Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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oinu3 n. k. ouims, rxmi(T.
Ox. W. Oihu. BoOT-etnir! John C. Mtrtln, Trurer
Char! It. Irtidtnrton, riilllp 8. CoIUm, John B. Wl!
Ilnm, DlrMtor.
Crrra H. K. cot ms, Chairman.
r ir. trnxt.gr BxwmUT waiter
Tony C, UjUTm.........Onril Bntn Mimf
t'ablUhtd Ry, rept Rondsy, atrtBl.tOt.TOon
Building, inap7x!n Bqnare, FhUt-delphU.
I.tovtii Ciwtm-, .,,... Broad and ChMtnut Strewta
Atitsrvio cm. ..-. -.Pr.lf4oii Buliatni
NiirVotK. 1T0-A. Metropolitan Toner
Cmriflu. .1T Horn Injuranos Bnlldlnc
Isson .......... .11 Waterloo Place, rail Moll, S. w.
tfjitKaer Btnnuo.,. .......... .Th roJWal JSnljdtnr
WASSliseroK Bvau... Th Po nulldjn
Xs Voir nvasin.. ............ .The Timet Building
I?iun Snug ... no Prlcdrlehitraue
tO'POjc BtRHAtJ.. ...B rail Mall Eait. S. W,
Pull "iixB., 32 Rue Loult la Orand
stnJcnirno:t terms
B eaf ri Dait.t ftnt, alx ent. Br mail, postpaid
sulfide of Fhndlphla, MMpt wturt forelen poilnc
K r3olr4. run.T OKI.T, n month, twenty-fit eenta;
Daii.t Oxvt. en roar. thra dollara. All matt subscrip
tion parable In adrano.
But In the aamo magazine G. K. Chester
ton answers the question, "What la a bar
barian?" "Tho psychology of tho barbarian,"
lis gays, "la this! that, like the lower anlmala,
hs does not understand reciprocity.
If I leave a bee his honey, ho may leave mo
his sting. And ho has not broken any con
tract, became bees, like Prussians, are bar
barians." So Germany's most delightful man
Is a barbarian.
Professor Muensterbergr makes this grace
ful thrust! "Every one knows the mild ex
pression of tho face of George V, and tho
gentle, melancholy features of Ciar Nleho-
i las, and the comfortable, phtllstlne expres-
I slon of President Polncare, and the pretty,
! youthful look of Albert of Belgium." The
j professor adds that havoc has been wrought
I In American public opinion by the Kaiser's
! mustache, so formidable In cartoon.
WHEN King George was still a midship
man In her Majesty's navy and his
brother, the Prince of Wales, since dead, was
known as "Collars and Cuffs," because of his
fondness for those appurtenances of every
day nttlre, tho twain were aboard a ship off
Southampton. Wales was a sleepy head,
hard to wake, nnd one morning Prince
George found It well nigh Impossible to rouse
his brother In time for the usual Inspection.
Finally, driven to desperation, ho bawled
"Hey, Collars, get up! They're singing
'God Save Tour Grandmother' already."
Mlstory falls lo relate whether "Collars"
ever told Grandma Victoria.
bku., booj -WAiNtrr
KBTSTorn: main sooo
CT AfitrrM oy eonmrieatiem to Evening
tdrr, fodajMiuf-no Baymro, rhUadlrf
"" " " '
rrr :n At ths xsrruiw.mu rosTorrrcs A arcowp-
aun .vita matt..
" '
rniiADELrasA.TrKDNE-DAT, sErrKMBsn no, 1914.
Political Decency an All-party Issue
TJOUTICAIj rlgrrrteoUBneo rises above
.partisanship. The public Is learning the
lesson every day. Bvn Fenroso will know It
by X-o-r oinbr. Of course tho Senator hao
TKrTr been 00 flovoted to the Interests of
party as to permit Interference with his per
sonal comfort or the welfare of his friends.
Bat that bipartisanship of his on whtch the
llfjrsor interests have Justly counted has re
ceived a. rode blow from another and very
different sort of party alliance. The National
Popular Government League, Itself an or
ganisation of men of all political creeds, has
' Tofed unanimously to campaign against the
election of two notorious candidates, tie
from each of the two great parties Roger
Pulltvan, Democrat, out In Illinois, and Boles
Penrose, Republican, here in Pennsylvania.
The Issue Is broader than party. The life
and virtue of our political Institutions are at
Trent Tiirkcv Fairlv but Firmly
WHATEVER course may be taken by the
United States In consequence of Tur
key's abrogation of the capitulations, It
should at least be definite and Arm. For
obvious reasons there Is little continuity In
cur diplomatic policy, so far as we have one:
but that is certainly no reason for hesitancy
nnd wavering in dealing with such a ques
tion as that which rises out of the action of
the Ottoman Government. Internal condi
tions in Turkey are much disturbed, ns is
evidenced by the fact that several of the
principal American schools in that country
liavp been cut off from communication with
the outsldo world for more than a week; tho
manner of the renunciation of tho treaties
with European nations and the United States
is not exactly encouraging to easy diplomatic
negotiation: and the conduct of Ambassador
Itiistem Bey, which may or may not repre-t-Pta
tho Turkish attitude toward this coun
try, hardly suggests mildness In our com
munications with the Government from
-"thirh he Is accredited. As for Ambassador
A. Hustem Bey, he has been blindly Insolent.
Our educational and charitable "interests" In
Turkey, which were established under the
protection of a treaty now broken, are Just as
Important as large commercial interests could
bt. The American people know compara
tively little, as yet, as to what the Admin
istration has said to Turkey and how it ha.
been said: but there is no doubt that prompt
and decisive action on the part of this Gov
ernment is indispensable to national self
respect and the protection of our "interests"
In Turkey.
Leader or Bnndit?
IF WE are ready for a llttl faith, the sit
uation In Mexico Is not eo bad as it ap
pears. If we accept Vllla'a lncerlty. he
ems to be striving logically for those things
that ho has always stood for. Consistently,
through all his campaigns, he has championed
tho peon. And he has stood always for a non
mllltary government to perpetuate his re
forms. Carranza has not given evidence of
carrying out tho plans which Villa thinks
necessary to tho salvation of the peon. The
"First Chief has hesitated to Indorse tho
lajid program. He has shuffled over the
military question; worse, ho seems to have
kept his personal ambition squarely In the
foreground. Villa Is demanding and with
what looks like success that the military
leader, himself Included, be eliminated from
present or prospective holding of political
It Is a good stand that Villa ha.x taken.
Why does it receive so little Indorsement In
the United States? Primarily, because Ameri
cans have lacked faith In his sincerity. They
have thought him an ambitious man, bent
on eelf-aggrandlzemrnt. The evidence has
been his record or what is said to have been
his record before the revolution. The one
word, "bandit," '- done the trick. Yet it
is well to remember that tho very conditions
in Mexico against which Villa is lighting are
the sort to make our definition of "bandit"
next to useless. Many a Revolutionary
leader of 1776 was technically a smuggler
against the navigation acts of England.
THIS may be a base libel on an honored
profession, but It Is told by tho man who
perpetrated the faux pas. He was n reporter
for a Baltimore paper or had been ono for
about an hour, this being his first experience
In nowspaper work when the city editor sent
him out to sec Cardinal Gibbons. The "cub"
rushed down to the modest white house
where the venerable prelate' lives and rang
tho bell. A man servant opened tho door.
"la tho Cardinal at home?" asked tho
"No, sir."
"Oh, Mrs. Gibbons will do," ejaculated tho
WHO Invented the cocktail? Some bar
tender? A bon vlvant? Or -'as Its dis
covery tho result of a drunken frolic?
The cocktail was invented by Mrs. Eliza
beth Flanagan, widow of an Irish soldier
who fell in the service of the American army
during the Revolution. After her husband's
death, Mrs. Flanagan became nn nrmy sut
ler, following a troop of Virginia horse under
Colonel Burr. In the winter of 1779 she took
up quarters with the troop in a place called
Four Corners, on the road between Tarry
town and White Plains. N". T. near the
demesne of John D. Rockefeller. There Mrs.
Flanagan sot up a hotel which soon became
the rendezvous of the "swells" of that day.
One day the hostess surprised her guests by
announcing a new drink the cocktail sup
posed to have been named after the blending
of colors In the tall of a game cock.
Reform the Patent Office
NOW that Congress has torn Itself regret
fully away from tho pork barrel. It might
turn its attention to some matter- in which
there Is neither political profit nor an oppor
tunity to sandba? the Government. One of
these 1b the American patent system. If any
public aervlco needs reorganization it is the
Patent Office. There may be very good rea
sons for altering much of our attitude to
ward the vested monopoly of Invention, but
Congress need touch no such moot question
In order to do good work in readjusting tho
laws and proceedings by which wo try to
stimulate Inventive genius. Let it merely
make tha present scheme workable. Tarda of
red tape should be cut away. The whole
method of testing tho priority of a patent
hoald be simplified. Now it Is only the cor
poration with endless resources and a multi
tude of lawyers that can outlive the ten or n
dozen mazes of legal proceedings through
which a case may be driven. And the public
Is quits defenseless when a rich company
prefers buying and suppressing a patented
Improvement to using It for the people's
Hail to the Braves!
PHILADELPHIA extends the hand of con- j
gratulatton to the Boston Braves and i
promises them a cordial welcome to our I
city, it is pleasant to have a new foe, the ,
first since the Cubs fell before the mighty
prowess of the Athletics. Not the haughty, '
metropolitan enemy this time, but an cm- 1
bassy from learned, cultured Boston. The
world's series of 1914 will be unusually
classic. To the Braves all courtesies will be '
extended; the keys of the Quaker City will !
be theirs: everything but the title of I
World's Champions. I
"Watchful Waiting in the Philippines
SINCE the Spanish war too much partisan ;
rancor has been caused by the Philip-
pine question. Political lines havo been too
tensely drawn. It may be granted that there I
are essential and Important differences be- j
tween the two leading parties In respect to 1
their notions of "colonial policy," but broad j
conceptions of national responsibility have ,
sometimes been subordinated to narrow, bit- ;
ter partisanship. The real issue which hinges
on the Jones bill, now under discussion in '
Congress, is not "Shall the Filipinos ultl-
mately have self-government?" The bill 1
does contain a provision which pledges ulti
mate self-government; and a promise even j
of something certain is rather dangerous in I
a case like this. But the real question is,
"Have the Filipinos proved themselves
worthy of a more liberal share In their own
Government?" That issue does not call for
partisan rancor.
The United States assumed grave respon
sibilities when It took over the Philippines;
and in determining the future of the Islands
its responsibilities are fully as grave. It is
imperative that the mistakes of the Recon
struction Period in our own history shall not
be repeated. The Fifteenth Amendment is a
dead letter for tho very simple reason that
"previous condition of servitude" is some
thing that absolutely must be considered in
reference to any grant or extension of politi
cal liberty. Knowing the past history of the
Philippines and something of the present ex
tent of ignorance and barbarism among many
Filipino tribes, and knowing that tho forces
of democratic civilization have been working
there only a few years, less than a single
gcnratlon. the United States should go
pretty slow in relaxing Its civil guardian
ship. The slower the better.
EVERT time King Mcnellk of Abyssinia
was reported dead again, the news re
called tho Solomonic manner In which the
dusky potentate meted out Justice. Once two
of his subjects went to an orchard to gather
fruit. One climbed the tree nnd shook the
fruit down, while the other gathered it.
Finally the branch on which the treed one
was sitting broke, and he fell on his com
panion, killing him.
Under the Abyssinian law, the relatives of
the dead man demanded a life for a life, de
clining the proffered blood money. The case
went into court and finally reached King
Menellk. When he had heard all the evi
dence in the case, he delivered his Judgment
"You are within your .ights in demanding
the life of the accused. But the law says
distinctly that he must be klllec' In exactly
the same manner ns was his victim. Let ono
of the dead man's relatives climb a high tree
and fall on the accused until ho has killed
There being no volunteers, the accused was
set free.
AFTER many weary months two political
Xi prisoners in the Siberian juil at Akaltoi
hud dug a tunnel to that wonderful freedom,
so long denied to both. On tho outside
friends were waiting them. Finally they
gained what they had sought. The one pris
oner was hustled away; the other hidden in
a barrel of sauerkraut and shipped to
Irkutsk, where he emerged, odoriferous but
free. He managed to make his way to Japan
and thence to San Francisco. Eventually,
Gregory Gcrshuni came to this city some
live years ago. Accompanied by a friend he
wandered about the town, seeing the sights
In the cradle of American liberty.
Slowly he walked along Fifth street until
he came to Independence Hall. Slowly ho
read the Inscriptions of the tablets on the
wnlls. For a long while minutes he stood
in silence, the while tears fell down his
"For that, for liberty, for freedom, for
humanity we are fighting in Russia even
ns you fought here." he said. "Even as you
won, so will we win. Even as your fore
fathers suffered for their ideals and princi
ples, so have we suffered and so must wo
suffer more In the dnys to come, until free
dom comes to Russia."
Trifling With the Telephone
TELEPHONING Jsa't what jt wae. It
wont even be what ft la very long. If
tho Inventors feep on. One of them has
pent 11 years on the misanthropic Job ot
turning out an attachment to detect th
third partr "Who futa in to listen to a Httli
gossip. With f.OO.OW party lines In use In
the United State, the misery likely to be
cauied by IMS' icl invention Is appalling
W"rs std. th same mechanism may be eat
to cut off n conversation at the end of a
craln nrrmlJr of mlautea.
And do amy of us want the "jteeing-by-wira"
.ttiahraTrt that another of these busy
I odlea haj Invented? Imagine the ewbar
rssmnt of tha five-foot roan with the timid
eyes vrho prfrs to blew up tha coal com
pmr vtr tb jhone! CctrteroplBte the con
fusion at milady vrho llkoej to rhat with her
friemds m. boudoir negligee! How will ths.
fccay bturbaod at the club be able to "pull"
th old. old bluff of "detained at the offlce"T
Th teventom bad bettor curb thetr passion
ate toaUia.
State Conscience Wields Power
NOTHING can withstand the resistless
power of the collective conscience when
men make an Interlocking society of their
consciences. Public opinion takes the shape
of aomething that resembles an avalanche
in strength. Nothing Is mors feared by
enemies of the pubho welfare than the com
bined moral sense of a State. Issues of tho
campaign are supposed to be determined by
this non-partisan morality, which represents
the sound good eenso of the citizen who
believes that "righteousness exalteth a na
tion but sin is a reproach to any people."
The illumination of this faculty, widen co.
ordinate! the human with tho divine, ought
to bo one of the purposes of the campaign
now maklns appeftl to the people of Penn.
ay Irani a.
Never talk war with your barber. Perhaps
he Is one of thorn
Belligerent Footnotes to History '
THIS writers of each -warrlns nation pre
sont a united front aealnst the pen of
tna ;iM.Tiry. and no quarter Is giver, to per
sona or peoples who wave a foeman'o flay.
Tha literary conflict Is Interesting to watch.
Hugo Muensterberg, who usually backs hl3
German propagandlem wuh tho name of
HrvTird University, presents In one of tha
October magazines a most engaging picture
of "Emperor William, tha Man." Th
Kilacrs sense of humor, the beauty of his
domestic life, his marvelous intellectual
vorsstlllty, which surpasses even that of
Theodoro Roosevelt, the incomparable mag
netism of h.s personality all bltnA In this
portrait of "Germany's most delightful man."
And besides It is a needless revolution, as
we tlrendy have a surplus of Moxlcan films.
It is a pity that the domain of sterna ciaus
should be In the heart of the war territory. :
About now look out for an announcement
that the price of coal will b Increa&ed ue 1
causo of the scarcity of labor In tho mines, '
du to foreign nationals being drafted into j
IrnRglnery European armlee. I
Writes ths Colonel to Sulier: "The rea
son that I was reluctant to see you instead
of continuing t communicate with you by
writing, wa because j wished no ground to :
wrise for failure on your part to recollect
Just what I had said." Thanks for tht
lunger and mure beautiful verbiage! '
.Britain has yet to learn the lesson which
all i:at.ong n.uil ieurn War in a teinble
thing, and ihe nat.'.n ihiU Indulges in it
must pay Hie ; ru e that staggeis." as Presi
dent Kruger of the Irunsvual put t And, ,
above all, no war is won until the last battle
has been fought. ,
WHEN your gaze runs afoul of a malo
adorned with a wrist watch and pink
socks nnd a purple necktie, think kindly or
unkindly of him it all depends upon whether
you swear by Thomas Carlyle or Oliver Wen
dell Holmes, both of whom have furnished
Intimate descriptions of tho "dandy." Saya
the former In "Sartor Resartus":
"A dandy Is a clothes. wearing man a man
whoso trade, oillce anil existence is the wear
ing of clothes. Every faculty of his soul,
spirit, purse nnd person la heroically conse
crated to this one object, tho wearing of
clothes wisely and well; so that, as others
dress to live, he lives to dress."
And now look on the other side of the
picture furnished by Holmes:
"There was Alclblades, tho 'curled son of
ninlaB,' an accomplished young man, but
what would be called a 'swell' in these day3.
There was Aristotle, a distinguished wrHer
of whom you have heard a regular dandy
ho was. So was Marcus Antonius so was
Sir Humphry Davy so was Lord Palmer
ston, If I am not forgetful- Dandles such as
I was fpealslng of havi rocked this planet
like a cradle, aye. and loft It swinging to
this day"
WHICH brings back to memory that his.
torlo Joke about the American girl who
would not merry a British peer, declaring
that the "Yankee dude'll do."
Taking the " Oin" Out of Vfrainla
prom ttu New Orlni Stat.
By actual count 3:5 paragraphers up tn
date have ohserved that tha Prohibitionists
have taken the gin out of Virginia.
The word "factotum." denoting a man of
all work, dates back several centuries. Ren
Jonson in one of his plays, makes Tip ask:
"Art thou the Dominus'" to which the host
replies: "Factotum, here, sir" 1'uulls. in
hia "History of the Plots of Our Pretended
Saints," 1874, says: "Ha was so farre the
domlnus factotum in this Junctio that his
words were law "
In other dajp. apothecaries were called by
the name of Bolus, because they adminis
tered bolusts. ;"Tge Colman adopted this
name for his apothecary, who wrote labels
in verse, one of whl. h was the celebrated
"When taken.
To be well shaken."
But the patient being shaken Instead, died.
Although Nar"!eon I is credited with oris
lhatlng tho phrase, "from tha sublime to the
ridiculous," yet Paltio In his "Ago of Rea
son" antedates him as follows:
"Tho sublime and tho ridiculous arc often
so nearly related that It Is difficult to class
them separately. One step above tho sub
lime makes the ridiculous, and one step
abovo the ridiculous makes tho sublime."
Tho "odor of sanctity" of old was some
thing more than a mere play of words'. Su
perstition held that the body of a dead saint
emitted a sweet odor, while that of one un
baplzcd smelted offensively.
Means to an End
"You taking cornet lessons', and 60 years
of ago?"
"Yes, but not for long. I expect to bring
the young lady pcxt door to terms within a
week. She takes singing lessons."
Never Falls
Life's grim perversity nppals,
And makes one frown.
The darn fly paper nlways falls
Sticky side down.
Kansas City Journal.
"Life's russedncss would try a saint,"
I loudly cry.
The painted chair I sat upon
Was not yet dry.
Chance for a Stout Lady
From th ChlcAgo Tribune.
Wanted Woman, clever, to fill vacancy
with large corporation.
Happy College Days
"Did you ever do anything wicked at col
lege?" asked the first sweet .lunlorcss.
"We once pulled up n bed ot Jimson weeds,
dear," replied the frcshmaiiettc.
Modern Poetry
This a zag
Is zlg , poem,
runs then
Which first down,
roid Milton didn't know 'cm; It make3 the
printers frown.)
An Unkind Cut
Let us once more take a look adown the
vista of lime as the years unfold them
selves. It Is the year 1923, and the women have
been thoroughly emancipated and endowed
with complete and inalienable political
"She," remarked a cltlzencss, "has the
Presidential bee In her bonnet."
"She has," added cltizcness No. 2, "and
the bonnet Is dreadfully out of style, too."
A Winner
Thcro was a man In our town
And he was wondrous smart;
There never was an auto that
The fellow couldn't start.
There never was a trolley cur,
There never was a train.
There never was a vessel that
He galloped for In vain.
Applied Appellatives
"Mother," asked Tommy, "Is It correct to
say that you 'water a horse' when he 13
"Yes. my dear," said his mother.
"Well, then," said Tommy, picking up a
saucer, "I'm going to milk the cat." Ladles'
Home Journal.
A Useful Invention
"I reckon." said Farmer Corntossel, "as
how mebbe barbed-wire ought to be counted
as one of the most useful inventions ot the
"For what reason?"
"When there's a lot o work to be done,
barbed-wire makes it impossible fur n feller
to sit on the fence an" look on." Washington
How Firm a Foundation
Two Phlladclphians were talking of the
fortune of a third denizen of that city when
ouo said:
"His first lucky strike was in eggs. He
bought 10,000 dozen at a low figure, put them
in cold storage, and sold them at a profit of
more than 300 per cent. That was tho
cornerstone of his great fortune."
"Ah!" exclhimed the other. "Then the
hens laid It." Harper's Magazine.
Exposing an Epicure
The epicure provokes a smile;
He babbles on and will not hush;
He talks champagne and reedblrds while
Tho doctor feeds him oatmeal mush.
Washington Star.
Violated Neutrality
"Why, Johnny, what's the matter with
"We had a free fight, mother."
"What do you mean?"
"There's 23 flghtin' nationalities In our
school, mother, and only three stayed neu
tral." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Open Season for Idiots
Tho hunters now will get In line,
Their turn will soon be here;
And every cow will wear a sign,
"Don't Shoot Me, I'm No Deer!"
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Indeed our beef will bo so high
This warning will be heard
As cows go sailing thro' the sky,
"Don't Shoot Me, I'm No Bird!"
New York Mail.
If Cost-of-LlvIng bars the way
Anil throttles Love's sweet tune,
Why, then, to Cupid men will say
"Don't Shoot Me, I'm Immune!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
WHEN a small news Item announc6d a
few days ago the death of tho driver of
the first police patrol wagon used In this city
I have no doubt that many who read the
report were rather astonished to learn that
this adjunct lo tho Police Department had
been Introduced so long ago as 30 years, An
other generation has grown up since that
time, and It cannot properly appreciate con
ditions that existed here before this system
was Introduced.
dislike the title bestowed upon him of
"The dandy Mayor," was responsible for
many reforms In the Police Department.
When he enmc Into office In 18S4 this was
before Iho days of the present city charter
the Mayor did not have Ihe authority which
tho Bullitt bill has given him. It has been
said with more truth than romance that In
thoso days tho Mayor was little more than
the chief of police so far as his authority
Probably Ihat Is why Mayor Smith paid so
much attention lo regenerating the force.
There were only about 1500 policemen In 1 SS4,
nnd tho city had long outgrown so small a
protective force. Even the small army ot
police today Is scarcely adequate. In 1884 tho
present, cm of expansion In all directions In
the city was beginning, and It became a
problem how to protect and patrol so large
nn nrcn with so small a force.
ONR of the first things that Smith dirt
when he went Into office was to reor
ganize the police dress. He had entirely new
uniforms designed, and a part of this now
equipment was the helmet, only retired for
the more military cap a few years back. He
even went so far ns to change the buttons on
the uniforms, which were not of brass but of
n whlto metal. He Introduced servlco stripes
on the sleeves of the men of the force to show
how long they had served. Now badges were
designed, ns well ns a more modern uniform
for the higher officers of the police.
For the first tlmo a physlclnn was nttnehed
to the Police Department. Muyor Smith ap
pointed the late Dr. Morris S. French police
surgeon, and the first work assigned to him
was the physical examination of every man
in the department, Lectures on first aid to
the Injured followed, nnd Doctor French pro
pared a little guide for tho policeman em
bodying the main points In these lectures.
All this reform, Introduced 30 years ago, Is
1 In lino with modern practice. In cases of ac
' cldent, or attempted suicide, It Is the pollcc-
man who is first called to the victim. In the
old days he did what he could, but If ho were
I clumsy or had no genius In this line he was
Now all this was changed. He had at
tended lectures, and where he had failed to
understand ho found some useful hints In
his little book that stood him In good stead
at a critical time. Ho also had been In
structed In bandaging; he had directions for
restoring persons apparently drowned, and
he carried a list ot antidotes for the most
familiar poisons.
BUT even with all these Improvements,
the fact remained when a patrolman was
taking a prisoner to a police station or an
Injured person to a hospital, his beat was
unprotected for an hour or even as much as
three hours. More delay was caused by the
necessity of taking "drunks" to the police
stations in whelbarrows, when they wore
too much under the influence to walk. To
reform a condition such as this was a real
work of civic betterment, and having
learned how successful the police patrol sys
tem had worked In Chicago, Mayor Smith ad
vised that the system bo adopted here. Late
In the year the first patrol wagon was in
stalled in the Third Police District, and Its
first driver was Alexander Boyd, who died
a few days ago.
The system Included the telephone, which
in ISSt was not in general UBe even In busi
ness places In this city. Consequently the
police patrol system was more than a mere
reform; It was a radical change. The patrol
man went to a little box, telephoned to t'le
station for the wagon and remained at his
post. The plan also provided a system by
which tho police reported every hour to show
they were attending to business.
The Hotel Child
After several years of hotel life, Perclval's
parents took up their residence In a city
"What aro you doing, son?" tho mother
asked him, when Pcrclval came Into the
house one afternoon.
"I was Just out on the front porch," re
plied Perclval, "listening to a man with a
pushcart paging blackberries." Judge.
Constructive Diplomacy
A certain diplomat, perceiving that the
ptare of the world (loud laughter) depends
upon a nicely adjusted equivalence of martial
bristling on the part of the Powers severally,
was much concerned over the propensity of
superdicadnoughts to become obsolete nl
mnst bcfuio they can be gut into the water.
"A superdreadnought which Isn't up to the
minute no more makes for peace," he con
fessed, "than a last year's cor makes for
social prestige."
He thought a moment. "The amount of it
seems t be,' he reflected, "that obsolescence,
as it afficts naval construction, la too vital
a thing to be left lo develop in its own way."
A little more ami inspiration descended
upon him- "What we need," he declared, "la
n gicat many international conventions reg
ulative of the tooth of time, so to lender lis
mordancy less marked."
In short, he was from that moment among
the rarn company of the world's really con
structlvo diplomats New York Evening
Post. . .
Although the season of thy life decline.
And this thy body show her wintry night,
Tbee kpringtlme suns will grant perpetual
Nor ever coldly on the Illy thine.
Nor ever coldly on this flesh of thine;
Earth's children take no unreturning flight,
Yfarly the primrose halls thy yearning sight,
Yearly each hedge restores the eglantine.
And though thy brain and body tire and fall.
And though heaili make a harvest of thy
And hang hit tickle near thy door by night
tseiore ineu men new mcruci ui unveil,
New hands, full of old kindness, stay thy
New eyes console thee with the old love
light. Edith Anne Stewart In London Nation.
THE introduction of this system was as
good as n hundred extra men on the force.
By the end ot Mayor Smith's term thcro
were eight patrol wagons In the city. Thcro
was still need of many more, but he Iwd
made a decided step toward efliclency.
At first, when tho wagons were a novelty,
the drivers believed they were expected .to
respond as rapidly as a fire engine. As this
was found to wear out the horses unneces
sarily, after tho many runs In the coure
of tho day. a moderate rate of speed was
ordered. The plan proved to be the best
adjunct to tho police department up to that
time, and with the Introduction of motor
wagons the efliclency has been again In
creased. Although Mayor Smith was Im
peached, he did a good work, and there are
still living persons who believe that he was
a "dandy Mayor." GRANVILLE.
The Kaiser: Rati or Incompetent?
fiom the ColumtiU IS. r.) Slate
The Germans continue to protest that they
did not want war; that the Kaiser was for
If we grant the truth of the claim one of two
conclusions is inevitable.
Plrst. that the Kaiser was grossly Incompe.
tent as a conservator of pence and ought to
abdicate so that some more Intelligent German
can go on the lob, or
Ocond. that practically tho rest of Europe
was wickedly and Insanely eager to make war
upon hint.
In tho latter case It must be confessed that
the l-Jmpernr has failed to fo govern his empire
that nthe nations would not hate It, or else
that othT nations are alogcther bad while
ritihteousness la a German monopoly.
Aicepthig the Emperor's own premises, it
seems lo follow that If not a bad he is an in
competent ruler.
"Prayer," said a simple Japanese convert,
"is like tho two buckets of a well. When ono
bucket Is sent down empty the other bucket
comes up full."
And there we hae the true concept of
prayer. Not only is it impartive; it is re
ceptlve. As one gives one receives.
Two young men were camping in tho
woods. Neither was what Is popularly known
as a "churchgoer." They were just two
average American boys healthy, alert and in
for a good time.
When bedtime came one of the boys knelt
down to pray. The other looked on in alii,
cere amazement. As the kneeling lad arose
from his prayer I1I3 companion was gazing
fixedly at the ground. gating
"Hill," said the one who had not prayed
"I hope you said one for me." The words'
bore a suggestion of the Jotular.
"Fred," replied the other, "90 per cent of
my prayer was for you. If I had prayed for
myself I would not feel nearly so happy, not
nearly so much at peace with the whole unl.
verso cs I do now."
hlch brings cut the great big aubsttwe
In true prayer unselfish petition for i,
well being and happiness of others. h9
Later Bill Asked Fred If l,o had over gohei
put on-a hot, dirty tramp nnd on coming
homo enjoyed the thrilling sensation of hS
exhilarating bath. "Well," continued nhi
Wf I"?.1 "' Jv?y,T fecl h"n I pray, "i
feel that tho real self of me had been put
Contributions That HcAct Public 6pln.
ion on Subjects Important to City,
State and Nation.
To lh Editor o the Kveninp l.tdaerl
Slr-ln view of Iho fact that the vole In Vir
ginia makes eleven States that have gone pro
hlbltlon through the non-partisan Influence of
women on the votes of men alone, how can the
suffragists circulate such ridiculous appeals as
they sent out recently?
Of Iho nine suffrage Slates, none la prohibition
but Kansas, nnd It went dry three vcars tie'fore
women got the vote there. Colorado. Oregon,
Washington, nnd California, suffrage States, all
rejected prohibition, and Wyoming, where
women have voted 45 years, never voted ns much
as ono county "dry," Can Dr. Anno Howard
Shaw or sny of Ihe other suffrnge leaders tell
your newspaper why?
H only PS per cent, of the Colorado women
had voted agolnst the saloons In 1I2. prohlbl
Hon, would have won bv more than G000 votes
without otic malo ballot In Its favor. Wliv didn't
the vonien voters there represent true woman
hood 'in well ns the male voters have In male
nun i as oinics,'
Only I per cent, of Ihe registered women In
the w'lolc city of Chicago voted on .September
D. l.'nn any anno person believe that the other
IS tier cent, nr'e represented ns well bv the f6
mule politicians ami feminists ns tliev;me by
tholr own husbands, rplhera, n and brothers'
Why nre Denver, Chicago nnd Frisco "wlai
oyen" on Sundays? Because the kind of women
that want to ape men like such "freedom."
Aramore, September 2S, 1JU.
To the Editor of the Evening t.edner:
Sir-Knowing nothing whatever about the mat
ter, r am, of courts, competent to discuss the
micstlon of Sunday amusements. I realize at
the outset that It Is wofully wicked tn enjoy 'one
day of rest a week. 1 know that feeing n game
of baseball between licnlthy-nilndcd youngsters
will send me to ctcrnnl dcmnltlon. I feci, too,
that if T were to spend an hour watching mov
ing pictures ol world's events I would sltzle
in the sheol ot past nges.
And yet, being a bravo man, 1 would willingly
take n chance on the. hereafter In order that I
n.lelit escape a typical Philadelphia Sunday the
dullest, most horrifying dny of all the treek.
Truly. I'd rather work lluin pass a. Sundav In
thin town.
Is there no hnppy medium on which the Blue
Stockings could meet the sane Sundayltcs and
arrange for religious observance until, say, 1
o'clock, and decent, orderly amusements latter
that hour? Or, Is this city to remain retroactive
and bluc-lawy?
Philadelphia. September 20, 1514.
To the Editor a! the Eernirg Ledger: ,
Sir Like ninny readers, I have been puztled
t" account for lack of a sea battle In the Euro
pean war. We all expected England's great
navy to do something spectacular when Church
ill first gave it sealed orders. But so far noth
ing has happened beyond a few petty engage
ments. Germany's fleet Is apparently able, by
means'of the Kiel Canal, to scuttle back and
forth from the North Sea, where England waits,
to tho IJnltlc. where the P.usslan navy Is not
stronc enough to do nny damage. But where
nil this tlmo nre the French ships? Why have
not tho combined navies of England, France
and Russia been able to close up both ends
of the cannl and cut Ocrmany off from' Inter
course with Scandanavln, across the Baltic?
Cair.dcn, N. J , September 29, 19H.
To the Edxtor o the Kvenlng Ledger:
Sir As a saleslady, I have been much inter
ested in the letters appearing In your columns
regarding the treatment of customers. I was
pleased, of course, that a whopper should admit
her occasional feelings; but I feel wc girls owe
It qulto as much to her to admit that very often
we are far from courteous or patient. Some
times, of course. It is not our fault. Standing
all day at work gets on one's nerve. Hut often
wo are merely "soured on life," and let out .
our feelings on tho customer. F. A. Q.
Philadelphia, September IS, 1314.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
"Ir There Is ono very plain lesson from ths
"mnrblo halls" grab. Philadelphia needs a
coinmieslon form of government. She needs to
be able to put her finger squarely on the man
or men who plunder her. She needs the chance
of electing a few good men llko the present
Mayor, Instead of a drove of nondescript pro
fessional politicians. She needs to get respon
sibility and business efliclency Into her govern
ment. A commission 13 tho wny.
Philadelphia, September 29, lid I.
No greater opportunity has been offered
American genius by tho exigencies of the
European war than Is to he found in the
greut chance for the development of real
dye manufactures. Washington Times.-
Bvcn In baseball It Is good to get nut of
rut. New Vork's failure to win the National
Leuguo pennant for tho fourth tlmo in suc
cession is from that point of view a boost
for tho game. New York Tribune.
Let the suggestion of B. C. Forbes, of New
Tork, Ilnd response everywhere In America. He
Bays: "To keep every American worker fully
employed and every honest American buslneis
man prosperous, demand 'made In America'
goods. This Is self-defense and true patrlotlsm.
Dctrolt Free Press.
The praises of militarism, still sounded In
certain quarters, arc strangely like the
laudations- of negro slavery which were
heard In this country 011 the eve of the Civil
War which was to abolish It forever. In
both cases, that Is to say, what was at first
apologized for as a temporary evil Is hem
up later as the highest good. New VorK
Evening Post.
The President has been notified that If h
insists on tho passage of the Government
owned merchant marine bill Congress will
not be able tn adjourn beforo the November
elections. This menus that the ship-sub-sidlHts
are Improving their strangle-hold on
a Democratic Congress and that It will taK
a long fight to shake them off. This being
the situation, why a surrender rather than
fight? New York World.
Times of stress produce strong men, sal
the "Pancho" Villa of other days is now tw
strong man of Mexico. If he was an unlet'
tnrerl Iiwllnn npvrf helps ho Is the SOldl"
who destroyed the power of the conspirator
who hud seized the government. If he w
a bandit, nevertheless he has been loyal 1?
the political doctrine of the murdered Ma
dero. If he was a tyro in politics, he 8v
evidence of statesmanship sufficient to iea
him to recognize the value of the long sut
ferlng good will of the United States tow4
the Mexican people. Boston Herald-
The administration of the Treasury j
hlghlj educational occupation, and Secretary
McAdoo is giving signs of readiness an
capacity to learn. The banks which he '
slsted with Treasury funds have so J"
abused his trust In them that he has dis
ciplined them privately and threatens to o
so publicly. He gave them public fundi w
a public purpose the moving of the crop
und they havo diverted them into P"v::
purposes, the heaping up of excessive ''
bervcs.Nev York Times.
ervcs.New York Times. -
l l .jSi'Ji .
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