Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Sports Final, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' 4 mHfi$SV A WiS r'3S
Vour Prominent Aeronauts
i Scatter Votes for Women
Literature During Trial
,Trip of "Greater Philadel
phia." ' Armed with suffrage banners and
literature nnd echoing cheers for Phlla
i, 1-1,1- tho Woman Suffrage cause nnd
?;:.. ninnkcnburg. four prominent
-.rnnauts nscended In tho balloon
ftarcnt rhllndelphla" from the V. O. I.
creation Grounds shortly after 9 o'clock
this morning to sow tho Beeds of "votes
inr women" enthusiasm among tho farm
ir and othor citizens of tho State.
While BUffrnge literature wilt be drop
ceil all along tho -route, the trip Is also
made oa a "try-out" for the "Oreatcr
Philadelphia" which was christened by
Mayor HIankcnburg Just before tho de
parture. H Is tho balloon's maiden Might,
and Dr. Thomas E. Bldrldgo, tho pilot,
declared he wished to devote the first
trip to a good cause.
Tho balloon has Just been obtained by
the Philadelphia Aeronautical Society, of
which Doctor Eldrldgo Is vice president.
mhord wlm mado the ascension were
Doctor Georgo II. Slmmerman, president
of tho society: Georgo N. Storch nnd
. Minor Fenton.
The big balloon mado an Impressive
appearance ns It rested gracefully nt
anchor. Tho bag was painted a bright
yellow, with the name "Greater Phila
delphia" In black, making an ensemble
of woman suffrage colors, a fact of
which tho suffrage delegation soon be
came nwaro. ,,...,
Miss Dllle Hastings, president of tho
lien's nnd Women's Equal Suffrago
LeaKtio. and Mrs. Paul McConomy, an
other well-known suffragist, arranged tho
leaflets and pennants In tho basket, with
the asslstanco of many other women
prominent In the causo. Tho ncronauts
have provisions enough for two days, and
they hope to equal. If not bent, some of
the balloon records for Pennsylvania, nl
hendy held by tho society. The records
weio inado In the bnlloon Philadelphia II,
anil arc 17,050 feet for altitude, 3S7 miles
for distance nnd 12 hours, 31 minutes for
Among those who attended were Mrs.
Rudolph Illankunburg, Mrs. George Pier
sol, Miss Llila Stokes Adams, Mrs. Lil
lian Clark, Mrs. C. H. Policy, Miss Anna
M. Nlttlnger, Mrs. Ij. Stevens, Miss M.
Rita Uctz, Miss Anna Hustings, Miss
Lorraine Krazlcr, Mrs. Anna G. Wall,
Miss h. M. Wall, H. Hubcr Clark, tho
Alaskan lecturer: Dr. Frederick Herbert,
rho lias made several trips In tho Ger
man Zeppelins; Leo Stevens, Harry Clark,
Iva Brown, Leroy M. Whetstone nnd Miss
Ulllan Trott, of Exeter, Eng.
Party Workers Trying Hard
to Get Men Interested.
October 3 Last Day to
More than half of tho electors In Phlla
delphla. nearly SOO.OfO, havo failed to
leglstcr and havo not yet qualified them
teives to vote at tho November election.
The workers of all parties are making
every effort to get these citizens to the
polling places to register on next Sat
urday, October 3. That Is the last of
the three icglstratlon days for the fall
election nnd Is tho last chance for
tlectors to get on the eligible voting list.
After next Saturday no elector can have
hls name placed on the registration list
unlets ho appears befote the Registra
tion Commissioners In City Hull and
makes nflldavlt that ho was 111 or out
of the city on nil three of the registra
tion days.
Then are 379,377 citizens whoso names
are on the division assessors' lists In
Fhllnrtt iplila nnd who are eligible to qual
ify themselves to voto at tho November
elei'tlim if they register. Of this num
ber nnlv 182,510 registered on September
i and September Jo, tho first two regis
tration dajs. leaving 1!)7,GC7 who nre not
Citizens who nro not on tho assessors'
lists cannot qualify to vote. Unless a cltt
en lms paid a State or county tax within
two years preceding November 3 of this
year he cannot register. Tho law requires
that he be assessed at least 60 days befoie
the i lection, nnd that ho pay a tax nt
least 30 days before election. September
3, the Hr.t reglsttatlon day, was the last
opportunity for citizens to get their names
en the assessors' Hats, and next Saturday.
October 3, is the last opportunity for
Uctors to pay a tax In order to qualify
them to ote.
Select Councilman Gnrmnn Favors the
Election of Republican Nominee,
Ira li. Gurinaii, Select Councilman from
the v,Xx Wind, ilected on tho Keystone
nd ! mucrntic tickets and nn hide.
Penduit ,i iot.u politics for years, this
morning added his name to tho Hruiu
oauli fituens I'nmmlttce. Mr. G.irnmn
Ja hoi n m lirllefonte, Ceutro County.
Tin- b. ntlim-nt In Doctor Ilrumbaugh's
horn i. unity. Mi. Carman said, Is almost
unanimous for Mm, regardless of party
In .deilglng hs ciippoit to the candida.:y
... . l"r Urumbaugli, Mr. Carman said:
1 "avi known Doctor llnimbiugh for
- ii many years. I nave followed Ills
euu.mi,ui line administrative woik very
i-ii)mi, nnd I I'Hiiiiot Imagine a btronger
raiiilwi u,. ,,r n 11)Iin IIlore competent to
mi th- position uc Governor of I'ennsl
Vaula ''I'uWu- Hrumbaugh Is pecullaily
u.'.t.d f.. t,0 poiitton which Is now
pKii,i,. i,i,. lUb ,.tcoril ()f achievement
''1 aii'impiifchment during his career is
" ""'""tlal promiso that he will give
.ipihie uml thoroughly t'fllclent admlii
isuat un 0 cituen lias had more expert
"te in viiidii, ,,0 uffaija 0f the people
oi'il n. . itl,. u lori. suitd f1)r the piwi
""" ll' has been associated with tho
ul'h -a Luge so many jiars that he
kuo.j esuctl what thev want.
i am sure tliey realize that hu will
en them i thorouithl) business ad
mhiUtratlon. Tho busines men of
-milv.uiii want a loiiktructlve aUmln-
t?i . ,!' Tl,c Wa,lt business to be stim
ulated ii,tu K,cal activity. ooctor rnm.
in it" ,"18, A Hemocrut cunnot
Si.Vii """"la. Sopt -The famouj
S"""' revolutionary leade-. VI m pur
I uniif, waa ur -vaud faie today.
mf : ' iMy
- i "t " i t M
Cfi?2TMMG rf
Tells Hospital Attendants
They Were Playing With
Revolver Youthful Vic
tim Has Bullet in His Back.
On the steps of St. Agnes' Hospital
stood a tear-stained boy this morning
when the doorman nnswercd the bell.
When tho door swung open the boy, who
was neatly dressed, wiped his eyes nnd
"Can you tell mo how my cousin Joe
is getting along?"
After the frightened lad had been In
vited Into tho reception room ho Iden
tified himself as William Shields, 13 years
old, of 2211 Hicks street.
"Will Joe die, do you think?" asked
While several nurses o.nd attendants
were trying to comfort the boy, tho real
story as to what led up to his visit to
tho hospital was revealed. William told
his story Just like any other boy of his
ago would tell It. ..
"My cousin, Joe Shields, who lives nt
my house, and I wero playing last night
In the cellar, when we found a revolver
underneath a box. Wo began to play
with the revolver. Joe picked up a can
nnd placed it on n rhalr'nnd told mu
to shoot at It. I didn't know there was
n bullet In the gun. Joe was standing
hi the centre of the cellar and he told
me to fire. I pulled the trigger and then
Joe fell down. Tho bullet hit Joe In
stead of hitting tho can. Honest, I
wanted to hit the can. You can nsk Joe
and he will tell you that I am telling
tho truth."
Suddenly William got up from his chair
and snld:
"Say, can't 1 see Joseph for a little
while, and If you don't believe what I
nm telling vou, why you can nsk him."
One of the nurses led Willlnm upstairs
Into one of the wards. For a while Wil
liam stood In the ward looking at tho
faces of several youngsters. As ho turned
his head he raised his hand and shouted:
"There is Joe."
William rushed overN to a cot which
wns occupied by Joseph Shields, 13 years
old, of 2211 South Hicks street, suffering
from a bullet wound In the back. Joseph
was conscious.
"Old I mean to shoot you?" asked
"No, you didn't," answered Joseph.
The wounded boy was brought to the
hospital late last night by his parents.
After tho shooting William kept the
affair to himself for more thnn an hour.
Ho tried Ills best to treat his cousin. Ho
left the wounded boy In tho cellar and
make several visits there. Then he be
came scared nnd confessed what had
Physicians nt St. Agnes Hospital said
tills morning that Joe has a chance to
recover. The pollco of the Fifteenth street
nnd Snyder avenue station first heard of
the shooting this morning. They are
conducting an Investigation.
" ' i I-- , 4 - ", '
'fV,$f" iff, ,Ty v4H)
Uxsvh'QHbIv " ""'" '"wCiLtY? i f .BBBiiK v &y U!BRiBMf'J'-9K9BKmKiJmBEtb
:,:.' sW'yi -''..:. .Vr':r ln "lirniniPiPMi MiwinTTf rHTTrTrwwm Turn iirtmmiWt r
4-2.'-Tf -.. f-Aw toMs fvfJ.?,( ifwA ' ' " y " '''rj.rW s a 'V- iA-?w.wiiAv (vWJA . & ai!'"1 ,Tv-: iT-' k.
?.., .GZa&U'fi.
Claimant of Sum Left From Sale
Must Explain Secrecy.
Another chapter In the eventful his
tory of the nteam yncht Idler will bo
written Thursday, when nil persons hav
ing claims agnlnst the vessel arc Invited
to present them to Francis M. Gumbes,
an attorney with offices In tho Pcnn
Square Building. Mr. Gumbes has been
appointed commissioner by the Admiral
ty Court to Investigate all claims.
Six years ngo the case of the Idler
stirred this port as did tho trials and
tribulations of Admiral Henjamln Watt
nnd the Haytlen navy. The vessel was
brought hero from the St: ,1-o.wrcnco
Hlver by Captnln I... O. Davis to meet
prospective buyers. The buyers failed
to appear nnd the owners wero lost In a
hnsse. The crew became Impatient for
their wages nnd -when these wore not
forthcoming, they presented their case
to tho United States District Attorney.
Ho carried It before the Admlrntty Court
nnd tho idler was ordered sold by tho
United States Mnrshall. Prior to the
sale futile attempt was made to discover
the craft's owners
Henry H. Harding, of this city, wns
the purchaser. After the claims of tho
crew and the expenses of the snle had
been deducted a considerable sum was
left. This was turned back to tho United
Stntes Court, where It has remained.
Now a claimant for the sum appears In
the person of Owen G. Staples, of Wash
ington, D. C. He claims lie was the
original owner of the yncht, and Is en
titled to the money. He will tell on
Thursday why he did not acknowledge
this fact six years ago.
Tho Idler has changed hands several
times since nnd her whereabouts nrp not
known here.
j Structure Will Be Erected nt Thlr
I teentli nnd Snyder Avenue.
I A new pubtlc school to supply the needs
I of one of downtown's most rapldlv grow
ing sections Is soon to rise on the site
occupied by car barns at 13th street and
Snyder avenue. This was decided after
nn Investigation by Francis S Cantrell,
Jr., James M. Hazlctt and J. Parker
Norrls, Jr., constituting a board of road
viewers. These filed a report yesterday
awarding $150,000 for the site.
It Is expected that the Frankford and
Southwnrk City Passenger Railroad Com
pany, to whom $M.000 of the award will
go. and the Thirteenth and Fifteenth
Streets Passenger Rnllroad Companv,
which Is to receive the remaining $100,000,
will nccept the price set for the ground.
The car barns were built many years
ago when Snyder avenue marked the
farthest southern part of Philadelphia's
building line. Since then thousands of
houses have been erected below this
street and the population has Increased
to such an extent that additional school
facilities aro badly needed.
The suffrage party, left to right Miss M. Reta'Getz, Mrs. Mary Paulson, Mrs. C. H. Pooey, Miss Lida Stokes Adams,
Miss Anne L. Hastings, Mrs. Paul L. McConomy, Miss Louramia Frazier and Miss Dille Hastings.
Chinaman Knocked Unconscious De
spite Alleged Use of Blackjack.
Fully a score of disgruntled customers
gathered In front of the laundry of Zing
Wnng, nt Belgrade and Clearfield streets
this morning, and loudly demanded their
shirts and collars. But Wang had
troubles of his own and was meditating
upon them In a cell of the Belgrade and
Clearfield streets police station. Just
across the street from his laundry.
The Chinaman, according to the pollco,
attacked Dennis SIcGovern, of 2S40 Miller
street, with a blackjack and In the fight
that followed McGovern, It Is declared,
knocked Wnng unconscious.
For some unknown rcaton McGovern
was sent to the central polloe station for
a hearing Instead of being tried beforo
Magistrate Campbell at the station house.
Tho Magistrate Is a perbount friend of
McGovern's, and It is possible that Lieu
tenant Hamilton sent the prisoner to
City Hall for reasons of his own. Tho
lieutenant would not discuss the subject.
McGovern was sent to Moynmenslng
Prison by Magistrate Itenshaw In de
fault of ball. He wns in jail two days
beforo his liberation. This morning Mc
Govern was released and swore out a
waitunt for tho arrest of Wang on the
charge of assault and battery. Wnng
had n hearing beforo Mngistrnto Camp
bell. Ho wns held In $300 ball for court.
Mrs. Albert Moore Welcomes Her 18-yenr-oltl
Daughter's Child.
NEW $100,000 HOME
Dr. A. G. Thomson Will Have One
of the Main Line Show Places.
Work on one of tho most pretentious
residences along tlu Mnln Line the
homo of Dr. Archibald G. Thomson at
Ifaverlord Is to bo started immediately
by Gcotgo & Borst, contractors, 277 South
Lllcveiith street.
Society is considerably Interested In
tlm future Hiomo of the Thomsons, noth
tho physician and hW wife, who before
their marriage was tho widow of Thomas
II, Wannmaker, mo well known.
The house Is to cost ubout $in0.on0.
When completed It will be one of the
show place among Philadelphia suburbs.
It was designed by II. Brooks Pi Ice, of
New York.
South Philadelphia Business
Men's Association Deter
mined City Shall Have
Greatest Event of Its Kind.
Swede Disappears After 12 Years'
Faithful Service.
Officials of tho Womon's Hospital, at
22d street nnd North C'ollcgo avenue, noti
ced tho police today th.it John Anderson,
ono of tho few malo employes of the hos
pital nnd the only ono whose duties took
him into the wnids, lias disappeared,
derson has not been cen for two
weeks, and tho hospital authorities are
worried about him.
i Part of tho man's salary is still duo
him. It Is thought that ho may havo gone
back to Sweden, his native land, because
of the European war. Anderson had
been employed at the hospital for 12
M'urs and was well liked. When last
I seen ho can led n suit wish, and this
lends color to tho theory that ho started
Luck to Sweden.
It is his boist that he is the youngest
Philadelphia grandfather,
That they are tho oungest grand
parents In Philadelphia is tho pioud
boast of Albert Moore and his wife, 2317
Fall hill street. Mrs. Moore is only 3ii
yean old, her husbuud being two years
her senior.
Their first gtnndchild arrived yester
day in the shape of c blue-eyed daugh
ter. Its parents nre Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln
Addis, of 20S Shunk ctreet.
Tho grandmother said today that she
and her husband eloped 1$ years ago and
were murrled in Wilmington on June 23.
Their first daughter. Gertrude, arrived
the following year on May 27. Addis
married Gertruue last Veur when she
was only 17 years old
"I uelleve in large families," said Mrs.
Moore. "I have four other children be
Fldn4, Gertrude, and I in looking forward
to an army of siaudchlldrcu.''
Philadelphia Is to have a renl New
Year's Parade this year. That is the de
termination of tho South Philadelphia
Business Man's Association, whose mem
bers feel that the city should take every
possible advantage of this phase of ad
vertisement, particularly since the
European war has tended to depress
business conditions here. It Is believed
a New Year's celebration which would
attract nation-wide nttentlon and Interest
would materially advance tho prosperity
of Philadelphia business, and any seeming
extravagance In the purchasing of cos
tumes for the event would be an Invest
ment amply repaid by the results.
Thu numerous clubs nnd organizations
which compose the smaller units of the
New Year parade have already begun to
mnbnllze their forces, and the spirit of
rivalry, which Is always keen between
thorn Is quite manifest even nt this
early day. Kach leader is planning nnd
scheming for features which will draw
distinction upon his particular organiza
tion n the form of przes.
These features are guarded Jealously,
for each fears a rival may tako ad
vantage of tho Idea and produco some
thing oven more blzarie.
An effort to uilvertlso tho celebration
nil over the United States nnd to provide
proper transportation facilities for those
who will visit the city at that time Is
being mado by a committee under the
lendershlp of Robert Alkcn, nnd through
their efforts and those of the local or
ganizations, It is believed that Philadel
phia will witness n celebration on De
cember 31 that will surpass anything of
the kind that has been produced In till:
Fifth Avenue Florist Alone Has Bill
for S418.
The New York creditors of the Duke
of Manchester havo resumed their search
for that noble in Philadelphia, They
think he may be stopping at the Belle-vuc-Strotford.
where he was taking n
little rest last week.
Thomas P. Galvln, a Fifth avenue flor
ist, has a bill of (118 against tho titled
Kngllshman. He also has a check for
J150 belonging to the Duke, but which
a bank refuses to honor. It is stated
that the Duke's account Is overdrawn.
The creditors wish to attach the $G500
automobile of the Duke. They state that
a man In debt should be satisfied to use
street cars or taxles at the most.
Y.'hlle here last week the Duke of Man
chester entertained members of a musical
comedy company by taking them to At
lantic City in a taxlcab, according to
stories told by hotel attaches.
Fire, believed to havo started from a de
fective flue, destroyed the roof and part
of tho upper story of the two-story brick
dwelling of Mrs. M. Bonoml, 3121 Malcolm
street, shortly after I o'clock tills morn
ing, Mrs. Bonoml was spending the night
with friends and no one was in the hous.
Policeman ParriBh. of the filth street
and Woodland avenue station, saw the
flames burst through the roof. The fire
gained considerable headway before It
was discovered and extlnglushed.
Chauffeur Held for Court
A crash between an automobile delivery
truck and an undertaker's wagon re
sulted In the nrrest of Albert Aspen, the
chauffeur, of 44 West Penn street, who
wns arraigned today before Magistrate
Morris In the 2uth and York streets po
lice station. He wns held In SIQO hnii
I for court, charged with reckless driving.
Aspen, driving a truck, ran down the
undertaker's wagon, driven by Howard
Hyatt, last Thursday at Susquehanna
nvenuo and 20th street. Hyatt was Injured.
The Philadelphia Uunimltteo of the
British National Belief Fund announced
today that aid would be given b) it to
Belgium refugees In Kngluml as well ns
to the families of British sallois and
soldiers. It w:i primarily the intention
of the cimmlttii to aid only those fami
lli rcndeied destitute bv the death of
sailors and soldiers of Knglniul.
'outiibutors uic- ubked to specify
whether they wish their t ontrlhutiuus to
go to the aid of the llelglum refugees ot
to the families of the Kiiiilish boldieis
and tntlt'rH. Members of the vummltt.o
to which donations may be cent ur,
Tnenilon A Fu. 3901 Walnut street. In
B. I' Huningtun. K01 Chestnut street.
Joint A. MucMahon. 30u South Broad
street: W II Wignall. rJ Sniumet villo
avenue. Olm-y, Pa.. Vivian Nlckalls In
care of the Athletic AsoUatfon. I'm
Yerslty of Pennsylvania, Dr S P Boss,
Iaind Title Building, Messrs. Brown
Brothers & Co.. bankers. Fourth and
fhoatnut strets, and Wilfrid Powell,
BrJIsU Consul Uciurai. '! Pine street.
European War Cuts Off Shipments
to American Shores.
Wlhl animals that come from Asia and
Africa and are then shipped to America
may become scarce on account of the
war In Europe. With few exceptions the
larger animal exhibits which delight both
old and young in the zoological gurden
In this city are Imported from Europe,
principally through Hamburg and Alfcld,
Oermauy. As Herman shipping Is at a
fctandstill, it lias been suggested that the
animals which are needed tills year to
restock tho American managorles be sent
from Holland.
The zoological garden In Philadelphia Is
well supplied, and it was said there yes
terday Unit It woulu probably be another
year nt least before the supply would
need replenishing.
Efrft., ,frC
Policeman Watches Lantern's Zig
zag Course, Then Arrest Bearer.
It is generally agreed that there are
lots of honest men In Germnntown, but
George Duckit, of Youngstown, Ohio,
who started out to find one early this
morning, a la Diogenes, had to be sat
isfied with Policeman Kenny, who Is
equal to any emergency.
Kenny saw n red light moving down
Qhelten avenue. Ho noticed that it took
M zigzag course and wns convinced It
ftiuld not be a police patrol. He hid in
Khe shadow of a building until the light
"eached him. Duckit was tho bearer,
and as he could give only a hazy expla
nation as to how he got It, the police
man took him and tho light to the
Germantown police station.
When the prisoner hid n hearing
before Magistrate Pennock, It developed
that many other lights in Germantown
were missing. Incidentally there came
walls of complaint from a dozen other
prisoners, several declaring that If Duckit
had let the red lights alone last night
they would have been able to reach home
Duckit disclaimed responsibility for the
disappearance of the other lights. Tho
Magistrate sent him to the House of
Correction for five days.
Man Who Worried Much About Rela
tives in Europe Expires Suddenly.
Rudolph Harz, a waltir, was found dead
this morning In a chair in the yard of
227 North Ninth street. He had been em
ployed for many years as a waiter in a
club at Broad and Oxford streets.
Since the war Harz has been worry
ing about his aged mother who lives In
Germany. He was under treatment for
heart disease. He often loft his room
early in the morning nnd before going to
work would sit In the yard.
r ,TT ;,.
Wedding bitts
In amklpdllnn of tha fall wttJlnr
hao brought our ituck at sliver
anil other suitable elfts to a Hate nt
lompletenraa The opportunlt in dla
pltt) our collection will U grraily
C. R. Smith & Son, Inc.
MnrLot Cironl 1QI.
imi.i fcjtm ui toiii
Do you want your naintinc b"one
right and done right NOW?
I Kuehnle's 'phone is Spruce 5799.
No matter where you live or what
I you want, you will get expert painters
1 or decorators at once and a good
job finished on time.
Painting and Decorating
Ott Our niinoi) tmt
', Both Phones 28 South 16th St.
It Pavs to Get Rid
of "Acid-Mouth"
"Acid-Mouth" raises havoc
with teeth. "Acid-Mouth"
breaks down tooth enamel
and causes cavities to appear.
Tooth Paste
stops the cause of 90o of
tooth decay by neutralizing
unnatural mouth acids.
Remember, mere mechanical
cleanliness doesn't stop enamel
decay. But Pebeco does, be
cause it stops "Acid-Mouth."
l'ro idea a charm ct .cmf .n anj u
uulJat ..nar Urlailc cot.ro.mcnt mil
haa cuabliabcj It a an .deal u.horo
home lilrrcily un the ocean front
"apailty 000 W.ll.TBIt J Ill'ZUV.
Trousers I "nvnvixrmio
l.aa hndne Mil 1' with .timmo twitch,
loarvl jolt meter cl, irl. Ilehl outfit. hift.
tnc pullaya belting all tllxhlty utl
Two ncant lnt. one at S3d and drnr'e
rcrry road. 120x120 at 30th anl O-ikford
at' :20x9OO. cppo.lte I'cnna, n n ft lla.
Reaaonalile terma
MtS3 ad Urajr'a i'trtr Uitnl
"School board;
now pay much at
tention to dental
hygiene. I teach in
ni , lasses the im
porlaiu'e of sound
teeth Personally,
1 find no dentifrice
ablo to keen my
teeth sound anil
my breath to free
from mouth odors
as dues i'ebeco."
The taste of Pebeco is un
sweetened. You will prefer
it to a "honey-sweet" flavor.
Pebeco costs a trifle mare.
Comes In extra-large tubes.
Uanufarturcd by
LEHN & FINK, New York
T-i i ir.
J and 3 St Helen Street. Montreal
Solemn Jewish Ceremonial
Will Be Observed by Mil
lions in All Parts of the
tn the trlhtinal of henven nnd tha trlbonjl
of enrth, Ijv the permlaalon of Ooi!'bleea r
He nnd by the permission of thla holy con
Rrecntion, we hold It lawful to pray with the
transit restora.
This prayer, chanted to the ciualnt and
plaintive melody of ngos at sundown to
night In every flynafrogue nnd Improvised
nynngoKiie In the world, from every bat
tlefield and battleship, will usher In tho
most solemn day of the Jewish year
Yom Uaklpnrlm, or the Day of Atone
ment. This year the day, hallowed as It la
by centuries of devout observance desplto
all ohstncles, will have nn added signifi
cance. Tor from the throats of 11,000,000
Jews thern will go forth the first unani
mous prayer since the great cataclysm for
a restoration of peace on earth and poofl
will to men.
Ifere. In America, where none Is di
rectly affected, the synagogues will re
sound with weeping and walling, for
thousands of those who will offer tlm
prayer will recall tho members of their
families, particularly In Russia and
Gnllcln. who have already fallen or who
nre still on the firing line. In the belliger
ent lands It will cause prostration and
hysteria, for It will come from the hearts
of the wounded nnd the mourners; It
will come from the fathers and mothers
ns well as from wives and children of
those on the battlefields.
The prayer quoted above is the ono
with which the services begin. It Is
called Kol Nldre, from the initial two
words. A few minutes before sunset on
tho eve of the Day of Atonement, when
the congregation has gathered In the
synagogue, the Ark Is opened and two
rnbbls, or two leading men in the com
munity, take from it two Tornhs, or
scrolls of the law. Then they tnke
their places, one on each side of the
cantor, and the three begin the servlcp.
With thlB service also begins the fast,
which will Inst until sundown tomorrow.
The Orthodox Jews observe this fast so
rigorously that they will not even taste
water in the entire 21 hours. Mnny of
them spend the entire time In the syna
gogue, using the time In which they
ordinarily sleep in the recitation of the
Psalms nnd In other special prayers.
Those who go home for the night will
return to the synagogues about 6 o'clock
tomorrow morning and remain there until
about In the evening.
In the reform temples the services are ,
snorter nnd several recesses are declaied.
The fast will be broken by the blast
of the Shoffar, or the long blow from
the ram's horn, after the final servlco
at sundown tomorrow.
In this city the demnnd for seats In
the synagogues Is so great that large
halls In different parts of the city ar
converted Into Improvised synagogue?.
This year even the Arch Street Theatre
Is being used for a similar purpose.
This afternoon special collection boxes
weie placed In all tho corridors of the
synagogues, the money to go for those
who' will suffer ns a result of the war.
This collection will be inndo .throughout
America, and it is expected that In this
way a large sum will b. collected.
. 1
Police Declare They Are Confirmed
Two men accused of panhnndllng wero
sentenced tn SO das each In tho County
Prison todav by Magistrate Emely In
the Park and Lehigh avenues police sta
tion. Thcv were Winfleld Carroll, 251C
Howell tr-et, nnd nenjatnln l'letcher,
L'25S North Seeond street.
The men were arrested for begglajr, Jast
night. Police declare they are old of
fnders. They gnve ns an excuse a de
sire to get to Chester to work in a milt.
$15, $18, $20
"N. B. T." interpretation
of the Bnlmncnan, of the raj?-'
Ian shoulder sleeve! Here's t
pippin of a Cont, soft, camel
hair finish, $15
At Perry's
The hack is all one piece,
so is each sleeve! The breast
and front under the arms
have a smooth, almost form
fittins appearance. The
"hniiK" of the body is a
dream for style "N, B. T.,"
At Perry's
At $20, an assortment of
the newest patterns, velvet
collars or self-cloth collars;
yoke HniiiK, quilted silk fac
ings on skirt-bottoms, etc.,
etc, -
At Perry's
I;very man's Pall Overcoat
ready for ftlm to put on and
wear away
At Perry's
Perry & Co.,"0.r
I 16th & Chestnut Sts,