Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Evening ledger-Philadelphia', Wednesday, septembek-3o, 1013.
Four Members Declared Eli
gible to Sit in Assembly.
House to Decide Status of
Two Others.
DOVER, Del, Sept. SO.-Attornev Gen
eral Joslnh O. Wolcntt nml i'o.Io i om
mlssloners Herbert H. Ward nnd T Itay
ard Heiscl, to whom was refomd the
''question of eligibility of si tnnn'jcra
to sit In the special session, todav sub
mitted a report to the General Assemblv
They declared that no technicalities
urrounded the right to sit of Senator
Harris and Representatives McDonald nnd
Btocckel, and speaker ltolcomb
In the ease or Representatives (."nnper
' nd Swan, who are charged with heing '
dual officeholders, they reported that there '
was doubt, but that the House under
4thc Constitution, was the Judge of tl-e
eligibility of it members !
. After an hours skirmishing between1
j the Democrats and Republicans, the cllgl- i
J bltlty of Representative Cooper and Swan
; was refened to a committee of live The
5 Democrats control the committer i
: Representative Cooper, of U liming!, n I
itbiKimi on .vionuay as Inspictui , i Oiugs
nnd chemicals In the Philadelphia Oui
Vtofij House
i Representative Swan Is postmaster at
a Delaware Cltv Although ho had in
J formed legislators of both p.irtiis as lat.
as last night thut he did not intend to
1 resign. Speaker Holcomb announced that
J he had seen Mr. Swan's resignation Mr
. Swan did not attend the station todav
. Representatives Snnn and Cooper" nre
. Democrats. Should the committer of five
i to whom their eligibility was submitted
j throw the matter to a vote In the House.
. the Democrat' could seat the two bv .i
1 -am fcw.Bfca fc
Those in the picture, reading from left to right, are as followsPresident Ban B. Johnson, American League; Garry Herrmann, chairman National Commis
sion, John K. Tcner, president of the National League; John J. Gaffney, owner of the Boston Nationals; Connie Mack and Ben Shibe, owners of the Athletics.
majority of Hve votes
I tx-Attornev General Ward, who reid
; the opinion representing the attoi i.
J Eciieml said lhat the fact that the red
, era' ottlcc holding members have resigned
would not qualify thm to sit In the spe-
rial session.
! Ho emphasized, however, that tl."
; IIous alone wa the Judsre of 'ts ru 1
1 of members und that no tribunal could
; question Its acts. In eplnining the
drafting of the opinion, Mr. Ward to'd
J the legislator tint .t conference with
: the State Judi,-.- had b-ert held and that
: tht repLrts embodied the unanimous vli-v,
2 of II members or the bench
S Contents had been launched against
jBpenk.r Hnlmb and Rcpieoentai'vi.
- SrocrUrl and McDnrald and S nal. r
; Hairs vi Republicans, b-cnuse of minor
J technicalities. urmundln.5 their rlt-hts to
: serve Sie,-kt-r Holcomb. ecretar to
Senator Sautebuiy. Is secretarv of tap
Senate Corimlrtcc on Coat and I'ilnr
; Survejs Harr's has own port n.istn.- ,u
Gin-cow, but resigned after h's Me tlmi
; the other Iit-present-u've" had movid from
1 their ' tl n district"".
; Tin Attornev General nnd ir.fl, c n-
3 mt' rnrrs ruled lhat Sp'-ikT Ho c-mb s
role in Waoh'turtin co'ild not cn
; strul .- a Ted ral poit on but that he
; wn n- -c'v r'd'ng n" miflde (71e
i The e mmitle w .Ich will decld"
I whether On..pr nrd Svan !" -M for,.'t
y their "-ats l coivnofd of Retrep'-itn'tvn
Moot m Owen. Hammond, Ora tli'1,1 and
; PojI- '";? ftr't thie are Demociats and
" me latter KcpuM'eans
Agriculturists Attend Inter
state Fair in Great Num
bers Governor, Officials
and Politicians There
1 Wife Named. But She Was Killed at
Same Time.
j WII.MIVGTON- PpI. Sept. 3.1 -Th"
j wll! of O.-ville O. Oooden. the real es-
tate broker who w til his wife was
i W.'ftl when a tritn struck thflr a-ito-5
Rioblln on September C2, hus been tiled
3 for probite.
The will iwdim Eugene R. Oooden. a
brother of Gooden. and Dr J D Cann,
$ a hrothe-r of Mrs. Gooden, as the execu-
tor.3. and leaves an estate valued at
. close to 5-inoYi to his wife durlnc her
Ilfet'me and then to 'looden't relatives j
As Mri Gooden died an hour ufter he" j
, husband, the eifite will o to Gooden" .
relaties Itecaiue she llv,1 for that
; UnKtn of time Gcoilen s life lnurancv.
which amounted to ur ut iU.W), will go I
to Jirs Uooden s relatives
No Money for Member of Wilmington
WIL.MIN'GTO.V, pel.. jjept 3lr'utril.
man Willard S t Sharp!", who h t
Georee Hunter, Jr a Negro, nftr fie
latter had beaten h m, with the result that
Hunter died later in the Delaware Hos
pital will not rece'4. ht pay as a p, !''
man for the time that h was suspended
The Grind Jury ign r-"d a charge of man
slaughter ngntn.it Sharpleas and the po.
I'ce commission suitK.nded him pending a
disposition of the case
Sh.trpl, ss asked for his monev, but the
commlt-wlon decided that he sh juIU not
have I:
TKENTON- 5ept. 3'l.-Todny was
'farmers' day- at the Interstate Tail
and th rural sections of New Jersei
and parts of Pennsylvania were repre
sented by thousands of farmers, their
sons, daughters, sweetliearts and wives
While crowding the exhibits of greatest
Interest to them, such as ai?i-lcultuinl
horticultural, poultry, farm Implement,
machinery and domestic displays, thev
nl.o took an Interest In the fair genet
ally and were Seen jn the midway and
at the races.
The display of automobiles drew the
largest crowd today, when all kinds of
motor vehicles were Ip evidence.
The freaks- In th- s-ldc shows and the
fakers outside did a thrlvinj business.
All wore liberally patronized by the
rural visitors wno were out to njoy
themselves re?.mlle- of expense.
Ono of the most seni-attonal feats nt
the fair Is the air-riving of Charles P.
Niles, a H-year-old aviator, who, with
a spven-cyllnder, S6-hoepow er mono-plan-,
climbs 2'rfi feet into the ulr and
ir.ak'-s a corkscrew descent. Hl most
darnv ma.ieu,-er Is, to H v In a clrelp with
V'.s machine inverted. Nile remained In
tht- lr today more than hnlf an hour and
Imitated the birds in many of their flylm;
feats, winning frequent applause from
the admiring crowds btlovv.
Tomorrow, "hie Tlurnd-iy," will be
'politicians' day" at the fair Governor
Fielder, many of the .-tate officials and
scores of the candidates of the three
parties Ilepubtlcan. ripiroeratlc and Hull
Moose, will atttnd. The politicians will
b the Kue.'ts of the fair manai;me'it
The alwuys draw a lare irond to the
ontending clubs Athletics and Bos
on Nationals
rirst game Philadelphia, Trlday. Oc
tober 9
Second game Philadelphia, Saturday,
October 30.
Third game Boston, Monday Octo
ber 12.
Pcuith yame Boston, Tuetday, Octo
ber 13.
Fifth game Philadelphia, Wednes
day October 14.
Sixth game Boston, Thursday, Octo
ber 15
Seventh game To be determined by
pin of a coin.
All games begin at 2 p. m.
Games In Philadelphia nlaved at
Shibe Park, 21t street and Lehlsh
: venue
Gaines In Itonon pl.wed at Penway
American I.easiiel Park.
I'mplre Klein and Bvron, National
ensue Dlnecn and Hlldcbiand. Amci
can Ix-ngtte.
Boston ticket prices Boxes, ;,
-landstond, Jt. pavilion. (2, general
dm's-don. 1; bleacher section In cen
re Held, y cents.
Philadelphia ticket pi Ices-Boxes J1:
. randstand. fi. pavilion, 2, blcach
is. 1.
Boats Not to Carry Any Cargo
Belligerent Nations.
Holland, to prove her sincerity In re
maining neutral, will carry no cargo
bound to belligerent nations In vescls
flvlng her ilag, according to Information
received at the local office of the Holland-American
Line today Shlppeii,
have been notified that goods intended
only for the Netherlands will bccanlcd
from th ports of the United States.
The Zyldvk, of tho Holland-Amerl.-.in
Line, Is schedu'ed to leave here on
October S and agents .ire adhering strict
ly to orders and are not booking anv
goods othet than those consigned to
Holland It must be sent to the Govern
ment where It Is ulottly scrutinized bv
It was rumoied that Dutch steamships
wero carrjlng supplies which eventual!)
ip.nhed Oermai.v This rumor caused
British warships to hold up vessels to
and from the Netherlands to examine
their manliest. Fears that some unwise
ngeutrt might commit breaches of neu
trality and a desire to obv late its possl
bilit. .ire the rctsuns given for the now
Clemenceau, Evading Decree, Ironl-
4 " cally Changes "Freemrm" Title.
: ' TOI'UOI'SC. Prance. Sept 0"
In order to evade the decree of tho
5 Government us ending th, publication
. of his newspi er for eUht da. ex
i Premiei tjenrses 'lpmenreou tudiv
? changed the name from L'Homme I.ibro
to I.Homme Hm ha.no (The Man In
The article that the Government oh.
' Jected to was an appeal for preferential
treatment of German Alsatian prisoner.
Is to Be Asked Concerning White
Slave Consplracf Charges.
CHICAGO, Sept 30 -Charles F D.
"Wood), farmer chief of the Federal In
vestlgition bureau here. a.ni one of the
Fedei ii officials mentioned In the lnve.
tigatlon in the (-roecution f William
Hiifus Edwards, st Paul lumberman, on
mhitt slaver charges was to appear be.
fore Federal Judge lotnd s mdav In the
iniunj into allegation that Kdwirdi
was the vlvtim ii a coiupirac) t'mted
Btat. s DHtrlvt Alt. rney Clydu salt he
hud in wj word that leVoody vyounj
rttur.i to Chicago to be ,uU?eiJ today
Mis Ada M Cox the stenographer
wh. u,iiseJ Kd wards of t ran purr n'
her t.) MmneapolU for immoral purposes
ma be run 114 to the stand todav Her
tfstli.i"n tsterda was a complete de.
tual of utorles by previ, u witnesses that
me toll them she paid large sums of
ni"in v to Pideral ottlcUls here.
Hutf the IliiiOO uwarded her by a Jury
In her brtat. h of promise suit against Kd
isardv went to Att-ri lnll, of fit
Paul her counsel yhe said
Sh exhibited se untied worth wx and
evidercej ,,f other Investments that ac
counted for her share of the tJT.000, tend
lng to disprove the atory that she paid
Urge sum of money to persons Inter.
ted la the pronecutlon. Attorney Drill
lvas uuder eubvoens, to opuys.r today.
Washington Party Congressman
Says His Candidacy Solidifies
Congressman W. D. B Alney, of Mont
rose, Susquehanna County, who was elect
ed tc the National House of lliprrsenta
lives on the Wnshtr.ston pi.rty ticket. In
a Utter to Dr. Martin G. Grumbaugh to.
day, e:pres" d great satlslautoii over his
nomination an the .Republican nominee
for Governor and declared his candidacy
would do muth toward &H!dlflng the
-Republican rnrt in Penr.sj Ivanla.
Tne predlitl'm that Ir. Brumbaugh
will be e!e ted by a tremendous major
Itv tr Novv-inNr is made in a letter to
T Urumbau-jh frtm Professor Homer
V. lllworth, of the .VI Ulers villa -Hate
N rmal School The scholarly attain
' ierits of lr. Brumhaugh. his contrlbu-tl-ms
to the laue of nlmatlon nnd n!s
worthy appeal to tho citizens of Penn.
)lvania, I'jofesior D.luortli declares,
will Insure his succets
Titanic Survivor Declares Poland
Skeptical of Czar's Promises.
NUW YORK. Sept 30 -Mrs. Martha
Flnkenthal, a survivor of the Titanic
disaster. v,as a passenger aboard the
Scandinavian liner filled States, vvhlcn
arrived today.
"While I was In Warsaw," said she,
"I saw 50 trainlnajs ot dead and wound
ed Hussions brought in from one of the
big battles The Jews In Poland nr-
skeptlml nvpr the Cz ir's promise of au
tonomy, but If It dies not come Russia
will have a civil war on her hand "
There were 3vi passengers on the
fnltcd States, most ot them refugee.
r ii ' "i
for Two-Cent
Outbreak of Disease in Army Causes
Pear in Capital.
PARIS. Sept. 10.
The Municipal Council of Vienna has
voted MoO.f'iu crowns for war purposes.
Two hundred thousand dollara will be
used for the construction of Isolation
hospitals near that city In anticipation
of an epidemic of Asiatic cholera
This Information was forwarded by a '
correspondent it Milan of the Paris Midi. '
which says that the cholera has been
reported In various detachments of the
army Whether any cases have yet been
discovered In Vienna is not disclosed. ,
Is Last Day
Ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Rail.
mad and the Philadelphia and Rending
itjll&ay have their hands full today
inciting the unusually large demands of
I the traveling nubile for mileage books,
today being the last day on which mile
age books will be sold on the two-cent'
a-mlte rate. The new rate of 2'.J cents a
mile becomes effective tomorrow. in
many cases thousands of dollurs are be
lng Invested by tirnu who uae them for
their traveling salesmen
Pnder the new rates, which have been
sanctioned by the Interstate Commerct
Commission, the mileage books now sell
ing at fJO will cost IK 50 These books are
ristrlited to the lines of the company
by which they are sold The interchange
able book f irimrly old f r 135 ard 'ood Amerlc.ii Minister Sullivan recently The
on a certain number of other railroads I friction became so great that it occa-
u--nt-iair'i o me compa.n ana on wnicn
there Is a rebate of IS when the cover
I returned, will continue to sell for IJ5.
Clarance D. Baxter Named Collector
of Customs at San Domingo.
WASHINGTON, sept SQ.-Clarence I.
Baxter, of Pater3on, N. J , Is to be the
new Collector of Customs In San Domingo
Ills name will be sent to the Senate by
President Wilson probably tomorrow. This
was the announcement made at the
Executive Oflhe today. '
Mr. Baxter is to succeed Walter W.
Vlck, who has had numerous clashes with
but the. rebate will only be 12 50. The
new rates affect all railroads east of
P'ttsbursh and north of the Potomac
sloned an Investigation by the State De
partment a short time ago, the result of
which was that Mr Vlck handed In his
resignation. It is understood that Mr, I
Baxter will assume the olllce immediately '
on bis confirmation by tht Senate. I
Cheer Demand for Congressional Ac
tionTrade Misrepresentation
ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 30.-Cheers
followed the declaration of J. D. Dorl, of
Flint. Mich., In the convention of the
Carriage Builders' National Association
! today that every rcpicsentatlvo Industry
i In the country should Insist upon immcdl-
l ate congressional action for the creation
of a merchant marine.
I "Purchase of ships may create a few
millionaires or even multl-mllllonalrcs,"
the Michigan man exclaimed, "but wo
aliould not let that narrow point of
view hold up the great destiny of this
1 country We want action now when
action Is needed."
"I do not believe the manufacturers of
this couutrj, even while miny plants
aie already working night and day to
fill msh orders from across the sea, have
even begun to rcalirp how Immeasur
ably this war abroad Is going to help
tho I'nltcd States." suld W C. Adams,
a Cleveland manufacturer. "Some people
are still so busy talking depression that
; they are going to be caught napping In
a whirl of piosperlty unless they wake
Louis H. nogge, n Dayton vehicle
builder, severely criticises nonaffiliated
manufacturers whose misrepresentation,
he asserted, had given the trade such a
had reputation that the Snturdav Evening;
Post refused to sell advertising space to
several firms.
Committee of Councils Will Cover
Proposed Eoutes Tomorrow.
An automobile trip over the proposed
motor 'bus routes, outlined In two ordi
nances recently submitted to Councils,
will be taken tomorrow morning by mem
bers of tho Highway Committee of
Councils. The partv will leave City Hall
at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Blond street from Spruce to Uric ave
nue. Oxford street and Diamond street
fiom Broad to 33d, are the routes covered
b hoth oidlnauccs. One Is for the Phil
adelphia Omnibus Compuny, the other
for the Culled Traction Improvement
Company The latter firm has offered to
pay Into the City Treasury 30 per cent, of
the profits after all other charges have
bppn met It It Is grnnted the desired
franchise. Public hearings on the pro
ject probably will be held later.
Comparable to Roman's in Its Splen
did Proportions.
"It Is Barrle's head that compels one's
gaze on standing before him for the
lit st time," wrltcH John D. Williams In
"The Charm That Is Barrle," In the
October Century, "A single glance at It,
and the rest of him Is never seen One
wonders with what tine Roman head J,
A. Froude would have paralleled It, as
he did Newman's with Caesar's, even In
"Barrle's Is magnificent In Its propor
tions nnd conformation; a sculptor would
call It 'clean chiseling right out of the
marble.' The features ate as delicately
carved as a woman's; one hns to peer
a little for the eyes, which havo been
set deep bv much abstraction, a natural
pathos, and nloofness of spirit; but, ex
cited by humor, they burn like bcucons."
Declares Preaching of Energized
Morals Surpasea Uso of Sword.
The 115th session of the East Penn-
svlvanla Conference was formally opened
this afternoon at tho Second United
Brethern Church, 59th and Catherine
streets. Two hundred delegates attended.
At the conclusion of his scimon, Bishop
W. M. Keewlcy rend his rpport on the
Increased membership of the organiza
tion, due In part to the activities of
the evangelistic meetings conducted by
"Billy" Sunday and tho Rev. Dr. Henry
W. Bough, of Harrlsburg. In his ad
dress at the meeting Dr. Bough said:
"While the present war In Hurope Is
sad beyond description, yet I trust you
will not nllow It to divert your attention
from your duties as ministers. The
crowned heads In the wnr zone believe
1 nthe supremacy of Christ, but they havo
a wrong conception of his religion. They
must come to see that the victory of
Christ's Kingdom Is not achieved through
human might, or by the sword or can
non, but by preaching of energized morals
through the holy spirit. When the war
Is over there will be but two great pow
ers In Europe ono for aristocracy nnd
one for democracy. Ono will stand for
the empires nnd the other for republics.
One will demand Increased armament and
tho other will demand disarmament. Let
the people rule for If tho people's will
is carried out theie will be no war.
"I am thankful that President Wilson
Is n man of peace nnd against armed con
tllct. The Peace Treaty recently signed
by the Fnlted States, England, Trance
nnd Russia will coniequently make war
Impossible It Is onlv a nuestlon of tlmp
when all the great Powers will enter In
the same compact. Even If war Is dis
turbing the minds of men we must be
lieve that God Is still on the Throns and
that He will bilng nn endto this terrible
President Asked to Recognize No
Mexican Government Without It.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. - President
Wilson wns urged today by a delega
tion from the federation of the Catholic
societies, now In session In Baltimore,
not to recognize any Government In
Mexico unless It agreed to grant re
ligious freedom. Tho delegation left
with the President documentary cvl
denco of all persecutions of priests and
nuns by certain factions of the Con
stitutionalist party. The President gave
the delegation a hearing, but declined
to commit himself.
The delegation was composed of Father
Klerney. of New York, editor of a
Catholic publication, Professor John
Whelnn. dean of Tordham College, and
H. V. Cunningham, a lawer of Boston.
After leaving the White House they re
turned Immediately to Baltimore to re
port to the convention the result of their
U. S. Revenue Offlciul Found Dsad on
Mountain Path.
LEXINGTON. Ky Sept. 30 -The bodv
of John B. Rlncr. a Government revenue,
collector, was found on a mountain path
near Whltesbury. Ky , today. He Is
believed to have been assassinated by
Hunt for Man's Assailants
Assnllants of John Flynn, 3734 Haver
ford avenue, who was found bleeding
and unconscious In an nlley at 0th
street and Lehigh avenue, are today
being sought by police of the Kth and
Voik streetH station The man waa
found early today and taken to tho of
fice of Dr Paul J. Franz, 2541 Columbia
avenue. Ho was sent to the Philadel
phia Hospital. Flynn was unable to tell
how many persons attacked him or how
he came to be In the alley.
Former Philadelphia Lawyer Died
Monday in Tracy, Cal.
George XV Hall, a lawyer and former
rerldent of this city, died on Monday In
Tracy, Cal., where he had been practis
ing law for the past two years. The
body Is on Its way to Philadelphia and
the runeral will take place from the
homo of his parents, 553 East Norrls
Mr Hall wins a pnstmaster of Kensing
ton Lodsc. No. 211, F. and A. St., and
also was a pant officer In the Kensing
ton Royal Arch Chapter; St. Alban's
C'ommandery. Knights Templar, and a
member of Lulu Temple and the Knights
of the Golden Eagle He waa 53 ears
old. HI mother and two sisters survive.
Pennsylvania School for Sods! Service
410 Suuth fifteenth Street
CIsm work Ini ludu Irclurei and dUeua-
lon on the development of the aortal Ideal
and the growth of aortal Inatllutlona; prtaant
day prlnclplea of relief; orranlzatlon and
msnaiamtnt of aortal agent laa, and con-
irutuva prncrama ror social rrinrm.
I Irld work uftorda an opportunity for
prartlial eiperltnc and training undtr tha
uptrrlalon of ixperta Sand lor catalog
Opening data October 2d.
Mountain and Seashore
Tit Alk fll V
Ifailur Heading Terminal 7iS0 ..
r t'me ut other pulnta and iprclal rate sea Mjera.
jr Jt J V
lVeaTlog CUntmit and South Ma. VrrrU KM A. M.
Thirty Owners nnd Agents ot Proper
ties Must Answer Charges.
Thirty owners And fluents of properties
In vntlous sections of the city have been
notified to 'appear heforo Magistrate
Klsenbrown Monday morning- nt 11 o'clock
to reply to chat-sen of operating defective
nnd unsafe elevators In their buildings.
The summons have been Issued as a
result of Inspections fnade by the City
Ilureau or Elevator Inspection, under the
direction of Chief John II. Wolter. Well
known business establishments are In
cluded In tho Hat of alleged violators
ot tho elevator regulations. Fines of
130 nnd coats may be Imposed on sub
stantiation of the charges.
Since Inst spring 407 freight elevators
nave been condemned by the bureau In
spector. In some Instances the elevators
were nllow ed to resume service after
designated repairs wero made.
The 30 suits that have now been In
stituted are declared by Chief Wolter to
result from continued disregard of warn
ings on the part of tho persons notflcd
to place the elevators In safe condition.
Consequently Chief Wolter submitted the
list of owners and ngents to City So
licitor Ryan to start action against them.
The Law Department was nlso re
quested to take action for the Elevator
Hurcau against 103 persons nllcged to bo
operating elevators without certificates.
The line In that caao Is JM. Kffort will
also be made to collect delinquent license
fees to the bureau for 1912 and 1913.
The alleged violators of tho elevator
rules are;
John M. Catherwood, 48 S. front st.
University Club, 1.110 Walnut st.
Bavlj M. Hess, Kit;. 31.1 S. Front it.
twla A. Tallinn... TCnt.. 123 flnruri n(.
vrm. M, and Joj. J. Duff, 240 S. tMwrence
Milton O. Bchwcrln, 141 Produce nve.
Qeorro llorownk, 00T raayunk nve.
A, Ilfnton Mlnnlck, Art.. 472 N. 3(1 St.
KdwaM J, Sehorttle Co., 23S N. fith at.
Jnacphus It. McCulloush. 1.110 Mt. Vernon at.
'Allco Hancock. 20.1 H. 2d at.
Johnann A. Itoonty, G2.1 8. 0th t.
John McCaffrey, 244 4fltrmantown ave.
John Moore. 2344 N. Hope St.
The Here Co., Ontario St., enat nf Richmond.
Michael P. Cummin?!, Ml S. 2d at.
Tony glclllano, 7.13 Heed at.
Pater Pplnello, SIR Kllaworth at.
Thomas J. Coitcllo, OH Tierce t.
Mait Kraknvltz. 4th and Mnrrla its.
Zuckernuin A Katz. 121R DalnbrldRO it.
Iljrman Finch, 71ft Aditlaon at.
1'hlllp Ralta. JUG 8. Randolph at.
Henry Ortlelh, 824 N. Amarlcnn at.
Jacob Kramer & Son, Howard ami Cumber
land eta.
nudotph nalzley, B10 8. Delaware ave.
Alice I!. Mackfe. till N. 2d at.
Names of Officials for Rr
maining Seven Will Be
Announced at an Early J
30.-Plerro Jay,
York city. fln,t
Only One Case of Typhoid Reported
at Asbury Park.
Asgunr park, n, j sept. 30.-n.e-
ports of an epidemic of typhoid fever In
Asbury Park were denied by Health In
spector B. H. Obert, of this city, nnd
State Health Inspector D. C. Dowen.
Mr. Obert stated there Is but one case
of typhoid In Asbury Park. Inspector
Bowen declared that not only Is Asbury
Park and vicinity remarkably free from
tho disease, but there has been few cases
of the disease throughout the State of
New Jersey this summer.
Woman Prevents Fire In Apartments
by Bravery.
Presence of mind nnd bravery on the
part of Mrs. F. D. Sweeney, .12!$ Chest
nut street, prevented what might have"
been a. disastrous, fire shortly bofore noon
today when she seized a blazing oil stove
und hurled It from the window of her
apartmont. The Move exploded, setting
fire to a fence, and nn nlarm was sent
In. An. engine company from 37th and
Ludlow streets extinguished the blaze.
A servant In the Sweeney apartments
-was cleaning the stove In preparation for
coL ddays. In some manner the oil can
Ignited. The servant screamed, and Mrs.
Sweeney, taking In the situation nt a
glance, hurled tho stove from her window.
amines ouircK, 01 mow York city, and
Ooorgo F. Peabody. of Lake George, N
Y., today were named c)asa C or govern
ing directors of the Federal Itcscrve all.
trlct embracing Now York, nccordln tn
an announcement by tho Federal He
servo Board. Mr. Jay ) appointed
chairman of tho board of directors and
Federal reserve agent; Mr. Starck. vice
chairman and deputy Federal Reserve
agent, nnd Mr. Peabody, director.
Class C directors for tho Boston dls
trlct arc: Frcdoflck H. Curtlss, of B0.
ton, chairman nnd Federal reserve
agent; Walter S. Hackney, of Providence
It. I vice chairman nml deputy Federal
reserve agent, and Allen Hollls, of Con
cord, director.
For the Richmond district, William
Engle, of Baltimore chairman and Fed
eral Reserve agent; James Moncurc, of
Richmond, vice ch.'Jrman and Deputy
i'eacrni itcscrve agent, and M. F,
Gouvcnetir. ot Wilmington, N.
For tho St. Louis district. William McCi
Martn, of St. Louis, chairman and Dtp.
uty Federal Reserve agent; Walter W.
Smith, of St. Louis, vice chairman and
Deputy Federal Reservo agent, and John
Bochne, of Evansvlllo, lnd director.
For tho Minneapolis district, John F.
Rich, of Red Wing, Minn., chairman and
Federal Reservo agent; P. M. Kcrst, of
St. Paul, vlco chaliman and Deputy
Federal Reserve agent, and John W.
Black, of Houghton, Mich., director.
The names of class C directors In the
other seven districts will bo announced
at an early date.
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, of the Meth
odist nplBCopal Church, has returned
from his vacation, spent In New York
nnd Onlo. Tho Bishop was busy most
of the time during the summer and of
ficiated at the dedication of several
churches Among them wns one for the
Central Methodist Church, Springfield,
Ohio, for which he assisted In obtnlnlng
JW.700 to pay off an Indebtedness of
J31.0Q0 nn the dedication day.
Calls at Headquarters of Washington
Party Where He Is Not Recognized.
Unheralded nnd apparently unexpected,
Vance C. McCormlck, Democratic nominee
for Governor, who was recently Indorsed
by the State Committee of the Wash
ington party, stepped Into the Stata
Headquarters of the Washington party,
on the 12th floor of the Real Estate
Trust Building, this afternoon nnd In
quired for A. Kevin Detrlch, Washlnc
ton party State Chairman.
A stenographer, falling to recognize Mr,
McCormlck, nsked:
"And what Is you business with Mr.
Tho explanation that tho visitor was
the candidate whom the Washington
party was supporting for Governor
brought nn apology from the wotrled
stenographer and also the Information
that Mr. Detrlch was "out to lunch."
Mr. McCormlck said that ho would bs
hack Inter In the afternoon to see Mr.
Detrlch. The nature of the business
which brought him to Philadelphia so f
suddenly and the matters which might
be discussed in tho "conference" with
the Washington party State Chairman
Mr. McCormlck declined to state.
Ho seemed very reticent, nnd only
stated that he had arrived here from
Hnirlsburg shortly after noon today and
that he would leave for Pittsburgh about
4 o'clock this afternoon. Regarding his
prowpeets of election ho expressed him
self as contldent. "The whole ticket, toe,
will bo elected," he said.
IK'IY AW 'Detroit
Howard E. Coffin Saves
1000 Needless Pounds
The HUDSON Six-40 for 1915 weighs 2,890
pounds a seven-passenger car.
Built by old standards, such a car would weigh
around 4,000 pounds.
Cars are all being built lighter, still no other
maker has attained this lightness yet. So some will
argue that sturdy cars can't be as light as this.
But thousands of these cars went out last year.
In thousands of hands, on all sorts of roads, not a
single shortcoming developed. Never has a car
proved stauncher.
The difference is simply this:
Aluminum takes the place of cast iron. Drop
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ing combines strength with lightness in a thou
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No More Over-Tax
eo,s wciSht was a heavy over-tax on tires.
HUDSON engineers have stopped it. In addition,
their new-type motor cuts fuel cost 30 per cent.
Expense excess is out-of-date. The day of modest
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It is one of the handsomest cars ever built,
iias many attractions found in no other
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48 engineers headed by Howard E. Coffin have
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advances the scores of new things they've accom
plished. J
Touring Car and Roadster.
Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co.
253 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.
Phpnt Filbert 2ie
Catalog on Kaquitt
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A. J!a