Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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nKRr ?Yr
l Austrlans, Civil and Mili
tary, in Pell-mell Panic,
Offer Scant Resistance.
People's Pathetic Plight.
TBTnoaRAD, Sept 80.
A prnplilc story of tlio full of lumbers,
Galtcla, Anit the acencs attenctlns tho
Ittisslnn occupation of tho city, hug Just
teen (riven to me by an KngHnhmun who
liaa arrived here after witnessing those
historic event.
"I nm ntt enKlner," said he, "and with
ft friend of the same callltiB had business
In Lembonr. Vp wcro not molested In
any way until about a week before tho
arrival of the Itusslans. nhen wo wero
suddenly snt for by the Austrian police,
placed under arrest and conveyed to
prison. Simultaneously all our money
was confiscated.
"Wo were lept In cells for four or flvo
days, durlns 'which tlmo absolutely no
food was fjlven us. Fortunately we re
eelved a small portion of drinking water
each day or the 'hunger strike' wouia
have been as complete as any undergone
by suffragettes In tho London Jails. On
the fourth or fifth day wo were released,
but we wero both so weak from lack of
food that wo could hardly stand.
"Just about the tlmo we wore released
word was received that the Russians wero
advancing upon tho city, and panic broko
out. The entire Austrian administration
fled precipitately.
"Defense of tho city was not attempted
at all. Tho Russians gave tho demoral
ised Austrian military- authorities three
days In which to surrender and evacuate
tho place so that tho Inhabitants would
be spared the horrors of a bombardment.
'On the third day a Russian aeroplane
made Its appearance over the city watch
ing for the Austrlans' departure. The
Austrlans fired upon the aeroplane, but
It returned apparently uninjured to tho
Russian lines.
"Then the Invaders made some show of
opening a bombardment. I should say
It was only a feint: at any rate, no shells
seemed to fall In the city. Surely tho
Russian gunners were not such bad
marksmen as all that,
i "The noise of the Russian artillery was
terrific, and It scared tho already panic
stricken townspeople almost Into hyster
ics. Thirty-five thousand persons. Home
of them residents of Lomberg, and others
refugees from the surrounding country,
bolted helter-skelter. The large Jewish
population of Lembcrg was particularly
frightened, as the Austrlans had sys
tematically circulated shorles that the
Russians would massacre the Jews.
"Families carrying a few of their most
raluable possessions fled pell-mell along
the road. Some had the advantage of
horse cirts, and a few had automobiles.
Weeping children, surrounded by their
traiful mothers, rushed about wild-eyed
with fear. Aged men and women, too
old for hasty flight, were Jostled by tho
younger refugees In the fright-filled mob.
''Rankers made their escape with all
the money belonging to other people, and
even the savings boxes of the poor were
broken open and tho money taken.
"Nobody was allowed to leave by train
for Vienna unless he or she could de
posit at the railway station the sum of
MOO kronen, which was 'to be returned
when tho depositor reached the capital.'
The reason advanced for this decision
upon the part of the authorities was that
the money was required as security for
the ability of tho Invading traveler to
meet the enormously Increased cost of
living in Vienna. Those seeking to go
to Budapest were compelled to deposit
1000 kronen. The cost of living there did
not seem to bo so high.
"There were pitiful sights In the
streets, notably the spectacle of Austrian
soldiers, with woundeil bodies, hatlcss,
shoeless, and In rage, begging a crust of
"Numbers of them belonging to tho
Slavonic race got Into civilian clothing
and wcro to be seen carrying their uni
forms under their arms In bundles. They
ild they were going to burn them.
"The utter disorganization of the Aus
trlan military administration and the
s'alo of chaos Into which tho Austrian
war commissariat degenerated are be
neath criticism. The Austrian army Itself
proved to be disunited and an unwilling
mass of men that fell apart In the fnco
of danger. Many of them were only too
Klad to throw down their arms and sur
render When taken prisoner they fra
ternized like brothers with the Russians.
"The Russian army entered Iiemberg In
splendid condition. It was attended by
an enormous provision train, with every
requisite In abundance. The inhabitants,
especially tho Ruthenlan Slavs, met tho
t'zar's soldiers with dcmonstrotlons of
delight. The Russian officers were show
ered with flowers and men and women
kissed their hands
"Exemplary order was Immediately es
tablished by the Russians, soldiers being
used for police duty. The Russian com
mander visited the City Hall and de
clared that he wished to co-operate with
the local authorities. This system proved
so efficacious that the Chlff Deputy went
to the Russian commander and thanked
"We ourselves were well treated by the
Russians, who lent us money and enabled
us to travel to this city. We made the
Journey free of nil expense, first class,
with a party of Russian ofllccrs. We
ere told that we would not be expected
to pay for anything, and the Russians
were offended when we tried."
Hospitable Offers to Refugees Far
Exceed Necessity,
LONDON, Sept. 30.-So many offers
nave been received from hospitable Eng
lish families who want to shelter Hel
Jlan refugees that the Relief Committee
today had to send out circular letters
stating that no further offers could be
Iord Gladstone, former Governor Gen
eral of South Africa, who Is the leader
lli. ,e r'Uc' work, stated today that
IW.OOO English families so far have offered
10 Provide homes for the refugees.
Mx thousand Belgians already have
ln Paced I" Private homes, while about
I W more are In depots awaiting dlstrl-
uutlon. About MOO others are scattered
i'.' '""" ana boarding houses, the
. nllh Government having guaranteed
There are 1J committees In London
working for the relief of tho Belgians.
m. r t comnlttees are being formed
llrouuhout th Ul.n,l kt.-.i.. inn .......
oi clothing and other supplies have been
-v...v jvr me us a or me refugees.
pM- ' - i i- - i . i i i i n-n r I II I ' ! --" j i -
German Emperor's School
boy Spirit Prompts' Him to
Act and Speak Indiscreetly,
Governess Writes.
LONDON, Sept. 30.
A pen picture of Kaiser Wllhclm Is
contained In a book of memoirs Just pub
lished by Miss Anne Tophntn, who for
some years acted as English governess
to the Kaiser's daughter. Tho "recollec
tions" of Miss Topham contain, besI'Us
Its pictures of the Kaiser himself, n num
ber of Interesting stories of tho Kaiser's
From the numerous stories and Inci
dents In the book In which His Majesty
figures It li possible to reconstruct ft
very graphic and by no means unattrac-
Deadly Gas-filled Shells
Will Not Be Used Until
Germans Storm Paris, He
LONDON, Sept. 30.
W hcther the French are really using
turplnlte, the newest war terror reported
to be In possession of England's ally, is
a matter of great speculation In Eng
land. This new explosive, which has
aroused the greatest discussion through
out the world, Is declared to be so deadly
In Its effect that all life Is exterminated
within a radius of 400 yurds of one of
tho exploding shells. Regiments of Ger
mans nro reported to have been found
dead In their trenches, their rifles still
In their hands, not a mark on their
bodies, but with the long line of corpses
standing as though In life.
The Dally Express declares that a man
known to the editor for years, and who
Is generally well Informed, has written
as follows concerning turplnlte:
"The new explosive, Invented two years
ngo by M. Turpln, tho 'parent' Inventor
of melinite and lyddite. Is undoubtedly
the most terrific and most widely death
dealing high-power explosive ever known.
So lethal In Its effect Is the now shell
on explosion that should Its -use become
widespread whole armies. Indeed entire
nations, would be completely exterminated
In tho course of a few weeks. For this
reason Its use is probably prohibited by
articles of wnr, by tho international
Hugue convention, though M. Turpln him
self boldly claims this Is not tho case."
After telling of M. Turpln's dislike of
the French War Offlco and his grievance
folowlng the Government's acceptance of
melinite and lyddite, the Informant of
the Express tells how Turpln set to work
upon a new explosive, which ho endeav
ored to perfect, so that, as compared to
It, melinite and lyddite would bo prac
tically useless. He worked for years, had
a gun made himself, the parts being con
structed at different points and then
assembled, and directed the making of
the shells.
"The merest chance enabled me to wit
ness one of the early trials of tho new
explosive," the writer continues. "On a
stretch of sand 500 yards from high
water level, a temporary sheep fold had
been erected, about 400 yards square, unit
I ailed off with wooden hurdles. In this
space were a dozen sheep nnd a couple of
aged and worn-out horses.
"Ono of the horses was contentedly
munching away at somo hay and the
other was rubbing himself against one of
the hurdles, while the sheep were huddled
together In ono corner.
"This was what I saw through my
glasses when from a ridge some 2M0
yards away there came a sharp, loud
thud and the s'lrleklng sound of a small
shell. Just as though somebody had
taken a piece of silk and rapidly torn It
In two,
"There was an explosion In the open
spoco In the middle of the improvised
sheep-pen. The sheep were still huddled
In the corner, one of the old horses was
apparently leaning up against the rail
ing. The ono that had been munching
hay lay on his side.
"When ten minutes later I reached the
pen tho sheep looked for all tho world
as If they had been petrified. They went
mostly standing up, one against the
"Three or four were lying down, but
all were dead, wth their eyes open and
lips hanging. It was absolutely ghastly.
Vet all of the animals, only the old
horse that had been munching hay, was
hit by a fragment of shell. The other
horse was half fulling, half leaning
agulnst tho fence, his forelegs stretched
nut forward, his hind feet doubled up
on the sand beneath him. Both had been
killed Instantly.
"There was a faint odor in the air,
which I can only describe as that glnu
oft by methylated spirit, yet mixed with
a pungent smell of methol. Later the
experiments were repeated on a much
larger scale at the French permanent
camps of Chalons and Mallly.
"For special reasons which It would be
unfair for me to dlvulgo at the present
moment, I nm strongly of tho opinion that
these shells havo not been usrd to any
eitont by the French armies In thn field.
I'rnbably an actual test under buttle con
ditions has been made once or twice, but
mi more.
"That this terrific explosive will, how
ever, be used In case of such an eventu
ality as an attempt to take Paris by
btorm. I have no doubt. But I am con
inced, despite the thousands of bombs
now prepared and the special apparatus
that are being cast, this explosive, a sin
gle uG-pound shell of which Is able to
kill so to speak 'petrify' every living
thing In n space of 4W square yards, will
not be used unless under very despcnite
circumstances, and only with the full con
tent of Franco's allies."
But Kaiser's Nephew Bays Raider
Will "Make a Run."
LONDON, Sept. 30.
An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Colombo today stated that a nephew of
Kaiser Wllhelm on board the German
cruiser Emden told the captain of a
captured ship that he expected the En.
den would be captured.
"But we'll make a inn forlt," lie added
it n..fit nt 4hA ruler of uermani.
alike In his function of monarch and his
rolo of husband and parent.
The "papa" of tlio Princess is very
much the Knlser of high politics, alter
nately gushing and ferocious, always
cocksure, and continually doing Indis
creet things. Everybody around him Is
kept ever on the move, or ready to bo
on the move next moment; everyone with
whom he comes Into contact Is expected
to be as Interested In everything as he
Is himself.
His son, the Crown Prince, Is not more
typically the tactless, hustling, grandiose
yet childlike, earnest but superficial
llohcnaollern than Is the Kaiser. All
things are plain to him, not excepting tho
mysterious ways of Providence; all ex
cepting the suffragettes. He admits that
he does not understand them.
Why, In heaven's name, do women
want the voto? he nsks. and he threaten
ed one charming suffragist whom he met
at Kiel, and who promised n suffragist
Invasion of Berlin, thnt If tho I'nnkhurst
Boctlon went to Germany, he would give
iham much worse than two days' deten
tion In Holloway with nowspnpers to
read nnd flowers to decornte their celK
The Kalcor Is not an nltogfther dis
agreeable person. Far from It. More
than once he hns paid tribute to the
beauty and attraction of the English
countiyslde; he hat a poem of Kipling
framed nnd hung In his room, his favor
ite book ns n. boy was 'Frank Fnlrlegh f
lib likes Dickens; ho buys his horses in
England or Irelnnd; ho sends to London
for his ten: ho worahlps Reynolds and
O.ilnsboroUgh and Nelson,
Tho Prussian spirit peeps out every
wheie If we look nt Wllhelm II closely,
despite tho European (or English) floss
of gentlcmanllncss. When Queen Alex
andria nnd thu Ocrman Empresi were
driven In Berlin the horses of their car
rlage were frightened by n salute of
guns. The master of tho horse was pa
tented subsequently by the Knlser to
King Edward, who already knew the of
ficial very well. "Here's the man who
inndis such n fearful bungle (Hat Slcll
Blamlrt) with his horses," said tlm
Kalicr, In presenting his humble servant.
The significance of Instances like this
cannot be exaggerated They are of es
sential Imrbirlstn not of civilized Lurope.
That the Knlser "means nothing" by
I horn rwlds to their significance.
The schoolhoylsh side of the Kaiser, al
though It may nt times embarrass need
lessly the solemn nnd deserving person,
rne condemns less severely. Indeed, It Is
possible to be pleased by tome of Miss
Topham's storyettei of tho mutual mis
chief of the Knlser and his daughter,
one day tho Princes'? shocked her gov
Uliss by making the "pop" of a cham
pagne eoik with her lips and cheeks, nnd
then Imitating thr guigle of the wine us
It runs Into a glass. "Whoever taught
ou the?o untndyllkf niTomplishmcnts''"
nsked the governess. "M-s-sh' It was
Pnpa'" raran the gleeful answer. "Ho
cm do It Bplemildly." And she gurgled
agnin In thr hope of development by long
prnctle a tab-nt equal to his
A distinguished prisoner In Hungary Is
a Russian general, Eugelio Mustlnoff.
General MnstlnolT still looks quite defiant,
although he hns grown a shade mure
modest since ho wns taken prisoner.
When brought Into the prison camp, ha
asked, thtough an Interpteter, for tho com
mander. Colonel Alfred von Obiiuer com
piled with the request, and, with tho
courtesy charncteilstlc of officers, pre
'sonted himself to the Russian gencrnl.
Tho caged Russian llou wus luetics
enough to icmnln seated. Colonel Obuuer
then commanded. In n firm but qulot
tone: "Attention 1" whereupon the gen
eral found It advisable to show, by rlsln-;
stiffly to his height, that ho took the les
son In military discipline.
A correspondent of a Vienna paper
thus describes a war-prison scene In
Hungary, between Eatoigom (Gran) nnd
"You find there next to Fionchmen,
with their well-c.ircd-for complexions,
Russian officers, with effeminate features
nnd red-fneed, weather-beaten .Servian
officers. Beside flaxen-haired Cossacks
there nro four fellows with coal black
heads negroes from tho coal mines of
CardlfT, who were seized on British mer
chant ships. Servian gypsies from Slm
bats complete tho picture. In tho ccntic
of the clicle there Is a grindstone, on
which a Cossack dutifully nnd humbly
sharpens, for one of our infantry soldiers,
a bayonet, which is to do service ng.iinst
the northe'rn foe. All around nro giouped
Servians nnd Montenegrins, who look on,
with ill-concealed anger, whllo their
hoped-for deliverer serves the yon of tho
Pusztn. Now there approaches the group
an elegant figure Captain Gcony, of the
Royal Yeomanry, whom England's decla
ration of war surprised In Hungary and
who now waits In vnln for tho British
Consul, who Is to liberate him. Monsieur
G. Ralnnl, tho former trapeze artist of
Ronacher's variety show, now ' French
lieutenant of tho reserves performs a
trick on a. chair with three legs.
An Instance of how nnxlous Irish sol
diers are to go to tho fiont was wit
nessed recently at Chelsea Barrack",
where tho Irish Guards were quartered.
Lato ono evening somo ono spread tho
rumor that tho Iilsh Guaids weie to bo
transferred to one of the nimy depots.
That evening was ono of tho wildest
known at Chelsea Barracks. Then camu
tho announcement that tho rumor was
Immediately the Irish Guards sot up
the cry, "Wo want tr go to tho front.
Our place Is in Franco. Wo won't go to
any depots." For moie than an hour
tho yelling kept up. Then tho officer
made speeches telling the men to bo
patient that they Mon would be off for
the scene of fighting. Even after these
promises a force of mounted police was
established about tho barracks to Insuie
pence and quiet.
Corporul J. Hnlley In n letter home o-
Narrow Roads and Steep
Defiles Impede Passage.
Likened to Napoleon's
Crossing of Alps.
PETRDGUAD, Sept. 30.
Napoleon's teat In ciosslug tho Alps
may be duplicated by the Russians.
Ono of the outstanding features t tho
war haB been tho passage of thu Carpa
thian Mountains by tho Russl.in army
which Is Invading Hungary.
Details wero received ht'io today. Somo
of the passes through which tho Russians
made their way havo nu nltitudo of UPOu
feet and lie between heights continually
capped with snow. Tho roads wero teui
and narrow and the Russians made most
of their marches at night so ua to es
cape ambuscades. Thero weio steep cliffs
to bo overcomo and stretches of tenl
tory to be tr.ner.-H-d whero iho inellno
was so sharp that tho soldiers liiul to l
their bayonets to their rlllcs nnd uso
them as alpenstocks.
The task of hauling supply trains over
this territory was n tiemomluiis ono. Tlio
hardships of tho Invaders were multiplied
by the scarcity of loads.
Fortunately for tho Russians they met
with little leslstniu-e. Tho Austrian sol
diers posted on thu western slope-, of
the faiimthlniis lied at tin- approach of
ine Kiissian v.tiiKti.ml Tlu lin.ulei ,
wereaccompaiilt'd by hurdt-s of i'umkU.
and theli feat In getting tlii'lr huit- up
and down the steep inuuiitaiu slopt has
aroused the admltatlou of the uiiiuh
It seems that tho Austrlans uie aban
doning t-astem Hungary to Its fate In ol
der to co-operate with tho Unmans.
Jn descending the plains wost of tin
Carpathians the Russians will find their
greatest obstacles nlong the banks of !
me Tisa imr. which Is lint-d wlli
So fur a known, there are no stiong
fortresses between the m stem routhlUs
of the Carpathians and the Tisza Kiwi
but the country ofu-rs topoj,iaphKal ob
stacles which will tax the Ingenuity of
the Russian generals.
presses lively contempt for German
inaiksmanshlp, as follows:
"On the firing line tho Germans seem
to hno more ammunition than Is good
for them, and they keep firing away at
leust ten rounds for every ono of ours
without doing hulf the damage, or any
thing like it.
"Theif doesn't appear to be a man
among them who could score u 'bull's
eye' once In a hundred shots, and as for
making a good show nt Blsley, they sim
ply couldn't do It anyhow. German pris
oners admit that they are bad shots, nnd
they nru amazed at tho way wo pepper
them when they ure advancing.
"It's very Jolly In camp In spite of nil
the drawbacks of active service, nnd we
have lively times when the Germans
aren't hanging uiound to pay their rc
speots. "it's a fine sight to see us on the
march, swinging along the roads as hap
py as schoolboys nnd singing nil the
old songs we can think of. The tunes are
sometimes a bit out, but nobody minds
so long ns we're happy.
"We're u Jolly night better fed than
tho (lei mans, nnd In most ways better
oft than tho men In South Africa. We
nlwnj'H hnvu is much bully beef as we
can cat, and potatoes and other vegeta
bles with Jam nre nearly always served
to us.
"As we pass through the villages the
French come out to cheer us and bring
us food anil fruit. Cigarettes we get more
of than we know what to do with. Somo
of them arc rotten, so we save them for
thu German prisoners, who will smoke
anything they can lay their hands on.
Flowers we get plenty of, nnd are hav
ing the time of our lives."
An old lady of London, anxious to fol
low the Kuropean campaign with the aid
of a war map which she had purchased.
took it ljncK to ner stationer, complain
ing that It did not show the battlefield
of Aimageddon, about which she had
heaid so much.
F.O II. Detroit
fiMSMinatr Tourtng C
snJ RoaJsttr
The Hup has
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ed the buyer's
and this car
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Store Opens 8.30 A. M.
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Even after a week of the bimsiest rug selling" Pltoila-
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Bflgelow ArdebSO Wiflitom Rugs
22 1-2x36
Bigelow Dsghestan WaHton Rqgs
27x54 ... 54
36x63 . . . 6.50
4.6x7.6 ... 13
6x9 . . . 23.25
8.3x10.6 . . . 33.75
9x12 . . . 37,50
Bigelovv Arlipgitoira Rugs
36x63 . . . 54.50
6X9 , . . I6,7
8.3x10.6 . . . 26,25
9x12 ... 28
Bjgelow Bagdad Wilton Rup
36x63 , . , 55.25
8.3x10.6 . 28
9x12 ... 32
BJgelow Bagdad Brussels Rwgs
27x54 . . . $2.45
4,6x7.6 , . . 8.5Q
6x9 ... 15
8JX10.6 . . . 22.50
Xl2 . . . 24.50
Bigelow Balkan Waltoira Rugs
27x36 . . . 52.60
4,6x7.6 . . . 14.50
6x9 ... 25.75
8.3x10.6 . . 33.75
9x12 . . . 37.50
BSgelow Utopia Axmimsileir Rug
I8s36 ". . . 51.30
2448 ... 2
30x60 . . . 2,75
0x9 . . . I4.5Q
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9x12 ... 34
BJgelow Electro Axminster fRwg
B5gelw Middlesex
Body Brussels Risgs
6x9 ... $13.25
8.3x10.6 . . 19,50
9x12 . , . 31.75
Bigglsw priten Wilton Rup
S.3.X1Q.6 . , 34,50
9x12 . . , 27.50
The Sale is in the Rug Store, Fourth Floor, Market
tBBI1MIKr--Tiinirn- ,tm0Jtem