It was mutually agreed
that the cause of so much friction should bo
Independent of both kingdoms.
That anomalous position, which It still oc
cupies, brings tho town frequently into promt
nonco In public documents nnd announcements.
With Penrose Still to Be Heard From
I'rom tlio Detroit Freo Tress.
The limit of arrogance has been reached In
Pennsylvania. A Norristown man claims to
be able to pronounce correctly the names of
all tho places mentioned in the war dis
patches. The New Allies
From tho Fatherland.
Let us see. Germany and Austria are now
fighting Russia. France. England, Japan, the
Pulitzer estate, Canada, Australia, James
Gordon Bennett, Sorvla, Montenegro, Gari
baldi and Dr. Charles II. Purkhurat.
Lining 'Em Up
I'rom the Boston Transcript.
Sr Huorta, will you and Porf-Dlas: and
Cip C.istro kindly shove over and make room
for Gen. Carronza?
A Welcome
From the lndlanapollt Now.
Tho trlend of Addlcks and of Piatt,
Also of Quay ...
Wo do not know just where he s at,
Though hero today.
Tho "Vino-CIad Cottage" doors swing wldt
To let him in.
And Bev nnd Mary side by side
See Penroso grin!
The Giants' Gigantic Job
From the Nw Tork World.
t u time for tho Giants to establish a literary
defense committee that wlU explain that they
fell back merely as part of a strategic move
Thero Is every ground for confidence that
the general bunking interests of the country
have been handled with care, ability and
real patriotism. Baltimore. News.
Tho rivers anil harbors bills havo Inaugu
rated many of tho most advantageous iuter
rnl Improvements that wo have today in the
United Stutes.-Dctrolt Free Press.
Tho United States, only moderutclj pre
pared for war, Is In less danger of catas
troiiho than Germany has been since sho un
dortook to achieve military supremacy.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Senator LaFollette. of Wisconsin, for many
yeura u Progressive leader, has been de
featell by n Btnndpat Republican. LaFollette
hut become too much of a boss, and the
American people, sooner or later, turn bosses
down. Ocnlii Star.
Self-preservation is tho first law pf na
ture Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania owe
it to themselves anil to tho Republicans of
tlie nation to tear tho mask off Boles Pen
role and to prevent his over holding oftlce
again "" ft Kepubllcan.-New York Tribune.
The House of Hoprcsentatlves should end
Its alter K over the bill authorizing the is
iua nco ot "cso.000.000 in bonds of tho Panama
Ral road Con tuny for tho purpose of estab
llsh Iiir nn American merchant marine. If
any t.fng is to be clone for the restoration of
our flag to Us ancient position on the ocean
It must be done now.-New York American.
The New Haven Railroad was wrecked un
der a management dominated by banking
Interests. George F. Baker and William
Rockefeller have now followed J. P. Morgan
in retiring from tho bourd of directors., and
In their retirement we have a practical ad
ulbslon that banking control of railroads has
broken down In this particular case New
York World. .
Although the Horald rarely advocates any -thing
which tends to Increase Federal ex
i.ens3 or to enlarge tho army pf place
holder, we would make an exception in
avo? of purchasing Montlcello. of jvhlch Mr
Bryan cuius out yesterday In advouWy. This
Is no ordinary estate.- Boston HeKxld.
Secretary MeAdoo has ionductefl the Gov
,r,,,.r,.' side of the "emergeiicN cspr
dientfc." nince the war begau. wlth promrt
ness- and Judemeut. New YorUc Evenlty