Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1914, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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"WMH'W '1M
Tfi-&Kmfvtmtym iw .mwni-wiiwyywy ?
She Feels the Loneliness of
Lodging House Life and
Accepts a New Invitation.
The ups and downs of life are very
trance! At nights I used to feel no tired
after the Ions tiny In Hint biff city onice,
nd I used to Bit beside the open window
of the lodging house and watch the
crowds go hurrying by.
I used to weave odd fancied sitting
there nlono above the lamp-lit street, and
to each face that hurried by I would
afllx a tale. Oht little window, you and
1 have often watched the shadows
lengthen, and gray dawn come In! The
looker-on at life sees far below the out
ward surface of the scheme. Perhaps It
Is as well to be Just a mere looker-on,
nd yet, I want, I want so badly Just
to II vet
Oh, little shadow-shapes that come and
Bo. and flicker on the dusty street below,
what Is the moaning and the use of life?
Are the old dreams and wishes merely
fairy tales? Arc we
"No other thnn n mmln row
Of Mimic Shalow-sliupc thnt eom urul iro.
Itouml ultli till- Min-llliimln-d t.nnt-rn held
In Midnight by the Matter or Hie Show."
I wish that I could live without these
restless questionings, these old vague
stirrings that no pain or loneliness can
vcr quench! "The heavy and the weary
weight of all this unintelligible world"
Is here tonight I cannot shnke It off!
Below me on the street t see young,
' happv faces, and I wonder why life Is
so hard for some, so happy for the rest.
Oh Moon of my Desire!
In this quaint lodging house 1 meet the
oddest tvpos of men and women. That
human nature Is the strangest thing, I
,Vf discovered, too. Its twists and turns
o unaccountable. The gruffest, surliest
en may do the kindest, most far-sighted
thlngd, done, too. In a quiet and unob
trusive way; while gushing, would-be
Wills may prove the most uncharitable.
Life's lessons daily now come home tu
me. and I am learning In a new experl-
nce. They nay experience Is tlie hardest
school I fear that I will ierve a long
An old, gray-headed violinist comes
sometimes to this street to play. I hear
ilm tuning up his instrument Just now.
i wonder what the air will be. It Is a
defii oenIng, hot and still.
IollnI.it has started, und I recognize
Void, sweet melody. On Christmas Evo
onco heard choir boys sing the same.
nd angels voices never sounded half so
sneet. The song Is an old Scottish ballad
called "My Atn Countree" It taken me
bank to days that have gone by.
There's a hope la every sorrow
There's a halm In every win.
But tho flrt Jovb of the heart
fume never back HKaln,
There's a IlKht upon th deep
And a track acrop the pea,
Hut the neary ne'er return
To their Aln Countne."
Jo many things haw happened since
I came to this new continent that In the
telling of tho tale I find It difficult to
chronicle events. Ten weeks have passed
now since I landed here, ten weeks Just
piegnant with new happenings,
1 spent my second week as "substitute"
In a big city office, and I found the work
was tiring, and the hours too long. I
could not typewrite properly, tho keys
would get confused, and sometimes lock,
while words would tnlst themsolves Into
etrange hieroglyphics!
If parents only could foretell the future,
or could get ono glimpse of happenings
to come, they would prepare their chil
dren for a definite career, and fit them
for the battlefield of life. Hut older folks
don't always see with younger eyes, and
when the wheel of fortune n unkind
whole families nre left quite unequipped
to face life's battle, nnd must therefore
fight a losing tight
I think that rich and poor alike should
follow some profession, learn some trade.
Then when the winds come nnd the
tempests roar, the house among the
quicksands will not sink, because beneath
It there will be tho bedrock of a definite'
career. Oh! If I only could have learnt
some one thing that T really could do
well, how many strange perplexities
would have been solved long since!
During my second week In Philadelphia,
when I was working In a sadly Inefficient
wav In the big city ottlce, every one was
very kind to me. The falr-halrrd man
he was quite young from offices below,
who came up several times to talk to
me, was an old friend of tho asslstnnt
manager's for whom I worked. Ills In
vtitlon. which tnderd were many, so
often filled me with a strange embarrass
ment' To watch a prize tight In Olympla
with this young man did not allure me
In the very least; In fact, no picture
sketch that he could draw of sporting
Joys could tempt me to the place. I did
not like to disappoint him, but I simply
could not bring myself to go.
The next bright scheme that he evolved
from some strange region In his brain
wai, a one-day excursion to Atlantic City,
tete-a-tete, he said he loved to bo beside
the sea, the sea with me, the beautiful
ea, would I not come and Join him by
the sea? I certainly would not! I knew
that where the mere man la concerned,
the pure ozone of the Atlantic breeze
affects his judgment In tho oddest way.
The balance and the mental equipoise of
this young man did not appear to be his
brightest points in nny case. Hence I
declined the pleasures of the sea.
--although" I thought the young man very
kind, he had a very pleasant, genial look.
In a third scheme for entertaining me,
his friend, the assistant manager, backed
him tip. He told me that this youth was
his best friend, that he meant very well,
and was quite hurt that I refused all
his requests. Would I not go with this
young man out "on a party" it would be
great fun?
I, did not understand Jutt what it
meant to go "out on a party" but, after
long argument and long persuasions, I
finally consented. It proved to be the
oddest, strangest episode!
Is a good plan to pepper a carpet
thickly Just where any heavy piece of
furniture has to rest on It, as this helps
to keep moths, etc., away.
To Prolong1 Life, of Silk Underskirt
When making a, silk underskirt, put a
good sized tuck above the frill so that
when the bottom edge becomes worn
which It will long before any other part
-tna iucxjtWJufllBMJJi worn
Ingredients Three ounces of flour, 3
ounces of castor sugar, 3 eggs, I or I
tablespoontuls of rum nnd some desic
cated cocoanut. Heat the eggs and sugar
untlt thick and smooth. Stir in the Hour
as lightly as possible; coat soma well
buttered molds thickly with some sugar;
fill them three-quarters full with the mix
ture, and bake In a moderntcly hot oven.
When cooked, pour a toaspoonful of
sweetened rum over each, and bprlnkle
with cocoanut. May be served hot or
Take four eggs, 1 teacupfuia of sugar, 2
teacupfuls of butter, 1 tcacupful of milk,
1 teaspoonful of caraway needs, half a
teaspoonful of caibnnate of soda, three
quarters of a pound of flour. Heat butter
and sugar well together, add the eggs
by degrees, then the flour until a paste
thick enough to roll out Is made. Make
It Into small cakes, and bake them In a
quick oven for about 15 mlnuteB or longer,
according to size. Butllclcnt for three
dozen small enkes.
This may be called an emergency
pweet. Make a frying batter ns for "pan
cakes, cut eight Bllces of bread and but
ter thin, bu not too thin, spread half tho
number with Jam, cover with the re
mainder and cut Into four squares. Re
move the crust, dip the fritters Into the
batter and fry slowly until crisp and
brown In a little hot fat.
for a richer batter take four ounces of
flour, half an ounce of melled butter, u
tablespoonful of cream, the yolk of one
egg, the whites of two eggs and one
eighth of a pint of warm water. Put
butter, flour, salt, yolk of egg and cream
In a basin; stir until smooth, Rdd water
gradually. Heat well, eae for half an
hour, whip up the whites of eggs, stir
them Into the batter and use as required.
Ingredients Three and a halt pounds of
whole meal, half an ounce of salt, half
an ounce of yeast, one ounco of malt ex
tract, water. Put the meal Into a pan,
make a bay, or hole In the centre. Dis
solve )ast and malt extract In 1H pints
of warm water, turn into the t,ay and
stir In about one-third of the meal. Cover
over with a cloth, and set the leaven In
a warm place for two hours. At tho end
of that time add tho salt (rubbed In tine
powder under a rolling pin) and mix In
the rest of the meal, turn the dough on to
s, kneading board. Divide It Into conve-nlent-fclsed
loaves, put them into wel
greased tins, let It rise for one hour, then
bake In a moderato oven. This process
will make a very nice, sweet-eating an J
palatable malt bread.
Miss Wantem was growing tired, for
Mr. Nutt had been calling three months,
and the final words which had been
lingering on his Up 'or long had
not yet been spoken. One evening, how
ever, being in an extra bright mood, he
was Inclined to make some brilliant ob
servations. Ye- live Ua. wpnatrnu age. aon't
,wn how
Two Smart Whirls Feature Move
ments of Folk Dances.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. Exit the tan
gp, which now Is "old-fashioned," and
enter the "tarantula" and the "pernlclon."
These, letter are to be the two smart
dances of the coming ballroom senson,
according to Miss Helen Wyman, director
of calisthenics and dancing In the local
Young Women's Christian Association.
Anyway, young society women of tho
capital are to be admitted to their mys
teries. The program for the winter season, as
arranged by Miss Wyman. provides for
a more elaborate scries of daticea than
ever before taught to the classes, It is
proposed to feature particularly the "folk
dances," or tho favorite dances of the
nations, replete with "the Spanish stamp,"
the castunet and the Swedish movement
Ono of these, and perhaps tho most
favored by the enthusiasts who have
danced there before, Is the dance known
ns "the ace of diamonds."
"It has nothing to do with cards," ex
plains Miss AVyman, "but Is characterized
by a skipping and clapping of hands that
has always been favorlto to the Swedes
In their popular folk dances.
"Next como (ho Spanish and Italian In
demand of the pseudo-terpslchores of the
local organization. Spain stands high In
the list. The familiar "Spanish stamp"
and tho castanets are acclaimed good
exercise for the toes nnd fingers of young
Tho superintendent of a charitable In
stitution for the aged poor In n certain"
district says tnat there Is no topic more
pleasing to some old women than tho
discussion of their "better days," when
they wero the fortunate possessors of
"everything heart could wish for," aa
they are apt to express It.
One old lady In the Institution men
tioned never tired of describing the
llnery aha had when she was a brido;
another boasted of having once owned
a "gold-band chlny tea-set" and six
solid sliver teaspoons; -while a third
dwelt at length on the eleganco of a
flowered silk gown and satin parasol
with fringe IS Inches long.
One poor old lady stood this sort of
talk as long as she could. Then she
calmly Interrupted with:
"Well. I never had no chlny tea things,
nor no silk gowns, nor embroidered pet
ticoats, nor openwork stockings, nor
gold ear-rings, nor nothln' o' rnat sort:
but I HAVE had four husbands, an I'd
llko to know whether any of you can
beat that."
"Indeed," the lecturer went on In a
quizzical way, "I believe I am Justified In
asserting that nine women out of ten
practically propose to the men they be
came engaged to. Aa a test, I would
ask all married men In the audience whose
wives virtually popped the question to
them to rise."
There was a aubdued rustle In the audi
torium, and In the tense silence that en
sued could be heard sibilant feminine
whispers In concert, "Just you dare stand
Cncle "He's an Intelligent.
The Surtout, the Cape Coat
or Wrap and the Redingote
Popular in Many and
Pretty Designs.
Although tho short coat hns not been
completely routed by tho long coat, tho
latter nppcnrs to be far In tho lead In
present populnilty. There Is the surtout,
which nlmost completely covers tho skirt",
(he onpe coat or wrap, nnd thn redlngoto
In I nf In I to vuiioty of designs.
No doubt the tensou why there are
coats of so many lengths and styles to
be found among the very newest crea
tions Is because women now study their
appeal mice befcuo adopting it new mode.
A woman can add to or subtract units
from her height by the skill with which
sho arrays herself.
The materials of the present day nre so
wonderful In weave and toxturo thnt It
would be hntd to go very far wrong
where they alone aro concerned.
Tho color, however, enn easily be a
stumbling-block. Although thoro aro
tones and half-tones thnt arc wonderfully
soft and subdued, yot even bo thcro aro
women who should never touch brown
nnd green, nnd others to whom blue
should remain forbidden fruit.
Tim picture shown today treats tho
redlngoto motif In :i rather novel wny.
It 1st fashioned of dark green duvctyn,
the hunter green thnt has softness nnd
Tho douhh-brcnRted coat Is unusunl In
tho mannir !n which tVe pocket Haps are
an extension of the coat proper, where
It Is cut away In front.
Above tho sln-ulnted pocket flaps nre
genuine pockets, tho upper Hap closely
following the lines of tho lower.
The i-fdlngotc skirt flares nnd falls Into
ripples nt the side. It la nlmost as long
ns the skirt In the back nnd Is cut
straight across.
The skirt Is draped slightly nt the top
and Is plnln at the bottom. Owing pcr
haps to the weight of the material It Is
not wide, although It Is far from the
crippling narrowness of n year ngo.
Moire continues to keep Its place In
the affections of the public, and Is used
for the snsh -of this suit.
The fur of the collar, which Is high
nnd cloe, is squirrel, tho soft gray har
monizing perfectly with tho green of
the cloth.
The toque designed for wear with the
suit Is of hunter's green velvet, nnd
one sMo Is almost completely covered
with a conventionalized flower, the petals
of which nre made of black molro rib
bon to match tho loosely tied girdle and
the handbag.
On the subject of Wife's Dull Round of
Household Duties, tho following letters
havo been received:
To the Editor o the Woman's Page, Evening
Madam Having read your nrtlcle pub
lished Monday evening. I quite agree
with yovi that every wlfo should havo
time for relaxation from her household
duties which may become a burden too
heavy to carrv. Men ns a rulo think
women have little to do compared with
their dally toll, but I often wonder If
they ever stop to consider tho countless
number of things a housewife has to do,
and think of. not only the work a house
requires, but the mental work thinking
and scheming what to have tomorrow
to make a satisfying dinner, and to make
homo agreeable nnd comfortable. I havo
been mirrleil 15 years. Tho first ten
years I could think of nothing but home,
household duties, nnrl my children and
husband's comfort. I worked hard to
keep It clean and cheerful and thought
no one could do as I could. The con
sequence was a norvous breakdown. I
persuaded my husband to take a smaller
house, which ho did, relieving me of
many a task. I hustle around In the
morning, never begin a task which I can
not finish by noon. I also manage to
prepare my dinner, then I go out until
about 5 o'clock, return home and serve
the dinner. My friends tell me I look
younger than I did ten years ago, bo I
know from experience It docs not pay to
become a household Mave. My husband
agrees with mo and wo havo many a
pleasant trip for I nm ready to go any
where ho asks me, and have gotten quite
over the habit of saying I cannot go. I
know I am appreciated moro than ever
now. F. M. J.
North 33d street, Philadelphia, Septem
ber 30. 10H.
Modern Husband Selfish
To the Editor of the J7oman'a rage, Evening
Madam I have read your delightful ar
ticle of September 33, with deep Interest.
As an ardent worker in tho Woman's
Cause, I am In tho greatest sympathy
with tho problems and cares of tho wives
and mothers of today. Not until women
have a voice In tho government will tho
problem be satisfactorily solved. In the
marriage state, true happiness can only
come when husband and wife are on
terms of the most perfect equality. Sui'h
women aa "Contented Wife" appears to
bo from tho tone of her letter are a
gieat hindrance In the light fir women's
rights. The modern husband strikes mo
ns a most selfish person, and I believe the
attitude of many wives Is responsible for
this state of things. It Is time that tho
women of America took n proper stand
and asserted themselves moro In tha
Manayunk, Sept. 29, 1QH.
Woman's Troubles Ileal
To the Editor of the IVomqn'a Page, Evening
Madam "A-ffpreclatlve Husband" seems
to me to write In a most extraordinary
way In his letter to your paper, of yes
terday's date. I nm a happily married
wife, yet I cannot agree at all with the
Views of "Appreciative Husband." He
refers to his dally problems, and adds
"tho smallest one of which Is more Be
rlous than the largest of hers," that Is,
his wife's. What possible ground has he
for such a statement? A woman's prob
lems may extend further, and go deeper,
than tho average man's, and besides,
women are more highly strung, more sen
sitive. In a word, mora tlnely constructed
temperamentally than men. and therefore
their troubles are deeper and moro real
to them, in proportion. I think that It
"Appreciative Husband" spent a little
more time In really studying his wife's
temperament, he would write In a differ
ent strain. He might hesitate in making
such a statement In the future.
Philadelphia, Sept. 29. 1911.
yt57?Tj Solid Mahogany
j"' TV 4-Post Beds
jSjK W4 up
tVltJ Wt have a good as-
jrw sortment ot Antlqut
Vflj J yurnlture a raodrt
pri-. )
Author of "The New Houeckceping"
The original mop was a "bunch of
thrums, a tuft of conrso yarn fastened
to a handle," but this ancestor of tho
race has a numerous progeny today, with
sisters nnd cousins nnd nunta ns myriad
ns Pinafore's, and tho modern housewife
has any number of species1 to choose from
to help her In her household labors.
First, I want to tnko the stand ngnlnst
tho old-fashioned mop rag, sad relic of
winter underwear. It may seem thrift
to mnny women to two up discarded gar
ments ns cleaning cloths, hut our mod
ern anttnry point of View docs not
tolerate the ragged, frayed, unsightly
"rnga" so oftrn used In the many tynds
ot mop handle?. If the piece ot clothing
has hern old, It is generally true that It
bus lost Its power of absorbing wnter and
Is too thiondbnre to cleanse any surface
sntlsfactorlty. Again, If It Is so old, It
will vsry shortly fray nnd become tagged
and slimy, because It Is Impossible to
wash n ragged fnbrlc thoioughly. So,
while It apparently seems economical to
use up Irregular shaped pieces of out
worn clothing on a mop. It Is, frankly,
not (sanitary, not efficient, and not tlmu
Much better Indeed It Is to use some
of the spcclnlty woven scrub cloths.
Thceo come In various sizes, from 18x18
to 2I2I, nnd In different weights. No
ono who has not experimented can actu
nlly stnto how much wasted effort has
been put upon mops with Irregular, rag
ged cloths, which were not thick enough
to absorb wnter or were not thoroughly
clean. How much better Is n firm, square,
regular! v shaped cloth made of looso
fibres which absorb water and which nre
Arm enough to actually rub nnd clean
whatever they are used upon? For as
tho cord Is to the arrow, so Is the cloth
unto the mop stock! Tho right weight
cloth will do more for easy mopping and
scrubbing than anything else, nnd, as I
said, Ot- chief reason ngnlnst tho usi
of father's nigged flannels Ik that they
arc of too uncertain a quality and weight
to do efllclent mopping.
One of the imut popular members of
the mop family today Is tho so-called
"oil mop" which has como Into general
uc with the Increased vogue of hard
Modern Maidens, Disappointed in
Love, Refuse to Pine Away.
In the rush and bustle of modern life,
when the mind of the present-day damsel
is absorbed with thoughts of tennis and
hockey nnd all sorts of outdoor sports
and amusements, tho old Idea of the
"maiden all forlorn" Is quite a back
Are there such things as broken hearts
nowadays? Tho nnswer Is a very un
certain ono. Yet some old-fashioned souls
still linger with us, and for such a little
advice might prove valuable.
The typical heroine ot a Jane Austen
novel was a fragile, sweet young thing,
but sadly lacking In the lighting spirit
which characterises the breezy, slangy
young woman of the present day. She
.suffered from strange "vapors If her
tavnred admirer showed symptoms of a
declining enthusiasm, and. Instead of
showing tho faithless swain that she
thought herself well rid of such a de
serter, she pined away like a little neg
lected plant nnd generally mode things
vety uncomfortable for everybody con-
CTno modern maiden, where she has a
heart and whero that heart Is suffering
through tho misdeeds or neglect of some
gay youth, realized that the best cure
for lovo Is to find distraction of somo
kind. Men throw oft lovo troubles mora
quickly than women, because they have
real work to turn to.
It Is no good advising the love-stricken
maiden to dust the drawing-room or turn
out the linen cupboard.
It there Is no real, necessary work to
be done, the best thing is to "play."
Tho constant mingling with new people,
new 'faces. Is bound at length to prove
a distraction, and to finally put tho un
happy love affair into Its rightful place
oblivion! ...
The cultivation of a hobby Is an un
failing remedy, too. "Tho expulsive
power of a new nffection" will then
usurp the old, and the busy young wo
man will becomo so genuinely Interested
In her now fancy that the old love dis
appointment will gently slip into the
background, and be finally regarded as
"that ridiculous, foolish affair."
Women In love generally show an un
fortunate lack of that nice sense of TTls
crlmlnatlon and discernment which should
enable them to differentiate between tho
occaston requiring the policy of neglect,
or tho policy of persistent devotion. If
this sense were only Cultivated a little
moro there would be fewer damaged
hearts around, nnd no such person with
us ns "The Maiden All Forlorn!"
& m
wood floors. Originally this was a string
mop of white cotton ynrn called gener
allv a. "yacht mop," but now It has
ei'olvcd Into n mop of chemically treated
yarn, which oils as well aB wipes tho
dust. No woman who has hardwood
floors should be without one or two of
these long-handled mops. They come In
various shnpes, and the main paints to
remember nre that the crown of the
mop must be so made that there Is no
metal piece to knock furniture legs In
using It, nnd, ngaln. thnt It Rhould be
m pimped thnt It will easily go under n
radiator All ot theso mops aro used
with various oil preparations, and when
thev get dirty It Is necessary only to
wash them In scalding hot water, let
them dry, re-treat with oil and uso on
The wall mop Is another Important
member. Iio Is tho glorious feather
duster of the juosent era. He generally
has n vcrv long handle and he Is mnde
of various kinds of soft, woolly or yarn
like flhm In such a nhnpo ai to best fit
the nngles of corner nnd wall. He, of
course should never he touched with any
oil, hut must be kept scrupulously clean
and used exclusively on wall surfaces,
Tho wet mop Is yot another member
of Importance made Just llko tho dry
mop nnd Is Indeed far preferable to the
ordinary mop stick und separate cloth.
The only difficulty In using such a mop
Is In the wringing, but this can be over
como by using ono of the many differ
ent kinds ot mop wringers, somo of
which even hnvo claborato rollers or
other devices .clamped to the Bldo of the
pnll, nnd thus, without tho nld of tho
hand, thoroughly wring the mop.
Tho little sister of tho family Is tho
dish mop. I3ut alas, too many house
keepers do not allow her to stay pure
nnd white, nnd do not tako ns much
care of her as they should. Moat scrupu
lous cleanliness Is needed here, nnd a
nnlly bath In hot water, with n weekly
bath In soda water Is needed to kep
the little dish mop In a necessary state
of health.
The mop family arc some of the house
wife's best helpers. She should know
thtm moro Intimate'- study the pecu
liar traits of each, nnd give all of them
the best care. Frequent shakings, wash
ings, plenty of air and light are what
they require.
Copyright, 10H, Dy Mrs. Christine Trederlck.
Melting Pot for Kaiser's Cause
Gets Many Valuables.
Rome. Oct. 1. Reports from Germany
say that German women have formed
a committee to Induce nil tho women
of the empire to give their gold Jewelry
to tho Government to be put In the melt
ing pot for the purchase of arms and
that gold to tho value of several million
marks already has been thus contributed.
An Iron ring bearing tho Inscription
"I gave gold for this" Is presented to
each woman In exchange for her Jewelry.
German women generally nre making
woolen clothing for the army, tho Gov
ernment establishing the measures,
shapes and colors of the garments.
German newspapers Just received here
tell of the selling of foreign decorations
by prominent Germans to aid tho Red
Cross nnd other funds. The famous Ger
man tragedian Ludwlg Rarnoy. who has
frequently visited the United States, the
German players Bay, offered his Russian
decorations to be sold for the benefit of
the war charity fund of tho German
Stage Society.
Price Henry, the brother of the
Kaiser, has shown himself equally patri
otic by sending several gold medals to
tho royal mint and ordering that they
bo melted for the benefit of tho Red
The following Is an' excellent way to
remove rust from a wire spring mattress.
I tako a hard brush, dip it Into a fairly
thick paste of whitening nnd water, and
brush tho mattress with this until all the
rust Is removed. Then I brush with dry
whitening. When thoroughly dry I brush
well and give a coating of hard-drying
enamel (white, for preference), ns this
prevents tho wire fro mrustlng ngaln.
It Is a fact that the usual satin Mlppers
In almost any coloring can be turned Into
something uncommon by tho application
of bronzo paint, browny bronze, greeny
bronze, or copper. Theso paints nro host
applied to black satin shoes, but silver
and gold can be painted on white, p.tle
pink or blue.
Pour Into a saucer two tablespoontuls
of hot water, and the same quantity of
parattln. Dip a clean rag Into tho mix
ture, and rub nil over any article of fur
nlturo to be cleaned. Polish with a clean
dry cloth. You will find this quite as
good as .iny polish you can buy.
A Supple Corset
The purpose of the modem conet ii
to shape, support and not to bind.
In the redfern Model this idea b
faithfully carried out. The Redfern
designers are advanced students of what
every woman dearly craves in dress
all that is modish, graceful and comfort
able. Your Redfern Corset when prop
erly fitted allows all the freedom of
the uncorsetted figure with the advant
age of proper support and modish
A popular style for evening dress,
dancing or extreme relaxation is:
(in In CouriUe at H00 (Btdt 7)
At High Class Stores
Three to Fifteen Dollars
Fleet of Autos at Disposal oi
Reading Terminal Cus
tomers Plan to Run ll
Customers of tho Reading Terminal
Market within the next few days will b
nblo to have their market purchases de
ltvcrcd at their door on the day of pur
chaso even If they should happen to
live IS miles from City Hall. Tho de
livery will ho mado by a "fleet" of fast ,
motor trucks which havo been obtained
by an association of tho market business
men, who Intend to run the delivery on
tho department store system. Whether
the delivery will bo freo or not has, an
yet, not been decided
The delivery of market baskets has
been n sourco of trouble and anxiety toil
mo railroads, the market men and to tho
customcis themselves, and It Is hoped
that the new nlan of motor truck de
livery will solve tho question to tho gen-J
oral Batl.sractlon of all concerned. 1
Ono advantage of the now plan Is that)
tno market baskets will bo delivered di
rect to the customer's door. Heretofore!
tho packages have been carried at a ro-l
uiiccd parcel rate by the railroads, and
until recently both tho Pennsylvania and
tho Rending Rnllrouds carried the pack
ages Tree of cliarge for commuters. That
practice was 'discontinued on September
1 by the Pennsylvania, and starting to
day tho Reading Railroad will do llko-;
w iso.
Several members of tho Readln
Terminal Market Business Men's Ash
elation havo formed a stock company
organize and conduct tho new Bystcmi
delivery. The company has been
corporated and tho plans nro well uml
wny. Five motor trucks probably
bo used nt first and the number will!
gradually Increased according to tho (1
vice required. It Is estimated thnt I
lenst 20 trucks will be needed to cc
the whole territory, which will oventuil
extend within tho 18-mlle radius of (1
Since the Pennsylvania Railroad ce
the free delivery of mntket purchasel
commuters Inst month, It Is CHtliru
that the main district of the Penjl
vanla needs tho new delivery sjfl
more than other districts at this
Customers living on that line In
towns us Bryn Mnwr, Ovcrbrook,
nova, Rosomont, Haverford and f
us far as Malvern, will first he ntj
take advantage of the new systemg
Although by today both tho Reading
and tho Pennsylvania Railroads wlnl have!
stopped tho free delivery of Heading
Terminal Market deliveries, thercuy en
tailing extra expei.ie to commuters, th
railroads themselves disclaim ..njf blnmt
for their act. In fact, tho railroads were
practically forced to discontinue the serA
When the railroads on frequent occa-l
slons nt their tnilff hearings have, applied!
to tho Interstate Commerce Commission!
for ths prlvllego of Increasing their
rates they havo bpen presented . actual.
statistics showing that, although tho Inj
crease in rates might be Justified on th
crounds of good business, such Increase
was not absolutely necessary. Thcyt
were advised by tho commission to first
try economy "at home." It was pointed
out to numerous railroad officials, among
mnny other things, that tley weio
carrying free packages for their com
muters. The railroads wll' still continue to
deliver market packages nt a reduced
After carrying on a lovo correspondence!
while serving sentences ot one month ntj
K-nntsford. Cheshire, two ex-prisonera
were married recently on their release at
the Dar sh chirrch, which stanas opposite
tho prison. While In Jail the man pro-j
nosed and was accepted Tho prison
,..-, nln I ii made the necessary arrange-1
ments for tho wedding, and himself of4
flclated at the ceremony. I
Cummings Coa
Better take a look at
your coal bins and see if
a ton or so of CumminBS
f!nnl wouldn't bo a irood
thing to have on hand L!?SbtonS
these chilly days.. We're JffS
selling a paritciuuny
fine lot just now.
Phone our nearest yard
E. J. Cummings
4 Yards: Mnfh Office, 413 N. 13th
AiTTrriTirr" -"-" - os