Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Image 13

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A m - V- i.
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Demand From Investors Is
Brisk and Offerings of
High-Grade Investments
Are Scarce.
in aclunl market for securities hna
developed In Philadelphia. Offices of In
vtstment bankers arc beginning to tnkn
ot nn nppeitrnnco of activity and etis
toners arc making Inquiries for nelecl
oferlnp". Sales of Importance In listed
nUl unlisted stocks and bonds uro being
rmdo Under the supervision of special
cimniUlees, but tho situation has re
csiitb tissumed such a favorable aspect
ti.it many of the restrictions which
lave been Imposed on dealers making
rides have been lifted and thcro Is u
Bx.jv.il return to normal.
Vanrn still continue Rood demands
t', Investors for long-term rallioad
iiji'J rqulnmcnts and for notes nintur-
u witliln a year or less. Baltimore mid
lie -notes nre attracting customers on
'.4 l 'Or cent, basis at OS and Interest,
.'h'irl'i Volley stock at 61 Is finding a
Hdy maiket, the yield at that figure
idtis about S per cent. This Is a 10 per
"i't -took.
i'ai i yh aiilu convertible Blss of 1513
e r tlur active at OT'i, while the slock
t! corporation, at 52, Is In fairly
oo". demand. Heading, too, Is qulto
t'Ve it 70, which represents a B per
bisis. There s a hrsk demand for
rut tin nnunclpals, especially those of a
fade which carry yields of Hi to 4', per
JNosv York clUfficorporato stock Cs are
Pile, active, with the demand ' gtcater
wti i !! offerings. The 1515 maturities
,ni -Hire today at ICO to 100'illl lOIGs at
1?' in Jrtiu,, and 1917s nt 102i to 102.
rr was anothor drop In foreign ex
c' .- rads today, Influenced largely by
jjrVTients of gold into Cannda to meet
Jtf n bills coming due. Since Monday
eO i 'o has been n steady decline, tho
A ye today bringing tho recession down to
Cr, oxtmately 3 points.
fV. Sino.0fi0.000 gold pool has been com
1 f od and today the syndicate which Is
dir-ttlng its operation began the gold
sh". mints for lellef of the lortlgn cx-
chaiiric situutlon. Shipment of $5,000,000
In gUd to Ottawa, Canada, and tho i
Bab- of sterling exchange against It was '
the Initial proceeding under the pool
plan sanctioned by tho Federal Reserve
Board. The gold was advanced to
the pool managers by nine ot tho most
Important New York banks, pending col
lection of the subscriptions of the 121
other banks in thai city which have I
agreed U become .imitated with th-
pool. Philadelphia banks have ngrccd to
Iiut SS.ifo.OiOo Into the pool.
The names of the banks which advanced
tho $lo.Oi0.noo only half of which Is being
shlpp.-c t'id-y, and the aniountB supplied
by cah nre as follows:
National City Bank, $2,000 0.-0; First Xn
t'.inal Bank, $1,000,000; Chase National
Bank, $1,000,000; National Park Bank,
?! iOo.cioO; Hinover National Bank. $1,000.
OCu; It, inkers, Trust Company. $l,(U),000;
Guaranty Trust Company, $1,(00.000, and
Central Trust Company, $1.000 000.
M.n.bers of the pool said the $3,ono,CK
g dd roln to be shipped tday had been
iKhpul-en at the sitbtrensury yesterday.
The? drew attention to the fact that, with
that sum, the total amount of gold ex
ported from this cltv to Canada since
the last week in August was about $31,
WO.rOn, of which Messrs. J. P. Morgan &
Co snipped $11 W0 for tho account of
the city of New York". Three small ship
ments amounting to $172,1)03, were made
yesterday for private account by three
Ilidildual banking houses.
Ffts-t.irce employes of the Pennsyl
vania system were placed on tlm pen
sion rull on Septembei 1, making tint
total number on tho pension roll 423.1.
Thirty-eight were on tho lines cast and
15 on tno lines west. The disbursements
mad- by the system for pensions siii'.v
the plan vas adopted on January 1, 1900,
total $10,312,002.
Hearing on the petition of Samuel L'n
(UBmver, representing X. I,. Amster. of
otton. for a postponement of tho
"burl's order for the salo of tho stock of
tje Chicago Itock Island and Pacific
hallway under foreclosure, has been
Jiostponed In New York until tomorrow.
Stockholders of tho FItchburg Uail
.road have authorized nn Issuo of $2,550.
00( bonds to reimburse the Boston and
Maine -for Improvements made upon the
leased road and to refund $1,359,000 of
the Kltchburg bonds which mature on
March 1. Directors of tho company were
re-elected at the annual meeting.
According to Auditor C. S. Sinkes' Au
gubt report of the Pero Marquette Hall
road to tho receivers, the actual earn
ings are placed at $l,C2l,;w, against $1,
912.311.' last year. From a dctlclt of $27,
431 for August last year tho bnluneo
sheet for the corresponding period this
je-ar snows a surplus of $1S.S0S, an In
crease of $305,749.
lVioert J. Dothard has been appointed
su; erlntendcnt of the general offlco
buildings of the Pennsylvania Ttallroad,
to succeed Captain M. A. Golden, who
was retiied from active service on Sep
Umber 1. having reached the age of 70
September, 1014, Record of 4,880,.
400 Is Smallest in 14 Years,
There was a big falling off last munth
In sale of State nnd municipal bond Is
sues The inve&tmvnts situation was such
that many Issues had to be postponed,
because thcie were no bidders to take
them up at anything like' fair priced
and for others the bids were refused be
ca,usi- ihey were too low.
Tct.il Issues for September aggregated
ti hj V.i This compare with tl:.aSK,0i
Usitrd In August and $24 974.251 In Sep
tember last year. This Is the smallest
total since 1900, when the September
Issues aggregated only . JI.u33.SW. This
brines the total for the nine month of
ttv kji up to J3?1.V25.1W), as compared
with $.'S0.7&1,63 for the corresponding
r-?iir..l Ijbt year. An Issue of $!.2OM,0t)
temiioiurv note placed by th illy uf
X'rc!dcii . It 1. and muturing on De-ce-T-
..- .'i 1911. is not included in the
aKoe 'olal.
t)la P'l't Uu OsiiipaBy, a dnldeod ((
I i .b.j Xouiiit'ii 2 to tock nt r'Orl
' - l.'i Ibc l.iL in Uouk u!bijriuiit
, 1 .1 fe rt id,,ill 4jgL!St I
I ft' Mall i'a ' .' a Pn nnu-l
3 i .' ' ' !' - - ' " f II -Ji
. '
' i " - - t r" '"f-
September Output of New Capital
Smallest Because of War Influences,
Plans for raising new capital have been
temporarily laid nsldo by the big corpo
rations of the country, because ot tlnan
clal depression due to the Kuropenti war.
Last month's output of railroad and In
dustrlat bonds, storks nnd notes r-ntnti
llshod n 'lew low record, the total for
September having been only $27,M0,l0o.
This compares with $78,771,000 for the
same month last year.
Tho railroads last month announced
S2S.371.10O In new bonds, notes nnd stocks,
ns against $55,830,000 a year ngo. Tho In
dustrial total dropped to $2,1SO,COO. In 1913
It was $22,3H,0C0.
The following tnblo compiled by The
Journal of Commerce nnd Commercial
Bulletin classifies the past month's
tlnnhclng (actual Issues) and gives com
parisons with a year ago:
mii una. ChnnK.
. . $'J.2SI,0Ol tas.Vlli.noo JlTi.'W.OOD
.. 2i.inn.Mjo 2uiu.ow - o,02s,wmi
,. 1.1121,1(111 1.BU0.000 f 421. 10
Stocks ...
Total .. $23,371,100 J.",.VSW.I00 - $.10. 151.000
INDfHTfllAt. l-'itl'f'llATION3
Bonds $!KI0.C0i) $7.aSMHH - $'',fl.10.00i)
Notes ... 7,i2.",et) ".OJ.i.COi)
stocks . . . l.s.vi.noo s.n.-.o.oo') - 7. loo.ooo
$2.1.S').(K1I $22 Ml. liOO $2l).T.".000
Urahd tot.$27..WMOO S7S.77l.OOI - S1.213,DfK)
August Net Income Shows Gain of
$334,800 for the Whole System.
Prlniailly ns a remit of the policy of
tho Pennsylvania system In cutting oper
ating expenses to the bone, the August
statement of the earnings of the com
pany's lines cast and west compotes very
favorably with the same month of tho
previous year. Tho net operating In
come of the lines enst was $147,155 larger
than In August, 1013, but thcro was a de
crease In net on the lines west of $142,261,
making the totnl gain in net on both
the lines cast nnd west $334,30. For
the eight months' period the lines west
show nn Increase In net of J29S.133, tho
lines cast a decrease ot $2,GS3,57i, and tho
entire system a decrease of $2,3i3,lll.
The total operating revenue of the lines
east was $21,011,495, a decrease of S1.203.3S9;
operating expenses $16,335,1)04, decrenfo
$1,079,511; net operating Income $G,C12,S31,
Increase $177,155. Eight months ending
August 31: Total operating revenue $101,
I3)'.M2, decrease $11,033,263; operating ex
penses $10,725,4IO, decrease $S,375,GSc net
operating Income $:;o,712,S51, dcereasb $2,
CS3.57S. The total operating revenue of the lines
west was S10.7St.OI6. decrease $1,311,719;
operating expenses $7,781,057, decrease $1,-
1G0.455; net operating Income $3,002,OSS, de
crease $142,204. Eight months' operating
revenue $74,945,401, decrease $10,1D9,94S
operating expenses $61,4S9.39S,
decreaso t
S10.4fl8.0Sl: net operating Income $13,456,002,
Increase $23S,133.
Tho totnl operating Income of the lines
east and west was $33,795,542, decrease $2,
514,103; operating expenses $24,180,621, de
crease $2,SIS,901); net operating Income $9.
611.1)20, increase $331,830. Eight months'
operating revenue $23fl.3S3.fiC3, decrease
$21,253,211; opeiatlng expenses $192,214,803, i
decrease $1S,S73,76C; net operating Income
5H.15S.S51. decrease S2.3S5.414.
Huntingdon Development nnd Gas Com
pany sales of gas in cubic feet during
August totaled 110,317,000, which repre
sents an Increase of 7S.770.O0O cubic feet
over the same month a year ngo. Tho
average celling price In August. 1911, was
0.39 cents per 10oo cubic feet, a gain of
.5S per cent. Xct earnings for August this
year Increased $3337.57; surplus gained
257S.0I, ami balance, nfter preferred stock
dividends. Increased $1578.01. A number
of bonds of the company are held hero,
since tho corporation Is managed by a
well-known Philadelphia banking house.
Cumberland County Power and Light
Company earnings for August how up
well. Gross Increased 8.6 per cent, for
the month; net gained 11.5 per cent, nnd
Mil-plus Increased 14.2 per cent For the
12-mc.uth.s period, ended August 31, gross
gained 10 7 per cent, and net,5 per cent.
Unlance equaled 5.s per cent, on common
The Columbus Railway Power and
Mslit Company, including tho Columbus
Light. Heat and Power Company and
tho Columbus Railway and Light Com
pany, reports for August:
Oross rarnlnK-i J2t:i,5'll
Operating expenses (Including taxes).. 150.117
Net Famines
Interest, etc
Pier, ktovls cltv.. Scries "A"... 't,7.vi
I'ref. stock llv Serlos li"... li:,.lli.T
$1.1. MO
Ilittmire available for dtpreelatlon, re
newals ami dividends on common
tock $23, ion
Tho Peoria (III.) Railway Company re
ports gross earnings of $791,785 for tho
12 months ending July 31. Net earnings
worn more than douhlo tha Interest
charges, tho ratio being 2.2, having
fchuwu a steady increase from 1.9 In
Loss of More Than Three Million
Dollars Yearly.
Customs receipts made public today nt
this port show a decrease of Jw7.S03.Sl for
the month of September, as compared
with tho same month of tho preceding
year. This makes the decline in custom
duties here J3.S.'6,S0tj.55 for the rdnu
months of the current year against tho
Bame period of last year. The total re
ceipts for this year to date are $12,352,
Si7 8-. Last year they totaled $15,579,
311.11. The greatest loss was In I'eburary.
This was caused by the holding In bond
ed warehouses of enormous quantities oi
sugar In order tu obtain tho advantages
of no duty which went into effect on
M irch 1. Despite the lower duties under
the tariff law, March, April, May and
June showed lucicases In collections. Au
gust and July figures declined because
shipping was put at a standstill by the
outbreak of the Kuropean war and fur
ther declines are expected until the war
Is ended. The figures for each month
S.lms.aio 77
L'.IKI.MI .-,1
January .
March ...
April ....
Au? ut . .
$1,117. tr si
1 S.1S.HW.M
l,VStl,7: M
$U'..132,Hi7 M $15,570,311 tl
I'tUCAGO. im i -nous itfcini, n.oua
Mjr'.tt li-. l"r UU and l.utcber',
I7.UIS8S'.; ."W-l ha. $"i.0MS.7S. rousa
Uavy. $7.Mi.U; Hgbt. $$.aoeSfi. pig. 13 so
-mm. bi.ll. 7bl..-' .'.CVri.U Koolyla,
M.t. MarkvU wck. Bei. $7eil.uS:
cim4 awl Urhers t$ 7i0.3.'l i.ickr and
(Mli. $iS70 Ttwot. 7W'oSM; calve.
iimll W. dliKKP-Recclpia. 40.WJ. Mar.
kill tad Sit't anl wuicro. $3 .c
1 7-.. 'jmbj 1 '. 'ilM
1 al TVtie.
n n
h &
w V a
Belief Prevails That Market
Will Improve With Sep
tember Liquidation Out of
CHICAGO, Oct. 1. .Wheat started
firmer today with offerings light nnd
the demand fair. The selling was scat
tered. The belief prevailed that the
market would Improvo now tiiat tlto
llrittldntlou of September was out of the
way. Prices at 1'nrls scored a sharp ad
vance, nnd at Liverpool, nfter opening
lower, wheat gained MA.
Corn wns quiet, but firm. There was
little for sale, hut buyers wcro cautious
because of tho fine weather. Thomarkot
at Liverpool wns ennler.
Oats was firmer with larger local
traders buying moderately. There wns
a substantial commission demand also.
Offerings wore light.
Leaning futures raimed ns follows:
Wlitnt Open. Itlnh. Ixiw.
December l.osij j.o.'U l.nsii
May l.l.-.lj 1,10 1.13
Com (new delivery)
December i OSJ, ni'i
May 711 71'i 70'i
J 1 1 1 ....
I ncrctnlicr t"N H7 47
May r,1i .111, soft
October 0.0.-. !.(V, n.fln '
N'nvritibrr 0.77 f.77 It. 72
Jntiiinry 10.10 HMO 10.00
Oi tnber
January 10.17 10.17 10.37
October 17.00 tl7.40 17.00
.limitary 111.7." 10.73 tl0.70
IJIii. tAskeJ.
So Newark Wnist Compnny Asks
That a Receiver Be Nnmed.
TXIBNTON, Oct. 1. Application for the
appointment of a receiver was made to
day in the Court of Chancery by Ilus
scll V. Bloom, of Newark, for the King
Waist Company, of that city. Tho appli
cation Is based on tho ground that tho
company for the past two years has
i found It dltllcult to conduct Its business
at. u profit.
One of the prlnclpnl reasons given for
this condition of affairs Is depression In
business, while another Is that tho con
cern Is not able to keep up with tho
styles that mark the demnnd for fabrics
mauufnetuted by it. Uloom claims that
the company has no money with which
to meet Its pay roll nnd nsks for a de
cree of Insolvency.
The company was Incorporated under
the laws of New Jersey on August 26,
1901. with a capital stock of $100,000, tho
object being to manufacture shirt waists.
Tho Incorporators were Russell W.
Bloom. Foster V. Volk and Charles F.
Knoth, nil of Newark.
Clearings May Be Made Beginning
Next Monday.
NKV YORK. Oct. l.-C. D. Stroud,
superintendent of the New York Coffee
Exchange, has Issued the following
"The Cleat Ing House hank Is now
ready to clear balances for members of
the exchange in accordance with the
clearing rules. The charge for clearing
will be two cents per Item nnd tho
forms which the bank will supply can
be purchased from It at tho following
rates: Drafts, 25 cents per package;
clearing sheets, $1 per thousand. Tho
only additional expense, exclusive of
fines, Is the charge for a lock box at
tho Clearing House, which will be $3 per
"The Board of Managers has fixed
Monday. October 5, as tho date when the
said clearing system shall go Into effect.
On that dcte all settlements of differ
ences m coffee contracts must be mado
through the clearing bank."
New York Butter and Eggs
NKW YOKK. Oct. 1. Mutter, quiet and un
se'ltled. Itecelpts. Oils packasra. Creamery, ex
tru siiSJHi'ue. : Suue daiiy. tul,s, i2i)2!'c. ; Im
itation creamery, rtrsts. 2:iyji2l'5C
Fee Quiet, Hcielptii, I"IS cases. .Nearby,
while, fancy, :iHT.v. : nearby mixed, fancy,
201i29c; fresh, firsts. 24U31c.
WHIJAT. Export ilemand balr. but llmlta
generally t.elow a workable basis. Trices de
clined 1c. Car Mis. in export elcator-No. 2
Vi7iiiv ilecelnts. MS7 bush. Demand
?."?i,Pr,r"un!llrd Wte. SUifclBc.!
white.' ftll31Wc-
l'l Ol'l.-Uelpl. 1018 but... 1.128.530
it. in tarns. Trade .law and market weak.
,r I "l lbs. In ood-Wlnter clear. 8LB0SM.SV.
L i.rtiehi $4'.Mi5.l. do., patent. $11.2.10
1 IS: in patent, lulo sacks. S5.cnQA.T3:
5;.H;,e ttrst U-ar $I.T5.v. do., straight. $3 10
Jf-if" An " littentT $5.C03.VT.V. do., faorl'.
brand. JWlSA: "Yty mills, choice and fancy
?';,'' riViM- ciiy mil", regular grade.,
loiter: ?!? I i-oAV do.. ..IBM. Il
0 15- d'L, patent. J.1..3U a."'.
nvii FI.Ol'H. Quiet and unchanged at
j5"3W for ' ana W"1'"1 ' wwdl
liUTTEK.- Trade nute t and market weak
nnVr eeueral pressure to sell.
specwi,-. i2nl .K-ondY 202TWc; ladle
?Icked' 8WiW.. o iu1U: ",'Jjrby prints.
fHS ate do., average extra. .':2n3o.s do..
J.1W' uHit'lc dq, tecond.. 272Rc. Bpeclal
?a'ncy b.an'lJ of prints Jobblns at 38810c.'
i'ifiS. Klne new-laid egg. well cleaned
up it full Dsure., but unattractive .tock dull
In "peases, nearby extra.. 31e. per dox.:
-.Jrhv flrstB. $8.40 per .landard ca.e: nearby
?"r.nt PecelptJ. T.StieT.o per .tandar.l ca..;
wIIT.rn eitra firsts. $840 per case; do., (lr.t..
M-oftT-WP' clii: do., second. $.l.uuu.au
lir" case. Candled and rccrated fresh eff.
wr "bbed out at 333ic. per doi.. as to
in tight lobbing request but steady. City beef,
i sets imoked and alr-drled. .118320 ,
V,-utin beef. . "moked, ai4i2c;
Auv Ut, knucktss and tenders, .ranked and
, r.diUd. :U:4c . Western beef, knuckles and
fiLdaVs. niTwked. 32c : bef harat. $1043;
ntrt family. $2S2T; hams S I' " cured,
loose K.'iMlBUc : do., sklnnsd, loose. HnV
iBc ' do7 smoked. 1818c . other hams;
liioked. city cured, as 10 brand and average,
t,, lisins. smoked. IVs.t.rn cured. 1&
1, iwiiu. IH KP.WlTcr. breakfast bacon,
as 11 biand and average, I'tv.CJrcd. ilfljac ;
irrakfast M-on Western ore!. 3ijfS3c lard.
Western rtnned. tierces. lH,UHc7. do., dn..'
re4ered. In 1 rcts. U'iVll.' ,? tor. city,
BKKINEU. -Trad, .low aSKmsrkst ili-
fiiUKSK. Otferlnga only moderat. and
. rliea tteadj. but trade iiulet. Nw York,
fullrcaiu. choice. im,lic.: do., do. (air
S "01 lSlsfll.1-! do., part klm., otiHt.
S.ttft ew.UH4 auaibyw.H!vs sta
Head of the firm of AVB. leach &
Co., Who is being advanced a? a can
didate for the presidency of the In
vestment Bankers' Association of
America, which will hold its third
annual convention in this city on No
vember 12 and 13. Mr. Leach is now
a vice president of the association.
Tho Hank .of England minimum rate of
discount remained unchanged at 5 per
Tho Northern Trust Compnny stock
holders will hold a special meeting on
October S to vote on the question of re
ducing the number of directors from 13
to 12.
Horace C. Coloman has retired from
partnership In tho firm of F. P. Rlstlno
& Co., and the partnership hns been dis
solved by mutunl consent, Frederick P.
Rlstlno nnd Q. Hown"rd Rlstlno will con
tinue to conduct business under the old
firm name.
The number of tons of bituminous car
ried on tho Philadelphia and Rending
Railway In July was .1,271,911, a decrease
of 78,110 when compared with the samo
month of last year.
Tho National City Rank of New Tork
has decided to Issuo a magazlno devoted
to a discussion of business and bank
ing problems In South America. The
first number of the publication Is out
today. It contains an article by Frank
A. Vnndcrllp on "Opportunities and Re
sponsibilities of Trade Expansion," and
one on "Advantages of Direct Foreign
Exchange," by Vice President John K.
Onrdln. Among other contributors ur
Secretary Redtlcld, of the Department of
Commerce, and Enrlquo Carbo, Minister
of Flnanco of the Argentine Republic.
The Oklahoma State crop report. Is
sued today, showed an Increase of 25 per
cent. In tho area of wheat compared with
the acreage last year. Tho corn crop of
the Stnto Is 54 per cent, . of normal,
against 33 per cent, last year.
A special meeting of the stockholders
of-the Roll Telephone Company of Penn
sylvania, will bo held In this city on De
cember 1 to take action on the purchaso
of the property ot tho Flrvlew Telephone
Company nnd tho Chandeford Telephone
Company. Tho neii company win agree.
It Is understood, to pay the stockholders
of the' two companies $10 a share for
their stock,
Tho Western Union Telegraph Company
today announced the resumption of the
deferred rate service to points in Den
mark, Iceland nnd Sweden.
The Snow crop report, issued today,
places the condition of corn at 72 and tho
Indicated crop, at 2,612.000 bushels, l'ho
final winter wheat crop Is placed at SS3,
0OO.C00 bushels, spring wheat 220,C0,000
bushels and oats 1,114,000,00 bushels.
The Little Miami Railway wns today
authorized by the Ohio Utilities Com
mlrslon to Issue per cent common stock
amountng to $305,500 to compensato the
Pan Handle system for Improvement.
Charles J. Rhoads. Alba n. Johnson and
Edwin S. Stuart, who have been elected
directors of the Federal Reserve Bank
which Is to bo located in this city, will
bo given a reception by the Penn Club, of
this city, on October 17.
granulated, C73c,; powdered, 0.85c; confes
tloners' A. 6.03c.: soft grades, 5.0r0.50c.
In air supply and demand at revised fig
ures. While potatoes, per bush., Pennsylva
nia. :.fi(Vtc.; New York. 30ft 3.1e.; whlta pota
toes. Jersey, per basket. HAifHSc: sweet iiota
I0LS, Pattern Shore per bbl., No. I, $l.73tt
2..13; Nn. i', 7Sc.r$l: sweet potatoes, North
Carolina, per bbl. No. 1, $1.7.111'.'; No "
7 .",o. Sill; sntets, Jersey, per bbl.. No l'
J2.WK2.7.1; No. 2. ' J0il.73; sweets. Jersey
per basket, 43ft C0c; onlnus, per bush ioii
,'poc: do., choice, per 100-lb. bag, 11 ; Jo
medium, per liodb. bag. 7.1000c: cabbage!
domestic, per Inn. $12!14; celery. New York
Kke',,r,c-e$TrA,C ; roua,,roun"'' f l-lbl
Offerings of cholco stock only moderate and
values generally well sustained with trade
fair. Apples, per bbl.-GravcnsteJii. si.WMf
2.23: Tncnty-ounce, $1.30jrS 33, Blush. $1 SOA
2.23; other good eating arletes, U.SO'H'2 25
medium, $11.50; apples, Delaware and I'enn
svan!a, ir hamper. 308a0e. lemons, per
box, $.134. C.rapefrult, Florida, per crate
i'i-fiii- F.nt!LJpl": ptr ate-Porto ntco
l 2383 2; Florida. $lj'.'.M. Cranberries
caii Cod, Early Dlack. per bbl.. $1,3013
cranberries. Cape Cod. Karly niack, per crato,
$t.7.",S2: cranberries, Jersey, per crate Dark
$1.7362.23; light. tl& Huckleberries, per
lt . 46c. Peaches, Virginia, per 20-lb. bas
ket. n0SpMc.; do., do., per crate, TBc.fl1.60;
do., Delaware and Maryland, per basket 25JJ
15c.: d.. do., per crate, 73o.e$l.J3; peaches
Now ork and Pennsylvania, per butket
Ijrge white or yellow, fWlie ; medium. 3t9
l. S3.n0U4.B0: do.. No. 2. Si.303: nth.; v..
rletlcs. Siea; pesrs. New York, Heckel. per
bbl., $3.WM.N); pears. Bartlett or Seckel.
per bushel basket. $181.73. drape.. New York
-Concord, per 8-lb. basket, !313c . do., por
4-lb. baaket. 8flOc.. Niagara, per 4-lb. bas
ks!, 8310c : DeUwares, per 4-lb. basket, 1SS
15c: grapes, Concord, per crate, 4&BGOc. ; do.,
do., per 20-lb. basket, 40ii3c. Plunus, per
S-lb. basket. 2023c. Cantaloupes, Colorado,
per crate. JUU.ro; a0 do., flat. Nasdc. Wa
termelons, Jersey, per 100, $10323.
LIVE. Quiet and without Important
change. Fowls, 1G31TC. ; old roosters. 129
1:1c. : spring chickens, according to Quality. 14
tflTC. ; uucks. .oc. . Kuiiivut, per
young. w'blijf 2 lb.
Ing Z lbs. tnd over apl.ee. 70o
.In ueluhlnc ltval4 lbs apiece. tktaOAe.: ,1.,
wvUhln 1 lb- t'lfc. 30c . old. 60c.; p!g
eons. rr pair. lilMSc.
DltKSSKD POlXTItr. -Fin. dsslrabl..
sited slock pretty well cleaned up and firm.
Fresh-killed fowls. Western, par lb., selected.
heavy.' SlHc; fancy, weighing 44fr6 lbs.
apiece, -OWc , weighing 4 lbs. aplscc: 20c..
welshing H lbs. aplec. ITBlSc. : neighing 3
lbs. aud under apiece, 16c. : old roosters, dry
picked, V"0-. r"o"1ng chlikena. nearby.
Ublug3 1 lbs. apTece. !0Kc. . do. fair
. .nn.4 lAdilK.-. . chickens. Weet.rn. X lh.
and over apltce. lBc. . do., do.. 21,3 lb. 1
apif. n croiung cmcaeas. western,
weighing- lVs32 lb. 171(18? do., fair to good.
i?1- - siuabs. per dnz white, wtlsb'nr 11
(flia s. per do., SJt;4 2S white, weighlnj
fuh V- Tr doi-. SJ.TTi'5'i.S' . white, weighing
sTbs.p.Tri..J2 4441 do..tdo., T lb, per
ltisLM. 4tlc tvod ila7vtxWjJ4r "
Use Mortality Tables to
Show That Chances of
Death in War Are Not Ex
cessive. Life Insurance companies, reading each
day of tho enormous loss of llfo 011 Eu
ropean battlefields, seo striking analogies
In tho chances of soldiers eurvlvlng bat
tles and tho chances of men at various
ages to live through certain periods.
The American Experience. Table of Mor
tality, which Is used as a basis for mak
ing ot llfo Insuranco premiums, shows
that between tho ngos ot 49 and 63 deaths
number 65.C per cent, out of every 1000
men In times of peace. ThlB represents
exactly tho total loss ot life at the bat
tle of Gettysburg, which Was considered
tho bloodiest fight ot the Civil War.
In other words, It Is pointed out by tho
New York Llfo Insuranco Company, each
soldier who went Into battle at Gettys
burg had the samo chance of surviving
that a man 49 years old now hns of liv
ing to bo 3 years. At the battle of
Antletnm, the Federal loss was 39,7 per
1000 men. Those who went Into that hat
tlo had the samo chance of coming out
allvo ns a man now 40 years old has of
living to bo 44. At tho battlo of Chlck
nmauga the death rate In the Union
army wns 47.6 per 1000 men, which, In
the opinion of the compnny, is equiva
lent to tho peace risk of n man now 23
years old living to bo 29. At Shlloh the
loss was 42.2 per 1000 men, equivalent to
tho peace risk of a. man living from 30
to 35.
Taking tho battles of tho Civil "War as
a basis, Insurance actuaries have fig
ured out a table showing tho battlo death
rate and tho equivalent peace risk at
various ages. It follows:
Battle. Death rate. risk.
First Hull Run 40.7 ier KXX Axe20tonl
Khlloh 42.2 per ltKXI ArcIO to.'l.t
Seven I'lnes 2.".1 per 10OO Ako 4S to to
Seven Days 27.1 per lOOO Aue :) to :!
Second Hull Hun.... 45.4 per 1000 Ace ,). to 40
Antletam 3tl.7perl000 Age 40 to 44
I'erryvllle 2S.0 per 1000 Ago .12 to as
Fredericksburg 18.1 per 100O Age W, to SO
Chancelloravllo .... 20.:t per 1000 Ako 42 to It
Gettysburg 53.0 per lOOO Aso40to02
Vleksburtr (Cam.)... 12.fi per 1000 Ai?e42to4il
Stone's lllver MM) per lflnO Age 47 to Bt
Chlckamausa 47.0pcrlOOO Agc2ato2U
Chattanooga 20.5 per 1000 Age 42 to 44
Wilderness ai.B per 1000 Ago 42 to 43
Spottsylvanla 44.0 per WOO Age Xl tons
Cold Harbor Itt.O per 10O0 Ago 28 to .T2
Atlanta (Vani.) .inj per 1000 .Kc.into45
Winchester 'Jn.ti per 1000 Age .', to SS
Cedar Creok 27.1) per lOOO Age .17 to 40
Nashville 14.8 per 1000 Ago 32 to SI
The figures In this table are being used
by llfo Insuranco agents to emphasize
tho fact that the man In peace who Is
not Insured Is taking about as much
chanco as a soldier about to go Into a
August gros $1,1X10.(124
Net 3ia,878
August gross... $2rt1,M $111,
Net 37.7S3 il,
From Jan. 1 2.12t.ini n,
Net 4.40.ISMI 21,
Third week Sept $.',0.1,1)7 $102,
From July 1 4,iHl,(KVt S33,
Third Similar Robbery Worked by
Glib Stranger.
Another robbery, similar to those
which havo been occurrlns frequently in
tho northwest part of the city, was per
petrated at tho expense of Mrs. Arabella
Brown, 2123 North Park avenue, by a
glib stranger, who stolo a watch whllo
ostensibly seeking; lodgings,
Tho robbery Is the third of its kind
within two tlajs. Other houses wero
entered and jewelry taken last week
nppnrcntly by tho same man, who does
not change his method of operation.
Yesterday a n an, stating ho was seek
ing a place to live, asked Mrs. Brown
to show him rooms. After his departuro
Mrs. Brown missed a gold watch and
chain. Jewelry was taken in the same
manner from Mrs. L. It. Mayer, 2102
Diamond street, on Tuesday.
Special Policemen Gorz and Mulgrow
aro looking for the thief. He Is described
as being about 2T years old, C feet 7
Inches tall, nnd when last seen wore a
brown suit and brown pluld cap. Ho Is
declared to have several front teeth miss
Government Accuses Concern of Un
dervaluing' Importation of Lnco.
NKW YOKK. Oct. l.Sult was brought
hero today by the United States Gov
ernment against tha Julius Strauss Luce
Importing Corporation, a local concern, to
recover $U5,Ki9.25, alleged to be the Ameri
can value of laces Imported from Austria
and undervalued when entered in the Now
York custom hou.o.
Tho petition reads that tho Government
was defrauded out of tho full duty on the
Tho battleship Connecltcut, after an
absenco from the Philadelphia Navy Yard
of about one month, steamed to her an
chorago In the back channel today under
command of Captain J. J. Knapp.
The Connecticut left league Island on
September 1 to participate In the Navy
Day celebration at liar Harbor n Sep
tember 1. Later sho went to Hampton
itoadi. Va.. where In target practlco she
made the best score ever credited to her.
She will now go into drydock, bo thor
oughly overhauled and remain at Phila
delphia until further orders.
Author's Son Killed by Tramp
KNOXVILLK, Tenn., Oct. 1. John P.
Smlthaon, a freight train conductor, and
son of Nobel Smlthson, a Southern
author, was killed on a, train near this
place today by a tramp.
Pr. Phillip II. Hawk, tha Indoor tennis rham
Plon ot this city, will be one of th MguUrs
or. the Commercial Museum court this winter.
11 has excellent projects of retaining tho
title uon last season, bavins played In tho
various league and title tournaments during
tha past outdoor season, and thereby perfoct
Inj his jams.
rhtladelphlans will remember the excellent
came ot tennis played by Miss Marl Wag
ner the New York Indoor champion. wen she
competed In tbe Pennsylvania Stale champion
ship tournament at Merlon. Although she lost
to Hi: Raymond In the final test, tbe na
tional tltlsholder had many friends here anl
they will be daJ to hear ot her brilliant work
la (be Metropolitan championships last ucek.
MUa Mary K Browne, thrice national sln
ies. doubles and mixed doubles tennis chain
mon has wn more honors on the courts than
any other woman In tbe lame In many years
oast. The former ennls s'ans, Miss Hacl
llotihkUs and Miss May Sutton, had brIU'act
re'ords dorin the helM of their tennis rs-J-eer
but Miss Urowne tops the lji nt-.en
c mei to winnlna -fiaairlonsh 3 troib'es. fc HI
the natUsbal l tleh- !der detests t"urnso'ei t
tecnls Ml delicbis la pi J 10 Jut tit (tu
fta a tit Sunt
Increase In Reserve This Week Com
pared With iast.
LONDON. Oct. 1. The Hank of Rngtand re
turn for tho week compare, as follows:
Circulation ' 14, 074,000 .cut, 202,000
I'uhllo deposits.... 22,211,000 28,072.000
I'rlvnto deposits... 1S7.2S7.000 m.207,000
Gov't securities 24,732,000 2.VfiS2.00n
othor securities.... lin.Rlo.non 110,7.12,000
Iteservo 30,anl,nv) R.t,D2n.oiv)
Prop, of res. to llab. 22.Sir, . S.l.a.l's,
million 62,010,0011 51,072,('i)
llaiik rate To ' 0
Tickets Pound In Suspect's Hooni
Substantiate Bobbery Charges.
CHESTER, Pa., Oct 1. Pacing a charge
of burglary, Charles Tatcr Is still a pa
tient nt tho Chester Hospital suffering
from a bullet wound In tho bnck, a result
result of being shot by Policeman Hanley,
from whom ho broke away when being
taken Into custody.
Making a round of Philadelphia pawn
shops yesterday, Sergeant of Police SMI
and County Detective Berry recovered a
quantity of goods which Tater and lu
pal, Adam Znkrazskl, of 931 Warnock
street, Philadelphia, who Is In the Media
Jnll, aro alleged to havo stolen from vari
ous residences In this city. Pawn tickets
calling for tho goods were found in
Znkrazskl's room In Philadelphia,
Lu Lit Temple Man Loses Motor
Whllo in Masonic Building.
A motor car belonging to It. M. While,
2114 Hollywood strcot, vrnn stolen from
In front of the I.u I..U Temple, Spring
Garden street, east of Broad, while Its
owner, who Is a member of the Shrlner's
band, was Inside tho building.
Mr. White said there wore oilier auto
mobiles In front of the Temple at the
time his car wns tnken. Tho Lu I.u
Band met for practice Inst night, and It
was during tills time tho machine dis
appeared. Police of the. I6lh and York streets
station are searching for tho car. It
bearB a license tag No. 67003.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. A fervent pica
for tho Independence of the Philippine
Islands was voiced In tho House today
by Manuel Quezon, commissioner from
tho Philippines, In advocating tho Jones
bill granting the Filipinos limited Inde
pendence and promising them ultlmato
Quezon was applauded oven by ffls
Republicans, who oppose tho measure.
Blndfolded, Ho Plunged to Death
NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Glacomo Gior
dano, 52 years old, a sewing machlno
salesman, of SOG East Tenth street, tied
n handkerchief over his eyes nnd de
liberately plunged out of a fourth-story
window In his home today. He was In
stantly killed. He wns despondent over
Sun and Tides
Sun rises ... .vriOa.m. I Sun seta 8:41p.m.
HlRh water.tl :4.1a.m. j HUh witter p.m.
Low water.. 11:20 a.m. I Low water.. 0:42 p.m.
IIlBh water, na2a.ni. I HlRh water. R:S1 p.m.
Low water.. 2:.18a.m. I Low water.. 3:00p.m.
High water. 0:10 a.m. Illicit water. 0:30p.m.
Low water a.m. I Low water.. 12:12 p.m.
Vessels Arriving Today
Ilattleshlp Connecticut, Hampton Holds.
Ktr. Amolla (Hr.), I'ort Antonio, Jamaica,
Trult. United Fruit Company.
Str. Ualilergrovo (Hr.), New ork, ballast,
Str. Lalla (Nor.), New York, ballast. V. J.
flrnncinvid & Cn.
Ktr. Ilibcrt M. Thompson, New Orleans,
merchandise, Philadelphia-New Orleans Trans
portation Company. .....
Str. Tuscnn, Savannah, merchandise, Mer
chant and Miners' Transportation Company.
Vessels Arriving Today
Name. From. Docked.
Ftumpalln Naples h 11,111.
T. dl Savola Naples Noon
Name. From. Date.
Vaderland Liverpool Sept. 22
Ccdrlo Liverpool Sept. 24
Noordam Rotterdam ....Sept. 2.1
NuoU Palermo Sept. IT
Steamships to Xeave
Name. Fur. Date.
Columbia Glasgow Oct. 3
Philadelphia Liverpool Oct. i
Duca d'Aosta Naples Oct. :i
Minnehaha London Oct. .1
Eupagno Havro Oct. .1
Vaderland Liverpool Oct. 0
Krlstlanlafjord Dercen Oct. U
Noordam Itoticrdam Oct, 11
Napoll Naples Oct. 0
Sanf Anna Marseille Oct. 0
Str. Saint Winifred (DM, McKenzle. Shi
nionosekl. dalley. Davis & Co.
Str. Oakland fJranca (Dr.), Lewis, Hor
dau. J. A. McCarthy
Str. CJraclana iHr.), Falrclough. Lelth, Fur-
Ktr. Indian, Iludnlns, Savannah and Jackson
ville. Merchants und Miners' Tranrportatlon
Company. ...
Ktr. Persian. Nlckerson. Boston. Merchants
and Miners' Transportation Company.
Str. Oseech". Dow, Tampa. Port Arthur and
Tuxas City. Southern Steamship Company.
Sir. Lrlcsson, Willis, Ualtlmore. Krlcsion
Sclir. Jacksonville, Lloyd. Mayport, Cook
Cummer Company.
Schr. J. Ldward Drake, llalloway, Mayport,
A. D. Cummins & Co.
Steamships to Arrive
Name. . Frw. ' Railed.
StampalU Naples Sept. IS
Merlon Liverpool Sept. 2.1
California Copenhagen ...N"Pt. -
Moneollan tilasuow Sept. 26
City of Durham Calcutta Sept. 1
SSyldyk Ituiterdam sept. 15
Man. Mariner Manchester ....Sept. in
Adolfo ,,.,",olv.'t l'l H
Siurmfels lalcutu ;e.i . -
Canadta Stavanger Sept. jr.
Z.rnbergen tU5dl,,t v. 2p 15
Narlk Mlddleahoro .. ,bnn. is
ilapldan Mlddlcshoro . ...Sept. ,;n
Missouri ?.?nan ei'J-
Dakolan HUo .... . ....Sept.
tlreenwlch .Newcastle.N.lt..bept. L'i
Wlnlatoii St. Vlncent.C. V..Sept 17
Man. Miller Manchester ...,t;ept. Jl
Corrlston Fowoy bept. 23
Sisbore . . .' Hartlepool Sept. 2.
Stalhelm Hurnt liland. ..Sept. '."i
Warloy I'lckerlnj Illo Janeiro. ...Sept. --
Crown Point Jr0":1.0" ge'' 2
noniford Santiago Sej.t. 'ii
"larlterea Muelya Sopt. au
jjurjek Narvik Sept. CO
Steamships to Leave
Name. , For. Date.
Dominion Liverpool Oct. 3
StampalU Naples Oct.
Merlon Liverpool Oct. Ill
Mongolian OUugow net. 17
CalllornU Copenliagen ....Oct. 1(1
Canadta Chrlstlanla Oct. 3
'yldik Rotterdam Oct. 8
Man. Mariner Manchester . ...Xt. 10
btart Point lmdon O.t. lu
Missouri Ixiudon Oct. II
Itapldan Lalth Oct. 16
With the exception of the grain trade char
tering in the steam market was light. Hatu
ere nrm. The supply of tall tonnage Is more
than sufficient to meet small Inquiry, Rates
unsteady. 3,,,
Horemon (Rr.l. New York to Piraeus, grain,
23.U4) quarters, 3s. 8d , option Marseilles, Us-
dm or Naples. 3. lv3i.. October.
(isrnetd (Hr.). ISalllmor to Bordeaux or
N'atalre, oats, 32.000 quarters, 2s. 3hd.,
Soborg (Nor.). Atlanlt.- Range to Scandi
navian ports, grain. 12.000 quarters. 4s. 04 ,
Daggry (Nor.). New Tork to Scandinavian
port, refined rtlrc-leum, 7600 barrels, prtiate
terms, prompt
Isabel B Witty, Ul tons. rhIUislphU to
Polnt-a-1'ltre. cost, private terms
Prance M. 1036 tons, Jlaltlmor to Key
West, coal, 1125 and diacbaigad
Augustus Welt Utl tons. Bal'lmorf to May
port, coal, pr.vaie terms, bark Ja-k"nille
to new yo-v. lumoer. o. ties, xi icdis.
J idwarj Prske. 789 "". Ji Vsoij-. '1 to
PMIl'lt.ibU). IllBM", i:.'M I" I. , '
Itepubltc 6S0 toil. Ji ,'' WY' I
dei. e, salt, tjttn e IbiUdel'ui ta i"opit-s,. I
X u. coat, crhiie twaj,
Denounces Clayton Mdasui
as Revamped in Confel
ence as Fundamental)
Wrong at Start.
WASUINaTON, Oct. t.-The attad
upon the conference report on the plai
ton anti-trust bill wns resumed todnl
Senator Corah, ot Idaho, completed In
address begun by him yesterday, dc'clnl
Ing that (ho Clayton bill was fundi
mentally wrong. Ho was followed
Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts, will
Insisted that no man In Congress knej
to what the proposed anti-trust leglslij
tlon would lead.
"Wo don't know what Is behind Itfl
said Senator Weeks. "Wo have ben
told that the people demand It, but d
hnvo heard from none rf the peoptoj
my Stato demanding it, and I hj
searched tho records of the Senate)
Itouso Judiciary Committees wllho
fltidlnc; that any of the pcopto havo (J
miindrd such IntvB.
"Tho Seuutot' from Missouri (Mr. Xai
read jestcrtlay from nn editorial In a.
Louis pnncr which urged tho rrcsldjl
to veto the bill If It passed as report
by (he conferees. Why, bless the del
old. Innocent heart of the writer, floea
he know that under the new freedom tl
now exists thcro aro no longer two
ties to a conferenco on Federal legla
tlon, but three; that the President ttl
his part with tho Senate nnd Housd
theso conferences, and that. If pu
report Is right, tho President has appro
tho work of tho conferees In this bllr.1
Senator Weeks said that tho Clety
bill was "bad legislation." Ho dedal
that tho present unsettled period
no time to experiment with leglalM
which would have a trcmencu
upon business In this countryjl
tlon of tho Clayton bill prohibit
locking directorates of banks.
notorized as the "greatest piece of
pointing out that thcro was absonl
no reason why a banker should not J
member of the boards of directors' !
State and a national bank at the el
Senator Vcek3 contended
so-called exclusive contract
In the bill aimed nt the Ul
Machinery Company among olhSWfl
do much harm. He defended that
pany on the ground that it had
reduced the cost of good shoes ar
enabled many small manuiacturj
contlnuo in business by Its system oj
Ing machines, who otherwise wouUa
been compelled to glvo up, becaurd
had not suincient money to purchrt
Three Families Aroused Froii
Make Their Esca.
Quo houso was burned trl
and two" others were badly
tho residence or utroud (.'IdMfna
avenue, 1'noll, was swept by flai
this morning. .Clemens and
were asleep when Isaac Heil
neighbor, noticed flames shoot
tho HCeond-story yindow. lie I
alarm, broke Into tho houso al
the family In time for them
A few minutes later the flan
to the homes of II. W. Roach
Esselborncr, which adjoin thel
residence. The occupants of.
houses also had to bo aw
Malvern, Berwyn nnd PnoK
companies answered the alarm
rived too late to save tho CIem
The total damage done by the
estimated at now.
Heturn of Secretary
Hasten ScttlemeJ
WASHINGTON", Oct. l.-Itfi
vclopmcnts In tho Colorado
tlon were anticipated today
turn of Secretary of Labor!
morrow from tho Pcnnsyl
That the President Is cn
plans, one for tho withdni
tho other for closing thefl
operators do not recede
compromising position, vi
tlon today In well-informel
It wns hinted reliably l
dent will call In Secrctar.l
tho Attorney General to
definite plan of action, Hi
himself an operator, has
his efforts to the operator?;
thicc-ear truce plan.
Resolution in Councils,
Appointment of C;
Councils took action t
leviuting suffering thut
the unemployed In the
coming winter months,
A resolution introduc
John I', t'onnelly. of t
mlttee was adopted, dl
members from each cou
be named to confer wl
gautzations to determln
plying shelter or 100a
this winter-
Franklin and Marshall, p
at latkle on the .arsli
sorimmaze and (lie al
Goals airainsi th scrubs
at nrsi iuuuk.h -
hli chest aLo. and the
. kin. (.1 .ha P.nn tr
scarcity ot subsututea tl
brier, ior no viiiivi a
Ins more men
ANNVII.T.n. Pa Oct
wit: probably be wuhoui.
tain snaveiy in " Kara'
dian S rubs on Saturda
iwrt of foach Quyer. T-
shoulders In mo game
dlans and has oetn ci
Plsastei has hit tho tt
now numbers ten men'
NEW i-'ti NSvWrK,
a remarHiitie cnnse
Rutgers eleven Ilia
surprise but Is bellev
lone dcliseraitoa cn tl,
wirii is"itiN,
th Wiil'arj recu an(
srrlmmavlnir )t?r4a
learn took t-e ca 1 s,y
a ions run inrugn 11
lord tr a t" ci 1
retain the ball
1 Hiimii v l I.KV
The, Board "t Dt.
Vallsy Railroad Cs-v
clared '1 arte;'? i
nail per icni. icr
eptember 2S. 1011
aeod ct tno sau e,
per snare) cn its
nciaeri n r a
oa- r -"sr 1;
Che ks will be
c: m ;- -