Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Image 2

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- ' - "' ' "V ' ' ' ' ' 'I " i i
, Even when forced back by
pht of nufhbers they always
turned to tho assault and con
temporary defeat Into perma-
falf a dozen points on the left
faro towns which hae changed
as many ns four times In 34
Ltut tbdny It Is definitely stated
In tho territory north of the
Inc nhd west of the Olse, tho Al
nre holding; tho advanced posl-
hs that were originally occupied by
Germans when tho present battlo
(ho German right, Military Hend-
lirtcrs here today declared, has been
irtencd materially. While no details
ho lne are given, It Is believed that
Germans arc now battling desptr-
y to maintain their hold on tho
road llncfl running Into JJelglum.
Iijiy constantly are being subjected to
Csh pressure as nddltinnnt fresh
oops are being hurled Into tho line.
A similar situation exists on tho ex
eme French right. Military experts
pre predict the cud of the present
attto about Sunday or Monday, with
omplele success to the Allies, In that
lie Germans must retrcnt.
1 Attention was called to the Increas-
number of prisoners reported
ken. The number for Tuesday, tho
Ftest' figures obtainable, Is said to bo
ur times ns many as were taken
the severe fighting of Saturday and
kse of this it was argued tho
tdvanco hns greatly Increased
ur spRd,V.an It is only In real offensive
Operations that many prisoners can be
All of tho prisoners that have passed
lere are exhausted. Their clothing Is
jagged, and In many cases the men arc
pearly barefooted. Inasmuch as tho
mire German first line was completely
Equipped with new uniforms, and espe
cially with new shoes at the opening
impaign, tho condition of unl-
shows how severe have been
in exertions.
I'lsoncrs frankly admit their
have been enormous. The Ger-
Fcommanding olllccrs have spurred
men to the greatest r: -rtlons In
effort to break through tho lines of
Allies, and It has not been until the
BPRL1N", Oct. 1. The French are being heavily rein
he War Ofllce says the general sir- forced on our extreme left centre, but
.i n !... l.nA.. t,1 1.-1-1 tl.. 1
luation continues
I. 1I.ln ,oo.n 1
Willi llll.1V viiwdtti-
Ithe fighting developing Into a scries
W independent engagements, In which ,
neither side has so far been able to
Pffaln a distinct adantnge. I
The otllclal report today devotes con- I
Blderable attention to the lighting in
Alsace-Lorraine, where, It Is stated, tho
battle begun on Monday continues. Tho '
French have been heavily reinforced .
and are attempting to break through
Lthe German lines in the vicinity of '
Muelhausen and to carry the various J
passes through the Vosgcs. '
"In every Instance." hays the report,
"our troops hae beaten back the at-
f tacks of the enemy, Inflicting heavy I
losses. The enemy, assisted by the
garrisons of the Verduu-Toul line of
forts, continue their efforts to pre-
ent tho complete investment of these
osltlons, but we are holding our line
fitact at every poln'. in this territory.
I-UNDON. Oct. 1.
Respite noticeable optimism on the
Irt of high olllcials of the War Of-
uot a single word was obtainable
iy explanatory of tho general war
(ion. It was stateu mat no worn
been received from General
rich and that he "probably wus too
fsy at present to communicate."
Nevertheless the unofficial reports
'iduced the belief that the Germans
Igaln in retreat In France. It was felt
fhat they might attempt another dcn
Dnstratlon before they Anally retire to
fthelr new lines in Belgium, but Inas
much as the entire allied line has now
jeen strongly reinforced this attempt,
iiHke all others, Is expected tq prove
' FtAA I a hnn'Ai At t-cj niOi'i fnt
A v v JOf tiwnwcii fe ? -wt-w it (Mi
th'o fate of Uelgtum. Antwerp is being
ted to a continuous bombard-
Bcore of Delglan cities are
lg shelled. Many of them al-
Lve been fired. It Is now feared
en the tfde of conflict finally
Fm Belgium there will be hardly
i city left unscathed.
'-lum is admittedly paying a tcr-
tpll for her refusal to permit Ger-
ath to the F
)urhy nl
last few days that the system of frontal
attacks has been abandoned.
Indian troops have reached the fir
ing line and aro reinforcing the Trench
and Drltlih.
The official dispatch from a point on
tho Olse snld Hint a lull had fallen In
the (Jcrman bombardment. This could
be attributed to a change of position
or lack of ammunition.
While most of tho interest hns been
directed toward tho western cid of
the battle line, where the French have
been striving valiantly to suroiind and
cut oft tho German right flank, nil In
formation indicates that tho French
nt the eastern end of the Hue are pur
suing n violent offensive moVcr-Mit
against tho worn-out Germans. The
French force which Is pushing through
the valley of the Klver Mad has been
successful so fnr'ln overcoming the
resistance of tho Germans.
There Is much activity around Ver
dun and tho heights of the Mouse,
where the German Invaders are still
trying to overcome the French defen
oivn wnrltq. It Is reported that the
forts south of Verdun wore bombarded i
all night.
The French and Hrltlsh nro keeping
tip vigorous offensive movements on ,
both flunk p. tho arrival of 1-rcnch
troops enabling them to rclleo some
of the men who had been under fire
most of tho time since tho engage
ment began on September 12.
Although tho German soldiers are
making counter attacks nlong the line,
the extreme exhaustion of tho Invaders
is shown by lack of tho vigor which
characterized their earlier offensive
movements. It Is reported that Gen
eral von Kluk hns been forced to or
der the retirement of a heavy section
of his army because of the physical
Inability of the soldiers to meet the
violent assaults of tho fresher soldiers i
of the allied army. '
..,., . , , , i , i .i '
Lnofflc al advices from behind the
b.tttle front expressed the belief that
General von Kluk's counter attack at
Tracy-Ie-Mont was a feint to cover
the retirement of a part of his army
from the strong position they have
been holding between the Oise and
Aisne Rhers.
check by n scries of assaults in which
we have gained some ground.
"The genernl fighting on our right
continues, the French resuming their
assaults at various points. The fight
ing in is pi ogress with great severity,
but there bus been no decisive gain by
cither side in this section.
"Meanwhile the forts of Antwerp are
being bombarded at long range with
success. The garrison attempted sev
eral sorties, but in every instance has
been driven back ulth heavy losses.
Tho Belgians have opened the dykes
and have flooded the lowlands around
tho city, and naturally this retards our
operations somewhat.
"The enemy attacked us In central
Vosges, but w s repulsed,
"A superior hostile forco operating
south and north of Albert fa villago
fifteen miles northwest of Peionne) has
been repulsed with losses."
glum is leaping a harvest of desola
tion in denth because she blocked the
German plans.
Reports from many sources this aft
ernoon Indicate that the situation In
tho near cast is improving all the tlmo
from the standpoint of the Allies, Tho
Austrlans nro being driven swiftly be
fore the advancing Russians, while tho
Germans have found It Impossible to
make any Impression on Russian Po.
land. The Germans are now believed
to he retreating toward Hast Prussia.
Cholera and dysentery are ravaging
the Austrian army, while reports by
mail from Budapest and Vienna de
scribe those cities as In a state of
panic. There is no doubt In official cir
cles here that Austria is at the end of
her resources. This Is proved by her
offer to pay a heavy Indemnity to the
Italian Government for the benefit of
the Itulian fishermen who were killed
when their boats wiu blown up by
floating mines. The belief is growing
here that. If Austria persists In the
war, a revolution must come.
In the Far Kast the German conces
sion at Klao-Chau is In desperate
straits, according to news reaching
here. The supply of food is limited
nd already the garrison Is reported to
i v,..,n i. - t-i. , ,
.v .-.,.., .. , vcuoveu h
the German Governor ur- I c
cession will
iHb HHfafSCH
wsmm v. i QUART-PR iu -G"jMrt&rMeva
r V L.". V'""y( J OEO. I w.M U"A JW-V
wJ" Scam vdi)entin' " "nvanvM- AS.?oan aV JlW v
. li i l -- S CttrTi ft . TT. '. jX..y
MONTDIDIER tifrr& ;.& BS:asfcU- N. J DientS.,
The battle line in France is changing in the favor of the Allies, who are gaining in the southeast between Toul and Verdun and in the centre near
Rheims, and particularly on the right, where von Kluk's command is said to have been forced back in the angle between the Aisne and the Oise at Tracy-le-
erman retreat. On the extreme left of the French they are said to be as far north as Orchics, north of Douai, near Lille, and only five miles from the
Belgian border, but this is not confirmed officially. $J
& ' v
Bombs From Aircraft Aid
Fleet's Artillery
With Chinese Reported
West of Kiao-Chau.
TOKIO, Oct. 1.
Geinnin warships In the bay of Klao
Chau aro furiously bombarding the Japa
nese positions about Tblng-Tao, accord
ing to an otllclal statement issued this
German aeroplanes nro assisting the
warships, dropnplng bombs upon the
Jnpancc, who have lost two olllccrs and
n number of men
'I he Jnnancse artillery Is replying vis
orously to tho German attack and n
ucrmnn torpedo uoui uesiroyer nas Deen
sunn in mo uaruoi. inu ariiuery uuci
has been continuous for more than Jl
A Japanete nilnc-sweepcr was sunk off
Kiao-Chau on Wednesday, with a loss of
threo Killed nnd 13 wounded, and an
other mine-swecper wus damaged. Olio
man was killed nnd six Injured on the i
second vessel.
.TieanwhllP the Japanese land forces
nnd the fleet are keeping up the tight.
The squadron of battleships which havu
completed a ring around the enti.tnci
to the harbor are pouting a continuous .
... -. . l.n,l .... ,l.rx nunllliinu n11 lini'A '
ruill Ol bllt'lia ui iiiw iiuohiuiio i,i .....v
bilenced some of the guns In tho forts.
PUK1X. Oct. 1.
Unconfirmed repoits aio cunent heie
that Chinese nnd Japanese troops have
been engaged In battlo west of Klao
Chau No confirmation of the repoits can
bo obtained from olllclal iiuaiters, but
tha Japanese Jllnlstcr has called at the
Foreign Ollice twice during tho last 21
Civil Governor In Taking Charge
Pledges Kellglous Toleration,
Dispatches from I.einberg, Gallcla, de
clare that all tho prominent Austrian
proWncial and city oltlclals. with the
Judges, the Archbishops of all the church
es and the Kabbi. attended tho establish
ment of Russian civil guvernment over
Eastern U.ilicU and tho assumption pt
tlio uIIIcp of Governor General by Count
M. Rutovsky, Mnor of I.einberg, In
formally suricnderlng the government,
spoke In Polish and said'
"Not without our co-opcatlon have
tho Austro-Hugatl.nl troops left I.ein
berg without firing ii shot There was no
struggle here, thanks to our efforts. We
bellee jour IJxcellency has been In
formed that your troops found here co
operation and a cordial reception. In
proffering the government of this cap
ital allow me to express my gratitude to
tho furmer Military Governor, who less
ened our hardships "
Count Bobrinsky replied In Rusilan.
After thanking the Mayor for keeping
order in the town, he added
"I think It necessary to acquaint you
with the leading principles of iny pol
icy. I consider I.embcrg and Kast Gali
ca the real origin of Great Russia,
blnce the original population was Rus
sian The reorganisation will be based
on Russian tdeals We will Immediately
Introduce the Russian language and
Russian customs These steps will be
taken with the necviwary care We
shall at fiist limit thm to the appoint
ment of Russian Governors and other
ottliials Many of the present execu
tives will not be replaced.
"We shall forbid the convocation of
uur Legislature during the war All
so isl and political organizations must
l... .li,.nnf Innpif and mnv resunm their
activities only uy permission.
'Tb-o precepts obtain oivy iteisi
Wo.t nallLa win ha Bcted
1 k I DVCHrN3MCW C fit' w ftJ A rVl I I t . JT; S ACt. B
a. .ac f i v r x u, - xy". vr.
v y I rtNtHl . 'BV t nilo c. I lS. ". A 'i-A,
j i ..r ir ir j i i "vi- ' u . ur
QCHHtMMBS yV A yy T )iTV $L'W'W:V $V
' Thirty Ships Flying "Onion Jack Go
Through Cattegat, Declares Captain.
NUW YOR1C. Oct. l.-Cnptaln GoeUche,
I commander of tho Scandinavian-Ameri
can I.lno steamship united States, which
arrived ycstclday, brought confirmation
of tho recent cable r?port3 that a large
fleet was passing through tho Cattegat
al into the uamc. The captain or the acan
aSn (linavlnn shin Kiilil that lio had nicked
up a wireless message which contained
the Information that 30 British warships
weic on their way tlnough the Cattegat
to help the Russians In the Baltic.
Captain Goetscho continued that the
fatu-gat Is not mined, but that the threo
channels of the Belt have been mined
both by the Danes and by the Germans.
Tho channels of tho Belt aro more than
six miles wide, hence nro Interna
tional waterways. According to Captain
Goctsche, the Danes have mined the
channels as far as the three-mile limit
In order to preserve Danish neutrality,
and tho Germans have mined tho re
mainder of the channels.
That It still mlcht be nosslble for a
fleet to pass through these mine fields
without loss is Indicated by tho captain's
Btatcment that to his personal knowl-
cdBe Hevcral ships have struck mines in
the Belt and have escaped without dam-
nge "Mines beem to deteriorate," the
captain added.
Apologizes for Death-Dealing
Mines in Adriatic.
All Parties Urge Cabinet
to War.
ROMU. Oct. 1.
It Is officially announced that Austila
has apologised to Italy for the presence
of mines near tho Italian coast In the
Adriatic, has expressed Its regret for the
sinking of Itnllan ships, has promised to
rcmoe tho mines nnd to pay damages
to ictims of the mines.
This action of Austria Is believed to
hate averted a crisis that would have
led to war If Vienna had refused to heed
I talj's protest.
Estimates of the Indemnity that Italy
Is expected to itsk range from JTO.001 to
jl.ow roo.
It Is also stated that there Is no con
tinuation of the reports current ester
du that an Italian torpedo boat was
bunk hy a floating mine. Whether Aus
tria has agreed to stop planting mines
lb not jet known here.
Meanwhile t lie agitation to have Italy
enter tho war on tho side of the Allies
continued. The Government Is being
urged by leading members of all political
parties to declare war on Austria nt
once. Up to the present, however, de
spite several Cabinet councils, thero has
been no change In tho Italian attitude
of positive neutrality.
Miss Florence E. Pierce, formerly of
tho Maryland Bureau of Statistics, be
gan her work as secretary of the Con
sumers' League this morning. Accord
ing to Miss Pierce, the principal work
of the league this year will be to en
deavor to secure better child labor laws
A definite plan for the work will be
made at the meeting of the executive
Committee on October 13, and the meet
ing of the league's council October 'SI.
Begins Filibuster in the House
WASHINGTON. Oct I -In an effort to
fore Corgrcss to take up hU plan for
Issuing en-ergency cur-en-y for the pe
r'l benft of the Southern rott"n farm
iv, Repretkrtat've Henry, of Tun, tj-
.prevent ioa
Germans, Unable to Hold
Ground and Take Offen
sive, Forced to New Stand,
Says Tactician.
By J. W. T. MAS0N
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Tho persistent
movement of tho Allies to tho north, par
alleling Von Kluk's nnd Von Dochn's
united battlo lino, probably by now ha3
allowed French skirmishers to re-enter
Belgian territory.
Orchles, where an affair of outposts has
occurred, Is only five miles south of tho
Belgian boundary and 32 miles duo west
of Mons, reported to have been General
Roehn's headquarters. From Orchles
there Is nothing to prevent French scout
ing parties crossing In Belgium along
one of the roads that Von Kluk used
for the original entry Into France of his
Impetuous right wing.
This Is the most significant situation
today which marks tho beginning of the
third month of the war. Tho German
fronts aro holding stiffly, as the Allies
tap them for signs of weakness, but
tho Anglo-rrench lines are approaching
nearer nnd nearer tho Belgian corner of
the Gorman battle square, whero the
power of resistance has not yet been
There Is some warrant for the extreme
optimism In London and Paris. It must
be attributed chiefly to tho Inability of
the Germans to hold a victory at ono part
of their line whilo taking the offensive
at another. Thus, the recent German sue.
cess In breaking partly through the Mcuso
frontier defenses was not retained while
Von Kluk forced the Allies back a few
miles In the western area. Reports from
both German and French sources suggest
that the Meuse Is once more dominated
by the Allies, nnd the determined German
efforts there have been fruitless, despite
initial successes.
This process of losing what has been
gained Is bad for an army on the defen
sive. It creates a feeling among the men
that thoy nie risking their lives uselessly,
and however heroic their attempts to act
offensively may be the results are without
value In the long run. Discouragement
develops and become ono of the chief
factors that has caused military men to
consider a succesaful counter attack one
of the most dlfllcult feats of modern
The German concentration upon the
siege of Antwerp Is a piece of belated
strategy. Inconsistent with the rapid and
accurate Judgments associated with the
leputatlon of tho Kaiser's General Staff.
The primary object of the sleso Is to
capture the main Belgian army that has
taken refuge In Antwerp and thus re
lease for action nt the front the German
army now held fast In the llttlo king
dom. The offenshe requires temporarily a
comparatively large number of troops, for
which tuusou probably It had been post
poned by tho General Staff. Now, when
circumstances require, ns never before,
the pretence of oicry available German
at the filing line, eventual reinforcements
must be provided b) using valuable units
to subdue Antwerp. What Antwerp's
fate wilt bo cannot be predicted. It rests
on the time required by the Allies to
force the German western front to re
treat ,
Russian Ship Held by Arctic Ice
NOME. Alaska. Oct. I. Tho Russian
mall steamship Kolyma on September 20
was lying helpless In the Arctic ice pack
southoJL JZape .Nortb, according to inior-
ttie power eteam-
whlen rata toe
Albert, Town Near Amiens,
Leveled in Artillery Duel
as Enemies Thwart Turn
ing Movement.
LONDON. Oct. 1.
The Dally JInll correspondent, writing
under the date of September SO, says that
the French town of Albert, IS miles from
Amiens, has been destroyed by shells
In a fierce artillery duel between French
nnd Germans. Albert was unfortified.
Tho Germans were trying to drive a
wedge Into the Allies' front, tho point
of tho wedge lying at Albeit.
"The struggle of the Germans to pro
vent their right flank from being turned
has compelled them to push farther and
farther north." says tho Dally Mail cor
respondent. "Tho Allies replied by ex
tending their front to overlap tho enemy.
Both sides brought up heavy reinforce
ments. "This movement, necessitated marches
of 23 miles a day and the Germans were
repeatedly called upon to mako des
perate efforts to avoid being surrounded.
These attacks resulted in heavy Ger
man losses.
"On Saturday they realised their ef
forts were vain nnd adopted new tac
tics. They decided to try to drive a
wedge through tho Allies' front.
"The attempt almost succeeded. The
Germans massed heavy artillery around
Albert and commenced a severe bom
bardment of the French Infantry. All
Saturday night tho cannonade was kept
up. On Sunday the Germnns had made
a Blight gain. Monday they tried to
advance still farther, but French rein
forcements with n largo number of quick
firing guns mowed down tho German
ranks. Tho Germans were game and
kept up their efforts In the face of a
gruelling fire.
"Late Tuesday afternoon the German
artillery, which had taken up new po
sitions, began hurling shells against the
French urtlllery, planted about a mile
from the town.
"Here follows an account of the scene
around Albert from an yo witness who
stood on a hill overlooking tho town:
" "Wo were warned to be careful, and
saw a large number nf people coming from
the town. Suddenly wo heard a deep
boom, unlike that of any oidlnary gun,
aud a shell of great size and forco fell.
Then shells fell rapidly nnd 111 bunches
There were several German batteries at
work, and their ulm was excellent. I
saw only threo shells burst outsido the
town. Tho place collapsed like a pack
of cards '
"The witness left about sundown, to
gether with tho wounded brought out
of tho town. Tho road to Amicus was
packed with refugees of all ages, some
being wheeled In barrows.
"In the dusk several fires, lighting up
the whole countryside, were visible. In
the direction of Albert they appeared to
be hay rlcks. Tho largest, however, was
the lulnea city of Albert in flames,
Against the flaming background the splro
of a church stood out uninjured, but it
was impossible to enter tho burning
Swiss Honor French General Qual
ity Is Good.
PARIS, Oct. 1 The wine growers In
the Canton of Yaud, In Switzerland, have
named this j car's crop for General Joffre,
It being their custom to name the wine
after some notable pub!' nan, accord
ing to Its quul ty
Th' year tlie wine Is ejceedlns'v g'1'"!.
poor T.h-ref'-ro
Rennenkampf 's Army Forces
Hindenburg From Strongly
Entrenched Posts on Nie
men German Threat on
Continued success of tho Itusslan at
tacks on tho German Invaders of Rus
sian Poland Is announced In a dispatch
from Grand Duko Nicholas, commander-in-chief
of nil tho Russian armies.
This Is the seventh day of the conflict
precipitated by the Germans' attompt
to cross tho Nlemen and take tho fort
less of Ossowlecz.
Tho army under General Rennenkampf
has advanced along the railway from
Grodno to Augustowo, and Is now mov
ing on Suwalltl, whero the Kaiser hns
his headquarters.
In the fighting between Grodno and
Druskcnlkl tho Germans, under General
Hindenburg, were driven from strongly
inttenched positions.
The fighting has been severe along a
"S-mile line.
It Is statod at the War Offlco that they
have failed In all efforts to penotrate far
Into Poland, and that large reinforce
ments aro being sent from tho west to
assist them.
The dispatch from Grand Duko Nich
olas follows:
On Tuesday our troops occupied the
lako pnssnges In the direction of
Slmno Serejo and Punsk. The enemy
has been repulsed In the Suwalkl-Mnrjampol-Legatla
district. The Rus
sian offonslvo Is being continued.
This announcement, together with one
of last night, that the Russians had cap
tured tho German positions on the Au-Rtistovvo-ICopclovva
line. Indicates that
tho Russians are attempting a move
ment that will drive a wedge between the
German coips nnd split them into two
bodies, the strength of each of which
will be greatly lessened.
The battle lino of tho Russo-German
conflict extends from Ossowlecz, on the
Bohr River, north of Marjampol, a dis
tance of 7S miles. Fighting Is continuous
on practically nil of this line, though a
heavy rain has been falling for two days.
The ground west of the Nlcmcn River Is
prnct'cnlly a groat swamp, extending al
most to the German frontier. Military
operations there would bo dlfllcult under
any circumstances, but conditions have
been made much worse because of the
Tho looses nn both flftlos have been
heavy. Tho correspondent of tho Novo
Viemya states that In the fighting at
Drusskcnikl two entire German divisions,
21,000 men, were destroyed. The War
Offli'f has not confirmed this report.
Reports have been current hero for
some time that tho Germans wero send
ing tioops by sea to raid tho Russian
coast. Discussing thebo reports. Colonel
Shumsky. military expert of tho Bourse
Gazette, say today:
The Germnns are hardly likely to
attempt nny descent on tho Baltic
coast netwocn Memel nnd Wlndau,
which In too only stretch of Russian
coast line that offers a chance for BUch
operations. German ships showed
considerable activity at this point last
week On lvo occasions flotillas of,
mu.iII gunboat1. transports and
cruisers approached the coast. It Is
possible that these movements woro
Intended merely for theatrical effect.
It was stated at tho War Ofllce today
that tho Russian ntlvanco toward Ira
cow nnd Into Hungary continues with
out any cffcctlvo opposition by the de
moralized Austrlans.
The Gormnn War Ofllce makes the fol-
loivlne statement:
"In tho east we aro bombarding the I
Russian fortress of Ossowclcz with
success: our tioops nro advancing In I
Russian Poland, though opposed by..
lieuvy luic-t ,. ,o 'v" .... ..w.... .
that tho Austlian armies are meeting.
with success In their Galielan and Scrv-f
Ian campaigns."
Admiralty Announces Prizes Among?
Enemy's Shipping Gunboat Seized.
LONDON, Oct j,
Tho Sccietaiy of the Admiralty an
nounces that II. M. S. Cumbeiland lias
captured tho following German vessels
off tho Cameroon River. Max Brock,
Renata Amslnck. Paul Woerman, Erman
Woernunn. Henrietta Woermann, AlllnoJ
Woermann. Hans Woermann. Jeannettel
Woermann. all of the Woermann Llnej
and the Arnfried, of tho Hamburg-j
American Line.
They have a total tonnaRe of 30.9151
Tho vessels contained teii-'iul out war ct
and homewnid bound caigoes. including
a huge amount of coal The GermiJ
gunboat Soden was also captured
Tho German floating dock Hertzogl
Elizabeth which wa? sunh can r
raised, ll Is believed
Tho Woermann Line Is one of the prh.
clpal steamship Hues or Hamburg,
has a fleet of 43 vessels
Stubborn Fighting Marks Capture
German Positions.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 -Further pil
ress of the Russian troops and the
ture of tho German positions at Aul
tnwo and KopeU were reported tol
Russian Embassy by the Petrograd
elgn Office today.
"On September ii, after stubborn 11
Ing, our troops luvo captured the Qe
positions of Augustowo and Kopetz.l
cablegram declared. "On SeptemlJ
we took the defiles between tho lall
Sinno, Fereje and Leztuny The!
mans have been driven back int
region between Suwalkl, Sejny and I
Our advance continues. 0--n?ajJ
artillery continues the boiJVardTnB
Ossowleci, but wltbout u-iij
Schutzkis and Arthejow only ueItiI
Wrmiahars.rid ,