ENIN' OTB-PHrKADELPHIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, UU. PALMER DECLARES PENROSEISM ONLY SENATORIAL ISSUE "Calamity Howl" Designed to Cloud the Real Situa tion in State and Divert Public Attention. SISTERS DOUBLE-WEDDING BRIDES KlTTANNl.NO, Pa., Oct. 1.-"Thcrc Is no Issue of Importance In the present cnmpnlEn to elect a United Stntcrt Sen ator In Pcnnrylvaiilii except t'enrose nml Pcnrosclrin," declared OoiiBri'Ssirmti A. Mitchell l'ultnir In n speech here this morning. "The calamity howl, of which renrose himself Is inuUlnft up nmt down tlic State," he continued, "Is only de signed to cloud the Issue mid turn the public attention away from his own mls deede " The Democratic campaign party anlvrd help bv ntttomobllu this morning from Clarion. V.n route they stopped at New JJethleheni Relmcrnliurg and Kast Uiady. Vaiii'e C. McCormlok, candidate for Uuv rrnjr, who loft the pnity yesteiday In order to confer with A. 'Xcvln Dctrlch. WnMilngtnn paity State chairman tit Phi xdclplila, Is expected to arrive here about no'in. Tonight the candidates will tpeuk at a muss-meeting In the Fort Pitt Theatre tit Plttshurgh. Senator Pentose's recoid of nilsrepie ecntntlon In the Senate during 1003 was the atlhfect of Mr. Palmer's hammering nt Clarion last night. "Why, Mr. Penrose, did you consider the privileges of the railroads superior to the rights of nil the people of Penii B.vlvnnln?" he asked. "The rallioads will bo Interested In your answer to this ques tion, ami the people want to know." ( DR. BRUMBAUGH STANDS ON HIS OWN RECORD Asserts Independence nnd Promises Conscientious Administration. MANSFIELD, Pa., Oct. l.-Dr. Mill till O Brumbaugh, Republican nominee for Governor, arrived here this morning to carry his campaign through Bradford Countv Doctor niiimb.iugh has been campaigning under a severe strain for feverul ilios, owing to the Illness of his nged fnt'ier, but the Information that hl3 father had rnllKl after his relnivp yes terday nnd Is now out of danger served to encourage him. The Republican campaign party, headed by Doctor Brumbaugh, enmo here from AVelNboro, where thev addressed n rt- Jiubllcan muss meeting In Bache's audi torium last night. Tonight the candi dates will speak at Towanda. Doctor Brumbaugh declared Inst nlcht that he wanted no man's vote iihIps jthero was conscience and character back r it If any votcfl were given him In he j.rlmary election by men who mls- nderstood his position nnd Intentions. :hese, ho said, he would gladly lollniiulsh. r'Eleet me on my record," he continued. Bind yon will pee the Inauguration of a Knn, capable, conscientious admlnlstrn- in of the nffalrs of this Commonwealth. I have nover known a boss. 1 never TyUl " Aecompanyliig Doctor Brumbaugh on part of the tour vesterday were Henrv II lurk. Frank B. MeClain. Daniel F. Lw feln, Thomas B. Crngo, Mahlon M. Cl.ir- laili nnd Congressman Edinr R. KIcss. Jt Vns notlfeable during the day that Mai v former followers of Colonel Roose velt Joined In the demonstration In favor of Doctor Rrunibnugh. Hmb klRfflHmi ll;JNfSI MAY E. HAMPTON EDWARD STERNER EVELYN G. HAMPTON LEWIS HOLLAR SISTERS IN DUAL ROMANCE WILL WED SUNDAY EVENING But PINCHOT HOUSE FOR ASTOR Young Millionaire Will Become Member of Lenox Hill Colony. N-.W YORK, Oct. 1.-Vincent Astor lUir on AprlTsO last married Miss Helen llut'lngton. Is to become a member of the Lenox Hill residential colony In Pari, ftvn 'ie Yesterday he leased the flve rlor American basement dwelling house own l by Amo3 R. L Plnchot. nt tho foji . ast corner of $5th street and Park avn i - He rented the premises furnished, thr- ti the Douglas Robinson, Charles F Bi n Company, for one year. The renta it was rumored, would be con sider;, 'y tnoro than $2',,000. The Plnchot house 's noted for Its rare furniture tapesl os and antiques. Mr. Astor will take j session October 15. Father of the Brides Objects, tho Ceremony Will Go On. Following a double romance, which was enacted at their hoarding house, 5001 Mar ket street, May Elizabeth Hampton and Kvclyn Orace Hampton, slsteis, will be married nt twilight on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Henry Frankland, pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church, Eighteenth nnd Spilng Garden streets. Tlie prospective bildegrooms nre Louis Hollar, lUOG Arch street, who will wed Miss May Hampton, and Edward Sterner, who wen the hand of Evelyn while board ing nt the Market street address. Desplto tho work of Cupid, however, thero are ominous clouds hovering on the matrimonial horizon. They nre duo to the attitude of the girls' father. It has been learned that he strenuously objects to the wedding, but as each bride nd mlts tn being past 21, the young people Intend to go on with the double ceremony. Evelyn Hampton contends that there Is no reason for her father's opposition, ns she know her Intended husband alncj childhood. May voices tho same spirit and asserts that her Dance Is nil that a girl could expect her husband to be. She met him three years ngo at Atlantic City, she says. Friends of the couples declaro that they are Ideally matched and they pre dict that no one will be able to prevent the weddings. Ellsworth Hampton, the girls' father, lives at i:!SJ-"Morth Twelfth street. It was learned that he Intends to go to Atlantic City on Sunday Instead of pay ing his usual weekly visit to his daugh ters. 'While he Is viewing the sad sea waves tho ceremony will take place here. The girls' mother, who, It Is said, has been separated from her husband for several years. Is on tie way hero to at tend the wedding and has sent her con sent In advance. Three hundred guests have been In vited to tho wedding. Following tho ceiemony the couples will go to Palm Beach for two weeks. 'DEMOCRATS' SUCCESS PRESAGED,' SAYS GOVERNOR FIELDER Executive Tells Politicians at Interstate Fair That Party Is Uniting Solidly for Victory in State. ELIZABETH TO CELEBRATE BERTH FOR FOE OF TAMMANY Friend of John A. Hennessy Made a Ti .uty Revenue Collector. RK, Oct. l.-Antl-Murphy ap- eontlnuc In Brooklyn. The 1 at of James J. Doyle, a New . aper man, to be Chief .Deputy ' Internal Revenue, nt a salary .-ar. t friend of John A. Hennessy d his annolntment from Cut. Elector K,th. of Btooklvn. himself Uson ao olntee. The new nnnolntmpnt Sis the thud made In the face of thn lorsanir.it' 'FW ' polntme latest i I York ne IColIe. oi Of l.'Al b Dons ind rert- Citizens Planning to Observe 250th Anniversary of Settlement. KLIZAHRTH, X. J., Oct. 1. Elizabeth citizens are hard at work, preparing for the monstf r celebration which will be held lure the week of October 25 to 31, to mark the 2ith anniversary of tho settlement of Elizabeth. The Cnmmltte of One Hundred, headed by Charles D. Doctor, which was named by Mayor Victor Mravlag. a year ago, has dono wonders In the way of preparing for the celebration. Doctor Mravlag named 19 subcommittees to take care of all the details. Tho reproduction of many of the famous episodes In Elizabeth's history Is planned. ELEVATOR, IN MONUMENT CATTLE QUARANTINED Ul Shipments From Northeastern Il linois Examined for Tuberculosis. Washington. Oct. l.-.V nuaiantlne for eovme tuberculosis against all cattle I'll fie noitheafitern Illinois counties -Cook I.oke. McIIcnrv. Kmn. ami up;l.;i. a. put Into effect today by the I'ureau of Milnml Industry of the De. atrtnent .,f Agriculture. No entile can be shinned from these lunties for dairy or breeding purposes Titiss found fre frnm tuberriilnslH hv tubeV.ulin tests. Private veterinarian in-T?-l s abolished. PIpNG ROCK SHOW OPENS Many J,.- '..' i c ll ne act h t'-. I . r3 1 k r r i, I l.i f tr' ' 3ju--"g e tflli-1 t cf tie ' t-vnV-H New Features and 5-1 Trize Clases for Horses. VAM.KY. Oct. l.-Wlth a prlzo Top of Memorial to Prison Ship Mar tyrs Now Easily Accessible. XHW YOUK. Oct. l.-For the lirst time In the history of the Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument, at Fort Greene Park, Brook lyn, the elevator Is in operation, nnd It Is no longer necessary to climb the stairs to gt n blnl's-eyo view of Brooklyn. The waterfront from Greenpolnt to Bay Ridge can he 'ecu on n clear dny. Other parts of the monument have also been subjected to repairs. Onondaga "Dry" for Two Years SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Oct. 1. The town of Onondnga, Including Onondaga Valley, will he "dry" for two years, beginning to day. This Is In accordance with the voto at tho last election. The matter was made as a test case and carried to the Appellate Court, and thence to tho Court of Ap peals, which sustained the result of the vote. Will Continue School in Store NEW YOUK, Oct. l.-The Board of Ed ucation has passed n resolution to main tain ft "continuation" class In the de partment store of R. H. Macy & Co. for girl employee, the class to be In ses sion for two hours In the morning-, six days a week. ling ,4 catiesi and many new he PiidnK Rock !!ore Club's v Ud opened here today. As 'he .-.now U oiillned tu t4ddle uteri, military horos, polo ponies, ridden or driven by new features will be the for the Army Challeii;;?. Cup, this ,;ir by the Plplins Rock latlon Till event will be for d rerfuUtr arm) and members i.al Guuinl. a.i.I will be over a ie of about six miles, begin- nre ai'l ending in the kUow ring. The tbo'.v W H ntlnue uar Saturday. -- Governor Fieldei HATKEACK. N H ' r yeiterr .. Jut., nl Triniui i.tvJja'. Jt ,i ciuniiiai at Clambake J , Oct. l.-Gov-ULcriflced Ids of- Kid nas the guest zlu by Colonel -a. k'ifetTJ'ilor. cf llitkenkack, at his ?vr-. i Jau near Ponlotou Many doIN cuuj ive,i i-jcacui , C Newspaper Statements Due WASHINGTON. Oct. l.-Second annual statements from newspuper publishers re garding circulation and ownership, under the "newspaper publicity" law, were due today at the Postomce Department All newspapers which fail to tile such state ments within ten days will be reported to Postmaster General Burleson and may be subject to cancellation of their second class "cent a pound" mulling privileges. Arts and Crafts Exhibition CHICAGO, Oct. 1. Arts and crafts ex hibits and displays of schemes for munici pal Improvements were opened to the pub lie today by the Municipal Art league. The exhibit is being held In the Art In stitute and a number of prizes will be awarded before the close, on October 25. Irrigation Conference Opens HELENA. Mont.. Oct. 1 Subjects con nected with Irrigation work In the West ern States will be discussed during the Irrigation conference of Western States, which began nere touay Delegates from TRENTON, X. J., Oct. l.-Govcrnor Fielder, as the guest of honor at the In terstate Fair hero today on Politicians Day, declared that reports are coming to him from all parts of the State that the Democrats, after the primary contest, arc uniting solidly for party victory, "In my opinion," he continued, "this presages Democratic success November 3 all along the line." From Governor Fielder down to the Moor cleaners In the Capitol, the State Houio was represented along "politicians' row," near the grandstand. Nearly all the State olllciaU were there, in addition to hun dreds of candidates successful In the recent State primaries. Titles were on every tongue. "General," "Colonel." "Major," "Captain." "Sen ator," 'Sheriff," "Surrogate" and "Chief" were those most frequently heard. Thero was handshaking on every sldo the noise of political discussions vied with the shouts of the fakers about the grounds. Following the custom of previous years, the fair management provided an auto mobile to take the three most prominent men about the race course 'In full view of the cheering thousands before tnklng them to seats In a clubhouse box on the grandstand. These men were Governor Fielder, Democrat; ex-Governor E. C. Stokes, Republican, and ex-Senator Everett Colby, Progressive. By thus bunching the three parties the fair man agement escaped all charges of Im partiality. Representative Allan B. Walsh, of this district, who Is seeking re-election on the Democratic ticket, was paired off In an automobile with his Republican rlvul for the ofllce. ex-Senator T. C. Hutchinson, of this city. The occupants of the car received plenty of applause, but it couldn't be ascertained whether the Dem ocrat or the Republican was the favorite In the cheering. Nearly a score of automobiles, with rivals for offlce riding together similarly, were In the procession which circled the track Just before the racing and vaude ville program began. TALK GOES THREE WAYS The political talk at the fair went three ways Democratic, Republican and Pro gressive. The Wilson men were Jubilant over the fact that all of tho Wilson Con gressmen who rnn In tho recent primaries were renominated and pointed to this as a sure Indication of a Democratic vic tory In Xew Jersey this fall. On the other hand, the Republicans claimed that with the tariff a "war" and probable State tax, as great issues to be used against the Democrats, the Republicans would easily elect a mujorlty of the Xew Jersey congressional delegation. They claimed the First. Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, Tenth and proh ably tho Xlnth districts. In the Xlnth district President Wilson removed the Democratic representative, McCoy, by appointing him to the bench, thus leav ing the Democrats without a nominee. Tho 3d. 11th and 12th Districts were con ceded even by radical Republicans to the Democrats. Democratic candidates argued that their paity would carry six nnd probflbly eight districts out of the IS, while tho most rndlenl party men declared the party would make a clean sweep. The situation In the Xlnth. McCoy's District, was the subject of n great deal of discussion. McCoy's successor on the ticket must be placed there by peti tion and he Is barred from using the designation "Democratic party" because McCoy pre-empted that title in the prim ary election. It was pointed out that the Democrats for this reason started with a handicap. It was agreed even among Republicans that the likelihood of their carrying the Senate this year Is doubtful, but they claimed a righting chance. The Assembly, they declared, would be Republican be cause of the disgust Essex Wilson Demo crats feel toward the Smith-Nugent ma chine and also because of Democratic dissatisfaction In Hudson over the As kembly ticket. KILLED IN AUTO WRECK SCHOOL MILLIONS BLINDLY APPROVED, CHARGES MEMBER Of c l i n n 1 vnicago ocnooimen lyiucn Stirred Until Mrs. Young Tells What the Money Was Spent For. CHICAGO, Oct. !.-.toseph A. Holpuch, a school trustee, nccuscs the Boatd of Education of spending about $12 OOJ.OOO Il legally and without authority. He said, at the meeting of the Finance Commit tee, that the money expended for educa tional purposes has been spent on tho basis of n budget that never was adopted nnd was discarded for another, called the "scientific budget." TRe auditor and secretary of the lioard replied that It was Impossible to spend money according to the "sclentiric budget" ' when the latter hnd not been passed until the end of June nnd the money was spent from Jnnuary 1. Tho new budget Is on an entirely different basis from tho one on which the money has boon spent. Tho board members wrangled for n long lime over a seemingly mysterious J83,000. The figures which had been given to the committee, showing expenditures In the educational department, gnvo tho total of the educational budget lis )l 2, .1,t 13.2.1. Tho "scientific budget," which they hnd before them, showed $12,123,039.36, LOOKS FOR $4.1,000. "What I want to know," said Mr. Holpuch, "Is what hns been dono with this $6.1,000. When the 'scientific budget was made out we hnd It, and appropriate! It with the rest. These figures are mis leading. They are guesswork. You may present them to some people, but some moro of us can add. If we had the cor rect figures from the books It would be all right. Somebody Is trying to keop these matters nwny from the board mem bers, nnd I nm not going to stand for It. I give notice right here that I nm going to hold up n number of recommen dations. "You people go ahead and voto money blindly. You don't know where the money Is coming from or how much money re mains In the fund which Is appropriated for that particular purpose." MRS, YOUNG'S REPLY "Because some people can talk louder than others," replied Mrs. Young, "we won't nllow them to put on us the odium of not knowing what ,we are vot ing for. In the school mnnngcnient com mittee we have always known ,from what fund we were recommending ex penditures." The nudltor was called In nnd said that the missing $63,000 was the amount which was eliminated from tho budget when the board voted that 51 per cent, of the appropriations for school supplies should be cut off nfter It was learned that there would be a deficit. "I can't see why the educational de partment should nllow a deficit to be created," said Mr. Holpuch. "Tho reason for that." asserted Mrs. Young. "Is that last February we had lfi.OOO more pupils than the previous February, and now wo have 14,000 moro than we had a year ogo. If wo lot these children go to school we have to pay teachers to teach them." Mrs. Young announced that none of the stuilonts In the evening elementary schools would be charged fees, accord ing to the original plan which Is now pending before the board. Tho latest plnn Is to accept money from evening high school pupils only for the supplies used. Mrs. Young said she thought the cost per pupil would not be more than 23 cents. SULZER NAMES HIS TICKET Prohibitionists, Democrats, Republi cans, Progressives and Indepen dent Leaguers. NEW YORK. Oct. l.-Wllllam Sulzer and his "kitchen cabinet" completed yes terday the ticket of the American party, on which he Is to run as an Independent candidate for Governor. He Is going to run on the Prohibition ticket. The American party ticket, petitions for which wore started In circulation yester day, contained the names of Charles E. Welch for Lieutenant Governor nnd John R, Clements for Secretary of State, both Prohibition candidates, tho remainder of the ticket being made up of Democrats, Republicans, Progressive and Indepen dent League candidates. Balnbrldge Colby, the Progressive candidate for United States Senator, Is the Sulzer choice for the same offlce, while the can didates for delegates to the Constitutional Convention Include Samuel Gompers, Judge Edgar M. Cullcn, D-Cudy Hcrrlck and Jacob G. Schurman. RAILROADS GIVEN MORE TIME Intermountain Rate Decision Not Ef fective Until November 15. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. Tho Interstato Commerce Commission's orders In the In termountain rate case, which were to have gone Into effect today, will not ap ply until November 15. This action wns taken to give the rail roads more time to adjust their tariffs. ARMY OFFICERS' SCHOOL OPENS Scholars Qualified Candidates for Army Medical Corps. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-School opened here today for many army officers. The annual term of the army medical school, which lasts until Juno 1, 1915, wns Inaug urated. The scholars are provisionally qualified candidates for appointment as first lieutenants In the army medical corris. Duiing "school" they will rank as first lieutenants, but without final appoint ment until after they pass th final ex amination next year. Medical experts of the army comprise the corps of teachers. NEW "MOVIE" SHIPPING LAWS One Dead and Another Injured as Car Strikes Horse, BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Oct. l.-Chartes M. Godfrey, of Bruwsters, N. Y., was killed and J. M. Clark, of New York, was serloutly hurt when the automobile In which thev were riding hit a horse wandering along the road on Tokes Hill, near Stepney Village. Godfrey was re turning from a call on his fiancee. The car was overturned In the orash and the gasoline tank, exploding, kU Pro to the machine. Godfrey was burned to death. Clark's eardrums were Der- practlcally all the Western States are forated, his skull apparently fmctured In attendance and will hold two sessions and he -was so shocked he was tureit of until Saturday afternoon, ,hls reason-Jtrapcrarlly, it Is thought Regulations Put Shipments Under Special Restrictions Now. WASHINGTON. Oct. l.-New shipping safety regulations for moving picture films went Into effect today. Under or ders of the Interstate Commerce Com mission beginning today "movie" films cannot be shipped except In tljchtly closed metal cases Inclosed In a strong, spark proof wooden box, or In spark-proof boxes made of sheet Iron. Under former law's regulations films could be shipped In fibre-board cases. The new film regulations are part of those governing shipment of explosives and other dangerous articles. SCHOOLS AND COLUSOBa Pennsylvania School for Social Service 41 South Flftrruth Strut Class work Include Ucturej and dlicui ilonj on the development of the aoclit Ideal and the growth of ecxlal Institutions :piaent' day principle of relief: organization and management of social asenclet. and con structlv pro frame for social reform. field Hark afford an opportunity (or practical eip;rlenc and training; under the upervlalqa of eipert. Send tor catalog Opinloc diU OsUtar 2d. "DELVAN'S COMET" IS DUE Astronomers Olve Direction For Finding BodyIhiB Evening. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. - Astronomical .scientists, wero reminded today by Naval ObsorVatory astronomers to keep an eye out for "Delvnn's" comet. Clear weather Over most of tho country tonight, the astronomers said, will make the comet unusually brilliant. Heic nio directions io find the comet: Look almost directly below the Pole star. It !fl visible about 1A p. m. low In the sky, but between -2 nnd 1 n. hi. It reaches Its highest attitude, which Is tho best lime to observe It. FIRE PREVENTION DAY Governor Fielder Suggests Fire Drills nnd Removal of Rubbish. TIIKNTON, Oct. l.-In a proclamation Issued today Governor Fielder calls on nil citizens of New Jersey to observe Kildny, October J, ns 'Tire Prevention Day." Tho executive suggests that fire drills be hold In places of employment, that rub bish nnd other Inflammable nntcrlal be removed from buildings nnd&thftt every precaution be taken against fire. Ho states precautions ore taken In other Stntes along these lines, nnd he feels tho same action should be taken in New Jersey. LEGISLATION MAT SAVE GRABS Shell Fish Commissioner Bacon Pre paring Bill for Purpose. TRENTON, Oet. l.-Clmrles It Bacon, chief of the New Jorsey Bureau of Shell Fisheries, is preparing a bill fof the conservation of the crab, Tho measure will be presented at tho next session of the Legislature, Frederlak Jones, of Philadelphia ha-! written to Chief Bacon regarding tlie matter and expresses the hope that tho measure will bo made law. Ho declares that for the last four years he has lived nt Scasldo Heights and Bnrncgat, nnd that the flngrant disregard for crab life by crabbers Is shameful. STUDENTS AT THE CARNIVAL Pupils of Four High Schools Will At tend Tonight. Vuplls from Central, Manual Training, William I'cnn nnd tho Qlrls' High Schools and students of tho Normal School will attend the sessions tonight nt tho Car nival and Convention of Safety In Con vention Hull, Broad street nnd Allegheny avenue. The fenturo tonight will be tho wnr Bsene, In which the Stnto Fenclblcs will p.trtlclpnte. Officials In charge of the carnival nro delighted with the attendance figures so far. They say they nre far In excess of expectations. Philadelphia has taken to the "ftafety First" Idea. KILLS TWO, THfW Kentuckinn Shoots Uncle and Ends Own Llite LEXINGTON, KT., OCT 1 from Franklin, Ky stales that I Babb,and his wlfo were Shot del that placo by Babb's nephew,! Fisher, of Amarlllo, Tex., who Col suicide. Fisher hid in Bnhb's barn WM went to feed the stock, Fisher M killed him. Mrs, Bnbb, who atll to alarm the nclghbors.was shbtj back and killed. Fflsher then fired several Shtl Babb's young son. Ho ended by ' Ing himself through the brain. , INMAN LEADS H0PPE English Bllllardlst Regained Lead Last Night. NEW YORK, Oct. l.-Oackers of vj Hoppc, American billiard champion! day offered odds of 2 to 1 that ho will feat Melbourne Jnmnn, English chant lu their now "more than half t, match. Jnman Is lending today 21( Jli25, but today's block Is to bo playe tne American ruics ami noppo is pected to gain a big ndvnntngo ovei unton. f" $1.50 to $2.50 Petticoats, $1 "Klosfit"; satlnc nnd twill; plaited flounce. SECOND FLOOR rOllB OPENS P..10 .1, SI. ANIJ CLOSES AT 0-10 P. 51. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Market X UH lllft ItESTACIlANT- Eighth Filbert Seventh 1I1JST or EVKITYTIil.-VM AT LOWEST PRICES FIFTH FI.OOIl YELLOW TRADING STAMPS nre (k very beat 01 fniMA firts ttecitra hlplirr grnAe of tnei. tlidnrlMo I'tmi nnv "'' stumiu iJoitoie aiam (11 tlw morning. LI II THING All the Best Styles for Young Men and Youth Enormous Recent Purchases From America's Foremost Reliable Wholesale TailorA of High-Grade Clothing to Sell at Medium Prices That Fixes Their Standard! Ordinarily they would have laughed at our offers, but the warm weather retarded the reorders required by these huge establish ments when running "full time." AI .P IJ9 1 1 Conservative Fashions Solid, Comfortably a V Iffll 4Z3 I Dignified and Aesthetically Correct. CI TI Hp S English Models Ultra-Fashionable, Youth $18 Values at $0 $25 Values at $& ful and Debonair Hand-tailored navy serges, also the new Tartan woolens and neat checks. Regu lar and stout sizes. Every garment hand-tailored and finely trimmed, in fact equivalent to the best $25 suit anywhere. In gray, blue and black imported Tartan checks, stripes and English plaids. IF?' am .miftim ifiiL Men's $18 Balmacaans & Con ventional Overcoats . $11.50 Hijjh-grade, rain-proof frarments. A new collection in English and Scotch effects, quarter lined. Overcoats & Balmacaani In black, gray and rich imported mixture quarter lined and some dressily silk-faceiS Undoubtedly the Largest Display of Boys' Medium-Priced Clotl ,$5.50 Suits & Overcoats at $3.98 Fully lined Norfolk suits in gray, brown and blue serges. Russian and Sailor suits in fancy mixtures, brown and blue serge. Belted-back overcoats in gray and brown mixtures. Flannel-lined blue, brown and gray chinchilla reefers. Dressy Russian overcoats with velvet collar. Sizes 2 to 18 years. SECOND FLOOR, 7TH AND MARKET STS. $10 Suits at $6.50 Silk-sewn Norfolk and double-breasted suits Yn fancy cheviots, worsteds, checks and plaids. Lined throughout. Sizes G to 18. $12 Suits & Overcoats at $8.50 Stylish worsteds, cheviots, cassimercs and navy serges, two- ana inree-Duiton plaited coats and peg top trousers. Lined throughout. Chinchilla, gray-and-brown mixed overcoats. Loosoi or half-belted, some convertible collar. Sizes G to 18. ' y2o $18.50 Values $12.50 Sale, of Women's & Misses' Suits $27.50 Values $20 The tailored suit is now in greatest demand! Never, we believe, have wo shown so many anu sucn varied collections as presented for selection at the present time. Suits at $12.50 Are in Three Stunning Styles They are of medium-weight serge, cheviot and diagonal in black, navy blue, new shades of green and tan. Have the very fashionable '15-inch Redingote coats, lined to waist with guaranteed satin and trimmed with smart bands of braid or velvet around hips. With these are skirts in the latest side-plaited and yoke-top styles. One sketched. Suits at $20 Are In Smartest English Cutaway andj Redingote Fashions They nre tailored from hard-twilled serges, gabardines and cheviots, showing smart braid bindings, velvet bands, cord ornaments, velvet or fur cloth collar and cuffs. Have very fine silk linings nnd exceedingly smart skirts. Colors include grass green, uarK Drown, diuck, nuvy anu nonanu nine. Chic $15 Serge Dresses, $10.98 BASQUE BLOUSE-AND-REDINIOTE SKIRT Navy blue and black combined with black satin and trimmed with silk braid, vjKft'e bengaline collar and rovers. SECOND FLOOR FRIDAY BA RGAINS 75c to $1 Sash AOc Curtains, pair. . . "7 Flna scrim, voile and marquisette, with lace edge; some with Insertions and edge; lU yards Ion?. THIRD FLOOn $2.25 Draught $1 QQ Screens 1.07 Btronff three-panel frame In Early English finish; Kreen satlne filling. Htancls 5.4 feet high. T1IIRP FLOOR $3.00 to Corsets. $8.00 $ No Stall or Iboae Orders. Coutll. batiste and brocades In white, pinU or blue. Klaborately trlmmed. All new, up-to-date models. MAIN ARCADE $1.50 Chocolate Sets, 98c Fourteen pieces one chocolate pot and six cups and saucers. Beautiful decorations. While lot lasts. Otic a set. THIRD FLOOR $24 Axmin- $" a QC sterliugs. Size 9x12 feat. well-known make. FOURTH FLOOR &2sgTONl.Y w ' W " Seven Rood patterns. A. Smith & Sous : Housefurnishings $1.40 Aluminum QCLn Sauce Pan Sets Three pieces 1-qt.. l4-lt. and 2-qt. sizes. I'ure aluminum American make. Like Cut. $1 Rex Mop and a 25c Bottle Sani-Geni Floor O i 1, complete at 40o mtMOIS, good size, Imper fect, Jie. OH, 1I1MTEIIS, National Miller burner. Odorless and d 1 QQ smokeless; t: SO value Ple70 $1.75 Inverted Lights, 98c Glass shade with fringe to match; in aniDer, green ana crystal c om ulete with burner. Inner chinine and good mantle. THIUU II.UOR $8.50 Seamless ?Cj AC Axminster Rugs 73 Size 4.6xU. feet. Limited lot. FOURTH FLOOR $1.10 Stair Carpets, 69c Rest ten-wlro tanestrv TIi-ushaIm f-.u Inches wide Pretty mixed patterns; ruLiiiu i'i,uuit 69c Women's 25c & 35c Stockings. . Full-fashioned medium and light- tvciKui cuuuii: also gauze llsla tugn In black or tun heels, double soles and garter tops. Slight tions. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH bnlieeo relnlcrce i lmpprfec-1 60c Corset Covers, 35ci aiieciat purcnase. .Nainsook wll v , i.r emoroiuery beadircrs ail meuauiuiis. SECOND FLOOR $1 Combinations, 65c i mtiusuuit una crepe: drawer mor nun tui lacca, peaaings and mec hum, nuuun run. SECOND FlJOOR 75c Nainsook Gowns, 4 v-necK. iip.-Q3ecX.iu-1e.l W'th uiLM.-'-ry tau- KM KflHflS Ban .OR FJIONI3 onqtmsj iliWsBBnBffiPbMBaSl m issf'l M I lrrfrT- 'rrTTT