Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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.Collins and Baker Arrived at
Noon Others Will Fol
low Later Macks and
Phillies Idle Today.
Following a highly successful but not
a close and exciting campaign against the
American League allies, Connie Mack's
alx-tlme champions, nie on tlio verge
of their second training season of the
year. At noon today Eddie Collins and
Frank Baker arrived. Other members
of the squad who will bo coming Into
Philadelphia within the next 21 hours are
Bender, Plank, Davis, Sehang, Barry,
Oldrlng, and possibly Strunk and Mc
All of these players will take a few
days' rest while the Athletics ate play
itig out their schedule In Washington.
Baker Is going to take a day or so oft
for the purpose of visiting his farm at
Trappe, Md., where he will keep tne edge
on his batting eye by using the shotgun.
Eddie Collins will engage chiefly In rest
at his home in L.msdowne. with a little
literary work thiown In. He is going to
write a few advance stories for the Even
i.nu .Ledger with reference to the woild's '
series I
The other member of the club who will '
be In Philadelphia will dllde their time ,
between complete rest and light work at '
Shlbe Park, with the exception of Plank, ,
who Is booked to visit his frlend3 and rela- ,
tives In Gettysburg, Pa. 'Chief Bender, '
who, with Plank, will do the bulk of the !
Athletics' defense work In the series, will
play golf.
Made himself will probably be In Wash
ington tomorrow. He will, as usual,
leave all of the business details of the
ierios io joiui Shlbe and Ills corps of
assistants, while he devotes his entire
time to planning for the series' battles.
There are several youngsters on Con
nie's string who will be worked against
the Nationals In Washington, and these
will be given a careful review.
Today the main body of the Athletics
lu advancing Eastward. Those platvrs
who are sentenced to the Washington
Berlcs will snitch off at Harrlsburg,
while the others will come through rt
this city. N'n game is on the schedule.
hence the Mackmen took their time and
boarded a comparatively late train out
of St. Louis yesterday.
Charles Dooln's Phillies are likewise
Idle. The game on the schedule today
was played last Saturday and was on
of the brace captured by the locals from
Cincinnati. Tomorrow the Phillies will
i ni -a-
:iM jiyy cP L ' V villi H 1 '.F!l!?IMifiw
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"i s: '& m
I ?
i ) TA- rA 1 T-
& ROOTERS j 85T- &?,
- " --
Rocrr EKi PLAN) Pi M
dJrmng. worauo's eeR,iEF. gj
k I
"&ETT!riG- INI FrtO Ka BnD .
meets Lobert Is certain to be chosen
for the position.
I'ntll the board has acted on this Im
portant matter Charley Dooln will remain
silent on his plans for the future. If the
gossip in bastball circles Is true, there
In no chance of Dooln's reappointment; at
the same time, there is almost a1 much i
uncertainty In the workings of the otllcc I
of a baseball club as there Is on the
John Coomb pitched yesterday in the I
American League for the first time since I
the first two games at Boston In 1913,
April 10 ami 11. Several times this season '
Colbv John, tne "ex-Iron Man." ha been
sent In to do a little work In exhibition j
games, hut ho was not assigned for i
league dutv until yesterday. It I the I
general belief among physician who have I
Gridiron News
Gleaned From Leading Colleges
Pennsylvania's Eleven Is to
Be Put Through Some
Strenuous Workouts This
. , - - - rUCltt I
egin meir iimu nome series oi tne year. hn,i Coombs under their care for the last
meeting trie rooKiyn uougers at aroa.l year and a half that he will never be
nnd Huntingdon Streets. I .,blo to recti n his nlt(-hl.1I? hrm
Club officials of the Phillies are reti
cent on the s.ubject of Hans Lobert's
appointment to the managership of the
Phillies to succeed Charles Dooin. It it
raid that when the board of directors
At present Coombs Is strong. But the
trouble Is that he h,is .-ome lurking fear
that he mav strain his hack, which was
affected in his last attack In the fall of
ISn. Thi would naturally prevent his
putting hi" stiength on the ball.
Too bad the whiskers on his head ain't
sui li that we could call him Bed. He
ousht.t chanste his fuzz, Red Lavender
Imagine that! I guess that ain't the real
ee-clat! But that's what might have wns.
Besides that name o' Lavender to kid
the hotel registi r he's got omo birth
place, too. It's Montezuma. Georgia,
boys. On na- s alone Jim's one big noise.
Let's see wh.it he can do.
To start with, he can pitch cood ball,
although be isn't -i tall and doesn't
run to weight. In nlne-teen six he ftist
playee" pro with Corelle, Georgia. That,
you know, Ik Tyrus Raymond's State. It
took our Jimmy six- long years in bush to
make the big league ears take on an
upward prick. Then Lavender from green
turned ripe and Joined the Cubs. It
seemed a pine he had the goods to stick.
Warm weather pltchin's Jimmi'a meat.
In summer he's a Job to beat, he seems
to have 'm all. He's even coin to cop a
win most any time they stick him In,
' 'cept early apring an' fall. Since Jimmy
left the shortened trees he's had three
managers to please Change. Kvers an'
f!ay. That sure looks like he's got the
gnniJs or he'd have heen haei.- in ik t"rback position on the Pennsylvania
I eleven, in yesieru.iy niierwmn n jirnt.-iii.-c
h" played this position most of the time.
Princeton and Yale have burned their
bridges behind them In their determina
tion to play nothing but open, advanced
football. Both Coach Tendleton, of
Princeton, and Coach Hinkoy, of Yale,
declare that they have abandoned the
conservative game and Intend to stand
or fall by the open game. This Is in
deed welcome news, because it can't be
denied that In the past the games be
tween these two teams have been fre
quently nbout as dull as most Army.
Xavy games, with the two teams afraid
to open up.
Apparently the coaches of both Insti
tutions have awakened to the fact that
In developing the possibilities of open
football their predecessors have only
scratched the surface. There's a lot of
truth in this. For one tiling, they have
been too much afraid of losing posses
sion of the ball to try much else but
close formation plays, varied by an oc
casional forward pas, though most of
the forward passes hae been used as a
last resort when everything else had
There is no longer any doubt that "Ted
Merrill ha? the inside track for the quar-
vanla would have a fleet-footed pair. The
Pennsylvania system requlreB that the
ends shall be heavy men to piny against
the opposing tnckle. This requirement
Is what makes Murdoch's effort to win a
position here so dllllcult. Muidock is will
ing enough and a bom lighter, but throw
ing' his 150 pounds against n IPg-pound
tackle doesn't worry the opposing tackle
von much.
PRINCETON. Sept. 20 -A week of imll
lilual coaihltiK for the Princeton foothill
cnml'ilntcH uas InauKiirateil yesterday. Some
or the refjulnrr. Im-luillnc Cnptnln Il.illln,
Phenk iiiitl K Trpnkmann, nil a day erf. hut
the ret of the miuad hail a long liHllshlii.il
preliminary drill. The vnrlty and scrub
mixed It for hall nn hour aad the first-string
men won, i!t to C.
Ni:V 1IAVKN, Sept. sn.-The Yale football
team had lt- llrst practice by moonlight last
nli;ht The moon shnnc oer the field before
Coarh Krank Hinkey Mioutcd "All In" to
Members of the stiiiad. Signal .drill for the
ar-ltv anil ti rlmmaKu for the necond and
thltd team marked the practice l'ump-'lly
at lullhick and Uurjea at half placed a
unwhlng game for the fecond team.
CAMllUinan, Mas. Fept Cn. Although
there was no pcrlmmaplm; for the Harvard
varlt) regulars nnd substitutes ho placd
ngalnit Hates Snturday, there otherwise was
no let up In the work Tho linesmen were
uorked hard cm breaking through, the
taikle, In particular, ronilnjr In for n lot of
rnnrhlng from t'rawford Illegden. '02, who
plnjed with I'utts on Dae Campbell's team.
Yale University's Football
Players Enjoyed First
Moonlight Practice Last
Night on Elis Field.
Neither Morgan nor 11. Cnrtl made a par-
tliulatly good showing ngalnst Ilatc. while
uwu n
has much to le.irn.
woods now, on tanktown pay. Ry A.
Coach Brooke Will Compel
Players to Reach Certain
Standard of Excellence
Before Reinstatement.
A news story fiom Stato College says
thut Lamb, the big tackle, Is going to
m.ike one of the best goal kickers of the
season for Hill Hollenbnck' squad.
Which, unfortunately for the linotype
uprraior, leads to the appended:
State's team had a monstrous Lamb,
His strength was In his toe.
And everywhere that Hill's team went
This Lamb was sure to bo.
They'll bring hint down to Phllly soon
To battle Oeorgo llrooke'3 crew,
And If that toe gets busy, hovs,
U(-od night! old Red and niuo!
Kwho receUed ntii that they need not I Bonder ndi(Schang:
appear at the table until their names anJ Oow1''"
George Ilrooke. coach of the Red and
Blue, announce today that 11 members
of the Penn football squad hud been j Two w,RlS hnce. Ballwlej, for tn.
uruiquru irom ine training tame. Tnose , day's same will be for the Athletles.
for Iloston, James
were reposted were Erwin. Tlshe. Vree- j We notlce that , wt phllailc,ph,a
land, Rutler, Borie. Jlcncler, Cckhard, tennis i beim; played at night, noes
Hopkins. Tucker, Mnyborry and Wray. thl mean that tho same Is on the verge
Wl,.n tho .. li.. ,.,. r,.t .u " """" ""'" """ "Ur ortrttnesB.-
was a bij Hurry amonff the students,
'ho were greatly surprised that som of
these players should be dropped
Coach Brooke explained that after a
conference with hla usslstants it was
H adjudged a wis,- move to drop all play.
ers. regardless of past performances,
who had not rea' hel a certain standard
of excellence. That this plan will strictly
be adhered to Is shown by the faet that
Avery, one oX the best punters an the
equad ami a star of last year, has not
been out for practice ions snowgb to
"make the table.'1
llruoke beltrveg that the brand of foot'
ball played on Franklin Field Will be
greatly improved by putting1 the men off
of the bread list until they are playing
the kind of football required- Those
members of the team who ore still per.
rnttted to dine at the training table are
Journeay, Jlustell, Harris. Seelbach, 5lur
dock, James, Merrill, Carter, Mathews.
Pepper, DorUas, Hughes, Norwald, Got
ivald, Hallou, Rockefeller and Koont
Before toda s practice Captain Jour
rieay e.xpresed the opinion that In tho
future the wrk would be on a higher
football plane than it lias been In a long '
while. He juted that, in his opinion,
the play esterday was the best ever
exhibited in practice on Franklin Field,
despite the fact that the varsity was
defeated by the scrubs.
A capacity crowd is expected to vrt
liena the Term-Navy game on October IT.
Thl has led the athletic directors to
begin immediately the wuik of erecting
temporary seats Toda a band of car
penters is busy putting up the seats
against the gymnasium and on the cast
It is possible for the Athletics to be
beaten nut bv the Braves In the world's
series, but there are some things con
cerning the Mackmen that never ciutd
Ira Thomas row running for nddlo
Hughey Jennings lauds the Athletics.
To save the South, Baker buys a bale
of cotton
Bender loses his nerve with three on.
Strunk drsps an easy fiy.
lonnm Mack gives out prolific Inter
view, The professional soeeer football players
ff Knslanl Jm"e rnfusrd U join th
King's army. Those fellows must he the
original "gluttons for punishment."
According to the experts, the open game
will be used throughout the country this
y.'ar. This ts what th nppnnints of the
Blue Lows have t-een striving for ever
since the reform wave taegan to roll,
Vnu will have to blame this on Walter
Trumbull, of the New York World:
The Boston fan Is funny,
lie's ground collecting money.
And while he's seeking place he can
bet It
He Is boasting, bold and brash.
He'll get something for his cash
And the Mackmen think they know just
where he'll get It.
"Tommy" Meade, who gained consider
able fame before ho grew too heavy to
continue his work In the saddle. Is play
ing at the Walnut Street Theatre this
week. Some of the local sportsmen may
remember his work.
Tomorrow the ouestion of where the
and his work was a continuation of wli. t
he did on Saturday against Gettysburg
Merrill is about tho only member of the
back fleWj who possesses a change of pace
and who can trnlght-nrm tackier Like
wise, he catches punts with some cer
tainty. Merrill's running In the open Held
Is very much like that of Miller, the for
mer Perm State quarterback. Adding
a little confidence to Merrill Is making
a different plaer of him. I
Assistant Coach "By" IJIckson Is srrl- I
ITHACA. Sept. 20, Head Coach Sharpo
opened the football week at Cornell j enter
day aflcrnon by tutting the varsity squad to
forty-ret pn men. adding six more players to
tho training table ami giving the players an
hour's blackboard talk In the new Schoelkopf
Memorial Uubhouse lurtead of attempting
any prartlce. The outcome of the I'ltU'.i.)r'lt
same wa more or less expected, the ginio
being considered an unusually severe one for
nn opener.
ANN Altlion. Mich, Sept. !!). Hutbel's
wurk at quarter on tho second team wa.s the
feature of jesterd.iy's ncrlmmage at .Mlcil
gnn, the little snphamoie three times gcttln;
attny for runs of moio than thirty ar.l3.
I'atlctt. a full on tho llrst eleven, scored the
only touchdown, anil Capt. Itajnaford kicked
the goal. Muulhttsch's plunges made the
score possible, after an hour's hard fighting.
at the Naval Academy nut plenty of
into it., ttora jcsiemay aiternoon, as tne
Fept. I'll. The football squid
Reisner is making every effort to
opining game against (leorgetown Is to take
place on Saturday next. The mldhlyiiri
xpeet to tie-in tne season with a tiefny.
, but do not hope for so declulte a triumph as
last j ear.
WliST POINT. N. V Sept. 20 With the
Army's opening came less than a week uff
the football coaches arc hard at work. Sim
1 of tho teternns hate forgotten how to eatch
a punt nnd the fumbling so mueli In etldeii'e
of latu was the sirlotis theme. Wednel.iv
will sound the death knell to daily para1e
for the cadets, and this will give tho squad
. another hour's practice each day.i
' CAItMsr.T:, Pa.. Sept. CD -New formations
were handed to the tar.lty Indian players
Ian nlKht hi fnnrh Warner during Carlisle's
experimentation with a much-chanced u.tik
fllri The inaehea desire to Kite the firm
team ah much as i.omlbte. nnd itnve the whole
quad only an extended rurilnvntnri drill
Tl,e new idajs ore for use against Lehigh on
Ni:jV YOIIK, Sept. Ifl-Owlnit to the Tord-
ham Varsity's tine showing In holding Jenre-
t'n sroreless In a tie came at Washington
n Saturday, day of rent nun uranted to
' the squad jesterdny. Coach Wjnmtd wan
ETeatlv lileaned with the resulf nf thtt nr.
nnd the jondltlon of he eleten. Schuab being
the only plater on tho sick list.
WILLIAMSTOWN. Mass., Sept. M.-foaeh
Loss of Young and Kerr
Severely Felt by Coach
Howell, Who Is Shaping
Team for Opening Game.
Coach Howell, of tho Central High School
football team. Is working his men hard
In order to get them in ehapn for the
first game of the season next Friday.
The centre of the line" nnd backllcld arc
composed of veterans, nnd ho is not giv
ing as much of his time to these posi
tions as he Is to tho ends. Lost year
C. H. S. had the best pair of scholastic
ends in Philadelphia In Young nnd Kerr,
but neither man Is now In school, and
the material for the wing positions Is
not very good.
The most likely of the candidates are
DeLong, Brenner and Goodeil, and it Is
probable that the first two of these will
make the regular berths, although the
latter, who Is from A'lllanova, Is very
fast and may mnke a place on the team.
oush worried over the dearth of tiit- I land the Quarterback nosition on the ! tenlay nfternoon
class ends The quality of the ends will , ... , , , ,. i reived In the.lt
onit requisite, for if It were ivnnsj 1- playing marked ability.
Daly dismissed most of the Williams Vesulars
after an easy forty minutes signal drill tea-
'in injury io uis Knee, re-
i-. i. Kame naiiinia). pre
. -,.-... . -- --- Im IhlH s.ns. rm ri ..IB . r,. - . -...... a .. --.-.....j, ,,.-
,. . i 1. - -. ca ie -, .v... "tca iiiia ycui, aiiu ia una um- i teiueu jiiiscuii rrom mum? nart in th. wnrtc-
lllillte "I uinin ,t ir.iin ,-,tr-ru ,o .."i ... - - . . . ,1(,,. k-.,k i.'". . ,V, ;'
able to plas ogainit Vermont this week
Secretary of War Garrison
Admits They Had Better j
Drop Negotiations If They
Cannot Agree.
WASHINGTON. Sept. Following
the failure of lepresentatlves of the
Army and Xavy Athletics Association at
a conference here lodav to agree on a ,
placn to hold their annual football game, I
It appeared certain there would, be no
game this ear Secretim of Var Oar- ,
rlson admitted thut he ii.td told the rep
resentatives who attended the conference I
that they had better drop negotiations If
they could not reach a conclusion.
Ido of the track These se.its will have
a capacity of about SOW, thereby raising I
tho present seating capacity from ,0OQ PUGILISTIC NOTE.
to 3.9W. ilorxl and lvu cue at Jt.as'in,-
Thirty Candidates Answer Captain
Huston's Call at Penn.
Following closely In the wake of the
calls for the track and crew candidates
yesterday. Captain Huston had his I'enn
sylvanla cross-country men report to
Coach Cleorge Orton In the gymnasium
this afternoon. About 30 runners turned
In their names and weio taken care of
by Orton, who outlined his plans for
the present season.
Pennsylvania loses a pair of very val
uable men this fall in McCurdy and Ma
deira, but the addition of Jim Peeso and
the possibility of a return to form by
Karle Humphries may Improve the bit-
Army-Nat y games Is to be played will uatlon. McCurdy'a tdace will be especially
be settled That Philadelphia will again difficult to fill, for he landed among the
ue tne scene or tnis highly attractive ' firt three runners In every champion
tviitvai i9 t:icuiH-miii is, j- it is piayeu
at alL
ship race. Captain Huston and Stroud
are the wle veterans who have returned
to college this fall. A dual race with
Cornell la the only ono on the- varsity
ecb.ed.ule thus, lax.
Cincinnati, I; I'lillUe. .1.
Ilostnn, 7; f'hirnRn. 0.
llrnoM.in. 7i St. I nuK 3.
New York, .1; l'ltlliirgli, 3 (let came).
New York, 13; I'lttsliurch. (3d game,
(1 Innings, darknm-.),
(till ago at llootiin.
I'itthurKli lit New York.
M I mil at Itrnohljn.
MrouMin at Philadelphia.
Huston at New Yorl,.
w I. J c W U P C.
Hnstnn ST .'. ,i'.n I'llllllf ... 11 75 ,110
New York en US '.... Ur...,l:lyn 71 7.1 AW
fit I,nuls . 77 !) 12S J'lttsh gh (H 12 4.1.-i
Chicago . 75 72 .110 riiulanatlBS fett ,B0l
I.oiiln. 7; .Ubieties. 1,
lloitnn. .'ti Ciiieucu. 2.
Detroit, Hi Wathlnctnn, 3.
CletrUnil, j Neil Vurh, 2.
Detroit at ht. Louis.
Chlrngii nt CleveUnd.
Other rlulik not Mhrduled.
Athletic at tYiihlnxttin.
Chlragii ut (leirland
Detroit at M. f.ouli.
Nrit York at Huston.
W I. P V W I. p P.
Athletics. OS .10 .r,.1fi Phieago. OS 80 .4.',0
Iloston . 8K 38 ''.('3 St Louis 07 70 .ir.'j
Wash'ton 77 70 .'.24 New York rtT SO .4.-.0
Detroit. 77 71 .320 Clet eland 49 100.320
llrooklfn, 0; ClilruKo, 1.
PlttsliurKh. 3; Indianapolis. 2.
ltiifTolo, 10: Kni,.i Clt, 10,
(9 Innlnrs, railed, darkness),
Ilaltlmnre, 3; t. l.ouIs. 3 (1st Kanie).
Dslllniore, 4; M. I.ouls, 3 (2d came,
8 liinlnKS, culled).
fhlcaro at Ilrooklrn.
Ksnui (Itr at Huffalo
bt. I."ul ut Iluitlmore.
Indianapolis ut I'ltUburgh,
Chleaeo 8K 3 310 Ilrooklyn 72 70 .607
India'D'lls " BM K"' City 00 70 .40'.
Baltimore 78 05 .330 Bt. Louis. 01 82 42T
Suffilo... 73 CO .323 Plttsb'ch ST 81 .413
In Recent Event at Grand
Rapids William Won.
$5000 Purse at Stake at
Columbus Tomorrow.
in iiinilli- -T
COLUMBUS. O. Sept. ZJ-Kvery pre.
paration Is being made for tho William
Directum I match race for a JMOO purse
tomorrow, when all complimentary
badges will be void. The Indications aro
that the Hutlcr pacer will again go to
the post as favorite In uptto of his de
fiat at Grand Haplds. Uoth pucers were
on the track yesterday setting slow
work. j,
.Sensational racing featured tho llrst
day of the Grand Circuit's second week
at the Driving Park track, the total of
nine heats trotted and paced averaging
:.01!i, which lowered the afternoon
i average record made last Tuesday:
I Ktawah. the world's champion 4-yoar-old
trotting colt, owned by Frank G
Jones, of Memphis, and driven by Pop
liters, gained a few more world's rec
ords in his three-heat race for the tJOuO
Chamber of Commerce Stake. He trotted
the fastest three-heat race ever perform
l cd by a stallion and also lowered the
i tamo mark for mares or geldings.
i The three winning heats were faster
. by 3Vj seconds than tho fastest made
, by a stallion, that of Peter Volo at
Kalamazoo this Jtur, it was ut tho same
rate for the three fastest heats by a
gelding and was 3 seconds faster than
by the mare, Hamburg Belle, made at
I Hartford In 1908. His third heat In 2.031,
set a new world's record for a -year-old
trotter, reducing his own mark of 2.CC
asalMi tUae nd J-ft In a race. gi
. ,.SBBJ-aK. "J
L.M-:&jttm.'. i.,.
Tennis and hot weather make their exit
haml-ln-haml, hut Ins-teaO of going out to
gether this sear there has heen a partlnK
tennis Is still here, hut the tve ithcr Is inld. A
fen eluh tltlej still remain to he decided and
a number of tournaments are now In progress.
With the temperature around the M and IO
ilegrce mark tennis Is hardly a pleasure.
The country club courts are stilt much In
demand late afternoons. Still there It a d
crease In the number of plajers taking part
In the xamc. Students hate turned their
athletic prowess to other direction. Kenneth
Kinnedy. the Merlon I'rlckit Cluh star, Ib nnn
liuay with I'nltewlty work, J. H !leston, Jr..
Philadelphia Cricket flub, has stored his ten
nli rackets nwny for the winter. He will
engage In soccer at Prnnsj'ltanla, and find!
no time for tennis.
I,. S. Pelxine, who with Sirs, PeTxine pliy.
el In the recent mixed doubles event at the
Merlon Cricket Club, Is In line for the singles
championship of the Overbrook Oolf Club. Mr.
Deline li meet K. J. Heine In the final
round for the championship next Saturday
afternoon. The doubles title still remains to
hi decided at Oterbrook,
The plea for more Inter-city tennis maeii.s
Is a g-ood one. The Interest on the part of the
Phllmont Countrj Club raeket wlelders In their
annual matrli with Ilaltlmnre Is commend
able. The local organization, which Includes
such excellent plavera ns rrank I. Wlede'
Mtron I., Harris. Kugene P. W'leder. Marc J
Katienberg. Miss Hdlth II. Kntzenberg and
Milton C Stein, only reientlv defeated tfe
Suburban Country 'Club, Paltlmore, in nn
Inttr-city test.
The grip of the golf germ Is almost
unbreakable and a proof of this may he found
In the sire of the field that plated In th
Eetdor Tournament at Apattanils, Uye, New
Ycrk. last neek. Despite the heat and stronj
sur. oicr two hundred golfers, all lifty-iti
j ears of age or over, turned out for :h
etent and nearly all of them nnished. Among
thnso who arc known locally were U K. Pass
more, of the Philadelphia Cricket Cluh; p. p.
Hallonell, of the St. Pat Id's Ojlf club,
fl. W. Statzell, of the Aronlmlnk Country
Cluh, J. P. Pahnestoek, and Wlnthrop
Sargent, of the Merlon Cricket Club. Their
net scores for the thlity.slx holes were as
follows. Passmore, 147. Halbmell. J71'. Slat,
zell, IM; 1-ahnestock, ic;, and Sargent. 153.
Havre de Grace Entries
Piist race purs- J500, for 3 tear-olds and
up. slllns '.a furlongs -lleauri... 07. HoaI
Mier. IiiOj Pah-ada, JUU; I.ady Urant 'io
ABUlla. M. Kenes.a, J00; Pred li., ' ,',,!,.
Jim Pasey. Hit ; lilgdmnl, jdu; Laura 10-'
Dun Pan, 10Uj Inlan, 100. '
Seiond raco. 300, for 3- ear-olds and up.
steeplechase handicap about two mlles--fi'-
.VuV ,S'!!U '"'" .; WcolteJ! JSa.
".fcB. ', I.IIIID JlUgl! JIU.
'inird rate, putse iilou, for C-vear-nM.
selling. .-i furlongs- Milton Harber If.'
Corrclan. 101; Surgeon, 100; Pmbrolderv io"i!
Videl, 100 Harl Aula. 107; Chanieu...' 09 '
K'iemont. 111. Anakln, til; .J. i. " uj-'
110; faster Hoy, JU5; 'Hiker, 100 ; PrSctor
.iH-urlh. ta.e?,- purV ,$.?00' a" " handicap
Hi! l!?Sh ll"' Kl"cmor- 8' "a'tworti:
p'lfth raie. purse 1300, for 3-car-olds and
up telling 1 mile and 70 jar.ls - Chad 1 uford
iiVVm A"alr.V. JT' 'Aeulla. U, Henry
lluuhlnsun. 102. Oretund. 1M llaJrJ
I,auder loo, Mnd Sill. U7 , The HusjUv
III. Ilojal Meteor. 105.' Napier J0J '
lleaupeie. K3, Itolllngstone 117- Duu. if
Khvlbj 10S; Chucklei 111, Prince Ahmed
101. Smiley. 0J. Carroll Held 10." Ahmed,
Sixth racs. purse f luo. '.'-) ear-old. m.i-
selling, 3 furiong.-Tlara, ill; n? 'uJ?:
Onar. 103. Miss Hoo, 105; I,u,?u Jh'
Amanuensis 105. Krlll 105. Diver K,'i 105 :
Moellck, 103 O'Hara. 108. Hale 106" -r?;
L'k ""J. D,illtr lM?'Tam,ani, ioP"
Seventh race. 3-year-olds and ud .iiiin
puree IIOO, 5V, nJrlongl - VoUa loo!
Atlatre.s. 100. ElUabJih IUrood 'Ss
Itoger IJordon, 05. Silaa OrumD ion ' .'
crlef. 103, Itoubl P , 100 j Pa?m liaf 03
Oate. 100 Pharoah,' lOrt;' Sua Khji' M
Amerlcus,-103. '. ,
Appreotlet allowance claused.
Wtathtr lr, track fut, . - -
University of Pennsylvania's
Rowing Authority Much
Pleased With the Turnout
of 160 Men.
Two very promising track athletes start
their Intcrcolleslato career with the Unl
verslty of Pennsylvania In this year'.
freshman class. They aro C. Cory, of th
University High School, Chicago, an4
Albert Crane, of tho Tncomn, Wash., High
School, Cory Is a". low hurdler win, a
record of 21 2-5 seconds, which ho mad
In tho University of Michigan intcr.
Rcluilnstlc meet nt Ann Arbor on May 21
1M3. ' Crnno Is a high Jumper, who waj
credited with doing S feet 2; Indies In
the Wnshlngton State lnlerscholastlc meet
at Tacoma on Juno 7, 1913.
Coach Vivian Nlcltulls has reason to
feci elated over a nrst-dny nttendnnce of
ICO candidates for his freshman nnd var
slty crews. Tho slzo of the squad sounds
ery much llko Cornell. It Is certainly
the blgsest turnout that this Institution
ever had. Curiously enough, tho co,uad
Just cquala-that which reported for work
at Cornell last week.
In a letter from the President of tht
International Olympic Committee, Baron
Pierre de Coubcrtln, from Havre, France,
dated Sopt. 4, and addressed to the late
James E. Sullivan, who was Secretary
of tho American Olympic Committee,
stntcs on behalf of tho International
Olympic Committee that the question of
a change In the location of tho games
of 1916 Is not even to bo discussed. Ifo
says In his letter: "The seat of the VI.
Olympiad remains what It was, and, con
trary to what the American papers fay,
I will not personally make any propose!
In favor of a change Are never thought
the Olympic games, would atop wars, and
I feel perfectly sure that when the
present war Is over tho Olympic move
ment will begin again as strong an!
fruitful ns ever."
The fight for the club banner at th
Metropolitan Senior Trade and Field
Championships, which will be held at
Celtic Pnrk, New York. October 3, will
be between the New York Athletic Club
and the Irish American A. C. Both have
entered their strongest teams and the
flght this year promises to bo nearly
as close as It was last, when the Irish
American A. C. won by three points.
The Now York A. C. has sixty men
nnd the Irlsh-Amorlcan A. C. has fifty
two men entered for tho different cvenU.
F. W. Itublen, Chnlrman of the Senior
Metropolitan Track and Field Champion
ship Committee, hos received the entry
of It. B. Gilford, McCaddln Lyceum, for
the one-mllo walk, to be held at the
senior championship nt Celtic Park, I.. I.,
next Saturday afternoon.
Cornell will hold Its nnnual lnler
scholastlc cross country run on October
31. The race will bo over a four-mile
course. Two prizes wll bo awarded. The
bronze Marathon trophy, the gift of the
class of 1908, will be awarded to the In
dividual winner. Tho team prize will be
a silver shield. Bronze medals, show
ing Jones making hl3 mile iccord at
Cambridge, will bo awarded to each
starter In the rnco. Permanent posses
sion of the trophies will bo nwairied to
the school or Individual winning threo
Rugged "Kid" Herman, of
Pekin, 111., Manages to
Stay Four Rounds at
Olympia Last Night.
To the surprlso of many experts who
thought they saw in "Kid" Ilennan, of
Pekln, III., a future, champion, Kid Will
lams, of Baltimore, holder of the world's
championship title, cnBily outboxul, out
-lugged nnd finally knocked out t' e llttl
westerner In four rounds at the ul.tmpli
A. A., la'.t night.
The bout brought out n record crowd1
and long before the llrst bout was put on
every heat In the house wns filled, i""l
there were hundreds standing. The bo
were to have weighed In at it1 pounds,
but the champion was a quarter of
pound overweight. Herman entii ' ""
ring first, and took the comer tlilch
Williams has always occupied I" a" !'
contents beforo tho Olymphi I'lub w"'"
iams wanted Herman to give lino W
favorite corner, but Herman was oiniuiate
uml after a ten-minute wrangle Villu'nJ
took the other corner.
The preliminaries were all Bod In 'h
rlr.it one "I'Jddlc" Itlvera won a h"i s3"
blon fiom "Jack" Campbell; elm he Ilea'
had a shade on "Vouna" WlUon In si
rounds, and "Kid" Goodman, of W
York, substituting for "Vuuiis i'iBo"ls'
who had nil InJmed hand, outfought
"Jimmy" Murray, u tough N'en Vu.lt W
who has been doing good woik in l0J-a'
j Inge lately. The semlitlnd-up a "
tween "Eddie" O'Ktefe, of this '"ia
"Dutch" Brandt, of New oih hi
won all the way, although Hundl uul
weighed him live pounds, u'lvi.
far too" clever for his opponent uuJ "a
easily on polntr.
Sammy" Harris has an offer tr K'i
WllUms to meet "Abe" Attell l ( ,T ,-
f f '., -..v'a .-Int. In I .,., ln.ul.iii .mt nt?- .u
- -., : " ..-..' . . .
oner ur inrie ni:uia in urouKitn -t "
m Inter's campaian. Harris plans
. iiurris IU4U9 - .k-
Wllllani set a nooJ lona icl '"''' ,.
scinmer and then send him after on "JJ
notchers In the featherweUht 'In" ,",.;
fleures that by that tlmn all the I u M,J"'
.111 U beaten.
Old timers ho hate seen the "ri.jf
Preston Ilrown. the colore.1 Ia",'! f
have remarked the resemblance of Oro,.,r,.
the former featherweight ebampiun u ',
Dixon. Ilrowu bu all the iiwiki -nJ .;,.',,
of the old champion, but lacks h .ithr
pruwcss of tin former kin of the M'i
Fred Yello and "WhiTey" Baker e.V-KS
matched to meet In tho wind-up at '"r,.j.j
slotton A. C. Frldy nlbt. Tb , jj
was to hits been between Y1U aD'l. ",,.
ellv. but the latter Ll Ml of Jtow""
hi irwirtr.ir - ur, inntumiUUmmmA