fwv- fSfWW' MJLjAjjtjr-'iiinJ if i Hi HBHHH EVENING LBDGEB-PHILADBLPHM WEDNESDAY, S Em' EMBER 30, 1914. 5 CONFESSES KILLING YOUNG WOMAN CLERK AND ROBBING STORE Struck Down Victim With Hatchet and Stole Contents of Cash Register Because He Was "Broke." AKItON, O., Sept. 30. Sullenly refus ing to odd to his signed confession that ho brutally murdered protty 23-ycar-old Vlnnlo Becker,, mission worker, Harry Uoomor, 2S years old, today prepared to tell lil" story to tho Summit County Grand Jury. Boomer with utter calm, pollco say, told how he entered the little Barges street too. storo whero Vlnnlo Becker was tho clerk, how ho proposed to rob fho store, sho recognized him and ho struck her down, then finished tho mur der with a heavy steel hatchet; how ho sunk tho weapon to tho handle In tho victim's skull and fled with $62, tho con tents of tho cash reglstor. "I was broke I went to tho store to rob It- Tho girl sold, 'How are you, Harry?" Bho stoopod over a barrol to get some oatmeal. I struck her. Sho sold, 'Oh, Harryl' Then I killed her." This confession, pollco say. Is In tho hands of County Prosecutor II. F. Castlo and will be presented to tho Summit County Grand Jury which Is now In session. Boomor formerly worked In tho tea store, and know the routlno of tho establishment. He waited until Fred M. Becker, tho proprietor and brother of tho dead girl, left tho place, then entered and carried out what police say Is ono of the most wanton murdcrB In tho history of Ohio criminal annals. Ho confessed how In primitive manner he fashioned a rude tomahawk of wood that ho found in a lumber yard. This weapon, tho confession says, was aban doned when tho murdorer found a heavy steol hatchot hanging on tho wall of tho llttlo back room whero he attacked his victim. A modern cash reglstor proved tho key of solution to tho murder mystery. Three persons knew tho combination to tho cloctrlc apparatus. These were Boomer, Miss Becker and her brother, tho pro prietor. Suspicion naturally pointed to Boomer. Ho was found at his home last night, and after a brief struggle, In which ho attempted sulcldo with a newly purchased rovolver, ho surrendered and confessed. COURT OF APPEALS UPHOLDS DISMISSAL OF MRS. PEIX0TT0 Teacher Was Absent From Duty to Give Birth to Child. ALBANY, Sept. 30.-Tho action of tho New York City Board of Education In dismissing Mrs. Brldgot C. Pclxotto be cause Bho had abuonted herself from duly as a teacher to give birth to a child WnB UnheM VMlnWInv hv Itio rtnilrt pf Appeals. Supremo Court Justlco Sea bury had, granted a writ of mandamus tor the reinstatement of Mrs. relxotto. That action was roversod by tho Appel late Division. The latter decision Is now atnrmed by tho highest court, with Chief Justice Bartlott and Judgo Hogan dis senting. Mrs. I'elxotto, In Janunry, 1913, gavo notice to tho Board of Education that she would be absent from duty, with out asking or receiving formal leavo of absence. On April 22, 1D13, charges wero made against her of neglect of duty "In having been absent from duty since Feb ruary 3, 1913, for tho purpose of bearing a child." In tho May following now charges wero presented against her "for absenco from duty without leave since or nbput Feb ruary 3, 1913." Theso charges said nothing of chlld-bcarlng. The teachor was tried upon tho charges and dismissed. On trial of her suit her counsel argued that absence from duty for tho reason specified was not neglect of duty under section 1003 of tho City Charter, ovon though sho was absent without leave for almost threo months. Tho prevailing opinion of tho Court of Appeals says: "In tho proceedings under review the Board of Education discharged Its duty fairly, and tho courts cannot by man damus reverse tho conclusions reached, that no such absenco shall bo excused without npproval of tho Board of Super intendents. Her dismissal Is sustained under subdivision 4. section 44 of tho by laws of tho Board of Education and also under section 1033 of tho charter." POLITICS HOLDING CENTRE OF STAGE TODAY IN MICHIGAN Fall Convention of Demo crats, Republicans and Progressives Assemble to Make Nominations. WILL EMPI OY 6000 MEN Canadian Pacific Plans Better Xabor Conditions In North. MONTREAL Sept. 30. Labor conditions In Canada will bo considerably Improved by an announcement Just made by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company to tho effect that the operating department of Eastern and Western lines havo been authorized to tako on G00O oxtra laborers for Bultablo work during tho next two months at current rates of wages. Tho object of this measure is to help furnish employment beforo winter and relievo posBlblo distress occasioned by the temporary dislocation of business duo to tho war. COLOR LINE AT CORNELL Mothor o Negro Girl Student Alleges Discourtesy. ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 30. An alleged attempt to draw tho color line against her daughter. Miss Adelaide Cook, a Cornell first-year student, has caused Mrs. Catherine Charlos C. Cook, a well-to-do colored woman of Washington, to file a protest with President Schurman and to appeal to tho National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, of which Henry Vlllard, of Now York, Is president. Mrs Cook says flvo white girl students from tho South have created a situation unpleasant for her daughter In Sage Hall, a dormitory. Theso girls, she says, de mand that Miss Cook and another col ored studont bo barred from tho dormi tory, but such action tho authorities re fused to take. Mrs. Cook now fears that an effort will bo made to segregato her daughter, and she proposes to light HALF DOZEN HURT IN FIRES Prompt Rescue Work by Bluecoats Prevents Toll of Death. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Two tenement house fires early today caused Injury to half a dozen East Sldo residents, and but for prompt and heroic rescue work by bluecoats might have taken a toll of death. A Yom Klppur candle In Joseph Bchragers room on the fifth floor of 73 Sheriff Btreet Ignited a curtain and tho whole room was ablaze before any of tho residents awakened. Policeman Festn and Murphy got the two Schrager girls out, entering the burning room for them. With their parents, they are at tho Hud son Street Hospital suffering from burns and shock. The other flro was In tho four-story tenement at 42G East 67th street. A dozen frightened icsldents leaped from windows, one. Victor Lawrence, being Injured. Several were overcome by smoKe. LOST TEXAS GIRL FOUND Miss Keating, Who Left Railroad Train, Went to Sick Mother's Bedside. BOSTON, Sept 30. Katherlno Keating, 17 years old, the Texas girl who disap peared from a train near Worcester Sat urday night while she and her father, Henry S. Keating, a wealthy attorney, wero on tho way from Boston to a school at Pocksklll, N. Y., wa.s found nt tho summer homo of her parents at Edgar town, Martha's Vlnoyord, which sho had left on Saturday with her father. Her friends say the girl left the train because sho wanted to return to her mothor, who was 111. At tho Keating summer home it was said her unexpected appearance had resulted in a great im provement In her mother's condition. Mrs. Kentlng recently was operated on for appendicitis. Following tho finding of the girl tho police have a now mstery to solve be cause of tho dropping of a note from a passing nuto in Worcester, The note was picked up by a policeman and read: "Am being taken away by force. Don't know where. Kindly catch auto be fore" Tho noto was written on tho back of a New England Telephone Company en velope. In the auto were threo men and a young woman. DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 30.-Polttics hold the centro of the stago In Michigan today when tho fall conventions of the threo big political parses Democratic, Republican and Progressive assembled. Tho Demo crats hold their sessions hero, tho a. O. P. forces met In Kalamazoo, while tho Bull Moosers hold forth at Bay City. Kach party was to mako Its nomina tions for the oITIccb of Secretary of State, Auditor Gcnoral, Attorney General, Stato Treasurer and Stato Land Commissioner, In addition to selecting new Stato central committeemen and drafting .platforms. Interest centered In tho Democratic con ventions, whero tho long standing feud botweon the "Wilson-Democrats" and tho Wood-Shields faction threatened trouble. State Chairman Shields declared early to day that the "organisation" wing would be In complete control, although tho "Pro gressives" promised to make a last-ditch fight for tho seating of their contesting delegation from Wayno (Detroit), Cal houn and Delta Counties. Success In this fight would glvo them control of tho convention and subsequent control of tho party organization In Michigan. There was every Indication that the Republican gathering In Kalamazoo would bo serene and peaceful. Tho one chanco of a serious clash apparently rested In tho possibility that Chase S. Osborn, tho nominee for Governor, and tho party leaders might not agreo on platform planks. Osborn several months ngo went on record as favoring the lecall of Judicial decisions, but when this Issuu threatened to stir up internal Btrlfo In tho party, ho announced that ho would mnko no effort to dictate his radical views Into the party platform. Contests for places on the various party tlckots wero comparatively few and mostly unimportant DICTAGRAPH INVENTOR SUED FOR $100,000 Former Employe Charges Alienation of Wife's Affections. NEW YORK, Sept 30.-Kclly M. Turner, Inventor of the dictagraph, Is a defend ant today In a suit, for $100,000 for allena tlon of the affections of Mrs. Anna Mer rill Harvoy, brought by her husband, Newton O. Harvey, a former agent In a largo Canadian city for tho company that makes the Instruments. Tho cgmplftlnt sets forth that the liar veys were married In 1901, that they have two children, and that tho couplo lived happily together until last August, when Turner, through flattery and other means, Induced Mrs. Harvey to leavo her husband, , Counsel for Harvoy says Tumor not only won hor affections) but discharged Har vey from tho agency and gavo the Job to Mrs. Harvey. ELECTION PROBE REFUSED THINKS JURY WILL FREE HER Actor's Wife Expects Acquital on Murder Charge. HAOKENSACK. N. J., Sept. 30,-Mrs. Allco L. Seaton, accused of tho murder of her husband, Frederick R. Seaton, an aciflr, at their homo hero, expects to bo frd before noon today by the Jury which Is hearing the case. The cose is expected to go to tho Jury shortly after court convenes. Mrs. Beaton's story yesterday. In which sho told of her husband's "affairs" with other women, sho thinks will win her hor freedom. She told tho Jury that her hus band forced her to drink whlskyon tho day he was killed until she was so drunk that she did not know what happened. Sho said she nover heard tho fatal shots fired. TWO PEET OF SNOW PALLS Craft Wrecked, Houses TJnroofed in Newfoundland Storm. CURLING, N. F., Sept. 30. Much dam age on sea and land ias caused by a gale which sprung up Saturday night and raged for SO hours nlong tho northern coast of Newfoundland, according to re ports received yesterday. Several schoon ers were blown ashore, many smaller croft were wrecked and houses woro unroofed and blown down. Tho wind shifted from the southeast to north, bringing with It a sudden drop of temperature to the freezing point. More than two feet of snow hus fallen on the mountains. UNIFORMS FOR CHILDREN Plan to Simplify Life in Fashionable New York Institution. NEW YORK, Sopt. SO.-Partly as an ef fect of the propaganda begun last year by the Parents' Association, which sought to simplify the life of children, one of tho most fashionable of the New York schools has prepared this ear school uni forms for the children of the wealthy famlles who patronize the school. This Is Miss Chnpln's, Hast 5Tlh street. Jt Is not obligatory that tho young women should buy and wear tho uniforms during school hours, but it Is. advised. When the school opens next week. It Is thought the majority of the pupils will be found wearing them There are blouses of two styles to bo worn with a black cloth skirt They are made by a well-known nunulHcturcr at a reasonable price for tho pupils of this school and will not be sold to any others. The dress Is simple and in good taste and Is designed on the most hygienic Plans without regard to tho prevailing "salon in the cut of skirts. TWO TIED, THEN BURGLARS EAT Woman and Young Nephew Found Bound to Their Beds. NEW YORK. Sept. 30.-Two burglars partook of -a hearty meal early yester day morning nt the uome of Mrs. Anna Bier, of Mlneola, L. I while Mrs. Bier and her young nephtw. John Blor, lay securely bound to their beds on the upper floor. When the robbers departed they took with them $10 In bills and Jewelry valued at 75. WOMAN DIES FROM MERCURY Judgo Johnson Dismisses Delaware County Grand Jury's Information. MEDIA, Pa., Sept 30. Judgo Johnson lato yesterday afternoon refused to permit tho Delaware County Grand Jury to probo alleged election frauds In tho Sixth AVnrd, Chester. The Grand Jury camo before tho courts with Information that It had been furnished affidavits that a chain system had been worked In the Sixth Ward, Chester. That Is to say, tho first voter would go Into n booth with a blank ballot which he would deposit In tho ballot box. The legal ballot he would take away and this would be marked for tho next voter, who In turn retained tho official ballot handed him. In this way ballots of many voters could bo Illegally marked. In refusing to allow tho Grand Jury to Investigate, Judge Johnson said: "Under the law members consider only such matters as are regularly brought beforo It or which come within the per sonal knowledgo of the members." Tho Grand Jury then submitted Its re port and was discharged for tho term. DELAWARE DEMOCRATS IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES WASHINGTON HOPEFUL Bryan Thinks Prospects for Settle ment Better Than Ever. WASHINGTON, Sept 30.-AdvIces from Mexico City and Chihuahua, General Villa's headquarters, brought assurances to tho Washington Administration that the conferenco at Torroon today between Villa and representatives of Provisional President Cnrranra would avert the up heaval In Mexico threatened by Villa's declaration of independence and bring pence nt last to tho republic Dispatches from Mexico carried tho news that Villa, on hia .way to meet tho envoys of Carranza, had declared that "everything Is working satisfactorily," and that pence soon would bo established. This Information caused Secretary Bryan and other administration officials to de claro the prospects for the end of strife in Mexico were brighter than over. It was expected by the Washington Government that the conference would agree on a Provisional President prob nbly Fernando Iglcslas Calderon so that his name could be placed beforo tho convention soon to bo held In Mex ico City to set up a now Government for the country. FISHERIES BODY MEETS 3 Society Opens Its Sessions in Capital City. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Tho 44th an nual meeting of tho American Fisheries Society was opened here today, and will remain In session until October 3. Wash ington was selected In lieu of New Or leans, where It had been originally planned to hold the meetings. Tho Committee of Arrangements con sisted of the following: H. M. Smith, chief of tho Bureau of Fisheries, chair man; Major Richard Sylvester, Irving H. Dunlap, Walter S. Harban; Robert 8. Johnson, Theodore S. Johnson, Theodore S. PInmer and W. C. Ravonnl, who havo accomplished all that was possible to make the stay In the capital of tho visit ing delegates a pleasant one and the meeting a success. Lives Only Four Hours After Taking 23 Bichloride Tablets. MINEOLA, L. I.. Sept. SO.-Mrs. Re becca Baege, 52 years old, of 320 S7th street, Bay Ridge, committed suicide yes terday by drinking a glnfa of water In which she Jind dissolved 23 bichloride of mercury tablets. She was despondent bo cnuso of HI health and feared she was losing her slKht. Sho died In the Norwegian Hospital four hours after tnklng the poison. This Is believed one of tho shorten periods on tecord for death to follow morcury poison ing. Her husband, Ludwlg Paege, is con nected with tho quartermaster's depart ment of a local army post. Their Votes Causing a Flurry Among Politicians as to Intent. WILMINGTON. Del., Sept. 30. Did the Democrats who voted at the Republican primaries and assisted In nominating the legislative candidates In a number of districts Intend to vote fo thorn In tho election, or was there a tifck In It? This is the question which is now agitating some of the Republicans, and they have not found an answer. It is known that In this city a large number of Demo crats either voted or attempted to vote at the primaries In certain districts. In one district tho vote of ono Democrat was challenged, and there came near be ing trouble. In some of the country districts It Is alleged the same thing occurred and some deJlnro that the "wet" people went be hind tho Democrats and assisted In mak ing tho nominations. Some Republicans are Inclined to think the thing was a trick, but others believe the Democrats are tired of their own party on account of the hard times and intend to vote the Republican ticket. For that reason they took part In the Republican primaries. Under tho primary election laws of this State a nun who registers within a cer tain time hng a right to vote at the pri maries which ho chooses, but cannot vote ut more than one primary. This year the Democrats had comparatively few contests for county offices and for mem bers of the Legislature, nnd It Is this which causes the doubt. BETTING BIGGARS RICH MAN Street Car Conductor Who Won $250,000 Now Poor Again. NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Arraigned In court today on a charge of robbing a house, Frank England, a former street car conductor, who ran up 75 cents to $250,000, told how he had squandered his riches. "I couldn't quit the betting game," he said, "and In the end they got me got me for everything, cleaning mo out down to a nickel." In 1905 Englond visited Gravesend track with 75 cents in his pocket. He won, bet again and won, and by night had sev eral hundred dollars. He quit his Job as a trolley conductor and started following the ponies In less than a year he was known to have won $250,000. Then he went broke. CHICKEN A "BUM" ON TRAIN SPANISH AS A TRADE STUDY 3000-MILE TRIP BY AUTO Chester Councilman and Wife Motor Home From Denver. . CHhSTER, Pa.. Sept. 30 -The distance from Denver, Col . to this city, nearly sow miles, was coveted in an automobile by Councilman John J. Luttrell and Mrs. e"' who reached Chester yesterday. Mr- and Mrs. Luttrell, who were married out three months ago, spent their honeymoon at Denver. Scholarships for Students to Equip Themselves for Foreign Commerce, STATE COLLEGE. Pa . Sept. 30. -In line with the country-wide movement to grasp opportunities offeied by the Pana ma Canal and tho war in Europe for the expansion of United States trade In South Ameriiu, J. G. White, president of the J G. White Construction Company, of Now York, has established three scholarships In the Spanish language at the Pennsyl vania State College. Mr White was grad. tiated from Penrt State with the class of 15S2. He offers tho prizes as a stimulus to tho ttudents to fit themselves for han dling Latin-American tiade. Mr White's offer was accepted by the Houid of Trustees. Edward Hutchinson, Jr., of Philadel phia, has offered to supply a prize sword to be awarded to tho company of tho cadet battalion showing the highest mili tary cfUclcncy at the annual spring inspection. UNIVERSITY OPENS TODAY WAbHINGTON, Sept. JO.-George Wash ington Unlverbity, formerly known as Columbian University, and one of the oldest In the country, opened its fall and winter term today PENROSE PROBE RESUMES Senate Committee Takes Up Norris Resolution of Inquiry. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-Consldoratlon of tho Norris resolution to investigate al leged tibo of huge sums of money by Sena tor Penrose, of Pennsylvania, and Roger Sullivan, of Illinois, to secure their nom inations In tho recent Senatorial primaries was resumed today by the Senate Elec tions Committee. The Pennsylvania pilm ary was the special order of business. Charges of the National Popular Gov ernment League that hundreds of thous ands of dollars were spent In behalf of the two candidates wore before the com mittee for tho first time, otllclally. Two Facing Charges of Theft RED BANK, N. J., Sept. 30A man who raid he was James Gordon Bennett and John Bnlrrt. are In Jail at Freehold, awaiting the action of the Grand Jury, chatged with entering the paint storo of Frank M. Chambers, of this place, and stealing a, quantity of oil and paints. Engineer Nnmes Him "Boomer" for Stealing Ride on Trucks. CHICKASHA. Okla., Sept. 30 "I have seen a lot of 'boomers' In my time, but I havo never scon a boomer chicken until now," said Mike Crowley, veteran Rock Island engineer, as ho alighted from the cab of his engine in tho Chlckasha yards. "Look under there and you'll see tho only 'boomer' chicken In the world," continued Crowley. "That bird has been riding with mo all tho way from Enid." Crowley pointed under the engine. There In a crevice of the trucks hud dled a small battle-scarred rooster, of uncertain breed, besmeared with coal dust, but otherwise apparently In per fect condition. It tok the concerted ef forts of threo Negroes, employes at the roundhouse, to catch tho "bum" after the rooster had been routed from his perch beneath the engine. "Im going to tako him home and give him to my kid," said Crowley, "and I'm going to name him 'Boomer,' " REPUBLICAN STUDENTS CLUB ANNVILLE. Pn Sept. 30. Members of the Lebanon Valley College havo or ganized a Republican Club from the student body with a membership of more than 123. The club was organized In the men's dormitory In opposition to a Democratic Club organized last week Olllcers of the club are all college students. FLOOR SPACE 14,000 Sq. Feet As we are removing our Print ing Department to the Curtis Building, we havo this space for rent, ready October 1. Robert Morris Bldg., 919 Walnut St., 2d floor, light four sides, steam heat, 2 passenger and 2 freight elevators, low insurance rate. Apply to The Beck Engraving Co. 620 Sanson) St. iVione, Walnut 1973 xStJtfrWx' THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Streets, 2d Floor REED H. WALMER, Manager Late M. THOMAS & SONS SALE CONTINUES THIS AFTERNOON AND THREE FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2:30 O'CLOCK THE KASAB COLLECTION OP ORIENTAL RUGS and IN ALL WEAVES CARPETS AND SIZES NOW ON EXHIBITION SENATE COMMITTEE CONSIDERS CHANGES IN HOUSE WAR TAX Reduction in Levy on Bank Capital and Revision of Gasoline Clause Among Proposals. WASHINGTON, Sept .30,-Tho Senate Finance Committee, when It met today, had before It proposals for several Im portant amendments to tho administra tion emergency revenue bill, recently passed by the House, It lias been proposed to reduce tho tax of 12 a thousand on bank capital nnd surplus to $1. Some members believe It would bo unwise to place a heavy bur den on bank capital at this time because of disturbed financial conditions duo to tho European war. Advocates of this change- would revise the gasoline clause nnd place a tax on automobiles based on horsepower Instead of tho levy of two cents a gallon on gas oline. They say this would make up tho loss of revenue duo to tho cut in tho bankers' tax. The levy on accident lnsuranco imposed by the House also may bo eliminated and tho committee Is considering readjusting the proposed tax on insurance policies. Subcommittees of tho Finance Commit tee were appointed to consider the various sections. They are : Tax on Gasoline1, Senators Williams, Shlvely and Oore; Banks and Brokers, Senators Stonn, Hughes and Williams; Stamp Tax, Sena tors Hoke Smith, Shlvely and James; on i proposal to add two moro classes of cigarettes to those already taxed In the bill, Senators Simmons, Williams and Johnson. Senator Simmons, chairman of tho full committee, Is nn ex-ofllclo member of ftll tho subcommittees. All tho appolnteos to the subcommittees are Democrats, as It Is planned to frame the bill with only the Democrats present nnd then to call In the Republican mem bers before tho bill Is reported to tho Sennlo. Senator Pomcrone, of Ohio, Is fighting tho tax on sweet wines provided In the House bill on tho ground that It will give an advantage to tho California ptoducts over tho Ohio producers. Tho discrimination, It Is deolnred, comes In the langungo "containing moro than 3 per cent, of saccharine matter." Tho tax on such sweet wines Is 20 cents a, gallon, while the tax on other domestic wines Is only 12 cents a gallon. Tho Ohio producers say they use sugar In manufacturing their wines, whllo tho California producers rely upon fortifica tion with wine spirits which they aro ablo to obtain freo of taxation. NO WORD FROM DR. P0EBEL U. of P. Professor May Havo Fallen in Europe's Oreat Carnage. A letter has been received at tho Uni versity Museum from Doctor Ungnad, who last year held tho chnlr of Assyrl ology In the Hnlverslty of Pennsylvania. Whllo here he translated many tablets from tho Nippur collection. It had been reported ho had fallen In tho wnr, but ho declared ho was In good health. On tho other hand no word has como from Dr. Arno Poebel whoso hook on tho creation and flood tablets and other sub jects Is In press. He went to Breslau early In the summer and Is reported to havo Joined a reserve regiment there. As many letters have been sent him and It was certain that ho would havo replied If posstbtc, there is u fear that he ha- fallen, as the Brcslau corps has been in many battles both cast and west and has suffered heavily. Museum authorities say that If Dr. I'oehcl has fallen it will be a great loss to nrcheology as he was one of tho most distinguished of Sumerlan scholars. Al though born In Germany he got his doc torate at tho University of Pennsylvania for Assyrlology. For two years he was at the University Museum translating und preparing his largo volumes which are soon to appear. CARE OF NORTHERN NEGRO TRANSFERRED BY. PRESBYTERIANS Freedman's Aid Society Takes Charge of Work as in South May Devote $100,000 to Prohibition. ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 30. In the In terest of uniformity, the Executive Com mission of tho Presbyterian General As sembly today voted to transfer the enro of tho Negro raeo In tho North from the Board of Homo Missions to tho Froed man's Aid Society. Tho latter body has had chargo of work among Negroes In tho South, nnd Its Jurisdiction Is to bo .extended over tho North also, wth largely Increased powers and facilities. An Increase of ono per cent. In tho budget for temperance, recommonded by the subcommittee on finaneo yesterday, will mako $100,000 avattabta, It was stated today, for aggrosslvo church co-operation In States whero prohibition amendments' are pending. Tho Rev. E. F. fiteffens, of Dubuque Seminary, who Is her to ask tho Kxecu tlvo Commission for an Increase of JCOO.OOO In his appropriation, today announced ah unexpected gift of $5000 by a Philadelphia!) whom ho was requested not to name. Garrison Tries Army Camp Iilfe WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 Secretary of War Garrison was missing from his desk today. Ho Is sharing tho rigors of artr.y camp life at House Point, N. Y , whero he Is occupying a tent with Major Gen eral Leonard Wood, former chief of staff of the army, who Is In command of threo Infantry regiments and a regiment of cavalry there drawn from the Depart ment of the Kast. Tho Secretary probably will remain in the camp until Saturday. (F Women's Union Suits $1.35 1.7S Vnliie. . Cnrcullu Hand-FMshril l'art nool rlbhed, hlRh neck. long, elbow anit short ulepves; or low neck, sleeveless or wing sleeves; knee nnd ankle length, FIIIST FLOOR, SOUTH STOIIK OPENS 8.30 A, ST. AND CLOSES AT fi-TO P. ST. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit B rotlMfti Market Filbert Seventh Eighth IN OUH UIG nUSTATJRANT IJUST Of EVERYTHING AT LOWEST PltlCES riFTII FLOOR Do Yotir Shopping Enrly nnd Get Double Yellow Trading Stamps with each 10c worth you purchase before noon. Yellow Trad ing Stamps give you best value. Sfn"MediumPriced Outer Apparel The Choicest Autumn and JF inter Fashions for Women and Misses Are Presented Here in Exceptional Materials and Workmanship at Singularly Low Pric es . $20 Suits at HS Sketch Shows One of These Four Striking Styles They are cheviot and diagonal serge, in brown, navy blue, black and green. Have the Ultra-Fashionable Redingote Coats With Newest Yoke Top and Plaited Skirts. Some are trimmed with silk braids; others with wide hip bands, velvet collars or tuxedo revers, and they are all lined to waist with yarn-dyed satin. Fine $35 Suits at $25 Sketch Shoius Copy of Handsome Imported Model in Gabardine In rich brown, the new Holland blue, also black and navy blue. Has the Latest French Jacket That's Loose and Hip Length; Both Skirt and Coat Are Richly Trimmed With Fur Cloth Bands. Also at this price are other smart suits in Redingote and English cut-away effects, tailored from cheviots, serge and broadcloth in Autumn's richest shades. Women's & Misses' $18 Dresses, $1 Q n These aro navy blue nnd black serge combined A Wv V with black satin and finished with satin vests and sleeves, white bengallne collar, braid trimmings, tuxedo revers and tiny buttons. Waists are In basquo nnd coateo effects with tunic skirts showing deep yokes, or In Redingote fashion. SnCOND FLOOR Jif 25 Footwear of Qua! ity Latest Autumn Styles at Price Sittings. We are always careful of both qunllty and stvle In our footwear, but we are particularly so nn the special brands made to our own order and sold nowhere but here. They are Women's "Lit Brothers' Special" at $3.50 "Lenards" at $3 "Stratfords" at $4 These are shoes that we sell for a dollar less than their regular price ronld othenvisc be. Included arc th latest and most wanted styles, with dull oalf oloth or combination tops: lace, button and Hlucher stles, with newest heel and toe shapes All sizes 2H to s. widths A to G. Children's Sample Shoes 1IIO C.IHI.S' 92.KO til 3..V shoes (sizes tfi cC 2H to 6) .. . u l.DO $1.39 $1.29 Missnv m,7s to 2.so sunns ibizes ti qq 11H to 2) P 1.UC7 riiiumi:vs 1,7.1 to -v-'.n siiin:s (sizes SH to in Men's "Lenards" at S3, "Stratfords" at SI Patent coltskin. Run-metal calf. (jWzed KldsUin anil tan Russia calf, button, laco ,md FUu lx-i h mil weU.il white oak soles fiizes 5 to 11. width- v to K FIRST Tl-rfKiR NORTH Specials in Undergarments; and HOUSE DRESSES NT'?t a,,trrlrtlve stales in cotton textur.s, llannelotto' nil krit in till If 69c SI Cambric Gowns Hlsrh. "V" and slip-o. r mod cls. tmbroidery trimmed 10c Cambric Drawers. 25c U ith cluster of plaits anil hem-' smcneii piaiteu lawn ruffle. 75c Flannelette Dressing Sncques, 19c Prettv floral deHlcns. nlalts1 n! shoulder with round collar or Hurplict style with hoi 1U1 l1 . trimming Uulteil nt w ulst SI Flannelette Gowns, 69c Sflpu.l with or without col-' lata nraia-trlmmi d. 75c Knit Petticoats border and cro- 49 c With fane I IlLt CllK' $2 House Dresses, $1 AQ On, I 'lust rat id - nino bl ick and w Hh pi in ul i i onti i,un.r i i(i t lir n n inn siriiii i !lin ami c i tT- Out till Rriuu inlsht-d ith SPi i M FLOOU Some Exceptionally Good Values AutanCoatsforYoungFolks i fie choosirtK of the smart and warm coat is now uppermost in very many mothers' minds here io a wide as- eu uitcui. ui oijica .in new, u.cecuiiigiy smart, aim very aicracuteiy priced. Coats for Girls of Intermediate Years Excellent $10.50 Values $7.98 Picture Shows Jaunty Style in Imported Zibehne. Made in tunic effect with belt and trimmings of silk braid. Others are shown in chinchilla, novelty plaids, boucle and checks all superior valuiw, ranging in price from $S.9S to $',29.98. Coats for Girls of 6 to 14 Years Regular $7.50 $ Values 4.98 .UMl'ool Illustration Shows One in American Cheviot. Mid tape effect, with belt and collar of Poikbis ana tanty Coats for Little Girls of 2 to 8 Years Regular $6.50 $Q QQ J J Kinds novelty buttons LIT HHOTIIUII In particular, some stylish chii.chiUa coaU, with belt, patch pockets, military collar of elet and fully lined. SECOND FLOOR 3! ML Oil t'ltO.M-, QUUKIti, rn.l.nil lit IlHOTHnitS - --i .ie riivi'i, vs ii check plaids