EfSS ri i iii"" ii 'TWWSfJH PW5W EVEKlttG LEDftEE-PHILADELPHlTUEEiDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1914. 0 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA nrR. AND MltS. ALEXANDER VAN REN JVl S8EDAER will give a smalt dinner danco for Alias Cordelia Diddle, dobutanto daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexcl Btddte, on Tuesday evening, November 10, at Camp Hill I tall. Fort Washington, Pa. The guests wilt be from the debutante set. Frederick It. Ually, of Cloverton, Ardmore, Ims Issued Invitations for the tea. to bo ftlvon In honor of his daughter, Miss Edith IV Bally, on October 17. The card of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mitchell Hastings In Inclosed. JIIsb" Virginia Roberta and Miss Elsa Reath Will be tho guests of honor tonight at a, small dinner dance, which wilt be given bythelr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Roberts, at their homo In Rlverton. Tho guests wilt bo from the debutante set and tho younger men. Dr. and Mrs. Gustav A. Van Lcnnep have just roturncd from Atlantic City to their home In Bala. Mr. and Mrs. Fcrrco Brlnton will Intro duce their daughters, Miss Caroline Ives Brlnton and Miss Anna Dlnney Brlnton, nt nn at homo on Wednesday afternoon, October 7, from 4 until 7 o'clock. Mrs. Brlnton will bo assisted In receiving by Mrs. William l'aul Morris, Mrs. James Hancock and Mrs. T. Mellor Tyson. Among tho debutantes who will recotvo with tho MIsbcs Brlnton wilt bo Miss Christine Rehn, Miss Edith R. Ellison, Miss Anna Taylor Watthour, Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, Miss Hilda Tunis, Mls3 Elizabeth Thompson, MIbs Mar Jorle Taylor, Miss Frances L. Tyson, Miss Kate Kurness Jayne, Miss Mary Paul Morris, Miss Marjorlo Morris, Miss Elcanoro Blspham, Miss Doiotlicn. ObertouITcr, Miss Etnllio Wngncr, Miss Eliza Davis, Miss Frances L. Stoughton and Miss Eleanor Bournonvllle Watt. Thoro will bo an orchestra and dancing during tho afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brlnton and the Misses Brlnton will movo Into town November 1 and will spend tho winter at tho Aldlnc. Mr. nnd Mrs. William C. Rehn, of 228 West Cheltcn avenue, have Issued Invitations for a luncheon to bo given Thursday, October 16, to Intioduco their daughter. Miss Christine Rehn. There will bo no receiving party. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Scelor and their debutanto daughter. Miss Katharine Heeler, who spent part of tho summer at Bryn Mnwr, will occupy their town house, at 210S Spruco ttrect Saturday, where they will remain for the winter. Mlers Busch, of 100G Spruce street, will give a dinner-dance at tho Bachelors' Barge Club on Monday evening, October 12, In honor of Miss Genevieve Harton and Clayton F. Shoemaker, Jr., whose marriage will tnlte place October 14. Mr. and Mis. Harry Maybln Hart, of Tho Cottage, Ambler, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. JIulford, Jr., of New York, have gono to Now Brunswick, where they will spend several weeks hunting and fishing. Mrs. Hart nnd Mrs. Mulford nre sisters, nnd will be re membered ns Miss Fanny Bayly at, I Miss Mary Bayly, of Green Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Dlgby Bnltzcll have closed their cottage at Mantoloking, N. J., and opened their house at 1915 Rlttenhouso street. Mrs. Baltrell will be remembered as Miss Lena Duhrlng. Rear Admiral W. R. Harris, U. S. N., and Mrs. Harris have taken apaitments at the Rlttenhouso for the winter. Mrs. E. Simpson, wife of Captain Simpson, of the U. S. S. Minnesota, Is also stopping at tho Rittenhouse for a few months. Mrs. Bradford Knight, Miss Mary Knight, nnd Miss Catharino Knight, who havo been spending the summer in Santa Barbara, Cal., havo returned to their homo at 3031 Walnut trect. l'yBHHbHRQiiHHH fas ALONG THE MAIN LINE MEltlON Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Godfrey, Jr., have returned from North East Harbor to their homo In Merlon. Mrs. Godfrey will be remem bered as Miss Mary Yandell Rodman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Fisher, who spent the summer in Canada, are now at Wlndber, Pa., nnd will not return to their Highland avenue homo until November 1. Dr. nnd Mrs. Silas S. Neff and their son, Russell C. Neff, corner Wynnewood nnd Bea con avenues, recently returned from Maine, where they were visiting Doctor and Mrs. Neff's daughter and son-ln-!av, Mr. and Mrs. William II. Tolwcll, at their camp at North Islesboro. Mrs. Neff returned Friday from Lenapo, Pa., whcie sho attended the family reunion of tho Brlnton family, on tho ground where they first f-ettled. Mrs. Neff was formerly Mies Hood, nnd her mother wns a Brlnton. Sir. nnd Mrs. Horntlo P. Connell spent the eek-ond ns tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carlisle, at their home on Merlon avenue, Mr. and Mrs. William II. Folwell and their tno little daughters, who spent the summer nt their camp at North Islesboro, Me., are now Rt Atlnntlc City, but will return to their home, Crossroads nnd Melrose avenue, the last of this 'v eel;. .NMinritTH Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Lelghton, vUio spont the summer abroad, are expected home early next month. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Supplee have re turned from Ocean City and opened their home on Woodsldo avenue for the winter, wvvstwooD Mrs. Joseph B. Johnson has returned from Atlantic City and Is now at her home on Penn road. Mrs. Johnson, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ashbrook firlfTlth, nro receiving congratulations on the Urth of a son, Richard Griffith. Mrs. Grlfllth as Miss Elizabeth Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. a. Herbert Taylor and William Shipley Tujlor, who spent tho summer nt their Ventnor cottage, havo returned home. AWiMOHE-Mf, and Mrs. John R. McQull- Ie will close their summer home. Mill Creek and Valley roads, the middle of next month, and return to Hamilton Court, 33th and Chest- h"t streets, for the winter. JIr nnd Mrs. Edmund C. Evans havo re turned home from Islesboro, Me., where they 'Pent the s eater part of the summer. ALONG THE READING The marriage of Miss Blanche E. Wills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wills, and "erliert Wilson Ptlzenmnyer took place yester- "j atiernoon at tho House of Prayer, Lime "' t'lke and Church lane. Mr. and Mrs. PflJenmayer will tpend a month on their wed , K trl? ad will be at home after November ' t 6H9 Woodstock street. Mlts Hannah U Hallowell. of Jenklntown. Shi. bn tho 8Uest of her 8lster' Wra- Ra,Ph onattuck Paid,, at her home at PlalnfleI( N j turned on Saturday. 'n o'u arl0" Myera ha3 returned to her home '.. atter spending the summer at her C0"BBe "' ccan Ctt, K. J. , "";,C5lar'w 8. Mll'er and her daughter, Miss w' ". o New Tor, ar tin houaa MRS. HARRY C. POTTER. Mrs. Harry C. Potter, who Is a mem ber of the Merion Cricket Club Tennis Tournament Committee, is about to post a score on the draw card. Between the Horse Show and the women's tennis event Mrs. Potter was fairly busy, but still it will be seen she has time to read "the best thing." guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. McFarland, at their homo on Lenox rond. Miss Edith Larzelere, daughter of Georgo Larzelerc, of Kenllworth Inn, returned on Wed nesday, after several weeks at Ocean Gate, N. J. Mhs Larzelero's engagement to Stanley Van dcrslice was announced In June. Miss Marlon Guyley, of Old York road, who has been spending a month at Atlantic City, will return to her homo today. Harlan Miller, of Wavcrly road, Glenslde, re turned on Saturday to Harvard University, where he Is a student. Miss Doris Batzell, of Glenslde, who has been spending September nt Atlantic City, will return to her home next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor T. Mulford, who have been spending the season in the Poconos, will remain till the middle of the month, after which they will occupy Elvetham, their homo In Wyn cotc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Krpwson, of Washington, D. C, arc tho guests for several weeks of Samuel Krewson, at his homo in Elkins Park. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'H. Braddock, of 1041 Rockland street, Logan! havo been visiting Harvey Braddock, of Pitman Grove, N. J., over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Zabel havo opened tholr home on Llnsmore avenue, Oak Lane, after a season near Montreal, Canada. CHESTNUT HILL Dr. and Mrs. Jesso Williamson and Miss Katharine Williamson have returned to their home on Chestnut avenue, after spending tho summer at Beach Haven. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clement Reeves Wnlnwrlght and tholr family havo returned to their homo on Chestnut avenue, nfter spending tho summer at Saranao Lake, N. Y. Dr. Herman L. Duhrlng and Miss Lulu Duhrlng have opened their new house at St. Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rcld, of Rex avenue, tmve closed their cottage in Cape May and returned to town. Mr. and Mrs, Langhorno Bullitt Dick, who spent the summer at Bar Harbor, havo returned and arr spending several days as tho guests of Mrs. Dick's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Haller Gross, at Hlllbrook, their lesldenco at Lang horr.e. Later in tho week they will go to Chestnut Hill, where they will occupy tho home of tho Misses McMurtrle, on Norwood avenue, for the winter. Dr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Foltz nnd their de butante daughter, Miss Dorothy E. Foltz, re turned last evening fiom a short automobile trip to Lancaster, Mrs. Wlllard Graham entertained a house party at her home, 7420 Sprague street, Mount Airy, over tho week end. Among the guesta were Mlbj, Rao Jones, Miss Gertrude Arnold, Miss Lena Jones and Jay Everett LeRoy Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Welsh, of Paper Mill road, havo arrived home, having spent the entiro summer on tho Continent. Among those noticed dancing at the Phila delphia Cricket Club, Saturday night, were Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Jackson, Doctor Godfrey, Doctor Robert G. Lo Conte, Mr. and Mrs. Warner, Earnsnaw, Miss Tolly Graham. Charles Brad ford Fraley, Mr. and Mrs. Robin MacDonald, Miss Marlon Irwin, Mrs. G. C. Chance, Miss Heleno Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ball, of 215 East Mount Pleasant avenue, returned on Saturday from Chelsea, where sho was tho guest for several weeks of Mrs. James Fltzpatrlck, of Washington lane. 117 West Upsal street, from Asbury Park, where sho spent tho summer. Philip If. Brooklesby, of tho Grcystone, has returned from Massachusetts, whero ho spent tho month of September. Miss Gladys Paine, of 401 West Schoolhouaa lane, spent tho week-end In Atlantic City, vis iting friends. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hunter Graham, who havo been spending tho summer at their coun try atMoylan, Rose Valley, will open tholr town house, 4301 Walnut street, about October 6. The wedding of Miss Adelaide G. Deal, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Deal, of 6713 Spruco street, to James P. Barr, of Moore, Pn., will tnko plnco on Wednesday evening, October 7, nt 6.30 o'clock, nt tho Lutheran Church, EOth and Spruco streets, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Urqunrdt and family, of 4217 Pino street, havo closed their cottago at Fifth street nnd Atlantic avenue, Ocean City, where they spent tho summer. Miss Ida Frlcko, nnd Mis. Laura Poolo will closo their home at Pitman Thursday nnd re open tholr town house nt 4915 Warrington ave nue. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Bohen, of 47th nnd Walnut streets, nro back after n month's Btay at Ding man's Ferry, Pa. Mr. nnd Mrs. James S. Morris and Edward Morris, of 668 South 48th street, will return homo next week from their sttmmor homo at Tenth street nnd Ocean avenue, Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Weaver, of B881 Bel mar terrace, will entertain over tho week end In honor of Miss Elizabeth Maltoy's and Mrs. Weaver's birthdays. Among tho guests will bo M1S3 Kathryn Snyder. Miss Marcello Dcetner, Miss Madge Malloy, Frank Somcrs, Ellwood E. Farrcll, William Smith, 3d, and Earle S. Bowers. SOUTHWEST PIIILADELPIILV Miss May Qttlgley, of Allentown, Pn., Is tho guest of Miss Agnes Duffy, at 2010 South Eighteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarron. of 1733 Rltner street, havo closed their cottago nt Pecrmont, N. J., and returned to the city for tho win ter. Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce, of 2233 Jackson street, nro receiving congratulations on the blith of a littlo daughter, Jane Elizabeth. Mrs. Joyce will bo remembered ns Miss Jane Coward, of 15th and Federal streets. MIS3 Margaret Mohan, of 1527 Rltner street, Is visiting friends In Hollls, Now York. Mrs. M. Maloney, of 75-1 South Fifteenth street, has returned from Europe. Mrs. Maloney spent tho summer on tho British Isles and in Paris. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. nnd Mrs. George W. Gardiner and Dr. and Mrs. Archibald T. Gardiner havo closed their cottago in Avalon, N. J., and returned to their home, 1700 North Sixteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Jermon, who wero guests of Dr. and. Mis. Georgo W. Gardiner for the last summer, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. John B. GrotT, of 527 Diamond street, have returned to their home, nfter spend ing tho week end In Atlantic City. Miss Louise Henning, of 1414 North Twelfth street, has returned homo from Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livlngstono and their family, who spent the summer in the White Mountains and on the New England const, havo returned to their home, 2236 North Bioad street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Knight Will shortly Issue Invitations for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Doiothy Knight, ami Wood Robinson, which will take plnco in the Spring Garden Street Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday, November 11, to be followed by a reception at tho homo of tho bride's parents, 622 North 22d street. The bildo will be at tended by nor sister, Miss Helen Knight, as maid of honor, and tho bridesmaids will bo Miss Florenco Nelson, Miss Isabel Gerhart, Miss Elizabeth Llslo and Miss Marie Bennis. Littlo Miss Edith Knight, a niece of the bride, and Miss Robinson, a sister of tho bridegroom, will neb ns tlowcr Kit,j. Immediately after tho reception Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will leavq on their wedding trip. , , Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell Dilkcs, of 2003 Glr ard avenue, havo returned from a fow weeks' stay In Atlantic City. TIOGA Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Haskins. of 3336 North Park avenue, gave an at home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwin Bernstein, of S301 North Park avenue, are at their cottago In At lantic City and aro entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Soper and Dr. nnd Mis. G. Gricr Hansell. Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein spent tho summer In North Dakota. Tho Rev. W. L. Moore and Mrs. Moore, of West Erie avenue, returned homo last week from an extended tour through Europe. William Hngel, Edward Wolf and George H. MacMunn spent last week In Now York, Albany and Troy. Mr. nnd Miv. Ilnrry Cobb, of 4132 North Broad street, have been entertaining Mrs. Rob ert D. FInnesey, of Brunswick, Gn., for the last few days at their cottage In Atlantic City. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wuyne, of 5320 Wayne avenue, returned homo Sunday afternoon from Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne spent tho month of September at the Marlborough-Blen-heirn. Miss Hannah Hackman Is occupying her new home at 2805 West Queen lane. Irwin Garrett, of 43t Stafford street, has re turned from Capo May. where ho spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fort, of West Upsal street, havo closed their cottage In Ocean City and are at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, of 41 West Upsal street, have closed their Cape May cottage and have returned to Gormantown. Mrs E. B. Paul, accompanied by her daugh ter, Miss Mary Paul, of 211 West Upsal street, have returned from Cape May, where they spent the summer, ,, Mlaa Francts Push hM returnefijl? her boms, CAMDEN AND VICINITY Senator and Mis. William T. Reed nnd their family nro again in their Cooper street home, ufter spending tho bummer In Atlantic City, as Is their custom. They spent a short time In tho Poconos, whero Mr. Reed's mother, Mrs. Lu cretia Reed, spent tho summer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Tompson and Miss Myia Tompson havo' closed their summer home at Swurthmoro and are at their Penn street house. Judgo nnd Mrs. J. W. AVescott and Ralph Wescott havo teturued to their homo In Had douneld, after n beasou In C.ipe May. WEDDED IN BROOKLINE Miss Mary Helena Rtihl Will Uecomo Undo of George F. I'oud, of This City, Today, . The marriage of Miss Mary Helens Ruhl, daughter nf Mr. anil Mrs. Edward Ruhl, of Druco strt'et, Brookllne, Mass , and Georgo Franklin Pond, of this city, will take place this afternoon In BrooKIIno at the huine of the bride's parents. Tho Rov. William II. Lyon, D. ., rector of tho First Baptist Church In Brookllne, will officiate. Miss Ruhl, who will bo given (n marriage by her father, will wear a jjown of lvory-whU crepo meteor, trimmed with old lace. Her tulle veil will bo fastened with orange bios soms. nnd she will carry rosos nnd lilies of tha valley. Her sister. Miss Loulso Ruhl, will act as maid of honor. There will be no brides maids. Mr. Pond will bo attonded by Arthur C. Hastings. Jr., as best man, and his ushera will be William T. Uhl and William E. Pond, of Rochester. N Y.; John F. Nlcholl. of Sharon, N. .: Orlando B. Hastings, of lloly oK.i. M . Louia Henry, of ElraUa, N y aiul Robert Traman. of Ithaca, N y A reception will follow the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Por'J will leave on a wofldlns tour, They will live, Jo acrmantQwo, THE DRAMA THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ACADEMY OF MUSIC "Cablrla," movlng nlcture drama, by Gabrlello D'AnnunzIo, of the third century B. C. A truly marvelous feat on tho reel, with a convincing volcanlo eruption. ADELPHI "Tho nevolt," by Edward Locke, starring Helen Ware. Driven desperate, a, neglected wlfo Beeks the gaiety enjoyed na a prerogative by her husband, but comes homo ere 'tis too late. BROAD "Lady Windermere's Fan." Revival of Oscar Wilde's satire by Margaret Anglin. Rovlcw below. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Pi late's Daughter," mlrnclo play, by Francis L. Kernel. Review below. , GARRICK "Nearly Married," farce comedy, by Edgar Selwyn, starring Bruco McRae. Re view below. WALNUT "Bringing Up Father," musical comedy, based on Ocorgo McManus' cartoons, by Ous Hill. Margaret Anglin in Notable Revival Margaret Anglin 1b ono of tho really com paratively fow great living actresses. On speaks of "great living actresses" tho majority of great actresses, of course, being dend. The samo Is Inevitably true of great, very great, playwrights. However, Miss Anglin Is very much alive so much so that her husband figures In automo bllo arrests while Blio, herself, revives a play written by ono of tho most brilliant men of the century a man to whom, lying in a grave In Montmartre, has como a full and deserved recognition for surpassing wit and genius. "Lady Windermere's Fan," In which Miss Anglin appeared last night at tho Broad Street Theatre, is a play of admirablo technique, an evening's dramatic menu in which every course Is Eorvcd with tartar sauce. There has never been n more seductive, a more subtle, a more delightfully worldly Mrs. Erlynno than tho ono presontod by Miss Anglin. Miss Anglin makes that brilliant woman, of a dubious character, really winning. On tho stage this typo usually isn't. In Wildo's play this woman, tragical in her life, becomes a mother desirous of protect ing her child. Mrs. Erlynne is perhaps tho most appealing character in the Wilde plays. As such. Miss Anglin played tho part with an Intellectual understanding, an artistic restraint which Wilde himself would havo admired. If "Lady Windermere's Fan" Is already an anachronism so far as upper Fifth avenuo or Rittenhouse Squaro are concerned, Its satire on social and human frailty Is quite as apropos ns when Wlldo wroto It. As a play It is far superior to the Eugene Walter and 'Gus Thomas productions as they attempt to deal, seriously or otherwise, with social and other problems. Miss Anglln's cast Is admirable. Ruth Holt Bouclcault Is a selntillant Duchess of Berwick. Florenco Carpenter, ns Lady Windermere, was Insinuatingly captivating. While Sidney Green street played Lord Lorton Incomparably, there havo been much better Lord Wlndermeres than that enacted by Leonard Willey, the heralded Australian star. Mr. Willey was a bit too In tense too Intense, you know. Altogether, Miss Anglln's revival Is notable. It Is perhaps one of tho best. If not tho best, presentation of Oscar Wilde's delectable play. A Striking Miracle Play "Pilate's Daughter," tho miracle play by Francis L. Kenzel, a Roman Catholic priest, was produced last night at the Chestnut Street Opera House. One of tho unique features of the production is that there are no mala char acters In It. Apart from tho spectacular aspects of tho piny, It has a strong religious appeal the ap peal of such plays ns "Ben Hur" and "The Sign of tho Cross." "Pilate's Daughter" Is founded on tho old letjend relating to the daughter of Pontius Pilate. According to tills, Claudia, the daughter of tho proconsul, threw a rose from her bnlrony as Christ was being led to Calvary. The (lower touched his garment, and although it wns trod upon by hundreds when the glri recovered it. the rose still bloomed. Ten years later the perpetually blooming rose was used to work miracles. A spring Is made to gush out of the stone prison wall where the Christian women are held; a dead child Is brought to life; reason Is restored to an unfor tunate woman stricken mad at tho time of the crucifixion. Violet de Blcarrl takes the part of Claudia, Pilate's daughter, in the first act. and the role of later jears, when the girl has grown to womanhood, Is n6sumed by Constance Moli noaux, who displayed consummate skill. Miss Mollneaux's work at all times bore the stamp of sincerity, especially In her eloquently de livered prayers. , Marion Barney, an old friend of Philadelphia Playgoers, was welcomed back In dual roles, first as Claudia Proclea. the wife of Pontius Pilate. later as Agrlpplna, the wife of Caesar, Although neither part was of a nature to bring out her accomplishments to the best, she acqult ter herself admirably. Margaret Vryllng, as the Roman sorceress, made tho most of the situa tions that fell to her. In fact, all the members of the exceptionally large cast were excellent. Considerable attention has been given to the scenery and properties. Some of the spectacu lar effects achieved are remarkable. A curious nnd striking lapse Is made, however, In the handling of the Crucifixion In tho second sceno of act 1, when tho Christ Is shown without the thieves that, according to Biblical history, were crucilied on either side of the Saviour. Valeska Surratt at Keith's Valeska Surratt, who replaced Mr. and Mrs. Vtrnan Castle at Keith's yesterday, Is notable for her gowns principally. Miss Surratt's gowns are wonderful. They nre worth buying a soat to see. They arc the sort you cannot urrtinarlly behold In shop windows. There's a porwonallty about them. The personality may he bUarre but then there are things one wants to seo at least onco In a lifetime. Miss Surratt, it must be said, l an extraor dinary dancer. She possesses a sense of rhythm which places her almost In the class of niusl. clans. There is something musical, even la her most vigorous caort!nss. She Is de cldedly interesting Ono would not call her an actress, nnd her voice Is one of the most un appealing ever heard on the stage. But her personality Is distinct, anything but nebulous, and her scenic settings are always striking! Miss Surratt nppears In "Black Crepe and Diamonds," a modernized symbolic act reml ntscent of "Hverywoman." Tha PaM. . obliged to cancel their engagement because of j tna uiness or .sirs, eastie. The Castles are peiliaps, tho most famed, as well as most popular dancers In America. If the truth be told, young Jack Mann, who turkey-trots )n Miss Surratt's act. Is us notable a dancer In his way as Vernon Castle. He Is not quite so dignified, to be sure, but he Is more agile even more graceful His debut-lf it be a debut -Is notable. For he Is one of the best dancers that has ever appeared on the stauo Tho contrasts of audevilto are as striking ' as they are amazing. Miss Jane Connelly and I company appeared in an a-yclept "a comedy I cX modern lixv whlca to succwsnij poly ja ' boring one. It Is a high-water mark of banality and bathos, and n. type of tho sort of thing which makes ono wonder nt the tern pornry mental comas of vaudeville malingers. On the other hand, tho rest of tho Keith hill can only arouse ndmlratloti for tho Intelligent selection. It Is hugely entertaining. Mao Mel ville Is ns delightfully funny ns ever. Paul Perclra, the court violinist of Portugal, gives testimony to tho taste of dethroned kings. Ho Is a musician of raro ability, nnd Nevin'." "Rosary" was never played with more feeling, restrained passionate pathos, than It la by Pcrclrn. Edwin George listed as an "almost Juggler" juggles as entertainingly with light talk as with tin plates and rubber balls. Ho Is genuinely diverting. "Nearly Married" nt the Garrick Governor Toner, of the sovereign State of Pennsylvanln, aided nnd nbetted an elopement Inst night. This In Itself wns reprehensible enough, but his full Iniquity wll bo understood when It Is announced that tho elopement was between n man and his own wife. Just what excuse tho president of the National League will mako remains to be seen. But nsldc from thl" ofnclal faux pas, "Nearly Married," which came back to the Garrick last night with a cast new, with tho exception of the star, Bruce McRae, proved a pleasant entertainment. Tho main criticism of the piny, which has been reviewed before. Is Its exceeding sllmness. If brevity be the soul of wit, then "Nearly Mnr rled" Is tho wittiest play of the ages, for It lasted Just ono hour and 27 minutes. It began nt half-past 8 and finished at half-past 10, with two lC-mlnutc Intermissions. Bruco McRne, who Is a living duplicate In looks nnd manners and speech of Archie Gunn, the artist, was a bit heavy In the rolo of tho bedeviled husband. Hnttlo King, the profes sional corespondent, was fairly true to life, though a bit hard. Gertrude Robinson nnd John McCabe, ns tho other wedded couple, did well, as did Dick Giffon as the obnoxious brother. Smaller parts wefo played, and played well, by Dclmar E. Clark as the East Indlnn, Beatrice Ingram as his Irish wife, John Sparks as tho Justlco of peace, and Danny Day as the chauf feur. Antoinette Walker was Betty Lindsay, the foolish heroine. Taken all In all, "Nearly Married" Is a merry comedy, broad nt times, but entertaining never theless, but too brief withal, save for tho In excusably long Intermissions. Cartoon Pictures in a Play Thousands of persons have laughed at George McMnnus' "Bringing Vp Father" cartoons. The experiment of taking such burlesque draw Irgs and making them Into a musical comedy is Interesting. In tho case of the musical farce comedy which opened last night at the Walnut the feat haB been accomplished successfully. The comedy Is Indeed as laughable as the popu lar pictures. "Father," very tough. Initiated Into society by "mother"; a bogus count trying to get "father" to Invest In a radium mine, nnd Tom Hamilton, "father's" business partner, nre among the In imitably funny characters that go to mako the play one prolonged side-splitting evening's amusement. While there is little plot to the comedy, It Is replete with jokes nnd good songs. Of these a number made decided hits "Dear Old Girl," "Just a Little Smile," "Love, Love. Love," "A Bandit Raffles," and last, but not least, "The Irish Suffragette." John E. Cain as Jiggs Mahoney (father), and Miss Lyda Kano as Mrs. Jiggs (mother), were adequately and grotesquely humorous, and equally good were Robert G. Rice as the butler, Grace M. Hanson and Blanche Newcombe as the daughters, Tom Meade, Harry A. Truax, Leo Frankcl, Dave Conroy and Madeline Grey. The Empire "Jah, I vos a German, but I thank Hlm mel I'm not there," said Harry Bentley, who, ns Rudolph Sauer, furnished most of the comedy In tho rollicking burlesquo, "Tho Love Club," which opened a week's engagement at the Empire yesterday. As presented by the Roscy Posey Girls the pleco was nn unquali fied success. In addition to tho comedy, good singing and splendid dancing were also provided. SPIRITUALITY BASIS OF FEMININE BEAUTY 'Teople talk of beauty of mind, and develop the Intellect by hard study, but when the spirit Is spoken of they smile and speak of religious attitudes." declared Edith Campbell walker, who plays the part of the professional corespondent In "Nearly Married." "Now. to be beautiful a woman must develop the spirit ual side of her nature. By spirituality I do mean a highly developed mentality, tho free dom of mind given by tho civilized forms of education, but tho developed soul of an indtvid ual ralhed high above the mind and that smiles from the eyes and expresses kindliness and beautiful thinking in every thought, word and gesture. "This spirituality can bo applied to tho most trivial things of l.fe. Simplicity is Its keynote, and therefore tho beautiful girl Is tho natural girl. Now. this natural glr! does not rely upon the cold cream for hor beautiful complexion. She never maintains that water ruins the skin and Insists upon enlarging her pores with every unnecessary application of cold cream. She keeps her mind bright and radiant first. ' "The dangerously beautiful woman Is feml. nine. By that I don't mean effeminate; I don't mean the kind of n woman who screams and faints ot tho slightest provocation, but the. .vJt..4'A. i . - - .-. ,,.,,&&.&& I MAY WALSH. in "Bringing Up Father," at the Walnut woman who prefers tho soft drift of a frill to tho nnoplaua ascension effects of fashion that are so much In evidence today. Tho woman who emanates tho dainty fragrance of orris In prcfcienco to tho stronger and heavier per fumes and sachets Indicates delicacy of thought. Tills woman'a dress seems part of her; sho eschews nil tight clothing and Is abla so to stamp a room with her personality that one can feel hor presence without a real, tan gible proof of tho fact. "Ah, yes, tho woman Who Is womanty awakens wonder In tho heart of man becauso shn Is !o truly feminine, so absolutely spiritual. Spirituality is not given to man to possess, and man longs for that which ho cannot under stand. Therefore, man not only needs, but wants, the spiritual woman, and nono but tha truly feminine." Mrs. Fiske in Comedy Despite Mrs. Flske's association with serious drama, her abilities as a comedlenno are of superlative sprlghtllness and brilliance. Her appearance ut the Broad Street Theatre, Octo ber 12, in tho new comedy by John Luthor Long and Frank Stayton Is an event of thea tre Importance. "Lady Betty Martingale, or the Adventures of a Lively Hussy" Is an nounced as a comedy In which Mrs. Flsko finds ample opportunity for the display of this) particular phase of her genius. Lady Betty, living In London In tho year 17J0. embodies tha gay, frivolous, sport-loving, gaming life ot tho period. Hounded by creditors and pur sued by a rich but elderly and repug nant suitor, sho Eeeks to find a way out of hor difficulties by marrying a political pris oner In Newgate who Is condemned to death. AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT STREET S3& HOUSE M.VT1NEU TODAY AT 2:15. ENORMOUS SUCCESS! Last Night's Immense Audience Swept Off Its Feet by J PILATE'S DAUGHTER Most Awe-Inspiring Spectacle Ever Staged TWO BOX OFFICES IN OPERATION AND SEATS SELLING SIX WEEKS AHEAD ORDER NOW! B. F. Keith's Theatre UNANIMOUHLV ACKVOWLCDOED SENSATION or the &E.fc0.v VALESKA SURATT And Her Own Company TOEbENTlNvJ A NEW VERSION OK "Black Crepe and Diamonds" "The Moth and the Flame" .Vt1l' roffTl iE.-. ' Xh r SOf,H ' .Vi'ir PAS'CEBI TUEMENputS SI Kl.ul ND1NU .SHOW! SAM .1 KITTY .Mc.p.li.N i'U . I'EIUEHA SEX TRTTE KUVMN i.tiil'.n JNU i-oNNXIAY A CO.. MELVILLE & UIiiUI.Nf and Other Str Feature AMUSEMENTS Marcus Loew's knitheatocskkr SEIECT VAUDEVILLE Af'p PHOTO-PI SU AFTERNOONS. -2 O'CLOCK l-ALL SEAri"?! KVEMMiS- TWO COSIJ'LBTE SltQVS " tJ 45 to 0 ! M 0 to II p. M. PRICES 10 15 "Sc THE LEGITIMATE STAR INEZ McCAULEY & CO In THK cilHt. KUOJJ CULpS" U 5 Other Select Vaudeville Acts ,H ACADEMY OF MUSIC SVST c a b i r i a , ;"?r Sl'MPHONV OR.HESTRA. QIWnS"c5i.ER CHORUS ORCHES.THAL ORUAN U Dall Matin t i8 Rer4 iju lo it .,,, J3 Cent. Ecnlnss ut i 15 Sl 10. A " -W 1 60 rem " a Uux OffUe at A-a tmy open 0 a M Philadelphia Orchestra NC W ADVANCE ORDERS for U YY SEAftON TICKETS flllwi to4o at lltpix-t, ujb .Btout Strwt. FORREST TPIEATRE TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8.10 Fir 1 m i n An) Stage CIIAltLE.- U,t 1 IViUAM prexenta MONTGOMERY & STONE In be New cvill-Uum-ila Mimtial Fantaay CHIN-CHIN Ml SIC 0 IVAN CARYLL TIRST MATINEE SATURDAY DAT A OP X l-4KJl-t i,u 9 A THEATRE i;n mulit t . : ..,.:" jack umiTn nfi 7 V.iU' ".. London s inn aii,.A WULI'" AND UUALITY VAUDEVILLE TANGO FRIDAY Manx iJ-Tv VJ-A.L Matin.-!") Wl A Hat at 2 IS. Popular Price Wednesday Mat. Lien Seat 11.30 MARUARET ANGLIN jn LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN jirUVJAjlV M'inw Wt.t & S.,1 at a: 15 Popular I'ri. Wa.lt .t-luy Mai l.rt beat (100 COHAN i. HARHKV nun 1 nnian Prent Edgar eiany t ruiil.uiitf trce NEARLY MARRIED w"h BRUCE McRAE POPULAR HA,HRTNrrvp,r MAT.TODAY vf)?$R Viirhts SV ".f. T&- 1 NEXT WKKK riih IUi Nli I I LYRIC Seats Now Selling! ' New York WiMvr '.afi. n Mul.al Rtvu THE PASSING SHOW OF 1914 Eusac owi t ttiii". Nt Monday Hunlng ATiPT.PHT lAsr S-:v 1IMK.S ' HELEN W VRK .Tl. J?' Next Wee ,UH i..t iu t j K "rcSi r:,j"r( orpheum ;,, r,- "? BOUGHT AND PAID FOR OCTOHFH 5 urbTEHBif.7wN' Wi' grand ! r,zH rt if." . ;S 15 T 4 9 Wli U . t k .,V "Zin ' ' w aaaaaaMiaateaiaaaiEagf, . " rffiS iTii f tttr Jr- , , -, " ' jf -" - .fcfc.fe,. t, , UAS1WU ""SJ? r&SVSJ"' T M"llBS WSB"" TANO 'K'DAY moht u..ul, ANl.'f inrinrpw , , w, BMPIEER0SBrrdIirdmLs I ""SusrEn 'bro W , wwij vHiO I OCTOBSB 6-BOOCUT ANO filSo& J