i, 10: EVEH1HG LBDB-PHniAKBIuyftiA, THI7BBDAY, ft , , -' - . . . " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ''' AID GASES SLED NUISANCE; iATEMENT ASKED sc of Mary Li C. Bid- JEstatc Declares Amer- y 1 .. - Bi voaiette company s int Disturbs His Tenants plaining Hint smoke from the plant American Conlctlo Company, on forth sldo of Cumberland street, cast todd, constitute a nuisance tn th hborhood, Robert N. Simpers, trus- Inder the Will of Mnry L. C. Bltltlle. Hit Injunction proceedings In Com- pleas Court No. 4 today to restrain anccrn from continuing Its manu ring business until It had abated or lilshcd the alleged nuisance. ltors, as trustee, Is the owner ot IMS-SO-22-24-2S-SD-32 -West Cumberland and 2435-3S-40-51.53-.w-6" North avenue, all of which are used ts fences. The Coaletto Company Is si Jersey corporation and maintains lint on Cumberland street for the Ifhcture of artificial coal. iho bill in canity filed for Simpers Ittorncv John Q. Johnson It Is de ll that the plant emits heavy vol- L of black smoko. soot, dust, vapors jrnSes so as to contaminate the at bcro surrounding the properties and tie black dust and soot upon it the ullcKcd nuisance many Its have already vacated their (Impcrs asserts, and many have threatened to vacate unless remedy Is applied. Simpers do te that present conditions will re ftn depreciation In the value ot his urtloa nnd are prejudicial to the ih of his tenants. complaints to the company, he al- dld not bring about an atmlemeni Bmtnutlon of the alleged nuisance, He cb for nn order restraining the kte Company from operating Its .without first remedying the smoke l-"l OULD FIX TAXI RATES w (Committee of Councils Con- i slders New Measure. 1)111 consldered by the Law Commlt- of Cilupclln this afternoon Would com- eVcry taxlcab driver to register his Rio and residence and take out n )S0 fnse. On every taxi a card consplcu- Jy posted would give the name and press of the driver ana exact rates or In English, French, Spanish and Gcr- ails Hutt, Select Councilman of the hty-elghth ard. Introduced the bill would Impose the restrictions on nil cabs and public motor vehlc!es. The jgoiud definitely fix rates for a taxl- for the first half-mile or cents for each additional lour passengers or less. 20 cents each would be Ilonnl passengers. Pack- Bwould also cort 20 cents ling cars holding live pus- he $150 for the first hour Sch additional hour. Tour- Tbt seven-passenger capacity tge $1.50 for the first hour and ch additional hour. ILL ADD PLOT TO PARK icllo' Committee Approves Ordi nance Appropriating Tract. founclls' Committee on Falrmount Park is afternoon approved an ordinance that 1 appropriate a plot of ground to Falr- junt Park at the Intersection of Wissa- on avenue and Rittcnhousc street In smnntown. attractive entrance to the Park Is sed for this locality, and the danger- lurvcs and grades existing on the fays entering the Park at this point ic eliminated. A much larger tract Id In thnt locality Is to be added Park later POTEST STREET PAVING tty-igb.th. "Ward Wants Asphalt, Not Belgian Blocks. litest against the Ilolglan block pav lon streets In the 2Sth Ward was fa to Director Cooke today by a dele fon from the 2Sth Ward Business vs Association, was requested by the delegation that Kphalt paving be laid on 19th, 2flth, 21st nd 22d streets, from Susquehanna ove- rue to York street. Assertions were hade that the constant rumbling of wavy drays and trucks over the rough lone blocks shake the houses, weaken he walks and keep the neighborhood L-nke at nights. Director Cooke In- led the delegation that he would pier renditions Investigated. i-sflent Theodore Greevald and btary George II. Kramer were the Cera of the Business Men's Associa l present. The delegation was ac- hpanled by Common Councilman ieburner. YACHT HALTS WARSHIP ies Elverson's Allegro Brings I British Cruiser to a Standstill, lis British four-funneled warships are feared by Philadelphia yachtsmen. lording to a report received here today observers at Sandy Hook saw the tt Allegro, owned by James Klverson. Ill and stop an English man-'o-war JWdnesdnj after .oon at the entrance 'ev York harbor. le cruiser, believed to be the Britannia, i steaming along oblivious of the yacht II the tatter's signals were observed. in the warship came to a standstill, Bred a boat and sent ottlcers on board, I? remained on board for some time ynen they left the yacht proceeded it New York and the cruiser headed sea. rAllegra-la a fsmllar sight In the ware Illver. Ifer anchorage Is off i street wharf Her trim lines and itenlng white sides have been admired thousands crossing on ferry boats. jyilltige Destroyed by PI re 3LEWEN8, Mich, Oct, l.-The, It Ne-w Haven, Macomb County. It almost destroyed by an early i flra which has burned more free-quarters of the buildings In f, and is still uncontrolled, ac ta reports reacning nere. -jne ner.s Jfire Department has sent confirmed reports say two per ished In the flames. Details are Enable because of the failure of Imunlcatlon. Panama Fair Swindle ANClBCO, Oct. L-A search is Ede here today by Panama-Pacific contractors for two men who about VSJtf traktmi&rm on rep- iitnor' Ml GANG'S LAVISH PROMISES REACTING AGAINST PENROSE Offers of Same "Jobs" to Different Men Alienate Support. "The realisation that only a miracle can save Penrose from defeat In our section of the city has led the organisation to offer Jobs as nsscssors, reglstrnrs and Judges of elections to those who will vote and work for him," declared Common Councilman Alexis J. Ltmobitrner, of the 23th Ward, this morning. The mistake, which revealed the meth ods being employed by the Gang In the 2Sth Ward, Mr. Llmeburncr said, was when they began offering the entne Jobs to six or seven men. In some cases the men were friends and naturally they be came suplclous and Investigated, with the result that the men who were de ceived vUll work against Penroso In stead of for him. In the 30th division of the !5th Ward, where Mr. Mmchurner lives, he said that seven different men had- been prom ised the place of assessor, when there was only one place that could be filled. All the men were naked to do was to work from now until November 3 for Penrose, and on thnt date to vote for him. In no Instance wan the name of Doctor Brumbaugh mentioned. MRS. HARRIS' OLD CARPET STARTS NEIGHBORS BRAWL Obscured Next Door Man's View, So He Fired Some Bricks. A piece of old carpet thrown over tha picket fence separating the yards of Nathan Steel, 3H Illghtcr street, and Mrs. Phoebe Harris, of 182 Latirlston Btroet, tospoil the view Into the Harris home frqrr. Steel's yard brought about the first open hostilities In an old neigh borhood quarrel. Steel was arialgned this morning h' foro Maglstrntc Grells, at the Monayunk station, nnd held In $IC0 ball for court, on the charge of making threats of bodily harm against Mrs. Harris. Ho obtained ball and was released. Special Policeman Rhoarics arrested Steel at his home on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Harris. The two famlllcn had been quarreling for some time over various matters of more or less Import ance. Mrs Harris objected to the lino view of her home Steel had from his yard. The Steel yard Is lower than that of the Harris home nnd there Is a stone re taining wall. On top of this wait is i picket fence. To spoil the view Mrs, Harris spread an old piece of carpet along the fence. This so enraged Steel ,she testified to day, thnt he threw a brick at the carpet and broke several pickets In the fence. He Is also accused of threatening his neighbor and using had language to her. WHERE TRAVEL IS SAFEST P. R. R. Carried 87,000,000 Passen gers "Without Killing One. Can you beat It? The Pennsylvania system In the six montliB ending July 1, 19H, can led 57,000,000 passengers, almost the tolal population of this country, nnd not a single passenger was killed In a train accident. Again, In the calendar year. 1!U3, the lines of the Pennsylvania cost of Pittsburgh carried 1H,000,OM pas sengers, more than the entire population of the Vulted States and Its dependencies, and not one person was killed In a train accident. A record such as this excels any other method of transportation ever devised, far sui passing In safety travel on foot. The perfect record of the last six months Involved the operation of 6S0.O0O passenger trains by day and night, and through fog, snowstorm and clear wea . er. Tho New York Central Itallroad may point to a record fully as good. In the three and a half years ending July 1, 1914, not a ltigle pabsenger was killed In a train accident. During this time 815,513 freight tialns and 1,206,631 p.itenger trains were operated, the latter carrying 136,151, 9S3 pnsengers. Both of these roads re gard "every accident of any kind as one too many," and effort Is constantly being made to reduce and. If possible, to pre vent accidents of all kinds. HURJ IN MOTORCAR CRASH Man Hiding Cycle Is Struck and Badly Injured. A crash at Broad street nnd Columbia avenue today between an automobile and a motorcycle resulted In serious Injury to John W. Good, 2712 Columbia avenue, who was riding the latter vehicle. He Is In the German Hospital with a frac tured left ankle and Internal Injuries. Police of the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station arrested Louis De Albc, driver of the motorcar, nnd Magistrate Morris held him In $500 ball for a fur ther hearing next Tuesday. Good, who Is a machinist employed by William Sellers & Co., Sixteenth and Hamilton streets, was on his way to work when the accident happened. Wit nesses say he apparently did not see the approaching motorcar when turning south on Broad street from Columbia avenue and was struck before he could turn out of the way. PHONE BURGLAR ALARM Slot Attachment Brings About Ar rest of Would-be Thief. A burglar alarm attachment on one of the new telephone slot machines brought about the arrest of James Brown, of Berlin, N. J., and the man was sentenced to three months In the County Jail today by Bccorder Htackhoube, Brown was caught nt the Federal street ferry by Special Policeman Burnett. The man had pried open the box and was calmly removing the coins, when Burnett, summoned by the alarm, opened the door of the booth nnd arrested him. Brown did not know until he had his hearing today that the slot machine was provided with a burglar alarm device. FOOD STEALER CAUGHT Man Sent to House of Correction for Taking Bag of Rolls. Bread and milk, which have several times before tempted Albert Broughton, raused his downfall today when he was stnl to the House of Correction for three months by Magistrate Morris for surrep titiously removing a bag of rolls from the doorstep at 2517 Douglas street. The police of (he 26th and York streets station say Broughton, who has no home, Is an old offender. Milkmen and drivers of bakery wagons have ben on the lookout for some time throughout the northwest section for some one who has been stealing from their customers Today Frank Flllman, a Frelhofer bakery driver, saw Broughton acting sus piciously. When the man stole the bag of rolls, Flllman called Policeman Ap plegats and had him arrested. FOR BRUMBAUGH AND PALMER Italian Political League Indorses Candidates and Plans Energetic Campaign. The Italian Political League last night unanimously adopted a resolution to sup port Martin G Brumbaugh for Governor and A. Mitchell Palmer for Senator. This action was taken at a meeting In ftec chlon Hall, 711 Carpenter street. commute was namea to arrange (or gatrci.iB campaign, jw nyinr UVQ UCCU 2Ur(HC4, i a Tuesday u INDIAN WARRIORS, PRIMED FOR BATTLE, HURLED UPON FOE Allies Expect 70,000 Orien tals, Landed at Marseilles, ,to Prove Winning Factor in Great Battle. pahis, Oct. i. Seventy thousand Indian troops have lelnforrcd the Allied nrmy arid are now tMklng part in tlic decisive phnse of the great battle of the Alsnc. Although these troops arrived on Tuesday, "it wns not until today that the censor would nllow the fact to be publicly announced. The Indian soldiers, 'who were brought Into the war ione through the port of Marseilles, comprise the flower of tho forces of the British Empire's great co li nlnl jirsscrslon. It ofllclally is announced that the Ke serve Territorials and men of the Aux lllaty service of the north of France, who weie withdrawn from that section at the time of tho German Invasion, have been gianted temporary furloughs, The arrival of the Indian reinforcements has enabled the Government to take this action. The great fighting ability of tho In dian troops may make It possible for them to decide the- battle. Although their exact location on the line Is not known, It Is believed they have been posted near the British who hno been opposing thnt section of the German array lying north of the Alone, near Its confluence with the Olse. Nenrly three weeks of constant righting, varied with terrific cannonades and bay onet charges, have worn out the troops on both sides, until now the human equa tion figures Is an Important factor. SOME THOOPS FROM THIBET Tho troops comprise two Infantry di visions and four brigades of cavalry. The men are equipped with the same service rllles as the Kngllsh soldiers use. Among tho chiefs accompanying the Oriental expeditionary force are tho Mnharajah Sir Portab Singh, tho Mahara Jahs of Blkanir, Patlala, Rutlam, Klshen garh and Jodpur; the Nawabs of Jnoro, Sachiu and Bhopal, and also the Malik Umar Hayat. Perhaps the most interesting soldier In the group is the veteran Sir Pertntr. who Is 70 yenr3 old, His nephew, only 16 ycatfc old, accompanied the nrmy and begged for a position on the line where he could see some real action. Among the soldiers are 1000 Thibetan troops, whose services were offered by the palal Lama of Thibet. The machine guns which tho troops brought with them were for the most part bought with gifts of money and jewels from royal families, of India. INDIANS GB.I.V AS THEY LAND. LONDON, Oct. 1. The Times correspondent sends the fol lowing account from Marseilles of the arrival of the Indian soldiers In thnt port: "In tho arrival of the Indian troops at Marseilles I witnessed the flower of one of the world's most ancient civilizations set foot for the first time on the shores of Europe. 1 have seen proud princes of India ride nt the head of thousands of troops, all Inspired with the Intense ar dor of the East, to help win the battles of their Emperor. "The haze that betokens a hot day had Just begun to lift from the bay of Mar seilles when suddenly an Interminable line of steamships crept before the ad jacent islands. "The port at once knew that tho long expected ships with the Indian troops on board had arrived. "With admirable precision tho armada of transports carrying the expeditionary force swung into the harbor and dropped anchor. French officers were lost In ad miration at tho spectacle. It was de clared on every hand that Great Britain, of all countries In the world, probably was the only one capable of carrying out such a project with complete buccess. "A each of the transports, dun and gray In her 'war pnlnt,' glided to her moorings, the Indian troops poured on deck, nil anxluus to look upon the strange land before them. "Every road within a mile of the docks soon was flllsd with French, who watched with Interest tho debarkation of the dark skinned warriors Hour after hour the fighting men poured upon the land, glad for a chance to stretch their legs and feel the solid earth beneath them after their long Journey from India. "The French soldiers crowded around their Orient il allies nnd began at once to make them fctl at home. The Indians grinned In appreciation at the courtesies Bhown them, their white teeth gleaming against the brown of their faces. "The Indians were dressed In khaki, most of them wearing short trauserB, such as the Boy Scouts In England wear. Many wore puttees and nearly all wore heavy turbans." LINER HAD BUT 30 PASSENGERS Italian Steamship, Usually Crowded, Comes Empty This Time. Bringing only 29 passengers the Italian liner Stampalla, which arrived In New York this morning, Is due to reach her pier at Vine street early tomorrow morn ing. Tho vessel comes from Naples, Palermo and Genor. Usually the cabins and steerage of the Italian vessels are crowded with Immi grants. The war Is responsible for such a small number on the present voyage. ANTI-PENROSE LEAGUE GROWS Extension Throughout 67 Counties in State Announced. The extension of the Antl-Penrose League throughout 67 counties In the State was announced yesterday. A committee of 10O to promote the work of the league in the State has been organized, and the membership will be announced In a few days. Letters have been sent to 1000 prom inent Republicans in the various counties asking them to lead in the organization of branch leagues Progressives for Brumbaugh The 32d-Ward Brumbaugh Progressive League has established headquarters at 2116 Diamond street. The League which Is composed largely of former Washing ton party voters has a membership of 250. Twenty of the members were form erly Identified with the Washington party Committee of the Ward Lorenzo Smith, Secretary of the League, said this morn ing that a large number of favorable reports have been received In reply to postal cards sent out urging the Wash ington party voters to Join the organiza tion and work for Pr- Brumbaugh. The League. Is arrangjogto canvass eve: rYT nd wssningHin lHfHBa l " " 2nd bMHMl "MADE.IN'AMERICA" DOOM LAUNCHED WITH VIGOR Promoters of Movement Form Asso ciation to .Foster Home Products. NEW YORir, Oct, l.-A campaign of natlcn-wlde Importance Is being conducted hero by a number of men prominent In the commercing manufacturing and flnan clnl world, to push goods made In this country. The movement Is being fostered by the neuly organized "Mndcin-Amcr-ka" Products Association, which has a nbmlnnl capital stock of 110,000. It la proposed to make "mndoln-Ameri lea" mean for tho United fitnios what "mnde-ln-Gcrmnny" has meant for that nation. Tho promoters say that mer chants, manufacture!, distributors and business concerns generally will be great ly benefited by Increased sales, nnd that each citizen In this country shall bo In directly benclltcd bj' busy workshops and the general era of prosperity that In sure to follow. The stock Is to ho Issued In shares of f 10O each, and no person, concern or In terest, will bo permitted to acquire more thnn one share, which will be requisite to membership I" hc association. Each stockholder must, be the representative of an Important manufacturing or dis tributing concern. DELAWARE ASSEMBLY BUSY WITH REVISED LAW CODE Political Lines Thus Fnr Ignored, But Clash Expected Over Election Statutes. DOVER, Del., Oct. 1. Both brunches of the General Assembly are now engaged In consideration of tho Revised Code, en actment of which caused tho calling of the special session. Clerks are confronted with the laborious task of reading ap proximately 3M0 typewritten pages, and tho code Is being adopted by paragraphs. So far political lines have not been manifested In tho reading of the code, but n clash la threatened when the clerks come to laws relating to elections and registrations. Senators Rclnhardt and Representative Grantlund, the Republican floor leaders, this morning studied tho code to pick out paragraphj which are objectionable to Re publicans. In Its effort to be economical, the As sembly is having troubles In finding enough clerks, and this morning several were added. It Is expected that before tho session Is a week old all the attaches who felt tho axe will resume their positions. MRS. T. PRESTON LANDS Returns "With Her Three Children on Italian Liner. NEW YORK, Oct. 1.' Mrs. Thomas J. Preston, Jr., formerly Mrs. Grover Cleve land, nnd her three children, Frances, Marlon nnd Esther, wore passengers on tho Italian liner Tomaso dl Savola, which arrived here from Mediterranean ports. The liner brought 537 pjissengers, 20S of whom were Americans. On board the steamship was the body ot Mrs. Richard Croker, wife of the former Tammny leader, who died in Aus tria. The body was brought to America by Howard and Ethel Croker. PAY FOR NORDICA RECORDS Administrator Asks Graphophone Company to Settle for Royalties. NEW TORIC, Oct. 1. Upon the appli cation of Leslie Tompkins, temporary administrator of the estate of Lillian Nordlca Young, the opera singer, an order was signed yesterday by Surro gate Cohalan directing a representative of the American Graphophone Company to nppear In court on October 2 In re gard to tho settlement of Mme. Nordlca's estate. Tho petitioner says that April 20. 1D1C, the company made an agreement with the opera singer to pay her and her heirs 33V4 per cent, of tho cash received for her records, and that though these royalties have amounted to J450.25 for one quarter since Mme. Nordlca's death no papers showing her account with tho grapho phone company have come Into his hands as administrator. CHILD LABOR ON COTTON GOODS Committee Tells Public to Care for Children's Welfare. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Although not ac tlvely opposing the movement to buy cot ton goods in the Interest of the South, the National Child Labor Committee Is sued a statement today calling attention to the fact that cotton material was the product of child labor. "If people only cared for the children ns much as they care for cotton wo could disband our committee next year," the statement declared, "The American people have evidently forgutten that In buying cotton goodt, they are buying the products of child labor." Daniels Will Speak In New England WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. - Secretary Daniels today announced his Intention to take part In the campaigns In Con necticut and New Hampshire during ths third week in October. He may visit the West on a speechmaking tour Immedi ately thereafter. The Democratic Con gressional Committee Is now arranging the Secretary's Itinerary. Shepherds Will Meet at Atlantic City NEW HAVEN, Oct. l.-Charles Wolf, of New Jersey, wns elected supreme com mander of the Shepherds of Bethlehem, a fraternal order, at the closing session of the national convention here. The next convention will be held In Atlantic City. ' ISAAC ARROTT'S WILL His S08OO Estate Distributed In Private Bequests. The will of Isaac Arrott. late of 3323 North Park avenue, admitted to probate today, distributes his estate of tOfW in private bequests. Other wills admitted to probate were those of Thomas Collins, 2125 Federal street, J6425; Jumes H. Good win. 2112 Clifford street, JfiOOO. Letters of administration were granted In the following estates: Kute M. Klauder, 3329 North Broad street, H,S69; Martin F Hore, 323 North Fourth street, 16120; Bernard C C'arr, 213S Federal street, JI825. Jennie Cannon. 3331 Salmon street, H00O, Elizabeth McCundless, Upper Provi dence, Delaware. J10CO, and Catherine A. Qulnn. 1406 Dauphin street, J3000. Personal property f Mary J. Van Syckel, also known as Mary J. Francis, has been appraised at J20.SJ3.23; James Bannister, JU.383.74, John Yard, 17313.05; Laura A. Welch, 12KW.60; Eleanor C. Rex. J24S3.S8. 910,700,775.23 IN TREASURY 'Receipts at the Pity Treasury during the week ending last night were II33.2S4.S3. JJaJfneftt made by City Treasurer Mo Coach aggregated $2,337 33.07. Balance on hand deposited In various banks and trust companies U l,750,n&. VODKA PROHIBITION . REFORMS RUSSIANS; MAY BEPERMANEWT Imperial Edict Orders That Ban on Liquor Continue After War Peasants Thrive and Save Money. PETnOGUAD, Oct.' 1. The Minister of Finance, P. Bark, has received an Imperial order to the effect that the prohibition of the sale of vodka shall be continued Indefinitely nfter the end of the war. This order Is based on the tremendously Improved condition of the country since the Emperor Issued the edict prohibiting traffic In this ltquOr. Visitors arrived from southern rtussla buy there Is 'such a change In that region that the country Is hardly recognizable. Peasants, who before the war had fallen Into hopeless Indolence and depravity, have emerged Into self-respecting citizens. The effect on character already Is vlslblo In neatly brushed clothes Instead of form er ragged and slovenly attire. Huts which formerly were dilapidated and al lowed to go Without repairs now are kept In first-class condition, The towns have become more ordprly, and tho peasants indulge In wholesome amusements. These peoplo now save 63 per cent, of their earnings, which form irly was spent for vodka, nnd thoy have increased their earning capacity through sobriety. This extra money now Is devoted to the necessities and comforts of life. This startling regeneration of the peas antry Is, In the opinion of the Russian authorities, likely to have nn Important effect on the social and economic condi tions of all Russia, A change In tho large cities also la noticeable. Liquor still Is Bold In first class cafes, but these are practlcalty empty. The Novsky Prospect, once fa mous for Its gay midnight life, Is now quiet, without a sign of revelry. JURY LETS MRS SEATON GO Woman Charged With Killing Her Husband Is Freed. HACKENSACK. N. J., Oct. l.-A jury of young men decided yesterday . that Mrs. Alice L. Scatou did not kill her husband, Frederick R. Seaton. who was found dead In hla home on Elm avenue, Bogota, Hackcnsack, August 13. In his charge to the Jury Justice Parker possibly because of Mrs. Seaton's ad mission that she was intoxicated when the actor wns shot to death Intimated that a verdict of guilty of murder In the second degree Would placate justice. Only one Juror went Into tho jury room believing Mrs. Seaton was guilty. Ho voted against her three times.. Tho other 11 got to work on him. but they consumed one hour nnd a half in con vincing him that the woman had not committed the deed. The Jury's announcement brought no hysterics from Mrs. Seaton. It brought somo from women spectators: any ver dict would have. Mrs. Seaton looked at the women. Her eyes nnd mouth ex pressed ennui. She rose, faced the Judge without a bit of nervousness and said: "I want to thank every one who has aided me In my case." "The court has only done Its duty." Justice Parker remarked. He thert told her she was free. Her sister brought the woman's 3-year-old child, George Cohan Seaton, "to her side. She kissed both. They slipped by the waiting crowd to the Jail. Mrs. Sea ton took a final look at her cell, told a matron to send tho few articles of cloth ing home and. with her boy and her sister, motored to hr house. Mrs. Seaton's lawyer In his summing up, said the name ar,d career of her child would be stained if she were found guilty. The prosecutor said she had be smirched her child by testifying that her husband had engaged In affairs with ether women. Salter tefcitL - PsMltflUl 34 TOiiTPi THE NEW LIGHT BAKER ELECTRIC Weighs a Full Half Ton Less Than Many Other Electrics Easy Steering: High Speed and Mileage; Reduced Upkeep Cost: Steering is no effort. Imagine the relief in being rid of 1000 pounds when driv ing over a rough pavement through a jam of traffic. And speed! 23 miles per hour probably the greatest ever built into an electric coupe. Better speed and just as good mileage with 32 cells of batter)' as heavier electrics with 40 to 42 cells weight is the greatest handicap to both speed and mileage. Much lower cost of upkeep weight is the most expensive thing about a motor car; it wears out tires, consumes power, grinds out bearings, increases repair bills. Longer life of car excess weight pounds itself to pieces. Rides with unusual comfort light body hung low on long chassis equipped in the rear with Cantilever springs. Light, graceful exterior impossible with heavy bulky cars, IE3 Unique Seating of the time, one or two passengers. The new light Baker is designed to meet these actual conditions. It is a roomy four-passenger Coupe, instantly convertible into a tieo or a threepassenger car merely by folding back the front seats (new disappearing type) out of sight and out of the way. Think of the pleasure of riding without empty front seats. Advanced Equipment: visor. lUecnanicai window mts; automatic circuit breaker; automatic floor suitcn for interior lighting; combination eight-day clock and odometer. Worm drive axle; crown metal fenders. Exquisitely rich interior upholstered with exclusive imported fabrics in beautiful Poiret colorings. From every standpoint this new light Coupe is the finest Baker Electric ever made. m THE BAKER BELL PHONB POPLAIt 1 Itllli NEW RULES TO PROTECT MIGRATORY BIRDS IN EFFECT Deal With Closed Season for Witter Powl In Certain States. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Amendments to the Department of Agriculture's regu lations for protection of migratory birds became effective today Tho effect of one of the changes Is to permit on tho Missouri and tho upper wntcrs of tho Mississippi tho shooting of nil migratory game birds for which there Is an open senson from October 1, 1D14, to January 1, 1915. After tho latter date tho prohibition will be In force again. Other nfncndmentB deal principally with Ihe closed senson for water fowl In tho various localities, The new 'regulations provide for a closed season In zone No. 1 for nil water fowl from December 1G to Sep (ember 1 next following. Exceptions to the rule prescribe the open season ns follows! In Massachusetts and Rhode Island, beginning Jnnllary i nnd October 1; Con necticut, Now York, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Oregon ahd Washington, between Jan uary 10 and October 1; Now Jersey, be tween February 1 and November 1: Min nesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, bo tween December 1 and September 7. For zone No 2 tho closed season Is between January 16 and October 1, with tho following exceptions: Delaw.tt e, Maryland, District of Colum bia, Vltglnla, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi nnd Louisiana, between Feb ruary l;and November 1; Florida, Georgia nnd South Carolina, between February 1G nnd N.ovomber 20; Kansas, Missouri nnd Oklahoma, between February 1 and Sep tember 15; Texas, Arizona and California, between February 1 and October 15. ORDER CHANGE IN' RATES Ruling Applies to Louisville nnd Nashville nnd Other Railroads. WASHINGTON,, Oct. l.-An order Was entered today by tho Interstate Commerce Commission directing tho Louisville and NaBhvlllo and other railroads to estab lish by November 15 Joint through routes and rates on freight In connection with tho Decatur Navigation Company between landings of tho navigation company on the Tennessee Hlvcr and stations on tho lines of tho railroads. Tho roads were also ordered to establish through rates on cotton from Guntcrsvlllo, Ala., via Decatur, Ala., similar to those estab lished from other points on tho Ten nessee Illver. A complaint was filed with the Com mission by tho city of Memphis and cer tain business interests In Memphis against the class rates from points in Arkansas and Missouri to Memphis, Tenn. It was alleged that these rates are unreason able and discriminate In favor of St. Louis, New Orleans, Boston and Eastern points. The Chicago, Bock Island nnd Pacific and other lallronds were named defendants. SCHOOL WILL OPEN FRIDAY Social Service Institution Starts With Extended Courses This Year. The Pennsylvania School for Social Service will open tomorrow under the di rection of William O. Easton In tho Charities Building, 419 South 15th street, with higher standards of admission and an Increased number of courses. It Is expected that tho enrolment this year will .bo exceptionally large. About SO organizations co-operate with the sebpol, which was founded five years aso to train workers for local social bod ies. Tho courses aro of college grade. Laboratory practice Is offered under tho supervision of executives from tho vari ous agencies. Professors of tho University of Penn sylvania, Swarthmore nnd Havcrford Col leges are among the faculty of tho insti tution. Tho school has one of the mast complete libraries In tho city on socio logical subjects. Work Plentiful in the Northwest ST. PAUL, Oct. l.-The Northern Pa cific and Great Northern railroads, tho Twin Cltv P.apld Transit Company and other large employers of labor announced today that there woutd be no reductions in force. The outlook Is bright for labor hero to be fully employed this winter. - c? Arrangement: 98 per cent of the four passengers and mniiiJfJiiiifminmmiiijnmiififiiiiifMiiinfsiiiiEmiiniiniHHiiiiiMiiiiiHinLisnniinmiiiiuiitiiininiiniiinniiuM Frameless windows throughout; front window drops way down. Invisible drip MOTOR VEHICLE CO,, CARROLL A. HAINES & CO. 2214 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. llilill BLUECOAT'S BULLED STOPS DASH OF MH ALLEGED A RAFFLES Handsome Prisoner Dying in Hospital From Wound Re ceived in Attempt to Elude Arrest. NEW YOUK, Oct. l.-An alleged so ciety burglar, a' handsome man of 30, whose apparel nnd manners made him at homo In tho nlmosphero of Fifth avenue, Is dying today In the Knickerbocker Hob pltal from a bullet wound Inflicted by a policeman's revolver. The man gives his name as Herbert J. Eaton, married, of 610 West 17Sth street. Ho was shot while trying to escape nfter his arrest on the chargo of robbing the apartment of Mrs. Gertrude Pike, wife of Arthur E. Pike, a rich cotton broker, of 640 ltlvetsldo drive. Tho police state they found In Eaton's pocket a letter addressed to Mrs. Pike demanding $i000 on pain of making do mestic trouble for her. Mrs. Pike declares she had been Intro duced to Eaton at the Hotel Astor last week by a woman friend. At that time Eaton posed as H. W. Williams, private secretary to a champagne Importer. Next day, she states, her apartments wore robbed and JIBW worth uf Jewelry and otlirr aluubles were taken. A few days later Mrs. Pike declares Eaton or "Williams" called her up and confessed tho robbery, promising to return all tho stolen nrtlcles for ."00. Mrs. Pike com municated with the police, a trap was arranged, and Eaton fell Into It. When ho found himself under arrest ho mnde a dash for liberty, and while fleeing was shot through the back. At Eaton's address It was learned that Mrs. Eaton nnd her child were In Canada BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS WORK Arch Street Institution Opens Tear With 150 Students. Tho Philadelphia School of tho Bible, .-.a t . .. .. ,,.. A ii.v Arcn sireei, was lormaiiy uijuiii;" iu- . day with about 150 persons enrolled In ine ciasee. i-'uruiK tne un. tx itwitun was held at tho school, when many Inter ested In the work Inspected the building at the Invitation of tho general secretary, Dr. Frank W. Lnnge. From 12:15 to 1 o'clock O. U. Palmer conducted a prayer service, and at 3:30 o'clock a similar service was conducted by the dean, William L. Pettlnglll. At S o'clock tonight a mass meeting la to be held for students nnd friends In the Arch Street Pr-Bbyterlan Church, when Dr. C. I. Scotleld, president of the school, will speak on "Spirit and Method In Bible Study." Tho school la a new Institution In this ,t vicinity, and Itn only text book Is the ji EngllBh Bible. Not only will It teach A the Bible, but will endeavor lo promote, personal Bible reading and etudy amonffl tho people or i'miaaeipnm iuiu vicinity.! It Is undenominational. 50 YEARS WITH G0VERNMEN' W. H. Gibson, Assistant U. S. Treaftj urer, Half Century in Service. IJJ William xiuwuiu ", """ri United States Treasurer In Phlladelphff touay is ceieuriiiiiiK um "jih ua , -hit, citrHA wifh the Government. I Mr. Gibson served with the Pennsyl vania Reserves during tho Civil War and on October 1, 1864, went Into the employ ment of the Government us a clerkilln tho Treasury Department. Mr. Glbijoa served In Washington, and later was transferred to his homo town, where he was made Assistant United States Treasurer. Infant Drowns in Old Well P.AHWAY, N. J., Oct. l.-John Wls llng, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. August Wlsllng, of St. George avenue, was drowned here when he fell Into an old well on tho Willlck farm, near th Linden line. time electrics carry under. I per cent moulding; fixed rain CLEVELAND J yjJLiii vm m h KKYjSTONE B HAC1-; 377 3 lIBIllllIlilllil n J