Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 1

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VOL. I NO. 15
Letters From Democratic
City Committee Viewed
With Suspicion as the
'Product of Bipartisan Ma
chine. Federal employes In this city believe
that a secret Investigation to determine
tho political affiliation of every person
employed In tho various Federal de
partments hero la being conducted by
ngcntn from "Washington. There Is llt
tlo possibility, htfwdvcr, of the results
of tho Investigation being mado public,
tho employes say, since one of the first
things that will bo uncovered will bo
tho attompts of the "Old Guard" Demo
cratic City Committee to levy political
assessments upon tho Federal employes.
Letters requesting substantial and
prompt contributions to tho Democratic
campaign fund have been received by
nearly all tho employes In tho Postofllce,
the Custom House and tho Internal
Revenue departments within tho last
two woeks. Tho letters stato that tho
City Committee is tho legally constituted
organlzalon of the Democratic party in
"Dcsplto tho force of their declara
tion," said ono of the postofflco em
ployes this afternoon, we have not for
gotten threats made by tho 'Legally con
stituted City Committee', when Ryan
lost tho nomination for Governor. We
foel that to contribute to tho bi-partisan
City Committee would be about the same
ns to linnd the money to Penrose. Tho
two have worked hand In hand before,
and we will have to sco very conclusive
proof beforo we will believe that tho
City Commlttoo and Penrose are not
secretly allied in this campaign.
"The ono sentence In tho letter 'the
committee Is the legally constituted
organization of the party In this city,"
may deludo a fow of tho Federal cm-
loyos Into making contributions to Pen
rose, but that number will be few."
The letters ore signed by B. Gordon
Bromley, as chairman of the committee;
John O'Donnell, as chairman of the organ
izntlon committee, and Edward F. Dennis,
as treasurer.
260 Girls and Their Teahers Flee
From Normal Shool.
MERIDIAN; Miss., Sept. SO. Two hun
dred and fifty girl students and teachers
fled In their night clothes when firo de
stroyed tho main dormitory of the Ala
bama Normal College at Livingston,
Alo., early today.
This Is Last Day for Two-Cent
Ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Rall
rnnd and th Philadelphia and Heading
ltnllway have their hands full today
melting the unusually large demands of
the traveling public for mileage, books,
today bring the last day on which mile
age books will be sold on the two-cent-n-mllo
rate. The new rate of 2Vi cents a
mile becomes effective tomorrow. In
inpiiy ensrs thousands of dollars are be
ing Invested by tlrms who use them for
their traveling salesmen.
ruder the new rates, which have been
sanctioned by the Interstate Commerc
Commission, the mileage boks now sell
ing tit 1!0 will cost SSi'.DO. These books ara
los-tricted to the lines of the company
by which they are sold. The Interchange
able book formerly sold for J25 and good
on a cettaln number of other railroads
designated by tho company nnd on which
there Is a rebntc of J5 when tho cover
Is returned, will continue to sell for $21,
but thn rebate will only be J2.50. The
now rates affect all railroads east of
Pittsburgh and north of the Potomac
Committee of Councils Will Cover
Proposed Route Tomorrow.
An automobile trip over tho proposed
motor 'bus routes, outlined In two ordl
nHiieen recently Mibmltted to Councils,
will be tnkon tomorrow morning by mem
bora of tho Highway Committee of
Councils. Tho party will leave city hall
at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Broad stieet fiom Spruce to IJrlo ave
nue. Oxford street and Diamond street
from Hioad to 33d, are tho routes covered
by botli ordinances. One Is for the Phil
adelphia Omnibus Company, tho other
for tho United Traction Improvement
Company. Tho latter firm has offered to
pay Into the city tieasitry 50 per cent, of
tho prollts nftcr all other charges have
been met if It Is granted the desired
franchise. Public hearings on the pro
Ject probably will bo held later.
Hunt for Man's Assailants
Assailants of John Flynn, 3734 Haver
ford avenue, who was found bleeding
nnd unconscious In an alloy at Mth
street and Lehigh avenue, aro today
being (.ought by police of the 2Gth and
York streets station. Tho man was
found early today and taken to the of
lico of Dr. Paul J. Franz, 2511 Columbia
avenue. lie. wns sent to the Philadel
phia Hospital. Flynn was unablo to tell
how many persons attacked him or how
he came to be In tho alley.
President of Chicago Fireworks Com
pany One of Victlirs.
CHICAGO, Sept. 30. FoUr persons, in
cluding II. B. Thcarle, president of the
company, were killed today when a pov
der explosion wrecked tho plant of tho
Fireworks Display Company on Wash
ington avenue, near the business ccntto
of tho city.
Girls employed In the. building next
door fled in a panic when thnt structure
caught fire.
First Chief Sends Word He
Will Retire if Convention
in Capital Accepts Resig
nation, But Not Otherwise.
Too 111 to Leave Room on
Account of Ptomaine Pois
oning and Wife Represents
Him at Meetings.
ERIE, Pa., Sept. 30. Whllo Glftord
Pinchot, Washington party candidate for
United Stntcs Senator, was suffering with
a sharp attack of ptomaine poisoning to
day, Mrs. Pinchot, after being up all
night caring for her husband, carried on
the campaign by appearing at an early
morning shop meeting, and In 20 Erie
and Crawford County towns during tho
Mr. Pinchot was III all day, yestorday,
but concealed the fact during one of the
most strenuous days of his campaign. He
started yeste.'doy morning In Franklin
by shaking hands with COO worklngmen
between C nnd 7 o'clock nnd then toured
parts of tiireo counties, arriving In Erie
at 7.30 for a night meeting. Although
ho was 111, he hurriedly went through
with his dinner and spoke afterward to
1000 peoplu and shook hands with more
than E00.
Then he reurned to his hotel and faint
ed for the first time in his active life.
Mrs. Pinchot was up most of the night
with him, but she left the hotel at G:30,
accompanied by P. J. Barber, and told
the 600 shopmen at the Eric Iron & Metal
Company that Mr. Pinchot was ill and
could not leave his room.
Dr. E. H. Drozeskl was called to Mr.
Pinchot's rooms at the Lawrence Hotel
about midnight. When he called at 7
o'clock this morning he said the candi
date was improving slowly, Mr. Pinchot
spent the day in his room, whllo Mrs..
Pinchot. accompanied by County Chnlrmin
Foyc, Dr. Frank B. Lockwood, Progres
sive candidate for Congress, and Mr. Bar
ber, went ov'r the speaking planned for
Mr. Pinchot. Mrs. Pinchot mado no
speeches, but in every town told tho peo
ple thnt her husband regretted not keep
ing his engagements because of illness.
Mr. Pinchot hopes to leave tonight for
Philadelphia to attend tho meeting to
morrow at which Colonel Theodore Koose
velt will open tho campaign In behalf of
the Washington party ticket. The meet
ing planned at Mendville tonight has been
canceled, but other meetings arranged for
this week will be carried out.
Furtherance of Penrose Campaign Its
Supposed Object.
More than 200 saloon keepers from the
Eighth Senatorial District, where Senator
James P. McNIchol Is the Republican
lcadffr, had a secret and mysterious meet
ing In the Eagles' Temple, Spring Gardon
street, below Broad, yesterday afternoon.
Possession of a small orange-colored
ticket and knowledge of n secret password
admitted each saloon keeper to the bulld
intr. Tho door was guarded, and only those
who could Identify themselves were al
lowed to pass. Whllo nil questioning ns
to the purpose of the meeting nnd neces
sity for all the unusual precautions was
useless, It is supposed that the object
of the gathering was to plan further tho
part tho saloon keepers will play in the
State campaign.
kr f i
7L I
Roosevelt Tells Ohio Audience People
Will Eradicate Evil.
TOLEDO, O., Sept. 30. Colonel Roose
velt In an address here last night said
men of tho fctrlpe of Penrose nnd Lorlmer
were going to be completely eradicated
from public life In this Government
through tho will of the rising peoplo. The
day when tho back rooms of saloons nre
the conference chambers for the old
political machine parties Is also nearlug
an end, he said.
Tho defeat of woman suffrage In
Michigan last year the Colonel at
tributed wholly to the work of tho
saloonmtn against It. "Every saloon
there," he said, "was used as a head
quarters against woman suffrage." He
prophesied the success of the woman suf
frage movement In Michigan this jenr.
Will Promote Trnde With Greece
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. An office was
opened here today by Consul General
Vassardakls, special representative of the
Greek Government, for the purpose of
furthering a movement to piumote direct
trading with thnt country In products
made In the United States.
For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair
tonight and probubly Thursday; not
much change in temperature; mod
erate iveat winds.
For details, ee page th
Next Saturday. October 3, is the
lust registration da for the November
It is the last chance to qualify to
vote for I'ultcd States Senator, Gov
ernor. Congressmen, members of the
Legislature and, for other Important
offlcos to be Idled on November 3.
Poll tax receipts can be purchased
at the polling places.
Party enrolment is not necessary
MEXICO CITY, Sept. SO.-The first
session of tho pence parley between rep
resentatives of First Chief Vcnustlano
Carranza and General Francisco Villa
Is under wny In tfacntocas, according to
a telegram from that city. General Car
ranza's representatives are General Obre
gon, General Cosa, General Trevlno, Ed
uardo Hay nnd Santos Coy, while tho
delegates representing tho lender of the
Division of tho North are Eugcnlo
Henavldes, Ysabel Roblcs nnd Colonel
It Is the object of the tlrst chief's dele
gates to maintain tho status quo until
the real pence convention Is held In this
city next month.
Carranza, according to hie friends, still
maintains the attitude that he should
remnln at tho head of the government
until his successor can be chosen by the
ptople or by the convention of Governors
and Generals that will convene here pos
sibly In October.
General Carranza's attitude was ex
plained In a message which was placed
beforo General Villa's generals In Zaca
teeas today. In part It says:
"If the chiefs nccopt my resignation
when It Is tendered to them at the con
vention in the capital, I will gladly re
tire to private life with the conscious
ness of duty well done. But If my resig
nation is not accepted I will fight the
present reaction with the same energy
nnd firmness that I fought the usurpa
tion of Huerta."
In speaking of the approaching con
ference General Carranza said:
"We want It to be truly representative
of the people, so that It might bo said
afterward that the result of the conven
tion is truly tho voice of tho people In
Mexico. If, when tho convention is as
sembled, it is found that all the chiefs
summoned have not come, we will imme
diately summon proxies, so tiiat all sec
tions will have representation."
One thing Is certain: Carranza will
not stand by and see Villa swept Into
power if he can prevent It. The First
Chief believes that if he should resign
Villa should relinquish the leadership of
the division of the north.
There is no news coming to the War
Department of operations north of the
capital and it Is believed that an armis
tice practically exists pondln tho result
of the parleys In Zacatecas.
Government ofticlnls seized today at
the Buctin Vista Railway station. -ISO
bars of silver bullion valued at 2,000.000
pesos. Two mining companies have put
In a claim for the property. It Is assert
ed that It was being shipped out of the
country secretly by members of the Clen
tlllco party.
$20,000,000 Compromise Measure
Sent to President.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-Congress' big
fight over rivers and harbors "pork bar
rel" legislation ended today when tho
$20,000,000 lump sum compromise measure
of the Senate, ns passed later yesterday
by the House, reached the White House
for signature of tho President.
Tho monoy will make possible Im
mediate resumption of work upon many
projects suspended since July 1.
Half a Dozen of Crew Over
come Rescuing Shipmates
From Hold of the Santa
Vessel Loaded With Valuable
Cargo From Mediterranean.
Cardinal Farley Was One of Its
Victory on Meuse River,
Officially Announced,
Leaves Allies Free to
Harass Von Kluk's Flank.
Border Guard Re-established
LAREDO, Tex.. Sept. 30. Tho Ninth
Infantry Regiment today re-established
Its guard at the International brldgo,
following out orders from the War De
partment. The object of the gunrd la
to prevent any filibustering parties from
crossing into Mexico. A cavalry patrol
also Is doing duty, covering a distance
of CO miles In each direction along the
river front from this city.
NEW YORK, Sept. JO.-Flt-e caused by
spontaneous combustion in the hold of
the steamship Santa Anna, of the Fable
line, was discovered early today, while
she was moored to a pier at tho foot of
31st street. Brooklyn. Several lire engines
were rushed to the steamship's aid, but
the dense smoke mndo it Impossible for
the tlrcmen to get at the blaze between
decks, and they were forced to work In
relnj-B to avoid being overcome.
By 11 o'clock tho damage had amount
ed to $100,000, with the prospect of treble
that amount if the firefighters were
unable to save some of tho valuable
cargo of silks, velvets nnd herbs In the
ship's hold. Two flreboats were asslgneu
to fight the fire, and it proved so stub
born that Captain Palzoy said he be
lieved It was fed with the big consign
ment of olive oil carried by the Santa
Anna. , m ..
Half a dozen members of the crow
wete overcome by smoke In fighting the
firo and were rescued by shipmates who
risked their lives entering the smoke-
The hold In which the flames were first
discovered Is next to two coal bunkers,
which quickly became a roaring furnace.
Vat quantities of water were pumped-on-tho
blazlng-fucl. A huge volume of smoke
settled over the neighborhood, and the
pollco reserves were called out to main
tain the fire lines.
The Santa Anna arrived hero yesterday
from Mediterranean ports with a list of
passengers, among thorn being Cardinal
Farley, and a large cargo of mixed mer
chandise. A short time after tho blaze
was discovered the ship's hold became a
veiitable furnace, and tho hatches wore
unshipped to permit removal of part of
the cargo. The vessel Is 5j0 feet long,
of 11,000 tons register nnd flies the French
Two days out from Nnples a mutiny
broko out aboard the vessels among tht
stokers. Five of them were placed In
Two Games Will be Alternately Played Here and in Boston.
National Commission Manages All Details Prices
Remain Same as in 1913.
PARIS, Sept. 30.
French forces have recaptuicd St.
Mlhlel, effectively halting the German
efforts to pierce the Verdun-Tout fortf.
The Germans crossed the Meuse last
Saturday In tho face of terrific artillery
fire, placing the Allies' right wing In
Dcspcrnto efforts of tho French to
push tho Invaders back to the east side
of the Mouse failed until today, when
tho War Ofllce ofilclaliy announced that
St. Mlhlel had been recaptured and that
French troops were making progress
enst of tho town.
The success In driving the Cltrmana
back beyond St. Mlhlel, where tho
Kaiser's troops for a time threatened to
rross tho Mouse In force and Invtst Ver
dun from all sides, undaubtedly was duo
to 'the large bodies of teserves sent to
the front. The German movtment
,....,- .1... mni,i-Vn,iiit, linn nf forts was
UHUIIiak nil.- vw- . ... .. ...... --
considered to bo an attempt to relievo
the pressure on the Gtrman right wing.
With tho damage to their right wing re
moved, the Allies are free to hang to
the flank nf General von Kluk's army.
British Vessel's Fears Quieted When
Our Warship Appears.
A premptory command to "heave to"
In wireless waves, and not the common
"shot nctosT the bow," brought the British
steamship Start Point to a stop In the
Atlantic Ocean on September 16, until
officer of a British cruiser had satisfied
themsclvert ns to tho legitimacy of vessel
and cargo, according to the story told
today when tho steamship dfacked at Pier
27, North Wharves.
The Start Point left London on Septem
ber 11 with a large general cargo. The
officers and crew felt assured that war
ships flying the British flag had cleared
the north Atlantic steamship lanes of all
hostile warship. They possessed no fear
of possible capture until two days later
when there loomed upon tho horizon a
steamship unmlstabably a ship of war. It
was impossible to distinguish her nation
ality. She altered her course to head for
the Start Point. While tho officers were
debating whether they would make a run
for it or not, the wireless operator re
ceived messages In several codes to
"heavo to." lie sent them to Captain J.
PInkhnm. At first the warship did not
disclose her ideplty, and It was with
trepidation that the sailors watched the
vessel approach. Captain PInkhnm wise
ly decided to stop.
When the British flag was discerned
floatlns from the taff rail of the approach
ing cruiser, the tension was broken nnd
nervous ftnrs gave way to hearty British
Oflicers of the cruiser boarded the South
Tolnt nnd Captain Plnkham soon con
vinced thorn that his vessel, crew and
cargo were Intensely British, and he was
pormltted to proceed. The loyalty of the
British sailors prohibited them from giv
ing the name of the cruiser, as they
said the Admiralty were desirous of keep
ing ferret the whereabouts of their vari
ous ships of war.
Allies Beat Back Desperate Invaders at
Forest of L'Aigle and Press on to Sur
round Weakening Right Wing, Paris
Officially Announces.
Reports Say Rear of Teuton Army is in
Peril, But Berlin War Office States
Battle Along Aisne and Oise Still Is
The War Today
At a meeting of tho National Baseball
Commission held at noon today at tho
Bellevue-Stratford Hotel all the details
for tho world's series of 1911 were ar
ranged. The chief topic of Interest was
the selection of the city for the flrst
game between the Athletics and Boston.
President Gnffney, of tho Boston club,
failed "to call the turn" as Garry Herr
man spun tho coin, hence the choice
fell to Connie Mack, who chose Phila
delphia. Tho first game will be played
hero at Shlbe Park, Friday, Sctober 9,
and on the following day the second
game will be ployed here. '
On Monday nnd Tuesday, October 12
and 13, the games will bo btnged In Bos
ton. On October H Philadelphia will
again be the scene of the battle and the
next day the teams play in Boston. In
caso of a tie the coin will Bgaln be spun
to decide which city shall have the honor
of the flinil game.
Prior to the open meeting, which was
attended by most of tho local baseball
moguls and tho newspaper representa
tives, the National Commission , com
posed of Ban Johnson. Garry Herrmau
and Uovernor John K. Tener, went into
executive session.
At the meeting which followed, the
Athletics were represented by President
Ben Shlbe, Secretary John Shlbe and
Manager Connlo Mack. President Gaff
ncy, of the Boston cmb, represented the
National League winners.
After the dates for the games hud been
decided upon, Garry Herrmann tead tho
rulos governing tho world's series and
the distribution and salo of tickets.
These were Identical with the regula
tions in effect In 1913. The seats at
Shlbe Park will be sold at the following
rates: Box seats, Jo; grandstand seat.
13; pavilion seats J2, and bleacher seats,
jl. The same pricts will prevail at
Tenway Park In Boston, except that a
section of the bleacners In deep centrci
Held will be filled with SO-cent seats.
' while the general admission will be M
Kvery purchabcr, whether In Boston or
Philadelphia, will have to buy tickets
I for thiee games. In case these tickets
are Invalidated by the failure of the
contending clubs to play a third gamo
I in either of the cities the money will
be icfunded by the club selling the
tickets. This rule applied 'ant yvar, and
thousands of dollars were returned to
Philadelphia purchaser for the tickets
to the third game hre. which was not
Just when the tickets can be had will
be nnnounced by the Athletics manage
ment In the near future. Another matter
brought up tegardlng the tickets was
whether they hhould bo dated. The
chances are that the tickets will be dated,
but In ease of a postponement, the nocond
ticket will be good for tho second game
regardless of the date. This also brought
up the matter of tie games. In case of
cither a postponement or n tlo game, tho
teams will continue to play In the city
where the start was made until two full
games are completed.
President linn Johnson, of the American
League, suggested that the bleacher
tlckeln In Philadelphia he lowered tii 50
cnts nnd that a fence bo plcaed In front
of the wall extending from the rlghtfleld
foul line nt Shlbe Park to the scoreboard.
This plan wns later refected, ns the ma
jority believed that tho ground rules
which would be made necessary by this
change would hurt tho game.
The olllclal eligible list, read by Harry
Herrmann at th meeting wns:
Athletics Connie Slack, manager;
Baker, Barry. Bender, Bressler, Bush,
Collins, Coombs, Pavles, Davis, Kopf,
Lapp, McAvoy, Mclnuls, Murphy, Old
ring. Pennock, Plank, Schang. Struuk,
Thomas, Thompson, Walsh, Wyckoff,
Shaw key.
Boston George Stnllings. manager;
Cather. Cuereham. Connolly. Cnttrell,
Crutcher Davis, Peal, Pevore. Pugley,
Krrs, Gilbert, Gowdy, Hess, James.
MaranvUIe. Mann. Martin. Mitchell,
Mortn Rudolph, Schmidt. Smith, Tyler,
Wnullng. bitted. Stroud.
The umpires t-clected fim the American
League will be Pineen and Hildcbrand:
I from the .National League Klein and
I Byron.
All the games will bo called promptly
I by the umpires at i o'clock p. m. The
umpires will be distributed over the Held
: as usual, one man behind the bat. one
I on the base, ono on the right anil one
I on the left Held foul lines. The positions
of these officials will changes from day
to day.
I A change was made In the system of
I selecting tho olllclal scorers. The Nn
1 tlonal Commission win be represented on
I the scoring board by J T- G. Spink,
editor of Tho Sporting News, St. Louis.
The other two representatives will bo
I chosen from newspaper men of Boston
, and Philadelphia. The i-cleetlun of the
looul scorer will take place at a meeting
I of tho Philadelphia chapter of the Ita-e-;
ball Writers' Association of America to
1 morrow afternoon at I o clock, ut the
, ottU' of Joe MoCrad, in the Keith
Building. Mr Mcl'ready will have charge
of the presa airangeincnts for this cits.
I while this work will be done In Boston
, by It E. McMillan, Boston Journal
J The National Commission a f'uslness rep
resentative will be Robert McRoy.
Romance Follows Dramatic Episode
nt Atlantic City Several Years Ago.
A romance, which began at Atlantic
City three yeas ngo, culminated today
in the marriage of Katherlne A. Murphy,
10.1 Falrmount avenue, and John F. Mullin,
KI0 Oakford street.
The wedding ceremony was performed
at the Church of the Immaculate Con
ception by the Ilev. Father John J. Mun
yon. A teceptlon followed at the homo
of the bride's parents, after which the
couple left on a wedding trip through the
Mul'ln's meeting with Miss Murphy was
dramatic. He was walking along the
beach nt Atlantic City one August after
noon when he heard a cry for help. Some
distance from tho shore he saw a girl
struggling to keip afloat Being a good
swimmer. Mullin plunged In and was soon
by thp struggling girl's side and took her
safel to shore Of course, she was grate,
fill ard the couple became good friends
at once.
City Hall Detectives Wonder What
Has Become of an Alleged Suspect.
A mnn wanted for murder and said to
have been captured by detectives of tho
Philadelphia and Reading Hallway Com
pany has mysteriously disappeared while
en route from Twelfth and Market streets
to City Hall, and, according to Informa
tion received at the railroad detective's
ofllce. the only person who can tell of
his whereabouts in the president of the
Philadelphia nnd Reading Railway.
Some time lato last night or early this
morning the official in charge of Pe
tective Headquarters In City Hall got a
ohone call. Said a voice:
"I am a detective of the Philadelphia
and Reading Railway, and I have a man
wanted for murder who was arrested
at the Reading Terminal a few moments
ago while in the act of boarding a train.
What shall I do with him?"
"Bring him up here." was the reply.
Later the City Hall men looked at
their watches. "Strange that fellow
Joesn't ihow up." they said "Wonder
what is keoping him?" Still later a dis
appointed Receptlun Committee decided
the alleged mi rderer must be stul at
, Inquiries at the railroad company's of
I Aces as to what had become of the man
i aid to have been captured were an-
jwered with the reply:
"The president of the Philadelphia and
Reading Railway is the only person whs
can tell an) thing."
French War Ofllce ofilclaliy an
nounces thnt Gcrmnn assaults to ro
liove tho pressure against Von Kluk
have been repulsed. A violent engage
ment took place at Tracy-le-Mont,
where the Germans were repulsed
with heavy loss. No confirmation Is
mado of the renorts that tho armies
of Von Kluk and Von Boehn Is made,
but official statement Is made that
the French have recaptured St.
Mlhlel, on the Meuse.
In Belgium the German activity
against Antwerp has Increased with
the arrlvul of heavy siege guns. The
Germans are rushing reinforcements
for the complete Investment of the
temporary Belgian capital, which
they plan to use as the base of an
over-channel attack on England.
King Albert, In an address to his
generals, directed that Antwerp be
hold at any cost. Bombardment con
tinues In the vicinity of Termonde
and fighting is reported at Alost,
which has been abandoned by Its
'3f,000 Inhabitants.
Russians and Germans are battllns
desperately along the East Russian
Polish frontier. A six-day battle has
resulted In checking the German ad
vance along the River Nlemen, In
their attempt to retake Grodno and
resume the onward movement against
Warsaw. Russia is sending fresh
troops from Vllna to block the Ger
mnn penetration Into Poland. Gen
eral Rennenknmpf, again on the ag
gressive, nfter his strategic retire
ment of a few days ngo, has promised
his soldiers Christmas merrymaking
in Berlin.
Servian War Office reports reoccupa
tlon of Semlln, across the Save River
from Belgrade. The Austrlans were
completely surprised. This success
I means cessation of the renewed Aus
! trlan bombardment of Belgrade.
I Progress against Sarajevo is reported
In the Bosnian campaign.
Activity In tho Gallcian field has been
continuous. The Czar's forces Jmvo
pressed forward, the southern column
capturing Dukla. south of Przemysl.
which Is still heavily bombarded, and
the northern engaging the Austrlans
near Tarnow. The Russians have
penetrated Into Hungary and are re
ported within 120 miles of Budapest,
with an unfortified country before
A German warship Is reported wrecked
in the terrific hurricane that Is
sweeping the North Sen. Bodies of
seamen, It Is said, strew the coast
of Denmark. The storm attained a
velocity of 110 miles nn hour.
Japnneso troops, aided by the British,
have crushed several of the forts
guarding Tslng-Tao, German lease
hold In China, The fall of tho gar
rison la said to be Imminent, as the
Japane?,?, have bucceeded In placing
heavy siege guns.
Berlin War Office reports an inde.
clslve, battle on the German right
wing, when the Allies continued their
attacks without success. For the
first llmo during the battle of the
Alsne official admission Is msdo that
the Germans lost ground, the state
nient adding that the territory Im
mediately was regained. A later
statement said the French have "re
newed their advances about Vpr
dun." lending weight to the Parts
report that St, Mlhlel has. been re.
British I'resu Bureau announces it is
"unable" to confirm the reports of
disaster to the German right wing,
but refused to eplUn whether this
was due to the order that no report
on fighting shoukl lm issued until Ave
days after the battle. I.ondou hears
however, tht army of Von li.i.hn, .is
well as that of Von Kluk, has been
PARIS, Sept. 30.
Failure of desperate assaults by tha
Germans to free their right wing from
increasing pressure by the Allies Is
announced by the War Ofllce.
The statement Indicates that tho In
vaders, made desperate by ths contin
ued success of the foe's enveloping
movement along the Alse and Alsno
Rivers, have mado violent but futllo
assaults on the opposing lines.
The attack was especially vigorous
at the northeast of the forest of Lalglo.
where the Germans were repulsed with
heavy los.
This forest Is In the promentory
formed by the Rivers Alsne and Olse
nnd extends almost to ?oyon, on the
west bank of the Olse. This prom
ontory was considered the kcystono
of General von Kluk's defense.
While no official announcement lo
made that tho armies of Von Kluk and
Von Boehn are In full retreat, tho
statement that the Germans' efforts to
drive back the Allies Is received hero
as a confirmation of part of earlier
The recapture of St. Mlhlel rtf.fc.Ves '
the pressure against tho French right
wing, and reinforcements probably will
be rushed to complete the enveloping
movement against Von Kluk.
The report thnt Von Boehn's army,
as well as Von Kluk's, is retreating
indicates the Allies have fought their
way far to the north nnd now aro
threatening the German rear.
The full War Office statement, issued
this af rnoon, follows:
On our left wing, at the north of
Somme. the conflict continues to
develop more toward tho Xorth be
tween the Olse nnd ths Alsne, Tho
enemy has made a vigorous attack
on Tracy-le-Mont, at tho norf.east
of Lalgle forest. He has been re
pulsed with heavy loss. 3
At the centre there In a lull.' In
the storm along the entire front,
which extends from Rhelms to the
Mouse. Between the Argonno for
est and the Meuse we have made
a slight ndvance. In the Moevre
region violent fighting has taken
place. Our troops have advanced
at many points, notably to the east
of St. Mlhlel.
On our right wing (Lorraine and
tho Vosges) there Is no change.
During the night Important dis
patches were brought from the front
and lights blazed until dawn In the
offices of the War Department. It
plainly was evident that something big
had occurred, and Paris immediately
Interpreted it as confirmation of the
reports of a victory.
Another development In this connec
tion which was accepted as favorable
was the demand from the French gen
erals In the north for all the automo-
i biles and motortrucks In Paris and
! the vicinity.
The French army operating on tho
Hoye-Aloert-comDies line is maKing a
desperate drive against General von
Kluk's line of communications. The
Germans) have thrown up Intrench
ments at strategic points along the
line and have planted a considerable
quantity of artillery Masked platoons
, of quick-firing guns command stretches
I of meadow land.
' There is no doubt that a break In
1 the line 1b expected. For the last three.
days reinforcements have been poured
! to thu north. And the latest line of baU
tie obtainable, made public yesterday,
shows that there has been little charge
in tho positions since laut Friday,
Attaches of General Clalllenl's staff
I hope that France wilt be free of der
1 mans before the end of October, In
' dlecuwlng the situation, one of them
"There U no doubt that the allied
I army is pressing home lu victory, Tht
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