Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Image 12

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    TsBSKHwfSBBSiiwJi Wf Wwwpfj' " wro"pif J
i idu
:hing This Year Was Vast Improvement Over That
of 1913 Champions' Work of the Past
Season Reviewed
Imparcd with tho meteoric nscent of
Ronton Braves from eighth place In
IV to tho head of tho National League
Intnti nt iim rtid nf Sentcmbcr. tho
fhietlcs campaign of 1SU was tame,
fhlle Connlo Mack's slxtlmc champions
Li 'nnl mnko a recotd this year which
filiated their Incomparable flight through
he season of 1913. thcro was never a
me from the opening of the season on
Iprll 14, until tho nag was mathemat-
lally captured September 7. when there
las really any doubt as to the ability
lh Mnck forces lo win.
(During the early weeks of the season's
tntrrrsa tho Athletics were not playing
filth their wonted precision. Though the
chlng uas considerably better nt the
art and throughout tho season than It
fas) In 1913, tho batting and general play
j tho Macktnen were below their
Iioro were several circumstances of
El (unfortunate nature which combined
I fclve the Macks a bad start, in me
1st place, they had won so easily In
ULrt'i i.inrnnnnilni)i'n In thnlr ubllttv
lorked to their own deli Intent on the
leld. Then, too. soon after the season
L..t..l "Ink" llnrrv VV'ilfl IlUt Ollt of
lie game for scveiiit weeks by being
hiked by Moellcr, ot tnc vmstiiiiKiun
Sub. The Indifferent work of Orr at
Iiort, which finally led to his Doing sent
L.t. ... Qiffiimniitn. Pacific Coast
srtWJV m M..........,
V....V..... !.. n ttltmllr ftf tHlllieR. TllCSC
Jilngs, with the failure ot Collins and
inker to hit up to form, prcvenicu mo
Ithlctlcs from forging ahead at the be-
Inning. ,, . ..
ttt was not until mltlseason mat iuo
ITi.i.iMn i.nni cnlnir nt their usual
Plde. though they took tho lead In the
tJHco at a somevvnni earner nw. j
the entire offensive and defensive game
Jwas slightly on is snown m mu "
Li.-.. Ik ....... nna mlrloAnitnn VVlvPlI tllCV
hvent Into the lead In club hitting and
tn.ii ,.n .iehinf? tn ilptract from the
Lv.it!,.. ...... r.tniaf nn nnnthpr clllb. It
Is surely fair to assert that Jf the Mucks
liad been hitting at their natural clip
I'Eddle" Clcotte, of the AVhlte Sox. would
never have let them down wim un iui.c
hi. ... OMhn Tnilr In thn mtdrllo of MaV
H.- ...... .1,1 Trnv.n,. nf . mmr eluh. have
Implicated the feat a month later nt
fcomlskey Park. The only hits made In
nose games were iy aicmnis aim u.ii.
lespcctively, the latter being an Infield
bcratch one. This shows conclusively that
bl.A Aar,txf yrtHntr nnvvpr nf the famed
Athletics was In a state of lethargy.
I AVhcn the time arrivcu. nuwever. iui
Ithem to get out of the rut the Athletics
responded to a man, wim me result mai
. . ...... ... n.t
after June o tney wre nevci uui. u. ,.
blace, '(hough they were pressed fairly
hard at times oy tno uobwh ncu .,
Vho touay stana m secann iuhl-u.
get off well this year, the Increased
Iitrengtit ot mo hcq box, nni a
Wilto Sox tended to make the champions
appear at times- wcaiter mnii mrj nu
L..-. rr..An tn -n mi.,atlr,n thnt fltlrlnt?
he early part of the season tho St. iouls
1..V. .nB olwinfAp flinn If hntl tieen 111
I..mi Vin V.A Tn.l 3ftV 1 tl fl fTnnfl ft Mllll
Ftoday nB It was when It won tho pennant
in isiz; mat me spienum ihiuuuik i mu
"White Sox hurlcrs this season Increased
, the strength many per cent., 01 mm ciuo
Lthero Is no doubt. All of these factors
t-ere ngainst the Athletics.
It must not he tnougnt. nowever, mat
t.aA nn ilAvolnnmpnt in thn rn.nks
of Connlo's men during the season. The
...l.i. ta .trtiA TliA rprnllnr.q thnt l(.
Lb. nv.l etnff tlm 1n(lnl1 nn tllr rmt
vine dkv.i,i,ib pv"., fc.tv v.v. u... ...- - .
ttjs ....A ...lU 4t.n AVAontlAn nf thn
IVIU, 1VC1TJ. ,m Hiu rtw.,.nw.. w ..u
utility men, tho same players who held
the positions in 113. xne improvement
was in the piicmng. v nere .iiacn usra
three and four pitchers a game In 1913,
he used one and two In 1914. The con
sistent work of Shawkey. Tennock. Dress
ier and Bush this season was a striking
contrast to the work of the young pitchers
last season. Thli quartet, after tho sea-
non haa Dcen wen unaer way, were usea
Jn regular rotation aiong wim mn vtueran
mainstays. Plank and Bender. Though
..! n.iT.tAf1 In i Id PAfTlll'l t ttlPrl nil Qnfl.
eon, Weldon Wjckoff did fairly well. His
.I1.4..ak nitntlnnnil t r laan liltn frrtM 1 1,
, -ranks of great pitchers where his natural
BDlllty snouia put mm. uenucr ana j-iunn
rarely have had better neasons than this
last. Bender leads the American League
In percentage. His pitching was superb
throughout, and Plank's was all that
could be desired.
When tho Atheltlcs emerge from their
dugout next Friday week to meet the
Ktraves in the nrst or tne world s series
fgtmeu, there will be but one new face
on the pitching staff. This Is "Rube"
i Dressier. He is the only one of the many
recruits Mack took to the Jacksonville
training camp last spring who has
proved that he Is a hurler of major
league ability. Dressier has developed
steadily fronv the beginning of the year,
and, thanks to the coaching of "Hddle"
Plank, Is now an effective cross-firing left
The other new men who will cut In on
sis Getting His Fingers in
mpe on Typewriter.
Icldie to Write for the
Evening Ledger.
Eddie Collins is now going through a
1 course olj training on the typewriter, so
inai no wui oe on cage wnen tno time
omes to review the world's series games
for the Eveniko Lepoek. Eddie haa
been at his home In Lansdowne for the
last two days.
The first article by the Athletics' sec
ond baseman will be publlahed on Thurs-
Jay, October 8, the day before the series
Marts. In this story Collins will tell
nany Interesting things about the ap
proaching games, and will tell them in a
way to crip and hold the interest of t;.
fa in.
Each day during the series, a vivid
dissection of the events v.l be made by
Collins and published in the Kvenino)
Lkdoeb. These stories are the most
va'uabie that will be printed about the
vcw st '3 because Collins la the
( Mil r' vrr who has artl lea prlrtpd
u- r I i I's-itM-e w"o actually writes)
t"- tat-i-if Ihts fa'-t I
the world's series pumpkin for tho first
time are Catcher James McAvoy, Outfield
ers "Shag" Thompson and Lloyd Davlcs
and lntlelder Wltllam Kopf. There were
six players on tho Athletics' eligible list
last season who reccved their shares of
the world's series money who are not ,
here this time. They are Outfielder
"Pete" Daley, now with the Ynnkcoi
Pitcher Carroll Urown, with the same i
club; Shortstop Johnny Lavan, now with
tho Browns; tho veteran ex-captnln of 1
the Athletics, Danny Murphy, now with '
tho Brooklyn Federals, and Pitcher By-
ron Houck with this same organization,
This season Injuries nnd sickness have
been unusually prevalent In the Ath
letics' ranks. In the first place John
Coombs has never regained his pitching
form. The King of Kcnncbunk entered
the box ngatiiHt an American League
rival for the first time last Monday, when
ho worked four rounds ngainst tho
Browns. He showed then, us well na In
the exhibition games this season, that
he Is far from being the man who never
lost a world's series game, und who
pitched the Athletics to many notable
victories In former years.
Other members of the team who have
been sick or Injured were: Barry, spiked
curly In tho year and out three weeks.
Latrr Barry's arm wbb hint and though
he did not retire, he could not give his
best efforts to the club. For the past
six weeks Baker lias been off form, be
cause of a continued physical Indisposi
tion resulting from cold. Bender was
very III with tonsllltls during the second
trip of the Athletics west, nnd on the
last visit lo Boston Collins strained his
ankle sliding to the plate. Bush was also
out for ten days In the West after hav
ing spiked his hand during a frolic in
the Cleveland clubhouse. During the
early part of August one of Jack Lapp's
lingers was broken by a foul tip and he
was out for four weeks. At the eamo
tlmo '4Vally" Schang was Injured by be
ing struck on the hand by a pitched ball
In hitting practice. Oldrlng contrActed
a severe cold the first day of the senson
and was not In shape for three weeks.
He was also on the sick list several
other times during the season. Strunk,
the man with perennial hard luck,
was out of many games with Charley
Horse, bad knees and ankles. Even
Connie Mark, himself, was ro 111 on
the second western Invasion that he was
unable to attend the Cleveland scries,
and was finally forced to go home before
the club left.
The Athletics trained In Jacksonville,
Fla., completing the antcseason work
with a barnstorming trip along the At
lantic coast and a scries with the Phil
lies In this city. On April 11. Mack
opened with his club In New York. Only
two gnmes were played, the Athletics
losing both. Their third contest was a
defeat at the hands of the Red Sox In
Boston. This trio of losses was followed
by a double victory over Carrlgan's men
on Patriots' Day In Boston, and from
that time on the Athletics were no
longer In last place. Not until the first
Western trip In June, however, did the
Athletics reach the top to stay. Pre
vious to that time, they had been oscil
lating all along the line from seventh to
second place. During tho latter part of
MJiy the Macks wore changing almost
dally Krom second to third position,
vying with Detroit and Washington for
On Friday, May 29. tho Athletics took
n double-header from tho Yankees at
the Polo Grounds, while Washington was
breaking even with tho Bed Sox. That
put the champions In the lead for the
first time during tho year. They re
mained In the van until Juno 6, when
Washington again took possession of the
first rung. The next day the Tigers de
feated tho Mackmen for tho second time
In Detroit, sending them down to third
place. On June 8, the A's managed to
turn the tables on the foe. Jumping back
to first place, from which point of van
tage they were never dislodged.
It Is a fact worthy of mention that
after remaining at the foot of tho lad
der for the first three days of the sea
son, It was Eddie Plank who stnrted
the victorious string, and that on Sun
day. September 2!. it was Chief Bender
Mho defeated the St. Louis Browns, 6 to
0. giving the Athletics their Blxth Amer
ican League pennant.
Most of the regulars are In Philadel
phia today. The rookies won yesterday
at Washington In a 10-round bout, Pen
nock defeating Shaw. Herbert and Lapp
were the only regulars In the game. The
others are getting in shape for the
Before leaving the Athletics to their
fate with the Braves, there Is one thing
left uncommented upon. Tho defeat of
the Athletics In 1912 by the Red Sox for
the flag was attributed by many to the
fact that so many of the men had auto
mobiles. This year the Macks won
rather easily, yet the following are own
ers and drivers of machines; Connie
Mack. Baker, Bender, Bush, Collins.
Davis, Lapp, Melnnls. Murphy, Oldrlng.
Plank, Schans, Strunk, Thomas, Wyckoff
and Shawkey.
Brooklyn Here for Final
Frolic No Developments
in Daisies' Managerial Sit
uation. The Phillies will close their 1314 season
In Philadelphia this afternoon uhen'they
meet the Brooklyn club at the local Na
tional League park. This game, the grand
finale of an 111-sptnt year, will b called
at 8 o'clock.
By losing to the Dodgers yesterday, the
Phils dropped Into sixth place. They can
regain their former position at the head
of the second diviiion by defeating the
enemy this afternoon, and It Is even
possible for them to lose today and still
finish In fifth place, but the chances are
that If Dooln's men fall to oom through
this afternoon, they will remain In sixth
There have been no developments In
the managerial situation In the Phillies'
ranks. President Baker states that no
arP5't,'e"t has been made. Ho neither
SMUJill rum"r tbat Dc?l!0
MS i WilTO miir Mifli BPWIW. iliwillliItlMi ii'1 lull 'il'IWI
Bits afcs2Sfc':?39fflHlm't. - ' -- v.- "T '- ''iBm
Crane is now a full-fledged member of the University of Pennsylvania's track and field team and should be heard from
if he lives up to his past performances. He has a mark of 6 feet 24 inches.
Annapolis Authorities Are in
Telegraphic Communica
tion With West Point,
Still Hoping for Amicable
' i .
ANNAPOLIS, Oct. 1. Representatives
of tho Naval Athletic Association were'
In telegraphic communication with tho
athletic authorities of tho Military Acad
emy Inst night and aro making prog
ress In their efforts to agree upon a
place for playing tho football gamo this
year between tho teams of the two ser
vice Institutions.
It was reported that an agreement has
not yet been reached, but that It was
hoped there would be ono not later than
Notwithstanding the poor prospects yes
terday for the playing of tho game, those
closest to the negotiators between tho
two are confident that an agreement will
bo reached, to cover this season at nny
rate, even though it docs not cover a
term of years.
WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Secretary of tho
Navy Daniels was advised yesterday that
efforts will be made by the officials and
by men of the city of Baltimore to have
the Army and Navy football game played
there this year. Owing to the failure
of tho West Point and Annapolis athletic
associations to ngree on the place for
tho annual game, it is feared the con
test may not take place thla fall.
If the city of Baltimore can provide a
suitable Hold with adequate accommoda
tions for spectators there may be somo
hopo of effecting an agreement for the
playing of the game In that city.
Gridiron News
Statistics Concerning Weight
and Height of Penn Foot
ball Men Is Valuable In
formation. Bjr EDWAItD B. BUSHNELL
Apparently the coming year Is going
to furnish an opportunity for the dls
play of the oHl-tlma Pennsylvania spirit
by this year's lied and Blue eleven.
There Isn't a star on the entire team.
All the men seem to be of ordinary cali
bre. But this combination. If It pos
sesses the righting spirit, Is frequently
the most successful kind of a team at
critical moments.
The coaches are proceeding wisely In
the development of the eleven. They
want the team to be one that knows the
rudiments of the game thoroughly, and
one that can play defensive football.
Several years ago the Pennsylvania
elevens were noted for their wonder
fully Impact secondary defense. They
could stop any kind of a team, and then
when put to the test, could gain ground
themselves. George Brooke Is following
these tactics with this year's eleven.
Yesterday's practice was devoted large
ly to rudimentary football, with a great
deal of Instruction In forming; and fol
lowing Interference. "
If the Injury sustained by Matthews
yesterday turns out to be serious, it will
te a severe blow to the team and to End
Coach Dickson. Matthews In the three
days that he worked on the wing showed
unusual adaptability to end play, and his
weight, speed and forward passing were
also greatly In his favor.
Dickson Is determined to find a heavy
pair of ends if the squad will lold them,
but, falling to find men of weight, he will
make ends out of some of his light
'weights. In this class he has two good
men in Murdock and Tucker, neither of
nhom weighs more than 155 pounds. He
should not overlook Price, who has been
playint end on the scrubs for the last two
With the elimination of soma of the fat
men from first consideration, the average
weight of Pennsylvania eleven Is coming
down to normal figures. During the first
two weeks of preliminary work there was
much talk of a 300-pound Hue. But this
weight has melted away to such an extent
that the average weight of the line which
faced Gettysburg was only 178 pounds, the
average of the back flrll only 13 pounds
and ot the entire teart only 17 pounds.
l'e-tr M'Kenxle, Qt the Physical (Educa
tion Denartmtnt, fcai J us J complete th
Hrnnlilyn, 3; 1'lillllfK, 1.
St. I.nula, 1: rittnlmrich, 0.
Ilnntnn, 7; New York, 1 (lut game).
Iloftton, 7 1 New York, 7 (?d game,
8 Innlngn, railed, Inrlne).
Cincinnati-Chicago (not nclieduled).
Itrooklrn at rhllndelphla.
Itimtnn nt Nen- York (2 games) .
Clnrlnnntt at I'lt tuliiirgli.
Hi. I.oula-'lilmgo (not scheduled) .
I'lillndrliililn nt lirookljn.
Chicago nt St. I.ouI.
CltH'Innntl at I'ltUliurgh.
Iluaton at New York.
W. L P.C. W. L. P.O.
Boaton.... so .1(1 .HH Brooklyn 72 7.1 .4fin
N'cw York HO 07 .r,44 Phillies . 7S 7(1 .480
St. I.ouls. 78 (in .Ml rittsb'Bh 04 83 .43S
Chicago,. 73 73 .B07 Cincinnati 08 89 .804
Athletic, 3 Wnnhlnston; 2 (10 Innlnitn).
Clrreinnd, 0; Chlraeo, S (13 Innings).
Detroit, 0; .St. I.ouli, 0 (7 Inntngn, called).
ltoiton-Ncw York (postponed. Tain).
Athletics nt Washington.
New York at llimton (2 games).
Detroit nt Ht. Louis.
Chicago-Cleveland (not scheduled).
Washington at Philadelphia.
New York at Ilonton.
St. Ixiul at Chicago.
Cleveland-Detroit (not scheduled).
W. L. P.C. W. I.. P.C
Athletics 00 0 .(1.18 St. Louis (18 80 .4.10
Boston.... 8H B8 .003 New York 07 80 .4.10
Detroit. . 78 72 ..120 ChlcaBo. 08 82 .4.13
Waah'ton. 71 71 ..120 Cleveland 01 100.337
FEDEBAIi league
lirookljn, 8j Baltimore, 3.
Durfoln. 10; rittsburch. 1.
IndlanapnllH, 3; Chicago, 0.
Kansas Clty-St. Ixiuls (not scheduled).
Itulllmoro nt Brooklyn.
.St. Ixiuls nt Chlcaco.
rlttsliurgh at Buffalo.
Kansas City at Indianapolis.
W. I,. P.C. W. I.. P.C
Chicago..- 83 04 ..101 Brooklyn 73 7t .B07
Indla'p'lla 81 05 .BBS Kan. City 00 78..4B8
naltlmoro 77 00 ..138 St. Louis 61 8S .424
Buffalo... 70 00 .S3B rittsb'Kh B8 82 .414
Gleaned From
physical examination of the vnrsity can
didates. Tha follonlnit are the weight and heights of
tho men who lined up ngralnst Oettyaburg:
r;acr and Position. Weight. Height.
Stelbach, en.l 170 5.11
Jlurdock, end 1M S-J5
Norn aid. uckl 180 "
Itutscll. guard 106 B.io
Journcay, guard 188 o.io
Carter, centre 100 B.0S
Irv. In, quarterback..., 1B.1 o
Jones, halfback ion V)
Hughes, halfback 101 B.08
Mcffelt, fullback 1SS B-U
Tha weights and heights of tho other mem
bers of the varsity squad are as follows;
Dorlzas. tackle 2u 5.0S
Gotwals, halfback 14R 5.00
ItOfkefeller. halfback 11 5.07
llutler, centre 17.1 8.03
Horle. centre 1UJ 0.02
llennlns. guard , 107 fi.ll
Vreelan.l, end 1S . SOS
Aery, halfback 174 0.00
Hopkins, end 15U 5.08
Tucker, end 150 COS
Kooni, end 101 6.00
W'lthcrow, guard 210 aoo
Mathewj,' end IDS BOO
Meirlll, quarterback l.vt S.OO
'ruche, halfback 15S 5. OS
IUUou, quarterback , 150 5.10
Pepper, suard 18S 0.00
1'ro.uhart, end 14 6.0
Price, end 157 5.07
Wray, end v 172 5.10
PIUNCETON. N. J., Oct. l.-A regular four
period game constituted the practice for the
Tiger team eaterday afternoon, and the regu
lars rolled up four touchdowns against the
srruhs. Forward passing figured In all of the
tallle and each pass was for a long distance.
Charles. I.amberton and Ullck all did well
on the receiving end of tho passts, while
Law did some accurate hurling.
lleglnnlng thla Saturday, Princeton will have
He js from Peddle Institute and is a
candidate for end position on this
year'fjc.evcn, , v
fit &2&
Barklie's Entry With Cas
satt's Springboard Should
Furnish Fine Race at An
nual Whitemarsh Meet on
One of the best programs of horso
races ever presented In Philadelphia will
be offered at tho Whitemarsh race meet
ing on Saturday. The best of the local
horses, Including several entries from
Major Cassatt's stables, will compete
with nn unusually selected list of out-of-town
horses. The three flat races aro
well filled, and In the steeplechases ex
ceptionally good racing Is promised.
In the six furlong raco Archibald Bark
lle'3 Holiday and Cassatt's Springboard,
which finished first and second, respect
ively, In the same race last year, will
run against several horses not seen here
before. Including William Kerr's Isabeau,
Nathan Ewlng's Ida Beck and Avlatrix,
Major Cassatt's Sandbank and Captain
Hyatt's Mount Holly.
Major Cassat has entered Flying Fairy,
said to be one of the fastest mares in
America, and Springboard in the one
mllo flat race. Springboard won this
event last autumn. Two Long Island
entries in this raco are Philip Stoven
son's Lad of Langdon, and Charles
Creamer's Miss Cavanaugh. W. R. Mar
tin, of Lancaster, will start an unknown,
Sandy Flash.
Leading Colleges
Stiff Work on the Gridiron
Is Featuring the Efforts of
the Big College Ath
letes. all of Its players numbered. Large figures
which v III be dixtlngulsbable from tho stands
will be sewed to the back of the Jerseys.
OAMnniDOE, Mass, Oct, 1 There was no
let-up for the Harvard varsity eleen yes
terday, 'the varsity scored IHo touchdowns
during the IS minutes It worked on attack,
while the second team, although the ball was
given to It time and again near tha rarslty
goal line, was unable to make any headway.
When the regulars were rushing. Coaches
Plsher, Hitchcock and Ulagdtn were tn the
middle lino (or the scrubs, but there was
no stopping the attack, which was directed
mainly at the guards and tackles,
ITHACA, Oct, 1. There was plenty of speed
and Ufa In the Cornell varsity's work in yes.
tetday afternoon's scrimmage with the scrubs.
The regulars scored thrice In quick lime. Ta
ber and llarrett got mosc of tha big gains for
the amity.
A change in thi line-up that excited much
Interest was the trial given to Klelnert at
centre on the varsity. Cool is taking the rest
cure and Dan Reed put his latest recruit Into
the game. Klelnert played on the freshman
team to years ago, but was not In the uni
versity lajf fall.
NEW HAVE.V. Oct. l.-Old-fashloned foot
ball won In a walk from newfangled play
jesterday when It took the Yale varsity foot
ball team four and a halt minutes to negotiate
a touchdown by the old methods and eleven
minutes to turn tha trick with the new forma,
tlona. Three touchdowns In all were made
against the scrubs.
Although the play was more spectacular
after the second kick-oft, the team's advance
was slower. Despite two forward passes from
Legore to Carter, one of which netted 30 yards
and the othsr 25, eleven minutes passed be
fore Alnsworth oroseed the goal line,
WEST POINT. Oot. 1. After four daya of
rest the Army squad got back Into action oo
the rrldlron yesterday afternoon. The coaches
put the men through the roughest workout
they have had this year. The first team, with
Hodgson doing spectacular work in carrying
tho ball, scored one touchottn aalnst the
scrubs. Benedict's goal kicking was excel
lent The big back made three goals la as
many tries from scrimmage.
ANNAPOLIS, Oct. 1. Usrorts of the pos
sibility ot not playing West Point this year
did not bring; about any slackening of the,
football practice at the Naval Academy yes
terday afternoon. Desldss the Naval coaches,
Catcs. of Yale, former field coach ot the
Navy team, helped the squad. The team Is
beginning to assume shape for the game
against Georgetown on Saturday.
CARLISLE, !., Oc7 1 The Carlisle Indian
football practice yesterday afternoon Included
an extended signal drill In which Coach War
ner changed his backfleld plajers often. There
was hot competition between Henry Broker
and Crane at quarterback. The latter demon,
strated capacity and ability to use Ms head.
hands and feet speedily. Crane la quits light,
SOUTH BETHLEirEM, Pa.. Oct. 1 -Considerable
shifting was done again by Coach
Keady at Lehigh yesterday, this being made
necessary by reason of Hoban'a Injury In
experimenting to And a suitable salfback to
take Il'iban'a pla'e. Coah Keady seems to
have uncovered a find In llalstead, captain of
trismus High. Sho"l last )car llalstead
tore through the f rub line, to the evident de
light of the ciaihea. Secret rra.ni pre
vailed today In the sfflmmsc. uorlr r.ntv
new playa far the 1'txU! game wt Vlti
- -
Scholastic Football Season
Will Be Officially Gotten
. Under Way, With Prac
tically All Local Teams
The football games of Friday and Sat
urday will sco tho 1911 scholastic season
well under way. for In these tfo das
nearly every big school In the vicinity
will trot out on the gridiron for Us Initial
test of the year.
Two of the best games of tho season
should rcoillt from tho Central High-
Wilmington High nnd the West Phila
delphia Hlgh-Havcrford clashes. Thcso
four teams havo faced each other on
more than ono occasion In tho past, and,
while Central High him been uniformly
successful against tho Delaware school,
Its rivals from Went Philadelphia havo
not been so fortunate ngainst Itnverford.
Wngenknlght's team will have tho added
handicap tomorrow of playing on Its op
ponent's gridiron. Tho Cvntrnl High game
I Is scheduled for Alumni Field.
! Other battles of mere or less Iniportanco
to local schoolboys will be those between
Northeast High and Vlltiinovn. Prep, at
Northeast's field; Petin Charter and
flwnrthnioro Prep, at Swnrthmorc: Lans
downo High ami Qormantown Academy,
at Alanhclm, and a doubtful contest be
tween Sloorestown High and Cnthollc
High, on the lattcr's giounds.
West Philadelphia High has Btolen a.
mnrch on tho other schools by having
started basketball practice nt least three
months heforo Its rivals. Captain John
Brown Issued a call for candidates yes
terday and 62 men turned out. Thc30
wcro separated Into squads, and did a
little passing 'to got used to the ball. Last
year the West Phlladelphlans did not do
very well at basketball, but. Judging by
tho Interest which haa thus far been
shown, they should flguro prominently In
tho lnterscholastlo race during tho com
ing season.
I'm glad to see this rah-rah guy haH
gone an' got the battln' eye ho seenied
to have misplaced. Last year he kind o'
fell away, hut he's relenrncd the good
ol way to hit that bail a pa3te. He's
thirty now nn' qulto a man, but still
there's none In fandom can forget his
college days. He's Harvard Eddie to tho
gang tha same as when naught-five's
team sang their demon captain's praise.
"When ho got all his law degrees he
didn't cut down any trees to build him
self a sign. Instead of hcadln' for tho
bar he went an' grabbed tho role of star
with Jersey City's nine. He led tho
league for swats that year an' started
his big league career In sleepy Phllly
town. Four years In that man's town
he played, then went to Clncy In a trade
to hold their third sack down. .
Last year ho went clear oft hl3 cud,
that Clncy blight got In his blood, he
started slldtn' back. Then Muggsy bought
him up to sub an' Eddio gave his joints
a rub an' found thoy didn't crack. Ho
figured he was some good yet an' set
right out to try an' get his old time go
nn' pep. He got It. too. He's goln' great.
His hltB an' flcldln' stunts of late mnko
good his college rep. By A. M. Corrlgan.
A headline this morning says: "Mat
hews. Penn End, Pulls a Tendon." Which,
at that, is better than pulling a "bone."
"Without wishing to say anything detri
mental to the voices of Garry Herrmann
nnd Ban Johnson, Tener certainly adds
tone to the National Commission.
A New York writer states authoritative
ly that the odds of 5 to 1 on the Ath
letics to beat the Braves have been
reduced to even money. This eame condi
tion of affairs prevailed laat fall-untll
some Philadelphia wished to find a
Princeton has seen the light. In their
game next Saturday tho players will fol
low the Penn plan of wearing numbers.
This system is sure to become universal,
and the sooner the college men realize
the advantages which will accrue from
this method of helping the spectator en
Joy the came, the better.
When we think of the predictions of the
Giants about the vast amount of "crack
ing" that would soon take place, we
can't help remembering at the same tlmo
that this Is the season for nuts.
It looked like the halcyon days of Willie
Heston, Nell Snow et ol. yesterday at
Ferry Field. The 5Ilchlgan1ers were
driven through the Depnuw team by Yost
often enough to score a 5S-0 victory. st
to developing speed to offset Brlckloy's
coal-kicking habit.
Our idea of no place to be is in that
theatre party which will be given to
night to the Braves and Giants In New
Poor old Giants! Everybody is tak
ing a "crack" at them.
The Cheshire cat which faded from the
sight of Alice, leaving nothing visible but
his smile, had nothing on James Gaffney,
president of the victorious Braves. That
Is Just the way Mr. Gaffney appeared
when he entered the Bellevue-Stratford
yesterday morning. But he Is different
from Lewis Carroll's creation in that he
began to appear after having allowed his
smile to Introduce him, with the result
that hlB friends were finally able to
recognize him.
"It's always fair weather when good
fellows get together." Lucky folks are
Phlladelphlans! The "Commlsh" will bo
here almost two weeks.
Ilans Kolehmalnen has established a
new record. His time for getting out
of the war zone was three weeks better
than the fleetest American.
The melancholy days are came,
Some sad they ore, I say,
For locking back I find, alas.
We cracked instead of they.
The best umpire tn the American League
will "Indicate" in the New York post
season series. His name is "Billy" Evans,
Poslb).vf Ban Johnson doesn't know hint
They gnould bo introduced.
On of the bct featherweight .cooteaU
Big League Contests Arc
Scheduled and the fol
lowers Are Assured Good
Although Bovcrat soccer frames ' hv
been played during the last foTv tvieH'
tho season will not be fully under n1
until tho lenguo season opens SiUUrcH
Then ovcry organization In tho city, vth
tho exception of tho Grammnr Sj5!0!
League, wilt start Its schedule.
Several now clubs are talcing tol
field slnco tho close of last season,!
indications point to ono of tha
periods In the history of tho sport in
Tho following Is the ohlclat echtl
for Saturday, games In each lnsti
being played on the grounds or
Mist named clubs:
Amr!cnn Lchkuo. Victors v. West PlB
ilelphla, nt Third Direct ami I.ehlRh avn
llnneern n. lllhernlnno, at Frankfort. Tl
a. ncthkl.Qiu, at iilst street anti Abbotts!
iivinuo, ni-5ium s. irion-ivmrrii-unn, a
-DlHsti.n's Hull I'nrlc, St.-ito road and unl
f;trrrt. Yni nnv. I
Allied Klrst Division. Konslnrjton vs. tM
riiovvii, nt 15 anu ncaruoiu Hirccin, nnsj
' -. . .iii(,iii. in uunsi'ii n i.i". . nun m
S'chlljIKill; VIbcucr k. Hoys' Club, at Chi
iui, I u, i i fiiuuu ID, jJiffmuii i), i.. ra
W'HfhlnKton J'arl., SGth ftrcct and Allcghel
Alllril Barnr.il Division St. Nathaniel
Itom'tnont I'Pltlis, at V street und AllCRhei
HVPtinn: CTmitpmirv n Tilrtrnn Y M. 1... I
'22(1 nntl Huntingdon ntroctft: Atlantic Itl
llneiy A. A. vs. Wilmington, at Passyuiu
avenue west or ftcnuyiKin luvcr. .
Allied Third Division. West Knd vs. lira
slnfctnn Reserves, at USd nnd Pine etrefeti
veteran v. Kails v. i. A., nt rnneaty
street ana i"orreuaio avenue; iensinR:j
Uoyn' Club vs. DL-wton Itesirve'. at FriB
utrcet ana lrio avenue; i.uKemoor vs,
Nathaniel Itcservc!". at Iidgoinnor, Del.
trn!til Lenmin O'llnrfl. V!.. Keltonvtlle.
Central Turk. -1400 North Fifth street, Vl
como vs. uarmnKion, at r.ra anu epr
ilreets: rtrlstol vs. Whitehall Hover'.
llrond street nnd Hunting Park avenue; Sha
ro..K vb. American I'uuey, at minetee
street and Huntinsr Park nvenue. i
Philadelphia LeiiKiie. Hanson vs. Vlctil
at levtntii anil somerset streets; jveystonea
Chrlut Church, nt State road nnd Dlsl
street; West r:nrt A. c vs. DIsiton. atj
and South streets; Textile vs. DIsstonrd
I rankroru and i:no avenues; vvissinon
scheduled In this city for many ai
will take placo Saturday night nt!
National Athletic Club, when "Pc
Kline, of Newark, battles Georgo Chtj
of Baltimore This fight is going tl
really a grudge one, as tho boys
an old account tn settio tw mh,
mot In Bnltlmoro not so many mJ
ago, an somo harsh things were
anouL tno iwo aiong "stalling" lines,
are now evidently willing to prove ,
superiority over the other.
Inman has retrained tii ien.i .
tho American billiard player. Thel
u;iy mo ungusn stylo ot gamol
played nnd tho visiting EngllsS
gained a nig lead. Tho second day
Honpe 011 tOD Of thn h.nn .ml
Inman, by virtue of his clevernei
Ills OWn StVle Of Cnmn. lo nirnln In I
The match Is one nf the. mnat intAntoMm.
from many viewpoints. Tho visitor and
Hoppe are at home In their resfectlve
specialties, the English nnd Yankee styles
of play, nnd It Is a toss-up as to the
must prouaDie winner.
Onco moro New York fans are to sea
"Joe" Jeonetto nnd "Sam" Langford.
both colored, do battle. They nro matched
to meet in a 10-round affair ut thvj
Stadium Athletic Club, New York clt,
tonight. Their appearance always or
tracts great Interest. Thoy art) lively
Directum I has now squared the ac
count with William and proved to tha
satisfaction of all tho horsemon of the)
country that he Is the speediest thor
oughbred pacer In the world. This great
animal sped through a mile heat at Co
lumbus yesterday, defeating William in
1:5?. This mark Is a new world's record.
William did not show to advantage, belnjf
defeated In two straight heats, the last
In 2 minutes flat. William beat Directum
I at Grand Rapids last week. However,
tho closo students of the. game did net
believe Directum I on edge could bo
outpaced. Their conclusions wero well
At Least 50 Specials Havq
Been offered by the Boston
Terrier Club of Phila
delphia. The next local show tot dogs Is slated
Saturday at the Black Horse Inn, Bala,
by tho Boston Terrler Club of Philadel
phia. This gives promise of being a.
specialty show of note. At least BO ape
clal3 havo been offered to date. A gratl
ylng list of entries has been received
Some of the best Bostons that this town
can produce will undoubtedly be benchedl
Saturday. The Judge of the. Bostons wllll
be Herman Bennung, Jr.
After this major event has passed the
next dog event in line is this same club'i
show for puppies only, to be- held Mondavi
evening at tho Continental Hotel. H, jjI
Luuh, m iiuudici, -a., ja n mart se-
leirivu m juiific
The committee on Dy-lana ha draft.
new set for tho West Phllad.irfhiS!?.
Club, to bo voted upon at the next manThKS
vvnicn win ue held Monday OoiMm'U
he homo ot Vice" PreslaVn't tKa
! at the
Morse, 5.'T baneera street.
Dr. Henry Jarrett. of Chestnut Hip has h..
selected as the "all-arounder" to "hc
ID i MCI- Ut .atvtajj, -g, x .. tjV
and 'J W
The DacHhund Club of Anurl? . "
rwcUtlty li6v at Hoboken. X3i -S" o
UriUl7i -'UUHi .
Tlift nntAvl ilrajlals ae.MlaB
OftDM by Tliodorj Offer man. or
wblcU was tU best Cog in EnpUrirV
country, and Ulab won at all & blr ifcowV
" """- - v - "flBt,
s vti mm M.iiT-s.muim y.EJh. ,
l:'.ur c'-'-r I ''ti, ever -,. rt r:.lu"
re e ii H er"it crt" '
KKNblNt.TON A. C. I tiovn' fl.ht r,.l
Tommy Ueenan. l'rtip. vJV ", n?' ?rni
' " s '" " ..mnmu.-m.vw,
jfnsBSMeaaessaTaTatatijatBtjsKjejHBasEH j s
LnflEfc. - -