Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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" ' W'
Baseball Moguls Hold Meet
jng This Morning at Bellc-vue-Stratford
to Complete
THeir Plans.
Tho Notional Commission, armed and
well prepared with a 60-ccnt plcco, went
Intb moro or If.ss executive cession at the
Bcllovuo-Stratford Hotel this morning to
arrange tho last details of tho world's
series. Tho presence of the. half dollar
was made necessary becaute on tho re
sult of tho tos'd depends where the first
game between the Athletics and Qravcw
T HI bo staged,
Tho other detail requiring attention vrns
the naming of tho date for the first imo.
Tho arrangement of tlio scries schedule,
which Included tho settlement of the ques
tion as to Whether two games should be
played In succession In Boston and Phil
adelphia or one game alternately, as pro
posd by Manager Staltlngs, was anothor
matter to bo dlscusced. The matter of
tho starting hour for the games, tho se
lection of the umpires from tho two
leagues, giving ofllclal canctlon for tho
playing of tho series and other details
of lesser consequence were taken u? In
The commission, composed of Ban John
son, Garry Hen man and Governor Toner,
wero assisted In their work by President
Gnffney and Manager Stalllngs, of the
Boston club, and President Shlb'o anr"
Manager Mack, of the Athletics.
This nftcrncon the Commission plans
to witness tho Phillies-Brooklyn gamo
at Broad and Huntingdon streets, at .1
o'clock. This Is tho beginning of the
final scries to be played by Dooln's
men In Philadelphia this year. Follow
ing this series, the local National
Leaguers go to Now York to completo
the schedule, playing tho defeated
While, things are happening In Phila
delphia, tho Athletics nrc In Washing
ton preparing for the world's series.
That Is, feomo of the regulars are there.
The line-up today for tho Athletics
a;aliist tho Nationals has not been an
nounced. Baker, Collins, Oldrlng, Ben
der, Plank and Feveral other members
of tho team camo directly to Philadel
phia from St. Louis. Hero they will get
In idiapo for the scries. Several of tho
regulars will play In tho Now York
erics hero, the last of the season.
The enthusiasm displaveil by the members
of tho Hactilon Country Club Is manifestoil
from the number who turned out for the club
cnamp.onslilp. So laigc was tho thron? that
v lined to play that it vvas found necessary to
form tlirco slxtcens beside tho cliamploiiuliiii
division .
Many surprises wero In store for the mem
btrs of tho Old York Itoad Country Club In
their club championship tournament, the first
round or niatch play for which has alrca.lj
tn completed. Or. Parrs, thu present holder
or tlio title, has won tho championship three
time, and In his encounter with Dr. Stalor.
no has won tlio Clartnco Miller Cup threo
times. Dr. I'arry had to acknowledge defeat,
llotn were expected to reach the finals. Dr
Jiajor. In turn, was eliminated from further
participation in the event by Kdwln Steven".
no looms up as the likely winner.
Tho wlnnlnrr of tho Ilcrtcllvn Cup at the
IiumlnKdon Valley Country Club last Patur
div j Mrs. K. H l'-ltler, of the Merlon
rr!,ct Club, brings beforo tho public a new
figure In local championship circles and a
K'lfei who will have to be reckoned with In
no future. Havlnsr tasted tho lijs of victorv,
V Is extremely unlll.elj that Mrs. Filler will
be ratlsfloj In future with anv but the 'first
rlace. And It ma lie bald In passing that
hTi Is a colfcr who knows her shots nnd
can play Ihem. Her shots with tho wood and
Iron aro straight and long, nnd were It not
for nr erratic performances on tho rrrcens
nt times she would be a still more prominent
Motor The litter fault can be overcome with
practice, and It is sifo to assume that Mrs.
i'ltler is awaro of her troubles anil will cn
ciavor to correct them. ,
Thi final round of match play for the chim-rlons-ilp
f the North Hills Country Club will
re cmtfsted on Sntur.lnv of this week and the
match should be a corker. C. H. Murrav. the
Bitucut tltkholder, will hoolc up with S. II Ft.
John who is nro nomo polfer, nnd nonn.lv
on ilmht tint iho event will bo fuuiiht to the
'". Hoth won their matrhrs last week by
aixiut the simo marfsln. Murrav was il tin
jnd .. to play nnd Ht John was 0 up and 4
n pin j. Hut St. John will hue to trael If
ins form thawed by Murray Is nnv criterion,
l.urr.iv went t; Iho turn In 02 nnd made tho
c a trokes-and then the match
Tor a team mati-h tho ono plaieil at the
Rirlnuhiiven fount"- Club Inst Saturday -tween
that eluli nnd tho Wllmlnston Cnuntrv
nun was about the most eicltlns and mot
closily contested that can be Imaslned. Th're
'I. .'l .V.alr." ni?ae;I In the struKRlc.
and ti'it until tho very lat threo mntcien v en
irmludM was It known that Snrlnnhnven hid
ceme off with the vlitnry. The l.vter rec's
tered wins In 2T matches and the clrr-re from
Delaware scored victories In 21 contests.
XW x raS expected to PWfy) J YWr: S -
v mnirn up will usf IBl--ivVKlii a WLL Bt WELL -5r?r"
s which He wni woe f M 1 KvJihrhWyM 1 -rnweriM snt?c rP -?5?5SS
on ms march from ( WmMmBmkiM ' B iSiis
SOME 3gS ?iM BIS i f W
J0::S:::-, CON I!aO pitchers wll be WHERE THE A,&
Credit for Great Race Should
Be Divided Among Stal
lings, Evers, Maranville,
Tyler, Rudolph and James.
Secretary of War Instru
mental in Ending Negotia
tions When Differences
Could Not Be Settled.
Mr. Gairlson, Secretary of War, yes
terday tecommended to tho West I'olnt
athletic authorities that all negotiations
ulth Annapolis for tho arrangement of
futuie football games be abandoned. This
action ended tlio unsuccessful attempts
o'f representatives of tho two academies
to select a site for the inter-Ecrvlce con
test. The Secretary of tho Navy, Mr. Daniels,
and Mr. Garrison were appealed to to
settle this qu?stlon. Both of them sided
with West I'olnt, but tho Naval Academy
representatives refused to yield. Mr. Gar
tison then advised West Tolnt to call tho
negotiations off.
This dispute has now continued for sov
eral months, aud-thcro Is little question
that tho deadlock and Mr. Garrison's
drastic recommendations will prevent any
game this year and even serlouoly
threaten tho continuance of this yearly
contest on the gridiron between the Army
and the Navy.
The Navy now objected to this schema
becauso ft discovered that Washington
has not the facilities to handle the gamo
nnd tho most Southern point which the
Navy could obtain would bo Philadelphia
That would place tho game every other
year In New York and on tho alternate
e.u lu Philadelphia. With such an ar
rangement tho Navy would have by far
tho greater distnnco to travel, would be
put to greater expense nnd would lose the
udvantngo In the gamo which a short
Journey for the team gives.
Gridiron News Gleaned From Leading Colleges
Idea of
at Penn
Coach Brooke
Thought to Be a Very
Wise Move.
There's two or threo Bin Jameses loose.
Tho name's been put In gen'ral use by
Kuys with pltchln wings. The Dill I
want to tell about, however, sort o'
stands rlsht out, a kind of King 'mons
Kings. He's one o" thoso three demon
guys who brought about tho Boston rise
that's set the ol' league daft. Ills work
an' Itmiolph's, Tyler's too, havo sure
Btlnvd up one lino young stew among
the 'msebnll craft.
Hill made his bow a year ago an' bet
tered fair, as rookie go. Tho Braves
were rotten, too. Hut he developed fast,
this kid, an' when they pried the '11 lid
Hill showed "em who was who. Two runs
a game Is doln' well: sometimes the foe
uo't get a smell when Hill Is on tho
mound JK-'s good for eighteen frames a
an' more, without a growl or
E'lueak or cither peevish sound.
fhey oughta call him coastwise Bill
He plajed In Seattle until George Stnll
Jibs lunkeu him 1,'ast. An' California
iim. tlle piAC0 w"c"c pa an' ma first saw
"Ills face an' spread his high chair
'east, night now Bill's only twenty-two.
Jiesuro has lots o' time to do his star
") sptclalty. There's Just a chance
''ll peter out. but credit one. large,
ell-formcd doubt to ol' man Bed Sic
Ohee. -A. M. Cotrlgan.
George 13. i.,a,( oi lll0 Ncvv Vork
American, is the author of tho following
w" of rhyme:
" alwa makes a light fan howl,
And utter streaks of blue.
Ai!lcar a ')a,r ot flKhtera howl
About an ounce or two.
,Whc" Inman. England's great billiard
y ' accurl1 a "Is lead on Willie
oppo, the American, the followers who
ml po,cd '"J not worry. However,
v "s not B0 cll Informed thought tho
rh wa 0"tcJacd, us he really was
,."' crt of the matter, however, was
nat Inmatt plajed the English stile of
??mo and had the advantage over
lhPP' .V3,erday when Hoppo played
tho John Bull visitor look like a novice.
Hcppc Is now leading, 1301 points to 807.
We agree with Georgo that the fight
fan has a kick coming when fighters
howl about an ounco or two, but what
about "a fighter" George, when that man
Is poorer by n hundred or two? Kid
Williams was a quarter of a pound over
weight thp other night when he met
Kltl Herman here, and It cost the Balti
more Kid just f30 an ounco.
Tnlltln? about the Kid Wllllams-Kld
Herman fight tho other night, it Is now
pretty well agreed that oven champion
fighters aro not to bo petted; nor aro
they to be allowed to "run tho show"
to suit themselves. Williams, as cham
pion, probably figured ho should be given
the preference as to the corner ho want
ed. Herman didn't think so. That's how
tho fun started.
OrsaiiUuil baseball Is truly neutral, and
that's why tho I-'edetals were denied a
cut of the world serlc3 pie.
Partlv by Walter Trumbull, but prac
tically by Scott:
Giants, rest! thy warfare o'er.
Gone all thoughts of Boston breaking:
Dream of battled fields no more.
Pays of danger, nights of waking,
Whtro the fortress of the Braves
Stands amid the lair of learning,
There a captured banner waves;
Vain now all regret of yearning.
Giants, rest; thy warfare o'er,
Uteam of fighting Holds no more.
Georgo Stalllngs, the "Miracle Man"
and his Braves are to bo concratulatoH
They havo beaten the Giants for tho
honor of playing the world's series. Did
I hear stime one say "The worst Is yet
to come"T
"Penn's Varsity Crushed the Scrubs"
Is the headline In a local paper. Strange
what clMiiges are wrought In a day. Evi
driitly that bit of heart-to-heart talk of
Geoige Brooke's has gone home
Now York is to have a horse show after
all It was at first thought Impossible.
i-nuaueipnians win oe interested
Disciplining lagging football players by
dropping them from a training table Is 1
something new In gridiron strategy. But
hereafter any man who partakes ot tho
carefully selected food ot tho Pcnnsl
vnnia training table will have to play
football up to tho standard set by Coach
George H. Brooke. This training table Is
to bo an exclusive place, and a scat there
will bo a seat of honor. Eleven players
found that out yesterday.
This is distinctly a Pennsylvania Inno
vation, and tho Idea Is a good one. Theto
Is no ground for any of the men dropped ,
yesterday and sent back to their own
homes or boarding houses to get their j
meals to feel that they have been uufahly '
dealt with. Every player now knows that
he has set beforo him a standard of efll- '
clency which. If he maintains, will assuro
him a place of honor at the Quaker train
ing tabic. Failure to meet It means that
ho will bo summarily dropped. Still theto
will be no limit to the number of playeis
who may be at the tabic As Captain
Journcny said. In commenting on tho
new rule, they would have 50 men at the
tablu If 50 men could bo found who meas
ured up to their standard.
Perhaps It was this diastic ruling on
tho coach's part that put new llfo Into
tho Quaker cloven yesterday. Anyhow,
the varsity regulars went at the scrubs
with more spirit than they havo shown ,
any time this season, in 15 minutes' time
tho regulars took the ball across tho
sctubs' goal line threo times. Two of tho
touchdowns were made by Merrill and
tho third by Avery. This big halfback
took a long forward pass from Irwin, who
replaced Merrill at quarterback, and then
dashed to yards down tho field for tho
1 M 1
s era Si-aiSS?SS'3c 5k9 51
i iM"si :mi . -t. r- -Ymma
I (?& ''AmF ?'' s3XHr a !
m J ,? & x&JBa i '
I fflil 4- ?,1 '', S W
? ratt&mtiL Auuinm i
All of the Big College
Elevens Are Now in Hard
Training for the Important
Locke, formerly of Haverford Col
lege, is a lineman candidate on the
State College eleven.
Pennsylvania is not looking for an easy CAMnrtlDon
gamo with Franklin and Marshall on
Saturday, although tho Lancaster colle
gians were beaten by Lehigh 12-0. Frank
lin and Marshall has a heavy team this
year and ono that has had a good bit
of piUlminnry work. I'nder theto cli
cumstanees It ought lo glvo tlio Quakers
quite as good an argument as did Gettys
burg. PniNf ETON, N" .1 , Sept. 30.-Wlth koo.1.
snappy football weatlu'r tn fior them, Prlnt'H
tiara football wiurlnrs wero ghtn a har.l
practice yesterday afternoon. hl h rnddl
with a -tri-mlnuto strlmmiKP Tlbbnt ai;dln
appeared at i" irterli ick 011 the t,irslt .mil
iuii th team In bini I t lc. consiaerinsr that
It was his lira: sirlimiKur In that lusltUn.
Fept SO I!arapl livl Its
hardest pnetico of the ar cstorday, the
varsltN brlnn on tho go for an hour without
a let-up. Two shifts wore made on thu reK
ulam, It. Curtli taking Morgan's place at left
tackle and late In the scrimmage Swtetzer,
last year's freshman captain, taking Ttuiti
tiull'i placo on tho other side. Tho second
team, reinforced on defense by Coachos Blag
den and Hitchcock, offered much moro resist
ance to tho xarsltj's plas than Bates did last
ITHACA. Sept .loi'ho Cornell football
camp was mood up to the new gridiron on
Alumni Held tract csterday afternoon, and
for tho remainder of tho seaon practice will
b. hill there. The crimes will be nlitnl nn
Percy Field, as the stadium which faces tho
north side of the new Held Is not et finished,
f-omo of tlio aralty men were .1 bit lata It
I reporting jeslerday because of unlieralty
F-HMuies, but at 0 SO tho team tncaiced In a
scrimmage with the scrubs. In width the ar
alt went from mldtleld for a touchdown.
ANN AltliOIt. Sept7S0.-Pupll Is pitted
against teacher In thu opening -Mlchlsan jramu
Wednesday, as foaili rioKle, of IJ11 I'auw, was
a lineman under Yost here for three sears.
t;0tral MUhUnn stars will bo on the slda
lines In the first game, anlt at rlKht half,
.-plann ut full and Watson at right tacklu
tulmr Kipt out by Injuries. Vost Is not ex
pectlns; any trouble, however, despite the fact
that lie I'uuw held Indiana to a 1.1 to 0 scoro
on Saturday.
r.ANCATEIl. I"i.,Sept. .10 -raul F.vans.
i.rslt end, had Ills neck sprained In scrim
mage here last nlpht. Under ordlimrj circum
stances ho will be ablo to bo In the I'enn
game. Captain Dlehl. baik at the game, has
bern put In at guard. Coich Mmnr has dnnu
this In ordtr to hao a man to break up fur
wi.rd paesis. In this phase of the caino tho
team was especially we-ik at Lehlgli pcrlm
mnB last night was rasped and the arslty
tn.ule no consistent gains against tho second
PfiPTH IinTIIMTIinM. Pa.. Sept. .10.-V
sotlnck ut tho t irt marred football practice
?'..'. '"M11 'erda when Hi-ban. thu star
lulfbnik. was Injure I In a rush and will bo
iut ,if the gam for n few das Tho lino re
ceived const I. rib'e att.ntlon, as did several
iiiu plus vvhl.h will I,, used aBalnst the In
dlans on rfiturdav Sirunrfa whs moved bark
1 1 1 en-re fr .in rlKht tacklo. and Klrkpatrlok
was in; In at le t ml Italsted tirlanev nnd
ItUIinids ar all lioulru- Imnrovemeiu on the
line and In tho barktlel I.
"o gooa oia American way he wado doubt It U to be held during December,
Larry Nole, Charles Hesser,
James Denny, Harry
Fryckburg, John Harvey
and R. Warren Comprise
Six representatives of tho Philadelphia
I'ulice Department track and field sfad
will go to Newark, N. J., nest Saturday
afternoon to take part In tt closed ono
mile relay race. In addition to the closed
competition the local police athletes will
try their skill In the ICO-yard dash and
HO-yard mn, open.
Tho one-mile relay team Is Bure to bo
heard ftom In the race, as the men havo
been training carefully. Larry Nole,
Charles liesccr. James Denny and llan
C. Krjcl.burg will run In tho ordet
li.tmid. This team Ik considered to bo
ono of the fastest that has woin the
police colors In )iars.
John Haroy and Rutherford Warren
will cempeto In the open 110-yard run,
while Harry Fryckburg will try his speed
in the 100-yard dash. The men are to
enjoy their last bit of training tomorrow
afternoon on Franklin Field.
Hannes Kolehmalnen, the world's
greatest amateur distance runner, who
returned fiom his home In Finland lait
week, lias begun training for an exten
sive winter campaign Under the caic
of Lawson RobtrUon, coach of the Irish
American Athletic Club, of New York
city, he Is going through light exercise
at Celtic Park.
Itustnii, a 1 f iiii'iik'o, ;
I'lttsliiirL-li, ni New tirk. :.
Oilier 1 lull, not lirdlllcd.
Ilrool.lrn nl I'hlludelplilii.
H0M1111 nt New nrk VI gumrO.
Other 1 lulis nut m IiciIiiIciI.
IlrnnMjn lit I'lllladi'lplila.
itiistull ut New nrU.
C inilniiatl nt I'llUburKli.
v r. im' w I. pc
Huston S .'Ml ill! I'hlllli,... 7i 7 .11)11
New Vork mi 1,11 ',4 llr.mlih n 71 7s .4Sd
M l.outs 77 Hit S.'S l'lltsli'gh 114 SU M
Chicago... 75 73 SOT Cincinnati S3 S'J 3'Jl
I.1111U, i Detroit. I
1 irviiuuii, in; t'liirnen, 1.
tltlirr tluli'. nut ilK'diilcd.
Allililln nt W iistilnuton.
.New nrl. ut llii-tnn.
Di'lrult nt M. 1 ouls.
C IiUmu'ii ut I'lfi eland.
Athletic at tVusliingtmi.
New url. ut Huston.
Ilelrolt nt St, foul.
V I. I i- w 1, tip
tlllrtlos.. Ul All Mil 1 l.nuis lis 7U HUJ
llt.ktnn hs ".s i.dll hi. ik is hi .VJ
Watirtuii 77 "11 '..'li .ikH7 sn 4-,i,
pctioit 77 1.' 'ilTCIt vviind .u lm 33j
Iluftalo. II; Kuusas (It). 0 (Ut Kiinie).
Iluftalo, 4, Kuii.as CIt. u t.'d Kume,
, , . ,, iniilug. tullfil).
Clilcan, , ; ;IUookln. t (H IiiiiIuks, lulled),
llaltlmore. H; St. hiul.. 1.
I'lll.liursli, 3: Inilluuapolh, 0.
Maltlmore at llniuklfii.
Vittburiih ut llufralo
, ,. , M. I mils ut riilracii.
Iiidiaiinpolit-Uuiika Cits (not .iliidiilcill.
W I VC w 1. PC
(hKaco J3 n:i sua Brookivn I: 71 'At
IndlvplU 81) i,.t 5.VJ Kan Ci 6rt Th 1SS
lUltlmore 77 05 Kit gt l.oals Ul Si 4J4
Buffalo 7 1 OU -,3.' Fll'sbrh fs HI US
Last Year's Central High
School Captain Will Be
as a Broad
Ira Dertolct Is a welcome addition to
the Penn freshmen trad; squad. Last
year's Central High captain was by far
the best broad Jumper In the local schools,
the only nthlete capable of elvlns him
any Kind of a battle lit this event belns
yuuns Hough, of Georse School. Dcrtolet
Improved as the scholastic season wore
on, clearing over 21 feet with marked
regularity. His best mark Is 21 feet 10
Inches, made about a month agro. "Bud"
made qulto a reputation last fall as a
member ot tho Central High cloven, but
has decided to confine himself iolely to
ttack athletics while at Pennsylvania.
P.oman Catholic High School will again
be represented on the gridiron this sea
son after an absence of ono year. The
mateilal labt fall proved too light froni
which a representative eleven could be de
veloped, but brighter prospects aro in
view this ear. J. J. Greer, former Cath
olic University player, will coach tho
f.quad, which now numbers about 35 can
didates. The most promising of these are
l'anzullu, a member of last year's West
Philadelphia I!1k1 School squad; Glass
cott, of tho basketball team; McLaughlin,
Cunningham, Wnlsh, Clavln, guard of the
1012 team; Mason, McCarthy, Qulnn,
Smith, Rook, Allard, Frlel, McCann,
Hunt and Oeltrlch.
Tot. W. U Pc.
July 18 S 33 43 .44')
July 13 7 36 43 .(VI
July 21 R 37 41 Ml
July 21 4 3 43 .4S!)
(Continued In fourth place).
Aug. n 4 CO 4fi .521
Aug. 10 2 fit 4ii .52(1
Aug. 11 3 51 ir, .526
Au. 12 2 61 46 ,526
(Held second place).
Aug. 22 2 ft 4S .551
Aug. 23 5 4 .551
Aug. 21 2 5') 4'J .546
Atlg. 2 2 CO 43 .57)
Aug. 26 2 IV) 50 .M'i
Aug. 27 3 fiO 51 .541
Aug. 23 3 CO 51 .541
Aug. 23 2 62 51 .51')
Aug. 30 2 03 51 .55.1
Aug. 31 2 63 51 .553
Sept. 1 2 1.3 51 .553
Sept. 2 1 On 51 .660
Sept. 3 2 03 52 .5W
Sept. 4 2 06 62 .559
Sept. 5 ! 67 52 .563
ept. 7(n. tn.) 1 OS 62 .661
Sept. 7fp. m.) U 61 53 .560
Sept. 8 1 69 53 .566
Tied with Giants.
Since gnlning the lead on September
S, when they defeated the Giants in
tho deciding game ot a scries In Bos
ton, "lie Biavr-1 have not been headed.
During the long spurt from July 18 to
September 8, the Braoa won 34 and
lost 10 garni s. and while at the top In
sole possession of the berth, had
gained 13 victories in 18 games up to
yesterday. On July C, when the Braves
were supposed to be anchored for tho
season in last place, with 26 victories
and 40 defeats, the uplift movement
began with a double victory over tho
Dodgers, and since that date the
Braves have won 58 and lost 16 games,
a percentage of ."SI.
William J. Clothier, the one-time na
tional champion, who was a semi-finalist
at Xewpott this jenr In tho all-comors'
championship, displncd flashes of his
old torm nt tho Huntingdon Valley Coun
try Club when he took pan In the Invita
tion challenge cup doubles competition.
Clothlei cimo through the season with
an excellent record.
i . Jennings, of the Phlludelnhla
('ritltet Club, is Improving wonderfully
in limn tuinis. Although not In tho class
ith Clothier, Williams or Johnson as a
tournament plaer, ho has shown sroat
generalship on the court and has been a
rbtiipetltnr In the interelub sines for the
Show Tomorrow Will Prob-1 &t" llar,in's oreanii!Uon-
ably Be a Two-pointer.
The Entry List Now Num
bers Well Over 400.
Tennis players In Wist Philadelphia,
lid by Percy , Jones, liaNe made UkO
of the -vacant lot nt 4"th and Locufct
streets. whleH nieaur.s 50x100 fet, for
day and nlent tennis. The t'arragut Ten
nis Club was In baoK of the movement to
liuve tho court artluVlally lichted and tho
venture proved successful Kuseno Webb
ami V. Adna.nmwn, Jt.. both studonts
of HiivorfurU College, uro the Xarrauut
Tho American Kennel Club show sched
uled at Uncaster. r , tomorrow will, in
all probability, be n two pointer. 1'horo
Will lti frtW intil..a L.. ....
" " WIllliL. 11(1111 Inil1lnlnkl..
S.mtn, pv,i.... u. .'I"'' "?"". ' . j.ur.,,1 Ilurn, ,,,. r f
..,,, , w,, UD uiiuuuiieeu mat over '-"'' timaJ tha hl .r.n.B o.uiia not bo
tw vinru'3 nave uecn recorded.
Tho entries aro for tho most part from
Lancaster, but sovoraj Phlladolpiiia ex.
hlbltors havo entered. Mrs. T. H. Ben
nett, of Collie fame, is ono, ami slio will
show Pr. Churles Hawkins' blootlhound
Klngcrfnt. Jr. '
Anotliir loial lad will be present
ire iiiiov in the pnon of ir. J j
Kins, who will khuw t
J. nr.n nurnt mnnaji r i,f -Jo. llorrll
L.ii tutiiii .lui nm iirui.MM a. ml. I m. ,...
Pm nU l.in liniui,. u . (... .. I... ....
I the ten slnipli rmou that he hat forblaa. i
in iunier tu u w it eiins Johnnv" uxrte.l
to hav hl man box for s puree u- ITMk Later
the urmoter of thai ahow foun.1 h...- .im.,..
alu Uorrall's frvUe at more than SSft). an I
thcra hliuia th nurn tjun. nUtm will not
aitow ht man to Mule for i-ioo.
Having set a now mark for completo
reversal of form, tho Hoston llravcs ara
now prepared to glvn battle to tho Ath
letics for tho world's baseball champion
ship. This National league club, whose
movements on tho field hae been directed
during the last two years by Georgo
Stalllngs, has upset precedent by malting1
tho most remarkable pennant run ever
recorded in tho major leagues.
Connie Mack once remarked that It took
five year3 to build up a winner. Stalllngs
has demonstrated that if there aro any
rules regarding tho development ot a tri
umphant club, there aro exceptions. Ho
has made tho pennant prognostlcators ot
the land look foolish by coming to the
fore In an almost miraculous manner,
when It was generally forecasted that his
cluh would not finish a good eighth.
There were a few, very few, who, prior
to the opening of tho National League,
averred that Stalllngs' men had a chance
to win the pennant.
Tne qunstion concerning tho Boston
club's race to the flag is not "Now you
have won it, what aro you going to do
with it?" but "How did you do If" Just
how Is Indeed a matter that puzzles tho
baseball world. The simple answer, of
course. Is that the Braves played the
best ball in tho National League. But
what forces combined to bring about that
condition'.' Briefly, there weie six rea
sons: Stalllngs, Evcrs, Maranville, Jame,
Tyler and Rudolph.
Beginning with the crack of the gun
on April 11 the Braves were off. But
they wero not off Into the lead. They
soon dropped down and remained near
tho small end of tho percentage column
until after July IS. On that date Stall
lngs' team was being given a dally
tongue lashing by the vorboso leader.
Suddenly tho team awoke. On July 21
tho Braves had, thanks to the close
grouping of the other clubs, Jumped Into
fourth place Trom then until August 9
tho Braves teemed to be Immovable, but
on August 10 they went into second place..
It was lust nt this petlod of the race"
that McGraw, who had been leading, hap
pened to look back. He had to rub his
eyes twlco before he believed he was
gazing on tho Boston team.
Even then no ono seriously considered
the Bravos as n pennant possibility ex
cept Stalllngs and the Braves themselves.
Apparently they knew then their power,
ami It was partly this confidence that
helped thorn to wlPld It.
But to got back to dates. The Braves
continued in second place from August 9
until September 2. when they drew along
side the Giants, much to McGraw's sor
row. Then It was that tho Giants awoke.
But it was too lute. McGraw opened,
tho throttle, but tluio was a leakage In
tho power. M.ittv was not going well,
Marquard was doing prurlv and the en
tire New Vork i-luh was demoralized at
the thought of having their plans for
spending the worlds series so rudely
But all this time Stallings' mon were
not figuring on tho series monev They
wero on the field playing ball every af
ternoon except when It rained. Tho hot
flffht throut-h Soiitcmber between the
Bravos and tho Giants will long be re
membered. Confidence was on thn sldn
of tho Braves, and overconndence. which
soon changed m desperation, on the side
of the UUnt.
The Braves were victorious and after
that date thev wero never topped by New
York, though the Uothamltm made a de
termined fight until the finish vesterday.
Tho fijrureu thow that it took the
Braves only ft trifle over klx weeks to
bo froTi Ut to rtrst pU-e and only a.
little over two months, from July IS, to
ilinb the Hag and give the fans of Bos
ton a p'nna.it In the Vational League
or me ore lime in sixteen jears.
The bulk of the credit for winning the
pennant should be given George Stal
llngs He is a brainy bail player Thla
must bo admitted by everyono. no mat
ter what then personal opinions of the
manager nuv be when lie is not on thn
bench He ruts made a pennant wlnnlns
club of Ave ball Havers
It Is obvious i, one who has f. flowed
the ililtitf foituii.M of the Mruvrg that
thn .uttie
!l ll. liJUi'l
betides lier c-ra..,.n.,...i. i....... .. , . "".. .' ' S. f' ""',,"" ... npi...i. u n nan an ..ne
" ' -- vuMtirrwr, S..' 'K ".'!"", ,,'lf".... " "' ' Of m PVe PUJWS .nr.-aiiv tmrneil tu-en
! Lv T ,,,"'," ," lrkhiU. c. ,0f K"S &iTiivvh&7UXtfl2 to P-norm , Ma.anvllle. who per.
ni ihr.ii M.n.;. r"" """ -o. i Jh't. .rr.' -.... '..'!". .. '
, ..... B,,wn tfiimnw urti. Livaren h WaiA- '
I of West Philadelphia, has decided to " u
mini an. ui i..iiiuu one or hw Bnsrlldh
toys. Boothwyn Ceclla. "Sun
TO" onu redeeming femur of th Pulrmount
A. fhow lut night a ih inl-u. o
iti Johnn" Plata an I ' Huk' Plmi
nMnit 1'l.W.l BU SUl.tfl lll.r.l In. M. ..
. j j.Hi'VaV.ixuin'iuror.v " i
o t,t itrnj. I ui .oi frm. hli.aitani K.timuiiu mil !' "edit tor wli.iilnrf 'n.imai h ji
o. uernraa n.t up a hr.l nn 1 ihmih . aitm with iK not havt aiunpl.li 4 it J.ai
J V. Burton. Ilatavfa. Ill . secrtary of
:rttd lu uuko a craudstanJ Anifth i .h. iL.2
rounii, but FJemmlnc wm io.i tr ing and be
tuM to nothlas ,1lh the 4antoi Uixer.
Tommi" niley rrt J'rtwton dmub to tni
mial-up. sailth was BlUInu at all tlm
but feo n-AUBSaiWly. n.j although he laid
a nun-ber of tun! b!o it Ulle i bS,i
'i" ." , " .wv,i. t'srwrna Dnilio lK9 eiit.
. ,u ..victim .iin,-, i mi,, unnountes that """'" -K0 oniitn. nr the Ulrtuu. uhi
the date of the tiil t Klikvlll io ','i0,A,v.?.'sl' '"' tu K" W'"'"'n to !
I" 'h Ij il tu. an I u .ii in .vtrv . . ,f
fuimed ell m UH. ariie Into his own
tn startling ttvlt thm year, tittinic lr
around the half-way utatlon with Kvere
better than J.- T.nkur did In bla palm
iest dav This combination, with It
hitting strength, was thu onu thing the
liiavci MPtile.l, outlde of a pit' blnjf ,
staff I ei rro'.ibly has men- na'
i. ii the ill held than any man m t. In
am l'.lav
or them
il n 1 il , ri in . i .
i The Airedale Club, of Philadeinhia h,. r,V.'":': ,. .J."nn... yp "t
i in-oii r,.m..i ... ,i . ... -----'- - ! :"tr.. ""." -.w
i -.. .-. .
Innm. ' Mjlnrrn
Whlfn AI'loU
been torcid I., lham.. tl..- date ( it", b.4 ' h ler.n In t,0"p imV.nl n , . 'Vn ' C V J A V ,' that the allUd
,. . . v. ...., r