iJtC evening le: EBPHILABELPHIA, flHUBSPAY, OCTOBER 1, 1914. MLDREN'S CORNER v - Grandma's Busy Putting Stitches in this Naudhty Puppy's BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES INE little butterflies started out pne day for a frolic. They were not the gorgeous iwn and black and gold butterflies u read about and sec only occa- nally. No, these were tiny little pte butterflies, with nice long snow Etc wings. Very plain and very idest were they, with never a lught for the color or the size of ir wings. And they lived close at : never coin? but .1 verv little from the bush which they called Ir own, hen this one day a great gorgeous ferny came along, and spied the little butterflies liittincr here and e in the sunshine. Jcarie me, I'm sorry for you," he Sorry for us!" exclaimed the nine THE JAPANESE CHIMES. --- BHs3;si5acSjIgf "Tinkle, dinkle, dinklc, tinkle," That's the way your song first ran When I heard you in the morning, Little chimes from far Japan. "Tinkle, dinklc, dinkle, tinkle," Just the same as you began. Did you learn no other music When you lived in far Japan? Ijttle butterflies in surprise, "why ihou'.J you be?" It was the big butterfly's turn to look surprised now. "Why shouldn't 1 be5' he asked. "Because there is nothing about us little butterflies happily, to make you sorry," replied the nine The big butterfly sat down on a twig so he could sigh comfortably. One can't really sigh while flying m the air "Oh, dear, but you are unedu cated, he said mournfully. "Is that so?" said the nine inter ested little butterflies, "won't you please explain to us why we are so unfortunate ?" Of c urse the big butterfly would nothing he would like better and he started in at once. "In the first place," he began, "you re too small." One little butterfly laughed. "Or "Dearie ne, 1 n torry for you," he old. 'you're too Urge, just according to how you lu jk at sues." ihe biff butterfly looked offended. SB IrMlr' ' y'Oi course, if you mean to interrupt pthat way ' he said. Please excuse me besrsred the little i butterfly, "and go on we want to hear more " The biK t 'tierflv allowed them to I smooth his n rM feelings with pleas ant scundir- ( utcry Then he con tinued his u; -in tn?f r-rft p'ace," he repeated, "you are 17 j ,-, small" ,ktjle bmterfiiei flutter Breeches a bit restlessly, but they very politely kept still. "In the second place," he continued, you are so very plain, just plain white wings nobody likes those. Now, if you were handsome as I am " and he slowly waved his gorgeous wings back and forth so they all could see how very handsome he was. The nine little butterflies were very much impressed. But they couldn't quite forget that they were happy as they were. "Of course," one little butterfly finally ventured, "it's all very well to be beautiful. But if you're not, why worry about it? Why not go ahead and play and work and enjoy life as it comes?" The big buttcrflv looked IWe.l. "Oh, if that's the way you feel about it, I suppose it's just as well you are not beautiful." And then he added wickedly, "But it is too bad to be so plain nobody likes you." Now just at this very minute, nine little sunbeam fairies who lived in that same bush came home for a rest and they spied the gorgeous big but terfly. ...1" .' d,ear'" w''spered one fairy, there s that conceited big butterfly. Still talking about his good looks, I suppose." The nine little butterflies looked up eagerly. "But do you like us even if were not beautiful?" they asked. The sunbeam fairies laughed. "In deed we do," they replied. "You're the very best play fellows we ever had. Come on and take us for a rider The nine sunbeam fairies each hop ped on a white butterfly and left the conceited big butterfly all alone with ins nanusonie self. Nine little butterflies started out for a frolic but you must wait till to morrow to hear what they did. Copyright, 10 H, Clara Ingram Judson. TomorrowButterfly Xflosjonu. PARADE WILL HONOR PENNANT City of Chester Receives Gift Prom Warship Namesake. CHESTER, pa., Oct. l.-CRy Council has begun elaborate preparations to re celve the penntnt tecently made by members of the crew on the United States scout cruiser Chester. The pen nant. which Is red, white and blue, and made of tron canvas-like material, was received by Major Ward today. It Is 2M feet lonif. A parade probably will be held the lat ter part of this month. Delegations from the leading fraternal and patriotic or ganizations, all the local tire companies students at the Pennsylvania Mllltury College, a detachment of marines from the League Island Navy Yard and sohool children will bo in line. An effort will be made to have a warship lie off this port and to have Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Congressman Butler as speakers, with the officers and crew of the scout ciulser. named after this city as special guests. British Steamship Floated. SAVANNAH Oct I - The British steamship Concord which cleared jester day for Liverpool and went ag-ound on Tybee bar during a heavy sea, was re leased this morning by the high tide and continued, her Journey. The vessel ap parently suffered no danitje. NDRSE YIEWS WAR HORRORS ON FIELD AT CLOSE RANGE 'Tralnloads of Agony," She t Describes the Arrival of Wounded Women Gath er Crops While Men Fight. NEW YORK, Oct. l.-A nurse who has returned from the European war zone has narrated vividly her experiences on the field. x "When I landed, tho day before yes terday," she said, "I waa struck by crowded thcatro entrances and signs of luxury. I've como from whero they arc Bolng without butter, without sugar, with out now clothes, to pay for disinfectant for encampments, bandages and cotton for wounds. "Never have I seen such an abundant harves In Franco as they had this year. Coming up through the southern part I B.aw tho orchards loaded and propped up; tho vineyards overflowing, nnd a full, rich wheat harvest Tho fields wcro swarming with women workers, bent over with lined, determined faces. Children were helping, and here and there In tho fields wcro baskets covered with green branchs the cradles of the youngest to whom war was not even n word. Trudging up and down tho field, the women stopped at tho hampers now and then to peer Into them or to feed tho mites." "I asked one woman why she did not send the older children to school out of tho way. "There nro no schools open," sho said. One of tho younger boys, IS years old, had disappeared from a boys' school gone to tho front, sho supposed. They had saved for his schoollng so much per week. "When I asked If sho had heard from her husband, she stared nt me as If I were a messenger como to toll her tho worst. She clutched me roughly with whitening face. I said I knew nothing. She was not a strong woman, nnd the work of home, children, and fields was breaking her. I gave her a bottle of tonic I had with me. They had a little ?,nrs "read, fruit and eggs, and about J-5. There had been no time to prepare, bh did not complain: with bulging eyes Just told mo the facts. I saw stumbling, shambling women nnd children pushing on In a mass In which thcro was nn occasional cart filled with babies nnd old men. I thought tho exodus from Delirium had stopped, but they were still coming. Such faces! 'Gnunt, forlorn, desolate women, some with ahawls-lt was chllly-somo with nothing to wrap nbout them. THE INFANT WITHOUT A HAND. "Thcro were two nr thmn i,t,,i..i least. They seemed to be numb with Physical pnin. We wont In among them and singled out one who was half dragged by two others. She turned fierce eyes upon mo, and I saw that the six months' infant she clutched had had Its hand severed at tho wrist with a cross wise cut. which wus neither bandaged nor washed, but wrapped In a towel. And then I noticed a bulging on the woman's form, and sho disclosed tho icasnn, they had cut off her breasts, each to the depth of an Inch. I saw them. "I tried to find out why, but all they would do was to mutter about enraged soldiery. TRAINLOADS OF AGONT. "I went down near the railroad sta tion near DIJon with my case of gauze and cotton. I know tho wounded were expected. I can see them yet. Train upon train of old open freight cars. Jerk ing, bumping along, with those hioken bodies lying flat on tho bottom with neither pillow nor cover; Just as they wero gatnercti rrom the field. Am bulances thcro were, but not enough. A handful of nuns with the doctors and nurses worked at whlto heat. "One man whom I helped to bandage up. had four bullet holes In his body. Thoy had been clean-cut wounds, but they were grimed as If ho had crawled, Inch by Inch. "Every hall In town was turned Into a hospital, but there wcro no cots, no blankets for a third of them. Wu did not have enough pans to boll water In, enough cloths to stop the bleeding, nor enough towels to wlpo cold sweat from faces. Some of us spoko poor French, and the doctors hud no time to explain. Wo did the best we could. One of the surgeons who was helping told me ho Just come over from IiIb own hospital, which was tilled with women who had been outraged. He said that such things always happened In any war. SAVING FOR SIEGE OF PARIS. "At first I could not understand why tho yattempted to enro for so many wounded In one place. Instead of send ing them to equipped hospitals near und In Paris Hut the doctors explained that supplies of every kind In Paris wore bo Ing reserved for a possible Mcge. They ha dbeen caught once unprepaiod. Hoa pltnls wero stocked, food gathered, nnd the people economized. In the park thero wero MO cattle and sheep, which had been driven In from the country. The Seine was tilled with boats carrying food WUIII IU llllIIIB. "We met tho military ono nfternoon Kolng from house to house, getting wha horses and cows they could find. After Uhy had gone I went into ono of the cottuges. and talked with tho women mere was no Hysterical outburst j tho less-it was small In comparison to dead sons. They told me nbout the one son left. Jacques was In school In Germany when the war began. They wrote him to come home Immediately, because a Mow Journey might bring on tho rheu matism for which he went away. No answer came from him. Finally, after weeks passed by, word was sent that H-year-old Jacques, with his school mates, wero held as hostages, and nego tiations for their exchange would l forthcoming In due season. A H-yuur-old prize of war with the rheumatism' There was a housemaid in the family whom the mother was trying to trade for the boy. So she knits and sews socks and nightshirts, or whatever the Red Cross director .sends, while she waits." The nurse handed me a letter lying 011 her desk from the Red Cross nurse at the front. "Can't you send me gauze, cotton and rubber sheets; they're dylni before our eyes," It said. TAX ON VIENNA WOMEN Self-Imposed Burden to Peed City's Poor. VIENNA, Oct. 1. The women of Vienna have issued u manifesto propos ing to IrnpoMi upon themselves a war tax for the purpose of feeding the hun dreds of thousands whi. it Is said, wilt soon be breadless For SO helut 14 cents,! a day, a substantial incut can tu fur nished at least once in 21 Injurs K.i, h Vienna Hausfrau a to be vis'tcd by tw 1 ladle belonging to ' the highest social circles," and It Is urged that no one can ref'JJe to perform the patriotic service cal'cd U WAR INDEMNITIES STAGGERING PRICE LOSING NATIONS PAY Bismarck's Seizure of Alsace-Lorraine Startled the World Penalties Im posed in Recent Wars. When Erasmus described war as "the malady of Princes" he was not so accu rate as would nt first appear. It may bo the Princes who are 111, hut It Is the people who suffer the consequences and foot the bills, says the New' York Tribune. Tho cost of the present war has been estimated many times, but when It Is over tho losers will factf a further stupendous outlay In tho Indem nities of money nnd land which will bo exacted from them. At the end of the Franco-Prussian wnr, In 1871, Bismarck demanded nn In demnity which staggered tho world. Nothing of tho sort had been dreamed of before Not only did Franco loso Alsace and Lorraine, two of her best provinces, but she had to pay In cash the stupendous sum of 5,000,000,000 francs, or $1,000 000,000. This vast sum of money was obtained only by tho loynlty of tho French people, who In thousands of cases gave up their Jewelry nnd silver waro to help mako up the nmount. The lost territory and hardships caused by tho huge levy have never been forgot ten, and tho defeat of tho Kaiser will mean that France will ask for a return of both. Should sho nsk for Interest on tho $1,000,000,000 for 44 years It would mako an almost Impossible sum. Tho exacting of a tribute In money or land, or both, from a defeated enemy Is as old an war Itself, and there are a number of Interesting examples In recent times. When the American Colonics achieved their Independence thoy won tho ownership of their own territory as the result of military success. V. B, ANNEXES TERRITORY. Tho biggest indemnity ever obtained by tho United States, however, was that fol lowlne tho war with Mexico, In 18(7. Tho decisive victory won by tho United States resulted In Mexico giving up all claims to territory north of the Rio Grande. No cash Indemnity was obtained from Spain after the Spanish-American war, hut besides tho freedom of Cuba this country obtnlned Porto Rico and Guam outright and the right to buy tho Philip pine Islands for $20,000,000. The American Civil War brought nbout 11 strange condition In the matter of war Indemnities. As a result of tho naval activities of the South, England, a nation which had had no part in the war, was compelled to pay nn Indemnity of over $10,000,000 to the United States. This wns because of nn lndlicct participation In the destruction of tho American merchant marine. Prussia, flinco her rise to power, hnB always Insisted on a course of unrelent ing punishment for tho victims of her arms. This was shown In the Franco Prussian War by tho terrible tax men tioned above, as well as In other con flicts. In the Seven Weeks' AVnr of 1S6 Prussia took tho field against her pres ent ally, Austria. Prussia was then the greatest of tho German stntes outside of Austria, and had ambitions to become tho ruling power among tho Teutonic people. Tho smaller German states, realizing that tho defeat of Austria would mean the loss of their independence, took side with tho Hansburgs. PRUSSIA'S HEAVY DEMANDS.' After a brief campaign Austria was entirely subdued. Ily way of Indemnity l'rus-sia annexed Hanover, tho Elbe duchies nnd tho electorates of Hesse, Nassau and Frankfort. The old North Gormun confederation was also broken up and a now one organized, with Prussia actually In control. This great addition of terri tory made possible the present German Empire, as proclaimed at Versailles after the full of Paris. Closely following the establishment of tho German Emplro camo tho Russo Turkish War of li77. Ruhsia won a rather doubtful victory over the Sultan, but the Indemnity did not go to the Czar himself. However, It meant a de cided blow to Tuikey. Tho treaty of Ilerlln, which followed the Russian-Turkish trouble, recognized the Independence of Rumania, Servla and Montenegro, en larged Rulgnrla nnd created the auton omous state of Eastern Rumella. Threo small provinces wero ceded directly to Russia by the Porte. Though Russia's territorial gain was small, she had ac complished her purpose of weakening the Sultan. Eight years later Bulgaria annexed Eastern Rumella. Servla became Jealous ond started 11 war of nggiesslon. liul garla was victorious. No cash Indemnity wns oxneted, but Servla was compelled to give up all her claims to any Interest In the annexed state. The Far Eatt was the seat of the next two Important wars. Japan defeated China In 1S93, and compelled tho latter to hand over the rich Island of For mosa, as well as part of tho Llao-Tung peninsula. Japan was again victorious In 1903, when she fought Russia. Tho tieaty of Portsmouth jirotlded for tho ceuiitK ui i-uiv .nwiui u aupau, mil called for no cash Indemnity. COLONEL'S PLEA DENIED Court Refuses Change of Venue in Barnes' $50,000 Libel Suit. AMl.VNV, Oct. 1. -Justice Chester to day denied the motion of Colonel Rooso velt for a change In the place of trial of William li.irncb' libel suit for fW.UM agaliiHt him. In applying fur a chautlo of venue the ex-President attilbutul an all-powerful influence to the former Re publican Statu chairman In this, Karnes' hornt! county He ulleged this would tend to prevent j. lair trial of tho case here. Justice Chester deciding that not a political Issue but a personal Issuo was in volved In tho suit, declared his contl dence In the holding of an impartial trial In Albany County. 45,000 HORSES FOR THE WAR French Agents Place Order With St. Louis Firms. ST. LOl'lS, Oct. l.-An order for 4) cavalry horses has been placed by agents uf I'lunco with commission firms of the horse and mule market here. This Is the largest army horse order given sliue the Hoer War. The agents, it is said, are authorized to order 100,000 horses. The order al ready amounts to VSU.X' FOUND DEAD IN LAUNCH Coroner Rushey of Camden, is iuves tiKaltiitf thv death of Walter I'lxton. if Camden. v,hu was fMund dead early this innrnins u a moterlaunch at Ixlatr Tixton Is belired to havr tiketi wood, alcohol in mistake for roedMa. The rnan was given permission to slee;i In the 'rat by the owner, George yaJJ.en, of Celalr, 6,000,000 LOCKED -IN DEATH GRAPPLE IN EAST WAR ZONE, 1 1 Germans Held Back in Po land and Silesia Russians Move Against Cracow ih Two Parallel Columns. VIENNA, Oct. 1. Four gigantic battles and two fort bombardments, Involving fully 6,000,o6o. men, aro In progress In the eastern .theft-' tro of war today. At no point has thefo been any decisive result and It will be' several days before the fighting, wfl! roach a crisis. General Rcnncnkampf, with ' l.OOO.OfJO, Russian first-line troops, Is endeavoring to resist the efforts of General von itlri denburg's army to cross tho NJemen River between Drusskcnlkl nnd Grodno, Tho fighting nlong this line Is of the most sevcrev character. Up to tho pres ent It has been Impossible for tho Ger mans to break through. , Another Gorman army Is engaged with COO.000 Russians In tho big plno forest of Augustowo, which Is 21 miles long and 35 mites broad, nnd Is filled with small lakes and a canal that connects the Nlemon and tho Vistula. This German- army was driven from the village of Augus towo and Is now being used to protect Hlndcnburg's flank and renr. GERMANS FORTIFY SILESIA. Tho great Russian central army, In tho direct charge of tho commander-ln-chief, Grand Duko Nicholas, Is made up of ono million fresh 'troops, who have been mobilized In Russian Poland to movo against the main German nrmy, which has been feverishly fortifying tho entire lino of tho Sllcslnn frontier. This force was today ropqrted In contact with the German advance guard, which has been pushed forward to protect the lines of communication to CraeowV Thl3' fight, now little more than a skirmish, Is ex pected to develop Into- tho greatest bat tle of the' war In the East, as tho Ger man troops engaged nre thoso which -were withdrawn from tho West to try to stop tho Russian advance. Meanwhile there aro between n million and a million nnd a half Russians in Gnllcla moving In two parallel linos. The northern column, which" has enveloped Przemsyl, today had completed tho in vestment of Tnrnow, E0 miles cast of Cracow. Tho fall of Tarnow Is antici pated here aa the Russians far outnum ber tho Austrian garrison, but there ex ists no good strategic reason for trying to hdld the city, ns the troops that would bo needed there will be of far greater valuo In Cracow. Tho second aallclau army, traversing tho southern Una and overflowing Into tho passes of tho Car pathian Mountains, mounted Krosno after a desperate resistance, In which the Austrian garrison Inflicted enormous losses on tho Russians. The combined German-Austrian armies In tho thcatro of war do not number 2,000,000, Including all reserves, while the Russians have moro than 4,000,000' al ready on tho scene. Yet at no point have tho Russians scored a distinct victory since tho opening of the battles. In the north the lighting is entirely In Ger man territory, while In the south, In Gnllcla, tho Austrlans havo withdrawn toward Cracow for strategic reasons. An otllclal statement Issued hero says that the entire situation is "satisfactory;" that the garrison at Przemysl maintains Its advantage, Inflicting great damage on the Russian besiegers In sorties, and that while Cracow will bo besieged It "can bo expected" to hold out Indefinitely. VARIED TALES TO ACCOUNT FOR AUFFENBERG'S RECALL Retirement From Command Ascrtt' to Cholera nnd Broken Leg. LONDON, Oct. 1. General von Auffcnberg, who has held joint command with General Uanltl, nf tho Austrian armies In Unllcla, Is 111 and nimble to continue In nctlvo command, according to a dispatch to a ucna agency fioni Rome. An uriconllnued report from another Bourco declares he has fallen u victim to Asiatic cholera, which Is known to have broken out In his army. A repoit from Vienna states that Gen eral von Auffenborg's retliement Is duo to his failuio to hold Jaroslaw, and that his Illness la merely a pretext to mitigate the stigma (if his recall. Htlil miotlur leport announces that General von Auffeuherg has been injured by p. full from his horse. Boxer Veternn Killed PARIS. Oct. 1. Lieutenant Colonel T. O. J. II. Hcuchon, who beciimn famous as artillery lender In the Roxer cam ptilHii. has been killed In battle. A num ber of abbes anil actors are also listed amonff tho dead. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Andrew V. l.oery. 120s H. II Smith. M-"l W 10,11.111,1 . 0th i and. Sue Ki'wln II. (Worse mi N ,v.lh St., II John, ,11 .VJiT Ia,i-ui t. and Ifeini Morrla K. Morton HIM N. Warnuek Alberta Hutter. 2iCi'J N' Unrn,,.- s, at., an! Cliarle. ( Miller. 3IDT N. V't'tli at . und EJna it. Mjers, 2722 N. tlnrnet it. cornelliu v. t.ousheo, :i5U j:. cheltcn and fjiurn. M. llwjer, Chestnut I (III. ave., ur. lieorce T waiKrr. 1911 Thompson t.. and Itnja n Klnu, Wuthlngtun, I), t". IMillllii Kanoff 2X17 Natrona at., and Veron- k a Webb. -117 I. Dntarli at. IMwin U". Aiken. 212 Jerrerbon at., and Ho. Una K. Clark. WS S. 20th t. Alfred cae. Hi Colluin n., ad Kdlth Hum- ml S7 XV Seimour it Chartea I' ItnhunJr . 7015 Itldse ae. and Si niuel I.. tjr,) l'ii lie .;uuey t., and ltoe J. Itudley, 1112 Cntoii it. " " " Julius "tt. N K. r Vlth at and Columbia ue . and Uoalni KaUer .ISIS Walnut a . pavid c Pmlth. ZIU2 N. 2:Jd tt.. and viol . Noe, S2.1t KlM t. m '' Alnnio nuten. r:os S'. I'ark ave., ami ., Funtaln (Wl JC. 421 at. Jr.ph Kurfumt. 22.10 N. Howard t.. snl Margaret (Irlat. 211 N Howard t Albert Ithtnchraldt 2flS Amber at., and Kmllla Aiiutuiin :MiV X SUti t H',ar.l N M"re Lit Hhrriuek at., and Buth It llBii 4'i1l Cuthnrlm- at. It, hard ItovU 22t S 17th at., and Fan. ni, Ul'kr. tli N 17lh it. VMlltam c H"uik 2!K,irt nirard uf., and Ma rian W tlrojan Wi'ti r,lth x Joteih Mpo 17 S. 4Ui at., and Ella Ji. t'.iopar. 1KN Muore ft ivtrtck II CJi'toun. Wilmington. t)l , and Margaret 1.' Carry. 2311 Sanaom st. Jsn.M Dutler. ")4 S llchuood at., and HUn C Nixinaa. 20 S. IM'chwoa,! at. llarrv Server tin Matter at . and Katharine '. rratr, IK Pi t Hugh Muore. 1ln McK'alluni at., and Jane Mnore (avrmantottn MnSeld Blake I0?!! I' D'ar at and Oewla II k t.V, M' V-rn n t j.u.'l-, .iii, mi ... itn'ec, uve. A hroa I A-Kiev Allrr'oKQ Ia nl Pau 1 ,n V 'Ir r St' N 27 h at nu'ctr II lee '.7 S I'.tti it and Marv i- r,?T t jTt t v "I'n-n V Cilfi-it Crcitr-int ra. arl F 1 P, si i 'w r"" ' Ta J hn II Alei'rVr tty Katrr at. si1 An it"nt lii'l' Jt"! Ka'rr a' Vil'i'atn E, Brr 1TI? Wy!i at. and naa pound dead on ploob, Mrs. Lizzie Hoffman Dlea of Heart Disease. An attack of heart disease caused tho diath of Mrs. Mxzie Hoffman, 63' years old, 2818 North Orlana street. Her body was found on tho kitchen floor of her home early today by a neighbor, Mrs. Julia Spatter, 2616 Orlana street. Mrs. Spalter called tho pllce, who took Mrs. Hoffman's body to St. Christopher's Hospital. Physicians said death was due ,to natural causes. 1 PUNEBAL OP MRS. PROST The funeral of Mrs. Jennie E, Frost, ono of Philadelphia's women nutomoblle experts, wilt be held tomorrow afternoon .from tho homo of her brother-in-law, R6bert Cronshey, 6309 Germantown nvo ,nue. Mrs. Frost drove her own cars on tours through the New England and Middle, Atlantic States, Sho always had machines of two or threo different makes In, -her possession. Mrs. Frost was 38 .years old nnd was twlco married, her first husband being Joseph T. ,Uyrne, a brick manufacturer, of 20th' and Somer set tstreots, who died n few years' ago. . OBITUARIES t JOSEPH, MEGAF.Y Young Lawyer Had Been 111 But a Pow Days. Joseph, Megary, a lawyer, with offices at JJS33 Chestnut street, died yesterday at 'his home, 603 .North '43d street. He was SI years old and had been 111 but a -few days. Ho succumbed to an attack of acuto gaiitrltls. Mr. Megary was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School In WC, and read law with ex-Judge James G. G6rdon for se'verul years before ho opened his own offices. While at the Uni versity he took a prominent part In the University Club and the Glee Club. He Was secretary ,of the Republican Com mittee, ahd tho Republican Club of the Twonty.fourth. Ward. Wllllnm L. Me gary, an Insurance operator, Is his father. His widow and a child survive. CAPTAIN GHABLES A. HART NEW YORK, Oct. l.-Captaln Charles Aaron Hdrt, 76 years old, for fifty years well known In tho coasting trade be tween Manhattan and points on tho Long Island Sound, Is dead at his former home In Northport, Long Island. He was de scended from ono of the old families on Long Island. His mother. Mre? Anna Ilaynor Hart, died two years ago, nt the nge of 101. Captain Hart leaves a widow and two daughters. MRS. EUPHEMIA A. ETKA Mrs. Kuphemla A. Etka, formerly of Mlffllntown, Pa., died yesterday at her home, 4727 Upland street, after an Illness .lasting moro than ten weeks. Sho was 73 years old nnd succumbed to the Inilrm Itles of hcr age. One son nnd three daughters survive. Interment will be at Mlffllntown, Pa., where sho had lived until the death of her husband 14 years ago. EDWARD D. BARKER Kdward D. Barker, who founded the firm. of Barker & Co., 226 Dock street, nearly fifty years ago, died lost Mondaj night at his home In Rochester, X. Y . from nn attack of asthma. Ho had been retired from business for tho "past twelve years. While In Philadelphia he was associated with tho Society of Friends. Mr. Barker was 74 years old. and Is sur vived by his wldo wand daughter. ALERED HOPKIRK EN'GLDWOOD, N. J., Oct. 1. Alfred Hopklrk, 47 years old, a newspaper man, died at the home of his- daughter, Mrs. William Stark, at Leoonia,, riean here, yesterday. Mr. Hopklrk hsiU been a re porter for the last 23 years, having been connected with tho Hackensack Rccoid and tho Bergen County Index. In 1903 he went with the Englewood Press. Ho was born In England, nnd came to this country when he was 18 years old. JOSEPH VANDEGRIFT Joseph Vandegrlft, 73 years old, a pen sioned tlreman, of BD23 McCallum strcut, died yesteiday from an Injury sustained several years ago, He was a member of tho Philadelphia Fire Department Relief Association, of the Stephen Olrard Lodge, No. 450, K. nnd A. M., and of the Wash ington Lodge. His wife nnd a son sur vive. DR. HARRY G. MOLSON Doctor Harry Gerald Molson. n den tist, diod yesterday at his home, HOI Wallace street. In hU youth he devoted considerable time to music, nnd at one time conducted the orchestra nt a hotel at Sea Girt. He wna n member of tht Rrotherhood of Andrew and Philip. His wife, two sisters and five brothers sur vive. MISS ANN ELIZA BEACH MONTCLAIR, N. J., Oct. l.-.MIss Ann llllza Re-ich, 75 years old, of West Cald well, died Wedne.-day night in Mountain side Hospital here from shock sustained when she was run down by u horse Miss Reach had made a HvIiik by dcliverliiK newspapers In Caldwell and vicinity for many years. FRANK A. MEURER Krank A. Meurer, a retired cigar man ufacturer, fell dead yesteiday in the vicinity of his homo at Mllllck and Mar ket streets, stricken with heart ilUratie. I-'or many ears ho had kept the cigar store at Eighth and Vino streets. Hi: was 53 jeiirb old and is survived by his widow, a daughter and two sisters. JAMES J. McDEVITT, JR. James J. peUovltt. Jr.. 'a salesman with OullfordH, haberdashers, Rroad street and Gliiird avenue, died ft'um pueumunla yesterday at the home of his parents, 1731 Ninth 21th street. Ho mis 22 wars old and Ih sutvived by his wlihnv, a sun and two daughters. CALVIN C. POWELL NEW YORK. Oct. l.-l'alvin C. Powell, 71 years old, of Nyaek, a ictlrcd banker, is dead In his home in that village. He had lived In Nynck 12 years, ami tor many years was school tax collector. He leaves one daughter and two sons. FRANCIS B. McSTOCKER I'lancls R. McStocker, a former Phlla delphlan, who lived In the Hawaiian islands for the last 30 jiMrs, s tlead In Honolulu. Interment will be made jn Honolulu. Mrs. Sarnh R. Walz Mts. Susan R. Walz, wife of Edward A. Walz. an electrician, died yesterday at hcr hume. 1913 North front street, fol lowing r btlef Illness. Sho was XJ ears old nnd Is sutvlved by her luuband, threo sons and fuur daughters. cntlji B.VHKKU.- HDWAIIU D. BAKKBIt. ud denly, tfpienitwt 2t. 1UU. at hU lata raj dvnrc. I7 rnlurjlty at. Kuvheater, N V., uk ad 77 juii. IIIK.S -WAMUKL DIES. 63 yearn, 42u Chris tian t. 1111 l. On Paptrmner 20 1911 ANNA. wMow of Jamea Ileal IUUHim jol frlen la bra inltd to atu od Om fut ral ari o c 1 hatur m at 2 1 m t ! r la rr"ti " 21 s S. ith ih i Irterirent at lt ur H- t l rrrlcr IJItl SNKIt. 0-1 pr---.r . J"u t -! ITU' I 1-' 3d t i 'ri ) -e -c- M ! era : ' r - - 1 m 1 ti J it . rc-j ' 1 jr0.-- st r -ri 1 DKUH U hEATHS CAI.tnvKLL. f. ALUnhT. .add.! uiiuiiirmnnin, jjncinna nDtrrDr OAMI'rjKMi On Bitmbif 29, I.E& CAMPDELV wl.inw.of The fiell Fnneisl on EaluriHv nt A frrn ll7 l.ensuo Ko!mh lUql m.nR.,'..cl!?r,,Vchureh' nt 10 a r ment at Ho y Cros Cemir. p1!lDiV-r0n 8Ptmt.r 28, 1014 J riihHli.' &"t,xr of ths.lsts Mien1 cutnarlne Carmody RelAtlves and I nlo Leamie of the fiacred Iltsrt ' inomaa- church aro Invited to attttil fV,..rV.,V"ArJS!"l5ft.tB-5?s:l Folcmn rteqiflem Ma at Bt Trl r-.J'tf!?'-." ,0 o dock. Interment tl C'nthMral Cemetery. 1 CrT-UCARiT' 9" B'Ptember 2fi,lH,ftTl I.fcE. eMeat djuahUr ef William 14 and Mamli) U. I.e Cathtart. Betrtctnjii !5- t"llI,nr'-, 030 Weatvlew at., SttA M.,e."iw.", nro,ld " Station at 1:11 t CHltlSTT.J.n n.nl.,,.- a ini til CHIOIt, husband of th late Catharine Chi "' "W r year, runerai on Fnaar.l SiHO ft m..'frcm 401 Oreen tarle, TtMbonnl Hequlem Ma at fit. Mnry'a Church at 1(1 ni. intrmcr.t private at St. Mary'a CK 'i jwxuurougn COMIttlnflE. On P'ntemhfr Brt 4 41 1 ANNA H., wife of T. n, P .., r. FT 'f.n"i .Helallvea and frlcnda aro Ihrl nrreat uoiDridg. H to attend the funeral rvlr. nn Kt,iti4 f.-l?-p .m-'flt hcr lB,o realiienca, M K( Hlne at., Ofrmantown. Interment at Nort' wood Cemetery. r,',S?iiF?ii' nundor Margaret rjolfer n f.urran) and unn nr Hamh n tt, i xu Ilnm Colfer. Fimirni on Friday." at StJo' ?A"m-?,ay .nt Church of the Holy, Name. i n. m. jnicrmeni nt New Cathedral Cen n'U'TiPr? 1"t;in!2er.si's J6'li ArtTHtJ HAnii -ill '11 '""""" "' Aoa I'onaru tra rail), a Red 41 years. Mineral arvli. i ZivZVl Vr '. p: !"- '. "" Waldorf avl tery ermeni at rernwood ctt t":.nJPVn. On Rentember '20. lot uiessamn r a, .-... oa .. -ujj si?: '- ' Ah8J'"'S y"fti .Kj.: ." u" " ' ""."It u"f "' orri'l EmJner' Wl'orn XV, Cres.man. L100 si Mith at. T T1A t.Y.-L.n GahIumU. -it In, J t. IltCTH H , nlfo of Thomns'A. Dafy. Fune nn bniuniav. at 2 n. m . rrnm mti c...s -Mole at. Interment at Mount Morlah. cnil "SWFJS.fcrS1 An DE "Eno. 0 yeaJ the. WILLIAM XV.. ynunaoat on nf Hnfi. 2-Ka Si'I??fcDJ!wf,1"' R?cd 1 monthi. Resident -.v ..v. , jjuuuiu bi. ro zunorai. "VVTtAVJ"tf.'-.Tfin5tn,r 2". "1 ;J , :i ' ""ii"'L'. naunier or Jarr Funeral aorvlcea on Friday, at 2 p. m., fro 7.w m., aiilciiiiciii, privaio. n.l;.N.N'Tj.n.. .N"rlst"Yn, on Sentembei !.. l'..rt l&C- " wli. of Edward S. Du ;t.. Norrletonn. r.i., on Saturday, at 1 o. Interment private, at Qulnh ornMerv. Ki.sr.Mwir.Y On September 20. iiimp if. nisn.vniffnv "hS.hnm HCmard HlsehhreV. nn1 mnn nt VA-t.. Kmrnn. Klsenbrey. Funeral ervlce at father's residence, ll)2t North ISth at.. 0:1 . . ,u y, m, . v. m. precisely, itrlctly private. Intermenl td rIVA. On KetitemhAr an inu frm-uu,. MIA A., widow of John Elkn. rn-ml 77 ..,,i IVnrnl or!ro nt her late residence. 472li r.v.S; . "" ..' "" i p. m. intermen .. ...... .... u. vi, ,-n iui ll.iy, EYItE. On Fniiplh-.lni' vln,K rnMw nl 11114. MARY HACHUS. wldnw ot Edwaf' llavla Eyre. Funeral from 0TN1O Oreene t. iii-riiiHiiiuivii, J'linnneipnin, nn tIxth-day, Tenth Month 2d. at 2 p. m. Interment prl. 1. '"ID tJOUkllt11.-Sit.-III, FIIOST. On SenlPtnhrtr inn -rvwurr K. FROST fnoo Ilvrn). wife of A.' W. Froat Miiu.ii pciutrs, on rriuny. at x p. m- a ,,.u . i-iuiriiv.- ui iipr uromcr-in-iaw, Kotmi viimiii-j, ,uii:, .nam St., uermantown." Ji torment private. "'-"'"K". On September 80. 101 itUHh, wife of Charles Onllachcr. Fun em Saturday, at S a. m.. from 2r,irs Manton at! Solemn Hlch Maa nf Ileoulom at St. AnJ tiumv'a Church at 0:30 a. m. Interment Holy rnf. Cemetery. 'Ly'AN. On September SO. 1014, MICHAEL, iwivi.i.i. runorui on .tacuruny, at 8:30 m.. from 223. S. 2d at Rnl.mn Xlnnul Mai a nt the Church of the Visitation at 1 ..n.-.PI-...,rttrrnr"' "v Cathedral Cemetery. liaill r,l . On Sentemher .10 mij nnrt liUT. husband of tho late Angellno Harvey. iiinerai on Saturday, at 2 p. m., from BOS .hi i in!-i hi., tunuccsicr iiiy, rv. j, interment i mn cinncry HKItMAN. A.VN1E U2S Melon at. HERMAN. 08 year HOWAltn. Suddenly, at Willlanuport, Pi hepuinbcr -'.1. IHI4, EMMA A. WHITELEY, ifo of William H. Howard, of ranporlura, Pa. Funeral erlce at Emanuel Church, i.mr'crutni. i-a,. on rrm.iy. nt ii a, m. TSKXnFltnril nn Rantnmh. nn nM t HAMUEt. c. son of the late Samuel andl onruu ist-iiucrNer. runerai acrvicea ana In tTmcrt etrlctly private. ISSKI,. On September 30, 10H. EftN'EST. husband of Kmmn Isael, ased 57 yeara. Ku- ncrai nn nunuuy, m . n. m.. irom reaidencft 24011 Oxford at. Interment at Qreen Moun' V LtltCtCI f . ,i,hmii. KLizAut-.ji jAuuur, 02 yean. 25il TrMicr St. .KINKS. MATTHIAS Ii'TTLETON JONES.I at Torrthi'ale rcetory. September 30. 10141 l mierui lerwt-es ai .u i-ainia l.nurcn. TOr-i readule, !l:.'lll n'clpck. Krlday rt'ornlnv. InJ terment at Louden Park, Uattlmore, Md.I' at u Livin i, in i KHAUNKY. KATHARINE KEAHNEV, 158, W4o N. Crnjkey st. V .Mnel.AUKN. JIAItV MacIiAItEN, 3t yeaVa, 414 West Uerks at. y .MrDEVITT. On Senterrther 30. 1014. JAMES J. McDeiltt, Jr.. nushand of Iluth C. Mc- uevm ami son or jamea A, and Alary1 c McDcvltt. I'uncral nn Monday, at 8:30 a. m., from 17'il North 20th st. Solemn High Masi of Iterjulem at St. Elisabeth' Church, at 10 a. m Interment prlate. at Cathedral Cemetery. MHtiAItY. SuiMenb, nn Heptember 30. 1014. JOSEPH MEOAItV, huaband of Klale Me boij Inee (iunkle) and eon of William L. ind Ari'cs CS. Mrgarj'. Relatives and friend nro imlted to attend the funeral aervlcea. on Siturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at tin residence of lilts parents, CU3 North 434 bt. Interment private, MOI.KMIN. IIAIUtr MOLESON, 43 year, 44(CI Wallace t MOItOZ.I. CLARENCE MOROZZI, 40 ears, n.'i Ellnuorth nt. NE.MKY.-JAMES NEMEY, 21 yeara. 3134 Anr st. NOltltlS. On September 29. 1014, MARTHA II nlfo of E. r'tntik Norrla. daughter of c.irtdlne und the late John llowrr. In her ..jin jcar runerai scrticea on rnaay, tv. tolitr 2. at 2-:(0 p m., at 4flt Lyceum ave.. ,VUM.jU'jft ll, 4IIICI llll'lll iTivitte OWIJNH. On September 30. 1014. MARY A il.tun'lucr of tin' late Juinea It. and Mury Ti! Ilxan. l'nA.,l J,ll.u n C 11 n ... J .,,, ,.n . ...,.-, m. .niU,lil, u, n .. U, III,. from .MCll Vine t. Sulenir. Itequlem Maja at J tue inunn 01 tiur iJiny 01 victory at 10 a. m. Interment St. Charles' Cemetery, Kelly Mile. iJClu'vare i ouniy. PAI.MKH On September 20. 1014. THOMAS IWl.MUIt In hi 78th jar runcral on Bat unlay, October 3. at 2 p. m., from 1014 Ortliodox lit , .'"rankrord. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. I'EHANO. ROCCO I'EDANO. 24 yeara. 1120 Durfoi at l'ENNVr.rKi:it. On September 20. 1014. CAI'HKItlNE J., aged T, eara, widow ot Juuua M, l'cnnji.Kkir. of Oermantown. died at .IM Snuio M . ITittitnwn. 1'a Senlcea nnl iiite'incnt at I'nrker 1'ord. pa Rapttit I'hunb. mtobii 2, at 3 p m .MUCK. -On September 20, 11)14, HENP.T. iii.-i.M,,. ', ...r.u .L.ii.iv ,i?u IWH&VJ SU- iicru! on rrldu. ut 2 p m . f rom the chapel of J.ihu II. tet I. 2.128 Oernuntown ava. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery, SKVKKMIN. At the residence of her ion. In-law, Pr. J. K. Uursest, 38 Euclid at., Mont, lair, N. J , on September 2S, 1011, MAHCARKT MKRI.DITit wiiu of Thoma H Soverson in her MHh ear Notice of the funeral hercutt.-r. Interment at Raitlmore. M'rithnd. hlMONS. On Septemher 30, 1014. LKAIf. u i. of t.ie lite 11' nrv himorib In Iter 7strl 3 car. jteiautca ami rrienas are invited to ata U'l',1 i :e mill till, uii nuiinu ur lirau J fp ill rer late residence. 12!) N Ituby aC ami Aitni interment at ncDrew lti.rl.il llrund SMI I'll. CHARLES SMITH. 03 yeara.' Murv'tnu st. hJHTII. Bl.IZAUETH SMITH. -14 years. biv.it. son st hi T. ENSIIN. At Sewell, N J . on SeptemB l,.r 21. lull. (I. II.. husband of Sarah A3 Steventon (nee Snagx). Due notice of the funeral "111 be gUtn. from his son's rsl- I dm.e. Hurry S. Stevenson, SHO Viola at. lA.il and t'aritsiae ave.j. hTILI.MAN.- Suddenly, on September 30, 1U14 i.r.tilttlK .-TILLMAN. Due notice, of tin fumtnl will tie slvin. Tlllli:i.r.l.l On September 20. 1011. MAItY i: . widow of Ororge Treilall Vu. , lie r it on cuturuay, titioter l. at 1 p, m., t rum VWi lie, keley at . Camden. N' J Its. mains may be lewed Frlda ceininj, Intcr4 lilt'ui ui r.irisirvii viiieitrr. 1 TIXNBY. Suddeul. on September 28. 10141 WILLIAM MAR'UIAI.I, son of late An dim and sarah Tlnney. and beloved hus-j tund of M.nnle Tlnney inee Miller) Dutl notlco ot fumrul from bis late residence I4!) S 23d tt. 1 VAI 1!T.- tin September 30. 10H, CARO-1 I 1.- I. . u.i.r itkc luill). widow of I harlec J Va'.-t Itraldeun-. 27l K leirflcU tJ iu, iintiii ii inn luuerai Mill re sr.en AMKiHiriV on September 30. lOIlJ J bKI'lt VANUBORIKT. In his 7vth rear., I uneral n aalurjaj. at 3-Tii p. n t. n ' the rckldtme of liU dauxhter-la-lav, M s. mi ran jiiuci-riu, i,.- nest K'ttcnr '154 st, tjeraiaatiwn. Inuruupt at Ivy Hut ceme tery. WALZ. -On September 30, 1014. SARAH R.. lfs) of Edward A. WaU, In her 3uth year, Fuural oo isaturay, at T JO a. 111 from 1.'12 North Pr'Ut at Kcqulern Mass at bt. Bnnlfaie'a Churvh. at u 4 r. lntem-jot at It , it.i'e. nit. iVni-ter. VI VI I'r.ltMIN. n September ES. 1911. J ilN l' h i- 1 w r I a 1 Ms- A V. - t ', i-f 11 t '-a. ri 1 1 1 1 f i' 1 c '-v- ' in 1 1 1 ( t-j 1 -r-o-a. -t Mc P--M- ', JIl.BiPyvll, W 41 BjUCUWUU Qby