Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Image 7

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Investigation Will Be Car
ried on by Foundation !
Af, nj f i .. . . I As no evidence was produced to show
Alter Manner or Institute that Lconh.ni w in need of money, it
Theatre Manager Told to Give $1000
Under Death Penalty.
Edward It. Leonard, a painter by
trade and one-time juggler on the vaude
ville gtnKe, who Uvea on Taney street
nenr Somerset, pleaded KUllty to send
ing n "blnck hand" letter to 15. L. retry,
manager of the 1'ala.te Theatre, on Mar
ket street, and una rentenced to IS
months In the Eastern Penitentiary by
Judge Thompson In tho t'nltcd States
DIMrlct "Court today
for Medical Research.
"For tho Well-Be!ng of Mankind
Throughout the World," Trus
tees Characterized Move.
NEW YORK, Oct. l.-"For tho well
belns of mankind throughout the
World," as they characterized It, the
trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation to
day announced the InniiKuratlon of an In
vestigation Into tho problem of Indus
trial relations and tho appointment of
Hon. V. L. Mackenzie Kim;. cx-Mlnlstcr
of Labor for Canada, ns Its director.
The InvestlRatlon Is to be carried on
after the manner of the Institute for
Medical Research. Tho root of the
social disorder, which tho foundation ac
knowledges exists today, to be probed
to tlif- bottom, systematically nnd scien
tifically. The Investigators will seek to
disclose the cntise of the ."bitter enmities
and destructive tendencies" between cap
ital nnd labor, and to "find means of
promoting harmonious, united action be
tween tho two great bodies."
Coming within the scope of nil the mil
lions uf tho Rockefeller Foundation, tho
Investigation can proceed without regard
to costs. The Foundation Is capitalized
at SldO.Ono.iWO.
No reference whatever Is mndo In tho
statement Issued by the -Foundation to
Rockefeller's own experiences recently In
the Color.ido strike, as owner of a num
ber of mines.
In fpcnklng of the relations between
capital and labor, tho Foundation as
serted: "In tho Hiiomnlles which modern In-dtist-lnl
conditions d'sclose there Is plenty
of evldencn of disorder. Labor and capl
tnl In their relations to each other too
iften suggest the bitter enmities uf op
posing fcrces and too rarely suggest the
possibilities of hnimon'ous and united
action conforming to tho laws of lndl-J
vldual and social need."
Wfiinl Statement Also Discounts
Russian Victories in Gallcia.
XVIri'lcss messaged announcing victories
of the Austro-Hungnrlnn army over the
Russians In the vicinity of the Carpa
thian Mountains were lecelved this after
noon by the loeal consul from the For
eign Office In Vienna.
The Russians had sent out various col
umns, the advices state, to try to pene
trate Into Hungary In small groups by
crossing the mountains. These advance
jTovements have everywhere been re
pulsed with great loss to the Invaders.
The Incursions were made In sections
homewhat removed from the theatre of
thj war, and were perhaps designed to
alarm tho Hungarian population nnd to
clear tho way for a subseijuont invasion
In force.
The Foreign OITIco dispatch fui titer
announces that Hie unfortified town of
Juroslaw, which was reported as having
fallen Into the hands of the Russians. Is
still In the possession of the Austro
Hungarlan forces.
In Gallrla tlir situation is said to be
faornble. The Austrian army there Is
crn.stantly strengthening and Increasing
Its number, unopposed by the Russian
force., checked by the rtsltitaneo at tho
fortress of Prxemysl.
believed he sent the threatening let
ter to ferry, In which he demanded
$10mi under penalty of death, because tho
latter discharged him as a Juggler at
the theatre.
In the letter Perry was Instructed to
show his wllllncness to comply with
i the demand by advertising In one of the
tsunday newspapers on August lfi, last,
signing the advertisement with "Three
O's O'K'E. P."
A number of wltnessen were called to
tentlfy to Leonard's previous good repu
tation for honesty. Former employers
expressed willingness to give htm em
ployment as a painter at any time.
Furious Attack Follows Re
fusal to Surrender King
Ready to Flee With City
Reported About to Fall.
Convention of Manufacturers
Also Gives Support to the
"Buy a Bale of Cotton"
Towns nnd Clubs Give large Sums
for a New Nation.
PETROGRAD, Sept. 30. At a recent
rn. cling of the Polish Club at Cracow it
w.is derided to dissolve the "National
Government" as well ns the "Committee
cf the Parties of Independence," and to
f'nd. Instead, us the supremo organiza
tion inr all political, financial and mill-t.u-
concerns, a "National Central Com
mittee." This committee was to co
ol epHto with the Poles of Russia, and
to start nt oncfl two Polish legions, at
C'rueow and Leinbcrg, under tho com
mand of the Austro-Hungarlan army.
Ijirge contributions were made for tho
'Polish War Chest." The city of Lem
berg donated l.MW.OOO kronen ($10,000);
Cracow, !.?,.( kronen, and Tarnow,
1(0,000 y.-lvate Individuals have also
subscribed large sums.
Przemysl is not behind other Gallclan
uuiib In patriotn. fervor. There, too, a
committee has been formed for the rais
ing of a fund In aid of the national
cause The Town Council, It Is said, villi
contribute the sum of o'JO.OCO kronen.
Society Formed to Study the Social
and Economic Factors.
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 1 -The National
ixenion League, Incorporated here to
e.v Is an organization formed for the
pose of preventing desertion of wives
i fimllles and to study the social and
. mlr causes of that evil. The league
ilso try to affect reunions between
rated couples and add to their hap-
i ng the incorpators are Minnie F.
L. v Chicago: I. Loverberg, Galveston;
1 in Frankfurter, Washington. I), c.j
I -is L Salomons, San Francisco; Fred.
'I Hutiel, Detroit, and Julius M. Mayer.
Mo 1 Waldeman, Leo. A. Price and
FiKan Holzni'in, of New York city. The
Vr.- ii al oitlce Is In the latter city. The
j ent of legislation designed to nre-
ne reparation of married persons Is
n in the character as the second
. e, t of the league.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. l.-Reso-lutlons
for tho establishment of credit
bureaus In all of the large carriage build
ing centres of the country, to blacklist
manufacturers who misrepresent their
goods and dealers who fall to pay their
hills, were adopted nt the closing session
here today of the Carrlago Builders' Na
tional Association.
Another resolution enrolled every car
riage manufacturer of the country and
every accessory trade manufacturer In
support of the "buy a bale" of cotton
movement ns tho most practical means
of terminating the critical condition pre
vailing In the South. Manufacturers 'are
specifically urged to pass up the brokers
and buv direct from the small planters
In order that the latter derive the largest
possible measure of profit.
Reports credited the railroads of the
Middle West with dealing fairly with
manufacturers as a whole, and asserted
that h few manufacturers who misrepre
sent their goodB nre responsible for most
of tho abuses In the trndc.
Schools for carriage mechanics con
ducted In Philadelphia, St. Louis nnd
other cities were reported successful.
Representatives of the Accessories Trade
Association icrved notice that after this
year no pait of the funds supplied by
that body for the annual banquet to the
manufacturers would be devoted to the
sale of liquor In any form.
Mlcbnel Coujlone Arrested for Troub
ling Mrs. Faldatore Delguercio.
Michael Coujlone, stnr boarder of Mrs.
Faldatore Delguercio, H16 South Clarion
street, came home yesterday afternoon
hungry for trouble, and began to mix
things up. Tho stew did not taste ex
actly right, the spaghetti had no gusto,
nnd Michael proceeded to let Mrs. Del
guercio know how he felt about It
Faldatore, her husband, came to Mrs.
Delguerclo's assistance with his wooden
leg, and Mlchnel was shown bis way to
the Fifteenth street nnd Snyder avenue
station, where he was put up for the
After a hearing before Magistrate Brlggs
this mronlng, Michael was discharged.
Ho went back to his boarding house and
again began to read the riot act to MrB.
Delguercio. Policeman Richards, of tho
same station house, rearrested him, nnd
he will be given another bearing before
Magistrate Brlggs tomorrow morning.
ANTWERP, Oct. 1.
Terrific bombardment of Atnwcrp con
tinues. The Germans nre using six of
the ponderous 42-ccnllmetro guns, which
reduced the forts nt Liege and Nnmur,
A demand that the city surrender has
been rejected, and tho Germans nre pour
ing a rnln of shells upon Forts Waelhnm,
Llerrc and Wavre-Ste. Catherine today
from big guns stntloned 10 miles away.
The German Infantry Is also attacking
the Belglnn army.
The town of Llerrc has been fired In
several places. Heavy damage hns been
done to the fort at Wnelhem, but It Is
stated officially that all the forts aro
holding out.
The bombardment, which halted nt 8
o'clock Wednesday morning, was resumed
late In the afternoon after the demand
for the clty'n surrender hnd been re
jected. It continued through the night,
and enrly today Its fury Increased.
Fears arc expressed that the city's de
fenses will be unable to wlthstnnd tho
big slego guns much longer. Antwerp's
fall Is believed Imminent by many.
There Is a conviction that King Albert,
of Belgium, Is prcpnrlng to flee. Ho prob
ably will go to England, ns night Into
France Is cut oft by tho Germon army.
The following official statement was
given out by the War Office today.
"The German artillery during the after
noon and night continued the bombard
ment of the first line of forts on the
south. Our works suffered little and wo
arc still In condition to make effective
"Between the Benne river and Reeth
no movements of the enemy'B Infantry
has occurred. In the circle from the
Scheldt to the Sennc dnrlng nnd violent
German attacks have been repelled by
the Belgians, who were well supported
by their artillery. The German lessen
were proportionate to the temerity of
their attacks.
"In the direction of Termonde the of
fensive movement was of no great Im
portance, consisting of a long-distance
cannonade which had no appreciable ef
fect on our troops gunrdlng the ap
proaches to the city. Between the Rivers
Dendrc and Scheldt there Is no notnble
"In short, the Gorman bombardment
has produced no results commensurate
with Its violence. The morals of our
troops remains excellent and their cool
ness is admirable, ns Is proved by the
successful resistance of all German In
fantry nttacks."
The Germans are shelling Termonde
again. Two factories nre in flames there.
Belgian artillery Is replying to the Ger
man guns. Whnt remained of the town
Is doomed to destruction. The roof of
the monastery of St. Vlncentlus. which
shelters many wounded, Is reported to
have fallen. , !
Inhabitants of all the surrounding J
towns nre flwilng to Antwerp or Ghent.
Grembcrgcn, north of Termonde, Is deserted.
Accuses Director Cooke of Wasteful
ness Which Will Cost City $000,000.
Senator Edwin II. Vnre In a statement
today disclaimed all responsibility for
the tearing down of the wall built by him
at League Island Park, at an expense of
1340.(09. He charged Director Cooko with
"wilful waste, which In tho end will
reach at least a half million dollars In
tho rearrangement of tho park without
Improving It, for tho purpose of stamp
ing It 'Blankcnburg' Instead of 'Rey
burn.' " Mr, Vnre also said the report
of the experts quoted by Director Cooke
"was made to throw dust In tho eyes of
the public to try and Justify the change."
In his statement .Mr. Vnro said Director
Cooke had revived his charges for "po
litical effect."
Mr. Vnre excused himself on the ground
that he never Intended to build tho wall,
but he found It Included In the specifi
cations received by him from the Burcnu
of City Property, which, he said, wanted
tho wnll to provent drownings. Ho de
nied that he over made any recommen
dations to John M. Nobrc, of the High
way Bureau, or that Nobro had ever
milted for any recommendations. Tho
statement In part follows:
"More than two yoars ago, before Di
rector Cook complnlned about the park
contiact, Olmstcad Brothers, of Boston,
pet landscape architects of tho present
administration, enmo here nnd recom
mended that the concrete wall bo re
moved, as they could not develop the
park according to their liking If It re
mained, "Under their present plans I am now
moving -100,000 yards of rolling hills from
one place to another, and filling up parts
of lakos at ono point, and digging new
ones nt other point. I am also tcrlng
down several well built, ' heavily rein
forced concrcto bridges and putting up
new ones nt points not far distant, which
Is all unnecessary and very expensive
"If there had been anything wrong
with tho letting of the original contract
or the carrying out of It, Director Cooko
would not havo awarded mo a further
contrnct for a half million dollars In
June of this year.
"Director Cooke gave out mnny state
ments about the park for political effect
at tho lost election, nnd he Is commenc
ing It again."
Local Iron Workers' Union Elect
Former Dynamiter.
I.ocal Iron workers havo elected Mlchnrl
J. Cunnane, 26M North Stanley street, a
delegate to the American Federation of
Labor convention which will b held In
Philadelphia this fall. Cunnane recently
returned homo nfter serving a portion of
a sentence for complicity In the dynamite
cases fathered by the Structural Iron
Workers' organization, headed by the
McNantaras. Cunnane was one of a num
ber recently paroled by President Wil
son. Tho electlrn of Cunnnne as a delegate
by the Philadelphia branch of the Inter
national Association of Bridge and Struc
tural Iron Workers was predicted recent
ly by President Kraft, of the local body.
Since his liberation on July 8, Cunnane
has been acting as a Btnte organizer for
the union.
Cor c e-,s Leaders Hope to Finish
W rk by Middle of October.
l a.-UNfJTON, Oct. I.-Democratle
anu ( i jbl. in leaders of the Senate to
Ois nf erred Informally regarding an
najj niment or recess of Congress. The
Kene-nl opinion was expressed that aif
adjQ rr.ment could he reached, after
pass-rig the war tax bill, by October 15
to 17 But there was decided opposition
on t -. sides of the chamber to any
iropc imun for rectrns from October 14
o November U, as has been suggested.
"I t' teve that we can adjourn by Oc
tober 15 Mild Senator Smoot, of Utah.
"But as far a I am concerned, if there
Is gcirg in lw n attempt to take a re
cess I jr. t ej- w stay right here In Wash
ington ir't so ahead with the work now.
1' 'ere -tsoa sentiment in the Senate
eyalnit a rlceas,
Believes Settlement of Mexican Trou
ble Close at Hand.
WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-The Admlnls.
tratlou today awaited word from Mexico
City concerning the conference of mili
tary chiefs who are to gather there to
pick the future ruler of Mexico.
On this conference, It was admitted, the
fate of Mexico depends, because of Pro
visional President Carranza'B announce
ment that he will abide by the decision
of the delegates as to whether ha shall
retire from public life or continue as the
"first chief" of the Constitutionalists.
Administration spokesmen generally
held to their belief that peace soon would
be established, and Indicated that they
had received no word from the Republic
to changu this view.
They pointed out that much toward
clearing the situation was accomplished
by Carranza's statement outllnlnr his at
titude relative to Villa's demands.
Nearly 500 Students Enrolled, With
Registration Not Completed.
The formal opening of the graduate
school of the University of Pennsylvania
was held this nfternoon In Houston Hall.
Provost Edgar F. Smith delivered the
address of welcome, and Dr. Carl Kel
sey, professor of Sociology, spoke on
"The Spirit and Purpose of Graduate
Doctor Kelsey emphasized the point
that the spirit of graduate work was
the extension of knowledge and not
mere degrco chasing. He declared tho
aim of graduat," work must be "not
knowledge for Its own sake, but knowl
edge for the benefit of humanity now
and In the future."
Registration of students Is not yet com
pleted, but nenrly 500 students have en
Four professors are serving In the Eu
ropean armies. They are Doctors Fisher
and 1'ngnad. In the German nrmv, nnrt
j'roteasor uret nnu t'roressor uroan, in
tho French and Austrian nrmv, lospec
tlvoly. Other profenors missing" arc Pro
fessor Goodspeed and Professor Wey
gandt, on a year's leave of absence, nnd
Doctors McCartney and Burllngame, doing
research work In Rome nnd Johns Hop
kins University, respectively.
Courses In Russian and Turkish will
be given this year. These two languages
have never been taught at the University.
Dr. Brubaker Speaks Before Confer
ence of United Church.
"War Is hurting the financial condition
of the churches. In the opinion of the
Rev. Dr. E. W. Brubnkcr, of Dayton, O.,
who urged ministers of the United Breth
ren Church today to remind church
members to continue their loynl sup
port. This Is tho second day of the ltoth
annual meeting of the East Pennsylvania
Conference of the United Church, which
Is being held nt the Second Church, 69th
and Catharine streets.
In the course of his remarks, Docto
Brubaker declared that tho people afV
thinking of business nnd the home first
of nil, but that they should bear In
mind that the church requires as much
financial aid as ever.
A resolution was adopted by tho con
ference fixing the minimum salaries of
pastors at $700 and parsonage. The fol
lowing transfers were made;
The Rov. J. W. Bombergcr, from tho
East Pennsylvania Conference to the
Pennsylvania Conference; the Rev, L.
M. Martin, from the East Pennsylvania
Conference to Miami, Ohio; tho Rev. Dr.
I. E. Rump, to Allegheny, and tho Rev.,
Dr. J. D. Click, to Indiana.
Tho Rev. Dr. F. F. Daughert, of
Northeast Ohio, and the Rov. O. E. Carl,
of Allegheny, Pa., were received Into
tho Pennsylvania Conference."
Tho Rev. F. A. Ritchie was restored
to membership l. the conference nfter an
absence of two years, and the Rev. Dr.
Wallace Miller was dismissed at his own
The following officers were elected:
Conference Superintendent Tho Rev.
Dr. G. D. Mowery, re-elected for the
twenty-seventh time.
Recording Secretary The Rev. J. A.
Lytcr, of Harrlsburg.
Statistical Secretaries The Rev. E. T.
Boughton, of Obcrlln, Pa.; the Rev. E. H.
Butterworth, of Mountvlllc.
President of Purchasing
Company subpoenaed to
Explain Bond Transac
tions in Pittsburgh.
The Majestic Hotel was bought up at
auction today for JC51.000 by tho Fidelity
Trust Company of Pittsburgh, represent
ing the bondholders of the hetelry. Coin
cident with the closing of tho deal, Cyrus
B. Gray, president of the trust company,
was subpoenaed by Joseph Mellors, Ref
eree In Bankruptcy, to explain tho trans
actions whereby tho bonds of the hotel
were sold to Pittsburghers by Adolph
Segal hypothecated the bonds for JJ00,.
COO in Pittsburgh prior to the bankruptcy
proceedings against him last July. n.
It. Ludlow, counsel for the Pittsburgh
organization, did tho bidding. His was
the only bid offered for the entire plant,
Including- furniture, Jtr. LUdlow bid
fS5,pcO for the plant without the furni
ture, but the total for the furnishings
wae but $10,835 nnd the bulk bid was
The auetlon was tnld by J. Harperson
Barnes, He started by offering tho en
tire plant for $1,000,000 and got down to
$50,000 before receiving an offer. Mr,
Ludlow then made his, bid of $651,000, No
other birds being forthcoming for tho
hotel, real estate and furniture, the bid
ding on furniture by lotB was started.
The auction was held In the ballroom
of tho big hotel, which was the favorlto
venture of Adolph Segal In the days when
nc whs a wizard or finance. The attend'
anco was not large, and nono evinced nny
desire to bid except the representatives
of the Pittsburgh Interests.
Just after tho accepted offer was made
a subpoena was made on Mr. Gray to
appear nWtho next meeting of creditors
In Mr. Mellor's office In the Drcxel Build
ing. This meeting will be held October 9.
Mr. Gray appeared to bo annoyed by tho
"They'll havo to pay my carfare from
Pittsburgh," he said. "I'm not going to
run to Philadelphia every day, and I'm
going back after the sale."
The scene In tho ballroom where tho
sale Was held was unique. Men sat around
In gold-covered chairs and smoked cigars.
Only a few thought of taking oft their
hats. Over tho whole picture shone a
great plaster cast of the head of "Bllll
ken" nearly two feet wide. The Bllllkcn
had green Incandescents for eyes and his
broad grin was studded with red globes.
Tho Bllllkcn had been put up In the ball
room during a celebration on Washing
ton's birthday. His grin
tnis morning,
There are otMr Incongrn
sale of the Majestic, hrl
vcloped today that AdolpH
inmate of Uie NorrlstoT
tho Insane, or his son B1
nis inability to own pro
tho legal Holder of $1,000.
Majestic Company, TheJ
however. This comes about!
satisfaction of tho debt owed
Trust Company of Plttsburfl
Segal took the I.000.0o0 b6l
cured by the Hotel property!
dellty Trust Company and hi
them for $.i00,000 In cash, Thcl
be returned to the company
safe today as satisfaction fdr ,
to It, and the bonds revert
cording to opinions this mol
by tho very transaction whlcl.
bonds again Into his hands!
property Is taken from them, I
constitute no nen and are rendd
Auoipn uegai and his son.
have $1,000,000 In bonds, which
the money for the, hotel, but thl
will be mere bits of elaborate
Ing, so far as their value Is con
The hotel was sold to cover
gage of $1,000,000. When tho sal
ordered Inst May by tho Common
Court August l was set as the
A postponement was ordered Inl
and the auction today Is tho rcsutl
action was taxen on petition of till
Ksttuo Trust t-ompany, trusteos
Guests have not ucen warned thja
may havo to vacate and tho Igl
belief is tnat tno Hotel will contliri
t u rje
Men rial Monument Unveiled
MQTM ML Oct I -The Kln- Ed
ri r- - inii monument, bum at
:-st rt I Aid. was uu veiled here today.
', I " 1 i.aaugbt and other nota
tcr r i .a the ceremonies.
plan to Sell their church
West Green Street Congregation Will
Dispose of Property.
Members of the West Ureen Street
Presbyterian Church, Eighteenth and
Grvn streets, last night accepted the
resignation of the pastor, the Rev, Dr.
Laurence M, Colfelt Efforts to persuadt
Doctor Colfelt to remain ulth the church
were unsuccessful, and It Is now prob
able that plans for turning the property
over to the Philadelphia Presbytery to b
sold, will be made soon.
Henry W. Lamblrth and Russell Van
Kirk were named commissioner to ap
pear before the Presbytery next Monday
to speak at the service which will be held
to take action on the dissolution of Doc
tor Colfelt" pastoral relation.
The v. pr Loyal V- Qreham wilt
Utilities Commission Hears Flea for
Permission to Increase Them.
COLLINGSWOOD, N. J.. Oct. l.-Testl-mony
was heard In the Camden Court
house today by the State Public Utilities
Commission on the application of the Co.
Ilngswood Sewerage Company for permis
sion to raise Its rates. The application
was opposed by representatives of the
The sewerage company alleged that It
had lost P2,000.n Its operations.
The testimony of Rohlnaon & Wagner,
engineers, of New Tork, who appeared
for the borough, was to the effect that
after a thorough Inspection of tho plant
they were of the opinion that the borough
should not be compelled to pay an ex
orbitant price for the system and disposal
plant should results of the hearing- Indi
cate the necessity of buying It.
Solicitor Francis H. Weaver and At
torney General John W. Wescott, for the
borough, and J. Flthlan Tatem. for the
sewerage company, requested the com
mission to give them two weeks In which
to prepare their oral arguments. This
waa granted by the chairman of the com
mission, Ralph Dongrs, who set October
JO as the date for the hearing at I:M p, m..
in ilia oil ,iuuiri Arunion.
Bolt Paralyzes Victim of Curious Sur
gical Operntion.
A silver plate taking tho place of sev
eral ribs In the body of Charles Feathers,
of Altoonn, Pa., a railway brakeman, at
tracted a bolt of lightning In a flcrco
storm here, says the Cleveland Plain
Feathers' throat Is completely paralyzed
and his jaws aro firmly locked, nlthough.
he Is perfectly conscious and suffers no
The trainman was standing on his porch
and near him was his son. The bolt
struck between the two, but the boy was
uninjured, while Feathers was knockel
down. Tho bolt loosened the sliver plate
In Feathers' side. The physicians believe
he will recover.
$1500 Demanded for Loss of Wife's
Attorney Warren C. Graham, on be
half of James Murray and Fannie, his
wife, sued the city In tho Municipal Court
today to recover damages for Injuries
sustained by Mrs. Murray. Each plain
tiff clalrtis $1500. Mrs. Murray, on March
11 last, slipped on an Icy sidewalk of the
Parkway, near Wood street, sustaining a
broken left arm and Internal and ex
ternal Injuries which Incapacitated her
for several weeks, preventing her from
performing her household duties.
Her husband's claim Is for expenses he
Incurred for medicine and medical at
tention to his wife and for the lose of her
Propooali for equipment and Improve
ments, aggregating $10,000 In coat, for the
city's pumping stations will be received
by the Bureau of Water next Wedne.
The contracts will Include Installation
of turbo-centrifugal pumps at Toiresdale,
automatic stokers for Lardner's Point.
air pumps for the Belmont station and
general repairs to Falrhlll reservoir.
While talking to his brother John In
the tatter's store. 103 South Nineteenth
street, this morning-. Peter Stengleln fell
unconscious to the floor. He was hur
ried to St. Agnes' Hospital, but died be
fore reaching; there. The physicians said
the man's death was due to heart failure
Driver of Car Speeds Prom Scene of
Three-year-old Joseph Kelecho. of 36$
North Lawrence street. Is at the Roose
velt Hospttal with an Injured shoulder
and the police are searching for the
automoblllst who ran down the child this
morning at Lawrence and Calvert streets,
and then sped away without waiting to
see how oadly the child was hurt.
The boy had strayed away from his
home and attempted to crosd the street
when he was run down. Physicians say
his condition Is not serious and he will
LONDOK, Oct l-Nll Primrose, son
of the Earl of Boxebery, and a member
of Parliament from the Wisbach dlvi-
Iaii nt PAtnhrldsr. hn nlfatj4 .- .
Vl , I. ss M . I - - .. -, w w....vv'4 av. i,nr
occupy me pmyti wu euuimy nisnuajr i auiy ana win so io we iront as lieu
tot tbe piestot. 1 tenant of the Horal Bucks Hussars,
Horticultural School Students Have
Successful Exhibit,
Fourteen prizes wero won by the ex
hibit of the School of Horticulture for
Women at the annual meeting of the
Uontgomery County Horticultural As
sociation at Norristown yesterday. The
prises Included U first place awards and
three second places for the attractive
exhibit of fruits, vegetables and Jellies,
all grown and arranged by the girl
fanners of the Ambler School.
About $0 pupils of the school, accom
panied by Miss Jessie Morgan, director,
attended the conference and created, a
large amount of Interest amorur the
genuine tamers prwtot.
Store Opens 8.S0 A. M.
Store Closes 5.80 P. M.
The Grand Organ Plays Tomorrow at 9, 11 and 5:15
O jO
eprooiMeooifiis If
miElislh FMiraiifruire
ewly Imported
This is a collection with a peculiar interest for people
with beautiful homes in and around this city.
One group of the furniture consists off Gothic chests,
cupboards and tables, hand carved in heavy, ancient oak,
accurate reproductions of beautiful old H5th Century work.
Two of the little cupboards have little
figures at their corners; and a larger cupboard shows
pointed panels and armored figures in high relief, with
very ncn and beautiful hinges and bolts of wrought iron".
chests have the same
one of tnem, with ecclesiastical corner
probably copied from a church chest.
ures, was
Among the other reproductions there is a set of
chairs and settee in an old type off Adam, with cane arms
and backs with wheels inset.
Another set is in the William and Mary style, up
holstered in crimson damask, and still another is French
Renaissance done in mulberry colored velvet.
There are several Jacobean pieces some showing
the curved cane-work of the 117th Century; and sets of
satinwood with painted panels, and of Circassian walnut.
There are oaken tables
Gothic full of dignity.
-French Renaissance and
And there are painted leather chests one with round
, "trunk" top and cane sides, the other nail studded.
Any of these pieces would have great interest and
value In some spacious drawing room or stately hail.
They are very moderately priced and may be seen in
the Furniture Store.
(Fifth Floor, Chestnut)
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